The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free ftess 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1926. NO. 11,764.
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  • 283 1 Serious riots have incurred between Moslems and Hindu* at Calcutta and over thirty persons have been killqd and hundreds injured Page 8. Man; shops were looted and mosques desecrated, but the authorities now have the situation well in hand Page 8. The French (iovernment's financial measures for
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  • 1069 1 On a winter evening in thw year l"i>0 a gr>up «>f men entered a tavern in London. Some were players and writers, others were gt ntlemen and amateurs of the stage. Most were boisterous and free of tongue even before drink bad been served. One was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 320 1 TRADE MARK WARNING! It has come to our notice that Soaps are being sold as Gossages which are not ot OoMlit— manufacture. In order to protect consumers trom these mutations, CJossages* Soaps are now sta.npeJ wk.i the Trade Mark on the reverse sid«. Gossages' Soaps h.ive over ?><> years' good
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    • 103 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. (imiua atttac-litns PAffC 1711 Kau ac Colocne- Page 5. Amalgamation aotka P*B* Stenographti wanud- Page 7. Shipping «>n pegea 1«>. 12 :>"d It. Heath hats, Robinson's --Page 9. Lactojren for your i-hild- Page 9. Flit kills insects. Jacks Page 14. Frasrr and Ntave'* product* Pfe£C IC Auction sale
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 88 1 THE WEEK. Hiv'h Water, 2.4 a.m.. '\.W a.m. Rifle Mooting. K. Luinpur. Hi^h Water, 2J>i a.m.. 1.14 f>.m. No Issue Free Pres.-. Centrnl Entrine Works. «.,!!> r Quay. noon. Hiph Water, 4.9 a.m.. 7.24 p.m. M.M. homeward mail Laves. Hiph Water. 5.45 a.m., s.3<> p.m. Hijrh Water, 7.2J< a.m.. p.m.
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  • 206 2 THE i •HINESK HICH SCHOOL. Ti. tKv Editor. Sir: Through two recent contributions to jrotu paper, the affairs of the Chinese High School have been brought to the notice of the English reading poblie. To remove any misunderstanding of the situation arising from the scanty explanation
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  • 229 2 W «»r'h*t»«. Packages Sent to K. Lumpur. Th< Btory is told in Kuala Lumpur |sa\> tl-.t Mai.i> Mail <>f how a Chinese towkay who hari .specially fonc to Siam to purchase silk was robbed when he landed at Singapore. T r towkay. vhose name la not disclosed,
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  • 208 2 Lor,. Bleston deals in the Contemporary Kev< w with the task that awaits Lord Irwii. ir. Indisi. The magnitude of that task h 'yr- :i:>'\- than it has ever been in the histor] (»1 (.ur association with the country." "Lord I/win will arrive in India at the end «>!' the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 315 2 STILLMAN'S FRECKLE CREAM. Double Action, Removes Freckles. Whitens the Skin. New stocks just arrived at MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. THE HAPPY VALLEY LTDThe Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. Mdm. aKdvey's Dancing A well-known professional teacher in Character, Classical, Clog, Ballet and Tot-dancing. Pupils are
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    • 386 2 Victoria Coming Shortly A. CARPI will 'present The Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Ballet, Full Chorus and Full Orchestra. The Denishawn Dancers The Talking Film The Puppets AND THE RETURN VISIT OF THE QUAINTS PAVILION From Thursday, Ist to Wednesday, 7th April. AT 9.15 P.M. SHARP THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE
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    • 255 2 From Sunday, 4th, to Saturday, 10th April. A PARAMOUNT SUPER^PRODUCTION Presenting A STUDY IN FACIAL EXPRESSIONS The like of which has hardly been seen in any other picture before. AT THE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, commencing 9 p.m. The Meteoric Screen Star POLA NEGRI Vlore Charming, More Fascinating, More
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  • 642 3 EXPORTS TO CEASE WITHIN A barorfni period. The Governm.nt of India are taking steps to ffat ..iict t>» the large saciihc:es of jevenue ;-ntaikMl by the new polciy of eventual extinction ;f txports of opium except lor strictly nieilica] puiposes. bor a lone time past policy
