The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 May 1928

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press t(l CENTS. SINGAPORE, S< TUESDAY, MAY 15,r«Kv» /£2 NO. 12,110
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  • 221 1 Latest news concerning the situation in China will he found on page tu K\-I'rince Carol of Kuniiinia has not yet left England owing to the fact that he is finding it difficult to discover suitable quarters elsewhert* l*age 9. Mr. Van Lear Ulack. the DutchAmerican millionaire, is
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  • 868 1 Spring make* the duraJfeun ting. I sounds like line from *n Elizabethan, ly lie; it is morel) stat< -mnu of fact ii. Cccriiiaii prose. 'Pi. y I Bff ftboill Him-. and .My Sugar, and \V:i y Be* k n Rfiseour and the rest of the ballad* that
    The Times  -  868 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 260 1 WING LOONG. FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. J -tyle. Cut and Finish Guaranteed J 32. HIGH STREET. S Raffles Hotel Rooms with Modern Sanitation. i| TEA PC GRILL 'ROOM diner 1 !>ANCES rnrivalled in the Easl. DANSANT M™/* TANIA SVETLANOVA EVERY I WEDNESDAY AND TUESDAY im)AY ALEX: SALNIKOFF. Thursday I MoGuire's
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    • 129 1 y*wwwwywwwwwrv^^ 5 The easy writing > ROYAL TYPEWRITER-A writing machine of surpassing excellence. j I- I' V vJINI I \3 I J mi vi i: QUAY > 1 I^lL.. Ltd. Singapore. :j f Also at 5 J« (Incorporated in England). Penang and Kuala Lumpur. J j EUROPE HOTEL! "Renowned by
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    • 120 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Latest shipping notices on paces 10, 11 an.i 12. 'tuning attraction at the Pavilion Page 2. M«msuring tapes and rales at Robinson't —Page i Latest small advertisemeiiti ap<i Roticet on page 7. Thi- Fa!* i Knight Six. Associated \uto Co Page 5. Golf ciuh- by the leading makers
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 231 1 THE WEEK. .Tuesday, 1 ~ith. Hijrh Water, 8.10 a.m.. 7.1. 7.17 p.m., 7 Malacca: H. W. S^o 5.1, 4.10 p.n.. R.7. Ayer Panas Kuhber. Derrick's, 8008. Singapore Assizes open. Football: Mr, i". Malays vs. s.R.r.. Stadium. Foo ball: Div, 11. 'A' Scletat vs. Pulan Brani, Malay gToand. Football: Div.
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  • 259 2 Vrctic Sport Without Hardship. Th< cruise of the Arctic Amazon* start! June. These Amaxons of 1928 are women wh<» intend spending the Rummei hunting polar bea seals, and in ilif Arctic regions. Mr C. Bee Ma* n of Burgess Hill. Suss< was ui'h Si! Ernest
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  • 175 2 Redaction Suggestions. W! 1 stia- am \U\> another.*' aling iff a i in Sia This he th« abolition $iam< at cons ai m thje imp< ontryj- he 1 hi Ministry a liti!. ord r t' luce this, th< I that a < rd Cone :u a
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  • 272 2 Strmnffc Legend Revived After 1.200 Years. h ten stinj; discoveries have rec< ntl) been rardinje St. Decuman's Church, I he .So which stand* on a hill o\ei I !;<■ Bristol Channel. St. Decuman** was built on the site of a Saxon church of a t>l < similai
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 imiiiiiiiiit;iii!i:!:i:itniiiiiM!iiiiiii!iiii!iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiii!iiiiHiiiiiiiimti!iii:!ii:iii COMING SOON! S 1 ALHAMBRA. huVt SOXDtN +~o Ni;l HAMILION THE JO/ VBL' A scintillating picture of Palm Beach at its gayest and a picture parade of I PALM BEACH BEAUTIES. I Partly in technieolour. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMiUHiiiiiiiiiniiuuHiiiniiiiiiiuiiHinimiiiHai HOW DOCTORS CURE URINARY TROUBLE Hot, scalding urine, a too-frequent de«ire to pass
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    • 194 2 Victoria Theatre MAY 22nd, 23rd, 24th 26th Mrs. ARTHUII HARRIS will produce IN AID OF ST. ANDREW'S HOSPITAL. BOOKING NOW OPEN AT LITTLE'S. PAVILION From Monday 14tK. to Sunday 2OtH. May. The Latest PATHE GAZETTE. Douglas Maclean Hold that Lion Douglas Maclean proes Stanley and Livingstone one better. He makes
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  • 1015 3 ENCROACHING SHOPS AND (JAR ACES. (Jarlic to Ferro-Concrcte. Theatre-land ia a wealthy country and possesses hi^h proportion of motor-can per lui»d of population. Unfortunately, ii never s<>ems to know where to put them It is now announced that the problem if to be tackled squarely, and we
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 206 3 SCOTCH WHISKy\J I HAIG WHISKY I IS being sold to-day than E al any time in the long history- of its existence, viz., 300 years. No other Distiller can truthfully make f <•••!» .1 stutcn'.cnt. E;::--' i'. Jhe period of shortage of old stocks t -V pmt rfi »d HAIG
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    • 371 3 FALCON SENCINE BRAND 8 CARVEL IN I BELL BAZAAR BRAND 3 VARMiSHES ||S J^ISSiSIr.IS! 8J VARNISHES 1 srffio, ssrtj is -The that gf g A v,™^ 8| 0 foirh fi n cil n I D^O won t turn white under U.n under these brand* ifl S-oach finishing, water" is a
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    • 149 3 I 6 THE EXTRA FLAVOUR °t| A professional touch is introduced I into Soups, Entrees and Savouries I by a few drops of I LEA&PERRJNS j CAiirp I CRAWFURD SETTLEMENT TRUST ESTATE* NOS. 16, 17 18, RAFFLES PLACE. ONE OF THE FINEST BUSINESS SITES IN THE SQUARE, To be sold
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  • 2265 4 I This Way for the Atlantic. WHY PILOTS ENVY bIrT HINKLER. MAKING OCEAN PLIGHTS SAFE. X. Stanhope Sprigg. EDITOR OF -AIRWAYS) [SPECIAL TO FREE PRESS) I.ondi.n. April 18. lore or less, all this summer, WC shall i dev< uri- g news about the cr<oas-Atlantie H'ghts. Min
