The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 March 1929

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 12 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 192». NO. 12,677
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  • 276 1 The funeral of the late Marshal Foch took place in Paris amid scenes of striking solemnity Page 11. Two Spanish officers engaged in a n<.n-"tep flight to South America have safely crossed the Atlantic Page 11. A report of the Advfeory Committee on Social Jlygiene concerning Malaya
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  • 1189 1 "IN DAYS OF OLD."— NO. 15. My toilsome days were brightened once a fortnight or so by festive dinner parties to which the genial John, Cock and Thomas Fraser would roll down, by pre-arrantfe-ment, from their respective eyries at the Hermitage and Waterloo Estates on either 'side of the Pass.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 192 1 IMcALISTER ©Co., Ltd.! (Inborporated in Straits Settlements.) iP Agents in uic *)•*>• &nd r*R«»S» »<mt VICKEKS -ARMSTRONG, I *Y iIND I METROPOLITAN- I IviCKERS ELECTRICAI*! EXPORT Co., Ltd. .EUROPE HOTEiJ 1 i GRILL H in Fresh frow Home S 5 111 English Salmon, Soles, Quail. Grouse, Plover, etc. I g
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    • 142 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Calol for constipation Pajie 7. Try a Gaflac policy Page li*. F. and X.'s many branches Pa^e 20. Nestle embodies a spirit of prograa Page 12. More information about Oil Palm Koodi Rajre 1». Selanjror Turf Club amateur race meeting Page 8. Kelly and Walsh for a local
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    • 11 1 SWALLOW ARIELL'S I Biscuits and Cakes B ARE WORLD RSNOWED I
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 142 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday, 27th. High Water, 11.57 a.m.. 9.3. Municipal, Commission L'.lo pjR. Football: Malays vs. S'porv Malay*, Stadium. \i?w Presbyterian Minister's induction 5.30 Banvard Co., Theatre, 9.30, The Joker. Thursday, 28f/i. Hijrh Water, 0.7 a.m., 8.8, 0.33 p.m.. *.9. 8.1. Homeward mail closes. Licensing .Justices meetinjr District Court
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  • 572 2 Maharaja of Patiala Again Chosen Chancellor. New Delhi, Feb. I."*. The Chamber of Princes held its final .sitting of the session to-day, the Viceroy presiding. The meeting appointed a Committee of 12 including four Rulers the Maharajas oi Patiala. Nawanagar, and Bikaner, and the Nawab of
    Reuter  -  572 words
  • 191 2 A new appointment has been created in Honp: Konjr, that of Director of Air Services, with reference to civil aviation in that Colony. The Hon. Commander G. F. Hole, H. N. Harbour Master, has heen appointed tx» act. Hooi Kam Chuan, a Cantonese hawker, \vas sentenced to six week's hard
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 NEW STOCKS. BEMAX. I The New Vitamin B. Food. TAKY DEPILATORY. NONN TONIC TABLETS. ESPANOL SOLVENT. The New Reducer. MEDICAL HALL LTD., Opposite Post Office, SINGAPORE. Quality Service Price Economy. I COMING SOON! I 1 II i •♦hum \5 Hi r• K ill The (Greatest Show in the Skies. v
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    • 271 2 ikifari English Concdy €0. A SEASON OF THRILLS AMD LAUGRXBEL To-Night at 930 put THE JOKKR A ThrilUng Detective Play. Thursday. March 28th. Saturday, March 30th. THE CUCKOO IN THE NEST. THE BEST PEOPLE. Another Aldwych Success. 4 4 Tuesday, April 2nd. Easter Monday. April Ist. RAAKIWV vaau THE RINGER.
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    • 422 2 ALHAMBRA^ Programme Conunencinjs Monday. March 25th. and Ending Saturday M to th« StMd Slwir at 9 PJB TH^ M.G.M. WORLD'S NEWS THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS k^TTii^A BANKY IN "THE AWAKENING." with LOUIS WOLHEIM and WALTER BYRON A symphony of love, passionate, pulsating, powerful Th fa Great Romance. awak^ nr) A
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  • 1174 3 NORTHERN GOVERNMENTS MISTAKE. De Valera Redivivus. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Dublin. Feb. 18. Tbc policy of the Northern Government throwing Mr. Eamon De Valera into Belfast Jail for the space of one month has boomed that gentleman's Free St-ite stock. It was slumping badly when his pood
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  • 98 3 Information was received in I'enang on Saturday of the death in a London hospital of Mr. P. A. Fisher, till a few months back on the staff of Messrs. Pritchard and Co., Penan*?. The deceased took seriously ill some time before Christmas and was medically advised to return to the
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  • 492 3 The Annual Report. The ivport of the Committee for the fear ended December :Ust., to be presented at the annual meeting on April 3rd. at &30 p.m. states inter alia: The income and expenditure For the year shows a surplus of $8,361.04 as against $&JU&js2 in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 205 3 I I Iheh re and beauty of/ I I your delicate silks I>nl I l li\ The dainty garment in I ■'ill/ I II 11 \l 'I which you take such I *MA> ImL\ V il-M^ P' easur can be preserved I \V iT/lM ftlMSfe- like neW by washin 8
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    • 190 3 ARE YOU TOO OLH YOIM6 MM? Are yoa feeling too old and worn-oat whom yoa should be full of life T Do you find yourself suffering from Backache, Fatigue, Weakness, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Sleeplessness, and unable to enjoy the pleasures of life T If so you need De Witt's
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    • 82 3 1 Estate Trust Agencies (1927) Limited. 1 BRANCHES 1 I 21, First Cross Street MALACCA I 11, Light Street PENANG f Registered by and Security deposited with the I Straits Settlements Government. I I Act as Trustees, Administrators, Receivers, Guar- dians, Rent Collectors, Investments Supervised and I Interest collected, Probate
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  • 472 4 Reputed Immunity of Women. An assertion that 25 per cent, of men were colour blind, but that no women were colour blind, was made to the Royal Commission on Transport, presided over by Sir A. Griffith-Boscawen. Mr. Mervyn O'Gorman, on behalf of the Royal Automobile Club,
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  • 496 4 Plea for a Better Understanding. Sir Leonard Dunning, in his report on the work of Constabulary Forces of England and Wales for the year ending September, 1928, dwells on the need of a better public understanding of the changing demands upon the whole police force. He
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  • 239 4 It is particularly interesting to study the >triking difference which hai occurred during the past few years in the layout of the 'jinking systems on the majority of our commercial chassis, and especially in connection with tho;;e utilizing four-wheel brakes. Only a short time ago. states
