The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Sing apore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, Ss^ SATURDAY, 10, 1926. NO. 11,768.
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  • 224 1 A late Havas telegram announces the beginning of the voluntary subscription to pay off short term debts; and a plan to extend French influence m China l»age 8. The recent attack on Signor Mussolini appears to have added considerahly t<: his prestige m Italy Page 9. The
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  • 1228 1 Qu'tcquid agunt noatri est fatraji Ml Juvenal. Sigrnor Mussolini must be a very happy man, as happy as he is strenuous. Escaping assassination he is more eloquent than ever. But it is just possible that the man of philosophic mind would ask him to define
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 WING LOONG THE RECOGNISED HOI'SB for EUROPEAN TROPICAL SbITS. 32, NIGB STREET. Sea View Hotel. SUNDAY, APRIL 11th. i HigK Tide 9.37 a.m. i CINEMA AT 9.30 P.M. I--1 KISSES > 5 Reels Featuring ALICE LAKE. J ji SHERLOCK BROWN < 5 Reels— Featuring BERT LYTELL> 5 TABLES CAN BE
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    • 87 1 One smoke Opinion is divided as, to whether Golf or Hockey is the ideal winter Game. But on cigarettes all men of discrimination are unanimous. They insist on SSTE(XPRESS I N V^S*?^** VIRGINIA CIGARETTES 1 h > ARDATH TOBACCO Co., Ui. *^e^ a^ a^"*»n»aw^awtQra^'^ '*tS?tiAA j. j* •^^*T^^E^§?L jfit&ft >
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    • 145 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Sports cigarettes Pa^e 1. Sea View Cinema— Pa£C 1. Garrick Cigarettes -Page i». Goodyear cushion tyres— Page 4. Phoenix aerated waters- Page :t. Lawj John Scotch whisky Page W« Zam-Buk heals skin diseases Page 7. Twenty million? ose Evcrsharp pencils Page L\ Miller tyres and tubes save monjy
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Style, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32. HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 255 2 Aluti!ate<J and Left on Execution (iround. The Peking and Tientsin Times has reported the execution, on the orders of the hihii Tiiann, of two Russians accused of distur-ing the peace. The men were first liaraded ir. open carts through the city, mikt'ii to tht- waist, and with their
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  • 158 2 FENGTIEN TROOPS MARCHING ON PEKING. lti_" r '«r. K\odus of Kiw;minchun Forces. Tientsin. Apr. 1. Traveller! coming 1 from Peking by Motorcar report that th: Peking road is swarmit. U With advancing troops. The;. Itate that on the section between Tungchow ;m<i Paitsang there is an almost continuous pnx-ession of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 203 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Am\iscnt€i\t CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. GOODWOOD HALL Scott's Road. CINEMA SHOW AT 9.15, SATURDAY, APRIL 10th. LOVING LIES. Adapted from Peter B. Kyne's THE HARBOUR BAR Featuring EVELYN BRENT and MONTE BLUE. Mdm. aKelvey's Dancing A well-known professional teacher m Character.
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    • 392 2 Victoria Theatre Coming Shortly A. CARPI will present The Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Baßet, Full Chorus ami Fit)] Orchestra. The Denishawn Dancers The Talking Film The Puppets AND THE RETURN VISIT OF THE QUAINTS PAVILION From Thursday Bth to Wednesday 14th April. At 9.15 p.m. sharp. THE LATEST PATHE
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    • 318 2 From Sunday, 4th, to Saturday, I Oth April. A PARAMOUNT SUPER-PRODUCTION Presenting: A STUDY IN FACIAL EXPRESSIONS The like of which has hardly been seen m any other picture before. AT THE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, commencing 9 p.m. The Meteoric Screen Star POLA NEGRI More Charming, More Fascinating,
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  • 486 3 Nobody has ye^ suggested a Society friths Prevention of Noise. Many Ditchers, we believe, would welcome the formation of i uc-h a society, for their defenceless ears are liable to be assailed at all hours of the day and night. It is a delusion to imagine that
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  • 269 3 M UNICIPAL MATTERS. The tollowiny action was taken at a meeting of Committee No. 1 held on April Ist. Approved exemption from assessment of the Methodist Episcopal Board's property So. 1 Barker Road and reduction m annual value »f No. 40 Barki r Road and the Board's, land at Barker
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  • 140 3 Shanghai. Mar. :i. The strike at the Japantse mills, the Naigai Wata Kaisha, has ended as siuldenly as it Ik jran, practically all the HM n ajfreeinv that chain wore unnecessary and would decrease their earnings. The ringleaders have resi^md, and the remainder of the striken have
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  • 23 3 I can see the tine when Lancashire will look to South Africa for her cotton supplies instead of America. The Mayor of (apetown.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 3i y Royal -/il^ iU/ 7 -Wr f V =^J\ m <~<7S W VYW tf Court Your Baby needs this famous food you, Baby need, to m«ke him the happy result. JJ+yon^rt The Vifeamino Milk Food. Builds Bonnie Babies" <iLAXO IS AS COOP FOR CROWING CHILDREN AS FOR BABY ?rfTA
