The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 September 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore free Press 10 CENTS SINGAPORE, S.S. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1929. NO. 12,52S
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  • 282 1 l.ord v ecil's mction h>r the curtaiJiiuiU oi reserves as a practical measure i»i disarmament has not met with approbation at (Jeneva Page 9. Another case similar to that of the I'm Aione, is s-aid to have occurred oft Ntw York State, where a Canadian skip pi
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  • 926 1 'i c little fellow awoke to the •> e\i>tt nee m a peculiar set of surroundings, F >i one thinK, although he had at he beginning the undivided attention »»f his lorn! and dotIng mother, am! the noisj company of ins brothers an I sister*, this i<ie;'l
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 214 1 C /X j(H 'ii4^ Tiiry suit even Hie most J I -li M r<l :e palates l| I XUnLI I I *>Ui lILI iImI ■■> m EUROPE |p HOTEL i "Renowned by Recommendation" jj! After Dinner Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 3 MUSIC g Jj On the Verandah Every Saturday
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    • 104 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT J. Liquidation sale ol automobiles Minerva Pace 2. Toothsome mtu- a( th<- !i. denots -'Page 13. Robinson an'J Company for the latest m n ens wear -Page "The Fourth Wall" at thlatest cinema changes—Pace Auction sale of Chinese hank shares, Notice Chamber of Commer^ > i. closing of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 194 1 THE^ WEEK. I High Water, I^9 .i.-n.. $Jd, i i.j: Kl-j.-mj: Rubber rntg H Derrick and i S ga| ore Amateur Races, 1.30 j .m. SiC(?upor« A^ I utcJi homeward mail closei 11 i thall: s.c.c. vs. K.A. Law-..:: Sy.iiH-y Comedj c The 9.90 The Fourth Wall. >"<«?,. 21«#. High
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  • 338 2 Rs. 450.000' m Gold Reported Lost and Found. Telegraphic information was leceived m Ceylon recently from Talaimannar, that 30,000 gold sovereigns sent by train by a Bai\k m Colombo to a Bank m Madras, liad not been received. The gold coins which m Ceylon currency are valued
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  • 219 2 We take thf following from that entertaininf periodical, the Polite Magazine: Orchard Road Station. Singapore, recently received a telephone call m the early hours of the morning from an European lady who was a new arrival from Home. The charge room Sergeant understood the message he received
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  • 33 2 New York, Sept. 9. A BMMMfft from Manila says that 2<t<> pei-sons have been killed by a typhoon. Thousands are homeless and foodl— 1 on the Island of Luzon.
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  • 95 2 Piogramme of Drills up to and for watkending September Ulnd, 1929. Friday, BwlS p.m., Drill Hall, Bde. Sig Sec. (Sinhalese), Section Parade. Ist. Br. Sig. Section, Section Parade. S.R.A. (v) Signal Section, Section Parade. S.V.F.A., Lecture. I4 F" (Malay) Company, Coy. Drill and .'3O yards Range. Saturday,
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  • 22 2 Order for week ending Sunday September 22nd. Friday, 20th. Ambulance Practice, Hondquarters. 5.15 p.m. W. T. CHERRY, District Commissioner.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 279 2 FAIRY DYES IN 20 COLOURS. Just Received. MEDICAL HALL, LTD., Singapore. IDEAL BLUE SCREEN including stitching with eyelets and rope complete. Order your TENNIS BLUE DRILL SCREENS of good workmanship and British Manufacture from MOHD. BIN HOOSAINSAH, 66, ROBINSON ROAD. Phone No. 2454. > i I GARTERS I I FOR
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    • 251 2 VICTORIA XHEATBE LAST FOUR NIGHTS OF THE LAW SON-SYDNEY jJENGLISH COMEDY CO. m a Brilliant Repertoire of Plsya. TO-NIGHT AT 9.30 PM. The Fourth Wall Great Mystery Play by A. A. Milne. Saturday, Sept. ZUL Monday, Sept. 23rd. One Lonjr Uugh. THE ROTTERS. Tuesday. Sept. 24th. BOOKING AT LITTLE'S. PRICES:
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    • 498 2 lalhambrl Tan ChenK Kcc Co. Ltd., p roprje(ors U PROGRAMME DE LUXE, WITB AUGMKNTRn H ♦f AND SPECIAL MISIC. W( HKs T H J V Commencinß: Thursday, Sept. 19, and ending Txh^a II j HN vII V In the Second Show at m m II V THF. LATEST EMPIRK XKU>
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  • 1582 3 FANTASTIC SCHNEIDER TRIALS SPEEDS. What They Thought Before the Race. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 22. AM England is now thrilled by the aprroach of the Schneider Cup Race. Each Hay the news of the achievements of our entries are more and more thrilling. Thus on
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  • 138 3 Mongolian Threats. (By arrangement with the Nanyang Sianjc l'au Press). Shanghai. Sept. 18. The fronts were silent yesterday but Russian aeroplanes dropped a bomb at Mulin hsien which failed to explode on a bridge. The KoOgoliNM are ambitiously preparj ing to enlist new troops and are sending
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 SUNLIGHT q fitters £1000 m guarantee SOAP is made m the largest and most modern soap factory m the world from materials of host quality procurable. Constant and unflagging -towed on its manufacture, and every tmivhich science can suggest is eagerly tested to Sunlight shall always be supreme m efficiency
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    • 149 3 There is nothing more welcome on a hot day, when Old Sol teems determined to shrivel you up, thaa a glass of Montserrat. This delicious Lime Juice makes a good thirst a thing to be treasured I Juontseitoot' nrl lime juice Of mil Dealer,. Pr«par«d la England by tVANS SONS
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    • 65 3 Estate Trust Agencies (1927) Limited. BRANCHES 21, First Cross Street MALACCA 11, Lteht Street PBNANG Registered by and Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. Act as Trustees, Administrators, Receivers, Guardians, Rent Collectors, Investments Supervised and Interest collected, Probate or Letters of Administration applied for and security furnished. "We specialize
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  • 463 4 TIMES CHANGE, and we with time-,) as the turgiu Christmas-card sentiment fcoes. The day was when outspoken "SoVJ*' tv clergymen and trenchant winters denounced the iap dojr and extolled motherhood. A few weeks ago I read an article by a well-known woman writer (unmarried. Of course) denouncing
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  • 171 4 There is something marvellous 5 to the ordinary man m the story of how M- Chaumet, a Parisian jeweller, recognised forty-nine of the pearls m a long: necklace which ho ad sold .some time before, says the Daily Xx press. The weight, no doubt, helped him to
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  • 732 4 Special Friday Article by our Woman Correspondent. TIHE SUMMER HOLIDAYS and autumn i outings are drawing to a close for oui sisters m cooler climes, but with us m the tropics all the feinpatiei associated with summer days remain m week m week out. Amongst these, sunshades take
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 4 Fine white pique is excellent for tennis frocks, since this is a material which launders well and pleats well, and flares are rarely seen m tennis styles It is a mode of the minute to have the neck cut as low at the back as m the frock sketched.
