The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press IS CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1926./ NO. 11,775.
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  • 289 1 Following heavy fighting in hina the kuominchun nationalist armies were forced to evacuate Peking Page 9. Order is beinj: maintained by special committees, and guards of honour are awaiting the arrival of (hang Tso-lin —Page 9. The Shipping Conference resents meddling by the League of Nations. about
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  • 813 1 Where Meadowhaak meets Maychesi at Gall »ws Given, fifty >.;!<!- <>r m Eton tin signpost, the thatch tad plaster rnttagr of Gammer Miggs looks to the Bouta from I gatden full of thi >Mesf fashioned Rowers ind gitai led tit Ir<1 r< es. A little
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 SWALLOW ARIELL'S GLNGERNUT BISCUITS Raffles Hotel. Telephone No: 2920. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. A aßk Jfe JL JaW GRILL ROOM I Opening Night SATURDAY, 24th APRIL. j ADDING— CALCULATING j 1 1st s?« MACHINE. "J— l^2 H£>-' A machine that is almost human I as 6 I lates interest, verifies invoices
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    • 265 1 •I "TEETH LIKE PEARLS." |i \m < One of t].o series g ''^Wffo'im l P JT contains valuable \UWP7^ifflM@sM •1 W antiseptic ami clean- V > sin« properties which tfl^ loMw!fe's¥fM < 0 Prevent decay of the 10^ 5gtt&i?Mtett)fM teeth, make them lus- I^^W^o^W§ < I- crous and pearly- white,
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    • 122 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotel attractions— Page 1. < !inema pro^ ramm 5 i 1 X,w .irooiis a; Little's Page 8. Shipping i n pags: it-. L2 and 13. Fraser \><\ X e produi ts Pa 10. Men's wear at Whit, away'- l'.= Situations wanted am! vacant Pag 7. Fuller's chocolates, Robins<
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 109 1 THE WEEK. Monday, l'.'th. High Water. 2.2 n.m.. 3.54 p.m. Football: S.C.C. v.. S.C.FJL St. Andrew's Church Council mtg., 5 ;>.". Emulation Lodge, 8.30 p.m. Tm sday, 2oth. High Water, 2.51 a.m., 5.26 p.m. Wednesday, 21st. H gh Water, 3.56 a.m., T.i p.m. 1 M. homeward mail leaves. Thursday, 22nd.
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  • 304 2 Contending Views. ••r or ■•Tytv'"'.' Which way is this, lllK commonest words fan the vocabalai motorists, lo be spelt? l'i the pages this Dumber a discrepancy oA praci wiD probably be noticed at once, printing house must, out ol ta ofwn style, follow its own rule, thoughi
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  • 203 2 i invitation to visit thai ml ivc an i sesami ;i! For it is a curious fad tl lion of Soviet R issia by F States, it still ren ns rs. emely cauti< n grant- irous travell* Onlj 1 ,66 i »ited the 1 LS.S.R. n 1925,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 SRETOLENE. A REAL PREVENTIVE AGAINST MOSQUITOES. An unique preparation for the prevention of Mosquito and other JTr, bites Ot all Chemists. MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23. Battery Road. THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. i Mirth -Melody and Variety ENTERTAINMENT AT VICTORIA THEATRE
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    • 512 2 Victoria Theatre Coming Shortly A. CABPI «»C mx_l The Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Orchestra, Full Ballet and Full Chorus. In Operas selected from the following repertoire :-Rigoletto, Tales of Hoffman, Madam Butterfly, Othello, Lohengrin, Aida, Tosca, Boheme, Cavalleria Rusticana, Pagliacci, Forza Del Destinb, Traviata. Faust, Thais, Trovatore. etc Booking
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    • 203 2 From Saturday, 17th, to Thursday, 22nd April CLOSED DOORS IX 5 RKELS A drama of life told in a soul-stirrin K manner and foaUl In the Second Show, at H p.m. ENTER MA DAME IX 7 KEELS H\RRY (iARSON— METRO PRODUCTION Presenting a Screen Favourite *a Chmrming now H is
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  • 781 3 ATTACK ON THE PRESIDENT. Washington, .Mnr. 12. i here need be no hesitation in describing the action of the Senate in ordering an investigation of the Tariff Commission^ with special reference to the manner in which the flexible {no vision of the Act of H»22 is administered,
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  • 144 3 To tfca Editor of The Financial News. Sir, -In your issue of to-day "Hyde-Park" s-uggests a composition of rubber for the flooring if tennis courts. If h« has in mind th< "open" coui't, I, for one, cordially welcome lii< suggest ion! Subject to it withstanding weather conditions,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 P AT IV vMn^riwi irfffTfl I J .j 1 1 1 I I 111 I «K l> mr VJ U I 1 Mi I t i'\ I m PREPARED j unaer expert supervision and up-to-date hygienic conditions Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. l lncii Straits Settlements) ••'-"■V.V.V.-.V. VV.V.V.V.^V.VAV,V.VW.W.V.V.V.V.W.V.V.V.V« I TROPICAL
