The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE S.S., THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1926. NO. 11,772.
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  • 281 1 The conference of coal-owners and miners executive has reached a deadlock, no progress having been made Page 8. It is believed that the Premier, who is closely following the negotiations, will quickly intervene Page 8. The leaders in the recent Greek revolt, with one exception, have been
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  • 1253 1 (By way of complement to Mind. Ju:y 11. 191N). Some, at any rat;-, of the following xamples may, for local read.-rs. have the merit of novelty, in addition to their high authoritx Thos. Belt, whose 'Naturalist in Nicaragua' <OM) has lived, and is like ly t«> live.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 W I K LOONG IHE KK(«M. NISEI) lIOI'SE for RIKOI'EAN TROPICAL SUTB. 3.'. HU.H STREET. Raffles Hotel. Telephone No: 2920. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. GRILL ROOM A. F. PEATE, Manager. f^/ MHAAAJMi r-i f>A ADDING— CALCULATING .^^j owl?" \\U MACHINE. I ■fj-Li" °**g>* A machine that is almost human I 4s
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    • 147 1 T\: W i^r fam^a^LWa m'■ m L*tL 1 (Jo PROVE THE DIFFERENCE Comparison conclusively proves relative value. Comparison is the basis upon which we offer the modern Royal Typewriter. THE ROYAL WILL DO MORE WORK AND BETTER WORK FOR A LONGER TIME WITH LESS EFFORT AND AT LESS EXPENSE. Sole
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    • 121 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Fox film Havoc- Page 2. Garrick cigarettes Pag 9. Ribeiro for printing -Page I. Long John Whisky -Page 14. Phoenix aerated waters Page •>. Dodgw 5-seater for sale- Page 7. New films at thje Pavilion I';^ Ladies' wear at Robinson's Page 9. Rene UUmann's for watches -Page 5.
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Style, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32, HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 119 1 THE WEEK. Thursday, 15flt. High Water, 0.32 p.m. Telok Anson Rubber, 11. Hank, soon. B. I. homeward mail leaves. PhiL Orchestra, Mem. Hall, 5.15 p.m. Lodge Eastern ci.a<-. 8.30 p.m. Friday, I6tfc. High Water, 0.20 a.m., 1.1 I p.m. Mentakab Rubber, Chartered Hank. noon. Dutch homeward maij leaves. Saturday, Ivffc.
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  • 175 2 spondeni Ha hten, u ■>■ tiaj Dutcl sat sfied ttentioi which I racted in Dutch an i is iting the **S anal nisto be found I an es. The doctrine of the natioi awakened n Colonies, f patient w iled. Soulless I tape, such men*ili ss op]
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  • 179 2 Vssociat i to cor •1 T -is uri I 1 v. is thai i: te anothe G eminent l\\ servants to each h nisehold led. Given an of three, 1 I total maj b r a i ber suggested, s!y, i iar--.-. A each servant would meet
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 141 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CJNEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. Mdm r 2! Keivey 's SfcMt* School of teH Ddikcing A well-known professional teacher in Character, Classical. Clog, Ballet and Toe-dancing. Pupils are trained gracefully, individual style studied and developed. Private lessons in the latest ballr
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    • 236 2 Victoria Theatre Coming SKortly A. CARPI will present The Italian Grand Opera Co. t Ballet, Full Chorus and Full Orchestra. Denishawn Dancers AND THE RETURN VISIT OK THE QUAINTS PAVI LION. From Thursday, loth to Wednesday, 21st April. AT jUO P.M. SHARP The Latesi PATHE GAZETTE Showing the championship Tennii
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    • 268 2 FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. From Sunday, 11th to Friday, 16th April. 1926. Alhambra Theatre (TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD.. Proprietor-) Overture by the Alhambra Orchestra of Professional MuIn the Second Show at 9 p.m. A HERBERT BRENON— PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION William J. Locked Famous S.ory "THE MOUNTEBANK ERNEST TORRENCE AND ANNA
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  • 838 3 FRESH-DRAWN FROM THE COW. (Specially Written for Fr<ee Press.) Stiictly speaking, the "Meierei" is the iairy attached to a Swiss hotel, and to which those slaying in ".be hotel repair at all hours of the day. Some frequent i because they are on a milk regimen, and others
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  • 19 3 London, Apr. >. Lincoln.- Gordon Richards, the cham!ob jockey, has rrnw out of hospital. He
