The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 30 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 1 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S.. TUESDAY. MARCH 30, 1926. NO. 11,759.
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  • 277 1 His Excellency thc (iovtrnor returned V> Singapore fcr the Legislative Council meeting yesterday and the opening of ihe New Hospital Pages 7, 9 and 16. in Radio tells us of the Home Secre- P< tary's pronouncement regarding the /< Coal Commission and the (Jovernmcnt s j plan
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  • 1164 1 rhe local distribution and the periodicity the climatic factors light, heat, and •istuie- MVM accompanied by a cones nding division of the earth's surface into MMM ot vegetation, i.e., zones occupied by niter types, with the same periods of i»wth and with similar general adaptan to their
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 226 1 w1 N G LOONG ijtE UE(Or;NISEI> HOI T SE for HJIOPBAN TROPICAL SLITS. U, HUiH STREET. Raffles Hotel I Telephone No: 2920. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. WORLD CRUISE I s.s. RESOLUTE In Port April lst. CRUISER BALL I A. F. PEATE. Manager. j ADDING— CALCULATING lisle?- \^X MACHINE. I Jp"H" °H^>^
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    • 130 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Fine silk at Wussiamull's Page 2. Long John Scotch Whiskv Page Whiteaway's for Easter bats Page 7. Cruiser Ball at Baffles Hotel Page I. Tanj<»ng Katong auction sale Page 2. The return visit of The Quaints Page 2. Sanatogen is a remedy to COnqUtT fatiguePage 4. Decca is
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Style, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32. HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 109 1 THE WEEK. 7'/.ada*, itth. High Water. 11.11 a.m.. 11.30 p.m. Blue Funnel homeward maii leave.;. Haytor Kubber. Kvatt's, noon. Chamber of Commerce mtg.. Exchange, 1.11 P-m. li'rd in xilnjt. Slat. Hijrh Water, 11.13 ;i.rn.. 11..">7 p.m. Malakoff Rubber, Boustead'*, noon. S'pore Golf Club, B. Timah, o.:u p.n.. TkmmMMWmArrU ut. High
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  • 188 2 When M. de Jouvenel succeeded Gem rel Sarreil es French High Commissioner ie Syria ami the Lebanon he was determined t" maki go d all the mistakes of all his predecessors in time to -end s glowingly optimistic report to the League's Mandate? Commission, whieh Ks now
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  • 176 2 The accoaation that the Labour Party is practically dee -id of any sense of humour appears justified by tht- co iplatnl made by s me mher in a Parliamentary qneation to the effed that certain unemployed at Cwmbran have to walk nearly thn-»- miles, "offc n
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  • 110 2 Ingenious Conspiracy Foiled. Ihe story of a flaring ami complicated conspiracy to defraud the Asiatic Petroleum Co. was related at the Hongkong Central Magistracy n Mar. ICth. when a Chinese was charged with being concerned m aa attempt to steal six tons of crude "d from
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  • 76 2 With a bicycle, a knap-sacl: containing nw tew personal belongings, and his books reference.. Mr. Kai Thorenfeldt arrived n Hongkong week or two ago. About thirteen months a g 0 he left his native citv Copenhagen, and set out on the hazardBiota mil. st but w,th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 465 2 TBE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. Mdm. rSfl Kelvey 's m School of LUI Dancing A well-known professional teacher in Character, Classical, Clog, Ballet and Toe-dancing. Pupils are trained gracefully, individual style studied and developed. Private lessons in the latest ballroom dancing.
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    • 330 2 Victoria Theatre Coming Shortly A. CARPI will present q The Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Ballet, Full Chorus and Full Orchestra. The Denishawn Dancers j The Talking Film I The Puppets AND THE RETURN VISIT OF THE QUAINTS PAVILION From Thursday, 25th to Wednesday, 31st March. AT 9.15 P.M. SHARP.
