The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 March 1928

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S& WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, li)2S. NO.
    13 words
  • 284 1 I h«' Simon (nm miss ion 1.-axt*^ Imlia on Saturday. ut v*ill return m Octolur lor formal nittiiiKa m various part* >t thr tuunlrv— I'atf 1!. Our I oimli.m «orir*t:oiiJ. t rablrw the lat« st fit* \(>lopmcnt> m the tuMwr and tin mark««i*» I'au*- 11. Ihrouifh a
    284 words
  • 295 1 vfa ,m tm m§m >" that t» cstHur whrn X I nxtvr «n MMM tht Tl h«vmf attrtwted mm me»tinr« of ML n-. th« innermost oVptha of hi» betas. tfc* ma and a half allotted to hr F 1 at f«-«rr«l. Mj hai.f H< H and momitr.! >
    Morning Post  -  295 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 252 1 SOLYPTOL SOAP IDEAL FOR THE HOME Vanvwv.v.v.'.v.v.v.vav.vav, Raffles Hotel! :S TE-* SWW»AT, Ist. APRIL. 9.13 P.M. I IM McGuire's Little DINER I DANCE Symphonic DANSAMT I MONDAY, w,|| rinj the duet from IORZ A TUESDAY,?! WEDNESDAY, I)KI^ DESTIXQ By special request THURSDAY,!: AND MONDAY, 2nd. APRIL~9.IS P.M AN^ j I
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    • 197 1 TROWN" MEANS DISTINCTION AND GOOD T ASTK IN J PERFI MKRY AND TOILKT PREPARATIONS. I'RITISH J I Obtainable everywhere and at GOSSAtiE'S. 110 Robinson Rd. >'5 i i s agss* ♦♦♦lAitiftjLumm* > j EUROPE HOTEL: 4 'Renowned by Recommendation/ 9 i =»i;HIIIH»lltti;Mllllltllll«lll|lll.|lll<!liilllMI't,.M Nil ilflltl *****,111(111= t i i '>'< '•M'iiiii:'iiiiimMiiii!iiiti>iiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiimiiiiiiittiuittinHimil
      197 words
    • 118 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotel Asia is now open l'.u/. TWt m\\ Model Potket I i wat«h Pa«c B. Wincami- will increase your vitality V Quakot < »at- are «l«!it iovi« .m«l t i,, !.»:«•>! MWli FTOB K« WaUh I'av.'. 10 iKiwn t<;l< Bl B rht U-t PUM 1. I rut, <l
      118 words
    • 18 1 W WWVWW.'.*. W.%V.'.V. V.V.%% t [l Till-: i:i:>T TAIII.K HITTJ Kj; "SNOWFLAhK" j: 5 PURE mi.I.El) REAMKRYji •.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.v.v.v.w.-.-.-.v..*.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 90 1 THE WEEK Hiyh Wat. t. Mnlitcr t: H \V 11. V I nilian niati i l«>-. .11 I. i Flyinir < !uh MMMMI mfftmif. Kurtu s..'<"' il.mi. H.^-h iU r J it VI V W i. H I Homew.inl in:»il tomm > < < rs. Dal h'ridmy, .10*. Hi^h \V..'..i
      90 words

  • 458 2 Singapore. Mar. 21. 1 prie v quoted arc iM-ruMallv those current Clyde Terract Market. At the Oth mi th«ff mu> I c small vari.itioiu. MEAT. IV< Hound) Kati •">•" r curry do 4* P'.ik. l«--m and I'at Mutton Indian M> 88 Hen* •loc il nU' i do
    458 words
  • 297 2 Whenevei we have been down m the f :;i\c always done our best to remember J< :'u k i he came out of it all 1 B a-- accept the view i fie authoi itj vho has be: n dia caseins the matter m the
    Manchester Guardian  -  297 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 233 2 for Coughs, Colds and all Throat Troubles. From all Chemists, Dispensaries and Stores. Sole Agents MEDICAL HALL, LTD. Singapore. THE HAPPY VALLEY PRESENT A Monster Programme OF Varied Amusements GATE 10 cts. THE NAVY'S CHOICE. jPlymouthj I Gin. i mT OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. [HE SINGAPORE SHIPGHANDLERY COMPANY, LIMITED. SHIPCHANDLERS SHIPBROKERS. COMMISSION
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    • 232 2 Victoria Theatre FAREWELL PERFORMANCE Xo-NigKt at 9.30 p.m. Somerset Maimhan's Famous Play. RAIN Ran for Two Years m London, Three ears m New York. PRICES $4, I AND 1. BOOKING AT LITTLE'S. PAVILION From Tuesday. 27th. March to Monday. 2nd. April. At 9.15 p.m. sharp. The Latest PATHE UAZETTK "Tin*
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    • 207 2 ALHAMBRA PI 2.T (Tan Ckenf Ke» Co.. Ltd.. Proprietor*) OMMENC IN(; SIMMY, 25th MARCH. 1928, AT m A PARAMOUNT SITKR I'ROWCTION ■G00D& NAUGHTY FK.ATI i;iN« POLA NECiRI TOM MOORE AM) I OKI) STKRI.IV, s< "INTII I MIM. tOUJCKHfG COMRDI :i w\ In the First Sho* at 7. .t0 p m
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  • 1516 3 DIVISION OF PROCEEDS OF INDUSTRY. Elements of a Sound System. rhall aot hav o a happy, contented, an-j hard-working nation until there is a (em ial belief that the ri—Hi of hard work •re tairly <!ivi.icd aflMttg those wno takt l-ut m it. This belief d.»e>- rot
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  • 523 3 Accident at Malim \a>var. N«W| «.f a |m*t nt ».p th. pUWKttf "f Malim Nawnr Tn. liiMitrtl. rrillll— fef this niominir. WMJU SatuidayV Times ..f Malaya. Tht- rtpori it that th;< (onipaiiv's *\rt«»ok a MMMw Hal at tw<» oVlotk this nit.m injr and turn.-,l twtli within
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  • 78 3 I lablt it. I'h> I', t ■!»>■• Duties. I n- March 15. That the totalizator i> the equivalent ».f a ).<•«. kinakt r, and, tlui i tor*-, any Clul» it Ii iial lo t<> ;»ay l.rttinLT <luli« s on wa;'"i i> members was the dadsioa l.y Mi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 359 3 f J GLAXO builds firm flesh, plenty jj of strong bone, and a sound :j constitution. It contains nothing j: whatever to harm baby or cause ij j him pain. That is why if Baby is fed 5 on Glaxo he will progress steadily day by day into happy childhood.
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    • 252 3 •V.%VdVyVA%V.V.V.V.-AV.V.V.V.J%V%V.SVA%%V.-WVV^VAVd-.%V i Estate Trust Agencies (1927) Limited (Registered under the Tru«t Companies' Ordinance of l9fS. with Security deposited with the Str. Settlements Government.) is prepared to act aa i| Trustees, Executors. Administrator-. X«, «iv,»> Managers of Real Estate. Attorneys foi I llection of •I Rents. Invefltijrators and Managers of Trust
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  • 232 4 British overseas trade m automobiles, both m regards exports and imports (says Th»- Autocar"), has steadily increased during the put few years. If the comparison M confined to the two year, ju t past, it uould iwa that the rate of increase m the •xportatkM of
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  • 104 4 STUDENT'S HOME-MADE MOTOR-CAR. I)anj;er«»us Driving Offence. At Cambridge police Court an undergraduate. Henry Percy Bowler, of Pembroke, charged with driving a motor -tar dangerously, said that the car was an 4t H.P.P»," his own initials. He made it himself, and its enjrim- was <»ne of 20 horse-power. He purchased it
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  • 166 4 Ingenious ln\ention by a Frencnman Lo(;il motor o\v?i»m>. who. m common witJ tho- m most other parts of the ci\ili>e<' world, suffer somewhat from the depreda .ions of motor thu w>. will by interested m the scheme of a Frenchman for reducing lOMtfl by theft f >U
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  • 248 4 A (ireatly Improved Car. The I'.«J Bina^r. whiih th< Cycle and airiatf' 1 PaiapailJ have now m -t<n k i a >frtat iniptov«-»iM nt on the old niodfl. ;»n«l is one cf ".he bt>i mvi-stnu-nl- th it coul« ba made i.y anyone desiring a liirht. iomt"ortablr. arid
    248 words
  • 291 4 An <Md C* ntro\or>y Krviwri !i> Te*l- One nt th»* ilifficultit'.- ass« iHttyl witli any ttMStsion <»i th«- pi<<^ anH c<»na of thi> t»r that Mttbo4 "t" ni<»!or-cai- <>n.<«tru twr is t<> pot i.-.i compintift data; tki i«nir stftti«lin^r controtf >•' »in] foui.-i tntl isiaati i
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  • 260 4 A PROJECTED ALL-NIGHT BUS SERVICE. A ■tnriet all-night «inirU-.«i«H k buses is propose-*! for London. Th( buses would l>e oqpipptd with pneumatic t\u-. would be put upon selected routes am! WMli run at double the usual faro, with a minimum. let us >ay, of 4*l. There should he no difficulty
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  • 183 4 And Hi I i < ar Bath -Mr. S..nny uomb». of Tmisbury. the Somerset racing cyclist, figure*! m a 'laugh ■Hi episode at Bath. He had driven to Rath m a new ft fitted vsith a 2""' ■■*•*> device whereby the slamming oi a door automatically !ock^
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  • 486 4 Problem for Knu'inecrv li'wn'ii tlai '".rl .itil rail m wny th. -ul at th. 1 and Industries g.. -.juarr I -lon. Tht- chairman Mt loh« <■ -ac -ai<l: .«r« MMWfßtd Vfttk "»n.t r* Wi t-Hrni.-t -;•> that ,«r--r;nl art m«<ur I iliat ar v .nl
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  • 95 4 Simple and Effort lr*« Viinliratwn •h, ait M rnA* m «.iM«» imMm i jMfcMW out Of COIU di-|HI». "tub avl- I' •Imary drun- Mi tt. hul.* *t. .*r <: ann ill* i a*a> from thr magD i«tl*l «nrk» a a !U.,k aj natur:. alKMil<i la ju«t a" hiirh
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  • 88 4 NOT IN CHARGE OF CAR IF ASLEEP. That a man ifW| ki m not to mM to hr m rhaff I ritf r Oalton. X mi> < f Hi of a m«»t«.r «*ar at 1 1*» <»i» v poliwawt' li*ht> full »r umi Dattofi H- l HI *m i<>n that
    88 words
  • 36 4 can k«« p \m«rh»n in«»t I I rial ajrrvtmentii Wrlvvrn I G«\« tmd I proMotv thr hmmnr «»f i I To v m I iniflin X of 4 mx..t* t Mth v I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 107 4 i High Pressure and Balloon Tyres and Tubes Distributor CYCLE AND CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. Singap«r«. J ■r I f THE FISK RUBBER (FAR EAST) LTD: SALES IMVISION, G.ll and G. 12. Union Building, Singapore. lower Prices If reater Values the following; new seduced prices are effective AS FROM THURSDAY.
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    • 43 4 TIIK line of (ioodyeHr Motor VcreHsori*'^ and Repair Materials In elude such important pn» ducts a>: vT^W Tube Repair Kit- £S&^^ lilo* Out PatrheN Ml lan »el!- Radiator Hose, No-Draft Mats, I] Tyre and Auto Hood Paint, Tyre Plasters. IVirtion Tape. Reliners, Flaps
      43 words

