The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 May 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press I„ TENTS. SINGAPORE, SS. SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1929. NO. 12,721
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  • 232 1 Addressing a meeting m London Mr. Baldwin defended the Government's "white-paper" reply to Mr. Lloyd George's unemployment scheme Page 11. With two engines out of order, the Graf Zeppelin has turned back to Germany Page 11. Among many heroic stories m connection with the terrible Cleveland Hospital
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  • 979 1 Qaicf[nid agunt homines nostri est farrago liibelli Juvenal. The Topicist was not the only one who pointed out to the Night Sub-Ed. that his jfforts to improve on the Derby conditions were too revolutionary. One of the many rorrespondents who helped suggested that Felstead, besides having
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 310 1 WING LOONG. THK RECOGNISED HOUSE for ■.fTROPEAN TROPICAL SUITS. h 32, HIGH STREET. Raffles Hotel! ♦> SATURDAY, MAY 18th. RACE DINNER AND DANCE SATURDAY. MAY 25th. V t GRAND FANCY DRESS DINNER f I AND CARNIVAL tin in aid of Earl Haij? Memorial Fund. <^> f Dancinjr Till 2 a.m.
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    • 348 1 5' 7 T^^^J W SAfJAmmm a— I f3r^MmmY^^mWMy,,mjM I /]fe///r I |i--"te^:. Cockroaches I 4 f^ M Q Freedom from cockroaches! V .rf J 1 Now Wipe out these beastly I 4 \m4r\o pests A Lotol Spray will clear I v»'"' I c ouse at onc e. No cock- I
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    • 96 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A few "That's" by Dunlop -Page 2(1. New H.M. records at Moutrie's Page 20. Alhamura cinema new programme Page 2. Kaai's Music Hush- motor car given away Page 18. Fiat Model 520 is a l al joy to the owner driver Page H. The Century Six Hupmobile comcines
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG. FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Style, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32, HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 222 1 THE WEEK. Sat r<l a i/. \*th. High Water, IJ a.m.. 7.1, 7.51 p.m.. 7.:?. Singapore Rate-. Football: S.R.C. vs. R.E. Div. II Stadium. Cricket; s.c.c. rs. Xeyri Sembilan; B.C.C. 2nd XI rs. Malacca at Malacca, V.M.C.A. vs. S.C.C. Banvard Co., Theatre, Gat< Crashes. SaNdey, lata, High Water, 7.M a.m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 WATCH FOR I VAMPING I VENUS J I An Hilarious Comedy I with I CHARLIE MURRAY f First National Special a fegtjh^a^toiiggjsjgigjgjgjgpig^^ I KAAI'S MUSIC RUSH A MOTOR CAR GIVEN AWAY FREE. I 9 you fecl^^ 9 stopped up witrT^B W^ cold or have a per-^B 9m sistent cough or
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    • 352 2 ALHAMBRA^ •bm CMmm *»m* Co, LM, PimmMmw, To-lHgat. Saturday. ISA.— The Resc\ie-^L ast Ni Special Programme Commencing Sunday. May l»th. for an indefi„i, In ike Second Show at p m Douglas Fairbanks The Screen's Mojft Romantic Fi_rure r m the World's s "The Iron Masb A Magnificent Story A Fearless
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 614 2 CHURCH SERVICES. ST ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. WHITSUNDAY. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. (choral) Holy Communion and Sermon. a.m. Matin- and ■«•> COBBaMialoa, 4 p.m. The Catechism. 6.30 p.m. (B6aral) Evensong and Sermon. Monday, Wedne^.lay. and Eriday at X a.m. Holy Coauaanlon. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a.m. Holy
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  • 899 3 DOUG'S MEDIEVAL "HISTORY." His D'Artagnan Role. [By Our Film Correspondent.] Douglas Fairbanks' history m the role of the romantic cavalier of the Middle Ages, D'Artagman, created by the French dramatist Alexandre Dumas, is as interesting as the role itself. For the third time now he has portrayed
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  • 316 3 British Explorers' Data Use 4 to Make Fortunes. News has reached London that mor* than £1,000,000 worth of whale oil has just been brought from the Ross Sea by three Norwegian whaling ships after only three months' work. No British ships have taken part m any
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  • 96 3 Eugene Geraut Butler, of The Matchbox. Kingsgate, Thanet, who appeared for his adjourned public examination at Canterbury Bankruptcy Court, said he had been a music composer, and had made only £50 m the last three years. According to Mr. J. L. Poland, official receiver, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 frTCTRiciTY [Consumers of Electricity 1 j connected to Municipal mains I I m ay now obtain the following I I electrical apparatus on hire 1 Large Cookers $2.50 per month I Small *2-M I Bath Water Heaters $2.00 1 I Ceiling Fans $1.50 1 I I j Above rates include
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    • 174 3 ■BBHB^H^^^_^_B_B_^_BB£_^_^_^_d^B^_&a^^_S9_BßEflßtlt- BBflßßßflßßß^_^_^ •<&%&&@?9 BBBBE 3l I \^***^MMMr mm^m^m\ THERE S nothing like leather for belts f^^Kfx; 5 \^l|fi^ I '^^S^P Bfl) X/ AND NO BELTS LIKE TUI.LIS LEATHER BELTS il ---ftlm _ft@Bi; lfii;iilii^i^B FOR PLIABILITY, FIRMNESS, DURABILITY, j _^_^L ?^*saf_k BB^3 '*JBkj_E£__HflflJ __k I B^ *»?^j^^Bm ®|BlSliiS_^^^l MAXIMUM STRENGTH AND
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  • 312 4 Police m Favour. "In the Metropolitan Police District, traffic duties of one kind or another absorb the time of about 1,300 men, the total cost being t'420,000 a year." This statement was made by Mr. A. L. Dixon, an assistant secretary at the Home Office, giving
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  • 58 4 The following is the Government Hill Station return for the seven days ending midnight on Saturday, May 11th. Penang Hill (2,100 feet), average mean shade temperature 73.59 (deg. F.), total evaporation .337 inch, total rainfall .668 inch. Taiping Hill (3,500 feet), average mean shade temperature 72.48 (deg.
