The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 May 1930

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press NO. 13,018. ESTABLISHED 1836. SINGAPORE, S.S. SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930. 20 PAGES DAILY. 10 CENTS.
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  • 329 1 Dorward, the Paisley cinema manager, h:.s been acquitted, the Lord Justice remarking that evidence regarding the gate •said to have been locked was irreconcilable Page 11. The Australians won the first match of their tour against Worcestershire by an innings and 165 runs Page 20. A twenty
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  • 1248 1 Quicquid cgunt homines nostri ett farrago Ltbelli Juvenal The thought of Sir William and Sir Cecil meeting amid the fragrance of the magnolias at Port Dickson should be inspiring, but The Topicist is afraid that were he to suggest the possible lines of conversation he would
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 180 1 _r JsourMPP V t S3P <_. lir^A M lr i'l _> mm mt. tJrm*^ uL .Jl! •>♦♦ I »v*r>>** ltl I t M^9m\Mf iWmW I AWm-hMi-taMU Wa Aa t /kmV**t a, lam* JMsi' VV t fLAii fcM y^^ J mWisL\ n jWm *f -*S&H X s >Ue Label; 1 X
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    • 94 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Chef soups— Page 4. H< :el arrangements P?_:p 1. JTII genuine eau de Cologne Page 7. y f 1930-7-Pngt 3 —Page r ties lore c Oati ,;_p age 3 Motorist Page hts n; OOling as iee Pnee 18 I-'Orsay". perfumes present a cry.;.;! tube Page i. Bodete chocolates
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  • 223 2 ANCIENT FRONTIER FEU D SETTLED. rShias and Sunnis. I*e-h_\.ar. April 4. ife-kmg f'.ud between the Shias a:\t. Bunnl Orak_a_i of U»e Ttaah, which culmiiiafed li AUfU-t I! >2T m the .vhul.\ e ale ejectm.-rv of the Bta-H iiom their rillace m Urn Ttara] bf <:•..'. tore <. Bumil Orakzai-- u-.-l'.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 300 2 NOTICE. HH MESSRS. CAPITOL THEATRES, LTD. desire to thank those who have applied for positions, and if beg to announce that all vacan- I cies have now been filled. I 1 *ma m___> SPECIAL OFFER: f #iikt Gold wrist watch Lever 15 I jewels Movt. for Gent: *|C A A
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    • 278 2 VICTORIA THEATRE J TO-NIGHT AT 9.30. CARL LAWSON presents the 1 BANDMAN COMEDY COMPANY 1 WITH HILDA DORRINGTON. i The Great Potash and Perlmutter Comedy. "GIVE and TAKE" I I BY HARRQJV HOFFMfIN. f j The Funniest JewlSh play ever written. f BOOK AT LITTLE'S, $4, 2 AND 1. I
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    • 361 2 wWxmm<@wm><m^ l^r ALHAMBRA^I OWING TO PHENOMENAL SICCESS THE SEASON II \s MMMw I W, EXTENDED FOR TWO MORE NIGHTS, UNTIL MONDAY. MAY ife §NOW SCORING A PHENOMENAL SUCCESS ml LONDON AND NEW YORK. I Glorification W|^^ Sunburst j _i lfe"V"\ w****** 1 "_j!j •^5. W B_Mni\ _»**><*'*** 1( 1 ift__B
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 255 2 THE WEEK. Saturday. 3rd. High Watei. 00.12. 9.0. 13.45. 7.4. Australian mail closes. 11 a.m. Robinson's annual meeting. Chartered Bank Building— noon. Singapore Races. "Football Res. Dn Wt lch IS. Malays. Stadium. Cricket: Welch Regt. vs. RifT-RafTs. Tanglin. Speedway meeting 9 o'clock. St Pett-r's Church Musicale. Y.W.C.A.. 8.15 p .m.
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  • 1123 3 Our British Patriot Return*; Important Views on Multi-Lin-rua! Problem: Londen for World Studio Singapore as Eastern Centre: Facts About 8.1.P. Deal. £20,000 Minimum Payment: Ramon One of Nine! (By Our Film Correspondent). Mr. E. R. Gourdeau, managing director of Australasian Films (Malaya) Ltd.. who is
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  • 650 3 Says "I am out of the Picture." N'irc. Mr. Robert W. BarYlee. the famo__ Can.-d;...) poet-novelist, who has now made his home m France, states thai he has mire:J, irom active literary work. "I am out of the picture." he .a*r. "I do not write regularly any
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 340 3 ELECTRICITY] [g_ ECONOMY AND SERVICE I a Use Electricity to lighten your nl Labour and to light your leisure. J Woman's Work is never done. 0 Half of it never need be where Electricity is used for. Fires without smoke and dust. Cooking without discomfort. Housework without drudgery. ELECTRICITY SAVES
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  • 598 4 In Wilder Parts of the Empire. There are many parts of the world where the motor car is little known and is considered as a semi-divine or semi-diabolical invention. Recently, when I was visiting a pilgrim centre m L.dia. an old man came up to look
    F.E.K.  -  598 words
  • 383 4 It may be thought a little remarkable that, beginning with Chevrolet trucks and proceeding presently to Chevrolet cars, we are going into complete British manufacture of these vehicles at this period of political uncertainty." said Mr. C J Bartlett. a Devon man and chief of General Motors'
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  • 88 4 High Percentage of Vehicles Stolen and Recovered. During 1929 3,155 cars were stolen m the Metropolitan area; 3,041 of these were recovered. The most "popular" car with the thief is the mass-production type of vehicle, as this is less easily identified. It is stated that there
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  • 461 4 A New Use for Malaya Product. English cars, unlike the American, have for years been slow to adopt shock-absorbing bumpers. A gradual change is. however, coming over the situation, and an ever-increasing number of cars may now be observed m the streets equipped with bumpers. During
    Bulletin  -  461 words
  • 562 4 Some Points of Maintenance. Starters and dynamos are jiow so well made and so generally reliable that the owner-driver is apt to forget their existence, and may err on the side of giving them les.s attention that they deserve, and should receive. Perhaps the most important point about
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  • 35 4 According to a report just issued by the Ministry of Transport. Hyde Park Corner is the busiest traffic point m London, Piccadilly Circus taking second place, and the Mansion House being third.