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  • 240 3 Sir, That great desideratum, stabilisation of rubber prices would probably in\OH* sonit- approximate fixing of maximum and minimum limits; but to fix a maximum in «\n industry where doubling or trebling prices does not materially affect consumption is beyond practical possibility! A low limit, the minimum price, may
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 392 3 Safeguard against Fever t&SSPZSJSSS** wUI give y° u the necessary strength and vigour to uard off contagion. U jou are run down start a course at once. ll l ■Vi! I,Vl ,V" i "V lir w e+»y to ull;(t ,i m s, it M "ft 1 th;m tl ""'""'"■'l "ho
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    • 232 3 USE: BRITISH TIMKEN Tapered Roller Bearings. Most Efficient Readily Adjustable. Every Roller Gauged Accurately to within Sll One-Twelvethousandth of an inch. lllSSl Sole Distributing Agents:— '^^yf/mff Malayan Motors Agents in F.M.S. SINGAPORE. Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD.: Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca. WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED. Proprietors. OPEL CARS The Premier German
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  • 1227 4 Gilbert hoard the sound of Cora'l harp coming from the direction of the staircase. I lut high up towards her room in the <>ld part of the M*TW>r House. He stood listening in the hall but for a moment, and then her sweet soft voice commenced to sing
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  • 841 4 "'I hi.- i> a citsc remarked Sir John, "almost a> cxt r;<<>r<liiiai y M Mis- West clitf' >. Hut in a few minutes you shall judjr»for yovuM'lf." Gilbert and the great upecialist were dri.m^ in the latter** car from Cavendish Squace i" of ?h«»e choice little houxefc overlooking
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  • 573 4 Within a quarter .f an hour. Sir John Rufford. Gilbert, and Charles Melrose. Captain BCelrOOe's younger brother, wt re seated in the study on the floor below. "Can,. you form in y <ur own mind, Mr. Melrose,* 1 paid Sir John, "any solution of the cause of your
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  • 1409 4 Gilbert went back t> Redhorousrh that afternoon to hard work ami thoughts of Cora; hut two weeks passed before ho heard anotht r w >rd from her. Faithful to his promise, be stole a ni^ht and went to the Green Park Club on the chance of seeing her;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 977 4 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING. (Under S.R.A. Rules of Racing). Will be held on Saturday, Bth May, Tuesday, 11th May, Thursday, 13th May, Saturday, 15th May and Saturday, 22nd May, 1926. PROGRAMME FOR THE INFORMATION «>F MEMBERS ONLY. Ist Day. Saturday, Bth May. Kace Net. 1. THE I'ENANG
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    • 1038 4 to run in Race 5 on Ue Third Day; Class B. to run in Race 5 on the Fourth Day and Class C. to run in Rdce 2 on *hr> Fourth Day. Distances, all classes. r> furlongs. Entrance Foe $25. For added stake monies see footnote-. 4th Dav. Saturday, 15th
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  • 1547 5 A WILD RIDE TO MARRAKESH. Ha Ahmed's Palace. Marrakesh. 1 have just been fired, like a bullet lioin a rifle, out of the familiar and highly developed civilisation of the West into a^iediaeval and baffling life of th.' East, in which there crops up a queer
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 306 5 f f- m^ do twice as much twice as well" I COSMO HAMILTON. Very true it is that you can only get out of a machine what you put into it, and that most intricate machine, the human brain, needs extra nourishment to Mand the strain. A course <>t Sanatogea
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    • 468 5 After The Game .<>iir «ired irritated skin nc*Hs reinvi^oratin» and toning up in order to offset the \B^v. ill-effetts of the sun and jjlarv f»f the \S^v. Courts. A little "4711" Bau de Cologne, \B^V dabbed on the wrists and temples, not only \B^V cods and refreshes, but invigorates the
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  • 538 6 42 Services Arranged. Berlin, Feb. 19. The Deutsche Lufthansa Gesellschaft, the new company which is being formed out of an amalgamation of the two big airway systems, the Aero-Lloyd and Junkers, which last yeac covered the whole of Germany, has made enough progress with its preparations to
