The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, BK. SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1926. NO. 11,763.
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  • 212 1 Keutor wires deal almost exclusively with the coal problem at Home Page J*. The new Viceroy, Lord Irwin, accompanied by Lady Irwin, has arrived at Bombay Page H. News comes from Penang of an attempted suicide on the part of a European owing to depression Page 8.
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  • 1069 1 TOPIC S OF THE WEEK. Qntc<inid ii(fi)if horn. nes nuntri ext fmrtWji /t'yUlli. Jimil Good Friday in ports of Roman Catholic countries uaed t<» be cehbrated (perhaps still is by the hanging of .Judas Iscariot to the yard-arm of a/iy ship that happened to be in port, tho vessel's spars
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 220 1 WING LOONG THE* RECOGNISED HOI SE for EUROPEAN TROPICAL S^ITS. 32. HIGH STREET. SEA VIEW HOTEL. TURN XO THE RIGHT Rex Ingram production 8 reels. JENOLAN OAVES Telephone 110. F. DEASON. Manager. 3 j= l < ADDING—CALCULATING 1356 87- V%^ A machine that is almost human I 45$ I a|
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    • 111 1 Df^^SEr l 'i /^^^mw^^^ 'mjww//li M/w ff'JtlM m¥'^*^*mWk mfm\ UlLjjtjlj tflt m^^m^^^mm^SmW^XlUm^mWWr^~^ V .^^^N^^fl^Kn 11 I /Jf I I f^l fl mWmmW^r^ mm^*kmmX**^^mm^l^mmm^m flb^S^^^JL^Bllii//// Illtl WWWi^^RI/fffJmW^l \il jl|Lr4rl|| |Hj I^^^^ Bry^r^'l^^^^v irf B HJl^^^B'^^'^^^HlKJniM 1 1 11 I All the world over there are I two points of view the
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    • 115 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Long John Scotch whisky Page S. The Safe- File at "Uniteere** Page Latest shipping <»n pages 10, 12 and IS. Cart's biscuit-, Sandilands Butterv and Co.— Page n. Socony gnaoline and mot »r oils stand for quality Page 14. B. H. T. Doulatram li::< a new consignment of
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Style, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32. HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 121 1 THE WEEK. Sot it edo y. :>»•</. Higk Water, .mi.. 1.35 p.m. I'ublic Holiday. I*. I. outward mail due. Kifle Meeting. K. Lumpur. B.V.C. Kifle Mc. ting, B. 1 inah. 'ticket: B.C.C. vs. Selangor. Rughy. Hawkins vs. D. sf W. Regt. Sundoy, 4th. Hiirh Water, 1.23 a.m.. ±S§ p.m. Eamter
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  • 535 2 L>ir A. Keith on Discoveries, in India. Ir lecture at tho Royal College >f Surgeon"-. Sir Arthur Keith reviewed the present state of knowledge relating to the antiquity of Man's nenrest relatives, the snthi i>i apes. Describing finds in stratified deposits left t<» tin '-vest >f
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  • 55 2 Penang is now represented by two lawY<!> ir, the Legislative Council, and local mercantile interests Viave no .spokesman dire* -ly connected with trade or shipping, -ays th,. Echo. But that is thc fault of the bamber of Commerce, which preferrrl\L" S 7u d of the legal fraternity *»ther than merchant
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 323 2 TBE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. GOODWOOD HALL. SCOTT'S ROAD. CINEMA AT 9 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in THE THIEF OF BAGDAD Twelve Reels. Admission $1. Mdm. aKdvey's Dancing A well-known professional teacher in Character, Classical, Clog, Ballet and Toe-dancing.
