The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 September 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press io CENTS. SINGAPORE, SJ3. iHIKSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1929. NO. 12,820
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  • 283 1 A combine of British, French and American aviation companies with a large capital is being negotiated Page 9. >ir. J. H. Thomas, on his return from Canada, spoke hopefully of Canadian assistance for British industry by getting more coal and steel from England —Page 9. Ihe K.S.P.C.A.
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  • 1726 1 A I rilli.-irt London journalist described the other day the delight with which, on looking through his books, Im dlstO¥THd m several of them misprints and other flaws that greatly increased their value. The COpy he DOMettes Of Mr. A X- Housman's Last Poems, for instance,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 173 1 ROYAL SALES INCREASING viu. t o^t X «f> "Compare the Work X STANDARD AND PORTABLE MACHINES X Jfl NT A ■ff'^H^ mWw ii Y3T 2 V I MBB fll COLLYER QUAY, Singapore. X Penang Ipoh Kuala Lumpur *f gJiilSiliifglilfgfiUiili!^^ Se I EUROPE |gj HOTEL I "Renowned by Recommendation" S j
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    • 117 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Try a Dunlop tfT€ Pa^e 1»«. Land iij?hts sale by Chmj: K^nn Lee and Co. Pape 2. Navy and Army Boxing tournanuni this HTcnif] Pago 2. Stewart Vacuum tank, sold by .Malayan Motors Page 13. Robinson and Co. lor vr Id chains and bracelets P&ge 9. The Jack
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG. FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Style, Cat and Finish Guaranteed. 32. HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 154 1 THE WEEK. I'horxdoy, \9th. Hijrh Water. 11. X a.m.. 8.7, 10..M p. m.. §Js, M.M. Hom«\\Hr«l mail elaaaf I p.m. P an<l Hitmcwiinl mail clos»->- -1 p.m. Footh.i!!: Malay* vs. S.R.C. Foxing: Army v>. Navy. New WarM. L'wson-Sydm'y romedy Thc.-tro. Fair and "77 ":;l p -r riday, 20th. Hiffk Water.
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  • 164 2 A verdict of "Death from misadventure" was returned at the inquest held at Brixton on John Laa^on Webstei, aged seventythree, a retired surveyor, of Field End-road, Streatham Vale, who was found dead m hi* nitting-room. He had often described himself to his landlady as "the loneliest man m
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  • 109 2 Programme of Drills up to and for weekending September 22nd, 1929. Thursday, 5J5 p.m.. Drill Hall. M.G. l'lntoon (Eurasian), Revolver Course 30 yards Range. Friday, 5.15 p.m., Drill Hall, Bde. Sig Sec. (Sinhalese), Section Parade. Ist. Bn. Sig. Section, Section Parade. S.R.A. (v) Signal Section, Section Parade.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 22 2 BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Order for week ending Sunday September immV Friday, 30th. Ambulance Practice, Headquarters, 5.16 p.m. W. T. CHERRY, District Commissioner.
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    • 495 2 ASTHMA i *-»-V z^Ss»| Sufferers from jl| 4****** A»thma findintfS stant relief m |l {OP this standard 18 r^2L remedy of 60 H JZrim years standing 1 a %gj*l22~ S^j^jSHsr^ At aU chemists. Himrods ASTHMA CURE I _^^P\ os>~ a\ I .^mmP^»^ mmi —^^a.l^^ *4Bfi^J%^S4± TAC W* m^% sm9l vm.
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    • 325 2 VICTORIA SHEATHE LAST FIVE MGHTS OF THE LAWSON-SYDN EY ENGLISH COMEDY CO. m a Brilliant Repertoire of Plays. TO-NIGHT AT 9.30 P.M. "Fair and Warmer" Friday. Sept. 20th. Saturday, Sept. 21st. "THE FOURTH WALL" "TWIN BEDS." Great Mystery Play by A. A. Milne. One Long Lautfh. Tuesday, S*pt. 24th. Monday.
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    • 483 2 ALH AMBRAI Tan Chenif Kee Co. Ltd., Proprietor,. I PROGRAMME DE LUXE, WITH Al (iMF\TFI> ni AND SPECIAL Ml Sir. M Commencing Thursday, Sept. 19, and ending Tmmmd I V jj V In the Second Show a( 9 urn B x B THE LATEST EMPIRK NEWS Jean de Merly Super
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  • 1165 3 BRITISH VIEW OF D.E.I. POLITICS. The Pasar Gambir. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Batavia, Sept. 1 I. All good things come to an end and op Monday evening- last the Pasar CJtimbir losed its gates until next year. The attendance this year beat all records, amounting to more than
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  • 51 3 Bedroom suites of bluo oak, onwrnentedj with a floral band m bright colours, :uvj Voing shown. This arrangement is a depart ture from the conventional bedroom furm- Mre. and looks very bright and cheerful, i These suites are specially suitable for fl sunny room, and are not unduly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 328 3 "KODAKS" j with "finger tip" adjustments 1 i pecUct Kodak Series ißttk I Kodak Ltd., All «J SOLDI For birthday or BY jj Any Other Gift all v k See our line of Parker IXiofold rv Fountain Pen Desk Sets. Bases of beautiful design. Pens 17 m five flashing colors.
