The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., FRIDAY. MARCH 26, 1926. NO. 11,756.
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  • 306 1 Official telegrams fr<m IVkinjr reptirt a coup dVtut at Canton, v» her* Chinese and Russian communists have been imprisoned I'ajje 9. The China |xace conference has taken a good turn, Chang ha\inp agreed to recognise! Peking as a neutral zone I age U. A lucid exposition ol
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  • 894 1 There's nothing to account for it," said Dr. Ciuiver to the Rev. Blazer. «He wasn't old, he wasn't worn out, his wound was deep, but it wasn't a bad cast-, and the influenza ia mild this year I think he fritfhtened himself. Fear kills more
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 234 1 SWALLOW ARIELL'S GINGERNUT BISCUITS Raffles Hotel Telephow No: 2i)20. SARKIES BM«BRS. Proprietors. EXTRAORDINARY NE\\~ ATTRACTION THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL CHARACTERISTIC RUSSIAN DANCERS MISS LADOVA YOURY YOURLO above dancers will appear at Raffles Hotel TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Admission. Non- Diners $1. (.RILL ROOM. A F peaTE, I'nder the supervision of an
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    • 240 1 >: .%VA-.W.WAV.%%W.V.W/.W. -V.V.V.W.V-V.-.V.V.V.VAV.-.\ j PABOO PAINT. I I- A paint for iron roofs. J Better than ordinary paint. Can be applied easily. Offers complete protection. I PABCO PAINT. I ■I Absolutely anti-corrosive. ll Inexpensive. S •I Non-poisonous. J Try it on your next job. 5 j: l\ Sole Agents: >
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    • 103 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotel attractions l'a>f. 1. 4711 Kau tie Cologne I'a^e •">. Public entertainments Pajre 2. Shipping on paj^es 10. 12 ard in. Latest hooks, Kelly Walsh Paw 16. Qttibast asparagus, Geti Brat -Pace 3. Burnett's *>in. Afri«an an<l Ka«t«-m Trade i 'orporation Page 1 1. New shipment «»f parTridur-
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 171 1 THE WEEK. Frith; ,i, li\th. Hick Water, h.4« a.m.. io.r> p.m. iv and o. eatward mail <lue. V. .mi! borne ward mail (train )i Datch homeward mail domes, 11 a.m. Ifaaicipal Commiasiaa, 215 p.m. Soccer: Navy \>. I». of \V. Ucirt., Stadium. Royal Hawaiian*, Vie. Theatre, 1>.30 p.m. Sat nitty,
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  • 1091 2 A SATISFACTORY BALANCE SHEET. The BSBCaI ger.eral meeting of the Jerani Kuaittan Rubber Estates, Limited, was hatd ye.Nt.tday, in the Chartered Bank Chambers, Mr. hoo Woon Poh presiding, and others present btittf Messrs Gaw Khvk Khiam, K. A. Kiias. YY. L. Stevens, and Mr. D. Phillip, fcr
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  • 97 2 The British Consul-General at Cant >n, Sir 1. W. Jamieson, hm§ called the attention of tlu Canton Government to the provision of tht- railway a^reeim-nt that before the payment in full of the obligations duo to British interests on account of the Can-t<,n-Kouloon Railway, no part of the propert v
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  • 164 2 A ao\-shc\\ will be held in the Victoria Men* rial Flail on Wedn sday April 2J<th IMC. All entries will b*« free. ,a- A Children of 5% to 5 7.98 to D.SO a m. Clan H Children of I to 2H 7JIO to '.♦.:><> a.m. Class C Infait^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 89 2 STILLMAN'S FRE€KLE CREAM. Double Action, Removes Freckles. Whitens the Skin. New stocks just arrived at MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA. CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. Mdm. r <jp Kelvey's iSa;; School of LiU Dancing A well-known professional teaeher in Character,
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    • 320 2 From Sunday, 21st, to Saturday, 27th March, 192C> THE GREATEST DRAMA OF THE AGES CREATED INTO EVEN GREATER MOTION PICTURE AT THE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, at 9 p.m. A WILLIAM FOX SUPER PRODUCTION From the Immortal Story by Mrs. Henry Wood Presenting A GALAXY OF NOTED STARS including
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  • 1223 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO KEC RL ITEKS. [From the Ceylon Planters' Association Report]. The Indian Government has made new niles about recruiting and according to these lules you can neither recruit without a license nor can you recruit on the license of another recruiter: y Oa are liable to prosecution
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  • 319 3 Great discussion appears in the mail (•apery about the proposed <»f C60 t OOO :i yiar t<> the Civil Service Sports Ground and Mr. V George Penny writes to the! Tim. Sir, Whoever is responsible or whatever it thr origin of the prop >sal to give
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  • 221 3 The Government Mycolofjisi reports i i tlx- Ceylon Planters Association. There was an abnormal fall of jromig !I<vca U'avvs this yi-ar rausul l>y a species oi (ndiuni. which attacked the y uinir expanding leaflets when the trees were coming nKo leaf again alter wintering. This disease, which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 338 3 tvery tooth as clean j as "Calvert's" can make it I fP^ i 1 lUt T eanS CVer >' tooth is !ookin£ its |g .j> best doing its share in adding to the A. brightness and charm ot your smile. And, besides, you want your teeth to last, you want
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    • 118 3 FORD OWNERS Prolong the Life of Your Car by Using White Star Oil Positively a Profitable Investment MALAYAN MOTORS 209—212 OPwCHARD ROAD. WEARNfc HROTHERS LIMITED. Proprietor*. "I THE WAY TO A JT. MAN'S HEART IS jj^ jTHROKiH HIS ■I S T O M A C H." THAT K {SMILE OF
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  • 897 4 THE WRITING TABLE. A (rank deal of charm and originality is j seen in Um new accessories which adorn the artistic woinaa'l writing-table. Nearly always the ch&im of th^se accessories lies in the colour. I have seen on;- pretty writing desk which cariß-s out a scheme of rose
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 4 A beautiful shade of rose satin is U sel for this charming wrap, which is ta-cinatingly trimmed with bead emb :<>ideries. Whie fox fur is used for the %«»liar which adds further elegance to this design.
