The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 December 1927

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 TENTS. NO. 12,288 SINGAPORE, S.S. MONDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1927.
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  • 296 1 It is stated that the Firestone and Goodyear rubher companies are negotiating in Brazil for concessions similar to that recently obtained by Mr. Henry Ford for rubber growing Page 11. As a result of the recent revolt in China the Russians are being hounded out of Nationalist
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  • 1102 1 The first clause in tbe creed of Victorian Grough affirmed a fanatical belief in the saving grace of punctuality. (There were damnatory clauses for unbelievers.) As the Moslem drops on his face when the .nuezzin sends his prodigious voice slinging across the house-tops, so when the Grough
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 191 1 vA^v/»AA^^^v-Vbr.^^rV^rVii^VA _Js jj SOLYPTOL SOAP J J < IDEAL FOR THE HOME iliV ...-.V-V.%V.V.V.VA''A% B .V.V.vL I RAFFLES HOTEL I McGuire's Little Symphonie To-Night at 9.30 p.m. 5| threrl i Russian and l.udmilla M. I. Glinka. J Oprra FanUtiait The T> «*rl Fisher G. Bizet. J (Ai Selfl N'octurne P.
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    • 257 1 *P| Hf^-VB mm\&H*l>»!S^mujQitle JVissJXurlo helps KURLO will waah your woollens, nU your dainty fabrics quickly and Ij r I 1111l f thoroughly, yet it cleanses so gently 1 JJJ 1 iLI JJj that not a single thread ls harmed or pJaEjCI l||U ahrunken. The Kurlo way leaves your M^J T_*
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    • 141 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotel attractions Paee I. Flit destroys insects Page IS. A warning from Whiteaway's Patre s. Theatre and cinema programmes on page 2. "Championship" tennis balls at Little s— Page 10. Robinsons for Rates wtist'ot watchesPage 11. Smoke Capstan rubbed-up tobacco Page 8. Bridge draftsman wanted by Municipality —Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 159 1 THE WEEK. Monrhiy, 19f4i. High Water, 7.3 a.m., 8.1, 7.46 p.m.. 7.3. Malacca: H. W. 4.10 a.m., 5.6, 4.40 p.m., 4.7. Wireless Society Meeting Union Building 5.30 p.m. Tuesday, 20th. High Water, 7.44 a.m.. 8.4, 8.53 p.m., 7.6. Malacca: H. W. 5.10 a.m., 6.0, 5.30 p.m., 5.0. St. Mary's Home
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  • 590 2 Britu.ii Resident, Negri Sembilan lti H n i C. H. Wolff) paid an v oK as i ilan on Wednei day. Mr r. TV. Hindi hai returned from leave aad ti principal of :ru Mel B S I, Kaala Lumpar. Mr P Mandelli, secretary of the is fortnight al i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 336 2 WILLIAMS AQUA VELVA The Scientific Shaving Lotion for use after Shaving making the skin soft and vaivety. Stockists. MEDICAL HALL LTD., 23, Battery Road. SINGAPORE. THE HAPPY VALLEY. CINEMA— SIDESHOWS UNION STAR (MALAY) OPERA. Various Amusements i GATE 10 CTS. j vIaORIA THEATRE I I YERY SOON WILL GIVE YOU
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    • 398 2 Victoria Theatre Tuesday, December 27th AT 9.30 P.M. ZIMBALIST j BOOKING NOW OPEN AT LITTLE'S $4, 2 and 1. PAVI LION FROM TUESDAY. 13th. TO MONDAY. 19th. DECEMBER. AT 9.15 p.m Sharp. THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. "DEMPSEY TUNNEY FIGHT" For the Heavyweight (ha npionship of the World. Fought on the
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    • 374 2 Commencing Thursdav, 15th Decern W ONE OF THE BIGGEST OF THE BIG PI4 Tl KFS Thrilling, Sensational, Spectacul ir -nd Crammed uoh u, AT THE ll ALHAMBRA (Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd.. Proprietors.) In the Second Show at <> p m THE EMPIRE NEWS BULLETIN. A KINO VIDOR-M_TRO-Gols!)WY\..\l.\yEk' SUPER PRODII
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  • 1751 3 MEMORANDUM BY ASSOCIATION 0* BRITISH MALAYA. PAST HISTORY AND PRESENT POLICY. Thf f Allowing memorandum on the Straps SettleßMllta Military contribution h:i, been circulanu by the Association of British Malaya. The Committee of the Association of British Malaya has bad under consideration the tMrnmrnmrn which may, at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 378 3 AN ANNOUNCEMENT [of Interest to Flower Lovers. ~r-^ .vently there has been opened in p^ th.. ruildinjc 0 f tru > Stamford Hotel, B new Mower Shop under tto direction sf UM only certificated florist IPSak, m Mondays and Fri lays, P I a; me iri Singapore, always fresh. v.-x*.
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    • 246 3 WW ONE BEST VM CIGARETTE üßs PTrom their inception State %'M mBB t\presssss have been recog- fy \H hS nise( J J he premier high-class W^H KgH Cigarette in every country of HIE 3§H the world. tpwSS*^ ft-lP "'3 l« tmmW^&'Z&Zp wIC-mm-mk y\r *§N 555 have always been made by
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  • Joan A Love Story
    • 6 4 dasdasd asfasdfasd
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    • 501 4 fasdfasdasdfasdfasd him, trying to blind bim with the promise of her beauty— an artist even in the muls* of her gravest difficulties. He could not but admire her—and chuckle. Well, then battle had started with a vengeance, am. he was ready for the next move. But
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    • 182 4 Gold and Jewels of a Century Ago. Mexico City. treasure valued at more than -•"•0,000 is stated to have been discovered by a farmer, Francisco Calderon, on his estate in Oaxaca. Mexico. The estate, which has belonged to Signor Calderon's family for more than 1~)0 years, was
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    • 143 4 Instituting a general knowledge paper in the annual school examination, he tested the boys with this question: "Explain Blue blood, Blue stocking, Blue John, Blue Book, an Old Blue, Blue-bottle, Blue Peter, Bluejacket, Blue Moon." This story is told in the biography of Sir John David
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    • 38 4 Mr. John Hughes, ninety-one, works manager at Oorge Salter's, West Bromwich, who had been employed by the same firm for eighty-two years, and was said to be Britain's oldest workman, has just died.
