The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 March 1930

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press. NO. 12,981. ESTABLISHED 1835. SINGAPORE, S.S. SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930. 20 PAGES DAILY. 10 CENTS.
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  • 373 1 Indications point to the failure of the Naval Conference Page 11. A review of the position in India since the start of Mahatma (iandhi's campaign •hows n^. yet little spread outside the Bombay Province Page 11. General Chiang Kai-shek unexpectedly appeared in Shanghai yesterday on an Iv.
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  • 1268 1 QmcQ'iul ikiii" t hiu'imet nostri est farrudo Libi 111 Juvenal Tlit pg ling of that great man. A. J. Balfour. recalls to the old timer on the Press memories of reporting days. Fanny was not an easy man to take because Ins speeches were often cast
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 307 1 WING LOONG. FOR HIGH CLAS'« TAILORING. y!e, Cut and Finish Goarmnteed. 12, HIGH STREiST. Raffles Hotelf MOMA LITTER'S ORCHESTRA-Protframme for X Sunda>, March 23rd, at 9.30 p.m. V ♦J* :ure FINOALS CAV: r. MHtfelssohn-Br.i -th ,li'y J THE PEARL PISHXR G Bu-et JL #>J# /.\rr/:v.4L. 4 N Bfcnsky-KorsakDff ♦> <{*
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    • 206 1 I N Wte Label t Es t Scotch WH^ J 4 i CFCREAJ_AGE 1 i J^Dewar&SGP>l J V D| ST!LLERS dl V x v p£p T.JJJ I DEWAR'S I "WHITE LABEL" I X Dewar's White Label, age and quality guaranteed, is on X sale at all Hotels, Clubs, Liquor Dealer
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    • 136 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ordera for Uncle Bwska Page 7. Buy the 4711 eau de Cologne Page 17. Ribeiro and Companv (or aittet'l 'lour Page 3. Kelly and Walsh for all mapi i I M i.tya— Page 1. Buy the Sugarcane brand of hams and bacon Page 5. Stocktaking sale at Malaya
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  • 63 2 r i ib i be hoped tivu it l- oar of humour which Is warped and that the Penanf acrfbe in htmirM tn atkributina to us tb n was serious. That namj I h«l it can be 9 i oing blew h eecefMk i for we are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 380 2 KELVEY'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Classes and private lessons are now in full swing. Madam Kelvey will be holding a display In May and parents who desire that their children should take part, should send them for lessons now. BALL-ROOM DANCING, 193d. Madam Kelvey guarantees to make you proficient
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    • 277 2 a^a A^a A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A 4&A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^^ A^^- A^^ a.^* a A^^M^W^ f^ALHAMBRA^I <♦ George Bernard Shaw I V WILL SPEAK TO YOL' J^ Every Evening at 6.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m ♦> Y Saturdays and Sundays at 3 p.m. v FOLLOWED
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 139 2 nn: week. i H L. 16.14 M 4.0. Cri S.CC B.R.C I Oeyloo i V. ii CSC SCC i Chinese I irdi Rail, 4 19 pjb :>.30 pJH sun-.1.c VB. V. m. 4 01. DOOM 3.05 Haadajr. Mtk. Ifal 3 .10. 3 N pn. 3 04 m. v 1 Hall,
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  • 1817 3 Mr. Fi'her* "Bitter Till"; Capitol's Openin? Picture; Bit* i!j llt; OriHlk a-d li'key Mouse Product Corning; !'un?h.i Critic Criticised. IBy Our Film Coirc-ponaen. ?>:r Jce Fisher. Managing Director of Capito: Theatres, Limited, returned "home* 1 Horn hfc American trip this wwk. He was full of
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  • 35 3 i j The Capitol. Singapore's luxurious new cinema which, it is hoped, will open in May. has been granted a license for the sale and conI sumption of intoxicants on the premises.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 204 3 ECONOMY AND SERVICE 1 V 1 1 I if [ill I \M If -^M-Kii-J USC Electricit^ to Hghtcn your I -^^^SBHHj l-abcur and to light your leisure. JinSl Wcmans Work is never done." HaH f !t nCVCf nCCd bc whcre hIfCS Wlthcut smoke dust. >^^|HBB Housework without drudgery ELECTRICITY SAVES
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    • 110 3 Chubb's Strong-Room Doors I T X Y Hlilif^ x JL cannot be given to the r-I il! I*l W^| v# I -may be well re- V J^ door of any security ||lri|L J- -^^~i« isSPi I I Xis the possible weak- —^BfSH^ s^^^l liflH -'W^"" <h Whol f X est
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  • 308 4  - Real Enemy of the Engine. Mrs. Victor Bruce TIMID BEGINNERS WHO DO MUCH DAMAGE. S > 5 < By The Hon. fd bearing throughout the transmission as well as the motor itself; burnt valves are likely to result; and there is, moreover, the lubrication to think about. Immediate Damage j
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  • 237 4 Steady Progress of Work at Dagenham. The members of the Institute of Municipal md County Engineers visited the Ford works vhich are in course of construction at Dagenlam. Essex. Major A. S. Caink. surveyo: to he Ford Motor Company. Limited, in tlu course )f an address said
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  • 82 4 Regular Service to be Operated. A Regular bus service is shortly to be put in >peration between London and Edinburgh, the single fare probably being in the neighbourhood )f £1 for the 400-mile journey. The service Aill leave Edinburgh every morning, arriving m London the same night;
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  • 122 4 A correspondent of the Autocar writes: I ran 27,000 miles on my first set of tyres, ay following closely these rules: (1) Never letting the pressure fall below 20 ib. per sq. in. <2> Checking the front wheel alignment at least once a month with a good aligning
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  • 107 4 There is as much difficulty about parking ji Copenhagen as in most cities, and a move jo alleviate matters is being made by creating 1 large underground garage In the centre of ;he city, partly beneath the Town Hall Square. Entrance will be made down an inlet with
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  • 42 4 During 1929 the exports of the United States increased by £24,025, mounting to the huge :otal of £1.049,696,600 Imports, however, rose much higher, the rate increasing by £60,000,000 to £880.126,800. The excess of exports for the /ear was £169,569,800.
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  • 98 4 Congestion Caused by Inefficient Signals. According to Dr Miller McClintock. directs of the Albert Rus<=el Erskine Bureau for Stree* Traffic Research in Harvard University. USA the past year saw a definite tendency to call a halt to the over-regulation of traffic as u result of haphazard installation
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  • 119 4 New Rules to Affect 700,000 Owners. Draft regulations concerning back number plates, which will affect every owner of a motorcycle in Britain, have just been issued by the Ministry of Transport. These make it compulsory for the back number plates carried on motor-cycle to be
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  • 91 4 Denmark holds first place in Europe with regard to the number of tanking stations in relation to registered motor vehicles. It has 5.700 stations and 106,000 vehicles making 18.4 vehicles to each tap. Then follows France with 22.1 vehicles to every fuel station, Switzerland
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  • 132 4 An efficient means of preventing theft, and yet complying with police regulations, which demand that a car shall be movable when left by its owner, appears to have been found by the Beta Manufacturing Company, St. John Street, Valley Road. Shipley. Yorks. who have introduced a petrol
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  • 24 4 It is the opinion of the Leeds Watch Committee that all motor vehicles should be fitted with efficient automatic screen wipers.
