The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 September 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1929. NO. 12,8:]0
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  • 334 1 i>«taii. of a tummunist piut against tile nationalist dovernment are revealt^; v < mmuni.-st troops at Ichang iap:urtj two sti'amt.s and .»,oou >^ati<uiaiiM troojs I'a.m* 11. i.t.rd Cecil at.i\ci'ea <pcet'h ul (aCßcti ycstertiay on disarmament irludi was wann.y B<c<aiHCd lajit- ii. itu hoviot envoy has arrived m
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  • 1059 1 Old Mrs. Smith kept her white ■tockfogl handy for at least twenty years before she finally popped off at 7 She had two suns, both as good as gold, though she took to Jin the most because he was a rover. Joe :t<; always stuck by hei, ami when
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 213 1 GEBRABD WIRE I I TYING MACHINE I '«ii*» \tnnn »X Son f"ViP YY)av\ct±i' m VIII LIIC Illctl I\t I. y*l I 1 McALISTER& CO., LTD. 1 j i (Incorporated m Straits Settlements.) j j j SINGAPORE PENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR. |EUROP£pIHOTELI "Renowned by Recommendation" I I SPECIAL NOTICE. THE MANAGEMENT
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    • 112 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT Triumphs of the Austin Seven Pag* ">. Gafl is the servant of progress Pa«:e IC. Leyland. the acme of lorry perfection Pagt •">. A "bier" announcement by d odyear Pa^e x. CastrcJ soKts riddles of lubrication Pag* Auction salt of furniture by Ching Keng Lee— Page 12. When
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 112 1 THE WEEK High Water. 2.14 a.m.. >.:5. I.M p ,r... h>. Wj rwick Revue Co., Tiieatre, ;».30, The Wairligig. Thvrsun 2618. Hi^'h Water, .».i,i.. t.i. -1.4 1 p.m.. M. Beard of Licensing Jastkea District Coart, 2.15 p.m. Hockey: S.R.C. Raflea In-t., S.R.C. Keppei Golf Clab, i.nn.. mtg^ *.'M\ Warwick
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  • 372 2 Murderer "Hero" of a New Play. Charles Peace, the notorious criminal, is to receive the compliment paid to Abraham Lincoln. General Lee, Florence Nig-htinga'.r, and Oliver Cromwell; he is to be the central figure m an episode play which will shortly l>e IMB m London!
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  • 272 2 Friday and Thirteen. Tht- ntws seems to hav<- attracted little rotic*- that the present Pope ha* >et himxii" ?<■ rehabilitate the repute i><>th of Friday -m! of the nnniber ri- it will be no li>rht task to uproot superstHioiu of such 10-mr and
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  • 219 2 Coloured Poster m Wife's Garden. Henry John Houston, of Koch ford -avenue Southend. journalist, was at .Southern! seni to prison for six weeks for beiny ±'2r> ir irrtm on a maintenance order. Mr. H. M. Kebbv, the maintenance collection oflker, said that Houston ha<l put a (teen,
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  • 65 2 A quick trip up darat on an alleged murtk-t hunt disturbed our usual equanimty. but the excitement of the chase was <v(ntualiv dampened by finding that the luurdi r was only a case of accidental death. A rvu»-un had climbed up a tree to get his tuitixe W and he
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  • 433 2 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. The Premier Morning Daily m Malaya, a live "news" paper 30-40 columns of newt daily. Also the best Medium for Adverti9 ing. .Delivered with the Chota Hazri eacl morning. Latest Telegrams, Latest Newsand Latest Announcements. Daily New* Cables, Rubber and Tin Price Cables together with exclusive
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  • 264 2 Swiss Villages Deserted. Alpine life ii not always so idyllic for the Swiss peasants as it often appears to the eyes of tourists. .So scant is the livelihood which some of the mountain repions provide for the peasantry that there is a continuous emigration to more fertile districts
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 20 2 M^Ty/^^9^ D"»t danferou* be* Throatlets will remove the irritation and prerent infection. Importers SJJ h ott Chemi* MEDICAL HALL, LTD.
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    • 445 2 ALHAMBRA'!* Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd., l'r,, pr t(^ PROGRAMME Commencing Wednesday, Sept. 25th. ending M on a>l Ni In the Second Show at 9 pm THE LATEST EMPIRE MEW'S REX INGRAM'S PRODUCTION THE 3 PASSIONS with Alice Terry and Ivan I. The Drama of the mighty fofdH that rule
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  • 428 3 HOW UNITS ARE TO BE ARRANGED. Pay of the Officers. Canton, Sept. 12. ihe ÜBbMdnMt and reorganisation of the Kwanftung armies being on the point of completion, the Central Government has issued a proclamation limiting the number ot officers and soldiers m a division, brigade, regiment and battalion
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  • 295 3 American's Vain Search m London. One of the most disappointed Americans J who ever visited England has left Dover !'ii Prance m mail week. .Mr. Robert Gilchrist arrived m London expecting to sally forth ami discover a modern Babylon m full blast. He had }>een led
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  • 55 3 Austrian Edict. Vienna, Aur. 19. The Minister for War has banned the I world-famous war book. "All Quiet on the Western Front," by E. M. Remariue, from all barracks, on the ground that "it is likely to impair the spirit of the troops, as it shows only
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  • 101 3 SHOULD DOCTORS BE AUTOCRATS East London Coroner's Views. London, Sept. 10. Dr. Robert Outhrie. Coroner tVr the Eastern District of the County of London, icrlared to-day thai a patient ha<l no ri;, p ht of private judgment if a doctor decided that it was a case for hospital treatment. "It
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  • 75 3 An innovation is promised shortly m beiUtt, taking the form of 'busts equipped with wireless receiving apparatus. Wireless concerts ivill, however, be limited to Chose 'buses which take Berliners out into' Urn country. The Berlin 'bus companies probably see m the institution of wireleJS m 'buses an attraction which will
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  • 243 3 American Society Formed. Washington, Aug. SS. Tho Noah's Ark Exploration Association of Chicago has addressed a letter to tho State Department setting forth its desire to "explore for Noah's ark, excavate, and administer such remains as may be found." The letter is signed by a
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  • 257 3 CoL Rutherford's Deportation. London, A«g. 22. The Daily Express states that Colonel Rutherford, who was released from Broadmoor asylum at the bepinninp of the year on condition that he left England, h:;s taken up his residence m the Bast, but his family have received no direct communication
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 207 3 flrLECTraerm 1 V ECONOMY AND SERVICE I NOTICE OF REMOVAL BJ X |H X Tht Klectrical Department Showroom has now X been transferred from 21 Orchard Road to the X W ntu Municipal Offices, (Jround Floor, entrance m CotasMM Street, *J* «sB X I enquiries and complaints regarding appliances W
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    • 329 3 Estate Trust Agencies (1927) Limited. j BRANCHES 21, First Cross Street MALACCA 11, Lteht Street PBNANG Registered by and Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. Act as Trustees, Administrators, Receivers, Goardians, Rent Collectors, Investments Supervised and Interest collected, Probate or Letters of Administration applied for and security furnished. "We
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  • 274 4 Great Enthusiasm Displayed. "I want to impress on. the public that I have had forced landings before, but never a crash, and I have escaped so far without scratch." In these words Sir Alan Cooham referrc! to the incident when he was compelled t;, make
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  • 17 4 The Jesselton Golf Club championship tvas completed on Sept. 2, when Quinby defeated McCaw 3 and 2.