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  • 34 4 For the first time, a Swedish-built car has been shown at a motor show outside Sweden, several examples of the Volvo being on view at the exhibition recently held m Copenhagen.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 288 4 «lH______________Mßß«Mis2jJ2! C •OLD RECOMMENDED M^^ A A A X^F «V STORES EVERY WHERI Jl Oldetndlish V. R. VICK A CO, -—-aaa-—- Marmalade is acclaimed The Aristocrat of the Breakfast Table.** Jaded appetites aM\ gladly respond to its delightful touch o* M (EX tonic bitterness and full natural flavour ImWmW' m,
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    • 168 4 ®<_*®®_*9®®(i*3<s»^ J jtßQj) a. ___fl > ____h ___r_i i^__i __^^tfi^^B __!___j Jj I Vjj m C__2 W]2!3 E •T.lw'-JS?^ ___r^B Hl\ MKSpW*^ IL.k^TV^T^v *->' 7 fl l____^__W mV- •'■> aW 7 -.-^-j-^a-yr y ■> __gr^r^?SM __M_to____o*-**--_^'"- _i^-^-_a_^B B_________i__iMir^- *>*«_.'^••■r _/fe_aßii_^-**C^H_3 _i<-^_?__-^_MB__^ jBT /> x T I^> l_ X'\i^r mmmmmWmA I
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  • 744 5 CUTTING-IN RISKS. Crop of "Cases" in an Unofficial Notebook. I put mvself one dav in the position of a mobile tin flic policeman instructed to execute the provisions of the new Road Traffic Bill. ?rc:umir>2 the Bill to have become an Act. writes Harold Pemberton,
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  • 220 5 In the past history of motoring there have been many attempts to secure an improvement m car suspension by employing rubber instead of steel springs. They have not been altogether successful, inasmuch as they employed rubber of commercial rather than specialised quality. To-day, the advance made m the
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  • 61 5 I It is estimated that 182.256 private cars and J 37.576 commercial vehicles were built m BrlI .ish factories during 1929, as compared with 163,352 cars and 46,525 commercial vehicles m I the previous year. The total value of motor vehicles exported m 1929 increased by about
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  • 357 5 Radical Changes m New Orleans. Canals, the "Main Streets" of New I Orleans m the pic-turesque days before the coming of the railroads, have seen their heyday vanish with ox-cart and the horse md buggy. More m harmony with the dreamy atmosphere of the old
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  • 61 5 The Ford Motor Company of Australia Pty., Ltd., m order to determine colour suitable for the new Ford under Australian conditions, has sought the advice of three celebrated Australian artists, as a result of which the buyer of a Ford m Australia may now choose from a
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  • 380 5 New Model on Exhibition m Singapore. There was a large gathering present at the Italasia show rooms on Thursday evening when the new Fiat 514 was displayed for inspection. Those who viewed the new car were struck by the general appearance of strength and compactness given by
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  • 25 5 At tMe Moabit (Berlin) police court the othar day a pedestrian was sent to pri-on for six months for wilfully obstructing ro.d traffic.
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  • 20 5 Dur'ng 1929 9,278.822.000 ga"ons of petrol were consumed m the United States, compared with 8,286,349,000 gallons during 1928.
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  • 335 5 One of Most Vital Parts of Motor Car. The steering mechanism of a motor car. although one of the most vital parts, is curiously enough, one which usually gets little or no attention by the driver. Steering gears and connections on a modem motor car are
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  • 115 5 The entire Hupmobile line typifies the trend toward the artistfc m modern industry; to-day's models axe the fulfilment of the artist's imagination of yesterday, as are the varicoloured thermos bottles, fountain pens, cameras, clocks, cash registers and typewriters. And colour m industry is further beautifying famous aircraft and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 I AUSTIN OWNERS! X I We wish to draw the attention of Austin owners 4 I" ZX S__ AUSTIN MAGAZINE I for their benefit. Every AUSTIN owner should j j, subscribe to this MAGAZINE as they will find ♦> many things of particular interest and th* <ub- V scription is
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    • 180 5 J _^_MOBRi-_ ___mißK_| W The car for everq climeThe Overseas A full 5-seater designed and MORRIS. Mja t throughout by the greatest car manufacturers m f Europe, and designed for a definite purpose loo^, faithful, unfailing service under the world s worst conditions. Every dimension, every detail of engine, body
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  • 1242 6  -  D. M. GREIG Saturday Tennis Special. By .tk i thr. Hrst of a series of articles on famous tennis players and their methods which will 2 h :Z .Le x^lmZ t the Free Press lon this pa*e en Saturday, by r,M. Greig. on 3 f
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  • 512 6 My Greatest Golfing Fault. Ma-Donald Smith, born and learning his golf at Carnoustie, went to America before he was 20. His golf weaknesses, he says, are general and periodic. IT may sound a bit boastful at the start to .sa> I never ha\e had an outstanding golfing
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  • 640 6 "Mammoth Muscle Merchant of Venice." A giant looking for Jack-of-the Beanstalk. man so huge, according to one writer, that vhen he's sick it's an epidemic, whose tailors "don't measure.'' but 'survey him." Such a figure, says the New York "Literary Digest." is Primo Camera, the huge
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  • 324 6 The Hardest So-_k I Iver Cot. ictorio ampolo. the giant \gentin_n. tells boa Monte Munn. a big pugilist from Nrhia-ka, hit him the hardest punch he rver had, m the early si_s?_ of bb) profts .:>n»l career. Iw.) hit the hardest m my life a first
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  • 838 6 Ivan Sharpe on the Dealing with the question of Britain's stand against broken time payment, as a protest against which she withdrew from the International Football Federation, Ivan Shaipr says let the European countries who want to play four or five international matches a year
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  • 139 6 [From Our Own Correspondent.! London, April 3. For the third week m succession. the Japanese players. Y. Ohta and R. Miki, met m a final. It was at the Hampstead Tournament on Saturday. Each had previously one once Ohta was the victor on Saturday last, because he
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  • 368 6 Clu 1 Cricket Aspect. One's advice^ irom Eng" ne' tha- Referee, indicate that the Wider Stump, n fl_Ttclass cricket have come to stay. That being so. we may expect them to become universal m first-class cricket as time wings on. It is interesting, nevertheless, to
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  • 147 6 220 Yards Ran > Hatred Oertitr* distances ana bCCO— lor t n sexer*. lor I R .Ul W! ai cc::.mut I al '.ear- ftgo L. ax it .-verity did not make en ta UK I imong men. Competitive distance may bOCOBM too proclaimed officially by
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  • 722 6  -  Arthur Peall 1 Frankness for Those Who would Emulate Lindrum. jj HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR GAME. by OINCE Lindrum started thc nursery cannor., *m boom, there has been a demand amor amateurs to know how to 0r... 1 the bll] these delicate an.l elu_ivc
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  • 80 6 London, April 14. Lord Dewar's Grace Dalrymple. Lord Derby Fair Isle, the Aga Khan's Ouarratalain. tinthree best fillies of their age hi training last year, have accepted for the Oaks, as has Anngudman, who is regarded as very little inferior. Other favoured candidates include Lord Woolavington's Fair Diana
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  • 67 6 All m mcml I thi. I alnv. B Bb *e-.n -.ths chil i B dington I look bis pi: fl i I i/elter-w< hi X i meesai B pneumonbi H B his big chance B aeek the bats B came fl ttted. lianctol fl at Nottini Hill.
