The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 December 1927

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press in CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1927~ NO. 12,291
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  • 260 1 News has eume through of more executions in Hankow including girls Page 9. Peru has obtained a loan in America for the purposes of tinancial ret»uani sation Page 9. Mr. Hammersley, in his views on the Lancashire cotton troubles, says the industry requires to organise an intelligence
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  • 878 1 It is a long, long way from England ;< Sierra Leone, and there were times in the Bay of Biscay, when I felt Sierra Leor.o would not be worth it. But in time I fou'.id it was. For in Freetown I discovered Kissy-sr»-et, and there, blazoned across
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 362 1 -^r^.-c.-«-v^rfVVSr.-WVW%Vt'^%*VW%«AV-V.%VJ\V.VJVJ I A%VA I -I THE f^O/^I^O DIARY J FOR "g 1 928 g^"-' J THIS RONEO 5 i_S__w^^^"^ ll P roduct nas earned for itself a "C I K. .^F-- I p,ace on the bus y man 's desk by 5 5 !^^BlJ 1 !F~ reason of its real
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    • 133 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Bolter'i wine specialities for Christmas —Page 2. Patronise local firm foi nil I or footwear Page 14. Notice by Fraser and Ncave re holiday closing Page 7. Special Christinas programme at the Alhambia Page 2. For rtowevs as Chi ism. as nusenta go to Carnation Page ">. Notice
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 196 1 THE WEEK. Thursday. 22nd. Hinh Water. S.">4 a.»i.. 9.9, 19.15 p.m.. 5.2. Malacca: H. W. 6.20 a.m.. »!.<*. «>.40 p.m., ML B. I. homeward mail closes. Football: K.A. v-. Aston A.C. Stadium. Police- Dance. Drill Hall. Tianp Cuan Prick and Tile <_'«. meeting Kennie and, noon, Malaka Tindu meeting,
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  • 553 2 Singapore, Dec 20. ThmrO m mmmmtmm mwmu >»f anothei reduction in the Tort of London Stock* ami hv »m» lew* than 1.250 tons, thus Drittfftaf the total down to $4,756 tons. Tht* ha* had a Arming effect upon the market and the puce of
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  • 357 2 "If this don't heat cock-fighting nothing never will, as the Lord Mayor said when the seckertary got up and proposed his misaaaai health after dinner." This immortal remark of Mr. Sam Weller*> shows how hieh was the esteem in which cock-fighting was once held throughout Great Britain. In some
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 379 2 PERFI MERY, 1 EAUX DE COLOGNE TOILET REQUISITES MARK MOST ACCEPTABLE X'MAS-GIFTS. For the henofit of our Customers we are ,-pening during the Holidays as under. Saturday, 24th. 8.30 to 3.30 Sundav, 25th. 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Monday. 26th. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday. 27th. 9 a.m. to
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    • 291 2 Victoria Theatre Tuesday, December 27th AT 9.30 P.M. ZIMBALIST BOOKING NOW OPEN AT LITTLE'S $4, 2 and 1. PAVIL I ON FROM WEDNESDAY, 2\st. TO TUESDAY, 27th. DECEMBER, at 9.15 p.m. Sharp. THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. JOHNNY HINES "THE CRACKER JACK'' Faat and furious action intrigue and a rvd hot
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    • 442 2 Thursday 22nd December. Positively the last v l ONE OF THE BIGGEST OF THE BIG PICTURES OP THE Thrilling. Sensational, Spectacular and (rammed with W<»nH,H..i 'J. AT THE »nci«rt„] Mtnu ALHAMBRA (Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd., Proprietors In the Second Show at 9 p.m THE EMPIRE NEWS BULLETIN. A KING
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  • 708 3 A MAN ANI) HIS HOBBIES. 'From trouble of the world I turn to ducks," wrote the poet; and a very sensible practice it was. In the contemplation of the absuidities of ducks their fussiness, their self-absorption, their wholesale attention to the immediate matter in hand-^he doubtless regained
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  • 84 3 In the House of Commons in mail week Mr. Wellock asked the Under-Secretary of State for th«- Colonies if the draft Bill foi workmen's compensation in the Malay States has been completed; and when it is likely to be introduced? Mr. Ormsby-Gore: The terms
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  • 68 3 "America has gone crazy on lawmaking." Judge R. S. Hall made this statement when addressing the grand jury at Hattiesburg (Miss.) "There are at present 1,000,000 laws in the United States, of which 93,000 were placed on the statutes last year," he said, "and the reason for the
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  • 32 3 i Grandmother: Oh Jenny, darling, I am surprised! Aren't you going to give your brother part of your apple? Modern granddaughter: No, Grannie. Eve did that and she's been criticised ever >ince.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 433 3 ADELPHI HOTEL Christmas 8 New Year Festivities Christmas Eve Sat. Dec. 24th 1927 Special Dinner and Dance $3.00 CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. X mas Day Sun. Dec. 25th 1927 Special OM English Dinner $3.00 CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. CINEMA PERFORMANCE IN THE ROOF GARDEN. Boxing Day Mon. Dec. 26th 1927 Special Dinner and Plain
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    • 431 3 '■^^■^^^^^^^^■■^■^^■■■Mi^MBWWWMWaaWM.MWWiaMWWWWMWaWWBiWMBMi I Why Hartley' s Jam is Cheapest] > \*^^^^Ma«*fljfi(llj Modern scientific laboratories*- modern machinery f f^B^ncflß S lne latest packing methods, and our vast resources, J < jN^vx^Jgsg which give us the pick of the fruit and sugar mar- > J kets, enable us to make 100 per cent,