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  • 625 4 May 15 Birth of Florence Nightingale. 108 On the 15th May, 1820, Florence YEARS Nightingale, the noble-hearted AGO. woman who revolutionized th<. profession of nursing- throughout the world, was born ii, the Italian city of Florence, Where her parents were then residing. Her lather waa a
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  • 409 4 I found the heir buttoning the coat of his pyjama jacket. "I hear you have bfen naughty." I said, in a terrible voice. "And you know what I told you last time?" The heir nodded. I cleared my throat impressively. "I little thought,'' I said, "that
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  • 261 4 S 1. In the 1922 Derby Captain Cuttle (owned by Lord Woolav- y: ington and ridden by Stove Dono- :J> ghue) was first out of .SO horses. '0\ ami in the 1914 Derby, there were the same number of runners, the rate being won by H. MacGee
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  • 80 4 Madras, April 19. Thavuttupalayam, a hamlet in Bhavani Taluq (Coimbatore District) is reported to have been the scene of a devastating fire last week, as the result of a thunderbolt, which set fire to a coconut tree. The burning leaves drifted to the thatched roof of,
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  • 803 4 Looking Forward to British Open. CIRCUS METHODS APPLIED TO GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS. (By YVaIU-, Hagen. American Piofeseional Golf Champiw Just now I'm looking forward to m> seventh journey to (Ireat Britain, to play in the British open. The British open is to be played at Sandwich,
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  • 768 4 With a Kabbit and Others. At the fourth tee, write- a Time! correspondent the Tiger ■topped addressing his hall, and held up his hand. "Listen." ho said, "that's monkeys." The Rabfelt, hb ears full of the. Queer, clinking chattering noise, peered hard into tho forest; but
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  • 127 4 Komr. Ipril The latot tindr "path* la I favour of thi rt»w hat iadu ti first days of Bprteff sunshm. a.' tht- wcccii of ttw proffjwta wei'ks ago. TIM wunn-ii of I pwind like a brilliant advaa a fashion movrnu-nt whid rnvt-lop th»> irholfl riat;"»i. Straw hat-
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  • 619 5 Londoners for a time seemed to have fai len into a siesta regarding the adequate defence of the Capital against enemy aircraft. Recent announcements relating to t!iis vital matter in the Morning Post have, however, aroused a considerable number from their lethargy, and they are asking what
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  • 181 5 Kpaulette Problem Solved. The great Epaulette Question has been settled at lust. The Royal Naval officer wil) henceforth present a symmetrical appearance on all occasions. It is official. An Admiralty order was issued on April 10th. stating that it has been decided that epaulettes
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  • 113 5 l*ooleV Deputy Mayor Has Escape. The D.puty Mayor of Poole, Alderman H. S. Carter, was entering Poole harbour in his small sailing yacht Tern on April 9 when an incoming collier collided with the craft which t-ank almost immediately. Alderman Carter had a narrow escape from di'ownin^c,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 362 5 .^Bw Sw The World's I^f Tp>e I t IP I ■Hinpcf If //•>##• a/' X lIICM hi 111 ow I'll I! 11l tr^»-» lir ',11 np l^^^lmjl is especially welcome Joi in a trying climate #J^|^J|f Hall's Mne THE SUPREME TONIC RESTORATIVE puts new life into those who are tired
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  • 2270 6 This Way for the Atlantic. :j WHY PILOTS ENVY Bm HINKLER. f. MAKING OCEAN PLIGHTS SAFE. jj j: X. Stanhope Sprigg. ij •I (EDITOR OF -AIRWAYS) [SPECIAL TO FBKE PRESS. Leaden, April is. More or less, all this summer, we shall b< devouring news about the
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  • 632 6 JT^SSk,— Memocable Events mft» May 15 Birth of Florence Nightingale. 10S On the 15th May, 1820, Florence YEARS Nightingale, the noble-hearted AGO. woman who revolutionized th<. profession of nursing throughout the world, Wai hoin hi the Italian city of Florence, where \v r parents were then
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  • 412 6 I found the heir buttoning the coat of his pyjama Jacket. 'I hear you have t>een naughty,*' I said, in a terrible voice. "And you know what. I toM you last time?" The heir nodded. I cleared my throat impressively. "I little thought.'' I said, "that
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  • 251 6 In the 1922 Derby Captain Cuttle (owned by Lord Woolav- ingten and ridden by Steve Dono- ij-j ghue) was first out of 'AO horses. S and in the li»14 Derby, there were the same number of runners, the S race being won by H. MacGee on S
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  • 80 6 Madras. April 19. Thavuttupalayam, a hamlet in Bhavani Taluq (Coimbatore District) is reported to have been the scene of a devastating tire last week, as the result of a thunderbolt, which set fire to a coconut tree. The burning leaves drifted to the thatched roof o^
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  • 794 6 Looking Forward to British Open CIRCUS METHODS APPLIED TO GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS. (By Waltei Hagon, American Ptofessional <;"!f Chami Just now I'm looking forward to m> soventh journey to Great Britain, to play in the British open. Tin' British open is to be played at Sandwich,
