The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, SJS., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1926. NG. 11,754.
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  • 276 1 Interesting references to the law as it relates to Chinese principal and secondary wives were made during the course of an action in '.foe Supreme ourt yesterday Page 9. The hearing of th> case in which Mr. Richardson stands charged with cheating in respect of a cheque
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  • 1077 1 My friend Smith is a simple-minded sort of chap. You see, he lives in one of those remote country hamlets where there is nothing laid on, and you either go to bed with the chickens, that is to say, at the same time as the chickens, Of sit
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 567 1 SWALLOW ARIELL'S MARIE BISCUITS T3 pri tt TRADE MARK WARNING! mj CM *J- J- -t s^^ B m M i^T> il nas come ro our notice that Soaps are bein^ sold as Gossagea •-■--■i-» rv^r l_^_i___B %T^-^^fc which are not of Gossages' manufacture. Telephone No: 2920. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. In
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    • 282 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotel attractions Page 1. Notice of partnership Page 7. Latest shipping on pages 10, 12 and 13. High-class confectionery. Get* Bros., Ltd.— Page ti. Municipality requires Quarry Su|H?rintendent Page 7. Harmston's circus farewell perfonnance to-night Page 2. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.'s annual report Page o\ Include the best"
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  • 509 2 The greatest thin*; in American politics, next to tho actual provisions :>f tlie Con stitutios), is the II nroe Doctrine. That m'trable statement, ai the w.n.l "doctrine shows, ia not a promise of particular action, but th*- laying down ol .v f itt_gipl+. tie Monroe
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  • 133 2 Only Two Seizures deported. Once again there is a lull in the activities ol the rubber smugglers. Last week's re- >rta reveal only two attempts. A te'egram from the Kedidi states that while on patrol off Kukoh, on March 11. *he seized a kota manned by three Chinese
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 STILLMAN'S FRECKLE CREAM. Double Action, Removes Freckles, i Whitens the Skin. New stocks just arrived at 1 MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. !THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD, The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. J SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS Mdm. i Kelvey's m School of -TiJ Dancing 1 A well-known professional
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    • 263 2 From Sunday, 21st, to Saturday, 27th March, I9>g THE GREATEST DRAMA OF THE AGES CREATED INTO AM EVEN GREATER MOTION PICTURE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, at 9 p.m. A WILLIAM FOX Si PER PRODUCTION From the Immortal St 3 y by Mrs. Henry Wood Presenting A GALAXY OF NOTED
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  • 803 3 PARISIAN A. CAFE CUSTOMERS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I"a ris, Feb. 18. A few days ago a week-end London tripper (who probably is- half-witted) imposed upon the Editor of London daily paper a foolishly-conceived article dealing: with the diunkenness of Paris. "Drunkenness," if you please, when Paris is, without doubt,
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  • 21 3 I h:>pe that the loyal spirit of Christian brotherhood will enable us to avert an in(iustrial catastroph* The Archbishop of Canterbury.
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  • 564 3 HOW CAN ONE BE WEALTHY ON THE STAGE?" Sir Harry Lauder has come back from hi? two-year world taur convinced that life ir. London is no mora expensive than it is tn any >ther capital. Ht has been to America, Canada, Africa, Australia, China, and
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  • 357 3 A little incident which happened last, week in one of the London salt ro uns, not tbe first of its kind either, will inter* -1 Inst of our readers who have somewhat: vague ideas as to the value of Chinese porc< lain. It happened al Willis's rooms on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 728 3 lA* Your children should be full of the I C U Crgy ,L° f l g d health T Q nOCi j•' mtl k s oul< f <>"n Part of their daily gisiSM diet. Ordinary milk, however, is unfOY suitable, for it is always exposed to VX C dan S
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    • 198 3 Unique Guarantees. iKn LEWIS TYLOR. Ltd- W-jfiffil W*rk»: GRIPOLY MILL*, CA-DITS* Kt^He\ *K Gripoly PATENT BELTING STOCKING AGENTS:- I SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH, PENANG MALACCA. I i ii •m-mfmammmmm^^ammmaamiammmm. i I I W»— —^—M——M«WMMWWWa_M_i_lM_l_M_l < ct CREAM HAPPINESS. Under Expert Supervision and up-to-date hygienic conditions BY
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  • 256 4 An interesting consequence of the recent increase in motor traffic is seen in the new generation of nn taring tramps who now infest our English roads, writes a contributor to "The Litfht Car ami Cyclecar." These gsnUenwn of the highway, having discovered the pleasures of travel in
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  • 110 4 An automobile, which is stalled on a stretch of muddy load, because only one A'heel has traction and the other spins freely due to the differential action, can bt noved by simply loosening the brake rod ,o the wheel on solid ground. P»y setting