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  • 237 4 NEW SOCCER CAP. THE SINGAPORE'S FLIGHT TO AFRICA. TreraeUingi tho Birmingham goalkeeper who played in his first international this iwnon •gainst Walts at Burnley.— D. S. Copyright The Lea Harafcta Viaduct, which forms part of outer London's new north circular road, cost t'*>2.r,oo.— D.S. Copyright Pedal
    D.S.; Daily Sketch  -  237 words

  • 996 5 Howled at By Communists. "DICTATORSHIP OF THE I MACHINE." The Berlin Communist daily paper Die Rote Fahne gives very long report, extracted from the Moscow Pravda, of the iiseussion at the Inst plenary sitting of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist party. The discussion was opened
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  • 279 5 (.AMES AS A LURE FROM OPII/M. Remarkable evidence of the world effort to stamp out the uncontrolled production of drug's is contained in a report of the League of Nations Union. Poppy cultivation is to be abolished in India, except in the Government-conirolled area in British
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  • 283 5 SHFIKH WHO KILLED OL. v LEACH MAN. The Sheikh Dari, leader af the Zowlu.i tube in the Mosul region, who is alleged to have murdered Colonel Leach man. h'ritish political officer for the desert, when the latter was vi-iting the tribal tents ir the summer of IP2O,
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  • 45 5 Witness (in Westminster County Court): He moves in circles, in night clubs and so fourth. Judge Sir Alfred Tobin: Do you mean he wobbles, or wHat? Witness: He moves in circles. 1 think that is the right term. Judge: I suppose that means he dances
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 163 5 FLOWERS A MOST ACCEPTABLE XMAS GIFT B,„«titul Kancy Xmas Baskets and Bouquets Tastefully Decorate. ilh Holly may he ordered at "CARNATION" to-day and wil l„ delivered to any address in Singapore when required. ORDER NOW AND AVOID THE XMAS Rl SH. Iml flowers received from Java twice a week on
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    • 167 5 I ECZEMA ON BABY'S HEAD Pain and Irritation Were Terrible. Cuticura Hca!s. My baby had eczema which broke out on his head in little watery blisters. Later they broke and caused sore -eruptions. After a while the eruptions scaled over, and the pain and irritation he suffered were terrible. My
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    • 277 5 v^ '^v^y "^VriSfe'" v "'*•'■>>'■*•:•;-. linnet >> ftf*^?^ > ¥?W^xS»%^^- v T^Kftftfifl *"*■«> A^ttfisSitY Vv.v*'. *$8R 2* v- <dSvwSoL Jbcs&Lu-^^&3w^KfyvSx^M^v^Sw'- ''^SwoSesv**' Vjaoslet" 'v L -v *$s»^ "A most fascinating smoke— these Craven 'A'" The growing enthusiasm for Craven "A" is m the fascination of pure tobacco pure British paper and
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  • 162 6 THESE WOMEN! CHANNEL SWIMMERS IN PLATFORM INCIDENT. I/ondon, Dec. 2. A remarkable incident occurred at Waterloo Station this afternoon, when Miss Gleitze and Miss Millie Hudson left for Southampton en route to Tangier. No greeting was exchanged, between the girls on the platform. The photographer's attempt to get
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  • 25 6 London. Dec. 5. Millie Hudson and Mercedes Gleitze arc good friends again. Mercedes is troubled by sea-sickness. Millie is training in the Gymnasium.
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  • 100 6 Shark-Infested Straits. London. November 3t. Miss Millie Hudson has expressed her intention of going to Tangier on December 2 simultaneously with Miss Mercedes lileit/e. whose refused to accept her challenge Miss Hudson thought was 'ather unsportsmanlike. She will enter the water with Mi-s Gleitze and see
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  • 93 6 An Unexpected Champion. The modern girl finds an unexpected dvunpk n in the Rt. Rev. H. R. Wakefield the agrd ex Bishop of Birmingham. **A lot of nonsense," he says, **is talked •beat the modem girl>* clothes and theii effect upon men. But the healthy, sport
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  • 197 6 Vincent Richards, the American lawn tennis professional, was beaten twice by Francisco Aragon during his visit to Manila. Aragon is champion of the Philippines, and the score in the last match was 7 5, 4 6 B—6.8 6. Commenting on the match a Manila paper says:
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  • 43 6 London. Dec. 8. Melbourne. The Australian Lawn Ten nis Association has selected Mrs. O'Harc Wood and Miss Boyd, of Victoria, and th« Misses Akhurst and Bickerton, of New South Wales, to make a world tour next season.
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  • 56 6 Patterson's Victory Over J. Crawford. London, Dec. 5. Melbourne. In the final of the Men's Singles in the Victoria Championships Patterson beat J. Crawford, the youthful New South Wales Champion, 7 5, 6 l. 5—7, I—6, 7—5. In the final of the Ladies* Singles, Miss Boyd beat
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  • 10 6 Mass production can never produce the best. Mr. Walter Tapper.
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  • 123 6 London, Dec. 5. Durban. Tlhere were several showers today and play in the match between the M.C.C. tourists and Natal was interrupted. The wicket was dead. The M.C.C. declared their innings closed at 354 for 4 wickets. Tyldesley scored 76, Wyatt 56*, and Legge 50*.
