The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 23 May 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press vo. i > :>: ESTABLISHED 1835. SINGAPORE, S.S. MONDAY, MAY 23, 1932. 10 CENTS.
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  • 332 1 Chinese spokesmen, at a meeUng of Selangor Miners' Association opposed any scheme which would require them to produce less than 31 per cent Page 9. The annual meeting of Mentakab Rubber Company, Ltd., was held on Saturday Page 15. Sensational disclosures are made m the lii. a!
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  • 1151 1 I "Vahlets. lady lovely vahlets" "primI rcses penny a bunch" "morning cut daffs" •rhubarb, fresh rhubarb" j "latest novelty atchin' eggs" "bananasI a-penny, bananas-a-penny" "toolips, nice toolips" "kingcups, penny a bunch" "vahlets. lady lovely vahlets" Don't talk to me of late spring, backward spring, wet spring,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 308 1 fi****** >:ILK x 1.,-,. TO PURE, THf Sf v "v .STH RIZED MILK jSS^ ,n tropics LEADING 0« IrA I FLES HOTEL I fern Sanitation and Hot and Cold Running Water. I TO-DAY'S ATTRACTION I TK A DANC&-6.30 to 8.15 p.m. I Informal After Dinner Dance 9.30 to midnight. I<>l!<
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    • 131 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Own voice records Page 1. Bankruptcy notices Page 2. Don't forget Tollev's Page I. British bathroom fittings Page 9. Whiteaway's economy week Page 6. CHRYSLER SATISFACTION ;New Edition Ready Shortly j A MALAY-ENGLISH DICTIONARY (ROMANISED) by R. J. WILKINSON, C.M.G., Late Governor of Sierra Leone Previously of the
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    • 11 1 There is no better Tea than BIGIA TEA GROWN IN MALAYA
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    • 366 2 To The Fdltor. Sir.— "The Removal of the Oath Bill has passed the final stage In the Dail to-day." (Cable 19th Inst.). This appears to me to raise a difficult and delicate problem, constitutionally. Everywhere, it seems to be taken for granted that the matter is
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    • 221 2 Tv The Kdltor. Sir. Your issue of the 17th May contains a reference to Christian Science m which a Coroner Ls reported as saying that most people consider that the claim of Christian Science to heal all disease Is one completely refuted by ..perience I should be obliged
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  • 201 2 To the Editor. j Sir. Some three weeks ago I set about the well nigh impossible task of posting a parcel to the United Kingdom. I placed the article valued five dollars, m a wooden box 6" by 6" and nailed the lid on. Being a married
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  • 139 2 KREUGER DISCLOSURES Fraudulent Manipulation For Eight Years (Reuter's Service] Stockholm. May 20. Ivai Kreuger as "the world's greatest bankrupt" emerges from the final report of the committee of experts appointed to examine the position of the Kreuger companies. It is sensationally disclosed that Kreuger's personal debts amounted
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  • 324 2 How £1,900.000 Was Raised Stockholm. April 26. The mystery of the forged Italian Treasury Bills found m the safe of the late Ivar Kreuger is now explained by a .statement by Professor Martin Fehr one of the official administrators engaged m the Kreuger investigations published here to-night.
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  • 114 2 Conditional Upon League Plan of Reorganisation I British Radio Official ServiceJ Rugby. May 21. At the opening of the League Council session at Geneva to-day. Viscount Cecil represented Great Britain when the question of Liberia was considered. The report, providing for the appointment by the League and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 477 2 THE REMEDY PAR EXCELLENCE for PRICKLY HEAT. "AGNESIA" POWDER Manufactured m Singapore by the Grafton Laboratories. Obtainable m Boxes at 60 oents and $1.50. from all Chemists and Stores. Sole Distributors: MEDICAL HALL, LTD. Wholesale Dept. BUSINESS CARDS. STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY BTATIONERS REPAIRERS, 14A Change Alley, Singapore. I mm mmm
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    • 610 2 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE TENDERS. NOTICE ls hereby given that tenders are now Invited for the following materials or services and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained ln the Tender Room. Municipal Offices Erection of Foreman's Quarters. Coolie Lines, etc. at Kolam Ayer Lane. Date of Closing 4
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    • 538 2 NOTICES. SCOTLAND STANLEY SCHOOL BRIDGE OF ALLAN FOR BOYS. Junior School 8-12. School 12-18. In one of the milde.t. most beautiful and healthiest districts of Scotland. Heating by open ftres. Study _ystem. Swimmniß bath. Religious teaching non-Sectarian Sole charge if desired. Moderate fees. ProbjH'ctus from the office of this paper.