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  • 770 6 With a Rabbit and Others. At the fourth tee, writes a Timei correspondent the Tiger itopped addressing his hall, and held up his hand. "Listen,* 1 he said, "that's, monkeys." The Kabbi*. his ears full of th^ fjueer, clinking chattering noise, peered hard into the t'orest;
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  • 129 6 Komi*. \|>' Thi iaU->t 1 1 a.l«- *pU«h" l« I favour of thr straw hat i«d I first day.- of Sprtag >unshm» ah the ■bccch of thr propaganH Wot'ks BgO. Thr POWtH "I > poartii lik»- a brilliant a fashion movi-nunt wh invt'lop tin* irkok nat.'ti. Straw
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  • 624 7 Londoners for a time seemed to have fai len into a siesta regarding the adequate defence of the Capital against enemy aircraft. Recent announcements relating to tbifl vital matter in the Morning Post have, however, aroused a considerable number from their lethargy, and they are asking what
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  • 183 7 Epaulette Problem Solved The great Epaulette Question has been settled at last. The Royal Naval oAcer wifl henceforth present a symmetrical appear anee on all occasions. It is official. An Admiralty order was tamed on April 10th. stating that it has been decided that
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  • 112 7 Poole't Deputy Mayor Has Escape. The Deputy Mayor of Poole. Alderman H. S. farter, was entering Poole harbour in his small sailing yacht Tern on April J when an incoming collier collided with the crafl which almost immediately. Alderman Carter had a narrow escape from drowning; being
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 331 7 The World's J^.,.S II '^^'jtll rincst I 11 is especially welcome l/l^§^ BM in a trying climate t^oWf Halls Wine 7W£ SUPREME TONIC RESTORATIVE puts new life into those who are tired and depressed. It enriches the blood and every nerve, every function, feels the benefit. It braces up the
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  • 388 8 Are Women Able to Construct Is it tiue that women have little constructive 01 inventive ability? The proportion of women applying for patents for inventions seema to point to this. As against three thousand men there are only five hundred women, and although women are engaged in
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  • 524 8 (ant«n. T went up by the night boat to Canton, and it was in the nature of things thai a British hoc-key team should be travertine by tho same vessel, writes Arthur Mills in the Daily Express. Wellington took his hounds to the peninsula, and would
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  • 89 8 A number of transfers are in course ol taking place Bays the British North Borneo Herald Mr. E. H. Cave has left Tuaran foi Marudu Bay to relieve Mr. E. W. Skinner Who Roes to Mentpakul as District Officer Mr. 0. G. Onimanney then comes to Jesselton as Assistant Collector
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 \\r General Motor/ I I For many weeks there have 9 I been rumours current through- B I out the East regarding a new, B I improved Chevrolet bigger I I and better than ever before. H I B I We are glad to be able to I 1 announce
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    • 295 8 0?^ goodness of chicken. I^^^^^^^p In a tin of Crosse MarU,.||\ Kswnce of Chicken you j(|v( 1 the real, rich goodness u j^^y^^^^^M fowl, carefully preserved. u^ remem^r that when l>u\. ins: invalid foods it is m M important to gd nothinu I the best, therefore ihriyi \nmX 1 on
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 343 9 BUSINESS CARDS. ij SINGAPORE CASKET CO. > MENTAL MASONS. > I .U'phnne No 7.">. .V.V.V.V.V.VMVAWM TO LET. i! BRIDGE ROAD. Entry MEYER BROTHERS. p .r.itrly or as ore shop, in Buildings, Stamf -rd Road. r« of Free Pr* 1 if. !:<:>. ti f race houj-cs Nog. Read. Water laid on.
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    • 850 9 NOTICES. NOTICE. Meeting of the Board of Licencing Justices. The Munru-rly »Msi«as of tho Board of Ljcencing JvaUees fo, Um Settlement of 1028 will be heU in las Pfe* Magistrate's rl< S nK:iP r M on Wednesday •lunc i!7th., I'.tjs. J ui' 'V\ •■•lkatkmi for Public House and Billiard K,.om
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    • 724 9 THE TSDVAN-FU AFFAIR. ENGLISH EYEWITNESS'S ACCOUNT. Praise for Japanese. rSeuter's l-ixv Eastern Scrviee.l Skansjaai, Ma.i 1 1. An English eye-witness :it Tsinan>fa praises the Japanoso efficiency, firstly in maintaining tho Shantung railway which at one time was cut in no less than IS places; secondly in their military dispositions notably
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    • 770 9 CHINA AND THE LEAGUE. EMBARRASSING SITUATION AT GENEVA. Minister Awaiting Orders. [Reciter's S^^'ice 1 Geneva, May 13. The Chines.' Nationalist Government's protest to the League with regard to the Japanese occupation of Shantung caused something of a Mutter in league circles, largely owing to the fact that the Nanking Government
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    • 597 9 S^ VA V.V^W".-JW^WV.V.\VA\%VWVVVWVWWVJ%^WW%%VAVW-i Concrete Cement Rendering ji ■WATERPROOFED i W X Li* Waterproofing Paste REPELS WATER I Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Sole Agents for Truscon Building Products. v. v.wwww-ww.*. vwwavs vwwwwwmvwvwvww www -www wy X A SURE WAY TO STOP INDIGESTION. Ii d m' 1 U such a lonimon itilaieni