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  • 122 6 Skittled out by Team of Youngsters. I/ondon. Dec. 9. Pretoria.- Despite the fact that Trans vaal have not included in the team which is playing the M.C.C, Taylor, Nepean and Hall, all of whom were members of the 1924 side in England, these three are still regarded
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  • 107 6 Sutcliffe's Praise For Durban Enterprise. London. Dec. 4. Durban. The M.C.C. Tourists are most enthusiastic over Durban's turf wicket, on which they played their first innings yes terday. Herbert Sutcliffe expressed the opinion that it played as true at the end of the innings as
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  • 130 6 A. Waddington. the Yorkshire county bowler, who, along with Arthur Dolphin, wicketkeeper, who offered terms by Yorkshire county Cricket Club last season, whereby he would no longer be a regular member of the county side, but would be allocated U one of the county grounds
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  • 75 6 VICTORIA BEAT SOITH A USTRALIA. «46 For 8 Wicket*,. Adelaide. Dec. 6. In the Sheffield Shield matches Victoria beat South Australia by an innings and .°.lO runs. Victoria in their first innings made 646 for 8 and declared after batting for 9*4 hours. Hendry made 168, Ryder 70, Blackie 6i
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  • 55 6 At the meeting of the M.C.C. at the beginning of the month, Mr. Pindlay said that the M.C.C. were circularising the coun- ties drawing attention to the prevalence i of the objectionable practice of batsmen knocking the ball back to the bowler after playing it, thereby infringing
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  • 32 6 NEW ZEALAND CRICKET ASSOCIATION. To Revert to 6-Bal] Over. Wellinßon, Nov. 19. I A conference of delegates representing the New Zealand Cricket Association has J decided to revert to the six-ball over.
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  • 53 6 Berlin, Nov. }4. An extraordinary incident occurred during: a fight between two German boxers here. One complained that bis eyes were irritated by something; on his opponent's gloves, and it was subsequently announced that the man would be reported to the boxing; authorities for treating- the gloves with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 372 6 i-j.i._ »^^^aaaaa—^—^^ *'Tw^\>m a mVm m m m *m m m m *m a m*m^ m f++mr^^ f. '-'7 JjJ HOW TO USE LUX FOR WASHING FABRICS I 11^^ a tablespoonful of LUX to eacb quart of water, his^ fa* j [m W LUX into a little hot water first;
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  • 123 7 T.U.C. ACCEPT EMPLOYERS' INVITATION. Conference Next Month. [Router's Service.] London, Dec. 20. The General Council of the Trade Union Congress, by a considerable majority, has decided to accept the invitation of a large group of employers representing over £1,000,000.000 capital to a joint conference to discuss the
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  • 437 7 The Treaty With Britain. [British Radio- -Official Service.] Rugby, Dec. 20. The text is issued of the tieaty between Britain and Irak, signed in ExasdOH on the Hth. inst. The treaty recognises Irak as an independent sovereign state and declares that there shall be peace and frienrlshin between
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  • 149 7 [British Radio-Ofticial Service.] Rugby. Dec. 20. According to advices from China, the general strike which was timed to take place in Shanghai on the 1 .*th inst. has not taken place, and the general situation remains unchanged. The failure of the Communists to bring about a stoppage
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  • 39 7 Reuter's Service. San Diego, California. Dec. 20. Two people were killed and five injured aboard the aeroplane carrier Langley in consequence of an explosion, probably of petrol stores. The ffWW extinguished the subsequent lire with steam.
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  • 157 7 RESCUE WORK STILL AT STANDSTILL. "Our Last Oxygen." [Reuter's Service.] New York. Dec. 20. The last message received from the men aboard the submarine S4 was in the form of three distinct taps at 11.20 this morning, acknowledging a cheering word from the wife and child of
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  • 137 7 A Hint to the Banks. [Reuter's Service.] London, Dec 20. The serious position in the Lancashire cotton trade fan further illustrated by a statement by Mr. S. S. Hammersley M.P foe Stockport in the House of Commons when he said thai two hundred mills are in the
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  • 149 7 Conference of Bishops. [British Radio— Official Service.! Rugby, Dec. 20. The impasse created by the rejection in the House of Commons of tht* Prayei Book measure was considered yesterday in a full conference of Bishops. Many suggestions have been advanced for overcoming the praeent difficulty, and feature
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  • 62 7 [British Radio Official Service.] Rugby. Dec. 88. Mr. Amery. the Colonial Secretary, who is making a tour of the Dominions, has left Auckland. Xew Zealand, for Canada. The New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr Coatee, emphaaiaea the value of Mr AmeryV visit in assuring th;- continuance
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  • 52 7 [Router's Service.l London, Dec. 20. A new world's light aeroplane record is Claimed by Captain Lancaster who is flying the Red Rose. He has cabled to London from Calcutta stating that he has now flown S,">oo miles, the longest cross-country flight ever made in a light 'plane
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  • 49 7 [Router's Service.] Paris, Dec. 81. The Ourtnbei has voted the Bill author isine,- llu laying down between July Ist 1927 and June 80 li»2^ of a cruiser and six dfstroyers. live first-class submarines, a submarine minelayer, and two scouts in continuation of the naval programme.
