The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. NO. 11,752. SINGAPORE, S.S., MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1926.
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  • 313 1 The Peking I'ahinet has resigned, but their resignation has not Invn accepted —Page 9. \s a result of the French political situation, the franc has made a new low record of 137.75 Page 9. The former manager o* llm Hongkong branch of the Uanqiu- \wiwm trlflW de
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  • 961 1 Why do so many women writo under masculine noms tie guerre? It is a practice tar more prevalent than the average novelreader is aware the loader who runs through a work of fiction for the entertainment of the story, and for nothing more. Let not arrogant man
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 351 1 TRADE MARK WARNING! It has come to our notice thai Soaps are being sold as Gossages which are not of Gossages' manufacture. In order to protect consumers trom these imitations, Gossagea* Soaps are now stamped with the Trade Mark on the reverse side. Cos sages' Soaps have over 50 years'
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    • 129 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 4711 Bu «1e Tolopne- Pajre 5, Pllhlic entertainment Page 2. Turf club programme Page 6. LactogMi rer your <-hil<i— Page 9. Shipping on pagei 18, 12 and 13. Perfumery at Rol>ins<»n's Page Klit kills insects. Jacks -Page 14. Simenda stout. CaMbaekV Page S. Erasmk tratle mark aotiee Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 40 1 THE WEEK. Hai'Wllt— Cirrus. 9.11 p.m. Uiirh Water, 8.11 a.m.. M4 p»n. French hoiiu'ward mail l.'ivi-s. Haimston's Circus, 9.11 p.m. Tapah Rubber. Kvatt'>. aaan. Jeram Kuar.tan, H. Rarker's. noon. Harmston's (Mrcus, ParCWcH 1*» •rformancr. p.m. hutch homeward mail daaas.
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  • 267 2 A curious story comes from Mena, a little town in Arkansas. More than a quarter of a century ago Dr. M. V. Mayti.ld came to Mena, whence no one knew, and began to practise medicine. The doctor was well liked and skilful, people came from long
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    • 85 2 ft is requested that where all things ar« tqn employer.- preference to application for employment to Ex-serv:ce men. Wanted, Accountant fur Telegraph* Depart- K^t r. g•• rawak. .ry $2t5. nnnoal incrementi -<I."> t.» mom of 1320. per mensem. Free quarters Application? snd copies of testintoaiaJi to be
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    • 67 2 WAN: ED IMMEDIATELY A-->tant Controller GoTcrnment opium -poly iaJary |40Q per nonta free famished quarter! S rear Bsjrsenent with prospect of p« rmaneat en ployment wHh ri<in>r to mum |600 ;.r.<l provident fund. Experience «.f ChiiMM ar..i p.-rsonal reference! essential PreferaMy unmarried. Applieationfl should be addressed to M<
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    • 146 2 ii. Municipal Commission* ra require tin eenricea <>r th i .shift Engineer* in th.' MuniWater Department as follows: One Special Grade |220-$290 per month. One (;r:«<i, I M 7O-1210 pe r month. One Grade If $144-sl#o per month. pluj to p, r eenl temporary allowance at nt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 169 2 STILLMAN'S FRECKLE CREAM. Double Action, Removes Freckles. Whitens the Skin. i New stocks just arrived at MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. THlTiu^ LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA, j SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. Mdm. Relvey's Jffl Dancing A srelUknown professional teacher in naracter, Classical, Clot;, Ballet and Toe-dancing*.
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    • 252 2 From Sunday, 21st, to Saturday, 27th March. i<)>^ THE GREATEST DRAMA OF THE AGES CREATED INTO EVEN GREATER MOTION PICTURE AT THE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, at 9 p.m. A WILLIAM FOX SI PER PRODUCTION From the Immortal Sivy by Mrs. Henry Wood Presenting A GALAXY OF NOTED STARS
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  • 647 3 GOLDEN GOBSE, by A. g. Hales. (Hoddtr and Stoughton, London). The author of the McGluaky book? is well Mown to all book lovers, but one must State quits frankly thut apart from his' several I.x, ks on that well admired char-! atter, Mr. Hales 1 efforts si a
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  • 129 3 The following action wma taken al a m< tting of Committee No. 6 held on March i Appioved tin- (Ja- Engineer'^ proposal! foe street lighting of Tramway route* with the exception of South Bridge Road from rpt;< r (')<>.<s Street :<> Maxwell Road, which is to receive further
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  • 105 3 An Exciting Second Hall'. I.«:m'.oji, Mar. <». In the Inter-Service rugby match a\ Twickenham, the Army registered 13 points in the last eta minvtes <>i the first half. llo^kin then v<in off tlv.' Reid. On the resumption play wai and oxcitin". Garrett dropped s goal for the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 193 3 Folding Reflex Cameras. Lsatte&t Model Va WEIGHT AND BULK OF THE ORDINARY MODEL ■I* 2 ins. and 41 ins. by SI t ins. Singapore Studio Photo Co. '»:> -X HIGH ST. Tel. 583. 1 i I MILK 1 1 HEALTH I AND IJi 11 AND CREAM j I I HAPPINESS.
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    • 130 3 USE: BRITISH T I MI E N Tapered Roller Bearings. Most Efficient Readily Adjustable. Every Roller Gauged Accurately to within |A One-Twelvethousandth of an inch. U//£3/li Sole Distributing Agents: Malayan Motors Agents in F.M.S. SINGAPORE. Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD.: Penang, Ipoh, Kuaia Lumpur, Malacca. WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED, Proprietors. jj IION
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    • 31 3 Contessa-Nettel Cameras Your dealer will be pleased to show you T Coc&rette-de-L\ixe Model. rlVlade in all Sizes. Fitted with Zeiss-Tessar Lenses and Compur" Shutters. A Model of Perfection An Instantaneous Favourite.