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    • 235 3 j; DO YOU REMEMBER |j Hartley's Jams Marmalade? j; If so, you will know that at Home they rank as The Best They are now obtainable at the following Provision Stores Messrs. THE HIGH ST. PROVISION STORE. Messrs. BIN BEE CO LIM YEW CHYE SONS. JOO LEE CO.* S (;LAN
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  • 411 4 NEW TYPE FOR MOTORISTS. Will Serve Dual Purpose. New directional signs far motorists have been approved by the London Traffic Advisory Committee and will shortly be used on the following 'alU rnative" routes: liycie Park Corner to Vauxhall Bridge, vSloane-square .to Westminster Bridge, and i?ayswater-road to Islington. Yellow
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  • 404 4 The Trojan UtHHj Vehicle. Whin the Trojan car tirst made its apTt.icim-" it< extreme uncorivmtionality m:iiV it a subject <>< c'lsnu-i able dUflCUS*ion and intrust. loi emanating a> it did trim th«- workl of CM* of the most eeleb.;:t«d h< ivy motor vehicle bttudora Leyland Motors,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 83 4 i j^^^uA^w^%^. fJ^y^wK^^ *^B Time to R*-tir« a Wm^r^f V*^ vV '»<oc »»w wo v t r»r orr. mL m I Fisk Tyres are through and through First j Quality they are dependable and represent more than their money value j: m mileage and service returns. I The Fisk Tire
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    • 30 4 The !;»>t buiblm r liwued \*y thiTrafftc F.ianch up yeMrrday for nii'ttir cai Kvristratio!! was B-6612, a Boiek. Thi' last number Imnmsl t\»r motor cycle refjistration whs S-1860, a Baleifffc.
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    • 209 4 This New Tyre Saves Time and Labour Light delivery vans and lorries can be operated more efficiently if fitted with (ioodyear :)0 x V 2 Demountable Cushion Tyre*. Delays are eliminated, for the tyre is punctureproof and its light steel rim fits any 30 x V 2 wheel. it gives
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  • 1047 5 FORHES-LEITH OS MOTORING. SOME RECENT DEVICES. I SEED toil 12ISCRIMINATION. byMajor F. A. C. Forbe.s-Ix>ith, F.R.G.S., (Author of By Car to India"). I find that relatively few motorists take much interest m anything but the standard fitting.-, supplied with their particular car. j On the other hand,
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  • 175 5 Compared with the corresponding tw«»- j eater, with or without a dickey, the coupe j body has hitherto been an expensive typCi with the result that, although representing th<« ideal of largo numbers of potential car buyers, it has been beyond their price limitations. But
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  • 298 5 intern.) l «;r External? (By Isiaci Klein). The four-wheel brake question has Anally quieted down and relapsed into the same old problem of brake improvement. Just as, before the Introduction »>r four, brakes, engineer! worked over the individual brake drumi ami their component parts, so are they
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  • 68 5 Birmingham has for a long time been known as an enthusiastic Association football centre. A meml>er of the staff of this journal was recently taking a short cut from Saltley to W.alsall, ami while running ■lowly asked a pedestrian "who presented Bomcwipt dismal appearance the way to
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  • 51 5 [f the ignition is turned oIT while going d< rra a hill with first, second or third gv&r engaged, gasoline will flow into the engine. This washes the oil off the side walls of <h eylinden and when the ignition is turni•'! tngiat may blow the muffler
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  • 49 5 If your car is equipped with four wheel vj.kes. rcmeml*-r that the auto following may have the old style braking system. A nuii-k stop will cause him to wreck the rear end of your car. Never make a sud!cn stop unless it is absolutely necessary. 1
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  • 62 5 If the car steers hard, squeaks or lacks I> p, a glance at the odometer may throw some light on the situation. The chances are you are fatigued after having travelled a r*at distance. It is forgetting that you row tiled at the wheel that often causes B to spend
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 FORD ANNOUNCEMENT. As from Ist April, 1926, the following Prices for Ford Cars, Trucks, and Tractors, are effective: TOURING CAR (without self starter) $1 0 85 TOUtING CAR (with self starter) 220 RUNABOUT (without self starter) 1105 RUNABOUT (with self starter) 2 40 LIGHT DELIVERY VAN (without self starter) 1130
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    • 169 5 In use m every country m the world. ji Has an INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION of being the finest lorry made m England. Examine the LEYLAND Chassis and then compare it with other makers and j: 5 you will then realise the incomparable strength and power of the LEYLAND. l| J Every
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  • 2874 6 BEHIND THE SCENES AT MONTE CARLO. A KINEMA OF VIVID LIFE. I II The Key to Success. by <f^ ARTHUR 1)E COURCY BOW^R. t»t: viz I FU KE PRESS SPECIAL}. I The yreat French mathematician IV seal inventor of Koulette said "I *ili >h«i\\ a means of heating this gamt."