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  • 1241 4 Mr. Flaherty Explains. "VJ YOU TEAR DOWN GEORGE WHERE ARE IrVE? Fleet Street, Nov. 9. "Big Bill" Thompson, the famous Mayor of Chicago, cannot, after all, hate the English so very much. At the very time when, according to the newspapers, he was spending his time in
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  • 325 4 CAREER OF THE LATE "TIGER" FLOWERS. "Tiger" v Theo) Flowers who died recently after a minor operation for removal of a growth over the eye, was a negro boxer, who won the Middleweight title from Harry Giob in New York on February 28, IMS, and lost it to
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  • 133 4 The telephone was first introduced into Nanking, Kiangsu provincial capital, more than twenty years ago. By way of improvement conduits were installed a fewyears ago and new buildings constructed. Still later, women operators were employed. The lines now reach Pukow on the north bank of the
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  • 67 4 A Bride of Nine Weeks and Two Women of 80. Married nine weeks ago, a woman applied to Mr. Rooth at Lambeth f«r a summons against her husband for maintenance and alleging assault. "Early days to take proceedings," remarked the magistrate, directing that the husband be cautioned.
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  • 24 4 If a man does his life's work he should be content; there Ls no necessity to put up memorial to him. Mr. Ralph Knott.
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  • 620 4 WITH PAVLOVA ROUND THE WORLD. Foundation of an \|L|> riti Ballet. Ush THEODORE STIER'S s.i miKs How King George es "beaten" by ronjuri then Prince af tl tected. How Pavlova, bseausc n m i a -crown at poker. n dance of triumph for mh sional fee would bare bt J
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  • 36 4 bsadse N Basra.- A pilot. ScfgcOl and a mechatiK-Conlon hilled in an R.A.F. crari It Is believe tbat tbe aero, i speed, descended, crnsbed, into flames The victims wer, h cemetery to-day.
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  • 241 5 KurmimiEßE'S GLOOMY PH TIRE. istice Day summons vast mm net of remembrance we a*-k how far we have adthe fulfilment of that early naran the ideal of security which so many brave men n l'.cJT, is not encoui aging, nl Rothermere. be stated thus— nine years
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  • 204 5 r that bronze statuettes liny do, and the stateiiL'gest the old story of the whose cheeks occasionally of life! hires i> no mythological magic The bronzes that "blush" >< and their attractive certaia properties in the l m the archaeological delvers Bt ia the collector's aesthetiefor the
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  • 108 5 m i affection for his famous yacht »it»saia *ai alluded to by Major Philip ■J** at -hr- London Press Club's "sea K^f* dinner on Saturday. Il AJ Hunloke, who has sailed Britannia l»e King since his Majesty came tc thrr.rv, aicJ x <'UxA v a ship as hiK Majesty
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  • 22 5 N, w Health Society'* Venture. lJ|A**» Heefch Society, of which Biff < ABt President, h arranging those about to marry.
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  • 540 5 WHAT ARSENIC SCARE COST. Figures showing the heavy loss to British fruit trader, following the scare when it was rented that the trees from which nun foreign apples came had been sprayed "ith arsenic, were quoted before a Committee of Inquiry at the Ministry of Agrieotture. The
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  • 244 5 bond Speakers at London Bridge. Passengers travelling from, or changing at London Bridge Station during the rush" hour recently, were startled by a mysterious nasal voice which followed them as they walked along the platform, shouting directions about the train departures. The voice came from one man speaking
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  • 62 5 Aston Villa are hoping to establish a record for aggregate receipts this season. Several times lately they have housed crowds of 40,000 and once of close on 50,000. Their sustained success has, of course, been the main cause of these large crowds, but the men in
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  • 406 5 FOLK SLHVIVGItS OF 22-YEAR-OLD PACT. In observance of a pact of friendship made twenty-two years ago, four men met on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral at five o'clock on a recent evening, and sang "Auld Lang Syne" with joined hands. The> were Mr.
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  • 347 5 KARL'S PREMISE TO A BRITISH CAPTAIN. Vienna, Nov. 6. How the Emperor Karl, when a prisoner on board a British warship, wrote out his parole not to attempt to escape is on_e of the most interesting disclosures by the Austrian doctor. Dr. Erich John, from
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  • 103 5 Judge on Scandalous Expense. "A working girl buying silk stocking at 3s. lid. a pair. "It is scandalous," exclaimed Judge Crawford at the Edmonton County Court, in dismissing a diaper's claim against a labourer for goods supplied to his daughter. He added: "Gloves cost 55., shoes 20s.
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  • 328 5 HURLS IT ACROSS A ROOM. An important announcement was made by the Turkish President, Mus. anna Cental Pasha, in his 6 days' speech to th- Con. gress of the People's Party. He declared that the Ordinance of 1924, which proclaimed the Moslem faith as the State
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  • 283 5 In the Revue des Deux Mondes General Niessel, after pointing out that at the outbreak of the Great War innumerable strong positions were captured because they could not be held, raises a question about harbours and air mastery which is of special interest to Great Britain.
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  • 217 5 VICTIMS SUBLIME CALMNESS. London, Nov. 24. Mexico City. The court-martial having ordered the execution of a Roman Catholic priest, his brother and two others, in connexion with the attempt to assassinate General Obregon, the sentences were carried out immediately. Mexico City.— With his hands raised
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 718 5 NOTICE. *r •/*o**^_r WR a"p^RS BOVE LS THE WATER UARK" OF OUR TIGER BRAND MEDICINE We beg to inform our Customers that as our TIGER BALM and other medicines manutactured by us are proving to be of great relief to' sufferers, in Malaya and other various countries in Asia, there
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  • 1273 6 Raisin? the Wind. WHO WILL REAP THE WHIRLWIND? x It will be criminal folly on the part of hoth English and Indian statesmanship to ignore the gravity of the situation created by the announcement regarding- the Statutory inquiry into the question of India's Constitutional advance, writes Bipin
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  • 289 6 [British Radio Official Service.] Rugby, Dec. t">. Presiding at the annual meeting of the British branch of the Empire Parliamentary Association, the Prime Minister expressed cordial appreciation of the invitation issued by the Canadian branch to send a British delegation to visit Canada in September, 1J
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  • 31 6 fßritis!. Padio Official Service.] Rugby, Dec. lip. The Prime Minister announced that Parliament would be prorogued on Thursday next and the new session would begin on Feb. 7.