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  • 229 3 Blow t«» lieal Estate Gamble New York. Mar. 11. The recent crash in the stock market, which in three days wiped out the gains of twice as many months, is having many j interesting repercussions. The latest effect to be reported is the closing up of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 819 3 NOTICE. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS ISSUE OF 5 PER CENT MUNICIPAL DEBENTURE STOCK. ih. Municipal Commissioners of the Tow n of Singapore 522.000.000 Debenture Stock 1956—1966. toe* n now offered for subscription at par payable as follows:— On application g p er cen t One month after allotment 95 Total 100 ntained
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    • 96 3 BT W— I DO YOU REMEMBER Hartleys Jams Marmalade? m i If so, you will know that at Home they rank as i I B I They are now obtainable at the following Provision Stores 2j j| Messrs. THE HIGH ST. PROVISION STORE. Messrs. MN BEE CO. I A New
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  • 252 4 lOW FHE AUSTRALIANS LEFT. How the Otranto, with the Australian crick<?ttrs on board, lei lai I England. Breaking through th< ribbons is Tom Howard, who epresenting Austra [in l n golf hampionshi p ii Jun< A CHAMPION SHOT-PUTTER. -<i. Lewis, the Queensland champion, wh<retained his title
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  • 751 5 RESOLUTIONS AT PRESS CONFERENCE. Resolutions at the third Imperial Press Conference held at Melbourne in September last were considered on March 12 by the Council of the Empire Press Union presided over by Sir Robert Donald, the chairman. A series of ten resolutions passed at
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  • 111 5 An interesting visitor t > Colombo recently was a -Mr. Hoffman, an Italian globetrotter, who makes it bis business to collect the signatures of great men in the different countries which he visits. Mr. Hoffman told a reporter that he had betn travelling for the last four
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  • 283 5 C'orr«'s|>ondtMif 's Death Fairbanks (Alaska). Mar. 12. Mr. Palmer Hutchinson, th< special correspondent of the Centra] News and the Noith American Newspaper Alliance attached to the Wilkins Polar Flight Expedi- i tion, met his death under tragic circumstances here- this morning. Arrangements were practically completed for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 264 5 Nature's Greatest Health Food Delicious -JVutritious Easy to prepare, easy to digest Baked to Perfection. i VJt course, an oven just r:g:U is n^^essary to successful M baking, plain or fancy, i>ut it ti hop ss unless the dougii y. ">. "v 1S properly prepared. It >oa use Raisl-y "in
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    • 588 5 <""VT: i m m—i m— l— wi— m Icstroy nousciiolu Insects l/iS6AS6 CULTURE, wealth, and refine- economy to use Flit and avoid disment are no safeguard from the ease. Flit is clean, easy to use anil the insects that hunt and feed on harmless to humans. It evaporates »your life
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  • 1337 6 THE PRINCE, EARL OF CAKRICK. Hunting in Snow Blizzards. (From Our Own Correspondent). Edinburgh. Mar. 17. The Prime of Wales, or, rather, the Earl of Carriek, as they call him in the West Country, received some wonderful demonstrations of loyalty en the occasion of his visit (<> the
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  • 384 6 n irei J I i»idi fable additi ne are to MaUya'e rodw tion of niW* i ui less soi ru n It i lt sei t foreseen, d an 1 scale in Malay:;, or on developments of tht type f< eshadow«d bj the n. er factories f 111
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  • 176 6 yh A. I. Richardson of Swrbiton rritei to the Times.— *«The element of vil." it" lU >- betting tnaj r maj not tx thai indicated by the Rev. G. E«twi k Ford, l n( the result of gambling it noi ft H ;i ilin The Chines* are pi
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  • 44 6 Mr. F. Jago, of the Katayan C3nrl! Servi<v. Dr. O'Grady, of the F.M.S. Medical Service and Mr. W. A. c. Barnes, Assistant Commi: sioner i f Police, K.M.S.. were among the Malayan passengeu who returned from Some leave by the V. and O. Kaahgar:
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 315 6 /^^STANDARD ii i hi in ii i j^^^% w W I\. all I^l vJ X\«\. I_^ WHITEAWAYS STANDARD VALUES 5 sheets of white feinl ruled hght weight Bank Containing LOO sheets of feini ruled Hank paper. A quality suitable for foreign or ordinary corres- pei Complete with top sheel of
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    • 108 6 NOTICES, STRAITS SHIPPING PAK< ELS SHIPPING AGENCY. You need u^? If you arc h, receivinp. forwarding, insuring goods. Goods collected, shipi to any address .C.I». 41, A THE SINGAPORE SLIP* i\ ENGINEERING LTD Not ii« M h<-r. i <t rd in*r) Gnxn I I Of The S '!>.■;:!'■ Compmny, Limited,