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    • 553 9 TENDERS. Tenden a>-< i :"..r orect vw stinits CUnose Methodist Church, In titu I Parsonage ai R n pong Bahru I!-.., The lowest <>i any tender not necessarily as> eepteda SWAN AM' MA( 1 .AKKN. Archlted Hongkong Baak rtiauihc n MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Tin Mui icipal ommiitMionerc <■? 4 .b.<
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  • 664 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1928. THE SOUTHERNERS' SUCCESS. There seems little doubt from the rather surprising news that arrived in the cables yesterday that the campaign of the Nationalists in China is ,\ikely to be crowned with success within a few weeks, possibly days. The capture of Tsangchow,
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  • 613 10 On jiccount oJ ihe b^ o5 suppor\, \Y>e V,n -Service frmneT ftxeo. ioT \S e&Tie?Aa>' May loth, at the Europe Hotel has had to be cancelled Serious allegations of an assault on 13--year-old pirl named Edith Vass are pending against an Eurasian named Peter Misson who was produced before the
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  • 169 10 To Leave on Monday. According to present arrangements the four Hyingr boats' of the Royal Air Force Far Eastern Flight which have been undergoing overhaul at the Seletai air base will leave on Monday next for the Dutch East Indies and Australia. They had been
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  • 97 10 Monday. May 7th. Hil Excellency the Governor attended by Mr. W. F. N. Churchill, Private Secretary, presided at the Legislative Council Meeting. Tuesday. May B. His Excellency and Lady Clifford accompanied by The I.ady Victoria FeUding and attended by Captain (i. N. Maeartn* y. A.D.C kft Singapore by
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  • 545 10 A line of $^>00 wtt Inflicted on a Chinese 1 who pleaded guilty before the District .Tudjje yesterday to a charge of possession ot' nonGovernment chandu valued at 16*400. The accused was arrested in a house in Telok Blanga Road on Sunday morning with the drug in his possession. Writing
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  • 300 10 Rescue of Japanese (>^ When H. M. rorveyinf n under the command of <H lla>elfoot. D.5.0., R N irr from Miri. .Sarauak. re I story of the sea Wai told nnindcr. It WWI tlmt the Hera!.'. ft p Kong on Mareh 17th. to \n mm, survey work,
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  • 33 10 LATEST Rl'Rßtiß AND TIN PRICES. v Cvvr <3\vt\ Gsßtsj|QH notify to-day's itibtKl I ft r »«d. Dtjf \b. Messrs. Lewis, Latarui n I notify to-day's tin orices a£2B2^ 6281 r, R.
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  • 85 10 Coroner's Verdict. When the inquest touching ti of a Chinese [><<rk hutchev in Upf* r«>ail MMMC ti/ne bACk was ivn. Coroner's Court festcrdl irho have bWM MTIVStod I Kerbau Police imi ptmal In C pect(»r ]>. l>a)e irw kS. One of the prisoner! mad staring that
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  • 100 10 Chinese Acquitted. A CMmm who m ui with kidnapping ;i ill fMH pirl from her lawful |Wffdiai yi"stiM«la> acquitted by th, Di I when the rase airain-t \b> I aid* btM part heard. It wai alleged that th. after the ehiM "Wl« th P«w**i in China and
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  • 71 10 Mr. J. Hhot-m. fan* I '< v trict Court, Btaigmpore, iri WCoWing $101) which u;»- Uk«*" pocket )>y two him <■ wfc I ran- M Satur.iav Ka I l Mr. Hhe.-ni. two det€Ctiv< cused men M tbiy broUffHt of them having bumped while the other took
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  • 29 10  -  Sar Gazette THIS WAV FOR THh ITLANTII On Monday. April UUh Rajah, left by Vyu-' B trip to Java H« m and Mrs. Hean ami M MarHi/an.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 434 10 .■Jf{«oj,M\s//nfi>/i/'i7^rHrr/,'r«r .Uhoup'aßrititihPilaent rßecrAHxnpn'aPritiahPUaevrrßeer S»fi Arbft»p^opi(MAP^ctierorerA^o»^corirtaAPi7««iieror«r.4llsooi»'«oriet«fcPt7»rii«rß««r V /WMOi)b a N/{ri/'N*/'t/«rn^r^rM//K«>rif/«firtft«/i/>,7i>f'n«r/;r«-/- Kflsonv'xßritixi'Pih'Perßeer 1 ■}i{ N p^^ ri 7V l i w r g^^{{«»»»'«l'nH«A/»i7«rrtrr£rerr/4//»«Di/«Hn>i«*./»i7jirii I 5 I l <> p -A"«o»P«BrifM*Pi7iif »> rßcrr AllaootfaßritithPilnevrrßeer in -4/rtODMJiBrt/wfcPf?^ nt>rßeerAU*oui?xßriti*hPil«r,nrßecrAU*oup'*Briti*hPil*vnerßeer i l y; .\U*<>i>)t British P>lt>t tit rßrrrAllMi)u))'*Briti*hPil*cncr[ic(rAl!H(>iw'*Briti*hPiheverßecr I J y- .4</v<>pp *P> nt \xh Pilae
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    • 45 10 JAPOLLINARIS I THE QUEEN I OF 1 TABLE WATERS rBASS.I iiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S —a good word I for everybody I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiii Ask for "Purple Triangle," jg the best brew for the Tropics. Sole Agents Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. H.B. Winter. MERCHANT TAILOR. 6-M, Battery Road, SJNfrAJIHHI
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  • 116 11 NF (i(ill ATIONS WHICH ARE PENDING. Latest Japanese Casualties. Far Eastern Service] Teaie, May 1 1. <!„ kt -man states that the Foreign iui to open negotiations to Tsinan affair as soon as possible template combining it with of the Nanking affair. --al of General Hoyaotsu, menniirht. will
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  • 73 11 HIE S mONAUST ADVANCE. with Nanyang- Siang Pau Tress). Shanghai, Maj 14. sts have reached north of njj troops have retreated a at Tientsin s telegram asking for civil war. tusod by the' bombardment at I a large portion of the are lying in the streets. have
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  • 27 11 with Nanyang Sianp 11..-;I 1 Tn m I i'' i, member of constructive ated yesterday in <it i was arrested; the other constables.