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  • 307 4 All Hollywood has gOM crazy about an 18-day cliet course, says A. Jyinpson Harnian, m the Evening News. It is served at the Roosevelt Hotel, where all the film COngTagate. Menus are arranged for each of the eighteen days, and when ordering your meal you just say
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  • 290 4 CHEQUE BOOKS are not the handiest of articles to carry about, indispensable though they b?. To render them more amenable, and less liable to damage, a leather case is nov to be had. These cases are dyed all colours, and so many harmonise with one's handbag, it's lining,
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  • 11 4 Health is the most unhealthy of topics Mr- G. K. Chesterton.
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  • 814 4  -  Joan Littlefield (By TO EVERY WELL-KNOWN historicLondon thoroughfare there are a hundred side streets and alley ways, hardly noticed by the casual passer-by, which are so steeped m the past, that they would repay the attention of anyone interested m the history of the English metropolis. Sometimes
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 4 First Royal Woman Aviator— > !*rince>s [ngHd, the chainum Princess of Sweden, who. it kl reported, has taken up i^> tion and is rapidly bocoiiwg a competent pilot. S'rn first Royal lady to learn to fly.
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  • 354 4 PARTICULARLY FINE jersey woofa are being patterned m many new designs, and attractive colourinps for next season's wroollen suits, and designers find it fascinating to have the skirt of one pattern, the juniper of another and the cardigan of yet a third. A serious sartorial error is
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  • 13 4 Willesden wife: My /.f W* stranded, so I had to fall on Guardians
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 805 5 AMERICAN WANTS AN ABBEY WINDOW! Tower of London for Sale Do not be surprised, when you walk past Westminster Abbey, if you see a very large and emphatic notice on the door, saying. To American Collectors. The Dean of Westminster desires to state that the
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  • 138 5 Closed Locks Blamed for Annihila tion. Frankfort. Fishermen on the lower reaches of the Main are greatly concerned at the wholetale slaughter of fish in the river. In certain reaches there has been almost complete annihilation. Investigations have led to the conclusion that the cause is growing stagnation
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  • 290 5 Fluent Telephone Linguists. m High uj> m a big room m a big building 1 m Carter-lane, a stone's throw from St. 1 Paul's Cathedral, girli whose genera! m- 1 terests are not less ordinary than those of the hosts of typists m neighbouring
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  • 97 5 Jottf YVimi.-ve). I 12X-y ear-old Hotttttttt, married third witV on July H at Middelburff, Transvaal. The brkU is 47 years «,ld. oa* of the centenarian*! sens, who is over so ytan old, attended th-j ceremony. There seems to he no doubt of Windowl's jajre, M the Berlin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 97 5 I iMIVI'IMIWi* BBBBBBBBBBM I 'ykAos o/feoses I Ifessrs. V. 11 VICK iz 11,., h,,,nj Bmnk Ckaaikra, StMf«p«r«. igtnt* for l\t^;»<i, ];;<>!; „0 Kunht J > ,x „,> r Th, Trading S«et€ts '/>> 'i-Atjeh," :J3, lieu eh Strtet. i'tuunj. NAVY CUT wit* jfm *m m pa^ |bb ■bbbmbbs mm wJ i
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    • 275 5 EASTERN SERIES JL These quaint, narrow /I E W^V vessels with one outrigger /I m GpvSl 1 -^v\ are a feature of the la IV r^-r^f^SvX L Ceylon Coast. In spite f la V\orviA X\ intrepid fishermen often B lOffl^V if V, Vi^ T sail these boats many M /TuSa\V\\
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  • 489 6 Antarctic Industry Investigated.' Thi second report <>f the Discovery Inwstinati' ns Committee U a ]s with the Southern whaling season from January, lU'27, to May. 192*. The main purpose of the- committee is t«> make a st rious attempt I t<> place the whaling
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  • 55 6 A Kentucky doctor says 20 per cent of patients m the U.S.A. are suffering from the effects of "the saturation of the at- J mosphere by carbon-monoxide gas, duo to I the national habit of usine motorcars." The < other 80 per cent, may be due to the nation- 1
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  • 427 6 DOUBLE CENTENARIAN'S 23 WIVES. "Fountain of Youth." The world's oldest man, who antedates the American Republic by almost century, has been found m Kaihsien, a town m southern Szechuun province, m the opinion of Professor Wu Chunx-chieh, dean of the department of education at Minkuo University here, says
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  • 422 6 Rice No. I Siam do Salt Katl 03 Sauce, Chinese (medium) Quart Sugar, White, Ist quality Kati 08 Tea, Ceylon Goldleaf Packet 95 T«a, Ceylon (leaf meuium i quality) do of Twi, C«ylon (dust) do G5 Vinegar, European Quart 40 Vineear, Chines** do Singapore. Sept. 1 >.