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    • 455 2 Victoria Theatre Coming SKortly A. CARPI will present Tk Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Ballet. Pull Chorus and Full Orchestra. The Denishawn Dancers The Talking Film I I The Puppets AND THE RETURN VISIT OF THE QUAINTS PAVILION From Thursday, Ist to Wednesday. 7th April. AT 9.15 P.M. SHARP THK
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    • 323 2 From Sunday, 28th March, to Saturday. 3rd April. AT THE ALHAMBRA I THE SCREEN'S MOST ROMANTIC LOVER, THE LADIES* FAVOURITE EVERYWHERE In -the Second Show commencing 9 p.m. RUDOLPH VALENTINO I Supported by VILMA BANKY and LOUISE DRESSER A CLARENCE BROWN UNITED ARTISTS FILM DE LUXE Adapted for the screen
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  • 462 3 THE MOATED GRANGE. Katherine Tynan. (Collins, London.) Th: Moated Grange is a thrilling story of the i.vlvntuies of Delia de Burjrh and her i widowed mother in a lonely h »use in a i emote part ot Suffolk of which they be- -ome lo thc tenants in a
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  • 494 3 Trench Lecturer's Hin! on Iveduciny Handicap. The methods of M. Cone, affording feo statement made by Dr. Gustave Monod ai rho K .yal Society of Medicine, mi^rht qually well be applied to othei activities, Mich as golf, ami a golfer might induce bis handicap
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 243 3 Appointment mk I\| 7*o j a I uit *^H PT"*^*^ V j w A v tha c, n The Food of Kings I i r ~T 0 YOU. Baby is the King of your household. 1 and claims as his birthright the Food of Kings I —and as the best
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    • 190 3 I f DO YOU REMEMBER i j Hartley's Jams Marmalade? .J If so, you will know that at Home they ra n k as TKe Best I Tlu, > are now obtainable at the following Provision Stores I M srs E k;h st PRoV,si^ «tore. m^ ms BEE aco >
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    • 90 3 Ym*J*TW*Wm^^ WASSIAMULL '■A A Silk, Caries, Carpets, Hoisery. J\ m Ji Q s '"<. Curios, Carpets. Hoisery. Q s »'k. Curios. Carpets. Hoisery. m •Z IVI Curio.. Carpets, Hoisery. IT j T Silk, Curio;. Carpets, Hoisery. j' I- \J !k. Caries, Carpets, Hoisery. L Z- ilk Curios. Carpets. Hoisery. j
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  • 1006 4 HOW IT CAN BE CHEAPENED. —byMajor F. A. C Forbes-Leith. F.R.G.S., (Author of: "By Car to India.") [fill MESS SPECIAL}. New York. A largo pereefttafft of cars that are now sold in o;at Britain au- of the cloned variety, and, according to statistics, the demand for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 93 4 c I m *K m mmC-mW^rfr I W'^ I^% t»«ot mLt u1 Of. SS a B j: Fisk Tyres are through and through First ij represent more than their money value H *"*^^h wm m.m mv^m v^ b ii ii *m Ws^ vl Bill tffl^B m* *m^^ mT mmr^mr m*^^
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    • 254 4 r r a, The Tyre with the j Lasting Tread. I (Goodyear Motor-Cycle Tyres give exceptional mileage and reduce skidding to a minimum. The All-Weather Tread is the one non-skid tread that has proved the scientific correctness of its design. For safety, for freedom from trouble, and for maximum mileage
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  • 747 5 < I LTIVATING STEERING AND JUDGMENT. There are not many old men about now. I was going to say that motoring and dancing had killed them, says a correspondent of The Motor, but such a statement would be more than rash Shall we say that the road
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  • 139 5 Dispute Over Tourist Trophy Races Knded. The dispute between the Auto-Cyd Union and motor-cycle manufactuier* over the use in the t >urist trophy races of alcohol and other fuels that cannot be obtained through ordinary commercial sources was amicably settled recently. The union, after hearing tlv arguments Of
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  • 135 5 Naval Discovery lnvt< ;t.l ..f being mixed with tlie gasoline, iik: other substances, a new "anti-knock** has bees found that is actually painted oa the inside of the cylinder head, and acts [as an aid to better fuel comhurtion. Thi* is a form of catalytic agent, reports
