The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 September 1932

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press SO. 13,757. ESTABLISHED 1835. SINGAPORE, S.S. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1932. 10 CENTS.
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  • 153 1 A seiies of aeroplane accidents occurred over the week-end. Italian flying boats collided, seven men being killed: a French liner crashed at troy don, killing the pilot; another French liner crashed m the desert near Rut bah Page 11. The London busmen's, strike, due to begin on
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  • 40 1 TATE TO STAY AT HOME Lcndon, Sept. 20. Maurice Tate. the cricketer, has had another relapse and is net going to Australia. He was to travel over-land to-day to join the M.C.C. team at a Mediterranean port. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 922 1 iFrom the Russian of Mikhail Zoshchenko* They say. citizens, that baths m America are very excellent. There, for example, a citizen comes m, drops his clothes into a special box. goes off, washes. Doesn't even worry a bit. as it were, about a loss or a theft, doesn't
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 107 1 There is no need to pay fl more than $3.10 per quart y^|^^ bottle for your brandy. Wg*>/*^ Ask for TOLLEY'S Empire -*00£ I Brandy and get the BEST. Only $3.10 per Quart Bottle, including Duty Jwfar MeALISTER CO., LTD. y^S/II Sole Agents for F.M.S. S.S. ,<ff^mll TOLLEY'S 0M E
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    • 160 1 Loans amounting to £83,000,000 have been issued under League auspices and there has been default m some cases Page 11. A Simla message states that a battalion of Guides inflicted a salutary lesson upon a band of tribesmen Page 10. The Marquis of Clydesdale is to attempt to fly over
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  • 421 2 Problems of Adaptation to Present Cars Detroit. The statisticians are coming forward with mid-year guesses en the number of cars the automobile factories will produce for 1932. Estimates point to an approximate total of 1.500.000 cars and trucks for the full twelve months, based on the showing of
    N.A.N.A  -  421 words
  • 132 2 One never knows how a fit of depression may take cne Albert Taylor, a ship s ebeward. was so depressed that he swallowed Ills watch, chain and a .pocket knife a lact which was verified after he had shocked a number of people with his story, and had so impressed
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  • 209 2 Abstract 01 UDservauons ior Auguoi 1 ,.:»W r Air Temperature Humidity Rainfall Means Extremes Means Max. Min Max Mln Deg. F. Deg.F. Deg.F. Deg.F. r '< Ins Alor Star 87.9 73.7 90 72 83 69 90 6 13 Penang 89.6 74.5 91 72 75 67 3.11 Kota
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 499 2 "CORNOL" CORN REMOVER. CURES CORNS WITHOUT PAIN. Corns removed after a few days treatment. Price 75 cents per bottle. Obtainable from all Chemists and Stores. Distributors MEDICAL HALL, LTD., Wholesale and Retail I Chemists. All wholesale enquiries to be addressed to MEDICAL HALL. LTD., Wholesale Dept., 20b Collyer Ouav. BUSINESS
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    • 602 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders are nov invited for the following materials or services and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained m the Tender Room, Municipal Offices Construction of drains at Lorong A, East Coast. Date of Closing. 4 p.m. September 26th.
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    • 619 2 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF PERAK. The Bridge Tolls Enactment, 1932. The following notice is being published m a Supplement to the Federated Malay States Government Gazette: GOVERNMENT OF PERAK. The Bridge Tolls Enactment, 1932. In exercise of the powers vested m him by Section 2 of "The Bridge Tolls Enactment, 1932,"
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    • 241 2 A Message of Hope ■mi imp hl^jT^^ to those who have It behoves every man whose Y^^^fmUjJ B new reserves of youthful stamina, bo that life onct more becomes worth living, worth enjoying and worth prolonging. Start taking TO-DAY/ OBTAINABLE AT ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES at $1.50 and $2.60. The
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 272 2 THK WICKH Wednesday, 21st. High Water 01.44 8.0 ft., 13 20 8." f Rotary tiffin business meeting at Adelphi Hotel. Licensing Justices meet. First Magistrate's Court, 2.15 p.m. Football: M.F.A. League. Div. B Bidadari Sports Club vs. Fathul Munir. Hockey: V.M.C.A. 11l vs. Khalsa Assn. 111. V.M.C.A. ground. Thursday. 22nd.
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  • 88 3 tourniquet t<> Check Severed Artery nstable saved a man's life 1 har.icuffs to prevent him Thi man «a» Lance-Cor-C.itihpole. of Glebe-road. v from Bcbbinglon. Dorset, m the Royal Army Ordnance r -cycle he came into col-r-rai and glass from the tm cut his neck, severing an
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  • 98 3 School For Good Manners Rome. by the heads of the Fascist 'to the captains of all tennis xiols the game as a school for U M for training m sportsd P»»3 leal development. ked to enJarge their membercttoß of subscriptions and the inducements m the way of Young
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  • 90 3 IffO Eng Seong was at tbj trial found guilty, at Assizcv. of the murder of Lee, and sentenced <* 'lerting to give evidence invited by one of the U> join a secret- society hereafter trouble arose beOftaeee'i family. A report '•nt Protector of Chinese. "ito Mm matter and all On
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  • 457 3 Discovery of Economic Importance An important discovery which is of great economic interest to the fishing industry as well as to the sufferers from pernicious anaemia is announced m the current issue of the "British Medical Journal." Professor L. S. P. Davidson, recently appointed as Regius
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  • 28 3 Mr. Loke Yoke Thong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loke Wan Seng, of Taiping. is proceeding to Hong Krng where he intends to take up a business career.
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  • 238 3 Night Club Dancer to be Deported London. An American dancer. Ted Trevor, who is well known m the West End. and who served m the Royal Flying Corps during the war, has been ordered by the Home Office to leave the country. With his partner.
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  • 67 3 Fantastic Prices For Dead Financier's Property Stockholm. The sale of Kreuger's property attracted an eager crowd of curie hunters willing to pay fantastic prices for the smallest objects. A pair of steel scissors engraved with Kreuger's name fetched three guineas. Kettles worth a few shillings fetched several pounds
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  • 96 3 Father and Three Children Die of Poisoning Matara. (Ceylon). father and four of his children partook ol vo Ti"tv *i mi -brooms at breakfast on September 3rd, at Ellawala a village, five miles ,ficm Hakmana. They felt nothing unusual, but j became sick thr next morning,
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  • 515 3 BRITISH CAPTAINS HONOURED Red Ribbon Medals Presented Nine years after the catastrophe, the Japanese authorities have recently accorded official recognition to six Captains of foreign vessels for their heroic work en September 1, 1923, when they, with their officers and crews, stood by m Yokohama harbour and
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  • 186 3 The fcll:wing Novels were added to Raffles Library during t-he past fortnight Ames (D. L.) They Journey by night. Benson <E. F.) Secret Lives. 2 copies. Bowen (Marjorie) Fend Fancy. Cobb tThcmas) Death on the Cliff. 2 copies. Crczier <F. P.) Angels on Horseback. Dare (Simon) Handful of
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  • 75 3 The following are Singapore Volunteer Corps routine orders by Lieut. Col. M. J. T. Reilly. M.C., Commanding S.S.V.P. Singapore Sept. 21. Eanfes The following range allotments are republifihed for information Buses leave Headquarter* Sat. Sun. Bkt. T. Range Farrer R. 24 9.32 Ist. Bn. Casuals 25.9.32 —do—
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  • 86 3 The wedding tock place at Alor Star, on Wednesday night, of H. H. Tungku P*ngeran, the youngest son of H. M. The Sultan of Kedah, and H.H. Tunku Tabaraiah. a daughter of H.H. Tunku Mahnuid. The religious part of the ceremonies, the "berangkat," took place at the Zahara Mosque at
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  • 206 3 Suicide Rather Than Hear Lover's Knell Sounded On the day of her lover's funeral. 25-year-old Winifred Mary Wilford. of Halton Holgate. near Spilsby, Lincolnshire, said she did not wish to hear the church bell toll. "I am going to take a walk m the fields. she
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  • 113 3 Borrows Helmet From Policeman Because fhe appeared m court without a hat a woman was not allowed to give evidence en oath at Coventry. On being asked to put her hat on she said she had not got one. 'There can toe no evidence unless *he
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  • 83 3 As He Taught His Daughter to Swim With his wife and daughter, Arthur Albert Barbee, aged 45, a decorator, of Middletonavenue, Chingford, Essex, went to the River Lea to teach his daughter to swim, and was drowned. At the inquest the widow said that while her (laughter
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  • 97 3 WOMAN'S 30 HOURS ON ALPINE LEDGE Rome. After fitting for 30 hours on a rock ledge not larger than would hold a chamob, with a sheer drop of 1,000 feet below them an Englishwoman, Mrs. Titma Steel, and her two Alphv guides were rescued on the Marmalade, m the Dolomites.