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  • 181 6 Sobs Among Crowds on Plymouth u lUk Plymouth, Auk. 10. The nuiser Devonshire, m which the disastrous qua xplosion took place m vhf Aegean Sea last month, crept quietly home t«> Plymouth -arly this morning. It was a stranjje and silent honie-c«»min«r conipared with the pay
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  • 152 6 The following transfers have recently taken place m the F.M.S. Police:— Mr. <i. B. Kolliot, Probationar>- Assistant Commissioner, from the iKpot to Ipoh Continent Flcadquartcrs; Mr. L. G. Valpy, Prohationa. y Assistant Commissioner, from the Denot t<» Kuantan as 0.C.P.D.; Che Hussain. Asiatic Inspect«»r, from Kuantiin to Kuala
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  • 129 6 Most creatures can count up to two, but no higher says a correspondent ot Th. Times. There is (or used to he) a method employed m baboon shoptin* by -which a dozen nwn would walk openly into a field of corn storks and concear themselves, while the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 744 6 I BUY BRITISH GOODS l^Mln L^j^S [W^PI Australia's Health Giving Wines. RICH RUBY PORT TYPE— BURGUNDY 2 RICH WHITE PORT TYPE— CHABLIS S ie RICH TAWNY PORT TYPE— SHERRY TYPE. ir Obtainable at all Stores. ft! I jJSL., Henry Waugh Co., LtcJ. Atactton Sale of MAGNIFICENT WAX POLISHED AND WALNUT-STAINED
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    • 317 6 cMore than Annoying Deadly I The mosquito's sting is fraught with danger. Malaria, filariasts, yellow fever, dengue, and other wasting diseases may follow R I m its wake. Do not tolerate this menace. Kill mosquitoes j I easily, quickly. Spray Flit. j I Flit clears the house m a few
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  • 211 7 THE TARIFF HOLIDAY SCHEME. India Unable to Support. [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, Sept. 19. In the course of discussion on the tariff holiday resolution, m the Second Committee the spokesmen of the British Dominions emphasised that the younger countries must be entitled to impose tariffs m order to protect
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  • 79 7 Mongolian Mobilisation. [Beater*! Far Eastern Service]. Tokio, Sept. 1i». Newa from Changghun says that according to information emanating from a White Russian source the Outer Mongolia Govern- 1 ment has mobilised all males between 20 «n<l 40 and ordered two cavalry divisions commanded by Soviet Officers to
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  • 81 7 THE GROWTH OF COTTON PLANTING. [Reuter's Service.] Barcelona, Sept. 18. < The fourteenth International Cotton Con- t (MM opened m the Town Hall, and was at- I ended by 500 delegates, including represenatives of Great Britain, Egypt, India ani 1 apan. J Mr. Howarth (Great Britain) m his speech, gave
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  • 62 7 [British Radio Official Service.] RuKby. Sept. 18. Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald motored to Uindringham to-day to visit the King. The Vime Minister, who was accompanied by r is daughter, Mlm Ishbe] Mac Donald, will tay overnight at Sandringhani, returning i) London to-morrow. The Prince
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  • 49 7 [Reuter's Service.] tl Moscow, S«*pt. 18. The Central Executive Committee of the y oviet Union has dismissed from his posi- n ion the Vice Commissar of Finance, M rumkin, who has lately been prominently Jentiried with the Right Wing movement of >c Communist Party. a
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  • 51 7 1 el [Reuter's Service.] Moscow, Sept. 18. a The aeroplane, Land of the Soviets, has O i arrived at Petropavlovsk on its flight to the bi western borders of America to collect data s with a view to the establishment of an air a mail
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  • 120 7 Major J. T. Bavin, Director of the Edyc*- n on Department of the Federation of Brig sh Music, Industries, speaking at the •xford School of Music Teaching, referred i > the effect on music of the use of the ramophone. B He said: Two years ago
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  • 66 7 Sir David Sassoon's Exhortation to J Son. London, September 8. An exhortation to learn the value of loney is contained m the will of Sir David 'assoon just published. He adjures his son o adhere steadfastly to the Jewish reli- < ion. "Try your
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  • 165 7 MR. HOOVER ON NAVAL CONFERENCE. Broadcast From White House. [Reuter's Service.] rT N w York, Sept. 19. Mr. Hoover, broadcasting from the Presidential study at White House, Washington, described the disarmament negotiations as •proposals which will preserve cur national defences, yet .elieve the backs of the
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  • 219 7 CABINET COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER. Mr. Thomas' Visit to Canada. [British RaJio— Official Service.] Kughy, St-pt. 18. Jn the course of the interview he gave to pressmen on his return, from Canada Mr. J. H. Thomas said: "I must lay my proposals and any results m connection with my tour before the
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  • 318 7 Double Centenary of Science. A double centenary m the hi.-tory of -cience will be celebrated m London m Se| ember, 1931, and it is expected that rv>resentatives of scientific »>odu's from all >ver the world will attend. Michael Kara lay's discovery, m the laboratories of the loyal
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  • 86 7 Rugby, Sept. 6. Britain's two five-mi V.ion cubic feet airhips, the R-100 and. the R-101, are now nflated with hydrogen mi n readiness for a rial flight within the m-xt few weeks. They .re the largest aircraft yet built and alhough equal m size