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  • 1617 7 WESTERN WAYS CAPTURE JAPAN. T IU WAIL OF THE GEISHA. Modern Girlhood's Attractions. :m Our Own Correspondent. I the complaints and bitter the wain arisen from Geisha -land. Wer>tand tislnons. declare these public I Jeremiad-like lamentation, and Jess, the phonograph and short on sciously yet automatically end much more preferred
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  • 245 7 Grand- Daughter of W. G. Grace. Southampton. Mar. 28. Miss Gladys Grace, a grand-daughter of W. G. Grace, the famous cricketer, lies m the Royal South Hants Hospital m a serious condition with injuries to her head, legs, and body following a crash after a
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  • 362 7 Larger Congregations. The annual report of St. George's Church, I Penang. signed by the Rev. Keppel Gamier, •Chairman of Trustees, states inter alia: In 1929 there was an increase both m morning and evening congregations which is satisfactory as m 1928 there had also been an increase
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  • 104 7 The Municipal health statement for the week ended April 26 gives the total number of deaths during the period as 244. of whom one was European, 6 Eurasian, 193 Chinese, 39 Malays. 14 Indians. Phthisis accounted for 35 deaths, pneumonia 26, malaria 24, convulsions 22, beri-beri 17, and enteritis 15.
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  • 324 7 Road and Rail Improvement. 1 In an interview with Dato Stia of Kelantan. a representative of the Straits Echo learned that Kelantan shares the experience of other Malayan states m the matter of trade depression. In May, Kelantan will respond to the general order to stop tapping for
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  • 165 7 Hyderabad (Sind). April 12. The strange ancient custom cf marryitm a bride to a reed was revived m a Sind village. a few miles from here a few days ago when, for some unknown reason, the bridegroom failed to put m an appearance for the v-eremony.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 217 7 r_B__MM_M«-_l^^ ir M4^-^-MM4^^ fpli Al Home or Abroad {^^^^^^k '^_3 I '4711* Eau de Cologne i? "4711" I•]»C" I A "4711" V^js^^^^s^|^^AN^^J3^ l*SSrfl lllmfffl I oiletrics will saie^uard your well- l*** J||_H_||. -mr Fro.oclo„« ftroomed appearance, your .re.kne.., I'l*^""" s..m"S/- _^s____. Solid Eau de Cologne n j f C •1
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  • 1640 8 HIS OWN STORY. His "Blood BaotisnT m Madrid. Sidney Franklin, the bull-fighter, who is the only well-known exponent of his profession who is a United States citizen, or at all events, an American of Nordic blood, recently went to Spain for the purpose of appearing m the
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  • 51 8 Officer, Serg on Near 1 Information Itlselpur "»i a is tin ie Bun s ker. Bergt v. felling In I at night As th they v. <re i but wen- not hit They Bcceler ited i ssJpur, when th I party STU 18l i has set been
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 79 8 _r TEN THOUSAND LADIES N^ HAVE SHEWN THE WAY. i Concessionaires for j Malaya ITALASIA LIMITED. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements > SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH AND PENAaVG. rf ****$S mWSSmm _-*-=-**-__-_^_*__^_P_ __»=p^-> g p <M _ggg kO^ AOi iT____#_ j;;!::!;!;!! _P ;:;:;;;i: __ftfrni. L_ VA\ *.D*V l^T* Yea ":__S
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    • 126 8 The Motorist who cares for her complexion fflF needs a pure, non-greasy preparation to protect the wL\ delicate texture of her skin |X -t "'HAZELINE' **"~N ■Ti tide Mntkl SNOW" i_ t i k*~ has helped many women to V.' V 1^" keep and develop the natural beauty of their
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 495 9 BUSINESS CARDS. I VjIASSAGE l UI AMCIRE I 1?A ISS FUMIKO I 32 Dhoby Ghaut. I "marble merchants. I SINGAPORE CASKET CO. I Nos. I*3. Penhas Road, I iff Lavender Street Phone 6075. I VIBRA INSTITUTE I lurkish Baths Beauty and I Health Specialist I MADAME JUNE, I Mm Orchard
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    • 555 9 TENDERS. u MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. NOTICE is hereby given that tenders an iow invited for the following materials o: «rvtc«-v _md that particulars of such tender may be oouined In the Tender Room Municipal Offices: Closing Date. Supply of 150 tons of NooSutphate of Alumina. May sth. 1930 Installation of
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    • 645 9 NOTICES. i~— i— ■__^_HH_____________________H— __H__l_MH_— I EXCHANGE BANKS. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks c will be closed on: r Friday. May 9th. Hari Raya Hadji s and at noon on: Wedi esday. May 7th, Singapore Race Meeting Wednesday, May 14th, Singapore Race Meeting. ROYAL SINGAPORE YACHT CLUB.
