The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press NO. 13J68. ESTABLISHED* 1t35. SINGAPORE, S.S. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1932 10 CENTS.
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  • 287 1 World is withholding opinion on the Lytton Report but the general feeling is hardening that it not likely to produce a solution to the Manchurian problem Pa* 9. Verdict of death from misadventure was returned at the inquest on the two airmen who were killed as a
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  • 1195 1 The archdeacon of to-day was but a pale young curate when he defined for me the need for keeping up the reading habit. So few cf us do." he said. we grow older. And that |g why no many of us are out of touch with Modern
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 179 1 BIGIA TEA Brings the freshness and fragrance of the Malayan gardens direct to your home. RAFFLES HOTEL MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL Hoc™ wit. S^nltaUon^Ho^^ o» w RuMlng v^ TO-NIGHT Special Dinner and Dance 9.30 p.m. to Midnight GRILL- SPECIAL "I DISH fcrkCIAL DAILY TO-MORROW Orti^ Porterhouse DOLLAR LUNCH TEA DANCE B
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    • 85 1 I EUROPE fIHOTEL gala Eights Saturdays, Octobfy 15 th and 29th. Cabaret Shovv^ Both Nights 1 Saturday, Oct. 29th? extension till 2a. m. H WARING, m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Special Manager. AND 11 BAITE&Y {I tB ifcte^ ~~~~_^^mg ROAD, SINGAPORE. Hai^e You Fried Our NEWEST FRUIT DRINK pV SHAKE BOTTLE GENTLY TO MIX
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    • 148 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Bachelors Page 6. Anything to store Pacje 13. Ovaltine for all ages Pace 3. Good for your threat Paffp Make a note of this, telephone subscriber —Page 2. CHRYSLER EASY HANDLING RADION JAMS MARMALADE There are months of vital Sunshine stored m every Pot of Radion. Yon can
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    • 11 1 There is no better Tea than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA
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  • 371 2 Singapore Ratepayers' Association A meeting of the Committee of the m^e Honorary Secretaries reported a bank sz.'.x* Srrs: «ftfa forms and a list of memters. with a view "^r? s^tst™ I "^MS-Sri- appointe^-Honl I solicitors-Messrs Braddell Brothers; Hon. Tf Seal Adviser-Mr. H. C Atkin-Berry; Hon I Auditor— Mr.
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  • 47 2 rmp' Experiment m w^ Penang A rubber roads experiment over a distance of two or three hundred yards is being undertaken at '-he junction of Northam Road and Farquhar Street, Penang. under the supervision of the Mr. Ccrwllng, Managing Dire. *or of Gammon Malaya. Ltd.
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  • 882 2 League Positions to Date Positions m the English and Scottish Leagues to date are as follow: P W. L. D. F. A. Pts. 8 6 0 2 21 7 14 Ar^nal 8 6 1 1 19 10 13 Derby County J 5 i 17 9 11 Huddersfteld J
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  • 112 2 Programme of drills up to and for week ending October 9th. Wednesday, 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters. S.H.A. (v). Promotion Class. I Thursday. 5.15 p.m.. Mount Emily Pool, J SVC. Framroz Cup. I Friday. 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, S.R.A. (v),i Promotion Class; "B" Coy., Recruits Course; I Intelligence PI., Lecture;
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  • 68 2 Accident Ambulance Service c t The number of calls attended during the month of September was 187 and of these 15 [were to cases outside Municipal Limits. The cases are classified as follows: Motor car accidents 16; Motor Lorry accidents 13; Motor bus accidents 10; Trolley car
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 511 2 BUSINESS^ CARDS. BE PHOTOGRAPHED BY H. NUGENT BUCKERIDG* Hit h«i Cb« Woi*— Umt»X Rate*. LAIDLAW BUILDING— 'Phone 1898.J I CAIRNHOLM PRIVATE I HOSPITAL Singapore. MISS MOIXIE McGRATH, TeL 411t. Matn>n-Pn.prteto«-. 1 BOARD AND LODGING MANOR HOUSE I Tel: S: t»* ChmnW I*™ I Unsurpassed Situation. I Single and Double Rooms
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    • 675 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders are now I Offices Annual Supplies for 1933. Date of Closing. See list m Municipal Tender Room. Installation of Sanitary Fittings and 17 Cuscaden Road. Nos. 52 and tj Pahang St.. No. 36 Paterson Rd., Nos. 52 53 58 59.
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    • 338 2 X H Tj EAD how S*natogen I XX transformed a men I |i :^Jiir I I existence, ruined by nerveIJ* wH weakness, into a life of Y^ Health and happine-. Ml U l have suffered for sc\r ii I years with neurasthenia. I had it so badly, I thought I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 THE WEEK Etceteras; Public Services A vs. Gloucester He*.. Dunearn Road^ Tomliuson Hall Literary Society Address by Mr. O. W. Ollmour. 9 p.m Hockey: Rtfto 1^ 2nd XI vs. 0.R.A.. RX ground < C. B Pecker RC 2nd. XI. aC.R.C. ground^ Rugby: fICC XV vs Gloucester Regt. A. Singapore P^-s
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  • 330 3 THREE RIVALS New High Priest of Devil Worshippers A b. i^k battle tor th leadership of the De-vil-Woi. inppers cf Northern Iraq has begun. No icwer than three rivals are manoeuvring for the headship »,l the itrange sect who think it wise to be on gi»od
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  • 75 3 rhianjj Kai-shek Intervenes m Szechuan i Shanghai. Oct. 2. Before the Shantung hostilities have been i roperly settled, a civil war m Szechuan Utween General Liv Wen-Hui. Governor of Hie Province, and General Liv Siang. Commander of several divisions of Sz-chuan forces i at East Chunking, Ichang.