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  • 34 7 Arthur Robbing, of Quicks-road, Wimblelan, whose wife was granted a separation >rder on the grounds cf persistent cruelty: f I had not been m drink at the time 1 should not have married her.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 446 7 IfgEACH HOUSE i P T4NJONG KATONG. I Select Seaside Residential Hotel. j I Coocn te Bathing Pagar, I Tennis Gange, Good Cuisine. J ■j f 5553. M. C Gasper, Proprietor. < s^H Slit* pISS N. BUHRIS j ■iMIDWirK AND MASSAGE. II ;il Kampon^ Bahru Road. ■L,... i^®®@®®®®®®(S)®®| permanent Waving—Reduced Prices
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    • 749 7 NOTICES. I FAMOUS LASKY FILM SERVICE, LTD. lsS'X n°m tha »"<« »fter October 1. win h T° f the aboTe m «> Compa, ■n be removed to 51, Robinson Road. Sin Ka po, TAMBALAK RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED. I Or^° tiCe hereby piven thut th <' Twentiel 3 :\nZ T l
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    • 571 7 SofiViia SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the Share Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from 24th to 28th September, 1929, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board, I. G. SPODE, Secretary. THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. NOTICK is hereby given that the
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    • 564 7 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. j Tenders. Notice is hereby piven that tenders are- nowinvited for the following materials or sen-ice-, and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained m the Tender Room, Municipal Offices: Tender. Date of closing. Execution of Alterations to I houses at Market and Malacca Streets
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    • 92 8 C'HOA. Mrs. Choa Joon Hean neo Cheong Swat Leh t at 4 a.m. on September 19th, 1929. Deeply mourned by her husband, two sons and two daughters. Cortege leaves 149 Noil Road at 10 a.m. on Monday. ||m 23rd inst: to Bukit Brown. CHEW. Madam Chew Chye Luan, aged
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  • 782 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1929. A PENANG HARBOUR SUGGESTION. A new suggestion has been put forward m Penang with regard to the provision of extra harbour accommodation, new that is to say as far as Mr. Trimmers report is concerned though we seem to have a faint memory
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  • 609 8 ihe intending competitors' in the Framroz Limerick competition are asked to note thr»t the closing date of the competition is near at hand. Sentence of three months' rigorous im r prisonment was passed on a Chinese who was convicted m the Police Courts yesterday on a charge of attempting to
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  • 495 8 LATEST TIN AND RUBBEK PRICES. [FREE fWM SERVICE.-- COPYRIGHT] London. Sept. 19, 4.50 p.m. Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Sons notify to-day's tin prices as follows Spot £204 7 16 (unchanged). Forward £208 3 16 unchanged The market is steady. Messrs. Symington and Sinclair notify to-day's rubber prices as
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  • 678 8 "RIFF RAFFS- MKKf MERRY. KE The "Last Over/ Only those m the kn,,u. w who attended the function C m.M the subtlety of the nionu wh,ch a large feathering of "K.ff kaff. 1 nt^ sat down to a dinner „f thZ-r *H at the Raffles Hotel last night'
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  • 168 8 A Chinese woman, who had been treatment at the M»«tal "^/"Jl RambuUn. U&i on lrula\ b* ,i is believed to have M >n injuries >ustainod m a lall rA Mrs. Thomas Hardy lUttl i**^ no truth m the reports that >he con* leaving Max Gate, which w f<B years the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 220 8 I BARCLAY LAGER Light or Dark I Sole Agents (Incorporated under the Companies* Ordinances of H°ng Ho^g). (Incorporated m Shanghai.) 90, Robinson Road. Telephone No. 6228. iNEW SHIPMENT ENGLISH I CHICKENS I TENDER TASTY I I Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1 1^ FOR QUALITY SERVICE f ■i TOBACCO [I
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    • 126 8 |THE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER I A guaranteed Machine with a g guaranteed service. PATERSON, SIMONS CO., I LIMITED, I S 4 Prince Street, Singapore. PHONE 2700. 634 T. K. X.'s TYRES. 715 x 115 $11.50. Tubes $2.50. 730 x 130 $17.00. Tubes $3.00. 24 x 2% 5.80. Tubes $1.00. 26 x
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    • 3 8 A FLYING l'H!SCt:>>
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  • 310 9 BEDUTION OF LAND FORCES. Lord OdTfl Hint to France. [Router's Service.] Geneva, Sept. 19. sutmittinir hi> resolution regarding re- Lonl Cecil emphasised, that while :,,n of land forces was as necessary f limitation and reduction, of naval forces tjttftion regarding the former had not •lanped but had even
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  • 41 9 Heavy Expenses. PBESS SERVICE. -COFYBIGBT.] London. Sept. 19. Haily Express considers that the fcttmp Board must be m difficulties. fte turnover of :]:> days racing has been and the revenue therefore has been KOO, but the expenses are enormous.
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  • 27 9 PHESS SERVICE.— COP VRIGHT.J London. Sept. 19. kn« arrests have been made m London Police m connection with the epidemic r.dww slashing.
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  • 31 9 TOE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] London, Sept. 19. Hi petrol consumption m 1930 is exJjtid to increase by 25 per cent and a Action m price is probable.
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  • 35 9 PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] London, Sept. 19. magistrate adjourned a case m which I youths were charged with damaging 1 quantity of fruit on condition that their ■ti rave them a thrashing.
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  • 28 9 E PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] n London, Sept. 19. Hardy memorial committee has m V. Eric Kennington to make the the late novelist for erection m
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  • 24 9 [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, Sept. 19. J*P Te ?entatives of Great Britain, New ■J South Africa and India have signed 'Wonal (arbitration) clause.