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  • 113 6 "You are serving a public need," a Folkestone correspondent writes to the Evening News "in drawing attention to the manner in which seats on boards of directors are given to men who cannot or do not properly direct the activities of public companies. "I have seen seats on boards,
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  • 1264 6 Halifax And Esquimau Development. ENLARGEMENT OF FLEET UNITS. The British Navy is an Empire Navy, protecting our many trade routes. That was the crux of the problem at Geneva. It could not, or would not, be realised hy the American delegates to the Naval Limitation Conference, that
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  • 237 6 one of th*.' many storm* within that have been complicating lit"" ia 1 1 recently hai been raging numd th ethical problem: Ii fly-pouting on thr elephant desirable, or even leeml) ponderouK pachyderm in Nanking, snd would I takr-n an energetic lm* in the trere he
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  • 139 6 Thr- Prince Of Wab*. with othei member, sf the W has shown his interest in British Mm Industry by it views of sen phtufea fr undent* first public recently, nhea the Marhl gave a gala imrformaaee in ThePnj lyo p
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 292 6 fopmwm brmo *^|W^VV-S W&lt' hi^ P>l^^ Jvesid flu (iJffnm\ Sole Agents Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. (Laasrs+rst** Is ths •trails Isttlsmssto) (NEW FLAVOURS IN OLD DISHES The most homely dishes can be made I different and inviting by a few drops of I LEA PERRINS' I SAUCE J aaaaaar j«s§3s«*r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 _fl Km i mw%" \m^Lsjir _"_f^_yT_p"_^""""_j_gi^^""^_^._^_^^^^~_P"x //^tf w/^ym if *^^^3^P_^ .^m^^^^^^^^^^^^m^mt\^*^^m\. S I Ht/^BHv t| j J^h*^^!!^V^S* _^SQj m£^»Y M A^mmrMmmJ I g/_f SA^ S^ -yg Christmas draws close, awakening in every heart the desire I// ll /j^^jHSi^) H|lJ /*H ffreat difficulty to the Worldly-wise. Always look for the 1
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  • 1624 8 Piquant Stories In The New Greville IJjary. TRAP TO CATCH A GOSSIP. "The Greville Diary," which was published on November 3rd, is a devastating book. Of its historical importance there may be doubts; but it is full of first-hand information about political and Court affairs during the
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  • 164 8 What Edmonton Census Revealed. Edmonton has a population of 7'>,000. but only a very small proportion of them are church-goers. A census was taken recently, on a selected Sunday morning, of the attendance at six ('hurch of England churches in the district. The average congregation per church
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  • 29 8 i London. Nov. 30th. Mr. Rex Ingram, the famous fihu producer, is a Mohammedan convert, and '.s living in Oriental style at Nice.
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  • 455 8 Curious Calcutta Case. QUESTION OfTcil,.,, Kaiti( Whether a mass of bjblb mately 12.003 tons-into which fallen and was drowned would' bTt human consumption was point an inquest held at Calcutta oc Arab Aii (20). a mistry. It was stated that the nan mg, r n a
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  • 183 8 The following aphorisms are lYoai *lAmi of Pilgrim's Pride" (Knopf 4. The autlv' is Mr. George laaa Nathan, oaa af on wittiest, eortainly the boldest of Am.-rva.' critics. Thr- object of most Amen, ans to-dß| B~ not to remember that their bOBM il hemy as the home of
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  • 34 8 (lifts to Charltj Inatead The Rome correspoodei Dispatch says that own of admirers' gift* M that he will not accept Bfßßeßtl He urges donation, of mom voted tr. charities and
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  • 26 8 The final of the liuttaj Billiards Handicap Towns* played off to-day. at 8 p."»are W. Mamat owe M and N owe M) in B game ti
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 211 9 CORPSES LITTER CANTON'S STREETS. KISBIANS HINTED DOWN. I Router '.s Far Eastern Service.] C ar.tun, Dec. I4>. "City of the Dead" describes the condition of 4"anton after the suppression of the Peasant Labour uprising. Pbotographs of the ruthless slaughter show trucks loaded up with the bodies of
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  • 227 9 [Reuter's Service.] London. Dec. Ifi. A complete analysis of the voting in the H>>use of Commons, in the division on the Prayer Book Bill shows the measure was supported by P»7 Conservatives. So Labourites two Liberals and three Independents, and was opposed by lfil) Conservatives. ."-> 1
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  • 61 9 [Reuter's .Service.] New York. IK-e. 1«. After a l«>ng heai ing before a special board of enquiry at Kills Island, a Soviet Mission of twelve industrial mining experts bas been permitted to land under $.">OO bond. It is announced the delegation is visiting the United States
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  • 52 9 Reuter's Service. Cairo, Dec. Ifi. Captain Ferguson, District Commissioner pf the Bahr el Ghazal Province, Sudan, has reen murdered, with a Greek merchant, by Nusr tribesmen near Lake Gorr, north of Shambe. while returning to the Dinka tribe iv i t h cattle the Nuers
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  • 50 9 [Reuter's Service.] Washington. Dec. Ifi. Many newspapers comment on the re markable fact that of a sum of $'*rj,00().000 leecived yesterday by the United States Ticasury from eight foreign governments on account of debts to the United States all but $*>.(J00.0')0 was paid by Great Britain.
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  • 31 9 [Reuter's Service.] London. Dec. Ifi. The House of Commons has agreed to the House of Lords' amendment to the Films Bill which now only needs the Royal Assent.
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  • 29 9 [Renter's Service.] Calcutta. Dec. 16. The annual conference of the European Association has passed a resolution urginp the Indian Government to revise the existin sr tariff.