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  • 229 4 The motorcycle is an instrument of almost unparalleled usefulness. Its purchaser gets for his money more service, and a greater variety of service, than is his if he invests in any other vehicle of transport. And transport, as we have often been reminded, is civilizationIt is
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  • 183 4 A feature of the passenger side of the road transport industry is the growing si7.e of the concerns engaged in it. This involves the employment of responsible men of a highly trained type, capable of directing to the utmost advantage the .**ervices of many hundieds of
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  • 196 4 The art of euphemism and the ability to express a tine shade of meaning are generally regarded as the perquisites of diplomatists, parliamentarians, and writers of distinction. It is unusual to find a police surgeon, in the humdrum routine of the courts, choosing his words with that meticulous
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  • 140 4 A policeman walking along North-road. Brighton, found a motor-car. It was empty. But, what was really important from the policeman's point of view was that it was obstructing the road. So the policeman decided to keep an eye on it. He kept an eye on it for a
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  • 128 4 Window Smashed and Rings Seized. Motor-car bandits raided a JMdhri; shop in Bedford-hill, Balham. and ftidhn away with rings, watches, brioches and other gold articles valued at over toSO The thieves smashed the padlock of fti grille, which they removed, and Umi mac? a large hole
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  • 131 4 Finding one s way ncfOM Bnknwm tr\ U*nds to demonstrate th«- (art that Nffr posting in many part.- of England very much below par, says Motof It varies extraordinarily between c^ur.ti >ne will be well marked, and then <: horde* one meets but few riga portl,
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  • 237 4 Ancient Blackfriars Site Workmen who wort' engaged lishing an old warehouse behind t«e caries' Hall. Blackfriars. unearthed a lx>r of skulls and human bones roaWl^ foundations of one of the wall.*. r.x< was suspended in the vwinin of t **S very and the police
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 -jj T T m 1 For The Man I I Who /fooutf Tyres 1 Drivers who insist upon the sort of service that i f ordinary tyres cannot give, find the utmost j Cj pleasure and satisfaction in Fisk Tyres. t Of Fisk Balloon Cords are now built of "FiUerless"
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    • 127 4 Jjß^L/ lv Lire JHH^To Your Tyres ly H ow lonK your tyres last an^ r^^^^SK^ty *^how much they cost vou, de pends very greatly upon the S quality of the tubes you use. Good X year Tubes are an important factor S in all tyre economy, because they y take
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  • 898 5 CALAIS TO PARIS ON THE FOOTPLATE, 187 Miles in 185 Minutes. I Through the. courtesy of the Chief Engineer of the Nord Railway of France I have just covered 187 miles in 185 minutes on the footplate of the Super-Pacific locomotive which draws the Golden Arrow train
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  • 176 5 All who are old enough to remember the Lyceum in Irving's day, and to have been admitted behind the scenes, will shed a tear of regret for that once familiar figure, "Walter," who has just died in retirement at the age of 78. Walter Collinson
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  • 672 5 The Prince's Speech Welcomed. The Prince of Wales's speech at the Mansion House, in which he emphasised the need of salesmanship in British industry, aroused widespread interest among all sections of the business community. Representatives of large firms expressed to a representative of the Morning Post their
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  • 680 5 An Indian Oracle. As reports of the proceedings of the Indian Legislative Assembly reach us from now onwards until March, when the Go\ ernment of India flee to the Simla Hills and the Opposition scatters over the face of the sub-continent, we shall hear much "about it and
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  • 38 5 over the country. At the moment they were not prepared to anticipate their report in afriy way, but there was no doubt that their inquiries would follow closely alonp the lines suggested by the Prince in his speech
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  • 565 5 The Season of Feasts. Writing in the Morning Post on Feb. 20 a woman traveller says: In spite of riots in Bombay, winter (or cold weather, as it is called) in the Indian Plains is usually a season 01 delight and health: clear, sunfilled days and frosty nights
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  • 110 5 Seattle, Feb. ir>. James Posey, known as "the mad oiler oT the steamer Alloway," who refused to lenv Kis disabled ship when the line with which she was being: towed by the Montauk parted off Alaska and she had been abandoned by the rest of her
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 224 5 s !The reputation of Austin f Cars is unsurpassed by i any other in the industry, and the new Austin light i f Six is a fresh revelation in performance, comfort S Call and inspect this yourself the qualities of f this delightful motor car. I Borneo Motors, LtdJ (Incorporated
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    • 35 5 Imow ready for your approval! ESSEX I ESSEX I ESSEX !!!l I i I 1920 MODEL SALOON $2,150 The Finest Value on the Market I t t X Available at J* STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE I
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  • 4505 6 THE REMINISCENCES OF T. P. O'CONNOR. Downfall [and Vindication of Bradlaugh. Lord Randolph's great Opportunity Slaves of the Cigarette The Bradlaugh Struggle House in a Morass. (World Copyright Reserved). He had by this time Sir John Gorst, two faithful friends 1835-1911. who had evidently made,
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  • 259 6 Silence is the iH'Xt most hM|HNttfl of improvement in aircraft, in th»- of every expert, writes our London Air j respondent. Speed, comfort, n-liabi! i safety have all been obtaim»i -4T M rate sufficient measure for ilttigWW j their attention to smaller rttottl^ I outstanding among these
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  • 936 6 Will Contract Oust the j Auction Code SEVERE PENALTIES. i [Special to the Free Press.] [Special to the Free Press.] People are saying in England that Contract is going to sweep the card board to oust Auction as completely as Auction ousted ordinary Bridge. Very keen
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  • 896 7 CHINA'S FIRST POLITICAL PROBLEM. Mr. Sun Fo's Task, Most Chinese and many foreigners insist! that little can be accomplished for the sta- I bilization of China until the country has I been unified under a single, powerful, Cer.-H tral Government, writes George E. Sokolskyl in the Far Eastern Review.