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    • 402 2 About \|,< "k> I The mmk I K| sell by l.ib; Raffles Chain' I On Monda>. \f a {olh I THE Oil. -'Ofl OOMPLETK 1 READY FOR I Malayan on Ext, COMPRISING M h p mill. chemical txtractor M Vtcker-PctU-rs Oil etc.; etc. Large tins and M coconut oil. B^|
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 193 2 THE WEEK Monday, 23rd. High Water 13.05. 8.0 ft. St. Joseph's Inst: Sports 2.15. at Jalan Besar. Polo K.O.R. and MacDougal Cups Ttmrnament. Balestier. Football: Div. I. S.C.C. vs. I.CF.A. at S.C.C; Div. II: R.A.F. vs. S.C.F.A. at S.R.C. Tuesday. Mth Empire Day. High Water 00.00, 9.2 ft.. 13.58. 7.5
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  • 448 3 FACE LIFTING WAY TO HAPPINESS Man Who Want* to Make Everyone Beautiful a I li.i.. always rt Raided ru -M. came as a rfff_>______Hl In the Daily I H Willi I i.vial Ulipifm. whom I Flthout knuwin. hii profession.! > nthusiasm man urn world. < Urn fa ial disfigurements that
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  • 167 3 So Communion for Sweep Winner I Prom Our Own Correspondent 1 I i.i ib. i May Hiily Communion is to be withheld for six months from a member of the Welsh Ca'.vinistic Methodist chapel at Blaenau PestinlOf, North Wales, who bought a ticket m the
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  • 62 3 The L.M.S. announce that the Royal Scott and other London-Scottish expresses are to be speeded up. as are the services between London and Leice__/M\ Nottingham. Sheffipld. Leeds. Bradford and other principal centres. Next week the 9 a.m. express from St. Pancras to lm*** and Edinburgh will be speeded up so
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  • 435 3 ALL HAND-WRITTEN 80 Volumes of Laughter and Tears Chelmsford. April 16. Humour, tragedy, sport and politics of more than three-quarters oi a century are recorded m the mast amazing diary ever kept. A day-to-day record of events over 80 years was written by Dr. John
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  • 243 3 Life on a Lonely Pacific Island Sydney. A story that on the coral island ol Rennell native girls are sold by their chief to traders for the equivalent of £8 a head was brought to Sydney by a steamer carrying kauri logs It the island
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 Rear-Admiral Dalglish (centre) on his arrival on the Comorin to take over command ol the R.A.N, met by Captain P. C. Bradley, R.A.N. (left-), and Flag-Lieutenant G. Gatacre, of H.M.A.S. Canberra.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 186 3 Estate Trust Agencies (1927) Limited. BRANCHES :i I irst Cross Street MALACCA. 11. liv ht Street PENANG. U, Klyne Street KUALA LUMPUR. Registered by and Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. \d as Trustees, Administrators, Receivers, i, uardians. Rent Collectors, Investments Supervised and Interest collected, Probate or Letters of
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    • 304 3 iou have read the 8 reasons for smoking CRAVEN A CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES FRESHNESS is the tj reason atX—,. :>^^__@_^^''' m^t*^r The Craven A 50 tir» Frcm Arcadia WorksinLrndon '•> J^.-nc.J as be where the Worlds hnest yM^ iJmW^ real use ,n many way. when \irgini_ cigarette? ;ire m.idc. j
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  • Article, Illustration
    3992 4  -  HOLLOWAY HORN by /^EORGE remembered his dignity, and realised that the assistant and Gertrood were both watehin" him. "Very good!" said. "She's 'ere now," panted Gertrood. "Missus tole me to tell you." "Very good." reperted George, a little huskily. "She m the sltting-roo:n?" "Yes." "Then see tiie door's shut."
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  • 167 4 Sold m Bunches of Violets Paris, April 18. How a "flower seller" outside an obscure Paris hotel peddled cocaine, concealed m bunches of violets, was revealed when the police to-day arrested a woman named Henriette Pierre. Henriette had been abandoned a few months ago by her lover who
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  • 539 4 RECIPE POR yoUTH Dresses Changed 22 Times Daily For a Year There are sixty young lane who have changed bell times a day (Sundays i months, writes Margate. i„,., Express. Is thLs— as th> peopl I newspapers a record' The ycung creatures |l M
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  • 120 4 Objection to Cramprd Quarters (From Our Own Or: Imm* An amusing In I '*f September, is becomin- I ian ground squirrels ment they shared m thi some monkeys tad large enough. They tin 'ceiling and took up residence b and the tiles. Twice came
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  • 79 4 A 20 mile m a a rare and costly drug life of a 7 year-old boy Walthamstow The pat* a disease of the middle great danger, and the that the only thing win- I a very special drug mococal serum. In the Mth morning hS left hurriedly m 1 a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 176 5 BAND PERFORMANCES I DURING MAY POLICE BAND Friday, 27th, at 5.15 p.m. Katong Park ___Vv*^£*^ Reservations Phone 6903 N_^^S^^^*^ I m 6.15 NIGHTLY llS'^Jw By Popular Demand— For Two Nights Only I RETURN SCREENING of M« s^'-^^YtWJI f ■\r\2So 1 (tr 4 Truth is stranger P iPWj jjjgJf The sc''e
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    • 440 5 I CAPITOLI I rais] TO-NIGHT i 9.13 i I * might or First National's All-laughable Musical Cornedy SPRING IS HERE S- "i BERNICE CLAIRE j ~'^K li _H______H____l^' Also: LATEST I'AKAMOI NT V TO- HO II ICO^V:Premiere for Malaya I LUBITSCH'S Greatest Dramatic Epic "THE BROKEN LULLABY" Paramount's 1932 Jubilee
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    • 183 5 MATA HARI IS COMING yii^ifiiuMj if 1 TO-NIGHT 'li 1 1| ]IKr^ wot?e Jbe secret of &**e biding li||i i||jj^ if pbce of o^eo* ferkmef BEWAREIN mW DANGEROUS IM^AFFAIR ■''-'^'^fev r___»v^...__. j^^mmwamWi *B? f*i im, a 1 1 Sedaw iei '"'j- ifc/ H aa^mmm*. <^^^^****^Sr m^tfT\\\ .^l**^^^l% I.^i_ V HR
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    • 812 6 Golf m a German Prison Camp At this season of the year my thoughts often revert to the time when I was a prisoner of war m Germany and to the queer little golf course fwhich we made m the "Offizier Kriegsgefagen<enlarger" at Clausthal. writes Cecil K.