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  • 212 9 British Radio Official Service.] Rugby, Dec. 16. The desirability of holding the Schneider Tiophy contest every two years instead of "nnually has been discussed between the Pn'tish Air Minister, Sir Samuel Hoare, and General Balho, the Italian UnderSecretary for Air, who is paying a short visit to
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  • 121 9 [Reuter's Service.] Berlin, Dec. 16. "Reparation, and id her problems depending thereon will not be finally solved till Get many is given a definite task to perform on her own responsibility without the pre*^nt safeguauls" concludes Mr. Parker Gilbert. Agent Qensrnl for Reparations Payments, reporting: on the
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  • 420 9 EQUAL CITIZENSHIP UNION'S REPRESENTATIONS. I^ondon. Dec. 2. The latest development in the Indian situation is a request from the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, representing millions of British women, to the Government and members of the Commission, for the association of women with
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  • 1027 9 War Guilt in German s Schools. UNIVERSAL DISCLAIMER. The question of QlMfrnan war guilt is being'handlcd in the schools in a form of the dartger of which even the peacemaker's in Germany appear to be very inadequately conscious. I propose to examine tne con tents of seven
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  • 110 9 Mrs. Besant s Latest Proposals. Madras. Dec. 2. On the initiative of Mrs. Besant. a temporary committee has been formed with a view to organizing future work and peeping the boycott of the Statutory Commission on the right lines. The Committee will function till Christmas. Meetings
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  • 48 9 Possibilities of Extending Imperial Trade. London. Nov. 25. The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Home, P.C, K.C., M.P., is leaving Marseilles to-day for a four months' tour including Ceylon and other Colonies. He will devote attention to the possibilities of extending Imperial trade.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 423 9 CARDS. nJg BROS: UNDERTAKERS, I tfoNI MENTAL M ARSON'S. 5 u Wreaths. Made Is order. S I r«">" m m ,1 Wreath* Always in Stock. RQAD. TEL: :iS69.J HAIR DRESSING! SALOON vl a: ROBINSON ROAD Japanese Barber Shopjj jjrvJ^ODKl^TE. )(1 nJIITONAL ELECTRIC CO., Rsfßcs Place. j N ATELECO. Singapore,
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    • 670 9 NOTICES. I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM *2/63 ROBINSON ROAD Open daily H..10 to 11 a.m. Saturdays 10. to 12 noon Friday evening I to 7 Services every Sunday at 10 a.m. THE STRAITS TRADING CO., LTD. Notice is hereby given that the transfer books of the above Company will be
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    • 437 9 NOTICES. For Xmas present- s special line Meerschaunv— "■ber -C%_r and Cigarette Holders* 888 $25 each. Pure extra Perfumes Bush's $20. ounce Special MsaMa Culebras, Coronas Cigars. Old Port, Brandies etc., 20 years old. Malaga and Moscatel. GOSLING CO., Est. *****). WEARNE BROTHERS LTD. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given tbat
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    • 59 10 XKI RKONNER-YAX DEI ZEKP: At Pang kalar. So*.oe, Sumatra K. (A on Monda.v 12th DiTembi-r 1927. Ivan Cedric Norman. SOB of Mr. am! Mr*.. N. T. Neubronner of 5 Saint M ichru-A Road Singapore to Caroline -It anette, •MOBS' daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. H. V. Van dti Zeep.
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  • 592 10 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. MONDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1927. Week-End Comment. M. Tchitcherin now finds positions in China reversed and his people Occupying the unpleasant <nu\ i'.nhappy state which up til! a little while ago was filled by the wicked Imperialists. The Nationalists have made a clean sweep of Russians in their
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  • 1362 10 Calendars received From the Overseas Assurance Company. Mi. J. D. Sanderson is acting as hon. secretary of the Malacca Club. The Port Dickson Club is holding its first open lawn tennis tournament at Chinese New Year. Jan. 21, 22. and 23. Mr. Roger Swettenham. Deputy Commissioner of Trades and Customs.
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    • 65 10 RESPONSIBLE GOVERN^ (From Our Own Cone, rVnaai [w The Colombo correspond) GazetU- gUlei that at th sfeH.vion of the KotioMU Congi 'N Ua A. de Silva. in hi. P*. renewed the prol Itw r.d. He said that Lh, next .te, was that they be given n
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    • 58 10 (From Our Own c,,.. •''"•Oil!. l>«-, N Thr- ceremony of laying stone of the joint Ma Western Road site mg Bs. Jamts, day an.i AA-n. m D.G.M. Eastern Arch Mr. P. J. Sprouts, an.i j M, mers, with brethren fn of Wales and Scotis IThr- eersmony isa*
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  • 151 10 "N4>. N4>. N \M| n PLRABES THEATRE \l mi \< i The Quail ts, Mr. B. S popular Comnunj season at th<- Vii toi night when they pn NanetU to Although thin running foi yr ar* iii ns twice hi erl Shagap -re I it ha injr
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  • 150 10 A highly successful itstl f mas season was made si F< Saturday night when ths >• Weu held a fsne) dress dsnre for Gsrrii civilian friend-. Q.U > MeDonsU »r.<! his committee had worked with unlenergy to carry out the function sad Ih result fully
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  • 162 10 A MEANDERING HTLLAE. To tiie Editor. «?ir.— l am sun- all pea* At of His Majesty wooM 4tel ow gestion that the k**l lav requii ment by giving thr Magi "J sterial Officers similar i ercised bv thr- Magistrate* in i,rt serve a notice on SB
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 186 10 "THE CONNOISSEUR COMES Tt CALDBECK'S" DRINK CHAMPAGNE C^fefe, 'euve w Clicquot- Ponsardin Reims AND HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM Caldbeck, Macgregor U Co., Ltd. \,.r, itgd under the Comjhtnir** OvsVweaeSS of Hong Kong). {imoofpormiod in Shanghai). y*wwvywwv* **/ArV*--%v ORDERS NOW BEING BOOKED FOR Xmas Turkeys) When ordering Turkeys, we shall
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    • 76 10 rVwi4*rVwwA*vywiiwvwvwwwft^ Parf urns de Luxe *> OOTY Chypre Origan 3! Rose Jacqueminot > Paris J f Emeraude l\ f EAU DE COTY J j" m m m to be had fVom aU dealers j Dupire Brothers. Iprotect yours CHEQUES i 4 by shredding .■the amoun' _nrW-- o m* /TiG into
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    • 11 10 I To-dav's Feature. 4) J Oc/tf SERIAL STORY, j I Pnrfc
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  • 334 11 HUNTING RUSSIANS OUT OF CHINA. >1 4HK HERLVS PROTEST. [Renter** Far Eastern Service.] Shangtisi. Dec. 17. Tl.. ggestion that the Soviet people grata to thr- French concession .1 bj the fact that the French been instructed to inform aii ■■I- yed in Boris* establishment--l ir.u.-t loa\o the
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  • 64 11 GttfAN'B TRIM TE TO SINGAPORE. [Reuter's Service.] London. Dee. 18. Ul yacht Hamburg (69 tons) bf Ylerr Kircheiss, formerly L ffi.vr of the German raider See **mr, ha» arrived at Cowes after a voyage Hd of 4389 days. I tisi in an interview paid a '"■lUt'tA
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  • 43 11 f J: Far Eastern Service.] HHnkoA. Dec. 17. slot has arrhod aboard H.M.S. H« ua- taken to hospi'.al anrl his to hr- amputated below the result of gangrene from his '-ration was completely sue lbs patient is doing well.
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  • 54 11 Rentsr*i Service.! Geneva, Dec. 18. rnatioanl Committee of the Red aade ji statement to the effect hav< received several demands, sStlal documents relating to n u the treatment to which allegedly subjected in the W prisons. while net desiring to ticsl questions, feels that ii do its utmost
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  • 32 11 Renter*! Service. l London, Dec. 18. I I r< manor has arrived at China. She will pay off ion In the New Year. m cables on page 9.]