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  • 105 9 Shanghai, Sept. 19. remained peaceful yesterday. 'no-Pol^ treaty was signed at Nan- hung-wci has arrived at Geneva. mment encouraged Chiang Tso-('hao-ciiu and Kao-lu, hoping they C H a n Ch 'nese policy abroad. is issuing a declaration CI JJ the repayment of foreign loan Ho xx the
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  • 16 9 nr 'ur. District Officer and '"'cim Mr L S Frier m the °n Thursday morning last.
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  • 49 9 COASTGUARDS FIRE ON MOTORSHIP. Another I'm Alone Case? [Reuter's Service.] Halifax, \ova Scotia, Sept 19 Mr "til: A1 °7 -m's -minent. Cc wt\ CaPtam f the ™>torship decides ,h H arnVed fr m Bermuda, by it WaS fired on without warning nSlm. tenilS Protest lo the Ottawa
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  • 92 9 Mac Donald and Snowden Join. [Reuter's Service.] T c London. Sept. 19. The freedom of the City of London will presented to Mr. Mac Donald and Mr *eZt\? f r hi r hOXV by th unanimous* 1, m tH n C^P° ration j recognition of Mi. Mac Donald's
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  • 80 9 Russian Troops Withdraw. [Router's Far Eastern Service.] x. Tokio. Sept. 19. News from Harbin to the Rengo says that according to information received by tne h.R. administration Soviet troops m the Manchuli sector, which had commenced evacuation to Dauria and Haranor sev2ra! days ago have almost completed withdrawal,
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  • 113 9 New Minister to China. [Nanyo Nichi-Xichi Service]. Tokio. Sept. 18. Mr. S. Saburi, new Minister to China will leave Kobe on October 2 for Shanghai aboard the Shanghai-Maru. He will visit the Nanking Government en route for Peking where he takes up his duty. JAPANS MILITARY ADMINISTRATION.
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  • 255 9 Foundation of Imperialism. Riga, Aug. 18. It is nov\ stated that the opening oi the "Pacific Trade Union Congress" at Vladivostok on Thursday was more unsatisfactory than had been originally reported, as only about half the delegates expected attended, many being unable to circumvent the political obstacles
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  • 107 9 Municipal Committee No. 3 at a meeting held on September 13 approved plan, specification, and apportionment of cost of metalling and draining Petain Road, from Fisher Road to .la lan Besar, under Section 101: Approved expenditure which has already been incurred, amounting to $5,875.34, m connection with test borings m
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  • 1009 9 CHINESE TAXI DRIVER'S ADVENTURES. Police Effect Smart Capture. b,^ f the robber >' of a Chinese w» n IIT and Wner P^petrated, it told by the D.P.P., (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley) when Chua Hook Lai, Chia Choon Siew and Lim Tengr claimed trial on. a charge of
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  • 487 9 TEA PLANTING IN MALAYA. To the Editor. «nM r T^f f r^ y Ur leader on subject, that there is a future for this cultivation more particularly at the Highlands is unquestioned, the higher altitudes producing the finest quality teas. It is scarcely necessary to stress
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  • 81 9 Thi» dinner and dance organized by Ikt Ex-Services Association of Malaya, Sintrapore Branch, held at Raffles Hotel or. May 23, we are informed, resulted m a profit of $6,107.50, made up as follows: Donations $1,623; auction 1 1,750; sale of tickets, post cards etc. f3,6.">2.50; Total $7,025.50;
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  • 96 9 The following taluks m Madras Presidency are now closed to recruitina: on account of infectious disease: In the area served by the Port of Madras: Ganjam, taluks of Ckieaeote, ("hatrapur, Kodala, Ichapuram and Somp^ta; Vizagapatam, taluk of Bobhili; Bellary, taluks of Harapanahalli and Hadagallee; Anantapur, taluk of Hindupur;
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  • 80 9 The variety of the repertoire of the Lawson-Sydney English Comedy Company was fully evidenced last night when they presented "Fair and Warmer" with remarkably fine effect. To-night the mystery play by A. A. Milne, entitled "The Fourth Wall" will be given and on Saturday the farce "Twin beds."
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 167 9 Irobinson's! ARE NOW SHOWING I New Selections of Gentlemen's Wear} for Winter and on the Voyage Home. "HENRY (J^j) MOSSANT I I HEATH'S" (^fJE^Bt^ DE LUXE. DISTtNCTIVE FUR FELT HATS IN THE LATEST SHADES. I jm "BLIZI4RDEEN" SHOWERPROOF I I*T RAINCOATS. I iJLIL 1 "BURBERRY" RAINCOATS t W-— t/^f* i\
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 889 10 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twke Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre). Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Due Singapore. PHILOCTETES For Marseilles, Casablanca, L'don, R'dam
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1154 11 OS IC T■!Tl DOLLAR STEAMSHIP JLINE V ZZ? v^, J IIXC; cAirfAMERICAN MAIL LINE *«*s*»ei. Arrive. leave firtl itfn Kotterdam, Hamburg:, Bremen >^ r ralO ff^ an J Antwerp via Colombo, Aden, >fcrA~\ JW^. I fftgXjSft. -C-^ nt .\idoo and Buenos Aires. (<( is^s}' l— i^ mM lb^^^^ fa/Mlill M
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    • 517 11 K. P. M. (Incorporated m Holland.) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connections to:— Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representatives m the Straits Settlements (Singapore and Penanc) of the OFFICIAL TOURIST BUREAU OF JAVA. All information, detailed itineraries, free of charge Apply
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 736 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia) i- (0) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 697 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, I'ekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every o Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednes- i day
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    • 748 12 SHIPPING NOTES. OP TEN NOORTS MOLUCCA ISLANDS CRUISE. The X.P.M. send us an attractive brochure riving details of the interesting tourist ruise to be undertaken by their comfortably appointed steamer, the Op Ten Noort, m February and March next year. The steamer is scheduled to leave Batavia on February 7,
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  • 562 13 EXPERIENCES IN SHAN STATES. Burma Incident. c Aft r nearl y e »&ht months exile m the bhan States, four of the Afghan princes who were deported by the Government of India last year when the turmoil m Afghanistan was at its height, returned to Calcutta b>
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  • 122 13 Aon Veltheim to be Deported From S. Africa. Pretoria. Sept. 10. Carl Lodwig \on Veltheim. who was acquitted of the charge of murder by shooting the millionaire, Mr. Woolf Joel, of the firm of Messrs. Barnato Brothers, m the latter* office m Johannesburg m 1898. has
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  • 71 13 One Occupant Killed: One Injured. New York, Sept. 10. While two men were fishing from a motor boat at Jamaica Bay, off Brooklyn, a f*aplane suddenly emerged from the mist, struck and sank the boat, killing one and injuring the other occupant. It then ascended and
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  • 63 13 Achilles Lose Again. Johannesburg, Sept. 7. In the triangular athletic contest, the rest of South Africa won by securing 22 points. The Achilles Club were second with 7 points and the Combined South African univer sities third with 4 points. Walters (Rest of South Africa) won the
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  • 277 13 Mr. Warner's Tribute m "The Cricketer/ The following tribute to Mr. \Y. C. Smith, who has been appointed coach for Ceylon by the C.C.A., by P. F. Warner m the latest issue of "The Cricketer" will be read with interest: "We understand that the services of \V.