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  • 168 3 Revenue Officers Raid House A* a result of a raid canied out by Mr. Elkins. (Controller of the Government Monopolies, and I a party of Revenue Officers on house No. 205. Moulmein Road m the afternoon of September 30. two Chinese were charged belore Mr. C. Wilson,
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  • 139 3 Chinese Sent to Prison for Two Years i Mr. C Wil on. the Criminal District Judge, i HMd sentence d two years' rigorous imprisonment en a Chinese who was produced be- fore him on Saturday on a charge of causing grievous hurt to a wo/nan and a boy.
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  • 92 3 Mr. Lin Sen to Visit Amoy Shanghai. Oct. 2. Mr. Lin Sen. Chairman of the National Government, left Shanghai for Amoy yesterday. It is believed that his mission to Fukien has something to do with the political changes m the Province. The Fukien merchants residing m Shanghai have
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  • 215 3 English Girl Kills Herself m Hollywood Hollywood. Miss Lilian Peg Entwistle, a film actress who was born m London of English parents, has committed suicide by jumping to death from the top of the giant letter "H" on the "Holly woodland" electric sign m the middle
    Air Mail  -  215 words
  • 65 3 Only 8 Per Cent of Holders Want Money Back Lcndon. Sept. 30. The remarkable success of the 5 per cent War Loan conversion is announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who stales thaiout of a total of £ outstanding on June 30 Jast 11.920.000.000 have been cmvertei.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 80 3 Shantung Millionaire's Gift to Nanking Shaighai. Oct. 2. Mr. Liang Yin-pin, a Shantung millionaire, who his given thirty million dollar? to the Government, arrived m Nanking yesterday. General Ho Ying-Ching. Minister of W?r. and Mr. Li Tien-Sek. of the Foreign Office, receive! him officially. It har; been decided
    Union Times  -  80 words
  • 712 3 THEY INSIST ON 50 PER CENT Vexed Question: What Should I An Agent Get? The principal subject cf conversation m Stock Exchange circles is the announcement of the Sttck Exchange Committee's proposals about the amount of commission that stockbrokers return to agents who introduced business
    Air Mail  -  712 words
  • 65 3 No Changes Before December Shanghai. Oct. 2. Mr. Chu Wen Min-yi, a member of the Executive Council cf the Government, slated m an interview tnis morning that there would be no change m the personnel of the present i Cabinet until the next plenary Congress of the Kuomintang,
    Union Times  -  65 words
  • 64 3 Free State Move to Help Farmers Dublin, Sept. 30. In order to assist Irish Free State farmers tc meet the British tariff the Government has declared a bounty on cattle exports of 12 per cent of declared value leaving Free estate ports and 10 per cent on cattle
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 BUY It KIT! Mil i\D BJB PROUD OF IT! 1 N 4 Every fourth car registered m Great Britain during the A year ending July 31st. 1931, was I M »n \ustin m M built for the car-proud owner-driver UOW to make motoring easy and pleasant. 11 That is what
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    • 219 3 vjur need for UValtine is greater than eVer today" brain, nerves and COR this purpose there is body are m perfect nothing to equal delicious condition it is much easier -ovaltine" the acknowfidence supplies correctly balanced Health depends entirely upon no ent J" a h^ hl y adequate and correct
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  • 2193 4 Tragedy of the Eta DECIDING to devote his life to uplifting the "outcasts" and depressed classes of Japan, a high ranking military officer. Major Hisaye Miyachi. Commander of the First Cavalry Regiment of Setagaya. Tokyo, has just resigned. Major Mm* hls bten v honorable and weighty puttm,
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  • 1227 4 During the past twenty years I have visited all the principal whalhiß grounds of the world, for I not only make museum models of whales, but also go on expeditions myself to secure live specimens from which I take special casts, says Percy Stammitz. Whale Expert
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  • 201 4 Pleasant Office m West End Square London. Adolf Hitler has headquarters m London as well as In Munich and Berlin. In a large ground-floor room of a house m a pleasant West End square, Nazis meet every evening, give their salute, sing their songs, talk and read
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  • 1055 4  - Equipment for Long Distance Flying T. STANHOPE HPRIGG What Mollison Used on His Atlantic Trip By THE most remarkable Mature of Mr. J. A. Mollisons dramatic Transatlantic flight was. of course, his choice of a machine lighter and lower-powered than any other aircraii which has yet crossed the North Atlantic.
