The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 July 1926

Total Pages: 15
1 15 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., MONDAY, JULY 19, 1926. NO. 11,851.
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  • 246 1 An influential religions body at Home have intervened m the coal dispute but without tangible result I'dife S. At the annual dinner ol the 1.5.1', m London Sir Frank Swettenham voiced a warning to promoters of new rubber companies— Page The French Government has been defeated on
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  • 1094 1 Birds 1 .\t-' Island, 01 the island of a Hundred Peaks, i- famous as breeding piace for that speciee if sea swallow from whose gelatinous neste the Chinese prepare i-irds'-iu st> soup. When 1 isitfi ii. it was i«:.<-(i to a Chinese syndicate .if which mt n
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 162 1 v.v.V.'.W.V.W.W.WAV SOLYPTOL SOAP j! M TOILET PURPOSES. '.\\V, V.V.'.W.V.W.V.W.'.! 1 Raffles Hotel K Special Notice. pietion oi the NEW FLOOR oi RAFFLES HOTEL BALLROOM Dinner Dances will be held at the SLA VIEW HOTEL every TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. a] TEA DANCES will be held m the DINING
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    • 215 1 looks after tthe T7OUR tennis frocks will give you double y "service" if you let Kurlo wash them. A Whether they are soft linen, crisp muslin, or dainty voile wash them all with Kurlo. The Kur!o way is safe and simple. Obtainable from all Grocers, Chandlers and General Stow, Willt*m
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    • 147 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Bankruptcy notification Page "Tootal" trademark notice Page New :.i igramme at Alhambra Page 2, Christy's felt hats, Robinson'i Page Shipping notices on pages m. 12 and 13. Cow and (Jal<' milk food, S. Et. Sa->oon Marm'te gives jrou vitality, John Little's I'a.c 8. Whiteaway's outstanding offers for thi^
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 89 1 THE WEEK. Monday, I9fft. High Water, Ll9 a.m., p.m. Ting Kil Tin Mtg., Hongkong Bank, 12.15. Football Div. I S.C.C. vs. Duke's. Fin .«/</,/, 20«fc. High Water, 5.35 a.m., 5.50 p.m. Kintii Association, noon. Sorcerer Matinee Theatre 5.30 p.m. Wednesday, ZUt. High Water, 7.8 a.m., 6.52 p.m. Football Div. 1
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  • 86 2 THE TR AIN AND THE ELEPH ANT. some 1 n v r mterestinf r i?i says: In conned i th 1 trail ear Slii Rivi t was stated m this n had taken i such incidents irred 31 i\ m had nedL Tl tra r< tk Ann into a large
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  • 81 2 er judgments w< ication 01 L. i I /i... m P man i n per soi n Pol en tl |vii X- .i .i■ nenl rday, m Lordshi] I »-daj that the facilii v. ith l)i- :'!»'il i' tools n the presence of I P .Id not
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  • 122 2 >I! T khe <;•• Sir L G rill n ird who had Ikm n staying ai Be] I;.--,, Penang Hills, down arlj this morn- tog rossed over to I'rai m :l G rnmeni branch, caught the morning r X iala Kan- jar, says Wednesday's Stl Echo. Their
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 357 2 It PAYS To BUY In QUANTITY. Double Sized (Jiant Tube COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE T-"^ cents. MEDICAL HALL LTD. 23. Battery Road. THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. v The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. I Mdm. K?lvev'\ School of i/ Dancing Foi children and young ladies m Character.
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    • 387 2 Victoria Theatre Commencing: THURSDAY, JULY 29th at 9.30 p.m. Under the distinguished patronage of K.E. the Governor Sir Laurence Nunns Guillemard, X.C.8., K.C.M.G., H.E. Major-General Sir Theodore Fraser, X.C.8., C.5.1., C.M.G., Lieut.-Col. C. J. Pickering, C.M.G., D.5.0., and Officers of (he Duke of Wellington's Regiment, and the EX-SERVICE ASSOCIATION, SINGAPORE.