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    • 110 6 Middlesex Retain CountyHonours (From Our Own Correspondent.! London, April Middlesex retained the men's County Hard Courts Championship at Bournemouth, defeating Yorkshire by ten matches to two. The titleholders had a strong team, which included Fred Perry, the Davis Cup player, who won both his matches. Perry beat
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    • 112 6 London, April !S P. Rickaby rode a wonderful bareback finish on Silver Sound m the Twickenham Handicap last week at Sandown Park. As Rickaby brought his mount to challenge Mittagong at 'the distance his saddle slipped behind him. Rickaby is only 16 years of age. How the lad
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    • 542 6 How William Lockwood Won Fame Nottingham, May 4. A famous old cricketer. William Lodnrood, the Surrey. Notts and England bowler, died ahLs home at Radford. Nottingham, to-day after a long illness. Lockwood. who was 64. played cricket up to a year or so ago. He ended bli
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    • 478 6 Board Imposes Conditions Melbourne. April 14. Arthur Malley's team of Australian cricketRto use the name under which the Ausian Board of Control will give its sanction to the proposal that a team should visit Canada and the United States, is now being formed. Mr Mailey has received from
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  • 183 6 Allegations To B<- Fwt*4 In Bengal omm_h__, ipi On the eve of Urn fOOth officially on Monday ti.. s.. consternation m football etl among the Indian tk** sionahsm exists The ppper says that tbt day mn I m the near future, when tinAssociation will have to lo
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  • 122 6 "111 Before Arrival m I .S.A." MnntrtMl \|»nl I A United Press message tfl m *m I 'says that chemusLs and loflleolag 'separate inquiries regardinu 1' tt rt advanced conflicting Opinio of death. o_________to at the Univi California reported to Mt 1> J Do >** owner of
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  • 138 6 Tt*n Players flfl Transfer I From Our Ov r Uoolofl i The Wot Hani Football CM sation one more m klo nouncing that they had given (fl the following ten players Eai Phillips. Wi-d_. Cox. Lovaooi Robinson. Harris. Hulton Tlu. nh.cent m view of 'he fact that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 466 6 WHITEAWAYS ECONOMY WEEK STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY GOODS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES! Mil "AVERNO "DINNER SUPER VALUE WitJZZway^BSti^^^^z^ WARE. THE MAYFAIR" TRINKET SET. THE TUDOR DINNER SET *t^ZZI tSTSL Tmmmwlw\wT2l fanC >' ral ~?~T?± n i -m f«r wr «vn, bird designs These sets make ideal pattern. A distinctive yet- neat
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    • 74 6 HEAD GOLDS Another Cold? Q____f| V Specific. Combats germs. stops dangerous infection i„ n instantly. I hem Cb_____tf N ASTRAL. NE Sales Agents: Duncan R. .wrts i d sin Ifyou suffer trom Piles ASK YOUR CHEMIST FOR TUBI <>» Bfl>^ for Haemorrhoids and kindred ailment. A TUBE TO-DAY KEEPS THf
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  • 1637 7 sP RINi; MEETING ENDS Exciting Finishes On Saturday Amateur Meeting run ith tho Singapore Turf Club on Sattiroav. v_;\s well attend-, los, ol on eight days meet- I Btr Ce< il Clementi and :.t Lady Clementi (hi (^inclusion of the. I hem and with big It for
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  • 2136 7 > Soviet Refuses Passage Through Russia H i Reuter's Servicel MOfcCOW. M.4 2%. i The Soviet Government ha* declined to allow I the I L#t_on Coram -SskreitH* at present at; Harb£v itf travel through Soviet territory to Sahalian m -order to- nutt General Ma. on- the grounds that
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  • 949 7 Important Meeting m Ipoh Ipoh. May 20. An important meeting of the PeralC Chinese tfiiiimj and Planting Association was held m lich this morning with Mr. Foo Wha Cheng, he President, m the Chair. j The most important subject dieeuoefld was he Byrne Two Months' Tin Stoppage
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  • 67 7 25 Years Sentence Passed [Reuter's Dei vice I Capetown. M.iy .0. I A Mai ned Stanley Raymond, the chief cvi] tional raid on the Plumste id branch 'of the Standard Bank ol South Africa 1 1 entenced to 25 yea: mci and Dtteen stroki the eat
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  • 165 7 Year's Suspension for Malay Player Salleh Wn Yusof. a M.tlay m» c- I Storage team, haa bea.i .uspenctd from ah b3ll for a year and three other membeis same team fer lesser perfode, (cltowing an enquiry by the S A.F.A. Disciplinary Board into a recent League maj The
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  • 687 7 THE BRITISH ATTITUDE Dominions Secretary and the Sanctity of Treaties r ßritish Radio Official Servicel Rugby. May 11. An important statement on Great Britain's lelaiions with the Irish Free State was made m a speech by the Secretary for the Dominions. Mr. J H.