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  • 507 3 Exhibition at Birmingham Art Gallery The display of foreign stamps on exhibition m the Birmingham Art Gallery, under the auspice; of the Birmingham Philatelic Society deals with the issues of Hong Kong, and ii shown by Mr. H. Grindall. the president of the society." The
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  • 74 3 Heavy Demands on London Laboratory Lond«n. At a meeting of the Governors of the London Hospital It was reported that the business of preparing and supplying London hospitals wit*i surgical catgut, which goes to all parts of the wcrld, has expanded so much that a spacious
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 Pepsodent polishes teeth as it removes film This double-action tooth paste brings a rapid improvement m the appearance of your teeth OOME tooth pastes will remove three most important things necessary O him, but they may harm tooth to keep teeth clean and sparkling, enamel. Others are perfectly safe, but
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    • 91 3 Estate Trust Agencies (1927) Limited BRANCHES 21. First Cross Street MALACCA 11, Light Street PENANG. 14, Klyne Street KUALA LUMPUR. Registered by and Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. Act as Trustees, Administrators, Receivers, Guardians, Rent Collectors, Investments Supervised and Interest collected, Probate or Letters of Administration applied for
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  • 2192 4  - BRIDGE NOTES AND PROBLEMS ELY CULBERTSON HORATIUS Squeeze Them and Win (By m m BY LEGITIMATE RESPONSES yti HEU a system of conventions is adopted, it is most important that the bidding should be based on conformity with that system. Obviously, a little licenoe must be allowed so that full
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  • 162 4 "Fifteen Keys," By Carlton Da we (Ward Lock and Co. 3s. 6d.) Another 'Leathermouth* story m which the famous secret service man hunts down the kidnappers of a child. Piquancy is peppered into the plot with the author's cunning. For. he makes the child to be
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  • 420 4 AMAZINGLY CHEAP BICYCLES Ousting Other Imported Goods Bombay, Sept. 1. India is being seriously affected by Japanese iumping m the textile industry. In a number of other lines Japan is flooding the markets with cheap goods. Many articles >f Japanese origin sold m the Indian
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  • 552 4 Further Details of Dutch Proposals The prospect of an air mail service between England and Australia has lately appeared better. Discussions have been m progress for some time and fresh impetus has been given •on the Australian side, first by a set of proposals by Australian National
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  • 37 4 Britons seem to like New York: they outnumber any other nationality among the foreignborn white population of the United States, and a recent census gives the Britten-born residents as 3,246,432, from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Canada.
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  • 134 4 Armour Car Attacked By Bees Windhoek (S.W. Africa). Union air force aeroplanes acting m cooperation with armoured cars bombed the Kraal of Ipumbu, the rebellious chieftain of the Ukambi tribe. There were no casualities except that \hcrew of one of the armoured cars were ■ttldred by
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  • 173 4 A gossip writer In a London daily paper has been surprised to discover that dogs are m future to be permitted to accompany players on a famous South-country golf course. It Ls evidence writes a correspondent > that he has never been to St. Andrews.
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  • 141 4 Uookscllinu An Art It tin- Lkwk; shall on*' d I capital taktaf M ■MMIIM that DO 1 feotaO* yadwill b art and this j to 1). tUM lrrtual rentn M JMI 1 R Ok j r;»!ly hIWM h purrha.M l ,«H (U»-r a count" I a pound <<t
    N.A.N.A  -  141 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 #fl jO ■JI? ft rI jj Hi Ji li f t.:., ;:r i 1 iufjj!* T3 EAD how Han.«rogen IV transformed a mere v existence, ruineJ by nerve y^ weakness, into a liie of health and happineat wM U I have suffered for seven years with neurasthenia. I had it
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    • 274 5 police Censors of Swimming Suits i intanism Ls sweeping .\it«\s as a result of the popu,,fhing. are being enforced m many Cut many, where the nudist lied its peak. In others. lwi are being invoked by the councils t<; check "birthdayreporta from correspondents m
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    • 444 5 v fiovcrnment's Cold Shoulder Hong Kong. k HOf Kung NudLst Society exists m veil ;us m name, and member> Hty? l! > nudist outings over week-ends. I U outtngi and bask m the sun ::vtrs and without a stitch of Iteng The net has held
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  • 1014 5 RUBBBER PRICE JUMP Difficulty m Meeting Demand for Shares The rise m the price of l-übber was not altogether unexpected, (wrote the Free Press London Correspondent on Aug 30th but nobody imagined that it would jump m one day over 3d. In fact on Monday it
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  • 738 5 ID. EACH VOTE Lowest Amount on Record A return of the election expenses of each candidate at the General Election of last year, I issued as a White Paper (109, price Is. 3d. net, H.M. Stationery Office), shows that the average cost of each vote
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  • 127 5 Arm Broken m Experiment Paris. Albert Sauvant, the airman who recently dropped Irom a cliff at Nice m his specially 1 constructed "crash-proof" aeroplane and escap- ed unhurt, tried to repeat his performance m J.he mountains near Nice from a height of 25 i metres, and this
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  • 111 5 Plans are being made to hold the annual Church of England Clergy Conference at the end of September m Kuala Lumpur. As no grant towards the expenses is available this year, Kuala Lumpu- has been chosen for its central position which will make for economy m travelling. The Bishop of
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  • 638 5 "AS NECESSARY AS PHYSICAL EXERCISE" Two Views on an Important Question Two recent views on the question of church-going are of special interest, remarks I the Greenock Telegraph. A much stronger insistence on the duty of going to church regularly is advocated by Prof. N.