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    • 126 3 Tapered Roller Bearings. Most Efficient Readily Adjustable. Every Roller Gauged Accurately to within 5y One-Twelvethousandth of an inch. Sole Distributing. Agents:— «rgP^W Malayan Motors Agents in F.M.S. SINGAPORE Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD.: Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca. WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED, Proprietors v> i. OPEL CARS I The Premier German Car
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  • 3636 4  - D r BURNEYS GREATEST CASE DIXON KAYE BY CHAPTER XXVIII. I a9 two days after Gilbert's meeting with the local Inspect *t of Police a] Redborough called upon him. "i want to a>k yen a feu questions, <1"« he said, "at the request ol the authorities ai Scotland Yard. In
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  • 261 4 Vn American Impression :md a l»rophecy. An amusing "impression" i»f Sii En< Geddes during his receni visit to tin- United i s piven I>> an American weekly r< view which has just arrived in this country. "Fifty-year-old Sir Eric Gedd< 3," il runs, "returned to
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  • 143 4 (With Various Apologies). The stately hom< s of England How beautiful they stand, From Greenland's icy mountains T India's coral si rand For Frenchman, Turk, and Prussian, Tin' Yankee and the Jap, All bought a bit of England Tn put upon their map. The free,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1013 4 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING. (Under SJLA. Rules of K^cinp). Will be held on Saturday, Bth May, Tuesday, Hth May, Thursday, 13th May, Saturday, 15th May and Saturday. 22nd May. 192«. PROGRAMME FOR THK INFORMATION )V MEMBERS oNLV. Ist Day. Saturday, Sth Ma>. i<a<c No. I. THE PBNANG
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    • 597 4 4th Day. Saturday iUS M;n. Races Nos. 1. 4 &6. IHE <.<»\ I KNOTS STVKES. PLATE AM) (I I p.m., 4 p.m. and (.IS p n Valiu* Class A $1,750 and cnted by His K\c» Ifc ncj g Nunns Gaillemard, K l; Classes B. and < 1 1,600 t) each
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  • 1503 5 AI'STKALIANS' VISIT. Domination of the Tests. The cricket season of 1926 promises to be one of absorbing," interest, and never before has the visit of an Australian eleven been so eagerly anticipated. Every cricketer j knows that of the last fifteen Test matches j only one
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  • 36 5 The Australian cricket team have acceptI an invitation to be the girests ot the 1 London District of the [nstitute of Jx>ufHa-j :!isis at Lunch "ii Tuesday, April 20. Thi^ srill be their first public engagement.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 383 5 Just a few drops in a little water, \mM You can use Odol any strength you like. But it is so effective that even if the mouth is merely rinsed with just a few drops of it in a little water the whole oral cavity is cleansed, purified and protected
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    • 134 5 1 631 Representative for Far East and India,: Robert BUtu, Union Budding, Singapore. T^HERE is nothing more dangerous Lhan a lingering cough and no better means of cure than th« Peps treatment. So long as the cough it-mains, weakening of i t cs on, ind Ita you dissolve a Peps
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  • 720 6 THE SQUIRREL AND THE NUT. MEMORY IN ANIMALS. I I With what humorous quaintness, now ami again, is the likeness between the mental processes of man and the lesser animals revealed! We watch all sorts of clever actions without much wonder, when of a sudden some little human gesture touches
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  • 135 6 Troiskx Defines the Task >.i Communism. Riga, Mar. 16. Il! '"'ivr article in the [svestia concerning his book, "Where is England Going?" wn »eh ha been published in London, with a l f; e bj Mr. Brailsford, Trotsky expresses indignation thai ins work, "which was written by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 53 6 I I v a fl v C9BHP* i^F*--* WHITEAWAY'S W//\'"'/t\/ —■>'"■/%"> y/"' KK >^ X> I-KI.-K5,,..-,.. 5 V SHIRT MEN'S INDIA GAUZE UJIc' V /vi^/ :> Fin< J VESTS A^ 4 V MEN'S MATTE TIMC vfi T*r^T)p shirts: r 1. I) far Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR WAX
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    • 357 6 Estate of Shaik Abdullah bin Ahamad bin Ali bin Ahmad bin Obudh AlTway Basalamah deed. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Freehold and Leasehold land premises known as NVs. .">O7. <i.">9 anci 821 NYrth Kridtfo Koatl. No. |g| g, Nos. T>7 and 58 Dunlop Street. Nos. 161. 1M and 171 Tanjimn
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    • 23 6 BTR Mis shiimmn*. r kIK I SSIPPIKG \i.i'M I '»o need u- ff ><,;, receit >, u I I Is < ted to any :,<;,;. v ;y