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  • 127 7 Through tho Sudan Desert British Rati io— Official S wei Rugbf, May tl. a Wai 0 ance by British task Sudan between Jan 18. when o COUVOJ I I four military vehicles leit CalTO, to April 16. when ;_rney of 5.630 milOnly a neg] »n
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  • 34 7 No Trade Agreement With Russia I Reuter's Service Washiiißluo. M JO. i .The Canadian Mini- 1%.\ Mr. HtT' **c, <>n_'ciaily denies the report that Canada •itling a trade tgtfecment -a ith R"sshi
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  • 22 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mr. and Mrs. McWalter thank all their friends for loving expressions of sentiment to him and sympathy to her.
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  • 389 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS MONDAY, MAY 23, 1932 WEEK-END COMMENT The prospect of the revised tin scheme formulated by the Malayan Chamber of Mines to meet the difficulties which became apparent m the discussions arising out of Mr. Byrne's scheme on account of the proposed stoppage of production for two months,
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  • 370 8 The remarkable achievement of Mrs. Putnam, better known as Miss Amelia Earheart, m flying solo from Newfoundland to Ireland m the remarkably short time of 16 hours again directs attention to the question of the value or otherwise of these long distance flights. It is impossible not to admire the
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  • 320 8 The impression left m most minds by the accounts of the disaster to the new Messageries Maritimes liner George Philippar, resulting m the loss of more than eighty lives, m the course of her maiden voyage homeward is that the death roll appears very much heavier than might reasonably be
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  • 83 8 In connection with the test by the F.M.S.R. of the railway engine kindly loaned by the Siamese railway authorities, it is pointed out that the engine concerned was a Prichs (Denmark) Diesel electric locomotive. Mr. Peter Carmichael entered the General Hospital yesterday suffering from fever. Empire Day will be celebrated
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  • 95 8 Young Aviators Due Here Next Month A Swiss airman., Mr. Aipho.vo Breitenbach, and his brother, who are engaged m a sporting flight from Switzerland to Australia, will arrive m Singapore towards the beginnng of next month. Mr. A. Bretenbach is one of the youngest pilots of
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  • 1077 8 GOVERNOR'S INTEREST Over V/ z Hours' Tour Of The Stalls "It was all very good indeed." commented Hi. I Excellency tlie Governor. Sir Cecil Clementi, at the end of a tour of the Empire Shopping Week stalls on Saturday that had lasted over an hour and a
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  • 342 8 Retirement of (apt. Henr* Miles This morning, there 1< Compeigne. Capt. Henry Mft A.P.C. Commodore Cap* Captain Miles who is _8 retiring to England for fifty-six years at at*, thrhave been spent m the m**k Captain Miles first j 1894 as First Officer on th. ..Id v third
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  • 41 8 SATURDAY'S RUBBER PRH [FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] London. Nu 21. Messrs. Symington and Wilson notify to-day's rubber prices as follows Spot 1 13 16d. (l 7 8 d.). Forward 1 15 16d. (1 15.16(1.). The market is inactive.
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  • 151 8 Prince's Advice to London Conference [British Radio— Official Service] The Prince of Wales. **m m a speech at the conferemporated Sales Managers' Association rr 1 urged the importance of going out into the world and finding new customer, lot goods. The urgent need of the whole
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  • 90 8 Traders' Exodus From the City I Reuter's Service] Romli.i 1 M Three were killed and 40 fighting. In addition twelve -ft. people have died, but the situati greatly improved. 1200 bad chara- rounded up. Over 20.000 people. I traders, have left the city In till ln consequence of
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  • 29 8 Committee Sta^e to tM T* To-day [British Radio-Official The committee stage of th. I will begin m the House C Parliament resumes on Monday aftet suntlde recess.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 170 8 CALDBECK MACGREGOR Co., Ltd.. {Incorporated under the Companies' Ordinances of Hong Kong.) {Incorporated m Shanghai) THE WINE MERCHANTS 201, CANTONMENT ROAD, SINGAPORE. EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK SPECIAL DISPLAY ON MAY 24th. at Singapore COLD STORAGE Co Ltd Orchard Road. DIMTINCTIOI WITHOUT y^. EXTRAVAGANCE y/yTy<f; SANDAL ONE-BAR SHOE. ft f**tjmk J White
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    • 26 8 SPECIAL LINES IN E. P. N. S. TANKARDS '^ll l A WmmmmW^ T ______T Am\ HS U. S. de Silva Bros., JEWELLERS, 23 High Street, Singapore.
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  • 1478 9 KUALA LUMPUR MEETING 31 PER CENT RESTRICTION THE all (1 «t very short notice to discuss the London tin restriction s -hmit a m« < tins of the Selangor Miners' Association was held m Ku.ili I umpur M Saturday, Mr. A. H. Flowerdew presiding.
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  • 112 9 FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] London, May 21. Mr. F. E. Mair. Chairman of Pengkalen Tin Co. Ltd.. presiding at the annual meeting of the company to-day, said he was gratified to find that his \iews m favour of more drastic restriction were shared by most of the influential
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  • 135 9 BUILDERS PUZZLED Fire From Short Circuit Considered Impossible [Reuter's Service] Paris, May 21. Most minute precautions, some even exaggerated, were taken to prevent fire when building the Georges Phillipar, declares the assistant manager of the St. Nazaire shipyard m an interview with Le Matin. The
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  • 332 9 Difficulties of Forming a Cabinet [Reuter's Par Eastern Service] Tokyo, May 22. Prince Saionji is expected to consult Admiral j Togo and Admiral Osumi to-morrow morning on the political situation and make a final recommendation to the Emperor m the afternoon or on Monday n_°ming. Tokio, May 22.
