The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 September 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S5. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1929. NO. 12,812
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  • 292 1 Mr. Kamsay Mac Donald says his visit to America will take place m the Autumn if parliamentary difficulties can be overcome Page 11. When fire destroyed Queen's Uestaurant m Sloane Square the girl cashier lost her life Page 11. The increase of capital to £36 millions has
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  • 826 1 A smell of hay crept imperceptibly over the decks on the dawn breeze. Long: before the shape of land had emerged from the blur to port, while denicks and mast- still loomed mysteriously out of the half-light like the stalks of monstrous mushrooms whose nebulous grey tops engulfed the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 243 1 a«a«HiiKßaiaßßaauidiUiUiUHJ<riaßi?jaHiaiHnaaia!^ I This is the j i NEW ROYAL I im ill i < X <S^ i^Hb 'I Wml B i IHI snllw I I I j The most remarkable tyre v v of to-day. The New Royal is at home on the most beautiful of cars. 1 McALISTER CO,
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    • 122 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Various trade mark notices Paire Kxshaw Brandy is the best Page 10. Have you tried hef soups? Pact LB. Start taking I'hyllosan to-day Page VL Your choice of gins should be (iilbey's Page 10. Over five million housewives cook iiy gM —Page i! 0. McAlistt^r's are agents lor
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 175 1 TUP IWW M'« rstlay, 4th. I'-'. Water, II.BS a.m., H. 9. 11.9 p.m.. 10. S. Di.trli p;:intin^r- exhibition Dutch <'luh. i •:l>;ill: B.CjC. va. Malays ,l>iv. I). Forbei Raw ll c<>., Thaatra, Ber Card- 1 Hitrh Water, M p.m.. 9.0. 11.r.l p.m.. Ui.J. 1.1. T.« At HoaM, Taninamcni Final. Forhai
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  • 443 2 Story of Offered Bribe. l^.U Nee How, a clerk employed by the N. V. Straits Java Trading Company, who VU ror.vitteU by the District Jiulkc, Mi. I. H. G. Clarke, of abetment of receiving an illegal gratification, has been fined $50 or m default, a month's
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  • 328 2 A thoroughly successful gymkhana was held at Alor Star by the Keriah Gymkhana Tlub, says the Malay Mail. The followipg 1 WCTC the Gymkhana results BRIDGES-SYMRS CVV. A hanihrap for certified polo ponies. Three furlonjfs. H.H. the Sultan of Perak's GIPSY GIRL (Mr. Humphreys) 12 1 Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 333 2 THE FAMOUS RUBY REMEDY for PUPPIES. Wholesale and Retail from THE MEDICAL HALL, LTD., Singapore. h Convalescence i HorUd* Mated Milk I I rapufly brings back onis I lost strength, and energy. m H Quickly assimilated, n m it is a perfect food m ffi Y\ all cases of sickness
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    • 292 2 ALH AMBRA'^i y Tan Chens: Kee Co, Ltd., Proprietors. PROGRAMME f Commencing Friday, Aug. 30th. and ending Wednesday <* 4th. y A In the Second Show at 9 pan t 4 THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS METRO-GOLDWYN-MEYER presents 1 QUALITY STREET! featuring MARION DAVIES j V A comedy of unending delights.
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  • 1376 3 ARCHBISHOPS PASTORAL LETTER. "No Place Found for God." The first Pastoral Letter to the Church >f England from the two newly-appointed Archbishops— Dr. Cosmo Gordon Lanp:, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Dr. William Temple, Archbishop of York— was read from the pulpits of churches throughout the country
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  • 80 3 Professor .F. A. E. Crew, of Edinburgh University, at the British Social Hygiene School at Cambridge* said: "It is of the utmost importance that we should free ourselves once and for all of the notion that death is a necessaiy attribute or an inevitabV consequence
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  • 67 3 A Skuthport cyclist was rewarded with a smile and a "Thank you" when he picked up a purse containing i £30 m notes. He was on the point of taking it to the police station when a welldressed woman I came to him and said:
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  • 93 3 Criticism of Yorkshire Batting. London, Aug. Because of Yorkshire's ob lections to a recent newspaper article by H. Larwood, the Nottinghamshire Cricket Club committee has prohibited him from writing article* Larwood wrote to the secretary of the Yorkshire Club (Sir Frederick Toone) apolcjfising for
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  • 83 3 Black cats are no lender regarded as omens of K ood luck by sixty employees of the Darlijijrton Rise Carr Roiling Mifls, who were thrown out of employment when a black cat, stroll in^r round one of the workshops, trod on an electric wire. The
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  • 127 3 The West Asker, the first ship using: pulverised coal lor fuel, arrived at Cardiff Docks recently with a number < f fuel expcits, (Jernian ami British, who had joined the vessel at Avonniouth. They expressed themselves .satisfietl with tlie experiment, and were of opinion that when
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  • 75 3 The Adelphi Hotel have secured the services of Glen Carter and his orchestra to play for the Dinner Dance to-night. This orchestra comes here with a splendid reputation ami prior to their joining: the President Van Buren on world tour completed a contract with Western Theatres Circuit. M.\ Carter is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 309 3 I POWER! The Municipal Commissioners are now prepared to offer very attractive terms to ELECTRIC POWER consumers. J Electric motors up to 50 horse-power may be hired at monthly rates, and the charge for energy is on a sliding scale from 6 cts. to 3 cts. per unit according to
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    • 113 3 Estate Trust Agencies 1927 Limited. BRANCHES 21, First Cross Street MALACCA 11. light Street PENANG Registered by and Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. Act as Trustees, Administrators, Receivers, Guardians, Rent Collectors, Investments Supervised and Interest collected, Probate or Letters of Administration applied for and security furnished. "We specialize
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  • 336 4 After a careful consideration of the many important recommendations put forward 'by the Royal Commission on Transport, Tne Commercial Motor has come to the conclusion that, taken as a whole, they should prove beneficial to the user cf commercial vehicles, whether these be for the transport of goods
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  • 117 4 Commenting on the row! Report <>f the K> yal Commission on Transport. Th»* Li^ht Car and Cyclecar says one of the must important sections of the Report is that which says that the Minister of Transport should undertake full inquiries into tht* cause of accidents through* ut
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  • 717 4 MISSING DEATH BY INCHES. Why Do They Do It I "Pedestrians step off the pavement care- 1 lessly, they cross streets diagonally, mdul-J gin£ m what m the United States is known! as 'jay-walking,' they fail to make full use I of islands, and show a positive
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  • 157 4 New Regulations Come Into Force. The noise regulations for motor vehicles came into force throughout Britain m mail week. These regulations, m effect, declare war on noises produced by Unnecessary hooting of horns. Squeaky and unoiled brakes. Loose mudguards. Flapping of solid tyres. Fish-tail exhaust pipes.