  • 961 5 I i- longer ago than we like to recall since we ventured to advocate the ■tandardiof motor-car controls, says a Loml ti mm i pomknt, bui at long last the reform NH Kkdy to ha\e general acceptance if iverea] adoption. At least, the Society 4
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  • 1123 5 CONSIDERATIONS OFTEN OVERLOOKED. C.ettin^r Valu? For Money. by M:i|i- r. A. C. Forbes. L«ith. F.R.<;.S. < Author of >4 By r a r to India > [SPECIAL TO FREE PRESS.} When you have decided what ].ii«»- you 'an afford to pay for your new OUT, then•re
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  • 178 5 Major McC'allum's Journey. Major D. McCallum, of the Ka-« \-,<k *hire Regiment, who la>t June set out \>\ motor tar from Peking, is exjMM-ted t<. reach London just after Kaster. H. one of the pioneers m the transdesert mo t<»r service l>etween Syria and Iraij. an«) v\a«
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  • 219 5 S;ill| haj« proved boon t«. Motor <.urn, r. Without it (remark^ Th. A«iocar"l nnhody \\oul«! km „f arti.-M t,, exfxct from ru* vnr of a riwi f>r»«'. In Ameru.i Mip |..i».]ir ,< „«r.ivt,.n M t.. having evetythinp >(Mndard it. including th. U lu -f, it hol.U.
    219 words
  • 44 5 v < belonging to I awltomt I Mi. h-.rfur-hm < aught fir* two mHm \i>>r«*ath while ..n a run fn»n. brn«tb |a DmAm The Hrivrr. the eoftofort <.nl\ |»a»armrrr. a ».«n. i mp«^ th«.ii»fl pn acacrlfri tbni t» lr| I wa* H«-tr ..1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 y<?r Economical Transportation ..A •«£> "i rel? V 1 cC^ w» "O %F1 i^S Hi AiW^^^ta^ I Borneo- Chevrolet Ltd. < (Incorporated m S.S.) "-I SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR t; PENANG SEREMDAN •I IPOH. TAIPING. MALACCA.
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    • 112 5 > n^S*^snttn^Bn^Bn^fcn^n^^^n^B*^sJ^n^^^p^*'^^*^^^^t^^^^^fc^^^n^iß^s^*^^-^^^^"^"^ to^^» I_ Through ESSEX Thousands Know I The Ride That is Like Flyintf I All eyes turn to the Essex Super-six whoso vivid brilliance of iK»rf.,nnan<v rev.-als m •> is actuall> like flymii. Greater m power, more wrsatil.. m tlLperfonnance larirer roomier and more beautifully a,, nt.,l. it
      112 words