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  • 489 6 I an Appreciative Mother. >t it deal has been said about the supv degeneracy of our young people. This M pity, because what may be about a small Mir.< rity is absolutely untru«- as re- •.>■;« i ibe Majority. Moct < unt* people are working
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  • 180 6 A shott whil. ago, during «y excursions m thu neighbourhood of Harpenden (Herts), I eSBM upon several speck's of lar-e and wcll-devt loped NmshroOMl which interested me very much. I analysed some of thorn for their contents, and found that their solid matter consisted almost
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  • 511 6 EVERYBODY GOBfl A-RACING. (Specially Written far Free Frees). Ever since European! ftrat settled m Ceylon the <xil*. has shown marked ta I Tor enjoyment- and particularly t r jportKng enjoyment The earlieat arrivals meed; later on, the tea and coffee planters followed their excellent example; and When
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  • 960 6 SPECIAL GQLF ARTICLE- II Might of the Americans. I! BIG GUNS FOR ST. ANNES S? GEORGE GADD. ss \FRht: PMMSS SPECIAL}. London, Ma»vh. (efforts to win the match I eon A very thorough attempt is to he. made this yuir to regain supremacy for British
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 If it is suggested that rings and combines oppress th.c consumer, I answer that Food Councils, and all such devices, are the direct creators of these abuses.— Sir I Ernest J. P. Benn.
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  • 669 7 FIRE AT LONDON DOCKS! (From N.E.I. Papers). London. Apr. 5. A Urge fire broke out m the London Docks on Saturday morning, which completely destroyed a vool warehouse. Three hundred iiremen fought the flames for five houis. ExHnsiun ot ihe K. L. M. Service. The Hague, Apr.
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  • 137 7 Before Major C. Willson i.t the Centra Magistracy on April 2, Isay Genrasefl Tolokoasky, a Russian, was chai}re<| wiU not having a valid passport. He ha< several thousand dollars m his poasession Defendant said that he was on his wa^ to Banpkok on a business trip. He
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 464 7 CUbiiNnss CARDS. MARY SETON 5 E. AMBER MANSIONS, k ORCHARD ROAD. > I" THE CURIOSITY SHOP. \l J Please Send for the Illustrated t Catalogue of Musical Instruments a SEASON CO., LTD. J 111 and 113, North Bridge Road. J FUNERALS? SINGAPORE CASKET CO. EXPERT UNDERTAKERS." TELEPHONE 75. M CARS
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    • 643 7 NOTIC US IN THE MATTEk OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE. 1923 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE DURIAN SABATANG RUEBER ESTATE. LIMITED. Notice is hereby yiven that at an Extraordinary General Meeting of |k« above-named Company duly convened and held at the Re Xls ttred Office of the Company. Henfkonc Bank
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    • 670 7 Hj^H^H C\ SOOTHE HEAL THAT Wrim OYSH TROUBLE B^r 1 v-f!r > Always soothe, purify and heal your skin A v sease :in< J injuries with pure herbal Zam-Buk. Never experiment with ordinal y ointments and compounds containing rancid j^pjL^^^^g^B animal fats and mineral poisons. While so naturally soothing atui
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 753 7 CHURCH SERVICES. ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. FIRST SUNDAY AFTER RASTER. 7 a.m. Holy Ci».nniunion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion ,Choj-al) and Benson. Service Ireland m C. Hymns. t\27. yi9, HOB, 626. 9.15 turn. Matins and Litany; 1 p.m. The Catechism. 5.30 p.m. Festal Evensong and Sermon. (Paradf Bcrviec, A. Coy. S.V.C.) Hymns.
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  • 649 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1926. Citizenship or Community. The Miners Federation has resolved to oppose district agreements as opposed to a national agreement, presumably on the ground that it is easier to control a limited number of miners than a nation of miners. The modern form of the
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  • 388 8 Mr. 11. I>. Davies is comiinr out by the Kati.ii Matu. due here Ml April ttth. Mr. .1. S. N'icholls is appointed to ad M i SujH-riniendont (lovcinnunt Printing OAet from April l. Mr. r". T. Kin«ler. ■eaiot executive otticer. I 1.W.D.. is planted lcav- >f a>»sfnce for ei^ht BMMthe.