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  • 655 7 COMMITTEE'S REPORT. At a meeting- held at the Chinese Protectorate on Friday, sth March, a Committee consisting of the Honourable Mr. D. Beatty. Secretary for Chinese Affairs, (Chairman), Messrs. (i. R. Sykes, Protector of Chinese (Vice Chairman), Ldm Kee Cheok ami Lim Lian Quee (Joint Honorary
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  • 165 7 Receipts. To total subscriptions received $39,548.65. Pa) mints. Amouni paid a! Chinese Chamber <>!' ommerce .'NIK..VJO. Amount paid at, the Chinese Protectorate $318. Amount paid to the Protector of Chinese pending application for payment by registered holder $40. Amouni paid to the Muslim Gaylang Fire Relief Kwn.i
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  • 652 7 RAILWAY FOR NORTH AUSTRALIA. Important proposals for the development of the Northern Territory, the enormous; tract of country covering about half a million square miles in the north of Australia, have now been agreed to by the Federal Parliament. It is just ICG years since the
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  • 226 7 1 imagine those taximen who fear they won't earn a living if their fares arc reduced have failed to calculate the increased number of passengers they would carry. On the Continent it is almost as cheap in cash, to say nothing of time and c.n.fort (that last only
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  • 14 7 Dated thi- I,sth day of April, -1926. Lim Kee (hook. lim Lian Quee, Joint
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 556 7 NOTICES, Municipality of Singapore. El ■i 5 PER CENT MUNICIPAL I DEBENTIRE STOCK 1926. It is notified that the list of cash .•applications was closed on Friday evening, the 16th April The list of applications for conver- sion of 7 per cent Straits Settlements Bonds 1921-1926 will remain open until
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    • 662 7 NOTICES. SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. AN AMATEUR RACE MEETING. (Under S.R.A. Kulc* of Racing). Will be held on Whit Monday. 24th May. 1026. 4 Races for all Ponies. 2 Race? for all Horses. 1 Race for Polo Ponies. For full details see Official Programme. Stakes $200 to each winner, $75 to
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    • 539 7 SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE SUPREME COURT 01- II STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE In the cause of Sycd Omar bin Mohanied Alsajrotf Plaintiff ITctnu Shaik Abdullah bin Mnhamed Banania Def< ;*n: AUCTION SALE OF Teak Household Furniture Contprising: Treadl. a*d huiul ttm ng machine, large wall ir.irrors, teak marbl. top
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    • 25 8 Gl BSi 'N. Mhi 19, it "R b i■■ (Jordon- ,m'm rl( >. to thf W ft' 'f A G ■>- th< M.S.. il ight r
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    • 26 8 VKATS Mai :i mibcrl I Hous«-, K R *oi W fi, Rwbt-it N of Edward p and I I- "i I', nai p. agreil 69
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    • 22 8 Mr. Rei lit' h .1. nil thos< kind ri( i -i- »nd relative 16th who s tciejrram, I rti I nee.
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  • 592 8 SINGAPORE PREE PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1926. Comment of the Week. China and it- ci\ il war come into prominence this week-end. The Kuominchun national armies, those in sympath} with the Kuomintan of Canton, have been driven away from Peking by a combination of th*' Allied I Generals, of whom
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  • 541 8 Dr. Rattra} has returned to Singapore after a short visit to Penang. V h. Pedlow, Protector of I hinese, was well enough to leave the Penang Genual Hospital on W< dnesday. Mr g. A. Hereford, District indue and j, m,,. j rat< Penang, went into thi Genera] Hospital on Tuesdaj
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  • 90 8 SOUTH AFRIC AN POUCT (From Our Own Correspondent). I'enann. Apr. 16. The Hnanfe Gawtte't Allahabad correspondent Wires thai Capetown despatch.-.-state thai a (IHinh cn. lumom bftfi I"'* I''1 reached with regard to anti-Asiatir leffidatio?) in South Africa. Ihe Union Minuter \a expected to mala an official announcement io
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  • 51 8 SATU RDAYS RUBBBR PRIC E. By courfesyof Messrs. Macphai! and I p y ari we learn that th piic of rubber in London on Saturday, according to quota ti,,,i, despatched bj II nrj :tIl(i Company, was: Standard R.S.S. "ran bous »po< Is. lO%d. Standard '<•:'< »K. N.i is. lO»4d. Market
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  • 112 8 Ti* llowii K l ;i(l t! ai Governm< n Hou» i n I7tl X. nil to met I Sir Arthur l r a| Ki:l. Ho«. llr. J H W, Park, 0.8.E., Hon. Mi I H. G rs clail .H<n. Mi and Mi s. Song Ons SianV. H Mr.