  • 1049 6  -  Horatius Unconventional Defensive Tactics. BY [SPECIAL TO FREE PMKSS.} Tin trouble with th* 1 defense, the reason e/h) mistake* an- more commou m defence than if attack. 1- thai mo.-t of Of rely too muck <»n rules and conventions leading Ihrough itrengtli and up to weaJcaass,
    1,049 words
  • 539 6 Sir Thomas lieecham on English. Thorn** Beecham, *f*io ba* jusi from the United SiaUs, 'lenied emphatically, m eonvematioi with a prwx representative, thai h« mad« t! statement, attributed lo bin l>> the American prew, lhai "the British people tHe lu//n t'<i» >ri<i."' "1 did
    539 words
  • 78 6 Thomas Cook and Son. Ltd., Sued for Recovery of Rs. 227.000. Mr. P. D. P. K. Wimalasikere. who carries «,n business as Don Philip and Co.. has throutrh his proctor, Mr. C S. A. Porera fifed an action m the Colombo District court against Messrs. Thomas Cook
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  • 1179 6 The Mode of Calcutta. X.cry Sunday night after dinner 1 join the Bridge Re-un'on. Th company is Composed of advanced Rridye players ftiri <; ar with lowed \ntl accidental discardthe pNpaapthrt bid. and the informative nod. Secondly, acorriinir to an unwiitten law the Bridge i> conversational
    1,179 words
  • 375 6 No Change for This Year The Advisory < ountv Criekot < omnnttce. ha> decided to continue the present method ot HMrissj In the hampion-hip. "lit a lopted the stcond part of Lancashire's proposal That a suh committee l»e appointed to evolve a scheme for deciding the
    375 words
  • 256 6 Tin- Pirtniia >:.,i\ that ihr "m ->mir aii" of tin- Cnllinun diam.»n<l I i <|j> >vered recalls ihc »litVuuli aaajatiatioaM which attt-Miliii t hf orijriral Bcceptana bj On- Cum, Tin diamond foond m th* I'lYiimr Mmc M .lamiar;. I9C and nanitd aiu-i U>| ni t!ic company. In
    Manchester Guardian  -  256 words
  • 101 6 Pariv English x<,i«'«l a victory «.wr French whe.i tfcf Acudemie Kran.aiM decided rut ..ut of the laujfua^r,. the verb "mu<|uc t»-r. i^ ..M-fashi.mrrl French for "t. flirt." on the Bfowxix hi f the *vn*v way suff.u.ntly COVWtd hy th«- MW-fufU "flutt-r." tak.n as it ,|in-,t !>,,,„
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  • 925 6 THK DKATII OF AN BLEMBNT. What Happened. Th. riixtinfruifthcd \ ftotfoph] „i |'i,.f,.^,.r II N I: ->ell Afi«l the mi Mattftioi Pnifaaaor Julian Huxley have 4m- 11 tt.t what each considers* wa- th m notahle srientitu .1 !-«•<•'. i-ry of I l will be <mpri>4Ml t-. hear that IV
    Manchester Guardian  -  925 words
  • 58 6 \n Import. «mi in D 0 I g| h. cript I 11. I v mona name I m«»fia ii t>H In. 1 Idvfillth f I h r. m|. among the i«iv»| ««a%- U I'artti a London pap i library, at I i w i. Bi M
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  • 22 6 Ha i i :*nd v a iv t I eoa\> I -<• n Ma I H afrr .«l
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  • 38 6 "INFALLIBLE" FINGER-PRINT SYSTEM l» (bar >l»enVkl M finffrr-pr t t v ia» Aimt« i i fin m •4oV«l t r i mao i r^n» uuhout error. Mr I that if punt- r f..r»r« U Ol deteUed I > i
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  • 1523 7 A WIFE ON HEARTBREAK MARRIAGES. Fickle Husbands. "I should mver entertain the idea of mgnrinc, if I were sinele, nor should J allow my litt| t .iauKhttr to marry, if men are to be allowed to think divorces < m be obtained so easily, and their wives
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  • 395 7 A weight-lifting com|Ktition to tfetfii the Singapore champions for the varioj, classes (H st.. I *t., 10 it. 11 st., and IS iLJ was held at the residence of Air. Ix»e lei k rioon, at Newton Road, on the IM. and 24th. inst. A crowd of over two
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 302 7 ir •> > -..^sHaa j ALWAYS READY! FOR EMERGENCY fill T^k ff ~"~~M i .'Of I r J 1 I t\ A 111 v \T\ M The "Minimax* Fire Extinguisher I is a perfect combination of I EFFICIENCY SIMPUCITY bf, WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET CONTAINING J DOZENS OF TESTIMONIALS 9■
      302 words
    • 217 7 A FEW MINUTES 1 per week spent testing your car tyre pressure will be well repaid. I The LIFE OF YOUR TYRE depends on correct inflation. 1 m I lIC TVDC Ml V*V TVHI H 0 U.^). ITKt mlptCsWlPE GAUGE J PRESSURE JL K> X j Malayan Motors, Ltd. j
      217 words

  • 2046 8 EXPERIENCES UNDER OPERATION. Ebb and Flow of Life. [This is the true ?tory of an operation for cancer. The writer, Mr. W. C. Edjrar, of 120S Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, is a well-known journal i.-t. The incident dpscrined took place five years ajjo: since then no
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  • 15 8 I Nan S, I 1.., .41 t. ti-« al \v»r II m I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 268 8 J HF^ 0 ex cel m sports, one muse eat f JL simple, energizing, body-build-jf ing foods. Nature supplies such a M food for athletes m Quaker Oats. a Made from only the most nutritious part of the best white oats, this world-famous food furnishes the body abundantly with vitamins,
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    • 223 8 1 IH^b IVJ _ll im W 1 R|RnBJ As f A. t Km V] BH I B^V^ I Bfl B^^^BBl I^^m I v^/^V M^^Mf EwMhIW m^ 4W kw VI BBBB\ BT —\/Y /IL I mi^^*"*^^^^'^ VBW Mb m L M t jf\ bbbbj bb *^n/i/» I x^ > SiPw mWlKf\S9mmM
      223 words