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  • 206 4 IiEST OF PETS IN THE EAST. [Specially Written for Free Press-l The trio arrived late at night in a car, with their nervous young mother engulfed in an enormous basket, to make their home with us whilp their owner went on leaveToo tiny tt> take much interest in
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  • 1794 4 NO. S.— INOCULATION PANG& [Specially Written for Free Press A unit of the Royal Flying Caipe was stationed net tar from our barracks, to which officially we were 'attached for purposes of discipline and rations.' Some of us Were very much attached indeed, judging by the prolonged
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  • 291 4 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY GET NASTY KNOCKS. "We cannot protest too strongly against the use of bad language on the hockey fWW." This pint st is given prominence in the editorial notes of the official organ of tht All-England Women's Hockey Association, and is directed solely against
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  • 144 4 General Sir lan Hamilton m humorous vkn when ho pVMMcd »1 at th*» Bvrm. ndsey Ho«>k Sb H. W. Nevinson, his "oM CO«r«de siege of Ladysmith and tkt Dftnii "In the days when this ltir being ravaged by the fair st>\." lan, 4 Mn the days of
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  • 86 4 When a bride is kept waiting outside the church door for nearly six minutes th< re k always a little thrill of excitement. This occurred on Feb. 4th at St Peter's Church, Katon-square, for Miss Heather Beli, who was married to the Master of Belhaven, was
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 4 Lady Hastings, daughter of the Marquis C asati. hamberlain to the Kim: of Italy. wh«. is entering business in Melbourne, with a fashionable in Si making concern.
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  • 344 4 By MARION. TIME TO GET UP. Men often delight in pointing lax women are about rising early hour in th. Horning, r. make us b-lieve that this |a feminine weakness. One cynic ha no man wants to mm his «rif< in the morning. W« can only mere are some
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  • 1544 5 LIBERALS AND THE LAM). (From Out Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 26. It is impossible to get away from politics, although there is very little of Importance Koing on in the House. Tho Liberal Convention, however, last we-, was interesting, though it is not easy to find politicians
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 171 5 The penalty of the tropics (Zff 'pA y i, notoriously harder to feed :iv in the tropical You v foaad :i t«»«l ttiat suits it in- cannot be quite iree iiliiHiit^— nio>t<:i them Irum indigestion. .it idity, sickne-is, are .< id ward's t iripe Water. Iwar.l's m against .«sjc Ai-«]
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    • 329 5 B HEADACHE at all times distress- ift A\S B i n S* ls more so, if it occurs when you \\\Vv f^ \>. are acting as Guest or Hostess; when \WV^I vC^ R you would appear at your best. A B timely inhalation of "4711" Eau de X^/ j/^^k Nj\*
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  • 248 6 South Africa's Fine Victory. London, Mar. 13. The Xational Rifle Association's report summarising the results of the Empire rifle shooting: for the Kind's Trophy, the Im-. perm] Challenge Shield, ontains a copy of a letter from the King, who was very much interested to hear that 20,0C0
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  • 244 6 In addition to a selection of new fiction the Bndernoted s/orks have been added to RafHes Library and will U available for issue <-n Saturday at 9 a.m. Asquith (Cynthia) and Other-. The I'lying Carpel: a collective work with contributions by Hardy. Milne. Chesterton, Barri Clememe Dane ;i"<l
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  • 74 6 TURKISH MONOPOLY OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Distilleries Given Thrie Months' Notice. London. Mar. 10. < oastantinoplsv- Tin- Assembly has voted surtax of n.ughly 10 per eent. on income from land and property. The Taxes Bill was submitted in the Assembly for tin- creation of a monopoly Cat the manufacture, importation and
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  • 45 6 PRINCE. HENRY'S VISIT To AUSTRALIA. Rumour that H.M.B. "Hood Has lieen Detailed. London. Mar. 11. Gibraltar. It is stiongly rumoured that H.M.B. Hood has been detailed to take Prince Henry to Australia to preside at the opening of the new Federal Parliament building at Canberra.