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    • 269 2 Krom Sunday, 18th to Saturday. 24th lul\ AT THE (Tan Cheng Kee and <>., Ltd., Proprietor^ A PROGRAMME THAT WILL BE THOROUGHLY In the Second Show, commencing 9 p m A GOLDWVN— HENRY KLNCi— IMTEI) ARTISTS PBODUCH Adapted by Frances Marion from the Broadway Stag* Montague (ilass and Julc> Bcfceri
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  • 716 3 A VILLAGE TALE. DanVl," said Mrs. Wospottle p?rsuasiveiy from hex: armchair by the table, where she dispenses healing, "I on't charge ye rawthc ii f i them veric*oarse vines o' yourn, .i( so b you kin git me a settin' o 1 that furriner'a eggs. 1 !>in
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  • 149 3 Franker Sell -Criticism Expect.- 1. Merlin, Imi a The -\-Kaisor lias now finished his 10/igawaited autobiography, and ii will si; >rtiy published m Leipzig. Although the strictesi secrecy has been maintained regarding the contents of the book, m the compilation of which Hen- Eugen Zimmerman, the war
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  • 26 3 King Emmanuel of Italy fs going to conduct a campaign against profanity. He had to do something to j>vt bis name m the paper.- Toledo Blade
    Toledo Blade  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 Two sportsone smoke Fishing or shooting?— Each sport has its adherents believing their pastime unrivalled. But both agree that for cigarettes there can be only one choice **>*\ VIRGINIA CIGARETTES fc.^^^^'i Made by hand h A aDA TH 7JR-\., :CO Co., Ltd. Sok- Agents Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. (Incorporated
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    • 291 3 I USE: I BRITISH TIMKEN Tapered Roller Bearings. Most Efficient Readily Adjustable. Every Roller Gauged Accurately to within j^ "''"•T One-Twelvethousandth of an inch. \J]^ Sole Distributing Agents: v*-^ *>imt Malayan Motors Agents m F.M.S. SINGAPORE, Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD.: Penang, Ipth, Kuaia Lumpur, Malacca. WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED, Proprietor*. v
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  • 3397 4  -  DV KENNAWAY JAMES 1 HAPTER Mil. mkiikvs Ml si \kk. meni Kenned} sta red Ihe at the wi! d as ugh it wer< an 1..■ El seemed im] ible that Veritj Lai old be its < i' 1 io, sudf y before Xt lined] had prop< r
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  • 251 4 Soviet Refuse to l«» Bn land fa I that it waa imi iblc fi m thi i >untrj a Russian subject, be< f th<- Soviet wo ild tins* i I to bin I San-'. .i .•sw alk as -ii.d at Korth L"' 1 P■- 1 Bat leer,
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  • 76 4 I proar over Hindu-Moslem Pict. Calcutta, June I I. The Provincial Congress Committee held protracted meeting which was characterised by storms scenes. Mr. Sen Gupta, the President, m spite of stiff opposition, earned an important resolution refusing to re-open the question of the Hindu-Moslem 1 act at
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  • 73 4 Lady Fisher, who recently underwent a protracted fasting "cure" at Ohampncys, near Tring, broadcast from 2 L 0 an enthusiastic account of her treatment. She declared that the treatment had made her a now woman, and added: "I believe m the nature cure, because it delivers the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 402 4 Wg m Alti v ve^u.e I M Angi A )tieii.j n (hi i W |j Ask the Owner of I any 2-ton Albion I I ASK the owner of any 2-ton Albion I what he thinks of this vehicle 1 I from the point of view of efficiency I and
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  • 1301 5 IN THE LONDON COURTS. Fabian Ku-sell possesses the most peaceful natuie m the world; he also owns to I frock-coat, a cravat, and a very small tiust income whkh he chaws groin the Public Trustee. His manneis are also above reproach; which made it all the more
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  • 315 5 Fivi Directors Resign. Heavy losses by Sir W, (i. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., tbe famous Newcastle firm of engineers, shipbuilders and steelmakers, arc revealed m thi- report for 1i.'20. "Tht- directors regret to report," it i> stated, "that a continuance of adverse conditions, particularly
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  • 57 5 Cotton Mill Employees Protest. London, June 14, The first expressi mof the work i rs' disapproval of the T.U.C.*s strjke action comes from Liverpool, where the cotton workers. by ;i large majority, have decided t<> secede from the National Union of Distributive and Allied Workers
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  • 59 5 Mahai a i of Cutch Visits Sir Herbert Barker. London. June 23. Maharaj Kumar of Cutch. who is visiting Europe for th;} first time, on his arrival at Marseilles motored to Alassio, where Sir Hertx ft Barker successfully operated on his injured right knse, which bad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 820 5 NOTICE. PHASER AND NEAVE LTD. i Ini-ori >ratt-d m Straits Settlements.) X IS HEREBY GIVEN that an E\- I Meeting of the Company „t Urn Regiatoiod Office of the .17. Tiafalgar Street, Singapore, Urn -4th July, 1926. at noon, for irpee I fjusslng the Resolution nuuked Urn attached scheaTafcu \,)T:
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    • 525 5 "My Favourite Perfume "^WMK I g The fact that so many women im/ I ci_ i v inn m r i a MMn Vr vli v^llcll 111 fJlclV'Vx *x# 11 LCIU vlv? y/ flß^n 1/ 1 jp^^> perfumes is clear cvi- yy !l I I ife dence of its leadership
