The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 May 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press tG CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1926. NO. 11.786.
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  • 317 1 Thf toal situation is one of gravity. Mr. Thomas thinking that it i< a thousand to one <m a stoppage of work Page 9. i)n the other hand, it is rt|M»rted lhal Mr. Baldwin is convinced that the miners will not strike I'aye 9. A set! lenient
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  • 974 1 i !>(C»c//( J uvi Fhe Topicist is gieat a Iminei ol Frank Swettenham. Be admired Mi iettei to the Editor bo mcch thai h- look< d Up the hi iiiina! aitic'e ..n.i n 4 \\o?\. t said about thai document 'ior Private < ir--uiaiidii" to \\f;i;-ii
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 217 1 VV ING LOONG iHE RECOGNISED HOT T SE for MIiOPEAN TROPICAL SbITS. SS, HIGH STREET. Sea View Hotel. SUNDAY, MAY 2nd. 1926 "I HIGH TIDE— I.3I p.m. > CINEMA AT 9.30 p.m. > BLUFF =j •I In >ix reels, featuring AGNES AYRES Glass Houses A Corned) m five reels, featuring
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    • 92 1 AH the tuorld over there are tiuo points of vieiu the man's and the woman's- But their vteius on cigarettes are identical* They both tuill have only the best r VIRGINIA CIGARETTES M '^p^ MADE IN LO.VDON RACE WEEK. j: SPRING MEETING. f. Sat. Bth May Sat. 15th May. The
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    • 134 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Municipal i and tend Page 7. Chevrolet car for private eal< Page T. Sea View week-end t ngagenients -Page I. J chore Licensing Board meeting Page T, Sh< ruT? sale of leasehold and fre< hold land. Packard <;u a1 Malayan M« toi Pag< 5. Survey of Mart! l
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING Style, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32. HFGH STRFET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 120 1 THE WEEK. Saturday, May 1 t. Eiigl Water, 0.42 p.m. B. 1. cut war- i nifcil due. Y.VL.Q.K. Swimming CarnivaL Boxing Wali«\v vs. Tawidt' Happy Valley. Wati r colour Exhibition Ladies Loungi A Hotel 10 a. mi. Sunday, 2nd. H -j! Water, 0.18 a.m.. 1.31 pan. Monday, 3rd. Hi-h Water,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 721 2 From Thursday, 29th April, to Tuesday. Uh Rsi ALHAMBRA (Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd^ Proprietors.) In the Second Show commencing 9 p m A UNIQUE UNITED ARTIST PRODUCTION Unfolding a Graphic and Dynamic Camera Story THE GREATEST LAND RUSH IN THE HISTORY Ol THK WKnt Pictured with Absolute r-"idelitv and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 366 2 CHURCH SERVICES. ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. Litany. 7;: H •■> Communion and Sera Introh Lai Urn words. Service w E. Hymns. 534, 331, 829. M..- a followed bj Holy Communion. n's >■ rvico. 1 and Sei >n. Hymns. 1 19, ST. MATTHEWS SEPOY LINES. nniuun. te following v I Cal hedral
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    • 148 2 i.::i> p.m. Tuesday Women's Meeting. Speaker: Mrs. Paul Appasaihy 13. A. JOHORE BAHRU WORK. 5 p.n Sunday Sei «rice. Pre icher: v. 11. Sullivan, TEMPLE OF THE DIVINE SPIRIT. (432, Gaylang Road.) i; <'■'<■'■ sion Service, 7 to 9 a.m. every d-.^y. Sunday, 5 pan. Healing Service. Subject of H
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  • 815 3 I HOW PROGRESS IS RETARDED. N( t for a long time has an annual meeting nj (he federation of British Industries] listened to such plain speaking as that of Colonel Veinon Willey, \;h<> relinquished! iiif Presidency of th< Federation on March :1!». j The new President is
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  • 42 3 Observa ion of T b..' radio time signals at Hongkong has led to the rectificati ;i of the longitude, which i~ now fixed at 7 h. 36 mm. 41.25 sees., east of Greenwich. This differs from the old computation by .01 seqs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 ■tbP<je^^* b '-^^B -Tf 9 s-, ML^-* t^^jßßß: s^” -=^rzzzz^3.- t V~~ X N If 9 Ljf I t^V^ »i 'l S IS, 1 V*" m ApP9inln*nl i llmi u V i,> iTI/Vf <*? Court 7: r I Your Baby needs this famous food '^"".R 01 iTfe WaUSe the and
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    • 193 3 a To Prevent Prickly b I H* W i O l^ 11 Til riPJiF &v ilhfihv Irrh > fßap 'Str' f^^B B i im# iM.n i r B Barlow Co. IU i k m v i ®®®©©®©©®®®®®®©©©®®o®gHg®®(B®^^ g 99 I A New Triump m Record Protection I I THF F
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  • 905 4 FORBES-LEITH O.V MOTOR! MJ. DRIVING AND MAKING A I WRONG SYSTEM OF INSTRUCTION. -byMajor F. A. c. Forbes-Leith, F.R.G.S., (Author of "By Car to India."') 1 have often. submitted the opinion that rigid u-st should be given to everyone applying foj a driving license. And not without