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  • 306 4 if- The Watch on tKe Rhine: Singapore Yachtsmen's Success. News has been received m Singapore from Mr. \V\ If. Blake, the well-known yachtsman, who has been racing aboard the Monsoon under the command of Mr. Nutt m the South Coast events at Home. She has Mcurcd
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  • 345 5 THE SOUTH AFRICAN CRICKETERS. Averages at End of The Tour. The averages of the South African's, (whose English tour came to a close last week) m all first class matches are as follow: [The matches against Norfolk. Durham Scotland and Sir J. Cahn's XI are not included; and
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  • 517 5 The Men Who Rule the (lame 1 looked again at the line set m small type at the foot of the bowling analysis oi one of the county matches to make sure 1 had made no mistake. Yes, there it certainly was "Braund and Oates." I scanned
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  • 376 5 £200,000 Involved m Forgery Charge. charges of Iprgvry m connection with the 1200,000 will of the late Mr. Chariot J. E. Spankf. who was I'ndt* r-Sht riff for Norfolk, «tN made at Maryk'l»one Police Court against Alexander Henry. i:>, a j>n>fessional daneei, of Manor House Marylebone.
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  • 52 5 London, Aug. 30. It is revealed to-day that a secret marriage took place on Thursday between Mrs Stevens, an invalid widow of 83, and Cyril Mills, aged 22. The bride is very wealthy and a great philanthropist. Both are residents of s village at St Johns,
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  • 308 5 Girls at the Great Navy Show. At least half of the \isilms streaming <lu\vn to Chatham from Loadon and every part ot Ktnt for the opening of the Navy week at Chatham Dockyard were younjr women. And, ot course, there were hundreds el boys, fhe Navy's
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  • 74 5 Oslo, Aug. g. A Norwegian civil engineer, M. Holm Hansen, has invented an electric harpoon containing 76 volts for killing whales. The invention has been tried successfully three 3 times during the last eight days off the 1 Faeroe Islands, the whales being killed instantaneously. This new
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  • 444 5 "Nobody Knows Where It Came From." Alter the death of an apparently pool man. it was discovered that he had m th« Post Office securities and deposits valued at between i'IO.OOOo and i'll.noo. The discovery is revealed m the yoai report of the Chief Registrar of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 264 5 CYMA I unbeaten /f& X""%F f 1 jJWv OYMA. I Th€ Diff€r€nce is Inside. 1 ALL WATCHM AKERS RESPECT I l/\ THE CYMA. I v\ w For many years watchmakers have seen j r different makes of timepieces appear and g *A k disappear. pj 4^ The Cyma is an
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    • 138 5 :v!: 'v:-. :-:-;-S i :>: ■•> V M '^-^p I H^ m^^^ I I I -j^SS&M f^ #^r I y** :^3w BBflHißiiti^ C/JLJLJIVy JLVJLJLXCI .Jjy JH give yuu. 9K Imhh VI m— m I l^i V-l I < Wifi&Sgßx ouic iiiiuau v^^p '■•'•'^^s^. D^^^Shl ,^^ku m\ Z?yyi £}\W m^C^^ r
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  • 928 6 MOTHER'S CHAT WITH SICK SON. Dramatic Bedside Sequel. The dramatic telephone call made by a r. idowed mother m England, Mrs. C. J. Sigrist, of Grove-avenue, Gos;>ort, Hampshire, to her eon m hospital m Sydney. Australia, bad a still more dramatic sequel a few hours later.
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  • 973 6 THE LIGHTER SIDE IN CHINA. War Without Bloodshed. Those who have known the Chinese best, though often execrating their unaccountable peiversity, are the most sincere m regretting that encounters between China and the West often lead to "incidents" m re or less unpleasant. It scorns so
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  • 42 6 Communists were very active m Hong Kong during the week-end September 6th.Kth., posting up and distributing seditious literature, while two Chinese stores at which posters ridiculing the Russians and Communists m regard to the Chinese Eastern Railway dispute were stoned and raided.
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  • 118 6 Thanks to Overseas Patriots. (By irrufMtMH vlth the Nanyang Sianjr i x au Pkh) i Shanghai. Stpl. If, Wanjr Chunff Hui is pre eedJag I Geneva to iiK'i^t (hiant; Tso Pin^. Government has ordered the confiscation of the property of the lato Shan tisuan j Huai. Government
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 606 6 Rubbing with harsh soap |(-i*-f babys I I Baby's comfort largely depends upon his I clothing. Great care should be taken m washing all his little garments. I To keep baby's clothing clean and toft at 1 new you' should use Lux. The delicate j Lux flakes carefully extract the
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    • 139 6 L. <^^**" extract r 5 Y^rf^Sk f jr hounds Sleep^\ y crc to en Joy peaceful sleep v\\ lI J wh ich you will wake refreshed V\\ }Mfl Drink a cup of delicious "OvaltirV m Wl I regularly before retiring. There is nothmg \1 II I P reventin g digestive
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  • 108 7 INVITATIONS ISSUED TO THE POWERS. Full Co-Operation Needed. [.Reuter's Service.] London, Sept. 18. Mr. Mac Donald is sending invitations to the French, Italian and Japanese governments to participate m the Five Power 1 Conference on naval disarmament, which it is intended shall meet m London m the
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  • 96 7 League of Nations Radio Station. [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, Sept. 17. A sub-committee of the league of Nations unanimously adopted a resolution in' favour of the proposal for a League wireless station. It will be worked normally by the Swiss Wireless Company and handed over to the
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  • 79 7 [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, Svpl. 17. The First Committee of the League, dealing with constitutional questions, after leaf iHlCMtiioa Bgimd to «app.>in'. a subcommittee to decide whether any act.i m is possible during the present sessio.i <>f the Assembly with regard to the British proposal to modify Altidn