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  • 30 11 Revealing Military Secrets. [Renter*! Service.l Riga. M.a> 14. arrested an <>fii- ramp to the Vttache, on a charge of j reveal military and Staff Lieutenant "ti page 7.]
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  • 16 11 KiK<h, SUGAR EXCH \N(,K. Nichi-Nichi Service.] Tokio, May 12. ;uar Kxchange will comm September.
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  • 14 11 nset for sending troops to late haw amounted to I
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  • 24 11 ising danger in the neight Tientsin and Peking owing to itinual retreat of the Northerners, i the Yangtse Valley is
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  • 23 11 n restored and the resiar< in peace. are successfully co-oper- hamber of 'commerce in K "1 remaining intruders.
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  • 38 11 Vendors lined. Our <u< n Correspondent.) Pfnang. May 14. dors named Govindaaamy in the Pen«ng Police Court Ul^> selling adulterated milk. The amy was fined $125 but GoN 2 rol otT with a fine of $75
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  • 45 11 h e ts Away with $7 4722. W. i, 1 'ii. a former cashier of Linotype and Machinery was yesterday charThird Magistrate with of a sum of $747.22. pleaded guilty whereupon the ■•■•> him 1100 or two months' or each of two eharces.
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  • 35 11 who wn- arrested l>y the recently and eharyed 'mi,' seditious rtoruawmti eonwhich were likely to incite with tho maintenance ■■"!«-r. -am»' up before tho •'.u, yesterday and was dis- "IT (he withdrawal of th<> D.P.P.
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  • 103 11 HAS NOT LEFT ENGLAND YET. No Other Country Wants Him. fßeuter's Service"! London. May 14. Carol's host, M. Jonescu, called at the Home Office after which he announced that Carol would leave England before May If,, h is understood that Carol friends are finding it most
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  • 115 11 S 40,000-Mile Flight. fßeuter's Service.l London. May M. The Dutch- American millionaire. Mr. Van Lear Black, left Croydon this morning in a hired Dutch Pokker monoplane with two pilots, a mechanic and a valet, on a 40,000 mile Right to Cape Town. Tnkio and back.
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  • 36 11 French Airman at Calcutta. f Reuter's Service- 1 Calcutta. >lay 1 t. Capt. Pelletier d'Oisy. the French airman who is flying from Paris to Tnkio, has arrived here. [Earlier cables on page T.j
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  • 344 11 RUBBER STATISTICS. To the Editor. Sir.— -On my return from Pahang I have read Mr. Whitaker's comments on my contribution with reference to Rubber Statistics and may say at once that I very heartily welcome his or anyone else's critici*ln. a little harsh though some of
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  • 202 11 To the Editor. Sir, The suggestion of your correspondents "Justice* and "Real Justice" that "hitherto the Municipal Commission has been composed, unofficially, of people who are there mainly for self-gain and the protection of their own interests" is clearly immoderate. In the name of justice they
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  • 1703 11 JERUSALEM- 1928. HOW THE CONFERENCE ORIGINATED. And How It was Conducted. PART I. In 1910 there was held at Edinburgh large Missionary Conference attended bj some thousands of people interested in Missionary work. Of these nearly all wen European or American. Many leading Anglicans took part in the gathering such
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  • 214 11 The above Campaign eneled on Saturday when a report was given to the members assembled for the Thanksgiving Service at the Y.W.C.A. Fort Canning Road. The figures were as follows: Received in January, Messrs. Harrison Barker $50, Standard Oil Co. $2."). Previously acknowledged to May 7 54,416. Singapore
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  • 73 11 The annual bi^ effort in aid of Cathedral and Diocesan Funds takes place on Tuesday, July 3rd from 10 o'clock till 1 p.m. and 4 o'clock till 7 p.m. in the Victoria Memorial Hall. The following stalls have been arranged: Dollar, Household, Cake.< and Sweets, Kitchen,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 112 11 MEASURING TAPES I and RULES J >.• r*»*^'y^ ~Jf \i\ S \^^vl LINEN MEASURING TAPES. m»« M^ rked in Feet and Links. 66 FEET- PRICE $5.75. 100 FEET— PRICE $8.00. I STEEL TAPES. 66 FEET— PRICE $14.00. 100 FEET— PRICE $17.50. BOXWOOD RULES. 2 Ft. 4 Fold. Good Quality. PRICE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 589 12 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES. LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthiy Service Uverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre.) it v Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE— LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. AUTOMEOON London, Rotterdam rad Hamburg In