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  • 129 4 Secret Car 15 Years Ahead of Other. lxmdon. Auk. An entirely Ml model six-cylinder Super Rolls-Royce touring car is nearing completion at the secret experimental factory m Derbyshire. It is described as 15 years ahead of the world's best cars, says The Daily News. The engine will have
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  • 146 4 London, Auk. 22. The increase m the practice of borrowing other people's motor cars for "joyrides"' without the permission of the owners has led to a growing demand for legislation to deal with it. At present m tho absence of proof of intent to
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  • 186 4 Though it has been officially recommended that the use of low-toned bulb motorhorns should be encouraged, particularly m towns, one cannot help noticing that the note of warning generally m use is rising hi pitch, being usually something between a pip and a squeak. The larger
    Morning Post  -  186 words
  • 26 4 Messrs. Alfred Herbeifl, L»td. tool makers, of Coventry, announced that they have purchased the complete plant and assets of the Clyno Engineering (Wolverhampton) Company (1922) Limited.
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  • 205 4 Easier to Drive and to Maintain. Much of the information m nur possession concerning the new car> which are '*inj prepared m sevret for the I'.' >o >ea*on is necessarily of a kind which oannot M ye: be mad** public, says The Motor. >ome general trends are.
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  • 236 4 Kaye Don Faces Death When < Pipe Bursts. London, \uff- f Blinded by hot oil from Hirst pil* Kaye Don drove a Sunbeam car B *jJ straight at Biooklands to-«la\ it of nearly 150 miles an hour. He MCap«d death almost b) I nuracje Don
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  • 28 4 i b> At Montlhery on Au-r. {flAlS,* four world's records ridinir K jiontf ttf CC, 750 CC Classes. FW* yP H 117.23 MPH. Five Kitei
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 ifi i A Tougher, Safer Truck I i j Tyre Unsurpassed |l FOR MILEAGE j i mill 4 W Kn BB B i I bJ bpb^. [j iThe Fisk Rubber Co., (F.E.) Ltd. SSALES DIVISION, UNION BUILDING, SINGAPORE. 100 deserf miles a day VSJI OOnTUCDC It/7 Xjl mm f^w I
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    • 86 4 I IMPORTANT NOTICE i To a// Morris Owners i MORRIS MOTORS (1926) LTD. j X Officially Recommended CASTROL t v v MOTOR OIL T f X For All Morris Engines X Ensure best results by Lubricating YOUR ALL-BRITISH MORRIS with V Use i^ L^ K?fl3]r r 'L-. Vat V *J*
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  • 160 5 understood that Captain J. S. Irvn who designed Major Segrave's recordortakin^ ca r the Golden Arrow, has been technical adviser to the Hillm^, «t, and Commer group of motor manu--turers. He will retain his position and nnection with the Humfrey-Sandberg freeclutch as consulting engineer. Ptain Irvinjr
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  • 1482 5 ROAD BUILDING IN KWEICHOW. Highways Keplace Walls. The greatest array of workers m China since the building of the Great Wall is now building roads m Kweichow Province, writes Viola Smith, U.S. Trade Commissioner, Shanghai, China, m the Far Eastern Review. Two hundred thousand soldiers, farmers,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 CHRYSLER A car that suits the whole family When the family car is a Chrysler, there isn't any division of opinion m that household— because the Chrysler has all the things that the whole family likes. Chrysler's distinctive new style and lively perform* ance are just what youth wants m
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    • 109 5 Mr I Jm. i i \£k A I^^^^Ql I* A A/ \t\Jl I s^H B BmCs»l m^^B V BbT y .^Bnr KwT b\^^ bb^B E^^Hhl B l l^W /ff Vi A OBV Ap m B^B^B\^BB //r Jr > \*irA bVvTjB B^B V bY/ \^A I bmb^bobE bVbdb^H^^v A^Bf B^r VBh
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  • 1071 6 Chess Notes and News < PROBLEMS AND > m SOLUTIONS. I'roblem No. 72: (by A. V. Mackenzie.) Whit* to move and mate m three moves. The Paris Tournament France once held the hegemony m the world of chess— Phil idor, St. Araant, Desohappelles were French; hut she eventually 10.-t the
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  • 420 6 (Special to the Free Press). Thiw Strange Adventure by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Hodder and Stoughton) 7s. 6d. This authoress is a writer who pays great attention to detail and it follows that our interest m her books and characters is keen. In this new work a vivid
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  • 1476 6 J. B. PRIESTLEY'S GOOD COMPANIONS. (Special to the Free Press). MORE THAN ONE Or OUK modern novelists has of late reverted to the oldfashioned lons three-volume novel, with the difference that the one-time three volume.are to-day presented to us within a single binding. Mr. J. B.