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  • 187 11 OPPOSITION FROM NONCHURCHMEN. IS IT DISESTABLISHMENT? [Reuter's Service.] T Ixmdon, Dec. 17. The morning papers betray conflicting amotions with regard to the rejection of he new prayerbook. The Morning Nat thinks the dangers ahead are less than if the book had been accepted. The Daily Telegraph refers
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  • 148 11 SUBMARINE SINK WITH ALL HANDS. [Reuter's Service.] Province Town. lAS. V.. Dec. 17. The submaiim S4 ha> been rammed aad sunk by the coa-tguard destroyer Paulding off Woodend. Washington. l>ec. 17. The Navy Department has announced that none of the crew of 40 have been rescued from
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  • 45 11 [Renter's Service.] Berlin, Dec. 17. The Reichsiat by 10 to 32 adopted a Prussian deputy's motion demanding that the sum of 9.3(W'00 marks, which is the first instalment towards the construction of the proposer! new battleship, be deleted from the budget.
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  • 68 11 [Reuter's Service.] liOndon. Dec. 17. From Dcc. 19 a world-wide time signai will be transmitted from the Post Office wireless station at Rugby twice daily during the five minutes terminating at ten in the morning, and six in the evening G.M.T. The transmission will be specially
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  • 42 11 [Reuter's Service.] Bombay. Dec. 17. The King of Afghanistan and his Queen sailed by the P. and O. Rajputana for Europe amid salutes by the guns of the India Marine vessels and a circling of Air Force seaplanes.
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  • 30 11 [Reuter's Service.] Mexico City. Dec. 17. Mr. Bert i and Holloway. British executive t jvsidont of the National Railways of Mexico has resigned owing to ill-health.
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  • 35 11 I [Router's Service.] Washington. Dec. 18. Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh has decided ta fly to Mexico City from Detroit on Dec. 19th. to spend Christmas with her son. [Saturday's cables on page 9.]
    35 words
  • 40 11 Dr. G. IL Garlick has been appointed to] act as P.M.O. Johore; Major W\*. B. Draper! has been appointed Government Architect; Mr. S. W. Jones has been appointed to act as Commissioner of Trade and Customs and Superintendant Chandu Monopoly.
    40 words
  • 59 11 WELL-KNOWN COMPANIES' INTENTIONS. FOLLOWING FORD. [Reuter's Service.] Buenos Aires, Dec. 18. A message from Belem, Brazil, states that representatives of the Firestone and Cioodyenr rubber companies have arrived there. It was announced that they intended to negotiate with the State Government for a concession similar to Mr.
    59 words
  • 86 11 [Reuter's Service.] Oklahoma City, Dec. 17. The investigation committee of the legislature added a charge of •♦moral turpitude" to the charges of incompetence and corruption against Governor Johnston, after considering his relations to his confidential secretary. Mrs. Hammonds. The committee met at a hotel as
    86 words
  • 88 11 Reuter's Service. Berlin. Dec. 17. Norddentsehe Uoyd has repurchased the Ellerman cargo steamer 4 'ity of Dunedin which will be placed on the Far East service under the name of the Lippe. The Vessel was built in wartime in the Vulkan yard, an.i handed
    88 words
  • 59 11 [Router's Service.] London, Dec. 17. The Banking: Commission appointed by the Irish Free State. Government in March IMS, in its final report recommends the coinage bf based on and equal to the British pound sterling and a banking system similar to that in Great Britain and
    59 words
  • 39 11 [Reuter's Service.] New York. Dec. 18. Ten million dollars gold was sent to Buenos Aires yesterday, making Ift.HoO.OOO dollars' worth of gold shipped to the Argentine Aran the United States this month. [Saturday's cables on page
    39 words
  • 387 11 OFFICIALLY OPENED YE.STERDAY. Members of the Swiss Club of Singapore celebrated the opening of their new clubhouse yesterday morning. There was a large gathering of guests and members present when Sir William Murison declared the building open. Situated opposite the old pavilion on Bukit Tinggi (off Bukit
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  • 209 11 THE MURDER OF BRITISH COMMISSIONER. A SOUDAN CATTLE DISPUTE. [Reuter's .Service.] Khartum, Dec 1 A punitive expedition ic leaving here to avenge the murder of Capt. Fergusson, District Commissioner of the Babr el Gharzal, who was murdered by men of the Nuer tribe in a cattle dispute with
    209 words
  • 134 11 FRANCO-GERMAN CHEMICAL AGREEMENT. [Reuter's Service.] Berlin, Dec. 17. The German d\e trust and the French chemical industry have signed an agreement whereby both parties divide among themselves the production and sale of dyes in a most economie basis. They repudiate any monopolistic competition with other countries with which
    134 words
  • 39 11 [Reuter's Service.] Dusseldorf, Dee. 17. The Rhenish Westphalian iron and steel industrialists have rejected the award of the official arbitrator which insisted on the introduction of an eight-hour day and rejected an all-round wage increase.
    39 words
  • 39 11 [Reuter's Service.] Washington, Dec. 17. The State Department is informed that Mr. Co»»grave, President of the Executive of the Irish Free State is visiting the United States in January. [Saturday's cables on page 9.]
    39 words
    • 26 11 (By courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, Dec. 16. Rubber f.a.q. spot was quoted to-day at 85 sen at which business was done.
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    • 38 11 The Department of Agriculture and Forestry will commence to purchase from 23rd. inst. till the end of January, five million bushels of rice, with a view to preventing a heavy decline in rice prices.
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    • 40 11 The labour dispute of the Japan Cotton Spinning Company is now aggravated, Mr. K. Kikuchi, President, being seriously wounded in his face by a violent poison thrown at him by two young men concerned in the dispute.