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  • 22 4 The estimated revenue from the British petrol duty included in the Budget during the current financial year was £15,700,000.
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  • 35 4 An unusual step for an American manufacturer is the announcement by Durant Motors that, in future, there will be no yearly models of Durant cars, improvements being incorporated as and when they are found desirable.
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  • 182 4 Round the World by Cycle and Motor Cycle. Mr. Soboleff, the young Russian uih September. 1928. started from China on tOU of the world by motor cycle continues to raakgood progress. His mount is a 500 cr oh\ Artel and on his arrival in England
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  • 146 4 The modernisation of the middle age.- torn of tying a suspected criminal to a borv and dragging him through the street.- r (l .v three members of the Mexico City polic inntheir posts and landed them In gaol as well In this case a motor-cycle was used
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  • 77 4 An impression has apparently {rained cur reney in certain quarters that various form. safety glass are inherently stronger than ordinary glass of corresponding thickness. Tni* it should be remembered, is. not necessarily tl> ca*e, since although It can be taken that \.tr. ous forms of safety glass
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  • 73 4 According to the Jersey Weekly Post, their were. or. February Ist 2.626 private cars ana lorries licensed m the island, the number u: motor cycles beinc 608. sidecars 174. and Cfdf cars 64. During the summer months quite large number of motor coaches are also in us*
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  • 66 4 Much of the traffic congestion m the ItnH of large towns is caused by buses stoppinc pick up and set down passengers. In Ml deavour to overcome this trouble tIM 1.G0.C and the Birmingham Corporation an* »-xpenmenting with an Mltlwlf Ml IfPC of doubh Ideck bus This
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  • 68 4 A drastic movt has been made by tIM authorities in Vienna u> overcome the traffic congestion problem. All horse-drawn NbMM are to be prohibited in the inner city. It is stated that this measure is found necessary by reason of the increasing number of cars which block
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  • 67 4 At the next motor show to be held at Olymp-» from October 16th to 25th inclusive, a M-rnm. is to be devoted to garage equipment, to which only the industry will be admitted. The new extension of Olympia will practically double tharea of the building. the floor
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  • 60 4 It is stated that there are in use In the Unit ed States at ttM present time approximate--22,000.000 cars, or approximately one to -five inhabitants. a* compared with one for six inhabitants two years ago. Canada v use approximately 1,000,000 cars, or one lor re»i t. nine
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  • 45 4 Some 70.000 beech trees standing on outlying parts of the Duke <>i Richmor Gordon's estate at Goodwood. Su.vscv met cently sold for £45.000 It Ls .stat«<i areas chosen for clearancr will MM I mum of interference with the beai;' country around Goodwood.
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  • 47 4 It is predicted that at least siv twelv.' sixteen-cylinder cars will be on view at Pt«j year's New York Automobile Show Th*> cMw engineer of a concern producing a iMT-priOM car is of the opinion that larger power plant. will shortly become more common
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  • 36 4 TRAFFIC INC REASE. According to a return issued by HH Mm: of Transport then- wort- 2.196.714 licences cm rent during the quarter ended September 1929. During the correspondiMK prrnKi 0 the total recorded was 2.052. :>39
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  • 17 4 Two gir&gea in Chicago are U* towenty-eifht storeys and twwity-«n»« •toreys high and will hou>e 1.300 cars.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 4 5 fdf
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  • 103 5 The General Motors Corporation are to launch what is described as an atlack upon the Central European light car market with a vehicle costing less than £100. In March last they acquirt"u the controlling interest in the Opel Company of Russelsheim. the largest German car manufacturers, whose
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  • 115 5 Regulations to Ensure Public Safety. Wi*n the object ci" freventing fires in connection v.:th the filling of petrol tanks from pim.s. the French Minist.y of the Interior has recently Issued c notice prohibi ing the transfer of pettrol from pumps to motor vehicle on public thoroughfares in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 156 5 t i p i M* eople often admire a car but the t i I'" O I uestion of being able to own it is the x > *w^ X Am.eal deciding factor. Our hire-purchase terms X V A ri V *f I^Jave you this jvorry and enable you Y
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    • 198 5 I I^^StS^Str mW The car for even] dime--77k? Overseas A full 5-seater designed and MORRIS >u^ t tnrou ghout by the greatest car manufacturers in Europe, and designed for a definite purpose long, faithful, unfailing service under the workTs worst conditions. Every dimension, I every detail of engine, body and
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  • Saturday Football Specials.