    • 184 9 (Router 'a *fa)i<iua_J J'erlin. Hunt 26. The Juakera monoplane "Bran v." )>it«.i- -••<! bj Ktx-hl. with <»ru- iiK-chanii-. Spindler, MM a pusrUKvr. Union \nn HuenefeM, has tell tbi Ti-w\>v\h<>fvr aerodrome foi BaJ donneJ, Irvlarnl, from where the) will attempt the trans-Atlaatie Uck( t<.-i))\\ Neu ork, March
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    • 104 9 I lit liter"! San iVf.j I'orlin, March i»i. Owiag t.. differecctt with ;hi- ma nay im-m oi tb«; Maitsa Compos) with n- r anl to bit flight Ko«hl iia> left ir.t scivuv of ihi (unipany. whith r»fu— J lo -apporl bit rentare, hoMing the opinion thi
      104 words
    • 125 9 I IWuter'i terice.] Now V..r.\. aWHI H\. Dr. James k. aball, of the United State* Weather Bureau, thy' uconlcuil tarter of u\\ trans-Atlantic flishts. sayi the German airmen, If they start uom will eat >uatei the same low clouds and low temperatures a.. Captain Hiochliffe. There were
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  • 131 9 [Briti^i Radio OJerial Borviea.] Bar by. War. 2K. The Secrttan for Air was asked m thi» House of Commoi i whoa he would consider the Introduction of ka*hdatiati niakinp it compalaory f<>r all BtMplßßas taking (»tT from Great Britain with the object of Ayiasj any distance rxceediac
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  • 117 9 [■mlcr 9 Btrvka.] London. March 2h. On the reaumpiioa of tht- taaqaeat aaj Fit. Lieut. Kiltkead a flyiti^r nflarejff certiAed \)u> result of the analysis <>f tnt> Maod on part of thr hinffs, which wai -«;u t<» thr HaHon laboiatory t<> aaeertaia ii" tairactaj Iwai ..i earacn
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  • 57 9 rßcotftVi Batrte*.] NVu Y,.rk. Mar. Ti. Thare h;»- been another day*i frensk 1 I i <; itock market, m wl broken ovei hands. Gem ra Mot r i arad to I r- i pi ice ai i:»'J. and ncnu *>„• >' ii stanl Ud \v v;t
    57 words
  • 177 9 [MtMl ll.l'iio- Olfl. Si-rvirr.J Kugb>. Mar. 2«. Mr. A.i:f!-\. Sccrctarj fa the Dnmiafaaa. '"inninuil m tIM 11-. ii-, oi CoiMOIM t h:*t thi- ifiui l i <i(»M-i:'!ii »it «-f th«- -< ninmi.iiW! alth i.t Australia. arr:mjr"Un nt s pa«i row ecu ma<U- f«»r a eOMmlwioa <i'M<»t"
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  • 93 9 I Renter*! Ben I \rpvti'rd:in». \\.\r. 2«i A g!<M< !>;i:i(»n aai hern rai.M'ii n tIM Stock Exchange ;«n<! In tocietj rirclei by thr nt-\\> that Mad— W Van X nh.-n. a t Of Sir Hrnri I»i' rh«- oil mi,;. n:it< who la thf woman mi*inbor <•■'
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  • 28 9 11. ut( is Ben I v V.-rk. Mai'h 2<i. v DQ i;.., g of •.sin:/ Fund Bomls, r> rr I fiy nn in:.-! naf
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  • 162 9 HEBTZOG REPLIES TO SHOTS, What Independence Means. [Ucuter's ServKi-/) Capetown, Mar. 21. Iht H v-<> of Assembly continued the debate on the report of th< Imperial Confereaei dVncral HirtzoK, replying t.> Smut*. «|.>- -lai.-d lMi-rt-ly «li-si!«.Ml t<. tmphasiw ll'it Afri.a had th<- i-hf t. muil WVtnl m th.-
    162 words
  • 300 9 Government to Deal With Problem. 1 1 1 ttkti Radio OnVhi lUi ihn.] KuKb> Mar. 2i>. In Urn Ron m .m- Mr. frnnwnj ItfacDoaaM mi rd i qtrtkiw of itiitmi •i he i lining am of S t h Walt Mr. Nevill? C lii o f If(
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  • 98 9 I Xt ::.r v i Thr txi»uti\f roMrfttot "f Uh \V..r> laten ■tkaal L«mcw »f iv.,,, mm| i MSI N'tli-r t.. Sir AMM lianK- tlam. Dr. Bmm sad hm4 i t«T)ti..n t. |kc dermsta t hr "v rt <>t" .inn- un<i munitionx int< I and ap|.«-alinc
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  • 53 9 U.S. UNEMPLOYMENT GROWING. Wa^hinuion. \Ur. J7 In. nipl in r I• >n i. .us Iv? i<* r«'t ji-i\ < Mr I v i m n itateif< n Urn H n..t.- «-^i un. H ih.r. 1374,008 were unei ml with BjMMtl t mp]'»>«'«i. I> .m pk.ymont compared with |y*J*» »mounted t<>
    53 words
  • 39 9 KlWrfHd. _V ii.ft .i T.» |»i..|..k,. a <ii\ Mead oi i f nnt i ••i.i])-iii il i* ii 1 i v I Tin* .i^-.l bj I 0 Shau hold* h quit ''ion i- 'U-
    39 words
  • 21 9 MmriiH. Mir. 21. I i V «r\v t if, ■.»if hi i• i vvi,, 1 Forts tta wer<
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  • 21 9 1 1: I I w* i». Mar. 2C i Ir. i i i < i i S'ankini; ii
    21 words
  • 14 9 W.I »M < 111! .ill i. Mil i i I.-i/ iliaa battfe-
    14 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 400 9 BUSINESS CARDS nal iwlonßings of every C^laV, c( r<? y< secur«/f [nickid for conveyance to (i jj of thr world. Luir^a^re etc rted, attended and put on n r r/i/?, and tent anywhere. Wntc AXI) CO.. 'i."i Bepcoolen Strejet, H'dawn sniwa I\r\NESE PHOTOGRAPHER J IMUNSKI' 811IIEBT r !i-r«unt srit]
      400 words
    • 589 9 NOTICES. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. EASTER HOLIDAYS 19' i:;. cfffinwtiM with th<- Entli I'<> CONCESSION TICKETS, all *n«fe fere sod I h »if f or tlu- doable journey JIM he iaaOCNl on lU, 7th. Xth ft "lh JPJf l»2«, h -tv n ;illv tuo st 1t on Uu> -J
      589 words
    • 225 9 I NOTICE OF REMOVAL! We haw removed to nil MIDDLE BOAD I (between Qaeen Btrei t ud Waterloo Bta <r >. I owing to the rwoaitruction of th<« present I prmiaef to three-storied huihlin^r. The I work will be complete m one \<-u I J:0 I > ECHIGOYA AND COS
      225 words

  • 19 10 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTH. HOLLAND. At th«- Kuiop»-;»M Hospital Ku;il;i I.umpui. on M;t'rh J", \,< Mr. ir'j MrP, H. Hoilaad, <on.
    19 words
  • 768 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1928. IMMIGRATION RESTRICTION. Although there is no need to regard the Restriction of Immigration Ordinance as a law likely to come into effect save under circumstances which would be distinctly unusual, and although the amendments introduced and the assurances of Government may be taken
    768 words
  • 343 10 His Excellency the Governor has kindly consented t<> attend a tea party of the Junior Civil Service Association to be held at the Club-house on Saturday at 4.30 p.m. Special Easter holiday concession tickets are hemp issued on the F.M.S. Railways on April ."»th.. 6th., 7th.. Kth., and 9th. Full
    M.M.  -  343 words
    • 108 10 An Ipoh Application. (Fro.n Our Own r,.n, -nd. ••>• ipoh. Mar. 27. Thore was an wh<> <>( tin* Imnkrupt. .if Cbxiix and Company, •harcbrokera, m thi« Supreme Court yesterday, when Mr. J Anchant. Ipoh, applied for a rei-riving ">•«•» against Oh Cenif Henn. P«-nan»r.
      108 words
    • 85 10 [Fr<»m Our Own J IVnan*. March L' 7 In tho Suprem* 1 Court to-day th«- jud»r»rpfust'd t«» post|H»m th«« ca.M m which chanah liashiar and Son.v rluimed $l/W§ U-nt <»n an 1.0.1. niirned hy Wanchrr \n:Vin. when artm»; a- att«.rn«-\ for F*usi KMtiinah and the administratrmv-
      85 words
    • 48 10 [Kr»m Oui nwn < ruUut Ipoh. Mar JT Hi-h.>p and Mis Kohert* .»»<• U-inir at a series «>t tjmtions m IN rak. Th« B sh«»p officiate<l <i\.r crowded conir relation* Lerday, (onHnninjj numeroui* candidates lit will be RKen a public reception m the Town Hal! to-morrow.
      48 words
  • 423 10 CONTROLLING THE FIREWORK NUISANCE. Academic Council Discussion. Memb <<t" ihc public »h< ut*d to the «|>Mt» of lrtt« I K»- liirwoik ami ra k» r nui«ar r < w< .us ill nt. r. il lean tf M thf Lefriflaiive Council \\»> tr-<lvtM m a romeuhat aiadcm: «ii^* i.-- ion >n
    423 words
  • 72 10 Thi> tilm, which >Urt> nt th, \lhi»mhra M Sunday niirht. <U-aU with th«- HOT| ..f an Ka>t M,i, v. r < t N»w York »h-'u.t .iiaft--94 mm aKHir a »-m. i i'l-.i aid Itarf >.» i MVltd I M, f '"m riirht ,ii, i attk'liel.l th.
    72 words
  • 98 10 The wedding to.»k place at Si (.«i l m Church. Penang. on Saturday, ol Mr J R Burnand. of Devon Kstntej*. ltd. Malm, a and Awdryr hrury. of It. I mncl Islands The Rev Kappal Ganisr fB¥ A series (»f functions, from e.lfu><l.«v week until April «.Mh.. is being
    M.M.  -  98 words
  • 201 10 YOITH IN SKKMM's POSITION. Taxi-Driwr Knhhcd Mr. JuNtir* Dean* wa» <*tw+k4 r th«- ta*e m whi« h !<• Km •>f Mnla\ anil rhiliea* parent ar< <d with th«- armed robl* named Onjj T« «»n th» < hat g 1». nl r *»th Mali. 4|| 11 --ki. t. w
    201 words
  • 36 10 I.ATKST RI'IIKKK WH ll\ vnu r> [From I nndon. \|.n II I pi Mr--r- S\ nil notify to-da\ i ill I I- 1 :.<1 lies -i> I a Ijuaru* avA Soe« notify to-da) tin
    36 words
  • 110 10 DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION REPORT. Thy annual awattaf Town Hall. Iptl rayjcit whu h il JM »t« rlinp Davie m »hapinir th« I»i.h that '^.ik^ I•«■« T i < i< n«* «"iki »how» ar f HJti I xv huh IMTI aa to r« i m< < i reVKmp a^aartl*** acrve fund. I
    110 words
  • 53 10 Karen ell Perform m< l< The Wilbu I night. to m large «ml Bssssaawfl ng *hn h thr siatei.tu high and n< v. i. ra a€ Mai th« I Deacon" were |»arttcnl«rb k' aaaati both the »entimental nix! kataaaa, gasi ft Maurhun'* well know n n I
    53 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 141 10 THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK' Sr Bj I PETER DAWSON I: "SPECIAL" i SCOTCH WHISKY 1 CALDBECK, MACC.REGOR CO., LTD. (lnrnrpt.,,,frft „y,( ,'r the C»k-;,o«iV«' Or,l r m nf Houg Kon</\. (Ivritrpnratrd m Shanghai. I] SINGAPORE. •J ********** J ®ft;*> »iM?M»M*i!«7 •^•liLSliTOKSlfi; f Any Quantity from 2 Ounces. j; NEW
      141 words
    • 150 10 %vuv.v«v.v.v.Vb-^vdV.vuvywyv. m, 0$ Parfums de Luxe ]l OOTY l\ Chypre ■I Origan 5 Rose Jacqueminot i Paris >. •I Emeraude EAU DE COTY < I* to he had from all dealers "I > Dupire Brothers. 1 SAFETY FIRST! 1 Sri *fi ie uz if" y" To prevent your bfi S
      150 words
    • 4 10 To-dayV Foaturcv BRIDGI PROBU
      4 words