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  • 322 4 Hostel Where No Questions Are Asked London. In the wild and beautiful uplands of Dorsetshire, nine miles from any railway station, live a little community of modern Framciscans, who devote themselves to the redemption of the homeless, hopeless wanderers of the highway. They call themselves the Brotherhood of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 281 5 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903 that's "HIS LORDSHIP" A United Artists British Picture An amusing satire on a film star's publicity methods. Catchy Songs Beautiful Girls SPECIAL EXTRA ATTRACTION AMY JOHNSON and J. A. MOLLISONin "DUAL CONTROL" f A British International Picture VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL I Firwt Kniliil To-Xislit at 9.30 pan.
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    • 219 5 "Excellent Musical Comedy which can be thoroughly enjoyed" Straits Times iiiiiimiiii i m i ii ii SCAPITOL,! V 1,1,1 ,umi HB.B.HKH ***** 6.15 Positively LAST NIGHT! 9. 15 British Radio's sparkling Musical show II \mi^ LOVE ON THE I JBk with the new star, It Mp RICHARD I "sy# J
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    • 426 5 Matinee To-morrow at 3 p.m. Yet another glorious Sfei, triumph for Alhambra M& Grave Health Dangers of INDIGESTION Si Q GASTRK TROUBLES m^^^ {.'"^f Hundreds of people fall easy preyt to tlvs -X* Destroyer of Health. It brings sharp p«M ■B^ I i'^ \tt^lfri to l ir chrst, an agonising
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  • 410 6 England Wins Final Test England gained a brilliant victory over Australia m the fifth and final Test at the Wembley Stadium by 51 points to 42 and thus secured "the rubber." The official figures showed that 84.000 spectators attended, the biggest crowd that has ever seen a
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  • 118 6 Ever since women started playing games the question of what clothes to wear has caused discussion almost strife among the players. Shorts are recognised now for athletics, squash and rowing, but m England they have never caught on for field games. Last season a London
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  • 95 6 Matches m the Tanglin Club *ennis tournament will be played as follows. TUESDAY'S TIES GRIFF CUP C. A. Scott and Rowland owe 4 vs. Sole and Assiter scr. Goodman and Taylor owe 15.3 vs. B. Brooke and J. V. S. Brooke owe 3. Corry and Curtis
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  • 50 6 The following will represent Great Britain In 'a South African lawn tennis tour, beginning on November 4 and ending m January: O. P. Hughes. H. G. N. Lee. F. J. Perry. Mrs. E. Sy-Whittingstall. MLss Mary Heeley. and etty Nuth.ill. It looks a good all-round
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  • 1693 6 'me Test- Team has been unsettled to the last (writes the Free Press London correspondent on Sept. 20) and they left London on Saturday for Tilbury, whence they will sail on The Orantes for Australia, without Maurice Tate, who was taken ill on Thursday night. It
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 212 6 a cork tipped cigarette and f delightfully cool. PLAYERS BACHELOR A\ADE IN ENGLAND Every tin of Cfoimoieill i f^ HEALTH! jfi^ v OUT ?oes the Pain and Suffering :-M /I d of Wc ks Months YEARS ft fW3 f' hanished m ONE MINUTE by the L a'' unique action of
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    • 275 6 OOODTO y OUR I Let Evans' Pastilles be good Ito your throat. You'-I find I them particularly so m I cases or soreness, huskiness, coughs or colds. Q EVANS' Front Chemnti everywhere. M«d« m England to a formula <>rtbe Liverpool Throat UunpitH) UNPRECEDENTED CLEARANCE SALE. CHINESE CURIOS, EMBROIDERIES, etc. GOING
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  • 1943 7 PILOT'S STORY OF SELETAR AIR CRASH "Machine Cartwheeled and Turned Over" MISLED BY GLASSY SEA? Underwater Search For Trapped Airmen Flying Officer Hilchie, pilot of the flying boat which crashed when returning to the Air Base at Seletar, and Leading Aircraftsmen Robert Cecil Hinkin and Leonard Stephen Davey lost their
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  • 886 7 STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION Payment of 6 Per Cent Dividend The sixth annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Mercantile Cooperative Thrift Loan Society, Limited will be held at the Co-operative Societies Department. In Her ton Building (sixth floor), Singapore on Friday October, 14 at 5.15
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  • 154 7 Communist Leaflet m Bangkok [From Our Own Correspondent! Bangkok. Oct. 3. A Communist leaflet distributed over the week-end m English with a Siamese translation issued by the Communist Party of Siam and the Young Communist Party of Siam calls upon all farmers, workmen, soldiers and all depressed
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  • 60 7 Before the departure of Mr. F. V. Duckworth, Assistant Controller of Labour, Klang. for j England on five months leave, representatives I rf the Indian merchants, traders, and Chettiars met m the Labour Ofn?c to bid him farewell. I Messrs. V. P. Peer Mohamed and Pcria Karup- pan Chettiar garlanded
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  • 186 7 Head of Local Firm Arrested (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Oct. 3. Inouye, head of the Japanese firm of Inouyo, trading m Singapore and with brandies m all parts of Malaya was arrested m Kuala Lumpur last night m Brickfields Road by Mr. A. H. Gridley.