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  • 215 8 MORE HOPEFTL SIGNS THE PREMIER INTERVENE Ii ii unlik.'K •l. tmentM for ncm •■'■■v ■< vesu Hationi between Ibe i n o<< ur during Ibe bai i« thai the Pi in i Hin with the ownen I ii mini !b' <1«M!;um! for r .<>n;i! disti id settleou
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  • 63 8 London. M>ril fhe largest A w nstra the day> of Suffi under Ibe Rttsp jduii.l t »f tb Kmptn I lai j thousand marched froi Uh Rail ti partidi -j nuviiti^. Tm. tat ;u- ra« i lasaefi of tb eomii until ion of the dem M.
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  • 497 8 Mr. K V. IK rtiK* rly i»rii ipa I 1 1 g I inn.-. Hijrh Sch wl, I appointed pi incij al uf the t I I S hool on Petaling Hill, Kuala I n Mr. C. D. Slat< ger, McA iter al I l o., Ltd.,* I poi r
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  • 59 8 of th. Etousi of Contnv since the revolution left I morning, luunets Sir I nk N i: eri i;. othhy, I i Colonel Moor*. Their bo inv« st igate Ihe wmdition*' sia and it is h..p..,i thai th. result in an impi avement in relations The v
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  • 33 8 [BHt sh Radio OfcV »I At April i>i the aw* prices in Britain «u a] eight per cenl above Uml c >mpared wit n s* vent) month, and scvcnti w
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 50 8 Parf urns de Luxe jj OOTY < Chypre j Origan i J Rose Jacqueminot j Paris J *l Emcraude > m EAU DE COTY Jl I J to be had from all dealers j> Dtipire Brothers. Sole Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY, i'H Singapore, Penanß, Kuala Lumpur, [poh, Alor Star and
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  • 120 9 MONEY POURING IN. sikmm.n:, the tide t itcutvr's. St rrice. tu!! swingr. Donations to the voluntary fund teem the Boating debt are flowing ii aB sides, including seventy thousand rancs from the principality of Monaco and r from the French Footfall I ration. DEBT NEGOTIATION. iii^t.M: Kadio—
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  • 184 9 \KW TREAT! SOI (.HI New \ork. Apr. I*. Washington con adi at of th x kited P sa ay that apr >posaJ for Britain i inu I th state depa cent. 1 I that t ma! discussions wit* I", itaii as gar Is the a rtai nof
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  • 194 9 Rad Official >•■ Ragbv, \pril 17. Referring 1 ted flight Aus- which will begii h i w< i time, .bham states that the rm? bad aefced hi- flight I apefc wn to sapp this further eff< rt. this route \r a f< i ars will '■> Empire air
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  • 47 9 Sijjiioi Mass* Kill's activities m Tripoli. \u-\ eoocen tag a reported Graeco- which the Italian Ambassador was followed procUunatioii f to the Colours all Turkish army i |uc tor servi this year and also ts hithertc exempted from service ni prei ions -■':i-~ f>
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  • 171 9 RESENTS MEDDLING. USE* OF THE S.O.S [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 16. Thr Shipping Conference has adopted tht> British Delegates 1 amended resolution on rhe League of Nations and Internationa] Organisation, recording its "grave concern" ai the rapid growth and multiplication of international organisations representing Governments and other interests,
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  • 152 9 1 Radio Official Service] Rugby, \pr. l»i. An into resting experiment in weather forecasting is being made by the Daily Mail. This mrnal publishes to-day the firsi of a -< rie diagrams showing the expectations pi rain or dry weather for a period of fifty <h:y> in five
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  • 136 9 Ne\\ York, Apr. M>. i led attack on Hoovei appear in the Nevi York World which, in a leader headed "l'.a<i in Malaya Fine in Cuba," calls attention to the Cuban Government's action curtailing the production of sugar f>r the next two years. The newspa] er points out
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  • 98 9 [British Radio— Official Service.] Kimhy, Apr. IH. A train constructed entirely o\ steel travelled from London to Birmingham and back on the London Midland and Scottish railway. It carried n presentatives of the Dominions and others interested in this w departure. The railway is putting on it.-
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  • 32 9 Washington, Apr. Iti. Mr. Wilbur has asked Conun-.-s to appropriate nearly twenty million dollars to construct and improve ".aval bases, half of which is destined \'w Pearl Harbour. Hawaii.
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  • 41 9 The yen soared to 4* 1 »:> cents to-day. while silver touched the lowest point for two years, duo to the heavy baying of exchange, speculators believing that the gold standard will be rest. .rod to Japan this year.
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  • 34 9 [Reuters Service.] London, April 17. Ion! and Lady Reading have arrived in London from India and were welcomed by representatives of His Majesty the Kin-. the Prime Minister and by Loid Birkenhead.