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    • 255 2 From Sunday, 28th March, to Saturday, 3rd April AT THE ALHAMBRA THE SCREEN'S MOST ROMANTIC LOVER THF i w>„ FAVOURITE EVERYWHERE A,),F:s In the Second Show commencing 9 p.m. RUDOLPH VALENTINO Supported by VILMA BANKY and LOUISE DRESSER A CLARENCE BROWN UNI LED ARTISTS FILM i,l Adapted for the screen
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  • 370 3 FIRST ROI NI) RESULTS. London. Mar. 15. Duleip Sinhji made his first appearance in championship racquets when, partnered by H. Hake in the Doubhs Championship at 1 Qccen'fl Club, he beat T. Pilkinton and J. Uhwcrth in tha ii;>i Lonnd i"> -11. 15-8 IS— 9, 15—5. Other first
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  • 107 3 IMPERIAL CONFERENCE. London. March l»th. At tlu- International Rugby Board meeting it was resolved to hold an Imperial Conference annually, beginning this year November <>r December. It will consist of nembera of the International Board, two each from New Zealand, New South Wales, and South Africa. The
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  • 62 3 London, Mar. 18The following are the results of matche> played under Rugby Union rules: Gloucester 21; Royal Air Force Cornwall 23; Stade Francaise S. (At Camborne). Neath 19; Cardiff 0. Loncbn. Mar. 17. In the Rugby Union, Portsmouth Services beat Bristol by 11 points to nine, whtls
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  • 30 3 Draw for Cup Semi-Final. London. Ma 15. The North. >rn Union Cup semi-final draw Bfl follows: Oldham vs. Wigan Hitfhficld (at Salford). Swinton vs. Hull (at Halifax).
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  • 67 3 l^ondon. Mar. 18. In Northern I'nion matches, Rochdale beat Halifax, 17—2, and Keiuhley beat Warrington. 20 7. London, Mar. 17. Rngger matches played to-day In the Northern Union resulted as follows:— Swinton 10; Barrow 0. Wigan 10; Oldham 6. Featherstone 13; Hull 20. Batley 5; Leeds 0. Ix-ndon,
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  • 34 3 legion. Mar. 17. Major Segravn broke the world's record for the kilometre with his 33-h.p. Sunbeam on Southport sands, covering the distance at b spend of K&308 miles an bout.
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  • 347 3 INNINGS VICTORY OVER WEST AUSTRALIA. !j Louden, March 15th. Perth The match b.twe.n the Austra- l u lian Test team and Western Australia was continued to-day in fine weather on a good wicket. The Test team declared with 424 for nine wickets. Taylor scored 148 and Pons-
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  • 209 3 CHINESE CHAMPIONSHIPS OF MALAYA. a B!ngnnorc and Selangar learns. The followiag players have been selected represent Singapore in the Alan Lok 'up Competition, which i to he played luring the Easter holidays: Khoo Hooi Hye, Chee Lim Bonir S< o, Kr\£ Chiang, chee Tong, Baa Chong Chee and John Lim.
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  • 54 3 Major Goadael Accepts Tom Saul's Challenge. Lond< n. Mar. 16. Sydney.- -Major Guoaacll h;.s aetepttd rom Saul's ehallengc to race f<»r th»- world's sculling championship for t'2oo a side on h:- Parramatta River, probably at the end of April. Goodaell is tht n Koinj; to America to
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  • 101 3 London. Mar. lfi. Messrs. Herbert Ropov Barrett, Battey, T. M. Mavroffordato, A. D. Prebble, and F. L- Riscley were appointed to the Selection Committee at a meeting of th" Lawn Tennis Association Council. The meeting dscidad i to Instruct delegatas to thf meeting of thw international Lawn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 241 3 The Tonic that British Doctors recommend Hall's Wine has been prcgrjbed bt British doctors for over thirty years. They IPO* wit builds up strength in every case ot ■takness. ll you are weak rrom any cause, Hall's Wine ail! q N v restore you to health and vigour. free Wineglasses.
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    • 373 3 DO YOU REMEMBER I j Hartley's Jams Marmalade? j j: If so, you will know that at Home they rank as f I XKe Best They arc now obtainable at the following Provision Stores t Messrs. THE HIGH ST. PROM -lON STORE. Messrs. BIN BEE CO. LIM YEW CHYE SONS.
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  • 1272 4  -  ALICE M. WILLIAMSON. T//E MODERN WOMAN IN MARRIAGE,— No. j. I Ruses to Attract and Ways to Hold. g II ss 5 FOLLY OF "SETTLING DOWN." SS The famous novelistw ho, with her late husband, Mr. C. N. Williamson, maintained one of the most successful
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 661 4 t+o the finger tips is well worth having. Why be half alive when you can be really fit and well and enjoy every minute of glorious life Keep the system free from impurities with the occasional glass of the fizzing saline known as Andrews," and you will reach the maximum
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    • 301 4 Conquer Fatigue I Sanatogen fills you with menta physical vigour to resist f.r Read this testimonial from the Medical Press and Circular Sanatogen is a perfectly ide I food for feeding the brain and nervous systen It has an immediate and remarkable effect shown by a steady increase of strength
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  • 898 5 SHOWING THE FLAG. (From Our Own Correspondent). o Uatavia, Mar. 2G. At last the N.E.I. Navy is to make a trip to neighbouring countries for the purpose ol showing the Hag. A division of Kast Indian submarines left on Thursday for Manila. This division, which is under ihe
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  • 16 5 Not even non is there nav enthusiasm i'«»:v thc beauty and glory if pease. Canon Donaldson.