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  • 77 6 The Bends SSeer Athletic Club, which is visiting Kuala Lumpur during the forthcoming Easter holidays, will be engaged in a series of indoor and outdoor fames, The Club will play soccer with the Victoria Institution Old Boys' Association, the "Selangor Rompers" Club and the Chinese Momlight Rovers, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 822 6 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY situate at and known as LADY HILL AM) KATCHELOR'S HALL. ORANGE GROVE ROAD. To be sv>ld at Public Auction by Messrs. POWELL CO., LTD. at their Sale-rooms Xos. 1G and 17, Raffles Place, Singapore. ON TUESDAY, the 30th. MARCH 192«. AT 2.30 P.M. PARTICULARS.
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    • 502 6 If your system is not clearing itself of impurities, 1 I appetite fails. To aid the proper functioning of I I the system, to purify the blood, and to restore M the conditions of digestion which bring back a I healthy eagerness for food, there is nothing I I more
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    • 523 6 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. The Undersigned have Imn instructed to sell by public auction at their •.alt-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place. ON MONDAY, 29th MARCH 1926. AT 2.30 P.M. SEASIDE BUNGALOW. 1. Valuable freehold land, area 2 acres, 3 roods and 34 poles, with th» bußgl ■NCtod thereon kn >wn as
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    • 87 6 /f Children Quickly Learn To Rely On Cuticura To soothe and heal the ra^and skin irritations of cfcildll Daily use of Cuticura Soa^ sasisted by Cuticura Ointment, will the skin and scalp clean and hsaltta) and prevent simple irritations k* becoming serious. Soap. Ointment. Talcum sold tluou c 1 thv
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  • 857 7 MACPIIAIL AND CO. LTD S WEEKLY REPORT. tl Singapore, Mar. 23. I Hiring the week under Vtview our market mi, continued to improve and broaden. Uli u Stea<ly pnce of the commodity, lubber shares have attracted considerable attention and quotations generally have advanced in favour of holders.
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  • 537 7 Singapore, Mar. 14. The Rubber market has been very active throughout the week, with the commodity pi ice steady at small fluctuations either side of 2s id, closing at 2s .-.^l. Investment issues have been in good demand with such excellent future dividend prospects from
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  • 263 7 Singapore, Dec. 23. Rubber.— Prices have again iluctuated during: the past week, but the undertone has been steady. Approximately 527 tons were catalogued foi the locaJ auction held yesterday, out of which 24X tons sold under the hammer. The tone throughout the sale was quiet. Little interest was
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  • 275 7 LEWIS AND PE ATS REPORT. Singapore. Mar. 2."». übh*'r. The market has agaisj bees in< st uncertain since »ur hi<t very little rubber ehsJagiag hands for shipnunt. nnd tin forward market remains \ery ?»'strictd. The London markit appears t<» }»e sup- j ported by t!ie producers' combine, but very littl*
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  • 173 7 IN lice Sub-Inop*f!or Seriously Injured. Bombay. Mar. (ireat excit nunt has bsatj caused by 1 Police laid and the arrest of a dacoit bite nijrht <lui-ini! which two Police «>ffieefs received KVolver wounds. Inspector Dyer and Sub-Inspector Sorai aji Khaiekhao, acc<»!ii[)anied by a posse of.
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  • 908 7 SATISFACTORY PROSPECTS. The Labour Problem. The annual general meeting of Tapah Rubber Estates Lt 1 m*h lv/<\ at Fieucf Bank Buildings (Messrs Evati and Co.) ai noon yesterday. The Chairman, Mr. W. A Macgregor, presided and there were alsr present Messrs John Robertson, C. V Eailey (directors)
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  • 182 7 Disorders of the stomach are, generally j speaking, always caused hy harmful acid which accumulates, causing fernuntati«>n i in the stomach and often agonising- pain. 1 You have only to get rid jf the excess Acid I and strengthen the stomach-lining, when the whole trouble will
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 409 7 BUSINESS CARDS, j: MARYSETON. 5 B. AM HER MANSIONS. I" i lerfal consignaaoni has arrived 5 e roing clothes for children. S t g please Send for the Illustrated I catalogue of Musical Instruments. t SEASON CO., LTD. iad 113, North Bridge Road. S FUNERALS? SINGAPORE CASKET CO. JCPERT UNDERTAKERS."
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    • 788 7 NOTICES. J RORINSON AND COMPANY, I n LIMITED. j Uncurporatod i n the Straits Settk-menis^ Se^n!^^ If HBWSB GIVEN tbat the gwentfc Ordinary General lleetinc of tht •HI U held at the Offices of the Company FUSTS* T an M Singapore m FtWajr, April. IfM, at 12 o'clock noon.