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  • 225 9 COMMITTEES APPOINTED. APPEAL TO CITIZENS [Reuters Service.] Peking, April 17. Six ex-prcmiers, including Dr. Yen, are on the committee formed at the request of the citizens to maintain order in Peking. Five sub-committees have been appointed and four foreign advisers, including Sir Francis Aglen. NATIONALISTS RETREAT. Peking, Apr.
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  • 210 9 ILc liter'* Service London, Apr. H>. In an address to the Society of Arts, describing the work of the Imperial Institute, Sir William Furse laid stress on the desirability of extending the scope of the Ceylon Rubber Research Committee, at leasi to Malaya. thought that silk production could
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  • 105 9 SOUTH AMERICAN DISP UTE. [Reuter's Service.] Washington, April 17. A> mediator in the Tacna-Arica dispute. Mr. Kellogg will recommend to Chile and Peru alternatively that the two provinces be neutralized or transferred to a third South American country upon equitable compensation. It is understood that Mr. Kellogg is taking this
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  • 86 9 [Renter's Service.] New York, Apr. H>. Three thousand tow-boat men, representing about half the eight hundred tow-boats operating in New York, ordered a strike last night for higher wages and a ten-hour day. Fears are expressed thai some big liners wiil be delayed starting, as nearly
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  • 26 9 [British Radio— Official Service]. Rugby, Apr. 16. The Prince of Wales left Paris this morning for Biarritz, where he will arrive this evening.
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  • 20 9 [Reuter's Service.] Vienna, Apr. 17. The Austro-Polish arbitration treaty has been signed and is valid for three years.
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  • 300 9 HUDDERSFIELD LOSE. MANCHESTER CITY'S TIMELY WIN. [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 17. The following" are the results of to-day's English and Scottish League matches: Division I. Arsenal :>, Huddersfield T. 1. Aston Villa 3, Tottenham H. 0. Bolton \V. 2. Sheffield U. 1. j Burnley 1, Bury 2. j
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  • 178 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, April 17. At Manchestei in sunny weather and be- j fore 50,000 spectators Scotland beat England by one goal to nil. The around was soft. The weather was sunny after a wet morning and there was a stiff breeze. It was the first international
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  • 27 9 [Reuter's Service.] London. Apr. 17. At Sunderland in the Football Association Amateur Cup final. Northern Nomads beat Stockton by 7 goals to 1.
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  • 74 9 [Router's Service.] London. Apr. 16. The House of Commons, by 222 votes to •>, read a second time the ''Judicial Proceedings (regulation of report)" Bill, a private measure which the Government supported to forbid the publication of details calculated to injure public morals. Only the salient particulars
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  • 43 9 [British Radio— Official Service] Rugby, April 17. In accordance with the Summer Time Acts, summer-time will come into force in Britain at two o'clock to-morrow morning-. [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 18. Summer-time came into force at 2 o'clock this morning.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 514 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. "FIIFRUIN" I INF LLLLnIfIAR LIRE PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. O UiW ARDo. s.s. CITY OF LYONS Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Apr. 18 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF PEKIN London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Apr. 22 s.s. CITY OF
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    • 432 10 B BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) L, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS For Chin, and Japan. Kor Marseilles, London and Antwtt» MALwT 11,000 May 7 KALYAN
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  • 790 11 GERMAN CLUB APPLIES FOR A RULING. I-ost Oall Problem Amongst th, decision* just issued by the Rules of Golf Committee of the Royal ami Ancient Clab of St. Andrews is one in reply to a question raised by the club Zur Vahr at Bremei This is probably the
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  • 1077 11 PARISIAN A. DUKE TAKES TO SKITTLES (From Our Own Correspondent). Paris, Mar. 22. Last year a futile attempt was made to persuade the beau monde of Pans that skittles might advantageously be played. 1 hose in whose vein? blue blood courses, learning that profiteers and other vulgar persons had taken
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  • 26 11 Mrs. Vincent Clarke, of Seremban, who i^ an inmate of the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, has been successfully operated on f»i appendicitis. She is progressing satisfactorily.
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  • 292 11 S ALVATION ARMY IN CHINA. In a letter, dated February 16, the International Headquarters of the Sai i inform us (China Express) that the Hongkong and Shanghai B i ng I poraion has sent Geneial Booth a practical exuession of its appreciation of the Saiva Army's service in China in
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  • 94 11 GREAT HEAT IN CENTRAL AUSTRALIA. Adelaide, March 9. The Postmasti !i Springs, us the Northern ports a continual se the iinpna I dry 5| ell In the interior. During February, he says, the beat i raged well over lOOdeg. in t!.. causing enormous 1 sec < stoi I ll confident
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  • 15 11 Mr. X. B. Fraser, rnannsjr r. remiang North estate, loaves for Beottend next in »nth.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 KLOSTER BEER LION HEAD BRAND i z t U T& 0^ i KATZ BROS., LTD. Ny Carlsberg SOI F IMPOKTKRS: THE EaST ASIATIC CO., LTD, I Denmark m W"m SHiPCHANOLERY >r- handlers, Shipbrokers. QOr>3fl MAYNARD'S BUILDINGS. 16 Battery Road.