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  • 56 8 DEATH OF MR- F. J. DARBY. (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, Apr. 9. Mr. F. J. Darby, a planter, 53 years of age, di?d yesterday morning whilst on the way to Durian Daun Hospital, from heart failure. The funeral fccofc plarv he™ 1 yesterday evening, the set vice
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  • 98 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 9. At the annual general meeting of Malayan Collieries, Ltd., Mr. H. X. Ferrers, presiding, called attention to the expansion of the Company's trade and the strength of the financial position. Notwithstanding its abnormal share of misfortunes, Pamoekan Bay had
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  • 61 8 The (Jovernment Health Ortice j?ivts re- j ituins for th« week ended April :in\. IVnanpr Hill (2110 ft), ay.. m^an shadi* i \x mp. T.'.Ti dep. X. f evij* <»ration .472; inches; rainfall .S7o m. Taipen»r Hill Ci5O(M tunp. Ti.M; evap- j {240; rain |JOB m. Bukit
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  • 48 8 A bill shortly to be introduced into the Legislative Council gtaeo the inspecting officer power t<> oxler the destruction or tuatment <>t' any other plant or tools or i ut* nsi.'s used u|»»n the land. He may also ,«>i«M'i the land or plant to be treated
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  • 291 8 I Dm ing the early boon of Monday morn- ing', .">ih. instant. there passed away peact fully one of tin- meat old Moslem citizcii>. m the peraoa of Byed Alwev bin Ali Aljunid. Justwv <.t' the Peace, at the ripe i avre i.f M year-. His
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  • 226 8 Mr. \V. O. Jonkiaas, who returned from leave a short while ago, has taken charge of Sapintns Estate. Sahuk Kernam. Two Hokien* hud a lipht with knives at Tanjon^ l> aK nr yesterday with the result that both were taken to hospital severely injim-.i. It b uM that both
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    • 157 8 AT HOME AND ABROAD. [fteuter's Service. 1 Paris, Apr. The National Committee which i t organise the debts payment have appointed Marshal Joffre as president. The list been already opened with donation- r,f 50,000 francs by M. Doumerguc ami fiancs by M. Perot. [Havaa Service.] Paris. Apr. 9,
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  • 87 8 [Reuter's Service. I ondon, Apr Tin* National l>ele'j;'T. Confen Miner- |)?ivately discussed m LcMMJOI th« pfupoasle of coal »»vr. ?s uii-n oi* the coal report. The ••\«cuti\. u.ittee recon)nien<led the 1 eject lor. po>als and stand tit nt ajrainst the dist agreements or re»'uctions of irayi tension
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  • 84 8 (Renter's Bi rvu-e. New Orleans. Apr. f. The authorities arc attempting t., mint Urn easualti > caused hy the of explosions whit-h oeCVTMd >•■'• aboard the three fwh on the Mesi Pirn reporti iwHcmtcd over twenty ties. In addition to the explosion oil tanker already mentioned anoth» plosion
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  • 51 8 [Reutor's Birviw.] Washington. Apr. I. The Government have called a confer*, n. <- of the maritime powgri for Juru Btl the purpose of dealing with the prc-b!em> of «>i l pollution thnujrh thf mu 4 i-mal agreement. Twelve count! les hay« b«t n invited, iiuluding Grent Britain
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  • 32 8 THE MOROCCO SIT UATION. IReutor's S*r\ii>'.] l»«rus, Apr. I. Following Abd-vl Krim's sending an nary to the French authorities m MbfMfl negotiations are immediatt lTjda. Morocco, bet^oon npuwUitin the recalcitrant Riff tribes.
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  • 57 8 fßeuter's Service.] N>w York, \pril v hvery Ford car manufactured br nine pommda sterling profit to Henry V his wife, and son. who own the stock oMhe I'ord Motor Company, ato.mlmu to tU iffOTM published yesterdas ilwwinil t hut tho Company's profits last >var I $115 millions. The
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  • 46 8 Mexico it>. V|»r The Petroleum Law is publish* Ka/.ettv; hence, it is nnmediat.-h r< New Orleans. \pr. Al expl«»si »n ocrurreil aboard h Btlih^ Oil tanker whik* '20i> men wm the vessel m dry dock. At lea-t MM mm* killed and 47 injured
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  • 26 8 [Reuter's Service.] Ananeim. California. April Lighting struck two .f the I'rr pany's tanks hero, ■gglfitif a million half barrels which m now ablaze.
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  • 72 8 The Malay Mail Malacca MfflMf writes that, as a result of what il uM l have been a quarrel excited by a woman and two men were killed i kcr-st. on Tuesday ■OTtof. while f^ir m«» lies m hospital seriously WWM* The affair happened at one of tho 1 Parts
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 45 8 F «K ALL J VKRMIN USE AGEtfTS: W. R. Loxiey Co. j M OF APS I U I GOLDEN SERIES. L' WtV-»A%W.W.VA t I .V.V. i .V.V.V. -Jk ■I ITS AN EASY JOB to renovate your cai* with* ■I or ALL GARAIHR AM) DBAUUMI f
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  • 340 9 DISCORD FEARED. MEETINGS AND MODERATION. [Reuters Service.] London, Apr. 8 It is understood that the executive of the Miners Federation has decided to reject the coal -wners proposals and recom.rtend a special conference of miners delegates tomorro* to refuse district settlements and reductions. British Radio— Official Service],
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  • 42 9 [Hritish Radio— Official Service. Rugby. Apr. 8. The number of unemployed is rapidly t':irin>r towards one million. The latent weekly return records a further decline of J'»,T.')4. The actual totul is now 1,01:1,600 i compared with 1. 251,900 on January 4th.