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    • 572 9 AUCTION SALES. mmmmmmM M^M^MM_i_aM_^____' AUCTION SALE of EXCELLENT DESIGN WALNUT STAINED AND WAX POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC. Comprising:— Dining, sitting and bedroom furniture of every description, rattan easy arm chairs and settees, dixie and coir mats. etc. To be held at our saleroom. Nos. 30 and 31 i Chulia
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    • 374 9 AUCTION SALES. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Originating Summons No. 119 of 192/ In the matter of the Trusts of the Will of Tan Oo Long deceased. Between Koh Van Tee Neo and another Applicants. and Wee Van Neo and others Respondents. SALE BY
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  • 793 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930. IN MEMORY OF A MUSIC LOVER. Whilst we can appreciate the recognition implied m the suggestion by Mr. E. A. Brown at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners that the organ to be In the Memorial Hall should be named the "St. Clair
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  • 399 10 The Legislative Council will meet on Monday. May 12 at 10.30 a.m. Mr H. D'Arcy Irvine. Manager of Bantenn estate. Banteng. is sailing on Home leave within a few days. The Band of the Welch Regiment will playselections at the Garrison Golf Club from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 1186 10 GOVERNMENT CHANDU. Monopolies Opium Packing Plant. The House of the Tiny Tubes is certainly a revelation to the lay mind (writes a Free Press representative who. at the invitation of the Acting Superintendent of Government Monopolies (Mr. G E. Cator) yesterday inspected Government's Opium Packing
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  • 311 10 E. AND O. HOTEL C ASE SETTLED. PLAINTIFFS \\i\ Work Not Satisfying (.eneral Criterion. (From Our Oui: Con In the Supreme Court P Sproule delivered judgmen' the Hewett Art Furniture < sued Messrs Brossard llopii sum of $4,516 odd. *>*■ respect of door and wind and work done m connect
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  • 63 10 Sir William and Lady Peel m Singapore To-I)a\. 'From Our Own i Ku.i'.i l.u m pur. Sir William and Lady v her. it mid-night from Penan_ _nd 1 at tl» Residency with Mr. and Mrmorning Sir William left f( i Port D consult with HE the
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  • 82 10 I From Our Own Con-wpi 1..i-isk.»k M.v Bangkok May Day Incident- Ineladi ber of arrests of Chinese follow: of a notification poste.i caHir.- M__M the unregistered Seamen. Uni Day as Communists m otter pari I m 1929. There was no ofeOWBB th«* order owing to the
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  • 99 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK Tl> AND RUBBER PRICKS. [FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT London, May 2. Ml P m Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Soni notify to-day's tin prices as follows Spot £150 316 (down £7 16). Forward £152 3 16 (down El If) The market is steady Messrs. Symington
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  • 54 10 The marriage will take pfc» JTJ Presbyterian Church. mmmm 20. of Miss K. Matthews Oi pital, Kuala Lumpur, to Mr J Highlands estate. Klang M M Mr. H. F. Ridley. OCT I) acting as 0.C.P.D.. Tamp-' has been transferred to g p m Charge. Traffic. Seremba*. rt Richards who Is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 283 10 j^^ WHOLESOME, REFRESHING. I ■B£_h_3«| Prepared solely from pure West India I Kgjj Lime Juice, and the finest refined Sugar, j I3P Insist on having ROSE'S. I CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. incorporated under tke Companies' Ordinances of Hong >*.'•»_.. {Incorporated m Shanghai). 90, Robinson Road, Telephone No. 6228. m Aa
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    • 72 10 A TYPIST RECENTLY STUNNED A BURGLAR with a paper weight. Her employer is now rather diffident about pointing out that at times her spelling departs rather quaintly from the conventional. A "GAFLAC" BURGLARY POLICY deals effectively with loss by Burglary, Housebreaking and Theft. GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD.,
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  • 97 11 [TARIFF CHANGES. cc Entry for British Tp ■tor *l Service.l Ottawa. May 2. m Canada's fiscal tariff need by the Finance Minister. 11l present ng the Budget m the to-day. He announced that 1 4.500.000. and enumerated changes mainly designed h pretarenee, encourage Zmderatrty restrict imports Bl
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  • 123 11 Second Reading Passed. Renter's Service.l Lond-m. May 1. debate on the Government's concluded m the House of en the second reading of the :.rd to without a division, nottrong Conservative criticism. .tt the compulsory amalgamawhieh wert inserted m the Bill at the instance of
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  • 49 11 Mr. Hoover .Moves Rapidly. Washing-ton. May 1. after the American delegates Nava] 1 r i*\- Mr Hoover _ty to th documents In hiatoty. J Treaty." writes th.- Pull title and li. of signr- Q Of which I ask th<. 1 risen! of the Senate."
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  • 44 11 Ellermaa Liner to the Rescue. rKtt. PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT! London. May 2. Una City Of London is reply OS. for help to extinguish a fire Sister Anne which is owned tag who with friends W nth to the Balearics.
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  • 55 11 *Utfi:e<ted Recruitment from South India. 7 REL PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] London. May 2. of Commons. Major Graham -outturn) is asking Dr. Drummond- < retary of State m the Colonial IB view of the shortage of I teachers m estate schools. to be recruited from south India
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  • 95 11 CHURCH AND STATE CRISIS IN MALTA. [Reuter's Service.) Malta. Marrh 2. <•' of the Archbishop's an-•-relay <that m all churches U_°! mlmtmt whoever votes for the Prime rd Strickland, or any of his sup- members of the Constitutional 1 mmit a mortal sin>, the Constiranmltal all conferences and The field
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  • 48 11 l Reuters ttervict*. I H Simla. May 2. Chief r lcJOd that Sir Horatio Bolton. IT,, j. of the North-west Frontier long to England to-morrow on ac--6 -health. He will be replaced by Mr. •"> Resident of Mysore. 'Earlier cables on page 12.)