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  • 289 6 Contents of a Girl's Handbag. ja young woman's* handbag drops -open m the street, and half a dozen gallant passers-by devote a few. minutes to collect and marvel at the assortment of trifles spread over the pavement. Even the:i probably less than half the bag's
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  • 915 6  - Bridge Notes and Problems HORATIUS By LAWS THAT "NOBODY KNOWS." TO SAY THAT "nobody knows.' is perhaps an exaggeration. I imagine Uwn is no law of the sixty and six that is not known by somebody; some laws one or two of the leb» subtle— may be known to everybody;
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  • 685 6 Not of (lerman Origin. As an ideal do*? for a woman, a pal who is equally good as a hound for sport, or as a town companion, whese motto is: Beware of entrance to a quarrel, but beinj; m .see that thy opponent beware of thee,"
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  • 416 7 SOLDIERS' STOLEN TRIP TO MANILA. Court-Martial Story. Private Thomas Smith and Private Edward O'Donnell, of the 2nd Battalion King's Own Scottish BoTderers, were not acquitted on charges of desertion and losing regimental equipment, by a District Court Martial held at Murray Barracks Hong Kong last week. Smith
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  • 498 7 Hawker Problem. To ihe Editor. Sir, Singapore enjoys an envied pride m the S.S. and F.M.S., if not m the whole eastern hemisphere, of possessing adequate police and energetic Municipality, who are more than capable to retrograde the entire town (but for the presence of heavy
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  • 159 7 London, Aug. 27. Amin-al-Huseini, Grand Mufti and President of the Supreme Moslem Council, Palestine, m a letter to the Times points out that Burak (the Wailing Wall) is part of the western wall of the Mosque of Omar, where Mohamed alighted with his horse called Burak, and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 244 7 i ft! WHITE i« BUCK 4 WHITt" i TTT TT T Oi T^F^ m. y 1 1 pg| AAAHISKY 1 I Biifl i GORDON'S 4Mi, I f|\ I v )L j i 'st^^K/^' i -481 I 1 rinyf !ii v^| Vjlli V LO«bc». V j| ==3*~ v 1 $*Uilp AironLs*
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    • 216 7 'linirJßll I dominates the west bank of the Menam jff^jiflH^tt I 1* a triumph of decorative art and, m I- appearance of being encrusted with the j^T^\[^ < V^' i"i m xf *^K^*&w^JilF^F M^^Ew^^w^^Bk^ BMfS^Mr^S^K^BJßta^QK^ X HE keynote of Eastern |adMi^JS Sg^gSli thought to-day is progre.s. I 7*T^ --^--^141*- IB
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  • 494 8 REDUCED TO INCOME OF $300 A MONTH. Property Confiscated. The "Boy Emperor" of China has moved into a small house m Tientsin with his witY and a single concubine, because he can iiv> long afford to live m a large house- With his small fortune almost gone,
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  • 131 8 Wealthy Hungarians Without Keady Cash. London. Aug. 20. Now York. Ten of a party of Gl Hungarian merchants who arrived to study American business methods were held up at Ellis Island as beinjr unable to produce the necessary fifty dollars cash apiece required by the
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  • 249 8 Premier's Speech at Alexandria. London, Aug. 25Alexandria. At an official reception m honour of the return of King Fuad and the Premier, Mahmoud Pasha, from their European tour, the latter, m a long speech, stated that he had not intended to negotiate a settlement of the Egyptian
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  • 31 8 Mr. Ng Kok Hee, who underwent a serious operation at the Penang General Hospital recently, is making good progress and is expected to be out m three weeks tine. S. Echo
    S.Echo  -  31 words
  • 64 8 Theosophist Plans for New Colony. London, Aug. 21. New York. Mrs. Besant, who arrived on board the Majestic says that the theosophists have arranged to establish a fruit farming community m California at "Happy Valley," where a new superior race of Americans will be bred.
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  • 261 8 Height of "Fool-proof Perfection." Rugby, Aug. 21. A new British aeroplane, with which it is hoped to win the Daniel Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition, m the United States this Autumn will soon leave this country for America. Those who have seen it fly say it has
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  • 135 8 Insane Dealer m Amazing Liverpool Incident. London. Aug. 25. Consternation reigned m the Liverpool fruit market as a result of the activities of a prominent member, who conceived the idea of cornering the orange market. He bought up 25,000 cases, outbidding all competitors, and raising
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  • 152 8 Shanghai have been invited to send a team to Hong Kong next year. It is to be hoped it will not be at Chinese New Year if it can be avoided, as then all accommodation is required for members, but if it is
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  • 29 8 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service]. Tokio. Sept. 1. The trade returns for eleven days ending August 31, show a total of Y50,854,000 fof imports and Y81, 818,000 for exports.
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  • 120 8 Upset by Bigamy Charge. Mexico City. Auk. 26. Scnora Maria Teresa de I^anda de Vidal, who represented "Miss Mexico" m a recent beauty carnival at Galveston (Texas), is reported to have killed her husband. It appears that she read m a newspaper of a woman claiming
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  • 49 8 [From Our Own Correspondent.] iPoh. Sept. 2. The death occurred this morning of Mrs. Letitia Crofts, a recent visitor, and wife of Mr. Sydney Crofts of Perth, Western Australia. Deceased had been ailing for some time and had entered Batu Gajah Hospital for treatment.
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  • 32 8 Eight killed; 30 Injured. London, Aug. 26. Cologne. Eight persons were killed anr 30 injured as a result of the derailment o 4 tbe Paris- Warsaw express near Duren.
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  • 63 8 Mr. Solomon John, who retired from the clerical service of the Straitg Settlements about a year ago, has entered the Oxford Mission Training School at Barisal m order to have his vocation for Holy Orders tested, says the Cathedral Paper. He was a prominent member of the Tamil congregation at
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  • 169 8 Indian Who Found Singapore Tot Hot. Siri Babu. an Indian. VM rharfi ai H Kong Central Police Court last with arriving m the Colony without a viM passport. Detective-Sergeant Whant widtkt*^ ed came from Bangkok, having m session an MMrgOBCy CtltMcatC i^>ued H.B.Ms Minister ptnnittinf him It to
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  • 58 8 Why Switzerland IfMTCfI the Ser "londnn. Au?^ tp Zurich.— A Swiss h»ine»»maa *ri the Daily Mail statinp that he *w™ liked to semi letters to \nm J mail, but found that although the aeroplane lands at Basl»\ let ff^t businessmen for India by t iD jy
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  • 55 8 p j|.SAmong appointments not it |ff Government Gazette of Autru^ the following: Mr. J. S. M :m fft:P t: Agriculturist, Agricultural 1 f tfn* H. G. B. Harris to act as W •"•<»*" jypdtf Selangor; Mr. N. Falls t.» *g J, t C<*> Commissioner of Excise; MM l' r to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 588 8 NOTICES. NOTICE. j NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. H. B. Layton has by mutual consent retired this day from the firm of Messrs. Donaldson and Eurkinshaw. DONALDSON BURKINSHAW, Advocates and Solicitors, 3 de Souza Street, Singapore Singapore August 28th, 1929. McALISTER CO., LTD. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the