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  • 32 13 A Cleveland man has left thousands as a permanent endowment for birth control, but if his bequest is a complete success there may be eventually no one t» administer it. Portland Oregonian.
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  • 176 13 Seance to Aid Police. London, Sept. 8. Spiritualists have joined the many sleuthhounds seeking to elucidate the murder of Miss Mary Learoyd. The Vicar of Weston, near Otley, held a seance at the vicarage and got a communication indirectly from the spirit of the murdered girl, which
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  • 79 13 Earl of Rosse to Visit India. London, Sept. 6. Four young members of Mayfair Society the Earl of Rosse, who is described as the "Adonis of the Peerage," the Hon. A. Gavin Henderson, who, when he succeeds Lord Faringdon, will bo one of the richest men
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  • 45 13 Dover to Rams^ate m Record Time. London, Sept. 9. A twenty-year Dover girl, Joan Brunton, swam from Dover to Ramsgate, a distance of twenty miles, m the record time of 6 hours. 2 mm., beating a man's previous record by 12 minutes.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 199 13 Tooth Paste Makes the teeth white keeps diem from decay preserves die health of the gums m i aY T *T* Jl ft I i^^^l^T E. IjM f V^* bvbt^bvv m i* r t il.iM V tKui I I r~* naW^aw^sr m r W t saVr^^^^l LrJa /^fcavawWxl Bwar^Bw^Bv m
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    • 208 13 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦#»»< »< »»»»»»»»<4 < >»»^W<4» I t I REASONS FOR I ME r lllltlAllTk I Ibb IMHlUlllll SUPERIORITY APPEARANCE. f Refreshingly original, the appearance of the Plymouth X i* -trikes a note of originality which combines distinctive quality X with rac eful harmony. There is nothing stereotyped m tjie T
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  • 595 14 SURRENDERS AFTER VAIN QUEST FOR WORK. Hong Kong Court-Martial Story. An amazing story of how a soldier, hunted y civil and military police as a deserter, .ainiiy returned to barracks, stole first a .vat.'h fmm a sergeant-major, and then a much ot keys, with the aid of which
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  • 200 14 Hill an "Encroachment on Moslem Rights. Simla. Sept. 5. The- Lefffctatfoa Aracmbly to-day diaeatwd Mr. AeharyaV motion for the postponement till September 19th of Mr. Sarda's Bill for the abolition of child BUUrriaftS. A down speech* <. mostly favouring the nill and its immediate consideration
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  • 123 14 Tragic evidence that efforts of the Nankins government to raise the status of Chinese women have not succeeded entirely m changing: the low estimation m which ■irl children have traditionally been held, is furnished by a case reported m the Peking press. Chai Minjfhsien, a retired army pay•na'stfr m fairly
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  • 175 14 Why Women Shop There. "Paris is the shrine of fnshion to which women's dress specialists go from all parts of the world," said Mr. Percy A. Best, manapinp director of Messrs. .lames Shoolhred and Co., Ltd., at the Drapers 1 Chamber of Trade summer school at
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  • 34 14 Municipality^ Decision. Rangoon, Ausr 30. The- Moulmein Municipality at a recent meeting decided by a majority to ftdvfc* the Commissioner of the division not to allow t racing m Moulmein.