  • 169 11 ONE OF RESTRICTIONS BENEFITS. London Stocks Falling. i Correspondent. Popjllajal 1 London. March 27. „'h there ha> been a fair amount of m the share market little ~h«wn upon values, the tone drop ot 1 :;*9 tons m London rubber has caused satisfaction- but iffectod the price
    169 words
  • 96 11 W»^l minster Hridjre Incident. (Rcuter'e Service. l lyondon, March 27. -■> Irishmen, Michael O'Flana^an, Godfrey, nnd Michael Hurke, ar- >n Marrh 21. were sentenced at Marl- Police Court to-day for hemp -ion of ftreanas. Their arrest was rkman Nateg a pareal drop from nji WestaUaatar Prldga.
    96 words
  • 84 11 KING AMANULLAH'S GIFT TO LONDON'S POOR. tsfc Radio Official Service.] Umgkf, Mar. 27. of Afghanistan camelled his the Coliseum it< London yesterday v enfog i-i Dealing with a h had arrived fr<>m Kabul r to his departure m a special I various industrial ccatrei v Souriya and her suite irariotM
    84 words
  • 64 11 Canada's Attitude. [Rcutor's Service.] Ottawa. March 27. I H ih«- of Commons to-day the first naatioa of Cana<la's attitude towards the Aagio-EgypiiM Treaty was piven I Prime Minister. Mark>Miit Kin^ said that when he Wli Mkcd whether Canada would adhere to r tty he replied that as
    64 words
  • 49 11 f X 'Ut»T*s Service. I Madrid. Mar. 27. M»t hai adopted the report of Miofl charged with valuing the retim-ries belonging to the 'Ml Company, which have boen over bf Urn dovernment monopoly valuers assess at 20,000,000 Tin Standard Oil Company's COmpeMfttkm for ending theit
    49 words
  • 54 11 tbh KHdir> Official Service.] Uuuhy. Mar. 27. v of Mr. Bertrmn (iiles, former-(i<?!«-ral at Nankinir. occurred at neat I ondon. He was ")4 years Gilei wm \v<«unde<i m the Comrdern m N«ckini He had bu life m China. He was Professor Cile^. of Cambridge Well
    54 words
  • 41 11 Uteuter's Sorv'ice.l Chicago, March 27. were exploded last ni*rht at 1 the politician.-, Senator I)<-neen tn <>n. whose houses were i*ed Then- had DMM four previi«gl at houses of oftkials, but these Rttaekl on persons openly opr Thompson.
    41 words
  • 28 11 [Renter*! Service.] Mexico City, March 27. Obregoa, the tofte rmmiMmU f«* lan Presidency, has pgppoaed the '»f alcohol m Mexico. Earliei eabtoi <»n pajce J.)
    28 words
  • 60 11 FIRST PART OF DUTIES COMPLETED. To Return m October. [British Radio Official Service] Tt, Rusjby, Mar. 27. Un hv^pV th< Sim n Co*»*rio^ set < ounril. will be completed this w -ek and »norn ers of the Commission will leave Bombay for England on Saturday The '>nun,,,
    60 words
  • 235 11 •Japan and China Warned Off. [Kcattl'l Service] Moscow, March 27. ihe Soviet Gorenmeat repijrias; to i» Japanese proposal that the Soviet shoul, .'"in m the decision of the Power, as re Kurds the baaaia« of the import of an,,' to China, says the import of arms to Chin,
    235 words
  • 93 11 Considerate Authorities. [British Radio -Official Service.] Ruk;>. Mar. 27. Lady Bailey, wife of Sir Abe Bailey, who I attempting a flight from London to Cape Town m a Dc Hnvillam] Moth biplane, left Cairo for Khartoum this morning. She has been delayed at Cairo
    93 words
  • 83 11 [ReuterV Tar Eastern Service.] HankoH, Mar. 27. The military authorities continue the wholesale executions of alleged Communists. Kxeeutiors between March If and 21 have totalled •"<>. A similar state of atfairs exists m Changsha. Meantime the Reds continue their terrorism unhindered m Southern Hunan accompanied by
    83 words
  • 53 11 [Reuter's Service.] Ha I boa. Mar. 26. The aircraft carrier Lexington, which has arrived here, traversed the Panama Canal m twelve hours. Several heavy concrete lampposts, and a strong guard-rail, beside some locks were demolished by the warship, whose Hides, owing to her enormous size,
    53 words
  • 51 11 [Router's Service.] London. Mar. 27. The death is announced of the English composer, Leslie Stuart. [Mr. Leslie Stuart, who \va- m his <»3rr \ear, Wttl oil?; list to St. John's R. C Cathedral. SoJfofd when only 15 years old. He was the composer of many popular English
    51 words
  • 46 11 f Router'? Service.] Newhaven, Mar. 26. Yale University seniors m a vote on "the 1 iggest man' m the world, awarded the first place to Lindbergh. Mussolini was a close second. rndcruraduates, by 14:* votes to 114. resolved that pr- hibition harmo<i college life.
    46 words
  • 50 11 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service.] Tokio. Mar. 2rt. The ioint meeting of the Proletarian parties decided to uphold the non-confidence Bill of the Minseito. The general trend of the forthcoming special .^ssion of the Mot will be decided by the attitude of the seven neutrals. [Earlier cables on page 9.]
    50 words
  • 1055 11 ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS. Last Year's Figures. The following report < extracts) on the working of the Currency Department, for the period October I*t.\ 1926. to September ."Oth. 1927, wo* laM on the table at Monday's meeting of the Council. Currency .narantee Fund. The position of the
    1,055 words
  • 846 11 TUNG CHI HOSPITAL REFORMS. Shoemakers' Strike Easier. 'Our Chinese Correspondent). As regards the reforms of the Tung Chi Hospital which are now engaging the attention of Singapore Chinese, the hospital committee held a meeting on March 17th, and the following resolutions were passed after iengthy discussions: To amend
    846 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 151 11 Co Zy.A B f^< (gm, CDnnce of TT«U* GO HOME IN STYLE HEATHS". —Fur Felt Hats of the Finest Texture.— B^lfe^ (> ••'l-clri* -»ccl m m know■l^'^^^Bl are faull In and comfortnhlr m r llr "i^&SHI^KBB^. Knows :»!v thai perfrrtion r^V B^MifcM y^^^M rnaterinl and sound work EnS^'V i<i:!r>4iip make*
      151 words