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  • 158 7 Guests and Skaters as Fire Brigade. Willesley Park golf links near Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, a well-known Midland course, was the scene of a fire which was followed by two other outbreaks elsewhere in the park. The origin of all three is unknown. Captain Aubrey Chapman, of Willesley Hall,
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  • 972 7 EIGHT FEET OF FLAME. A Million Volts Behind It. The National Physical Laboratory, spreading on land adjoining Bushy Park, Teddington, says The Observer steadily increases as new developments in various branches of Kioto* require research, tests, and measurements in their application to 1 practical use. The latest of
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  • 25 7 An unusual order booked at the British Fair (White City) on Feb. 21 was for 20,000 gross of school chalk for the Dutch East Indies.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 264 7 I i < x m m m fl_VrXj- i S i I j 4 I and I I ■1 WHITE I rpr^^ i 2 I V BLACK i WMITI I j i §li3 >A^HISKY hi i I GORDON'S &&A I! J" MS? V V^^fl^k tf^ M■ lil I t< Hk
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    • 211 7 CALOLI (Pronounced Kal-ol) ODORLESS COLORLESS TASTELESS MEDICINAL LIQUID PARAFFIN CURES CONSTIPATION SOLD ONLY IN ORIGINAL PACKAGES PINT BOTTLES OBTAINABLE AT ALL CHEMISTS I I I i 1 1 'I ■'^Tt^ f ft fcjfP^™^^^^i^\ f I Y Th* 20 HJ1 Valve-inJieod I Almost two decades of experience in building I marine
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  • 100 8 Tsinan Agreement Signed[By arrangement with Nanyang Siang Pau Press.] Shanghai, Mar. 25. The Sino-Japanese agreement on the Tsinan affair was signed yesterday. No official announcement will be made until the Japanese Emperor has decreed the evacuation of Shantung. A Government mandate orders forces of Kiangsi And Anhui
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  • 151 8 Hong Kong, Mar. 24. Tan^ Shi Tsang: with leaders has wired Chiang Kai Sek asking reasons for the detention of Li Tsi Shum. Tang Shi Tsan* summoned journalists yesterday to announce that Li Tsi Shum, being a supporter of the Central Government must not be detained.
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  • 36 8 OBITI AKY. [Hy courtesy '>f tlu* Nanyo Nic-hi-Xithi Shimbansha.] T»kio. Mar. 24. The death if announced of Mr. Teiichi Sujjita. a member <>f the Senate and Adviser to the Seiyukai, now in power.
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  • 35 8 A Ttuden correspondent in Shanghai reports that an agreement fo»- the eettlement of the "T>inan Incident** has Ween reached between China and Japan; an<l that the agreement has already been provisionally signed.
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  • 54 8 The Kenkyukai, the most powerful group in the Upper House hi undertood to have decided in favour of the Bills of Peasant Proprietary ami the Rice Bill, but it is now quite iure that the Tax Transfer Bill which ia the most important Bill for the Government
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  • 102 8 The American Charge d* Affair* at Tokio in compliance with an Instruction received from the Washington Government, has pressed the Tokio Government for the ratification of the Kellogg Anti-War Pact which was ratified by all the original signatoriei except Japan* The Privy Council's view is that
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  • 195 8 A Murder Case. The Muiir Assizes were opened on Saturday iK'fore Mr. Justice McCabe Reay. The Deputy public Prosecutor, Mr. R. Moor, M.C.S., appeared for the Crown. Woon Hin Dek, a Hylam, was charged with having murdered another Hylam by inflicting: a number of blows on the head
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  • 106 8 The following; appointments are notified in the Johore (Government Gazette: Major H. F. Waters to act as State Engineer; Mr. A- C. Paterson to act as an Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., Johore; Mr. A. H. Couser to act as an Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., Muar; Mr- A. Heywoo'l-Waddington, M.C.S., to
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  • 226 8 It is now possible to give seme particulars about the experimental concert that is to take place on Sunday, April 7th., writes Mr. K. A. Brown. The programme will be very varied, as an effort has been made to introduce all kinds of music, from the
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  • 101 8 In connection with the Chinese lantern procession on the occasion of the visit of the Duke of Gloucester on April 20th. Chinese clubs, guilds and associations desiring to participate are requested to communicate not later than April Ist. with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Lim Kee
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  • 77 8 A meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission will be held to-day at 2.1;",. Among the items on the agenda is the consideration of the report by the special committee ap?)ointed to go into the benefits to derived from tile employment of home agents by the Commission. Among the
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  • 29 8 The late Mr. John Ferguson, M.8.E., (42), of Cambridge-road, Wimbledon, S.W.' general manager of the Perak River HydroElectric Power Co., Ltd., F.M.S., left estate at £4,412 (net personalty £4,069).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 747 8 NOTICES. THE SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO. LTD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty Second Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Registered Office of the Bank, at Nos. 56, 57 and 58 Chulia Street, Singapore, on Saturday, April 6th, 1929, at 1 o'clock
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    • 632 8 NOTICES. EXCHANGE BANKS. The Exchange Banks will be closed on: March 29th, Friday March 30th, Saturday Easter Holidays. April Ist, Monday NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that any debts due to Commercial Motors, of No. 85 Kallang Road, must be produced within three days from the date hereof. Any future
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    • 121 8 I fip I i -Q- «_-»ißtfßVßar<v >e» —m_ I i I i j I _P tf___» S r i "^T m f +M&0 C W^^ .A B v BBB^^^r SSm .^Bt^hß^^Bv^H^- V^ I Mot |^sc_T^ j^^^lß^^^^^^^' r Pit 1 jir ~^^^^r I f M <^-^ r N I s C
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  • 2215 9 CHAIRMAN'S ADVICE TO PRODUCERS. Eliminate Speculation. Addressing the annual meeting: of the Chamber of Commerce held yesterday afternoon, the Hon'ble Mr. J*. Bagnall (Chairman), visualising the near future, said that America was almost the barometer of Malaya and conditions in that country had their reflections in conditions
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  • 251 9 SCATHING COMMENT IN ILS. PRESS. A Violation of Principles. [Reuter's Service.] Washington, Mar 26. Mr. Mellon has received a report from the coastguards on the sinking of the Imalone and declares "The coastguard scorns to have been within the law and justified in what was done/' New
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  • 81 9 [Reuter's Far Eastern service. j Hankow, March 26. Severe fighting broke out yesterday morninjr. between the Wuhan forces and those of Nanking on the borders of njortheast Hupeh and north Anhui also south of the Yangtsze on the Hunan-Kianjrsi border. No details are available. Chiang: Kai Shek
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  • 56 9 Big Coup in Fukien. [Reuter's Service.] Foochow. March 26. An anny of SjMM t'omnumists which has been ravairing south Kianjjsi and south Hunan for more than a year has now invaded southwest Fukien. and captured Tinjr Chow-fu with a population of 2~>0,000 inhabitants after defeating the Government
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  • 50 9 Router's Service.] Paris March 25. A police commmiqiM says~'ls(>.()oo persons died past the Foch hier yesterday. It is eitll— tail 7">0,000 were unable to y:et near. The crowd recomtnvn; -ed filing past the bier in Notre Dame at <> a.m. and r )0,0i)0 passed in an
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  • 29 9 [Reuter's Service.] Monte Carlo, Mar. 26. The issue of a proclamation cancelling the manifesto announcing the election in June, led to a recrudescence of agitation.