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  • 87 4 (From Our Own Correspondent)."* London. Feb. IS. When tbe Duke of York visited Nottingham a few days ago he was shown round one of the large motor cycle and cycle factories, where his eye was immediately attracted by the machines painted in Jazz colours which are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 glllllNlllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllblllllllllillW I GLORIOUS WEATHER) FORECASTED FOR THIS SPRING S I THE BEST WAY TO ENJOY IT Imotor at home! SSS ss_ \w J Special Concession j 3 TO I 1 Purchasers Taking Delivery al Home 1| NO WORRY |j WE ARRANGE EVERYTHING 1 j| SEE US BEFORE YOU GO ON
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    • 189 4 ■C J#k»W^P__ Aik Time to R«-4lrf d 1 W*^ Vm T of u T rf -J& fCp_f r I g Fisk Tyres are through and through First 1 Quality they are dependable and represent more than their money value in mileage and service returns. I flifl^ht. -W-WmY ._^_i_^_h. ,_^_^_l ft
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  • 1027 5 FORBES-LEITH OS MOTORIXG. MOTORISTS WHO IGNORE! REAL TEST. IMMI XKTANCE OF TRACK RACES. —byMajor F. A. C. Forbes-Lcith, F.R.G.S. (Author of: "By car to India.") [FREE rRESS SPECI AL\. As .i rale, tbe mmm who purchases a car for the purpose ot" retreat ion or to assist
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  • 430 5 With the Increasing speed of motor engines COmee an increased need for the most careful consideration of the question of lubrication and of lubricants. The conditions under which a high-speed internal combustion engine works are very trying j to the lubricant, ami one of the most im-
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  • 114 5 Coming of Pneumatic I pholsterv. Passenger comfort over irregular loads is important, t<> motorists. Even ia the days when locomotion of cais was a great un'•ritainty. "comfort" wa; a strong Belling point It is Interesting to note that motoring made little headway until tho advent of ih:»
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  • 31 5 Automobile theft number on the average >f twenty-five cms a day in Los Angeles and the ear thieving is increasing at the rate ol twenty per cent, in surround ing cities.
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  • 309 5 If a passenger motor coach used during 1919-19X0 were now to be placed beside one of the most modern type, the enormous disparity in proportions, height, seating accommodation, etc., would at once become apparent, and yet the real truth of the great improvement effected
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  • 267 5 BU YING A SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLE. A new owim r neon 1 aot nccswsarily be t bo owner of s new machine; very often a used s<»lo or#sidecar out in forms not only a very handy means of transport, but the object ,»f an all-important hobby. Whether a ouyer ot' a
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  • 39 5 It is unwise to put tools on the running board, and then drive otF, allowing them to rattle to the road. Place the tools en the floor of the ear when not using them. Forgetting them entails no regretting.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 ITALY'S BEST BIANCHI CARS m m j! Model T2O. 20-30 h.p. 7 Seater 28 m.n.g. i Model 84. 10-12 h.n. 1 Seater 10 m.p.g. ij •1 Distributors GUTHRIE CO., LTD. !j (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). a* lE9_^ I ___/^*^*JS I W_y BURMAH OIL CcJUd'H ALL TYPES OF MOTOR LUBRICATING
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    • 386 5 GRAY I THE CAR THAT SAVES YOU MONEY, THE 30 MILES PER GALLON CAR. M Is still the unchallenged economy champion holding the official record. fc*) A noiseless, substantial and powerful engine, unsurpassed as a hill-climber. W S A beautifully designed body v/ith ample room for five persons and in
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  • 1752 6 CHRONICLES OF THE OCCULT.— No. 12 (Final) II Talks with Flammarion, Shackleton, and T. P. O'Connor. g SS g t*r7 *•<£ 2* hv S* <!<: by MA u GHEIRO <The World-Famous Seei %f Rounding up fugitive memories for this. my last chapter, 1 Rnd that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 738 6 NOTICES, SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND EXCHANGE. The Annual General Meeting of Members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange will be held in the Exchange Room. OU Tuesday, 30th March. 1926. at 2.15 p.fft. 1. To receive the Committee's Report and Accounts for the ye ar ended Hist
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    • 729 6 NOTICES. TEJA xMALAYA TIN DREDGING CO., LTD. The undersigned are authorised to accept from the shareholders of the Teja Malaya Tin Dredging CV»., Ltd., applications, in terms of circular letter of 17th March, 1926. for 70,000 tl shares at par in the above Company. Applications must be accompanied by a
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    • 198 6 1925 ANNUAL REPORT A YEAR OP ACHIEVEMENT New Insurance written £13,445,579 Payments to Policyholders 1,094,462 m holders in 1926 *****9 SALIENT FEATURES Record Volume of New Business. Largest Payments to Policyholders Increased Dividends to Policyholders. Favourable Mortality. Company continued the practice of investing its funds in Government Bonds, High Class.