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  • 463 7 A USTRA LI AS ADV ANTAGE Sp'eaking at the weekly luncheon of the Soioptimist Chsb in London on "Cricket," Commander D. Fry said that of all tha games played ciicket was a physical fine art. "What really snared me in cricket," he said, "and what
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  • 359 7 New Mar. 16. Treasuiy agents y sterday disclosed the existence of an extraordinary organization V r illicit liquor dealing, following the in- tmeni by a I i leral Grand Jury at Cl sveland, Ohio, of 112 p rsons for conspiring to iolate the n itional pr
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  • 73 7 In case there is a Northern Expedition against Peking for which the Kudmihtang Left Wing are now agitating, the followers ,'1 the late Dr. Sun Ynt Sen will accompany their army with 3,200 propagandists, according to the Chung Hua Min Pao, a Kuomintang orga i. Ths propagandists will b< organized
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  • 439 7 S ngapore, Apr. 10. The prices quoted are generally those •trrtnt at Clyde Terrace Maiket. At the oibbv markeXa there may be small variations. MEAT. Deef steak (round) Kati 48 Pork, Lean do 64 i >r&, lean and fat (Ist quality) do (50 Mutton Indian lb. 60
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  • 238 7 [Mow i<* Bolshevists Riga, Feb. 18. According to new- received in Moscow from Man. bur. a. a conference of delegates in the three Mancimrian provinces, on hang Tso-lin's initiatu'e, assembled 'i1 .^j^;i^^:^•!l i* ll Febiuary L8 Lo work out a ik-w Manshurian Constitution. Th ference considered it
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  • 854 7 IMPORT PROSPECTS. Although the past year has seen a very marked improvement in the export trade of tht Netherlands East Indies, the 1 >n<r overdue re-turn to prosperity <>f the import trade has failed to materialise bo any great extent. There are few articles of export which
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  • 49 7 tn the presence oi a very full muster f th European and < hinese staff* of thi Public Works Department, Hongkong, Mr. Arnold H. Hollingsworth, the retiring: Assistant Director of Public Works, was on Mar. 31st presented with beautiful pr< rils bo mai k the d wishe hie \\i m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 276 7 BUSINESS CARDS. V-V.V.V.V.W.W.W.V.V.V.-.V.V. j; MARY SETON. 5 S E. AMBER MANSIONS. > ORCHAKD ROAD. *i 5 THE CURIOSITY SHOP. S V.V. i .V.V.V.V.V.V.W,V,v I s%^ o&ft» MHHMKHHHI -co > :n*-f ■0-c--o-»-f>oo-& c> 7 o Please Send for the Illustrated 3 Catalogue of Musical Instruments O SE ISON CO.. LTD. U
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    • 419 7 NOTICES. i JOHORE GOVERNMENT. APPLICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND IN JOHORE. The Public are informed that from the Ist ©I Juno of this year the book, will be open for receipt ol applications fo r agricultural land exceeding 10 acres in area where available in rthe follow in^r localities: The District
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    • 444 7 AUCTION SALES. i i i— SHERIFF'S SALE. THE SIPRKMi; COURT OK TMC STRAITS SKTTLKMKNTS SETTLEMENT OF BINGAPORF. hi th< <;iu^i of Syed Omar bir, Mahnmcd Ategoff Plali I (I VerMM Shaik Abdullah bfaft llobaoMd fffnawa i K fendi I AUCTION SALE OI Teak ffousehoid Furniture Comprising: Treadle and band v
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  • 69 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTH. iA\ [LLE B• i Gajah, Pej 1 Ith Api I92fi. tu the vil V. .1. 1. n \\v DEATHS DARB^ Muar, on April imi cerebral ha< inorrhaKf, Krcd< i J d'Esterr. I) irby. 15th year. K RBY < >;i the 1 2t h i I tit. at
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  • 783 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS TH URSDAY, APRIL 15, 1926. Troubles Awaiting Us. Every year a certain number of the people who have been struggling to make ends meel in this now expensive part of the world retire to other countries. France is for the time being a favourite, for there the
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  • 261 8 Mr. <i. \V. A. Trimmer is in Penang on the affairs of \hv Penang Harbour Board and will be away from Singapore for about week. Miss M. Senior has assumed dutj as Nursing Sister, Hospital, A.lor Star, in plait (>t Miss -I. Howard, who resigned on tlu- termination of her
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  • 250 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW DESIGN $5 NOTE. About the beginning of next month th* Currency Commissioners will i«ue M note of an entirely new design. Th« new note 18 print -.1 93 wh\U W« >nd is almost of the same size a.< the exiatr ins $r, note, e.w