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  • 324 6 R USSIA'S DISMAL POVERTY Trotsk>'s Damaging Admission. The actual efforts on Russian lift' of the Soviet experiments in nationalisation and Communism are strikingly sot forth in a valuable memorandum by Dr. B. Luboff, based on up-to-date Soviet doeiunenti am] iu-.l •Tin- Bovieta in I'J'J.V Trotsky is quoted on the Ilussian
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 346 6 mSm STANDARD JP| IBJ 1 VA^3LUE Ifej OBTAINABLE ONLY FROM Whiteaway Laidlaw Co., Ltd. v > fc **ir^ \j e-^ _^^t I POPULAR ALL OVER THE EAST. s^l 4 THE '•We*"*" ALL-BRITISH CYCLE. vOl\6^ f^ /"I In Hnjrland, where the piodtieta of Birmingham have r V y IflC^y Cl^^ >etn
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    • 291 6 Sprains Bruises Rely on Sloan f s to f No rubbing mJo}\ You get quick relief from painful Jsja /I Sprains, Strains and J3nnses with r Sloan's Liniment. Lay on gently a ffiy\ y,) little Sloan's instantly you feel its ~^^HP* \&WmI warming, soothing influent oat work I "s.V\ \^^jf^'
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  • 994 7 THE NAVAL HASE QUESTION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Mar. 11. The iji.cstion of employment by the Admiralty at the Singapore dockyard of Indian labour which they have obtained from the natives brought over by thv> lubber industry for woi k on the plantations has attracted
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  • 619 7 THE NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL. (From N.E.I. Papers). The Hague, Mar. 26. Mr. D. Fock, Governor-General of the N.E.1., will resign in September next, on ths day <;n which he will hand over his duties to his successor Jhr. .Mr. A.C.D. de Gaeff, the present ambassador at New
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  • 96 7 '■:50.000 (o \s>ist Migration to Dominions. .'•Mr Robert Heine, in speech a*. <l\u> prow, recently, Announced that he had w reived a jrift of £30,000 from Mr. I tybourne Davidson, of Huntley, Aberdcensliire, a pioneer In the rubber industry, to assist «i scheme of emi^rmtiofl t<» Domini u
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 425 7 BUSINESS CARDS. y.V.V.V.%VAV.V.V.V.V.W.V.'.V. MARY SET ON E. AMBER MANSIONS. < J OBCHABD ROAD. 5 J THE CURIOSITY SHOP. 5 Please Send for the Illustrated Catalogue of Musical Instruments, o J SEASON CO., LTD. 111 and 113, North Bridge Road, g MAKIJLE TABLE TOPS, FLOORING, TILES, Etc. SINGAPORE CASKET CO. "Marble
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    • 498 7 NOTICES. AMALGAMATION. G. H. SLOT AND CO., LTD. BENNETT AND 00. Notice is hut-by jrivt-n'that Messrs. G. H. Slot Co., Lt<l.. of Peaanf an<l Messrs. Bennett j .nd Co., of Penang and Singapoce have amalgsmated; and Mr. B. J. Bennett h:i^ joined the Board of Messrs. 6. H. Slot and
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    • 275 7 Morn'™ I CALLS FOR PEPS. 1 j^Bßt^" r^/$ 1 tablns as they dissolve in the mouth, are carried />/•;/ H with the breath straight into throat, broachial lubes and lunps. Thus Peps soothe and thor- [I oughly disinfect the throat, clear the i lo^ged-up air-tul>es and extend a healing, parifyifig
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    • 545 7 AUCTION SALES. I AUCTION S ME OF M I'ruvdi'cnu 1 Plfflu'c- .-ui.! jY«.-:. L'jM BoJeroom No. '.o a«tia Bti 't! Jim OX WEDXKSDAV Tth APKII. AT 10 A M. i>\ PftlOAT Pth APRIL AT I- A.M. I Tlm ple4gof compriaa vratdMi ns, <!iamond ami otker ringa, brooesv v, Chinese and
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  • 2 8
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  • 86 8 ANDERSON. Mar. »1 to. Alexandra C«mrt, Que«n'i S.W., t<> Pemcu !•.<•«• Baarrtsoa), the arifc "i* G«ong* H"><l A n l i i .<ir »r;i •>• daaghtar. HENDERSON Mar MartfieM, I kn Beach, t<> Manrarvt, tin- .f < m h. iul*r(tatc of l'-iKnn:. >>•. IMb JACQUES. PeK -'7. ;.t
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  • 6 8 MONUAY, M'Kll. IM2H.
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  • 1946 8 Senator Borah (i having a happy Kaster in defending \\i> country against a charge of pelt'-huntintf which is obviously nntrue. The only ;thintf America tfot out ul the war is the ritfht t<> tax all the peoples of the world for a period of three-quarters of a century.