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  • 113 14 Thousands of Ymn I mii-turbid. Five human ikeleton* urns containing at Mama. Cambridfefthirc T». ably been buried for thou may belong to the ne<i tl The vite wm narked metrical risr m t>i« i bai for mom tin* pa«( beinp an ancient barr.«u All the
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  • 51 14 ]*n\im r.t of Cfl IN prOfMMMd by C-uinci'.' Manchv. ti«r Clt) t < 81l "Most city couisent emn( l;ir^roly i I the yomjrw ;i>i »iving. They Mi O* men full of tho vitrour of 5 Of Court illors will l»' ,j N pnymort of mabCTI ol
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 78 14 TIPPED WITH CORK OF PURE NATURAL GROWTH I LUXURY ANDDPERFORMANCE 1 Sit I ASTOUNDING LOW PRICE I The Straits Motor Garage. 1 rIN YOUR HOTEL ,^<^M L^^ ER TMIE W O**U>* ASK FOR- /TV^ \A\s\^.\\\Vsl u Va ?f Pattlll CS arc P rc^i^ regularly A I i\a4«^' PjUfl P^o" *He
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    • 105 14 YOU WANT IT WE have it DELCO-REMY I ♦f equipment for your car. £> I BORNEO MOTORS, L TD I V X <. —no mauer what the climate. j If you want a whisky that jfajj you can rely on— just ask jl.-ll for N. J. Club. The fine It
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  • 225 15 In tpitfl of the fact that last February the directors of the Planters Stores and Affency C«>., which carries on business m the Federal Malay States and India, ruade a capital bonus distribution to shareholders of S3 l-.'i per cent, the dividend for the halfyear ended March
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  • 95 15 Evatt Co., Secretaries. Brunei United Plantations, Ltd., 38,120 lbs; The Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltn 17,289; The Changrkat Serdan* Estates, Ltd., 32,533; Havtor Rubber Estates Ltd., 18,476; Indrafciri Rubber, Ltd., 55,002; Lunas Rubber Estates, Ltd., 36.100; The Nyalas Rubber Estates, Ltd., 83,200; The Tapah Rubber Estates,
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  • 841 15 Sept. 19th., Closing Price. Buyers Sellers. Ayer Weng i.OO 1.25 Batang Padang 35 38 Batu Caves L.42% 1.50 Bukit Arangs 1.55 1.60 Hitams 1.00 1.03 Hong Fatts 75 z 79 dohan Tin 34 35% Kinta Tin Dred. !.75% 1 -77 vS Klang Kiver 2.60 2.70 ex. Kuchai 1.53% L*7%
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  • 68 15 Sept <• tuber 19. Banks 4 m.s. 23 15 1« Bank demand 2|3 3j4 Private cndits 3 m.s. 24 1332 New York, demand 65 15|16 Credits 90 days 67% France, demand 1431 Jndia, T.T. 154 5 k Honjf Khv.k, ('fmand 14 p.c. Yokohama, demand llfi l^ Java, demand 139^
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  • 246 15 S«-pt«Tiib»T 19. Tin IT) Toni $105V 4 Uumbier 9 PlippT Whit*- *)4 IV))p,«i Black 54 Flake Tapioca f>% Paar] Sa>r<» Small X.OO Cnnra Sundricd 9.H0 Ricp, Anam No. ii 250 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 8.80 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice, Rangoon Pintan 260
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  • 68 15 September 19th., 12 o'clock noon. Buyer? Sellers K.s.s. ««|ual to Standard, QjCF. spot :ui 4 94% Standard li.s.s. on render Sept. "i l 4 .14- 1 4 October :?."»>.. Nov.'nibt. r ;<»;' v Oct. Dee. MH Jan. -Ma r :i7 .'iT :v 4 Tone of
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  • 58 15 KAM UN ING DIVIDEND. Messrs. Gutlurie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, Agents. bxve received a lelevran from the Secretaries of Kamuninvr (Perak) Rubber and Tin <(»., Ltd., that the Directors have decided t<> reconnieiid payment on October 10th. of a dividend of 1-'j per cent for last financial year, with transfer
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  • 236 15 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE (XX Annual Report. The directors' report to the shareholders for the year ended June 30th., to he presented at the annual meeting at Messrs. Boustead's offices at 12.30 on Saturday. September 28th. states: The profit for the >ear amounts to £340,036.57; Add amount trouj:ht
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  • 189 15 The following is the report of the Batang l'adang Tin Drodgilie; Company to be pre■ented at the annual meeting on Sent. 2Kth. at Penang. During the period under r«\ iew the dredges mane ISjttt hours running time recoveiing 5,900 pikuls tin ore and 188 Taels gold dust.
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  • 217 15 ROSE MACPHAIL PENMAN LTD'S REPORT. Singapore. Sept. 1*». Rubber.- ~lx>ndon 108 l«>d. U.I ilovsn. I*rices at 4 p.m.: Spot 84%, September 84%, October 85%, Oct. -IV*. 36%, Jan.March 87%. Steady. Tin London £206 2a 6d. £"1 2- <»«l doWB. Mining. Quiet. Sumroi Ways ::..">:> .'{.CO. Kuchais l.r>4 1..">7, Kinta Drexljre
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  • 76 15 n m Buyers. Sellers BanKnn Tin ;U S <M 86i M Batang Padangr <$1> 2S Kent Tin (2t) ,->s Od «>s «»ii Malayan (N)llieries (lO> iS.QO 4!) 00 v d Menglenibu ($1) «>0 Nai Hoot ($1) m PuehonK (i> Ml 27s Uj M$D i.:ui i.40 cd. Sione(£)
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 730 15 ASSETS EXCEED ,10,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). r'ftUanfL^^ H U S Si T P r LONDON OFFICE: Old *G r., t Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Curt of England, and complies with the British Life ,TTKACT.V
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    • 269 15 MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated m England). Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed 1,800,000 Paid-up 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 1,612,046 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M. Ryrie, Esq., Chairman. P. R. Chalmers Esq. Charles J. Hambro Esq J. O. Robinson, Esq. W. H. Shelford, Esq. Sir Thomas Catto, Bart. LONDON BANKERS: Midland
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    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. X 720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CJHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 921 16 NAVY WIN SERVICES TOURNAMENT. Some Brisk Bouts. Winning ten out of the thirteen contests m the inter-services boxing tournament held at the New World last night, the Royal Navy <>nee more carried off the Lowther Grant Cup. The sport .was of an excellent quality and the majority of the
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  • 37 16 Several members of former Singapore Rugby XV are now m Bangkok. C T. Smith, Barnes, Vignoles, Barton, and Bar-ton-Wright were among the former Singapore players who turned out for a re-ent practice game m the Siamese capital
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  • 156 16 POLO CLUB AMATEUR MEETING. To-Day's Events. Four races will be run this afternoon at the Racecourse beginning at 4.30 p.m. Ponies Class 3— (5M> furs.)— 4.3o p.m.: —Sahara 13.5, Merry Boy 11.9, Gipsy Girl 10.5, Whippet 10.2, Why Shy 10.2, Jaya 9.10, Brandy 9.10. Horses Class 5 (5V2
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  • 225 16 The Entries. The following ait- the entries for the Selangor Turf Club's meeting on Sept. Jrith. Oct. 2nd and Oct. :>th. Horses ClaM II: .linah. Keep Moving Lit.- Octapla), Latuko 11, i\>ppykar. Honey i.e.* (late CAMNUr), Lazy Bee, Regente, Lanrcte, Mai«oni Latite, Ruddy Brook, King Thrush. Mauresque,
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  • 112 16 We have rec< ived the following letter from the Secretary of the Straits Racing Association. Sir. The Committee of the Straits Racing Association has been informed that rtain persons are importing', or arrantfin^r to import, race-horses m the belief that the restriction on registration now m forte
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  • 96 16 MISS S ANDISON'S LAWN TENNIS SUCCESS. Her "Awesome Drives/ London. Sept. 12. In the Eastbourne tournament Miss Sandison heat Mis? Heeley, (5 4, ti 8. The Morninp Post says that Miss Sandison's drives were awesome, keeping Miss Heeley tearing about the court for dear life and nearly always defending". In
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  • 35 16 London, Sept. 12. Miss May Anderson, who is the daughter of a Crown forester, had sold half her ticket on Trigo m the St. Leger for £3,000. She will now receive £15,000.