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  • 63 7 [Reuter's Service.] Moscow. Sept. 17. The Soviet Government, m reply to the Nanking Government's Notes regarding the appointment of the assistant manager of the Chinese Eastern Railway, handed to the Germany Embassy, declares that owing to Nanking's repudiation of its own terms th*question of the place of
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  • 72 7 [Reuter's Service.] Charlotte, N. Carolina, Sept. 18. A one day strike of cotton mill workers took place m this region to-day on the occasion of the funeral of Mrs. Wiggins, who wa.< shot and killed near Gastonia on Sept. 14 when a lorry-load of mill-strikers was fired
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  • 51 7 No Question of Tax Reduction. [Reuter's Service.] The Hague. Sept. 18. The budget submitted to the States-Gen-eral shows that receipts are estimated at 621,000,000 guilders and expenditure at 612,000,000 guilders. The Minister of Finance says there ran be no question of reduction of taxation m the near
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  • 66 7 [Renter's Service.] Sam Francisco, Sept. 18. The rich Ventura Avenue (California) oilfield is threatened by the advance on a two mile front of a roaring wave of fire which swept down the Sulphur Mountain. The flames attacked a tank containing 11,000 barrels of oil en
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  • 55 7 [Reuter's Service.] London, Sept. 18. Half a million gallons of paraffin m a giant oil tank belonging to the Anglo-Ame-rican Oil Company are ablaze m a great depot at Salt End, Hull. Tons of chemical oil-fire extinguisher are being poured or the fire, which it is
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  • 36 7 [British Radjo Official Service.] Rugby, Sept. 18. The total number of unemployed on Sept 9 was 1,149,700. This was 2,550 less Lha 1 m the week before and 150,277 less than i year before.
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  • 23 7 [Reuter's Service.] Paris, Sept. 17. Fifteen are dead as a result of the St. Charles colliery explosion.
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  • 659 7 LYALL AND EVATTS WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Sept. 18. ihe weekly report again makes difficult writing, providing very uttle new to discusa, either statistically en commodity markets or on individual shate descriptions, 'ihe months July/September are generally regarrteu as a -holiday" period both at nome and m America;
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  • 147 7 Beethoven Role at Elstree. I understand (writes the Daily Express film correspondent) that Mark Hambourg, the famous Russian pianist and virtuoso, has agreed to appear as Beethoven m a forthcoming- British and Dominions talk-and-music presentation of the complete lifestory of the composer. Mr. Hambourg- is
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  • 65 7 1 [Reuter's Service.] t Geneva, Sept. 17. A meeting of the Second Committe of th< Leajrue to-day passed a resolution unani mously approving the work of the Healtl Section. All the speakers promised additional ere dits m order to enable the Section to extern its
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  • 34 7 [British Radio Official Service.] Ruchy, Sept. 18. II is learned that the King has mac excellent progress towards complete r "overv. Shontin 0 and yachting are H Majesty's favourite pastimes.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 450 7 BUSINESS CARDS. BEACH HOUSE f t\NJOXG KATONG. I Select Seaside Residential Hotel. j| QgßCrete Bathing Pagar, T n i«. Garage, Good Cuisine. pie 5553. M. C Gasper, Proprietor. MISS N. BUHRIS I ODWIFE AND MASSAGE. I ;4l Kampong Bahru Road. L.. '•^'9®®®®@®®®®®®®®®i -£Ks)®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®o j"maison martin, i permanent Waving Reduced Prices
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    • 845 7 NOTICRS. FAMOUS LASKY FILM SERVICE, LTD. iq^I ce M e that n and after October Ist, n v ffices of the above named Company will be removed to 61, Robinson Road. Singapore. TAMBALAK RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that tho Twentieth Ordinary General Meeting of the above Company
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    • 481 7 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice ij hereby piven that all roads within the Government Honse Domain will be closed to the public from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the following days: Viz. 20th and 21st September, 1929. G. STURROCK, Assoc. M. Inst. C. E., Deputy Colonial Engineer, Singapore. ORDINANCE NO. 44
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    • 591 7 SITUATION VACANT. It it requested that where all things are eqoa* employers give preference to applications employment to Ex-service men. WANTED.— A new Cook. Apply H. W. 11. Stevens. WANTED.— WeII oducrted girls to train as operators m the Central Telephone Exchange, and afterwards to serve m a supervisory cr.pacity
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  • 21 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATH. GABDNER. la Priti-h Hospital, MancUlas, «»n Au»ru>t 11, Ifff, H. p. Lagg* G«td«er of BMUing Estate, »au I'ahat.
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  • 1518 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929. OUR ANIMAL CONVICTS. The remarks made at the meeting of the Singapore Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals regarding animal performances In circuses will, we Imagine, with certain limitations, earn the hearty support of all who care for animal life. Th-
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  • 417 8 LATEST TIN AND RUBBEK PRICES. (FRKi: PRESS SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] London. Sept. 18, 4.05 p.m. Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Son i notify to-day's tin prices as follows: Spot £204 7 16 (down ill). Forward i'2oB 16 (down II 2 16). The market is easier. Messrs. Symington and Sinclaii notify
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  • 37 8 Colonial Secretary and Captain Freyberg, Master Attendant. Saturday. Sept. 14. The Governor and Lady Clifford were present at the Races and Lady Clifford presented the prizes, including the Gold Cup to His Highness the Sultan of Perak.