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  • 893 4 SMALL PARTS WHICH WORK ASSIDUOUSLY. Forgotten Until They Strike. BY THE HON. MRS. VICTOR BRUCE [Special to the Free Press.] I suppose there is no part of the car which puts m more solid, hard work than the sparking plugs. Insignificant and unobtrusive unless you unwarily touch
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  • 76 4 London, April 24. Passing sentence of nine months m the Second Division, the Recorder at the Old Bailey de'seribed "Colonel" Barker as an unprincipled, mendacious and unscrupulous adventuress, who profaned the house of God, outraged the decencies of Nature, and broke the laws of man. She
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  • 434 4 Burglars Who Drive to Work. The ordinary professional man of 1929 still goes to his work m the same manner as he has done for years— by train, tube or omnibus. Sometimes he is sufficiently affluent to tfo to and from his office m his own
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  • 277 4 To Take Convalescent King. The rapidity of King George *a recovery from his serious illness is well indicated by I the purchase of threv new motor cars for the Royal Household, the tirst which have 1 been bought for live years. i On" is a grey saloon. The
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  • 449 4 Big Drop m Revenue. A further dee i in,- m the vi ways, both foi passi ng< is disclosed m the ret were issued iv.. r ,tl> v. Mir .Transport. Although the >nly a "preliminary^ statement ment later i> lik«-h i trans! i meesage of ci xeipts
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 i l/f/IT/IDfCTC f Here's What You Have I MLf 1 %Ji\lmD 1O Been Looking For I I THE TROUHLE /FREE PAIR Hi LIT 3> Ur -SrAm BmIBX^BBI Pi m\\ Art mW^^//'mmm\ 1-24 -TT ir» I _flflß BB— -xJr v^zmmmW bHHbb\ m-l mm Am U I I wmm9l "9 mwfmmi %m\
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    • 49 4 TAIPEKE® iMHULEIft ffiEASffiK©? I Accuracy Strength The Acme of Scientific Construction H Malayan Motors, Limited. 14*20, Orchard Road, Singapore. I Represented Throughtmt tk* F.M.S. by J-fsssn It .li I IB B B B B B B B v B B BBfllßßßßßlli|||| k KAAFS MUSIC RUSH A MOTOR CAR GlVl»
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  • 997 5 LARGEST FIGURES EVER REACHED. 8,000 Cars a Day! DETROIT, MICH., April 6: The story of the automobile industry under present conditions of business and industrial activityis one of volume production. The totals reached m March by the various plants have just been made public, and they are said
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  • 269 5 Success of British Engine- J Cewee, April 14. Tht* possibilities ot* cheap hiirh speed Bri-tish-made outboard motor boats, which are Decoming increasingly popular at watering placesi wcii' demonstrated here on Saturday. Important tests were made ol the new un«l smallest class of boat of this type fitted
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  • 130 5 The Survey Department of the F.M.S. andj S.S. are once more to be heartily congra-| tulated on a very admirable production, their new effort being a 12 miles to an inch Motoring Map of Malaya, says the Malay Mail. The map, which shows hotels, rest houses,
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  • 79 5 London, April 11. The Riga correspondent of The Times states that the Soviet official Press has become almost lyrical over the, new campaign to .restore competition and keenness among Soviet worker* who have been slacking and drinking. Their lives have baceaat dull, as they miss the old
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  • 267 5 Friend's Warning Ft jected. Comic, tragic, extravagant scenes m the lift of Isadora Duncan, the famous dancer. sre described m "Isadora Duncan's RttS- sian Days'' (Victor Gollancz. 155.), h\ Irma Duncan (her sister) an 1 Allan Ross Macdougall, fl book which is a pendant to Isadora's
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  • 189 5 New Policy Recommended. Committee for 1928 suggests that taste London. April 13. The report of the Overseas Settlement should be further discussion on the possibilities not only of land settlement m the Dominions but of more extensive openings for industrial workers, especially m Canada. "It would he useful,"
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  • 35 5 The New York Metropolitan Museum of Ait will receive more than £3,400,000 asa residuary legatee under the will of Mr. Frank A. Munsey. the millionaire newspaper proprietor, who died *i December 1925
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  • 198 5 Britain's Schneider Cup Race Hopes. The British Schneider Trophy team has' been transferred from Felix, towe to Calshot (Southampton Water) to enter on the final stages of their training. For the first two months the pilots will continue flying the older type of highspeed Super-marine- Napier
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  • 152 5 Escape of Germans m Suez Canal. Berlin. April 10. Details have reached here of the dramatic escape of a number >f Germans who were serving m the French Foreign Legion and who were passing I through the Suez Canal from Algiers en route to Indo-China m a
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  • 193 5 Motorists who are strangers to London frequently complain of the inadequacy of the sign-posts which denote one-way streets. At first it was stated that the signs erected on posts were only temporary, and that they would later be replaced by permanent signs. The Ministry of Transport erected
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 185 5 ®©®®®®®®®®®©®®®®®<f>®®®®®®! ar \*\r\mS Wmm km -.aa BflV -bbb! m\m9^^^^ w\YwT^r f»» I I ALL-BRITISH 1 I »TROUBLE-FREE" CARS| Smart Roomy Comfortable I and I ECONOMICAL TO RUN. d <§ I B. one under our LEAVE SCHEME whereby you have the .gg of the car during your entire leave. g on
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    • 120 5 Smooth, 'Pleasureful lading Assured m HUPMOBILE'S NEW 1929 CENTURY SIX "Six of the Century" combines W beauty of design with silent power >j^ >J and uninterrupted riding ease. Look t^J^^ at its heavy, balanced crank-shaft, coupled S with a vibration damper. That's why perW rnw r formance is so smooth.