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  • 16 7 M- G. H. Roberts has succeeded Mr. P. o Coales. a-5 Senior Executive Engineer, Kuala Krngsar.
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  • 1265 7 WHY LIBERALS LEFT THE CABINET Full Story of the Political Sensation CROWDS THRONG DOWNING STREET Premier's Reply to Denunciation of Ottawa Agreements London. Sept. 28. The five main points of objection to the Ottawa agreements raided by Sir Herbert Samuel. Sir Archibald Sinclair and the other seven Liberal Ministers who
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  • 1003 7 FINES-PENALTY OR REVENUE Magistrate's "Very Wrong" Views CUSTOMS CASE APPEAL Heavy Fine Because Colony Needs Money A suggestion that a "plant" had been arranged by revenue officers was made by Mr. V. D. Knowles when he conducted m the Supreme Court yesterday, before the Chief Justice, the appeal of a
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  • 22 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. HOLIDAY— At the Maternity Hospital, Penang, on September 29th. 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. LI. F. Holiday. a daughter.
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  • 922 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS TUESDAY OCTOBER 4, 1932. THE LYTTON REPORT The long awaited report of the Lytton Commission has now been made public. In the light of the Japanese attitude it does not advance the problem any nearer towards a solution. It merely serves to consolidate the rock upon which
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  • 325 8 Mr. C. W. Keywarth. the well known hunter, of Kuantan. to whose gun several tigers, deer, vild bear, crocodile.*; and other animals have fk. lien, has new given up hunting for the time bei^g and joined the staff of Atbara Estate, Kuantan. Three Sikhs arrested on Sunday night were produced
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  • 532 8 "DESERVES GRATITUDE OF HIS GENERATION" Greatest Figure m British Medicine Sir Ronald Ross, the man who saved a million lives by the discovery of the cause of malaria, was buried beside the grave of his wife m Putney Hill Cemetery, S.W. It had been
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  • 117 8 The Singapore public were presented with r another morning newspaper yesterday. The Straits Times Press Ltd. has added to its afternoon and Sunday publications what is. Jn all the circumstances, a rather precocious I five cent infant, which has been christened the Singapore Daily New*,.
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  • 106 8 An Infant Show is to be held at Pgkan 6n October 13. under the distinguished patronage of the Raja Permaisuri of Pahang. Tengku Fatimah. wife of Sultan Abu Dakar of Pahang. who after the function hM kindly consented to give away the prizes. Earlier m the day
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  • 77 8 Insufficient Evidence Against Accused Men The death of the two firemen was due to the derailment of the night mail on Aug. 6 and the evidence is insufficient to establish those criminally concerned. This is the verdict that has been returned by the Coroner who held
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  • 120 8 Before the District Judge, Francis Neeiankavil. proprietor and principal of the Royal English School. Tank Road. Singapore, was defendant m a suit brought against him by one of his teachers, m respect of arrears of salary for June, July, and August 1932. The Plaintiff. Mr. J. J.
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  • 618 8 BEARD PULLED BY TAMIL To Pay Compensation For Assault A Sikh Additional Police Countable was founo juilty yesterday by Mr. C WiLson m t*M Criminal District Court of exceeding his duty t>y causing grievous hurt to a Tamil Medical evidence showed that Puna&amy. th. complainant,
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  • 112 8 Dates for October Hearings Among the rases fixed for hearing m th<* Supreme Court during October is I suit between the Yokohama Specie Bank Ltd plaintiffs, and two Chinese. Lee Kwock Jmi and Wing Tai Loong Sz Co. defendants, which is to be heard on the 6th.
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  • 92 8 LONDON AND NEW YORK TIN AND RUBBER PRICES [FREE PRESS SERVICfc^-COPYRIOHTI London. Oct. 3. Messrs Henry Gardner, metal brokers, notify to-day's tin prices as follows Spot £149» 2 (£l5l3 4 Forward £15n 8 (£ls3>/ 4 The market is weak. Messrs. Symington and Wilson notify to-day's rubber prices as
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  • 57 8 The Boy Scouts of the live bin institutions «>: the State of Pahang viz. Kuala Lipls. Raub Bentong, Pekan and Kuantan. held thuir annual camp at Telok Slsseh, Kuantan Tfei camp was under the charge of the District Officer Commanding. Mr. Ramattng&m. of Raub. with Messrs. Kaul Singh, Tan Eng
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 EXSHAW Nol BRANDY. CAIXEECWS BY SPECIAL \s^ Jll^jv T HM THE APPOINTMENT KING OF SlABt THE "EASI SMOKE," THE NOVEL CIGARETTE BOX This new Cigarette Box is useful and novel m construction. Lights automatically as drawer is opened. Lighter can be removed and used for the pocket, if desired. Obtainable
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    • 52 8 WE READ THAT A MAN RECENTLY HELD HIS BREATH for three and a half minutes. But it was all to no purpose; when he reached the tenth step it squeaked and awakened his wife. What about a "GAFLAC" BURGLARY POLICY GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTP Hongkong Bank Chambers.