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  • 499 9 XL— Pour Per Cent Only. t (By "Searchlight") A few articles back you listened to Langtuir with me. I now introduce you to Bell, another expert on nalm oil--E. Hyslop Bell, Ks«i.. Chairman of the great Niger Company. At the fortyeighth ordinary general meeting of that prosperous* undertaking,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 543 9 BUSINESS CARDS. "FLORANGE" J IMPROVES YOUR HEALTH I^rgjgjgjgfgJgigJgfflgfgfgJgJ^^ FUNERALS. I SINGAPORE CASKET CO. EXPERIENCED UNDERTAKERa I Day and N light Service. Tel. No. 75. EiUblished 1912. Tele. 5492. MASSAGE 1 MR. A MRS. FUJIMORI 1 JAPANESE BONE-SETTER I >0 19, Dhoby Ghsut, 6in*apoi«.* Hours 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. m
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    • 550 9 NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY). IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. In Bankruptcy. So. 327 i»f 1928. Non-Summary Cas*\ Re S. PATTARA CO. Notice is hereby given that a Ist and final Dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. All creditors should
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    • 369 9 AUCTION SALES. REMINDER. At No. .{O6 River Valley Road On Thursday, March 28th, at p.m. AUCTION SALf EXCELLENT TEAK HDrsftlfc&D FURNITtHU^ ETC.. Conipri-ing: Excellent teaK^-^flifdrobe with mirror doors, dressing table, u .i>Ti-tAnd, iron single and double bedsteads with beddings, sideboard, dining table and chair to match, (tinner wagon, marble top
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  • 47 10 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. Blow:.. At the Kun.pean Hospital, Kuula Lumpur, on March 24. t<> Mr. ami Mr> Forhyth Brown, of Tanjomr Mai Kstat*-. SepariK. h son. MBTCALFC. At th«- E«rop«an Hospital. Kuala Lutnpur. Ml March 24. 192V. to Marjone, wife of H. S. MetcalfV, Kapar. a daughter.
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  • 711 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1929. OUR AIR POLICY. We make the suggestion to Government, or to the Unofficial members of Council, that it would be advisable to make public in plain terms exactly what it was that Sir Eric Geddes put forward as tentative proposals in regard to
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  • 356 10 Raffles Library will bo closed on March 29 (Good Friday) and on Monday April 1 (Easter) but will be open OVI Saturday, March 30th. A short talk on the Harmony of Religions will be delivered by Swa.mi Adyananda tomorrow at 6.30 at the Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society. Messrs. Teng- Ching
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  • 842 10 VIEWS OF CLUB'S NEW CAPTAIN. Four Pilots A Month. The new flying policy of the Singapore Flying 1 Club was brought out at the annual meeting held at the Club House last evening. Explaining it from the layman's point of view, Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer, the
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  • 56 10 LATEST RUBBER AND TIN PRICES. [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.) London, Mar. 26, 4 p.m. Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Sons notify to-day's tin prices as follows ISpot £220 3/16 (down 9 '16). Forward £220 15/16 (down 4/16). The market is steady. Rubber lid. (up 2 16). Forward 11 6
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  • 106 10 MORE HEAVY FLOrtiu UP-COUNTRY %DS Mail Trains I) e l ayed [From Our Own CW*,,,^ Although 'there is normS*' Perak heavy flooding ot r |vl e&ther h in Selangor. Last night's mail t^-^ Port c Kuala Lumpur came to a dead frn miles out, at Serendah, and haH,
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  • 119 10 The New Church at Ipoh. [From Our Own Corre.^ndtnt.] Ipoh. Mar >A Tho Presbyterian pastors of Sineaoo Penang and Kuala Lumpur assembled Ipoh for the stonelayinir of the first Sco Kirk in Perak, by the Hriti>h Resident y Worthington, in the prt^enc^ o f a rep*** tative gathering
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  • 339 10 SINGAPORE TRIIUTE. 4 From all Of the British Army in MaUya in memor\ of Field-Marshal Foch, under iHmMC orders they were proud to wnC That simple inscription adorned equally simple wreath which was Ukj 4; the base of the War Memorial last tven:«| by Major-General Pritchant,
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  • 199 10 One Capture in Seremban From a message received in JjJJJ yesterday, it is understood that the j*^ ban Police have arrested one of th^£ ot long-sentence convicts who escapw the Singapore Prison last Sunday man who has been arrested na> w ll fied as a convict who
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 220 10 ITffK CONNOISSEUR COMBS TO CALDBBCK'S." m B^Bm v*!S^ft jjftftfc- '21 I 1 f^^^K m _^B^bl B^BM J^jn NK Ci I "LIGHT OR DARK," |^W^PW te THE DRINK FOR EVERY i KIND OF THIRST. I 1 |j|i S i CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO, LTD. I 1 (Incorporated under the Companies Ordnumo— of
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    • 153 10 V m KfeA 1 EXQUISITE FACE 1 I POWMtS I JJDUFRE BtOTBERS, LTi.| -:634 > T. K. K.'S Gents' Leather Shoes with Rubber Soles from $2.75 to $8.00 per pair. Gents' Leather Shoes with Rubber Soles from $:i.50 to $9.00 per pair. TENG SENG GUAN t 634 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD.