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  • 163 5 Parson's Pronouncement After Picture Prowls Declaring he had attended picture houses five times every week for two months, and sometimes twice a day. the Rev. T. W. Pym, a London clergyman, speaking at the annual conference at Bristol, cf the National Association of Boys'
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  • 49 5 The "man with the ladder" at the Houses iof Parliament must have as his motto "Business as usual" throughout the recess, since j although the House is officially on holiday he must continue his task of attending to the 200 clocks m all parts of the building. j I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 937 7 FEW FOREIGN VISITORS Entertainments' Thin Time j it were net ior industrial troubles the newspapers wculd have very little u> talk about (writes the Free Press London correspondent on Aug 29 > Ottawa is finished, we have had the statement issued by the British Delegation and
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  • 121 7 Tbt half-y arly general meeting of the Singapore Gurur Co-cperative Thrift and Loan Scriety. Ltd. was held at Geylang Malay School D Monday Srptember sth. 1932 and the following were elected 2S cfßo?-b?arers: President M" C. G Coleman; Vice-Presidents: Mr. F C. B.rraclough. Mr R E Smith, and Mr E.
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  • 1354 7 SOUND AND ITS USES The Difficulties Of Dialogue r all the film directors m Britain Alfred Hitchrock is probably the one who hold? the balance most san;ly between the •intellectual" and the "commercial" school oJ production, (writes C. A Lejeune m The Observer > he
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  • 747 7 BUCK OF SINGAPORE, TELLS LONDON Thrills of Making "Bring 'Em Back Alive" Film Londjn. Mr. Frank Buck, the big game hunter, who has come to London m connection with the presentation of his film 'Bring 'Em Back Alive" says that there is a ilump m
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  • 56 7 The following appointments are notified m the Gazette Messrs. W. G. Reeves. L. R F. Earl and E. C. G. Ba&sett become passed Cadets. M.C.S. Mr. F. B. Rickard to be Supervisor of Export Duties m charge of Singapore collection station. Mr. O. E. Venables. M.C.S.. has been seconded for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 132 7 FO UGLY HAIR ■V 1/ jot ".it Since P^^^ usinr New Veet y^fl N skln li *o Wf clean and white I ■F ,^S(^| th.U no one could I P7 jBJ^BJj possibly suspect I <£m9v9Jl Uils ncr afflicted P^ mX uh tnat norrlble J superfluous hair <^^P^P^P^BJHBB Thp Mem- White
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    • 177 7 \^^fl& >^ v^Mk Br( ITS ll^. v I V Distributors HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE, PENANG, IPOH, KUALA LUMPUR. For health strength Drink milk and eat HO V 1 S BRE AD I SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO.. LTD. sfein Sufferers PRESCRIPTION l(j§lfl cdv for ft*. t^C Ediaa, PsortalS, illltjtl AHH
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  • 582 8 HUNTING DOWN A STAR A Night on the Edge 0' Beyond Sidmouth. I am writing this on the Edge of Beyond. The moon has long since set. The dawn cannot be far away. For the moment, m the eerie darkness of the
    Daily Herald  -  582 words
  • 11 8 of MessiWn Mr MurLs °n Allan, Jate Putidt-nt. ess London corres-
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  • 373 8 LONDON AS CENTRE Changing "Form" of Women Oxford. "Fashion is th* greatest stimulant known to commerce, and the country that controls fashion will control the world." This belief was expressed by Mr. Holbrook Jackson, Editorial Director of the National Trade Press. Ltd.. at the Summer
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  • 130 8 TEN-YEAR PLAN FOR INDIA To Make Country Self-Sufficient Bombay. A plea for calling a conference of 50 Indian statesmen, an equal number, of prominent Indian industrialists, and as many scientists and experts, for chalking out a Ten Years' Plan fdr India on the lines of the Five Years' Plan m
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  • 20 8 Major W. H., Elkins. the well-known Malayan golfer. Is reluming from leave on the Rajputana, due here on Sept. 30. >
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  • 692 8 IN THE 4-ENGINED "SATYRUS" A Descent by Moonlight On the occasion of the visit which the Prince of Wales, accompanied by his brother, Prince George, recently made to the British Mediterranean Fleet. His Royal Highness honoured Im--001 ial Airways by expressing a wish to accomili h
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  • 144 8 The programme of drills up to and for weekending. Sept. 25th., are as follows:— Wednesday. 5 p.m.. Headquarters. S.R.A. (v>. Oun Laying Tests: 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters. "D" (Eurasian) Coy., 30 x Range— Revolver; 5 p.m.. Bukit Timah Range, "A" (M.G.) Coy.. Practice Competition. Friday. 5 p.m.. 7
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  • 137 8 Pulau Übin Quarry is to be closed down at the fnd of the current year. On Wednesday. November 9th.. and Thursday November 10th., the Annual Sale of Work and Christmas Presents, m aid of Church work at hcme and abroad, will be held at the Royal Horticultural Hall, Vincent Square.
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  • 169 8 £13,000,000 Operation m Prospect London. Sept. 14. Preparations for the conversion of £13,000.000 !cf the New South Wales lean, maturing on j November Ist. are expected to gather way with the arrival of Mr. S. M. Bruce. Mr. Bruce, who has been attending the Imperial Conference
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  • 198 8 A barm has been placed on the disclosure of the names of the barristers who are to take part m t-hi British Broadcasting Corporation scheme of broadcasting a series of wireless talks In the autumn on everyday legal problems. The Bar Council shrinks from publicity for practising barristers, and they
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  • 404 8 HEATING SYSTEM PERFECT Finest Known Mosaic Pavement m Britain St. Albans. In the quite valley of thp River Ver. which crave its name to the ancient city of Verulamium. there has been uncovered one of the finest Roman mosaic pavements so far found In this
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  • 67 8 FALL IN CEYLON RAILWAY REVENUE Over m Millions Drop H Nine Months Figuivs Ml I m Railway the financial I The Times ut O fV n> The receipt- to Rs. 5.904 ssu 894 irt«< corresponding pwi :931 decrease oi R- ,j The quantity,,: months endmu JUg g 710.627 m tn,
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  • 29 8 I Mr. Francis Lou Succeed V Shepherd M B,«>* f Mr. S. T. MHpl India, wlio ntlnd I VlfM fi» pap-rn-ontU Mr. PhUMftl U editorial rhair
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 271 8 SUCCESS WITH SUNSHINE GLAXO What Nurses Write: EXPECTANT MOTHERS NURSING MOTHERS morning sickness relieved nausea finished "Patient had very bad morning sickness "aweebabv fretful flatulence., became very ill. I advised Sunshine Glaxo vomited after meals not pmm vctftfc morning and night Result good. Got f acd Sunshine GUxo. Btbf mi
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 301 9 RESERVATIONS PHONE 6903. You remember him m t" UP FOR THE CUP He Goes one Better This Time Don't miss the laugh of your life. BRITISH AM) DOMINIONS ul IM{()I)UCTION Ell Special Attraction S^^^^^^^^^^^^B Manriell and his P^^^S Boys m some RP^VKiSfIM musical moments w|^c*% (iainsborou^h Picture) >-. ONE AND
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    • 193 9 pSPEQAL SCHOOL BaHDAY-j j MATINEE TO-DAY j Final Screening of Paramount^ Sensational Production j "SKY BRIDE' 9 Send The Children to see this clean thrilling Picture 6.15 TO-NIGHT 9.15 A Brilliant British Picture The Celebrated Comedian whom you roared at recently n "AREN'T WE ALL" O HUGH WAKEFIELD 1 mm,
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    • 262 9 TO-DAY OPENING at the \L\TINEE When the last sightseer goes home the real Montmartre awakes To vivid life Black hates stalk the streets Intrigue is there A thousand thrills VICTOR McLAGLEN grander than ever m a true red-blooded THRILLER* WHILE PARIS SLEEPS THE SIGN OF FOUR Thrilling Detective Story ARTHUR
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  • 971 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1932. MUNICIPAL ECONOMY Many people other than the newspaper reporters the graceful tribute to whose accuracy m reporting the proceedings was an unexpected bouquet at the end of Monday afternoon's meeting will heave a sigh of relief that the long discussions over the Municipal
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  • 140 10 Two Cases Transferred to November Court Two cases which were to have been dealt with at the September assizes, which are now almost completed, have been postponed to the next assizes m November, counsel for the prosecution m each case being not yet ready for the trtal to
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  • 73 10 Wednesday, September 21st Before the Chief Justice m the Ist. Court at 11 a.m. S. 340|32— H. Wolskel vs. A. Y. Abraham. Divorce s|32— David Leng Khoo vs. Tan Ka Him and Yin Choo Soon. Before Mr. Justice Whitlev m the 3rd. Court at 10.30 a,m. Bankruptcy:— Public
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  • 33 10 Mr. Georges Richard. Honorary Member of the Ex-Servicemen's Association of Malaya, has Just been awarded the Preach Military Cross (MedalUe Militalre) for services rendered m the French Air Force during the Great War.