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  • 134 8 REV A. EWING. Presbyterian Minister Leaving Pwuw*. i i;. Aic-iiiiiai.i K■• M klin t rof S'. \ndi i 's Pn sbj beri i i<ui ih, nanjr, is relinquishing his charge this month and n Sunda; I Singapore and thence bj the fcfareila Australia, where he \vi!! spend ;i hoUds; lai
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  • 64 8 A nH i nii<ers >• V.M.C.A. t«»-moi S n K V. K.8.E.. G* rtA S;'?retai y of the Katioi f Y.JI •< Vs. Great Britain and Irolxu I li V piofrra has airanjre<l. During thi even r freshraents will i < erved. Ihe profn an nw will be
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  • 68 8 i'lh hon -> > Imam Haji A I has b. Haji Mohained Taha, sends us the Sixth List of Subscriptions amounting with the former lists to $1186.52. Phis include* .> < n button from the Moslem K\ ation of $60; $170.57 from the <ie> lang Fin
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  • 256 8 Mr. Justice A. V. Br< urn, s. nioi Pui« Judge, l'<!i:i!i!_ has returned to fcnang from Kedah. Dr. Fletchi r, path |l "j-' ist, Inctitut M< dical Research, isfxnected in Kuala Lumpur early in .1 tine. A reminder is given of the annual parochial meeting of St. Andrew's Cathedral, in
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  • 131 8 THE MINERS' CASE DISTHKT AGREEMENTS REBFA I Kli hours drawing up i wpH t; ltti«MOß*e i.c-.nuri ndati'in- f I |30 t hi- roiil M\vn<i.-. Th.- i p..- i U'C<mmu-n<iatH>n ami Mfi Att living BtmwUrd. T h< Should BBttll "iiPli: ..-li ;i „c opinion itun '"•>• &»< I'
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  • 101 8 dat the Coal < peacefi p sufficient ■> Lion < I am who at piYaeni fiat "iii> ndaf nv tnn Ktion that tl >1' impru ticabli it the n the ■in hattd, whn a decttn lat tin v > i renc to an) into rfi vi\ h aal
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  • 71 8 THE SYRIAN TRIBESM EN. [British K:ulu> Oflh la Mr. Ahuma colonial tvt;r j partj of Syrian tribesnu i frontier between Syria tad I 2nd and attacked the trib smk a sectior ot a■mi mi the latter bo neftel the r«Wt i suhsvqufntly taken L\ MTCTftfi thf nUders withdrew acroac bo
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 -THE CONNOISSEUR COMhS TO CALDBECK'S" Cherry Brandy SI Creme De Menthc 1 BOLS A BOLS QUADBOANTER. POUR HKJHCLASS UQUEURS IN A FOURCOMPARTMENT CRYSTAL BOTTLE. i CALDBECK. MACGREC.OR CO.. LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies Ordinances of Hongkong.) (Incorporated in Shanghai.) I NONE BUT THE ROYAL JEWELLER. j B. P.De SI LVA
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    • 39 8 AGENTS: W. R. Loxley ACo^ TA Y^ JLjx-vJrvO m n 1 GOLDEN SERIES. L By Mft k\:\ His Majest} appointnu-iu f*W^^«<\) r > c-,. .v) 1 hi- hum to THE OLD BLEND WHISKY Adamson. (lilfillan Co., Ltd. Sole A Rents,
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  • 217 9 VOLSTEAD ACT. *K is WITNESSES' STORIES. [Beater's Service.] Washington. Apr l.{ >«•'•• ra! belated witnesses tor the "wets" aln! k> tlire Seaau Committee, the '-'ar e being Father Frauds Ka<t the Su^ar Xo t h anthracite region »3 '-aniu. Be panned horrnvu^" the d>ocese-s open saloons, wild the
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  • 75 9 Wellington. Apr. 14, when the administration press* I rts secure a ratification of th< It: settlement. The I v mocrai ar having ai <■;• towards the agn dengainst the son a] m w ai mted I nrarda Italj be I•■ r m, describing is the jr" atest <•'•
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  • 81 9 itisfc Radio Official Servicel Rajrby, Apr. 13. tinai il secretary to the Treasurj Sli M N't-: 1 stated in House oi that the total figure i ceived from m General foi Reparations payment Jaßoary Isi and March 31st., was gold marks, repres nting the A £2,735^MK) sterling. this
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  • 52 9 ttiah Radio -< MBcial Sen ice.] R«gby, Apr. 1 :J. ip Cuniiffe Lister, president of tf Trade, said hi- understood -hat >\ sill factories had been started i untry -im-» July Ist. Last. Five i |hc ex] w inn ntal stage and fiw loeinir. Sis no >re were
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  • 42 9 ;>h Radio— Official Rerwice] pes to leave fof the ontinent on Thursh riday. He is making an excellent from hi> recenl aura! operation. It known whc'.h r His Royal Hifrh- i i go to Biarritz, a^ he orifdnall} i'i-
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  • 44 9 [Reuters Service.] London, Apr. 15. I■ *9* ha> left PnllUUDi fof Oslo. Oslo. Apr. 13. fcmundaen and EDswOltli have started foi S tzhetscß. Tht- Aftenposten paUisfaea a statement that Amundsen h charged by Promlef tfl annex land discovered in the •'.u'ht.