    • 514 6  -  IVAN SHARPE on STARS WHO HAVE BUILT UP A WONDERFUL RECORD: WHY HAS ENGLAND FAILED? How is it, asks Ivan Sharpr. that Scotland has had such an advantage in international matches since the war? Since 1»13 she has won ihe International Championship six times whereas England ha> never
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    • 931 6  -  BILLY WALKER on gdg IT IS natural, I suppose, for footballers ana those connected with the game to talk among themselves about the various problems that crop up in the game and many arc th? interesting arguments that arise. But I have been struck by one
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  • 135 6 British Player's Record Break. The final clo^e of play Korea in the billiard mutches were as follows: Londun. Mar. 1. Lrndrum 25.677. V wman. 22.527 HtvLs. 22.601. M.Conachy. 21.609 Newman made a break of 1.765. a personal record London. Mar. 9. Davis J4.165. McConachy 23.538 Lvndrum 58.753;
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  • 112 6 £2.400 Damages against French Sportsman. Paris. Feb. IS. I or SB Ottng Ma friend in mistake for a rab■*t, M ft. a French sportsman, was ordered ••> pay 300.030 francs <£2.400> dam^ts by a h C-wn to-day l.vited his friend. M. Imbert. to a iiticn near
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  • 1328 6 An Arsenal Wednesday Cup Final. Can the Champions Achieve the Double:' Hull's Big Task Against the Arsenal. T*HE question 03 the ip I f a".l Who tak»- an m- ttrcafl in the lOf the Erulr-h Ct;n comiH-tition ls r Ihefllcld 17edne-cJ^ emulate the 33 yt srs old record of Astcn
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  • 180 6 It was confirmed during the week-end that Dr. Dorothy Logan, who claimed in October 1927 to have swum the English Channel, but afterwards admitted that it was a hoax, and Mr. Horace Carey, of Hythe, who acted as her trainer, were married nearly a year ago at
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  • 796 6  -  Arthur Peall Billiards Notes and Comments. I What to do After A Wrong i! Shot. I: i WHEN TO USE A LITTLE MORE FORCE. by "VOU TELL me if I do this, or neglect to ac that. I get into trouble, leave bad position, and probably
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  • 532 6  - My Greatest Golfing Fault. Phi! Perkins. By Perkinjv the former Cn^lish Walker (up player and British Amateur Champion in 1928. now resident in America. tHIs how he eliminated his habit of hitting d. vrn and rndin; across the ball. MATURALLY I learned t pl.iy >lf In *^ng- land, as I
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  • 339 6  - "The Hardest Sock I Ever Got". Maxie Rosenbloom. By Ma vie Rosenblooni. the Hebrew \nwri can middleweight who has won II one of his 76 fights, tell how one "Ilambonr" Kelly, "a tough mui;" from Boston, hit him the hardest punch he ever got. "IIAMBONE" Kelly. I tough MS] (Mi
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  • 46 6 Mar. I At R'u-ilield. W, H the National Cross OouotlJ Cl .imp 1 ten miles in .V." nun 19 <■• bj I bundl yards from the holder, ttw Oljmpic Mm runner, Harper whose tn:i< ni H n Birchlield ntaintd the U >hire beiji<j second.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 588 7 C LASSIFICATION OF MURDER. Prison Governor's Suggestion. A: sitting at the House of Commons of the Select Committee on Capital Punishment evidence was given by Dr. Methven. Governor of Maidstone Prison. Dr Methven expressed the opinion that some modification of the law as regard? capital uur.isiiment was indicated, but he
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  • 427 7  -  Viscount Grey Broadcast by Lord Grey of Fallodon. in a broadcast speech from 2LO in the BBC. "point of view" series, dealt nith the hurry of modern life and its effect on those pleasures and enjoyments chosen and developed by the individual, which in the past
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 619 7 Orders Orders Orders ARE WHAT I LIKE TO RECEIVE Wm& and the res «lts from my announcements of second-hand cars for sale are most gratifying. But I want more and still more. I SATISFACTION v *u C.UARANTEED. their own r^ in^i 6 wh are usin K Jaxis for their means
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  • 927 8 TEARS AT INTERVIEW. "I Was Beaten Back by the Smoke." A statement said to have been made Sidney Harry Fox. aged 28. who is charged ifKh the murder of his mother, was rep ptei bv Police Inspector Palmer to the Margate magte- rates. Fox's
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  • 22 8 London, Mar. ly. Sir Montague Butler leaves to-morrow with his daughter to resume the governorship of the Central Provinces.
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  • 70 8 Rugby, March 10. The return of the Registrar-General for 1929 shows that the severe influenza epidemic of last year and to a less extent the severe cold took a heavy toll of life, the death rate being 13 4 per 1,000 against 11.7 in the previous
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  • 298 8 NECKLACE OF 4,000 RUBIES. MYSTERY FRAGRANCE. Egyptian High Priest's Tomb. Cairo, r*?b. I!' Details are now available of further finds in the tomb discovered recently near the Sphinx, including nineteen more serdabs (places for the erection of statues of the dead) of surprising beauty, separated by thin alibaster partitions. The
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  • 461 8 Diversion to Other Duties. The reports of His Majesty's Inspectors of Constabulary for the year ended September 29. 1929. have been issued as a White Paper. Statistical tables shew that the authorized establishment at the end of the period reviewed was: Counties. 18.304; cities and
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  • 94 8 Drilling Operations to Commence. Edmonton, March 7. According to a statement made by the local interests concerned, an oil company will shortly start drilling for oil on part of the Prince of Wales's ranch, for which, the company says, it holds a lease for 120
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  • 90 8 Talking pictures are soon to be seen and heard near the South Pole. The Melbourne office of Western Electric has received an order from Commander Byrd. who is leading an expedition into the Antarctic, for a complete sound-reproducing equipment for the entertainment of the party during
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 102 8 I Concessionaires for Malaya I lITALASIA LIMITED,! H (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements.) I Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumur and Ipoh. I it ISN'T SHE ]l BONNIE? 2 T FOR MOTHER BABY— J L SUNSHINE VITAMIN "D" r 2 L There is Sunshine Vitamin "D P I L in Sunshine Glaxo
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    • 461 8 Made from 1 im HilenbuKys black currant.. 1 Glycerine ¥>^ C T¥l I 17C They .ire \BlackCurrant FAO 1 ILLLIJ dcliuhtfully so o t h i nt: Obtainable from all ChnmU, Stores and I ALLEN 6? HANBURYS LTD., LONDON Special HefMawntttsvc ioc inJi*-. A. H. P. JENNINGS, P.O 2198, Clivo
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 290 9 BUSINESS CARDS. T() BUSINESS MEN. ..i.rwuu'.d nvA 1 pr\wiumj MN|| Uy ;or your rnriilMM •<i>i'.r-. in .v ,n iunaa net •mr b.-r.t attention. I'romr' ScrMCf OkUgM Moderate. rvmnmN bureau. 'V.V..a Slreet. SINC.APORK ASSAGE AMCURB JSS FUMIKO 52 Dhoby Ghaut. MARBLE FLOORING TILES. SINGAPORE CASKET CO. Nos. 1 3. IVuh Road,
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    • 553 9 TENDERS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. I NOTICE is hereby aiven that tenders are now invited for the following matartata or trvlcet, und that pai titulars of surh tonders nay be obtained in the Tender R n Municipal Offices.— Installation of Sanitary Fittings to Nos. 10, 12. 14. IC, 18. 20. 22.
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    • 713 9 TO LET. UNFURNISHED in centre of town: two flats, each consisting of one large room and huge private verandah-room, rent $40 each, including electric light and water. Apply personally 12 Bonham Building, corner Chartered Bank. COMPOUND HOUSE, No. 27 Chancery L&ne £lectrlc light and water. Apply personally ifetate Trust Agencies
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    • 611 9 NOTICE. TRADE MARK CAUTION. til 4&1&- 4 i ■AJgjtjJrf^^ll NOTICE is hereby given that the above is used as a Trade Mark by THE CHILLINGTON TOOL COMPANY. LIMITED, of Chillington Tool Works. Wolveihampton. Staffordshire. Emiand: Manufacturers; in connection with: CUttefy and Edge Tools. Spades. Shovels and Hoes, being Metal CJood^
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    • 978 9 IMPORTANT NOTICE. RE TYE GUAN TONG IN THE SIPREME COI'RT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE Suit No: 325 of 1930 t'hvw Yt*v. otherwise IUMWfI ;i> Sen,? Tong or Teck Song Toni;. or OnSeng lens,, or K.i Tong. m I hew Teck T»»ns I'l.iiiilifT and 1. LSSW Man
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  • 797 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1930. NAVAL CONFERENCE GAINS. The Liberal Leader's speech in the House of Commons upon the question of the Naval Conference may probably be taken far more at it.- iace value than any of the inspired utterances of late which have made out that failure
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  • 330 10 Kaja Aman Shah will accompany tne Raja Muda of Perak on his tour to Europe. Miss J. R Gibson. Nursing Sister, has been seconded for service under the Government of Kedah. A number of interesting sections of the Printers and Publishers Ordinance are republished in the Gazette for general information.