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  • 345 10 EXTORTION CHARGE Magistrate Compliments Hawker The District Judge, Mr. C. Wilson, yesterday complimented a complainant m a case who made an allegation of attempted extortion against seven members of a secret society. The complainant. Yong Bak Nging. gave evidence that on Sept. 9 he was hawking
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  • 181 10 Lai Ming-fay Rejects Leading Role Shanghai. Sept. 12. Lai Ming-fay, impoitant witness m the Fung murder case, has just rejected an cftYr from the Great Wall Cinema Company of Shanghai of $1,000 a month for the production of motion pictures m Shanghai and Hong Kong. Thi.>
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  • 277 10 Sydney Howard at the Pavilion Those who have seen Sydney Howard m "Up For the Cup" know how good he is m putting pver a perfectly inconsequential story with a good many laughs. In "The Mayor's Nest." which opened at the Pavilion last night, he li again
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  • 134 10 Seremban, Sept. 19. A well-known young Chinese of Scrembnn. Gan Kirn Hee, the son of a well-to-do- rubber dealer and property owner of Seremban, Towkay Gan Tang, was produced before Mr. R. P. Cleßg. the Seremban Magistrate, on two charges of having voluntarily caused grievous hurt to
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  • 329 10 ASSURANCE I Rescue Efforts Rej n I jw, The perl! cf |fn P I who MR rapfiii,.; I emphasised by th. I flamin;> headline I concern ttetMghoul I "Every pCHUftI U I taken sincr M- p I captured" is UM I pn-MTit vo-irhs.U mi I Th,-
    Reuter  -  329 words
  • 48 10 Cuides Atataister Stfcrtnj LCHOH <imLi. 1 a Battalion of relieving column from < rr salutary losson to I which the Fakir. A harass the column The Guides Ml H main b*>dy and t>. and many woundt'd The Guides IoM I I but the Dotamn (mi Wireless
    Wireless  -  48 words
  • 55 10 LONDON AND M H :K ||N V RUBBER PRICES I IFRFI PRI I sept. Messr H brokers, notif: follows M Spot ZU eifSP L > (£l4B The marki M Messrs B I notify to-daj follows Spot 2%d (2 2 1 2 d. (2 17 9 The market I
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  • 64 10 Latest Oil- WTS I I- t-cl< r.« i I Tkm k .stni M m the spinnlni; Hi It is HMI C<P^M tion is thr I:if< Spinners' PV(lc:;iti(n. presentations only -flf^J It is officially MB nt m »ff wiU take a ktfM ;"> m^"*"J certain proposals arising" ,"j
    Reuter Wireless  -  64 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 348 10 C4UDBECKS WINE MERCHANTS. FftESH SUPPLIES DAILY IRAN KURAU 8 IRAN MERAH From 35 cts. to 40 cts. per /b. Mi Singapore COLD STORAGE Co Ltd ORCHARD ROAD SUB- DEPOTS. "CAMELS" are Cigarettes delightfully different from the ordinary Virginia. A scientific blending of the finest rrrr -s^v^^rg^> Turkish with mild, sun-ripened
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    • 22 10 VfIFTS INEXPENSIVE but much Appreciated! ■1 Jfi I Jyi SILVER TEA COFFEE SPOONS U. S. de Silva Bros., 23 HIGH STREET SINGAPORE.
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  • 321 11 ITALIAN FLYING BOAT DISASTER fri:nch far-east liner (rashes m desert crew and passengers safe raf. pilot saved by parachute A MTfcs of aeroplane accidents— two of them with fatal OIH -qi<m <s— occurred over the week-end. The most serious p I collision m mid-air between
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  • 47 11 on as Result of -'('lions Stockholm. Sept. 19. !!-(i m the result Ml Chamber, m MM) A-ruiaiis the expense of the Party. 1 tho flection was the king arrangement i the cartel of 140 seats m the mans 36, Conservative* Ommimidi A and Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  47 words
  • 40 11 S«M Against i:vohan K o I 0n. 1, ,n. Sep*. 17. 1 hM been filed against Kxthange, its President. 40 members of the bjr the brokers, Messrs. who charge the Stock atill£ the Shprman Antl- Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  40 words
  • 22 11 (Madrid, Sept. 17. Marquises, eight Counts U nrnong the 150 adherent* be deoorted tn w«*< Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless  -  22 words
  • 185 11 Default m Some Cases London. Sept. 19. A memorial has been presented to the British Government by the League Loans" Committee <London». of which Sir Austen Chamberlain is Chairman, drawing attention to the present seriou., position of loans issued under League auspices. The Government is asked
    Reuter Wireless  -  185 words
  • 107 11 Government Denies Intention to Reduce Value rFREE PRESS SERVICE COPYRIGHT] Bangkok, Sept. 20. Government has Issued a communique denying rumours of a contemplated reduction m the value of currency m terms of pound sterling. The Currency Reserve is composed of liquid assets, that is gold, gold exchange, and
    107 words
  • 95 11 Attempt to Fly Over Mount Everest London. Sept. 19. An atlvmpt will shortly be made to fly over Mount Everest by the Marquis of ClycU Ml;ih\ who is well-known as the "boxing Marquis, owing to his bandbMM with the illoves. The attempt v. ill be made independently of
    Reuter Wireless  -  95 words
  • 104 11 Marriage of Prime Minister's Daughter London, Sept. 20. The Prime Minister's daughter will be married from Chequers to-day, when Joan, who is a doctor, will wed Dr. Alastair MacKinnon at the neighbouring town of Wendover. Reuter. London, Later The wedding was witnessed by 100 distinguished people m
    Reuter  -  104 words
    • 111 11 Chinese Note to London Bombay, Sept. 20. "Intelligent anticipation" is how Lord Lytton summed up the forecasts of his report on arrival here en route for Europe. Apart from this he refused to comment but he hoped the report would be acceptable and form a
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 256 11 CHINESE NOTE "Violation of China's Sovereignty" London. Sept. 20. The Chinese Minister called on Sir John Simon yesterday and handed him a note on the subject of the Japanese recognition of Manchukuo. The Chinese Note claims that a serious situation has been precipitated by Japan's recognition, of Manchukuo "constituting a
      Reuter  -  256 words
    • 80 11 VIRTUAL PROTECTORATE Geneva, Sept. 26. Following the precedent of Korea. Japan has established a virtual protectorate m Manchuria as a step towards annexation. She thus sets the seal on her policy of tearing up treaties and virtually rejects m advance the Lytton report. This statement is made by China m
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 61 11 THE OPEN DOOR Geneva, Sept. 20. The terms of the Japanese-Manchukuo protocol have been distributed by the League cf Nations. A statement by the Japanese delegate accompanying the Protccal says that by the terms thereof the Manchukuo Government will observe the open door and concludes by hoping that "the Powers