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  • 110 5 Moscow, Feb. lfi. The employment of tractors in Russian agriculture is tempered considerably by the shortage of drilled mechanics and drivers. To alleviate this situation an arrangement has been arrived at U'tweon the Amtoig Soviet-American Trading Cow) and the Ford Motor (ompany. by which 10<)
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  • 45 5 If the present rate of automoHTle manufacturing continues, in another 10 or 12 years the output will be sufficient to supply every family with a new car every year. Roughly speaking, the production has doubled every four years during the last decade.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 250 5 -w w .-m wb w.-. VW.VW.%% V. V.V. V.V. V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V, I I '9m\ \S*Hic^^h^iL__ ZL i ■m^tAm^^. f* 1 4 IBSiiiunsanS *meJ Ji L km^\ .^r^,, y^y^ir?u~-*_|. J In use in every country in t'le world. 3| i Has an INTERNATION^ REPUTATION of being the finest lorrv made 5 >
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  • 2229 6  - BEHIND THE SCENES AT MONTE CARLO. ARTHUR DE COURCY BOWER THE FICKLE WHEEL OF CHANCE.- B li 1 The World's Gamblers. II by gg [FRh,; FRKSS si'EClAir). X? In this the seventh instalment of his fascinating Recollections of Casino Life, the Author details his experiences in Weeing Chance the World
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  • 1100 6 PKKEE FIGHT IN THE DIET. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tokio, Mar. 12. i nere is one thing that is always j.retty sure about when the Japanese DM ments and that is a fight. The expectation has not been misplaced this year, for ye-U-rday, members resorted to
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  • 1124 6  -  NORMAN BULLOCK (Bury) SPECIAL FOOTBALL ARTICLE. <H>OiH*ti-<>tttf-CH>tt#tttftttti>tttf«-&fltf^ 44 44 44 Easier to Play Against Good Teams. 44 44 fl by 4i> 44 Qi* 0 [FREE PRESS SPECIAL). I have heard it said that some teams always do well in certain grounds, and that cc rtain players nearly
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  • 316 6 What is the best treatment for an achir ig back? The question has been asked thousands of times by suffering men and women in all parts of the world, and numberless methods of treatment have been tried. Some have failed hopelessly; others havegiven temporary relief, but
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 r 1 J A>>fc Share In Comfort With Cuticura Shaving Stick This delicately medicated antiseptic Shaving Stick produces a creamy lasting lather enabling ten-der-faced men to shave without any irritation, even twice daily. It leaves the skin smooth and fresh and makes shaving a pleasure. Cuticura Talcum is an ideal
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  • 572 7 •INTERESTED PARTIES." One of the arguments used by the Foreign Secfctary in discussing the advisability of inci casing the number of the members of the League Coum-il laises an interesting and very cont< ntious point in League procedure. According to the official report Sir Austen Chamberlain
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  • 316 7 Apppeai to Japan for I oa\« te Form A Bettl ment. A correspondent at Antung, yrriting '<.«» the N.-C. Daily News say^: A number of White- Russians, with .i firm determination to have nothing to do: the Bolsheviks, are abotil to make] an application to khe
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  • 506 7 The limitations of the Locarno Treaty in i guaranteeing the peace of Europe only, deeply impress some Japanese editors. The validity of the Locarno Treaty is kxcal, Lhey say, and it follows, therefore, that the disarmament accompanying it. will lo^ij caliy be local. Now inseparable
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  • 392 7 The IMice Problem. The pereoaal safety <>f Peking reeidents was never kn such grave danger as at the present moment, says an editorial in the Chi Hu. i Yi Pao (Peking February 24th Dwelling Span the sbscoce of a responsible government, unemployment, disregard feu legal procedure
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  • 749 7 I Almost in a night a whole crop of new States grew up in Europe and the question is asked by some European editors whether most people are properly aware of them. These new States are there, however, rej marks a contributor to the London Outlook, j