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  • 35 8 SIAMESE SERVICE SETTLEMENT. Kind's Generous ((Jitf t [FREE PRESS SIiUVK X OOTn^p^ hundred acres of suitahl.- JJ3 Singora to enable Sium, 1(ll nt r served m France to ~,ttl, (t gjj their families.
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  • 394 8 Inspiring Acting "Interference- the pla> .vnuh Ko»U I Pertwee and Han.l,l :tTtU n known ipeeieJist m psychol.tficii m^ produced, and which ha- „r.,ve<| iS success, was presented audience at the Victoria lh.-a!r,. wt by the Uwm flidmj pUyen Soa** derf.ul acting wa. particular! Carl Lawsea and Hagk
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  • 280 8 His Exeellenc> ud Uuh Clifford «U the final of Urn MMl'l iovbfel it th. I^wn Terjiis Club. I.a.X I Kffopd pit the piISM. Knda>. S-P< h Mr. Charles Winpfield. CMC jeaty's Minister at Banpk.-k. arrival Saturday, h|t The Hon. Mr. G K. Shaw. Cenoral er. Johore. The Consul
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 208 8 SIMONDS' MILK STOUT "HOP LEAF" BRAND The health restorer if you are feeling run-down. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies' Ordinances of Hong Kong). (Incorporated m Shanghai). 90 Robinson Road. Telephone No. 6228. i BY SPECIAL OjjT" A *Qy} TO H.M. THE KING I APPOINTMENT TO OK SIAM
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    • 58 8 1 oel|ionl| I THE MODERN GIRL is simply wrapped up m sport, states a clergyman. Anyway, that's something. Further protection may be obtained by taking out a "GAFLACT POLICY. GENERAL ACCIDENT FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Telephone 6480. H. B. WINTER] TAILOR. I BATTERY ROAD. I SINGAPORE.
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  • 56 9 iN (iLO FRANCO-AMERICAN PROJECT. Million and Half Capital. >KKVICF.-COPYRIGHT.-J London, Sept. 18. gdtrstood that negotiations are now ,^dinp «rith i view to effecting a com-,rV!«-'.r!i 'ft British, one American and x h aviation Companies. issets the four are put at the proposed amalgamamti off it will l>e
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  • 45 9 Reaches Dover. SERVICE.-COPYRIGHT.] London, Sept. 18. rirdow slashing epidemic continues polke have received further inforCases reported to-day Load rod from Dover, pected person has been arrested and brought before the Court being I for a week for his mental cony enquired into.
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  • 55 9 Quarantine Home Prepared. SS >KKVICK.— COPYRIGHT.] London, Sept. 18. ety for the Prevention of to Animals is preparing Hacknn t receive the pets of the men Rhine Army. have been issued to make arr over SOQ pets of various will have to k« into quarantine nths. are
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  • 67 9 t Thomas' Hopes of Canada. [Reuter's Service.] I ondon, Sept. 18. I. H. rhomai m a Renter interview ival at Liverpool from Canada mpletely latiafied with the and felt it would contribute of Great Britain's unemploy•lem by Canada taking coal, steel, ingg which she at present
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  • 41 9 Striking: at the Root. [Renter*! Service] Geneva, Sept. 18. ited ilehaU; on the drugs traffic ommittec revealed a complete ethod of combatting the traffic lonment of Government control imitation of manufacture. strongly favoured limitation catod limitation coupled with
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  • 47 9 F IV E POWER CONFERENCE. Mrial Disclaimer. [Reuter"> Service.] London, Sept. 18. Hy -tated m London that no have yet been sent to the French, Japanese, vu r <>veinments to par- a five Powers' naval conference 'Kris ion has yet been taken as place of the meeting.
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  • 87 9 Geneva, Sept. 18. i committee has adopted a reth<- complete text of a financial for non-aggressor States be consideration not later than the f 1930. announced that representatives of r 'tain and the Dominions would >Ptional clause of the statute of the Court of international justice
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  • 38 9 I Washington. Sept. 18. I Hackmer, President of the I >»*r Company, who went I I appeariac as a witness m I a >*/ l uil tria has been fined I t W,OOO for contempt of court.
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  • 42 9 I New York, SePt. 18. I ibunc announces the formaI Mid! J d llar trust st >' led the I I Corporation to acquire a |W< ArM r *hip of banks and trust [Ea '!"r cabfc, on pa&e f j
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  • 17 9 w p m n of the Chinese Protec(^leav am< Kedah > is Proceeding w :a M early date.
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  • 431 9 REPOR T ON SALT DUTY COLLECTION. Satisfactory Progress. tier's Far Eastern Service.] --ru^ of Sept. 26 19 28 for N 1 lOn f iSt Government P^ntr m s SUCh aS the -Pavement of S tt t tinl t 1Ce arra^ments for facwi.n !> r* meetin e with success.
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  • 66 9 [Reuter's Par Eastern Service]. Nanking, Sept. 18. The Foreign Minister. Mr. Wang, has strongly protested through the German Government against the alleged recent action of the Soviet m arresting 1,000 Chinese "as a reprisal" against China. He demands their immediate release pending which the German Government
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  • 73 9 [KeuterV Far Eastern Serviced Nanking, Sept. 18. A Sino-Polish treaty of industry, commerce and navigation was signed this afternoon. The text will not be published until it is approved by both Governments but it is understood the Polish Government agrees to relinquish extraterritorial privileges m China while
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  • 134 9 JAPANS CINEMA KING ARRESTED. [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service]. Tokio, Sept. 17. The President of the Nippon Xatsudo Shashin Kubushiki Kaisha (Japan Cinema Film Company which is one of the largest cinema film producers possessing hundreds of cinema halls throughout the country) Mr. E. Yokota has been arrested m
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  • 41 9 Mrs. E. V. Davies, M.A. will deliver a lecture on A Sense of Humour and its value m life at the Indian Association to-morrow (Friday) at 8 p.m. Mr. S. M. Thevathasan, M.A., and L.T. will preside. All interested are invited.