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  • 131 11 ANNUAL MEETING. Mr. Hoover Thanks the Businessmen. i Reuter's Service. I Washington, May 2. AddresMiiK the annual meeting of the UniteJ States Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Hoov<r thanked business men for co-operating with Government m stabilising economic forces after the Wall street cra.h. Future prosperity was
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  • 118 11 Mr. Whalen's Disclosure. (Reuter's Service.l New York. May 2. Police Commissioner Grover Whalen has published a photographic copy of correspondence seized by detectives, showing, it alleged, that the Communist International cf Moscow is directly responsible for fomenting strikes and riots m the United State-. The correspondence
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  • 78 11 China's Potential Government. [Reuter's Far Eastern Service 1 Pekin?. May 2. "The director of the department of Foreign Affairs' m an interview with foreign correspondents claimed that the Northerners represented fourteen provinces and tnat the Nanking Government was illegal. He stated the Northerners were organising a
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  • 61 11 Chinese Representation on Council Increased. [Reuter's Far Eastern Service.] Shungai. May 2. Tht target! gathering of ratepayers m th* hrtcry of the Interr.ati.nal Settlement took place this afternoon ar.d passed by an overwhelming majority a resolution to increase Chinese representation on the Muncipal council from three to
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  • 82 11 Irreconcilable Evidence. [Reuter's Service.] London. May 2. The Paisley cinema manager. Dorward. has been acquitted. The defence urged a whole succession of incidents for which Dorward was not responsible, which led up to the catastrophe. Lord Justice Clark, summing up. said the vital question that jury
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  • 211 11 WARRANT FOR SINGAPORE J.P. Has Boey Kok Leong Absconded On the application of the Assistant Official Assignee (Mr. T. B. Cocker) a warrant was yesterday ordered to be issued by Mr. Justice Stevens for the arrest of Boey Kok Leong, the local justice of the peace who was recently tried
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  • 27 11 I Mr. and Mrs. Wiking von Normann, of Shanghai, who arc travelling en route to Stock- holm, are spending a few days m Kuala I Lumpur. —MM
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  • 619 11 STRANGE BILLIARD BALLS. Is Recipient Guilty of Importing That m order to prove a charge of importing contraband goods the prosecution would have to prove that the accused person or persons actually ordered the goods, was the submission made by Mr. S. B. Tan before the District
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  • 327 11 Three Years Imprisonment for Chinese. The discovery on board a twakow m the Singapore River of two revolvers led to the arrest of a Cantonese named Mah Wai who wa: charged m the District Court before Mr. C Wilson, yesterday, with unlawful possession of arms. The
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  • 122 11 HARBIN MAY DAY ATTACK ON JAPANESE CONSULATE. 1 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service.] < Tokio, May 2. More than a dozen glass windows of the Japanese Consulate -General at Harbin were smashed last night by a mob of Koreans. Chinese and Russians. Thirty-two leaders of the May Day Demonstration have been arrested.
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  • 259 11 A NEW DEVELOPMENT. Charges Against Chinese Merchant. Allegations to the effect that he purchased a large number of Turf Club sweep ticket-. Intending to run a private sweep m connection with the unlimited non-selling sweep which Is to be drawn during to-day's races were made against
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  • 256 11 Batu Pahat Car Driver Fined. Lieutenant D. L. C. Reynolds of the Welch -tegiment was complainant m a case of rash Inving which came up before the Third Magisrate yesterday morning, the accused being the Chinese driver of a Batu Pahat car which •rashed into Lt.
    256 words
  • 382 11 Stabbed m the Side. Ng Say Bok. a Chinese rickisha puller, was esterday charged before the Third Magistrate Mr. J. P. F. Gregg > with the attempted murler of another Chinese puller named Ng Kirn *ng. Dr. B. Shears said that at about 8.45 on
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  • 37 11 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service.l Tokio, May 2. The Matsudo Agricultural and Commercial Bank m China Prefecture, which has been closed for some time on account of financial difficulties, will amalgamate with the Chiba Oodo Bank.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 199 11 FRISTER AND ROSSMAN'S LATEST t PATTERN VIBRATING-SHUTTLE HAND J J MACHINE 4 y d '<•'-'. l >-i>.. a I mmmm^ mmmmmmm a te=p t r ______________________________»*ißaww-WW-ef~eT^~'~*_R^ -<fl____HNt V __n <_• __S_^_—^^_____g— —^________________3^___s__________^^^^-___a v *&t t biiioodies all the most recent improvements apphea JL V to sewing machines. This machine has
      199 words

  • 296 12 BUT MANY ARRESTS. #5,000 Demonstrate m Moscow. (Reuter's Service] London, May 1. May Day generally was very peaceful, but there were many arrests of Communists, particularly m Par.s. where 839. including 96 foreigners, were taken into custody, and at Riga, where 200 were arrested
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  • 117 12 Gandhi's Message to Muslims. (Reuter's Service 1 Surat. May 2. Addressing a meeting at Rander. Gandhi appealed to Mohammedans to participate ir. the campaign against the salt law and drinking and for the promotion of -pinning. He said that thereafter their heart-, would b. varified and
    117 words
  • 114 12 Case Dragged on for Ten Months. rl Reuters Servic? j Simla. May 1. Another Ordmance has been promulgated by the Viceroy terminating the preliminary trial of the accused m the Lahore conspiracy ca c e m connection with the murder of the A
    114 words
  • 138 12 Church and State in Conflict. [Reuter's Service. 1 London. May 1. Tht < xplanaticn of Malta's constitutional crisis is that ihe relations between the Govtrnmmt and Church wmt strained last year when Lord Strickland, himrelf a Reman Catholic. rcfMCd to allow a Franciscan priest, who is British
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  • 89 12 Rudget Amendment Rejected. t Reuter's Service.] London, May 1. The House of Commons this afternoon by 255 votes to 139 rejected the Conservative amendment to retain the _s. income-tax and thus confirmed the 4s. 6d. tax. Liberals and Labourites voting together after a debate m
    89 words
  • 4360 12 ANNUAL MEETING. Mr. G. H. Masefield's Review of Year's Developments. The twenty -first ordinary general meeting cf the Rubber Growers' Association < Incorporated) WM held m the Council Room of .lv As?.ociatii n. 2-4. Idol-lane. Za.tcheap. London. EC on April 11. Mr. G H. Masefield <the
    4,360 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 35 12 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS Saturday, 2 p.m., Bukit Timah Range, ".F" (Malay) Company, Classification. Fairer Range. "A" (M.G.) Company, Classification. Sunday. 7.30 a.m.. Bukit Timah Range. *'P" (Malay) Company, Classification. Farrer Range, "A" (M.G.) Company, Classification.
      35 words
    • 608 12 CHURCH SERVICES, ST. ANDREWS ATilLhi* X 1 2ND SUNDAY AFTER 7 a.m. Holy Communion 7.30 a.m. Matins. 8 a.m. (chorali Holy dimmum. 10 a.m. Children's Bttetarlsl p 5.30 p.m. (etaral) Bvensons and Monday. Wednesday and Prtda* Holy Communion [> Tuesday. Thursday and s.o Holy Communion. SI MATTHLWS. s,;„M 7 a.m.