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  • 47 4 Seattle, Wash, has a "tag boy" service, by which motorists down town may call a uniformed boy to park their cars. The boys stand m front of department and other I stores ready to drive any motorist's car to a parking station— for a price, of course.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 79 4 y**vC 5j i^m L *5B y^Jm^l I I #^lS^^Br .^F wAipK I 1■ V X X V* fi»» -v" m I 1■ I I f Fisk Tyres are through and through First ij Quality they are dependable and I represent more than their money value jj m mileage and service
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    • 134 4 Triple Cushioning ()nl> AI!-\Veather 1 r"J CmUn Tm'^ «»ive triple cushioning ihe hi»!!o\\ centre fHSfrJons; t^ indente] >ide-ua!l- <u*bi<t!\; the deep. >prinji> rubb t bocks Urn tread tijuip your l r ehides i h ihi- proh-ction aid Bake them wore .(urtank and -tier GOOII^YSAR I CUSHION TYRES. HiuheM quality. l.»w
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  • 499 5 Th< Results of Police Inspections. During the strike last year, and owing to other emergencies, it was impossible for the fullest supervision to !>*• exercised, hux at tht present time an excellent method is being followed which ensures that any car with faults which may result
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  • 142 5 A little advice t<> those who are guilty of the practice of conversing with the man at the wheel: A disciple of auto su^estion .My wife i-^. without any question, Whenever we ride, she sits by my side And directs me through traffic congestion. She says. "To the left! Use
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  • 464 5 Alcohol from Vegetation. The production of industrial alcohol from British vegetable fuel products was the sublet of a paper by Mr. G. W. Moriier-"Wil-iams, of the Ministry of Health, read at i meeting of the Farmers' Club m London. Air >hol was by no means
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  • 220 5 Expert <n Motive Spirit for Cheap Cars. "The known coal reserves of the world umpared with the known oil reserves arc LOt) to said Lieutenant CoSobj Sir tinold Wilson (General Manager m Iraq, euid Persian Gulf of the Anglo Reran Oil Company) at the Institute nf 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 265 5 \V\V B 'AV\VA\\\VA%VW'AVVy%"A'« VAVAVAV.VV.VAV^'IA^IAVAV j THE TROJAN CAR (British). j: England's long waited for supremacy m the J Cheap Car line at last an accomplished fact. 5 J" Economical motoring revolutionized. i| ij < > The New Trojan 1926 touring model with its up-to-date substantial body and comfortable seating together
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  • 2281 6  -  M. A NOBLE THE CRICKET FEATURE OF 1926. All Eyes on the Test Flayers. (The Greal Australian Cricket Captain and All Rounder). [Free Press Exclusive. Copyright m Straits Settlements!. THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS have secured, at considerable expense, six articles from the pen of M. A.
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  • 320 6 \l I\\ TEST TEAM IN LONDON London. Apr. is. inwards th weather forecasts >s1 supreme importance m the Brit is sportsmen, foi tin Australian T arrived. >■ cia riei s had ber erected at Vid a and a large force of police! w tis d t restrain the
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  • 157 6 How a jockey compresses his equipment into "the 51b. lot," which is the rule during the flat-racing season is something of c marvel. His cap and his jacket of finest siik or satin, dyed the "colours" of the horse's owner with the very fastest dye weighs but
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  • 234 6 .My advice to the amateur backer who, lik< myself, wishes to have a gentle Mutter, like tlie flirting of a sparrow's wing, once day >r even less often— is, m the first place, to ignore tipsters of every kind. Espi cially those who pretend
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  • 219 6 Mr. < I. Thornton, who was 7<5 on March 2n. was probably the biggest hitter cricket has yet produced. As a schoolboy at Eton he. hit a ball over the old pavilion at Lord's and a year or two later he scored 20 runs >v a four-ball
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  • 645 6 SPECIAL FOOTBALL ARTICLE. VERSATILITY IN FOOTBALL. Value of the Half-Backs gg SOME ADVICE FOR BEGINNERS Jack of ;ill trader and ma: ter o€ boob Si as applicable to football v to most othei professions, but rather think versatilitj m football is an as -<*t that cannol be ovei cst [mated.