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  • 705 11 MOVING SCENES IN PARIS. Homape to a Great Warrior. [Reuter's Service.] P*ri* Mar. 26. fjje Prince of Wales and distinguished ImUmiTM of all the Allies have arrivS for Marshal Foch's funeral to-day. M* an to P atner throughout the C whole service will be broadcast. Hi funeral knell
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  • 74 11 Pending Move to Windsor. [Router's Service.] London, March 25. l »f to-day for the first time spent i of an hour out of doors not '•athchair. but it is emphasised V( ak and tires easily. In the event continuing: to be satisfact til I:i J <st y'« advisers
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  • 107 11 A NEW ATTACK ON CHEFOO. Chang Fights Again. I Reuter's Far Eastern Service.] v Chefoo Mar. 26. Chang Tsung Chang who was reinforced by i.OOO revolting troops a week or two ago attacked at two points west and southwest of Chefoo last night while 2,000 men from junks
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  • 165 11 New Liner Europa Destroyed. [Reuter's Service.] Hamburg, Mar. 2ft. The new giant liner Europa has been destroyed by fire. The cause of the fire is unknown. It broke out in the forepart of the new 46,000 tonner in the Blohm and Voss shipyard. The Europa was
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  • 128 11 Case for America. [Reuter's Service.] Washington. Mar. 26. A memorandum by tyr. Mellon, Secretary to the Treasury, declares the Imaione to be a notorious smuggler and law-bieaker which has not only been a thorn in the side of the United States but actually got into trouble with the
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  • 72 11 [Reuter's Service.] Seville. March 25. The airmen Captains Jiminez, and Iglesias, flying the Jesus del Granpoder in which they flew to Basra last year, have started on a non-stop flight, to South America. Buenos Aires, Mar. 26. Captains Jiminez and Iglesias the Spanish aviators on a non-stop
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  • 214 11 The Wuhan Attack. Shanghai. Mar. 26. The Convention decided yesterday ihe educational policy of the new executives. Supervisors were elected to-day. Wuhan troops commenced an attack on Yin Shan Hsien in Anhui others invading Western Kiangsi. Chu Pei Teh has wired Government for instructions. Chiang Kai Sek
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  • 23 11 Perth, March 25. The M.C.C. team haa sailed for England by the liner Ormond. [Earlier cables on page 9.] j
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  • 1517 11 STORY OF THE DEAD MAN. Inquest Opens. The recent sensational assault in Holland Road, culminating: in the death of an aged Chinese was recalled yesterday when the inquest opened before the Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne. Mr. Cullen, A.S.P., conducted proceedings on behalf of the police
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  • 167 11 REPLY TO QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT. Wages and Hours. [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT London. Mar. 26. Lord Winterton (tinker Sec. for India) i replying to questions by Mr. Kelly (Lab Rochdale) stated, on the authority of che •1927 report, the hours of employment in force for Indians in
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  • 40 11 [FREE PUESS ",£RVICE. COPYRIGHT.} London. Mar. 26. Replying to Lady Astor (C. Sutton) Earl Winterton said the report of the Ad/isory Committee on Social Hygiene would be s puWished a month hence simultaneously ir. London and in Malaya.
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  • 30 11 Ijondon, Mar. 26. Residents in Malaya will regret to learn of the deaths at Home of Mr. T. S. Ken Hpd Mrs. .7. A Webster. I
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  • 51 11 [Reuter's Service.] New York. Mar. 26. The elevation of the call money rate to 14 per cent marked the beginning of on? of the most disastrous of heavy declines for many months. Many active stocks lost 5 to 13 points, even first class rails falling off
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  • 34 11 Berlin. Mar. 26. The Weirbank. from China for Stettin with a crew of 60 and cargo of soya beans, ran on a sandbank off Warnemunde. Salvage vessels are proceeding to her assistance.
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  • 19 11 London, Mar. 26. The Budget will be introduced on April 15th. [Earlier cables on page 9.]
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 183 11 I Special Ifil Display! I THE NEIT "VAN HARDING" SHIRTS S with V.H. Semi Stiff Cuffs (g> and VAN HEUSEN COLLARS to match. "Van Hardinjr" shirts are made of special quality fine cotton jlc zephyr and fitted with V.H. neckbands, V.H. semi stiff double cuffs, which do not fray and
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  • 951 12 But How Many Friends It was stated recently that a well-known hostess sent out a thousand invitations for a house-warm ing party for her new house writes Ethel Mannin in the Daily Mail. Most of us, I suppose, would consider that if we had fifty people to
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  • 149 12 The Archbishop of York, Dr. William Temple, in his Diocesan Gazette, writes: "It is absolutely necessary for the work's that I should be able to think continuously from time to time about the work «>f the diocese and about the work of the Church generally;
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  • 965 12 A Special Train for the Pope. Rome. Feb. 17. Yesterday, for the first time since 1870. an Italian official in uniform entered the Vatican, writes The Times Correspondent. This was the Fascist Militiaman who drove into the Cortile di San Damaso in an army lorry carrying the
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  • 76 12 S.C.C. vs. Selangoi*. The following will represent the Singapore Cricket Club vs. Selangor at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, March 30th, Sunday, March 31st, and Monday, April Ist: R. L. L. Braddell (captain), P. H. Stewart Brown, Col. .Dickinson, W. H. Findlay, D. R A Hoblyn, W. H. Hansel],
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  • 889 12 A Wonderful Road. Probably every Englishman and most Americans know of "Flores in the Azores" where "Sir Richard iGrenville lay" in the "Little Revenge.** But how many of them know that another Flores lies just to the East of Java, the fourth island away, down the Lesser Sunda
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  • 171 12 Y.M.CA. Trounce R.A. The Y.M.C.A. cricket team defeated the R.A- on the Anson Road ground on Saturday by three wickets and 85 runs. Jenkins captured ti R.A. wickets for 25 Mas. Scores: Y.M.CA.: James run out 20; Van Cuylenberg b O'Donnell 0; Atkinson c O'Donnel] b Rye 2;
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  • 18 12 Wife at Willesden: My husband abuses me terribly, and my baby, aged two, repeats the language after him.