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  • 914 7 ■i A CHINESE ADVENTURE. Mr. H. V. Morton, author of "The Heart ;f London," contributes an interesting column to the "Daily Express'' on a visit i to the lodging-house of Ah Tack, in Lime- house. whither he had been invited to ON the Chinese New Year
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  • 41 7 News has reached Hongkong of the death at Nerang of Proft s<>r BL B. J. Skertehiy, who many years ago resided in Hongkong ■nd was known as a keen student of natural history and geology. He was 76 years ct age.
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  • 733 7 MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING. The following are extracts from the minutes of the annual meeting of th? Central Committee held in the Secretary's Office, Selangor Club, on Sunday, 21st February. 1926.— Present:— Major P. H. Keys, D.5.0,. M.C. (President) and the following delegates: Major Sanguinetti Vice-President)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 453 7 BUSINESS CARDS. MARY SETON. 'i i K. AM HER MANSIONS. HI ful consignment has arrived 5 j -going clothes for children. 5 i ,r,. a a I > please Send for the Illustrated 2 (atalogue of Musical Instruments. i SEASON CO., LTD. Z o ni and 113, North Bridge Road.
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    • 77 7 TENDERS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. The Municipal Commissioners of Singapore invite tenders for the supply of MOO casks of "Ferrocrete" Cement delivered at the \ew KJectric POwo V Station St. James u follows: End of May KOO Casks fane |te August 300 Tenders endorsed "Ferrocrete St. James. and addressed to the
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    • 441 7 I NOTICE. I f ll M^Uyfnnf:^TT'^^L9 RhiX\mm m X£'^am ~^7^^ mr&4j^^ T /^ff^^r J/ NOTKEis hc;eby given that all the Trade Marks and Labels deputed above are the exclusive properties of M.seil En,sHiK.Ccu»fUamngton. England, whose Sole Agents ia the So alt. Settlements and the Federated M,!av State" are iZ£
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    • 133 7 FOR SALK. Maxwell Car. good runninp order, $500. Recent renewals, new back tyres, new battery, engines thoroughly overhauled. Apply M. care of Singapore Free Press. SECOND LEASE OF LIFE. For only SO cents. Try a tin of World-Famed "ATANK NIGRAH" PILLS. Particulars from ATANK MGRAH PHARMACY, 101 Selegie Road, Singapore,
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    • 287 7 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF Excellent well-kept Teak Household Furniture. Comprising: A Columbia double spring motor hornless cabinet gramophone with English records, magnificent walnut-stained wardrobe with oval full-length bevelled mirror door, duchesst dressing table with oval bevelled swing mirror, marhle top washstand, teak single bed steads, teak sideboard with bevelled
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    • 18 8 GIBSON. o ri March It, si Baaberrjr, GordonIrd., Camberley, to Doris. witt <>f A~hky Gibson a tlaughtr-r.
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  • 808 8 SINGAPORE FNBE PRESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1926 No Customs: No Preference. The gentleman who asked Mr. Amery in the Mouse of Commons whether he could not arrange lor British Preference in the Asiatic Colonies and Dependencies is Mr. A. K. Jacobs, the Conservative member for Poxteth Kast, Liverpool. We do
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  • 318 8 We acknowledge receipt from John Litth and Co. of foui attractive wall calendar*, with raeks, advertising < uaenier cognur The chines* Ratepayer a Associatioa of Shanghai arc- demanding fifteen Chinese representatives oa the Municipal Commission, against the nine foreigners. Sight-seers bj the Res.. lute-, s round the world vc ssc-l.