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    • 0 11
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    • 393 11 Electricity Keeps It Cold Imagine an unfailing supply of cold coming from an electric plug to chill your refrigerator. That's Kelvinator Electric Refrigeration. The cold regulates itself. It requires no attention. Once the electric connection is made, you simply forget refrigeration. Your refrigerator will actually keep itself cold. You can
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    • 90 11 The Zone of Kelvination Kelvinator maintains a condition of dry frosty cold that is constantly under fifty degrees. This is the Zone of Kelvination. It is much colder than the average ice-cooled refrigerator. In this intensely cold and dry air foods not only keep fresh and sweei for days, but
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  • 105 12 The outward bound Spanish mail steamer Legazpi is due to arrive here from Spanish ports, Port Said, Suez and Colombo at 6 a.m. this morning and will probably be despatched at 6 a.m. to-morrow. The M.M. homeward mail steamer, Paul Lecat, is due here from Saigon on 21st
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  • 80 12 Reported Engagement on American Ships Tokyo. The Osaka Mainiehi reports that fapanese seamen are to be engaged by i number of the American Bteamship lines touching at Japanese ports, to take pl ace of American sailors who take advantage of the fad that Japan is beyond the jurisdiction
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  • 250 12 The Admiralty have decided to re-intro-duce Short Service for seam n in the Navy, and recruiting commenced on April 1. The periods of service in the Active Fleet and in the Reserv* are diff< rent from what th y were whin short service waa previously in
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  • 130 12 Sum.- totalling £43,000 have n spent <>n the restoration of the Victor} n :i.< a I This statement was made in the annual poii of the Society for National Resean I which met at the Royal United Services [i i tut ion on March I7th. Th< total
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 551 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) I FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MAKELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The ss'MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming EUDUNDA
      551 words
    • 497 12 s.s "TJIPANAS" is due- to sail for Swatow and Amoy fee* M 21st April from wharf at 4 p.m. For partkobtw of (HUM* and freight n* kindly apply to International* Credut-«n Handel>rereenfginc "Rotterdam 23 4 17 1 s.s. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Consignee, rf ca««o per f n m London .arrived April Ll*
      497 words
    • 452 12 LLOYD TRIESTINO NAV. CO. (Incorporated in Italy.) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service for Brindisi, V. nice and Trieste via ports taking carg< on through Bills of Lading for Fiume the Levant and Black Sea Ports, also t<- a!l ports on the West Coa^t if Italy. ROSA M) HA A FIUME L
      452 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 730 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuan tan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota
      730 words
    • 351 12 Dr. V. Kathiramatamby, Mr. I'.. Koshiba. Mr. Kawashima, Mr. k. Kuwada, Mr, Kimura, Mr. S. Katch, Mr. T. Kawase, Mr. T. Matsuda, Mr. K Miyasaki, Mr. K. Mononobe, Mr. Maruyama, Mr. K. Matsuoka, Mr. K. Mori. r. B. Miyake, Mr. C. G. Mandrette, Mr. 1. Narasaki, Mr. K. Naeahama, Mr.
      351 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 538 13 PO. S. K. Line. Destinations. Q n ion. Rotterdam, Hamburg, Homers. Arr Dept \ntwerp. Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Alaska M»™ Port Sudan and Port Said. Apr> 2l A P r 23 Mi—lmibk; Zanzibar Dar-es-Salaam 4- \i and Buenos Aires i ■.n,h.« and Bombay. J™" Uy 2 May 21 New "^ork.
      538 words
    • 421 13 Round -the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore in 110 days. Next Sailings. Arr. S'pore Leave S'pore Leave Penang
      421 words
    • 608 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 41. KEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) s.s. RHINE MARU In Port. s.s. BELFAST MARU due April 27. For rates and other particulars apply:- GUTHRIE CO., I Tl> Agents: Singapore and
      608 words

  • 1198 14 THREATENED BANKRUPTCY. Drastic Retrenchment Ordered. By command of His Majesty the King, H. H. Prince Subhayoga Kshem, Minister of 1- inance, makes the following announcement. It is a matter of public knowledge that the state of the country's finances has for som: years been a source of grave
    1,198 words
  • 344 14 Historian's Ingenious I h»or Itome, Mar. 9. I hat the subsoil of Rome contains va ous potential oil gusl ers comes a? an i > Derating realisation to a country that is searching eagerly for native petrol, and is, on the other hand, determined to restore Rome
    344 words
  • 180 14 KRIM REPORTED TO HAVE LEFT TARGUIST. Preparing to Vttack Tetuan London. Mar. Paris. A message from Rabat says thai h ;i\y rain is falling there :m<l that calm reigns in everj sector, but there jit- 1 indi(;tt'(i!is thai Abdel Krim is preparing for a diversion. It i< ret>orted thai he
    180 words
  • 67 14 I'nris Pound in Second-hand Shop. Toronto, M.;r. 13. Two young men have been arrested on a rh;i!:lt r stealing an a< roplane, this be- Lhe firs < case .f its kind in Canada, ["he 1 was stolen from a üburban hanger Iil( ;n! was found in th< cellar
    67 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 158 14 TAe great British Tonic J ;T Your Health I and Strength i \crv drop of Hall's Wine helps to 4 build up health. It enriches the blo^d I: I feeds the nerves tones up the entire I system. ihe first dose of Hall's Wine I does you good. It quickly
      158 words
    • 16 14 MASSAGE HALL. MANICURE AND MASSAGE, CO, Waterloo Street. MRS. HARU and MISS HANA Telephone No. 1467.