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    • 174 8 .vj^ healthy milk. >■ Ww^ Ira Doctors know, too, that the wonderful Glaxo Process keeps the vitamins power- vii ful and the milk clean and germ-free. They know how much more digestible >* Glaxo is than cow's or buffalo milk. t^ how it is altogether the best and safest <^
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  • 162 9 of a dush containing rice means that flatulence win d n T p Kr\ will sureiy foiiow such p-p" w probably bo surprised to learn that those U and «Vj»Krneablo after-effects can be mpl.tely avoided by taking half-a-tc^spoonful of Bisurated Ma K n,Ma (or two to
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  • 1050 9 WHAT THE NEW SACRISTY WILL CONTAIN. A Great Collection. Westminster Abbey is a writable museum of works Df art, writes the Rev. Jocelyn Perkins m The Observer. This is an aspect of the wounderful old building which does not always receive adequate recognition. None the less, it
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  • 807 9 "AUTOCRATS" WHO CAN CUT FEES. Taxing Masters' Watch. Lord Justice Scrutton's condemnation of heavy lejral fees caused a good deal of discussion m the Courts and the Inns. When he was dealing with an interlocutory appeal his lordship wanted to know, m the matter of security for costs
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  • 106 9 A writer m the Manchester Guardian, on modem versions of Malapropisms, quotes an amusing story of the plight m which a Chinese artificial pearl hawker found himself m Milan, who was tried for insulting a policeman by calling: him "Maiala!" (hop). There was a delay m the disposal of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 466 9 I BUSINESS CARDS. (beach house| TANJONG KATONG. gelcd Seaside Residential Hotel. fj Concrete Bathing Pagar, Tennis (Garage, Good Cuisine. <§ I p hom M. C Gasper, Proprietor. SKS}®®®®*^*)®**^^ •^•^^^X*)®®®^^K*<^»®®®^J«)®Li IMAISON MARTIN.! I p«rnianrnt Waving Reduced Prices fj I'ndir control of Mr. Martin, l» r »»fosseur de l'Academie des g 4
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    • 502 9 NOTICES. TRADE MARK NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Trade Mark depicted above COMbtißg of the word SUNSHINE is the property of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FISH CORPORATION having its principal place of busine.-o at Terminal Island, Califorato, Dsftod States of America and is u-td by them as a Trade Mark
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    • 720 9 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. I TENDERS. NOTICE is hereby gi*M that tenders are now invited for the following materials or services, and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained m the Tender Room, Municipal Offices Tender. l) ate of Closing. (1) Sale of certain plant at Gunong Pulai, such
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    • 597 9 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE of VALUABLE WAX POLISHED AND WHITE ENAMELLED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, ETC. The Property of the late Mr. O. A. F. Cornelius To be hi Id at No. 37 Barker Road. (off Bukit Tii-ah Road) On Saturday, Sept. 7th., at 2.30 p.m. Comprising: An excellent toned
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  • 22 10 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTH. PKUGTNIET. At It, Roa-i. Singa pore, on S.'ptrmb.T 1. to Mr. ami Mr*. K. A Friitftnift. :i son.
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  • 838 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1929. GOVERNMENT AND BIG BUSINESS. The statement made by the Honourable the Acting Colonial Treasurer m Legislative Council on Monday upon the subject of the Currency Guarantee Fund must have aroused satisfaction and gratification m Members and the public- who are interested m financial
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  • 134 10 Mr. Eric Macfadyen, a director of Harrisons and Crosfield, Ltd., is expected to pay a visit to Malaya this autumn, arriving early m October and remaining: for some six weeks. M.M. A special attraction at the Tanglin Club next Saturday night will be the appearance of *'Joe" Martin, the Singing
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  • 133 10 FIFTY HOUSES DESTROYED AT PASIR HITAM. Child Burnt to Death. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Sept. 3. Fifty attap houses were destroyed and the Customs and Chandu offices razed to the ground by a fire at the seacoast village of Pasir Hitam on Sunday. Residents on Taiping
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  • 52 10 Plant Buried Near Johan. (Freui Our Own Correspondent.) Ip«h. >ept. 3. Another serious landslide has OCCUrtud at a Chinese mine m the vicinity of the recent Johan mine disaster. The plant at the mine was buried but no deaths are reported. The Warden of Mines is holding
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  • 74 10 LATEST TIN AND RUBBfiK PRJCES. [TREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGH'I London. Sept. S, 4.10 p.m. Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Sonnotify to-day's tin prices as follows: Spot £204 1) 16 (down £1 1.3 16). Forward £208 9 16 (down £1 13 16). The market is easier. Messrs. Symington and Sinclair
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  • 239 10 VICTORIA THEATRE ORGAN. To the Editor. Sir, The general public do not want a theatre organ a small hand for concerts, theatrical performances etc.. is quite noisj enough; besides, organ recitals are out-of-date except m a few churches. The people likely to use a theatre organ
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  • 179 10 Some very excellent oil paintings by the Dutch artist. Frans Bakker. are being exhibited at the Dutch Club m Cairn Hill Road. The works, which are for sale, are of more than usual interest, because they are all landscapes of Java and Sumatra. What finer setting
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  • 41 10 A pruesome discovery was made m the gTounds of Raffles College a few days atfo, when a sack containing human remains was found. It has since been ascertained that the remains are those of a woman.
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  • 32 10 Those who have received notices reprardins: the proposed re-formation of the Philharmonic Society are reminded of the meeting m the Memorial Hall on Friday this week at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 17 10 We hear that Mr. H. Ashworth Hope is likely to revisii Malaya m the near future* T.O.M.
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  • 746 10 POWER STATION E \f.v EER'S DISMISSAL Claim for Damans Fails An allege*] violation of rri»l.ii James Power Station „n X o 1928 subsequent to the »hut-dow?!!£ }**> the town m darknes* :t n<! fh W that shut-down held by th, MunS? Upoß the affair, which provoked iotJSSS lie
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  • 27 10 Th-> following donation- had up to noon, SeptomJ>oi g0Already idowwledpj Teachers Malay GW»' St-hoo i. g Kampon? Baharu. Ku.. Leow Chia Henp Annamalay Chettynr.
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  • 31 10 0 it The following six If* entry of seven were Chamber of Comment' M '> rf P*"Chua Lim Quan (distinct..* tlP^ Lam, Loh John, On* Km K Yon* Eng Mon, Yongr l
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 160 10 REMEMBER when you have a guest is the best. Sole Acents i CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. < Incorporated under the Compavli*' Oniivnuccs liitirt Kong). (Incorporated m Shu i><jh<n) 90. Robinson Road. Telephone 6228. I S ck X X JL^I J Irx. ±T A J— J i M^ HAMS BACON I
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    • 137 10 (MERCEDES EUCLIDf g The Fully Automatic i CALCULATOR. I I H PA'IERSON, SIMONS CO., 1 LIMITED, 4 Prince Street, Singapore. 1! jf PHONE 2700. j§ fl a i j -7©34 liSt NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TENG SENG GUAN Established IMS. lei. No 2 115 Agents For T. K. X.'s Tyres, Tubes,
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    • 7 10 ABOUT BOOKS, BRIDGE, AND CHESS. —Page 6.