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    • 66 11 Judgment was given yesterday in connection with the violent conduct case of Seiyukai members, which occurred during the last session of the Diet. Messrs. Sukai and Namba were sentenced to three months' imprisonment, Mr. Kira to two months' imprisonment, all three of them being subject to probation;
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    • 50 11 I In order to spread a wider knowledge among franchise holders about general elections, with a view to lessening the number of voters who abstain from going to the polls, the Home Office has decided to permit Prefectural Governments to print and distribute pamphlets among voters.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 172 11 nrm "ROBINSON<H I IV FOR fcj I I ROLEX I PRECISION WRISTLETS 1 ■p Entrancing adornment for the delicate contours of a lady's -C 5 wrist, the Rolex is the most precise watch in the world, the J J unassailability of its proud claim to the title "The World's jP
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 823 12 BLUE FUNNEL LINE REGULAR PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES KXPRESS SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON N. CONTINENT FORTNIGHTLY. WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. Twice Monthly Service Liverpool snd Glasgow. (Via Genoa snd Hsvre.) Dus S'por*. Route subject to alter a I ion without notice. WEEKLY SERVICE— LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. DIOMED Msrseilles, London,
      823 words
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  • 1087 13 John Wood and His "Design." BUILDING a PLEASURE CITY. On November 1 began the celebration at Bath of tho bi-centenary of John Wood, he architect. In celebrating his bi-cen-tenary Bath is in a sense celebrating her own; it is the anniversary of the foundation of the
    1,087 words
  • 642 13 Learns a Lot in London. SUBWAY SECRETS. "Mike" Faherty, who has been sent over by "Big Bill" Thompson, Chicago's Mayor, to see what good ideas London has in the way of underground railways that Chicago could do with—this is in spite of "Bill's" funny anti British campaign—
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  • 38 13 Proposal to visit Khyber on December 22nd. London, Dec. 1. Sir Laming Worthington-Evans proposes to visit Khyber on December 22nd. It is understood that there is a possibility of the War Minister visiting Afghanistan.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 ssS s^s^^ *<v^^^^rVvvv^ftArVWVVwv^ ji WATERPROOF CANVAS. I j-. t'reen and White Blinds "l. t lulini sf First Class British tare including stitching with J ind rope complete. n shite canvas stocked. S rR |4 IS VERY MODERATE. rite for quotations*. P J MOH *MED BIN HOOSAINSAH f t {JA R
      156 words
    • 34 13 WILL CHICAGO PLEASE NOTE? "I have just returned from the French Riviera," a correspondent of the Morning Post writes, "and at one hotel I noticed the following in the window: 'English Spoken. American understood.'
      34 words
    • 289 13 r^ ji I 1 1 j \V"* /*^BPv!^^^ ____i s-*^^*^ _r ___Lsfl ___l Home Happiness depends on Health Happy, healthy, and full of joyous T-* f f energy from morning to night That is how you would wish your family to enjoy life. Can you secure for them these splendid
      289 words

  • 1118 14 Its Removal "West" BEGINNING AND AIMS. One has come in recent years to associ ate the term "going west" with extinction; but November 15 marks at least one westward trek which can only be viewed as the precise converse the removal from Cannon Street to 57,
    1,118 words
  • 179 14 "A Mother" asks me, in the cause ot public safety, to make it known that among foreign eggs (Egyptian in particular) imported into this country, a certain number of alligators' are included. As these eggs are round and small, resembling pullets' eggs, it is quite possible for them
    179 words
  • 33 14 Jealous Youth'* M" r !,u Cstsvietsd of -la^:face with a knife, inn' by. ruininu the girl's beauty her matrimonial fate, Berlin was ordered to I I undergo three swats* ment
    33 words
  • 15 14 regard rublu,^-/ condition. S. ■OBI*. bri ght future. Mr ~-JJ (Carolina Tea Compsnj oi Leyi
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 259 14 I I II a \mjJoA^_mm\ 1 I B^^^^^^ i I'JU****^^ Foods The 'Allenburys* Foods are particularly suited to the feeding of babies in hot climates. They are germ free, and being simply and easily prepared by the addition of boiling water, their use gives complete independence of doubtful milk supply,
      259 words
    • 441 14 yro-p%tocticl^? Js it just a Habit P^^ 3 A^Afr> DO you brush your teeth l>ecausc it is a habit or to keep <^^'^ m Wyy^ them clean and healthy? Tootlt decay will ultimately y /^l_B__P^/ cause general ill health. A clean tooth never decays. ,X!_^_B_B»^/s%' Brush and clean your teeth
      441 words

  • 1409 15 Th« Fishery Protection Service. CHASING THE POACHERS. In time of peace the Navy's work is mostly made up sf sideshows, varioas odd jobs of work which save large sums in the estimates of other departments but which receive scant notice when the Admiralty is being condemned as
    1,409 words
  • 615 15 •AN lAN FORFEITABLE EXPERIENCE." Intel' viewed on his> return from the North of Siam, Mr. S. P. Waterlow, the British Minister in Bangkok said that his tour had beta an unforgettable experience. "Siarting from Chiengmai," Mr. Waterlow said, "my main object was to make
    Bangkok Times  -  615 words
  • 125 15 View of Former American Ambassador. New York, Nov. 23. Senate President Manuel Quezon of the Philippine Senate to-day discussed at length the question of Philippine independence in an address before the Economic Club. In the course of his speech, Mr. Quezon touched upon the future of the
    125 words
  • 84 15 "A gossip is a public menace and richly deserves to be muzzled, for a biting, dls honest human tongue can do more harm than the snapping jaws of a dojf. A gossip can ruin your reputation, start B run on a bank, break up a church, make
    84 words
  • 68 15 On Saturday afternoon a Chinese bill collector had both his legs cut off by the wheels of a tram car outside the Bunapanata lane in the Jawarad road. Rungkok The unfortunate man tried to hoard ths car while it was still ia motion. He missed hi.*footing, fell, and the wheels
    Bangkok Times  -  68 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 385 15 THE SINCAJ'CKE FREE PRESS. "i Morning Daily in Malaya; w- paper 40-f>o columns of newt j tbe best Medibm for Advert is. ,ne. I»<b.encs with the Chota Kacri each Lat< Telegrams, latest Newt \nnouncements, together witb ec:a! features, "Pictures of tht. rial Story, Ladies' Psge, etc. Bt No ">6. Baas
      385 words
    • 548 15 The ONLY light car with all these Modern Features R Jmmmm. BB u W '^g rK iisl L_b_b_l L—ir^wr^"*"^ B mWr^^l "TjV^fcs njM B_Bm__ I j i Unique con .t ruction VS_*^*Br __*9_S II I *liw~~---~^/ __B__s^7 > V provide. «xc*ptton.t W i^-ivHkTf\mr\ BB I— T*^_"\ log room for comfort
      548 words

  • 140 16 Capt. A. Snow returned to Singapore by the Glenogle.' Troopship Dorsetshire is due at Singapore on Dec. 23rd. From Kelantan the Circe brought 57 bullocks yesterday. The Kangaroo arrived from Fremantle on Saturday with 1,606 sheep on board. A rice cargo arrived from Bangkok on Saturday, on board
    140 words
  • 264 16 Two Derelicts. The Dollar round-the-world liner President Adams had the unusual experienc< since leaving New York on October 13, of paving the crews of two derelict vessels. At 5 p.m. on October 18, en route from Havana to the Panama Canal, the American four-masted schooner William E.