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  • 755 10 LONG DESIRED VISIT. Chat With Noted Modern Playwright. Mr. Noel Coward, age 30. author of Hay Fever and The Vortex, and a dozen other plays, producer of This Year of Grace and two )ther revues, author of Bitter Sweet but no other operettes; an actor,
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  • 261 10 Mr. H W. Begbie. Assistant Engineer. P.W.D.. Federated Malay States, has been seconded for service in Johore. Mr. R. V. Trace. Assistant Engineer. P.W D.. Federated Malay States, has been seconded for service in Johore. Mr. Haji S. Osman. Usher of UM Marine Court, has taken 14 days vacation leave
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  • 481 10 YESTERDAY'S EVIDENCE, How Detective's Suspicion Were Justified. [FREE PRESS SERVICE- <X«PYRI< Hoiir Koiir. Mn i The hearing of the ebargei Kwok-leung, whose name was pi as Boey Kok-long. (who \m- man of high business standing m Settlements and a Justice 0} the I'- i Motion
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  • 290 10 LONDON AND NEW YORK Tl> AND RUBBER PRICES. [FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT London. March 21. 5 P Messrs. Lewis. Lazarus and Son notify to-day's tin prices as follow Spot £165 14 16 (up 10 16) Ftt ward £168 (up 10 16). The market is strong. Messrs. Symington and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 215 10 With dry ginger ale p«i»?s^l splendid thirst /^tfNPVS^^ quencher. i|inU| I durum > Ifflt 'frs£fnt fc ZZ, AGENTS I CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO.. LTD. I {Incorporated under the Companies 1 Ordinance of Hong Kong) rporated in Shanghai). I 90, Robinson Road. Telephone 6226. I ,mmm -TiV- «v cprrni K^T Jk *JVi
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    • 72 10 r a > 'ili xx 5 aM Ml IK\ I K I WHEN A MAN SINGS IN HIS BATH it shows two things; that the door won't lock and that he is covered by a "GAFLAC" ACCIDENT POLICY. GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD., Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone 6480.
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  • 111 11 HAS THE CONFERENCE FAILED FRENCH EXPERTS LEAVE. Premier has Audience With King. [Reuter's Service.] London. March 21. I •!•<• apparently unbreakable teadloek, the atmosphere of the :< e at present is one of unrelieved ipectad the next two or three •hum. the fate of the Conference i tnm Paris M
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  • 47 11 Fox Sentenced to Death. SERVICE— COPYRIGHT London. Mar. 21. I fulttj In what hai be, in Oaee", and has been itricidr. Showed that Fox. who had inmother lor £3.000 th«- insurance M night of her death, strangled her Margati Hotel In which he
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  • 44 11 I\n Lions at Large. 38 SER VICE— COPYRIGHT London. Mar. IL ■•-day at Carmos Circus ir |H at exeitement and alarm Uecti D Of wild animals 1 to iren.-y by x'.: bill lv vcap 1 ph i n malned I Kible
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  • 62 11 HIGH COMMISSIONER IN PERAK. Visit to Taipintf. r Bl O.r Own CurresporiueiH.J lpc.h. Mar. l\ High C mmlwtonri and t for Se;< m:e the were four Hie Burma 1 full parade, te. and the King V.a i -em. d ibe ial Dorr.l at of bad luncheor a; xhe bad a
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  • 50 11 Amateur Radio Society's Experiments. Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur. March 21. ment of wireless broadcasting from the Kuala Lumpur wireless the Kuala Lumpur Amateur Radio :ied in a letter from the secreM.iiay Mail. ted that successful experiments have made and regular broadcasting is wry early date
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  • 26 11 TRIPLETS BORN TO MALACCA MOTHER. Our Own Correspondent.] Malacca. March 21. In of Pray a Lane Malacca, gaw to-day ail mcs. Earlier cables on page 12].
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  • 171 11 •nditioning of Katong Roads. Committee No. 3 at meeting held 14th. confirmed requisitions, estiIstonal apportionments of cost of Michael*! Road. Goodman Road. Rd Crescent Road, and Sandy Lane: I lions to the requisition, estimate. il apportionment of cost of 1 part of Onan Road, from Changi rvt' Road
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  • 321 11 ALL INDIA REVIEW. Government's Salt Tax Policy. [Reuters Service] N>w OHhi. Mar. 21. TIM end of the first week of Gandhis March has not produced a corresponding movement elsewhere Northern India, and the United Provinces are not yet affected. The Nationalists in Bengal are split
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  • 154 11 Fire Brigade Reorganisation. [From Our Own Correspondent] Malacca. March IL At a meetinu of the 1 Municipal Commissicnt •o-dav c fir Mind by Mr Loh Kim S'.vi in regard to a recent fin at Kampong Hf said that the Supt. admits <• the watt r was not
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  • 115 11 Arabs Sentenced. Reuter's Service Jerusalem. Mar. Five Arabs have been sentenced to death and three acquitted on charges of murder in the Hebron riots last year. Accused have also been ordered to pay jointly £1.000 to the dependents of those murdered. These are the first death sentences
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  • 104 11 Big Deal Over Trans-Atlantic Telephone. IReuter's Service.] Xmsterdam. Mar. 20. The head office of the Royal Dutch confirms the forthcoming issue of a loan of $40,000,000 in New York at 4 per cent, interest convertible into Royal Dutch stock within three years at a
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  • 65 11 Government Reward. [Reuter's Service.] New Delhi. Mar. 21. The Government of India has granted Chawla Rs. 7,500 in recognition of his successful flight to England. [Aspy a 17 year old Parsee engineer and R. N. Chawla secretly left Karachi on March 3rd. in a Moth plane
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  • 136 11 A SURPRISE VISIT. The Government Desires Peace. fßeuter's Far Eastern Service. 1 Shanghai, Mar. 21. Chiang Kai-shek arrived in Shanghai from Nanking somewhat unexpectedly this morning. To pressmen he said he was proceeding on a tour inspection of troops in Kiangsu and Chekiang according to prearranged
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  • 48 11 SINGAPORE COMMUNIST HEADQUARTERS Chinese Reds Arrested in Rhio. [Reuters Service. 1 Batavia, Mar. 19. Five Chinese who have been arrested at Palembang and 16 in the Rhio Archipelago are alleged tc be members of a large Chinese Communist organisation with headquarters in Sineanore. (Earlier cables on page 12].