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  • 1092 4 Home Makers' Reply to Competition. Mi. Alfred Backing* Director „f the Society ot Motor Manufacturers and Traders, vrftes to The Times as follows: it b unfortunate, from all ;n>int< of view, that the admitted predominance of American motor transport m many parts of the world conveys the
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  • 169 4 Not JuM For Climbim: Hilk Tht tfiw MOtol crwiij powi y\<»\ notoj t Urn but up Ptcunn of tr. tipi otlH roadi Tht-y do not i.. just m potent a fart powerful four-win ami turn ftgafal I traffic pn-Mtn its* h M trwdi on Uk BCSr,
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  • 189 4 Difficult To Junk Ih.m Om of thy pnMei the car indust.v ha V.S.A. la t)u AM hack." jut*In Australia. V wrecking establishim-r,t la quickly ditpoaed owner. But m Amu r that when one rvadMi a eoUhagi bof will aivmdinjr to trmf Ifctrf owner. g 9t& "Why don't
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 'Cl B i.BBIi ißi B]"">"Bltlff IHMTBf ■IMllllßlllllßlllflßßyßlllllßlllllßllllMlllßlllilßllllißMll i B \7AiT PAM i^TT jj^^^^^^ j iUU lAN M.l j BFTTER RO \L) SERVICF ON rw 11% k?//<'/^ 2fl v^^'^Bt H^H H *^F-' ill 'ii/ > '^iflfl By Bfl b k%i| fc' 1 1 j VJfl B^l I iPIOif T VDI7C fflli^
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    • 213 4 Fast-Powerful /i Comfoktable-Safe-Economical I I I ill ri Mlt~" I^HH^^^^B I AiYI^VA i^l ii mail I rrrrnn m-y' M^ "TThe new six-cylinder I/, ton Chevrolet Truck offers to I bus owners a dollar-for-dollar value that has never V^ a& ,^<^j^S been equaled ts new S'K-cylinder motor provides a power increase
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  • 641 5 THINGS THAT REFLECT CHAKALTEK. Showing up Traits. Did >ou ever tnink of motor cars a* character rertecters? In a way, they are. The general appearance and .he way m which the car is driven show up traffic, good and bad, m the car owner's character Take the general
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  • 351 5 According to figures just received l»y Mr. Ceo. P. Harrington. Manajrinir Director N. V. Ciencral Motors Java, all previous manufacturing: records for the Oakland and Oldsmobile companies have been surpassed this year. Sales of Oakland and Pontiae Sixes for the first five months of 1929 totalled
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  • 390 5 "Sell British" the Solution. In all the talk about the slow progress, as compared with foreign countries, of British civil flying little has been said about the one serious handicap under which Great Biitain labours. Instead, the statistics of air mileage and air passenger and mails traffic,
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  • 15 5 ehort y he hju* m Inoh havin(t ci )m sociated with the Tronoh Mhn. T.OJL
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 184 5 *4F 4r I seven £a ArAIMI I afli AGAIN f I warded 3rd. and 4th. places and winner m its own class m the f I Ister T.T. Race. V t Once more the famous Austin 'Seven' has achieved X wonderful succes^-this time m the important lister Tourist Trophy Race.
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    • 198 5 He Says— x j "HOW EFFICIENT I S&e Says— HOW CHIC" n I ill 1 'T'HE appeal of the Nash "400" is to those with an intui itive regard for that which is manifestly smart and correct Here is refinement without affectation long, low-swung classic lines devoid of unnecessary ornament;
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  • 168 6 At most flubs now one of the main subyets of conversation is flying. Members sm discussing their own flights while on holidays, while others are seriously talking about the light aeroplanes they have just bought or are about to buy. So much I this the case that
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  • 1754 6 The Transition of Japan ITS FEMININE YOUTH REVOLT. The new wine of freedom, based on the individualism of the West, has been quaffed by the younger set of Japan's women m such large doses that it has gone to their heads, and to-day they live m a world of the
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  • 1857 6 THE CLOSING DAYS of the month have ■em an extraordinary increase m the ordinary large output of fiction. It is the fashion now-a-days to write a novel, and not only have we the usual annual, or semiannual novel from such recognised writers as Mr. John Buchan.
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  • 746 6  - Bridge Notes and Problem, HORATIUS h BY THE LIGHT OF REASON. MANY PEOPLE must be playing Auction and Contract those <iays more or less alternately. To such I ventu v to sukthat it will pay them not to forget the old ptM when they are niayinj? the new, and vice
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  • 451 6 'Another part of t\w wood," hy DnUl wicklii (Iluddcr Xl Stv,u>rh( tv ft '«n. ThotC \nlu> havo not y< t n-ad U,i> ».<.«>k have a writable treat m store for them. I)oni» Mui-!:ail has concocted everyday material a atoat eventful story, :-:ui it is dHßcult to say
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  • 977 7 BURNLEY TROUNCED AT HIGHBURY. Remarkable Game at Shields. Oppressive heat for the third Saturday m succession and hard grounds militated against hijrh-class football, on Sept. 14, according to cables to the Indian papers.' A feature was the number of away wins, there be in;* no fewer than eighteen.