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  • 501 12 Introduction of the new General. Tht- introdurtion of General Edward J. Hifgiac, the new head <»f the Salvation Army. took place in the Congress Hall. Clapton on February l?<th. In the ordinary course. Colonel A. G. Cuningham stated in an interview with a representative of The Observer,
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  • 373 12 A Mediaeval Pawnshop System. The existence of an institution in me<iia»val colleges, analogous to that oft a modern paw nshop, whereby a student might "pledge" a book in his possession in return for a monetary loan, was not the least interesting of the many interesting things
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  • 15 12 Nottingham husband: 1 WW by my ailing wife's flow of lan^ag* tongue was not ailing:.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 165 12 L NESTLE AND ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED Mil KCO j r THE SPIRIT OF PROGRESS J m. T^H T1 I T A XTT* I 11 1 m V- I<IVAI-X.l/\ IN 1 achievement and steady progress have gained I W JLJ C X.T I 1 I I I r A lor the name
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  • 729 13 Those who worked to promote the first Oxford and Cambridge dinner at Singapore since the war may feel satisfied with the result as a very successful 'varsity' dinner was held at the Sea View Hotel on Boat Race Night (Saturday). There were fiftythree Oxford and Cambridge
    729 words
  • 119 13 Mr. E. S. Willhoum. the Senior Geologist of the Geological Survey Department, F.MS., who contributes a valuable paper to the report of the Department for 192&, was formerly Assistant Geologist. A! though greatly handicapped by sickness, he continued the geological survey of Kelantan and, by his knowledge of the State
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  • 435 13 The eighth annual general meeting of the United Engineers Recreation Club was held at the Head Office of the Company on February 22nd. Mr. J. A. Strachan, president of the Club occupied the chair. The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and confirmed after
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  • 351 13 A contented-looking, red-faced, fairhaired num. with his trousers just a shade short, his hoots just a shade large— that is how I remember John Cornish White, the English cricketer whose bowling in Australia has set the whole cricket world talking. I saw him at Brighton for the first
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  • 107 13 There are no such thing! as bad games in the world. Lord Bynp. The Fourth Annual Conference of the Perak Hindu Mahajana Sangam Kfl to held in Ipoh during: the Easter holidays. The venue of the conference is the Hindu Tempi* grounds in Sungei Pari Road whore special "pandals*' are
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  • 199 13 South African Fruit (Growers' Campaign. Another tribute to the value of advertising- is disclosed by the announcement that the South African Government has decided to support the fruit growers of the Union in advertising- in Great Britain. Money for the scheme will be raised by a compulsory
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  • 32 13 It has been decided to hold a public meeting at the Town Hull, Penan*?, on Thursday. April 4, for the purpose of forming a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 220 13 v— 1 Start a Band in Your Own T> ECOME the musical leader in your xJ own community by organizing a (fc^&M band Wkh C NN Brass InstruI ncnts. DWW Almost everybody can learn to play *m^ff easily and quickly a Conn Instrument due to their many patented devices. tvery
      220 words
    • 181 13 ifl L^L^Be^iK l^T i^i^l h ROLLED OATS KEEP IN STEP WITH HEALTH I Specially packed to protect your hpalth as //ell as to preserve the shape ot thf flakes and wfcoler.esa o l the gftun. ROLLED OATS are eas'ly digesteo Fc centuries people have relied •jpen this palatable cereal as
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 746 14 Blue Funnel line P REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES*— I ■IPRESf SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FOBTNTOhW-T. I WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. I Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre.) I Route subject to alteration without uotieo. I WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. 1 Doe
      746 words
      457 words
    • 398 14 British India and Apcar Lin«l (Incorporated in England.) **KJB MAIL^ PASSENGER AND CARro I SERVICES. G0 I PENINSULAR AND~ ORIENTAL S m UNDER CONTRACT WITH HIS MAJESTY < rftw.. LONDON AND FAR MAIL SFRVice 8 1 I OUTWARDS FROM LONDON~FOR CHINA AND u» J Due V «Ar,W Tonnage. Singapore. Dkl
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 712 15 O. S. K. Line." Destinations. Steamers. Arrive Uamm l/Om kn, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremen, Hunk irk and Antwerp via Colombo A< r Smz and Port Said Alaska Maru Apr. IT Apr. 19 iv ape Town. Rio de Janeiro. Saatop, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Kound-the-World passage £150.] fi* P i ata
      712 words
    • 515 15 BSSST USQS -*^^^538r~ Dollar President liners olhr you luxurious travel comforts. All state-rooms «tre outside rooms, and cooled by electric fans. They are furnished with beds (not berths), each having an electric reading lamp. State-roomr with private bath predominate, all have hot and cold running water. The spacious steel swimming
      515 words
    • 608 15 f K. P. M. KOWNXLYKE PMETV/UUtT MAATSCHAPPU. (KOYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA). (Incorporated in tolland.) n UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 3640, with sub. connections to: Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representative* in the Straits Settlements (Singapore and Pentag). 3 i Ox
      608 words

  • 248 16 The P. and O. Kashgar arrived at London at 7 a.m. on Saturday, the 23rd instant. Naval Headquarters inform us that Captain L. H. B. Bevan. R.N., assumed command of H.M.S. Cleopatra a few days before leaving England on the present voyage. The M.M. Athos II mail steamer,
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  • 338 16 In going to Sussex by the sea for health his Majesty is following many royal precedents, writes Montague Smith in the Daily Mail. For a century and a half the shore between Selsey Bill and Dungeness felt so many regal footsteps that it became known as the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 654 16 Burns Philp line (Incorporated in Australia). FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the motor ve MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is one of th« largest and finest steamers trading to Aabtraiia. Cabins de
      654 words
    • 106 16 THE TORTURE OF PILES. Why cMthraa to suffer? mYS.?*" VAN VLE CK'S ABSORPTIVE rLAbMA no case of this painful malady is too stubborn or too long-standing to be compietely and permanently cured. The easy application and wonderful power of absorption mi2L VAN VLECK S ABSORPTIVE PLASMA is amazing. It soothes
      106 words
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 683 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. I I BY TRAIN. a Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and n Friday 6 a.m. 1< Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala h Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan
      683 words
    • 172 16 Kamo Maru, Jap. 4885, from MidllesI brough 26, for Yokohama 27. Imataca, Norw. 1*43. from Hong Konir 25, for Bangkok 27. I Wing Lm, Chi. 641, from Hong KoO)g 26, for Hong Kong 28. Kheng Sene. Brit. 51, from Singkep 26, for Singkep 28. Hong Loo, Brit. 58, from Mersing
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  • 206 17 LOCAL SALARIES. To the Editor. Sir,— Are salaries of local employed men in this country getting lowered? I shall consider it very kind of you if you will be Srood enough to give publicity to my views on the subject through the medium of your valuable
    206 words
  • 166 17 BEAUTIFY SINGAPORE To the Bditor. Sir,— This lovely small City amongst the tar Eastern British possessions is Erowinp; very rapidly in all aspects. The administrators ot this city are taking every possible step to see that this island in its stately build lnps, avenues, parks and public sites shall count
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  • 298 17 Sunday. Mar. 17. His Excellency the Governor and Lady' Clifford attended High Mass at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Monday. Mar. 18. H.H. The Runee of Sarawak and Miss Brooke arrived to stay. Mr. A. Hyde, M.C.S. had luncheon at Government House. His Excellency the Governor and
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  • 166 17 The St. Andrew's Cathedral Dance has been arranged for April U*th, in the Victoria Hall. Dancing will begin at p.m. and close at 1 a.m. This time Bridge tables are being arranged for by Mrs. C. H. G. Clarke and Mrs. Noel Da vies. Tables
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  • 48 17 Previously acknowledged $3,530; Lim Ah Woo $200; Tan Soo Bin $100; Cheong Cwee Puan $100; Say Hong Koh $100; Oversea Chinese Bank $100; Chinese Commercia 1 Bank $100; See 800 Ib $100; Ho Siak Ki $100. Union Times $50; Nam Soon Whay Kuan $20-, $4,500.00.