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  • 71 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). Hongkong, Mar. 22. Mr. Wilfrid Thomas Southorn, principa assistant colonial secretary, Ceylon, ha* been appointed Colonial Secretary of Hong kong, vice Sir Claude Severn. Mr. Southorn is 43 years of age, B.A of Oxford, became a cadet in the Ceylor Civil -Service
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  • 186 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 23. A case of una ual interes; was heard ir the police court yesterday, whin the ie pmaantathre of the Drury Lane Thantrc which is used as cinema, appeared U answer a summons for using the Hall foi other than a
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  • 453 8 .11 DGMBnV AGAINST HIGH STKKK'I HUM. s Messrs 1. Kel. ...mali and the wellknown Indian traders, bad judgment given againal them iti the Supreme Court yesterday i ri an action in which they were sued by [ohanna ZakaJ Saasoon, for seven hundred dollars, the- vaiue- of
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  • 133 8 P. C. SAID TO lIAVH I SKI) HIS BELT. In the District Court >esterday. Mr. E. A. Barbour answered a summons charging him with assaulting a pedice constable. Aeeused was represented hy Mr. Mundell. It was stated that the incident t^)k place at the decks, the alleged
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  • 706 8 MAGISTRATE GRAVIS UI 1 Another Arrest and Unexpected hi of Money. Applications for their elieate i lowed hail were made bv r R t dell and Mr. Griffith Willi,. Magistrate, Mi. Bull, yesterday 'v h 1 charges against the six Indian* w_T heen arrested in CQBnaetioa wi,
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  • 89 8 At a meeting held at (fOVernmei I "0 »n Tuesday February i»th. 1926, ti. ag executive W&Tt elected La. !y Gvi** nani President; Th h«»n. Mr. K. 1' U tcdt, D. Litt. Vice President. >1 I loaning Mr. C. T. IVall. M.A.. loin! H ■ecretaries; Mrs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 192 8 II j "THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" Jl PLYMOUTH GIN The Navy's Choice. J CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated under th Companies Ordinances of Hongkong.) (Incorporated in Shanghai). fi 45 ROBINSON ROAD, Special Offer'for Two or Three Days Only. I Ikan j T I tinggiri A(\ CLEANED, HEAD, GILLS TAILS
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    • 54 8 f Parf ums de Luxe COTY 1 > Chypre j Origan J Rose Jacqueminot 3 Paris •I Emeraude j j; EAU DE COTY i to be had from all dealers I 1 Dupire Brothers. i I I Sole Agents: THE BORNEO COMPANY, 111). Singapore. IVnaim, Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh. Alar Star
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  • 292 9 REICHSTAG DEBATE. |ERR STKESEMAXN'S VINDICATION. [Reuter's Service.] Merlin. Mar. 22. y Reichstag was crowded for the dethe proceedings at Geneva. stresemann in his speech said that of Geneva was regrettable, he>us special interests in various countries and brutally exerted themselves triment »t the idea of the universe
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  • 178 9 [Keuter'l Service.) Washington, Mar. 22. U .fficial circlea are still silent with nature ol Ambassador Houghreport to President CooHflge, the* are- apparently atartled by the it«-«l in Europe-, and an now np to allay European apprehen- S*ea York World anggeata that "ill -1" arcll tr. tak* the
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  • 44 9 T HE CASE FOR PROHIBITION. [Reuter's Service.] Washington, Mar. 23. judiciary committee- of the Senate roved e.f the programme for e pub:i on April before a special of the proposals for modilicu- prohibition. Each side- will have to present their case ami the gin.
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  • 40 9 [Reuter'a Service. J Nea York, Mar. 2.1. «Ult of the "straw" votes, conducted separat groups of newspapers. g Wet majorities and roughly p °hibition 500,000. al 1,7)00.000. winei and beer 2.000,000. big cities are overwhelmingly Wet.
