The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 August 1930

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press <JftUll4. ESTABLISHED 1835. SINGAPORE, S.S. TUESDAY, AUGUST 26. 1930. 20 PAGES DAILY. 10 CENTS.
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  • 486 1 After dismissing Gloucestershire for 72 the previous day, the Australians compiled 15? m their first innings at Bristol. The county batting a second time have 147 for the loss of three wickets Page 20. A seventeen year old London youth named Phelps was shot by burglars whom
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  • 1272 1 'We are twelve now, with the love birds." Mrs. Jackson counted up her blessings. "It ties me rather, naturally; I daren't leave them for long. ServantaS don't take the same trouble, you see, and Kathleen poor Kathleen, she means well, but she Is so careless!
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 196 1 LOONG. yOB HIOB C7L-LM TAn.OBING. oct ****> a*********** m> HIGH BTBg«T. \tAn*m^**l**^><^^ RAFFLES HOTEL i I special Commercial Luncheon J SERVED IN THE GRILL ROOM JL f TUESDAY. AUGUST 26th. 5* 1 Hors d'Oeuvre Varies JL T Grilled Chicken and Bacon J V Creamed Spinach Fried Potatoes ♦J -\pple and
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    • 204 1 EUROPE y^} HOTEL 1 SINGAPORE. I TO-NIGHT. DINNER MENU. TO-NIGHT. 0 _X Hors d'Oeuvre Varies j*3 Consomme Celestine 2 Creme Dubarrv jE Dame de Saumon BouiUie. Sauce Hollandaise _h Medaillon de Pole de Volaille en Aspic 5n Escalope de Ris d'Agneau Princesse 3j Faisan Roti Sj Bpinards en Branches Pommes
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    • 145 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotel aimouncements Page 1. Best sellers at M.P.H. Page 20. Robinson's annual sale Page 1. Try Hopleaf Milk stouts Page 10. Cinema and Theatre quide Page 2. Auction sales, notices etc. Page 9. Protect metals with Rusticide Pag.* 3. Fiat .514. boot small car to buy Page 8.
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  • 396 2 At The Alhambra. It ts refreshing to find that of the .-hir..s lav.:-... by those who produced Common Clay are erne:.. Thi:- powerful drama, from .he ol.n- by Clevc ____n__head. waa very we; ed by en Sund;:*. olghl md should .core a bis succesa. Hu .-a., ib.tter criticisms
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 330 2 :_x_x_>c_x-)<_xsx^^ w i Unequalled Cuisine 1 < French Pastry < I 4 Delicious Ice-creams MAKE THE j CAPITOL J: 1 RESTAURANT ITHE POPULAR I RENDEZVOUS I Phone 4906. 1 < KELVEY -"RESENTS HER TALENTED PUF-XB WITH ZLATA "HE PERFECT DANCER AT THE VICTORIA THEATRE SATURDAY, AUG. 23rd at 9.13 7__m
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    • 383 2 w p *tj**a 9 J^ty*^^ f VICTORIA; THEATRE. I I 1 Commencing Saturday Next August 30th 1 anrf Nightly At 9.30 p.m. *l ra 100% British Singing and Talking Programme I ELSTREE CALLING J 6 ALL STAR REVUE, A GALAXY OF TALENT 4 tt* A WAVELENGTH AHEAD OF ANYTHING YGU
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    • 257 2 W P x /-^________iii__i___________________. ir* B \mm*mma^\\km\ -LbY _^B IB_^^^%*i. __^^a\a_- 6-15 TO-NIGHT 9 FOX CORPORATION I TaAe P/easure m Present^ I CONSTANCE BENNETT r IN _j CLEVES KINKHEAD'S WORLD F.MOUB p| j "COMMON CLAY g with j{j LEW AYRES AND TILLY MARSHALL Hj A beautiful story acted throughout with
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 130 2 THE WEEK. Tuesday, 26th. High Water. 12.10. 9.3 ft.. 23.55, ICVJ ft Football: S.A.F.A. TS. S China H.C.. Anson Rd ad Stadium. Mmt. Kelvey'a pupils ot Theatre, I Tivoli Reopens with Talkies. Wednesday, '.7th. High Water. 1238. 9 V. he Ihe Oovernor leavei for Java h its llall Thursday. 28th.
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  • 1067 3 MOB LAW. Outcry Against Recent Outrages. "Evt.y court-house m the State should be hung with mourning." With these words the "Columbia Record." South Carolina, bows its own head m shame that a mob recently wrested a pr_______nr from a sherill, after clubbing the official, tied the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 344 3 B Whetfi 'itbe n cur, scratch, insect bite, burn, i effectually prevents all or _n__,__i m MM infection Ofl the tissues. J H I safety-first healer because it f, H i m three ways. It is ot once FREE H It swiftly allays inflammation and FROM H p..... And
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    • 478 3 ll a aa a aa H > "^Ktf-fi.RH.KKKSK_fiKK^^ 1 "RUSTICIDE." 1 I BITUMINOUS COATING FOR PROTECTION 1 I AND PRESERVATION OF METALS. I 385F.35E USt n *i^ X "rttlU.t__._b Bait and Fresh g Water. Chemical Fumes, Dilute Aci- v s<_ to Coat S I Roof Principals, Girders, Bridges. Bi 1,
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  • 1960 4 FLYING DAY BY DAY. tM 50 Seater Flying-Boat. mm* GIANT AIRCRAFT FOR EMPIRE ROUTES. mjoomu By T. Stanhope Sprigg. (Specially written for the Free Press). London. July 30. IT is a sign of the times and a sign that ue have at laai become accustomed to thinking Imperially m matters
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  • 26 4 Pain and pleasure real pleasure— go hand m hand, and an age that is afraid of one will not know the other. Mrs. Mary Hamilton, M.P.