  • 829 12 Comments and Facts. A Board of Inquiry appointed to inquire into certain statements affecting Civil servants made m a recent action before the Courts |mm found that the throe Foreign Oflßce official mentioned (Mr- J. I), Gregory, Assistant Inder-Seeretary of State; Mr. O. St. C. O'Malley; and
    829 words
  • 739 12 When a Husband is (lolf-mad. The charm and allure of widow > ha\e lon* been a cliche of psychology. I'nhappily. it docs not extend to the woman who widowed! by her husband's hobbies. The >r« »lf widow is surrounded by no glamoui. <he has not even the
    Daily Express  -  739 words
  • 145 12 "The crnyhounJ-raunjr tracks are now simply htitre opon-air pamhlintr centre*, whore all i!i ses urd all a Kt s an able t.. .^<l l| '>ri«l«T their money, free t«> take the children's btmd and ffot it t<. thf d.-irs." iiU i (an n H. L. Mai«=h. vi»ar
    145 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 86 12 f Five Kings? King George IV 532. I Protect your Child Any moment your child may be infected at school, or m the street, by little playmates. Give her a Formamint tablet, moraine and evening. j That will protect her against Tontilitit, Whooping Cough, Meatlet and Diphtheria. FORMAMINT Toilet ooap
      86 words
    • 333 12 LASTING RELIEF FROM SCIATICA L*t Da Wltt*S PHIS Banish Your Pain and Help You Back to Health and Strength tP< »IJ laMin;: relief fr«»»n SriatK ri^liU That i* t n»lnr»l »ay I ItMt i« the «ntl> !«-;ill\ aaaaaaafcl an<i tlml wli> l»»- NNiu 1 1 1 <« aJw«>N >,M»e •ucli
      333 words
    • 236 12 KREMENTZ SAVE TIME mnd look aJw*? neat hy uainc Krracaa button* m your waababU coat a. Their arc put In an taken out eaaily but. whan on, there it no poaaihilify of !lo*tag them. Nakher tkmt oat climate will damaga fh« beautiful design*. VAftSIAMVLL AaaOMUVX *> OU TKKBMENT7 j^B[ WL
      236 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 38 12 PICKWICK IN PICTURES By Arthur Moreland. 71 Mr R-,ddk--- mi I tj£; U r-^^ <* VOOSO* and FOGG MmfiZo .^-^U****°W r^^MM-nu^ »N .?TLe ICHEt^?Nl CHE t^?NE L 2^,^Pr L^ MBi-BARDELL WAS uSaSteoi 5 D^L WAS HUSTLED SMC Bffggß.Y'g.E 0^
      38 words

  • 447 13 T c Su*Uy, March 1». Nt followinif had the honour of dining at rfiovernment House:— the Hon. l>r R O Winst^dt and Mrs. Wlnstedt, Flight Lt. Carnajzrio, Klijrht Lieut. Wiggles worth, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Commander Notify. Mi and Mrs. A. S. Stokes. After dinner Hi* Excellency and
    447 words
  • 55 13 |\anyo Xichi-Nichi Service.] Tokio, Mar. &>. Some ten thousand volumes embracing all branches ot* science and literature m Soviet Russia have arrived as a donation to the library ot the Tokyo Imperial University. For this invaluable gift, Japan MPM much to the effort of Mr.
    55 words
  • 34 13 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichri Service.} Tokio. Mar. 25. The occasion of the opening ceremony of th« Great Commemoration Exhibition for the forthcoming Coronation this autumn was honoured with the presence of H.I.H. Wnce Kannin.
    34 words
  • 36 13 [Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Service.] Tokio. Mar. 2.V Viscount Eiichi Shibuzawa, the most prominent businessman m the country, has proceeded to settle the Noda Soy dispute which ha> oven continued for th<- last six months.
    36 words
  • 110 13 The following action was taken at a meeting of Committee No. 6 held on March 20th: On the recommendation of the C.P.O. agTeed to erect a public lamp m Van Kit Road, a private street, Mr. Dunman dissenting on principle. Aprroed to renew the lease, for the period
    110 words
  • 74 13 Joseph Walsh, a European fireman on l>oard the steamer Rio Azul, was produced before the Third Magistrate, Mr. H. Dakers, on Monday morning on a charge of ast;aultin£ the Chief Engineer of the ship, Mr. W. Herd. The accused pleaded that he was drunk at the
    74 words
  • 42 13 The marriage took place on Feb. 9 at Forest Hills, New York, of Dr. Jame* Bernard Charle« Pelehanty, formerly of Drs. Cra^ro and Hanna, dental sunreons, Kuala Lumpur, and Miss Maude ElUabeth Kernan, laughter of Mrs. Maude Morris Kernan, of New York.
    42 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 147 13 Treat your Cement Floors^ with I Truscon Agatex 1 1 A 8 Stop the Disintegration jj It Hardens Chemically wfl ILI I fk\ M*l k I i i Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. l! BOLH AGKNTS FOR BM. WMM< CHOOSE rtfW^ Mm I A KERMATH IffißMjQll j httlc care m choosing
      147 words
    • 227 13 r— I WO I nWff I YjKSfrnu^^^^^^^^^B^ ||READ shaving m tlie mornings? W^ J^BJBHwS!! J Gillette blade m your Gillette r^/or. to!^S^SM i These blades are made by exclusive Gillette processes -of the finest tteri X f^fiT^H vl "1 science has created. Each blade lias two ill If P 9
      227 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 673 14 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre.) Due Spore. Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE— LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. NINGCHOW London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Mar.
      673 words
      561 words
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 611 15 O. S. K. Line. Steamers. Arrive. Leave Rotterdam, HasHiiuig, Bream, n via Colombo, Aden arwl P.SaWI. Alaska Maru Apr 11 W|j porbal A!, »v Hay. Cape Town. Rio. P Apr 16 and Buenos Airt's. u 0 t t Hawaii Maru Mar- 30 Apr. 1 y Zanzibar, Par as nalaaai, Lasmeo
      611 words
    • 512 15 TRAVa^COMFtMCT Dollar jfi&t LINERS Dollar President liners offer you luxurious travel comforts. All state-rooms are outside rooms, well-ventilated and cooled by electric fans. They are furnished with beds (not berths), each having nn electric reading lamp. State-room with private bath predominate, all hpve h>t and cold running wat r. The
      512 words
    • 560 15 K. P. M. WNINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (KOYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO, OF BATAVIA). Incorporated m Holland.) fXDEH roM-K U I V. Til., NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Te.crhone No. M. xv,f nr.ertion* to:~i'anaace. J reicht. Imns Mr .r' ,«u n,, d Manila > «]< llilllla««liv« .n tl,. >, r .iu S,.,|e»ei,U (S, o^.po,
      560 words