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    • 506 7 NOTICES. SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. NOTICE. STUNG AMATEUR RACE MEETINGS. 1926. Saturday Bth.. Tuesday 11th., Thursday 13th. Saturday 15th., Saturday 22nd. and Whit Monday 24th. iMay, 1926. Nine races for Open Horses. Ntae races f or Ex-Griffin Hordes. Nine races for Ex-Griffin Ponies. Six races for Irish Maidens. Two races for
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  • 668 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1926. The Opium Agreement. Th»* great powers tK> not seem In any hurry to ratify the Opium Agreement and Covenant signed at (ieneva. Britain ratified and sent the ratification to the League OAce in February, but no far ai the Foreign Secretary knows, no
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  • 578 8 Mr. John Mitchell w:is in Kuala Lunipyi «.i> Wednesday. Mr. H. <". Bella, Monetary to th< Post Office, i- going on U*aw \>\ the Moiva. A Reuter'i t» le^raiu announce* the death of Sir Theodore Owen, chairman «t many t. and robber companies. Captain Thomas Prince, <>t' tin Royal Sussex
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  • 89 8 MALAY POLICEMEN CONVICTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 25. A Malay police constable named Mat bin Nakit was fined $50 and two other policemen, Cho bin Saleh and Tab bin Haniff, were each fined $10 on a charge of using: criminal force to a toddy .shop-keeper. The
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  • 47 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). IVnanu. Mar. 25. Mr. Arthur Williams, District Officer, Balik I'ulau, was married to Miss Lilian May Read at the Presbyterian Church here to-day. The bride was given away by the Resident Councillor and Mrs. Peel was the matron of honour.
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  • 36 8 (From Our Own Corresy^aent.* Penang. Mar. 2.">. A branch of the Y.M.C.A. was formed here to-day. Mr. Justice Brown was aaked to be Pr. sident, Mr. (Juneiatnam Secretary and aptahn Saunder< Treasurer.
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  • 612 8 Mr. I). Bird has now been able to leave he fief unban Hospital. The Hex. Archibald Ewiag returned to Peaang on Tuesday by the night mail from ingapore. Mr, Stroots, of th_ Forest OaVe, Taipiag, ft for Kuala f'ilah lasi wwk to take o\er the fbltiei oi the bite Mr.
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  • 388 8 EVIDENCE OK (HITS "Cash Please Tht hearing of the am again.- M Peter Richardson, who stands charted Jfe cheating in respect of a cheque for was resumed in the Difctrirt Court Mr. P. F. David, yeste-];u. Mr. Counsell, secretary. affl H contirued his evidence. Questioned by ih' accused
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  • 287 8 ROYAL HAWAIIAN** VI VICTORIA TIIKATKK. Amu- Maynard and her Royal Hawaiian- can certainly claim a nn-st TCOUI opening for their Mini here, rhere wa- very lar^re and a most enthusiastic audi- once at the Victoria Theatre last night, when the company gave their first perl malice.
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  • 58 8 Although it has bean Impossible individual invitations to the whole o lore, everyone caring to attend the fi the now General Hospital Excellency the Governor at aYoaday, March L'Dth. will be urek-o nt'.nded to divide the chair- i:u> th* members of each gTOUp rill 1 with a gu'de to conduct
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 "THE CONNOISSEUR COMLS TO CALDBECK'S" Cherry Brandy MS Creme De Menthe BOLS Jfk BOLS Kummel Curacao QUADEOANTER. FOUR HKIHCLASS LIQUEURS IN A FOURCOMPARTMENT CRYSTAL BOTTLE. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (fittorporated under in- (ompanii's Ordinames of Hongkong*) (Incorporated in Shanghai.) NEW SHIPMENT I PARTRIDGES Hi -inL Xj COLD STORAGE SV/A'.^VAV.V.V.ViV.V.V.V.VAVASW.V.VA\W.V.V.V.V.'.V, S
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    • 58 8 Mi V m Pa^f urns de Luxe i OOXY Chypre j| Origan m Rose Jacqueminot !j Paris Emeraude > EAU DE COTY Si 5 to be had from all dealers Dupirc Brothers. > SfST to? r~ i nil w^ x^. "*"^y^- T —^-c Sole Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. Singapore.
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  • 183 9 HOW WE STAND. \T THK BEST. Wl PAY. [JUuter'l Service.] London. Mar. 24. expositi >n of Britain's position ct to inter-Allied debts was made Winston Churchill in the House of i reply to Mr. Philip Snowden. jQJtiated ;i debate on the subject. lancellor <>f the Exchequer emphaBritain was
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  • 984 9 Mr. I'hilip Snow den sh Radio Official Berviee.] Kughy. Mar. 21. tools place in the House of Com- lay «.n the subject of inter-Allied It was opened by Mr. Snowden. of Uh Kxohequer in the late rernment. Mr. Snowden pointed ■.t debt t" the United States would
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  • 202 9 While these dimVulties with France might be rious. h" believed th«-y would not prevent a speed) and satisfactory arrangement We had also-made certain settlements with minor powers, m particular Rumania. We i xpected to obtain l*S millions sterling from France. We had undertaken to tret from Italy four
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  • 123 9 Renter's Service.] ihieti, Mar. 24. The trial of the five men for the murder of the Socialist deputy, Mattcotti. has resulted in three, Dumini. Volpi and I'overorno being 1 sentenced to six years each and also debarred durinjr their lives from holding any public onVe. They have been
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  • 87 9 [Reuters Service.] London. Mar. 2.". Protracted consultations between European steel interest* have resulted, according to the Daily News correspondent at Berlin, in a far-reaching "Rails Cartel," eliminating competition and apportioning quotas for the export of rails as follows: Britain, 43 per cent; France and Germany together, 40 per
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  • 102 9 BRITAIN LEADS. NO HURRY TO RATIFY. f Renter's Service.) London, Mar. 24. In the House of Commons, replying to Viscount Sandon, Sir Austen Chamberlain said that the British ratification of the opium agreement and convention signed at Geneva was deposited with the League of Nations on Feb.