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  • 382 4 NINE-STONE WONDER. Youth Who Cannot be Strangled. A boy Of fifteen, living m the East End of Louder., looks as though he Wk*9 be.?me tlie strongest man m the world. He is Lewi:; Clarke, of Abbey-lane, S'.ratford. Bow, who a few yean ago was kg
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  • 455 4 MAKING MR. B. KEATON LAUGH. I have had a very serious talk with Mr. Buster Keaton. who arrived m London a day or two ago and who unsmllingly makes millions of film-goers laugh. You have to be serious with Mr. B Keaton: he is such a serious little man. "Does
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  • 202 4 London, Aug. 1. The consternation among Welshmen caused by the revelation that the Welsh language is not permissible for deferred telegrams to Canada was voiced by Welsh members of the House of Commons who tackled the Postmaster General demanding an explanation why a cable sent from Corwen
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  • 755 4 "SEHR INTERESSANT— n Learning the Rudiments on the Sand. Margate. Margate, or more accurately Bertie, Marjorie, Uncle Jim, and Miss Slnxmonds, In a hilarious half-hour last evening taught me, Thanet's non-English -speaking German tourist, the rudiments of a game called cricket, writes D. Sefon Delmer.
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  • 211 4 The story of the discovery of a new face powder was told by Mr. N. Ingram Hendey, a young retail chemist at the Pharmaceutical Conference at Cardiff. He said that m the course of experiments on a substance known as diatomaceous earth, hitherto only used by
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  • 1325 4  - CHICAGO BATTLE FRONT. Edwin Balmer Life Gives Place to eat L I H < THE CODE OF THE s__ 1 KILLERS I By 4Free Press and NANA. Oopjrrl B Chicago, June 18. Ihave come from the company of a man whose exact situation I dare not closely describe; much less
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  • 158 4 Would It Have Urge Hands and Feet?* If— HI MM "Mickey M ed m Mr Justice LUSfI Chancery Division to Mr. Justice Luxaawe whll JJJ, ed the barrister.' ben Dean's Ra| Book Com| ington-butts. maker. I sued for an tajunc-W and Sons, of Comment merchant,
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  • 20 4 _t tf' mm It is an odd comment..: dustry to learn that m there is no diminution Duke of Atholl
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  • 435 5 600-FT. COLUMN OF SMOKE. iillndfold Dash to Blazing Gasometer. Keighley, July 26. j A gasometer exploded and shook the town of Keighley early to-day, causing widespieac consternation, but no one was Injured. Tni ce -quarters of a million cubic feet of gas, sufV.r_ent to
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  • 324 5 SHANGHAI HOLD- UP. Russian's Attack on Mr. P. Loureiro. Shanghai. Aug. 14. Peter Zavalin and Jean Isak appeared on mand at the Special District Court yest*loay Oil a charge of attempting to murder Mr. Ferfte Loureiro, Inspector m the Salt Revenue Department of the Ministry of Finance, on August 1.
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  • 250 5 West Australian Bond Indissoluble. Perth, July 28. Dealing with talk of secession by W.A., the Federal Attorney-General (Mr. Brennan), m a speech at the Unity Theatre to-day, said it was impossible for one State to withdraw from the Commonwealth. The right of Dominion Ministers to approach the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 254 5 9 ll -atP I k is II mot i iers f j>?\ Wny be up half thc nigbl 1 1 £pH&L vC__^ there is a safe remedy for •^9 JS^k those distressing pains i. 9 Jf^ which make baby cry continually 4 1 U Thc %%y f t ailments arise
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    • 327 5 lIH/ Buy the BeSt 1111/ Less Often Hllf There is no economy m 8 buying inexpensive and badly made Electric Torches and Batteries. The less you pay the oftener you purchase the batteries. Ray-o-vac Flashlights and Batteries are made by one of the oldest makers of these goods. They are
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    • 281 5 i KLIM J POWDERED MILK I **\*m I -SjTJ 1 M L^_L B^^rj-v^^^H IE 71 f**. I PURE FRESH MILK 1 mm W w for 1 DRINKING or COOKING I _Si I SAFE MILK FOR -fi s -fi tfi ifi **R _j Obtainable at all Leading Provision Dealers. -fi ***swwffiws**s*-.y.a.ftw**_fi_R-r,_h*_fiwa,_R*_fiw
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  • 1020 6 CURIOUS GRAZING GROUND An Unbelievable Siffht. Everybody expects monkey-shines from Billy and Nanny to a certain extent. Tin cans and overshoes, rusty nails and broken crockery what won't a goat eat! In zoolcgical folk-lore, that is. As a matter of stein fact, probably few goats have
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  • 88 6 FRENCH MOUNTAINEERS' EXPERIENCE. Four French mountaineers had a terrifying experience while climbing Mount Herbvte". m the G.and Paradise Range. They had reached lt.8')0 feet when they were horrified to see a mass of rock break away and rush down th'r.oumr»m. Tlie climbers jumped a.vde but their leader, Sexaner by name,
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  • 180 6 Anxious to Go to Prison. Paids, July 27. A mere Uste of the Spanish Foreign Legion, building roads over rocky Riffian hills under a blazing July sun, has made a young Venezuelan banker, polo player, cotillon leader, and man about town, named Carlos
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  • 12 6 Ii srs v.."'. I hssttsg BS eunvi. why v ear... Laureate.—Mr. 4-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 ■e*en_«, v-d___|__________^_________|____| M^M_M|^^^^fl MM sat*V —•>■" *^>ar^a____a-a_ava_a_aa-aa_aa-aa__-a-_a_-_-^-^-^-^-^-HB-__ a* NEW LIGHT ON I NUTRITION '*Food should refresh and invigorate the hodv and not merely satisfy the sense of hunger and appetite; M it shou'd produce energy and vital capacity." H Extract from Repot t of the British Ministry of Health. ii
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    • 239 6 THE DUAL-USE PARKER D U oTf »7^^B MM Perfect Pock 11 p m I To change from desk to k*&a*mi iJ-''/7 pocket pen, unscrew the ff/lf fill On yO"** dtSsfc... which? A- m ft *ar***i .Tm. 4. J AT taper and substitute the Ulf If M pen stand of onyx,
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  • 399 7 Sculpture for Municipal Kuildings. Th. ft. rowing actiCii was 3ken at a «m-et-irg c; C _nn_.ttee No. 4 held on August 15th. Accepted the lowest tender, tha. of Loh Ah Loy. at $14,431.00. f.r the erection of a block of coolie lines at Park Road, for the Town
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  • 240 7 Statements Premature. .Allahabad. Au;. S. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru returne_i from Lucknow this morning and .said to Associated PICOS. "Statements have appeared m the Press about Pandits Motilal Nehru and Jawaharlal Nehru hating gone to Poona to see Mahatma Gandhi. These .statements arc piemature.