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  • 4412 6 REMINISCENCES OF T. P. O'CONNOR. A Semi Alliance with the Tories. Irish Campaign m England A Confusion of Parties bradlaugh takes the Oath. (World Copyright Reserved.) Meantime I entered upon <-ur Campaign one of the strangest achiin evements of my life. It (ireat Britain, was
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  • 84 6 "7 Jhv M 0" Death Due to ShoA Caused Accident. At the inquest on the W* Powis (a noted hostesf JurJ King Edward VII. aho JJ» xUth J motor car skidded and other car near Teflrcester, from shock was retaraed. jrfaaljj The Coroner exonerated f
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  • 1024 6  -  CHARLIE PARKER INCIDENT WHICH LED TO MY INCLUSION IN THE GLOUCESTKRspV t "W.G." LENDS A HAND. By (Gloucestershire.) [Special to the Free Press.] It was a series of little happenings and a lot of luck that brought me my place m the famous
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  • 495 7 The Workmen's Compensation Bill. From the minutes of a committee meeting of the Malacca Branch S.S. A. held at the Malacca Club, on May 10th. we take the following: Copy of a letter dated April 26th, from the Penang Association to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary criticising
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  • 362 7 Independent Enquiry Advocated. In the course of his remarks as Chairman of the Planters' AaaociatiOß of Malaya annual meeting at Kuala I umpur on Wednesday. Mr. Grabara made the following remarks regareling the Rubber Research Institute: This Institute is financed by the varie>us Government >f
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  • 392 7 Four Horses Involved. Bombay, April 29. Considerable interest, especially among racing folk, has been aroused by the civil suit filed m Poona by the Akkasaheb Maharaj of Kolhapur against Byramji Rustomji, the late trainer for the Maharaja of Kolhapur and the Akkasaheb, for recovery of Rs.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 408 7 Greater Comfort mm m%m7*m torn %x'm^i -r _By -'^a I a _r aa. x>>\ 3 Improved Kotex is thoroughly comfortable cool and light rpHF improvements m Kotex itself. No awkward bulkincss J. took rears ro perfect. One to mar the straight smooth lines shaping of the pad that fashion dictates.
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    • 83 7 11 if- BI l^y W _5^ J^~ W Wt v JL .----L^TBBB-* fl J-L TIPPED WITH CORK OF PURE NATURAL GROWTH 1 THE NEW BKTTISH BEER j Specially Brewed For The Tropics S Ask For CHOP KBPALA f 4^ \nupA I LIGHT SK 'Am COOL 1 \\^_^-\V lfr) mmi V^^A
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  • 676 8 Plans for Reducing Transatlantic Journey. Mr. P. W. Chapman, the Chicago an J New York banker who recently purchased the IpassciKCi- ships of the otatos Linjj, anc- who ii under contract vvith the Government to build two morj .na~r.i.ic?;u passenvessels for Caro.^ui tindDi is aorkiag
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    • 23 8 [Xanyo Nichi-Xichi Service.] Tokio, May l.">. Mr. Kenkichi Kagaini has been electee 1 President of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha.
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    • 33 8 The Home Office has announced that the recent investigation by the expert m Osaka, where a death from plague occurred show* there is no sign of the infection spreading.
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    • 25 8 Lt. Commander. X. Fujiyoshi has bflaa chosen among naval officers to cross the Pacific as a passenger of the Graf Zeppelin.
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    • 41 8 The plan for erecting on the Osaka water front the largest wrestling area m the Empire, capable of accommodating forty thousand onlookers at one time, is taking definite shape m the hands of the Japan $umo (Wrestling) Association.
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    • 63 8 A certain firm m Oslo, Norway, has recently ordered tea to a certain extent from the Japan Central Tea Traders' Association as trial, and at the same time the firm applied to the association to sell Japanese green tea on the consignment basis. If this trial
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    • 18 8 Mr. R. M. Robertson, manager. Ascot Estate, Ltd., Port Dickson, is seriously ill m the Seremban Hospital. Ex.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1454 8 gapaMfl mr s^^a^m^a**^ I afljßflM*'- ____l__^? ii '3^4aflfc -> kat _k ~i*^SL3___ flß__n aa_____ "mwrnommm*' mCSf** »^C_5 ?^_B_v __MH~— *l 4_____k. -^.-^^^m:'^^/^^- LIGHT 6 CYLINDER V^ >'■** 3SJV *_B____ _T BJr #/r J7^s~ 17 H.P. RAC. RATING. i____b* tU TftV "rt y mmm mmm*. _f M Uft. n_t% t=t u3_
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    • 429 8 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. The Municipal Commissioner* hereby give notice that the following schedule of revised rates of charge for supply of electric 1 energy per 8.0. T. Unit by meter will be <•.".• tivc from; Bad .■Blading May. lata, account censomp-j tions: A. LIGHTING AND FANS pt r unit 1.