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  • 158 9 r ßritish Radio Official Service!. Kugby. Apr. 8. The visit to London of the French Finance Minister, Monsieur Raoul Pent, ari unireH for next week, has undergone a short I ostponement, owing to M. Peter's pnsonee i ring required m Paris during the passage of the French Budget
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  • 110 9 [Reuter's Service.] Brussels. \pr. 8. Th*- Internationa! Maritime Conference concluded with a convention respecting state-owned ships. A!! the delegates agreed that such vessels, even warships, should If subject to the same obligations and responsibilities as privately owned ships, hut the convention provides that warships, also "public" vessels should
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  • 19 9 [Reuter's St-rvice.] Calcutta. Apr. 8. Four were killed and ten wounded m a recrudescence of the rioting.
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  • 252 9 MUSSOLINI'S TRIUMPH. LEAVES FOR TRIPOLI. [Reater's Service.] Fiumicino, Apr. 8. Indescribable scenes of enthusiasm took Place this morning on the arrival of Mus»o»ri to embark for Tripoli. Salvos were t»«|. S h,p s sounded their sirens, and there JW* everywhere of "Viva Mussolini." l*• populace
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  • 110 9 [Reuters Service. l Paris. Apr. 8. M. Malvy, minister of the interior, has n signed on account of ill health. Paris, Later. Simulation is active as to the reasons for Malvy's resignation, which is ascertained not to he occasioned by ill htalth. The reasons are contained m the
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  • 183 9 (Reuter's Service. 1 Washington. Apr. 8. Laying the corner stone of a new home for the National Press Club. President C »olidge emphasised the responsibilities of the press m furthering the Government's efforts to maintain harmonious international relations. He urgt d the observance of the g>lden rule
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  • 108 9 [Router's Service.] San Francisco. Apirl 8. Government agents have seized a giant redwood tree m the mountains near Dyerville, North California, for violation of the prohibition law. The tree is twenty four feet m diameter and a hollow chamber was found at the hase, concealing fifty trillions* of
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  • 43 9 [British Radio Official Servieel. Rugby. Apr. 8. Paris 140; New York 4.8625; Brussels 127; Geneva 25.2; Amsterdam 12.125; Milan 120.85; Berlin 20.43; Bombay Is. 5 7 /cjd.; Shanghai 2s. 11% d.; Hongkong 2s. 3%d.; Yokohama Is. 2%d.; Silver, spot, 30 l-16d.
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  • 17 9 [Reuter's Senrice.l Cairo, April 8. The Spaniards who are flying to Manila have arrived.
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  • 298 9 FATAL TERMINATION TO EARLY MORNING RIDE. The. death occurred at the General Hospital yesterday morning of a young European warder, Frank Corbishley, who met with a fatal motor cycle smash while riding along Pasir Panjang Road earlier the same morning. Up to the presen 1 it is
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  • 395 9 The order which Mr. Justice Dcane made upon the stpplication of the Official Assignee for the examination of Loh Kirn Swee and Loh Kin Im. concerning th«> hankruptcy of j Lok Chuk I'oh. proprietor of Chops Loh Chef Seng and Loh Kee Seng, vvas .•amelled by his
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  • 56 9 Tho following programme of music will be given by the New Adelphi Sovonas on Sunday. April 11th at 9.30 p.m: Overture "The Magic Kluto," Mozart; Serenade "Notte Nostalgica," Toselli; Selection 4t Th«? Mikado," Sullivan; Saxophone S« lo "valse Vanito" Wiedoeft; (Palapo), Suite "RaliVt Kgyptien," Luiglni; "Liebesfreud." Kreisler; Finale "Emporor Frederic
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  • 139 9 for the year, absorbing $100,000; to write off Raffles Chambers lease $153, 988.50; to transfer to General Reserve $50,000; and to carry forward to next account $160,096. 89 was approved, on tho motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Eu Tonjj Sen*. On the motion of Mr. Macgregor, seconded by
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  • 921 9 FAIR SHARE OF GENERAL PROSPERITY. An Abnormal Year. The seventh annual general meeting of Messrs Robinson and Co. Ltd. was held at Chartered Bank Chambers at noon yesterday. The Chairman, Mr. R. Page, presided, and there were also present Messrs Eu Tong Seng, W. H. Macgregor, John
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 176 9 VWVyWWWWWkVAV,%\V.W. V%VWAV%W.V.W.W.W.W.V. 1 Dainty Wedding Presents. ISO. *****. ■T^'^ 2* J STERLING SILVER 3|!o«SS3»gfi 5 > coffee spoons. vs (riHrill incase. fflpfll Ik^S irvdfl NEW PLAIN SEAL END. BIB9HIB I BHIliN' > l' Case of six PRICE $12.50. Hv|» Iff V J f Case of twelve PRICE $25.00. Ifl M
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 590 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). "ellejiiiaFline PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. FREIGHT SERVICE. OUTWARDS. s.s. CITY OF LYONS Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Apr. 18 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF PEKIN London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Apr. 22 s.s. CITY OF
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    • 514 10 P. O. I BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated m England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIBNT^STBAM N^^ j I LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China and Japan. For Marseilles. London and An Due Tonnage. Singapore.