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  • 187 7 Big Dv Cros Family Fortune Lost. London. Aug. 3. "It is questionable whether honest men can cope with a clever group of swindlers who are prepared to go the whole hog; prison sentence, are all very well, but, unfortunately, th?y come after the event," said Sir
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  • 118 7 Famous Designer's Latest Safety Device. Rugby, Aug. Sir Alliott Roe. pioneer British airman and the designer of the famous Avro machine, is credited with a new invention, now untf.-r--going tests, whereby aeroplanes will be enable! to land at twonty miles an hour, thus greatly increasing ,-afety and
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  • 119 7 His Hair Comes Before His Art. Paris July IS. His le4mine sweep of silver hair means more to M. Paderewski, the great pianst and ex-Pre-mier of Poland, than his art. This is the secret he revealed on hi-, visit fo France for medical treatment. "I admit I am
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 191 7 .\r£& U 94 s Qd,_. ii* X -mmm JA 3ffc> W* Whs do millions of women all over the world insist on using itebuoy Soar? It is because they know that Ufebiu ia K rcat protector of health. Lifebuoy cleanses away the germ-laden dust and dirt completely anJ ke*!* 8
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    • 289 7 t Quality— AW Excellent I Flavour-— C-. M*M% M%M% mmmm Your throat says so! -f PURE TOBACCO *M Natural CORK-TIP I n As7 4r*>. Finest imported matured Vir- Guaranteed natural cork of /|V Rinia tobacco guaranteed pure tne fi nesl possl ble texture and I I HA\/J7ltf A 1 and
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  • 540 8 U.S. Senate Turns Them Down. To dial or not to dial? Not for long did the United States Senate debate that question, says the New York Literary Digest. "The brand-new dial telephone system was abruptly kicked out after a two weeks' trial, with the entire Senate
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  • 166 8 Believed to Have been Smuggled into Boston. London, .Aug, 14. Boston 4 Massachusetts > lt is believed that the Reynolds portrait, stolen from the Earl of Minto's house m London, has been smuggled into this port. The police have received information to this effect from New York,
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  • 119 8 Plucky Sheep-Dog Saves Her Life. Fishguard. A sheep-dog came to the rescue of a milkmaid who was furiously attacked by a sow belonging to Mr. William Thomas, at Pentre farm, near here. The sow knocked the milkmaid down and lacerated her arms and legs with
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  • 145 8 London, Aug. 12. An opinion of the qualities of the henpecked husband m strong contrast with those traditionally depicted by the comic artist was expressed by Dr. C. W. Kimmins m a lecture at the Cambridge Summer School. Dr. Kimmins, who is an authority on children, declared that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 MMm fMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMWMMMMMMMMWMMM^ .*"^_J_V j^/ma*3t*m»^A _j ft \^™*?t^ <_^5t ***.A^mAwM*^k^a^Sm^^M^m^m^S^a\m^m^. "T_T__ B KMI, SMS..* _J/\ v^^B mMiXt Mm**S m\%. TaMPI 1 r xJi^S^^am**^/ _H_\ii_~>.»v_:irni fioa; ißn^i"*va < .v\ /rB _v_KHW__5 V^'<*i__l I& \9_Br \^^mMA***^^^mm\ ('lit. <■ .>-MUII-.l Itt > I^sv >^_ r V_r__^^^_^^^sl _^S^B^_a B^ J A Sufferer's Wish to Benefit
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    • 267 8 A Healthy Outlook He remembers when this was just i i w he was afraid he would never see Usotc young healthy trees ready to be tapped he was '_.--.,<_ malaria, 'Hu or fever would invalid him Kome first. But thanks to Hall's Wine which has kept his system toned
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 377 9 •^S-fSS CARPS. Wl ls> UMIKO i»^,t phc-by G-»»»t. aSGAPOW- <ASKET CO. 5 jm j, renha* Road, j -mAMMUM***** M I TRUS3T _P Bro( *J- tW disc-cry F 4am A|-enU UYNABD CO- LTD. U, MTTUtT BOAD. ugilfiliFPlNGS, ROAD Sal LIME FOR SALE rmimr* ex Railway Siding Alongside Quarry. Hirble Tombstones and
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    • 576 9 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders are now invited for the following materials or Ml vires, and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained m the Tender Room, Municipal Offices. Closing Date. Supply of Spare Parts for Broadbent Crushers and 4 pm. Crusher Rolls Sept.
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    • 595 9 NOTICES. PRESERVATION OF WILD LIFE. A Commission has been appointed to inquire into the Preservation of the Wild Life of Malaya. One of the terms of reference of this Commission is as follows: "To Inquire into the allegations of damage done to agriculture by Wild Life; to call for and
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    • 571 9 AUCTION SALES. 1 SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 434 of 1930. Writ of Seizure and Sale dated June 24th, 1930. In the cause of Ravena Mana Vayna Soona Nachamai Achi (W) Plaintiff versus Leong Yuen Lok otherwise known as H.