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 140 11 REPORT READY OX OCT. 10 Geneva. Sept. 20. Every effort is being made to prevent the leakage of the Lytton Report. Except for the printing the report and translation are quite ready and good French and English Press summaries are prepared. The printing will occupy a fortnight and it is
      Reuter  -  140 words
  • 76 11 Five Main Roads Obliterated Wellington. Sept. 19. HawkM Bay continues to be subject to earthquake shocks. Another severe one on Saturday brought the nerve-shaken people into the streets. Five main reads have been obliterated m a land-slide m the Hangaroa district. 33 miles from Gisborne, and a
    Reuter Wireless  -  76 words
  • 66 11 [Prom Our Own Correspondent] Penan*. Sept. 20. Some Revenue Officers who searched a house at Bungei Ketchil m Nebong Tebal for illicit samsu were surprised to find instead four Teochew Chinese at work counterfeiting Straits Settlements coins. A number of coins and moulds were also found. They informed
    66 words
  • 192 11 UNTOUCHABLES VISIT HIS CELL HINDU CROWD UGLY SCENE AT AHMEDABAD Poona, Sept. 20. Having refused the Government's terms for conditional release from prison, Mr. Gandhi started his great fast m his cell at Yeravda Gaol at noon to-day. The government has removed the embargo on visitors to
    Reuter Wireless  -  192 words
  • 162 11 Scheme For Financing Industry Berlin, Sept. 17. The Reichsbank and the Gold Discount and Acceptance Banks are taking the lead m the new scheme to establish an "institute for financing industry" \vith a capital, for the present of 30.000.000 marks, which will be used to relieve the banks
    Reuter Wireless  -  162 words
  • 114 11 Fifth Major Event This Year Berlin, Sept. IS. Germany is to have another General Election the fifth major election of this year. It is announced to-day that polling for the election of the new Reichstag is fixed fcr November 6 th. Following the historic dissolution of the Reichstag
    Reuter Wireless  -  114 words
  • 98 11 Cabinet Summoned to Meet Next Week Rug-by, Sept. 19. The meeting of the Cabinet to begin final consideration of the legislation arising out of the Ottawa agreements has been summoned for Sept. 28. The Ministers now on holiday Will by that time have returned to London and Sir
    British Wireless  -  98 words
  • 13 11 A toy balloon released at an Edgware sports meeting reached Wuerttemburg, S.W. Germany.
    13 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 262 11 -M. JL mA. J^. M. JL K*J SPRA.TT 9 S There ma y be some foods which you think are Spratt's that are not PUPPY BISCUITS. Spratt's at all DOG CAKES Be sure that YOU get genuine Spratt's. Your definite guarantee ALS* of quality is the name Spratt's RODNIM. boldly
      262 words

  • 1711 12 THE ZIMMERN-CHRISTIE EVIDENCE Cheng Kwok-Yau's Conviction Ruled According to Law The Full Court In Hong Kong upheld the decision of the Judge at the Special Sessions, In the Fung murder case, and sentence of death was passed upon Cheng Kwck-yau on his conviction Id
    1,711 words
  • 164 12 Bill to Oopose Effect of Hartals Poona, Sept. 20. j, Legislation to prevent the closing of the E nbay Cotton Exchange by recurrent hartals was introduced m the Bombay Legislative j Council yesterday. The Bill was introduced by the Finance Member. v.ho said that cut of 150
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 58 12 Strike Averted m London London, Sept. 20. The bus strike fixed to begin on Thursday has been averted by the decision of the busmen's conference to refer the modified proposals of the company to the branches with a recommendation for acceptance. The company has abandoned the plan to
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 780 12 GERMANY DISAPPOINTED Back to Versailles Comment London, Sept. 18. A development of the first magnitude m the clouded international situation took place to-day when the British Government issued its eagerly awaited statement of her attitude towards the German demand for equality of armaments. It is doubtful
    Reuter  -  780 words
  • 96 12 Everybody knows of Sherlock Holmes, so there should be a full house at the early performance at the Capitol on Monday next for the Sign of Four. The picture is considered one d the best- of the English productions, and shown without any cuts. Arthur Wontner takes
    96 words
  • 254 12 20 P.C. FEWER ENTRANTS Only 83 Britons This Year Only 83 British candidates sat for the examination for the Indian Civil Service which h^s just closed. In both 1930 and 1931 the entries totalled 103. This represents a falling-off of 20 per cent, m a year,
    254 words
  • 581 12 The Musical Society's Concert To many of us has been given the opportunity cf revelling m the music of the great misters, portrayed to us by world famous orchestras under the cenduetorehip of a celebrated Maestro, m Temples of music that are hallowed by great traditions. To very
    581 words
  • 128 12 No Disorder on Manchurian Anniversary Canton. Sept. 1». Over 100.000 people attended a mass meeting here yesterday m remembrance of the occupation of the North-eastern Provinces a year ago. A public procession and the display of banners with patriotic slogans written on them took place but there
    Nariyang Siang Pao  -  128 words
  • 38 12 i As a mark of respect to the memory of the late Sir John E. Barlow, Bart., whose death was j announced m our yesterday's issue, the local o«ce of Messrs. Barlow and Co. was closed j yesterday.
    38 words
  • 934 12 SHIP'S STEWARD CHARGED Sequel to Raid on Silk Store A sequel to the recent case m which a Russian sergeant and two police constables acting as anti-piracy guards on board the s.s. ArtEhun were fined $2,000 or 2 years rigorous imprisonment m default for attempting
    934 words
  • 82 12 Request For Increased Preference London. Sept. 20. The question of a higher preference for Empire teas which, despite the preferential duty, are m a more depressed state than before the budget, has been raised by several firms of growers who, according to the Morning Post, have sent a
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 97 12 HEAVY ASSAULT ON MUKDEN Picked Volurit^ Sorft H HAND-TO-HAND FIGHTING Repulsed tftw n Ve J Battle 1 t. :h l Vnu fcl It i< err. m i"""bnri comm-nc,,; oOtoncburl J afternoon lUt vttoped b) i j Troop, unci, the Japan. i day n, mln wmli fi i attempt to pulsed
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  97 words
  • 125 12 IIIK MOKAI.S OK MNMPiiRI To The H'lf Sir Wttl n latu n. ol <*d it is doubtful If I i munn> i .i with and tan 1 but U.i country li racspt proof tevidei bavtni lie m.v: thou i I .ill mi d for In th.