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  • 286 17 Change in London's Night Life. Girls who have been professional partners at nijjht clubs are now enduring a distress, injar time. Hundreds have been thrown out of work and many more are earning but a few shillings a week. "The closing" down of many of the
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  • 353 17 It is interesting to notice says the Manchester Guardian of Feb. 18 that in these days of frigid travel some passengers are calling out for the old tin foot- warmers which used to be the most comforting of railway companions. There are two main schools
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  • 160 17 Dash Through Station at 15 m.p.h. Paris. Feb. 15. A driverless train which had been left temporarily unattended dashed through the station of Houdain in the Arras district today at a speed of 4"> miles an hour. The driver of the train had stopped at Bajin
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  • 158 17 The most amusing effect of the cold is thy shameless way in which washing: has been abandoned. The people who would no more think of missing: their morning 1 bath than they would of walking down Piccadilly without any clothes on have given in to circumstances beyond
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  • 24 17 Woman at Willesden: When my husband is drunk he swears, and when he is sober he swears that he did not mean to swear.
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  • 283 17 MALAY INTER-SETTLEMENT CUP. The "Sixth" match on Wednesday (today) will be the chief event of the Malay football year, and is sure to attract an unusual crowd. The last similar event in 1919 is said to have drawn 16,000 spectators. The first match took place en June 3rd. 1912 on
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  • 290 17 God as an Eastern Potentate. Church organists, compose! s, and Sunday school authorities are supporting Mr. Alai^ J. Kirby, conductor of the Croydon Philharmonic Society, in his contention that "half the hymns sung to-day are not religious, hut sentimental slush." and that it is ahout time a clean
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  • 82 17 "There's Nothing Like the Bagpipe." Says ITinc* Arthur. "I am not one of those who disparage the bagpipes," said Prince Arthur of Connaught, speaking at a gathering of iuM Aberdeen branch of Royal Scots Greys' Association. "I was brought up on bagpipes, and there is
    82 words
  • 100 17 The star of the Vienna Opera, Mine. Jeritza, received the other day a large parcel from California, which revealed, when opened, a COWgirl*! outfit, complete with saddle and bridle. The sender, a Mr. Schweppe, of I,<»^ Angeles, explained in an accompanying letter that he is
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 539 17 I Allenburys* Poods Made from the purest milk of cows pastured in the home counties, the 'Allenburys" Foodf are as easily digested as mothers milk. They are germ free and are simply and quickly made by the addition of boiling water only. Milk Food No. 1 Milk Food No. 2
      539 words
    • 432 17 a 831 A I Whai^ver^ troubles you, i H A glass of ENO first thing every morning is the K U safest and most pleasant corrective of liver troubles. M B That is why ENO is so necessary to a healthy life I n the tropics. You can count on
      432 words

  • 1053 18 CANADIAN VIEWS OF THE EXPERIMENT. I Why it Failed. The Ottawa Correspondent of the Manchester Guardian says: The consensus of -pinion in Canada is that the miner-har-.ester movement was a failure. To begin with, there came out with the harvester u lumber of Communists who succeeded in implanting suspicions
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  • 1122 18 LARGE GATHERING. Preparation to Welcome British Prince. [By Our Chinese Correspondent.] For the purpose of making arrangements to welcome the Duke of Gloucester when His Highness visits Singapore on the way to .Japan, representatives of the local public bodies met in the Chinese Chamber of Cotnmi ice 0:1
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  • 124 18 Nizam of Hyderabad's (Jift of 11,000. Tho Nizam of Hyderabad has given a donation of 11,000 to tho Koss Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, in recognition of the work which the Institute, of which Sir Ronald Koss is Director-in-Chu f. is doing in assisting the prevention and
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  • 231 18 STOLEN OXEN AS EXEC UTIONERS. Kn^lish Iso of the iuili«»rint. Win n and where I I in England were qu< *t Daily Expresi in ret li. I < ni'tiv. The answer i- in tl Yorkshire, in the tixteenth Mr. B. H. W. Meyer writer, has called attent i of the
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 335 18 for 3O years 'I I Scores cj/ Parker Pens hat'e liiulllllLj H OINCM the first long-lived Parker Pens M k3 were made, jo years' experience, 47 J improvements have beea added by Geo. "1 fl S. Park t, 32 pa nts s- cur« d, to product |j fl this modern
      335 words
    • 231 18 I STOP THAT I Less Work I LEAK! AN I Stw ,a*i r rw I nei *ei' Kesulu I 4<y ators, why be stranded |j tt a <» miles from home, when -Jli »i A it can be avoided by lBR%i A purchasins: a tin of:- j^^ > •> .{^9
      231 words

  • 864 19 March 26th., Closing Prices, a- Buyers Sellers. Batang Padan K 45 r )0 Batu Caves L52V. 1.57% mum-f rangs Mi Johan Tin *e t7i__ _-;_a.„ >*- > o<v_s cum Kinta Tm Dred. 1 47 1 ,<) Klang River 3^5 3.15 uchai 1.35 1.38V 2 K«y°h* 05 10
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  • 205 19 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore, Mar. 26. Rubber.—l^ondon LO%d, down. Closing Prices ."> p.m. Spot 36; April 36M>; MayJune 37; July-Sept. 38; Oct.-Dec. 88%. Steady. Tin.—London £221 2s 6d, 37s 6d down. Mining.—Dull. Sungei Way 3.10 3.20, Kuchais 1.37 J.40, Kinta Dredge 1.45 1.50, Klang River 3.00 3.10, Hong Fatts
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  • 52 19 M iron In. b irk 4 m. a 2,.: 2l>-'*2 Banff demand JJJ 25-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2j4 13-32 New York, demand 66 l|l6 Credits 90 days 53 Hong Kong, demand 12 p.c. Vis. Yokohama, demand 124 '/> Bangkok, demand 80^ Bank of England Rate sVfr p.c. Sovereign,
    52 words
  • 234 19 March '»»>. Tin 12."> Tons IlllT^j Gambier g-^ Pepper White n 0 Pepper Black go Flake Tapioca <j^ Pearl Sago Small s Copra Sundried 9.60 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 3.30 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice, Rangoon Bintan 260 Rice, Rangoon Sioka 256 Rice,
    234 words
  • 66 19 March 2Hth.. 12 o'clock MM, R.S.S. equal to Standard, Q.C.F. Spot :*fi 36 14 Standard R.S.S. Spot 36 MH Standard R.S.S. mi Ten.ltT April W» l 4 tt% May :{«;i 4 'M Apr-Jun- 86% 'M July-St'i't. ■\~--4 3S Oet-Dec. M 3S'^ Tout* »r' Market: Steady.