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  • 1528 11 THE CLP SEMI-FINALS. English Ladies' Big Hockey Win. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, March 11. Somehow >r other the Cup Semi-Finals did not seem to excite so much interest as usual, the four matches indeed only drawing about IOU.OOO spectators m all. The games were dramatic. At Clapton
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 706 11 Seize your chance^ m Empire development! T"evclopmcm E of Cr th c I 'WESr [l S Stj? f Empire is every day P o any of the lead opening up for amS [T\ mg Bntlsh Professional tious men opponiSSSs examinations wh,ch conmore brilhanVtharfhave dH? 011 J^cssiul canbeen known before. nkeTn
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    • 260 11 i '_ST' y S_^*^ t I^^-— J'^^ ZS^^nL M IBBM^^M^^^^______L__ -_-___l___« f~ I f i^^^^^^^" i I _H _B a T^M If ORE V, I ROUBLE? m -I I JLf JLtu^age \v I I iftk I QUICK TIRE SERVICE 1675 mr bT^C Wk OOME day you may need tire B"^
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  • 77 12 BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas .and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Koala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Ke lan tan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 0 p.m.
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  • 167 12 Karimon Soon Lee 9 a.m. Cucob and Benuit Mersing 1) a.m. Pulau Soegi Sultana 9 a.m. Sarawak Rajah of Sarawak 9 a.m. Christmas Island Islander 10 a.m. Pontianak Khoen Foeng 11 a.m. Java, South-West Sumatra, Southeast Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly Bontekoe 11 a.m. East Coast
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  • 79 12 Mails from Europe. (London mails despatched March 18th>, ex. P. and O. Kashgar arrived by train last night. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 0 a.m. to-day. N" A n' Wir«»>f»«js m rommunirstion with s.s. Benrinrus. Cingo Maru, British Light. Calcutta, Ellenga. Gascoyne. Glaucus. Helcion.
    79 words
  • 82 12 Ban Whatt Soon Brit. l»'.s. from T Ball J. for T. Bali 11. Toh Lam, Dut. I2S, from hjambi i« for Djambi 10. Singkel. Dut. 25:.. from Sambas t, for Singkawanir 13. R. S. Bahru. Dut. f>S. from Bengkalis for Bengkalis 10. Hongleat. Brit. TA. from Intlrugiri J».
    82 words
  • 143 12 Ships alongside the Wharves. or expected to arrive. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Merton Hall 22; Takada 21. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Queda IS; Kudunda 10; Hosang 14; City of Uaroda. 18; Tacoma Maru 11; Jason and Kinta 10; Ixion 8; Helcion *'k Empire Dock (Entrance
    143 words
  • 19 12 April 9. Perim, Mnrea. Barratta, Selangor, (Brit); R. of Sarawak, (Sar)- Lt de la Tour, (Fch); Patrol, (Brit).
    19 words
  • 62 12 (By Courtesy of the Government Health Officer.) For the twenty-four hours ending midnight April Bth. Max. shade temp 91 F Mm. shade temp 76 F Mean shade temp 82.1 F Max. sun radiation 158 F Miru. glass radiation 72 F Sea temp 81 F" Mean wet bulb temp
    62 words
  • 86 12 Th< Customs patrol at Outram Ghat made a smart detection, followed by an arrest at Calcutta, of a Chinaman, an intending passenger for Singapore, who arrived at the Ghat with a large wooden box and another made of cane. The boxes were as usual being examined by the
    86 words
  • 112 12 The outward bound P. and 0. Kaahgar has left Penang and is expected to arrive at this port at 3 p.m*. to-day.' She will proceed to the Singapore Harbour Board's wharf on arrival. The P. and 0. steamer Jeypore has left Hongkong, and is expected to arri'e at
    112 words
  • 770 12 Vice-Admiral H. W. Richmond lectured on j*'Sea Warfare" at King's College. He said sea warfare was capable of giving the power of investment and of contributing to assault the power of mobility. The capture of private property at sea, or the prospect of capture, formed a
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  • 52 12 into a bag sheet about of an inch thick. A close examination of the wooden box proved that this box also had a small double-bottom, where a huge sheet of '>pium abr.ut M of an inch was found. The total weight was about 19 seers. The man has been takon
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 602 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4.512 tons.) The 8.8. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins (ie Luxe, single t>erth cabins, swimming bath,
      602 words
    • 392 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said. Marseilles from Singapore. AMBOISE 16,000 tons May 5 PAUL LECAT 17,000 tons Apr. 21 CHANTILLY 17,000 tons Apr. 28 OUTWARD MAILS. To Saigon. Hongkong, Shanghai ami Japan. ANGERS 10,000 tons Apr. 4 j AMAZONE 11,000 tons Apr. 19 To Saigon, Tourane
      392 words
    • 278 12 SSc3Et2GSG Stewart's j BLENDED Old Scotch Whisky Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated m England.* Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. XOYD TRIESTINO NAY. CO. (Incorporated m Italy.) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service for Brindisi, V t nd Trieste via ports takinp cargo on hrmifrh Bills of Lading for Plant, si
      278 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 638 13 v. s. K. Line. Destinations. London, Rotterdam, Hamburg Mearoers. Arr. Dept. *tr«,2r3 r:« c t;r Aden Aiask 11^ ;as »r Apr 22 Tape T.nvn. Rio, Santos, r >"cago Maru May 18 May 19 Montevideo and Buenos Aires via Colombo. tj 2 Co,on, bo Bo mbay Karachi. ITL""" A^ J* mbo
      638 words
    • 434 13 Bk steamship line **^53** Round -the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port SaW, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning
      434 words
    • 639 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NKW YORK. (Incorporated m U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (viA Suez) RHINE MARU Due Apr 13 For rate, and other particular, .ppl,:- GUTHRIE CO.. .'.TI» Agents: Singapore and Pen**, K. P. M~ KONINKIYK PAKETMRT MAATSCHAPPIJ.