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  • 15 9 [British Radio— Official Service]. Ru^by. Apr. li. TW «wdcH return of unemployed shows
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  • 56 9 COURT-MARTIALLED. THE DEATH SENTENCE [Reuter's Service.] Athens, Apr. 13. An extraordinary court-martial has senjenced to death Colon. I Zavellas and Major ivarakoufa leaders in the Karabournou arotlnj mentioned on April sth. It sentencven other officers to various terms of mprist nmest. Colonel liakirdji was also sentenced to death
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  • 108 9 [Renter's Sejrvice.l Oslo, April 1 I. Phe Norge has arrived here. Bushire, Apr. 13. Twu Spanish airmen, Loriga and Gallarhavg arrived from Baghdad. They after a brief interval for Bonder Abbas Cairo. Apr. 11. At 10.40 this morning aacraft was teas' lesaly still searching for Estevez. It is
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  • 76 9 [Reuter's Service.] MOSCOW Apr. 11. M. Brukhanoff, commissioiH r of finance, presenting his budget of four milliard roubles, stated that fiftyone per cent; of the total expenditure was devoted to economic objects: sixteen per cent, to defence; and thirty per cent, to cultural requirements. 'Lhi internal debt amounted
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  • 74 9 I Rentei >• i vio Philadelphia, Apr. 13. I historic i !ape Henlopen lighthouse, guarding the entrance to Delaware Bay ha- in-t'ii blown into the sea by a violent •rait*, frustrating the Government's inten- r< tect the lighthouse by means of number of hulks sunk around it. The
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  • 72 9 Renter S< rvii e.l Paris, Apr. 11. According to Quotidien, a Franco German Aerial Convention was signed yesterday, iut housing French aeroplanes to fly over Germany. Consequently, a number of im- air services will be opened in June, eluding lints between [';;n--. Cologne :t n< 1 Berlin,
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  • 61 9 [Renter's Service. 1 1 Ofldon, Apr. 11. The report that Germany and Russia are negotiating a treaty ha- n«>t surprised Britisii authoritative circles in London, li iunderstood that assurances have been received in London and other European <;*- -i itals that any such treaty contemplated uiii noi contain
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  • 30 9 [Renter's Service.] London. Apr. 11. The Board of Trade returns for March show: Imports, £106,864,000 and exports, (66,399,000, increases of £10,019,000 and £3,585,000 respectively compared with February.
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  • 32 9 Renter" Service.) Herrin, Illinois, Apr. 1 t. Three Klansinen, including the ex-chief of police, were shot dead in the course of ri^htinj* Ku-klux-klan asrainst the anti-klan-ers, following the local election.
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  • 11 9 Pilot and Passenger Killed. Delhi, Apr. 1
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  • 1666 9 GOVERNMENT BILLS. MR. lIALDWLVS PREOCCUPATIONS. (From Om Own Correspondent; London, Mar. 19. Home politics have within the last fewweeks attracted public interest to Geneva. but there has been much of interest happening in the House. The Government introduced two of its main Bills this week and as
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  • 46 9 Thursday,— s.lo p.m. Drill Hall. "A" Company; "C" Company; Ist Reinforcement; 5.15 p.m. S. V. F. Ambulance. Friday,— p.m. Drill Hall, M.G. Platoon; 5.15 p.m. "A" Company; "C" Company; 5.15 p.m. Malay Drill Hall, Malay Company; Drill Hall, S. V. C. Band.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 77 9 BY LATEST MAIL I ,f Ladies 9 V 1 1 j Gffi I jkjr •-I-I j|' Kj rfj AND 1h v TYppqqpq IW\ wWk Comprising gfe y> THE 1/t UP Very Newest j |RobinsoA U Co., Ltd.' (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement?!. Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. m Supreme in quality and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 590 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd* (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). "ciirniiiii" i iiit LLLLnIfIAN LIRE PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. FREIGHT SERVICE. OUTWARDS. s.s. CIT 1* OF LYONS Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Apr. 18 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF PEKIN London, Rotterdam and Han.burg Apr.
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    • 451 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTaTsTEAM NAVIGATION CO LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. OUTWARDS IROM LONDON. HOMEWAKU- uw L V. For Marseilles, London and An!».rp For China and Japan. ror m I'onnajre. Singapore. mm nFVA\'HA h,2UO Apr.