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  • 36 9 [Reuter's Service.] Copenhagen, Mar. 22. Mls h airman. Lieutenant HerBg to Tokio. has arrived at Constantinople. There is no compaaion, Lieutenant Botved, Kerschend lest sijrht near but felt there was no cause for
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  • 350 9 CANTON BOYCOTT. WHO IS TO BLAME. [Reuter's Service.] I.ondon, Mar. 22. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. S. P. Viant (Lab.) Mr. Amery said that the Canton government's offer to mediate between the strikers and the Hongkong government was based on a claim that they were
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  • 77 9 [Renter's Service.] Fairbanks. Alaska, Mar. 23. According to present indications the Wilkins Polar Expedition will be delayed for three weeks pending repairs to the aeroplanes. Captain Wilkins states that one machine Will be ready in a few days, but tbe repairs Ito the second are held up
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  • 115 9 [British Radio -Official Service"!. Rugby. Mar. 22. In t he House- of Commona, Commander] Kenworthy, Liberal member fe.r Central i Hull, asked what was being done- with > regard to the e-laims >f Norway, Iceland and •ther countries to extend the three-mile limit beyond which deep sea
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  • 157 9 British Radio—Official Service]. Rugby. Mar. 22. The death is announced e>f Sir Bradford I.e-slie .at the age of ninety-four. He was the (irand Old Man e)f enginee ring and of the most famous hi idge--builders ed" this and the last century. His many engineering feats in
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  • 23 9 [.Reuter's Service.] Washington. Mar. 22. The United States supreme court has granted a review of the Doheny oil lease case.
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  • 29 9 [Reuter's Service. 1 Cochin, Mar. 22. The steamer Sumatra Maru arrived with her cargo afire. It was not considered serious and she went on to Colombo.
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  • 981 9 DISCUSSION IN SUPREME COURT. Chinese Boy's Claim maa Interesting references to the law as it 1 elates to Chinese principal and secondary wives was made in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon in the course of the hearing of an action before the Chief Justice, Sir William Vurison.
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  • 675 9 CHEQUE PAID WHEN LEAVING I FOR PENANG. The hearing of the case in which Mr. Peter Richardson stands charged with cheating, it being alleged that he presented a cheque for $1,000 to Mr. Peate, manager of Rarties Hotel, knowing that he had no funds to meet the cheque,
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  • 59 9 The appeal of the chinchew e.f the steam- er Wong Hing. who was sentenced to three months imprisonment end a fine of five hundred dollars fe.r making a false declare j tion in contraventiem of the Quarantine Ordinance, was dismissed by the Chief Jus- I tice. Sir
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  • 68 9 H. R. H. Prince George, K.G., G.t W.O.. j acting on behalf ef His Majesty the King, held an investiture at Government House on the PJth. beetewiug upon the Governor, Sir Shew Son, Mr. E. R. Hallifax and Mr. Gl orge Duncan the insignia of the honours they recently received.
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  • 38 9 (British Radio— Official Service!. Rugby. Mar. 22. Paris 137.25; New York 4.*****27); Brussels 119.25; Geneva 25.2. r Amsterdam 12.18; Milan 120.75; Bombay ls. 6d.; Shanghai Ss. IHfcd.; Hongkong 2s. tf.625d.; Yokohama ls. 10.4375d.; Silver spot 31.125d.
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  • 46 9 male issue; and that in another action it was stated that he had one illegitimate son. He also pointed out that in his will Hong On referred to Chan Yiak Kuan simply by name, and never mentioned her as his wife. The hearing was not concluded.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 138 9 11 PERFUMERY j HOUBIGANT NEW STOCKS SHOW REVISION OF ALL PRICES. *QUELQUES_ FLEURS. PRICES:_ S1 and 10 hnUle —■■^■^—^■^H^n^—k. UAJ^niM WEAL. P^^^^sa. EXQUISITE BOUQUET. MSS /J_g^ j PRICE:— SS.SO per bottle. I Ql ELQI ES FLEURS PRlCE:—" bottle. Robinson Co., Ltd. .'fm-f.rpo rated in the Straits Settlements). J Raffles
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 567 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). i OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS For Chins snd Japan. For Marseilles, London and Nnmerp Due Leave Tonnage.
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  • 764 11 THE DEATH OF THE GOVERNOR. (From Our Own Correspondent). Aylmer Cavendish Pearson, C.M.G., Governor and Commander in Chief of British North Borneo, died at Government House, Jesselton, at 4.40 a.m. on 15th March after a short illness. His Excellency returned to Jesselton on Monday, Bth March, fiom
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 18 11 AmazingHow WmmmWM XammXmW MaammmW W Prescription Cures SkmTroubles Stops All Itclringlnstantly Get a bottle to day 75 cts.