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  • 326 6 Xl GUI SE vson OSBD. From Oui >w n Drrespoi dent Kdinl>uryh. Mm. A], The Scottish Ri pby s* rsod has i sed, and the Champions for the year are again GUuspow Academicals, with an unbeaten record and a-■ or< t" 508 points against 50. l'h< finished with
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  • 17 6 Tlu. China Sugar fc l million dollai lasi ations m the p>\< of Nigi and (iislocat !»jP.
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  • 1037 7 A NEW SUCCESS IN ACHEEN. [From X.E.I. Papers.] kotaradja, Apr. 26. A detachment of our troops surrounded a party of rebels on Saturday near the viiiage of Goeha m the district Kandang. The I enemy lost nine Killed whilst on cur side j one Javanese soldier was
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  • 255 7 ROSE MACPHAIL COS REPORT. (L. R. Macphail). Singapore. April 30. Rubber.— ls 11% d. Up %d. Local 81%. Tin.— <£ 267 los. Down 80s Local 7o tons sold at 135%. Rubber shaie quotations are firmer with fair business passing. Mining shares are quiet and Industrials and Loans
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  • 145 7 Singapore, April 30. The publication of the Colonial Office an- j nouneement of the maintainence ni' Restriction i* t 10D per cent for the ensuing 1 quarter with provisions ensuring more elasticity m the working of the Scheme created a feeling of optimism m the local market, and
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  • 246 7 Yesterday's Alterations. Batang Padang Tin ($1) 30 -J l^ Kaniunting 69s 7":- *iil Murai Tin ($1) 2.15 2.20 N Taiping ($1 70 75 P< ngkalen I£ I 16.50 1 7.00 x.d. Rambutan (21) 26s 6d 27s '><; Ulu Piah <>i [.45 t.47% Ting Xi! $10 3.00 3.50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 324 7 BUSINESS CARDS. y.V.\V.'.\ V.V.V.NV.W.W.V.V.V MARY SETON. j: X AMBER MANSIONS, f! ORCHARD KOAD. "l IHE CURIOSITY SHOP. 3 ease Send for the Illustrated italoeue of Musical Instruments tx SEASON CO.. LTD. I BBd 113, North Bri jge Road. S FUNERALS! SINGAPORE CASKET CO. EXPERT UNDERTAKERS." TELEPHONE 75. _J' CARS FOR
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    • 582 7 NOTICES. NOTICE. j|THE STRAITS COMMERCIAL CO., LTD., I (HAX S2E ONN, i Managing Director. Dated thu 26th daj of April, 1926. j -4 1 I LORE YEW AND DONOR SCHOLARSHIPS, HONGKONG UNIVERSITY. ~/:v;:::^-- P, which provides f™ f J > ree tuition, at the 1 > >>; Hongkong, fall vacant
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    • 641 7 NOTICES. JOHORE GOVERNMENT. "The Excise Enactment, 1925." SESSION OF LICENSING BOARD. The next Session of the Licensing Board for j the District of Johore Bahru will be held at the Magistrate's Office on the lOth day of .Jun. j 1926. All applications i<<r the is>ue, renewal or transfer of Licence.-
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    • 661 7 BEST TREATMENT FOR BACKACHE What is the host treatment for an aching back? The question has Ix-on afifced thousands of times by suffering' men and v/oinea Kb all parts of the World, and hum; be Hess nvthotls of treatment have been tried. Some have failed hopelessly; othcri have given temporary
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  • 21 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATH. BRA I f>n April 30th at his residi i <•• Edward Benjamin Braun Ai-. f, >• .German papers please copy.