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  • 1623 11 A POLITICAL ISSUE. Kharbin. few weeks ago all eyes in the Far East became suddenly riveted on Khaibin. A crisis had arisen in the* affairs of the Chinese Eastern Railway. That railway is of extreme importance, politically because it is i bridge across foreign territory by which
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  • 125 11 When the Governor isn't busy devoluting Or maturing his precarious little plans. His capacity for innocent enjoyment Is just as great as any other man's. hy then should his Singapore" critics >bjed to further provision for tennis courts t Government House? Moreover, His Excellency, whose g"olf
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  • 25 11 London, Mar. 29. Gordon Richards, who headed the list of winnings jockeys in 1925, has entered hospital at Lincoln with Dleurisv. rnnunnont
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 -C^ i" I the recognized Standard 1 J 1 I I Hip i Hills Bras EXCLUSIVE K\IM)KT REPRESENTATIVES: LGETZ BROS. CO. la ret I in L\>.A.i SINGAPORE, SA I: >::: e: San Francisco, I'.S.A. BRANCHES AND AuEXTS THROUGHOUT THE .WORLD. !l i/i Fresh Youthful Skin Maintained By Culicura DaS] VOt
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    • 203 11 U !«d V i l-# tj^ jljL XjL jj^iT V X XX Xx. Cj 9 m 9 I I t am \f \j V w m I B/m. The sidewalls are reinforced against rut-wear. HEAVY DUTY CORD TYRES. 7^-S Jlf I ORE \V I ELEPHONE H "^*n^^BB Cr^^Br tx JBBs
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  • 422 12 I By a Missionary HonU-KoiiK. The First Lord of the Admiralty's recent statement that the suppression of Chinese pirates costs the British Navy quite a considerable sum annually will surprise thow people who are unaware of the enterprising methods of thes#> desperadoes. When Chinese pirates decide to attack
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  • 22 12 Mr. Gladstone was the most faithful and efficient steward of our rational resources who had ever presided over the Exchequer. —Lord Oxford.
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  • 136 12 Successful Japanese Salvor Tokyo. Captain Kataoka, who heads a salvage company and who won a fortune from the sea by salvaging a million yen from the bottom of the Mediterranean last summer out of the War-sunken Yasuda Maru, is now about to begin salvage work on a wreck
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  • 432 12 THE BINTAN. SINGAPORE BUILT MOTOR-SHIP. A new twin screw steel motor ship, the Bintan, built at the United Engineers' yards at Tanjong Rhu, has recently been added to the fleet of ships owned by Towkay Oei Bok Sien, who owns the Esmeralda, Pontianak and other ateamers which are
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 377 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) f FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MAKELLA (7,375 tontt) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single be-th cabins, swimming
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    • 209 12 STINNES LINES. (Incorporated in Germany). REGULAR MONTHLY FREIGHT. PASSENGER SERVICE. OUTWARD BOUND. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. >.>. TIRPITZ 12,250 May 4 bj&. Adolf von Bayer June 6 HOMEWARD BOUND. NAPLES. ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Albert Voegler 9.000 Apr. lfl Scheer 12,260 May 21 Not calling at Naples. AgenU: Singapore and
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    • 411 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIME HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said. Marseilles from Singapore. PAUL LECAT 17,000 tons Apr. 21 CHANTJLLY 17,000 ton* Apr. U AM BOISE 16,000 tons May ;> OUTWARD MAILS. To Saigon, Honjrkon^, Shanghai and Japan. AMAZONE 11,000 tons Apr. 19 To Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong. FONTAINEBLEU 17.000 tons
      411 words
    • 227 12 Stewart's Old Scotch Whisky JOHN LITTLE CO.. Lit Incorporate*! j K' g u Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. 23E3E3S LLOYD TRIESTINO NAY. CO. < Ine rpor.-iu-*: ;i HOMEWARD SAILING Bi-monthly atnrict for Briadic >i ana friMti via potta la| throjph Bills of Lading I Levant and Black Baa Poitl I
      227 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 569 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Limbing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Frida y 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, lpoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a m Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 583 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. 1 ndon. Rotterdam, Hamburg Dept *tn£ns Zftt Aden Alaska JUru Apr 2i A r Mombassa; Zanzibar Dar-es-Salaam \t r, ta i es-aaiaam, Mexico Maru Apr. 22 ADr 23 v2&c£Z££SLi >'- ft 5 M P ay 9 3 Montevideo and Buenos Aires via n t Hawaii
      583 words
    • 435 13 jAw^^jL—~^frT~fiJLmJ I L *J~jk.mAm BUb^*^ IBfM__ i V# I^^TmC^. yEfuV I^H^ Sf£AMSHIP LINE Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Fort Said, Alexandria, f\apie&, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these tine new liners continue on Round
      435 words