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    • 461 13 Arrangements for Cold Weather Tour. Tne Board of Control for Cricket m India have decided to suggest to the M CC. that the mpjority of the team to tour India. Ceylon, and Bui me. n the next cold weather should, if possible, be amateurs. The
      461 words
    • 321 13 Flood Lighting of Playing Fields. Recent cor impendence m these columns has discussed the difficulty of lighting playingfields so that games could continue at night, or could be played during the early evening on winter days Mr. L, E. Wilson, an electrical engineer of Manchester, points out
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    • 211 13 fFrom Our Own Correspondent] London, April 3. Willie Smith has cent a proof of an article he has written m defence ol his action m retiring from i ertoua match billiards to the Sporting Life Tlvy give some of the salient points of
      211 words
    • 301 13 Millionaire to Give Hotel Page His Chance. The most bewildered but enchanted youth m tht] t -v.*:: tc-±y i- a h-.el pag e -boy named Albeit Ayala. who. as a boxer, is known locally is "The Bill_kc:. liid." (writes Trevor C. Wignail. Daily
      301 words
    • 724 13 A Great Week's Sport. [From Our Own Correspondent.] London, April 3. That there is a real racing boom, based on a sounder foundation than was that which followed the war years, was made apparent on the Lincoln and Liverpool meetings which opened the Jockey Club season last
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 306 13 _______k V V|\l ,> '^*^^>al M f {<y?^ t^g t i tr KM /MmM W\ destroys the germs that cause tooth I Try Kolynos and notice how I I _e?AYS _S ___-_B 1 1 JHi_________. L v a *x~x~z~i<H>x~X"^^ Mtm TAIKOO t PUREST AND BEST _^W f CUBES i/, CUBES.-
      306 words
    • 275 13 RESERVE YOUR SEAT AT ROBINSONS 2.50 TO MAKE THEIR FIRST APPEARANCE TO-NIGHT CHOO JOLLY A DARING CHINESE SUNBEAM DIRT TRACK RIDER. AND SYD EDLIN WITH HIS A.J.S. Sm mm _^j^_^^^jj?^^. mm* E Jpstsee^ A tr: r-___7bH- n "::r:'*.__ *i^ Bl -_:-r-xs____*K'-fc '--^^^--=s_._^---- JL^__ I x v -nnHFir-^-oi--^ mtr NIGHT AX
      275 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 867 14 Blue Funnel Line I REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES. LONDON M N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHT!- I WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Tales Monthly Serrlee Llrerpool end Glasgow. (Via Genoa aad Havre) Route subject to alteration without notice. I WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Due. CALCHAS For Marseilles,
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      386 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 709 15 O. S. K. Line Destination. v__—___ Arrive. Leave. tterdam. Hamburg. Bremen twerp via Colombo, Aden, Suez B d AH"" Maru May 21 May 22 Cape Town. Rio de Janeiro, Santas. < and Buenos Aires. [Round-the-A £,90 J Sa»tos Maru May 26 May 27 N i. Tanga. Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam. i Mar*ues,
      709 words
    • 527 15 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE LINE TO MARSEILLES, NEW YORK AND BOSTON From SINGAPORE and PENANG via COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES and GENOA. Arrive Leave Leave Arrive. Singapore. Singapore. Penang. New York. PRES. POLK May 12 M-y 13 May 11 June 24 PRES. ADAMS May 26 May 29 May 31
      527 words
    • 864 15 K. P. M. KONINKLVKE PAKRTVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO.. OF BATAVIA.) (Incorporated m Holland.) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 5451, with sub-connections to:— Passage, Freight, Transhipment. Marine Departments and Managers desk. Representatives m the Straits Settlements (Singapore Penang) I of the TRAVELLERS OFFICIAL INFORMATION*
      864 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 739 16 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia). FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the motor vessel MALABAR (4.512 tons). The s.b MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia Cabins de
      739 words
    • 259 16 COOKS .**U-_______-M [WORLD TRAVEL SERVICE 1 mmam For Everything Appertaining to Travel, Banking and Freight Apply J 39, Robinson Road, Singapore. Tele. 5907. jg NORDDEUTSCHER KSgSf LLOYD. BJTS^KJ (Incorporated In m 4 mm^ Germany). The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures: OUTWARDS. ALLER For Hong Kong, Shanghai, Moji, Kobe, Osaka,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 687 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. j. BY TRAIN. Kuala, Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a_n. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and- Kedah and Lower Siam 6 am. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
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    • 224 16 AFRICAN ORIENTAL LINE. (Owners ANDREW WEIR CO.) HONG KONG TO S. AFRICA. VIA MAURITIUS. Due Sails. TINHOW May 3 May 5 BOUSTEAD A CO., LTD., Agent. s.s. WARORA. Consignees of cargo per the above vessel (arrived April 29th) are hereby requested to note with respect to the Insurance on their
      224 words

  • Port and Shipping News.
    • 14 17 LATIN IN DRUMS TO PACIFIC COAST OF AMERICA. < i tt < cthre ;i~ fran h
      14 words
    • 329 17 era of thr rivet U-ss .-hip. tar and fondly cherished tii in- v.ho are constantly With their rivettcrs. ■n. what remote, there are itkJOi tli;it electric weldine matter receiving tion fl 'n shipbuilders generally vith its actual appliin A-ntiica and Germany. ::i le shipping the emweldtai has
      329 words
    • 358 17 Wolffs report for 1929 :s the issued for some years, even hat once again no return tdc (in £6.205.394 of Preference and When the interim report was Octobei 10 last we pointed out th» larger tonnage launched nine months was equal to the the year 1928
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    • 1002 17 Some Recent Cases. Each year brings a crap of legal difficulties to shipmasters and officers who are affected by he strange criminal laws that exist in certain ountries when collisions or accidents arise. Captain W. V. J Clarke. DSC. barrister-at-iaw. dealt very fully with the subject
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    • 52 17 f Per Meonia. The Consul General for Deni mark and Mrs. Hort and 2 children, Miss M. ChristofTersen, Mr. J. E. M. Emslie, Mrs. Emslie I 3nd infant. Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison, a Per Perak— Mr. J. W. Hope, Mr. D. T. Davies. Mr. W. J. Clarke,
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  • 1232 17 COMES UNDER FIRE. The Maskee Has a Thrilling Trip. Hong Kong. According to report; which have reached the Colony, the Maskee is now on her fourth attempt to reach Hong Kong from Swatow. aft,~. failing in the ftrjt three during the last two weeks.