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  • 155 7 The Russian Situation. (By arrangement with the Nanyang Siang Pau Press.) Shanghai. Sept. 23. Fang Tseng-wu has resigned his posts. Sun Fo and Chen Ming Chu have left for Canton. Soong Ching-lin has left for France. The Russian troops have retreated after air raids and shooting at
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  • 117 7 Meiji Shrine's Sports Meeting. [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi. Service.] Tokio. Sept. 22. It is announced that the annual athletic sports meeting of Meiji Shrine will o > hi Id on the Ist. of November. RETRENCHED ESTI M ATES. Government circles are said to be full of hope that the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 122 7 j j AND I Ipi WHITE Black t wmiti' j .1 jilj WHISKY i I NillH I i Willl i Hum i GORDON'S l^gj tt \7 m rvfe i i VI 111 W LONDON. M lr, t j ]^^fl L E IE- I '**^*^w[ 1 1 I The Borneo Company,
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    • 165 7 THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS TN the Philippine Islands, as m so many Sfc/^~^^ Jft Eastern countries, education and heaJth fr^^t^aUES^^^H are considered as the first essentials of a h (^Wr^i^T^TuTl li progressive nation. t M'w An extensive system of schools and colleges f cater for the first named. A high standard
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 if" V aa «^i^i^BBBIBBBMBMW*M^MBBMMM"M B M M *"^"W»Mi««MMBMMB«BBBBBBB«^^^ V 9SS^SIS^SS BbSSbSbKbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbßl I^^^ bbbW >*. f B^BBBB^^bI BB^^fl^P^^Bß bVV. BBrV^^^. BBBBbVwBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV .^B^Bfl BbVt^^Bßßbl BBBr B^BBfl^B^Bk iBBt BBBBBBW BBBL^ BvHflr^Bßßßrßl Bvßbl B^3 B^Mf fc. r l^r /.^Bk >^ftW bbt^ w^^rm 111 bb bM JPbv HBAYfIKM^^ (JW /ri^^ M 1 1 1 1
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  • 200 9 I Feu people realKse that danger lurks behind L, T 1 """^ortant discomfort after mating Nevertheless, it i s true. Many thines 2 d "»"««.the diction, but, whatever ■■ause, a condition develops which m nearly all i< identical. Too mu.h acid collects m the •tomjek and
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  • 422 9 i)MMUNIST PLOT TO OUST GOVERNMENT, -eft Wing Bid for Power. [Eeuter»i Far Eastern Service]. Shanghai. Sept 23 situation which had been brewing for time came to a head on Sept. 17, when, ngFa-kuei's Communist Irons des 7who •jod out the coup d'etat at the instigation V\an*
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  • 73 9 Japanese Railway Guards Fired On. [Reuter's Far Eastern Service]. Mukden, Sept. 24. A quarrel v/hich started between Ghinene I>olicemen and a Japanese soldier at a restaurant at Tiehling this afternoon assumed serious dimensions when the Chinese police fired on Japanese railway guards from behind, wounding three.
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  • 78 9 China's Proposals to be Considered. [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, Sept. 23. Anent China's proposal with regard to obsolete treaties the sub -committee will submit to the plenary sitting of the First Committee to-morrow a resolution appreciating the importance of China's proposal and declaring tliat any member of the League
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  • 198 9 New York Barber Brought to London. London, Sept. 13. Mr. William Kenny, an American millionaire who is now m London, whose portraits show him to be very bald, distressed because he has been unable to get a satisfactory haircut m Europe during the past two months,
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  • 202 9 IMPORTANT BILL PASSED IN INDIA. A^e Limit Fixed. IKeuter's Service.] Simla, Sept. 23. >v S T, mh]y by 61 votea *o 14 passed the Child Marriage Bill providing a month's simple imprisonment to anyone solemnising the marriage of girls below the age of fourteen and boys of eighteen.
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  • 61 9 Angrlo-German Association Formed. Reuter's Service.] Berlin, Sept. 24. The Umg ■sooted Anclo-Gennan Association has iHH-n definitely formed. The Presid«nt «)f the British Branch is Lord Reading, the President of the German ex-Chancellor Cnno. The Asso-iation alma at promoting An.iilo-(i»rnian friendship ar«l cloaer 'inderstandin^-. Representative committee* have bom
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  • 99 9 British Troops' Farewell to Germany. IReuter's Service.] Wiesbaden, Sept. 23. To th*» accompaniment of such tunes as M P»ek up your troubles" and "Aukl Lanp Syne." played by the regimental band the nest unit of the British Rhin- Army t«. follow tht advance party back to nii^hty
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  • 99 9 "An Inhuman Measure." [British R:iHi<> Official Service.] Rugby. Sept. 2.1. Mr. Ben Tuner, Secretary for Mines, speakinir ;it Sheffield during: tho week-end, announced that as soon as Parliament reopened stops would ho taken to reduce the working hours of miners. Varlianu nt, he said, would
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  • 18 9 [neuter's Service.] Paris, Sept. 23. The death is announced of the Archbishop Cardinal Dubois.