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  • 771 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1926. Recruiting for the Professions. The circumstances <•!' Malaya, that ii has no past tradition of civilisation hut has sprung up recently, reclaiming its territories from the wilds, while i fi*' population is increasing at an alarming rate owing t<> the importation of coolies
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  • 254 8 Lieut. Keiph ha> been transferred to the Reserve of >ffi< ers S S V V A census will be taken m Singap >re municipal area on the night of June 30 Messrs A. W. Hay. C. I.. Whitehca and K. Mallard liavr been granted leave. Mr. I.. I Thomsi n
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  • 74 8 ALLEGED ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. < Prom Our Own orrespondent I'enanjj, Apr. M. A Hylam woman ni mod Oo B'>h r lan. when charged with attempted wricide by I jumping Into th< sea from Kedafa pier M 1 Wednesday, pleaded that .^h< went to the i pier to see the
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  • 115 8 (From Oai Own Correspondent). I't-nanu. Apr. .{<•. A collision between a notor-cav air! bicycle at the junction of Arjr\li and Transfer Roads resulted ii the d Mh m hospital of a schoolboy named Lim \'<- i Lenur, a membei of St. Kavier's Institution aii- i Corps.
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  • 420 8 PROFITS ON RUBBER ESTATE DEAL. (|\N 111 N X I. BUS IN ((U IM XI'I'I.K M lON There kils something like a ■< ndance of Singapore i m before the 'h f .1 isti Sir William Muri n yesterday tnorntner, no less than twelve members of tin Bar appearing; I!
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  • 110 8 BORNEAN AND EUROPEAN SKETCHES. Exhibitions of paintings are rare events ;in Singapore and iae ventures to think that the collection which Itrs. (i. C. Irving has brought with ncr to Sinnraporc and iexhibiting at the Adelphi Hotel to-daj will command considerable attention. Thy coli lecti* n i- an exceedingly interesting
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  • 51 8 Colonel Hayh'.v Bell, Commissioner <^' Customs, Canton, was attacked an<i brutally assaulted by strike pickets at the ITrench Bridget Shameen, on Apr. ii*>th. Fhe Birthday of H.R.H. Princess Juliana. the Crown Princess of Holland, was made i the occasion yesterday of a loyal display of the National Hay. over ships
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  • 213 8 AN INDIAN FIRM'S I)lwi,, Nl)< Application was in;t<',! I)< ■anc m the Siafaaore Ban that the Mfcml Assize, Interim ivr«-iwr m < :.<,.■ ■tain -.r s. M. Afaoahaka application was made bj v> behalf of the farm Co, Re stated thai Afaoofajakar was 15, I* and tl pumti
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  • 54 8 |fl M E v- riously «.-d by < |fl v .an i a I bank: I g ntract« with the ¥ol and the P. 0 i Menad H. turn a < M n he wtu talced to meet the* k»R* and .1. 11, Elite and E M E i niuiuv
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  • 144 8 I ea«? .i<r;i:t>' I. R ciuded wi I'r.r i 1 iwp. M H i 1 U addr< .->. brought I th<- dk que m reepi j.'ti. he u;r Be HM Bti h accused, wh. r*b a Itarfef had been pi to thf ehcqix hocused knew thor- H Hr
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  • 21 8 Tin pi ograntnu i I evag b| the choii affc and km <H A I k*n Im i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 107 8 CALDBECR, MACGREGO^~& CO., LTD. (Incorporated andei ih Companies Ordinance of Hongkong.) (Incorporated m Shanghai.) 1 FOR THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN JEWELLERY, SILVER AND K. P. WARE AT B. P. De S I LVA THE ROYAI. JEWELLER. 6_':l HiKh Stntl. SINGAPORE. Branch: No. 1 Bishop St.. PENANG. <&L PARIS fA
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    • 93 8 V VERMIN USE L AGENTS: j W. R. Loxley Co. 1 n DEARS I Ll GOLDtN SERIES. k .V.V.V.V.V-V.V.V.W.-V.W.V.'-'ji j: LAIRD 0' LOGAN :j l| SUPERB jjOLD HIGHLAND WHISKYJ: is met again obtainable from the ■I under-mentioned Wine Merchants: m 1 m m Kirn \nn and Co., Orchard Kd. Bun
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    • 19 8 SXOP PRESS f Reuter's 5( r"icc] Ixwdon, Apr. .50. 4.30 p.m. The miners have rejected the mineowners' revised offer.