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  • 484 9 MOTOR GANG ROBBERS SURPRISED. A Fairytale at the Assizes. How the prompt action of the police frustrated the carefully laid plan of a gang of armed robbers who were m possession of a motor-car was told by the D.P.P. (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley), when five Chinese claimed
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  • 322 9 And Then the "Last Straw." "The remarkable feature of this case U the persistency of the people who were after the money" declared the .P.P. P. opening the case against Tan Lian Huat who claimed trial on a charm- of armed ganj; robbery. The victim, continued
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  • 144 9 An armed robbery of a particularly desperate kind, the victims being a poor fisherman and his wife, came to light when Ho Nguk Tee claimed trial on a charge of armed robbery. The D.P.P. (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley) said the fisherman and his wife, both m
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  • 373 9 ARCHDEACON SWINDELL'S RETIREMENT. Yesterday's Gathering. The Venerable the Archdeacon, the Rev. F. G. Swindell and Mrs. Swindell, who are leaving for Home by the Meonia this week upon retirement, received three interesting presentations m the Town Hall last evening at an informal gathering presided over by the
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  • 123 9 The Secretary to the Chinese Commercial Bank writes as follows: Sir With reference to the paragraph In this morning's issue of your paper under "New Bank Building," the meeting referred to was a joint misting of the Directors of this Bank and the Oversea-Chinese Bank at which no
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  • 98 9 At the first annual gmtll meeting of the Oriental Telephone Company Co-opera-. tfaa Thrift and Loan Society, Limited held at the Telephone House on the 14th. inst. the following officers for 1919-1980 were elected:—President, Mt. J. D. Pierrepont; Ist. Vice President, Mr. V. V. Boardman; 2nd. Vice
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  • 39 9 The new Tekkha Chinese Christian Church (m connection with the English Presbyterian Mission) which has been erected at 76 Prinsep Street, will he officiallyopened and dedicated on Tuesday. 24th. inst, at 2 p.m. All interested are invited to attend.
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  • 117 9 another $13 m her pouch. This they took, with ring's and clothing, and left their victims tied up. Neighbours released the fisherman and his wife later but the latter did not report the matter to the police. A month later the affair got to the ears of the police who
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  • 160 9 Sentence of nine months' .'rigorous imprisonment was passed on Chua Siong Rang convicted of mischief by fire. The evidence for the prosecution showed that accused was caught ir. the act by the occupant of the atap dwelling which he was attempting to burn. The occupant woke
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 163 9 Long Gold Chains 1 AND j I Bracelets j I LADIES' SOLID GOLD CURB PATTERN NECK CHAINS. j j 9-carat Gold, Price $65.00 15-rarat Gold, Price $98.50. 1 18-carat Gold, Price $110.00. I LADIES' SOLID GOLD CURB PATTERN BRACELETS, I WITH PADLOCK AND SAFETY CHAIN. I 9-carat Gold, Price $33.50—
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 852 10 Blue Funnel Line i REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre). Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Due Singapore. PHILOCTETES For Marseilles, Casablanca, L'don,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 541 11 0. S. K. Line. Destinations. Vessel. Arrive. Leave. ;:utterdam, Hamburg:, Bremen vl i vrworp via Colombo, Aden, and Port Said. Alaska Mara Oct. 15 Oct. U\ Cape Town. Rio do Janeiro, ntevideo and Buenos Aires. -the- World passage £190.] t La Plata Maru Oct. 10 Oct. 11 y, Zansibar, Dar-es-Salaam,
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    • 486 11 i I i 1^1 1 I+^i 1 1— nig I i I ILJ 1..... J ....LIj...tjIT!O j 4 j I Five Reasons I I why you will prefer to I I travel on IVesideni Liners I I ~M California fruity vegetables and dairy products are served every meal H H
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    • 852 11 KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHfPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA). (Incorporated m Holland.) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT, Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connections to: Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representatives m the Straits Settlements (Singapore and Penang) of th« OFFICIAL TOURIST BUREAU OF JAVA. All information,
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  • 162 12 The Chinese steamer Tai Fook Ling which arrived yesterday from Saigon brought a cargo of rice. The M.M. D'Artagnan is due here from Saigon on Thursday, at 2 p.m. and will probably sail on the same day at 6 p.m. for Colombo, Aden, Djibouti, Port Said and Marseilles.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 609 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia) (0) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailing* by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins
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    • 210 12 SOCIETE MARITIME INDOCHINOISE MAIL SERVICE— SINGAPORE— SAIGON. "Gouverneur-G&n&ral Roume' (S,OOO tons). D. Singapore Wharf Monduy Noon Srpt. 30 Oct. 14 Oct. 2f» A. Saigon Thursday Morning Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 D. Saifron Monday Noon Oct. 6 Oct. 20 Nov. A\ A. Singapore Thursday Morning Oct. 9 Oct. 28
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 685 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuan tan (via Getnas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
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    • 444 12 General Metzinger, Dut. 5524, from Marseilles 15, for Yokohama 15. Khoen Lie, Dut. 244, from Pontianak 18, for Pontianak 20. Nieuw Zeeland, Dut 6729, from B. Deli 18, for Java-Australia 18. Kopah, Brit. 223, from Malacca 18, for Malacca 19. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. (By courtesy of the Government Health Office) For
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  • 903 13 RECORD TONNAGE OF GOODS HANDLED. Revenue Surplus of Rs. 25 Lakhs. The year 1928-1929, during which occurred the opening of King: George's Dock, saw three records established m the Port of Calcutta. The items concerned are tonnage of vessels entering the port, tonnage of goods handled and
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  • 40 13 Members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce spent some time on Saturday visiting the local Telephone Exchange and work centres. They were shown round by Mr. V. Hautot Winson, senior engineer and Mr. E. E. Sproul, telephone engineer at Penang.