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  • 172 8 CALCUTTA RIOTS. MANY INJURED. fßputer's Service.] Calcutta. Apr. 2. A t i«>t started when Arya Samaji-t. inj: a procession with a band. ■PJWjaUnd mosque in the northern part of the city. Th< MosU ms objected and furious fighting sued. The deputy commissioner of p and a Kurnpean
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  • 188 8 I [Renter*! Service.] a»hin?ton. Apr. 2. Surprise and commi have l>eon ca here by the action of the mm lariat I I I Lc VffM of Nati »n> circularising all th« -iiitiat<>ru'> ti» the Protocol for pTta»Hi».ipfl a permanent r<»urt of internet iona! jtl at
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  • 175 8 [ReuttrV Ser\ice.] Washington. Apr. 2. Mr. WiMton Chun-hill's ro<vnt itaIMMBU in the House ,>f Cwmn with ropurd t< I the Hritish-Aniorkan del t HtUtMtfll ha> Ibroochl a fiery WHpO— t in tho ftlMtt t'rorr Senator H<,rah, who tmdt^Vom«< to llKni that the United Btalee Bhrtjjra sou*?** t arri\>
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  • 55 8 [lUatcr'f Servkc] Ijondon. Apr. L\ The morning bulletin about the Priactf ietoria says that tho pncunumir ptMMi is hnproviar. Tho strain on tho stnnjrti I Of Hit Koyal Highness is tfreat. London. Apr. t, Tho monUag lujllotin ■tatM that although tho pneumonia ifl ffiinlThlg, ttattf, th#« -tr:»
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  • 54 8 [Router's Service] l*arK Apr. I. A iium from Strasbourg itrtci thai the German authorities have seized a Freud military aeroplane with an officer and Ml Ream aboard, which was flying over Um Rhine and was forced to land at Zaeckin^ -i.. Baden, but th«. occupants were allowed
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  • 38 8 [Roater's Service.] Mexico City. Apr. fc Five were killed and 92 injured owing to the collapse of an overcrowded balcony in a cinema hurling a mass of men, women and children upon the people below.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 192 8 S "THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" SIMONDS j MILK STOUT j Will do you good. OBTAINABLE AT ALL DEALERS OK FKOM THE IMI'OKTKKS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated under ihv Companies Ordinance! of Honpkon^r. > t Incorporated in Shanghai.) Telephone 228. I NEW SHIPMENT ENGLISH DUCKLINGS i COLD STORAGE ill
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    • 74 8 V Parf urns de Luxe COTY Chypre 5 J Origan J: •J Rose Jacqueminot J Paris j \l Emeraude > EAU DE COTY [I to be had from all dealers Dupir« Brothers. 5 10 W I VAW.V.V.'AViW. f A%WiWiSVA <v I I i s^^ «r -M\±- iMi^^ —^RLrT -r Sole
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  • 438 9 SOME PROGRESS. BIT INFLATION CONTINUES. [Reuter's Service.] I'aris. Apr 2 An unfa^.urable impression has "been ceated ,n the stock .narket by the woeklv balance ■hatt of the Banque de F lHnc Rowing an mcrease of a milliard and quar-' ter fr»c. m the Banque advances to the
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  • 75 9 [Buttr*! Service.] London. Apr. 3. Political circles regard the coal situation, d' spiti the somewhat unpromising developments, not pessimistically. Ft was never anticipated that the Coal Oannniw io»*i import would be accepted without at least i*erj onsiderahle negotiations, .the basis of which ii provided in the owners'
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  • 45 9 [ReuterV Service. l Rangoan, Apr. a. The Danish aviator, B-.tvtd, has arrived here safely and will start for Bangkok tomorrow. H'-rschend's machine, however, owing to engine trouble, was forced to land and was damaged^ 2H miles from Rangoon. The airniea are not injured.
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  • 45 9 [ReuterV Service.] Bagdad. Apr. 3. Two thousand Syrian and Arab tribesmen attacked the liaqi tribe defending a. frontier post. British armoured cars inflicted heavy casualties and whon the aeroplanes appeared the broaden fled, k aving fortyftve dead. The number of wounded is •unknown.