    1,232 words
  • 266 17 Attempt to Recapture Speed Record. Details are now available of the new man< moth liner to be built by the Cunard Company for the trans-Atlantic service. The ship will be. it is estimated, not only the largest but the fastest ever constructed. It will have a displacement of
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 306 17 I KELVINATOR I The only Electric Refrigerator that provides |HH^^EB& FOUR AUTOMATIC I I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B Refrigeration Services I I AutomatJc asl Freezing of Ice I I 1 -H I- I and Desserts. j B I B 9 H >c !,> fell..' 2. Automatic Normal Freezing. I^^H mimm fl^^^V Automatic 0 to
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  • For the 'Wireless Enthusiast.
    • 1581 18 Some Wrong Impressions. Prof E. N da C. Andiade writes m the Post: OMMldereble inte: est has been aroused by he Ifarcbe-M Marconi's feat of*; a witch ;.t S:-dney from a slat or. ir Italy and t has 'cceu ir.ade the toa:.i r. of
      1,581 words
    • 513 18 Trees Influence Signals. London. Mar. 21. Though for the most part the report of the ftaa.o Research Board, published 10-day. i> uighly technical, the average amateur cf *aireless will find m it mass of useful data. A study of its pages will serve to .essen though
      513 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 285 18 i__tt_H___i_fi_ Thera is do boo- to ga eVe Mi I to get cool I Wka_ tkm mm pawn down, pour oat a long glaowuac Elaaa ol Mont»«r*rait Yoa wM aooa a as cool aa a c_cu__oor I WMMMM I is tha sat, Lama Imm m Mm M pw— Ji— i
      285 words
    • 606 18 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated m England by R_y„l Charter) Paid up Capital m 600,000 shares of tt each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £4,000,000 Reserve Lk.bil.ty of Proprietors £3.000.000 HEAD OFFICE: 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches: Alor Star Hong Kong Rangoon Amritsar Iloilo Saigon
      606 words
    • 273 18 HANKING. MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated m England). Capital £3. 000,000 Subscribed 1 .800.000 Paid-up 1.050.00... Reserve Fund and Rest 1.646..-.05 BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. If. Ryrie, Esq., Chairman. P. R. Chalmers, Esq. Charles J. Hambro. E_»q J O. Robinson. Esq. W. H. Shelford. E>q Sir Thomas Catto. Bart
      273 words
    • 199 18 INSURANT THE A SOUTH f A > W BRITISH V^y* W INSI RANCE (OMI'W FIXE, MARINE, Ns T MOTOR CAK INSURANCE ACCEP k LOWEST CVRREM r L. C. IfAROOI KM Office: I, Pin] PERSONAL A<T.'i FATAL ACCIDENTS ate HAV*E yen made \>r of grout dependent) overtake you iy OOOU Policy
      199 words

  • 218 19 Farther Company Results. Bfl SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] London. May 2. market weened to-day etth root Por^pra 7 3 ltd. Later 1 rtc Forward 7\d. the tone U Kher. tare market is hatter ou idle. r ibber Brtetei meeting dtvMend was flee hired. KSO.IU long (l_a_bH It*. 6d?»
    218 words
  • 489 19 Hi*- Life and Times. ul 100 yuan 190 that Charles .me interested m rubber. *:1 1839 that he discover Th year tod of trial.- and haid._iip_. p tanai d to hold a cenhon or. Volumes have bb life and the momenie to the world but 1
    489 words
  • 399 19 With, the year well advanced and with pruc--t illy U the prophets heard from, the time reems no.v.rtune to li«t the various prognostications bearing on the estimated production and consumption of crude rubber for 1930. it .s till (.riv to attempt any checking of ther* with
    399 words
  • 155 19 Views of Dutch Director of Agriculture. Lmdon. Apr. 22. The Amsterdam corn pom Cl Ol the Financial T:mt■ rabies that Dr. Bernard. Director Ol Agriculture m the Dutch East Indies, interviewed, stated he did not expect that much benefit would accrue from the rubber nitric iOB M
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  • To-Day's Price Changes.