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    • 298 8 SIMPU BACKACHE r »fTEM DANGERQU Short, sharp stal. i„, p tii) when you rifle from M straighten Ihe body ;t t,,! l k are sure riirai af UaaJ^ 11 trouble. theq« lck< *S Ing chronic rrackaclio n S* or Rheumatic ;i i,. N, S| with the worM.fatnotu m?***** remeily— lVWnfs
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  • 129 9 HEROIC TELEPHONE GIRL. "Additional Deaths Hourly^ [Reuter's Service.] Cleveland, May 16. Poison-gas acting on the blood of last night's victims has beem responsible for additional deaths hourly. Hitherto 125 persons have died. A most stringent investigation is proceeding. Outstanding among many heroic attempts at rescue at the
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  • 95 9 [Reuter's Service.] Ixmdon. May 16. Reuter learns that the first practical step towards preparing for the next Imperial Conference has been taken by summoning, the representatives to meet m London m October to consider legal questions concerning the operation of Dominions legislation. These include the question of
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  • 78 9 [Reuter's Service.] Washington. May 16. Mr. Qt.Bßßoa has announced that ao aaflVer at the Federal Reserve Board, or any other •tficials, will be |iermitted to seive m the International Bank planned hy the conference of reparations experts at Paris. He declared .the United States Government viewed
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  • 57 9 (British Radio— Official Service.] Rugby, May fl. Another batch of 2K constituencies registered their new electorates at Somerset House to-da>, bringing the total number of constituencies for which returns have been received to 4U2. with an aggregate electoiate of 19,71 1..">22, of which women voters,
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  • 68 9 UNCONSTITUTIONAL [Reuter's Service.] Baton Rouge, Ixtuisiana. May 17. The Senate court of impeachment has abandoned the trial of Governor Ixmg on charges of misuse of State funds, bribery etc., owing to Ixmg's political supporters inducing a sufficient number of citizens to sign a statement declaring they would vote for his
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  • 57 9 [Reuter's Service.] Berlin, May 17. The Minister of Finance announces that at present only 300,000,000 marks of the domestic loan will be offered to public subscription. They will be issued at 99 with interest of 7 per cent unredeemable for five years after which ten per cent
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  • 38 9 [Reuter's Service.] 1 Athens. May 16. Kx-Piesident Pangalos and ex-Ministers Vigopoulos and General Nider have been arrested on a charge of speculating m to.eign exchanges and concluding disadvantageous contracts during their administration three years ago.
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  • 42 9 [Reuter's Service.] I New York. May 17. It is announced that General Motors Corporation has purchased 400,000 shares m the common stock of the Fokker Aircraft Company of America, representing a 40 per :ent. interest m the Fokker concern.
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  • 35 9 [Reuter's Service.] New York, May 16. Another billion dollar amalgamation is announced namely a merger of the Equitable Truht Company, of New York, and the Seaboard National Bank of New York.
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  • 30 9 -^aw_----^a-a-_--a--a-a---a-a-B-_-a«B_r« [Reuter's Service.] Melbourne, May 17. Mr. Henry English Fulford, ex-Consul-General at Shanghai, has been found m his bedroom shot dead. He has lately been m Mil health.
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  • 612 9 CO-OPERATION AMONGST LABOURERS. Indian Agent's Fine Work. (By Our Indian Correspondent). It is pleasing to hear that the co-oper-ative thrift movement amongst estate labourers has spread appreciably within Lhe last two years as a result of the special efforts made hy the present Agent of the Government of
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  • 336 9 Dry London hTA^erican Eyes. The I'm Alone incident has taken place across the Atlantic, but every Englishman must naturally think to himself: What would happen if we had Prohibition over here? says an American visitor. Let me tell you. I have been m London now
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 547 9 fi^HOUSEI K TVNJONG KATONG 1 Z*\de Residential Hotel. 6 I 9& 5Sf BatalatT P»J_ft 2? Garaira, Good Cuicine. I M C. Gasper, Proprietor: tffASSAGEJ It/I \NUTRE I I IWI'ISS FUMIKO. f DHOBY GHAUT. MEMORIALS. 1 ING \PORE CASKET CO. 1 S 'uoSI'MKNTAL MASONS. I -Telephone No. 75. gj fSi'MARBLE MOSAIC
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    • 708 9 YOU CANT CHEAT NATURE. LOST STAMINA MUST BE REGAINED. To be always physically fit should be everybody V aim m life. Unfortunately many people take liberties with their health and cannot expect to feel anything but weak, tired and xl rained of all their energy. Such loss of strength must
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    • 679 9 ESTATE OF CHIA KENG BENG, Deceased Att-ction %S&lfe of CANTON BLACKWOOD A POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ETC. Comprising:— A carved Canton blackwpod sittiag-room saite consisting of 8 arm chairs with marble seat and back, 4 teapoys with marble top and 2 side tables with marble top on stand richly inlaid
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    • 592 9 TENDERS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Tenders are invited for Cast Iron Pipes and Specials for the Municipal Gas Department. Particulars of quantities required and specification can be obtained from the office of the Municipal Gas Engineer. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon on June 26th, 1929, and
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  • 81 10 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATHS. HKATT. April IS, at I.ittlehampton, Edward Hick* Fraser Bratt. lat** aft the Federated Malay States, m hi- riMth year. DEXTER- ALLBN. April tt, at hi* *i>ter*, Mrs. Bamw, Gainstorewati Hawse, Ampthill Oaora* Dexter-Allen, M.A.. Priest, of Singapore. HALE. April it. at Henneld, Bwssex, Sarah, widow <»t" A.