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  • 53 9 [fleuter's Service.! IVking. Apr. 4. Tfi<> Chinese are most indignant at "Allied" aeroplanes bombing the Tartar city, apparently aiming at the Kuominchun headquarters. Up to the present, the military effect of the bombing has been practically nil A woman was killed at Wen Yuan-keh and the palace
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  • 522 9 EASTER RESULTS. LEICESTER BEAT HUUDERSFIELII. fßeutor's Service.l T London, Apr. 2. ihe following are the results of to-day's hnsrhah Leapue matches:— Division I. Aston Villa 3, Arsenal o 8..1U111 W. 0, Liverpool 1 U!n!e > 1. Newcastle U. 0. BVOTtoa l f Bury 1 Manchester C. 2 Birmingham
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  • 123 9 TODAY'S LEAGUE MATCHES. The following mutches in the English League will be played to-day: Division I; Arsenal vs. Aston Villa. Bury, vs. Huddersfuld T. Cardiff C. vs. Sheffield U. Leicester C. vs. W. Ham U. Liverpool vs. Bolton W. Manchester U. vs. Notts C. Newcastle U. vs. Leeds U. \V.
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  • 199 9 CHINESE TENNIS. SINGAPORE DO WELL. (From Our Ovrn Correspondent). Ipoh. Apr. 3. Play in the Alan Loke Cup started on Friday evening and was continued to-day. The weather was blight and large crowds attended. In the first round, between Singapore and Negri Sembilan, the formei won very easily,
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  • 117 9 Ipoh. Apr. 4. Thiri- wu< a dose struggle in the final. Singapore winning by three matches to two. Results: Singles. Khoo H«.»>i Hyc 1 Singapore t U-at K*> Kong (Selangor). 6—l, 1. Veong Loong (hong (Belangor) beat Chee I>iin (Singapore), 7—5, 0. Hong goo (Singapore) beat Kok
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  • 109 9 Th^ April monthly medal wa.> competed faff on Saturday an«l Sunday, and resulted in :i win for Mr. (i. Murphy, wfco returned a nvt score of 77. Thirty-two carni were taken out. and th«* j following were returned: <;. Murphy s:{ 77 18. I. Cnaiaberi y xi
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  • 187 9 Cambridge beat Oxford b> Three Matches. London, Mar. 21. On the Kurnham course, Somerset, in the Inte r-'Varsity Golf Tournament, L'anibridf* beat Oxford by l J matches to G. Oxford Victories. The Oxford victories were M follows: Taylor beat Speed, 4 and 3. Mathieson beat Scott MoncrioflF.
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  • 76 9 The following: League matches will be played to-morrow: Division I. Aston Villa vs Liverpool. Huddersfield T. vs Blackburn R. Leeds United vs Sunderland. Division ll.— Derby County vs Barnsley. The Wednesday vs Stoke C. Division 111 (Southern). Abordare A. vs Merthyr T. Northampton T. vs Brighton and
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  • 365 9 NAVY DEFEAT THE ARMY. The Navy. 11. The Army. 0. The Navy secured quite a creditable win over a regimental side on the Stadium on Saturday afternoon, the sailors scoring a goal and two tries, while the soldiers were unable t o reply. From the manner in which the
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  • 30 9 London. Mar. 26. Staking f] on the Lincoln and Grand National doable, a Llanelly youth won rj.600 by the victories of King of Clubs and Jack Homer.
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  • 36 9 London. Mar. _'*>. liath Club. -After a terrific match in the fourth round of the Parliamentary Squash Racquets Handicap, Captaja Margesaon, who received six. beat the Prince of Wales (scratch), 18—17. and is IS.
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  • 202 9 We regret to barn that news has been received from England announcing the death of Misv Gage -Brown after a serious illness. The late Miss Gage-Brown twice worked for twelve years in Singapore, in each case with one furlough. At first she was at the C.K.Z.M.
