The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 March 1928

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 14 1 Singapore Free Press I i CENTS. SINGAPORE, S> TUESDAY, MARCH IS. Kt2S. NO. 12.r>7
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  • 302 1 Thr l.itfvj new* from Arabia is IS. (KM) Wahabi* are concent rating m th. lledja/ threateninie the capture of t«:^n- m the icinity— Cage 9. Dutch firm has been (given the amtract (or towing th. Singap«»re Iliuimi. d»»ck from the Tyne Page 9. Sun Vat Sen
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  • 1026 1 Ok iui\«lltaur |»üblk" ha« hvraj MM iil.ii ..t m.- i,, r 11 i m. pitted t<>r th. MS I: I. .win* upon a U'XUr m Th.- Strait > Malayan Kin** Ttaia, the n«w shl«k>iim, aiut ,i a y lajruw, >Houl«i errata a irrvat d«.i' of mtfreM
    R.J.H.S.  -  1,026 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 402 1 WING IX)ONG. FOR HI^H CLASS TAILORING. ■,v, Cut and Fini-h Guaranteed J» 3L\ UGH STRRKT. "oriU ">oom" N DmER 1 BBrS^^ I tEiisßsn.iY. TOMASITABIKDWELL T "<»»n»v. :j SI) Character. Acrobatic and Mwlem Dancers ANI> > l" okchestoal'concert S DAY li| The easy writing EVERY n, cooler 1I- ROYAL TYPEWRITER- A
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    • 74 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. H<»to! announceim-Ml* P.i^. linctna ami theatre attraction- l\« If you -1 it cui|Htff t.< RahiKaoN i'a>r<- DvWWT*! White 1 ilk'l. thi spirit oi i'l-rni ship- l*am- M». Not. res by HMUan \liini( an«! Robin*on*a- Phl'«' 7. (a >-'.uti Navy tUI i.l;u«. <|iacriminating snu>ker- Page 'J. Many desirable fcatui*.-
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    • 16 1 v/ms loqmg. j THK HRTtM.NISRII IKK Sh for piimpKAN tropk m mm I 32. lIIGffJ STRKBT.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 160 1 THfcj Hi»rh n it. r. UM a.m.. H4, JiH p.m.. M.ilarrn: 11. W. 10.50 a.m.. .S.I. i>rti. C©«Kn«'iYtn! i up. H-. l|<.r,jr H.n» St«»rM<re. 1i »,t,i lt \\tk. lli^rn Wat.r. 2.U a.m.. si. .I.JI f%M Mala ii a: H. w. UJt a.m 14 dolt" luh annual meetinp .<•• ;i m.
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  • 687 2 Luck— and Pluck— on the Prairie. "Deaf me. My funny old London is exact1> the same! It hasn't changed a little bit. Do you know"— this was intensely confi-dential—-"some of the buses have the same numbers as they had when 1 left here nine
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  • 106 2 CHA UCER'S HOUSE IN LONDON. IDIiTf of Underground Chamber. I ondon, Feb. 25. 'iftvi ournl chamber has been dis- ed by workmen laying cable between the -ii- .<-f Comntom and the Abbey which bell < i t.. b« the remains of the house occupied t'y th<- poet hiimrr m the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY PRESENT A Monster Programme OF Varied Amusements GATE 10 cte. MDM KELYEYS SCHOOL OF DANCING. (%*'> Jy For children and f^fei Vy young ladies m Character, Classical, Clog. Exhibition, Ballet and Toe Dancing. Private lessons m modern ball room dancing and latest variations. I guarantee to L
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    • 240 2 ALHAMBRA Pi l^ Taki* pnat plra.^ure m prewntinjr another mmjrninVrnt h commencing; BlNdav, nth mxkui AT i>.o P.M. "COLOSSUS" A GIGANTIC ALLAN I>W |*|(OIM(1Im\ featurinjr GEORGE 0 BRII-N WITH A MAC.MXX INI i The story of an Kast River Ha rye Box uith a noul An «f>i< In the Fimt
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    • 90 2 AGONISING I PILES CURED! No Knife! No Suwn I Mth«.r >im rtionOAoaaa at (ban him t+ rilas I 1 U,OUt l»« UK- "hoi .Ma. N «l<cirioiiy. o* or burnimr m»t od. and t i x^or'aorlio* Tb* rvtnfijr that baa b» kT^glaai and Aiw b«a cui>d hu-'f I •uffir. r«, la
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  • 733 3 SOCIETY GIRL WHO CANNOT CO. Romantic Quest. BtfM timtN, hidden >»y Jffitl 'ujn<iroo< of >i-ai ago, and gomrtled by terrible eVflßt of c i f h. is ih»- rooißfltic .".>• -t of an expedition of l»(> Englishmen ffhidi will ;-•»>' from Liverpool next month for South
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  • 103 3 Paris. Feb. 7. A dispute between American*- and negroes broke out early this morning m a cafe m the Rue Notre Dame de Ix>rette. From shouting insulting remarks at one another the two groups came to blows. The proprietor of the cafe, who attempted to interfere,
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  • 67 3 lioth Amputated to Save (iirl Who was Operated ()n. ChicmKo. A tMltj JOT! nH Detroit typist, who had an operation performed on her by a plastic teVVteel to straighten her bow legs, is lying m a critical condition m hospital her?. Blood poisoning .set m after the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 269 3 Haiq I C SCOTCH WHiSKY^jJ I V|ORE HAIG WHISKY 1 is being sold to-day than J at any time m the long history I of its existence, viz., 300 years. No other Distiller can truthfully make I such v statement. K;V- The period of shortjgo of old stocks I: ii
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    • 64 3 A small tin of "RoNUK"goes such a long way. The shine it produces lasts many a day. Tft/fitf^frTi^ FLOOR iXv&Jiyti^iJl}^ polish Sold everywhere MA VI v »< 'I l<l I »<<»". i X II I hidM M j THE EASTERN STUDIO. LEE, PHOTOGRAPHER. SINGAPORE. Enlar^ementH, Miniatures, Wedding and other Croup*,
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  • 1704 4  -  T. Stanhope Sprigg by IWHEN OUR PIONEERS FEARED ARREST, j: :j Confessions of an Air Secretary. :j i TWO BRANCHES IN PLYING. (Kditor of "AIRWAYS"). -I Q ISPKCJAL to MMB PkESS.] (ferite an arresting kind of survey «»f our aerial progress Was made the other day
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  • 95 4 Talkatixe Woman*- \d\enltire. Ixndon. Ft b. 21. l '^.'''t to th,. phrase 'unlawfully and wfWWly.' t vvas a a|>Mrftj/ extUlinM< j l McAUteteff Oi the I)rin»rh,,u> v ..Vu n- ju •<• who was charged with pulling the communication cord of a North-l»ound exniess. She was so
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  • 217 4 Answers. 1. Hoh FitzMnunons, a Cornishman. was Marly SS years pf age when M won the world's championship from J. J. «'.-r rett M March 17*h 1S!»7. 2. M'Grory of Celtic- F.C. mi«d I out of his sidt-'s foali against Dunfet -r.iliniAthW'ti «>n .lannaiy 14th.. IMS, Thr
    NEWSBOY  -  217 words
  • 256 4 Tin- MiMionar> dev<tii»n of women, lens fitted for hardship that: nun, m a truly w.mderfu' thing. Tri- MWtlj rep,. nod instance ..f M,v« incite. uh<> ha> f,, r f,, ur yiai< I wu \mwmt*4 m the h.-art wi < hiaese TiM »vtan. ig B ,t m PiobaMy.