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  • 237 5 I STATE ALCOHOL CONTROL IN TL'RKKT. (From N.E.I. Papers). Perlin. Mar. 23. The Turkish Parliament decided to introduce state control on the manufacture, impdrt and tale of all alcoholic drinks. The manufacture and export of wine are not affected by this new law. Annuai Report of Danish
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  • 622 5 ~z 'lii- it; nt unpopular inhal itsn! of LondoiW ii the rnt. But it will not be doubted that he blho is <>n. of the cleverest, as tin- t'ollowing stories abjul him show. The} were related to s representative >t <h» London "Evening News' 1 by Ilr.
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  • 21 5 When {"person has become used to fresh air he will loss all fear of catching cold. i Dr. R. A. Young.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 593 5 REMINDER AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY situate at and known a*> I \i»V HILL AM) BATCHELOR'S HALL. ORANtJE GROVE ROAD. To be sold at Public Auction by Ifcisn. POWELL CO., LTD. their Sale-rooms Nos. 16 and 17, Raffles Place, Singapore. ON TUESDAY, the 30th. MARCH 1926, AT 2.30 P.M.
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  • 984 6 REACHING MIL PEOPLE DIRECTLY (By George Sot McCain). The Yowiitf Hen Christian Association is 1 lei foiling KuM-pe. Hove than any other influence, social or political, it is leaching the heart oi tht- peoples. By 'Ami I mean the boys and young men. Lying
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  • 750 6 "INDIA FOR PRINCE HENRY." (From Our Own Correspondent). Paris, Feb. 21. Rarely do the Paris journals concern themselves with the doings of King George's younger sons. A socialist paper, howev. r. possesses a well-informed Editor, who, having studied the Army List, has discovered that Prince Henry is a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 466 6 Cuticura Clears The Skin Gf Blemishes If you have pimples or red. rough skin you can rely on Cuiicura to help you. Gently smear the affected part with Cuticura Ointment; after five minutes, wash off with Cuticur? Soap and hot water. Dry without irritation. Soap, Ointnnenl, Talcum sold thi^Ußhout the
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    • 55 6 MM "> *a^B "^**"~*^^^S|____Si^^STimi^Jj^E^^c--J /S W^^l Sandilands Buttery Co. T^l \\\\\\^L^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^^^^^^Sm^mSSlmm\^.m^^m^^^^*^^^^ v N' l llj »a^l Bn gl W as fci^^^r- f jp gW ntffiii msaß mm\r^^^ It M Wm I B^^^^^^^i fc^^i "i B y hV Bfezzr? -Ib Wr^^^^a^ ssns I j| JSfe NAVY CUT CIGARETTES s^^^^M^M W D
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  • 783 7 DR. UM BOON KENG'S CRITICS. (From Our Chinese Correspondent). f A sure indication that there is a warm Ite ner in the hearts of the members of the various communities for Dr. Lim Boon Keng. after his absence from the Colony, was keenly manifested hy the numerous invitations
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  • 199 7 Not infrequently some such remark as thit is heard. "If only I had had a gun with me, I might have shot several brace of birds, for they literally got up at m.v fc<t." As a matter of fact, if the speaker had had a gun
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  • 1165 7 OFFICIAL REPLIES TO QUESTIONS. At the meeting of Legislative Council yesterday the following were the official re. j plies to questions: The r:ply to Mr. Tan Cheng Lock's ques- tion regarding the transfer of Dr. J. W. Seharff, Health Officer, Malacca, to Singa- pore, after only nine months'
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  • 399 7 LIGHT ■LUES' SI < (ESS. Hurdler Record. T I .Minimi, Mar. 19. At CJtieen's Club the fifty-eighth Inter-' l Yarsit\ Athletic Meeting was attended by J B large and fashionable crowd, including t the Premier and MtS. Baldwin. b The track was in perfect condition. Cambridge were the
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  • 211 7 a Teaching Asia Our Evils. Several hundred clergy were present at Salisbury Diocesan Synod on March 2, the subject for discussion being "The WvrldCall t<» the Church and thc Answer of the j Church." I The Bishop of Salisbury, referring to the general outlook, said that, as they
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  • 191 7 A CORRECTION. la out .>sue of March 10 th.te appeared B headed "Johore Estate Action," Sultan m Plaintiff." relating to an action bv nstiSfZT h h f and other** Sfaissl Dato Jaffar bin Haji Mohamed. The Paragraph contained a statement that the plaintiffs claimed a sum of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 434 7 BUSINESS CARDS^ y/.V.V.V.VAW.'.VAVMW.V.V. j MARY SETON i > E. AMBER MANSIONS. J ORCHARD ROAD. S I- THE CURIOSITY SHOP. > f J riease Send for the Illustrated t atalogue of Musical Instruments s SEASON CO^ LTD. J 111 and 113, North Bridge Road, FUNERALS? SINGAPORE CASKET CO. KXPERT UNDERTAKERS." TELEPHONE
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    • 743 7 NOTICES. SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND EXCHANGE. e o Annua General Mc ting of Members of t the Singapore Chamber ai Tommerce and I Exc i?ange will be held in th,- E,:ehan R e Room, B on Tuesday, 30th March, 192G, at 2.15 p.m. BUSINESS. L To receive the Committee's
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    • 426 7 n NOTICES. e EXCHANGE BANKS. .1 m T h o C Kxchan^- Banks will be closed on Friday •nd Saturday the 2nd and 3rd April being Public ,i d f y and on sth A P ril bein Easter Mondav T* 1-4 I THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN.