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    • 360 5 A week-end (Noon Saturday to P.M. Sunday or A.M. Monday) will count v 3 'Mr-ills." A week on boanl ;it sea ot m cans will couni is 21 "drills." An <itfic«M- \v h < fail- to carry out tfee minimam number "drills* 1 may, .it the discretion ■f the Government,
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    • 250 5 JOHORE GOVERNMENT. NOTH E. Th< voadea brdge at K;.i.^. rehrau Village will be doeed t < > traftc tnai i>th: to Mat: in=fcaiH [oel«i i- EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, I'.W.J).. loWn Hahru. MONEY TO LEND. Those requiring loanc <>: ovei $2,000 .ire kindly resjaestod to Boaunwuaata artth us. Will only deal with
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  • 1256 6 THE EX-PRESIDENTS MEMOIRS. The Memoirs of, Raymond Poincare (1912). Translated and adapted by Sir George Arthur, with a Preface by the Duke of Northumberland, K.G. As the Duke of Northumberland points out m the preface to the volume before us, there is no person who ha^s
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  • 340 6 Astonading Charges <,f Corruption. Washington, June 11. Wholesale political bribery and cetrvption to an I Kteni never before known has been revealed to the Senate Committee invaetigating the recent Pennsylvania Primary Election, and the country ti >i'.\:\<\ astounded by the disclosures. Th.-r- were three condidates Pec
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  • 153 6 4sjnitania (Jrill Turned into a anpti l'ari>. Jane <i. rhe Pope's Sac, tat tac firsl time i* 1 the history of tin- British nsercnntile marine, das baen flown at the saastnead of Transatlantic liner. The Aiiunaina. wlin-h saflsd bom Cherbourg yesterday for New York,
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  • 91 6 Millh Hid- Stt Fire t«> Cotton Shanghai. June 21. Fhere is considerable unrest and .'.^i'ation m local industrial rirclot. A lightning strike has been called In 9 Japanese cotton mill, and 800 workers have downed tools, protesting against the arrest of a mill detect ivo. Tin- strikers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 249 6 WHITEAWAYS OUTSTANDING OFFERS FOR THIS WEEK 750 Yards Plain Cotton Filet Curtain Net t^r^'kZ SHADES GREEN, MAUVE, SAKE, BUFF, YELLOW, I'LfcJ L CREAM, AND ORANGE iC«ik^iv3li WIDiH 48 INCH j: MEN'S FANCY COTTON SOCKS jl By this mail we have received 50 dozen m all > the latest shades. J
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    • 461 6 RHEUMATIC PAINS QUICKLY JISAPPEAR, Health Improves Remarkably From the great capitals of f_ from far off Australia come rep derful cures effected by DE v aey and Bladder Pills, these confirmed by the experience ,f local people and m practically tales are told of men. womei. who have been freed
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  • 277 7 THE Fl LL SCORES. The full scares m the Australians' match against Notts were: Nottinghamshire. Ist Innings. Whysall. St. Oldtield, b Mailey 15 Walker, run out 14 LMley, c Grimmett, b Gregory 1 Carr, c Taylor, b Mailey 13 Fayton. c Woodfull. b Mailey 6 Turner, b
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  • 259 7 Jn the match against Worcestershire the etc: VuMralia i»t. Innings. Bardsley b Bowles 35 Rk hardson, c Boy l< s, 1 Wils n Biacai tn Wilson, b Root 0 A odi ews, c Tai b Root 14 Tayl >r. c and b Rool 12 I ford, c
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  • 627 7 TYLDESLEY AND STEVENS FOR MANCHESTER. [Reuter'a Service.] London, July Hi. England's team for the fourth Test, which opens at Manchester on July :M, will be selected from A. W. Carr, (Notts) A. P. F. Chapman (Kent), G. T. S. Stevens (Middlesex), Hobbs (Surrey), Strudwiek (Surrey), Woolley (Kent), Hendren
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  • 205 7 PARKIN RESIGNS FROM LANCASHIRE. "Not Through lack of Discipline." London. July 5. Sir Edwin Stockton, President of the Lancashire county Cricket Club, has made ,i statemeni to the effect that Parkin lias resigned from Lancashire, but not through lack of discipline. The Lancashire dub. as a mark of esteem, has
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  • 179 7 EXCEPTIONAL SCORING BY GENTS AND PLAYERS. Iheuter's Service.! London, July 16. The second Gentk men versus Players i match, which was played at Lord's, was dxawn. Players 579 Gentlemen 542. and 97 for 1. Hobbs scored 163 (his sixth three figure innings this season) for the Players, Ernest
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  • 523 7 DERBYSHIRE SURPRISE THE CHAMPIONS. County matches concluded to-day resulted as follows: Yorkshire versus Derbyshire. At Sheffield: Derbyshire led on Ist innings. Perbyshire 363. Yorkshire 209 and 212 for 5. Towards the Peak county's total Jackson scored and V\" < rthington 60. Oldroyd scoici .">.') for Yorkshire m the
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  • 80 7 PROPOSALS FOR S. A. TOUR. London, July 6. Durban. The Board of Control of South African Cricket announces that they are making- every effort to secure a thoroughly representative English team to tour South Africa during 1 the coining season, captained by Mr. A. E. Gilligan, and
    Times of Ceylon  -  80 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 424 7 BUSINESS CARDS, i MARY SETON. t AMBER MANSIONS. ORCHARD ROAD. < "a mm! Lamp shades from Shanghai. 5 MAKBLE TABLE TOPS, FLOORING, TILES, Etc. SINGAPORE CASKET CO. Marble Merchants." Telephone 75. CARS FOR HIRE. fireat Reduction m Rates THE ASIATIC MOTOR CAR CO. 8 Orchard Road 69-b. Bukit Timah Kd