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  • 157 9 DELAYED PAYMENT. x HP.X SIM NEVERTHELESS. [Renter's Service.] Washington, Apr. 2!). :..ent has been reached m the j the French debt. settlement basis i- a sixty-two years ■>- the payment oj thirty milHars annually for the first two years, B HI V for the next two years,
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  • 170 9 Ra X Official Service.] liimb\, Apr. :i(» ■ announced that the P>< Frew fa Re] ibKc has accepted tat n fr n the King to isil Lou M. D i .::'.rX l t wh< will DC ni b] M. Briand, ;1 1 sideni of tn and m
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  • 71 9 kuuh\ \pr. :>o to a q iesl n whethei anj prog >? -'-.n_ ade v neg tiations I emeni debt, th- Cretan f r F gn Affa i s =^aid lat! al port from the British Am stati that negotiations with lh< neni r prot ceding, and
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  • 60 9 POL AR EXPEDITIONS. Renter's Service i San I rancisco, Apr. ?o. froi Print Barrow ann< unces arrii U f Nieison the pilo* of rr i rth i »lar dition. Oslo, Apr. 29. lai expedition has arrived at Bay, Spitsbergen. The ship Chantier two aeroplanes vritli which it ia in- By
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  • 67 9 I Re iter 1 >' n ice. 1 London. Apr. '.0. b m the northern disti icts oi j itiieter, t] :j.: isolated issauM s One was killed and six wounded, I l^ytton, GoTernor of Bengal, has I *"r bb DarjeeHng and interviewed if representatives of each community.
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  • 41 9 [Rent S. -vice.; Riga, Apr :{u. ns r dn U d by the a tern] ..r, I ridj c over the miles from Leningi ad. Moscow. \pr. 2^. Yo-sianj; has arrived at Verchisi; fri Oorga en route to Moscow.
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  • 73 9 ennissi Df I.t. < '<■.. t. J, PicC.M.G. D.S.O. tnd Officers, the Rand 2nd ft The Duke of Wellington's tndi i the direction of Mr. R. V. S. A li.i M.t will render the following ramme us rht- Botanical Gardens *>n it a pan. Bfarcli "Army and Marine" Overture 1
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  • 279 9 ELUSIVE SETTLEMENT. HOPE AND DISMAY. [Reuter's Ser\ice.] London. Apr. 29. Though the coal negotiations are still I continuing, late m the evening the gravity i oi ihe situation was indicated by Mr. Thomas, who expressed the opinion that it was a thousand to one on a stoppage,
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  • 39 9 [Reuter's >• rvice.j London, \pr. 2M. V conference of delegates at London ►-night recommended a strike of fort> thousand men m the London engineering trades to enforce the demand foi a wage eas< i>f a pound weeklj
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  • 96 9 A BY -ELECTION. Route i Service.] London, Apr. :n>. The by-election at East Ham Korth, owing th< death of the onservative member, Mr. look, has resulted m Miss Susan Lav rence, [.about, polling 10,798; Mr. Jarrett, :;i 3,171; I' I.1 l>' u'-j m. Liberal £.603. [Tl late Mr. C. W.
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  • 85 9 fR< er*s Servic-. Baghdad, Apr. 30. A.: the necessary preliminary work is •ompleted by the Turkish Petroleum Company's geologists, drilling plant for ten test \\k Us is expected to arrive m Iraq soon. The Company m embarking on an important development scheme and has engaged the services of
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  • 167 9 A very successful little sate, organized the Ladks 1 Aid Society of the Weslej Church, was held at the Parsonage, m Fort Canning Road, yesterday afternoon. The weather prevented the stalls b» ing erected on the lawn, and instead the function was held indoors. The attendance was
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  • 51 9 At the Orchestral Concert by the new Adlelphi Sovanas on Sunday, at 9.30 p.m., the following programme of music- will he played: Ouverture "Light Cavalry" Suppe; "Polish Dance" Scharwerka; "Whispering Flowt-rs" Blon; Selection "Faust" Gounod; Cornet Sok "To You" Roth; (Cruz) "Ritorna" Carosio; Finale ''Picador March" Nicholls; God Save The
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  • 3279 9 LIVELY MUNICIPAL DISCUSSION. Mr. Brown's Resolution Defeated. The question of including- a Public Hull m the new Municipal Buildings was again discussed at yesterday afternoon's meeting of tht Municipal Commissioners and after a lively and lengthy debate a resolution by Mr. E. A. Brown that the new building
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 223 9 NEW SELECTION OF I Real Chinese Gold Mounted :i Green Jadestone Jewellery. J GOLD AND JADE SLEEVE LINKS. c" I'KKKS: .s2o.")O, ii.."»o. :*:>, 68.:>«. GOLD AND JADE RINGS. rBHW: S27.r><». 45. 68.-.0, 98.50. i l" > J GOLD AND JADE PENDANTS AND BROOCHES. PRICES: tSLJJL MJt, •">:». :»H.:»«. ■Z (iOLD
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 570 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. ■PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT FREIGHT SERVICE. ss. CITY OF NAPLES Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan May 23 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF VALENCIA Marseille. Havre, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg m Port s.s CITY: OF SINGAPORE London, Antwerp. Rotterdam s.s. CITY OF TOKIO
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    • 380 10 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. Incorporated m England. MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE (Under Contract with His Majesty^ GoverftHfc uj OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEW AKhFor China and Japan. lor Marseille*, London and Tonnage Singapore. lonium MALWA 11,000 May 7
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  • 959 11 A PICTURESQUE INDUSTRY. One of th-j most curious features of the I pearl fisheries connected with the Gulf of Manaar. the shallow tropical sea between Ceylon and India, is the way m which there have been long periods of barrenness. The Dutch had no fishing:
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  • 24 11 Art is a necessary m any walk of life, and should be available for every one at the price of necessaries. Sir Robert Witt.