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  • 207 16 Another case of collision between a Thames sailing barge ami a large steamer has passed through the Court**, says the Nautical Magazine. The barge drifting about with little wind sought to ahead of the big vassal and probably would have done so but for the fact that
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  • 125 16 112-Year-Old Mystery Solved. A French historical mystery 112 years old has now been solved. A silver model of a French man-o'-war, the Ville de Paris, disappeared from Napoleon's Court after Waterloo. It was recently bought by a collector of curios, having been found at Bristol,
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  • 52 16 I Messrs. Lohmann and Co., agents for the N.D.L. inform us that on further enquiry as to the present state of Elberfeld they have received the following reply from Head Office, dated Bremen, 16th. inst. "Elberfeld will most likely be a total loss, passengers and all the
    52 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 725 16 Bums Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia). FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN AND THURSDAY ISLAND. Regular monthiy sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7-376 tons) and the new motor vessel MALABAR (4,512 tons). The as. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamsr trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe,
      725 words
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 635 16 MAIL DESPATCHESBY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembin and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah and lower Siam 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 663 17 O. S. K. Line. knrt" r Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremen, Aptu ••»»>• 1 Colombo, Aden and ?nTX SIJ r T And M »ec. 18 Dee. 20 nurln Al«aa B«y. Cape Town u Kl^ Santos, Montevideo t Manila Maru j,„ T iß d staeaoi Airea. Jan J*n* 8 tftaaVi i Zanaibar, Dar-es-Salaaro.
      663 words
    • 459 17 TRAm«O3MF4O|*r _aas_Bß> DOLLAR |g_Bß_ BB^BB^^ft*_B7^BBVBBBY_B^^ BsV LINtIRS Dc liar President liners offer yon laxurioua travel comforts. All atate-rocms sre outside rooms, well -ventilated and cooled by electric fans. Thejr sre furnished with beds (not berths), each bavins; an i •lectric resding lamp. State-rooms with private bath prsdommate. all have hot
      459 words
    • 675 17 K. P. M. t vm (Incorporated in Holland.) T S« I JL RA S IT* T i IE NE THERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Telephone N* 3«40. wrth sob-.onnection. to:--^^.^, Freight. Transhipment, Marine Departments and 1 Manager's desk. Rapresentstives in the Straits SettlemenU (Singapore and Pensng). of the OFFICIAL TOURIST BUREAU OF
      675 words

  • 381 18 UNFORTUNATE ARTILLERY ACCENT. Macao, Doc. 5. An unfortunate accident occurred at Macao during the firing of a salvo of guns in honour of the anniversary of the de liverance of Portugal from Spanish dominion in 1640. The First of December is the day set apart for the observance
    381 words
  • 323 18 THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME. A large company of Ipoh residents were entertained to a dinner on Saturday night at the new residence of Mr. Le^ng Sin Nam. J. P.. M.S.C.. President of the Perak Chinese Chassber of Comaaaraa, given in honour of the Rt. Hon'ble Viscount Elibank.
    323 words
  • 124 18 "Monster Pudding That Broke Into Twst Some say it was the cook's fault, and others blame the icing man. But the fact remains that the giant Christmas pudding made by the Empire Marketing Board a monster big enough to feed a hundred people is lying in halves
    124 words
  • 162 18 will be only a beginning if that is what can be done with a four-million-candle-power projector the next thing will be a forty-million -candle-power affair which can project its advertising matter right through any wall that was ever built. And then the inhabitants of any house at
    162 words
  • 31 18 A low-brow is one who too easily think? a bad book is good, and a highbrow is one who too easily thinks a good book is bad. —Dr. W. H. Moberly.
    31 words
  • 13 18 The British worker is a man to be proud of. Mr. John Hodge.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 357 18 **n_Laa_-L_r" BBk hw _-sn*snsa_B_ LasV LnV MMTm\ fl LnV *^LsnsT LnV fl LaV LnV fl J _L_ LnV 1 Ls^ ants —BB^BB BB_. Bj B _BBJ B_ V BBk _BBT BB_P -BBw -nV^fl Ln\ fl I aV^ L__ V a_a_r af^^ fIV LsVaßsf _nBBm BBb^fl LaV LT/ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk fIBBBBnV _fl
      357 words
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  • 240 19 h aaya a writer in the Straits Echo, the Home Government do rv ort fo Premiuw Bonds, or something of the kind, it will by BO means be a precedent in the history «'t British finance. I happened to come across a reference to-day to the last State
    240 words
  • 74 19 Sir Archibald Boyd Carpenter, who has just returned to England from Australia, Mew Zealand, and the Straits Settlements, is the head of a committee which went out to encourage Biitish trade, brings with him the most encouraging reports. Sir Archibald is to be followed next week an a similar mission
    74 words
  • 887 19 FRASER CO. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. SATURDAY, DEC. 17th. Buyers Sellers Asam Kunihang 57s 59a lian.uiin Tin 3 v x s 40s liataiiii Padaog (sl> 65 70 Batu Caves ($1) 1.27 2 L32 Chenderiang iy s 2ls Pd Chin Chin ($1) 1.20 1.25 Eastern Siam (t) 22s 23b haatl Yai
    887 words
  • 70 19 December 17. Bank 1 m.s. 2 1 3-16 Bank demand 2*3 ir>-lt> Private credits '5 m.s. li 1 21-152 New York; desaaod 56 7-H Credits 90 days 5HV 8 France, demand 1436 India, T. T. 1 :>.{", Hong Kong, demand tß*j_ p.i-. DA. Yokohama, demand 122 J Nom. Java,
    70 words
  • 213 19 December 17. Tin 200 Tons $181 Gambler 7 Pepper White M Pepper Black 62 Flake Tapioea Pearl Saga Small 9 Coprs 10.95 Copra Sundried 11.40 Opium. Ben -ires unt. 4,000 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark lied Eagle (New) 330 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice, Rangoon Bin can
    213 words
  • 157 19 December 1 7th., 12 o'clock noon. R.S.S. equal to Standard Q.C.F. Spot 68** 68 "K Standard R.S.S. <>n Tender Dec. 68 69 Jan-Mar. 70% 71 Apr-June 72 A 73 July-Sept. 74 74** Tone of Market Steady. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet lVftd per lb New
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  • 72 19 MACPH AIL'S SHARE LIST. Particulars have been published of Toyo Tin, Ltd.. which has an authorised capital of £:}oo\ooo. The company was formed last month primarily to acquire the whole of the issued share capital of a company incorporated in Japan and owning the nitrate tin mine in the Japanese
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  • 227 19 ROSE MAC PH AIL ft COS REPORT. Singapore. Dec. 17. Rubber. London, If l%d. Unchanged Local 68% eta. Lin. -London, in',] Ts 6d. 2s 6d up. Local 131% for 200 Tons. Mining. Quiet. Sungei Way $.17 .'.22*., Petering 4.90 .> Rahman Hyd. IM 1.96, Penawat 88 86,
    227 words
  • 258 19 London. Nov. IC Carper.- After a final burst of boar covering, pricea gave way eharply but sub atantial purchasea of electrolytic by con suineis caused a change of sentiment, and ihis combined with rumours of further withdiawaut from itandard stocks clucked ai! weak tendencies, snd pricea finished at