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  • 51 7 [Reuter's Servico.] Uerlin, Dec. 20. The efforts of both parties in the iron and steel dispute to a^t aside the arbitrator'? decision (enforcing an 8 hours day and a restricted wajre rise) have failed. The Minister of Labour has declared that the decision is binding on both
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 406 7 BUSINESS CARDS. i^FSoS: UMfJiTJUfBS, f? J moM MENTAL MASONS. g 'oral Wreaths. Made (o order. \a Jirtili.' 1 breaths Always in Stock. ROBINSON HAIR DRESSINgJ SALOON I No< j; ROBINSON ROAD Japanese Barber Shod ;ES MODERATE. N *\TK)NM ELECTRIC CO., 2. Kames Place. SATELEXX), Singapore. J i and most comprehensive
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    • 658 7 NOTICES. BHB *""BBBEBBs*BEßSSßEflßSß*flflßatEflflMßflflEflflflflflE EXCHANGE BANKS. The Exehaasja Baahs will se dosed eaetsW jay end Tfcesday the 2fith and 27th December 191T, b«»:nK l»ul»lic Holidays. The Bsahaaca Banks will bv dosed on .Monday _nd Janua.y H»2K. heiaf Public Holiday. The Singapore Marine Insur. As4n The Fire lnsur. Assn. of Singapore. Motor
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    • 708 7 NOTICES. THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that an Ordinary General Meeting of The Straits Trading Company. Limited, will be held at the Company's Registered O trice. Ocean Building, Collyer Quay on Wednesday, £8U» December, 1927, at Noon for the i>urpo!»es following, nanaely: 1. To receive and
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    • 508 7 NOTICES. FRASER AND NEAVE, LTD. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS. Oar Aerated Water Pactofy will be closed on Boxing Day, the -'nth December, 188*1, n<l Monday 2nd January, 1888. Ail order.- received Up to 11 a.m. >;:tui day the Jith December and Saturday tt<e :<l.*.t December will be delivered on
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  • 632 8 SINGA PORE FREE PRESS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1927. The Submarine Disaster. The distressing agonies suffered by the brave crew of submarine S 4 may do more to support the international sentiment which undoubtedly exists against the continued employment of these ships, than any inspired writings or other methods. The submarine
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  • 976 8 Mr. Eric T. Price, new Boys' Work Director, arrives by the Mentor in the first week in January. Robinson Road is being ie-numberexi in the new year and the number of the Singapore Free Press will be 138. Robinson Road. The General Officer Commanding wishes all ranks of the Regular
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  • 105 8 CONGESTION OF TRAFFIC. To the Editor. Sir, Perhaps you will kindly allow me to draw the attention of the Authorities concerned regarding the congestion of traffic at the junction of Wilkie Road, Selegie Road, Short Street and Middle Road in the mornings and evenings, which is
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  • 167 8 Clever Juvenile Acrobats. The Adelphi Hotel management haw a reputation for securing anything of a novel nature that comes to town and the Weldon Family, who are now appearing at that Hotel, will go far to enhance that reputation. "Something different i"r ran the
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  • 68 8 ILL-MANNERS OF PRVsa, EUROPEANS AN(; Commissioners to Ping^ (From Our Ow« The Municipal Commi cided that if they can get summons the European* sihle for the disturbance on the occasion of th,- touring company. In this case a MHsbei in evening dress entered thr 11 entertainment had begun
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  • 198 8 Town Hall Scene. In loading art id,. *m C.P.O.- the Pinan, severe strictures on the Wr of Earopsjaas wtv rormancc given bj the I Company at the Town n Thursday night. -The performance u audience was deprived I which it had paid, seemly conduct o. I I si
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  • 34 8 PsassKi ft** The Goeenunei I for a rent control scheme asked far bj thMunicipal Comnissionen a- th* m*ult several asaeussioni recently in continual raising of fenti ras 1 Of complaint.
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  • 44 8 t From Uur uwn v ">rr< PaSJSjSJg, l>w. Urn Tas Tak and Choo Hot haw ■Bl**' ed .successfully against their ienl two and one months imprisonment r lively for fraudulent peases*' I of rice at Weld Quay. Dfl NoveisVr I
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  • 40 8 LATEST TIN AND BUBsssJal PRICKS. (From Our Own Com nI LinilT- iH^c. 21, V^JtS Messrs. Symington Bnd >"» cl11 notify to-day'- rubber l Is. 7 :> id. per ll>. Messrs Lewi,. Uaoni Mid >• notify to-day'> tin P« .1366%— £2631/*. mmammamma*}
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  • 59 8 The preliminary en Street murder WM I Court yesterday, Anther corded. In this case charged It is olac > cused wounded a. placing his automat:. InW had fired at the 800 x S p I, in charge ol tn< P ivenhyMr.l,:^>.^;;; after examining two hulM said
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 254 8 "THE COSSOTSSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" BRITISH BEER IS BEST! ALLSOPP'S PILSENER IS THE REST BRITISH REER. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co., Ltd. {Incorporated under the Companice* Ordinances of H»n(jkony) (Incorporated in Shnnahai.) Sl NG A PORE. KUALA l.lMl'l It, PENANG, AND IPOH. VWSS%SSV.SV.-.-.SS%'V.\VA%-a%«' AV. aV.V.V.V.V.VaSW.NWWaSSW^ BY SPECIAL JL J&j APPOINTMENT -j J
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    • 27 8 PEARS Golden Glory FOR Golden Youth MrobpTalac^ From All Garages Dealers. H.B. Winter. a) MERCHANT TAILOR. 6-M, Battery Road, (Second Floor— **G. H." Building). SINGAPORE, rel. 188.
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  • 79 9 MR HAMMERSLEY on THE ONLY WAY. [Organise Intelligently. Renter's Service.] London. Dec. 21. r Icy. interviewed as regards proposal! for the amalgamation ind elimination of the ineffithe necessity for establish .r formation bureau for the which at present had no franiaation and was from an view like
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  • 22 9 Xichi-Nichi Service.] Tokio. Dec. 20. a-a. with a two hundred now under preparation -to Shantung Proving from Station.