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    • 508 12 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England). PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT (VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL). FREIGHT SERVICE. TO HONG KONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Due Spore. 1928. HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF ADELAIDE London, Rotterdam and Hamburg May 15 s.s. CITY OF BOMBAY Marseilles, Havre,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 623 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. am rL tt steamers. Arrire. Leave. Lonu Kotti'rdam, Hamburg, Bremen, >. r» mi, < olombo, Port Sudan Amur Maru May 18 May 19 pgrbi Town. Santo*. Rio t Santos Mara May 31 June 1 gombasfa, Zanzibar. Dar-os-Salaam, beweaco Marques and Durban, t Chicago Maru June
      623 words
    • 456 13 TRAVEL™ COMFORT na^ Dollar msilk "PRESIDENT* Ik LINERS -^^^HPDollar President liners offer you lujcurious travel comforts. All state-rooms are outside rooms, well-ventilated and cooled by electric fans. They are furnished with beds (not berths), each having an electric reading lamp. State-rooms with private bath predeminate, all h?ve hot and cold
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    • 576 13 K. P. M. nmonE paketvaart maatschappu. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BArAVIA). (Incorporated in Holland.) 0 UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Ttlephone No. 3640. with sub-connections to:— Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representatives in the Strait* Settlements (Singapore and Penang). of the OFFICIAL TOURIST BUREAU
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  • 160 14 A party of 33 American world tourists will arrive here on board the President Wilson on May 28th. The Plancius arrived in port yesterday from Sourabaya with 115 cases seated Dutch opium, bound for Belawan. The P. and O. Kashmir has left Hon*r Kong and ia expected to
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  • 69 14 SEA BELLE OFFERED FOR SALE. Messrs. C hinjz- Kenp Lee held an auction at their saleroom yesterday of the Government yacht Seabelle, and the steamers Merging and Quorra. None of the vessels was sold, for although the bidding for each was fairly brisk up to a certain point, the reserve
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  • 107 14 Kompin, Brit. 72. from P. Kitani 14. for P. Ketam 16. Min, Brit. M<>7, from Kuantan 14. for Kuantan 16. Alting, Dut. 796, from Toeagkal 1-4. for Djambi 16. Noorebar, Dut. 542, from Djambi 14, for Djambi 1 1>. Van Hogecdorp, Dut. 399, from P. Baroe 1-1. for Bengkalis 16.
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  • 122 14 r'or Genoa and London by the new '£.&>. Asiatic motorship Meonia from S.H.B. wharf to-morrow: Min K. B>u!ton. Mr. C. Browne. Miss Browne. Mr. Biukenham. Mr. Conolly, Mr. K. Ericsson, Mrs. Erics son, Airs. Flippance, Mr. a. Gottaehe, Miss Gottache, Mr. E. Gardiner, Mrs. Gardiner, and child. His
    122 words
  • 359 14 Per Plancios: Itr. V. J. Smit, Mr. If. H. Brown, Mr. K. Miyangan, Mr. H. L A. Lejeune. Mrs. Chan Teck Whay. Mr. Soeh Cheng Teo. Mr. and Mrs. <le Vries. Mr. J. Dejrl, Mr. H. F. Overhoek, Mr. K. Levenson, Mr. Tan Keng l,aw. Mrs. A. h\
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  • 119 14 FRANCO-GERM AN BRAWL. Officer's Suicide After Killing a Cuilian. News has reached hero of a sensational incident that occurred at Namhorn. on Saturday, in that part of Germany which If occupied by the French. A French officer in a drinking shop who was somewhat the worse for liquor had a
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  • 352 14 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. The Premier Morning Daily in Malaya; a live "news" paper 10-50 columns of news daily. Also the best Medium for Advertising. Delivered with the Chota Hazri each morning Latest Telegrams, Latest New? and Latest Announcements, together with exclusive special feature?. "Pictures of the week" Serial Story,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 581 14 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) (0) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the new motor vessel MALABAR (4.512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 636 14 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and Lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6
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  • 1207 15 EVE ALWAYS DRESSES SCANTILY. Progress of the~Short Skirt. The human form divine presents two E Pc *»> »o to speak, upon which clothmg can be hun*. Given two or three yards of material (for weaving i s a V ery ancient craft) nothing j* easier than to lold
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 150 15 /\>//cc a;/<i F/re Departments Use IK!] fit r^^MlEli FlicKli.TKt-- lII3H R ili3UI 111 ji II C J (11 31 You, too, can aiuuvs depend upon the brilliant, powerful H"-— Hft EVEREADY S FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES !£&3l v i3S c3 Batteries in your Made 6y the manu/acturers of the famous Eveready Radio
      150 words
    • 250 15 FOR THE I NEW FORD CAR USE TEXACO! Motor Oil Heavy 1 FOR TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL g USE I Texaco Thuban Compound f Manufactured by The Texas Company U.S.A. 0 Distributors for Malaya: William Jacks Co. j SINGAPORE—PORT SWETTEN HAH— KUALA LUMPUR 1 Sub-Agents for Singapore, Johore, MaJacca CHEONG ONG
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  • 563 16 Miss Betty Nuthall. Miss Belty Nuthall is only seventeen years old in May, writes E. J. S. in the Manchester Guardian, and already she is hard court champion of England and last year in the American national championships was runner-up to the redoubtable Miss Helen Wills.'