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  • 60 11 OIKKVS RESTAURANT DESTROYED. Cashier Dead. SERVICE* COPYRIGHT.] I'tmlon. Sept. 3. g Square was the scene of a large s morning, the Queen's Restau- ran t being completely destroyed. discovered at four o'clock. of the restaurant and his wife and daughter were rescued from the burnbut the cashier.
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  • 173 11 Atlantic Disasters Recalled. SERVICE.- COPYRIGHT London. Sept. a. the well-known High Court -day at the ag-e of 89. »rd M( r-cv, who was the son of a erchant, «ll called to the Bar •■■ame a Queen's Counsel thiri. For two years he sat as member for
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  • 59 11 Bird Breaks Strut on Schneider Plane. SS SERVH E. COPYRIGHT.] London. Sept. 3. Flying Officer Atcherley, one of the memthe British Schneider Trophy team. Rocket out for a practice flight if the course of which th? plane struck a bird. This is thought to have the
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  • 66 11 PKEBB SERVICE. COPYRIGHT. 1 London. Sept. 3. As remit of their provisional t's and the Anglo-Dutch Mareern will have a combined share I -ver £72.O00.(»0(>. [Reuter's Service.) London, Sept. 3. j/.u.i*X).oOo share capital is involved cnal agreement to secure close l^tween ,Lever Brothers and Margarine Union, thereby linking
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  • 27 11 [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, Sept. 2. ving have b«?en elected Vice-Pre-t the Assembly: Herr Stresemann, M. A<latchi. M. Lattik (EsthoUamsay Mac Donald and Mr. Chao
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  • 41 11 [British Radio Official Service.] Rugby, Sept. 2. Admiralty announces that the Govt hn< authorised the construction of oopi r,f the 1929 programme to be nng the forthcoming autumn, one m and one at another Royal dockvan]
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  • 108 11 1.000 Carat Jewel Found m Burma Mine. Rangoon, Aug. 19. ing of an immense sapphire of al size that no attempt can be ssesi its value is reported from 1 '*ebyin Mint- a few miles along the "Ut of Mogok m Upper Burma. to be 1.000 carats
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  • 75 11 tew to the Press the Rev. P. ln repudiates the newspaper inter--IMI we referred to m this column 2 w "»k. says the Malacca Guardian, m wai quoted as saying that mission '*'•>•■ to he abandoned by the Establishu«*h m North Perak owing to the kWHty of the climate for
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  • 140 11 AGA KHAN'S APPEAL TO AID MOSLEMS. Position Quiet Generally. [Reuter's Service.] H„ Ixmdon, Sept. 3. RhSJ?' d V Khan as Pre sident of the British Red Crescent Society, has issued an appeal to Moslems for funds for the relief of destitute Moslems m Palestine. London, Sept. 2. A
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  • 60 11 T.U.C. Turn Down Mr. Cook's Proposal. [Reuter's Servicje.] l.«»ndon. Sept. 3. The Trades Union Congress at Belfast to-day rejected a motion by the Miners' secretary, Mr. A. J. Cook, m favour oi* the appointment of committee to deal with the organisation of the principal industries
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  • 52 11 Commission Appointed. [Xanyo Xkhi-Xichi Service.] Tokio. Sept. 2. In view of the satisfactory progress of the Anglo-American negotiations on the naval disarmament question, the Admiralty has appointed a permanent commission to deal with matters concerning naval disarmament* Vice-Admiral Sakonji and Captain Komaki have been selected as
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  • 45 11 Injuries Prevent Her Flying Agaill> I Reuter's Service.] Cleveland Ohio. Sept. 3. Lady Heath, who was severely injured when her aeroplane crashed here on August 29, is now much improved but the doctors state she will never be able to fly a*rain.
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  • 44 11 [Reuters Service.] Washington. Sept. JL Mr. CoolidgC has received $100,000 fof his reminiscences published m the monthly periodicals since his retirement, compared with $75,000 annually as President. Mrs. Coolidge has also been handsomely paid m respect of a similar contribution.
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  • 24 11 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi. Service.] Tokio, Sept. 2. It is now surmised that this year's rice crop will exceed 62.000,000 koku (4.0629 bushels).
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  • 120 11 Good Turn-Out Yesterday. Under the command of the Commandant. S.S.V.F.. Lt.-Col. J. M. Mackenzie, the unit* of the Singapore Volunteer Force, numbering 486 men, paraded at headquarters last evening and headed by the band and drums of the Welch Regiment marched through the principal streets of Singapore.
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  • 126 11 Charge Against Lorry Driver. The driver of the motor lorry which collided with a fire engine m Grove Road some time back with the result that two firemen and a Chinese coolie were injured, was charged m the Police Courts yesterday with causing hurt by a rash
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  • 62 11 RECENT EXPEDITION TO FRANZ JOSEFLAND. Most Northerly Wireless Station. [Reuter's Service.] Moscow, Sept. 3. 1 he most northerly wireless and meteoroogical station m the world has been established at Tranquil Bay, Franz Josefland by a Soviet expedition aboard an ioe-breaker which has now returned to Russia. Buildings
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  • 269 11 Far East Enquiry Committee Leaves To-Day. [Reuter's Service.] Geneva, SePt. 3. The league of Nations Opium Inquiry Committee leaves to-morrow. The members of the Commission are: Monsieur E. E. Ekstrand, (Swedish Minister m Buenos Aires, Chairman). Monsieur Max Leo Gerard, (Directeur-General dv t'onds d'amortissement de la
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  • 116 11 Danger Threatening Large Area. [Reuter's Service.] Hyderabad, Sept. :i. Prodigious efforts by 100,000 workers are being devoted to strengthening vital points m the bund m preparation for th»- Bood which is expected to reach Sukkur to-night. The authorities have again warned all concerned to evacuate the district
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  • 96 11 (By arrangement with the Nanyang Siang Pau Press). Hong Kong, Sept. 2. Chang: Chui Chang and Chan Ming Shu on board the aeroplane Puh Yuh. led the Air Corps to Nanking this morning. Thousands of citizens saw their departure. Shanghai, Sept. .3. Russia is showing a lack
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  • 89 11 London, Aug. 16. The Labour Party's organ, the New Leader, has been running a competition to determine who are the world's greatest men and after consideration of numerous names submitted decides for Mr. Bernard Shaw, Mr. Gandhi, Prof. Einstein, Dr. Freud and Mr. Charles Chaplin. It is
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  • 145 11 M. N. M. E. T. Muthuraman Chettiar of Market Street, Singapore, answered a summons before the District Judge. Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, yesterday, it being alleged that he refused to maintain his son by a woman named Rukmany, whom he lived with for some yeans. Mr- Thuraisingham appeared for
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  • 399 11 ARRANGED FOR THE AUTUMN. The Naval Negotiations. [Reuter's Service.] %m r Geneva, Sept. 2. Mr. Mac Donald, interviewed to-day, said he hoped to go to the United States m the autumn, but was unable to say yet whether W f s possible view of Government's difficult
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  • 82 11 [Reuter'i Far Eastern Serri Nanking. Sept. 2. The loreimi Minister Mr. C T \Yun«, this evening iviterate<l that the alle^'<l niodihcations nia«ie by th»- Soviet to tht- joint Sino-Russian declarati-' i h.ui not u'toi\<<i the approval of the Nationalist (Jovernment. The report that the manager and assistant manager
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  • 30 11 [PBBI PRESS SKUVK'E. COPYRIGHT.] London, Sept. 3. An international telephone director^*, which contains the names and numbers of telephone subscribers m 27 different countries, has been published.