    • 200 19 May 2. SELLING. London 4 months' sight ftp 15|16 London 3 months' sight 2 3 7,8 London 60 days' sight 2|3 13|16 London 30 days' sight 2,3 ***** London, demand 2 3 34 London. T.I aj 3 llil6 Lyons and Paris, demand 1431 Hamburg, demand 234 New York,
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    • 198 19 May 2 Tin 125 Tons «76 o*. Gambler 9QO Pepper White 59 Pepper Black 45 Flake Tapioca 5% Pearl Sago Small 6% Copra Sundried 880 Rice. Anam No. 2 250 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 130 Rice, Siam oid No. 1. 320 Rice, Rangoon Bintan 260
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  • 881 19 FRIDAY. MAY 2ND. Closing Quotations. Mayers seiiers. Asam Kumbans »£> 22s 28s norn Aver Hitam (ssi 14s 3d 15s Baiigrin Tin (£> 25s 26s Batang Padang (sl> 16 20 Batu Caves isl> 85 95 Bukit Arane SI 45 55 Burmah Malay (£> 22s 6ci 23s 6d Chenderiang
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  • 167 19 Sinpapcre. May Rubber. London 6 15 16d. Unchaiv p.m. Prices t L'don citd. > Spot 23 S.S. ES B. on Tender M.iy 23,. June 24 1 July-S j, 25<». Oci.-D.*. 26',. Steady— Sellers reserved Tin.— London £153.10.0. £1.10.0. Mining— Weak. Sungei Ways 3.20 3.40. chais 20
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  • 230 19 Singapore, May 2. Tiie weight of accumulated stocks and poor demand from consumers recently seem to have taken the life out of the market, and although some small ray of hope might this month have penetrated the general depression, there is still no buoyancy m the
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  • 113 19 Singapore. May 2. Tin.— Easier. Penawats 60 65. Kintas 1.20 122. Kuchais 1.18 1.22. Malay Consols 24' 26. BatU Caves 85 90. Sungei Luas 1.60 165. Johans 37 38' ex.. Hong Fatts 60 65. Pt_...ings 5.60 5.75 ex.. Ulu Klangs 1.20 I.23 Ayer Hitam. 14s
    113 words
  • 65 19 May 2nd., l'J o'clock noon. Buyers Sellers. R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot 23 23 Standard R.S.S. en Tender May 23 24 June 24 >, 24 July 24 25 July-Sept. 25', 25'j Oct. -Dec. 26'- 2G 1 Tone of A'arket: Steady Sellers reserved. Latest Cable:
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  • 79 19 "A Shareholder" writing to the Financial Times regarding the proposal to ensure British Control of the London Tin Companies. Mjra: I understand that the Botird may be paid as much as £20.0^0 In one year, which, in my opinion, is far too much for such a small Beard It should
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  • 247 19 J ERAM KUANTAN RUBBER ESTATE, LTD. A Five Per Cent Dividend. The seventeenth report of the directors to the shareholders to be presented at the annual mcetim: at noon on Monday. May. 12. at chartered Bank Chamber.;, -states: The Profit and Loss Account for the year, after making due provi
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  • 143 19 Singapore. May 1. The market has been rather unsettled during the past week and prices have eased a further 1%. To-day's cables quote London down l-16d at I 15-16 d. and New York down gold at 14 gold. There i_ therefore a decline of 5-16 cL m London
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  • 251 19 Reduction Confirmed. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., was held yesterday under the chairmanship of ifr. w. j. wiicoxson to confirm the .pedal resolutions m connection with the proved reduction of the company's capital. The resolutions were unanimously confirmed The
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  • 165 19 Golden Rod Prices. By purchasing .he Vallambrosia planl Itlon of nearly 5.000 acres, 14 miles west of Savannah. Go.. Henry Ford new has available ttjggO of Geoigia farm land for am m aiding Thomas A. Edison's experiments m making rubber Irom gOlden rod.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 73 19 ASSETS EXCEED $11,000,000 ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $38,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 27 Oici Jewry E C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, anil compHes with the BrS ff Assurance Companies
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    • 33 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD., BRANCH OFFICE: CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 356 20 TOURISTS' FIRST WIN. Fine Bowling by (.rimmett. [FREE PRESS SERVICE COPYRIGHT 1 London. May 2. Fine weather favoured the concluding day of the match between Australia and Worcestershire. Victory was already m sight for the Tourists at the close of play yesterday. In Worcestershire's second innings
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  • 99 20 Austin not to Play Against Poland. [FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT] Lo.idon. May Z. Britain's Davis Cup team for the tie against Poland bai now been chalet, and Is as follow.-: J. C. Gregory*. H G. N. Lee. C. H. Kingsky and F. H Collins. It will
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  • 142 20 Bad Light for Padang Match. In view of the uniimaHj bad light, especially during the last twenty minutes, the S.C.C. did well only to lose two wickets while scoring 64 runs m the start of their match against BorneoBousttad's and A.P.C. on the Padang last evening. Ashworth and
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  • 51 20 Matches m the county championship which commence to-day are as follow: Lord's.—M CC. vs. Yorkshire. Oval.—Surrey vs Worcestersh re. Nottingham. —Notts vs. Sussex. Manch-ster.—Lancashire vs. Northarts. Birmingham. —Warwickshire vs. Glamorgan. The Australians will be playing at l_eicester and Kent have their first match at Oxford against the
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  • 37 20 The system of cash on delivery, which celebrated its fouth birthday at the end of month Is regarded by the Post Office as one of th--easiest to m-ininulate and one of the smoothestrunning it has ever introduced.
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  • 957 20 THE MALAYAN TURF. SINGAPORE RACES. Scratching^ and Selections for To-day. With so large a number of horses entered, many of them newcomers, finding the winners will not be an easy task. As it was found interesting before we reproduce our form at a glance compilation. The numbers on the left
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  • 65 20 The Hermit of the Solent, or. as the children knew him. the Crusoe of the Creek, has died suddenly near his home m an old 14ft. boat at Shalfleet. Isle of Wight. Mr. C. V. Doe has been apoomted manager of Gunong Pari estate. Chemor, m succession to Mr. J.
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  • 626 20 END OF SEASON MATCHES. Promotion and Relegation Tussels. Some of the concluding matches of the English League programme to-day are of vital importance to those teams concerned m the relegation and promotion problem m the First and Second Divisions. There are five teams at the
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  • 120 20 Burslem Port Vale have qualified for the Second Division of the League by winning the championship of the Third Division, their victory at Doncaster on Thursday by two goals to nil. taking them beyond Stockport's reach. Port Vale's stay m the Third Division has been
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  • 49 20 Goals. P. W. D. L. F. A. Pts. 8.8.1, and L. 22 534 Merchants 2 1 1 9 4 2 Etceteras 2 1 1 7 7 2 Public Services 2 1 i 6 6 2 Engineers 21 1 510 2 A.P.C. 2 2 3 5 0
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  • 507 20 A POOR GAME. First League Win For I.C.F.A. I.C.F.A 3; R.A 2. Yesterday's first league encounter between the Indo-Ceylonese and the Royal Artillery produced very little m the way of good football. The game was scrappy and slow for the most part. Interesting diversions were offered by
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  • 117 20 Malays vs. Chinese To- Morrow. An important fixture m the First Divisiun of the League is down to be played at the Jalan Besar Stadium to-morrow afternoon, when the Malays, runners-up m the First Division last season, meet the Chinese. The teams have already met m a
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  • 306 20 British Ladies* Victory. [Reuter's Service.] London. May 1. At Sunnlngdale m the Anglo- America man h the Americans sprang a last-minute surprise, making four team changes, but they were unable to prevent Britain regaining some of their lost golf honours from America. They set the Walker Cup players
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 110 20 I THE LAW COURTS PINK TAPE I WiH TYING OK SITU HIM, LEGAL DOtTMENTS I Aiao roi nxiiig up parcels or packets* 01 tl Dlaet of string, without injury to the PRICE SKEINS OR ROLLS liKUAli 25 cents g MEDIUM 20 V I A w C* A MALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE.
      110 words