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  • 166 9 British Clergyman Who Refuses to be Examined [Reuter's Servicel New York, May 21. The entanglements of the Lindbergh baby tragedy continue to excite public interest. A Bronx grand jury is now investigating the circumstances under which Dr. Condon, the aged university Professor, was induced to hand over
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  • 88 9 Mail to be Held up Throughout the Country [Reuter's Par Eastern Service] Shanghai, May, 22. The whole of China is likely to be cut off from the world postally to-morrow as the Postal Workers"Xlnions to-night issued a strike order effective throughout the nation from 10.50. They
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  • 68 9 Commission Recommends Increases [Reuter's Far Eastern Service] Tokyo, May 22. The Tariff Commission has recommended the inclusion m the budget of specific duties raised 35 per cent for the purpose of balancing the loss due to the drop m the exchange rate, also the application of a protective
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  • 248 9 16 HOURS FLIGHT Mrs. Putnam's Second Successful Venture [Reuter's Service] London, May 21. Mrs. Putnam (Miss Amelia Earheart), wife of the well-known American publisher Mr. George Putnam, who left Harbour Grace. Newfoundland yesterday, intending to fly to Paris, landed m a field a mile from Londonderry.
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  • 287 9 "Idol Dissembling Under Economic Tremors" [Reuter's Service] London, May 22. The spectacle of the long worshipped idol of American prosperity with half the world's gold as the plinth dissembling under the stress of economic tremors is perturbing financiers and statesmen. Writers all over the world suggest I
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  • 152 9 Misgivings m London [Reuter's Service] London, May 22. The Japanese political situation and particularly its wider implications, is causing misgivings m London and the comings and goings since Mr. Inukai murder are held to denote that the results of the crime will not diminish the power of
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  • 63 9 [Reuter's Service] St. John's May 21. Two trans-Atlantic flights begin to-day, which is the fifth anniversary Lindbergh's famous New York-Paris flight. The Do X started from Holywood, Newfoundland, at 8 a.m. G. M.T. her destination being the Azores on her return flight to Germany. Horta, Azores,
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  • 35 9 [FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] Bangkok, May 22. The success of the Diesel locomotive's journey to Singapore has given much satisfaction m Siamese railway circles which particularly appreciated Sir Cecil dementi's inspection of it.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 189 9 MELROSE'S GIN THE FINEST GIN j FOR COCKTAILS < MELROSE'S J££ FINEST *om\W*t*t/at*zt >v t? W.< *-'*> > v GIN JP" TOM IS TRIPLY Ll. $2.75 w DISTILLED ft 7&tay^} I PER BOTTLE W" (DUTY INCLUDED) and is I yTy§#_ ifiNnni. myr£/<ZZ, MJNUUN GUARANTEED V^> ™y TO BE 1 $175
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 473 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Bngland) "ELLERMAN" LINE. FREIGHT SERVICE TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL HOMEWARDS. Steamer Due Spore. Sails Spore. ss. CITY OF BEDFORD For Havre. L'don, R'dam, H'burg Leith May 30 June 2 s.s. CITY OF DERBY For M'seilles, Havre. London,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 570 11 f0 NA PIFS. NARSQLU ™j™^ ROTTERDAM AND Xl T ***** June 2 I HARUNA MARU T. 10.500 July 27 28 )ZA KI MARO T. 10.500 June 15 18 8 KATORI MARU T. 10.000 Aug 11 12 :l T 12.000 June 28 29 5 KASHIMA MARU T. 10.000 Aug 25 26
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    • 574 11 DOLLAR STEAMSHOP LINE (int/AMERI^LN MAIL LINE TO KI ROPE FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG VIA COLOMBO, BOMBAY. SUEZ. PORT SAID. ALEXANDRIA. NAPLES. AND GENOA. Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Spore. Spore. Penang. N. York. Pres. Monroe In Port May 24 May 26 July' 5 Pres. Van Buren Jun. 6 Jun. 7 Jun.
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    • 784 11 K. P. M. KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ _B___^__MMBMM_B RETEH— Monday, May 23. Bengkalis. Asahan. Paneh and Berombang. OP TEN NOORT— Monday. May 23. Belawan-Deli. VAN LANSBERGE— Monday. May 23. Batavla. Semarang and Cheribon. MAPIA-Tuesday. May 24. Paneh, Tandjong-Leidong. Tanjong-Mengeidar and Asahan. PATRAS— Tuesday, May 24. Bawean, Sourabaya. Kota-Baroe. Balik-Papan and Samarinda.