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  • 365 11 Had no Time to Prosecute Them. When Khoo Keng Hock a well-known medicinal liquor dealer of Singapore Penane. Malacca and Amoy. with admitted liabilities r f Si 1.484.80 and assets of only 51. 135. was public' 1 examined in the Bankruptcy Court before Mi Justice
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  • 154 11 Question of Municipal Service. Mr. O P Griffith Jones has given nctice ol the following questions to be asked at the ordinary' meetuig of the Municipal Commissioners next Friday. (1) Have the Executive Officers of the Municipality received a proposal from certain Shipping Companies as to
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  • 1241 11 THE BARMAID QUESTION. New Licence for the Capitol. The barmaid question produced some lively discussion in the First Magistrate's Court yesterday when Mr. C. H. G. Clarke presided over a meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices. Other members of the Board present were Messrs Cheong Koon
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 100 11 ft ,r. Christening Gifts i I I in ra I Sterling Silver j t T^^bm^b^bv JEfl BB^Bk^l B^^^^^^^^^^^^Bi ■^■K^Bh B^t^^^^^*^^^Bl V P^B^Bn i CHILD'S STERLING SILVER SET Containing Cup, Ring, Spoon and Fork in Leatherette Lined Velvet Case. PRICE $23.50 I ROBINSON Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). Singapore and
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  • 438 12 MR. BALDWIN'S TRIBUTE. Parliament's Homage To A Great Statesman. (Biiiish Radio Official Service I Rugby. Mar. CO. Striking tributes to thr late Lord Balfour were p;iici by Party leaders in both Houses of Parliament tn-day. Mr St;ml«y Baldwin, the Coiv-ei vative leader. ■id ;i (li:.:;i(
    438 words
  • 95 12 Prime Minister Sees Signer rGrandi. [British Radio Official Service.] Kiißbv. Mar. ZO. The Prime Minister had a further cc,:.\•;>;.titn with Signor Grandi at the HOQ* < f Commons this evening With the depart an of M. Briand for Paris this morning the likelihood of any development
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  • 327 12 MONDAYS TIES. Profession Pain*. W. Swithinbank and H. H Saunders vs. C. E. Hudson and O. Puller. V. D. Knowles and C. P. Burke vs. P. H. Hopkins and F. Ziegele. G. G. Carew and D P. Percy vs. R. F. Goodman and O. C. Youd.
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  • 153 12 COAL BILL VOTE. Withheld to Save Labour Embarrassment. I Reuters Service] I,t udon, Mar. .0. In She House of OOHUBOOC thir? afternoon Mr. Lloyd George, announcing that the Liberal:; weald not participate further in the a:r.end:nents in the committee stcc of the Coal Bill because hoftOe action
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  • 51 12 Hombav (iovernment's Action. (Reuter's Service.) Rombu> Mar. 20. The local Govonum :it iias banned public exhibition ir. the Bombay Presidency of three films depleting Gandhi's mauh on March 12th. oioduceci by three diilertnt Indian film companie-. although the Bombay Awrd '>f Film Cenon apnoved the
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  • 408 12 ."Mr. Trevanion's Appeal luheld. London. March 14. Tht A(sp«.t! Court to-day upheld Mr. Trevanion's i-.ppeal in conne::icn with the Rcmney portrait ca.-t A 1 .500 pictim of I pretty girl that m said to have been painted by Romney was tht boiw of contention in a Chancery
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  • 118 12 Fifteen Villagers Fined. Bombay, Mar. 14. Surat. March 14th. As at present arranged, Mr. Gandhi, with his volunteers, will reach Dandi. the venue selected for defiance of the salt law. on April Ist. Calcutta. Mar. 14. The first case of illicit salt manufacture t
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  • 118 12 Non -Recognition in Great Britain. London, March 14. The British Medical Journal announces that the Executive Committee of the Cencral Medical Council have decided to refuse to recognize, tor the time being, medical degrees conferred by Indian linlvatalttet. It is pointed out that recognition for some years
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  • 546 12 S.A.F.A. COUNCIL MEETING. I No Receipts From Stadium League Games. A meeting of the Council cf the Singapore Amateur Football Association was held at No. j 10 Collyer Quay, on Thursday, evening: Pre- sent Messrs R. L. Hastie (President* in the chair. J. Lee (Vice-President*. S. G.
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  • 200 12 Raid on Notorious Robber Stronghold Canton. Mir 1 Attempt! by bandits to collect tribute from enter ■teun hiuncbei and Low boats passive Ki.m ChUk Village, which is come thirty nilea fron Canton in the Shun Tak District, have resulted In ths Shun Tak M igbtrnte vrtidinr
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  • 192 12 Annual Meeting. Selangor Scots met in conclave on Wednes- I day night at the Selangor Club on the occasion I of the annual general meeting of the Selangor I St. Andrews Society. The Chieftain. Mr. C.I J. K. Grieve, presided. It was stated that the membership
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  • 727 12 VfISADVENTURE VERDICT. Was the Curve Too Sharp The inquest which had been begun on a >revious occasion was continued to-day, says Wednesday's Pinang Gazette. Inspector McQuarrie conducted the proceedngs. The evidence previously recorded was )f the engine driver. Mr. Alexander Robert Robinson and the signalman
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  • 78 12 Sing-Sing Official to give Evidence in London. London. March 14. Ne\» Yont. Mr. Lewis E. Lawe.->. Governor ot the tamoyg Sing- Sing Prison, is going to Cireat Britain to give evidence before the Select Commit ter fif the House of Commons which is considering th* 1
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  • 77 12 Second Match With Tasmania. London. March 11. Hobart. Grimmett. Australia's googlie bowler ook 5 for 30 in the second match of the Australian Test XI. against Tasmania, who wer: iismissed for 131. Australia had 178 for 1 wicket. Ponsford and Bradman being unbonun with 83 ani 70.