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    • 390 9 I. L Foods The 'Allenburys* Foods are particularly suited to the feeding of infants m hot climates. They are free from harmful germs, and are readily prepared by the simple addition of boiling water, thus giving complete I independence of doubtful milk supplies. Moreover, they are practically identical m composition
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  • 951 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1930. A DEPLORABLE MEASURE. The Bill introduced m Legislative Council yesterday to amend the Volunteer Ordinance, is, we regret to record, m our opinion a thoroughly undesirable and unsound measure and one which no responsible and right-minded Government should ever have countenanced. In proceeding
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  • 568 10 Mr. W. J. Stark has been appointed to act as Controller of Labour, Malaya. Telegraphic communication with Kelantan and Patani has been interrupted since Saturday afternoon. Mr. A. S. Small. Financial Commissioner and Auditor-General. Johore, is due back from leave within a fortnight. H.H. the Sultan of Johore returns to
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  • 102 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK TIN AND RUBBER PRICES. I FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT. London, Aug. 25, 5.5 p.m. Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Sons notify to-day's tin prices as follows. Spot £133 9|l6d (down 14,16). Forward £135 1 16 d (down 14 16). The market is flat. Messrs. Symington
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  • 328 10 Before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) and Mr. Justice Stevens at the Joho'Bahru Supreme Court yesterday the appeals of the Batu Pahat murderers, Seros bin Se*iggarojo and Kunchi Ahmad, were toMWkMMtB. Mr. W. E. Demuth and Mr. Osborne _k_S)_U appeared on behalf of each accused respectively A preliminary try-out
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  • 83 10 The 800 metres Free Style A Handicap all swum off on Sunday, resulting m a win for Scow Sian Chye (1 min> m 16. mins. 30 A B sees, with Tan Lai Chai (go> and Lim Bock Chye (go> 2nd and 3rd respectively. The inter-team water polo
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  • 508 10 ANIMAL WELFARE IN SINGAPORE. S.P.C.A. ANM^MEE^ The fact thai Ua clet a show-the Dm rnpoM *> September 28th i *****»*s2 Mmm at th, annua v f Ud|^ for the hwntto SlV^ 4Smgapon, MurJ^ J A^ under the chain... hrn. William Mttrtaon. Pr, W2 Lady Colin:. H: caused toe to 1
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  • 119 10 CLOSE HARMONY AT THE CAPITOL. The Paramount talkim and run. *<■<• •'>""' -Close Harmony" which comnv at the Capital on S.n film which seem, ri at present BrtfhtH beras. with food itn background to m _*£c! hi Which N audience bf net deltgl beaut;- Htf ottUUndiiiß render ing of the
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  • 44 10 To-night marks th I Rogotta Trio at ItH N which they will pitW artists have I ffurt I an -tireiv new pj consisting Of -W_g». carried out m an ■>■'• ,-K.nner The ttJOtOftl I ranks among the 'on no account be m>
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 339 10 ll M ________M^_«— JM H. G. SIMONDS LTD. READING i^_^sS^w^-f>^A THE HOPLEAF THE SIGN OF THE BEST MILK STOUT tSOLE AGENTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated under thc Companies' Ordinances of Hong Kong), {Incorporated m Shanghai*. 90. Robinson Road. Telephone 6228. t" _>Y*Y^ .3®®®®s *>_^>_^*a_>:« .-■.^^^7777 BY SPECIAL i H
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    • 71 10 f-elJlionh]) VV .TV *trm j^i I) V_V*Oo_*UTV^*^a< J la*_^fL> j IT IS BETTER TO GIVE THAN TO LEND and it usually costs about the same. But you cannot borrow a "G AFL A C" POLICY. Get one for yourself and enjoy peace of mind. GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION,
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  • 205 11 ,0 y COMMISSION. T.i Btsisi British Mandate ,0 Policy. .R-wU'r'.s Service.) London. An*;. 25. report the ***MMt of Nations Man- f Comn- Lsf,, ,i n I****** disturbances i]ne mut WtWMti simultaneously with the Government _-jf report Corn:..* >P inio that th <' Aral > *j.
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  • 63 11 Surprise Visit to Employer's House FREE PRESaS SER VICE —COPYRIGHT. London. Aug. .5. lth named Phelps. toils, ol this employer. Councillor liHngton, who waa away on holiday. i burglars -a ho were engaged m ranH* started to telephone for ot In the back Despite crawled
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  • 58 11 Consular Representation at Geneva. I Reuters Service.) Wa-shington. Aug. 25. -Prentiss Gilbert, head of the Political J* Economic Information Division of the >T**riment. has been appointed United ST K mUl M G,m Va WUh VleW t0 "•«<* a competent observer of the the League of Nations.
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  • 38 11 T urco-Persian Military Co-operation. [Reuters Service.) I C oastantlnople. Aug. 24. 0 Persia insists on the necessity military co-operation against 1 urges that rectification of the lethe the Turkish military n of Mount Ararat are asurea
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  • 56 11 PENANG MILITERY BUSINESS IN DIFFICULTIES. 0f '°»"l>any m Jeopardy. Fr °m Our o,„ Correspondent .J Penang, Aug. 25. made m the Supreme :x»intment of Kennedy ''""is and managers of ■ned on m Penang by the ground that the to jeopardy. The tt*lf of Mr. Noel Francis Sembilan planter, who "Pany
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  • 14 11 lu ter'i Service.] l'esh.iwar. Aug. 24. mm, been totally withdrawn
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  • 16 11 LONDON AND LIVERPOOL BUBBER STOCKS. London. Aug. 25. •••'• fa rMh n r -verpoo. 625 tons
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  • 197 11 HEAVY CASUALTIES. Captain Among Killed m Hand to Hand Fight. f Reuter's Service. 1 Simla. Aug. 2... While reports from the Kurram region chronicle complete surrender by the Massozai tribesmen, a serious clash has occurred with Hathikhel Wazirs, resulting m heavy casualties m hand to hand
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  • 117 11 ATTEMPT TO KILL SIDKY PASHA Armed Berber Arrested on Train. IReuuVs Service.] Cairo, Aug. 25. A Berber dressed as a waiter and armed rith sharp axe MM found m the corridor of a train outside the compartment m which the Premier. Sidky Pasha, was travelling to Cairo shortly after the
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  • 53 11 Privy Council Investigation. I Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service. I Tokyo, August IZ. The second meetmg of the Privy Council's Exammation Committee was held this afternoon for two hours and the Committee heard Mr. Hamaguchi. Premier. Baron Shidehara. Foreign Minister, and Admiral Takarabe. Navy Minister, explain the
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  • 97 11 Visit to Lossiemouth. (British Radio Official Service. Rugby. Aug. 23. General Hertzog. the South African Prime Minister, arrived at Elgin this morning on a week-end visit to the Prime Minister at Lossiemouth. Rugby. Aug. 19. General Hertzog. tlie Prime Minister of the Union of South
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  • 83 11 Aberdeen's Welcome. [British Radio Official Service.! Rugby, Aug. 23. A great cro*.vd was present when the royal train m which the King and Queen and Prince George travelled from Sandringham stopped at Aberdeen this morning, en route for Ballater. The King, accompanied by Prince George, talked
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  • 55 11 American Trans-Continental Flight. [Reuter's Service.] Roosevelt Fields, New York, Aug. 25. Eddie Sneider, the eighteen-year old Jersey City airman, landed this afternoon after breaking by about an hour and a half the junior record of 28 hours 18 minutes for the west to east trans-continental flight established
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  • 73 11 Tactical Exercises. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Aug. 24. The annual G.O.C's inspection of the Ifl S.V.R. units m Kuala Ln.npur. excluding the F.MS. Li<*ht Battery but including "A" Coy Vickers Gunners and Signais and ".Y_reless t-ook place on Saturday m the f_RB of a nobile
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  • 100 11 POLICE CHIEF'S ESCAPE. I Unsuccessful Attack Upon Sir C. Tegart. [Reuter's Service.] Calcutta, Aug. 25. This morning two bombs were thrown at a car m which Sir Charles Tegart, the Police Commissioner, was driving to his office. The bombs exploded m the roadway and wounded the driver
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  • 240 11 Newspaper Reports Officially Denied. I British Radio Official Service. 1 Rugby, Aug. 24. The following bulletin was issued at Glamis Castle at 12.30 to-day. 'The Duchess of York continues to make normal convalescence. Her Royal Highness has had another excellent night's sleep and so has the
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  • 259 11 N. C. Begg m Court. In the District Court yesterday. N. C. Begg was summoned to show cause why he should not be bound over to be of good behaviour. After evidence had been given by DetInspector Fernandez regarding Begg's earlier appearances before the Courts, the witness
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  • 143 11 Collision m Orchard Road. One of the large limousine cars belonging to H.E. the Governor was damaged m a collision which cx**urred ?,i the difficult cross-roads m Orchard Road just before the entrance to Government House grounds on Saturday afternoon. It appears a private car being driven
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  • 172 11 Rats' tails m Province Wellesley cost the Agricultural Department 2.24 cents each last year, the annual report of the Department showing that rewards amounting to $12,993.02 were paid for the capture of 579,972 rodents. They were thus more expensive than m the preceding year,
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  • 49 11 GERMAN'S SUCCESS. Stops at Iceland and Greenland. [Reuter's Service] New York, Aug. 24. The trans-Atlantic flight has been accomplished by the German airman, Gronau, who landed at Queensport Harbour, Nova Scotia to-day. He flew his flying-boat from Germany, stopping at Reykjavik and at Ivigtut m Greenland.