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  • 991 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1929. UNPLEASANT REALITIES. The discussion which has taken place locally upon the Workmen's Compensation measure to which m itself we do not wish to refer again at present leads almost obviously to the deduction that some sections of those who take an interest m
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  • 90 10 TWELVE LOCAL SIKHS ARRESTED. Suspected Propaganda. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. May 17. A sensation has been created m local Indian Circles by the arrest of a dozen Sikhs resident m the Ipoh district, suspected to be connected with seditious propaganda from India. This action follows the
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  • 88 10 IFREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT] Hon*; Kong;, May 17. In the Hongr Kong Bank case the jury io their verdict say the three cheques were forgeries. Neither Tsan Gon Wing nor Cheung Man Kun were aware the cheques were fraudulently extracted from the cover nor fraudulently altered;
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  • 498 10 LATEST TIN AND RUBBER PRICES. (FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGH I j London, May 17, 4 p.m. Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Sons notify to-day's tin prices as follows Spot £196 12 16 (down £1 10 16). Forward £199 12 16 (down £17 16). The market is steady. Messrs. Symington
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  • 1141 10 FURTHER NOTES ny I PHENOMENA N I Marvels ofjh c I [By our Scieatine c*m» I To the observer at t is fortunate, the most BrreS cll X if L I prominence which coiuist.^!^ a2 tongue of rtd fire sho»ti„ f tZ I chromosphere beyond moon. There
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 343 10 \rmnrw^^ v i. iiijJS 9 1 —Those for whom the best 1 is good enough— 1 SULLIVAN AND POWELL'S I ORIENTAL CIGARETTES jj I Sub-Rosa No. 2 Format j 1 CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO, LTD. jj 5 (/neorporeffd under tHe Companies' Ordinances of Hong Kong}. I 4V I Incorporated m Shanghai.}
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    • 49 10 WEE MAC. HprKMACJIfI HI **rfyjmJM ]Bm9m\ 9 |\QfIa««TTBS jAWkm9 From ALL DEALERS. r'MUW.\VJVAVJW.V.V.V.V.V.\ BUILD YOUR HOMES WITH 5 |CELOTEX| TO ***** OUT i I MOIST-HEAT I UL STERNBERG CO. 14 Whiteaway Building. Singapore. > m* *m*m*A**m*********^ fa. B. WINTEr| BATTERY ROAD. 1 SINGAPORE. 1 Phone 188 P.O. Box 662. 1
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  • 163 11 PREMIER REPLIES TO ATTACK. P Possible Course." London, May 16. Fasaienably araflaad women mingled with hstteo business and industrial magnates meeting of City of London electors UUu! by Mr. Baldwin. Tin Premier at the outset replied to the r. attack regarding the issue of gVtritepaper <>n
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  • 57 11 BIOGRAPHY OF THE KING. Publication Banned. ;li: n: SS SERVICE. COPYSIGHT.] London. May 17. A I ioeraphy of the King written by "someone m very close association with the Family." has been officially prohibit. e<j from publication. Thy ifround* art- that the authorship can ptected and the material trespasses
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  • 26 11 [Reuter's Service.] London. May 16. Mr. Art iui MurchiaoQ Fletcher. Col. Sec. been appointed Governor of Fiji Hph Commissioner of the Western I
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  • 82 11 I IK- 1 JAPAN.TIRKBY I.INER. A'anyo N'ichi-Nichi Service.] Tokio. May 16. The Dakar Maru. the first Japanese f the new -Japan-Turkey line will Koto i n the -June 30th. H\< M VJKSTY'S VISIT. Hi* Majesty's journey t<. tht- Western v bus been postponed. H.M. th< Emperor will
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  • 27 11 SERVICE COPTRICHT.I Hong Kong. May 17. »Ume* official report from Canton says haw raptured Wai Chow and X t.s are falling back on SwaMM.
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  • 282 11 The Canton Position. [B.v arrangement with Nanvang Siaaf Pau Press.] An r Hftn Xo *K. May 17. ■ol^rt* isssued y es^rday de- Chu Kiaff Tang for helping tigers ■iwek Kwansung. YimK-.' i d larv,i hi,nself independent. t has conftriaod that his headquarters Ujon are dissolved. nr,,a„ has
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  • 67 11 GIGANTIC OIL CRACKING UNIT. To be Erected m Illinois: I Keutor's .Service. 1 .p. New York, May 17. The Shell Petroleum Corporation is joining a group of financiers m erecting the largest oil cracking unit m the industry. The new plant, which is expected to revolutionise petrol
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  • 179 11 Turns Back to Germany. [Reuter's Service.] New York. May 16. The Graf Zeppelin which early this afternoon passed Barcelona, wirelesses ihis evening: "two motors broken, heading back Commander Eckener of the Graf Zeppelin decided to return at 6.35 p.m. after confering with the passengers. Berlin, May
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  • 332 11 DUKE OF CONNAUGHT INSPECTS. Grenadier Guards. [British Radio— Official Service.] Rugby. May 16. The Duke of Connaught reviewed the Grenadier Guards this morning on Horse i Guards Parade. All three battalions of the Grenadier Guards were present, the first battalion having come from its quarters at the Tower of London
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  • 210 11 Prison for "London Loafer/* i Before the District Judge (Mr. C. H. G. Clarke) the Straits-born Chinese named Tan Keng Guan charged with abducting a Chinese girl from her adopted mother's house, with representing himself as an employee of the Chinese Protectorate, and with attempting to extort
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  • 928 11 BANKRUPTCY PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. m A Doctor's Trials. In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Deane the public-exami-nation of Ng Soon Khiam was commenced. Bankrupt said he was a Chinese physician and supported two wives and sixteen children. His average income per month was about $100. He had