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  • 1781 9 GOOD LITERATURE BUT NOT PRACTICAL All the World Waits— for the C League 's Opinion JAPAN INDIGNANT: CHINA SILENT Unofficial Views that Recommendations Come Too Late While all the world with the exception of Japan pays tribute to the moderation, clarity and fair-mindedness of the
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  • 174 9 BATH-HOUSE QUARREL Pathan Brothers Remanded At Ipoh [From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Oct. 3. An Ipoh police station tragedy resulted m two young Pathan policemen living m the barracks at Newtown being charged before the Ipoh magistrate this morning with causing the death of another young
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  • 210 9 Mace Hurling m Belfast Parliament Belfast, Sept. 32. The Mace was twice flung on the floor cf the House by an irate Labour Member m a scene of disorder which preceded the prorogation of the North of Ireland House of Commons, following the refusal of the Speaker
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  • 94 9 Plea of Finnish Grave Robbers HrLsin*rforv S*pL 29. A plea that they had acted under instructions from the spirit world was put forward by the three men and three women of working-class origin who were charged m connection with a "black magic" case following the discovery m
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  • 58 9 San Juan, Sept 29. Lives lost m the Porto Rico hurricane numbei 212 while the injured total 2,000 and the number of homeless is 245.000. announces the Governor m a communique issued to-day. The Banco Territorial Agricola has closed it* doors on account of the exceptional demand:
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  • 473 9 Crevasse 16 Miles Long m Greece MORE SHOCKS DAILY Terrible Sufferings of the Survivors Athens, Sept. 29. While British sailors of the Mediterranean Fleet were helping In the earthquake stricken region of Chalcidlce, a further shock caused fresh destruction, killing and maiming many thousands of
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  • 47 9 j Washington, Sept. 30. J i Unemployed m the United States at J the end of August, numbered eleven- g I and-a-half millions according to the j estimates issued under the authority of g I the American Federation of Labour. Reuter Wireless. 1 1
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  • 59 9 Concentration Until Next Year Washington, Sept. 30. The United States Atlantic Fleet will be kept m the Pacific until after the next concentration of the Fleet m winter was the Important announcement made by Admiral Pratt, Chief oi the United States Naval Operations' Department. The reasons
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  • 30 9 Governor-General of Irish Free State His Majesty acting on the advise of Mr. D Valera has accepted Mr. McNeill'is resignatioi as Governor-General of the Irish Free StateRenter.
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  • 42 9 Darkness Descends on Brussels Brussels, Sept. 28. To-day the city was plunged Into darknes when the electricity power station was v/reck ed through the explosion of a turbine. Ds mage to the value of 25.000,000 francs ws caused. Reuter Wireless.
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  • 28 9 Poona, Sept 30. Two golden Idols valued at £2,815 have bet stolen from one of the temples opened Untouchables after Gandhi began his, Jest- Wireless.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 175 9 STAPLES jflB» MATTRESS BY APPOINTMENT vU.rt Mattress ie Bed stead Manufacturer* to H.MTHE KING THE FINEST MATTRESS IN THE WORLD. COMMONSENSE HEALTH— SLEEP STRAIGHT. All other open Spring Mattresses are copies of Staple's the original, and do not embody essential features of the Staples constructions. STAPLES ALL METAL INDIAN MATTRESS
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1024 10 {jUaf Ml AA™ thf BLUE FUNNEL LINK (Ocean THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. Steam SWp^^Ltd, and China THE HUA KHIOW STEAMSHIP Co., (1932) Ltd. SS'ual Steam Navlgat on Co.. Ltd. THE SARAWAK STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. the stoaits Steamship Co. Ltd. the cunard steam ship Co.. Ltd. Cmsi NAV^ATION CO..
      1,024 words
    • 478 10 EUerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In England) "ELLERMAN" LINE. FREIGHT SERVICE TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CAVAL HOMEWARDS. Doe S'psre. Sails B*psc«. Steamer *.s. CITY OF KOBE For Havre, London, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Glasgow Oct. 30 Nov. 2 OUTWARDS. TO HONG KONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 762 11 O. S. K. Line. FOR EUROPE. AFRICA. NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA AND INDIA. Due. Sails, i LONDON MARU LONDON. Rotterdam. Hamburg and Antwerp via Colombo, Aden. Suez and Port Said. Nov 4 5 t RIO DE JANEIRO DURBAN. Cape Town. Rio de Janeiro. Santos. MABU Montevideo and Buenos Aires via
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    • 869 11 K. P. M. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ PALOPO— Tuesiay, Oct. 4, Riouw, Tambelan. Singkawang, Pemangkat and Selakau. MAPXA— Tuesday, Oct. 4, Paneh, Tanjong-Leidong, Tanjong-Mengeidar and Asaiian. GEN. VERSPYCK— Tueoday, Oct. 4, Letong, Maras, Tarempa. Oenting. Poeloe-Pandjanf. Serassan, Midai and Kramat. REIJNST Wednesday, Oct. 5. Cheribon. Semarang, Sourabaya. Kota-Baroe. Balik-Papan. Samarinda and