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  • 52 9 K iter's Service.] Stn Francisco. Dec. 21. George Pond and the n Charles Kingford Smith, i three-engined Fokker in break the endurance record minutes, were forced to land «ne at the- end of 49 owing to the exhaustion Cant. Kinuri'ord Smith's used in this flight will be
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  • 50 9 [British Kudio Official Service.l Rugby, Dec. 20. ntry weather continues lin, and the south coast a nlizzard. In Lonia clear and sunny, but ling day the tempera- freezing point. ceding in many parts of »noa coven the midland The forecast is for f tho present conditions
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  • 38 9 Service.] Mexico City. Dec. 21. -:M cabin monoplane which fore, Colonel Lindbergh I elles and General Ohregon lane trip to-day. Both iastic over the e\j>erience United States Ambassador, 1 Deight M<.rr a. also eende
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  • 41 9 N Xichi-Nichi Service.) Tokio. Dec. 20 rles Of the Jugo Cinko (IStk many departmental chiefs, Bchargad on account of the difficulties. p Bunk has approximately 1.700 men und it is reported that more discharged to meet the r..
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  • 38 9 neuter's Service.] Washington. Dec. 21. f Representatives by ttt passed the Alien Property bill r the ultimate return of all Pty -ei7.ed during the war, h iettlemenl of all war claims by linst Cermany.
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  • 19 9 NV'hi-Nichi Service.l Tokio, Dec. 20. Opposition Party, is now inise a league of various protection of manhood
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  • 18 9 X'ichi-Niehi Service.] •me anti-Government feeling beta of the new standing 1 the Kenkyukai Party in the
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  • 18 9 Ni«hi-Ni<hi Service.] Tokio. Dec. 20. was quoted t«>-day at :>u>ine»s was done. reels, an page 7
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  • 111 9 MORE EXECUTIONS IN HANKOW. r The Fickle Crowd Rejoices. [Reuter's Far Eastern Service.] Hankow. Dec. 21. The arrests and executions of Chinese communists continue. Two youths and two K-rls with bobbed hair were executed yesterday afternoon a huge crowd of J-.-ihtseers shouting "kill the Communists." The garrison commander
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  • 119 9 American Loan of Fiftv Million. Router's Service. New York, Dec. 21. A joar Peruvian national loan of fifty million dollars at 0 par cent is being offered to-day at a priee yielding an average interest of BJBQ JMM cvm uis heinp sue:l by a syndicate headed by
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  • 67 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, Dec. 21. The death has occurred of Capt. Sir Frederick Young. wh«> was head of the salvage section of the Admiralty in war time. [Sir Frederick who was managing director of Young and Co. Ltd.. the noted salvage experts had for M years
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  • 42 9 [Reuter's Service.) Washington. Use. 2!. The Ckienfjo Federal Arbitration Board has granted an increase of wages t<> enj;imd rivers and firemen of the Western railways, the average increase Kdng 30 cents n day. The increase affects ~>.".000 men.
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  • 42 9 [Reuter's Service.] Paris. Dec. 21. French imports for the first 11 months cf 11)27 totalled -n.OW.OOO.iMH) francs showing a decrease of i".67.j.000,000 compared with, the same period last year. Exports amounted to .">0,204,000.<H>» show ing a decrease of
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  • 28 9 [Router's Service.} Paris. Dec. 21. Captain Challe, the French airman, flying back from Saigon to Paris, has arrived at Rome. [Earlier cables on page 7.]
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  • 181 9 Celebrating Christmas. The Christmas spirit could be felt in the atmosphere, when the enterprising management of the Raffles Hotel hau the satisfaction of seeing the large ball room crowded to its utmost capacity by kiddi«s who had come to enjoy the party which had been
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  • 48 9 Mr. A. O. Marshall, af Borneo Motors, Ltd. Kuala Lumpur, is leaving for Home in the middle of March. Mr. H. Fyffo, of the F.M.S. Railways, is duo "r>ack from Home leave by the Malwa. Mr. C aM. Heasman, of tho F.M.S. Police, is expected by the Nellore.
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  • 900 9 COMBINE OF MARKETS SUGGESTED. German Producer's Views. Some interesting views regarding the film industry in Kuiopp were expressed by Mr. Kurt. F. Hubert, representative of the Ufa Film Company. Germany's greatest film producing concern, in an interview with a Free Pres? representative, yesterday. Mr. Hubert is just completing
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  • 43 9 Of the 877 pilgrims who left for Jeddah by the Tantalus 193 are from Penang and the balance from Singapore. Mr. S. C. Yeomans has arrived ir Penang from Bangkok, to take up the appointment of assistant editor of th< I Straits Echo.