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  • 160 7 A couple of millions sterling off Anny expenditure menns that it has bet n ent t the bone Without starving: the Territorials or dangerously depleting military stores, little further can be done on present lines. But it is not possible to reduce ->r, by preference, to nbollsfa certain
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  • 354 7 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. The only Morning Daily in Malay* e live "news" paper 35-40 columns of news daily, also the best Medium for Advertising. Delivered with the Chota Hazri each morning, with Latest Telegrams, Latest News »nd Latest Announcements together with exclusive special features, "Pictures of the week" Seriaj
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 520 7 V BUSINE2S CARDS. >; MARY SE TON I j E. AMBER MANSIONS. S > ORCHARD ROAD. 5 J THE CURIOSITY SHOP 5 e vi '-v e mmM NM l\> o J Flense Send for the Illustrated 2 J C Ulo e Musical Instruments. J SEASON CO., LTD. 3 111 and
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    • 523 7 NOTICES. 4 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The following firms have removed from Laid- aw Buildings to No. Coleman Street ground I .ioor). MESSRS. LAMB AND CO. THE SHELL LAMB CO. J 4 M Singapore Marine Insurance Assn. Fire Insurance Assn. of Singapore. Motor Insurance Assn. of Malaya. The offices of members
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    • 389 7 PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION. No Case Too Chronic to Im Cured. Recommended by thousands of former sufferere who have been permanently cured. With Dr. Van Vlbck's Absorptive Pile Plasma no case is too stubborn or too long-standing to be completely ar.d permanently cured. The easy spplication and wonderful power
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  • 715 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS SATURDAY, APRIL 3. 1926. Playing Fields. One' e»f the consequence.** of the' large gad continuous influx of hi nese into Singapore is that the permanent population is Increasing, and although tho sinkehs from China I do not look for open spaces and opportunity for play, their children
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  • 1357 8 Mr. O, A Aacuulua, genera] manager uf Teluk Merbn i Plantation*, goe-- «>n leave The Prince <>t" Wales ii very eager to pay visit tn Irolund, but he- ha- b»>e-?i advised to wail little longer until the' country i- bit more settled doom, Th<- old Pndnnf nt Seremban la being
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    • 161 8 European's Fits of Impression. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang. Apr. 2. A a uni scnsnti<n was causeei in European circles in Penang mmmm the news spread that Mr. J. H. B. Smith, late assistant, editor e>f the Straits Echo, had attempted t commit anirtda by cutting his throat
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    • 312 8 The Water Supplv. I From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Apr. L The- authorities noor hav;- the water rapply well In hand and anxiery as to the ahortoge leeaeaiag. Rntioning, bonrerar, must b> r.atinued dra>tically until niir. and fOOOtlt from Singspore nr warned. Penang K\-Ser\ice. The- annual meting
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  • 243 8 (Contributed.) For the* tirst time in its history, at all events for the tirst time sineo it went into the- bnOding it has oecupie-d since 1879, the Siagapore Club has dooed its hospit able doors to the- memhers. and as there ino other institution to offer the dispossess
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  • 97 8 By courtesy of Messrs. Macphail and Co. wc learn that the latest rubber quotations despatch', el from I.onelon at 1.2". p.m. on Thursday hy Heears. Henry C.ardncr an«i Co. are: L. S.R. S.s. in ÜBTthonw. Loadaa, spot buyer-. l%d L.S.R. S.S. C.I.F. CK N.Y. shipment April, buyer-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 192 8 -THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" FOR COATES* ORIGINAL i PLYMOUTH GIN The Navy's Choice. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., s LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies Ordinance- of Hongkong. > (Incorporated in Shanghai). 45 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. Telephone 228. PATRONISED «S ri& Jplt&^ BY ROYALTY. JEWELLERY OF EXCELLENCK NONE, BUT THE ROYAL JEWELLER.