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  • 244 11 European Killed By Falling Tree. The very tragic death occurred on Aug. 18, says the Malay Mail, at Pelindong Beach, half way between Kuantan and Beserah, of a young European, Mr. T. Rogers. Mr. Rogers was the second engineer on the Government dredge stationed at Kuantan. He
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  • 73 11 Mr. Justice McCabe Reay has compiled a digest of reported cases m the F.M.S. law courts during the period 1897—1925. which has just been issued from the F.M.S. Government Press, Kuala Lumpur. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Maude Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Palmer
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 246 11 H <^ .'■^■'":K<w 'Wuei^H«a"«'^a^w?Brm.«' I REPLENISH YOUR I CUTLERY AT I I ROBINSON'S SALE! I FORKS I 1 Stainless Nickel Highest Grade Heavy Weight Rust- Resisting and Stainless. No. S. J. 20—225 Dozen SALE VA Zf\ PER DESSERT FORKS PRICE s>^.^V i>u/.. No. S. J. 21—150 Dozen SALE ff£ aa
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  • 1455 12 BREMEN AND HER RIVALS. The Fight for the Blue Riband. On Monday last, writes Mr. Hector C. By water m The Observer m mail week, at 3.2 p.m. eastern standard time (8.2 p.m. British summer time) the North German Lloyd liner Bremen reached the Ambrose Channel Lightship
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  • 431 12 Lord Thomson's Dream. Ldce^ter. Lord T^vom*on. Secretary for Air, speaking at the inaugural luncheon of the Leicestershire Aerial Club, iiajd that he regarded as one of the principal functions of his office th« development of civil aviation. What he dreamt of was the putting of our aerial
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  • 174 12 Silver Rods and OlluloiJ Daggers Fail. How would you mark a codfish so that after it has been returned to the sea it can be identified if it is caupht a year later? To track the migration of fish m the •ea is an important part of
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  • 475 12 HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE PROSPECTS. Tommy Loughran Ready. There are only thrve other hf-avyweighU, beside myself, who are rated among the top contenders for the championship Gene Tunney left u& to tight for, writes Tommy Loughran, the liarht- heavyweight champion of the World for the Free Press and the N.A.A.N- They
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  • 263 12 Kill off Puchong Road. Motorists using the Puchong Road had :been heard to say, say* Saturdays Malay Mail, that on many a dark night an animal had cro*ss«»d the road *ome distance ahead of their headlights, and growls had been audible on the car parsing the
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  • 188 12 I Lord Lou^h borough Killed. r, liondon, Aug:. 5. Une of the most famous gamblers m Lon- don. Lord Louphboroujfh. died this morninfrom injuries received m a fall from the fourth floor of a house m Holland road, Kensington, last night. It was a UO
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  • 46 12 A Moth seaplane and its owner are at; Port Swettenhf»m just now and passenger flifirhts can be made by those interested, says the Malay Mail. Mr. Phillips, the pilot, recently arrived by air from Sumatra and is staying with Mr. E. N. W. Oliver at Pendamaran.
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  • 391 12 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS The Premier Morning Daily mi n U a live "news" paper— 30-40 rohan* < >v daily. Also the best Mediu r V f in*. Delivered with th, 1 f j lv <ttiiu morning. Latest Tel<g lai UtSli?? and Latest Announcement- ,w Cables, Rubber and Tit; 1
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 294 12 C /*BF t a IaY CI» D <> n Tne mAwA*^*^ antiseptic vapours liberated by Evans' jftPV^^^'W Wf Pastilles quickly kill the germs that lurk m the /fl^f obscure byeways of the nose, throat and cheat, n V iA\w soothing the affected parts Doctors strongly II I i recommend them.