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  • 611 4 What it Means To-day. j •i STORY OK AMERICAN WHO DKSKRTKH ji (U-it. I .-vrlunivrly m frrr I r\ hi vi i Thi.- i- th. hixth of a mHm of arti. l»- l> tan whoM* vuliant s«*r\ itc m th** r ivm h l-oniirn *i
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  • 157 4 (hi Work* m-«trmrd Ui« ii *„ri« rki „p firemen v. iiMilMfl from fht- annuMi.l' lull, an* 1 a quai .r, r m.. inan^, lfc i.ut helnu-t-*. Th. s v. ivon „11 In r <o|WfUni< th* I 1u i "»«t.! v, i.. ultra.! > on th. •OMe.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 627 4 FREE PRESS FOOTBALL COMPETITION. $100 For Only 12 Matches. $50 Must Be Won. \W publish every Tuesday morning coupon* for our weekly football Competition. A prize of SI OO ill be awarded to the reader who forecasts the CORRECT RESIITS OK THE TWSLTI MATCHES m the coupon below. In the
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  • 265 5 Colonel Lawrence's Double? Are there two UIUKII of Arabia? Bsbhsi the ne\ss that a film version is to made of the exploits of Col. Lawrence among the Arabs is the stojy of a mysterious "double," who may take the title role. Lawrence is now serving as an
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  • 293 5 The Search For Colonel Fan celt. The fate of Colonel Fawcett, the Briti-r explorer who three years ago started upon an expedition through the unexplored parts of Brazil, is referred to m the Royal Geographical Society's "Journal." Colonel FawrettV disappearance has let! to many fantastic reports, which
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  • 186 5 DR. VORONOFF'S TRI UMPH. Sheep Improved by fJand (.rafting. Dr. S-rpe VoronoflT states that monkey breeding on the Italian Riviera has proved a definite MMGtM, and during the past year twenty-two haby monkeys have been ix>rn at the Chateau (Irimaldi which the French Government boVglH for him to carry <>n
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  • 82 5 Plots m Wife's NovfU. Paris. Feb. 25. The plots of his wife's novels were advanced by Mr. Bainhridtfe Colby, the former United States Secretary of State, M a Mm for divorcing Miss Sodjrwuk, whom he married m 180 G. Colby's counsel, ex-President MilUraml. said that Miss
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  • 88 5 Action Tak**n b> Miami Police. New Y«irk, Feb. 1. The protest! ,t liw.^hands ami vim haw ltd Urn pallet at Miami, Florida, to ;»rder the Indian "mystic." Swami Yo^anda. to leave the town, on the ground that he is a "love cult leader." Hi did not
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 m m m YOUR CAR DESERVES ONE 1 j CALOMETERS I l^eat Efficient i Cheap irpiifc^i Necessary T i i Malayan Motors, Ltd. J 14-20 Orchard Road Singapore. J Agents throughout F.M.S.— Messrs. Wearne Brothers, Ltd. f I Concrete Cement Rendering j! WATERPROOFED J! TRUSCON i! Waterproofing Paste I |f
      154 words
    • 174 5 NEW DESIGNS' IN RATTAN FURNITURE I |i Strongly made from picked Rallan. under European supervision, all fhair* filled I r.,- fIS '•••••••';ii;i| i,.j !ir~ll«'*'iii::;:::::i:!i!l ttti*";.':;:::::::**:: .••i 1 WL, ii:; i IC: ll! -C r— .3 L.I P^g^ki-i^^'-* I LJ I A X 1 a r Jl M >riCe S s
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  • 621 6 An Eni^lishmnn Abroad. Tunis. The latest Consular reports show a serious decline of British trade m Xorth Africa. I believe this is partly due to our manufacturers' neglect af the possihilitie* of the sock-suspender. Out of all the item:- of European garb the Arab fancy has
    Ex  -  621 words
  • 248 6 IU-alth Bulk-tin of thi' 1 MffM of Naiion-' Ka tern Ilurcau for llsl Wttk IMitd Marrh 3rd. Suez: J ptogUf <lrat!»>. Aden: 77 plague tSMI tmd M dtftthl against {"> cast's and U <i<-:i'hs .lunr t!i»pi I'Ct'iiiiiß- week. I'crim: 4 iHvillpox eases, !>a-.ra'i- L* smallpox casci Uassein:
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  • 325 6 and 1 have repltai a«rr«inK to hrlp her. Mins MilUrV an.l i thereto will i. puMi«h«>.! ',itl> Tontinuinj:. I»t Kurtakotii nai<l It mrv t>i? rt*liviou4 pnMti Ka ••"unit rnationni im, i*cnie«t. V. < i Sha lri< •'.'.ii-. wh n r)te princpl* .o ih< f #MI
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  • 13 6 JAPANESE FOREIGN INVESTMENTS. I \.«n\ I rr ported to br Yf#t.^ tia iar
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  • 19 6 fßeuter's Service] (ieneva. .March 11. The ie»sion of th«- Council of the LHsXfl has closed.
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  • 44 6  - Miss Rose Macaulay I look forward with hope, because of the poodness and self-sacrifice of the quite ordinary man. Sir Oliver Lodge. Mind your house ju*»t enoujrh to haw it comfortable, but don't let it bully you. and don't bully it all the time.