  • 322 16 The si* ond oi>f motor pas«*f rurer ship which the Messag»ries Maritime* intend to build (the Feiix Roussei) will probably ht oidered at the end <>1 Marih. One of th«- new IiUKK) t»..i motor liner* fcr the Nelherland Steamship Co. will he called the Johan van Oldenhjinevelt. Th<
    Ex  -  322 words
  • 259 16 CHARGES AGAINST CHARTERES. Not Substantiated. Messrs. Alfred K. D'Aiineida and Raul Gutierrez, charterers ef tht N <!\veirian ship Sandviken. were acquitted ren ntly at M i nila en charges of emU /zlinsr eeleactag fee the Ml PWUpptoi Ueaweti they were alleged to have recr iite-1 for the Hawaiian sugar plantations,
    259 words
  • 194 16 The work of fitting <ut thr Yictor> is steadily progressing. Sonic little difficulty was experienced at the outset m tinding men with knowledge enough for the jol. Twelve old .l«.p-\sat«r >ailonm-n wen found, however, who f.uld 1... »>ntru>te<l with the t;isk <>l rittiru NeftMß*! flagship with her
    194 words
  • 119 16 m I'arb*. M. Georges Ley^ues. the Minister of Marine, laid before the Naval Commission of the Chamber the safety rijnltiw m fone m the Fivnrh navy a.wi tIM i..«ho(!s employed for raising disabled submarines lo thr >urfac«'. Hv mii that Em MOM H«M piiNt Fiam-v
    119 words
  • 73 16 (By courtesy of the Government Health Office). For the twenty-four hours ending midnight March Wf&L Max. shade temp. agj p Mm. shade temp. 74 7 p Mean .^hade temp. 79 2 p Max. sun radiation |f§ p Mm. trrass radiation 72 5 p Sea temperature Max. K2 Mm
    73 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 480 16 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia.) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,376 tons) and the new motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe,
      480 words
      139 words
      499 words
    • 117 16 KIRKV LINK O\| M IN V hi i rr i'\i i m\i i uimm fa»t tv Ma I RANGOON, «»i omiui m v VI MOI 111 \M» M»M h through IfOMKU u;n |AI Sleaairr I < Maafa* rORKSHII 1 KU FSTFRMUI raROPSHIRI HKRKKoHI (il.or« KSI ERI HI OXFORDBHII LANG iSaflRI
      117 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 614 16 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fiiday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, P*nang and Kedah and lower Siam ft a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday G
      614 words
    • 37 16 I.KARW F.S March 27.- Ocnatula. Kanatta. Gi man larut. Jtrantut. Selun ff r Hone Keatl Ap^y. (Brit); Dukat. (N« >r): U ri Pl ainzaradja. R«jk»l. M«»iv t .i p,,ntia^nk F- meralda (Dut); llav. (Nor); Hakozaki Mam. <Japan>.
      37 words

  • 514 17 Football Forecasts What constitutes a bet? This was the point m a presecution which was hoard m thr Sheriff Court at Dumbarton recently, uhon Thomas M'Quilkie, 121 Main Street, R.'nton, was charged with having, on 12th. Novtmbtr lut, on Main Street, Renton, at the Mtraacc to 121 there.
    Scotsman  -  514 words
  • 283 17 Boer War Episode Recalled. Johann*Hhurg. Feb. 21. The death annonced of Serjeant Clem Roberts, D.C.M".. who rescued Mr. Winston Churchill from a precarious position near Ht-wetsdorp m the Boer War during heavy Boer fire. Mr. Churchill was then a war correspondent. In his book, "lan
    283 words
  • 38 17 London, Mar. 16. New York. Tom Hetnvy is proceeding t<> Kn^iand t')-in<»rrow on a holiday and will in\estigatf for Tex Hickard the possibilities of a heavy- weight title match at Weml)ley m the summer.
    38 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 233 17 I 811 flflllfl' K ORRENGZAL OINTMENT mam lI II II FOR WOUNDS > SORES AND all skin diseases. I Hi! Mill GV E AT PEPPERMINT CURE wWWm W FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND STOMACH COMPLAINTS. •TM! SE Spyciil Valur £10 10 0 WatehM Soli<* GMd L m Itted with Reliable if-jewel
      233 words
    • 183 17 Renowned the World over \jrA.ix OJN £j Xv MARINE HEAVY OIL ENGINES TYPK j t c Developing 72 H.P Low Up-keep Reliability and they are BRITISH MADE is all that need be said of these heavy oil engine*. Th. name "GARDNER" is a symbol m the marine on#ineerir£ world that
      183 words
    • 236 17 Those Winning Smiles Which mean 90 much commercially, socially, are gained this new way with gleaming white teeth Send Coupon for 10-Dajr Tub« X u^ly \*hcn teeth l»>nk dull Msmism^ and clouded. M<kJ<"h science /Kr'^t'^fl^ tu>\\ restores M «>tf-col«»r" teeth to +MJT dazzling \vhitene» 1 \:r\ df^^^J^s^sm It's l»een foun-1
      236 words

  • 1004 18 VISIT OF THE KING OF SIAM. Completing the Arrangements. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Katavia. Mar. 23. The Siamese Consul General to Singapore is again m Batavia and has now compWtod the provisional programme for the visit of H.M. the King of Siam to Java. The itinerary has been
    1,004 words
  • 720 18 CHEAP TYPE TO BE PUT ON MARKET. Bird Win^s. Ham hie. The early (uomise of the Auto-Giro, oi "windmill" aircraft, has been amply conIn iiied l>y a remarkable series of experiments carried out hen* recently with tht latest type. Proirrens m design ha* r rapi«i and
    720 words
  • 187 18 Labour League of Ex-Servicemt'n. It is a section of Britin's Rim! Army, says the haily Mai'. but m order t<> camouflage its real purpose it i* called the Labour league of e\-S««r\ icemen or L.L.X.X. Tht' League made iis tirst appa*HHM« to-day. Tht promoters claim that the
    187 words
  • 31 18 31. 000 Section- to be Kvamincd. Th<- Moscow Imtfate hat dlwcct«d Lenin's ham int.. :>>\,(*'\v, n s J > which tno mt«d Professor Vojrt will minutely -tiufy them a!!.
    31 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 234 18 1 Foods Made from the purest milk of cows pastured m the home counties, the 'Allenburys* Foods are as easily digested as mother's milk. They are germ free and are simply and quickly made by the addition of boiling water only. Fresh supplies, specially packed for the tropics, are received
      234 words
    • 168 18 f«l SAMAJUGA You will not nay so >ou *tt» ih«* Uti*>i d*\m m gauges. You merely PRESS THK LEYKK \(.M\s| I THE TYRE. NO NEED TO UNSCREW \l.\ X < \r for a readinu «»f Ihr presnurr i. SOMETHING. NKNN TO SINi. APORI (.(>^|j I \M) (HEAP. I (ALL AM)
      168 words