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  • 185 9 (taring the week ending Mar. 27th. there were 224 deaths in Singapore, recorded by the Municipal Health Officer, including one Kuropean, 179 18 Malays, and 20 Indians. The chief causes of mortality were pneumonia, which accounted for 3tf deaths, phthisis 24, malaria 2'2. convulsions 15,
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  • 26 9 [Reuter's Service. J Riga, Apr. 4. M. Zinovieff has been deprived of the presidency of the Leningrad Soviet, thus losiig all official authority.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 276 9 1 'ffa.'i^' Gi^EVFj HFS nnWHna^!) £¥B A«rotNTML»; (r^CZHflHenpHi ■■aHQSUtiiAsx^SHfIE hu-o^l r" >4 I 1 UP^^^* 7^^^oVenn%|^/'^s^sn^^r^^pßjM^ •>*»»wTi«iri J I 09g Qppointimnt I' f*ia (mafeafH.ffc (ginq a Q.CR.f). tQ t (fcrtnee of TTafes 5 j; THE "PORLOCK." ji PRICE $13.50. 3; > (As worn by H.R.H. the Prince of l" 5
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 598 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). "ellermaFline PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. FREIGHT SERVICE. OUTWARDS. s.s. CITY OF LYONS Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Apr. 20 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF WELLINGTON Havre, London, Rotterdam and H'bur£ In Port s.s. CITY
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    • 542 10 p7& o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. i (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES, o PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS For Chin, and Japan. For Marseilles, London .nd A*t**rp. Doe Tonn.*c.
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  • 1373 11 THE PRINCE'S TAI LY-HO. The Prince of Wales possesses most) admirably the courage to be British. Believing in the stock and its future he is never afraid to say so. But his professions of faith aie as free from national swagger as from personal myopia. No intelligent man could have
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  • 281 11 The attitude of the Russians towards the Chinese and the foreign Powers in China has t>e.n a pose. They have done their best to rouse Nationalist feeling in China auainst the foreigner. Their pose has been, "We MT your true friends. Tear up the abominable Treaties and
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  • 247 11 Says the Bangkok Times of Mar. 20th. Those who look at the cholera figures published week by week may have wondered %%'hy the returns for the first two weeks in .March have been nearly double those for ■h< previous weeks. Ono explanation is that at the end
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 237 11 It is Not the 3 Quantity of Food 6* 9 We Eat, but what R ft We Digest and Ij H Assimilate that -£-jJ p Nourishes the Bodv m When the stomach and organs of digestion *Aj and nutrition are disordered, and the food eaten k' -i ''tj is only
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    • 233 11 The opinion that the teeth „require only brushing" is based upon the belief, once universal, that they are discoloured, and ultimately injured by impurities that can be brushed off. But modern science has discovered that the teeth are injured by chemical processes caused by the presence of microbes. To preserve
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  • 200 12 The following coma from the First Lord's statement on the Navy Estimates. The political situation in China has caused heavy demands t > lie made on ships of the China Squadron for protection of British inU Pests, and has also necessitated the landing; of parties from
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  • 902 12 21,000-MILE MAIDEN VOYAGE. While it is not exceptional for a vessel to make a lonjf non-stop maiden voyage, U*> circumstance is worthy of record when, in a twin-screw ship, not a moment's involun- J tary stoppage of either main engine is ex-| perienced in the first 21,000. miles.
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  • 363 12 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. The only Morning Daily in Malay*; ive "news" paper 35-40 columns of new* laily, also the best Medium for Advertising Delivered with the Chota Hazri each mornng F with Latest Telegrams, Lat*«t New> ind Latest Announcements together with j exclusive special features, "Pictures of th» veek"
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 526 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY 4SLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 torn) and MALABAR (4.512 tons.) The s.B. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming Cbath,
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    • 152 12 rpHERE'S a wonderful X satisfaction in owning and using a pou that fits you that says to your hand, "write."' Thousands of users throughout the world are so thoroughly pleased that they'd feel as lost without their Wahl Pen as without their watch. Obtainable in styles and prices to suit
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    • 507 12 10YD TRIESTINO NAV. CO, (Incorporated in Italy.) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service for Brindisi, Venice nd Trieste via ports taking cargo o n hroujjh Bills of Lading for Fiume. the .pvant and Black Sea Ports, also to all rjrts on the West Gtfttt of Italy. ROSANDRA Apr. 18 FIUME L. May
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 534 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gem as and Je ran tut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi. Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 658 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. Steamers. Arr Dept London. Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Port Sudan and Port Said. Alaska Maru Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Mombassa, Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaara. t Canada Faru Apr. 5 Apr 7 Mombassa; Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, De]a P oa Bay, Durban f Mexico Maru Apr.