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  • 144 9 IReuter's Service.] Manao. Mar. 21. There were a hundred and four fatalities by the loss of the Brazilian steamer Paes de Carvalao, destroyed by fire and sunk near Coury. Kio de Janeiro. Mar. 21. The, latest report says that an explosion Caused the loss of the steamer
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  • 89 9 [Renter's Service.} Nc* Torn, Mar. 2">. An avalanche of selling orders on the stock market on carrying over drove high price issues down three to nineteen points and made new low records for year. The total sales amounted to 2,000,000. The bearish sentiment sras Influenced by reports
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  • 80 9 IVkiiiK. Mar. 25. Official telegraaM state that General Chanjt Ksi-sink lia> carriad out a coup d'etat at Canton and imprisoned < hint so ;yid Russian comnjunists. [Nanyo Nieai-Nicki Teleg lam], Tokio. Mar. 24. It i^ announced that the rVnCt Conference between the heads of the National
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  • 83 9 [Router's Service.] London, Mar. 24. At a conference betwe n Mr. Baldwin and ||k renr— entathtes of the coal owners and mint is, Mr. Baldwin rtefiwcd that the GovenißWßl accept the coal commission's report and will legislate thereon, if the owners an<l miners aec;pt the report. Mr.
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  • 73 9 [Reuter's Service.] Berlin. Mar. 21. According to the provisional oflicial fijriiies, 12'- million people have signed a demand for a plebiscite whether the property of th»- ex-rulers should be confiscated without compensation. Fifty per cent of the total electorate, or j bout twenty millions, must vote for
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  • 65 9 <.o\ ernnient Cutter Rescues Crew. London. Mar. 10. The Army dirigible "TA 5" nosedived into Hampton Roads. There was great excitement at the fall of the dirigible. Army officers at the aerodrome despatched another dirigible to the rescue, but this was unnecessary as
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  • 564 9 OPPOSITION TO EXAMINATION OF WITNESS. The hearing of the application regarding an order made by Mr. Justice Deane for the examination of two witnesses, Loh Kong Im and Loh Kim Swee, in connection with the bankruptcy of Chop Loh Chee Seng was continued and concluded before Mr. Justice
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  • 199 9 1 Thi<'vf> ivHnrn Ptetaurea. liondon. Mar. 9. A sensational sequel to the audacious theft of Constable and Birket Foster pnintingS has heen the return of all, except one Coßjstabte picture, to Scotland Yard. The parcel in which the pictures were wrapped beta no handwriting, and a
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  • 57 9 All the Horses Rescued. London, Mar. 10. Considerable damage has been done to the Prince of Wales's stables at Torroyal Far, Princetown, by fire this morning. Police, employees, and the fire brigade from Dartmoor assisted in extinguishing the outbreak. All the Prince's horses have been rescued.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 545 10 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London and Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage. Singapore. Tonnage. Sineapor*.
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  • 968 11 A "GRAND MATCH DE FOOTBALL." In the small blue posters stuck on the telegraph poles along the mountain road it had been announced. In the large red announces at the Prefectur: de police it had been sponsor*. d. In the cafes it was a topic. Le
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  • 44 11 Information was received in Hongkong on Mar. 14, of the closing: down of the Canton Hospital, which has been compulsory owinjr to the attitude of the strikers, who have teen creating: trouble for a month past, culminating; in a blockade of the institution, v.
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  • 108 11 Lord Churston's Seat Destroyed London, Mar. !>. The long list of country house fires was added to last nipht when Lipton House. Churston, Lord Churston's picturesque Devonshire residence, was completely destroyed. The alarm was given at midnight by a village constable who noticed flames issuing from
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  • 15 11 Mr. E. Newbold, Works Manager, Eastern 'melting Company, Penang, will shortly be proceeding on leave.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 260 11 After an illness take Wincarnis —the best tonic of all Build up your health again by taking a course of this delicious strengthening, and restorative tonic wine. Put new vitality into your system, teed your nerves, repair your wasted tissues, create iieu rich blood do all this simply by taking
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    • 106 11 j BURNETT'S GIN I I (OLD TOM DRY.) j EVERYBODY'S CHOICE S African Eastern Trade Corpn. Ltd. 1 qJ (Incorporated in England.) (J 117 Cecil St Agents. f 1 1 OPEL CARS The Premier German Car Fine Body and a Beautiful Car Petrol Consumption 50 -60 miles per gallon j
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  • 777 12 WHAT IT COSTS TO BECOME A MASTER MARINER. A Master Mariner, in a letter to the N.-C. Daily News gives the following brief outline of the money it cost before he was able to sign himself, "A Master Mariner.": At the age of 13, I was sent
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  • 93 12 The southi rn cruise of tho Suln.uiriiuFlotilla which opened unfavourably with the c- .llision between L U and the ferry launch Yew Staff, has aff ain been marked by untoward incident, in the jrroundin^ „f the L. 4 in the Paracels, says Hoagkotlt paper. Definite details ai\ bckiaff, beyond the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 428 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) I FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming
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    • 97 12 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. (Incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures. OUTWARDS For HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Due Singapore. t SAARLAND Apr. 7 f VOGTLAND 'May 4 HOMEWARDS For GENOA, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. v. MUNSTERLAND Apr. 19 t OLDENBURG May 2 Limited Accommodation for passengers, v Loads for Valencia.