  • 56 19 March 27ih.. 12 o'clock n«H»n. I S.S. tqaa] to St;.M(l;ml Q.C.F. Snot H Standard R.s.s. Si;..t 4t i; 1 on Ti-rxU i Apf-Junc 4 1 M .luly-S<-pt. 45 45' i '<>•..• i>r Market: lm-^ular. Latest CaM>: Lon4»a Spot BhaH i_' 7 ,d pat lb N«'\v
    56 words
  • 35 19 Owiritf t<> an abnormal rise m the exchanire rate of coppers m the southern provinces, the Nanking Government recently ordered the Customs Superintendents of Nanking, Soochow, (hinkianpr and Shanghai to prohibit export of copper coin.
    35 words
  • 643 19 March liTih. t Is g Prices. Buyer Ballen A. er eag 1 1 •> i>atany. I'adanii >•• .".1 hin Chin 1 .00 l.n:j»_. Hitam.s o\ Hong Fatti to lohan Tin \a Kinta Tin Drod. 1. US l.~,:i klang River :;.4n ;{.47'^ KachaJ <$» i 2.00 Kuyohs BO
    643 words
  • 39 19 i I 11.K:t nk >;< m.iii.l f I V Y«.»k. iltMiiati-t Ii In.lvi. 11. H<vng K..i, r .1. i r i 1 I■. t I V«'k' i. I .1 -1f11.U11.l I HaiiK^ok. <i«-nuui<i i I KnuLti.l I: 4
    39 words
  • 100 19 M I i ||i Tmmt »i ( I \\ht-- Black i i .tpi"< lYarl n'i» 9tmM i ||.|i I Hrn |g ||r O Rr.l I ffc Rwi-. S MR <•!<! No 1 X X »i:-».i.m -.'i. 1 1 8 niu irunj- |d I. I :\'m l; i I
    100 words
  • 102 19 W>t*Tda>'> \ltria!!«ui- B'iy*r« Kit ta l»i. ■lirr- <*! 1.474 I Km; 1 N. Taipin* <>i 1.10 1.1 P. mln.l .-n (St > |Si M I li Kan, l>ut. in < ll Ufa Mali «*M Alor Gajah ($1) k mini si M.-U'k (SS) \>< i l'.ir B* <$:»►
    102 words
  • 56 19 TAPAH 1(1 Hi i-;i« :i i i i inn*. I. T.i I j v 1 '•Utl-iTI. ■> I- I 10, Forward h rtpoit i I i 1 and d*cr< t.if.|nnr i ihl.Mil r i <lin»i.ri I 1 It v I II Jtl < mpl«- w«*rr fnt t<
    56 words
  • 42 19 .1 lit.. I t I• I CO. 2T» I mm tinI n all i Si t |»|MT I I whu li I I .id Kit! i It r i i ;irv II J «.<.k«M|. lr< mmII, a Kiililhi I
    42 words
  • 24 19 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. •mi imrr. \|«r i:. i I ii Mini..: 1 \2 I i I I ,1.1. r Ii m iri«K w
    24 words
  • 11 19 <• »h h I Amutt S4OU.O«K), the t«l«n<« h<>r> K<«njr. Englai II
    11 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 520 19 VSSETS OVER 55,000,000 i TUC TDPArr A^,m^^ ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $:)(U)00,ooo IHb GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED HEAD OFFICE. Wl—L (I c< r l» ri Straits Settlements) L mSFZJSS'JStt r LONnoN OFFICE; 2T ow deposited With the Supren^e Court of England, and complies with the Britisl ii rßiniVß
      520 words
    • 478 19 I BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, \lsru\Li\ AND CHINA. Incorporated m England by Koyal Charter. Paid up Capital m 6>i0,000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Kt-rerve Fund 4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor! 3,000,000 Head Office: 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Alur Star Iloii., Tons?kah Amritamr i po h
      478 words
    • 44 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England hy K< ynl rhanrr A D 17ft) FIRE MOTOR CAR MA RINK Fidelity (aiarantcc Administration HonHs. Ohm M*l c Repress r.tatr s> I'W Mttsi HARRI CBA2TKREU HANK CHAMBERS d>t iWr) A. GORDON LBK, Ri-i<l. r M:.:.a K er.
      44 words

  • 1467 20 The mooting of the S.C.C. and the Services provided <«MTir» hrtirtiltilH cricket at Tanglin last week-end, the Club having the best of a 4 wo innings match by five wfokets. For this result great ciedit ii due to McFarJanc. who, finding the Tanglin wicket particularly suited to hi«
    1,467 words
  • 518 20 HOW ENGLAND BEAT SCOTLAND. Tremendous Pace. London, March 17. Over I*ool Scotch lads and lassies arrived m London this morning to witness the juhlloe Rugby match between England and Scotland. Neither bagpipes nor kilts were visible, but plus-fours wore much m evidence, likewise the national cap and every kind
    518 words
  • 864 20 MILLWALL REACH THE HUNDRED. League Positions to Date. The following table shows the effect of matches played m the Knglish League on Saturday and Monday: DIVISION I. Coal*. V. W. D. 1.. V A. PU. ■■iitraftaM 32 18 6 75 :>i- i.u-rton 31 UII i T L.timiir 34
    864 words
  • 90 20 The following was the result of tht menu March Two-Ball 'Shanghai' flMpi tition. the second and third pairs dividing one thiul of the sweep. Xi K ht < wen laKen out. E. C. Million and S. ullen. M. < Marriott and T. H. Holy«.ak. H U A.
    90 words
  • 75 20 The March Medal. The March medal competition resulted as follows: The winners of the caddies' competition J^' 1 J sn in C»! Tian Hup (Hi) Ahdullah bin Mohamed Salleh. Play for the Ku Tone Sen* Shield starts on March 31st Neo Ewe Kian>r K7 69 F. R.
    75 words
    • 27 20 At the Cricket Club. No play was p-'--. 1 U- m the various lcnal lawn tennis tournaments yesterday »>\sing to the heavy rain.
      27 words
    • 96 20 Ties m the S.C.C. tournament Lcday hit a> follow: (■iMliiwn Doubles. Macphail and Co. vs. and O. ISanlc. Guthrie and Co. vs. K.IWI. Fraser and C<>. \>. A .!*.< Police fs. African arid Mastein Trade Corporation. Reuters vs. Ltwli and I'tat I'nterson. Simons and damson Ciilfillan and Co.
      96 words
    • 56 20 WEDNESDAYS TOES. ll! < '1 (ll|). \Vi>ha!t ami .Mi-. K. A. Stevens ow« I V.-. Wild and Mrs. Margoliouth *cr. (fontlcnn n*«* Doubles Handicap. Fuleher and W intti DW« I VB. < at.j an<! Williams scr. La.lit- I uJ)'r« Hindu ip Mis. Newoll and Mi>. W. 1..
      56 words
    • 55 20 WKKNHSDAVS fill I)«iuhles Handicap. F. CX <!«• Souza and N S. HtOH 9U, I W«bk an<l S. do Souza. Winmrs of R. C. and S. 1.. Ofhl.'ts and (i. B. and A. Armstrong v:-. I*. K. do Souz-i ami K. W. <\o f'ruz. Single Handicap A. W,
      55 words
  • 136 20 This Week's Prize (iocs to* Tanglin. Thru- wii.' mvciul surpiist's amonjr thf result- of tin twi-lvr matrK-v wltctod f->» our K.u.thall Competition N.«. ."1. Chelsea and xhv Arsmal. m particular, upsetting th»' ralriilations „f nrmy compct M«>r- failintr to win. Six reader* *»«nt m coupons Mi
    136 words
  • 118 20 Probables vs. Possibles. Th»< folliAvinc h:wv bMH invite*! to i. PNml tht Prohablcs an*: Possible? m a match on th«- S. i.e. ground rummrncinK «t I BOM. on Friday and 2 p.m. <.n Sattirday: Probables: K. 1.. 1.. Brad.Kll, R. B. (lotch. R. N. Hamilton (captain). \Y. N.
    118 words
  • 35 20 fßcuttr S< rvire.] I ondon. 26. LmUNM niatih*- p!av.-l tM-.lny r* «ult«Ml as follow: DIVISION Fulhair 0. }TuM DIVISION 111 (SOI THKRN) OiMrltnn 1. South. v<{ DIVISION Ml (Nf.RTHKKNV Halifax 1. Southport
    35 words
  • 44 20 Huddersfield nnd Sheffield Draw Airain. [Reuter's Service"; London. Mar. 2fi. In the replay <>f th« ir sen>i-final tv- m the F. A. Cup com|Htition Shrfful.l l'nit«.<l and Huddcrvfu Id m<t »f Kv«-ri m to-day and aft«-r <xtrn tim*>. <ln\v. n.ither si-orinjr.
    44 words
  • 32 20 There will b«' another lacros*;.- practice match at the S.C.C. ihis afternoon, when it is hoped that all mcmlor, who have taken up the fcame will turn out.
    32 words
  • 22 20 There will Ik- nn intere«tinr sorter match on theS.Cr ground to-morrow afternoon. When the clu»> will meet th Duke of Wellington's Rciriment.
    22 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 264 20 Look for the |^g*Vi Trade Mark i The world-renown, <| Ni^^^^ trade mark -His "HIS MASTERS VOICt I Master's stands for quality, supr m Voice" and vn »PPr<>a< H« d On a ffiopMm- it r Gramophones instrument of thr hirhrnt |n By Easy fully d<>ti tl< <1 ftnd i J
      264 words