    125 words
  • 65 12 t Towns l>i'moli>M Violent Storm The tea *i* a muni too* v reportin X tha- I on Sept. 5 g Hi K h winds area, n-achui nn "...••<< Island. VlMn ttH J ■H dc-molishrd «nd Hoprtoim inn Mufl :ind menus MM pn* The ca.MJal!; **< 60 and 70
    British Wireless  -  65 words
  • 23 12 ii. ru urn ITie enfurcir.. t* 1M «m» Govmiment to '>' JJLg vi* 1 doUar systnn hu >• year.- Nanyang Siang Pao
    Nanyang Siang Pao  -  23 words

    • 374 13 The West Highland Championships SBBS^BMSIBSMia 1 With fine sunshine prevailing and a serie? {of interesting matches to watch spectators at the West Highland Championships at Oban on Saturday (August 27) had an enjoyable day. IK. G. Collins. Queen's Club. London, wen the I men's singles championship for
      374 words
    • 237 13 New York, Sept. 19. The scores m yesterday's baseball games were as follows: Medhick hit ft home run for the Cardinals m the first game. i-uiuiirom nic a nome run m the first game and Verqez m the second botn for th P r.iantc Foxx hit a home
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 81 13 Two More Wins m Germany Berlin, Sept. 8. After leading by three goals to one at the interval, the Indian Olympic hockey team defeated Berlin by four goals to one. Dhyan Chand scored three goals and Canone. Leipzig, Sept. 9. The Indian Olympic Hockey team defeated a
      81 words
    • 77 13 Miss Pauline Doran's Third Successive Win London. Sept. 16. At Stoke Poges Miss Pauline Doran, of North Surrey, winner of the Girls' Golf Championship m 1930 and 1931. created a record by winning the Championship for the third successive year, beating Mile, de Gunzbourg of St. Cloud,
      77 words
    • 108 13 The following statement has been issued by the Board of Control for Mechanical Betting m the Irish Free State: The result of the half-year's working %o much exceeds that or any previous half-year that the Board feel their patrons v/ould appreciate a short statement of the position. It is not
      108 words
      • 77 13 W. Campbell. Cambuslar.g. Scottish Internationalit, and former British Walker Cup player, established a new pest-war record for the Glasgow Championship by winning the t'tle for the third time with an aggregate of 144 on Cathkin Braes course. J. M. Dykes, jun. took seoend place with a
        77 words
      • 183 13 The Old Course. St. Andrews, was occupied for the day on Saturday (August 27) by the members of the St. Andrews Golf Club for their autumn meeting, when the awards were the scratch medal, handicap medal and aggregate medal. There wac keen competition among the 200 members
        183 words
    • 164 13 Stolen Greyhounds Recovered The three Wembley gareyhounds. Tipsy Biddy. Foster Daughter, and the famous Swashbuckler, whfch were stolen seme three months ago from private kennels m the Shepherds Bush area, have been recovered. They were found upon unlicensed tracks under different names after a long search by
      164 words
    • 163 13 Big: Entry for Brooklands Event A splendid entry has been received for the last big event of the season the 500 miles race, organised by the British Racing Drivers' Club to be held at Brooklands on September 24th. The Bentley. which won last \ear at the
      163 words
    • 320 13 In the Oldham football team tne three inside forwards m the opening: League match were named Johnson. Johnstone. and Johnstcn. Mr. Tom Walls, the actor-manager and racehorse trainer, who v.on the Derby this yeai with April the Fifth, is riding again m public after an interval of nearly two years.
      320 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 518 13 CTITDY YOU CAN HAVE A STI m COLLEGE TRAINING IN IN AT ALMOST ANY CAREER YOUR J^L_ F R A m F o onE n ntW th S lT LINGS I "HFme be your father inlrv V" touch uilh W WE DO NOT PROFESS TO br ;:r;,: f w* fIH
      518 words
    • 363 13 Brooke Bond Tea go/den /teJhneM/ /*p& perfection m ever y)?9sy Wtf and lUfteAhneM r^\W^ lA UikOaiJd aMu/ed I Potent vU v for doily usg W *fW ts%^*v COX KINGS (AGENTS) LIMITED Head Office: 13, Regent Street, LONDON, S.W.I. TAKE CHARGE OF EASTERN KIT AT THEIR PORT SAID BRANCH HAVE IT
      363 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
      920 words
    • 501 14 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co.* Ltd* (Incorporated In England) "ELLERM/X" LINE. FREIGHT SERVICE TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL HOMEWARDS. Doe Spore. Sails Spore. Steamer 5.3. CITY OF MELBOURNE For Marseilles, Havre, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Sept. 30 Oct. 2 s.s. CITY OF KOBE For Havre, London,
      501 words
      452 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 688 15 fjptES >lARSEILLE^ ID {J N^^ o ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND 0* MAi T 10.500 Sept. 21 22 t TERUKUNI MARU T. 12,000 Nov. 15 16 T. 10.700 Oct. 6 7 HAKUSAN MARU T. 10.500 Nov 30 DW 1 HIMIM ,M T. 11.000 Oct. 20 21 HARUNA MARU T. 10 500 Dec
      688 words
    • 465 15 to i:i koi»i: FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA MARSEILLES AND NEW YORK, Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Spore. S'porc Penang. N. York. Pres. Van Buren Sep. 26 Sep. 27 Sep. 29 Nov. 8 Pres. Garfteld Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Nov' 22
      465 words
    • 839 15 K. P. M. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ VAN DER LIJN Wednesday, Sept. 21, Cheri;on, Semarang, Sourabaya, Kota-Baroe. BalikPapan, Samarinda, and Tarakan. MAJANG— Wednesday, Sept. 21, Prigi-Radja, Sapat. Tembilahan, Poeloe-Pallas. PengaliaaEstate and Rengat. TKEDENS— Wednesday, Sept. 21, Muntok and Palembang. TOBELO— Wednesday, Sept. 21, Toengkal, Moeara-Saba and Djambi. VAN OUTHOORN— Wednesday, Sept.
      839 words

  • 295 16 Proposed Rate Increase Opposed m Shanghai A proposal for an increase m charges for cable and radio messages to and from Shanghai, which will be brought up for discussion at the Conference of the International Telegraph Union at Madrid is being opposed by Shanghai foreign merchants. The question
    295 words
  • 155 16 A Halifax firm has accepted a cargo of raisins m exchange for textile goods. A quarter of a million pounds is owing to Huddersfield woollen firms as a result of the restrictions .placed on the movement of currency by foreign Governments. Many foreign firms have suggested
    155 words
  • 55 16 Sept. 19. Atlantic Maru iJapi: Batoe <Dut>: Rheinland <Gen: Boston Maru iJapc Hervar (Nod: Ayatha < Dut > Raub. Medusa. Will o'the Wisp. Kum Sane. Rahman. Hong Thong. Sin Khenc Seng. Pontianak. Jerantut. Gemas. Ban Siong Bee < Brit i Redang <Siam>. Sept. 20— Hong Hwa. Chye Hin Tay
    55 words
  • 77 16 7.000 yards or rubber flooring have been laid m the White Star Liner Georglc. According to Syren Shipping the bulk of the material was ?i-in. thick solid flooring, a noteworthy feature being the wide variation of design employed each having a definite part m the general decorative scheme. Some beautiful
    77 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 600 16 Burns Philp Line. (Incorporated In Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the 8.8. MANGOLA (3,352 tons). [Cargo only] s.B. MARELLA Is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins de
      600 words
    • 696 16 Kerr Steamship Co,, U (Incorporated In U.8.A.) NEW YORK SERVICE. Regular Freight Service to Bcston PU v Philadelphia and Baltimore (vii Sue ">"• Sails M.S. SILVERWALNUT Sept. 27 Ch D> V» r M.S. SILVERPALM Oct. 18 Ort M.S. SILVERTEAK Nov. 8 Por rates and particulars please apply to:— GUTHRIE Co
      696 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 667 16 MAIL DESPATCHES BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. and Thursday 7.30 aan Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m Saturdays 7 pjn Kuantan (via Jerantut) except Sunday 7.30 a.m Kuantan (via Jerantut) Saturdays 7 p.m Kelantan (via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7.30 ajn Kelantan (via Gemas) Sunday
      667 words
    • 230 16 Nurjehan. Brit. 3379. from Pasoeroean 20, for Karachi 20. Gen. Verspyck. Dut. 640. from Tarempa 20. for Tarempa 23. Edendale. Brit. 1002. from Batavia 20, for Blinjoe 24. THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive Main Wharf: (Entrance Gate 3). Mata Hari 16; Hakone Maru
      230 words

  • Port and Shipping News
    • 1103 17 A Night m the Thames Estuary Thousands of week-end visitors have poured Into the town and the broad promenades are thick with people. The glories of the sunse* have faded away and what m the daylight would have been prosaic now, m the night, becomes mysterious. Tramping
      1,103 words
    • 36 17 Rubber flooring has been employed In the corridors of one of London's most imposing and modern commercial buildings, Unilever House where, it is stated, a temple-like silence prevail* m the corridors and vast administrative offices. ««w»o
      36 words
    • 815 17 A Breaking-Up Scheme Lieutenant-Colonel Prank Pickersgill and Mr. W. S. Martin, of Messrs. Wm. Pickersgill and Sons, Limited, shipbuilders, Sunderland have worked out a scheme for removing redundant tonnage. The three main features of the scheme are, the authors state "(1) To compensate owners of redundant tonnage for
      815 words
    • 132 17 International Conventions to Be Ratified Rugby, Sept. 19. The International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea and the International Load Line Convention will be ratified by His Majesty's Government m the United Kingdom and by the majority of other signatory governments on Oct.