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  • 274 11 Prince Li to Reside m Tokio. (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, Apr. 27. It is underst »od that the heir of Prince Li will permanently reside m Tokio instead of Seoul where his late father resided. H.I.M. the Emperor has been graciously pleased to c
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  • 77 11 Recruiting* has been generally resumed m Madras Presidency but the following- taluks are closed to recruiting owing to prevalence of disease: South At cot; taluks of Chidambaram and Gingi; Tanjore; taluk of Mayavaram; Trichy; taluk of Odayarpalayam; Madura; taluk of Palni; Tinnevelly; taluks of Strivaigundam, Thiruchandur, Ambasamudram, Nangunery
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1076 11 Estate of Shaik Abdullah bin Ahamad bin AH bin Ahmad bin Obudh AlTway Basalamah deed. ...t ,Nt Auct.on Sale of Valuable Freehold and Leasehold land and shophouse rausea tarn as Nam, 507. 659 and 821 North Bridge Road. No. 184 Sele K «e Road, „7 and 58 Dunlop Street, Nos.
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    • 217 11 HSmL3 I^l.^ awHB \i fulfil l-^ 1 In f^S H tire matters, like a Miller Tire ink I u~m SB H T ll^ saves you money and \J* I ~7~ jry D| r»KU'n\iM» if n D sf^i m ■^■^b b g^* x Sv<^^^^ ■»^a»»—^ I Ei i bfli Gear«d-to-the-Road Cords
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  • 845 12 REGULATION OF TWAKOWS. GOVERNMENT TAKES ACTION. The Government has taken the matter of wakow construction m hand at last and Tiles are published m the Gazette which :ome into force next January governing the 'lit me construction of all such vessels and he surveying of such as haw
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 474 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. I Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAK (4.512 tons.) 1 The 8.8. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single b<?rth cabins,
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    • 551 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti Port Said. Marseilles from Simgapore. AM BOISE 16.000 tons May 5 ANGERS 'm.oOO tnu May IS PONTAINEBLEAU l bone May 83 OUTWAKD MAILS. To Saitfon, Honckon^, Shantrha; and Japan. DARTAGNAN B0 f 6OO '<>n> Umj 3 To Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong. COMPIEGNE
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    • 132 12 Stcwort's /W m^ a. l MftV t^fa fc V BLENDED Old Scotch Whisky JOHN LITTLE k f LTD. (tncorporat d.) Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. LLO\D TRIESTINO NAY. fO. [lM HOMEWARD SMI !N< Bi>monthl) service for Iv aii>i Trieste via poti through Bills flid i l.ivar.t ai Sea O I
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 693 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. vuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuan tan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 aon. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. t Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala T Lumpur, lpoh, Taiping, Penang c and Kedah 6" a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
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    • 42 12 After being the subject of mortgages and rlaims over a considerable period, the Ba-:ar«-ia was disposed of at Hongkong on \pr\] 17th to the Tai Ue Company of \moy by her previous owners, the Wah On Company, for the sura of $60,000.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 517 13 O. S. K. Line. Urination,. Ste.mer,. Arr. Dept. R"tteraain, Hamburg, Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Amur Maru May IT May 18 Sudan ana Port Said. issa; Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, rva-oa Bay. Durban t Chicago Maru May 18 May 19 < apt- Town, Rio, Santo?, K| Buenos Aires. tLa Plata Maru May 20
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    • 430 13 uHBg, STEAMSHIP LINE '^SSL Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples. Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore
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    • 546 13 Kerr Steamship Co.. Inc.. 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) s.s. BELFAST MARU In Port m.s. SILVERFIR Due May 15 For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE CO., i «Tfc> Agents: Singapore and P«b«»i KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ, (ROYAL PACKET