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  • 597 9 THE TWO SIDES. 1 MUI IMG NEXT WEEK. [Reuter's Service.! London. Apr. L The miners' executive has decieied to cal natieinal delegate conference of the Miners Federation for London on April «>th to consider the written proposals of the mine own eis handed to the executive this
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  • 96 9 <>i pOdite Johnston'.- Pier in Collyer Quay traflk will move In a circle: that is traffic coming down Fullerton Road towards Collyer Quay and circling to proceed up Battery Rood will turn when just past Johnston's Pier, but previous to turning into Battery Rond will join
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  • 99 9 < omplaint against Indian Y .M.C.A.'s. Calcutta. Mar. 1». That the activities cd' the Young Me n's I 11l isfian Association is assuming a poH&U) character was the frequent cause >f complaint two or three years ago. and the Simla hranch achieved notoriety b\ levering itself from tbe
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  • 50 9 GRAND WELCOME. THE GATEWAY OF INDIA." [Reuter's Service.] Bombay. Apr. 1. Lord and Lady Irwin have arrived and larded at the "Gateway of India." Thy were received with a viceregal salute and met by a distinguished gathering, including the acting Governor, Ministers, Officials and numerous ruling chiefs
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  • 72 9 I Raster's Service.] Paris. Apr. 1. The Court has elelivered judgment for the d: fenelants in Durnerin's |rase against the Banque Indust rielle, on the grounel that his dismissal from the- managership was justifiable in that he sent the Bank insolent letters attacking tht administration. The court
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  • 17 9 [Reuters Service. 1 London. Apr. 2. The Houa< of Commons has adjourned till April ISth.
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  • 41 9 [Reutr*s Service.] Fairbanks, Alaska. Apr. I. I apt. Wilkins of the- North Pole Expedition, wirelesses that he hus sighted Point Barrow, the moat northerly joint if the United State-. After dopoaiting supplies be will ret urr. here- for more.
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  • 255 9 Belgian Prohibited in Private Otheala. The Mexican Secretary of Education hna laaued >ftieial orders that all private schools j must regiati r with the Department within-: <><» daya or cloae. Private priman ichooli muat he-nceforth give no religious in-true-tion, hnve no conaoxi m with churches or
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  • 217 9 Paris Shops Closed. Thi- afternoon the vast majority of the Paril shopkeeper- followed the example »f thoae of a number of other large towns in France and dosed their shops for >ne or two hours as a protest against unfair taxation- What they object to Bloat
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  • 33 9 A further list of subscribers to the Moslem Caylang Fire Relief Fund, brings the total up to $930.45. including a Government contribution of $500. Mr. Abu Nawas bin Dawood is the honorary treasurer.
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  • 973 9 PARISIAN A. KLEPTOMANIAC CAUTIONED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Paris, Feb. 28. A strange case if kleptomania ree>ently has engaged the attention of all who occupy themselves with the law, while "criminologists" and those singularly undesirable amateurs, who, like Sherlock Holmes, poke their sharp noses into the affairs of undetected criminals,
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  • 485 9 THE ISLES OF FEAR. To the Editor, Dear Sir, I read with some amazement in > our- issue of to-day the critique of the book by Katherine Mayo, entitled "The Isles of Fear." No one who has any real knowledge of conditions in the Philippine Islands
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  • 198 9 On account of tbe holidays the. following arrangements have been advertised: General Post Office ami Sub-Officea will be open till noon to-day ancl Monday. The Suvfalfa Bank and Money Order Branch is closed altogether. Tho Telegraph Branch will he- op. n all day to-day and Monday. Kxchange Ranks
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  • 91 9 RHirement of Superintendent. Mr. I. F. Tyler, who has occupied the position of Superintendent of the Government Printing Office since 1905, retired on pension on the 'Ust March. Before joining the Government Printing Office Mr. Tyler successfully installed the printing plant ef Messrs. Kelly and Walsh