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  • 73 12 Madras, March 10. Sergeant -Inspector Howes, who was charged before a first class magistrate at Saidapet in connection with the death of Adidravida, a I girl aged about eight, during a machine gun practice near Meenambaham taluk on January 31, has been found guilty and
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  • 733 12 SERDANG CEREMONY. Sultan Lays Foundation Stone. There v.a.s «i larsje gathering ai the site ul the School cf Agriculture for Malaya at Serdunn on Wednesday, says the Malay M«il. when His Highness the Sultan of Bsflangor laid the foundation stone of the building. His Highness, on
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  • 199 12 Singapore, Marcli ?J. Prices haw moved within narrow limits from day to clav and the market has been ouict to dull. The period dMM practically unchann on bala ncv. To-day's cables quote London down. I I6d. at 77 8d and New York down t_'old at 15 sold. There
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  • 71 12 Australian Air Mail Services. London. March Hth. Canberra. The annual report of the AuditorGeneral leveals that a subsidy of £27.835. averaging £1 per letter, hM bc*O paid to the company operating the Melbourne-Hay. Aeie-laide-Cootamundra and Mildura-Broken Hill air services. The report recommends the diM.-ontinuancr of
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  • 15 12 Jud-.- Cluer. at Whttectll>ri Pi automata nnuhln.s. TOU must p«g before the CMC CM l
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 567 12 CHURCH SERVICES ST. AM)I!KUS CATHI Tarn. Holv Communion. 7.30 .i i:i if.i. 8 a.m. < choral > Holy Ccrnmii; 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion io a.m. Sunday Bchool si I 5.30 pjn. < choral i BveUBUI Munday Wednesday and Holy Oomxnunion Tuesday. Thursday, and I Holy Communion. <. UUtIBOM CBtntf 111
      567 words

    • 971 13 SCIENCE CAN OVERCOME BRUTE FORCE. American Lust for Blood. By PHIL SCOTT. 1 Wntir.u fr< i his training camp at Miami behts di ftrow rieht with Sharkev Phil BCOtt Declt i that science can overcome ante and declares that British boxers are not appreciated in America aatai— the- fail to
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    • 231 13 Weona's Two Minute Win. Eleven boats turned out for the Port Dickson Yacht Club race held on Sunday. They crossed the starting line in the following order: Barbara (Frodsham and OOck»>, Wrnrly <Th :n >- son and Blackmail t. Weona (LHttt), Grampus (Ryves.. Miranda <G.
      231 words
    • 276 13 First Asiatic Side to Play. The Sunuei Patani correspondent oi the Ptnang Gazette teleiiiv.phm^ un March 17th. aid The Sung^i Patani Sportl Club, mostly < mpi -t'd of members of the Junior Civil Service of BuafJSf Patam. was formed two months ago. It was early m 1929
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    • 129 13 Tftftmhiai Hotspur last week secured the transfer of two international forward", W Davtes, the Notts County outside right, am R. Rowley, the Southampton player at centre who played against Oldham together. The BTC the first captuies which have been mad' by Mr. Percy Smith, the new manager
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 628 13 POOR OLD JOE ORVaWfI THINNER EVKBY DAY. at such a manly fellow, too— and full of vigour. Now his ■pns and he looks like a walk•i >"U DIM almost stS the bones tfaraajfe hLs flesh. t worry though He can always get Tablets and thrv u ill put pounds of
      628 words
    • 141 13 I think %fe7 i they re wonderful They do not stick to my lips and I know they're pure, and made under the most hygienic conditions CORK-TIPPED VIRGINIA CIGARETTES A/fl<fe Specially to Prevent Sore Throats A i m CARRBR AS* HYGIENIC FACTORY {|'-^f*^^^^^«^ H r l KD w n~!J CR
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 763 14 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. EXPRKSS SERVICE MARSEILLES. LONDON A N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre). Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. t AENEAS For Marseilles. London. Rotterdam and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 649 15 O. S. K. Line Destinations. \.'m*mm\ Vessel. Arrive. Leare. v h] K;>tteidam. Hamburg. Bremen twerp via Colombo. Aden, !\>rt 8 m a.ul Port Said Amazon Maru 2g nurb C.tpe Town. Rio de Janeiro. Santos, :dtx>, and Buenos Airrs [Kound-the- pas« f e £190.] piaU v Taafa. Zanribar. Dar-es-Salaam. MaMjues, Durban
      649 words
    • 540 15 DOLL A U SfiiAMSiilP JLI/Nu Jlnd AMERICAN MAUL LINE TO MARSEILLES, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. From SINGAPORE and PENANG via COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES and GENOA. Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Singapore. Singapore. Penang. New York. PRES. WILSON Mar. 31 Apr. 3 Apr. I May 13 PRES. VAN BUREN
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    • 839 15 K. P. M. mmm. pmetvudt mmtschappu, iKOkAL. PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA.) (Incorporated In Holland > UriHER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN OOVXRNMHTr I Telephone No. 5451. with sub-connections to:— Passage. Freight. Transhipment. Marine Departments and Manager's desk. K«pre»eiiUtlves in the Straits Settlements (Singapore and Pfenanc) of the OFFICIAL TOURIST
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 630 16 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated to Australia). FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via I JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and tbe motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA Is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia Cabins
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    • 150 16 BIBBY LINE i (LONDON ADDRESS: et, PALL MALL. LONDON, S.W.I). of fast twin-screw Oil Driven Mall Passenger Vessels between RANGOON, COLOMBO, MARSEILLES. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON, with through connection from Singapore and Penang. HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Steamer. Leave Rangoan. LEICESTERSHIRE Apr. 17 SHROPSHIRE May 1 OXFORDSHIRE May 15 STAFFORDSHIRE May 29 GLOUCESTERSHIRE
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    • 708 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. BT TRAIN. :uala, Pahang, Pekan, Sungel Lembln I and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jeran- I tut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m tangkok every Thursday 6 air. lota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Talping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 a.m. Celantan every Monday. Wednesday
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    • 352 16 3£ I NORDDEUTSCHER im LLOYD. yUvl incorporated it 1 Germany > The undernoted are the Company inundec t&tui'M: OUTWARDS. REMSCHEID for Shanghai, Moji. Kobe, Yokohama and Hankow Mar. 26 DERFFLINGER for M^n"*. Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtau Mar. 28 ISAR for Hong Kong, Shanghai, Moji, Osaka, Kobe,
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  • Port and Shipping News.
    • 289 17 m ]\\z Amounts Paid Last Y *»r. nany functions of the Liverpool sooiation is to collect and pubmtormation of its members parwialues to shipping, which an |Hent tlxan is generally realised In the Mreet. The information hi hly. when one is made awai number of total and partial
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    • 214 17 Steamer's Compradore Murdered in Robbery. re of the Pinghu S. M. Co.'s a.s shot dead in cold blood ptrrwill we wounded by bullet of the mo:, 1 daring piracies which rted in Shanghai for son.-- t me :r occurred near Sl-i-putar.a a Chingthan DLstrict on iluidaf week
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    • 265 17 tKirst Mate on Last Challenger. burj is a little ttahlnf and yachting at the mouth of the Black water, and born and lives a man whose doings v be watched by all who love the Captain Ned Heard, and there man in handling a yacht on this
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    • 838 17 Dominions Merchant Legislation Report. British shipowners are. not unnaturally, nervous of the effect upon their great Industry of the changes foreshadowed In the recent report of the Conference on the Operation of Dominion Legislation and Merchant Shipping legislation, (says the Times). This nervousBMi finds voice in the
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    • 230 17 Modern Armed Ship for French Cadets. Paris. Feb. 14. The new French training cruiser Jeanne d Are was launched at St. Nazaire to-day. The Jeanne d'Arc. which replaces the former training ship of the same name scrapped in 1928. is the first ship built by the French
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    • 191 17 Shanghai is to have a suicide club, allhou^h it will not encourage sucide. On the contrary, the purpose of the organisation will be to discourage China from ending their lives by resorting to sel; destruction. The proposed organisation Is the brain-child of Mr. Wang, wealth- Chinese bank -;r
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 465 17 m il^roHl /Aii? LtCill oj the trreat f^^gd^L. l^z^l E '4?jy Frozodon. vicissitudes of a burning sun For w t u h d s o^ lofM sSS f Solid fuudc coio^e is there not "47//", elusive, cooling iVudeCoiognc J ivMu^n.fh"*" 1 X^ day is truly bracing and invigorating. <&h>M^ s^E&r
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  • For the Wireless Enthusiast.