      546 words

  • 639 14 THE COMING OF FRIGHTFULNESS. I eking. Convinced through .European precept of the sweet reasonability of bombmg defenseless cities, Chinese civil war paiticipants have at last added aeroplane j raids upon IVking' to the list of their stand- aid activities. bmce it is openly admitted m diplomatic circles that
    639 words
  • 289 14 PRESENTATION TO THE HON'BLE DATO W.N. GAWLER. On Saturday last a presentation was mado to the hon'ble Dato \V. Gawler übscribed by mcml i rs of the Johore and Muar Planters' Association as a token oi their ai preciation of the services rend< red !> y lli( hon'ble Dato VV.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 190 14 rfeoj£LS jtejjff ''lnj 'i |<i pjl iitad." '..'t i< ixo<»(l to Unou that lit i —and forget it, Andrews quickly fcfiiyyi 'I j lvniovcs i li»- caij.-c of nun t*i.'^ ITTva Agents: The Eomco Co.. Ltd., Sinsriporc, Penanj, nPCs^aM| Ipon and Kuala Lumpur. SiC^ JT,FWW& MMFJI 9 ux m
      190 words
    • 78 14 Ifllllllllllllllllll^ ■y j jjj^ EEE refined up to a standard, not down I to a price a standard cf Qualiiu I I and service which has kept pace I with the rapid developments m I modern modes of locomotion The dependability which cuts repair bills j makes Sccony products che:
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  • 1811 15 i COMPLETE RE-CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBED. The annual general meeting of the Titi Tin Company, Limited, was held m the Chartered Bank Chambers yesterday, Mr. J. M. Sime presiding. Others present were: Messrs. S. Q. Wong, J. A. Elias, A. E. Baddeley, A. Braddon, and Yap Gim Cheong and
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  • 25 15 NEW QUARTER'S PERCENTAGE. A Gazette Extraordinary issued pßCtttTJay fixes the rubht r export percentage restriction lor the quartei- U'^inninp May Ist, at 100.
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  • 46 15 [British Radio— Official Service] New Yoik 4-SJ):i7r>; Brussels LSB-625; Geneva 2T)-ir>; Amsterdam 12-0'J 1 Milan 121 -IS; Berlin 20-4:}; Stockholm IS-1G; Oslo 22-55; Bombay Is 5 7 *<1; Shanghai 2s 10 7 hd; Honjrkonjr 2s 2-\(i; Yokohama Is ll :i hd; Silver Spot 29%<L
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  • 29 15 Private credits 3 n L' 4 L 5-32 Prance, dettuutd MM Hongkong, demand p-c. Hi Yokohama, dcina!.! LlS^i Bank of Enjrkind Rmt* 5 p.c. Sovereign, Bank Puy;ng. h.54
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  • 63 15 Opium. Benares unt 4.000 Rice, Liane Hin Cha.-, Mark Red Eagle New) 830 Rice, Siam old No 1 330 Rice. Rangoon Birtan 2fto Rice, Rangoon SioVa 2R* Rice, Siam Broken No. 1 220 Rice, Siam Prokcn No. I /.00 Rice, Siam Glutinous No. 1 360 Rice, Siam Glutinous No.
    63 words
  • 62 15 DAILY PttlCBS CURRENT. April 30th. H»2H. 12 o'clock niton. K.s.s. equal to Standard, Q.c.F Spot m n Standard I! >.s. m reader May ami .M;:y-June hl l^ 1 Jal\ Sept. N II Oct-Dec N H I Tone of Market: Disinterested. Latesi CaUe: Laadon Spot sheet
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  • 226 15 MAC PH AIL CO., LTD'S REPORT. Singapore, April Ml KuMkt. Local >l"'- cents per lh. Tin. London. £287 16a. Local 13."« :i 4 7.". tons sold. KuhiuTs. Shares are Iran. New Siu dais are qruoted 3.25 3.SG and Mauina Nndaf at -I.: 7 1 United Mahuras have buj ers at
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 435 15 Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. Assurance m Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LlMlTED(lncorporated m Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFlCE:— Winchester House Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies Act
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    • 932 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Htad Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund:— Sterling 4,500,000 Silver $27,000,000 1 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. rj. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman 1
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    • 32 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO. Messrs. HARRISONS, CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor).