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    • 484 12 SINGAPORE-NEW YORK SERVICE OF THE NEDERLAND STEAMSHIP COMPANY, "ROTTERDAM LLOYD ami HOLLAND AMERICA LINE. Sailings on fixed dates via Suez to New York and Boston. s.s. ENGGANO due u Cargo is also accepted to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and to U.S.A. atui c dian Inland Points on through Hi'.is of Lading. For
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 677 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Keflah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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    • 1003 12 SHIPPING NOTES. The Shipping and the Import and Export offices will be closed on Good Friday, April 2nd., and open on Saturday, April 3rd., and Monday, April sth., for one hour only (from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.) PRINCE LINE MOTOR VESSELS. The Malayan Prince, the first of the five
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 688 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. o Rotterdam, Hamburg, Steamers. Arr. Dept v ■„]>. Bremen, via Colombo, Aden j;,;/c^ To^ o s. n s t t R io AlaskaMaiu a 2 < >video and Buenos Aires via n v^ Hawaii Maru Apr 14 Apr 16 and Bomtay. Honolulu Maru Mar 27
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    • 429 13 flH| SIUIISHIPUNE Round -the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new linen continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore
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    • 635 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO 1 BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) m.s. SILVERCEDAR In Port For rates and other particulars apply: GUTHRIE CO LTD Agents: Singapore and P«n»nf K. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ.
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  • 276 14 Emigrant Wins and Spends Lottery Fortune. Belgrade, Mar. 7. Vassi). ftfurtchenko, Russian emigrant, virtually penniless, sought in vain to obtain employment as a wait.r in cabarets, restaurants and hotels in the town. After persistent failure, despite a week's searching inquiry, in a mrmd of desperate frivolity
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  • 153 14 S\%araji>ts nv.X to I'ur^w Inquiry. l»omlm>. Mar. f. The three Swarajist members of the* 1 ►«nnbay Legislative Council, who applied to the Hi^h Court on March sth for an order calling on the Finance Member to submit I sumptuary allowance and travelling expenses of the Governor for
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  • 119 14 Outlawrj I or Refs»mg t.» Ohs-j Oraers. l.ondi^i. Mar. 10. Madrid. It i- officially announced that 'hv Prasklenl of the Barcelona hur. who w*t recently appointed by tlu- Governmeni to that post, called to mc the Prime Minister arxl the Minister of Justice and informed them that
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  • 74 14 Mr. 'hurt-hill'* K\tensi\e Plans. T London. Mar. 10. The eagerly-awaited Economy Bill Introduced by .Mi. Churchill in the House of Commons llt present doe* Dot indicate the extent of the savings anticipated, but comprehensive preamble mentiont provisions for reducing charges on public- funds, and for increasing funds to
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  • 70 14 Kx-(ireek Royalties and Reported Plot. Bucharest, Mar. 8. The ex-King and Queen of Greece haw left for London. This has been the cause Of the report that the tX-Ktag and Queen <>f Greece had gone to London where they are planning to secure the
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  • 52 14 Warrant Withdrawn From Hoy S<-.»ut Troop. London. Mar. 10. The Imp. rial Headquarters of the Hoy Seoul movement have withdrawn its warrant from the iron,, ;it Kulham owing to disagreement <>n the question of the cubs' uniform. This is the fifth troop to figure in disputes with
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  • 175 14 I mlt-ruMMinri Dump of British Ho nibs. London, Mar. 9, Paris. Tin explosion in Thiepval Cemetery is now attributed to an underground dump of British bombi in an old sap in the vicinity ..f th«- Cemetery, which the contractors ami merr engaged in rccoverinu metal nn<l wreckage
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  • 56 14 Turkish Minister of Education's Ord-r. London, Mar. 10. Cairo. It is reported that the Minister of Education is sending- a circular letter to th.schools ordering all students to wear tarbushes, and forbidding adssission to those wearing hats. The order is issued as the result of sonv?