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  • 222 9 larger Hats to be Adopted. The bun of hair on a woman's head is to return to the realms of fashion. This revolution m hairdressing was prophesied recently by a distinguished Bondstreet milliner, who also said that m consequence, women's hats would be made
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  • 732 9 A BETTER EDUCATED PUBLIC. Greater Weight to Graver Issues. Mr. H. A. Gwynne, the Editor of the Morning Post, m his address as President to the annual conference cf the Institute of Journalists at Portsmouth, maintained that newspapers were tending- to meet the new public demand for
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  • 109 9 Gaol for Gir! Taxi Bilker. i h A girl of 18, Adnenne Franjois, hailed] a Paris taxicab and told the driver to take' her to Longwy, a distance of 200 miles. J When she arrived there she thanked him with a smile. When the taxi-driver asked fgr
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  • 100 9 William Thomson, a U.S. western golf professional, and Chief Sitting Eagle, of the Stonies, differed as to which could beat the other at golf, each armed with his chosen weapon. Sitting Eagle took his trusty bow and arrow; Thomson relied on his golf clubs. At the end of a nine-hole
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 499 9 BUSINESS CARDS. TbEACH HOISTS TAN JONG KATONG. I $ek:t Seaside Residential Hotel. Concrete Bathing Pajrar, I Garage, Good CuisSne. S I phone 5553. M. C Gasper, Proprietor, g j FLORANGE 1 and maintains i HEALTH. i (»j <&®G)®®®®®&s^^ j MISS N. BUHRIS HIDWIFE AND MASSAGE. 741 Kampong: Bahru Road. HTAIRS
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    • 658 9 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Mr. Lim Chin hn^ mv salesman, having left my service is no longer authorised to sell my goods nor to collect any bill* whatsoever on my behalf. ROBERT BLAU (Malaya). Blngapat*, September 23rd, 192 U. THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. •TICE is hereby
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    • 551 9 NOTICKS. BRITISH MALAYAN ANNUAL. NOTICE. Mr. Julius S. Fisher, Editor and Publisher of "BRITISH MALAYAN ANNUAL* beg* to announce that he has commenced business under the name of "FISHERS LIMITED" Advertising and Publicity Specialists, with offices at F. 16, Fourth Floor, I'nion Building, Singapore, P o Box 145. Mr. Fisher
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  • 755 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1929. MORE CHINA WARS. Perusal of the recent cables received by Chinese contemporaries have shown, though a little difficult to follow, that a development of eon* siderable importance was pending m internal affairs, and the full cable from Reuter's Far Kasteni Agency to-day confirms that
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  • 392 10 The Chief Secretary and l,ady Peel arrived m Kuala Lumpur from Ipoh on Sunday evening. Mr. Jeffery and Mr. Deegan, who have recently arrived m Singapore from Australia, to Malacca last week and hope to spend a little time here, says the Malacca Guardian. A jumble sale will l>e
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  • 1028 10 JURY ACQUITS YOUNG HYLAM. Women Cross-Examined. At the conclusion yesterday of the trial of the young: Hylam charged at the Assizes with the murder of a fellow lodger m a Victoria Street lodging house, the accusea was acquitted by a majority verdict of six-to-one. When the case
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  • 165 10 ACTION ~BR0?(; HT PURCHASERS A Question of rea Judgment was reserved Court resterdaj h Mr r th vrhen Messrs Han y' Flph,,. (Malaya) Limited. m '»mmo n Camplell, institute *IJ to alter the extent v ra «o^ r the purchasers (Ifegsr, GmS T^ Ltd., from the vend,,,-
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  • 219 10 The >lemor\ of Mr. ook. Thf dodkatioi Christian Church m Pi of whirl the eoraei Murray on J»» Ist, I;<_performed tiim Xhv ih w pastoi was introduced to induction eefwnosjj .ut. The K<\. W. V WE. Horley win- ■long -j Hnc«\ In Mi um:uk- Church. th«- K«'v.
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  • 63 10 LATEST TIN AND RMBW PRICK*. [FREK PRKSS MtVICI CO**** London. Sept. M, 4.05 P-nj Messrs. Louis. Ultnii Wgj* notify today's tin prices as toll Spot £206 7 L 6 (down 5 1|) ward £209 ."> 16 (down lt)1 market ii steady. Messrs. Symington and notify to-day's rubber pnces
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  • 44 10 Tho Marrtact irmi mst. at. tin- Prwbjrt4 '*»urci Otto Islor. Of lf< h<lM Ltd.. and MiM Rom I arrived from honu\ The Reverend B B bride wu> given LmUwM, Acting Swi Leuthold was matron TitTaretti was be-t place at the Bwbi I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 212 10 SIMONDS' MILK STOUT HUr I.r. \< ISKAINIJ I The health restorer if you are feeling run-down. CALOBECK, MACGR E(iiOß CO.» LTD. I (Incorporated under the Compi'iiex' Ordinance* of Hung Kotig). {1 net** 'porn ttd m i>ha ughai 90 Robinson Road. Telephone No. 6228. NEW SHIPMENT XLi JLN VJT JjISXI CHICKENS
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    • 200 10 MERCEDES EUCLID| The Fully Automatic m CALCULATOR, i I PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LIMITED, 4 Prince Street, Singapore. I PHONE 2700. ft Eiißii!ini!iH!iHi!!iai[!;!V!!«:i!!!iM i i!iai i;S!iitai!iinii -:634:~ T. K. X.'s TYRES. 10 x 117 Reduced from $13.50 to $11.50 each 24 x 2U —do 6.80 to 5.80 euch 26 x 2
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  • 101 11 i |)M MI MST OFFENSIVE I AT ICHANG. l^mers and Troops Captured aj Far Eastern Service]. fl Shanghai, Sept. 24. I lir from Hankow states that th< ■y >U^ h;t! learner Kianer-chin limpet I ittered, bringing news ol it the Nationalist Govern the Communist Ironsides I
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  • 48 11 NEWGOVERNMENT IN LITHUANIA. The Kail of Professor Valdemaras. nter I Service.] Kovno. Sept. 24. 1 a new Ministry by Dr. s li'ivnmr ami Foreign Minister) from power as Dictator of aras. Nt m Polish-Lithuanian re.ted. irustina< Valdemaras was Prime Minister following the carried out by officers of the
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  • 53 11 THE CELEBRATION OF ARMISTICE DAY. [eduction m Number of Troops Expected. i: v ICE. COPYRIGHT.] London, Sept. 21. Hiat the Government will the number of troops takI m the Armistice Day celebrations m mew of pressure that is being «r by peace bodies ap a j ns t of arms
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  • 42 11 lion's Water Consumption. PRESS SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] London. Sept. 21. the 33rd day of the drought. It iod continues throughout Sep«lon will have used nearly a milns a day above the normal con- [Earlier cables on page o.]
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  • 147 11 I Henry Segxave's Success at Venice. Venice, Sept. 14. Segrave won the first day's n the Volpi Cup m Miss England. wage speed was 35.3." miles per hour. i America VII piloted by Gar Wood's Phi! Wood, struck Miss England •Mh, leapt twelve feet m the air
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  • 83 11 Impressive Funeral. Baghdad. Sept. 12. entire British communiHr and many «>f Arabs. Jews and Christians itfe aural of Sir Gilbert Clayton m n? to the Hinaidi military ceme- from Baghdad. It was a r le demonstration of the prestige representative m Iraq. and her children being now
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  • 26 11 Par Eastern Service.] Tokio, Sept. 24. larbin states that the Chinese ommerec has banned the local Papers, prohibiting the mer•"Wribingto them.