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  • 11 6 1. 1 fum-rni <Uuffht< I»Ih« on ih. 1 I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 316 6 The Perfect Mealtime Drink Drink it Because it's Delicious— but Know it's Qood for You, Too Yj OU drink Instant Postum because you like it— everybody does. But if you knew that it was very good for you and why— you would drink it morning, noon and night. Yes, and
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    • 133 6 ,^B v^ J| J^c hero of Trafalgar, uith his stirring m^^^^ "Duty' signal, has found immortal fame m Ihe annals of his countr\ His name stands forever as the symbol of supreme personal courage and devotion t<> dut\ Cir.APPTTP t kft« ofe ofOineOradicions '®> Since their inception, the tradition of
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  • 630 7 PREPARATIONS FOR VISIT TO BRITAIN. Programme For London. [British Ra<lio— Official Service.] Rutfby, March I|. Ikoails are now available of the welcome l ime prepared for the Kinj; and Queen of Afghanistan, who will arrive ir, London on Tuesday and of the exceptional arrangements t<> make the
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  • 73 7 [Router's Service] London. March 11. A trade turn favourable to lam-ash ire [g levealed by the returns of the International Cotton Federation for the ix months ending Jan. showing an increase m world consumption of raw coten of 268,000 bales, compared with the •orrespording >ix months
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  • 195 7 COUNTER-REVOLUTION-ARY CHARGES. Action by Red Unions. [11 uUr*> S'Tvire Mo-row. Mar. 11. Bepnrtfaoj t<» the Mmii Soviet mgnßdfaoj the Donetz MPtfltS, M. Ryl:off stated that a dozen counter-revolutionary technical experts have been able systematically to disorganise industry m the district. He is reluctant to admit that German
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  • 117 7 [Router's Bnrrlrov] London. Mar. 11. A heavy snow squall for«e«l down m the Kntrlish Channel a French Air I'nion lin-T on the London- Paris service. The pilot and mechanic, the .-oh- occupants, drowned, their bodies t>eintf picked up by a cross-channel steamer, which salved the wrecked machine.
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  • 124 7 IBritish Radio- -Official Service. l Rugby, Mar. 11. Sir Austen hambcrlain reached London to-nijrhi from Geneva. On hi*, way JM had a short conversation at the station m Paris with Lord (rewc. Pis.cussir.ic LeaKUe afTaiis wiih j«iurnalists before leavinc: Geneva, the Kritish Foreign Secretary said ht- had
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  • 57 7 fßv?utc»r's Service] Jerusalem. Mar. 11. A Mtfn of Beduin disbelief m lbn Saud's complicity m the attacks on Transjordanian tribes is reported from Amman. Firham Ibu Mashhur. who was responsible for the attack m February, has been imprisoned m jail and forced to disjjorjre booty
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  • 57 7 fKeuter's Service Kio de Janeiro, March 11. The mountain side collapsed durir.jr the nijrht without warning and «"Hs<('a«le «»f earth and stones crashed into the stieets, boryinjr dwellings and trapping the inhabitants m bed. Up to the present, 150 bodies have been rtH-overed. The hospital at Santa
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  • 18 7 [Router's Ser\-ice.] Hong Kong. March 11. M.5. (Cumberland has arrived h r< i
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  • 64 7 I [Reutrr's Service.] WaMhinffton. March 11. In MMEninl uitJj the rtsjuost t| tho l>ipi<»rnarit- (drps at J «kin for a .-trict**r on#ervancf «»f the t*ml»anj»> <»n th»- i-xport of anna and tinimunition to Chins, th«* State Departnient Mm that the I'nitod States is faithfully carrying out
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 520 7 BUSINESS CARDS. PonooaJ bclon^in^s of every ,ripti"n trlass, chinaware etc. ruii'ly packed for conveyance to pans <>f the world. Lugrgage etc anapofted, att4Tidcd and put on n or rail, ami sent anywhere. Write— OEM AND CO., Bencoolen Str<*et. ""DAWN STUDia f f MVVNESE PHOTOGRAPHER 4 PRINSEP STREET r r»nt discount
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    • 469 7 CsS? l^ J) The Refreshing Fragrance Of a newly opened cake of Cuticura Soap, combined with its purity and emollient properties, make it the ideal Soap for all toilet uses. It cleanses and purifies the skin and helps to keep it clear, fresh and youthful. jBV^ Sample each Snap, Ointment.
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    • 673 7 NOTICE Malaya Publishing House, Ltd. NOTICE IS lIKKEHY <.1\ K\ that the aboxe named Comp.inv ft» issuing a Prospect us, dated tde sth. da> of March. 192*. a copx of which has been filed with the Registrar of Companies, n.Miinvr subscriptions at par for 155.000 shares of $1 each. The
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    • 235 7 THE SZB 11 A I TO\<. ■AMONG X INSIRAM X COMPANY LIMITED. i- u» II I h« Twrntyiir»i Anni:.«l aoMrr* «H .<! nl tit- lk« Bank. ;i 1 MB v..i i. i m ih«t «H. 1 H »w dtNil H <"rx. uh Mm Hat I', i UA\ i I|J\ kW
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 108 7 PICKWICK IN PICTURES. By Arthur Moreiand. 11. Sawyer, l,ah M<k kimorf 7 ITH NO HEF INITE *Vjft£L 'kg |j i fStf^Mt iNit«?l6TtL v-Mt n I 'OBJECT OTHER Wr I \~~\~V'''^~c iT V mv jAiOtmatioi I :TIVE>{-V€NIVH£MADTO STCPPtD INTO A ROARED TM£STUC><V.6YOI>:*G K£IJ*TAML«iCOMei«r M^ORtMG <SUxS6 *MDTMfe fu NtL, I l I
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  • 44 8 DOMESTIC O CCURRENCES. BIRTHS. GIBBINCU9.- At Hatu liajah H«.-pt:.i. ><v. yikiich 7. to th- will «'f" A. V. li.hhii'c., X Ksngsar, a ilangliltf DE MOIHKAV. At X lai.i Tr. n^-irii. M Marih 10. r«> th« v.i'. mi A. i« i it Muubruy, a lau»rhter.