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  • 122 14 I almnr .M.IVs Protest in Hous*- of Commons. London. Mar. i. In the course of the debate on the air estimate! in the House of Commons last nipht. Mr. S. I*. Yiant (Labour) protested against bombing operation* <>n the NorthWest Frontier of India and asked
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  • 75 14 Proposed Military Alliance Against Persia. London, Mar. 10. The Daily Telegraph's Diplomatic Correspondent learn* thai Moscow is now seeking to draw Angora Into a military alliance directed atminei Persia on th", ground of the new Shan't suggested Anglophiligm. The Shah haa expressed th opinion that Angora
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 280 14 If the Opener Slips-' and you gash your hand or finger, be sure and treat it with Zam-Buk to protect broken skin from attack by dange^>us germs of festering and blood-poison. First cleanse the wound, then cover up with a pjf ce of lint or any clean rag upon which
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    • 119 14 /^Y ?«4 i wHl^E^i££itbd *< y^* 'v> V v-^Jffii^ Iftv^** *"i"~> J P)Tji%&& J' RCINIA C.GARETTES ij^te^ K/^^^i fe GOLDEN SMOKES Jo^Q(^i $%t FROM LONDON. l^V^^ Piccadilly Virginia Cigarettes are like old wine A \Z^\CXi~W&!L<% r~!r~lf~ The finest Sun-sweetened golden Virginia tobacr] v Y\*drl^ only is used-wrapped in pure rice
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  • 1033 15 THK UI.'BBKR SHAKE MARKET. Trickle of Nervous Selling. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. F*b. 25. The tendeiuy of the rubber share market if still downward but not pronouncedly so. The stream of compulsory liquidation is aeientuated by a c- mtinuous trickle of nervous selling, which is forcing
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  • 65 15 March 25. Bank 1 m.s. 24% Hank <leim«mi o 4> h Private credits m.<. 4 H-16 New York, demand 56} 8 Credits 90 days s^;, France, demand 1550 India, T.T. mH Uoriirkonjf. demand p ir Yokohama, dt-mand 12 j Java, demand 141 h Bangkok. demaiuJ 7y i, 4 Bir
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  • 232 15 March 2.". i:n 7.-. Tons $141% (innibit-r' 10.50 Pepper Whin- 6&M l't pper Blitck j:{.o(» Flake Tapioca r>.7o Vv.xr) Bag* Small s.OO Copra UM Copra Baadried \].HO Opium. Benare9 unt. 4.000 Rice, Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle \rv/^ WO Rice, Siam o.d No. 1 %\0 Rice, Knr i.-ri
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  • 115 15 According to reeent article in an Ante- rican pnpt r, the tfMMmtous inerea»e in the use &t reclaimed rubber in America is dinin pan to the demand fi »m manufacturers of insulated electric wire. It is well* known fad that added reclaimed rubbei tends in course of time
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  • 190 15 MACPHAIL CO.. LTD'S REPORT. Singapore, Har. 2r». Kubner. Local 1.04. Tin. I>ondon £282 10s. Local Ul* <- r > tons sold). Rubbers.— Shares are dull. Malaka I mdas are t uoted :i.40. 1,46 and New Scudais a t 3..50 3.40. Teluk Ansons have sellers at 17.2.", and
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  • 238 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. L K. fcfaephailt. Singapore. Mar. 2.">. Kunner. 2, sd. %d down Local 1 o:si.. Tin.— €2B2. 10s. 20s. down. Local 7:> ton, ■old at 141 RvM*l shares aiv slightly easier bein*> on offer rather than in demand. There anno features of interest in the mining MCtion.
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  • 157 15 Yesterday's Alterations. Johan rin J I .V2 1 .y; >„ Kuchai Ords. (sl> 1.:;;," \4O Malayan Collieries ($10) :;t.">o :{k..">o Mmai Tin (*1 LMO -J.20 Pahang Ptandok <sn 17> r 20 Pahang Consd. (fm) Us lis fid c.d Pengkalea I IM.OO I&2S c.d. T. Harbour ((£1) ;:,.;,o
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  • 70 15 Messrs. Woarru' Brothel s Limited, wish to advise th iv -haivhuUlers thai on Marvh J4tli. ll>2t). Foni lloton (Burma) Limited. paid final dividend of W per cent making 2<» |K>r evnt for the year in resjK-ct of thi' year ended September :>oth. I92r>. Tht> amount of
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  • 79 15 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. t> o o r, Buyers Sellers R.S.S. Equal to Standard. Q.C.F. Spot 102 103 Standard R.S.S. March Spot 102 >.. 103 V.. on Tender April 103 103 Apr-June 102 1 2 103 July-Sept. 100 lOOMj Tone of Market:- Quiet after bu>ine^> at
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 442 15 Assets over $5,500,000. mmm^ mm^ tmtmmmi Till? /mnm n* n m Ammrmnce in force over $19,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LBfrTCD. avxn twvtrm w k 2 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HLAD OrUCfc. Winchester House Sinmnn Fhp Company has £20,000 deposited with the SSL n LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old
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    • 402 15 BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. —Established 1880— P fX S AkTup) d Y^,oocooo ReSer p™iH n( Y.86,500,000 President: X. Kodama Esq. Vice- President: R. Ichinciciya Esa vf r^ ERECTORS. R»r™ a iPJ' E8 S* K M o*»™. Esq. Baron K. Iwasaki. K. Takeuchi, Esq. K. Tatsum^ Esq. T. Hodsumi, Esq
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    • 456 15 RANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) a Bead Office: Hongkong. F «d f C nT Ul u $50,000,000 lKiued and folly paid up $20,000 000 Heaerve Fond:-|terling t^'Mo Reserve Liability *Io,KS COURT OF DIRECTORS. h?' vV* M V rnard Esq. Chairman W H rJ!i r Lan e