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    • 41 8 GREMINGER. To Mr and Mrs. 11. Grei i ger, ef M-1 Thomson Rood, ou March L'Ttl IPM, a iol ALLAN Oa Match SS, at th.- Mate mit Heme, Peaang, to Mr. aad Mrs. John. <.. Alia ef Malakotf, P.S a daughter.
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    • 27 8 BURLES .BAKER. At St. Aadrew'i hurd Penang, on March L'.">t»». Donald Buries, Tampin Linggi Batata, Ragiau, K.S., to 1»..n Lc Maitre Mak- r, <.<" Thorp* Hay. Essex.
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    • 79 8 KAKKKLL At the General Hospital, Singa pore, t.n Mareh MM, John Kdurard Larrell, n thi Singapore Pilot Association, aged year* IFaaeral at Bidadari Cemetery at R oVlocl I to-day. GLASS. <m. th. M .«th Instant at LSI Rangooi Read, Maria Susan Glass, b'.> yean, beloved wilt of Mr. Hi.
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  • 806 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1926. The Chinese Protectorate. The need for strengthening the staff of the Chinese Protectorate was the reason for the questions of the hon'ble Mr. Song Ong Siang at the Council meeting yesterday. An additional assistant protector has been appointed and he is on his
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  • 960 8 A sum 0 f IB4HM has been voted by the Legislative Council for the acquisition of the < ha plain's Home, Penang. H .s proposed to lay an armoured cable outaide the parapet aa the roadside of the b>hore Cauomray, t \,r telegraphic and telephonic use. The Royal English School
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  • 169 8 PENANG ITEMS (From Our Own Corm^oada*), I'cnanc \i. In Aa Swimming Ch* mai^* Ford regietemd his fourth 0.,,. n of thf Club championship, p^ i There was dramas' moment d service at St. Andrew'* v j lr L I 'Ka t'V,.n when, tn tho af uv[ IT***
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  • 203 8 NKXTM(IXTH'SfM.KM, AR There u,re x> ca>es ,n th. e„ h mg m tlu- Suprema Court during Anrt > when dates wen- allotted VeMtarA < t., llri vvh, hlh H^ long and Shanghai Banking •rc defendants; the divon Florence Regina Van t U yfc hor husband Herbert nylenberg;
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  • 319 8 Ihe report oi a committi Government to coaaidet what earn should be mane to the existh* ndn ai ky-lnwa under the Petroleum Ordinaacc laid on th table af the Legii on Monday. The Comm:. >• Me^sr< H. (ollyer. .1 I Heller. I>. Pateraon anti g. h. Shai They
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  • 87 8 An additional vote oaactioaed legislative ('ouncil shows that the < M*'"** f the Export of Rubber ami Rabbi nent departments is $******."). Thw r oaarnble from the DepoaHo EuWei K--ricti >n Fund. The death occurred suddenly OM bttm he Natal liner, Cnsinga. in Colombo humour, on tne 13tn inst ()f
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 34 8 X VERMIN USE AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co. I PEARS OOLDiiS SERIES. appointment 3*\S H,s M *J«*J to y Thi Kine THK OLD BLEND WHISKY fey Adamson, GilfiUan Co.. Ltd. Sol*- A cent*. >.*. Mai
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  • 134 9 SARBAIL CRITICISED. fUK DITY OF MANDATORIES. [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. 29. my |y Telegraph's diplomatic BOCrea T ays that the severity with which rt of the Mandates Commission af i.i'oe criticises General Sarrail's at■ri w -hen Hiph Commissioner towards i reeds of the populations in Syria i
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  • 82 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 2S. ince of Wales has undergone a peratlOß for recurrent ear tr »üble. ras ;i sequel to influenza and re- <• i the operation. 1 oTidon. Mar. 29. riling bulletin Bays that the Prince .i a return of the ear CDBdition, sequel of
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  • 119 9 FASCISMO SAL VATOR. [Reuter? Serv'ce.J Boaae, Mar. 88. -ng the crowd on Ihe tccaaioa o\ nth anniversary of P'ascismo, issolini, discussing the accomplish. the Fascist regime, said: It i- ogical outside the world of <leLiberalism that plutocratic clanwhich is without any countrv sgaiast us. To the responsible ties >f foreign
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  • 124 9 —m— —m Reuter's Service Paris. Mar 28. >mmunista hare bacn returned to At in the by-electior for the second r i Paris. The Radical-socialist e\e- »rjr;d its candidates to withdraw ini ommunista. [Haras Berries.] Paris. Mar. 2H. "inmunists Mttr% elected yesterday t for the second district of Paris
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  • 22 9 [Reuter's Service. I Teheran, Mar. 2K. '-ague of Nations commidsion to inrate the cultivation af opitm in Persia '^o'ed.