    • 671 18 Ceylon Radio Club's Suggested Reasons. "What is the reason for th;> lack of general rnthusiasm far broadcasting in Ceylon" 1" is a <)uestion often heard m oiwei s.ttion in the Island and the reasons appear to be numerous according be auUu'iilie- en the .übjeci. The
      671 words
    • 886 18 (By Our Wireless Correspondent > Referring to the dlagrami 01 types di d tor circuits <a> shows tin < coil tem introduced as soon as tin mad for reaction al m for HTtption of continuous wave? and are i When anateun bssao i > terime with
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 99 18 -"""""""iiiiiillliiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiij r>yP^ It if* i /x\i JL^^JIC i f will go witfi a swin^ Gu^^ a^ ter a short course of j vLf Sanatogen, because Sanatogen builds up an abundance of I health and strength in body, I nerves, and blood. I I SST& 1 Sanatogen is a mighty tonicfood,
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    • 605 18 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in Enyland by Royal CharterPaid up Capital in 600.000 shades of £5 each £3,000,00C Reserve Fund £4.000,00f Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 38, Bishopsgate. London, E.C. 2. Agencies and Branches: Alor Star Hong Kong Rangoon AaVttaar Iloilo Saigon Bangkok
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    • 308 18 BANKING. MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England). Capital £3.000.000 Subscribed 1.R00.000 Paid-up 1.050.000 Reserve Fund and Hest 1.612.046 BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. M. Ryrie, Esq.. Chairman. P. R. Chalmers, Esq. Charles J. Hambro. Esq J. O. Robinson. Bsq W. H. Shelf ord. Esq. Sir Thoniii- Catto. Bart. LONDON
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    • 280 18 INSURANCE. THE SOUTH I 4 BRITISH V* J i\siK\\(t: OOMPANi FIRE, MARINE, i; ,«t AND MOTOR INSURANCE A( (I j LOWEST CURREM I L C. lIAROO] OfTue 2. personaTacc! r FATAL ACCIDENTB have jrou made prorl at your dependenti snoi overtake you it only < Policy far tlO.OOO with obtain
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  • To-Day's Price Changes.
    • 106 19 Maifh 2: SELLING rigM 2 3 IS 16 lit 2 3^ IfW 2 3 13 16 :^"t 2 3 2:S 32 ir.and jj 23 11 16 I Oit, dtm;u;(i 1432 demand 234 rt demand Sg 1 |f MO6 Sourabaya it m r demand P> :n. 151 37 11»'>
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    • 199 19 M:ir< h 21. Tin 175 Tons $85 00 < ..nbier 9.40 Pepptr \V! 70 Pepper Black 49 Flake lapu-i.i gqo Pear! Sago Smail 8.25 Copra Sundried 8.80 Rice, Anam No. 2 250 Rm' Um Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 8.30 Wr«. Si:.m oid No 1. 320 1 Birtan
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  • 429 19 BIOAT. MABCB -M. liujers Sellers. 35s 37;, i 14-= 6d 22s 23s 23 95 1 .00 90 1.00 22s M 23b Gd 3> 15 20 4? nom. 5? 45 70 x.d nom. Id 11s 6d c.d. 43 20s ■^d js Gd I 30 M Sit 1 27'..
    429 words
  • 317 19 Stocks of Rubber including latex and roveviex held by Dealers and Estates of 100 Aries mri bm fcH. n 1 d w S* of the Produce of Estates of ta. than 100 A,-,,,. L Z Momh f plna," SSITISIS?" In iO Notes: l Stock- ia i Mtcs
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  • 200 19 LEWIS AND PEAT'S RUBBER REPORT. Blagapere, M »r. 21. Alt.", gh :lc »ries have been repurted to be buying during the past week, the mark has been and prices at one tim« ted ti The lowest point w;-. mid" ..hen a slight recovtiy bai taken place, but busilM MMi on
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  • 188 19 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. March i 12 olelMk noon. Buyers Sellers R S.S equal to London Standard, 25 1 25" April MVi M 27' 2'. Ao?il-June '2~ 23 •Tjly-Scpt. 28 j 28 Torn of Market: Steady Quist. London Spot sheet 7'.d. per ib N Spot Sheet Q.cts. IS per
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  • 103 19 Riverview's Policy. [FTom Our Own Correspondent. l lpoh. M.inh 21. At Rivrr..' I tatea annual meeting tiit was reported the net profit was $73,111 Menpared with (42,419 last year. Pour Interim dividends of o per cent, had be n i)^id and it n rnwommend id that final
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  • 75 19 Osborne and ChappeH Reduction. [From Our Ov.n Correspondent.] ln«.h. March !l. q restric- ici to-day In that the output of the f< 23 per a nt, till the I on output f 1929: Qopenf Ltd.. Tekka Taiping, Kent, I \d-'j b In addit announce I
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  • 187 19 London. Rubber 7 -d. 3[l6d up. Spot 25*4, SS. KS o. on Tender ,1 L■■ M 27H, J': i ..-Dec. 30. Steady, fin L( ndcn. £166 2 Gd. 47 Gd Up. 7.J ntag. Finn. Bungei Ways 3.35 3.50, Kuchala 1.27 l ;n. Kinta Dredge 1.23
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  • 160 19 Final Dividend. The i? the directors' I to the shareholders of Haytor Rubber E to be presented at the annual meeting to b» on Ifarch 29th, at noon at Evan and Company's offli The net profit for the year amounts to 124.944 hicfa must be added tl
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  • 169 19 BUKIT TIM AH REPORT. The Land Sales. The following la the Directors' rep holders of BukH Timah Rubi 10 be presented at the annual nv th at no m -.•>, E: t:io net profit for '1 fear iwhl t I •37.93 profit en sale cf 1 ad) :u\ to 1684.199.17
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  • 31 19 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service! Tokyo. March 20. Trade returns for the second ten days of this month show a total of Y53 .887.000 and Y45.051.000. imports and export* respectively.