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  • 23 11 v <Vr state that a Portioh of the S WuT tho air mail °k* of Jerusa- j cr **hed at Jask recently, has
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  • 202 11 LORD CECIL'S SPEECH ON DISARMAMENT. Britain Signs Arms Convention. [Reuter's Service.] Genera, Sept. 24. At the League Assembly to-day Viscount Cecil, speakin X on the Third CommUtee' ™C?£. SSS" "ft." reparatorj Disarmament Commission an *<gn the Convention dealing with the traffic Uouu m aVp!rs U ef
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  • 134 11 Counter-Action Against Suing Husband. FReuter's Service.l liridjfeport. onnecticut. Sept. 21 Gene Tunney, the world's boxing champion, has filed a counter-suit to the actier. by Fogarty. Tunney denies the truth of Vo Kaitys complaint and asks for $100 000 damages. [This is yet another ttlfc m the
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  • 170 11 Father-in-law Charged. T!.e Second Police Court was crowded with Sikhs yesterday when Sunder Singh, an elderly Sikh, was charged with the murder of Jeewa Singh. The accused was produced m Court by Detective Inspector Sharp. He is the father-in-law of Jeewa Singh whose dismembered body was discovered
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  • 97 11 French Mountain Tragedy. Paris, Sept. 14. The discovery of a wallet containing 700,000 francs m the mountains above Annecy, Haute-Savoie, led to the organisation of a party to discover the whereabouts of M. Tivoli, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Alexandria, who was known to have
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  • 147 11 44 Jews to be Charged with Murder. London, Sept. 17. Jerusalem. Forty-four Jews, who were captured at a Haifa flour mill during the riots and imprisoned m the Citadel of Acre, are being formally charged with murder by premeditated shooting. The District Commissioner informed ;a delegation
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  • 132 11 HUSSIAN ENVOY REACHED LONDON. Hopeful of Prompt Settlement. [Reuter's Service.] T o London, Sept The Soviet envoy, M. Dovgalevsky, arrived to-day, almost unnoticed, and visited the JoneigTi Office. M. Dovgalevsky made a statement that ne was glad the misunderstandings had apparently been cleared up and the Soviet .viewpoint
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  • 92 11 Members of the Party. L<» iul i »n. Sept. 21. It is noteworthy that no naval officer is accompanying Mr. Ramsay Mac-Donald to America. It is announced that besides his daughter, Miss Ishhel Mac Donald. the Prime Minister will be accompanied by Sir Robert Vansittart (Asst.
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  • 55 11 round on Railway Line. [FREE PSEBS SEBVICE. COPYRIGHT.] London. Sept. 24. Enquiries an- being conducted into the circumstances of the death of Inspector Rose, who was m charge of the Marylebone Station, and whose- body was found on the railway track. It is thought that h: was
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  • 37 11 Forty-five Passengers Killed. [Reuter's Service.] Moscow, Sept. 21. I Forty-five passengers were killed and 36 injured when an express from Moscow to Siberia was derailed titty miles from Viatka. [Earlier cablet on page 9.]
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  • 137 11 Considerable Damage m London. Ijondon, Sept. 16. All night long, to-night, many London shopkeepers will keep guard over their shop- windows m consequence of the amazing number of windows damaged by "slashing' (as reported by our Ixmdon correspondent last week). The trouble began at Knights- <
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  • 58 11 Prison Colony on IVArcy Island. l.undon. Sept. 15. Victoria (British Columbia). As a solution of the problem of deporting the Doukhobors, a Russian sect known as the "Sons of Freedom," who recently conducted nude parades, the Federal authorities pi*opose to establish a prison colony
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  • 108 11 The Warwick Revue Company will open their short return season to-night at the Victoria Theatre with the first performance here of The Whirligig. This company ma<te a very striking success when last it was here m May, and local theatre-goers will welcome the opportunity of renewing acquaintance
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  • 129 11 WIDESPREAD EFFECT OF THE CRASH. Many Municipalities Involved. [Reuter's Service.] r London, Sept. 24. Conferences of the big hanks are being held m London to-day. whether the banks, contrary to practice will the names of clients dealing m Hatry shares to the Stock Exchange committee. The
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  • 118 11 Abandoned After Several Days' Battle With Flames. [FREE PSESB SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] Sydney, Sept. 21. A message from Perth states that the Silton Hall, which has a cargo of coal ion fire mid- way between Kerguelen and Cape Leeuwin. When the earjr,, caught Are the crew
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  • 300 11 Long and Varied Career m Malaya. A loiitf and varied career m Malaya i? brought to an end by the retirement of Lieut. -Col. .J. H. Tyte. Inspect.. Of PriaOflS, Straits Settlements. wh«J sailed for home <.n the Blue Funnel PhilocteUs yesterday. His associations
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  • 135 11 Candidate Stripped to the Skin. In a case -that was heard by the District Judge, Mr. C. H. G. Clarke/ yesterday, a Chinese medicine-man complained of having suffered treatment at the hands of two other Chinese members of an examining committee which was derogatory to the dignity of
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  • 101 11 Wiesbaden, Sept. 18. Alekhine has won three games and Boguljuboff two, while two have been drawn m a series of matches for the Chess Championship of the world. The conditions are that the majority of points m thirty games shall decide the match, provided that the leader's
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 :< V sROBINSON'SI ARE NOW SHOWING I New Selections of Gentlemen's Wear! for Winter and on the Voyage Home. "HENRY m^^^l MOSSANT I HEATH'S" (^ggtititt^ m LUXE. DISTINCTIVE FUR FELT HATS IN THE LATEST SHADES. J* "BLIZZARDEEN" SHOWERPROOF I V^( vn>. n Fawns and (ireys. (Z) f or Universal Wear.