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  • 738 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY. M ARC H 13. 1928. AN IMPERIAL BOB'S-WORTH. Apart from actual interest m tht decision of the Kuala Lumpur conference as regards restriction or no restriction there are several points m the resolutions passed which givt indication of a gradual returji to a saner outlook r.n
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  • 302 8 .Mr. <\ .1. .luilah !i;t- I »»n an inmate of the C T«Tal Hospital for the lu>t week and >> pngNilh| favourably. The PIMMg <in7.ette reports that the H«»n'!tU Mr I. K. Natnhyar has l>een con riiul t" Wed >ince Wednesday with an attark of apoplexy. Mr. V. (I. Ereehi<
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  • 250 8 INFRINGEMENT OF TRADE MARK. "Crown lirand" Envelope**. Ihi M V Strait- Java I ra«lin« < wen* dffcndantft m a !>• t r which i-ame hefon- Mr. N l» Mud»<yesterday. They w«rc charir»-«l at th« m stnnc«> «»f Mfsurn. John Oitkinson A < with nellinic «»r exf* I
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  • 87 8 Dagger tlit!<k:i In Stmkinj:. A H> lam *a> •lmU r h itonveMion of a rtiMfptt witli.i't n HmMM DMI tl.« I I r.-~t»<l whii- tnt««iin- So. I^-1. SI v I t. v «1:»\- Dl inform«ti«»n j v i -.-rt t v* 4 rfc ai>.| v*«-« w«!i «4V«»«to«l
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  • 55 8 Lome Session (>uen> To-day. Tnr h IMI wmmm Mr .lu.* tin I' •w. rU\ -t,\. .Ml ■1 i inp thri« a^es of unlawful return t>nni>hm<'tit. nil uM «»f VMMi U-injf m \toma9**. ll Th«i. un> thr*-t- a'niur«liT (h:i! two <>f iiiunii ai« «)'..iiL-.. wrh t ..'iP^Tivitlnr or
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  • 158 8 W v nitrit i < ath "Mr V i>- .1.1 Gttllatan. 4t hi^ M«M-I» n« t 101-1 l'al- < i I Mb. instant, at thr ay« <t tuity tight. A third ><»n t»i th«»- liun«itna^t. i (i tan. of i •> «a-*<l U-axf-
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  • 157 8 Mv I < hamhvr**. MNMV I I Chain. il Hank, Penan: i 1 umpur. Mr. umt Mi.*. Murd rfcipivntr. of a (<*nutiiu silv« wmbn ably in-. rilM.l. tt n«! mi fi.i; Asiatic »taff and lalxun fi. r «.f Itukit H«-itam «-tat«-. Kantau. t-w.»|v c mpany of thirl) Km nt.
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  • 66 8 I'OSSIIiLK NKW R\T» m lIIKK FOR TWIv Kcnamintt of R« M fU Th«- I > > i N ii* th bMII n«Mir<f after jnmk hi Iki r.x. I t. n« i«.t» < IV fraction thereof. 1 I irrhiik-* luccar* M I 1 > r rmi i Hat m«»t.f
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  • 16 8 ft flu nnv»t«tl at «ti M > out iwpr4»"tiwrni mi m d
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  • 35 8 v h \rm »a* I v lof «l;tk'ir« r mm if h< «»n niioih.-i < ■'mi, m- «h.. hi^ .t nx. .1.1 bf I •< k mn\ and i ■MM V r»- im ..1
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  • 27 8 I.VTKST HI lIIIKK \M> 1« N I»RH I <} r. .1 n lonHon Mar.l not if > li: il per Ib w. i i n«»tii\ to «1..-
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  • 29 8 XMfKrd W mil i.n It* I > m M M tallinir IKo apr« i* at Mr»c. Itiuah ll- who ha«l •iMllam pa*i on cX iiiff At> i
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  • 8 8 i Umfai »«H hi
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  • 43 8 < urn-m M I hmMh (t I -•id hr *a« brinr I by client* wanting I* I I *MM n RyMirr> ll I jobK r %i»kr,| him what I I -f)h.- r. 1 thrm U|> tl I I i i »,u> «n.! M I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 388 8 "THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK' SS 7- 11 DAWSON i T^^t "SPECIAL" > j: L)awson j •I V:oTCMvJJJninr J Ljgt Scotch Whisky I Sole Agents: «J j; CALDBECK. MACGREGOR U Co Ltd. (Incnrporated nvder the Com part uk* Ordinances of Hovp Kong). (Incorporated hi Shanghai.) J •t 90, Robinson Road,
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    • 53 8 Pears Shaving Brushes Are Always Reliable PURPLE TRIANGLE I M BASS M 5 i j Tthe brew for the tropics i Sole Agents i Adamson. (iilfsilan <!\ Co., Ltd. I H.B. Winter. MERCHANT TAILOR. 6-M, Battery Read, (Second Floor *'G. H." Buil<ling>. SINr.APOUE. Tel. 188. Mr. .ml Mr*. I W.
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    • 6 8 To-day's Feature. FOOTBALL COMPETITION] COUPON. j
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  • 70 9 ro BE TOWED OUT BY DITCH FIRM. Other Work At The Base. [Beater's Service.] London, Mar. 12. >rning V< t\ states t}, ,t the i placed the contract for thi Sl floating dock for the Ksval Base from Knjrlaru to the Dutch lirni of SaiH and Rotterdam.