    • 545 13 I Rerr Steamship Co., Inc., 4 1. BfcIAVER STREET, NEW YOKK (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND (via Suez) sjs. RHINE MARU In Port. For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE CO. LTD. Agent 8: Singapore and Paaaag K. P. M. KONINKLYKE
      545 words

  • 1016 14 SCOTS "SOCCER" DEFEAT. Lack of Team Play. (From Our Own Correspondent). Edinburgh, Mar. 17. The Association of most importance was the Scotland v. England InterLeague at Glasgow, where the home lot were well beaten. England thus maintained a sequence of wins, unbroken since li'l4, save for a drawn
    1,016 words
  • 152 14 Serious Councillors Think Suggestion I» ICilCll IOUs. Rochdale is to have a municipal golf course, which will be ready for play about On March sth the Tow. Council unanimously accepted the gift of Mr. Fred Lye of and For this purpose. During the discussion on the
    152 words
  • 20 14  - Sir Frank Dicksee In the London County Council there seems to be a power, not ourselves, that makes for destruction.-
    20 words
  • 450 14 li<)\\ [il.\ (AN BE SA\ BD. I views of ;m American l ;«"k« r. "1 fie spirit >erati< i!.« part iu .ill the foreign powers, as reflected ia tin v\ ashington j disarmament < !onfei i nee, should prevail more in hi:::., rat her 1 tiu-
    450 words
  • 12 14 Sir Oliwr I .id-. S h n at 1
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 458 14 W2^xf^s\ sJf I Excessive perspiration is a sign of weakness Not, of course, the perspiration due to heavy exertion or heat, but the "Cold perspiration" and nightsweats which accompeiny weakening diseases, such as Tuberculosis. These nightsweats are not only a sign of weakness, but they also weaken the body. To
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    • 21 14 51|S T^T Ok Second Officer makes iJ^ 3^ an observation NAVY CUT CIGARETTES f\^ WD.&H.O. wills /wMaHms BRISTOL LONDON /jM^ |^h^3JJ
      21 words

  • 300 15 U<ll'Oß TAXATION IN INDIA An interesting point in the Report of the Indian Taxation Committee, which has just been published is the Government policy of raising revenue from the liquor trade. The policy has been, from two points of view, extraordinarily successful— the lion's share in the
    300 words
  • 182 15 Fhe ordinary ycarlj meeting of shareholders of the Hongkong and Whampoa D °ck Co., Ltd., was held at Hongkong on March 29 noon, for consideration of the directors' report and balance sheet for the year ending December 31, 1925. It was stated during the meeting that a
    182 words
  • 132 15 The export <>f tungsten ores from the Federated Malay States last year sow* a large increase over the figure for the previous yvnv, rising from 1,639 pikuls to 2,664 pikuls. The export of scheelite fel] from 1,498 pikuls to 454 pikuls. but thai "i wolfram increased from 1 U pikuls
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  • 953 15 A TIN WEEK. (From Our Own Correspondent). London. .Mar. IK. This has been a tin week, and there is something suspiciously lik. a small boom. Although there were other cheerful spots yesterday, the brightest was undoubtedly the tin market. Business blazed out before th: rattle went in
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  • 461 15 LYALL AND E\ ATT'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore. April 1 I. Jin- publication of the March figure* Rubber shipments to America, a r, eEcess oi approximately 10,000 tone to m c| I caused a further drop En the price ol the commodity which closes* at 2g G**d a
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  • 44 15 [British Radio -Official Service.] Ku«h\. \pril IS. Pa Mu 1 New York 1-86,125; BrusseU 127.125; Anistvrdi.n. 12.1225; Milan 120.9; Mad id 34.99; Bombay is. 5%d.; Bhanshai 2s. 11 -.d: Songkong; l'^. %Md; Vok< Is. lc 15 I6d. Silver spot i 1 \..v
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  • 222 15 I 1 One rarely assoi iates India v, production. Hut she does produce a vei large quantity of fruits, some of which a of the very highest class, tin unfortu* "'-.••.'< y. they rarely find their way to Briti h maricet. Speaking from pew i know ledge, 1
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 493 15 Assets Over $6,500,000, S C Assurance in Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. HF (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) The Companvras^^n 9^ J^E LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Je^ EC company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and compliea with the British Life Assurance ATTRACTIVE
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    • 477 15 BANK °I G I__^ YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. —Established 1880— Capital Subscribed Y.IOO,OOO>HI (fully paid up) Reserve Fund Y.86,500,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya. Ei«, DIRECTOKS. M. Odagiri, Eaq. k. Mogami, Esq. Baron K. Iwasaki. K. Takeuchi, Esq. K. Tatsumi, Eaq. T. Hodsumi. Esq. F. Watanabe, Esq. T.
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    • 438 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50.000,00G Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund Sterling 4,F00,00C Silver $27,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman W. H.