      139 words

  • 927 12 FALSE" STATEMENTS TO SHAREHOLDERS. Extraordinary Revelations. Extraordinary revelations concerning tin atVairs oi the iilue Bird Petrol Company Ltd.. were made by the Official Receiver Mr. Pepys, at a meeting of creditors hel< m Kin^sway Hall. London. "Numerous optimistic statements appear ed m the prospectus," Mr. Pepya said,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 838 12 SHERIFFS SALE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 498 of 1929. Writ of Seizure Sale dated 12th, June 1929, In the cause of Leong Rubber Plantation Plaintiffs. versus Ong Boon Chwee Defendant. %J J. ALL the right, title and interest of Ong Boon
      838 words
    • 679 12 ♦TO MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL AGES—ESPECIALLY THOSF nvJT* I WHEN THE ZEST P^FT] i I HAS CONE OUT OFjLIFE 1 ji IS REJUVENATION WmlM POSSIBLE YES W^BM/i I V If > ou eeJ worn-out, depressed, unalilt- to concentrate, ton VAL *X Jv^Mßd y weary for tht- fun of life,
      679 words
    • 551 12 into a written contract fu!'. p .rtuulur- of which •an be .ie« rt:.irnl on application to the Sup^rin- tendff;t. <;.-vrrnment Monop'tMe nr 1 ut the MUM titn.- t«> .lepoxit m a Hank m the. name ■jf the Colmii- 1 Tr«uu«tj*- r ca*h »*quivalent to •hree month* 1 r.r' by way
      551 words
    • 259 12 JOHORE GOVESNMBR Tenders nre invited for thf rirht to mtm Twfdj-shoM for »h, |v ta tb% follolll| I diitricti: Bandar Per^vartm two #hor« only. Sri Qadlßjg ont s hop only. Sen»rr.r af MM «hr>p otiy. Tenders should r.» M tied and adcrf t.»ed to U* ChAirman Umiiag 1 p kLl
      259 words

  • 493 13 Mr. Aw Boon Haw Plans Pubhc Facilities. fofth-^ B r n Haw < w P«««nted prises ximS, d mind m a soun <* body" hlIe j H on K ™K. I was so fortunate a v? me mto con tact with yoirths the admirable contestant* of the Meet
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  • 114 13 Prince George of Bavaria's Tour m Sumatra. His Royal Highness Prince George of Bavaria passed through Colombo recently on board the Saarbrucken. The prince, who became a Catholic priest after the German revolution and is now a Canon of the Church of St. Peter at
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  • 125 13 Bombay, Sept. 13. The Provincial draft constitution of the Asiatic Labour Congress provides that th Congress shall strive for the unity of the working classes m Asia by developing closer relation* between trade unions m affiliated countries, seek to remove the disabilities imposed on Asiatic workers and
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  • 115 13 The Eastern Inter-Bank annual half-mile swimming race took place at Norwood Lake, when the order of arrival at the finish was, Ist, Mercantile Bank of India; 2nd /3rd, Hongkong and Shanghai, 4th, National Bank of India; sth, Hongkong: and Shanghai; 6th/7th, Chartered Bank of India. In a
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  • 72 13 Sunbeam Sold. I/ondon, September 17. The famous yacht named Sunbeam, built m 1874 for the first Earl of Brassey, has been sold by her present owner, Sir Walter Runciman, to be broken up. She has travelled 600,000 miles during her service afloat and has
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  • 43 13 Record Established by Hon. Mrs. V. Bruce. London Sept. 14. The Hon. Mrs. Victor Bruce has completed a 24 hours' record endurance test for British speed boats. She covered 691 nautical miles averaging 28.79 miles per hour.
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  • 121 13 Mr. Huson Johnson, writes to the Calcutta Statesman Sir, At the present time there are many on the eve of retirement or fathers with grown sons faced with the problem of where to retire or what to do with their families. The little known Benjamin colony of the
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  • 41 13 In honour of Messrs. R. Amarasekera and Goh Hock Huat being confirmed as Justices of the Peace for Selan^or, the Rubber Growers' and Dealers' Association of Klang gave a dinner m their honour, at the Association premises, on Friday night. M.M.
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  • 266 13 Clubs Unaffected by Government Ban. The order forbidding the importation of greyhounds into China issued by the National Government will immediately be put into force through the Maritime Customs. Rumours of such a step have been current for some time, following upon the prolonged agitation against
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 282 13 Byy|J Put more |»i^l juice into it. I Before a set of tennu, ■hMNflffff] I drink a glass of cooiI mg Montic/rat' and I J equip yourself with V Vl a ll y an<^ "pep* lor lltefi t com n g«mc. ll' ''fepi S(rM; T T ""<«i ruitivated bme» yONISERRCT
      282 words
    • 211 13 I W^^E^ will tell you I m( A LXX^TOR (M.8., Cfi.B., D.P.H.) WRITES The wonderful Glaxo process preserves 111 "My boy is strong, sturdy and remarkably the full P° wer of tne vitamins, and keeps U pM free from gastro-intestinal troubles. His c mi^ res^ an<^ clean until your Baby
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 885 14 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES. LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre). Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Due Singapore. PHILOCTETES For Marseilles, Casablanca, L'don, R'dam
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    • 487 14 P O British India and Apcar ujk (Incorporated m England.) *H MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARm I SERVICES. U0 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S N ml UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY s ovpdv LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SF.RVi(| NMEN t OUTWARDS FROM LONDON FOR CHINA AM) j^l Due Tonnage. Singapore. Tonnt*.
      487 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 691 15 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. V*s«»#»! vessel. Arrive. Leave. [41 dc Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremen and Antwerp via Colombo, Aden, "S^'tSE Rio de Janeiro, ft** Montevideo and Buenos Aires. K..und-the- World passage £190.] fLa Plata Maru Oct X) Oh II Monica. Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam, ll I > Marques, Durban and via Colombo.