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  • 765 12 47 YEARS' SERVICE Captain McNeil of the Mauretania "In Great Waters," by Captain McNeil, lately m command of the Mauretania, is an outspoken book which may be expected to cause some stir, not only on account of the very plain-spoken views on maritime affairs which
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  • 104 12 Two On The Clyde One On The Wear Three more shipyards have been purchased for the purpose of being closed under the scheme promoted by National Shipbuilders' Security Company, with a view to curtailing the excessive capacity of the industry. They are: Messrs. A. McMillan and Son,
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  • 53 12 The monthly passenger and freight service to the Argentine and Brazil of the recently-found-ed Finland -Amerika Line, which had to be subventioned by the Government m consequence of losses m its first year, was more successful m 1931. This was mainly due to an arrangement In custom tariffs between the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 697 12 Burns Philp Line. (Incorporated ln Australia) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the S.S. MANGOLA (3.352 tons). [Cargo only] 8.3. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins de
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    • 427 12 Kerr Steamship Co Inc. (Incorporated m U.S.A.) NEW YORK SERVICE. Regular Freight Service to Boston, New Philadelphia and Baltimore (via Sn Dne Sails M.S. SILVERPALM May 24 May 30 M.S. SILVERTEAK June 14 June 20 M.S. SILVERSANDAL July 5 July 11 Por rates and particulars please apply to GUTHRIE iv
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    • 137 12 WORLD SERVKt IN Travel, Baaktaf I NUppfag PASSAGES booked by all ratt- Ko boo) Write m for all travel PROTECT fOOX travel Kind Carry Any :;rea Tr;u. The Into SHIP and b n tmfaokj AMERICAN EXPR] < Tel: 1 t*t*m Qmj 3444 HMOArOW 3660 SILVER JAVA PACIFIcIS Joint scr
      137 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 654 12 MAIL DESPATCHES I BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 pjn. tj*i Thursday 7JO ajn. Kedah Monday to Friday 7.38 ajn. Saturdays 7 pjn. Kuantan (via Jerantut) 7 pjn. Kelantan every Wednesday 7 a.m every Saturday 7 p.m. Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang and Lower Slam 7.30 a.m_ P.M.S Batu Anam,
      654 words
    • 28 12 Dukat. Nor 761, from Bangkok 22. for P. Swettenham 23. Kistna, Brit. 672, from Bangkok 22, for Bangkok 26. Malini, Siam- 715,. from Bangkok 22, for Bangkok 22.
      28 words

  • 110 13 Information having been received that cholera exists m a sporadic state at Shanghai, it has been declared that the port of Shanghai is a suspected place for the purposes of the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance. The second officer of the Dean Emery reports m
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  • 392 13 Schooner at Mercy of Atlantic Storm Paris, April 17. The hardships endured by the crew of the French fishing schooner. Rouzic (276 tons), who were 17 days at the mercy of an Atlantic storm m a disabled ship and later m lifeboats, are described by Captain Girard, who,
    392 words
  • 222 13 Forty Years of Destroyer Design With the recent launch of the new torpedo boat destroyer H.M.S. Daring at the Southampton Works of Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., it is possible to obtain some idea of the progress of design m this class of vessel during
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  • 84 13 Collision Off Shantung Promontory Kobe, May 2. The Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha's freighter Dalin Maru. 5,872 tons collided at 6 o'clock this morning with the Kirin Maru of the Yamashita Kisen Kaisha, a 3,771 tons cargo boat, at a point off Shantung promontory, 36.52 north and 123.22 east. The
    84 words
  • 93 13 "If the weather is favourable we shall make an attempt to reach the wreck of the Lusitania this summer." said Captain Hilton Railey when discussing his plans to salve some of the contents of the sunken liner. It is proposed to try to sink a
    93 words
  • 1486 13 AN EXACTING TEST 500 Miles of Bad Weather One of the new R.A.F. motor-boat tenders has recently made a long journey from Cat hot to Donibristle m the Firth of Forth m weather which would have been impossible for any of of the boats which
    The Times  -  1,486 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 553 13 THE Singapore Free Press (Doily and Weekly Editions) Hetd Office 138 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. felepboa Cable Address: ADVERTISER, SINGAPORE. g/ The premier morning daily m Malaya J/ Delivered with the Chota Hazri each f/ morning. Latest news, latest telegrams ;md latest announcements. London rubber and tin cables appear daily. Special
      553 words
    • 224 13 IS YOURS A sunshine Baby? > NO RICKETS— NO < > CONSTIPATION > 4 > Will your Baby be a Sunshine Baby Will he have 4 > straight limbs, sturdy bones, perfect teeth and sound > constitution like other Sunshine Babies There can be no rickets, no constipation, no flabby
      224 words

  • 250 14 Premonition of Mother London. April 26. Three young mon two of them brother. wiere killed while motor-cycling to w_rk. when they were involved vi a collision with a motorlorry on the Woodstock-read, three miles north of Oxford. They were James Albert Franklin, aged 21. of Brook-I-jll.