      639 words

  • 1652 14 NORTH AND SOUTH. (From Our Own Correspondent). Dublin, Mar. 8. Insensibly a better feeling is coming about between North and South. On seveial lecent occasions Sir James Craig, the Northern Premier, has held out the olive leaf, and President Cosgrave, of the South, shows inclinations to accept
    1,652 words
  • 126 14 Says the Times of India. This is lhv nu> t<( thinking of the purchase of -t >»»»»«;. n the Calcutta Derby Sweep and the POMible royal road to fortune. Re",, t V H-.ved by the Kir, Was rilp tau,Th s |A ban .lones. D.5.0.. formerly of th, RN 1 Who
    126 words
  • 259 14 N\ her; joints become swollen, i ful. eat a box of DE WITTS I'll !> •he nearest chemist, and take them I |coi«nmea with the simple dbcetioni v \vry box. That appears to lv the quickest way to jret rid of pair.. Physicians recommend
    259 words
  • 27 14 You netd Ui If you are book receiving, forwarding ißMring IO0d«. Goods ColKrtr.l. phlpp^ any ft<M**M c.n. GOSLING I 41, Ay.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 61 14 ter Chota Hazr i Before settling down to the heat and worry of the day there's nothing, for getting on really good terms with oneself, like settling down to the sound, soothing enjoyment that comes from smokinsi A. AX JUrdlAri cut wluAKEfl 1 tS 1! I II 111 111 IyKyBEB^
      61 words

  • 902 15 RIBIJER SHAKES RECOVER. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Mar. 11. Encouraged by a rise of nearly Id. per lb. m the price of the commodity, rubber shares made a considerable recovery during last week, and closed with a good tone m Jvidence. This week the tone of
    902 words
  • 68 15 April 9. Bank 4 m.s. 2 4 7-16 Bank demand 2 4 1-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 24 19-32 New York, demand 56 13-16 Credits 90 days 58% l France, demand 1590 India, T. T. 156 Hongkong, demand 1 p. C- [)j s Yokohama, demand 122 ><. Java, demand
    68 words
  • 246 15 April i>. Tin 150 Toms £i; i6 0() Gam bier 110(> Pepper White 6 5. 00 Pepper Black 43 00 Flake Tapioca 5 6 5 Pearl Sago Small 759 Copra n 7O Copra Su rid lied 11. So Opium, Benares unt. 4.000 Rice, Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle
    246 words
  • 62 15 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. April 9th, U»2fi, 12 o'clock noon. Buyers Sellers R.S.P. Equal to Standard, Q.C.F. Spot S8> L 89 Stamhml K.S S. on Tender April S«M L 9%\fr May -June 88 Si> •Juiy-Sfpt. 87 88 T«»m- of Market: <2uu>t. Latest Cibk-: London Spot Sheet
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  • 241 15 Singapore, Apr. 9. Rubber. Owing to the intervention of the Easter Holidays, the market was closed for three days during the period under review. The maiW't reopened with an easier tendency. The local auction this week was held i> day later than usual, and although London and New
    241 words
  • 124 15 FRASERS SHARE LIST. Yesterday's Alterations. Asam Kumban* 57s M Ifa Malayan Collieries ($10) 37.75 38 50 c d Nai Hoot ($1) i.W 1.12. Pahang Consd. (fa) i:j. s p.d 14s l'^d id Rahman Hyds. ($1) 1.9."> 2 Of) Indrapiii ($5) 10.00 10 50 Jeram Kuantan (50) l
    124 words
  • 178 15 MACPHAIL CO., LTD'S REPORT. Singapore, Apr. 9. Rubber. Local HO 1 Tin. London £267. Local 136. (ir»o tons sold). Rubbers. Shares are quiet. New Scudais are quoted 3.10 tJQ a nd Malaka Pindas at 'SA2 l ii 3.20. United Malaccas have buyers at 2.97 »<2 and Tapahs at 30. Glenealys
    178 words
  • 239 15 ROSE MACPHAIL COS REPORT. (L. R. Macphail) Singapore. Apr. Kuhber. 2s 3 1 *«t d up. Local «JO. Tin. £207. i' 7. 15s. down. Rubber share quotations are unchanged with fair enquiry. Mining ami industrial stocks arc steady and all issues of Loans are wanted at quotations. Rubbers. -Kemnas were
    239 words
  • 326 15 Singapore, Apr. 9. Kuhher Report. The holidays have inter vened since our last, and the closing of the Market! has added to the difficulty m reading the position. The figure of 35,0 VI tons returned hy the Registrar of Exports and Imports for March shipments from