      691 words
    • 492 15 r DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE (i/r<f AMERICAN MAIL LINE U I #__V^______B__nil^^___ k _-<_*-«_____■____ _r* _-^^W w _____'^^__l_i _______H___l___X#M^. TO MARSEILLES. NEW YORK AND BOSTON. From SINGAPORE and PENANG via COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES and GENOA. Arrive Leave Leave Singapore. Singapore. Penang. PRES. POIJC Sept. 30 Oct. I Oct
      492 words
    • 705 15 K. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. (KOYAL HACKKI NAVH3AIIO> CO., OF BATAVIA). (Incorporated m Holland.) (0) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE "NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT, Telephone No. 3640. with sub-connections to: Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representatives m the Straits Settlements (Singapore and Penang) i of ih« I OFFICIAL
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  • 623 16 Responsibilities of a Ship's Master. The conviction of the master of the Hong Kheng (a vessel which calls regularly at Singapore) under the Sea Customs Act m Rangoon following the discovery of 223 lbs. 2 ozs. of contraband opium on the ship m April has
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  • 161 16 Lady Overboard from President Liner. Honolulu, Sept. 12. Passengers Arriving aboard the steamship President Madison from Yokohama to-day desi rihed an exciting rescue at sea at three o'clock on Sunday morning. Mrs. Gardner Forrester, bound from Shanghai to San Francisco, fell from the ship at that hour, to
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  • 121 16 On Friday of last week, says the Malacca Guardian, a fight occurred between several shipping coolies employed by a sundries shop m Kampong Pantei, and the crew of the. Sin Kheng Seng, m the Malacca harbour. It appears that a dispute arose on board between a Hylam
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  • 23 16 The Master of the motor-ship Athelking reports that the vessel was navigated from Finisterre to Liverpool through fog on I wireless bearings. i
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 757 16 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia) (0) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, E DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. (0) Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,376 tons) and the motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 658 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6
      658 words

  • 1282 17 THE CHINESE NATIONAL DAY. A Lantern Procession Proposed. (By Our Chinese Correspondent). All local Chinese are very enthusiastic m celebration of the Chinese National Day which falls on October 10th- The Hokiek community of which the All Hokien Congress, Singapore, forms the chief organ, prorosed to have a
    1,282 words
  • 193 17 Construction m Near Future. The Lak x\luan#, a Bangkok vernacular paper, states that many years ago the late King Mongkut purchased a piece of land m Singapore for use as a Siamese cemetery there, paying $2,. r >oo for it. Later on His Majesty King Chulalcngkorn
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  • 446 17 Divers and Birds' Nest Collectors. The follow ing Interesting extract! are from a report of tour by nemberi of the Siamese Botanical Section. On RaweJ there was a temporary village of the Chaonam, These Ckaonam are Malays who live by fishing and diving for trepang and shells.
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  • 69 17 Although th.s is reports to be the home of the Borneo pony it is very difficult to get entries says the 8.N.8. Herald for a race for native owners m the Jesselton Races. Local meeting, ft would be truer to say matches are however arranged every Saturday afternoon here Though
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  • 58 17 A Chinese met his death by drowing m a mining pool at the 4th mile," Gopeng Road, on Friday evening at 5 o'clock. He is said to have been a patient m the District Hospital a few days ago. The body was removed to the hospital by the Police and
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  • 209 17 Youth Who Never Read a Book on the Game. Hatiz Mian Sultan Khan, the n.nv ■rittftH chess champion, the first Indian o win the distinction, would not have been kn .wn either to the East or the West but for < /'lone Malik Xawab Sir
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  • 77 17 An Excuse— a (ilimpse— and A chase. i .\ormu „i,,, lsay nh lU(^ our\ for dmgntWM driving tSEml* "I wa, driving under Wtmt provocation rjmember th, car I was chasing *n that ear was my best boy rir North of "I suddenly saw hi
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 342 17 I £O£E THRO** THE tNCMy I vSfiml P VANS PASTILLES arc 1 --<" x^£» i- 1 shied a S»'n»t «U winter ills tach m *fV V i tSj- Srr hr <*t». Cough, and Cold,. TK«# m s< "i tlffi \UH aa s' sg P*'c *apoor» penetrate into tfa* BbV\ "V*
      342 words
    • 35 17 H a v^JH^^HI IB Bl B\ /sfc*^",^ j /rj If y\-r^ i. mm m^mm M A^^ -^w -'^--07 m BiM. mm S *^A— JBr -m* »L. V>^ mmw% MJ m*^f^r^ \^mmmW& V* >l <**! T *^^V*
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  • 2014 18 A POSSIBILITY OF THE FUTURE. Factor of Aircraft Construction. The year ll>2B marked the close of the first quarter century of the history of modern aviation. The first flight ir. a heavier-than-air machine by the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, N.C., just twenty-five years previous, marked America's
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 205 18 Starts A Like a Flash 1 BS3 With Parker's Pressureless Touch lili'^'ENi ill Non-Breakable "Permanite" Barrels ijii 'X^OUCH a Parker and Iridium points. A Duofold Pen to Three hand-balanced |j! paper and off it goes si2es with non-break- with instant, steady able "Permanite" baj\%f.". ink flow Jt glides rels. A
      205 words
    • 158 18 I YOU WANT IT I I WE HAVE IT 1 DELCO-REMY equipment for your car. <^^ v I BORNEO MOTORS, L TD X A f I w w <rV%**^Hj I from headaches! |w I Most hcnJuh.x De trace Jt '-^S^^r Inner iiupgishness. G>rrectt E7 Vjjr^ j| divion and 'hv.- hv'.idac
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  • 514 19 Tho following is the nineteenth annual report ci the Directors to mo shArenolden ot Bukit Jeiotong Rubber Estate.- Ltd to be presented at the annual meethtg to be held on Oct. 3rd at Malacca. The profit for the year after providing for Directors' Fees and depreciation on
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  • 176 19 Th; following is tho directors* report to be presented to tho Btuureholden at th»meeting of Tambalak Rubber Estates on October r>th at Derrick and Company*! at noon: Tho profit for the year w $80,743.55 to which has to !><> added th t balance <>f $21, 077.19 brought
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  • 120 19 An indication of the growth of the rubber manufacturing incustry m Canada is contained m a report stating that imports of crude rubber into the Dominion during the 12 months ending last April totaled 80,458.--.i31 pounds as compared with 5D,l;")8,840 pounds m the preceding 12 months.