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    • 347 7 JWAWM^WW.ViVAV.V/.ViV .SViViW.ViViVA'iVAVi'.VAV. NOTICE OF TRADE MARK, f i. TOOTAL i| TOOTAL BROADHURST LEE COMPANY, J :j LIMITED, of 56, Oxford Street, Manchester. f I* England, Manufacturers and Merchants, here- J; 5 by give notice that they are the owners of the !j J trade mark *Tootal" herewith appearing, used j|
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  • 19 8 SINGAPORE PREE PRESS. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEAT H. i B o ik, fonw rlj Bnglbfc Is. ibj teriai M Singapore,
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  • 758 8 The news that the latest intervention m the coal strike has been at the instance of religious leaders ol tin- community, recalls to remembrance the assertion that it w is the Archbishop of Canterbury's efforts which led to the Samuels scheme bringing
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  • 353 8 Ifr. I I! Hubbacl bM been appointed Acting < :i!'.i- Warden Negri Serebilan. Ifr. i M W il ianu is n turning to Bangkok, with his bride! t the Malwa, leaving I >ndon on the 15th inst, K\ So many tre< p ti s*tr ick and damage*] bj lightning that
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  • 79 8 DETECTIVE CHARGED. (From Our Own <>orrespondcnt.) IVnanp, July 18. Khoo Moh Sai, a detettive, \sa^ charged with cheating a pawnbroker m respect of a gold ring. It is alleged th-it ha went lo j the pawnbroker and produced a ticket and said that the article was wanted by
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  • 84 8 By courtesy of Haaara. Macphail an. l Company, are learn that the price of robber m London <<n Saturday, according to quota- tions despatched by Henry (Jai'inei and Company, was Spot m w at <-hous«', London, la. S 5-Bd. l Standard Sheet and < repecf.f. Au^u>t ment,
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  • 458 8 I>iin;j 1925, 58 Kfaoo] rertificates and -'.<*'• teacher's certificate! wen iasoed m the Sf rait Sel l lemenl \V. offei a welcome to Mi.* < w\ v making her nrsl viei! I i North !;■.■!)< and is -tu\ ;:.i r wit] her brother Km Excel Bey the Offi ci bhinistei
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  • 220 8 The Straits Chinese Beading < tvb add th<- tir>t meeting of its 55th. Session m the CCA. Hall on itu iJtih. instant. Them mk present the hon'ble Mr. S.>n<j Onu Sianu. chairman and la!^<> Dumber of boll) old and new members. The following; gentlemen were elected office-bearers for this session:
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  • 249 8 BISHOPS LEAD FORLorv HOPE. PREMIER REI SKs Si BSIDi [Reiner- lerviei I'ndon. An influential body of H, Church leaders interven-i j, pace tad drafted a i aim is executfo mmci -hali PHRMM R and the Gowerwna I ti Mi; c BBA arc i n«-<i m ,< sad
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  • 99 8 IR.-uv;' Bervi* Wavhinu'i^ I"') Rt-jM\m£ ka -.h. MftSSS Mi Frederick rVaki [an open tettec to Pw rIA m mg the canei nation ad i write tfcal the U«it« S nun 1 woulii be ~hr b astee the tan psiy such .t rancellat i< »i \U declaim
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  • 49 8 [British Radi (H& The Kmu Mtf Q.i.' I f Sp«n ion this initmin mi the < i private »i< h iWi i'■ Kmff (iMtge, Hwea IU WaKs and MMf bA BHtifi i.ade tfcm fauw.-l! »l ITld Sir AuMt-n nanih r!aw l I tary. repwmtd the IS*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 176 8 "The Connoisseur Comes to Caldbecks" ITALIAN RED WINE. B INEXPENSIVE M INVIGORATING. J^^- VITALI'S If OHIANTI m litre or half litre flasks. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (iMorponrted ndn tin Campaiiies Ordinaocea af Hongkong.) (Incorporated m Shanghai.) SINGAPORE. IK I 22S 13, ROBINSON ROAD. k i^— zzzzmzizrr: f v )A' >-M(^A'A'O
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    • 54 8 VAV.VA'AW.V.W.VV.V.V.WA 2" Parfums de Luxe I OOTY j: i Chypre Origan J J Rose Jacqueminot J Paris ■I Emeraude S EAU DE COTY 3; ■I vto be had from all dealers 5 Dvpire Brothers. WA\SW.W.V.V.V. I .V.W.V.WA Sole Vyt-n's: THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. Siacapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, I|m h. Vlor
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  • 143 9 SWETTENHAM'S WARNING. ,i\ Hx'PKOIH'ITIOX AGAIN POSSIBLE. [Reuter's Service.] London, July 17; ar.ruai dinner of the Incorporated of Planters of Malaya m London, Mi R k iiiu-rsi-y, rto>i(!inji, said the preaetory posHion of the rubber m Bfl •-•:>■ iaij;e!y due to the system i- r. ol output. Opponents
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  • 43 9 [Pi-, uter's Service.] Dunkirk. Jul> I>. seri of fires, i oncendng ia suspect d m c »nnec- si rik< of d j, was follow I »yed laryi w srethe port, kgi esi illion seen es i rom the rding the
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  • 46 9 C HINA CARGO CASE. Serviei i BMhiß, .liil\ 17. :\:r a Justice If favow of thr men fa carg iof bristles, i a ners of th I I B.: I n Wivi earg I bristles, twesty-onc Hia bhi] had een a local v- c thieves at
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  • 92 9 w- Sen ici ;i*hintrton, J ul\ 1 7. bas 1 the minds of numej-- .1 -.t the valid. ty of doobtful on ing to a ruling ->i Justie Pa kei >% the General a I the SI Bg-Board that masters lent vessel wean ine< >m- perl m marriages.