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 156 9 GENTLEMEN'S FITTED SUIT CASES No. 84. GENT'S FITTED SUIT ft^ mmm^______&2S_ Finest London made, leather hand sewn, lined grained pig ■ijiyi 2 African Ivory Hair Brushes. 9^B^^^^Efii^BmPi Hi 1 African Ivory Hat Brush, _\__\___L______^__________m^ 1 African Ivory Clothes Brush, 5 Sterling Silver M ninted Toilet Hg^aSjrg^fijg^L—M^k. Bottles, 1 Folding Mirror.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 572 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. o PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. .V° M EW .f UD ,L *„twero For China and Japan. For Marseilles,
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  • 628 11 SIR MARTIN CONWAY ON THE COMING CONFERENCE. Inconveniences and Annoyances. A conference is about to be held at Geneva to consider the question of simplifying end cheapening the passport and visa procedure. It has been arranged as the result of a resolution passed at the last Assembly ci"
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  • 178 11 A Bible which is claimed to have belonged "to Luther has been discovered among the posessions of a bookseller of Chemnitz. The book, which is stated to have been printed by Hans Lufft, of Wittenberg, is an Old Ttstament with numerous marginal notes apparently in the hand of
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  • 90 11 The deforestation of Penang Hill proceeds apace and there are now gnat bare patches on nearly all its sides. Curses on the shortsighted C. L. R. who alienated the land and gave some wretched Vandals the right to destroy on? of Penang's most attractive feature*! Some day
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  • 685 11 Mr. Kingdom Wards Ninth Expedition. "It is a country where Nature beats man; where climate and soil are too inhospitable even for the native." Mr. F. Kingdon Ward, the naturalist and explorer, thus described, in an interview with a Morning foot representative, the jeurm y from Rangoon
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  • 190 11 Franchise Reforming Failure. When it was first decided to grant the vote to women in India, there was much discussion as to the real value of the franchise in a country where so many women are bound by religion to observe the strictest seclusion. It would appear that
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  • 318 11 Research Institute Fi-inded. The importance of research stations for specific industries is being increasingly rec .gnized in the Far East, one of the most recent examples being the Tea Research Institute which has been established by the Ceylon Planters. For the past tl years the work of examinine
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  • 97 11 FRENCH GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S SPEECH. Paris, Mar. 11. Groups of Senators have requested M Perrier, Minister for the Colonies, to investigate the exact terms of the speech delivered at the opening session of the IndoChina Government by M. Alexander Varenne, the French Governor-General folllws al »W h d M Va sPoke a,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 429 11 **^S^ Chubby little Im\3^% W* lUk ch »PS are reared 4jkm '^JgrSftm-*" These jolly little tellows are ./Ti^M ~c u tyP^i of the many thousands (Cf^rW m SW* b yS and Irls on OF) a j Yf u I d Mixed a directed Jt su PP^cs WbWts Jf [he substances
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    • 69 11 B3 \*.J Jmm\_*JL_\_l JL*\* \^*D 3 Can be obtained from: fl| THE QUALITY BISCUIT Hi hstr tstor B^ amo^^ Y Y\i J jjW I 1 f" ==^[^H CARR CO. LTP J-'l, I y\ CARLISLE J'' 1 if mm __^_^W i rF»~ -^A 'J |K/t< 3j Sandilands Buttery Co. Efl^L Xll?
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  • 323 12 D\ei tiO round-the-world touriata invaded Singapore yesterday, when the big; Cunaid liner, l^iconia, arrived in port. The Laconia came alongside early and the tourists were s..on divided up into the dif- lerent sections and despatched on their reapective jaunt- in accordance with the shore arrangements. Scanning the passengv-r
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  • 172 12 i The three funnelled tourist steamer Re- mkrts left the wharf early yesterday morn- i ng. westward bound through Keppel Har- I X)ur. The Laconia came through about 8 a.m. < ooming very large, her one funnel more i mpressive than three. a« she went to her Y >erth at
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 429 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.375 tone) and MALABAR (4.512 tons.) Tbe s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 105 12 HAMBURG- AMEBIKA LIME. (Incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures. HONGKONG. SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Due Singapore. t SAARLAND Apr. 7 t VOGTLAND May 4 HOMEWARDS GENOA, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. v. MUNSTERLAND Apr. 19 t OLDENBURG May 2 Limited Accommodation for passengers. e Loads for Valencia. BASIC FARES.