    250 words
  • 187 14 "Old Berkeley Square Hounds" [From Our Own Correspondent] Loi.don, May 3. Sir Charles Mappin. aged 23. has been <:o disturbed by the howling of c. tr. at night, that he has organised the Old Berkeley Square Cat Hounds— and ha-, arranged a Friday night. He st .te*
    187 words
  • 466 14 Gangster Arrested After Street Battle t. Chinese detective of the French Police s killed, a gunman and a pedestrian wounded as the result of a running gun battle c" "h followed an encounter between a search y and armed gangsters on Rue Kraetzer t. week. The shooting commenced
    466 words
  • 177 14 Mr. M. lnce Marries Daughter of Sir Thomas Cave (From Our Own Correspondent] London, May 4. The marriage took place at- Christ Church. Woking this week of Mr. Henry Montague lnce. of the North Borneo Civil Service, son uf the late Rev. H. G. lnce. rector of
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  • 106 14 Motor-Car Skids and Overturns Dame Sybil Thorndike and her husband. Mr. Lewis Casson. and Mr. Bruce Winston, the English comedian, (who recently passed through Colombo* narrowly escaped death when a motorcar m which they were riding skidded and overturned m Aden. All three were thrown cut
    106 words
  • 185 14 Conference of Empire Manufacturers Th. importance of an Empire Manufacturers' Conference of fellow up the work of the Imperial Conference at Ottawa ls vr E ed by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce m Great Britain iq its monthly bulletin. The leading r le Bay. ii is
    185 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 293 14 PROVED! IJ^-^jl THE BABY K___3 FOOD SUNLIGHT VITAMINS. The "Ankoria" Baby Food of New Zealand is produced only m the Spring when the fresh green pastures are at their highest Vitamin Content, and by the introduction of Vitamin D known as THE SUNLIGHT VITAMIN, "Ankoria" builds up the bone, prevents
      293 words
    • 531 14 I jßAiy^t^AND INSURANCE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600.000 shares of £5 each £3.000,000 Reserve Fund £3.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000.000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate, London, EC 2 Agencies and Branches Alor Star Iloilo Saigon Amritsar Ipoh
      531 words
    • 277 14 THE YOKOHAMA SPRn BANK, LTD. Ut tmrnt******* Capital Swb,rr:bed (Full. paid tesei ved Fund Prudent R J- Vn.-Pre lid t.i X Head Omce: V Branch „11 M LONDON imv, W. minister Bank Th. National I taftf* Bank. Ltd ■RAM hi Alexandria (Egypt,, Calcutta, Canton. Char, Hamburg. Hangkow, i Honolulu. Kaiyuan.
      277 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 418 14 ROUND YOUR DIAL Popular Shortwave Radio Stations The is a list of stations which can be received m Singapore Java Stations: Bandoeng PLM from a_•> it 5.20 p.m. gramophone records and telephony tests with Sydney. Australia, and other stations. Usual call after records Hullo Sydney." Tanjong Priok. 21 metres from
      418 words

  • 893 15 [JUNCTORS' FEES Annual Meeting of Mentakab Rubber m .vi anonymous letter to the Press ..•red on Saturday ut the annual <ui_ ol the Mentakab Rubber Co.. \lr O. A Potts, the chairman. The ll Urn meeting, which wa.. held at I tIM secretaries (Messrs. Har- Oa ltd
    893 words
  • 456 15 Royal Dutch and Shell Results [Reuter's Service) London. May 20. The year-end report io Dec. 31st of the Royal Dutch shows net income 27.916.648 florins, and after payment of dividends the amount carried forward Ls 2,252.353 florins. The report of Shell Transport for the same period gives net
    456 words
  • 239 15 Singapore, May 20. Pnces m the local market have been practically unchanged sbice last Thursday and the tone ha. been dull but steady. ThLs momuig's cables quote London down 1 16 d to 17.d.l 7 .d. and New Ycrk unchanged at 2 T X gold. Tlie former
    239 words
  • 341 15 To-Day 's Price Changes EXCHANGE RATES May 21 SELLING London, 4 months' sight 2. 29,32 London, 3 months' sight 23 27)32 London. 60 days' sight 2,3 13 16 London, 30 days* tight 2)_3 25J32 London, demand 213% London, T. T. 2|3 23J32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1060 Hamburg, demand 173
    341 words
  • 63 15 May IMU IS o'clock noon Buyers Sellers RS.S. equal to London Standard. S*** 1% 5Vi Standard R.S.S. on Tender June 5 1 July 9% S H July-Sept. 5\ 5 7 S Oct.-Dec. 6 Tone of Market Dull. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet 1 13 16
    63 words
  • 941 15 MONDAY, MAY 21ST. 1932 CLOSING QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers Asam Kumbang 22s 24s Austral Malay IBs 20* Ayer Hitam (.ss) 10s 3d 11s 3d Bangrin Tin <£ 6s 6d 8s Lataiig Padang ($1) 07S, 12* Batu Caves ($1) 22 25 Buklt Arang ($1) 30 40 nom. Burmah Malay
    941 words
  • 509 15 Lead to Government's Resignation [Reuter's Servicel AthriiM. May 21. The Government has resigned as a result of a succession of financial difficulties crystalised m the suspension cf the external debt payments m regard to which it is understood the Government, just before its resignation, addressed a letter to
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  • 185 15 THE ABROAD (British Radio Official Service] May 9 2d 21. Amsterdam 9.07 9.05 9.06 Athens 545 550 sellers 550 sellers Bombay ls. 515 16d Is. 561 64d. ls. 561 64d. Berlin 15 7 16 15.40 15.42'j Brussels 26.17._ 26.20 26 7 32 Bucharest 615 615 615 Rio 4 :> Mi
    185 words
  • 427 15 WAZIR ALI AGAIN Mitchell m Fine Bowling Form The Indian cricketers gained a fine eight wickets victory over Oxiord University on Friday, making the Dark Blues follow on alter being dismissed for 132. The match was notabie for the fact that Lieut. Wazir Ali had the