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  • 324 11 To-day's Ties. The following ties will be played to-day. "A" Class Singles. N. A. Sedwick plus 3 vs. C. E. Hudson scv. "B" Class Singles. J. S. Nathan owe 15 vs. A. G. Hay owe 4. P. Ziegele owe 2 vs. W. H. Palgrave owe 2.
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  • 149 11 Yesterday's Results. Championship. J. S dc Souza beat V. C. de Souza. 5 7. 6 4. 6 o. "A" Singles. H. N. Balhetci.c. beat F. Jamc a, 7 5. 6 2. "B M Singles. C. Baumgarten beat N. A. Pcs tan a. 4 6, —4, 6—2.
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  • 322 11 Singapore Doubles Championship. Play m the Singapore Championship Tournament was continued on Saturday and Simday last at the S.V.C. Drill Hall before a large gathering. Full results are as follows: SATURDAY. Seah Eng Liat and Lim Chek Heng oeat _~ea Kian Ann and Charlie Chua 21 4. 21—14. See
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 229 11 I 91 Elkington Plate |6 [fi B GG>®®^^ |fi ifi ifi jjj The Finest Substitution m the World for Solid Silver. _n *Mt _fi s Ifi 18 $50 I ifi ifi _fi ifi tj* ELKINGTON CO.. LTD.. being the Originators and Patentees of ifi |fi the Electro-plating process, can mark
      229 words

  • 831 12 MONDAY, AUGUST 25th. Present. His Excellency. thc Governor. Sir Cecil Clementi. K.C.M.G. H. E. The General Officer Commanding the Forces. Major-General H. L. Pritchard C.8., C.M.G.. tys.O The Hon'ble Colonial Secretary. 4 Mr. John Scott. CM.G.i The Hon'ble Acting Resident Councillor, Penan*.. (Mr. E W. F. Gilman C.8.E.)
    831 words
  • 864 12 Government Action Explained. Council approved a motion by the Secretary for Chinese Affairs that the operation of the proclamation under section 3 4 > of the Immigration Ordinance made by the Governor prohibiting the entry of Chinese mile labourers for three months from July 31 be
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  • 123 12 NON -BRITISH EUROPEAN VOLUNTEERS. New Bill's First Reading. The Volunteer Force (Amendment) Bill was read a first time. The Attorney-General, m dealing with the Bill, mentioned that tlie amendment was to extend the provisions so as to allow Europeans who are not British to Join the Force. Seconding the first
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  • 1845 12 "Grandmotherly Legislation." Considerable discussion followed on the motion by The Secretary for Chinese Affairs •Mr. A. M. Goodman) for the second reading of the Women and Girls Protection Bill (to consolidate and amend the law relating to the protection of women and girls and to make provision
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  • 619 12 The Question of Government Interference. On the adjournment. Mr. P. M. Robinson spoke on the subject of rubber restriction. He referred to the remarks of the Colonial Secretary at the last meeting when he (the speakerdeprecated Government interference witli the staple industries of the Country. The Colonial Secretary
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  • 1181 12 "QUESTION OF ABSOLUTE NECESSITY." Mr. Cheng Lock's Views. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, speaking, he said, as one of the advocates of restriction, pointed out that at a past meeting the Colonial Secretary gave them to understand that if there should be a unanimous request by the industry for Government to
    1,181 words
  • 580 12 Need for Gov,. Speaking c the severe eoonou was ■tmtflu.6 ar,d ueneral distress that X I Cheng Lock srnd The get consider., blv _?Ol unsaleable. as H the Governtn* cotintiies: blti for the regulation i Should the condn., unfortunately thi;: i be no money m UU. Ed
    580 words

    • 937 13 Twelve Titles Change Hands. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 31. More records were forthcoming when the Army individual athletic championships were concluded on the Command Central ground at Aldershot on Saturday, despite a drizzle of raii: and a strong wind! There is something really attractive
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    • 119 13 Referee Unmoved by British Captain's Appeal. London, July 21. Auckland, with thirteen "All Blac.:s" m their team, defeated the British Rugby team on Saturday at Auckland m a rehearsal for the third Test there next Saturday, by two placed gols, one penalty goal, two tries
      119 words
    • 437 13 A Notable Discovery. London, July 31. K. Greig. the young St. Andrews golfer, won the Scottish Amateur Championship on Saturday, when he gained a decisive victory over J. Wallace, of Troon Portland, m the 36 hol-i final at Carnourtie by nine up and eight ii} play,
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    • 229 13 Team to Represent Club Cricket Chosen. (Prom Oui- Own Correspondent.) London, July 31. The side to represent Club Cricket against the Australians at Lords on September 6 and 8 is as follows: F. E. Whitehead (Homey) capt. T. G. Grinter (Frtoton on Sea); W. L. Newman (Alexandra Park*
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    • 183 13 Stribling Will Not Beat Camera. In the Southern States of America there is a tjelief that Stribling is now definitely headed for the heavy-weight championship of the world. I hold the same opinion, but although I am convinced that he is a better pugilist than Scott, Sharkey,