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  • 495 12 FED BROKERS WHEN THEY "WENT BROKE" Then Summoned For Obstruction A woman flower-seller, who ranked Jimmy White among her host of stockbroker friends, was m sorrowful mood when seen by a Daily Herald representative. She had just been fined 2s. 6d. at the Guildhall
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 642 12 Burns Philp Line. (Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.375 tons)" and the BJB. MANOOLA (3,352 tons). [Cargo only] ■A MARELLA Is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins de
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    • 480 12 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc. (Incorporated In U.S.A.) NEW YORK SERVICE. Regular Freight Service to Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore (via Suez). Doe Sails Due New Yorfc. SILVERPALM Oct. 12 Oct. 18 Nov. 21 M.S. SILVERTEAK Nov. 8 Nov. 14 Dec 19 Tor rates and particulars please apply to: GUTHRIE
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    • 190 12 SILVER JAVA PACIFIC LINE Joint service of PACIFIC JAVA BENGAL UNI and SILVER LINE, LTD to Ban Francisco, Los Angrles an« N«rta Pacific Porte Dsw Salla Store. t. m.s. SILVERASH Oct 8 Oct m x m.s. SILVERBELLE Oct. 15 Oct. II x via Manila. via Java Port*. 9 loading: for
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 665 12 MAIL DESPATCHES BT TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 1 p.m. and Thursday 7 30 ajn Kedah Monday to Friday 130 aan. Saturdays P-»M Kuantan (via Jerantut) except Sunday 7 -30 a.m. Kelantan (via Padang Besar) Monday 1 P- 111 Kuantan (via Jerantut) Saturdays 7 p.m. Kelantan (via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday,
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    • 329 12 Johore Maru 5. Antenor 2. KEPPEL HARBOUR Main Wharf: Lch. Spark. Lch. Spartan. Reijnst. Oil Wharf: Nil. Coal Wharf: Nil. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS Tanjong Fa par: Albert Dock: NiL Victoria Dock: Nil. Keppel Harbour Kings Dock: Nil. No. 1 Dock: WBt. Johana. Tug Prince. No. 2 Dock: Nil. VESSELS
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  • Port and Shipping News
    • 923 13 Health In The Port Of London At Gravesend. where I was to spend 24 hours on board the hulk Hygeia watching the work of the Port Health Officer one of the three medical officers of the Port of London Sanitary j Authority about 16.000 steamers pass
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    • 248 13 A Captain of the Old Sailing Days Passes On One of the captains of the old sailing clippers. Captain John Brown, has died at the age lof 91. In his day he was one of the besti known masters m the Australian trade. He always
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  • 120 13 Awaiting Result of Trial on Smuggling Charge Shanghai. The auction sale of the Ballshead, seized by Chinese Maritime Customs officials more than a month ago because it was allegedly engaged m smuggling, has been postponed indefinitely. It is understood the date for the sale will be announced
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  • 109 13 Mail Steamers Not to Call at Japan Ports The General Metzinger, due at Penang. on her outward journey, on October 14th. and at Singapore on October 16th.. will be the last ol the M.M. mail steamer to call at Japanese ports. Following mail steamers. A3 from Angkor due
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  • 135 13 It is reported that the Northern Ireland Government has been badly nipped m some of its shipbuilding financial schemes of assistance. The great yard of Harland and Wolf. Ltd.. the greatest shipbuilding firm m the world, is standing idle grass growing where thousands of feet used to run about
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  • 94 13 The following passengers arrived by to Klan/ yesterday From Penang: Mr. Maim. Mr. and 'Mrs. G. T. Peall. Mr. E. C. Ball. From Port iswettenham: Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell, Mr. and Mrs. JW. F. Brodie and infant. Mr. John Duke. Mr. ;E. C. H. Charlwood. Mr. A.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 587 13 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS (Daily and Weekly Editions) ft Head Office 138 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. Telephone: 6056. Cable Address ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. rThe premier morning daily m Malaya. Delivered with the Chota Kazri each morning. Latest news, latest telegrams and latest announcements. London rubber and tin cables appear daily. Special features
      587 words
    • 63 13 For Tender Faces Containing the medicinal, antiseptic and emollient properties of Cutlcara, it produces a creamy lather that enables tender-faced men to shave m comfort. Note how smooth, [refreshed and invigorated the face feels afterwards. Malayan Depot: Muller A Phipps (Malaya) Limited. Union Building. Singapore. 1933 HOMEWARD PASSAGES REGISTER NOW
      63 words
    • 445 13 NEXT TIME YOU GO HOMEj^H im bI B^M f NCLUDI Cmfe't *«w malt «w* ta f^ rfk I M yoof itiatrvy. 1 B^ fir-^ f^B) ABlßßtf BBBBB^BBIV fs Cb\b) .^BB^^ 1 Rockiw— Mt. RebMO. tallwt oi tkcm ill TV* ImVm^MwM *r*w jo^Biy rail OTiffPM tot mnM >^ "■ffßj^Bfl ***** v
      445 words

  • 3031 14  - The Mystery of the SIX BLACK DOTS Pierre Quiroule Our New Serial by What Has Gone Before I Maurice Drlacour is murdered m an hotel m F.ance and a mysterious gTeen envelope m removed from his clothing by Jules Chevalier. The boly of a man, clothed only m pyjama trousers
    3,031 words