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    • 180 11 _WtF^^Si_a \J^ __M_t V** I^^^k iWV /*vv» /If* ff 'H ««w»»M*r £g\ lnW M -*r%^Y _w*m\_r\ J n'' 'h Th« n,un experienced in the ll§cf£> s -a, _r^ J ways of woman, appreciates the «6B„ \w /0^ *T^m I touch that varietj may add even §3 I^V* *^f_J y^V t
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  • 40 12 At Taikoo Dockyard the steel screw tur- i bine steamer Antung, of 3,000 tons, is being fitted out for the China S. N. Co., and the twin screw vessel Raub, for the Straits Steamship Company, is being plated.
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  • 68 12 Beginning with the Chantilly expected on the 23rd. instant, the steamers Indo-China Line of the Messageries Martimes will call every alternate month at Pondicherry and Madras, en route to Singapore, Saigon and Haiphong. This service will be maintained by the Chantilly, CompiegnC and Fontainebleau. The
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  • 145 12 9' Tlie master of the Indo-China S. N. Co's steamer Tingsang has reported that while that vessel was on her last voyage from Shanghai to Tientsin, a Chinese fisning junk, dismasted and in distress, was sighted between Chefoo and Taku Bar. The Tingsang passed a line
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  • 159 12 Two Craft Stripped of Their Sails. Following the successful haul made by a gnng of robbers who boarded a number of yachts lying at anchor at Causeway Bay. Hongkong, somt time mm. another attempt was made on Mar. Oth and on this occasion two sailing boats
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  • 284 12 Ferry Launch Coxswain Explains Mishap. The report of tho coxswain of the ferry launch Yew Sing, which was in collision with 11. M. Submarine L. 33 off Green Island OH Mar. Oth.. has now b,»en handed in and his torsion is to the effort that sighting the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 436 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) i FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MAIJELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins dc Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming
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    • 95 12 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. (Incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures. OUTWARDS For HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Due Singapore. t SAARLAND Apr. 7 t VOGTLAND May 4 HOMEWARDS For GENOA, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. v. MUNSTERLAND Apr. 19 t OLDENBURG May 2 Limited Accommodation for passengers. 19 Loads for Valencia.
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    • 870 12 SINGAPORE-NEW YORK SERVICE OF THE NEDERLAND STEAMSHIP COMPAN Y, "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" a\ HOLLAND AMERICA LINE. D Sailings on fixed dates via Suez to New Yarn and Boston t s.s. SITOEBONDO due i s.s. ENGGANO due Cargo is also accepted to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and to XJ.i^.A an r dian Inland Points
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 689 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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    • 153 12 Evaporation .<>.<> ins. Rainfall \i) PASSENGERS ARRIVED. The following is a list of passengers that ariived yesterday per the Dollar Liner President Vonroo: Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Armstrong, Miss Mary Rose Bell, Mr. T. H. Ci. Brayficld, Mr. Walter C. Bruno, Mr. James E. Burke, Mr. Philip Clover, Mr.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 658 13 vJ. fc>. j___. lane. Destinations. »> D.. u Meamers. Arr. Dept. London. Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Sudan and Port Said. Alps Maru Mar. 25 Mar. 25 Durban, Cape Town, Santos, Rio, ntevideo and Buenos Aires via nll t Hawaii Maru Apr. 14 Apr. 16 and Bombay Celebes
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    • 443 13 v j|^^_ C'*jr^ __f f _Z^Tit.aaJ!- m m) mrmwm e— _w SSE&MSBIP UNE 3£SL Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port SaM, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine
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    • 650 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., I 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) M^—_^ i REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO 1 BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) m.s. SILVERCEDAR In p ort For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE &CO LTD Agents: Singapore and Panaag. K. P. M. KONINKLYKE
      650 words