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    • 162 13 The Young Australia Temperance Society, we are told, has just "started a crusade to enrol one abstainer for each run Bradman compiles m England." Judging by Mr. Bradman's behaviour at Leeds, it sounds like an insidious wav of achieving total Prohibition not quite su^h a sudden and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 305 13 302 Years Ago the Haigs began to distil Scots Whisky. Many other distillers followed, but none excelled them, and none can claim the years of experience that belong alone to the Haig family. Local Agents THK AXCLO-SIAM CORPORATION LTD. SINGAPORE !f^!*-F-n_fi^^ g _r\._ Via j "FIT AND FORGET" jj. SPARK
      305 words
    • 293 13 Sleeplessness Insomnia of long \Mmr duration had produced y. great debility. Sanafm our sleeplessness is ogen was prescribed due to the weakened and at the end of a condition of your E2&J! the iw V* r v I T ment was marked and I nerves, but once they sleep was
      293 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 868 14 Blue Funnel Line MEGVIAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. ttW^MmmMM SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twlsa Monthly Senrlea Lt-erpssi aai Glaagow. (Via Genoa and Hatra). Route nubject to sltissilsn wtthoot notlee. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT I \*m\ f M\nmmrm\ mTm P r MarBelu^
      868 words
      528 words
    • 433 14 P. O British India and Apcar lines (Incorporated In England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY'S GOVERN^ LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE OUTWARDS FKOM LONDON FOR CHINA JAP^ Due. Tannage, Singapore, Twui 0* MALWA 11,100 Sept. 6 COMORIN 15 lflft NAGPORE 5,280 Sept. 15
      433 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 712 15 0. S. K. Line. tort ft atA New Toi*:— (from Ron* Kong) m Eipreaa Freight Service). Tokal Mam Aug. 21 x% UaMM and Vancouver:-— (from Kobe) t Arizona Maru Aug 22 a < Hamburg, (Bremen) •_<*_.<_"•'. w Anta-WP Amazon Maru Sept. 17 19 namm Town. Rio de Janeiro, S-ntos,
      712 words
    • 601 15 IfmWtW ________________-J~---| fl PP__ 1_ m^HkT f^ Mm mmv4am\ mM^km^ m ~t.mmmmmmtAT***\ t*mWWW.*i mjM t, Mm fl I M H f^rnß -^***J t-__ tm m 1 .MW .^M Mm MB *v I k TO MARSEILLES. NEW YORK AMU i_osi"* JM FROM SINGAPORE AND PENANG via COLOMBO. SUEZ PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA,
      601 words
    • 844 15 kTp. m. KONIMLYRE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA.) (Incorporated m Holland.) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE N__THI_R__ANDB INDIAN OX3VI_RNMEiri Telephone No. 5451, with sub-connections to:— Passage, Freights Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representatives m the Straits Settlements (Singapore and Penan** of the I TRAVELLERS OFFICIAL INFORMATION BUREAU.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 698 16 Burns Philp Line. (Incorporated m Australia.) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The as. MARELLA ls one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia Cabins de
      698 words
    • 119 16 THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1.) Honolulu Maru 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3.) Kedah 18; Jerantut 15; Japanese Prince 11; Kola 8; Berrima 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3.) Darvel 30; Larut 31; Capodimonte, Ethiopia. 33; City of
      119 words
    • 465 16 GLEN LINE, LIMITED m.v. GLENGARRY 9,460 tons. The above vessel sailing for London via ports about Sept. 6 has available accommodation for Saloon Passengers. PASSAGE Singapore-London $514.29. BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents. COMPAGNIE MARITIME BELGE (LLOYD ROYAL) S.A. (Incorporated m Belgium.) MONTHLY SERVICE OF STEAMERS from SINGAPORE to HONOLULU, VANCOUVER, SEATTLE,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 502 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. BT STEAMER TO-DAY. Karimon Spon Lee 9 a.m. Kukup and Benut Loong Heng 9 a.m. Pulau Tekong Hong Aik 9 a.m. Rhio Pontianak 9 a.m. Kemaman, Dungun and Trengganu Hong Ho 9 a.m. China, Hainam, Japan, Korea, Formosa, East Siberia Western Canada and Western States of U.S.A. Autolycus
      502 words

  • Port and Shipping News.
    • 245 17 L Further Details. Rugby, Aug. IS. N steamer Tahiti. I bile on her way prandeeo, was a steel 7 H9B tons. It was re- .sin had lost her thai water was entering propeller shaft, flooding and the engine room. unavailing, the throughout the day and
      245 words
    • 82 17 TRIAL RUN OF M.S. YASUKLNI MARU. **mlau 'rship Y<W*W- Maru ahowry result* upon her trial run. try* av,r; -speed was 18 knots hour !h mum spml 18, knots -_a a **MI *t Mm is able to raain- insistent speed. The the sister ship of the "Mar _iV L^ proving to
      82 words
    • 67 17 m*«ytol floating beacons «E (b (»> Lat 2.28 N. long. < 2w D Ut 2 lON. long. 102.08E.. (c) 101 41E *****E <-» Lat. 2.19 N. |V cca strait by H. M. oquoli iTtZV 11 inch p< "*nj, s h of Rround chain. They JS Baa b
      67 words
    • 23 17 I; fc to the I** •*> dua at Singapore T Baillio-orohman. appointed to the Hon. is unfortun**t Of an accident. »>v Captain V H.