  • 107 14 The following are Singapore Volunteer Corp* routine orders by Lieut. Col. M. J. T. Reilly, M.C., Commanding S.S.V.F. Singapore, Sept. 28. Ranges. The following range allotments are published for information. Buses leave Headquarters Sat. Sun. Bkt. Timah Range Farrer R. 2 p.m. 7.30 a.m. 8.1032 "E" (Chinese)
    107 words
  • 34 14 AUSTRALIA'S POPULATION, 6,549,074 The population of Australia increased by 48.539 persons m tlv* year ending June 30, 1932. The acting Comii^nweajth statistician) (Professor L. F. climates that the population then was 6.549.074 persons.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 532 14 BANKS AND INSURANCE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital In 600,000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000* Reserve Fund £3,000,003 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 HEAD OFFICE I 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches Alor Star Hollo Saigon Amritsar
      532 words
    • 349 14 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Established In 1886) Capital Subscribed (Fully paid up) t Reserve Fund V 118.450.000 President K. Kodtuna, Esq Vice -President K. Takeuchl, Esq Head Office I Yokohama. Singapore Branch 31 a. I 111 HA STRUT LONDON BANKERS Westminster Bank, Ltd. The National Provincial Bank. Ltd
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 418 14 ROUND YOUR DIAL Popular Shortwave Radio Stations The following is a Ust of stations which can be received m Singapore Java Stations Bandoeng PLM from about 5.20 p.m. gramophone records and telephony tests with Sydney, Australia, and other stations. 1 Usual call after records "Hullo Sydney." TaDjong Priok, 21 metres
      418 words

  • 1011 15 R.G.A.'s Good Exhib| at Housing Exhibition WHY NO PRICES? Malaya Not Well Served by Manufacturers f:om our oim corresponaeiw] Th. Rubber Growers Association has vrrj rood exhibit at the Ho own* ExhlMtlMl at Olympia. it is on the main giouud floor and sections of a house are
    1,011 words
  • 426 15 TREASURY MOVE Result of Conversion Loan Success London, Sept. 39. The relaxation of tho embargo on new Issues was announced In a Treasury statement attach- i ed to the final figures of the 5 per cent. War Loan conversion scheme. The statement says that m
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  • 289 15 All who appreciate the Importance of an extension of the petroleum resources of the Empire will learn with interest of the latest development which has taken place on the property of the British Malayan Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of the Shell group. This company reports having
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  • 163 15 Ocean shipments of rubber, including latex, revertex and concentrated latex, during the month of September, 1932. PRELIMINARY RETURN- Sheet Crepe Latex, C'trated Latex TOTAL Tons Revertex Tons Tons Name of Port Export Transhipment Tranship- Transhipment ment Grand Export Export Proper S3. Malay Pro- S.S. Malay Pro- S.S.
    163 words
  • 647 15 The Value of Tin and Antimony The War Department of the United States regards certain raw materials as "strategic" necessities f.nd. as such, the assurance of an adequate supply is considered to be of vital im- portance. It is therefore natural that steps, should be taken to ascertain
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  • 123 15 Foreign exports of tin. being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan ports, during the month of September. 1932. Destination Tons. United Kingdom 65 United States of America 2.126 Continent of Europe 1.380 British Possessions 117 Japan 267 Other Foreign Countries 21 TOTAL 3.976 Tons Note: 1
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  • 387 15 Consolidation of Rubber Estates Mr. H. Livingstone (Andoven writer to the Financial Times. I As soon as a demand springs up for shares m the Rubber market the impossibility of dealing satisfactorily— whether as a buyer or seller— is conspicuous. The cause is the same as the root
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  • 348 15 To-Day 's Price Changes EXCHANGE RATES October 3 SELLING London, 4 months' sight 2|4 London, 3 months' sight 2|3 31 [32 London, 60 days' sight 2|3 15)16 London, 30 days' sight 2|3 29|32 London, demand 2|3 7|B London, T.T. 2|3 27|32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1015 Hamburg, demand 165 New
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  • 71 15 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUB BER ASSOCIATION October 3rd.. 12 o'clock noon Buyrrs SrlteVß R.S.S. equal to London Standard. Spot 8 l 8S < Standard R.S.S. on Tender Oct. 85 16 87 If November 8\ §*i December 87 16 89 IS Jan.-March 9% Brs8 r s April- June 8 v Tone
    71 words
  • 854 15 MONDAY, OCT. 3RD. 1933 t MJftINU QUOTATION* Buyers Sellers Asam Kumbang (£> 26s 28s Austral Malay lBs Ayer Hltam (ss. l2s Bangrin Tin (t) 14il Batang Padang i*l> Batu Caves ($1) 40 &0 Bukit Arang ($1) 40 norn Burmah Malay l£) &s 7s norn Chenderiang (£> 9d
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 80 15 y \vsets exited S 12,060, 00+ Amumnce to force over >SS.fflM.<Wfl The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporate* to tte Strata Settlement*) HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern Ule BuUding, CecU Btreet, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry. EX. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
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    • 462 16 Strengthening the A.P.C. And I. Side The opening match of the S.C.C. Rugby tournament will be played on the Padang this afternoon, when the Merchants who won the competition last season, will be opposed to the Etceteras. The team* will line up as follows: Merchant: R.