      658 words
    • 428 13 *BSSL Round -the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OIk^URNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new linen continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore in
      428 words
    • 652 13 Rerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) RH INE MARU Due Apr 13 For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE CO., LTD. A*e»ta:— Singapore and Peaaag K. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART
      652 words

  • 1062 14 Mr. R. H. Stoughton-Harris read the following paper on "Free Surgery as applicable to Rubber" at the Agricultural Conference, Ceylon: This paper is intended to give an outline of modern methods of tree-suigery generally and in particular of some methods worked out by the Rubber
    1,062 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 284 14 Hi! rhc healthful 111 In "wl HI f M 7^7 '_Tj^fe^^^V a sense exhilaration, and it M >^gT^ *^^g^V^ has a highly beneficial effect upon the whole digestive and alimen- >fiS?^ Attnts: Tht Borneo C«., L«. t &in(ap*rt, Ftnatfi yJ9&fZL~' Jar yiKS^ l oh Lumpur. fal Andrews f^r^ /^l^dtr s
      284 words
    • 505 14 The WanderWorkinq Zone of Kelvination keep fresh far days Just a few degrees below the temperature up" until they almost fall apart at the of the ordinary ice-cooled refrigerator is a touch of the fork. Meats mellow and accolder zone that affects the keeping of food quire that delicious tenderness
      505 words

  • 587 15 OFFICIAL NOTICES. The Colonial Secretary sends us copies of Notices No. 97 and 100, issued by the Home Customs, dealing with silk, etc, imported into England. Silk Duty. Where the article is made wholly of silk or artificial silk, or where the value of the silk or
    587 words
  • 821 15 DULL KL'KBER MARKET. (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Mar. 2. The price of rubber having dropped back i about 3d. per lb. last wetk, the share market has been far from bright, although on the Friday there was a distinct rally, i despite a further fall in
    821 words
  • 294 15 RADELLA itl'MlEß ESTATE. LTD. The following: is the report of this COI pany for the year endtd December 31st., for presentation at the nnnual meeting in Malacca on Saturday, April 10th: After charging all expenditure to m\\ nue the year's working resulUd in a proi'u :>f $64,318.17.
    294 words
  • 240 15 The report of the above Company for yejn ended Die. list, (to be presented h the annual meeting at Evatt and C >'s. [Iffices <»n Saturday. April UHh. at noon> itates: The net profit for the year as shown hy :he profit and loss
    240 words
  • 80 15 turn of the financial year we look for a spell of easy money, though we should expoct that a reduction in Bank rate will be deferred until the Bank's stock of gold has. been considerably augmented. An excellent investment is provided by the new London County Council 5 per cent
    80 words
  • 164 15 Hansard of March Ist has this report. Mr. Amery's answer contains one part ivhich wo do not remember seeing publish'd. It is in black type. Mr. Penny asked the Secretary of Statefor the Colonies whether he has any information as to the propaganda being: carried on by the Cantonese Bolshevist
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 497 15 Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. Assurance in Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFlCE:— Winchester House Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies
      497 words
    • 472 15 BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. Established 1880— Capital Subscribed Y.100,000,W0 (folly paid up) Reserve Fund Y.86,500,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Et*. DIRECTORS. M. Odagiri, Esq. K. Mogami, Esq. Baron K. Iwesaki. K. Takeuchi, Esq. K. Tatsumi, Esq. T. Hodsumi, Esq. F. Watanabe, Esq. T. Okubo, Esq. Baron
      472 words
    • 440 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund:— Sterling 4/60,000 Silver $27,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman W. H.