      23 words
    • 773 17 Development of Trade m Frozen Fish. The Hudson's Bay Company, which since the •seventeenth century has imported into Great Britain furs and skins obtained from Canada. is now using its extensive organization to develop a new trade m frozen fish. The fish, chiefly salmon from Labrador,
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    • 292 17 Total of £120,000 a Year. Details of some of the reductions m port charges recently announced by the Port of London Authority are now available. Although amended schedules of charges have not yet been published, it is announced that the main reductions will be as
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  • 1024 17 A Generation That Is Forgetting the Sea. The Ruler of Pilots at Gravesend has deplored the passing of the Windjammer. He is right it is not only deplorable thai the white-winged beauties that for hundreds of years had extended the Empire and main- j tamed British commerical
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  • 62 17 Money must be made before it can be spent. —Col. E. Watts Allen. C.B.E. The most subtle women are those who can be clever without letting anybody know It. Mr. Philip Hughes. If I am ever m doubt as to what ia happening m my own home, I need only
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 239 17 H B^P _H B^_ BY *^M* MMtMuuu BA _____L I b 3 __j^ __i_^____k ___4^^__H _____k ___r ____H__ >_! C IGARETTES TOBACCO, *_J_F s^^- i^ A^ JP% J4p>» sffi APJ- amW>'*"- ii*_;^^^-4«-__r^__! I _(P% jj^r'Mm^' _i--^^ t _r_f_ l */.> «w_- ______.-^tt__________. ________^___________!^!L_^__b____S IS rl Hv.: "I. Tl ii-|f^J H
      239 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 200 17 PASSENGERS AKKIVEI). ..kkman. Mr T. Koike, Mr and Mrs. R. W. Storm. Bocfito, B4Jr Wangsa Mr. Drinent. Mr. Hr I) C Bliss, Mr. Harvey. Mr. J 11. Mr. L. Droppers, M: J v Mr. I. H. Mielke. tana. Mr- van Oidenborgh. Tengko. La H H. The Sultan and family, .Mrs.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 330 18 A second f^fwlping /'/'^_____3h f- ?_?W, fa m W??''*'- "And you said you weren't (wW^^M^^ 7^ hungry!" Yes, but that I^s*?^i_^^^/^*ik vvas before I knew you [a^S***^ were cooking Wall's *7 mt \*Y^ Cambridge Sausages." l£vvvV*-_ *Jf They cheer the appetite yg^w^ I^^ma*^{f as well as satisfy. Prime, ~»__s^^ meaty
      330 words
    • 970 18 SOVEREIGNS RETURN. Three-Penny Bits Also. Londoners have been surprised during the last few weeks by large numbers of sovereign*, and three-penny bits which have come circulation, says a mail vee'. paper. It has become quite a common experience to receive three or more of the latter coins ir change
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    • 459 18 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated ln England by Royal Charter) Paid up capital m 600,000 shares of £5 each £2,000.000 Reserve Fund £4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches: Alor Star i Hong Kong I Rangoon Amritsar
      459 words
    • 696 18 INSURANCE. THE 35^ SOUTH M BRITISH 1 INSURANCE COMPANY "RE. lIAWNp, "J**, -MOTOR c\ R LOWEST (■.-......•vr d. *> L. c li_J__o__OOTH Vu PERSONAITAiiiFNTr ACCIDENTS m I -YE you made p. >**» of your dependei,. pr I oeerteke you ctJn^ IT only costs $15 fear* Polk* for $10,000 with )BTiON
      696 words

  • 285 19 gmell Hindrance. v dns not domb Why do f( household 11 ;.s their jh would suggeal bber is Indicated bj lvi 111 r ul Agency of riiiyrpical consumers to »>f well ree- by Mr. Laird m the i-li imsmells rspiratioa, the econd most repulmpanions for rub-
    285 words
  • 55 19 m-Lukut 1 from i irch 31, 1929, to port givea no i lb. The pi oflt £20.5G4». and The directors •<• (the .same), leav- Ol the unevrtain m to carry forward, I tern staff. Last WA MM paid. From Member 31, 1939. the com<Mi.« 100.8001 b. of
    55 words
  • 923 19 Visit to Far East. The Financial Times published a very interest ing interview on the Economic Mission to the Ea^t. with Mr. G. M. Giliett M.P. of the Department of Overseas Trade. .Mr. G. M Gillrtt. M.P., of the Department of Oversea.s Trade, informed a representative
    923 words
  • To-Day's Price Changes.
    • 203 19 August 25. SELLING. London 4 months' sight 213 7|B London 3 months' sight 2j3 2732 London 60 days* sight 2[3 25 32 London 30 days' sight 213% London, demand 2|3 23|32 London, T.T. 2|3 ***** Lyons and Paris, demand 1428 Hamburg, demand 234 New York, demand 56*4 Batavia
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    • 218 19 August 2ft. Tin 100 Tons $68v Gambler r g_^ Pepper White 29 Pepper Black 2 1 Flake Tapioca 3 90 Pearl Sago Small g^ Copra, Sundried gQS Rice, Anam No. 2 250 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) .3.30 Rice, Siam old No. 1 320 1 i-ice,
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  • 891 19 MONDAY. AUGUST 25TH. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Mayers Setter*. Asam Kumbang 27s 28s 6d Ayer Hitam 9s 3d 10s Bangrin Tin 13s 9d 14s 6d Batang Padang ($1) 10 15 Bata Caves ($1) 55 60 Bukit Arang ($1) 35 40 Burmah Malay <£) 13s 15s norn Chenderiang <£> 3s
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  • 125 19 MACPHAIL CO.'S DAILY REPORT. Sin^anore, Aug. PS. Tin. Quiet.— Sungei Ways 2.10 2.20, OTt* Klangs 66 72'_.. Talams 49 53' Sungei Luas 87 91. Hong Fatt 48 51. Kuchais 77 80. Kint-* 83 85.... Penawats 41 45. Malay Consols 14 16. Petalings 4.45 4.55. Johans 26^ 27, Souths 17 20.
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  • 150 19 Under the leadership of R. D. Garirell. direcLor of development. Dominion Rubber Company. Limited. Montreal. Que., together with Bruce Marr and R. Howard, of Kitchener. Ont.. a Canadian Institution of the Rubber Industry is now being organized along the same lines as the
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  • 78 19 fß.itish Radio— Official Service.] ■ Aug. ta. Foreign exchanges are: Amsterdam 12.09.. Athens 375. Bombay is. 5 ,d.. Berlin 20.39. Bru.ssels 34.865. Bucharest 817. Rio 4 Buenos Aires 40 7-16. Copenhagen 18.165. Gene i 25.05 i. Helsin'gfors 193 7-16. Hong Kon.,' Is. 3 .d.. Lisbon 108 Madrid 44.50. Milan
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  • 162 19 The report of Kuala Pergau Rubber Plantations for the year to February 28 states considerable sums (amounting to over l.d. per lb. on the year's crop) liave been expended out Of revenue on the upkeep and improvement of the estates. Weather conditions are stated to bave been
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  • 103 19 S EMPAH RUBBER ESTATES. A Io.SaS of 13.240 Is disclosed by the accounts Of the Sempah Rubber Estates for the year ended March 31 (against a profit of £1.238 for 192a>-29>. which. d» ducted from the amount brought m, leaves £i.B_9. and it is recommended that this be carried forward.