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  • 242 9 TENDERS FOR 14,000,000 SCHEME. I development! are about to i >l m ctiun with the famous naval base at Singapore i-a! correspondent of the n: mail week. 1 eat has invited several Britfah firms to tender by the for work which is estimated ,000. It consists of
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  • 72 9 British Attempt This Week. Radio -Official Service.] Rugby, Mar. 12. Os the sir speed record will 1 slnhoi this week by Plight Kinkead m th«- SuperNapier s:. immediately weather ouitable. With s sea»i^ r at i speed of 8M mi!< < ntial that the visibility iM-i the
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  • 41 9 '<— Indian Reporter Fined. [Reuter'fl Service.] NfH Delhi. Mar. 12. la! th<- reportei of tho Timei who dropped aa attache Basil Blackett'i head at the th. debate oa the Statutory month, was to-day fined alternative of three months
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  • 32 9 Reoter*f Service.] < «»Tjstantin«»j>le. Mar. 12. i ha decided to accept irtkipat< m the prelimiommittec on March 15. will c-.nsist of the «ar, Tewfik Rushdi, the ><i. j th. Turkish Minister
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  • 22 9 uteri Senrlee.] London. March 12. 1 Tia<!«' returns for February mM»fl4 and exports luctloai of £1,540,851 and !'«rtnely compared with
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  • 29 9 ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION IN JAPAN. Ni'hi-Nichi Service.] Tokio, Mar. 10. investigation by the Oflee, aaoat twenty four installatiom «rW be complet- '!<l of tali y<-ar. •'fli.r rablti on page 7.J
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  • 58 9 BIG CONCENTRATION IN HED.JAZ. Koweit Prepared. [Reuters Service.] Jerusalem. March 12. Latest reports from Syria indicate that S.OOO Wahabis are concentrated at Tebuk, three days from Maan. and threaten to capture Maan and Akaba. Basra, March 12. In the event of an Arab attack on Koweit I.OOd marines
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  • 156 9 More Snow. [British Radio- Official Service.] Kuifhy. Mar. 12. Severe weather was experienced throufchi it the British Isles during the week-end. North-easterly winds prevailed and the temperature fell to several decrees below freezing point. Snow was general and m many parts it lay to a depth
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  • 151 9 Franehiso Hill Introduced. [British Radio -Official Service.] Kutiby. Mar. 12. The Home Secretary (Sir William Joynson Hicks) will to-day introduce m the House of Commons the Franchise Bill, the object of which is that m future women •hall vote oa equal terms with men. No speeches on
    151 words
  • 374 9 Engagements During Past Week. We havr received the following C—Mh Jlique from Government House: Sunday, March I. The following had the honour of (lining at Government Hoore: Captain G. Hopwood, I I> E U.S., Commander li. Kamsbotham, R.N., Wing Commander Hunter. I.i»-m. A. G. Warren. R.M. Morday, March
    374 words
  • 736 9 - GUILLEMARI) CLP GOES TO JUNE. Sunday's Fine Race. The MS was exci jdingly !uni|..\. a strong flood tide flowing and a moderate northerly •> ltd blowing when four A. (lass boat* were sent away on Sunday morning to cumptte m the final race for Urn (Juillrmard hailenge Cup. hi
    736 words
  • 245 9 t'omoarativv Quiet m Singapore. Y< -.-tiTiiay. tho anniversary of the death of Or. Sun Vat Sen. and also of the Kreta Aver ikootiac last year. passed off quietly m Singapore. The poHci authorities had made preparations to cope with any disturbance- A temporary peat of fifteen
    245 words
  • 364 9 OPENING MATCH AT THE S.R.(\ New Wicket Used. The S.R.C. opened their season with a came on tbv Padanvr last Saturday between two Club 'sides. The Bulli -oil wicket wa* u?"d on this occasion and befefl the sjaast commenced Nf»\ Claude da Silva. the F*rcsid;.nt of the dub, made
    364 words
  • 262 9 FIRST CENTURY OF THE SEASON. Let Kt«n«; Tve's Fine Inning. Th» distinct iea sl sc >tin^ xh%.- first caatur; >>t" the Singapore cricket v,. ;is r i bclonsxs tJaefc Kenp Tye. sf the S.i !U\. who. by -cciin^ 100 against the Raihraj In.-ti-tate oa the S.CJLC. grouad on Sunday
    262 words
  • 201 9 Y.M.C.A. DEFEAT FORT CANNING. Playing on the Y.M.( A. fIWJMi on Saturday, the home team. detVat«d Tort rat ning by IN runs. The fallowing writ- the srons: V.M.C.A.: B. P. Gaudc-i <- Ski «t h WiNon ::<•; C. M. liim I Way IS; R. Lym W«0l li Way S; GiV><on
    201 words
  • 121 9 Aids Arrest of Kobher. A Chinos. civilian ami an Indian watchman w» n stabbed by a Cli nesc !i'f whom they attempted to mm on Sunday Mffht In th v > i inity of (anal H'«a<l. The Chine I**1 \\a- r^nninc away after robbing; h pedestrian and
    121 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 131 9 p'DOBINSONC "I I CARPETS j Tapestry Squares, Velvet Squares and J Axminster Squares. IN ALL SIZES AND DESIGNS. > J We can supply any make and style of J carpets from the finest Turkey, Axminster /^J "i ■I anil Wilton, to the cheap* ->! jJT^X hemp and jute qualities /^F
      131 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 782 10 Blue Funnel Line REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES EXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. TVice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre.) Q Due Spore. Route subject to alteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE— LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. GLAUCUS Marseilles, London, Rotterdam and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 578 11 O. S. K. Line. Minstions. Steamers. Arrive. Usv#. X tterdam, HaisJbsjrg, Brrmcfi, 1 I iloni!x» A«len ami Amaapn Mam Mar. it Umt. is y -a Bay, Cape Town, Rio, »nd Aim. Hawaii Man, Mar. Ml Apr. 1 Zanzibar, l»ar es-Sa!nam. Marqacs mw\ Dvrftan Pmrnnm Man, Mar R Mar I !,.»■:.>
      578 words
    • 451 11 TRAm^COMFORT DOLLAA jfeSm 'PRESIDENT J fc LINERS J Jra*S Dollar President liners offer you luxurious travel comforts. All state-rooms are outside rooms, well-ventilated and cooled by electric fans. They are furnished with bed* (not berth*), each having an electric- readinp lamp. State-room- with private bath predominate, all h«-»ve hot and
      451 words
    • 776 11 K. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. (KOYAIi PACKET NAY!*; \TION CO. OK BATAVIA) (Incorporated m Holland.) 1 0 UNDER CONTRACT WITH TIIK NETHERLANDS INDIAN U»UI;\MKNT Telephone No. 3640, with *üb-connectiona to:— Pasftare. Fr. >r Transhipment, Marine iKpartmentu aod Manager* de<«k. Rrprnrnlaii\en m the StraiU MrtilemenU Siaca pore mnH IVnanc of
      776 words

  • 68 12 The P. and O. steamer Khiva has left Hour Kong, and is expected to Krrivr at this port at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 14th instant. She will proceed Alongside the U, H. Bonnl'whatves on arrival. The P. and (>. liner Narkunda ha> commissioned for the Australian Service after
    68 words
  • 32 12 Kindly noie that the rati of freight <«n (Jroundnuts is fixe«l as follows: CJ$l2. per 12 cuts. Groundnuts it) shells; Gsl2. per 10 cwts. Groundnuts without shells.