      440 words
    • 41 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Ineortor»Ud to Borland by Bojal CharUr A. D. 1710). j FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee Administration Bonds Singap«^<s Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO.. I>L CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      41 words

  • 1102 16 S.C.C. TROUNCE I SELANGOR. <;reat innings by Hamilton. i The tide has turned at last in the annual i series if cricktt matches between the S.C.C. iind Selan^or, two days play in the match iit Singapore this week-end sufficing to re- 1 Kilter the up-country State's first reverse
    1,102 words
  • 722 16 Hen play was returned yesterday Selangor*i truth wicket ft' ll without adding to the ovt r-nijiht score of ISI. Hamilton, Clarke and Webster shared the bowling; honour* up to this period, W«'bRter'i couple costing only six runs apiece. Km was generally expeeted, Vyvyan rcquired Selangor to follow on
    722 words
  • 351 16 EXCEUENT SCORING AT IPOH. CFrom Our Own Correspondent.) I poh. Apr. 3. lv bricrht weath->i Penanjr hatted first. the latest recruit to the side. Neve, scoring a brfllinrt H 1 T vvy Iso h.^ninj? ninteii- ally in the making of the unexpectedly srood > total of lit
    351 words
  • 363 16 The S.C.C. second eleven visited Jouore Bhani OS Saturday and in I faiM in which fortunes uuetuated Rood deal, UMumsjed in the end t«> register comfortable win with four aricketi ia hand. th toss, the h«>nu- tide elected t" nat. but after th-.- vtubbora
    363 words
  • 114 16 Playing on the TYlok Aytr cround on Saturday tho Y.M.C.A.. thanks to 42 from CJibson's Kit. beat the K.E. hy 22 runs. Scow: Y.M.I .A. .1. Lake Kidd l>. Jacknoa b Bartaoloavow 2 H. GiWoa b HoUaa 12 s. d. Gaader b Bartkoloaaew 10 A. van CuyJ.nburjr
    114 words
  • 56 16 INTER-CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP. 1)1 'I.EKI'SINfiHI IN KACQIETS' FINAL. (Copyright by Free F'ress. From Our London Correspondent). London. Apr. 3. The Inter-Cross Country Championship attracted a Mg entry and produced a keen contest, the following being the result: ftodwuy (Worcestershire) i Payne (Essex) 2 Worcestershire. Middlesex and Esses
    56 words
  • 52 16 K. S. DuleepsinKhi. the well-known (anihridyre University cricketer, has come to the fore in a new sporting role that of racquets' player. Ho reached the final of the singles in the University (hampionshios. where he suffered d»fe«l at the hands of Milford, of Ox- fold, h> three games
    52 words
  • 33 16 At the Faster Meeting at Herne Hill the British uffateur, Bsiiey, scored remarkable BtJesses by defeating Kaufmann (SwKaerland), the wel]-!;nov.n professional" cyclist, in the two miles, one mile, and half-mile.
    33 words
  • 66 16 Although playing at home. IVnarth found the. Barbarians too good for them on (Joo«l Friday, when the latter won by '.i'A points to \U. At Swansea on Saturday tht h'»me Club I defeated Harlequins, after a Keenly contested iranie. by x points to X. Yisitmjr Carditf on Batarday,
    66 words
  • 28 16 Miss JoaH Fry was in excellent form at the Park luh Tournament, and in th«- final defeated Mi— Eileen n«*nnett by 6 'I, fi, i
    28 words
  • 23 16 Kiinrnious irowds attended the League football mati h«'< <>n Saturday. when the [temperature wan in the neighbourhood of 1 7u degiecs.
    23 words
  • 42 16 The wt-atlu-r as ideal f<>r the motorcycle reliability trial from Slouch to Land's End and th«- ■tartera numbered no less than 586. In spit*- <>f th«- dirtirult natttft of the trial practically all tht- competitor! tinished the course. 1
    42 words
  • 59 16 S.C.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. TO-MORROWS TIES. 1 h.i m i>ion*ht|» Preliminary. Lambert vs. Wild. Championship. H:;nulton vs. \h St« irs. Coapar vs. Hunt. < hampionship Pain Preliminary. Marriott and Etolyoak vs. Cutler aad Green, plni 1 vs. Bovcas, <>wv 2. Bullen. >we If vs. Sturpess. plus L'. The gr >un«l will
    59 words
  • 21 16 Router's Srrvie«\ Wmtmm Aliaa; Apr. I. In a l»<«\iri^ match Luis Firpo WOB a «)<•- cision against Ermiaio Spalla*
    21 words
  • 218 16 [Re liter's Service.] Folkestone, Apr. 3. In the International hiH-key match England beat V ranee by 'J goall to nil. The following will represent the Y.M.C.A. at hotkey to-morrow versus the Band, Duke of Wellington's Re*rt. <.n the Y.M.C.A. ground: R H. Pennefathei C. A. Penneiather and I).
    218 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 396 16 NO HOME IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A Moutrie Piano CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED PRICP: LIST. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong I. KATFI.ES PLAGB. SINGAF»ORE. i vx== l- —z^^Z'. w &e££& To those of r i,r friend. I ii^Vfe l^ wKoappreciatr a perfect!> I^^' mixed Cocktai! hut
      396 words