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  • 109 9 There was a vast gathering of local Mus lims present at the lecture given by Moulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui Quadiri in the Victoria Theatre yesterday afternoon. The speaker chose "Islam" as his subject, and strove to shew that it was the religion for mankind. He made frequent
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  • 89 9 Efrem Zimbalist, one of the world's leading violinists, is returning to Singapore next week after a very successful tour of the Far East, and will give one recital only at the Victoria Theatre on Tuesday evening, the 27th inst. This will probably be the last
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  • 64 9 The Hon'ble Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule and Mrs. Sproule have gone up the Penang Hjlls i for the Christmas vacation, and will be stayI ing at Bellevue till about January sth. Dr. J. B. Westerhout, who has returned i from leave in England, has resumed duties as Port Health
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  • 579 9 ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. A Merry Christmas to Readers. i Christmas conies but once a year but when it does arrive one is left in no sort i of doubt as to the occasion celebrated, even in this remote portion of the globe, for it undoubtedly is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 121 9 YULETIDE GIFT J SUGGESTIONS I I ROBINSON'S HAVE NOW ON VIEW A J LARGE SELECTION OF J Chinese Lamp Stands I Shades. I i li Porcelain, Silk Brocades, Embroidered Cushion j Table Squares in new and distinctive designs.. I Robinson Co., Ltd. f *m (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). J
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 809 10 BLUE FUNNEL LINE REGULAR PASSENGER A CA&GO SERVICES fcX PRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES. LONDON N. CONTINENT FOKTNI^fHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool and Glasgow. (Via Genoa and Havre.) Doe S'pors. Route subject to slteration without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE— LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. PEMOPOCUS London. Rotterdam. and
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  • 734 11 BIG MAJORITY IN FAVOUR. Cam bridge, Nov. 15. Remarksble interest was shown by un^ dergraduatcs to-night in the Cambridge Union debate on birth control. The motion before the House was: "That in the opinion of this House, a wider knowledge of contraceptive methods would e in
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  • 118 11 JUD GMENT BASED ON BLOOD TEST. German Paternity Case. London, Dec. 3. Berlin, A Court of Justice, for the first time in Germany, has delivered a judgment lased on a blood test, in a paternity case. A man, woman and child were submitted to a test by State doctors at
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  • 255 11 ■"El M MENS REPORT. I report issued by the medisppoiatOSl by the National Public Morals deals with the tear of birth control the of which was considered by whose report appeared th anxietv the undiscriminat now betas; given by some peribjset of birth control. We itlca that
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  • 12 11 The fewer laws a government makes the better.— Mr. E. C-Grenfe.l. M.P.
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  • 28 11 2,859 In England And Wales. According to official statistics, 2,859 divorces were granted in England and Wales in 192G, compared with 2,657 in 1925
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 AmTS I J Wl>ll ifl B. as?^^%i_Hl j "Is i W 1 1 V&'-^^^m^?*** ITa I •J3uick, Beauty Smartness Luxury 1 9 2 8 Guthrie Co., Ltd. THE NEW MODELS I "52""62*"72""80" Read Miles per Hour CHRYSLER 1 -G*^3LD CHRYSLER (ARS are designed and built /MrP^^-.——^^^ for people who want
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    • 159 11 Save Those Gears Save That Repair Bill TEXACOj jThuban Compound will save them for you i MAKE GEAR SHIFTING A PLEASURE Insure Yourself Against f breakdown and loss of running f time EQUIP YOUR CAR ,j OR YOUR LORRY now with \l Texaco Th\iban Compound Manufactured by Distributers THE TEXAS
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  • 144 12 THE MARINE COURT. Impeding Navigation Charge. Before the Marine Magistrate, Capt. Geoffrey H. Freyberg, R.N., in the Marine Court yesterday, Yeo Hock §oon was charged with impeding the free navigation of steamers by anchoring his tongkang in the Inner Roads at Telok Ayer i»t 7.15' a.m. yesterday. The
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  • 92 12 f 'y- 1 The M.M. mail -steamer Angers is due here from Colombo on Saturday at -4, p.m. and will probably leave on Monda&\at 7 a.m. for Saigon, Hong Kong, Shanghai* Kobe and Yokohama. Berth S.H.B. wharves*.- On Thursday of next week there will be' a reception on board the
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  • 447 12 LIFE MORE PRECIOUS THAN MACHINE. The training- of a pilot consists fundamentally in the creation and development of confidence. His first Mights are made on machines fitted with dual control. His confidence fai tently fosteied by the knowledge that any erior he may make will
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 674 12 Burns Philp Line 1 (Incorporated in Australia). I FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. m Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and the new motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer tradinc to Australia.
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    • 29 12 I THE NAVY'S CHOICE. I J m9 +m*^C>f</CIHAL J Ir aamm^^^^ mmm »ammm%9**^ jC |Plymouth| j Gin. jj OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. 5 a a V.W.VbVk\ V a\ A\ VWvJs j
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    • 67 12 ma mmmmm m l^ S**^*a^mm^^m»^m*mmmammm HEDGES BUTLER'S WINES SPIRITS. m SCOTCH fig WHISKY IfcqdVjst JRraM Per Bottle T'-ill-Bflt $4.80 PER BOTTLE lr r lj^jl DUTT WaOKi J SCOTCH WHISKY. I OMItE>IOBAT!<* v\ I < >V Kit 15 YEl* 1* S l Ul 1 /'EDGES* bT' ,1: PRE-WAI I lvi v~
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 678 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang. Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedaii and lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 677 13 O. S. K. Line. Dotations. Steamer.. U aT«. on d jB K. tterdam, Hamburg, Bremen, Antt^T via Colombo, Aden and v Port Said. Altai Maru Jan. 12 Jan. 12 n^han. o*o+* Bay, Cape Town Rio santos. Montevideo t Manila Maru Jan 6 Jan 8 Bu*-r..* Aires. 1 Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam. lourenco
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    • 465 13 TRAVEL-- COMFORT ilfrta aoiiAß laißk LINERS T**S&3*WDollar President liners otfer you luxurious travel comforts. All state-rooms are outside rooms, well- ventilated and cooled by electric fans. They are furnished with beds (not berths), each having an electric reading lamp. State rooms with private bath predominate, all* have hot and cold
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    • 672 13 K. P. M. mmm mketvamt mutsghappij. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION QCL, OF BATAVIA). TT*T«»,a Inc °n>orated in Holland.) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone No. 3640, with sub-connections to:— Passage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Departments and Manager's desk. Representatives in the Straita Settlements (Singapore and Penang). of the OFFICIAL TOURIST
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  • 820 14 EMPIRE TRANSPORTS. aa Some old friends are missing: from the Englishwoman Exhibition at the Central Hall which was opened by Lady Patricia Rann-ay, says the Manchester Guardian of Nov. 18, but so many new exhibitors have coma in that it is more difficult than ever to pot
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  • 258 14 "SILK STOCKINGS?— IT'S A SCANDAL!" JUDGE THINKS 3s. lid. TOO MUCH FOIt WORKING GIRLS. That a working girl should pay 3s. lid. for silk stockings. 4s. ll^d. for g-loves. and 13s. lid. for a hat shocked his Honour Judge Crawford at Wood Green County Court. Mr. Fairbairn, a solicitor, claiming
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 167 14 TAN KAH KEE Co. B E L L/2£^ BRAND FOOTWEAR Especially made to insure Comfort and Durability J VULCANISED S===J^ 3S CREPE SOLE TENNIS SHOES Head nttitt No. 1. Kiver 'alley Koad Ne. I. Sale> Depot, lift, N. Undue Koad. Kubber Manufactory S4-2, Sumhawa Koad. No. •'>. Sale* Depot. >79.