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  • 153 13 Educating Emigrants. [Nanyo Xichi-Nichi Service]. Tokio. Sept. Ift. In view of the fact that only 10 pw edit. of those people who emigrate t. South America received secondary education, the Department of Colonial Affairs has decided to appoint protectors of emigrants to Hive necessary education to emigrants
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  • 119 13 Details of the £100,000 allocated to chanties by the Stock Exchange Mutual Subscription Fund were issued recently. The biggest sum is £21,000 to the Stock Exchange Benevolent Fund, while 15,00^ each is tfiven to King's College Hospital. Denmark-hill, the London Orphan School, Watford, and the Royal Infant
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  • 100 13 A meeting was held at the Malacca Chinese Protectorate on Thursday last to consider the advisability of merging Raffles College Fund with the "Clifford Fund," which was opened recently under the auspices of His Excellency the Governor. The meeting decided not to merge the Fund with the Clifford Fund, but
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  • 221 13 The Russian To-day. Conditions m Russia were discussed by Mr. H. Somerville, who has recently returned from a visit of investigation, whe*n addressing: the Catholic Social Guild Summer Bchoo] at Oxford. Russia thought world revolution was m- evitable, he said. She was preparing for it, and
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  • 49 13 Miss Iris Rickaby, the noted woman rider, is to marry Keith Piggott, the steeplechase jockey, at Hove, this month. Miss Rickaby, who is a sister-in-law of the Newmarket trainer, Mr. Walter Griirga, has twice won the historic Newmarket Town Plate, m which women jockeys compete.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 51 13 I /iOfl d* Itl QO l>* f'f\ J /3tomth^^mW& SS U lvU #llb^B^^ H cents per tin. [British Soups tor British Homes. LAST FEW DAYS j OF OUR 1 1 |A.NNUAL SALE I bargains m all departments I Don't Miss it I Wassiamull, Assomull Co., I Udie*' Dressmakers, 56-57, High
      51 words
    • 48 13 1 I i 4*fiL CIGARETTES I ,T! PPED WITH COBK 0F PURE NATURAL GROWTH g Stewart Vacuum Tank Efficient '!Plsjr Efficient f /s~S FLOAT I >^"^™^'^'™ I^™^^^^^» $22.50 $22.50 I Malayan Motors, Ltd. 1 14-20, Orchard Road, Singapore. \Q) Represented Throughout the FM.S. by Me»srt Weam* Bros., Ltd. (g\
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  • 802 14 THE GREAT ARMY OF AMATEURS. How Clubs can Stop "Poaching."' If the average follower of Association football were asked who are the backbone of the same he would reply without any hesitation that it was the leading professional clubs. The answer would be correct if the pastime m
    802 words
  • 61 14 Thf following arc the Hill Station records for the seven day ending midnight on Saturday, September 14th. rYum? Hill (2,ino feot), average mean shade temperature (69.77 de.n\ 1\), total evaporation .19 inch, total ratnfal] .'5.72 inches. Taiping- Hill (8,800 feet), average mean hade temperature (T'-.l 1:. 1
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  • 80 14 "About :M of you have spoilt the repntatkni of a fine respectable regiment/ 1 ..aiJ the Hong Kong atasiatrate la«t week to a soldier m the Kind's Own Scottish Borderers, who was fip.ed $50 for two assaults, one i' then upon an Indian police constable On the same day another
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  • 1307 14 HOW GERMANY WON THE T.T. TROPHY. 110 m.p.h. Through Streets. [From Our Own Correspondent.] London. Auj*. 22. Of all sport there seems little doubt that motor ear races afford the most thrills. Thus, on Saturday the great R.A.C. ToifrHt. Trophy race outside Belfast, Was full of
    1,307 words
  • 64 14 tathei more popular, than rbij- that aim ii from it. The Rani h Hshed m am! !•< I t No. 80 n Its •L-athor Work,** book of ir.>tru<-t MM DMki To tal ■tractor la m nti The r ll h v." it add l f in the- dragons*
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 201 14 RASH AWFUL TO LOOK AT m Over Face, Neck and Body. Healed by Cuticura. "The rash I suffered from was very irritating and sore. It broke out all over my face, neck and body Later it scaled over and I was unable to go to work. The irritation was so
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    • 136 14 A <H H I te*pm^ REASONS FOR Imm ■I IS HlD llth I SUPERIORITY t t APPEARANCE. T t Refreshingly original, the appearance of the Plymouth V V V strikes a note of originality which combines distinctive quality V witn graceful harmony. There 'is nothing stereotyped m the V Plymouth,
      136 words

  • 64 15 September 18. Baaka 4 m.>. 2)3 16!16 Hank demand 2|B 3}4 Private credits 3 m.s. 2(4 13|12 New York, demand 66 15 16 Credits 90 days 67% France, demand 1431 India, T.T. 1&4% HoBC Kontf, demand 14 Dis. Yokohama, demand Jl7v 4 Java, demand 139% Bangkok, demand 79% Bar
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  • 229 15 September 18. Tin 225 Tons $106.75 Copra Sundried 9.80 Rice, Anam No. 2 250 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 8.30 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 880 Rice, Rangoon Fintan 260 Rice, Rangoon Sioka 256 Rice, Siam Broken No. I. 220 Rice, Siam Broken No. 2 200
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  • 70 15 September 18th., 12 o'clock noon. Buyers Boilers R.S.S. equal to Standitrd, Q.C.F. Spot 34 vc 34*4 Standard B.S.S. M Tender Sept. 35 35 H October 36% 35% November 36 V 4 36 U Oat-Doc 36 «4 36 M, Jan- Mar. 91% 38 Tone of Market