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  • 47 9 v -itish Radio- -Official Service]. Rugby. Mar. 2S. Cecil will probably represent Brjthe special committee set by the >f Nations Council a< its last meet tudy problems connected with the ioa, number and method of electl >n membefa. The Committee will meet aon May 10th.
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  • 75 9 i ßritish Radio— Official Service]. Rugby, Mar. 28. Ofliee arranpements are complete for the cash on delivery postal system ill I> B to-morrow. Under this system containing goods up to the value of ning may be posted at any money *ce for any address in Great Britain •"lue
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  • 53 9 mm^^j^mmmt EXPORT PRICE OF PLATES. LReuter's Service.] London, Mar. 29. An Association representing the steel plate manufacturers have decided to fix a standard minimum price for steel plates in consequence of tho ruinous result of the ncent competition. It is understood the new export price will be
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  • 172 9 i British Radio Official Service]. Rugby. Mar. 28. j Speaking last night in the Eorest of i Dean, the home secretary, Sir William .Toynson Hicks, referred to the Government's I attitude towards the report of the Coal Commission. Acceptance of the report, ho said, constituted an important move
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  • 113 9 lUritisl. Radio—Official Service]. Baa by, Mar. 2N. Thc nrst session of the pre paratory t -m mittee for the international Economic (on- > fereace is due to open hi Geneva «>n April J6th. Sir Hnbeil Smith of the B( -i;« of Trade. Sir Arthur Balfour, president of the
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  • 63 9 [Reuter's Service. J London. Mar. 2^. The Times correspondent from Ripa states that M. Komarotf was appointed chairman of the Leningrad Executive Com- j mittee, refilacing M. Zinovieff. who was «leI prived of the post on account of his oppqai- i tion to the policy of the Central
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  • 43 9 i British Kadi.. Official Service]. Buffby, Mar. 28. Paris 141.25; New Vork 4.K025; Brussels 182.625; Geneva 25.25; Amsterdam 12.1^5; j Milan 120.8625; Berlin 90.42; Bombay I^. 5 $3-64d.; Hongkong 2s. SJI7Sd.; Yokohama Is. 10*4d.; Shanghai 2s. tl"'>tl. Silver s T) ,,t
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  • 67 9 Palermo. Mar. 2.v The death ha- occurred of the Duke Orleans, the head of the Bourbon-Orleans j House. He was the eldest son of the late Cointe de Paris, and was born at Vork House. Twickt nham 0B Feb. 6th. IkWj. He received his education in Englnn 1 anJ
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  • 55 9 The Monopolies vote for the current year was $1,038,127 (about three per cent on the I amount \oted for Opium Reserve). The sum of $59,468 additional was voted in January and in February $182,784 more, of which E5OO is for an I »Xpert to consider certain plant
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  • 38 9 Among the votes sanctioned by the Lepis--1 lative (ouncil in February were 120,200 for economic research; $3,~>00 for pond culture; $121*400 for an experimental vessel; and $500 for fitting up a fisheries work room at Meyer's Flats.
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  • 82 9 The Government continue* its policy of providing all the money needed to eiicourape the local forces, ln the sums sanctioned for February, additional to the estimates of $*****11, provision is made for the conj struction of a Eurasian Club and Lecture I Room; purchase of arms and equipment;
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  • 18 9 Mr. J. Falconer of the Malayan Civil Service has been appointed to act as 2nd assistant adviser, Muar.