    563 words
  • 421 16 Hip Saving on Privately Built Vessel The comparative costs of baiktins, th< airships r 100 at Howden by a private company and the R 10] at the Governmeni shed at Cafdinjfton irere the subject of a series of questions put to Sii Walter F \k-holson. Secretary
    421 words
  • 41 16 Dr. A. R. Weliinerton, Chief Health Officer, F.M.S., who was a very interested spectator at the Rubber Oil Demonstration at Pinji Estate on Sunday, took away with him on his return to Kuala Lumpur samples of the oil for testing purposes.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 209 16 I Keep illness at arm's length I -<\^ -^^S A i "1 I i I 111 <^^^^ Ji/i 1 Hovril gives the body I ////y V \l strength to keep illness j rf/ arm's length. BOVRIL I 1 j YOUR CAR DESERVES ONE I f CALOMETERS j 1 Neat \V
      209 words
    • 149 16 QMOOTH and nimble, with \zs an alertness found only f mm^ m n HUPiMOBTLE cars the Six L #?VN takes precedence in its Held, ]Hy or all-around performance. fS^xf Jt lll\\/i s 1 n 1 1 u u v_^y 11 J u 1 ■I mi j I Ja^a^a^aß^na^^^^^^v I^ '^^v?^
      149 words

  • 486 17 May 1 Hh. Icsinjr Prices. Ayei Weng <>;> i.oo Balu Caves l.ijT'o l.i:;i.. Hitams .i2' u 97% Chin Chin so «ju Hong Fatta <;:, yg Tin 1 71., 21 kinta Tin Dred. 1.4,", 1.50 lvuchai <*) 1.71% 1.77 1 Kuyoha 7.-) go Malayan Cons. 1.02% 1.10
    486 words
  • 40 17  -  Royal Charter (Incorporated in England by A.D. 1720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW A CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD CHAPTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist Hour). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 45 17 Bank demand •_> iiji; Private eredita 9 m.s. :_> i 7.32 New York, demand 56 g.14 Prance, demand I42rt Hong Kong; demand 9% p.c Di«. Java, demand U9 Bangkok, demand gQ% H;u Silver London J7 S-16 Bank of Knpland Rate 4Vj p.c. Sovereign, Bank Baying s.r.j
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  • 199 17 Tin 100 Tons si Pepper Black 73 Flake Tkpioca 7 Pearl Sa*o Small sv* Copra 1150 < pru Sundried 11.4f Rice I.ianu Hin Chan Mark Rel K jrle (N'ew) 330 Rica, Sinm old No. 1. MO Rice, Rancoon Bintan 260 Rjcc, Rangoon Sioku 25fi Hice, Siam Broken No. 1
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  • 47 17 Barlow and Co., Kuala Lumpur, Agents. Aver Kuninjr (F.M.S.), 9,000; Badek (Staffield Estate). 13,000; Bradwall (F.M. .^.t. 33,400; Chersonese (F.M.S.i. I'T.TOo; Dennistown (Krian F.M.S.t. »;.ii2i); Highlands and Lowlands Para, s«;.s(io: Klabang 484KH); K-ian. 12,000; Sungei Krian. 33^00; Sun»_ r ei Way (Selangor), 42,071.
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  • 272 17 In honour of the birthday of 11. 11. Sultan of lYiak. the following have beei appointed Justice* of the Peace for lh« State of Perak: Mr. Chang Ah Ming, M.S.C., Inche Mohammad, Sleman bin Mat Saleh Mi. Tan Lo Tee and Mr. S. SupramaniaiYi Mr. Chung Ah Mine, who is
    M.M.  -  272 words
  • 38 17 Yesterday"* Alteration*. Buyers Sellers rakuapas (£1) :;i^ M •;•_•< j,,j Temengor m 22s 3d > "< ::<l riu Piah <--?l) 70 7:, I'lu ">';nt)> (Mi 37i \u\ S. Tukang ($J (;;i <•;, T. Anson ($1 1 l. L >;, 10=
    38 words
  • 194 17 ROSE MACPHAIL (OS REPORT. Singapore, Maj 1 1. RabMii. London B%d. i nchanged. Tii>. louden £281 16a. Down i ocal 117% for K;o tons. Mining. Quiet Malaya Consolidated 1.06 1.08, SungeJ Way 2.87** J.'.'l"j. Kuchui 1.75 1.78, Rahman Hydraulic 1. 1.624 Puteh 1.57 1.60, Petaling 1.57 1.62,
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  • 242 17 !•< ndou. April is Business has re-opencd on quiet after the holidays, and fears that I rroobles may spread in Gem our mai k <npprr. The present pric, h a iii able one to producers, and the output of HauJt Katanga ii increasing Tin. Although m I g
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  • 245 17 THE SMALLHOLDERS PLIGHT. To Ike Kditor. Malay Mail. Sir, With reference to your leadei on tin 4th instant, the smallholder* in the ll j Langat district have an additional burden which if pressed must mean irery hard tinu for ih. 1,1 «,r even loai of then- holdings. Thi majority oi
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  • 54 17 May 1 !th. I] i.'\<»U wu n. R.S.S. ■qatl to St:.i).!.u.i ijr I". Spot Standard K.s.s <.n T«nd« r I ::i :i i Jin.. I ::i <. s .luly-Stit <>. t l». :.l i Tone n? Mark* Dull. Latest Cable: London Spot ~>\ pei Id
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 308 17 ISSETS OVKR $8.*****0 TUU rDf Arr n.n,,™,, ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $30,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED nwirv. w l (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) (on nanf L SoSoo St H er H >T' ">NDON OFFICE: 27 Old Jewry, E.C Company has £20,000 de P os,ted the Supreme Court
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    • 259 17 INSURANCE. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AM) CHINA Incorporated in England by Royal <£££. up Capital in 000,000 SZ£ SSL, of Atrencics and Branches. Amrftaar To^ ka f Bangkok Karachi R (Bhukot >- :.:;:;:r P%% lh l Medan Tavoy Haiphong x York Tientsin Hankow Peking Tokyo Honjr Kong ing Tsingtan
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    • 531 17 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hone Kong*. Head Orticc: Honj; Kobm. Authorised Capital $.^0,1)00.000 I^iied and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fond— -Sterling £0.000,000 Silver $14,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor! $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. H. Compton, Esq., Chairman. N. 8. Brown, Esq.. Deputy Chairman. B. I).