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  • 84 9 i:\NK GOVERNORS MEET. rße;;ic!- Service. I Ntn rk. Jiil;. 17 ..l- -> s n on b the suiting I i l ■daj ■board the Majcstk oi Mr. and Mr, Pieri nl M-^-^a:-.. ostensibly I iiday, Umtc b reason to believe they iii'.]\ :ii" a'.- m conversations which v
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  • 56 9 [Reuter'.- Service.] Karachi. July 17. 1 luun damaged r ht \v«-r carriage strut attempting la resume his flight yt*>Three day> d/iay fof repairs is cer- i Bdentoraa continue. OFF AGAIN. Karachi, July 18. B Tubham left Bunder Abbas at :J.40 HWiefe time l t< -day. P Karachi,
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  • 45 9 [Banter*! Service.] (ifne\a. July 17. og lo the United States legation at re living >t'V.-vai threatening letters eferaace to Urn Saeee Vwiaetti affair, Sfrisa police haw taken measure.- to ted r ;e lagatJCU ißd KMWlhtCfl and their rs ■•:!> all ovtr the country.
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  • 47 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, July 17. tisk tourists naveiling m America bsa will henceforth be landed at New k mn like other passengers and will be -uH jeered t<> unnecessary formality. ISSWttt has been received m shipping lea m England h consequence of the D1 outcry.
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  • 426 9 M. BRIAND RESIGNS. CHAMBER REFUSES CAILLAUX* BILL. [Reuter's Service.] Paris, July 17. The Government has been defeated by 290 to 243 on a motion of confidence. M. Briand has resigned. The Chamber was crowded for the fatejful debate m which the Finance Committee submitted a bill definitely limiting
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  • 21 9 [Renter's Service. London. July Iti. French francs m London dosed at 2"\'U ar d Belgian at l'O.") 1
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  • 42 9 [Renter's Service.] Cakutt i. July 16. The casualties m yesterday's rioting were 1 1 dead and 12»j injured and sent t hosj pitaL The city is normal, but the police i have been reinforced and armed pickets patrol the streets.
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  • 41 9 i 1 [Router's Service.] Atlant t. July IK. Mr. R. I. Smith. President of the Atlanta Real Estate Board and a director of the Bankers' Trust, was found dead m his home with a revolver by his side.
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  • 86 9 [footer's Service.] London. July 16. The Morgan, Grenfell C unpany and the President of the International Mercantile 1 Marine Company state that, owing to presj eni circumstances and conditions, negotiations for the purchase of the White Star Line 'nave been terminated by mutual const fit. LANCASHIRE
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  • 42 9 There are 225 miles ot" telegraph lines, and 2") 1 /4 miles of submarine cable between Penanp and Province Wellesley containing 112% miles of wire. In Penang and Province Wellesley there are 2,077% miles of telephone line and 1,384 miles m Malacca.
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  • 336 9 MALAY INTER-CLUB SPORTS. The Malay Football Association are to be congratulated on their successful organisation of an inter-club sports meeting, the finals of which were run off before a very large gathering on the reclamation ground yesterday afternoon. The meeting was held m celebration of the Mohammedan new year,
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  • 156 9 [Reuter's Service.] New York. ,Jul\ 17. Delanej outpointed Berlenbach m the ftfteen n und contesi ♦<>!■ the light heavyweight championship of the world fought here to-day. Rain was responsible for the postponement till to-day oi the Berlenbach Delaney fight the betting n which was reported ;,i m- unprecedented.
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  • 70 9 [Renter's Service.] London. July 16. Australia -10* for Lancashire 2M and (dec). 274 for At Liverpool: The match between the Australians and Lancashire was continued here to-day m fine weather and before 2,000 spectators. Lancashire's first innings realised 2."!4, Mailey taking nine for SO. Following on.
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  • 85 9 KING'S PRIZE WINNER. [Reuters Service. 1 London, July 17. At the Bisley meeting- Sergeant A. G. Fulton won the King's Prize after a shoot-off, Fulton. Dr. Kelly, Cadet Vezey and Lieut. Hughes, of the Artillery, having tied with scores of 286. [Fulton, of the Queen's Westminsters, won the
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  • 60 9 (British Radio Oificial Service). Rugby, July 16. The race for the Eclipse Stakes (IV4 miles value £12,000), was run at Sandown Park m the presence of the King 1 and 'Queen. It was won easily by Lord Woolavington's Coronach, winner of this year's Derby. Mr. Curzon's
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  • 15 9 Captain Rice-Oxley, D.F.C., has arrived to take up his duties as Adjutant, 8.N.8. Armed Constabulary.