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    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated In England by Bcyal Charter A. D. 1720). HRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Sfngapt^s Representative -Messrs. BARLOW C«* Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO.. U4 CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 336 16 INTER-STATE MATCH AT K. LUMPUR Fine Century by N. J. A. Foster. (From Our Own Correspomleir Kuala Lumpur Apr. 14. The r-Statv match between Setangor and Nejrri Sembilan .period here this morn- i in«r. The wicket was bumpy and Mustard, winning the toss, put the Negri in to
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  • 857 16 SOME HAKI) HITTIM; The S.< A second elevi n entertained Joborc on Pad:.n- yesterday, an all-day natefe resulting in a win for the h >me side h> the handsome margin of five wickets. Altbougli raia threatened a; the commend men! and i min ma clouds hung
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  • 50 16 fR< utei 's Service. London. Apr. 13. At billiards, ai Thurston'a Hall, London, in the Empire amateur billiards championship fir>t heat, th final scores were G. Shailer, Australia, l'.' u< Malcolm Smith, Scotland 1,245. J. Ear lam, England, T. McCluney, North Ireland, Routledg South Africa, are also competing.
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  • 28 16 [Reuter's Service.] Buenos Aires, Apr. 13. Tin ArgentuK Davis Cup competitors have sailed for Spain to play Hungary at Barcelona °n May 1 ."> t h
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  • 57 16 TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs. D. M. Kleinman and N. H. P. Whitley vs. K. N. Hamiit m and \i. Wild. Veterans Pairs Handicap. C. V. Miles and V. (i. Coleman, owe vs, W. C. Hill and V. Cobb, owe 15.3. Newcomers Handicap Final). R. E. Cox. owe
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  • 216 16 'lour of Military Establishments in Britain And France. Delhi. Apr. .V The sub-Committee of the Indian Sandhurst Committee, which is sailing for an overseas tour, has arranged ;t comprehensive programme. It commences its work in London by holding discussions at the India Office and the War Office
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  • 512 16 A NEW ENGLISH RECORD. Their three nil victory over Bolton on Monday in a match which was tixed originally for the 24ii. of this month assured Hudderstield of the championship of the First Division, for it brought their aggregate of points for the season to 57, whareas the
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  • 148 16 Committee to Consider Question <»l Reduction. Delhi, Apr. 2. The Raj has decided to appoint an important Departmental Committee consisting of Colonel James, an experienced political offic r. Colonel Musprat, an experienced Army Intelligence Officer; and Mr. A. Macieod, of the Finance Department, to
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  • 113 16 A l!t'ga(i«n in Paris Newspaper. London, Apr. 3. Paris. The allegation that the Druses have received encouragement and subsidies from Egypt through Palestine is made by M. St. Brice, writing to the "Journal," who sxpressee the opinion that it is therefore natural that Mr de Jouvenel
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  • 172 16 INDIAN WITCHCRAFT CASE. Woman Arrerted for Death of Child. Calcutta, Mar. 30. The story of alleged witchcraft, said to have been practised by an elderly up country woman, Sarapatia Dosadin. on a child with fatal results, has been reported to the Calcutta North District Police. According
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  • 69 16 MOSLEM PILGRIMS ATTACKED BY NEJDIS. 20-:$« hilled Including 10 Javanese Itombav, Mar. HO. The President of the Khuddamal Barmatn Deputation to the Hedjaz, who are on their way from Cairo to Yemen, wires from Port Sudan, on the 28th instant, that Nejdia stacked the pilgrims while th<-y were offering prayers
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  • 89 16 Running 1 iuht with Police for Bighf Miles Calcutta. Mar. St. Several notorious dacoit leaders of tin I Kenni Kalukchaik Police Station area, wh< have be n responsible for several dacoities in the Maul'in. Insein and Ranthawaddy districts around Kattiya, and for whose capture rewards were offered,
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  • 104 16 Right NVinjr Senators i*»ii Marshal Fodfa London. Mar. According to som London reports a Igioup "f Senators, belonging t" the Sight Wing of the French Senate, \i>iud Marshal Foch, and sounded him ->n hi- willing- ness t<> U-< dictator. It i- understood that Marshal Foch intiI mat
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  • 99 16 Trench Roys lists I'ertiirhed London. Mar. 2M. Paris. The Duke of Orleans 1 death ha* ■aused profound consternat "ii in French Royalist circles due to th fact thai th; Due de Guise will now become Pretender f '> the French throne, under th. rules o\ succession
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  • 45 16 Belgian Princess and Italian Crown Prince London. Mar. 2\K Rome.- The Central News states that the betrothal will shortly be announced between the Italian Crown Prince- Prince Humbert and Princes- Marie Jose, daughter of the King and Queen of Belgium
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  • 140 16 £25,000 Annually London. Mar. 30. The Crown Colony of British Honduras will benefit by an astonishing windfall in the form of a legacy by Lord Bliss, who died aboard his yacht at Belize, the capital of Honduras on March 9th. According to an intimation received from
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 141 16 WHERE THERE IS A MOUTRIE PIANO THERE IS HAPPINESS. £[/Y YOr'tfS TO-DAY. Illustrated price list free on request. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong). I All the u>orld over there are I tiuo points of vieiu the man's I and the woman's. But their I vieius on cigarettes are
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