    32 words
  • 43 12 l,'M')'y afpi bj the Schouten from Sourabaya. II buffaloes by the Malini from Bangkok. HI ritotp b> th«- I'many- Maru from Calcutta. Nine dogs by the I. it Said Maru ir n Rotterdam t<>r Kobe. Rubber by the Alt:nir from Djamhi.
    43 words
  • 69 12 <By courtesy of the Government Health Office). For the twenty-four hour^ ending midnijrht March 11th. Max. shade ten.;. y Mm. shade teni|). 7.",.i> j.* Mean shade temp h\.\ y Max. sun radiation I€1«S X Mm. jrra.«s radiation 72.5 h Sea temperatun' Max. M. Mm. h>2 Mean wet-bulb teiup.
    69 words
  • 135 12 Search Continued m Pn»incr». London. Keh. 24. The Police rai.j> op the Chines,. V (•ontinued m pro\in<ml loojpji to.: An Inspector, tfr. mi; HfUoBOl at S»- n boioiur,, whir, the, i:r Mid that one man a, scovered under a pile of ironinir, the other under a pile
    135 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 619 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia.) FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the new motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The F.g. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe,
      619 words
      340 words
    • 246 12 T\\\ SINGAPORK H;n \> m V a livr ""neW pap< dail\ AUo thi H V ing h rnorninr I and I*|M| \M»o«jnc< t« «v» aparial feat < V Fditorial MMBM TK.- Kir. r. b%Pb> r "inn Linn hi i< f v» matter*. Bdvcrti»« t>. r to U« a'l<!t. p..n
      246 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 712 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday ti a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kcdah and lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ti
      712 words
    • 458 12 PASSENCiERS' RAPBTT. Owner and Master of I'lower II Prosecuted. For having insufficient life-KMviny .tp nliances on Iw.ard their VOaaol |>rior t«> l«av\nir on a cruise, th«- owner. Pan^r Totft Ix'ong, and the Master. Mohamed bin A hat, of the small oastir.e -teamer Kl<>\\,r 11. were prosecuted l>efore Mr. N. D.
      458 words

  • 1028 13 THE (AT OF THE "CONCIERGE.* RoyalU Unreeojfnized. [From Our Own rorrespotniont.] IVris. Feb. 13. hvvry vomievfTo (tlo«>r-k»- -|ht) m Pari> Is elated, for earh ktH'pinu a rat. or cats, has U-arru'd with joy that at this year's cat show prizes for nmusors owned hy tmdmrwm will be awarded. Stepn
    1,028 words
  • 48 13 «»t>hatti Makr* H«««r«J Sir Al»ir «t>h«m nturnnl l«» X mv to-iUy, having flown lo Khurt nn «r l^ick t<* KihUftiu m RMH <in\p. uh.h rnn«tltutr« m ivt-.ird m tl> mv n H.- i- vinitin^ \i* W »«i« m Mr 1 .ir'« nc ax h»m nc«f.
    48 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 252 13 Home Happiness depends on Health $^jr for them these splendid gifts oi w^^^J^iiillmm^SS os Sanatogen the very source of energy wdl-being, thccc'U, and huilJ will quickly banish btigue, build up thc^ up Jff? iJ Z l P^' radiant new nerve strength and keen you one of Health and yours tit
      252 words
      240 words

  • 437 14 Charge Against Indian Reporter. FIN ANTE MEMHKKS STATEMENT IN (OIRT. Bombay, March 1. Interesting (VUItN was iecordcd to-day m the Sir Basil Blackett assault OMI before Mr. Anderson, an Additional Magistrate, at Delhi. Witnesses stated that the accused, Chanian Lai, immediately after his arrest, <Uc
    437 words
  • 275 14 The first match played by the Indian Association against the B.CJLC on th. latter': ground on Saturday ended m a \ictnry for the home team by II runs. The I. A. opened rather shakily, lo^ino- three widwtl for only one run. Bhaskavan :nd Rviman ston Ted
    275 words
  • 241 14 Hindu l>nnr«-r Wins Second Stage. l/nndon, Feb. 27. Paris— Miss Gaiatry. th«> Hindu dancer who is not y««t 20 years old, OUM m first at the end of the second stage of th.> .r.l»0--mile ride from Paris to Cannes, for women. The average stage is
    241 words
  • 239 14 MISTING ON HER LEGS. And ThmmH Other Women. 'Beautiful lip- n.u*t bm, not imm Thus, without a thouirht for ten thm -and broken hearts. Jeanne Mi^tia^Mtt, tht stage idol of Fram«-, «am lagi are m•- ured for i'2oo,o^l. htyk* the h»pei« ut women wh^^> \j. an- t quit* a^ <"
    239 words
  • 15 14 1 Mr I 1 I l fi jk.- m ff v
    15 words
  • 5 14 UrWMI Molftt i > wh»«h M
    5 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 299 14 It makes rich healthy blood. If feeds and strengthens the nerves. It improves appetite and digestion. It increases mental and physical activity. It builds up a reserve of strength. It overcomes the effect of a trying climate. Halls Wine THE SUPREME TONIC RESTORATIVE Let this irreat British Tonic which is
      299 words
    • 129 14 .o :e«iuires energy ar..| enduiai mu>( rot w« t fntigue<l. i^ >^^^^^^C^^t "1711" alwa\> n vivo an«\\. i «he« r-—^&t^_ "^^»i nn«i >pirit, it pr« > f mn p "**"^^w^ and vital strength. I m| "I'M" with it- i-...|irit. and i I I ggsj ]ieitii'> should Ik- an intin,.r- 'r<
      129 words

  • 100 15 Yesterday's Alterations. Buyers Sellers Bangrin Tin :ihs :?•>* twi Kuyoh Tin ($1 > *m N Phin B<mn 111) UN Id 111 *\<\ Takuapas (£1) ;•(>< t»,l :>]* m T.ju .Mala., a c» 17s <M lt» r. Harbotnr <t lo.ito io.r>o I'lu I'iah ($1) 55 GO Ay«r Molek
    100 words
  • 136 15 F .M.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. IMamites at Restriction Meeting. The foMowtag were the delegates present at the meeting ct>nvene<l by the F M.S. ham»KM of Commerce m Kuala I.umpur on Friday F.M.S. Chamber of (ommern> Mr. D. F. Topham President >. Lieut. Col. C eil Rae (President. Perak branch >.