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  • 476 9 SECOND DIVISION MATCHES. To the Editor. Sir, I have read with interest the comments published by you m your paper- of to-day's issue on the match between the S.C.F.A. (B) team and the Headquarters. I quite agree to v/hat you mentioned as regards the encroachment on
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  • 249 9 r TO-DAY'S TIES. len*a Handicap Doubles. Major Lowe and Major Walker owe ;'> vs. Harford and Mosley owe Green and Wild awe 15.3 vs. Mikkelsen I and Hindhede owe 4. Bailey ami Prentie owe 115 v». Laverton and BiacPherson plus 2. Miller and Rickey owe 4
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  • 40 9 TO-DAY'S TIES. Double Handicap. C. A Bateman and N. S. Hogan vs. N. E. Ess and L. Tessensohn. Mixed Doubles. E. E. de Souza and L. ML Gammell vs. C. A. Norris and T. Leijssius, to finish.
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  • 34 9 The following cards were returned m the Ladies monthly July Medal. Four cards were taken out. Mrs. A. W. W. Ker 49 12 37 Mrs. D. J. Ward 52 6 46
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 107 9 The Latest m Felt Hats. CHRISTY'S Pure Fur Felt— Suede Finish RICH IX SHADE AND TEXTURE. A smart Hat with unbound curl brim m the following shades: Stone Mid Grey Fawn. Price $12.75 Each. ALL SIZES 6*6 To V Robinson Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. I Ijilji'l wS^^^S^^^M-^y^^^^W^A I liar
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 490 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAft LINES (Incorporated m England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AM) CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION 00, LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE {Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China and Japan. Tor Marseilles, London and Antwerp Due Leave Tonnage. Singapore.
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  • 422 11 Missionary Work Among Low Castes. New York, May 28. Professor Nicholas Roerich, who is leading an art and archaeological expedition into Central Asia, has found, says the New York Sun, a Buddhist manuscript m tha Hemis Monastery, Little Tibet, written m the Tibetan language, asserting
    422 words
  • 239 11 Failed to Carry out His Duty. London, June 23. Cairo.— The General Assembly m the Native Court appeal has published its decision with regard to the resignation of Judge Kershaw aa the result of the recent acquittal of six jh rsons accused of the
    239 words
  • 240 11 Kwangsi Officials Doubt Story The Ministry of Von i^n Affairs m Canton is making an investigation into the death of Mr. J. M. Philips, of the AsiaticPetroleum Company, who was recently reported to have been killed by bandits. The British naval authorities have also been interested m
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
      214 words
    • 380 11 Kill Mosquitoes-They Cany Malaria! MOSQUITOES are known car- economy to use Flit and avoid disriers of malaria and many ease. Hit is clean, easy to use and other deadly fever germs. Thou- harmless to humans. It evaporates sands of people die annually from quickly and completely. Extensive diseases transmitted by
      380 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 693 12 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. Steamers. Arrive Dept. ion. Rutterdam, Hamburg, Bremen, Vuwerp. via Colombo, Aden, Port Sadaa and Port Said. Atlas Maru Aug. 3 Aug. 4 U« basa, Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, L a, Delagoa Bay, Durban t Canada Maru July 1!) July 20 -lan, Cape Town, Rio, Santos v -i
      693 words
    • 401 12 TRAVEL COMFORT DOLLAR JMISz\ PRESIDENT j^HSii LllNllKo 2vP^Vlv Dollar President liners offer you luxu ious travel comforts. All staterooms are outside rooms, well- ventilated and cooled by electric fans. Th?y are furnished with beds (not berths), each having an electric reading lamp. Staterooms with private bath predominate, and all have
      401 words
    • 646 12 Kerr Steamship Co.. Inc. 44. BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated m U.SA.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT~SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK/PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) m.s. SILVERPINE due July 3* s.s. FUJI MARU due Aug. 5 s.s. VENICE MARU due Aug* 17 Kor rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE &CO PI
      646 words

  • 1387 13 GRAHAM BELL. Major W. (I. St. Clan's Reminiscences. We art' glad to have the opportunity, says the Ceylon Observer, of giving below the main text of an article written by Major (i. Si. Clair, who was an old school con--1 temporary of the late Dr. Graham
    1,387 words
  • 238 13 12,000,004 RansoM Dcsaaaded. )ri n.< ening of j n 6t I a gai v. ;.i!i:. -(i hunghutsee atta< k< I Mr. M■ I 1 tf*t ati i untri at Ert nd-yant-i, n ar i.»r- ;m. ami kidnapped his i.' nid, bswi idit rof Uu itat BCCO Wr,
    238 words
  • 201 13 servant Assaulted and Gagged. Bftnbaj Jane 19. Details ai <■ just to hand f an ai ny night raid earritjd oul m true mov »c fashion bj PaUuuu m a jrain •hop situated m .< secloded pail of !iu city. Virjid ij s a sei vant,
    201 words