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  • 824 11 WATER METER TAMPERED WITH. Impossible Consumption Figures. a mmmmmmim ***mmmmmmmm wm*. Allegations of theft of water were made against Chan Wan Son, a Chinese hotel proprietor m Pasir Panjang Road, when he was summoned m the Second Police Court yesterday afternoon for "dishonestly taking certain movable property,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 10 11 3* To-day's Feature. < NEWS IN PICTUES. jl Page IS. > I
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    • 273 11 -r -r- -r -F- Co.. Ltd.\ SPECIAL DISPLAY OF f I Gcentlenien s Half Hose I IN VARIOUS MAKES AND STYLES t Price JH Price ♦> A large selection comprising all wool, mercerised cotton, T m f* o*o A wool and cotton mixtures, artificial silk and cotton V mixtures. In
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  • 392 12 ARRIVAL HOME OF FIRST DOHA AIR MAIL I _MM______R__a«__^^_M__*M____________M_M_____aßOa--The crowd at Croydon welcoming the first India-London air mail machine, which arrived two minutes ahead of schedule. The mail left Karachi on April 7, and completed the 6.000 miles m 7 days 9*14 hours. One of the
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  • 1052 13 THE TRUTH ABOUT LUXURY IN U.S.A. The amazing luxury m America! That is something whu-h strikes nearly every new arrival to the Tnited States', writes the Morning Post New York Woman Correspondent. Evelyn Fayer. And it i fl true! There jg a great deal >f luxury, though if one were
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 317 13 ______P fl J H 1 _i _Ffl fIM bbbbbbbß ___T bbbb___L fl BM a______________ ____i fl flfl flfl flfl 'flfl fl bW fl 1 fl -BBflfljflM m^*M*m A I I fl I a_Ba_flfl_a» V V> X *mmM BBBBBI M NEW 6- CYLINDER MOTOR CAR GIVEN AWAY FREE V Full particulars
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 777 14 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre). Route subject to alteration without notice. (0) WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Due Spore. t HECTOR For Marseilles, London,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 749 15 0. S. K. T line. p^nnations. VeSSeK ArHv Le V Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremen, LO n,^'- and Antwerp via Colombo, Aden Suei and Port Said. Amur Maru May 20 May 21 n i>v i ape Town, Rio do Janeiro. 1 r Montevideo and Buenos Aires. ,imd the-World passage £150.1 t Santos
      749 words
    • 393 15 BOUUUI STEAMSHIP LINE t^AmRMAM^MAHV LINE \t IJI 1.» m /j^^N^fl _____a____x^^C (mmim [R ROUND— THE— WORLD SERVICE. From SINGAPORE and PENANG via COLOMBO. SUEZ, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, NAPLES, GENOA and MARSEILLES to NEW YORK and BOSTON. Arrive Leave Leave Singapore. Singapore. Penang. PRES. HAVES May 27 May 30 June 1
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    • 835 15 KP. M. KMMKLYKE PttHMJHT MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO.. OF BATAVIA;. (Incorporated m Holland.) o UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 8640, with sub. connections to: Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Managers desk. Repreeentativee m the Straita Settlements (Singapore and Penaag). of the OFFICIAL TOURIST BUREAU
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  • 38 16 The M.M. mail steamer Amboise is due here from Madras on Tuesday at 5 p.m. and will probably sail the following day, m the morning for Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong. She will berth at the wharves.
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  • 459 16 'Still Difficult to stop an Abuse of I Power. The most important part of the new Admiralty regulations to govern naval dis.ipline the issue of which is a sequel to the Royal Oak courts-martial last April is the last sentence: "No officer, petty officer, or
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  • 376 16 Old Pelican's Beak out of Joint. The oldest polican ItOOd IB majestic solitude on the lone rock m the lake m St. James' Park and was plainly disgruntled. The spring >un shone delightfully, and on the shore were the crowds ol admiring children that his vain
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 753 16 Burns Philp line (Incorporated m Australia). FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of the largest and finest steamers trading to Australia. Cabins de
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 692 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TKAIN. .vitala Pahang, Fekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, luesday, Thursday and i* riday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 am. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
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    • 50 16 Hua Tong, Brit. 109, from Muar 17, for Muar 17. Berouw, Dut. 321, from Paneh 17, for Palembang 17. Meran, Brit. 70, from B. Pahat 17, for B. Pahat 18. Benavon, Brit. 2549, from Kohsichantr 17 for P. Said 17. Eng Guan, Brit. 51, from Mersing 17, for Mersing IS.
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  • 630 17 May 19— The Battle of La H gue. Un may iyth M 1692 commenced 2.i i the momentous naval engagement YEARS known as the Battle of La Hogue AGO. which extended over a wide area and lasted for five days, but which derived its name from the spot where the
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  • 463 17 t'5.000,000 en New Docks. The Port oi London Authority— that great custodian of London's river traffic with its vast network of docks and waterways has just entered its roming-cf-ag year. Enough romance, adventure/ and magiial changes have been crammed into those wonderful twenty years to till
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  • 378 17 30,000 Americans For (he Season. London is preparing to welcome more than SO OOO American visitors who have booked their passages m various liners. Their numbers, and the number of visitors from Europe, would be greatly increased it" it were not for the irritating passport, visa,
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  • 329 17 A baby camel was horn at the Zoological Gardens yesterday; to-day, or at any rate, by to-morrow, everybody m the 'oi.ntry >vn have heard of the happy event, and Oltu) will tind it an interesting topic <>f conveisia tion, says the Morning Post recently. far
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 510 17 m wrftT ,SIHOD B I |l| ,i\fr io.tanl re- I ■mm _f i£j j-\• i« et from I i J i tiirrh. Asthma, t !7la7iJ Oi Jt. etc. The _^»—< it„nd.«ril reme- H i i -'!LT dv tor over 50 I *^J^ At ell chemists 9 Himrods] ASTHMA CURB popular!