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  • 69 19 September 2i. Banks 4 m..-. 2 11 ',2 Bank demand j 27 33 Private erediti I m.-. lm 1 l' Xtw York, demand 56 8 32 Credits DO day. 58 France, demand 1437 India, T.T. Hi.nK Ko:i|r, demand 14*4 p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 1 H5 Java, doniauil L4#)i Bangkok,
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  • 247 19 September L' 4. Tin 17.") Ton* $10<5 Gambier 9 Pepper White 94 Pepper Black 54 Flake Tapioca 6*4 1 Pearl Sa^o Sinai! 8.00 < Copra Svndrieo! 9.T5 1 Rice, Anam No. 2 250 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 8.30 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice,
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  • 62 19 September 21th.. 12 o'clock noon. Buyer? Seller* U.s.s. eqoal to Standard, Q.C.F. Sjx.t 14 H 14% Standard K.s.s. Spot Hi.. ti% on Tender <>n :;;>' Mot. .'v;» 4 MH t 95% S«H Jan-Mar. »?H W rone of Market: Dull. Latent Cable: -London theel i«^
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  • 184 19 have i **< 1 from the I>ei<ut> Regi»Urar-General »t' Statistics a copy of the figures relating to rubber m the Colony m all areas of n 0 acres ar.d over. The tables, which brinj th«- information up to data, are practically continuation oi ih« figures which were
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  • 95 19 Yesterday's Alterations. Sept. 24th.. Closing Trice. Buyers Sellers. Kuchai 1.53 1 IM% Kuyohs IT 1 IO 1 North Taiping 88 85 Rantau Prefs. 1.09 1.13 J 2 Sungei laias 88% prem. 41 prem. jHaad Yai 9s 8d Ids Hong Kong (fully! 20s 3d 20s !»<! I'uchong Mi
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  • 119 19 Effect of Hatry Sensation. IFREK PRESS SERVICE.- COPYRIGHT.! London. Sept. 24. Opening at 10 I~l6<L, Jan.-March LO%&, the rubber market was quiet to-day. The ajrj?repate hdim of nibbcr itockl m London and Liverpool i«. :i,;}7() tons, which is above the estimates. I»ndr.n itockl an--40.151
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  • 205 19 Singapore. Sept. 21. Robber. London lOVid unchanged 4. p.m. Prices spot 84%; October 85 tt WoTcimbtr M, Nov.-Dtc. :w i Jan. -Mar. 87%, Quiet steady. Tin Loadi n ISM 10s. Ts tfd up. .Minintr. --Steady. Sunjrei Ways :;..V, H.GO, Kuehais IJHS 1.68, Kinta Dredffl
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  • 294 19 The Following is the Director* 1 report 10 the tharehoMen to be prtaawUi 1 at the an Dual meeting en Oct. lit at Kvatt and Company'f at noon: The net pmtit tor the year amoontt to t 526,649.04 ia^ against $27.K,5.7j for la>t year) to which must
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  • 95 19 Biologically, nothing fails liko Wrifi the ruling race rules itself out.— Dean In*^ The day of seeing visions and dreaming dreams is not yet passed— Mr. Geonre Lansbury. Last year U'o industrial storks on the New York Stock Exchange sold between $f»00 and $600 a share; three
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 343 19 ASSETS EXCEED 8,0,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCK OVER K r,,m,m THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). ssswsrysa srcv^. c>urt < *j?srjsr«£2 ss ,TTRACT,VE PLANS OP C ACEN^WANTEa G^Six Managing Director Actual 7 G. C. KNOX. HORACE W, RAPER. A. ROBINSON, F. I. A. INSURANCE. THE y^y^v
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    • 360 19 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Bong Kong). HEAD OFFICE: HONG KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fullj paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund Sterling 6,000,000 T Silver $14,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS: N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. W. H. Bell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon:
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    • 526 19 BANKING. MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated m England). Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed 1,800,00 C Paid-up 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 1,612,046 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M. Ryrie, Esq., Chairman. P. R. Chalmers Esq. Charles J. Hambro Esq J. O. Robinson, Esq. W. H. Shelford, Esq. Sir Thomas Catto, Bart. LONDON
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    • 41 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) )3 FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. 1 Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 1702 20 One cannot allow the announcement of the abandonment of the athletic sports at* the Cricket Club to pass without an expression of regret that the lack of enthusiasm for such a meeting rendered this course necessary. At the same time there is compensation m the fact that the
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  • 320 20 SCOTT'S HARD-WON FIGHT WITH CAMPOLO. Referee and Judges Disagree. Reuter^s Service.] London, Sept. 24. Phil Scott, the British heavyweight, beat Vittorio Campolo, the Argentinian, on points m their 10-rounds fight m the elimination contest for the world title m New York last night. Ebbettafield, Sept. 24. There was a
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  • 27 20 French Holder Loses Title. Hertford, Connecticut. Sept. 24. In a world's featherweight championship contest the Italian-American, Rattalino, beat the French title-holder, Routis. on point*.
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  • 851 20 MALAYS' VITAL MISSED PENALTY. Kendall's Memorable Debut. Though the match between the S.C.C. and the Malays at the Stadium last evening m the semi-final of the Singapore Cup was rot packed with so many thrills as when the two teams met earlier m the" season m
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  • 92 20 Selangor Autumn Meeting. Tho following second day handicaps have been issued. Race 2. Horses Class 3 3rd. Div. (SV& furlongs). Loch Buy 9.3, Florrie's Pet 8.9, Ballarra 8.6, King's Maid 8.3, Hushedon 8.3, Hopaway 7.12, Jotavon 7.10, Irish Rose 7.8, Dawn of Day 7.8, Claret Cup 7.7, Monte
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  • 425 20 THE FREYBERG TROPHY RACE. Betsy First Home. On Sunday morning the full fleet of eight B class boats were to be seen bandying for the best position m making a start at 10.10 a.m. for the second race of the series for the Freyberg Trophy. Punai managed to get
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  • 204 20 The following races will be sailed on Sunday. A Class Final for Somerville Challenge Bowl. Start: 10 a.m. Handicaps: Jean 4 per cent. Course: Cross starting line from North to South 17 mark boat to port Man-o'-War Buoy to port Outer Club buoy to starboard Malay Spit buoy
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  • 72 20 Another Reverse for Pompey. [Reuter's Service.] London, Svpl. 2.\. Results^ m home League matches to-c^y were as follow: DIVISION I. Leeds 1, Portsmouth 0. DIVISION IL Chelsea 5, Bury 3. Tottenham 1, Millwall 1. Wolverhampton 4, Hull 2. DIVISION lll— (Southern) Wai sail 4, Swindon 0. DIVISION lll.—
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  • 88 20 Yesterday's Results. Results m the S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament yesterday were: C. Singles. L. G. Robertson owe 15 vs. J. S. Anderson owe 15, (unfinished set all). F. Young plus 3 vs. Dr. Madgwick owe 4 (unfinished set all.) L. F. Knight owe 2 beat
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 259 20 TOi»lfrW!rlfrlf^rlfri;*rl!rlfrlfri;**Rfr¥JVft?rV* **^sB ifi I New "H.M.V." Records! TO-DAY II 1 1 MID-SEPTEMBER ISSUE I I; Lists Sent with Pleasure. I |l S. MOUTRIE Co. UaM j j (Incorporated m Hong Kong) Bf I j SINGAPORE. V j jj/^ i f* Hi I SUNSHINE KITCHtX I 111 II I) Furnish your
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