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    • 17 17 Economy doM n >t mc-n itarvatioa »>f a jhii>inoss. Mr. C. A. Mill (liritish Dr«f Houses, Ltd.).
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  • 893 18 MR. ORMSBY-GORE TELEPHONES TO LONDON. An Interesting Occasion. (From Our Own Correspondent). liatavia, May 12. On Thursday evening Mr. Ormsby-Gore, Under Secretary oi State for the Colonies, spoke for half an hour on the telephone with Mr. Amery, the Minister for the Colonies. Mr. Ormsby-Gore, who was staying
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  • 56 18 Thirty-five cards were taken out for the May monthly medal and resulted in a tie between J. Tryner 2 down, H. Jackson 2 down. The Bull Sweep was won on Saturday by R. Bald 1 up and on Sunday was a tie between C. L Wyatt. all
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  • 487 18 CHINESE AGAIN FAIL TO IMPRESS. Draw with Pulau Brani. S.C.P.A 1; Pulau Brani 1. After their mediocre display against the S.R.C. last Week, the Chinese again failed to show anything above indifferent form when they met Pulau Brani at the Stadium yesterday afternoon and were lucky to diaw.
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  • 91 18 In the second 'A 1 division of the League on the S.C.C. ground yesterday the Duke's defeated the S.C.C. by a goals to 2. The match in the second 'B' division of the Leacrue between the Municipal XI and the Harbour Board which should have been played yesterday
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  • 106 18 Selangor Beat Negri Sembilan. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur. May 14. Selangor beat Xegri Sembilan by 7 2 in an inter-State Tennis Tournament. Ong Ee- Kong lost to Okata o— G, o—2. 5—7; Scovell beat .lohnstone 6 2, 7— .">. Hovil lost to Manners 6 B,
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  • 62 18 TUESDAY'S TIES. Veterans Doubles Final. W. C. Hill and C. Sailer owe ]">. :> vs. I. D. Hall and G. Hemmant owe 15.1. (nxJown Doubles Semi-Final. Fraser and Co. vs. Winner of Staff and Dept Ft. Canning and McAlister and (o. Profession Pairs Semi-Final. Roy Smith
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  • 19 18 Y.M.C A. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. TUESDAY'S WES. Senior Doubles Championship. Duncan and Stack vs Coates and Foote. (Court No. 2).
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  • 30 18 Senior Doubles Championship. David and Abed \s. Viryasiri and Murakami, (Court No. li). Senior Singles Championship. A. G. Foote vs. Winner of Stack and Subramaniam, (Court No. 2).
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  • 21 18 [Router's Service.] Lisbon, May 14. In the Pavis Cup, New Zealand eliminated Portugal by 4 matches to one.
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  • 304 18 SINGAPORE SPRING MEETING. Last Day's Weights. The following are the handicaps for Saturday the last day of the meeting. Race No. 1. Ponies— Second Division (7 furlongs): Merry Lass Golden Brew 9.2. Sally i».l, Poparoo 5.1 3. Merry Maiden 8.13, Kismet 8.0, Jadi 8.6, Silkette 7.13, Sunnyday.s 7.12,
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  • 139 18 >: On this page every Tuesday morning S will be found a series of questions which :i will be of interest t«> sportsmen, ret-all- :>| ing as they do remurkahje achievements B of the pa>t in various branches of sport. The answers to these <i\ questions S
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  • 60 18 The Holder He;tten. [Renter's Service.] l.'»ndon. M.ay 11. At Hunstanton the weather was unsettled, cold and windy for the British Ladies' Open Golf Championship. There were I6Bentries including representatives of Australia. America, Fiance and Germany. In the first round Miss Glenna <"oliett (America* beat Mademoiselle Simone
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  • 27 18 I Renter's Service.] Pari^. May 13. Aubrey Boomer beat Walter Hagen in a 86 hoie exhibition match at St Cloud by :i and 2.
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  • 98 18 This Week's Matches. The following are the county engagements which conclude at Hume to-day: Lords, Middlesex vs. Hampshire; Oval. Surrey vs. West indies; Ix'vton. Essex vs. Yorkshire: Leicester, Leicestershire vs. Kent; Ilkeston, Derbyshire vs. Glamorgan; Birmingham, Warwickshire vs. Lancashire; Brighton, Sussex vs. Gloucestershire; Nottingham, Notts vs. Somerset; Dudley.
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  • 110 18 S.C.R.C. versus Royal Engineers. This match was played on Sunday on tho S.C.R.C. ground resulting in a win for the home side. S.C.R.C: Evan Wong <• Kimm b Morgan 22; Ong Siow Hian c Walker b Travers 17; Chua Choon Leong b Carter 17; I. Hoahing c Travers b
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  • 790 18 THE RACE FOR LOCAL VISITORS. A Good Morning's Sail. Th.s race was sailed on Sunday morning in ideal weather six boats turning out at 9.30 a.m. when the draw took place with the following results:— Ella-Dorothy, sailed by Mr. E. J. Edwards; June, Commander R. Buddie R.N.; Kathleen, Flight
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  • 177 18 The Ladies' Spoon for May was played yesterday and resulted in win for Mrs. H. N. Hamilton. Twenty-one cards were taken out, ard the following were return ed:— for 77; Carter 2 for 80; Trawrs for 81. Royal Engineers:- Cant. Travers C and b Siow Hian 1);
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 165 18 T T r h f^® Mark P«His "HIS MASTER'S VOKT Master's stands for quality, > U Voice" and unapproachfd. On a prramophono it f« GramoptlOneS instrument of the hi^l Bv Easy fully desisrTled and p° rf(< every part. On a record it star. Payments best music, and th«> S. MOUTRIE
      165 words