      294 words
    • 180 12 Jf S* i. _A-~ BEAUTIFUL RATTAN CHICKS AND BERTAM PANELS. Ideal for Bungalows ami Clubs Superior quality hard wear. chicks promptly repaired. For quotation write to MOHD. BIN HOOSAINSAH, 66. ROBINSON ROAD. Phone No. 2454. MASSAGE HALL Km, Ilaru and Mlm liana. SPECIALISTS m MANICUH AM) TACT, AND BOOT MA9BA
      180 words

  • 2241 13 DISCOMFORT ALONG THE ROUTE. A Passenger's Criticisms. wrftJ: aSSen cr n° n the Indian air mail The attractions of the air routo, are unoubted. For anyone who dislikes the tedium the »et voyag, and fcefa^ confined on oai(l ship tor fourteen days, it is a tre--cndous advance
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  • 182 13 The following novels have l>een added to .Raffles Library during the past fortnight: Baker (Amy J.) Eve De Luxe. Bo wen (Marjorie) Dickon. Brand (Max.) The Gun Tamer. Channon (E.M) The Chimney Murder. Chesterton (GK.) The Poet and the Lunatic. 2 copies. Christie (May) Eager Love. Cross (Victoria)
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  • 200 13 Purposes of New $8,250,000 Loan. Repayment of Government loans amount- j ing to $6,135,000 is the destination of the j greater part of the loan of $8,250,000 to 1 the Penang Municipal Commissioners approved at Monday's meeting of Legislative Council. Of the remaining: $2,115,000 water extensions will cost
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  • 25 13 (By arrangement with the Nanyang Siangr Pau Press.] Honir Kong. Sept- 2. The Canton Municipal Bank issued on« Trillion promissory notes yesterday.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 294 13 l&llcnburgs Foods ticularly suited to the of infants m hot Pheyare free from lul germ* and are E prepared by the iaoaition of boiling only, thus giving E independence of S tful milk supplies. B N 1 \ii!k Food No. 2 IMahed I\,>J R B V' bury*' Food* imported c
      294 words
    • 48 13 181 i BBSBaSv^k^SSSSfI Kn~^^Kjs^Bl B^^BBb^f^V' 1 1 I fQ v^^v^. I I Ibß^^^B^B bT <^^^* z^ t^' oo^»^-CTC*»^ N A^vSr CUT .CIGARETTES TIPPED WITH CORK OF PURE NATURAL CPOWTH I Having friends to-night? 1 «A i^?\- tKeix Ki^ £\i serve up X my real *Ttl?4r I WflCr soups 1
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 804 14 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES. LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre). Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Dae Singapore. t ANTENOR For Marseilles, Casablanca, L'don,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 679 15 O. S. K. Line. I^stination*. TewJe| ArrWe I Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp via Colombo, Aden. Sue and Tort Said. Arrar.on Muru Sept. 15 Sept. 16 parban P. KHza^th, Capo Town, Rio v Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo BvelKM Aires. ,i; um!-tht- World paKsase £190.] f Hawaii Maru Sept. 13 Sept. 15 v
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    • 666 15 K. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA). (Incorporated m Holland.) (0) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT, Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connections to: Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representatives m the Straits Settlements (Singapore and Penang) 3 1 of the OFFICIAL
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 577 16 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia) (0) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins
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    • 144 16 BUM LINK. LONDON ADDRESS: 22 PALL MALL, LONDON, SwW.l. of fast twin-screw Oil Driven Mail Passenger Vessels between RANGOON, COLOMBO, MARSEILLES PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. with through connection from Singapore and Penang. HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Steamer. Leave Rangoon. 1929. OXFORDSHIRE OcL 31 STAFFORDSHIRE Nov. 14 GLOUCESTERSHIRE Nov. 21 LANCASHIRE Nov. 28 CHESHIRE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 652 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6
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    • 857 16 SHIPPING NOTES. The small motor ship, Bintan, 87 tons net, flying the British flag, was sold to the Ho Hong Steamship Company, Ltd., of Singapore, a week ago, says the Malacca Guardian. COLLISION OFF THE TAGUS. The Delta and City of Khios to Blame. Judgment was delivered m mail week
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  • 896 17 BLEAK FIRST DAY OF LONG CRUISE. A Cheerless Start. c; n i London, Aug. 1. Sir Douglas Mawson's ship, the Discovery, was given anything but a typical Australian farewell as it put out this morning on the first stage of its voyage to the South i ole. Indeed,
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  • 28 17 The Hon. Mr. T. Prakasom, Member of the Indian Legislative Assembly, who has been touring Malaya since May last, has left for Bangkok on a tour of Siam.
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  • 926 17 BACK TO THE NATURAL WICKETS. Speeding Up. The final month of the cricket s-ason d™ 8 to be -J- ana ,uU of Tn2 dent as any within recent meinory t wrote Lo rOW Not 0 fo the DaUy EXprCSS three wj£ ago Not for many years has the
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  • 90 17 Berlin, July 26Great Britain was 'Germany's best customer during the first quarter of the current year. Germany's total export of wares amounted to £153,100,000, or £1,300,000 more than m the previous quarter, whilst the share taken by Great Britain increased by £600,000 to £14,850,000. (German imports
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 210 17 JllL It's the Blood that Haiis JJL counts— ;f EGlsUw enrich it with r^fc^g Hall's Wine mj£ You can't expect to be healthy if your blood is m \\^go poor condition. Weakness. depression, nerviness, lack of appetite, are sure signs that your -blood needs a tonic— that you need Hall's
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    • 271 17 wherever society meets IM/*3&?* an^ to the ma pic jl M^ tunes and melody of ffi'iwx ±$k nu)^^ rn niusic, the band /frfii&S- «f 1S llsnl ONN fnstruConns are today the JJSf&ffifMr world's largest manufacturers because fifty"S^^K^Hk^ r^ rcc years' experience ym/U^r as tau ght them to produce instruments which
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  • 2010 18 IMPROVEMENTS IN SINGAPORE. The Problem of Congestion. Tt does net appear ti tc necessary to go into the reasons for th« choice of the site for the city of Singapore hut the nature of tho site hat? from the beginning influenced the growth of the town, and is
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  • 56 18 SIAMESE SCOUTS TO STUDY IN JAPAN. [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service]. Tokio, Sept. 1. The fifteen Siamese Boy Scouts who visited Japan recently are stated to have decided to come to Japan next spring to study m Japanese schools. A return visit of twenty Japanese Boy Scouts, headed by Viscount Mishima, to
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 329 18 I You Buy Economy and Long Life m a Kermath When you buy a Kermath you buy economical operation, endurance to Sixteentime' withstand the most trying conditried models tions, and unequalled pulling pow er. to fit any Kermath Marine Engines 1 to 6 type of boat. cylinders, 3to 200 h.p.