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    • 447 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said. Marseilles from Singapore. ANDRE LEBON 18,000 tons Apr. 1 PAUL LECAT 17,000 tons Apr. 21 OUTWARD MAILS. To Saigon. Hongkong, Shanghai snd Japan. ANGERS 16,000 ions Apr. i AMAZON E 11.000 tons Apr. 11 To Saigon. Tourane and Haiphong. CHANTILLY 17,000
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    • 282 12 Stewart's I i BLENDED Old Scotch Whisky mmm JOHN LnTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. mm m m m^_^_^ mm LLOYD TRIESTINO NAV. CO. (Incorporated in Italy.) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service for Brindisi, Venice and Trieste via ports taking cargo on through Bills of Lading
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 424 12 I MAU. DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota
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    • 592 12 CHURCH SERVICES. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. EASTKR DAY. 6.15 a.m. Holy Communion. IMO a.m. Holy Communion (Sung) 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m. Matins (Sung) ami Sermon. Preacher: The Arehdeaccn. ll..";o a.m Holy Communion. 4. .'50 p.m. Children's Service, (Offering af Lnnter Savings).^ 5. ,'50 p.m. Festal Evensong and Sermon. Preacher:
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 660 13 I -~*i.Mmt hi. -<MaaaaiMa» .mmm**mWm*mm* IM O. S. K. Line. Destinations. o 4 London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Steamers. Arr. Dept. Antwerp, Bremen, via Colombo, Aden K_!£ P rt Said Alaska Ma Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Mombassa, Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam. t Canada Maru Apr. 5 Apr 7 Mombassa; Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, Delagoa Bay.
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    • 427 13 r Annua yrfAMJiiiy UNE Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port SalJ, Alexandria, Naples, H Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to
      427 words
    • 620 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. mmmmmmmmmmW^ REGULAR .FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA ANI) BALTIMORE (via Suez) s.s. RHINE MARU Due Apr. 13. For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE CO. LTD Agents: Singapore and Peaaat K. P. M. KONINKLYKE
      620 words

  • 764 14 Discussing "devolution" the other day with a senior member of the Malayan Civil Service, we were somewhat surprised to hear him mention and quite properly dsplcre the existence of the "Federal spirit" among some of his colleagues in the F.M.S. This tendency to regard the Colony and
    764 words
  • 166 14 Legacy of Shrewdness from Srtgar King. Mi^s Jean Ferris, the 14-year-old schoolgirl, who has just inherited £800,000 from her grandfather, an American sugar Icing is spending holiday in Paris, whither she went from her home at Nuffield Priory Surrey. She is a pupil at Groeueuor Manor. BoeCOmbe,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 135 14 h SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ONE PRICE ONLY goldsmiths and Diamond .Merchants No. 822. North Uridge Road, Singapore. We beg to inform tha Public that our business lias been established for many years, and ha* been awarded medals for the display of Jewellery, etc., etc., at the Malaya-Borneo Exhibition. Our business has
      135 words
    • 99 14 |IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!I! I Socony gasoline and motor oils are 1 refined up to a standard, not down 1 to a price a standard of Quality I 1 and service which has kept pace i with the rapid developments in I I modern modes of locomotion The I dependability which cuts repair
      99 words

  • 768 15 f GOVERNMENT BILL. The text has been issued of the Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods) Bill, a measure promoted by the Government to rej quire an indication of origin to be given in the case of certain imported goods. > It is provided rn Clause I that it shall
    768 words
  • 721 15 Systematic organisation of the labour movement in (hina began six or seven years ago. soon after the Great War, hut real progress elates back only three or four years. Ami it was not until last year that the movement definitely assumed its national aspect; that
    721 words
  • 58 15 An electric screw-driver has a flexible shaft rotated in a flexible tube through connection with the motor spindle, and operates by a riutch thai drives the screw when f he tooi is pressed against the screw's head The tool, attachable to any lamp socket, works rapidly, being adapted for use
    58 words
  • 324 15 THE DEVELOPMENT OF MANCHURIA. International Rivalries. The development of the natural resources of Manchuria has been proceeding at a great pace during the last few years. The rich agricultural land is being extensively settled by farmers from China proper the coal and timber are being exploited, and
    324 words