      British Wireless  -  132 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 349 17 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS (Daily and Weekly Editions) Hfai Office: 138 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE j^onerGOO, Cable Address: ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. bridge and chess notlf' f^ \ll story> «th latest fashions nyin g adle s s Pfnl c SSS?. 1 X a LUmPUr lP l «'-a Communications relating to news nnri oriif
      349 words
    • 142 17 A Good Buy Crompton Lamps are a "good buy." To the user they give service of the best. Prices are not fantastic, but you will be surprised that a first grade British made Lamp may be purchased at such a low price. MAY WE SEND YOU A PRICE LIST? SOLE
      142 words

  • 1091 18 YOUR ROLLS AND HOW IT IS MADE Desperate Race Without Parallel They say the cars that glide away from the vorks at Derby are the finest m the world, and. what is more, oblige the world to admit it f writes Alan Bell m the
    1,091 words
  • 467 18 Singapore. Sept. 16. The prices quoted are generally these current at Clyde Terrace Market. At the other markets there may be small variations. MEAT Beef steak (Round) Kati 33 Beef stew or curry do 25 Pork, lean do 46 fork, lean and fat (Ist quality) do 36
    467 words
  • 137 18 Trap Notice on Mobile Squad Car A solicitor at Brentford Police Court defending Clifford R. T. Williams, of Hayes, Middlesex, j who was summoned for exceeding the speed limit for heavy vehicles on the Great West Road, protested against the methods of the' mobile police. "My
    137 words
  • 97 18 Municipal Committee No. 1. has decided to recommend that a new rate of taxation for automotor wagons shod with pneumatic tyres' vans) not exceeding L 5 cwt unloaded be approved at $60 per annum; also that tax on paseeng?r vehicles not registered under Part| XIII of the Municipal Ordinance, constructed
    97 words
    • 521 18 HENRY VII. CHAPEL VAULTING Visitors' Narrow Escapes Sightseers m the Henry VII. Chapel of Westminister Abbey had narrow escapes when a heavy piece of masonry, weighing over a hundredweight, crashed from the famous fanI tracery vault to the floor. The stone, a cusp which forms part of the elaborate decoration,
      521 words
    • 305 18 An Incomparable Vault Anything m the nature of disaster to the famous vault of King Henry. Vll. 's Chapel at Westminster Abbey would be an irreparable loss. Leland, th> Tudor antiquary, described it as "crbis mlraculum," "the miracle of the world." and succeeding age^ have confirmed
      305 words
  • 107 18 Two Queen's Scholars of Penang returned on the P. and O. Naldera after their course of studies m England. One is a barrister and the other is an accocntant. Mr. Ooi Khye Thuan won the first Queen's Scholarship for the St. Xavier's Institution m 1925. He left for England m
    107 words
  • 407 18 j Canal to Connect White Sea With Baltic The approaching completion of the canal which the Soviet Government is constructing between the White Sea and the Baltic has attracted seme interest and apprehension m Finland. The canal passes through Russian Karelia, the broad isthmus between the White
    407 words
  • 61 18 Few London listeners who tuned m Edinburgh on the wireless and heard the songs of Katherine Ramsay knew that Katherlne Ramsay is the music-name of the Duchess of Atholl, M.P. The Duchess is a talented composer and musi- tian, and her children's songs and settings from 1 -R.L.8." are favourites
    61 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 529 18 BANKS AND INSLR^n CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600,000 shares of £5 each £3,000.000 Reserve Fund £3,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000.000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches Alor Star Hollo Saigon Amntsar Ipoh
      529 words
    • 274 18 THE YOKOHAMA SFFri? BANK, IJR m 18W Capital Buosci.. up) Reserve Fund V lOC.jn^ Head oL Y^* Sinrapore Bramh a LONDON UKN Xl J M WestmmM.r B d The Nat.. Lloyds Bank Baj L« ■BAMcaa Alexandria Calcutta. C, J tien. Hamburg. H Honolulu. Kan,, X X *3 Angeles. Marnl. K^^
      274 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 422 18 ROUND YOUR DIAL Popular Shortwave Radio Stations The following is a list of stations which can be received in Singapore Java Stations Bandoeng PLM from about 5.20 p.m. gramophone records and telephony tests with Sydney, Australia, and other stations. Usual call after records "Hullo Sydney." Tapjong Prk>k, 21 metres from
      422 words

  • 1046 19 Annual Meeting Yesterday ordinary general meeting Btgan Rubber Co., was held office of the secretaries, BtxtoM and Co.. Chartered Mr. G. A. Potts was In the wtre present Messrs H. C. B Donnell. and J. E. King, :rs>. Hi moving the adoption of the up report uid
    1,046 words
  • 315 19 Varied Views on Stabilisation The question of silver is likely to be brought to the fore m coming: months, writes a special correspondent of the Evening News. Although there is a wide divergence of opinion on the subject authorities freely disagreeing—it appears to be generally conceded
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  • 188 19 THE ABROAD Par Sept. 17 19. Amsterdam 12.107 8.65 8.65 Athens 375 562 562 > 2 Belgrade 25.22 227 >•_. Berlin 20.43 14 19 32 14 19 32 Bombay Is. 6d. 13.***** Is .6 11 64 Brucselo 35 25 3 32 25.07 >- Bucharest 813 587*- MTH Buenos Aires 47.58
    188 words
  • 40 19 The Directors of this Corporation will rtcommend to shareholders at the forthcoming annual general meeting the payment of a final dividend of 5 per cent m respect of the year ended June 30th. 1932.