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    • 284 18 I YOU WANT IT j WE HAVE IT I t I DELCO-REMY equipment for your car. T I I I BORNEO MOTORS, L TD A J Glorious White Teeth Are Dull Teeth Freed of Dingy Film science restores dull teeth teeth and you can feel that film Jl to dazzling
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  • 141 19 MACPH AIL'S SHARE LIST. Yesterday's Alteration*. Sept. 3rd., 'losing lTice. Buyers Sellers. Batu Caves 1.55% l.« 0 Hitams 1.02 1.06 Hong YntUi 81 Ms 85 ex. Johan Tin 35 36% Kinta Tin Dred. 1.77% 1.81% LulutTins 1.87% 1.9.") Malayan Con. 53% iltt North Taipin* 82 87% Penawats 1.03 1.06 Rantau
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  • 916 19 FRASER CO. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. I TUESDAY, SEIT. 3rd. A v Buyers Sellers. Asam Kunibang ;j8s fid 39s (»d Ayor HiUm (5s) 13 S 6 d 14s 6d Bangrrm Til 86s }7s Batang Padang ($1) 35 40 Batu Caves ($1) I.55 L60 Bukit Aran^ ($1) 1>5 5 16i Burmah
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  • 62 19 September 3. Bank 4 m.s. 2|B 27|3Z Rank demand 2|S 23|32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2|4 3|B New York, demand &6 15|16 Credits 90 days 57% France, demand 1431 India, T.T. 154^ Hong Kong, demand 13 14 Yokohama, demand 11H% Java, demand 139% Bangkok, demand 7<j%; Par Silver London
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  • 191 19 The following is the directors* report of IfcAUiter and Company to be submitted at the annual meeting at the offices of Messrs McAlister and Co. at Gresham House. Batttry Koud on Sept. 11th at noon. The amount at the credit of Profit and Uwi Account for the
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  • 239 19 The following statement of quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya during August, is forwarded by the Registrar of Imports and Exports. Net Increase 161,272 tons. Declared value $298,671,000; against $205,102,000. The above figures represent the totals compiled from declarations received up to the last day
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  • 109 19 Share Market Conditions. I FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] London. Sept. Z. The rubber share market closed after an uninteresting day, business being small. London rubber stocks, according to expevtations. increased to 35,60.') tons, while stocks at Liverpool advanced to 7#MO tons. The aggregate expansion during the
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  • 69 19 [FSn skkvick. COPYEIQHT.I I^ondcn. Sept. f. An extraordinary meeting of the British Aimriian TokMM Company Ltd«, EanctiOMi the increase of the Company's capital to i' 36,000,000 by the creation of 6,000,000 6 per cent. Second Preference i'l shares. Sir Hii*ro Cunliffe Owen, who presided, stated
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  • 214 19 Singapore, Sept. 3. Rubber. I*>ndon lO'^d. Unchanged. Prices at 4 p.m.: Spot 33, September 88%, October 34 4 Oct. -Dec. 3.V 4 Jan.-MarcK 86 j|. Easier. Tin.— London £210 ss. 40s down. Mining.— Dull. Sunfcei Ways 8*57)6 3.6.% Kuehais 1.53 1.56, Kinta Dredjres 1.76
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  • 77 19 I Ths Directors of Eastern United Assurance will recommend to shareholders at the forthcoming annual jpimeral meeting payment of a final dividend of 5 per cent and a bonus of 5 per cent m respect of the year ended 30th June 1929. It will also be recommended
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 361 19 ASSETS OVER »500.M0 ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER 58.00,,00. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester Houae, Singapore. LONDON avvirv- 97 am t U, Ccnpan, ha, KO.MO depraited gupteme E^^lZ tS W. Assurance Companies Act ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF ASSim^r. AGENTS WANTED. Secretary Managing Director
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    • 354 19 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hong Kong). HRAD OFFICR: HONG KONG. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund Sterling 6,000,000 Silver $14,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS: N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. W. H. Bell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Hon: Mr.
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    • 333 19 BANKING. MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated m England). Capital £3 f oto,oo© Subscribed 1,800,000 Paid-up 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 1,612,046 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M. Ryrie, Esq., Chairman. P. R. Chalmers Esq. Charles J. Hambro Esq. J. O. Robinson, Es,q. W. H. Shelf©rd, Esq. Sir Thomas Catto, Bart.
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    • 41 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) i| FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. 1 Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 245 19 PRODUCE. September 3. Tin 300 Tons $105 7 Gambier g Pepper White 104 Pepper Black 54 Flake Tapioca 5.75 Pearl Sago Small 6.75 Rice, Anam No. 2 260 Copra Sundried 9.G0 Rice Liane Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 8.30 Rice, Siam old No. I. 830 Rice, Rangoon Pintan 260
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  • 1648 20 There were two outstanding features about Saturday's Malaya Cup final between Singapore and Selangor which contributed more than any others to the fact that for the second year m succession, under identically similar circumstances, the Cup had to be shared. They were the failure of Chee Lim to
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  • 400 20 THE CHINESE DEFEAT SELETAR. A Poor Game. S.CF.A 4; Seletar 1. A very poor game was witnessed at the Stadium yesterday afternoon when Seletar met the S.CF.A. m the First Division of the League. Both sides were very weak m front of goal and there were constant long periods
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  • 291 20 THE S.C.C. AUTUMN TOURNAMENT. Yesterday's Results. Results m the SC.C. lawn tennis tournament yesterday were as follow: A. Singles. G. R. More scr. beat Roy Smith owe 15. 3—6, 6—2, 6—4. R. E. Prentis plus 3 beat R. M. Duff scr 6—4, 2—6, 6—4. B. Singles. L. J.
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  • 365 20 Betsy Wins the Cardosa Trophy. In really ideal sailing weather Sunday s;iw six boats of the "B" Class drop thoh anchors and lower their sails m preparation for the final race for the Cardosa Trophy. On the tiring of the starting gun the Punai, spreading her wings, literally
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  • 96 20 On the S.C.R.C ground on Sunday the S.C.R.C. lost to the S.R.C. by 206 runs. Good bowling by Leijssius, who captured six wickets for 17 runs, was chiefly responsible for the dismissal of the home side for 66. The S.R.C. took 2% hours to score their 272, 48 of
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  • 55 20 The following was the result of the Eclectic competition held during August: Major E. J. B. Buchanan 29 7 22 Mr. E. A. Brown 33 9 24 Capt. B. U. S. Cripps 29 5 24 In the play off for the Ladies' August medal Mrs. Buchanan beat
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  • 50 20 Entries for St. Joseph's Old Boy's Sports close on the 7th inst. The Heats commence on the 9th inst. and continue on the 10th and 11th inst. at 5 p.m. on the school ground. The sports will be held at the Stadium on Saturday 21st inst. at 2.30 p m
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  • 141 20 GOOD WINS FOR OLDHAM AND SPURS. Bury Beaten at Blackpool. [Router's Service.] London, Sept. 2. Results m English League football matches played to-day were as follow: DIVISION I. Burnley 1, Everton 1. Leicester 4, Manchester U. 1. The Wednesday 1, Bolton 0 DIVISION 11. Blackpool 2, Bury 1.
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  • 648 20 Yesterday's Work on the Course. Although most of the horses have done their final gallops and nothing very last was to be expected, there was quite a largeattendance at the Course yesterday morning the fact that the up-country horses were working adding to the interest. The inside track
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  • 65 20 The open tournament which has been proceeding recently will be brought to a close to-morrow when the only remaining match —the final m the Men's Open Doubles between the Rev. Aitken and S. Abed and Wise and Wiseman will be played. The Club will be at
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  • 44 20 YM.C.A. Members interested m hockey are requested to be present at the Y.M-C.A. cround for practice games at 5 p.m. every Monday and Thursday during September. It is hoped that beginners will turn up as well as those who have already had some experience.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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