      16 words
    • 358 14 ft t B AreYou Affected tkl way? fe r% 4 pjAVE you ever noticed bow J rs 00 much better \ou can work, i f» >_: or play, hen y- >n fed quite I ivell i r es and f> twice mn energy and still feel less t :<-<i. Yei
      358 words

  • 588 15 ERASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. SATURDAY, APRIL 17th [Figures in brackets show the issue value on are in dollars unless otherwise marked.] MINING. Buyers Sellers Asara Kumbang sg s cg s Batang Padang Tin ($1) 75 77 xd Hitam Tin 1.:;7 ■> L.40 dns if) 55s 56s Kamunting 6
    588 words
  • 34 15 [ndia, T. T. 165% Hongkong, demand 3 p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 120% Java, demand 1 10% Bangkok, demand 79 Bar Silver London 29% Bank of England Rate 6 px. Sovereign, B;:nk Buying. 8.54
    34 words
  • 226 15 April 17. Tin L25 Tons $139.00 Gambier L2.00 Pepp< r White 61.00 Pepper Black 4LO Flake Tapioca 5.55 Pearl Sago Small 7.50 Copra L1.60 Copra Sundried 11.70 Opium, Benares unt 4.00'» Rice, Liani* Hin Chan Mark Rod Eagle (New) 330 Rice, Siam o.d No. 1 8.10 Rice. Ranjtuon Birtan
    226 words
  • 71 15 DAILY PRICES CURRENT April 1 7th. 1926, 12 o'clock noon. R.S.S. equal to Standard, Q.< F (>j Sta dai K.S.S. on Tender April > N i May -I urn T7 7T July-Sept. 76 7'i Tone of Market: Weak. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 23^d. per
    71 words
  • 328 15 Tin rec 'ids show March to be a good month for high prices, and the eurreni month has been no exception. >n the L7th, on the London Metal Exchange, the commodity reached the highest price foi years. The £300 a tin stile was jumped, and at one
    China | Express.  -  328 words
  • 117 15 The Deputy Controller of Rubbei sends statistics compiled for Rubber Restriction. Tiu-y will be pu'nii.i.ui later, but th following are extracted in the meantime. Fouruemh (*r:- Exports From British Malaya, February 30,440 tons; March :>>: >. 912; Restriction Area 22,186 and 2;.:»v. Dealers Stocks: Ft binary, Singa ],'i.m
    117 words
  • 128 15 Sintiapore. Apr. i7. Tiie Market. ha> stiffen d a :iu Aer sharn set- \mci and busitu is i ■■< rest cted I weakness has been caused by tin favourable statistical position of the tnodity in A a j u rivals and low ••on sum in i.m for Man
    128 words
  • 250 15 ROSE MACPHAIL COS REPORT. U li. Macphail) Robber.— ls 1 i l 2 d 4 <1 up. L Fin. E273. ss. 10s down. T ;et is dull in all sections I. shares an- in fair enquiry an 'test in the Matins sect Industrials and Loans are wanted tatioi Rubbers. A.yer
    250 words
  • 159 15 The Overseas Bank kindly inf< u.- of the answer d 1 uiaiii sent I>\ them, enquirii a Coupons on ihc my. p; i cent gold bond^. Fhe Bank tndustrielh ai Saip n unit The Boxers Bon It ire now deliver bo you have d > ith
    159 words
  • 15 15 Milan i2»i>.~); Bombay Lb. S-16d; RMmtighiii 2s. Ll%d; Yokohama Ls, 11 L-16d; Stiver
    15 words
  • 23 15 We ire so constituted ihat the tact* for poetry may he immediately forgotten f,, r that of roast beef.— Mr. T. Sturgt- Moore.