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  • 67 19 Tin Price Improvement. (FREE PRESS SERVICE— COPYRIGHT London. Mar. '11. The rubber market opened this mnrnr 7 9 It; and 7 15 It! changing later to 7 8 Hi and 7 \i 18 with dull tone. Tm opened at ties 8s ird and tin 8^ U steady
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  • 62 19 Siak Rubber Company slvm- n > lt pr< £i.B"T and p. i 6 per cent, dtrl Jaata a liiK'.l of 5. D> Q of 3. and Sclangor 5. St afield showi profit of £18,941 with :i on profit and loss re Fiver -hows a profit oi MJVJ I
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  • 6 19 Uah-Dutch rietioa i
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  • 31 19 t the tin r th<' sharp f, U.S. ntrol it says is If it tap the c Fluctuation! and i wrd of future stable av< i pi
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  • 104 19 Yesterday's Alterations. Btafapai*. Mm*, ha., n— lm Fritm. nuv-rs Sellers. Johao Tin 41 ICint'i Tin I); 127 1.33 Kucha! 1.2.-, t -3 1 C7 70 South Talplnc M 27 Talam 102 Uiu Kkmgl 123 1.28 Ayct Httem 14. m Hs 9u HOOl Kong (fully) his 9c j
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 119 19 ASSETS EXCEED $10,000,000 ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000 I ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCETHE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. c^ A D HFAD OFPIPP w l <^orporated in Straits Settlements). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. tLp™, i Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27 Old Jewry EC Fidelity Guarantee-Administration Bonds. The Company has
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  • 135 20 TOO READY TO TALK. Claiming the World Title. [Reuter's Service. 1 London. Mar. 21. Boxing in America is rotten all through." c declared Scott on hi.s arrival at Southampton 1 from the United States "If ever anything o comparable with my fight at Miami happens e again
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  • 134 20 Fight Which Lasted 111 Seconds. i [Reuter's Service J I Jacksonville, Florida. Mar. 21. Camera claimed his eleventh victim to-day. knocking out in the first round Frank Zavita. The fight lasted 111 seconds. HIS NINTH VIC TIM. London. March 12th. Nqnrtaf about the ring
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  • 103 20 Quarrel With Silver Bullet Designer. [Reuters Service.] L>a>tona Beach. Mar. 21. Kayc Dm to-day engaged in two trials in connection with his projected attempt on tht- motor speed record. He attained only 90 miles an hour at the first efTort on a bumpy beach. A batted
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  • 2 20
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  • 155 20 The particularly strong SCC. side meeting the SRC. on the Padang this week-end, opened ■well during the first hour's play last evening After half an hour's play or so Bartels bowled Bfeewart»B tttl a eood ball, out after thll sot -back, matters began to look
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  • 308 20 The foOoving are SCC Cricket Sides for this week-end: Riff-Raffs vs. Welch Regt. 2nd XI at Tanglin 2 p.m. Saturday E S. Bell. R T B >yd. A. Bromley -Davenport. W. P. Day-Dewdney (capt >. J. W. Jackson. R G. \V Scholes, L. V. Taylor. A
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  • 12 20 Sunday, Concentration Centres, Units SVC Is Mobilization parade. k
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  • 485 20 SELANGOR AMATEURS. Successful Opening Day. [From Our Own Correspondent 1 Kuala Lumpur, March 21. The Selangor Turf Club"s amateur meeting )pened to-day there being a fair attendance. Phe going was good but on the hard side. More >r less it was a favourites' day the biggest divid>nd
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  • 166 20 A. Company Win Rugby League. C Company were the team winners in the iVelch Regiment cross-country run last week, ilthough Pte. Taylor of D (Machine Gum Company was first home D Co. were team unners-up. Lieut. S. Griffith was the winner of the Officers' Cup and Boy
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  • 72 20 Dr. Peltzer to Lecture at the Cricket Club. Dr. Otto Peltzer the famous German Athlete ivho has arrived in Singapore from Australia has kindly agreed to give a lecture on athletics and training on Tuesday at the S.C.C. between 5 and 8 p.m. (actual time
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  • 131 20 In a cable before the match discussing thr prospects of the England-Scotland Rugby international Twickenham last Saturday it is stated: The selectors have been much criticised for the gamble" of introducing the nineteen-year-old Cambridge threequarter. Tanner, who has played only one first-class match. Considering
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  • 565 20 DOLLAH'S HAT TRICK. Fast But Uninspiring Encounter. Malays 6; R.A 1. Those who expected that the R.A. would have been able to provide sufficient opposition to fully extend the Malays at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday, were sadly disappointed. The score of six one gives the
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  • 164 20 Sepoy Lines G.C vs. Garrison G.C. This match will be played on Sunday, on the Garrison Golf Course The names of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club players are given first: 305 am English and Allen vs Capt. Qumn and Lt. Col. Dickinson 910 Hillary and Boyd vs
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  • 101 20 Eu Tong Sen Shield. The following is the draw for this competition. T Morita vs. A. L. B. Lim. G. de Silva \s. Ee Yean Bee. Ong Swee Gam vs. F. Martens. H. L. H. Lim vs. V. H. Norris. J. W. Moore vs. B. M.
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  • 118 20 Teams for Next Weeks Matches. The following sides have been chosen to represent the S.C.C. in matches next week: Against RAF. on Monday: E. Cherrington. J. Lee, R. Craik; E. S. Bell. A. K. Reade. A. Donald; A. D. M. Poison. C. Kendall, J. L. Elmer, N. Fyfe,
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  • 263 20 TO-DAY'S GAMES. Derby's Chance to Head Table. [Reiner's Service. J London. March 80. In a Division 111 (Northern Section* League match to-day Doncaster and Stockport drew I—l1 1 at Doncastef. DIVISION I. Birmingham vs. Bolton W. Blackburn R. vs. Portsmouth Grimsby T. vs. Burnley Leicester C. vs.
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  • 215 20 Link with Early Singapore Football. A link with the earliest days of Singapore association football has been severed by the death at Ki'.marnock on March Ist of Mr. Jamt^ McKi-nzie. who. with Mr Richard Scoular. in 1889 founded the S.C.C. soccer team. Tank Road was
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  • 183 20 The following teams have entered in the S.H B. Junior Service Club's competition for the trophy, presented by the European Staff of the Board which will commence on Monday, th* 24th. instant. Head Office: Hamid. Garnel. Eng Bee. Ah Foo, Kassim. SanifT. Kah Whye. F. Monteiro. Jeremiah.
    183 words
  • 42 20 To-morrow, the A-Class Yachts will race the first of a series for the Upton Challenge Cup. Start 10 a.m. The B-Class Yachts will race the second of a series of the Winstedt Challenge Cup. Start 10.10 a.m. North-East Monsoon Course.
    42 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 115 20 i stocktaking! SALE v v of books, stationery, calendars, diaries i fountain pens, etc 1 I FOR ONE WEEK ONLY I MONDAY, MAR. 24th M TO SATURDAY MAR. >»« V I Genuine Bargains, j Mdlaya Publishing House, Ltd. SINGAPORE. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4^ %*%>*%*%*\**4*%**V t I BRITISH AND BEST— 1 ,^^^K^»^»^ I TENNIS
      115 words