      167 words
    • 280 14 at N enduring refinement of performance, I A qualities which are essential to tho- v #M travel in comfort and without fatigue ch; X*The Oakland Six. Mm A silent and powerful six-cylinder engine, distingu 6 9 comfortable coach work finished in artistic and lon> Xq P^ Dueo numerous accessories and
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  • 224 15 A Promising Outlook. [British Radio— Official Service.] Rugby, Dec. 20. During the debate on unemployment in the House of Commons last night, the President of the Board of Trade. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister. referred to the November figures for overseas trade, which showeo an increase of 16 per
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  • 59 15 Fate of Thrifty Cotton Spinners. Thousands of thrifty cotton spinners at Oldham are on the eve of bankruptcy. They invested their savings in 300 mills where they were employed. Depression caused the mills to obtain an aggregate .overdraft of £2,ODGV)jOO. The shareholders are unable to meet a
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  • 145 15 YESTERDW'S RUBBER AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Cojumerce Rubber Association held its 84*Jrd. auction yesterday, when there was catalogued 1,209,156 lbs.; r >39.80 tons. Offered 856.228 lbs.; 882.24 tons. Sold 827,626 lbs.; 369.48 tons. Spot. London i s 7^4. New York 40"s cents PRKES REAI.I/EI). Rihbtd Smoked
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  • 715 15 Singapore, Dec. 20. There is little alteration to note in the price of Tin wm ing the past week and on a quiet market Tin shares have teen same what neglected with quotations for the most part unaltered. Fluctuations in the price of rubber have also been
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  • 64 15 December 21, Bank 4 m.s. 8 1% Bank demand 2 4 Private credits I m.s. 24 21-32 New York, demand .*><}'. Credits M days 58% France, demand 14r5C> India, T. T. IM Hongf Kong, demand It p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 122 Java, demand 140 Bangkok, demand 79 7 Bar
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  • 211 15 Deeessbec 21. Tin 256 Tons $181.25 Gambier 7 Pepper White ,s.'< Pepper Black g] Flake Tapioca 9 Pearl Sago Small 9 Capia 11.10 Copra Sundiie.l 11.55 Opium. Bennres unt. 4,000 Rice laang Hin han Mark Red Eagle (New) 330 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 33a Rice, Rangoon Bmtaii 260
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  • 63 15 December 21st.. 12 o'clock noon. I R.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet h> T H<l per lb New York Spot Sheet G.cts 40 per lb. Spot »;i)- 4 Standard R.S.S. Spot »>yi 4 69 H on Tender Jan-Mar. 71 71'. Apr-June
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  • 158 15 Yesterday's Alterations. Buyers Soilers Ratu Ca\es (Si) 1.27 L32H Hong; Fan ($1) 1.02 2 1.07 'j Kinta Tin (sl> IJS6 1.40 Kucha! 2.15 2.20 K. Lumpur Tin 31s 6d 35s 6ii Lingui Tin ($> 2.12 1 2.17 1 Malayan Consd. ($1) t.12% 1.17H Malayan Tin Field (Khj)
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  • 213 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore, Dec. 21. Rubber. London, ls 7%d. ■lid up. Local 09 cts. Tin. London. £261. 5s down. Local $131 V* for 250 Tons. Mining.— Quiet. Kuchai 2.16 2.19, Batu Caves 1.26 1.20. Petaling 4.92 2 5.. Rahman Hydraulic 137)1 1.02*2, Sungei Way 3.25 3.30, North
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  • 282 15 STRAITaS TRADING REPORT. Ore Outputs Maintained. The following is the half early report t»t the directors to the members of Th Mi aits Tiading Company. Limited to be presented at the meeting on Dec. 28th ai noon at the offices of the Company. After writing off depreciation
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  • 144 15 The following is the report of the Tapah Tin Dredging! Company to be presented at the annual meeting*) in Penaag on Dae. 29th at noon. Duiing the past financial yeai- the Company's indebtedness has been reduced to 157,600.41, while at date of this report the outstandings have
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  • 101 15 Yesterday's Alterations. IH'cembvr 21st, ClMiag Plk— iiuytr.s teller.. Hitnius 1.C.) 1.05. Unjrui 2.10 Mahnan Cons. 1.1 ;j 1.17 Mambaa J.:i7 1 o 1.41". Rahman Hyd. 1 .HT 3 lM'l^l Southern Tronohs ,Ms l>d 0s (><l Toja Malaya tin 22s «<i Temohs (ally paid ISs «d 20s
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  • 81 15 [British Radio— Official .Service. J Rugby. Dae, 20. In a memorandum issued as a White Paper the Government gives reasons fo rejecting the proposal to place a customs duty on imported malting harley. The view is taken that a enatoaai duiy would he difficult to
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  • 13 15 Non productive foreign loans constitute I a serious menace for Germany. Herr Stresemann.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 402 15 ASSETS OVER $7,500,00<r M j mpnn A m w, s r,.™^ ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $27,000,000. J EAS™ IM ASSURANCE COMPANY UMITED. rh?L7anv°h^ HjS^w" OFFICE: 27 Old Jewry, E.C. Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British rrTPArT1 vp or AVO Atl Llfe
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    • 426 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hong Kong). Head Office: Hong Kong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 issued and fully paid up 120,000,000 Keserve f und— Sterling £6,000,000 p t Silver $13,500,000 Keserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COIRT OF DIRECTORS. Hon: aMr. I). G. M. Bernard, Chairman A i, H
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    • 323 15 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OK INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital in 000,000 shares of £5 eaeh £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 4,000,000 Rsatnrs Liability of Proprietors 3,000,000 Head Office: 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Aprencies and Branches. Alor Star Iloilo I Puket Amritsar Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok
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    • 39 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO., Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 53 16 PRINCE REACHES SQUASH SEMI-FINAL. A Hard Tussle. (Our Own Correspondent. Copyright). London. Dec. 21. The Prince of Wales beat Kershaw, the Rugby international, in the squash championship by Jf, to 2. It was a thrilling match of skill and endurance. The Prince is now in the semifinal
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  • 29 16 <Oui Own Correspondent.--^Copyrigrht). London, Dec 21. The Dog Racing sub-committee of the Board of Control has received a large number of acceptances from representative sportsmen.