    23 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 466 15 Lsseta Over §6,500,000, S.C. Assurance in Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. The Company has £***** d»wf a^ 0 LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C ueposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF ASSURANCE Companies Act 1
      466 words
    • 470 15 j BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, —Established 1880— 1 S^ritNd Y.loo,oo©,t# (fully »«id n») Raierve Fund Y.86,600,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-Preaident: R. Ichincmiya. DIKECTOBS. M. Odagriri, Esq. it. Mogami, Esq. Baron K. Iwasaki K. Takeuchi, Esq K. Tatsnmi, Esq. T. Hodsumi, Esq Watanate, Esq. T. Okubo, Esq. Baron K. Morimura.
      470 words
    • 435 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 lamed and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund Sterling 4.F00.000 Silver $27,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman W. H.
      435 words
    • 37 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A. D. 17J0). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee Administration Bonds Singap«~« Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      37 words

  • 1403 16 IMTOin ANT POINT BEFORE COURT. |)oe> .Moneylenders' Act Apply? An important question relating to whether there is available in the Colony relief from exorbitant rate- of interest charged I'.v moneylenders occupied the attention of lac < hiit Justice. Sir Wiliiam Murison, and Mr. Justice Deane, >ittin»- as a
    1,403 words
  • 64 16 i Bj Courtesy of the N T anyo NichiSTokio Apr. 16. r .i/i! Immigrants Boom. i stimated I seven thousand of :^r ;:ri- to Brazil wil] sail this year. <;r«;it Foresi Fire Near Kobe. Over three thousand acres of land have een demolished by the furious forest fire
    64 words
  • 57 16 London, Apr. (i. Thi following are th< results of Northii, Union matches played to-day: Batley 3, Hull 2. Bramley 10, Bradford X. is. Halifax 19, Rochdale H. 0. Huddeu field 13. Wakefield T. 25. Hunslet 3, Barrow 0. Keighley 2, St. Helens 12. St. Helens Rec. l'';.
    57 words
  • 48 16 To Play in England this Year London. April (sth. Buenos Aires.— The Argentine polo team, whirh is seeking British honours at Ran- (•!•;<' h. Hurlingham and Roehampton, is leaving for England. The team is captained by L<>wis Larey and tmprisea Jack Nelson, Charles Land Mannel Andrade.
    48 words
  • 992 16 S.C.( 's (iREAT WIN. A Whitley Hurricane at Tanglin. Cricket of an extraordinary character marked the meeting of the S.C.C. and the Services at Tan^iin on Saturday, the Club winning a remarkable match by three wickets five minutes from time. The features of this game the cricket "tit-bit"
    992 words
  • 349 16 The respective second elevens of the rival Padang clubs met on the S.C.C. ground on Saturday, the game resulting in a win foi the home side by 99 runs. Winning the toss, the visitors had first use of a very fast wicket. The openingpair, de
    349 words
  • 154 16 I Reute; S< i ice. !ii tli.'mp. n. Apr. 16. In the r nal t< n m< n\ final, eighth n holes, A(- Mitchell beat <\e >rgi Duncan by 3up and 2. The majoritj of :h< bl< profe k. 1- com] eted. Mitchell was brilliant always and a
    154 words
  • 47 16 Reuter's S. i vice. Torquay, April 17. In the Hi itish Hfai d "ouii < Championships finals, Brugnon beal the 19-year-old Cam- 1 bridge freshman I!. W. Austin, who is recarded as England's new hope, 7 l Miss Joan Fry beat Mrs Watson 6 l,
    47 words
  • 24 16 [Reuter's Service.] London. April 17. At Thurston's, London, in th Empire Billiards Championship, Malcolm Smith (Scotland) 2,000, beat Rutledge (South Africa) l.sOl.
    24 words
  • 43 16 [Renter's Service.] London, Apr. 16. The long and romantic career of the veteran chaser Sergeant Murphy tragically ended at Bogside to-day. He skidded in the West of Scotland chase and broke his hind leg. He had to be destroyed
    43 words
  • 59 16 WELL-KNOWN HORSEM AN KILLED. MR H. J. PORDHAM DIES AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT. London. April sth. lhe well-known gentleman rider Mr Harry I. Ponlhan, has died from injuries received while riding Puckeridge in the Hunt Point-to-Point Steeplechases at Brent Pel! ham yesterday. Mr. Pordham was formerly the owner ef Master
    59 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 279 16 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED NEW STOCKS I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. JAZZ BANDS,' MANDOLINES, VIOLINS, BOWS JAZZ FLUTES. Etc. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD RAPPLBS PLACE, SINGAPORE. VWVWWVWV«VWVWV.V.V.VA%V.V.V.VWVV-V.VV.' SV.V.w.v. r I v.^ [ii&'%& whoappi er iau a perfect ■i''**'^^^^***'* mixrri C'" il oidO TAB TO AfMtt B kqwoo"' CBvct*, lack the iacilitiet-
      279 words