    136 words
  • 218 15 SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSTRANCE CO.. LTD. The tltt annual report of the director^ la the shareholders for the year ending Dei :Ust. last, which will be presented at the annual meeting- at 56-50 Chulia Strati at 1 p.m. on March 17th.. states: The net profit for the >ear
    218 words
  • 108 15 MCMHTB, (iiJthru* and •>.. Kuala Lunipur, agents for Koml»..k (X.M.S. RuMht Co., Ltd.. ha\r PMtlKli a cal»U- from the Se<Tctarirs advising that thi <lir»'itois ot* thi> Company have decided to i recommend, subjret to au«lit and usual ad- iustment>. a final dividend m respect of the
    108 words
  • 122 15 Yesterday* Alteration*. March. 12th. lo^in* Prize*. Buyer? Seller* Kucha i i•> t 1 .82 4 IJNI Ltaffuia Imi IjM jPtaMwata T'J l'utoh IM% i.:»T Sur«el Wax Vi>7 \.\'2 X Mb Talain 1.02 !.«•> \ssam KumhnriL' l"> I TenMapar «m1 Mi '.<> Thal>awlt'ik .">>- »;iAllonliy.- 2.00 A mal.
    122 words
  • 91 15 Bl« Shipments Hoinjr Inloaded m Vancouver. I «>nd«»n. h'vh. '»x. Varur)iiv« r (Winnii>itr» lUct»g airain-t tinu-. UITM st«'ani«-i< ian\in-- liquor mHwd •»t &6mn nnt tryint to diaehliri* tht-ir cmrtcom fn-for. thf K«<i..i ;i l prohibition ■gatesl thi intr<.<iu«!i..n of li'jiK.r m into prhrata )>on(j
    91 words
  • 43 15 H.i.k mam! _•:> 32 i rrt-ttit* I New York. tlemnn«l Kin and |491 Hoiik K»nu «J««niaiNi II i I* Yokohama, 4MMMd llt Java demand I• Ban<j'.«.k. d(»mun<l mv. 4 Silver Lftn<!on Hark r.i Knt!>'.i..! X... 4. i» H.ii.k Hu> ii M
    43 words
  • 195 15 Tin I •,<< r»Pi>«! whit. 1..IVpi't r Hi-ick Klah.- 1 Hpioc;. "i 1 Penrl laps Snr.ll 11.15 «»pt Suri«i» u-<l 1 1 Rice I.iiuitr Hin Chun Murk Re.l Eajfle \e.\ i .1.10 Rice. Si;»m ol.i Ny 1 :<•«» H<«. Rangoon Hintitf. 260 Hice. \l ingoon Si ok a Hire.
    195 words
  • 138 15 Resolution on Restriction. Th. I Hit.-.! Society of Japan. >»• Planter* K-hoHi* member!) reprmenl ppa«i a« tit ally tho vMi intends of Japanese ruhh<- r m the Strait s S*-tt leni.nt <. rV.i- ratt i\ Malay St:it»v, Johore ami othvr Nun-Ke«ltral«Mi Malay States, held a
    138 words
  • 250 15 Th. followtag iv oxtracl from th.minutes the i.i.imitt.,- inr.tmI> N 15. (hanilur of .wnrmrvr he!<| at Sandakau on February 'h, w thor.' w, re present: Mi -I X S MaU-«>!m <m the i-hiiii >. tli«- 1i..t.M.1r Mi. dMrtof Watt. Messrw S. l» Key. i:». v.
    250 words
  • 171 15 KOSE M \< I'M Ml. X COS KKt'OKT *inKa|>»rr. Mar. 12. l*ul»l i-r. I I p Lmbl ii». i, r_':i r Local lint* fi m i Mmmc >ti-:i.h i T v !Unl«ii Tnipinp 1 m II:". ,v. I u^m* I A |.fR. Ku.hai I.M 1 kinu
    171 words
  • 275 15 SINGAPORE C. OF RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Annual Report of (ommilUt. Hrn i> pact 1 y u v* of Sin^ai i. i hamUr of (omnx r A— th. \«vtr I ■I ti'««i at thr annual Matting M M >t:«'. I inanrr In. .tiM* amootlted to 111 tt, wivme MfplH th. y»
    275 words
  • 7 15 sjklswbsjrlwrrsri fbsdfjfdlg fsfsfme ml;] sfsff
    7 words
  • 14 15 C. OF C RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Mar. I, Uth I M.l.nk mm. I I v.
    14 words
  • 21 15 I M-r m of M rom m v > I 1 ami hi vu tr till h< «m.!l«|».'«| un 4 huiiK« r.
    21 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 823 15 VWCTS OVER $7,500,000. ASSURANCE !N FORCE OVER 527.000.0 m,. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED lie-am ruru-i™ (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) HbAL) OH ICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27 Old Jewry E.C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British
      823 words
    • 402 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hong Kong). Head Office Hong kcm>rAuthorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Keservc? Fund— Sterling £6,000,000 Silver $14,000,0(10 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. H. Compton, Esq.. Chairman. N. S. Brown. Esq., Deputy Chairman. W. H. Bell
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    • 39 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINK Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW C< Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 161 16 THE INTER-COMMERCIAL CUP. U.E's A Stage Further. I niieers' 2; Adamson's 1. Th« I'nite.i Kn^in*' is ousted AdMMOS Gilfill.mV ironi the Inter-ComraeicW Cop competition at the Stadium yesterday afternoon. Ha\inir the better of the |UM I hrouihout the Ant lialf, the Uniteers were u' v» rtheU >s tro;)l bthind
    161 words
  • 312 16 Annual Meeting. The annual general BMStIBSJ of th Mnlaya Football Association was held at the Kathol Karib Club on Friday, when the following gentlemen were elected as officebearers for the current year: Patron, Sir Huifh Clifford, G.C.M.G. etc.; President, Mr. B, M. AlsaK<»ff, J.P.; Vice-presidents, M—TS
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  • 64 16 The following have been chosen to represent the United Insurance football team against the V.M.C.A. to-day on the latter V ground at p.m. sharp: Tan Chuan Beng; M. Noor and Ibrahim; L. F. B. Smith, Goh Tong Siew and D. Rushton; B. J. Wright, Seah Mia
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  • 128 16 Although Whites were leading by a goal to nil m the trial game at the S.C.C. yesterday they were eventually beaten by 4 goals to 2. The game revealed no newcomers who are likely to be of valuable assistance to the Club m its League and Cup
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  • 101 16 The toliowteg is the result of the men's monthly medal for March. A. liO»i H« Ifl »iS^ Lt. Col. L, R. Taylor *1 13 68' E. C. Milligan 84 15 69 C apt. H. J. Hollingsworth H2 IS rt'J Lt. Cti J. I). Richmond 79 10 61»
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  • 72 16 KEPPEL GOLF CL UB. March Medal Bogey. Fort y-Ui roe cards MN taken out for the March medal competition and the following were the seven best card* returned: A. J. Donald :j up Tie. A L«« a up. J. Tryn. r 1 up r Kidout 1 up. J| HnnW> I
    72 words
  • 221 16 OPENING OF THE S.C.C. TOURNAMENT. Ties For Monday. The S.C.C. Spring Uwn Tennis Tournament will open on Monday, when the following tics will be played: Profession Pairs. A. D. Anderson and R. H. Wild vs. E. Macdonald and J. S. Nathnn. (ant. R. O. D. Carey and Lt.