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    • 41 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A. D. 1710). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singap^s Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., Lfct CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) m A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 957 16 YOUNG CHINESE LADY'S ACTION. \l< markahle Sutfucsti ;r.. The suggestion that the ~laim was a false one. brought because the deUndant had not married her was t mphatieally denied by a young Chinese lady plaintiff, Koh Chong Moey. during the hearing of a remarkable case in
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  • 81 16 GOLF IN FLORIDA. WALTER HAGEN'S SUCCESS. [Renter's Service.] St. Petersburg, Florida, Mar. 25. Walter Hagen won the West Coast open tournament with a score of 283 for 72 holes. Bobby Jones, the American amateur ehampi( n. was second with 285. Jones is entitled to a prise of $500
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  • 95 16 March Medal. Thirty-three cards were taken out for the March (19M) Medal of the Race Course Golf Club, ar.d the best nine returned were as follows: L. A. Rappa 40 3<s If <>s <>. I. Glass 4."> 88 14 To T. Morita 41 42 14 71
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  • 112 16 PACTS ABOUT KIN(; OF CLUBS. King of lum-, th outsider who won the Lincolnshire Handicap a head in front of the Aua Khan's Zionist, was owned and trained Mr. .1. W. Belhrby. Except for Mr. J. \v. Ballet'i Polymion (»;st.) she was Carrying the lowest \v i^ht
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  • 176 16 BUBM V H INKS DBPBAT HAWKINS. A scratch team from H. M. S. Hawkins suffer, d defeat at hockey ye.-teniay. at the j hands of a team representing the submarines, It was a Cast game in which plenty of hard hitting and vijgoroui play wat indulged I in, the
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  • 32 16 lleuter's Service. J London. Mar. L'J. The following are th results of to-day'-League matches: Dhrfeie* 11. Smith Shields 1. Orient 0, Division 111 (Southern). r Itk i. st. Johnstone I,
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  • 21 16 INTER-V ARSITY GOLF. London. Mar. 24. At Burnham, Somerset, in the Inter-Var-sity *r«»lf meeting, Cambridge beat Oxford by to r, matches.
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  • 90 16 London. Mar. Mi. Results of tht> principal matches played to-day in the Bmjby Union are as follows: Army ID, Richmond :s«. Birkenhsad P. 4i>, Headinjrky g. r.lackheath 2M. Hath Bradford <">, Coventry 17, Dev«nport s. 21. UaneUy London Scottish IK, Portsmouth S. 11. Old Loysians 41, Rcwslyn
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  • 37 16 London. Mar. 13. Barrow 8. Wakefield T. Devvsbury 7. Huddcrsfield 2. IVatherstone K. 29, Bradford N. 11. l^i^ll It, Widnes 10. St. Helen's R. H,' Salford 5. York 18, Bramley 3. Keiehley 5, Batley 7.
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  • 1130 16 S.C.C. BEAT DUKE OF WELLINGTON'S. Four Penalties in Remarkable Match. S.C.C I Duke of Well'ton's 3. The trtt meeting of the Cricket Club with the Duko of Wellington's yesterday evening- will be remembered by a very large number of spectators as one of the most remarkable games that has
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    • 97 16 Yesterday's Results. Championship. R. N. Hamilton beat O. R B. Bateman, G 3, 6 o. Championship Pairs (Preliminary). C. Sailer and S. H. Moss beat T. Winnall and F. A. Teale, 6—l, 7—5. A. A. Ewinjr an.l P. C. Munr» heat F. Ziegele and G. B. Page, 6
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    • 117 16 Yesterday's Results Handicap Doubles (Men). Dyne an<l MiUigan, owe l beat Marriot and Da vies, owe 1, >* *> 1. TO-DAYS TIKS. Championship Pairs "Mi\*cl I' inal.) Miss Guim and Miles vs. Miss (Jriflith.lones and Hnclair. Handicap Doihles (Men). Hunt and Teak 1 owe 1 r ).'2
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  • 55 16 NAVY BEAT THE CAREMOK. In the cricket match between the Navy and the Harrison, which was played at 1; ii-.'lin yesterday afternoon, the visitors Won by M runs. To their -core <>f L»O6, Lieutenant Halsey contributed (»<• in an attractive innings. Captain Brownjohn (51) the highest scorer for the
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  • 109 16 THIS WKKh'S SPORTING PROGRAMME. The following is the programme of sporting vents arranged in connection with the \isit of 11. If. war-ships. All these arrangements are provisional with the except! M of Ihe football match at the Stadium OH Friday and tlu boxing tournament at the
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  • 131 16 Kurnpcan Passenger's Art rn s.s. Kthiopin. Madras. Mar. ♦>. The s.s. Ethiopia, which arrived in Madras Harbour lata last ni^ht with mails and pas■eagen from Rangoon, reported to tin Port authorities that Miss D'dlanville. ajred 20. an upper class passcrmer. was found missing: on board
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 385 16 NO HOME IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A Moutrie Piano CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. f lncorporated in Hongkong). RAFFLEB PLACB, BINGArHMII I WVAVAW.W < V.V.V/.V.V.7/.VAV.V.V.V.V.SV.' 1 l v, l 111 I I A I X XZj a ij I You Cannot Better the
      385 words