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  • 63 16 (Our Own Correspondent. Copyright.) London. Dec. 21. A deputation from the Free Church attended a meeting of members of Parliament which had been convened to consider the harm being done by the increase in betting. It was decided to send a deputation to the Home
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  • 33 16 {Ouv Own Correspondent. Copyright). London, Dec. 21. Dublin I'niversity lost to Cambridge X'niversity at Kugby by 6 points to IS. Tho ground was snowbound but Cambridge gave a good all-round display.
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  • 32 16 London. Dec. 21. Although it appears to be thawing at the moment most sport is still stopped by the severe weather, including the racine at Sandown Park.
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  • 58 16 London, Dec. 21. The Tailtean Games in Ireland, which were revived in 1924, have been fixed to take plate on Saturday. August 11. 1928. It is expected that most of the Olympiccompetitors will take part and Australia. New Zealand, Canada and America are sending rowing eights for
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  • 163 16 Sultan of Perak- Cup. H. H. the Sultan of Perak has presented a cup far competition amongst non-Europe-an tennis players in an annual open doubles competition. This trophy is a magnificent silver cup surmounted by the Sultan's crest in gold comprising a golden crescent forming the Perak coat
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  • 274 16 The match at the Stadium this afternoon will be between the Royal Artillery and Aston Athletic Club, one of the affiliated clubs of the S.C.F.A. The soccer match played on Tuesday between the J.C.S.A. and the Aston AthleticClub was a weH contested game and was witnessed by a fairly large
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  • 405 16 AN EXCITING STEEPLECHASE EVENT. First Day's Results. (From Our Own Correspondent). Tiiping Dec. 21. The tirst day of the Taiping amateur race meeting took place to-day the weather being fine except for a few minutes rain. The sport was most enjoyable and there was a fairly large attendance
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  • 203 16 FOOTBA LL. Colombo Barefoot ers' Tour On an invitation from the Foot hall Aa* sociation of Singapore, Mr. P. G. de Silva is taking a strong team of local barefoot ers. on or about the 10th of January to that country >ay> the Times of Ceylon Arrangements for the tour
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  • 73 16 The following have been selected to represent the United Services in the Malaya Cup Match against Singapore next Saturday at the Stadium at 4.45 p.m. L-c. Hardiment, 2-D.W.R.; Pte. Foster. 2-D.W.R., Pte. Payne, 2-D.W.R., Pte. Holt^ 2-D.W.R., A. N. Other; 2-Lt. Exham, 2D.W.R. Pte. Connor. 2-D.W.R.; Lt.
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  • 134 16 The following S.C.C. hockey sides are notified: against D. of W's Regt. on Friday: 23rd: P. W. F. Mills; W. Follenfant. R. E. Cox; J. F. A. Swallow. P. R. Pank, Dr. J. M. A. Lowson; W. R. King, E. M. Scoular, W. A. Home. E. G.
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  • 860 16 S.C.C. BEAT THE DUKE'S AT HOCKEY. Slow Game at Tanglin. S.C.C. Ist., .2; Duke's Ist., 1 The match at Tanglin yesterday between the Duke's and Club first elevens, proved uninteresting the play throughout being of a rather scrappy nature. From the bully-off, the Club commenced to attack strongly
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  • 841 16 THE INDISPOSITION OF THE KING. Siam Art Club's Show. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Dec. 13. The weeks here are moving swiftly to the end of the year, and the last montr of the twelve is one of many engagement and much interest, particularly to the evergrowing
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  • 46 16 The usual Christmas tiffin will be served at the Swimming Club on Christmas Day. The Guillemard Cup race will be swum oil in the morning. Tiffins will also be provided on Monday and Tuesday, when ladies are free to make use of the Club.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 252 16 j Heir r^ i'^"™'^! iT .j 9|! E „,AN,» wru i I i riß Ji "wjtation ,ok *sSZ^^^^^sJ^ T NE '"ml' 8 M PE n I 1 l **i i Uluatrated i S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. 1 W (Incorporated in Honp Konp) i SINGAPORE. iX /sffT *i« J }>^«-<7 '/Au*
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