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1210 15 Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. mmmm^~ mmmmam kmiiri /mf\i. Assurance m Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE -W h < In t Porated m Straits Settlements) The Company has £20,000 n deSdL?2S LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry. E.C aepomted with the Supreme Co«rt of Eagland,
      1,210 words
    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, (Iscorpontod to England by Royal Charter A. D. 1710). j ftfcE MOTOR CAR SIARINE Fidelity Guarantee—Administration Bonds Singapo^ Representative- -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., Lt4 CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 922 16 MR. LEE PANG SENG'S LOANS FKOM SIME, DAKKY. The story of how Messrs. Si me, Darby and Company made him loans amounting to more than a million dollars was told by Mr. Lee Pang Seng when his public examination was continued l>efore Mr. Justice Deane m the Singapore
    922 words
  • 1135 16 Judge Holds She Must Give Evidence. The submission that a wife could not be i called upon to give evidence under the Bankluptiy Ordinance m connection with the bankruptcy of her husband was taken by W. H. St. George m the Bankruptcy Court (yesterday morning when
    1,135 words
  • 130 16 S.C.C. II vs V.M.C.A. The match between the S.C.C. second I leven and the V.M.C.A. commenced on the Padang yesterday afternoon, the Club, who batted first, losing five wickets for the small total of 48 inns. The gam? will be continued at 2 p.m. to-day. Present scores: SX.C.
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  • 50 16 S.C.C TENNIS TOURNAMENT. MONDAY'S TIES. Championship. Hunt vs. Hull. HUKfiiM vs. Prentis. Newnimer's Handicap. (ox owe 2 vs. Ha j ford, owe 15, to finish. Profession Pair*. Linton and Hickney vs. (Iriffith-JoTios and Pash. Hamilton and NewbetJ vs. Kleinman and Sinclair. Canicion and Cobb vs. Roy Smith and Ha /ell.
    50 words
  • 329 16 Championship Pairs. Hall am! Hujrpins vs. Cooper and IV Stuers. Hamilton and Wil<; \>. Marriott and Holyoak. Kleinnian and V hitlev vs. Cameron and Cobb. \t'l«THiix Doubles Handicap. T« ale and Griffith-Jones iwi' ir>.:\ v>. M»r fler and Mrrirlv i owe l">. NNGAPOSB GOLF I lit. A mixed
    329 words
  • 266 16 TO-DAY'S LEAGUE MATCHES. The following matches m the English and Scottish Leagues will be played vo-day: Division I. Birmingham vs. Burnley. Blackburn R. vs. Manchester U. Bury vs. Liverpool. Cardiff C. vs. Bolton' W. Everton vs. Leicester C. Huddersfield T. vs. W Ham U. Manchester C. vs. Aston
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  • 5 16 asdfasdfasdf
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  • 3 16 asdfasdfasdf
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  • 128 16 M UNICIPAL MATTERS. The following action was taken at a MM ting of Committee No. 2 held on April »>th:— Approved the grant of six months' full pay leave to Nurse Smith on her resignation. Approved temporary engagement of Mrs. Jackson as Municipal N'urs?, at a commencing salary of $200
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  • 54 16 Programme of Drills. Saturday, Apr. 10th./ 3 p.m. I) r JH Hall Motor Cycle Platoon, 2.30 p.m. Farrcr Ranjre "A" Toy. Chinese Company. 4 p.m. Sunday. Apr. llth. 5.30 a.m. Farrer Ran^e, "A" Company. 4.45 p. m Victoria Theatre "A" Company. Church Parade. DfftW^-Mt an< l bayonet,
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  • 27 16 Jockey Woods has arrived m [poh from Australia and is attached to Mr. Logue's training establishment. f,,r whose st-ibio be will ride at the forthcoming Singapore mo^tinf.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 251 16 THE PIANO WITH 150 Years Reputation JOHN BROADWOOD SONS, Ltd ALL BRITISH MADE. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Hongkong). RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. Sole Agents. i i World's Favourite Gramophone The hundreds of thousands of Deccas m use all over the Empire furnish the most convincing proof of the
      251 words