    258 words
  • 305 19 Referring to the recent pas.* ing of an Ordinance amending tfa- Rubber Restriction Ordinance L922, the 'linns of Ceyloa aaya If it la properly applied, it cannot fail thave most important reaulti ao far aa th.progress and prosperity of the rubber in dustry are concerned, h
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 352 19 -::ts over $7,500,000. T rrill^ nnr a m ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $27,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. n nirvirir u (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) -u, L-S^TS K TT Si ngapore LONDON OFFICE: 27 01d Je -y- E.C. MM> haS £2 ooo de J ,oslted wth the Supreme
      352 words
    • 429 19 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. 4 Incorporated in Hong Kong). Head Office: Hong Kong Authorised 1 apital $50,000,000 isaued snd fully paid up $20,000,000 ■SSeTTS Kund-Stening f»»,000,000 Silver $13,500,000 Keserve Liability o! Proprietors $1?0,000,000 COI KT OF DIRECTORS. lion: Mr. D. t\. M. Bernard, Chairman n A A H
      429 words
    • 329 19 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, Al STRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital in 000,000 shares of iio each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 4,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 3,000.000 Head Office: tk\ Bishopsgate. London. E.C. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Iloilo Puket Annitsar Ipoh Rangoon Bangkok
      329 words
    • 39 19 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England by Koyal Charter A.D. 1720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds. Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO.. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO, LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 1370 20 The Trophy Regained By Singapore. BRILLIANT KENDALL. Singapore .43 pts: Seiangor 8 pt**. Although at half time leading by only two p.dnts out of 18 Singapore doftated Seiangor on the Padang on Saturday after noon by five goals, a penalty goal, ami tive tries (43 points) to a goal
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  • 60 20 Great Game on a Frosty Ground. VISITORS JUST BEATEN. Scotland 10 points, Waratahs 8 points. [Reuter's Service.] Edinburgh, Dec. 17. The match between the Waratahs and Scotland was played here to-day before a c rowd of .">O,OOO people at Murrayfield. The weather was frosty and in a
    60 words
  • 63 20 I Reuter's Service.] Melbourne, Dec. 17. ■laying for Victoria against Queensland le Sheffield Shield match, Ponsfoid scored 437, thus beating his own world's record score in firstclass cricket of 429. Apart from two very difficult chances he batted brilliantly throughout and hit 42 fours. He occupied
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  • 69 20 [Reuter's Service.] New York. Dec. 17. Great disappoii.tment is felt by the sporting public at the news that the army and navy have broken off football relation* owing to a difference of opinion as regards eligibility rules. Hitherto for the past thirty years the Army-Navy match
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  • 116 20 THE REST DEFEAT SCOTLAND. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Dec. 18. In the annual Trophy match played here to-day, The Rest defeated Scotland by 10 points to R. The teams came on the field led by pipers of the Burmah Rifles. In the first half Ashworth and
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  • 58 20 Wintry Weather Conies For Christmas. MANY SPORTS STOPPED. (Our Own Correspondent. Copyright). London, Dee. 1 7. ln the inter- Varsity Cross Country race Cambridge beat Oxford, her placings totalling 27 against Oxford's 28. The first man home was Edwards, of Oxford, followed by Skelton, of Cambridge. Cambridge
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  • 121 20 ACCIDENT TO LORD LO VAT'S SON. Ixindon, Dee. 17. The sudden cold snap which has brought winter to England has been accompanied by the usual list of minor mishaps and the Master of Ixwat, heir to Baron Lovat, who is sixteen years of age, is one
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  • 135 20 London. Dec. 17. At Murrayfield there was a very large attendance for the Scotland-Waratahs match and the game proved a close one, played very* fa throughout. The home side led by six points to five at half time nnd won by ten to eight. At Twickenham, for
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  • 17 20 Ixmdon. Dec. 17. In the British Ju Jitsu championship. Hipkiss of Birmingham, beat Morgan.
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  • 49 20 London. Dec. 17. O'Ponncll, the Hants champion, when fighting Gorman at the Fulham Baths had BB be taken to hospital sufferine from severe hemorrhage. A verdict of misadventure has been returned in the case of Tommy Angus who was killed when boxing Jack Mansfield at Kdmonton recently.
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  • 69 20 liondon, Der. T7. Victor and Mrs. Bruce, who arc at Monthlery in an endeavour to capture records for Great Britain, of which they had already secured one. have pained another by covering 15.000 miles in ten days and nights. Their average speed throughout has been 67
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  • 60 20 NOT TO DEFEND BRITISH ♦OPEN" TITLE. IReuter'a Service.] Atlanta, Georgia Dec. 18. Bohby Jones has announced that he will not defend his title as British Open Golf Champion, owing: to his law studies, and will not participate in the British Amateur Championship, but ia to participate in
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  • 46 20 THE PRESIDENT'S PRIZE. The final round of this competiton was played yesterday morning, ahd resulted in a win for Mr. W,. H. E.kins and Mr. E. A. Gibson, who defeated Mr. R. Irvine and Mr. E. M. F. Fergusson by 4 and 3.
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  • 117 20 SELANGOR DRAW WITH THE NEGRI Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 18. In an inter-State hockey match played at Kajang to-day the Negri drew with Seiangor, 3 3, after a very fast game. Seiangor were superior throughout, but many scoring chances were missed owing to the inside forwards failing to pass.
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  • 302 20 Good Wins for Portsmouth and Bury. FIRST DIVISION SURPRISES. [Reuter's Service.] London, Dec. 17. Results in to-day's League matches were as follow: DIVISION I. Champions Beaten at Home. Birmingham 1, West Ham 2. Blackburn 1, Sheffield United 0. Bolton 3, Aston Vil'a 1. Cardiff 0, Bury 1. Everton
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  • 361 20 THE AMATEUR MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Dec. 17. The following were the results of the second day's racing here in the amateur meeting. Race One. Ponies. (Four Furlongs). Jays, Mr. Whittaker 1; Gipsy Girl, Mr. Chye Yuen, 2; Tidapa, Mr. Gifford. 3. Time 54 3-5.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 217 20 j \\rin— -^rj mou twe Viawq's I 1 I 1 l Cim be Phased h> rofinfhh j T /?3L J Paymentv. ~s^~~^^ Call or vvriT< u j illustrated eaUkif T S. MOUTRIE CO., LTI). I (Incorporated in Hon*; Konpi > SINGAPORE. J 4_— B- H i-^i SERVE THIS DELICIOUS ASPARAGUS
      217 words