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    • 186 16 Brilliant Display For Narrow Victory Prom Our Own Correspondent 1 Ipoh, Oct. 3. Tile Penang Rugby team made its first appearance against Taiping at Taiping on Saturday and gave a brilliant display. The forwards and halves took the Perak team by rtorm m the first half getting
      186 words
  • 141 16 Anglo-Chinese School Team m Sumatra < 7 n8l ChinOs;e Sch0 1 F «*b a ll Team visited Sumatra during the September holidays Ana played seven matches there. They lost ret an <* last etches, with the SSSTE*' W n fOUr match es, m one of lJ^' S? th f
    141 words
  • 106 16 The following teams will meet on the V.M.C.A. Ground on Saturday— Lyre's Team R Lyne. 81m Teng Chew, Scan Eng Hee C C Meredith, W. Dunhill, E. K. Yzelman, Tan Hock Leong, c. 81mon. Chen Jan Choon, Syed Ibrahim. Lee Ah Chee. Yap Yeow Slang W R Willis,
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  • 288 16 BREATH-TAKING GOLF Finalists Nervous Wrecks At Finish London, Sept. 30. Miss Diana Fish wick of North Foreland, a former British champion, regained the English ladies' gold championship on the Royal Ashdown Forest course m Sussex to-day, when she beat Miss Beryl Brown of Formby, the
    288 words
  • 101 16 Ladies October Bogey Competition The Ladies' October bogey competition was played at Bukit Timah yesterday and resulted In a win for Miss K. Stewart m "A" division and for Mrs. R. Craik m "B" division. The returns were "A" DIVISION h'cap Miss K. Stewart 8 1 down
    101 words
    • 99 16 "A" Singles Semi-Final:—Dr. G. de Souza beat N. E. Ess 6—4, 6—4. "B" Singles Semi-Final:—P. p. Machado beat E. J. Woodford 11—9. 6—4. Ladies Singles:—Miss M. Lewis beat Miss L. Pereira w.o. Mrs. M. G. Eber vs. Miss B. S. Oehlers (unfinished). Doubles Handicap:—Dr. V. H. Norris
      99 words
    • 93 16 A lawn tennis match was played between A (M.G.) Co. S.V.C. and R.A. Officers on Saturday at the Tanglin Club resulting m a win for A. (M.0.) Coy. by 3 matches to nil. The following are the results. Pte N. S. Wise and
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  • 61 16 One of the cleverest Inside-forwards In the game, J. Lane, has been transferred from Crystal Palace to Aldershftt. Lane can get goals but he Is chiefly a schemer. He has splendid control over the ball and his tricky footwork makes him a formidable opponent. Aldershot badly need an experienced forward
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  • 680 16 S.C.C. BEAT S.C.R.C. Defenders on Top m Hockey Game S.C.C, 1; S.CJI.C 0. The S.C.C. opened their hockey programme with a match against the S.C.R.C. yesterday at the padang, and gained the victory by a goa m the last second of the game after the
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  • 289 16 R.A.F. Beaten m Fast Match A combined team of the A.P.C and JBoustead defeated an R.A.F. XI by three goals to two m a hockey match at Paya Lebar yesterday. The game was characterised by much hard hitting by both sides which rather impaired the technique of
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  • 2 16 frlffiHi:
    2 words
  • 690 16 KATHLEEN LEADS ON FIRST* ROUND tfFluky Wind Upsets Calculations The first round of the annual challenge race for the cup presented to the R.S.Y.C. by the lat€ Lord Milner. when Secretary of State for the Colonies, was sailed on Sunday by the 6 metre class.
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  • 87 16 Denis Boy Wins the Metropolitan [FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPY RIGHT 1 Sydney, Oct. 3. Denis Boy won the A.J.C Metropolitan (1 nile and 5 furlongs) to-day, details being as cllow DENIS BOY 8.6 j ROGILLA 7.13 2 LOUGH NEAGH 8.2 3 Won by half a length; third three
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  • 32 16 Latest London Betting Oainslaw 10^_ e Biandearna 1 00 fi Nitsichln jjJ^J Sandy Lashes 18 j Sandwich 20 1 Bonny Bright Eyes 22— Son of Mint 22—1 Blue Vision 25
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  • 43 16 The following have been invited to play Rugby Football for Merchants vs. mJaSL to-day, at S.OC. fa whites) R O <£££? H. L. Vincent. J. E. King, o. C. Ashworth r^ i^f^ been tav Play *"«*"<«. C. O. Wlndle and O. Fittock.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 153 16 I NOW AT REDUCED PRICES Igfflnoj! ",HIS MASTER'S VOICE M RECORDS 10 PLUM $1.50 12 do $2.00 10 M l?f f; BLACK $2.00 12 do A $3.00 S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. "H.M.V." SPECIALISTS. Raffles Place. Tel. 6422. Singapore. MANUSCRIPT WRITING PENS A SELECTION OF NIBS. SPECIALLY MADE IN VARIOUS SIZES
      153 words