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  • 58 19 August "'.Vb.. o'clock noon. Buyers Sellers. R.B.S. equal to Loudon Standard, Spot IV standard R..S.S. on Tender Sept. IS 16 Oct. Id 16', Oet-Dec 104 10 Jan-Mar. 1I 17 a Tone of Market: Stagnant. L. t Cab] -London Spot sheet 4 13-16 d. per lb.
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  • 333 19 A Planter's Views. Discussing the Werc-Btantou icheme aith a Malay Mail representative weii-lui i ak planter described tbe kcheme sa perlu best yet put loruard. Ther- were points thai came to mind in Connection with ;ue however, thai would need careful consideration. The scheme envisaged the removal
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  • 268 19 To the Editor of the Pinang Gazelle Sir. Then was a small article under lInheading in vour issue ot 19-8-30 statjDg f only 94 Sterling Companies out (.1 4<i». p u Rickinson's calculations, produce rubber und't 6d. per lb. 6d. are cents 21.43 at par
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  • 186 19 An Interesting Point. On one of our OUt tm Tin of M inter- ti ort ol a Teluk i gpeecl m re all to Tamil i ol I port k them down Iran h To n the most ii mad a employed n man t all th
    186 words
  • 29 19 North London magistrate to the polin Has there ever been any trouble with this tuan before? The man: On. yes; if the moon dropped down it would be "mt*.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 71 19 ASSETS EXCEED $11,000,004) ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $38,000,000 TIIE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). J HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27 Old Jewry EC Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies Act
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    • 33 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD., BRANCH OFFICE: CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 336 20 CHEAP WICKETS. Tourists Content with Modest Total. I FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT.} London. Aug. 25. The weather was fine and there were 12.000 people present when the Australian tourists commenced their first innings m their match against Gloucestershire at Bristol. After having <____ssed the County for
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  • 252 20 I Perak Trounce Selangor. [From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, Ang. 24. The tennis tournament for the Storch Cup began on Saturday afternoon, three doubles only being played, rain preventing further play. Negri Sembilan. Perak and Selangor were to have participated but the Negri scratched at
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  • 155 20 Teams for Barnes Cups Matches. The following teams will compete for the Barnes Cups over the coming week-end: "A" team— Messrs. Gifford, Ferguson, Alexander and Reynolds. "B" team— Messrs. Onraet, Forbes and Haines, and Lt.-Cdr. King-Harman. team— Lt.-Col. Dickinson and Messrs. DrakeBrockman, Eyre and Griffiths. "D" team—
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  • 985 20 ANNUAL REPORT. A Year of Successful Activity. From the report of the Committee for the year ended June 30th we take the following Items. The Income and Expenditure account for the year shows a surplus of $1,091.30. Members' accounts m debit amounting to $2,293.50 represents entrance fees
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  • 29 20 In the last match of the Reserve Division of the League, at the Anson Road- Stadium ast evening, the Malays beat the Welch by three goals to one. i
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  • 248 20 TO OPPOSE R.B.Y.C. Punai Carries Off First Beer Mug. Yachting enthusiasts In Batavia and Singapore will be interested to learn that the following have been chosen to represent the R.S.Y.C. on the occasion of their forthcoming visit to compete against the yachts of the R.B.Y.C.: Team
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  • 618 20 On Sunday 24th. at the R.S.Y.C. the "B" class raced over the S. W. Monsoon for the first of two beer mugs presented by Mr. Marchant, and this being a single race some really keen sport was the order of the day. A start was made at 10
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  • 89 20 The Singapore Swimming Club defeated teams from the 2nd Welch Regiment at the Club on Sunday. The first team, which displayed very good form, won by 10 1. Goals were scored for the Club by Fabre (4) Druiding (3), Leonard (2> ang Brodie (1). The teams were as
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  • 63 20 Owing to the arrangement of. the match between the Hong Kong XI and the S.A.F.A. to-day and the Cup final on Saturday, there will be no S.A.F.A. Cup matches this week. Next Tuesday the replay of the match between the I.C.F.A. and Pulau Brani will take place;
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  • 159 20 AMERICAN TITLES. Singles and Doubles Won at Forest Hills. [Reuter's Service.] Forest Hills, Ang. 24. Miss Betty Nuthall (Eng'_nd) won th? American ladies' championship to-day. beating Mrs. Harper 6 l, 6 4. Miss Nuthall, with Miss Sarah Palfrey, also won the doubles championship, beating Mrs.
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  • 233 20 Club Championship. The Club meets every Friday evening at the Adelphi Hotel. The scores up-to-date In the annual Club Championship are as follows: I The scores for the Handicap Tournamer.t aie as follows: I In the Newcomers' Tourney the scores up-to-date n-e us iollows: P. W. D.
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  • 451 20 Keng Hock's Big Innings for S.J.I. St. Josephs Institution met the Welch Regt. Band at Bras Basah Rd. on Saturday, the match being drawn: S.J.I. C. Mosbergen c Link b Callaghan 26; S. Ahin b Pepper 3: Chia Keng Hock c Dutton b Barrett 95; D. Ess lbw b
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  • 68 20 IReuter's service.: New York, Aug. 23. The following are latest baseball results: National League. Chicago 3, New York 2. Clncinnatti 6, Pittsburgh 9. Cinchinattl 2, Pittsburgh 0. St. Louis 9. Philadelphia 4. St. Louis 6. Philadelphia 4. American League. New York 5. Cleveland 3. New York 2. Cleveland
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  • 30 20 The Southern Johore Association Football League season begins next month. Next year it is hoped to commence the season i_. April to come into line with the other Malay States.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 361 20 I RECENT TALKIEm^ jg from the following picture I 1 "HIS MASTER'S VOICP" I RECORDS. WORDS AND MUSK j SUNNY SIDE UP I CAMEO KIRBY SYNCOPATION I I NOTHING BUT THE TIU H il SONG OF KENTUCKY There being a large demur,-! r these records we recommend m torh S
      361 words