    427 words
  • 472 15 Colours Beat Whites m Uninteresting: Came Colours J. Whites The Malaya Command held their first soccer 'trial m preparation for the Malaya Cup game against Negri Sembilan at Seremban next Saturday. Colours defeating Whites by 2 goats to nil. The game m** very uninteresting, there being no
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 89 15 y.ssets exceed $12,000,000 mmmmmmmmmm m mmmm i Assurance m force over $35,000.000 I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. I 'Incorporated In the Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Great Easter* Life Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry EC I The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme
      89 words

  • 466 16 WIN FOR ETCETERAS Fine Fifth-Wicket Stand by Nicholson and Ponsford Chiefly as a result of a fine fifth-wicket stand by Nicholson and Ponsford. who put on over a hundred runs following a collapse by the initial batsmen, the Etceteras defeated the 8.8. and I. on Saturday by
    466 words
  • 209 16 The S.R.C. easily defeated the V.M.C.A. on the S.R.C. grouno on Saturday, the home team winning by 89 runs. S.R.C. K. Morrando b E. Albrecht 0; M. Cordeiro b Ridley 1; A. G. Armstrong b E. Albrecht 22; G. Bogaars st. Louis b Albrecht 22; G. Ross
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  • 258 16 S.C.C. and Ceylon Sports Club The cricket match between the Ceylon Sports Club and the S.C.C. which was played on the former's ground on Saturday, ended m a drawn game, time intervening. H. Sym was the outstanding batsman of the day scoring a fine 62. Jansen, of the
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  • 501 16 NUTT-BERESFORD CUP Jackson Wins Sculling Championship Three good rowing events were witnessed on Saturday afternoon, when the Royal Singapore Yacht Club held a regatta before a large crowd of spectators. The three races held were for the Club Pairs, the Junior Fours (Nutt Beresford Cup) and the
    501 words
  • 281 16 Yesterday's Games at Two tournament water polo games were played yesterday at the Singapore Swimming Club. In the first game Dr. Bain's team opposed G. Dodd's team, the former winning easily by 7 l. The game was very fast and exciting. Dodd's team were fast off the m
    281 words
  • 74 16 Lyttleton Rogers' Victory [Reuter's Servicel Vienna, May 20. In the second round of the Davis Cup to-day Prenn (Germany) beat Matejaka (Austria) 6 2 10 8, 6 l, and Camm (Germany) beat Artens 6 2, 6 o, 6 4. Vienna, May 21. Matejka and Artens beat Dessart and
    74 words
  • 84 16 Low Hock Kiat (Junior Civil Service Club) beat Chia Sai Tee (Post Office Club) 250 against 135. Yeo Koon Yam (AAA.) beat L. T. Thiago Selangor Indian Asson.) 250 against 201. Tan Kirn Eong (5.8.A.5.) beat D, F. Cockle (R.A.F.) 250 against 172. The SeMl-f.nal will be played
    84 words
  • 532 16 YESTERDAY'S TRIAL Keen Struggle Ends In a Draw Colours 1 Whites 1. Play reached a fairly high standard m yesterdays trial match for the forthcoming Malaya Cup football season. The majority of those who were chosen for the. first trial turned out again yesterday and Mat Noor,
    532 words
  • 363 16 Capt. Naidu's Century Against M.C.C. [Reuter's Sen-ice] London. May 21. The Indian cricketers played their first match at Lord's to-day. when they opposed a strong M.C.C. side, against whom they scored 226 for 7. Capt. C. K. Naidu, the Indore player, scored 116 not out and Lai Singh
    363 words
  • 59 16 Orwell Leads the Betting [FREE PRESS SERVICE-^OPYRIgP* T] London, Maw Latest betting on the Derby is as foli<V S: 15—8 Orwell; 10—1 Miracle: 13— 1 CocS ***** 100—6 Hesperus; 18—1 Dastur; 28—1 Spdr* 1 33—1 Portofino and Firdaussi; 50—1 Bull_f nd: shar. Rolling Stock and Coloario- 66—1 f^"
    59 words
  • 246 16 AMERICANS WIN International Match at Wentworth [Reuter's Service] London, May 21. The United States secured a flying start m the first official Anglo-American women's golf match at Wentworth winning all three of the foursomes. Mrs. E. H. Vare (Glenna CoUett) and Miss Hill (America) beat
    246 words
  • 386 16 Match With Singapore Golf Club The fourball match was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday between the Garrison Golf Club and the Singapore Golf Club Details: Garrison G.C. Singapore G.C. Sq.-Ldr. A. E. Barr- L. D. Hardie Sim and R. Renton 0. and W. Eldred 1%, Major
    386 words
  • 143 16 Seven New Records Set Up [FREE PftfDSS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] London, May 22. In the Universities Athletic championship meeting at Motspur Park seven new records were set up. Comes won the mile m 4 mm. 21 2 5 sees., and the half-mile m 1 mm. 57 15 sees. J.
    143 words
  • 35 16 BERT HODSON 'S VICTORY [FREE preo,, 553 SERVICE— COPYRIGHT! Bert Hodson. Chlyw eU London. May 22. ton. .m the final cf the o ol1 Addin P" tournament at the 39th. hole. I'ooo1 000 B^ ineas
    35 words
  • 24 16 It is understood that Mr. R. F. R. Swettenham, Deputy Commissioner, Trade and Customs. Selangor and Pahang, is retiring from Government Service, next April.
    24 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 213 16 POPULAR H.M.V. TALKIE RECORDS CUBAN LOVE SONG. Tramps at Sea LAWRENCK I I..HETT D.A.1Z51 c^ban Love Song R.Q.q Vendor AMBROSE OR( hi 8.5t»7-i Lady play your man( joiine Cuban Love Song Waltz *t* £121 Longer you linger m Virginia SPRING IS HERE. Crying for the Carolines GRACIE J i. Crying
      213 words