  • 77 13 ABDEL K RIM'S FATE. Spain Demands Execution. London. June 2(i. Paris.— According to L'Oeuvre the ques tion of the fate of Ai>del Krim is causintr the French and Spanish delegations considerable difficulty, and General de Rivera, m order to pacify public opinion m Spain, is alx>ut to demand the bead
    77 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 171 13 It is Not the >s*&p Quantity of Food m j wy 3 We Eat, but what H We Digest and I H Assimilate that W Nourishes the Body 11-v.I 1 v. Chamberlain's I'll! PH£MBERUifft r Colic and Diarrhoea i»|j u^^f^; Remedy Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea I^'ii PMB B TEE*STQ3!ACfi r
      171 words
      22 words
    • 46 13 HB^^H| £1 SOOTHE HEAL THAT Pre-war Age r^qv N »rr^, //y 111 ii l/l^l ilil, r^ tv Sy^._ f rT2T^£*^j A* s lV!\ C I I-i I I). •*«<, o. .cot^** The Green Island Cement COMPANY LTD. I Incorporated >n H< ngrkortf i ;^pEJ>!^^ SINGAPORE OFFICE p
      46 words

  • 641 14 FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. SATURDAY, JULY 17th. [Figures m brackets show the issue value markSdj* d llai>S UnleUS otherwis During 1925 20,411, 18G currency notes were destroyed and 285,964 were awaitinp destruction at the end of the year. Of the notes destroyed more than 10 x -> million
    641 words
  • 63 14 July IT. Bank 4 m.s. 2j4 3-32 Bank demand 2|3 11-16 Private credits S m.s. 2 4 7-16 New Yoik, demand 56*4 Credits 90 days 68% France, demand 2250 India, T.T. 155 Hon^konK, demand 2% p.c\ I»>. Yokohama, demand 419 1 Java, demand 13'JV.t Bangkok, demand 80^8 Bar Silver
    63 words
  • 228 14 July IT. Tin L 56 Tons $144.00 Gambier 10.50 Pepper Whit.- «;0 (>(*■ Pepper Black 37 on Flake Tapioca 5.50 Pearl SagO Small 8.25 Copra IL7O Copra Sundried 11.95 Opium, Benares unt. 4.000 Rice, Liang Hin Chaa Mark R«d Eagle (New) ggn Rice. Siam old No. 1 BSO Rice.
    228 words
  • 77 14 [British Radio— Official Service.] Rujrby. July lt>. Kxchanires are as follows: I'ari> -Jm" 4 N.u STork 4.86 7-8. Brussels 'JO!* 1 Geneva 25.11%. Amsterdam 12.10%. Milan 144\. Berlin 20.42. Stockholm I > 1 Copenhagen I>.:]." L Oslo 22.17%. Vienna 34.41%. Prague 164%. Helsingfors 193%. Madrid 30.88. Lisbon 2
    77 words
  • 137 14 Jelantoh Tin. Ltd., a mining company floated m [poh during the war, is about to be absorbed m a new flotation by Osborne and Chappel, of [poh, says the Times of Malaya. Shortly after the Jelantoh nine was started, it was found that the area was unproductive and
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  • 220 14 JACKS' METAL REPORT. London. June 2.{. Business m the United Slates ami m Ger many continues to improve, and m India and tha Far East everything- p ints to prosperity which is largely due to saving's being m \ested instead of hoarded am the past Copper. Has
    220 words
  • 114 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) IVnanjj. Jul> 1% At the annual me ting of Tcmerloh I c -nut and Rubber Estate, Hr. J. C. Brawl pmMtng, stated that th t profit for the peai was SlOl.-^o apainst |ljB t 035. Tht avenge Belling price, not mc) id stock n-t
    114 words
  • 289 14 Americas Mow lor i'iantiny Area. The effect which tin- Philippine Admin tiation Rii!. introduced into tin Amei Boom of ttepreaentatwei bf Mr. m;.; have upon the <v\uy<' of the i Htdostr] does not as m I set a i i realised m This country Briefly gnmmai
    289 words
  • 59 14 July. 17th 12. o'clock noon. Buyers Sellers R.S.P. equal to Standard QC.F. Spot i'"", Standard U.S.s. on fender .Tuh I 7" A. tig- Sept 71 ~'2 Oct Dor. 7.-, 7 4 Tone of Haricet: Steadier sellers scan Latest Cable: London Spot Sht-ft tto%4 p i
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 499 14 Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. Assurance m Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFlCE:— Winchester House Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance ATTRACTIVE
      499 words
    • 855 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,030 Reserve Fund:— Sterling 4,500,000 Silver $27,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon: Mr. D. G. M Bernard, Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang, Deputy Chairman W.
      855 words
    • 143 14 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A.D. 1720.) FIRE MOTOR CAR HJUMN* Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. &ARLOW CO. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., LTD. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor). A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. INSURANCE. THE ASIA INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated m the S.S.) DIRECTORS:
      143 words

    • 333 15 OUSSION OF MACAI LAY (RITRISEI). <Our Own Correspondent. —Copyright). London. July 17. Try inclusion «J (J. T. S. Stevt-ns (Oxford University a«d Middlesex) m the names of thosf Erojß whom England's team for the fourth Teal Match at Manchester iK'xt Satiuiiay will be selected has given great
      333 words
    • 44 15 i >-.,r i >-a d ms] n lent >pyi ighl London. Jul> 17. Piftoea unties competed m the intei Cwnrty Athktk Meeting to-day, MiddleseJi ratabung the championship, KK-v- coontiefl competed hwt year, Middleaej obtaining SI points to Kent's 22 S .rrt-y".- 21.