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  • 1209 9 YESTERDAY'S FORMAL OPENING. 'The Duty of Government." "In the buildinp which fs opened to-day we have a hospital of which we may justly be pr>ud," declared His Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemard to a large attendance when he formally opened the new General Hospital yesterday eveninp. The ceremony
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  • 349 9 BENDEMEER A.C. DEFEAT S.C.C. In Excitinp Game. Bendemeer A.C. 2: S.C.C. .1: In the match against the Bendemeer Athletic Club on the Padang yesterday afternoon, the S.C.C. displayed lamentable weakness in their forward line, but the side, otherwise, played a preat pam-, particularly in the defence where Wallich maintained
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  • 61 9 TO-DAY S TIES. Championship Preliminary. Championship Linton v-*. Roy Smith. Coopi r vs. Hunt. Hall vs. Cobb. Championship Pair (Preliminary!. Hoblyn and Lambart ra. Davie.- and HopProfession Pairs. Marriott and Holyoak vs. Moeley and Andera .n. Newcomers. Green, plus 1 va. Bovens. owe 2. Sturgess. plus vs.
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  • 46 9 1 TO-DAYS TIES. Handicap Singles (Men). Teak, plus 1 vs. Wild, owe Ift, WEDNESDAY, (Club At Home.) Championship Pairs Men. (Final). Cameroß and Hun' vs. Sinclair and Ha- i milton. Handicap Singles (Pinal). Teale or Wild vs. Milligan or Prvntis. Presentation af prizes.
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  • 39 9 Messrs. Powell and Co. invite attention t i theii; sales of two valuable Ruro|>ean residential properties and the rabber factory and lan<l known as Henderson Brothers Limited, Rubber Factory at Tiong Bahru, off Alexander Koad, to-day at BJBB p.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 lEx "S. S. MACEDONIA" A CHOICE SELECTION OF I vlP*> ladies' I A d ilk Hats AND mM Frocks. Robinson S Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). r Raffles Place. SINOAPORE. < •■i"i^"— ii^— i«ii«^— Navy Cut QeTi I Cigarettes 1 l J gf I St gunner of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 569 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION <;o LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China and Japan. For Marseilles. London and Aniwerp Due ne Tonnage. Singapore.
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  • 1554 11 The larest crusade Inaugurated by the New /.caiand Government Is against red Imported into the South Island for puipoeoi oi sport, thejr have increased so rapidly that now the damage they do in cultivated land is estimated at £100,000 a year. The Britisher abroad has an incurable habit
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  • 335 11 From thi' report of the proceedings at tlu meeting *>f the Eastern Tin Trust it will be seen that the company is in a sound p isition ami pooaeOOCS ffiuat possibilities. With the accounts ms have already dealt, but it may be of interest («> aots that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 319 11 Stiffness,Cramp Aching Muscles O Sloans swiftly and surely brings f welcome relief f j-r out muscles stiff and back-aching after a 's work That is the time you'll be glad vntle of Moan's you keep handy in the house. HTjUTH it i little Sloan's on the aching part. fCTSTCffIH vou
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    • 456 11 A Triumph jt/JL 4 jfe DUNCAN, the winner I P^^^{^\ oi the iirst P r 'ze of £100 C>/ '^4*J»ft Jf in a recent Baby Com%J^ /J^ petition in which there Duncan i were over 52,000 entries, An Allenburys* 1 Baby. Cu^j w as reared on Sketched fr.m a photograph
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  • 156 12 Ships alongside Ihe Wharves. or expected lo arrive. Baal Wharf (Kntrance Gate 1). H.M.S. Hawkins and War Krishna I s I i End Easl Wharf; Main Wharf (Entrance Gate S). Santhia 18; Vesaki Mam 16; Kathlamba II; < itv "f Wellington 12; Kt. Companion 9; Adrastui 7;
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  • 218 12 Pei Plancius: Mrs. H. ter Brake, Mrs. 11. B. Veldhuisen, child und baby, Mr. Tolruxo Joshitake, Mr. Tokuza Joshitake, Mr. A. Bvers, .Mrs. j. a. Bruiyn, M<-. .1. B. Pearaon, Mr. s. Tataauka, Mr. S. H. Palmer, Mr. K. W. Esenbegg, Mr. S, Schlesinger, Mr. Jasujtno Kahatsuka, Mr.