  • 1218 14 Cl'P TIE SENSATIONS. Attractive Rugby Programme. (From Our Own Correspondent). London. Feb. 26. There were cup tie sensations in the r Ifth Round last Saturday. Close on 860, DOQ people watched the eight matches. They paid over i!2~>.:!0o. Tlu re was a record 'gate" of 12.2."H) u Millwall;
    1,218 words
  • 266 14 Official Reply to Malayan Inquiry. The quest i»n having srissu as to the bt aring of the silk duties at Home t»n the psraoaal effects of Eastern resident! proceeding <»n leave, a formal inquiry was made by Mr. Stamford Rallies, Commissioner >f Trade anti
    266 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 736 14 ■■■flfinfll KORRENGZAL OINTMENT ■UII I I II ET FOR WOUNDS, SORES, AND ALL SKIN DISEASES. I ~^B ■llllllili GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE W wlrlrlr for coughs, colds, and stomach complaints. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. The undersigned have been instructed to sell by Poblie auction at their Sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, ON
      736 words
      22 words
    • 397 14 MARINE ENGINES Used by over seventy per cent of the leading boat I builders of the world as standard equipment in their boats. American Bosch Magneto. All parts standard and interchangeable. LKERMATH AGENTS: UNITED ENGINEERS, SINGAPORE. KERMATH MANUFACTURING COMPANY ss_\ Detroit, Michigan, U S. A. Cable Address, Kermatb snfl_n_njiiwnniUuuawM___«__i m.^>
      397 words

  • 639 15 FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS 1 11 ESDAY. MARCH 23rd. marked.] dollars unless otherwise A n turn of guarantees made under the Tnuk Facilities Acts shows that tho Malayan Tin Dredtfintr. Ltd., which had a *>;uar- antec of £100.000 in 1924. has now been granted a farther £150.000 for
    639 words
  • 61 15 J March 23. j Bank 4 m.s. tl4_i Bank demand Private credits I m.s. 4 ||.|J New York, demand 557 Credits !)0 days 58 France, demand 1550 India, T.T. r HoanfcOaf, dimand i; pc r> is Yokohama, demand lL'4 1 Java, demand \\\f Banpkok, demand 791, Bar Silver London
    61 words
  • 246 15 March 23 Tin 100 Tons $141 H (iambier UOo Pepper Whit- m 06.00 Pepper Black 44 0 o Flake Tapioca 5 $q Pearl Sa-^o Small h 'oo H ILfl < opra Sundried p y<». Opium. Benares unt. 4 000 Rice, Lian? Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle New) 33 U
    246 words
  • 74 15 C OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION DAILY MUCH CURRENT. March 23rd. 1926. 12 o'clock noon. Buyers Seller HSS. Bqaal ta Standard, Q.C.F. Spot in: tffl Standard R s.s Spot lose. \\y__>. <>p Tender Api I lnsu. |gg Ap:-lun, 1U7<... in-July-Sept. 104^ 1" :> Oct-Dee. io: pr, Tone «>;' Market: Steady but
    74 words
  • 386 15 ed to deal with the question have done so in a manner whieh shows that they fully appreciate the complexities of the matter. Their recommendations are moderate, sound and practicable. It rests with the planting industry to try them out. Planters by this time must have realised that
    386 words
  • 166 15 HACPHAIL CO.. LTD'S REPORT u ll T Singapore, Mar. fg, Rubber.— Local 1.07. Tin.— London £2*4. Local 141 (100 tons sold). y R bb r s.— Shares are very firm with all «ound buyers Malaka Pindas are quoted £40 3..>0 and Lnited Malaccas S 12% :i 2>
    166 words
  • 233 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT IL. R. H!acphail>. Singapore, Mar. 23. Rubber.— Js 6*4. %<L uj). Local LOU 1in.— 4284. 255. down. Tha rajnn sha- nnrkel continual mr) im v:h quotation! improving. Mining Stock.i are quiet. Industrial- and Loan* na*e enquiries at quotations. Lul;';r.s.— Lunas alter transaction:- at il. arc in
    233 words
  • 302 15 Coolie Labour. Feb. 17. Mr. Davidson replying t<> uuesti« bj Mr. TVevelyan with reference j" rh demand of the Singapore United Rubber Plantations Company that less wagea should be paid for coolie labour employed on the naval base on the ground that it tended to raise the
    302 words
  • 93 15 The decay of masonry exposed to the weather may be due to other caust I than frost action. Recent experiments at the I.S. Bureau ->f Standards have shown that any water soluble salt allowed to penetrate stone and crystallize within its pores causes a wtdging action capable of disrupting the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1178 15 II Assets over $5,500,000. "^■"^"■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■b THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPAini™^ HEAD OFFICE -Winchester Ho JsZT^ I The Company has £20.000 deposited with ttJsSJlL <W, su w L °NDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C. supreme Court of England, and comDlies with the RriHoi, t «l i qiKACTlVK PLANS OF ASSIIRant.