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    • 161 17 ____k*^ v^^^^^^ H B ___B ffiSß -U^P IjH 38 _n^n CORKTIPPED VIRGINIA QGARETTES 77r* ONLY Cigarettes Made Specially to Prevent Sore Throats MADE IN LONDON. Sole Agents^- HUTTENBACH LAZARUS Sons. Ltd. Singapore. Penan.. Ipoh. Kuala- Lumpur. The Food for Shady Growth i yy/ m^m\ I// Failing breast milk, only a
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous

  • 1211 18 For the Wireless Enthusiast. Local Amateur on the Air: Problem of Malayan Broadcasting: Further Notes on Interference. In last week's notes I mentioned that a tation will be broadcasting on about 40 metres. That is a local amateur, VSIAB of Singapore. He has been testing for some nights now at
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  • 642 18 Is the Silent Film "Through"? "Since the day that our beat known mammy shouter appeared m a picture that both talked and sang the proverbial peace and quietness of Hollywood has been shattered," writes George Fitzmaurice, Director of First National Pictures. "Sound stages have been rushed to
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 126 18 lAjwATL *m*. .»uC»4*) W*Z~ of* U*,C^%. v^ r^ \___________*^^^^Sa___w t! 1 VUICJUN S You do not buy a watch every day When you do, you must be I sure to acquire, above all, a perfect timepiece. 5 jjj Therefore choose a VULCAIN. jg jjj SUPREMELY ACCURATE AS TIMEKEEPERS. 1 jjj
      126 words
    • 227 18 Before' she sets out fl K~\ the evening a I W&mmXS V? k may be Perfect v L^JmWmm. l0 k itS loveliest, bit V* \nltl I !f une sy about her rLt /***k hvmmm enjoyment is spoilt. 0n M^Jsbk.r^M^Mw c woman w ho uses jffpM "'HAZELINEQfPIT snow I ill If
      227 words

  • 113 19 Singapore, May 17. On the publication of the American Consumption figures values rose sharply and considerable business was done. The rise started m New York, but prices on the local market advanced rapidly until they were considerably /above parity. At the close prices declined somewhat but remained firmer
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  • 109 19 I During the past few years* the manufacture of matches has developed very greatly at Macao. It was not so long ago that only imported matches were used, but at the present time, according to statistics available the total production of matches exceeds $1,000,000 a year, most
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  • 854 19 May 17th., Closing Prices. Ay« Wen* Batu Caves 1 45 j eftc ft uhm Chins 20 25 blitams g7 tz 79 tz Hong Fatts 49 g* J<>hanTin 29y 2 31 kinta Tin Dred. 140 1 45 Klanjf River 3.00 3.10 uch 1.37% 1.40 h"!* 1 1.75 1.81%
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  • 68 19 \fay 17. Bank 4 m.s. 2 I 7 b Pank demand 2:3 3 4 Private credits 3 m.s. 2)4 5-16 New York, demand 56 Credits 90 days 57% '•'ranee, demand 1431 India, T. T. 153% Hong- Kong, demand 12\ p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 124H Java, demand 139^ Bangkok, demand
    68 words
  • 246 19 May 17. Tin 175 Tor.* f $100 Gambier T% Pepper White 113 Pepper Black 58 V? Flake Tapioca 7.25 Pearl Sago Small 8 Copra Sundried 9.20 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 3.30 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 830 Rice, Rangoon Bintan 260 Rice, Rangoon Sioka 256
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  • 205 19 Singapore. May 17. Rubber. London 11 l/16d down. Closing Prices 5 p.m. Spot 39 H, May 39 12.l 2 June 40. July-Sept. 40*4. Oct. -Dec. 41 1 4 Steady. Tin.--I.ondon 1201. 10s down. Mining. Quiet. Sungei Ways 3.00 3.10. Kuchais 1.37 1.40. Kinta Dredge
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  • 170 19 Sharemarket Reports. (FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.) London, May 17, The rubber sharemarket is slightly easier m sympathy with the reaction of the commodity. Messrs. Symington and Sinclair state that the firmer tone of the pa. -i week has been due principally to the publkat-on of the American
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  • 161 19 The April Statistics. The Import and Export office forward the following comparative statement of the total value of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel post, imported and exported to and from British Malaya during 1928 and 1029. IMPORTS. (In thousands of dollars) Incr: 1928. 1929 or Deer: January 83,856 74,901
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  • 193 19 Singapore. May 17. The publication of the American consumption figures for April at 47,500 tons followed by reports that those f I r May are also expected to by high has led to a strong and Active market with values rising each day. Paices reached the
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  • 57 19 Yesterday's Alterations. Bayers Sellers. Idris 14s fid 15s 6d Kuchai Tin Dredge ($1) i-" 1-43 Sungri Way (*> 3.10 3.20 Temenpor I') -8s 6d 2i>s 6d Jtrain Kuantan (")0) 1.15 1.30 x.d. Mentakab (20) 48 it c.d. \e\v Scudai (*2) 2.50 2.60 LOANS. S.S. 5% p.c. of
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  • 62 19 May 17th., 12 o'clock noon. Latest Cable: London Spot sheet 11 lUftd. per Ik. i New York Spot Sheet Gxta. 22 per lb. R.S.S. equal to Standard, Q.C.F. Spot -13*4 S9 4 Standard R.S.S. on Tender May 39S 39^ m j une 40 40^ July
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 404 19 I ASSETS OVER $9,500,000 ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN UfE ASSURANCE COMPANY UMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Winchfister House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27 Old J The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies Act
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    • 268 19 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK I OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. incorporated m England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital m 600,000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 3,000,000 3ead Office: 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Agencies and Branches. \lor Star Harbin Tongkah \mritsar Iloilo (Bhuket). Bangkok
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    • 432 19 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. S (Incorporated m Hong Kong). HEAD OFFICE: HONG KONG. j Authorised Capital $50,000,000 X Issued and fully paid up |20-»000,0*K) [j Reserve Fund— Sterling 6,000,000 5 Silver $14,©00,i>J>0 f Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,090 L COURT OF DIRECTORS: 1 N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman.