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  • 78 19 Yesterday's Alterations. Buyers Sellers. Kampontf (10s) 22s 28a fid x.d. B. Jelutong ($1 70 80 B. Katil 70 80 Haytor ($5) 7.30 S.OO x.d. Jeram Kuantan (50) 1.17 l a 125 Jimah ($1) 1.70 1.85 Lunas ($1) 1.85 2.00 Malaka Pinda ($U 1.60 1.70 New Scudai (s2>
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  • 96 19 Mr. Burgess' Optimism. [F-REE PRESS SERVICE.- COPYRICHT.I Ixmdon. Mar. 26. f Mr. P. J. Burgess, the chairman of Mapala^ama, speaking at the annual meeting stated he expected that at the close of this year world stocks would have unappreciably increased and if consumption continues to increase as
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  • 26 19 The rubber share market is dull owing to the further considerable setback in the commodity mainly due to weakness in the N«w York Market.
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  • 27 19 London stocks show an increase of 1.214 making the total being 27,656 against 59,644 for the same period of last year. Liverpool increase is 233
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  • 18 19 Mapalagama pays 7V£, Sungei hoh Highlands and Lowlands 10, Ayer Kuning 12 Va per cent dividends.
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  • 17 19 The tin share market is irregular and uninteresting. Tronoh, Renong and Malayan are modestly supported.
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  • 511 19 BUKIT TIMAH RUBBER ESTATES LTD. Bi£ Profit Reduction. The annual general meeting- of Bukit Timah Rubher Estates, Ltd. was held at the registered offices of the Company, French Bank Buildings, yesterday when Mr. E. A. Gibson, Chairman, presided. Others present were Rev. J. M. Ouillon. Mr. J. A. Ruinat and
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  • 40 19 There are many of us whom Christ would certainly have advised to choose poverty for our soul's health but not, so far as I cansee, on the ground that the capitalist is necessarily a robber or a parasite.— Dear* Inire.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 612 19 52S ASSWUNCE TO HCE OVER m*,,*, I THE GREAT EASTERN WE ASSURANCE COMPANY LDDIID. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). I? k EA p OFFIC E: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27 Old Jewrv EC The Company has $20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the BrS LUe'
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    • 389 19 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hong: Kong). Head Office: Hong Kong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,003,000 Reserve Fund —Sterling 6,000,000 x> t SiL ver $14,080,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. N. S. Brown, Esq., Chairman. H Bell- Es< I>eputy Chairman.
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    • 39 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) FIHE MOTOR CAR MARINE. Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A GORDON. LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 1231 20 Another Inter-Commercial Cup competition has now come and gone and a new holder of the trophy has been found in the A.P.C. who deserve the Cup after their excellent display at the Stadium yesterday. There is no doubt that the team thoroughly merited a win on the run
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  • 670 20 BEACH ROAD CONTRACT CASE. What Caused the Delay? i The alleged reason for the delay in the execution of the contracts, occupied the attention of the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) in the Supreme Court yesterday, when Mr. S. Muthucumani, a contractor re. j Aiding 1 in Racecourse
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  • 65 20 Mohamed Yusof, care of Hon^c Konp: and Shanghai Bank, with nine correct forecasts was the winner of last week's football competition. "Better late than never" is evidently the motto of Mr. H. L. Van Der Beek of 192, Joo Chiat Road, Singapore whose forecast for Competition No.
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  • 63 20 Miami, Florida. Mar. 25. Gar- Wood in Miss America VII establish- 1 ed a new world speed record here to-day at 93.12 miles an hour. [The previous record measured in miles an hour, not counting Segrave's recently es- tablished points win over Gar-Wood, was held by
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  • 794 20 INTER-COMMERCIAL CUP FINAL. Good Win by A.RC. A.PC, 3; Mansfield's, 2. Innumerable crackers, a jazz band kindly supplied by members of the A.P.C. and much advice from the stand, marked the conclusion of the -Inter-Commerqia) Cup competition at the Stadium yesterday when the A.P.C. defeated Mansfield's after a
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  • 164 20 The Hon'ble Mr. John Scott, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary, has greatly pleased Malay football enthusiasts by agreeing to preside, H.E. the G.O.C. finding: attendance impossible. The Fenang headquarters are 61 Jalan Sultan, 123 visitors having arrived by the Kedah instead of 80 as telegraphed, including" many of the
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  • 412 20 THE SWIMMING CLUB REPORT. A Successful Year. The following: is the report of the Committee of the Swimming Club for the year ended January 31st., to be presented at the annual meeting on April 7th. at 10.30 a.m. After making the usual provision for depreciation ($6,380.71) and reserving
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  • 85 20 A New Welter Champion. [Reuter's Service.] Chicago. Mar 26. Jackie Fields 10>t.r») beat Young Jack Thompson (1O..">) the Snn Francisco Negro on points in a ten round fiirht for recognition by the National Boxing Association as the world's welterweight champion. The match became championship as result of the
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  • 22 20 [Reuter's Service. 1 London, March 25. In a First Division nihtch yesterday. Aston Villa defeated Sundrrland by 3 goals to
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  • 156 20 YESTERDAY'S REBULTB. 1 J. S. Nathan beat D. R. A. Hoblyn. 3—6. 6—2. 6—3. W. Warden beat K. Joy, 6—l, f> i. R. M. Duff beat E. J. Cassels, 3—6 7—5, 6—l. J. K. Hamilton beat R. J. Collins 6 l. 6-2. P. Buschow beat H.
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  • 209 20 Godown Doubles Handicap. L. W. By red and E. V. Smith plus 2 vs. Roy Smith and G. H. Daly owe 15.2. C E. Winter and A. McKintosh owe 3 V s C. Murphy and D. V. Gibson owe 1. W. E. Cotte* and E. W. H. Graham
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 196 20 IThe MARK oTREALLY^OOD MUSIC I Instruments to suit every p Ur s e I Records to suit every taste i |S. Motatrie Co. i** Ht (Incorporated in Hong Kong). g RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. ii »j, jui ji ja J j 1 I AJ^ I s A May? I Seats Cools
      196 words