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  • 394 16 Annual Report. The annual report of the Committee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, which will be presented at the annual genera] meeting on Friday, May 7th, at 5.15 p.m. m the Singapore Exchange Room, i First Floor) New Pctet Office Building, Membership.— There were 273 members
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  • 28 16 Ordtrs foi we< ending Sunday, Maj Saturday, Maj Isl u• adquarters, \.'<i> p.m. Individual Troop Orders as issued by Si > utmasters 1- RANK SANDS, Commission'
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  • 226 16 25 TO 1 CHANCE GETS HOME. fßeuter's Service.! London, April 30. The Thousand Guineas Stakes for yr. old fillies was run to-day with twenty nine starters. The result, was. Mr. A de Rothschild's PILLOX 1 Lord Durham's TRILOGY 2 Lord Aster's SHORT STORY '•>> tting: 25 to 1
    226 words
  • 171 16 Reuter'a Service.] Maidenhead, Apr. l'm. Following 1 a blank daj through rain, play hi m thi iir-i match of the Australian Four to-daj ;ri fine weather I ut on a slov n i 'ket Australia mafic IT 1 1 Bard ley 12, Ryd r 13 not out, Falcon took
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  • 104 16 The fdllowing will represeni the l^anka n -M v-s. S.i:.( to da\ i Saturday on the S.R.< ground at 2 p.m.: E. ;> Jasinghe, M. Ignatius, M. (i. Pins, T. K. k. Retnam, G. K. Aiyathurai, T. A. I hunchie, J. Ponnuthurai, T. E. I. Wterakkody, A. S. Maniam,
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  • 223 16 To-day's League Matches. The following matches m the English I 'ague will be played to-day: Division I.— Arsenal vs. Birmingham. Bolton W. vs. Everton. Burnley vs. Cardiff vs. Blackburn R. Liverpool vs. Sheffield City. Leeds U. vs. Tottenham H. Leicester U. Manchester V. vs, W. Brom A. New-
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  • 185 16 TRAINING NOTES. The publication of the handicaps yesterday aroused the usual interested discussion, but as regards the horse classes at any rate there will be considerable difficulty m picking- the winners owing 1 to the Large numher of new racers who are getting their first lun at the
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  • 101 16 Selanjjor's Candidates. After a terrific struggle, m which both players served more d< übles and made more pooi strokes than thej would-, probably, m nine oul of ten ardinary sets, Ec Kong i beat l!;igut B—6,8 6, B—6, m a singles trial for the Guillemard < uj»
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  • 145 16 2nd Division. I Thursday, 6th May. O.T.F.C. M.F.T., v^ i j (f .,p J Staff vs. Y.M.t "A S X.< Thursday, 13th May. Munic pal vs. Dukes vs. M.F.T., S.R.C. -I I'UY I. IN ES <.O|.| <11 B. of players and times I rtini n the match
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  • 49 16 T< rin- m Sat irday last the R LM.< defeated Headquarters Sports Club bj four ft- nil. Football. The match between the R.A. M.< and V.M.< .A. on Monday resulted m draw of t\\.. goals each. Hockey. The R.A.M.C. beat the V.M". C.A. 2 to on Tuesday.
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  • 161 16 The Italian Opera i ps ns on Mondaj next with the ever populai opera Rigoletto, which should prove a groat attraction with .hat favourite artist Scramuzzi m the title pole. Phe company is absolutely self-contained and complete m every respect, carrying a fuii operatic orchestra, ballet, and
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  • 90 16 Programme of Drills. Saturday. 2-30 p.m. Bukit Timah, Eurasian Company, Musketry Classification, Buses Leave Drill Hal] at -J p.m. Farrer Range, Chinese Company, Nos. l and 2 Platoons Musketry Classification. Buses leave Drill Hall at 2 p.m. Sunday.— 8.30 a.m. Bukit Timah, Eurasian Company. Musketry Classification. Busts
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 197 16 THE PIANO WITH 150 Years Reputation J I JOHN BROADWOOD SONS, Ltd. U I T3PTTKLT M lIW I S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD ViVAV.V.V.V/.Vr.^V.V.V.\V.SV.\WiVtVi I.V.V.V1 .V.V.V. 1 .,.v«,... v "SUREGEIP"! •i RIM FRICTION CLUTCH ■I The most improved and accessible Rim Friction ■I Clutch yet manufactured. ■I Note>sorth> features of
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