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    • 41 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) "Tgj FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE. 1 Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds* Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (lst floor). A GORDON. LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 421 20 L SINGAPORE SPRING RACES. Scratchings and Selections. With improved werther ol* late it may be hoped the rain will hold off for to-day, m which case there should be some pood racing: as except m the last event there have not been many scratchings. We make the following
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  • 63 20 First Flight Wins at 9 to 1. London. May sX The Chester (up resulted a- follows:— First Flight (7.7) 1. Dark Hillock (S.O) 2. Pomagne ((5.9) 8. Twenty-two ran; won I y a neck, three lengths separating second and third. The betting was: 9 to 1 against
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  • 89 20 Bug-alt is Sweep the Board. I %a London, May .>. Cerda (Sicily). Dugsttis swept the board m the '.MR miles race over the circuitous Madonia course for the Targa Florio and the Florio Cup. The race was won by Divo (Bugatta) who covered the difficult course m
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  • 58 20 IFRKK PRESS SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] London, May 17. Both the championship titles and tho Lonsdale belts were involved m the Olympia matches. Cuthbert regained both m tho featherweight class. In the Bantam Baldock, the winner, held the title and gained the belt from Pattenden. In tho
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  • 101 20 Banvard Company at the Theatre. The versatility of the Banvard Comedy Company was amply demonstrated at the Victoria Theatre last night when they presented an entirely new revue m "Gate Crashes". In this revue, as indeed m all their performances here, they present some excellent items,
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  • 147 20 LATEST RETURNS FROM MOORTOWN. Second Round Results. [Reuter's Service.] Moortown, May 16. m the second round of the Thousand Guineas Competition, Davies beat Havers 3 and 2; Duncan beat Ockenden 5 and 4; Jolly beat Twine 6 and 5; Compston beat Mitch-ell 4 and 2; Turnesa beat Horton Smith
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  • 375 20 > Won by Miss Wet hered. [Reuter's Service.] St. Andrew's. May 16. In the semi-finals of the Ladies Open Goit Miss Wethered Lent Mrs. (Juedalla 5 and 4: Miss Colletl beat Miss Park 4 and 6. At St. Andrews m the final over 36 holes Mis* Colletl irai
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  • 34 20 [FREE PRESS SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] London, May 17. The Prince of Wales is to play a round of golf with the open champion. Walter H«iK«'n. the American, possibly on Sunday.
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  • 46 20 The following gives the result of the Ladies' monthh May medal played OH Wednesday and Thursday. Fight cards were taken out and th* following returned. Mrs. Alan Ker, 10 :*9 Mrs. Barlow. 48 40 Lady ('olina Russey, 49 ♦> 4.S Mr* Perkins. :>:>, B 45
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  • 233 20 last and Strenuous Play at Wembley. London, May 4. Dewsbury, who were beaten by Wigan by 13 points to 2 m the final of the Rugby League Cup at Wembley to-day, won the toss, and played with a strong breeze behind them. After four minutes Sullivan.
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  • 303 20 SEASON NOW IN FULL SWING. Kennedy's 9 Wickets for 46. [Reuter's Service.] London, May 16. Derbyshire vs. Hampshire. At Portsmouth: Derbyshire won by five wickets. Hampshire 110 and 111. Derbyshire 99 and 123 for 5. foi Hampshire's first innings Mitchell took 6 wickets for 42, while m Derbyshire.:
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  • 219 20 S.C.C. vs. Negri Sembilan. The following will represent the S.C.C. versus Negri Sembilan at the S.C.C. to-day. Sunday and Monday:— R. L. L. Braddell (Captain), P. H. Stewart Brown. R. G. c;ibson, W. N Hansell. Sq. Ldr. Livock, H. L. Marshall. K. IL Mi -Fat-lane. Major Perkins, Fl.
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  • 105 20 At 8 a.m. May 24th. the following schools will celebrate Empire Day m the Hall and Grounds of Outram School: Government English Schools; Outram and Radin Mas; Government Malay Schools; Sepoy Lines, Telok Blangah, Telok Saga and Kampong Jagoh. Mr. R. J. Farrer, M.C.S., President
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  • 124 20 Saturday, 2.00 p.m., Bukit Timah Range "E" (Chinese) Co., Farrer Range (Seletar) "F" (Malay) Co. Sunday, 7.30 a.m., Bukit Timah Range "E" (Chinese) Co., Farrer Range (Seletar) "F" (Malay) Co. At Brooklands on May 4th. Driscoll on an A.J.S. won the 10,000 cc class 200 miles sidecar
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  • 263 20 POOR SUPPORT AT YESTERDAY'S MEETING. Another Attempt. Although thirty-five clubs and military units were circularised, there was very small attendance at a meeting held at the Stadium yesterday evening with a view to running an athletic meeting m Singapore before the Malayan meeting at Kuala Lumpur m July. This
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  • 61 20 i Some Fine Fighting. i [Reuter's Service.] Olympia. May 16. In the great boxing meeting co-night m the fifteen round contest Cuthbert beat Corbetl on points; m the featherweights; Baldock beat Pattenden on points m if teen rounds m the bantamweight; and Len Harve\ knocked out Ireland m
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  • 265 20 Matched Against Welch Champion. Bud Walley. the Singapore flyweight, sdded another to his list of victories at Home when he knocked out Hector Alderman of South Wales m the third of a fifteen-round contest at the Ring on Sunday, April 21st. Boxing. Racing and Foot hai says:
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  • 57 20 i Reuter's Service. 1 Dublin. May 16. In the Davis Cup secor.d round H. do Morpurge (Italy) boat G. Rogers (Ireland) S_6. 6—l, a— 7. 6— 2; G. de Btefani (Italy) heat E. McGuire (Ireland) 6—4.. 4—6. B—o, 4—o, B—6. Budapest. May 17. In the Davis Cup
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  • 47 20 The Badmington Court at Balestier for use of the Clerical Union is now ready and can be reserved on application to Mr. J. P. Than, care of the North British and Mercantile Assurance. It is proposed to hold a tournament m July or August.
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  • 132 20 Goals P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Roy;il Enpinoer* 7 (5 0 I 28 S 13 H.Q. Wlac, Welch R. 8 fi 0 -A 2(> 13 DM G. Coy, Welch R. 8 5 2 1 19 9 11 11th Battery, R.A. 6 I 0 1 18
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  • 17 20 Saturday, 18th. Swimming Class, V.M CA. Pool, 3.30 p.m. W. T. CHERRY, District Commissioner.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 220 20 (Mew'ttMaValecorikl I TO-DAY I 1 MAY MID-MAY ISSUES I I Li«ts sent witK plea SUrg I I S. MOUTRIE Co. 1 4J I I (Incorporated m Hong Kone) RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Malaya Ptairc HmLn I Pifordßoad «-< Tel :»(»&(> I STEINS SBVTIQKER3 I EIIER.S (DGDKUINDEIft I tO-ENGRAOER3,nc. I tet uscnx>i<>/oryovr/iexlordiv-fo
      220 words