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  • 88 15 Messrs .Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur have received a cable from the Secretaries of Banteng advising that the directors of the Company have decided to recommend, subject to audit and usual adjustments, a final dividend m respect of the financial year ended April 30th of 10 per cent
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  • 129 15 YESTERDAY'S RUBBER AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 934 th. auction yesterday when there was catalogued 2,190,351 lbs.; 977.88 tons. Offered 1,595,4X2 lbs.; 712.27 tons. Sold 1,197,671 lbs.; 534.(57 tons. Spot. London IOMd. New York 20% cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. CVnts
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  • 696 15 Singapore. Sept. 17. There is little change to record m the price of Tin during the past week, and the share market both m Sterling and Dollai has been quite neglected. Rubber stocks m Great Britain shew an increase of 1,590 tons during: the week, but thefe
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  • 650 15 S uma port*. Sept. 17. Then has been a complete lack of interest m the Metal market, the price, with only the smallest amount c<f fluctuation, shews a very slight improvement, at close, on the corresponding price for last week, three-month-forwaril being quoted at
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  • 199 15 ROSE MACPHAIL PENMAN LTD'S REPORT. Kuhher.-Londt.Ti 10". hid. Sd up. Prices at 4 p.m.: .spot Mfc, gtptcmlm 1 'M% October 86%, Oct.-Dec. '6*i**, Jan. -March *7%. Dull. 'lin. l~ondon t*2«>y ">s. 7 S (^j Mining. Steady. Sung^?i Ways :;.;».> ;*.(JO, Kuchais 1.54 1.;>7, Kinta Dredge 1.75 1.7^, Klanir liners 2.«lo
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  • 100 15 Sept. IKth.. Closing Price. lUj\ers Sellers. Malayan (on. 53 Vi Kantau Profs. I.ISH 1.1»'.<._. Rahman Hyd. I..*)*; I I.*;] Ayer Hitam M 14s <>d Banjrrin :s4s .m! :j .> 3d Haad \ai 94 lOs Hong Kun X (fully Hi ,;*1 Jls ;w I'attani nst. :?s |g
    100 words
  • 86 15 Malay Consd. r v Punkah (£l, 29s:u .< JJ §±355 .TemohTin (£1) 2Os 6tl jj.^J UrOajah *°'|.?B BU ,jJ New Scudai ($2) > o V/i Tambalak *2 B. Am. Tob' ,2^ n"0 Fre n sh P F^ 8 ?i2) "W H-Von T q^ Rankh| l.« corp. (H
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 416 15 ASSETS EXCEED $10,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER ,35,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). U TI Si T T 6 LONDON OFFICE: Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 depoeited with the Supreme Cmrt of England, and complies with the British Life ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF
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    • 434 15 BANKING. HONGKONG- AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hong Kong). HEAD OFFICE: HONG KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund— Sterling 6,000,000 Silver $14,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS: N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. W H. Bell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon: Mr.
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    • 159 15 BANKING. MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated m England). Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed 1,800,000 Paid-up 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 1,612,046 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M. Ryrie, Esq., Chairman. P. R. Chalmers Esq. Charles J. Hambro Es^ J. O. Robinson, Esq. W. H. Shelferd, Esq. Sir Thomas Catto, Bart. LONDON BANKERS:
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    • 286 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) I*l FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. 1 Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., jj Messrs. HARRISONS, 4J wmi BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. RUBBER STATISTICS. The following is a
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  • 98 16 BIG DROP IN i KlCcjo. Sporting Life Comment. [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] London. Sept. 18. The Special Commissioner m Sporting Life reviewing the yearling sales at Doncaster, whioh resulted m prices being £100.000 under those fetched m 1928, considers that the fact of the decrease need cause no
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  • 21 16 Lord Derby's Coloiado, who won the Two Thousand Guineas and was third m the Derby m 1926, has died.
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  • 58 16 Amateurs to Continue. [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] london, Sept. 18. The Lawn Tenris Association is holding the hard court championships at Bournemouth for five yean from 19S0. It has decided, as an amateur body, to employ amateur players as umpires, but if these are not available the matter
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  • 47 16 Plans for Club Loans. [FREE PRESS SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] London, Sept. 18. The Football Association's sub-committee to enquire into the proposal for use of surplus funds by advancing money on mortgage to clubs for the purchase of equipment and grounds, has reported favourably on the scheme.
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  • 25 16 As a result of receipts at practice matches m August by London Clubs, a sum of £4.419.11.8 has been donated to charities.