  • 311 15 British Stability. Lord Birkenhead, speaking at the annual banquet of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce said that he and his colleague detected many evidences of a greater financial stability than they saw any signs of 12 months ago. Th. reversion to the gold Standard had
    311 words
  • 94 15 Discarded after a travel of MB7JN m i!es since its installation in November IhTO a leather belt of the Bernon Mills, Georgia. vilK RX, reputed to have been the first three-ply belt made, is said to have be°n still in condition for further service The only repairs had been the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 501 15 I Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. Tim siwmn.m. Assurance in Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN IM ASSURANCE CffIUPANY UMITED. HEAD OFFICE _W h-* (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) The Company has fiQ OOoT^SL?^ JJW 01 LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C I^,ooo deposited mth the Supreme Court of England, and complies
      501 words
    • 908 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHA BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkon*. Authoriaed Capital $60 000 OOC g»wjd and fnlly paid op $20,000,00C Keservs Fond:— Sterling 4,500,00C Silver #27,*****0 Reaerve Liability of Proprietors 520,000',00C COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman
      908 words
    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated fm England by Boyal Charter A. D. 17*0). WRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singap^- <? Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO., Ltd, CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      40 words

  • 2018 16 ENGLAND'S ASSOCIATION DECAY. Y I The Same Old Story. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Mar. 4. All hopes of an English soccer revival were rudely shattered at Selhurst Park on Monday afternoon, when a Welsh eleven, raised with the utmost difficulty it was still incomplete on Saturday soundly
    2,018 words
  • 264 16 The following matches will be played in the English and Scottish leagues 10-day: Division 1: Arsenal vs. Blackburn R. Aston Villa vs. Everton. Bolton W. s. Tottenham IL Burnley vs. W. Brom V. Leeds V. vs. Sheffield IJ. Leicester C. Huddersfield T. Liverpool vs. Birmingham. Manchester U,
    264 words
  • 134 16 >N MES VERSUS FRANCE K) DAY The international Rugby tournament con elude.- to-day with the in ting m Paris tween Wnk i and Franca, this being the fourteenth mooting betw en tiu- two countries. Wales have always proved stranger than their French opponent", and th have won all
    134 words
  • 163 16 I was talking to a French Rugby nthusiaat, says a Faris correspondent, and discovered to my surprise that he \^as a Southerner. In fact, it turns out that the game has a much stronger hold in tb* South of France than in the North, and that its
    163 words
  • 122 16 Outclasses Soldier in No-Decision Rout. On their arrival from Ceylon, the Marquis Of Clydesdale and Mr. Eagan t »ok part in a boxing programme at Madan's Theatre, Cah utta. last night. The Martpiis was easily superior to Corpl. .McQuirk, of the Frince of Wales's Volunteers, whose
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  • 18 16 Present housing conditions are working havoc upon all that is meant by pure home life.— Archbishop of Canterbury.
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    • 193 16 S.C.C. AND SELANGOR MATCH THIS MORNING. Flay in the annual cricket match between the S.C.C. and Selangor commences on the Fadang at eleven o'clock this morning, and stumps will be drawn at 6 o'clock this evening. The match will be resumed at 1,30 to-nioriow until ."> p.m. and
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  • 187 16 A whole day matcP between teams representing the China Sti 'i ad ron anti the Koppci Golf Club will hi plnyod over tha Keppel on Sunday mxt, April Ith. Four-ball foursome matches will be playI ed in the morning anti two hull foursome* j in the
    187 words
  • 243 16 Miss I eitch Ask* A Golf Qncetien Will the 'bisque" replac- the "stroke" as a form of handicap at golf? Tlv« "bisque" iv a dtroke which may Im> taken by the receiver al the conclusion of any hole while the "stroke*' must i>e aaed in accordance with
    243 words
  • 116 16 Cambridge Win Three Foursomes. London. Mar. 23. The forty-third inter-'Varsity golf match was In'gun on the Burnham-and-Berrow course, Somerset. Five f micomn were played to-day, and ten singles will be played to-morrow. Oxford were handicapped by the loss of their Captain. A. D. Cave, who cut his
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 255 16 j WHERE THERE IS A I MOUTRIE PIANO J HAPPINESS. BUY YOURS TO-DAY. I Illustrated price list free on request. I S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong). I RAFFLES PLAC E. SINGAPORE. &%gsr~^___m_______*?^^^^ Mmrn^mm*. Am*- m^mm\ r^*??~^ THE World's Favourite Gramophone The hundreds of thousands of Deccas in use
      255 words