      44 words
    • 41 15 (Our Own Cones] mdent.— < >pyright). London. Jul) IT. The Guards' Regiments beld their annua athletic et ng '->!ay. the Irish (iu:ir<i wi- nittg the CBp l' I the :'r'.ay races and the chainpionshi] to] r >r whok meeting
      41 words
    • 40 15 (On Owa Correspondent.- Copyright I London, Jul> 17. In the In real i nal B »wb Tournament Wait-- defeated England by IW shoti to 88. Wales woa last year, England :>«- r:c nd, Sc tland third and hvland fourth.
      40 words
    • 71 15 WELSH TENNIS C HAMPIONSHIPS (Our Owi Co] ght I London. Juh 17. EL I -v i n the final at the pentlemen'- shiajles b fhe Welsli lawn tfiinichan p», and Mr-. R. Seel was sn ceasfn] b final f *H<- ladiea' sint;]es. .1. m. HiUyard wen the pent'a smgles last
      71 words
    • 51 15 (Oar Own Correspondent Copyright). London. .lulv 17. The M.C.C G :i Kaekel Pri«c f r U nia was won by El M. BaerWin, who del ated the Hob. C. Hi Brace v > three Beta to two, Bgwrleni has iron tn final ol this contest vt-.y yar
      51 words
    • 55 15 (On Qwi Corn spondenl Copyright). London. .1 til;. 17. In the inter-Varsitj polo match Cambridge d feated Oxford bj seven goahi to I four. Since 1911 the Laghi Bhiea have been roc- 1 ceasfu] -■■•'■■ry occasions, and Oxford have j four victori b. Last year Cambridge won
      55 words
    • 101 15 I'nahle to Fitrht Phil Scott. London, July H. .!<>»• Ktck-tt. who should have met Phil Scott m a contest for the heavy-weight efcUBDMNMhip of Great Britain, at Southampton football ground next Saturday, fell heavily on the floor while shadow-boxing yesterday. Two doctors have certified
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  • 632 15 WIN FOR THE MERCHANTS. A Very C lose Affair. Une run uave ihe Merchants three points lat the expense of the Public Services and Law m the S.C.C. cricket tournament match which concluded on the Padang on Saturday. Throughout, play was of a most interesting and even character,
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  • 222 15 'I'!,»■ scores m this match, played i i Saturday, were as follows: 9.R.C. I> D'CotU -f X >ng Tyc b Choon Lira 35 G. Tessensohn b Scow Elian S Oehlen b Choon Lin T. Cordeiro c Kcn^ Tye i» Scon Hian 1 A. Morein l.b.w. h Lain
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  • 24 15 Th*> S.C.C. Tournament match Services vs. Etceteras will be played on July 23rd and 24th, instead of August 6th and 7th as previously arranged.
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  • 660 15 S.C.F.A, DEFEAT R.A. S.C.F.A 3: R.A 0. It becomes more md more of an ordeal to watch a football match m which the S.C. F.A. arc playing. This is a complaint against the spectators and it would be going beyond reasonable bounds to attach any blame to the S.C.F.A.
    660 words
  • 54 15 Goals P. W. L !>. P. A. IMs Dukes 7 *'> 1 032 •> 12 S.C.P. V. 8 6 l 2 17 i ]'2 7 l~ l 216 B 10 S.R.C. 8 1 6 2 15 i R.E. 7 L' 6 ii 7 Li* 4 R.A. 7
    54 words
  • 229 15 The annual match between the Royal Navy and the Army commenced at Lord's on Saturday. Captain C. H Congdon, who plays for the Services m Singapore cricket at the present time, has played m this match for several years. In 1921 h<> scored 2<> and
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  • 848 15 A BUSY WEEK-END. On Saturday afternoon, eight yachts started at 4 p.m. to race for the Lundon Cup. In a line breeze the Polly, Gertrude and Puteh were re-called, the former, alchougfi not protested against, earning the penalty for interfering with Nos. 8 and 14 on the rebound. Joy
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  • 51 15 MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Orders for week ending July 1 6th L 926. Tuesday, 20th, Ambulance :\n\ Signal. lir.u Classes Headquarters, at 5 p.m Thursday. 22nd. Hand Practice Readquarters, at 5 p.m. Saturday, 24th.— Wireless Class at 4.30 p.m. Individual Troop Orders as issued by Sv( utmastors. FRANK C. SANDS.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 202 15 WHERE THERE IS A MOUTRIE PIANO THERE IS HAPPINESS. BUY YOURS TO-DAY. Illustrated price list free on request. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. i incorporated m Hong-kong). RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. I I yV=— rfWWWMfIWWJViT/AVMV VA%V.V.Wd l < VMV.V. t .V 1 I v.' lt v c ff 1F y rt~ WANT
      202 words