    221 words
  • 85 16 T UES DAY'S TIES. Godown Doubles. Win. GoosSfi and Sons vs. United Enpi■urii C— cvrill I'nion AsaOS. Co. vs. Secretariat. Straits TlMliaC Co. VS. Etiin and Co. Royal P^npinexTs vs. Mc-Alistcr and Co. McAuliffe, Davis and Pope vs. Monopolies. Gattey and Bateman \s. D'.'oire Morrell Ltd. Lyall and Evatt VS.
    85 words
  • 160 16 Championship IHmbles Preliminary. L Cox and R. V. Whichello vs. R. H- Mallinson and Lt. X. A. Armitagc. R. H. Wild and E. C Poyser vs. H. L. Marshall and C. E- Brooke. W. R. Kinjr and N. S. Wise vs. E. M. Murphy and G. H. Daly.
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  • 83 16 YESTERDAYS RESULTS. Dyne Cup. Mr. and Miss Salmond, sir. rM*at Williams and Mis* Richardson plus 2, 6 3. 6 4. Dr. Bain and Mrs. Chambers owe 1, beat Doig and Mrs. Bateman, plus 1. 2 6, I 2, 7—5. Mixed Open. Major and Mrs. Gardner beat
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  • 98 16 Cullen Cup. Leonard and Miss L. Salmond owe 3 vs. Hay and Mrs. Paterson owe I. Ladies' Doubles Handicap. Mrs. G. C. Clarke and Mrs. Gregory Jones plus 4 vs. Miss* Walli? and Mrs. Chambers Scr. Mrs. Heron and Miss Barm* owe 1 vk. M¥s. Newell and Mrs.
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  • 104 16 Cullen Cup. Mr. and Mrs. Milligun owe 2 vs. Franklin and Mrs. Harrington owe lfn Gentlemen* Doubles Handicap. Fulcher and Winter owe 2 vs. Cator and V/'lliams WOT. Miles and Grata -..we 1") vs. Hansell and Stringfellow owe Joyce and Wishart plus 1 vs. Majors Stoehr and Gardner
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  • 27 16 Cardiff. The Irish international halfback, Irving, who was a member of th.-Cup-winning U*am last year, has been transferred to Chelsea at a substantial figure.
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  • 375 16 HOW THE SEMI-FINALISTS PREVAILED. The Spurs' Downfall. London, Mar. 3. Nearly 200.000 people witnessed the Knglish (up ties which w«n played m ideal weather. The most lemarkable feature was Huddersficid's overwhelming victory. The Yorkshiremen's speed and cleverness were amazing and left the Spurs impotent. Smith scored the
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  • 24 16 r Router's Service. l Amsterdam. Mar. 11. Tho international soccer match between Belgium and Holland u -suited m :t d*\i\\ <>f I—l.
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  • 242 16 Army Beat the Navy. London. March .1. The weather wa> glorious f«>r the InterServices Rugby match betwetn the Royal Navy and the Army at Twickenham. The attendance numbered 12,01)0. His Majesty the King, whose remarkable knowledge <>f the game astonished the French officials who sat next to him
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  • 44 16 Miss Gleitze Beaten. I Renter's Service. l Gibraltar, March 12. The Channel swimmer, Miss M«ri*ede> Gleitze, left Tarifa at noon on March 11th. m an attempt to swim the Straits, hut pave up 1 14 niile* from the African coast
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  • 90 16 JUVENILE FOOTBALL CLU B'S BIL LIARD TOURNAMENTS. The following were the results of th.« matches played m the finals <;f the various tournaments on the Kth. and 1 lib. instant Championship. Wee Han Lens:, winner; Choo Lye Hunt, runner up. A. Class American. Choo hoon C hew, winner; Wee Han
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  • 20 16 Dr. H. B. Dodds, Medical ami Health Officer, Butterworth, accompanied by Mrs. Dodds, proceeded home on furlough l\v the Macedonia.
    20 words
  • 749 16 HUDDERSFIELD TAKE THE LEAD. Effect of Saturday's (iames. Position- m the Enu'li-h and Srottiffh LMgVM t° date are as follow DIVISION 1. (Jo;il« P. W. P. Li X A »»tU uri.i. i-i'.-M :mi it h 72 i.' Evt-rton tl II 10 T 70 M :ii» Cardiff 32 14
    749 words
  • 148 16 On thi«* pai-r every TuesHay morninjf will he found a series of gueNtion^ of which the foJI. *me are typical examples which will he of interest to sportsmen, recalling a« they do remarkable achiexements of the past m various branches of xport. The anflwem to thes* mix
    NEWSBOY  -  148 words
  • 39 16 fßeuter's Service.] New York. March 12. Great interest is being taken m to-nijrhf«i fifteen rounds eliminatory heavyweight contest between Jack Sharkey and .lohnny Risko. at Madison Square Garden*. The former i<< favourite at 2 to 1.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 171 16 t Nursery ;^j> Records i pHILDREN will be enraptured uith tin and Tunes, and Fairy Stork- j. T rollicking wholesome fun which arc to these delightful Records. M His Master^ Voice M Ask to hear the«« record* or write for dftriptWc I. S. MOUTRIt CO., LTD Incorporat4sl m H«»nr Kong)
      171 words