    40 words
  • 183 19 Changes in Representative Prices Sept. 16 1? 19. American Can. Com. 51 50 Si 48 l i Am. T'phone and Tgraph 108 "s 108% 108 Dupont 36 2 36 l 35 Firestone, Common NotQtd. NotQtd. 13 Gen. Electric 17 16 7 16 l 3 Gen. Motors
    183 words
  • 296 19 Rearrangement of Capital Resolutions cancelling the- unissued Preference shares and creating Ordinary shares m their place were unanimously approved at a series of meetings of the London Tin Corporation held at the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Moorgate-place. EC. Mr. John Howeson (chaiiman of the corporation) said that the
    296 words
  • 250 19 The Increase of Buying Power Sir Henri Deterding, general managing director of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, writes to the Financial Times. In your able article on '"Germany, and Her Capacity to Pay" you quote ttie German Finance Minister's worlds "Germany can only pay m goods; there
    250 words
  • 52 19 Amsterdam. Senembah Maatschappij. of Amsterdam, the large Sumatra tobacco plantation company, with an issued capital of £1.000.000 (at par), has passed its dividend for 1931 as last year. The accounts show a loss of £199,000, which has been charged to reserve, as against a profit of £13.000
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  • 554 19 British Preferential Certificates Malaya For some time past, as is well known, there has been some difference of opinion between 1 the British Customs and Excise and the Malayan Government as to the proper form to be taken by a British Preferential Certificate. At last agreement has
    554 words
  • 294 19 Drilling Commenced on German Concession The British-Borneo Petroleum Syndicate. I Limited, vhich has secured a large concession for oil exploitation m Germany, is losing no time m making arrangements for the active commercial development of these lands. The concession, by the by. has been obtained from the mining
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  • 47 19 The necessary finance required under the reconstruction scheme of Kay Yew (Kinta Valley) Tin Mines, Ltd., having now being provided, the new company, Kay Tin Mines (Kinta), Ltd., has gone to allotment. Mr. C. A. Bolton has been elected chairman of the new company.
    47 words
  • 354 19 To-Day 9 8 Price Changes EXCHANGE RATES September 20 London, 4 months' sighl 213 31|22 London. 3 months' sight 2|3 15! 16 London, 60 days' sight 2 3 29 32 London. 30 days' sight 2]3"s London, demand 2[3 27[32 London, T.T. 2|3 13] 16 Lyons and Paris, demand 1020 Hamburg,
    354 words
  • 64 19 Latest Cable —London Spot Sheet 2 7 16d. per Ib. New York Spot Sheet Gets. 3 5 16 per Ib. September 20th., 12 o'clock noon Bayers Setfcn R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot 7&;16 7 7|lf Standard R.S.S. on Tender Oct. 7% 7>4 Nov. 7*4
    64 words
  • 900 19 L TUESDAY, SEPT. 19TH, 1932 CLOSING QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers Asam Kumbang it) 26s 28s Austral Malay ifj 18s 2Ut Ayer Hitam (ss) 12s 13s Bangrln Tin 15s 17s 6d Batang Paaang ifli Do 10 Batu Caves Csl) 40 50 Bukit Araug 1(1) 40 num. Bur m ah
    900 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 75 19 Assets exceed $12,000,000 Assarmnce In force over $35.f0 ,060 The Great Eastern life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Strait. Settlement*) HEAE .OFFICE .Great Eastern Ure Bulidlng. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry EC Th, company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court t England and complies with
      75 words

  • 1986 20 Malaya Command Rifle Meeting. Gloucester* All Out to Retain Warren Shield and Other Trophies. A Formidable Entry. S.C.C. Autumn Tennis Tournament. Tribute to Good Handicapping. Golf. First Round m Singapore G.C. Championship. Krppel's Drubbing at Thomson Koad. Autumn Race Meeting. The principal shooting event of th? year,
    1,986 words
  • 141 20 Five Servicemen Among Thirteen Finishers finT^Vf o^ are the 13 com Petitors who finished m the 10 miles cross-country race for the Singapore open championship, held on Sunday, under the auspices of the Clerical union: First. Raymond Rodrigues. 1 hr. 3 mm 45 sec, second. Abdul Hahim.
    141 words
    • 454 20 Victory For Wise and Anderson The S.C.C. autumn handicap was brought to a successful conclusion yesterday with the payoff of the final cf the Profession Pairs section, between D. H. Kleinman and A. A. A. Paterson against N. S. Wise and A. D. Anderson. There was
      454 words
    • 177 20 The following are the scores m the SRC. lawn tennis tournament: Championship Singles: N. E. Ess beat H. N. Balhetchet 6 2. 2 6, 6 2. "B" Singles: Dr C. L. Tessensohn beat C. E. de Souza 6 2. 6 2. R. Richards vs. P. F. Machado (unfinished—
      177 words
  • 61 20 Schmeling-Walker Fight Postponed New York, Sept. 20. The Schmeling- Walker fight has been postponed until September 26 on accouat of a boil on Walker's arm. Reuter. JACKIE BROWN KEEPS HIS TITLE Manchester, Sept. 20. Jackie Brown .successfully defended his British flyweight title last night against Jim Maharg of Glasgow
    61 words
  • 149 20 Proposed Extension of Premises The annual meeting of Kepj^l Golf Club yesterday elected the following officers: President Mr. P. W. A. Trimmer, vice-president Mr. J. R. Wiggs, Captain Dr. Lowson, vicecaptain Mr. J. Hodgins, Hon. Sec. Mr. J. H. Addis. Hon. treas. Mr. W. H. Lait, Committee
    149 words
  • 24 20 Br^ r Jr\ H t CaZalCt WUI captaln the British golf team to meet America and Canada ol^whlch Britain has won three and America
    24 words
  • 56 20 GAR WOOD Average of 124.91 Miles An Hour Algonac, Michigan, Sept. 20. Gar Wood, piloting Miss America X, established a world record with an average speed of 124.91 miles an hour on two runs over a measured mile, beating the previous record of 119.81 set up by
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 310 20 General Han's Forces Advance Shanghai, Sept. 20. The Shangtung troops under the command of General Han Fu-chu, Governor of Shangtung, advanced to Pingtu from Weihsien yesterday, and General Liv Chin-nien's forces retreated to Laichow. General Han's forces are now converging upon the areas controlled by General Liv m
    Nanyang Siang Pao  -  310 words
  • 137 20 Championship Tournament For Charity Under the auspices of the Singapore bcxing board of control and the S.A.B^.. a Malayan amateur boxing championship tournament "organized by Mr. Ong Chin Beng will take place on October 19. 20. 21 and 22 at the Great World stadium. Entries, which should be
    137 words
  • 278 20 Straits Union English School Sports The annual athletic sports of the Straits Union English School were held at Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday. Results were as follow 100 Yards A Division: Letchmanan Ist Ah Chow 2nd. 100 Yards B Division: Tan Lye Chuan Ist. Goh Choc Beng 2nd. 75
    278 words
  • 48 20 The following will represent R.I. against "B" Coy. Qloster Regt. at hockey to-day at 4.45 p.m. on the R.I. ground: A. C. D'Sllva- G Scott, W. Pullen, D. Chatterjee, P. s. Cliinies Ross (capt.), E. Loveday. Quek Kirn Chua M Valberg, G. Valberg, J. Loveday and L. HoffOMUL
    48 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 313 20 MOUTRIE PIANOS NOW AT REDUCED PRICES but not reduced m qualii\ the Moutrie Piano still remains the standard instrument m the Far Ka>t. PRICES FROM $425.00 USED PIANOS FROM Simiiiu S. MOUTRIE Co, Ltd (Incorporated In Hong Kong> Raffles Place. Tel. 6422. m m HOT WATER MORNING b^V v WyWOA
      313 words