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  • 75 12 The N.Y.K. mail and passenger steamer, Fushimi Maru, left Hongkong on 27th inst and is due at this port on the 31st. Sht will probably sail the fDllowing day from the wharf for Europe. Over 1,600 passengers arrived on board the British steamer Wing Hong which arrived from
    75 words
  • 678 12 Cadet to Commodore. By Albert B. Armitaeje. CaeeeD. 10*. 6d. net. Just eighty years ago Thackeray dedicated his book of Eastern travel to the captain of the ship on which he had g >ne < iu, in these words: "If the noble Company iu v. hose so/vice
    678 words
  • 56 12 Brigadier-General Sir Arthur Forbes was among the passengers in the Macedo ma, which left Und m on Peb, 26 for *mg «™te tor North 80. General Poibes is a director of the Bangawan Rubber Estate, whieh he i> going to visit. Incidentally, he will take the opport unity ol seem-
    56 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 439 12 Burns Philp Line I (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MABELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming
      439 words
    • 411 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said. Marseilles from Singapore. ANDRE LEBON 18.000 ions Apr. 7 PAUL LECAT 17,000 tons Apr. 21 FROM PENANG ONH. AZAY LE RIDEAU ;i,OOO tons Var. 30 OUTWARD MAILS. To Saigon, Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan. ANGERS 16,000 tons Apr. 6 AMAZON E 11,000
      411 words
    • 248 12 ESEHEag Stewart's BLENDED Old Scotch Whisky Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE CO., Lift Incorporated la 1 Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. LLOYD TRIESTINO NAV. fli. (Its >rp truted in Its HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-month j sei var for Bi n ind Trieste \ia ports I t! ir ugh Ki'N ot Ladinf Levant
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 459 12 -MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 694 13 mmmmm. m >^BM— WW^^|^g^^ M O. S. K. Line. Destinations. Q D Z a u u Steamers. Arr. Dept. London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Bremen, via Colombo, Aden porl Sudan and Port Said. Alaska Maru Apr >3 Apr 24 basse. Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam. f Canada Maru Apr 5 Apr' 6 mbassa; Zanzibar,
      694 words
    • 417 13 289L Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. ▼ia Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round .the World, returning to Singapore in 110 days.
      417 words
    • 624 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) s.s. RHINE MARU Due A pr. 13. For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE CO., LTD. Agenta Singapore and Penaag K. P. M. KONINKLYKE
      624 words

  • 1540 14 HOW HE AMUSES HIMSELF. i Where His Lot is Hard. [Specially Written for Free Press]. The British accountant who earns his living in Paris, Vienna, Madrid, Rome, New York, Ottawa, or any other civilised capital, amuses himself in much the same manner as he would at home.
    1,540 words
  • 347 14 Bolshevist Propaganda in British Ports. A cunning form of propaganda against British shipping is being carried on hv the creWl of ships fly*** the Soviet flag in British ports. These Bolshevist crews are virtuallv in control of their respective vessels, and no loro m the world
    347 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 316 14 I Yet another Proo! 1 of Albion Supremacy 1 AN Albion Bus has completed the Wf§, JT\ worlds record road run of 801 Ws, miles without a single stop and at an w^§ average speed of 33*3 miles per hour. pg| Vehicle and load together weighed K§p over 5] tons
      316 words
    • 533 14 Mosquito Bites Insect Stings Use Gerraolene for the bites of all insects, including th mosquito. It draws out the poison, stops the Irritation and removes every trace of the trouble. If you would be immune from tlie mosquito. mMMMMMM) <Jern...!« the skill Neither mosquito nor any other in.s«><-t \\i|J trouble
      533 words

  • 1053 15 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual gWtenU Bleating of the Sin«apote Chamber of Commerce Rubher Association was held at the Auction Room in Kxchan^e Building yesterday afternoon, ihe Cha.rman, Mr. R. J. ohott, presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption >t the report and accounts, said: The
    1,053 words
    • 67 15 March M. Bank 4 nt.e. uti m,m I»IM nnnk demand „4 l-\c, Private tredits 3 m.~. f|4 17-.T' New York, demand "5(5 18-H Credits yo da\- mm* ,>( -*4 r ranee, demand j^^q India, T. T. ,--V Hongkong, demand i t „.<.. dj b< Yokohama, demand Java, demand 1
      67 words
    • 188 15 March 2i«. Tin \27> Tons -iiiin-- fl *ti. i.t (.amhter lor Pepper White 0m P^ppej Black you Flake Tapioca 5*75 Pearl Sogo Small s On Copra ii^f < opra Sundried 1 1 <»o Opium. Berth res unt 4.000 Rice. Liana: Hin Chnn Mark led BagJa New) Rice, Siam o