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  • 126 16 Orchids and Ermine, the picture that the Tivoli is screening to-night, is a First National comedy, starring bewitching Colleen Moore, who has hardly appeared to better advantage as a comedienne than m this picture. The story, far from being devoid of plot, is as interesting as it is
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  • 448 16 MALAYS FIND EASY WAY. Dolfattah's Headwork. Malays. 6; S.R.C. 1. After they had experienced a first minute set back the Malays found an easy way into the 3emi-firal of the S.F.A. Cup via the S.R.C. at the Stadium last evening. They replied five times to their opponents' early
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    • 70 16 A. Doubles. W. V Han-ell and K. B. Goteti OWe 1 vs. N. S. WitC and Roy Smith owe L&2. B._l)ouble>. Cant. Barlow and Cant. Duncan Scr. vs. P. H. Swinehatt and L. <;. Robertson owe to finish. C— Doubles. C. L. Wyatt and \V. Swithinbank Scr. vs.
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    • 54 16 Doubles Handicap. Noel Hay and G. A. Marshall vs. W. A. Aeria and H. G. Stack. E. I. Carnegy and N. S. Hofan vs. T. IxM.jssius and V. de Souza. R. Xich< lson vs. A. Norris. *'B" Singles. E. Woodford vs. M. A. Cordeiro. K. F. Oehlcrs
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    • 205 16 The following race* will be tailed on Sunday. A GbMM Second for Somerville Challeng Bowl. Stall: 1Q a. iv..: Handicaps: -Jean 4 per tent. Course: Cross starting line from North to South 17 mark boat, to port Man-o'-War Buoy to port Outer Club Buoy to starboard Malay Spit
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  • 32 16 On Sunday at the Chinese Swimming Club there will be a 200 metres Medley Race commencing: at 11.45 a.m. sharp, followed by a water-polo match between the "Jellyfish" and "Sea FWpeanf teams.
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  • 60 16 HOME LEAGUE MATCHES. Middlesbrough Draw at Bolton. [Reuter's Service.] L« hi don. Sept. 18. Results of English League matches today were: Division I. Bolton 2, Middlesbrough 2. Division 11. Bristol City 2, Preston 2. Division HI (Southern). Bournemouth 2, Crystal Palace 1. Exeter 0, Torquay 0. Watlord 3,
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  • 447 16 The Annual Report. The report of the Committee to the members for the year ended June 30th. to be presented at the annual meeting on Thursday, September 2Cth. at 6.30 p.m. states:— The accounts for the year, after setting Mlde the sum of $1,100 to "Reserve for
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  • 57 16 The third round <>t" the Singapore Island polf championship will be played on Saturday at Bukit Tiniah. The matches andtimes for teeing off are as follows: 2.30 T. Morita vs. J. If. Scoular. 2.35 Major Playfair vs. S. C. Campbell. 2.40 R. Craik vs. M. M. Paterson. 2.45
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  • 122 16 A match will be played at Sepoy Lillet on Sunday against Keppel Golf Club. Play starts at 9 a.m. and players go off at live minute intervals. The following are the sides. Kepprl players mentioned first: Strachaa and Jones vs. LoWSOU and Carson. Boardman and Jackson vs. English
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  • 26 16 On account of the Amateur race meeting the September monthly medal (stroke) wil be competed for on the 28th. and 29th. inst
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  • 45 16 The following will represent Bendemeer II against the Friendly Sporting Association at football to-day on the Chinese ground: Penpr Kiong; Kia Heng, Loo Beng; Cheow Hin, Swee Thye, Choon Theng; Hong Toon, Hor Koon, ,Girn Poh, Sim Lim, Kia Fong. Referee:— Mr. .don Tee Chuan.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 187 16 THREE NEW HIS MASTER'S Vfll^rl i GRAMOPHONES I |j TABLE GRAND, Model KM. Oak ii TABLE GRAND, Mode! 130 Oak Si/r W UPRIGHT GRAND, Model 11,. OS v] tfi New Patented Tone-Chamber. o Oq W Stylish Cabinet Wok. Jfi LOW PRICED. YET SIMILAR IN PRINCIPLE In ifi EXI»ENSIVE INSTRUMENTS Ifi
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