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  • 422 16 Governor to Attend To-Night's Tournament. A boxing tournament which will certainly prove to be more interesting than any that has betn staged m Singapore for many months past, reminiscent of the fine contests between army and navy boxers foi the Low t her Giant Cup m previous years,
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  • 23 16 Mir. E. H. S. Bretherton, Assistant Inspector of Schools, Perak is shortly to be transferred to Pahang to act as Inspector of Schools.
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  • 64 16 END OF CRICKET SEASON. Notts Lose to Rest of England. [Havas Service.] London, Sept. 18. In the match between, the Champion County (Notts) and the Rest of England the latter won by eight runs. The Rest scored 399 (Woolley 106) and 282. Staples took 4 for 63. Notts
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  • 71 16 In Japan m October. [Reuter's Service.] Paris. Sept. 17. The French lawn tennis players Cochet. Brujrnon. Landry and Rodel are leaving for Japan on Saturday via Canada. They will arrive m Japan on Oct. 14 and will play matches all over the country and leave Japan
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  • 178 16 A Discouraging Response. O\vin.g to the discouraging response of meniUrs to the invitation to enter for an athletic sports meeting to be held at the S.C.C. towards the end of the month, there stems a strong possibility that the proposal will have to be abandoned
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  • 161 16 Autumn Meeting Programme. The Perak Turf Club is holding a meeting on October 19th., 23rd. ard 26th. at wh .< h three runs will be provided for Horses Class I, 111 and IV, and for Ponies Class I. Ponies will not be allowed to enter for horses
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  • 248 16 Threatens to Adjourn Assizes. Be tore the Assi/.es had teen m progress more than half an hour yesterday the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) complained strongly about the noise finding its way into the Court, and said that if it could not be stopped he would
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  • 109 16 Sergt. Major J. F. Lawrence, and his wife and daughter, have left Seremban for Home on furlough. Sergt. Major Cogger, of the Gordon Highlanders, has arrived m Seremban to relieve Sergt. Major Lawrence. M.M. Mr. Siddons' boat Sunshine, which secured second place m the open event at Johore si 'fed-boat
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  • 451 16 WELCH QUALIFY FOR SEMI-FINAL. Junior Team's Great Fight. Welch 3; S.C.F.A. 11. 0. The Chinese second team gave the Welch Regiment a great game at the Stadium yesterday afternoon and their showing amply justified their place m the ranks of the senior teams. From start to finish— they
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  • 171 16 The incident which occurred during the Cup match between the United Banks and the Chinese second team, when a United Banks' player was sent off* the held, was 1 discussed at a meeting" of the Disciplinary Board held at the Stadium on Tuesday. Mr S. G. Hacker
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  • 28 16 [Reuter's Service.] London. Sept. 17. In a Division 111 (Northern Section) match at Rochdale to-day the home Club I .eat Darlington by four goals to one.
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  • 74 16 Possible Visit of Japanese Side. There is a possibility that Singapore Rugby players will have a new experience this season m playing against a Japanese side, which according to reports from China, will soon be setting out on an extensive tour. The side will Ik* representative of Kobe
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  • 96 16 Jt is the intention of the S. A. D. we are informed, to produce a straight play m the near future. The Committee will be i*lad to hear from any newcomers and others who have had experience o£ amateur dramatic work, and who would like an opportunity
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  • 86 16 It is understood that no inquiry will be held into the death of Detective Sergeant J. A. Dyerson, who committed suicide at the Central Police Station Hong Kong on Sept. 7. The post-mortem examination disclosed the fact that he suffered from tubercular meningitis of the brain, and this probably disclosed
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  • 250 16 THE" S.C.C. LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Yesterday's Results. A Doubles. E. Mac Donald and J. R. Strachan plus 15 beat W. C. Hill and N. H. P. Whitley owe 2 6—4, 4—6, 6—2. B. Doubles. Capt. Barlow and Capt. Duncan scr. vs. P. H. Swinchatt and L. G. Robertson
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  • 102 16 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Doubles. C. A. Norris and F. Kphrnums beat R. Nicholson and K. X. Legge 6 3, B—6.8 6. **A" Singles C. A. Peterson vs. F. R. Gomes untini.-rKtl. *B" Singles. D. Distant beat O. G. Struys 4—6. 6 o, 6—o F. Scully beat R. M.
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  • 222 16 LIM BONG SOO IN HONG KONG SEMI-FINAL. The Chinese Athletic Association tennis tournament at North Point has provided some interesting tennis during the last few days, writes Spectator of the South China Morning Post. The preliminary rounds are over. The four semi-finalists m the Singles are If. W. Lo (the
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  • 152 16 Golf Competition. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Malacca. Sept. 17. The September monthly Medal for Ladies was competed for on Wednesday. The result was as follows: Mrs. R. H. Finch 18 1 down Miss B. Holden 20 1 down Miss Lockhart Mure 20 'A down Mrs. .1. D. Sanderson
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  • 60 16 Rod la Rogue, whose lot it seems is appropriately cast m roles of an egotistical character (he will be remembered as the su-per-egoist of the film of Conan Doyle's Brigadier Gerard story), is to be seen m a most laughable film Hold, 'Em Yale, at the Pavilion this week—a story
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 180 16 |"ONOTO" (All British? I FOUNTAIN PENS jj No. 3500, Medium Barrel, filled by Piston Pump Action s ;t i No. 6300, Thick Barrel, j No. 6000, As ;>bove, with Gold Clip i No. 1850, Extra Larjfe Barrel to take a f4 i«pph j Pump Action, Extra Larjfe (iold N,h to
      180 words