      1,178 words
    • 41 15 f ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated In Iceland by Eoyal Charter A. D. 17*0) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singap'-* Representative Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., Li« CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (lst floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      41 words

  • 1411 16 This wet k will be a boom week here and at homt so far as sport is concerned. Tm visit of the flagship and othe vessels of the China Squadron has led t3 th-j arrangement of an interesting programme f spoils fixtures in Singapore during the next few
    1,411 words
  • 394 16 The Annual Regard The report of the committee of the Singapote Golf Club for the year elided IVc. 31st, 1925, States, inter aha: finance. The income and expenditure Lfor the year shows a surplus of 10.P72.4 I. las against $1.714.»)1 in tin- previous year. Club Buildings. Tin-
    394 words
  • 34 16 March Ladies Spoon Fourteen cards were taken out for the above competition, which resulted in a win for Mrs. R. Bald, who returned a score of W, 12, and 3S r.ett.
    34 words
    • 50 16 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 23. ,1. 800 h, the Cambridge No. 4, to-day was found to be suffering with measles. His place will be taken by the spare man, T. Ciaygs, who stroked the Lady Margaret crew in 1925 when they won the Ladies Plate at Henley.
      50 words
    • 41 16 Reuter's Service.] London, .Mar. 22. The following are the results of to-day's English League matches; Oi vis tun I. Notts County 1, West Ham 1. Division IL Wednesday 2. Notts Eorest 0. Division HI (Southern). Millwall 2, Brighton 0.
      41 words
    • 178 16 The following will represent the Rafflesians vs. R. A. M. C. at hockey to-day on the Rallies School ground: J. V. Moss; L. Arnthoon and J. R. Rodrigues; Kee Yew ll*>ck. (i. K. N. Oehlers and A. (I. Armstrong; N. Leicester, C. D. Smith, H. G. Stack (Capt.), V.
      178 words
    • 239 16 S.C.C. TENNIS TO URNAMENT. Yesterday's Results. \ch comers' Handicap. < ox. owe 2 beat Cogswell owe 1. fl -2. 1. Championship Pairs. Teals and Winnal 1 beat Makin and Oggier. ♦*> 1. fi— 4. Prefeeasaa Pairs. Hamilton and N* -v ben beat Fdlin and Dean. w.o. Gngna and Bvana beat
      239 words
    • 61 16 Yesterday's Results. Gullen Gup (Final). Mrs. Newel] and Prentis owe 1.1 heat Mr. and Mrs. Milligan owe S, fi--2, b 2. Championship Pairs (Ladies). Miss J. Gunn and Miss M. Gunn heat Mrs. Cullen 'ind Mrs. Savage, 4 fi, fi 3, fi— l. TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs
      61 words
    • 65 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 23. The Alan Loke Challenge Cup, being the Malayan Chinese tennis championship, is being played at Ipoh in Easter week. Last year, (.wing to Singapore's dispute with Kuala Lumpur in 1924, only Selangor and Perak competed, Perak winning. Next week
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    • 23 16 The Shanghai strike cost the Shanghai Gotton Spinning ;<nd Weaving Company I^ taels. But if fighting ceases there is hone of good business.
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  • 716 16 A few notes supplementing the account of last Sunday's race (by another hand from another place) may not be superfluous, as the four boats which were so cursorily dismissed as "the first bunch" were really the only yachts in it. Betty, who unhappily disqualified herself at
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  • 74 16 A meeting will be held at the Y.M.C.A. on Thursday, the 26th inst., at 6*lB p.m. for the purpose of receiving entries and passing rules in connection witii the above Cricket League. All Clubs desiring to participate should make a point of .-ending a representative. The
    74 words
  • 70 16 The Coram r has returned a verdict of death by misadventure in connection with a fatality which occurred al mg Keppel Road, nar the entrance to the old P. and O. wharf, recently. A two-seater (S-2329) driven by Captain Oswald G. Williams of the Duke of Wellington's
    70 words
  • 20 16 Printed and published by Walter Makfpfaof at the office of the Singapore Froe PresLtd.. (SO. Kobinpon Road, Singapore. Strait* Settlements.
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  • 17 16 H. E. the High Commissioner and Lady Guillemard went to Fraser's Hill yesterday. They are returning to-day.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 254 16 VAfl^A^^^^Jvu^v.^wu■a^v.v.^v.Va^v^.v.v.%v.v.v.^v.v. v ,7 s I The Acme of Perfection. 1 I THE STEIN WAY I PIANO. j j[ S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD (Incorpo-ated in Hongkong). Ji KAFFLES PLACE. BINGAPORB. J ■5 Sole Agents. j > J 1 rfWtyt S*^p '•AST/ j' fe^_*^_^ogj lack the facilities or the I ?gg^y^' Gordon's
      254 words