      188 words
    • 65 15 C. OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION Singapore. Mar. 2M. 12 noon. Boyi r> Belk r> R.S.S. F.t\u<i\ to Standard, Q.C.F. Spoi 100 101 Standard R.B.S. 800l Mareh 100 101 <»u Tender April 100c. mi Apr-Jane ion 101 •lui> >Bept. '.»T :is'., Ton. of Market: Steady bal «iai<'t. LeU mi Cable: London
      65 words
    • 55 15 FRASERS SHAR E LIST. Yesterday's Alterations. Mambau.- ($1 1.:,:, 1.45 Nai Hoot (SQ) T'j 12'j prem. Pahang (onsd. <."wi i:;> gg Us Sd cd. Brogaa <*n 1.75 LiHJ Malaka Pinda 1 > o.l") :i.2.'« Nyalas <$."»> lUO 18.00 .New Scudais (*2> 8.00 8.10 United Malacca ($1) 2.90 8.00 S.S. IH
      55 words
    • 226 15 ROSE MACPHAIL COS REPORT. (L. R. Macphail). u ii Singapore, Mar. 2H. Rubber.— 2s .td. Up £d Tin.-^£2Bo IPs. Mar. 27. Rubber share quotations are steady with good enquiriea. There are int feature* of interest in the Mining section. Industrial and Ixtans can be taken at quotations
      226 words
    • 154 15 MACPHAIL CO.. LTD'S REPORT Singapore. Mar. 29. Rubber. Local $1. Tin.— London Mar. 27. £*2xn |Os. local 1 IC%. 12a tons sol<i. Rubber*.— Shares are quiet, l'nited Malaccas are quoted 8 S.IQ and New Scudaia M.<»2' L 3.15. Mentakabs have sellers at til and Jeralft Koantaaa at 1.70 ex. Connemara*
      154 words
    • 398 15 The annual report of this companv for tht year ended Nov. 80th it't be presented lal *ih- annual meeting ai No. I Collyer Quay, on Tuesday, April ith, at noon) stale.-- During that period the company acquired the undertaking of Central Motors. Limited. and in May.
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  • 21 15 Roys are able to offer a healthy resistance tt> efforts to succeed by- work. Dr. G. V. Benyon (East Sussex Coroner).
    21 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 467 15 Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. mmm Till? rDDAT ri nmnniT Assurance in Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. HEAD OFKlCE^WinchesterHoJsiZlT 1 The Company has $20,000 deposited with the ?JnrL* n LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C. a witn the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the
      467 words
    • 403 15 BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. LIMITED. Eatabll»h«d 1880— P fX S ffi£ d *.100,000,000 ReSer £.£d2l Y.86,500,000 v;„o jS BM ?5 nt: lodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya Ese Mnw amMmM DOCTORS. y bLSWI' Ei< L K *o*»mi, Esq. K rl*^ STS* K Takeuchi. Esq. F wIZ m L T H °dsumi.
      403 words
    • 446 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) a,.*u 6 J? d P ffic Hongkong. Authonaed Capiul S5O *****0 Issued and fully paid up 100 000 2K Reserve Fund :-I|erlin U g P PJSSS Silver $27 000 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000',000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. u D M
      446 words

  • 3237 16 LAND ACQUISITION FOR LARGE BUILDING SCHEMES. MALACCA MEDICAL MATTERS. Mtnday. March 29th. 1»26. Present. His Excellency the Qovavaov, (.Sir Laavcaea Guillemanl K.C.P., K.C.M.G.) His Excellency the General Oflker Commanding the Troops, Mafttya Major-Oeaoral Sir Theodore Fraaer, K.C.H., v'.S.L, C.M.G.t. Th»- Hoa*Mc the Colonial Secretary (Mr. Hay is Marriott,
    3,237 words
  • 173 16 IPOH GYMKHANA CLUB. Weights for Saturday. The following are the handicaps of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club Skye Meeting to be held on Saturday, 3rd April, 1926:— Race 1. Ponies. Class C. (G furlongs): M onflower 11.5, H. F. 11.2, Drusilla 10.10, Jane 1D.4, Dodder 10.4. Race 2. Hacks,
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  • 33 16 The April Medal competition will be competed for on Saturday and Sunday, the Hrd and 4th prox. The April Indies' Spoon will be competed for on Monday the 12th prox.
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  • 31 16 Guillemard ("up. The above which was competed for >n Sunday. 28th instant, resulted in a vein f »r Messrs. .1. Riera and H. Rogers SO- -7— T'l nett.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 219 16 SIEINWAY is the Hallmark to ANY HOME. > ASK FOR PRICE "LISTS. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong). RAFFLKS PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sole Aetata. I ii m I World's Favourite Gramophone The hundreds of thousands of Deccas in use all over the Empire furnish the most convincing proof of the
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 24 16 THIS WEEK'S SPORTS PROGR\MME. The following programme of sports fixture! has !>cen arranged for this week. Tuesday. S.t Ground: Football: H.M.S. Hawkins vs. S.CF.A.
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