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  • Article, Illustration
    3612 4  -  DIXON KAVE BY lime y waadered wiwlrwiy through the rtniiiiN witiiout plnyinj;: he loujjed to open the door of those forbidden rooms of the Direction, where he had seen Cora sitting at with Lord Hflmore. but that was out of the <ju».>tion. lint in a quirt etrMl of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 84 4 s ESS m STRAITS SHIPPING PARCELS AND SHIPPING AGENCY. You need us? If you are booking a passage, receiving, forwarding, insuring, or storing goods. Goods collected, shipped and delivered to any address C.O.D. GOSLING CO., 41, Anson Roai. jlatior comes from aualitij I Recognized I as the quality I I
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    • 152 4 TENDERS. TENDERS FOR SHKNTE^" ADMINISTRATION BLOCKS Ten.lers ar.> inv.te.l f.,, (hi llf and Administration Block College Site, (luny Road. Plan,, ■pwttcfttiont obtained at the (Mkei of the Supei T u Swan <trc! M Bank duuaben. Tenders close at s The Committee of R.fl take to accept tht MUNICIPALITY SLNGAPOIt The
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  • 851 5 VISIT OF THE NAVY. In connection with the visit of Jie Navy the following; programme of irames has been ai ranged: Tnited -Services. Singapore. Inursday, March 25th.— United Services vs. Xavj, jrickot (Tangiin). Sat ur jay. March 27th.- United Services vs. Na\y, hockey (TangHnj. KeuMiiuntal Fixture*. Wednesday, March
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 746 5 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALEL lK aadersigaed have »xvn instructed to sell by Poblic auction at their Sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles IMace, KON MONDAY, 29th MARCH AT 2.30 P.M. JALAN BESAR u >se eiftTht pieces of valuable freehold Building Sites fronting Reserve for Beaar, area of each lot from 4,400 sq. feet
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    • 255 5 I The Fashionable Perfume. Those who obev (he dictates and the calls of Fashion must always i| rppear with a complexion radiant ar;d fresh. Care of the skin is imI [i»>rtant, more particularly in this climate. Consistent use of "171 1" Eau I ue Cologne makes an excellent skin treatment.
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  • 363 6 NOTABLE HOME FIXTURES. March 2iid-f>th: All-Enpland Open Championships (Badiv.inton), R. Hori. Hall. 13th:— Wiur* v. Ireland. (Paijrby) Swansea. li)t*i: Oxford U. v. Cambridge L r Athletics) Queen's "Club. 20th:— -Scotland v. England, (Rugby) Twickenham. 23rd -24th:— Oxford l\ v. Cambria** I (Golf) Butnham. 24th: Lincolnshire Handicap, (Racing)
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  • 174 6 London. Mar. ti. 11 m M u> »<«f "me tine, the .ixth K"Mli>h Cup-tics attracted Smaller attendances. There wen n<» exciting incidents and re-■• few caaet of "Cup-fever." The Fulham Ground could have accommoated another tea thousand spectator, while only fn, hundred *f an."
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    • 30 6 (Under S.R.A. Rules of Racing). Will be held on Saturday, Bth May, Tuesday, 11th May, Thursday, 13th May, Saturday, 15th May and Saturday, 22nd May, 1926.
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    • 408 6 FOR THE INFORMATION >F MKMBKRS ONLY. Ist Day. Saturday, Bth May. Kace No. 1. THE PBJfANG STAKES— j Time 2.30 p.m. Values $1,300 with $250 to each seond horse and $12.~> to each third horse; a j handicap for ex-griffin horses Class A. i to run in Race 8
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    • 270 6 Races No., i S. THE PBTANG PURSE AND PLATE Tinus 2.30 p.m. and IM p.m. Values «"!:is> A. $1,300 and a cup presented i>\ the Singapore Turf club. Clan B. $1,300 with $2")0 to each second horse and *$IL\~> to each third horse; For o-ndition-see
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    • 304 6 Races \< >. ,v 7. THE LAWN STAKES, PURSE AM) PLATE— TInn Ml p.m.. I*3l p.m. and 5.15 p.m. Values Clasn A. (1.750, Classes B. and C. $1,500 each, with $300 to eack second horse and |15Q to each third hoi so; a handicap for
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    • 151 6 Races Nos. !.!&<;. Hl (i u STAKES, PLATE AND (I I Vi I||v p.m., 1 p.m. and 5.13 am Value 1 Class A. $1,750 ented by His Exa Nunns Guillemard. i; 11. and C. $1,50(5 t each second horse third horse; a handii that have
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    • 604 6 i Races Nee, 1. i k t THE feEMBILAN STAKES. N rs E I I'LATB— TIsmi 2.:}u_ v .nu. nu n Values Cla A. Sl.^n/"" by the Singapore I urf < i and C. $1,100 with $2 > Pony and $100 t, handicap for ex-griffin p T1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 361 6 (Bsk STANDARD JB^ l^P VALUE mgif 1 j*w\y- v^v/^w y-w s oC^ 7 ust received. 1^ s J Jl "Tudor" Ware for Breakiast. Tea or Dinner use, pure white semi-porcelain oi lijrht weight, but +SJ.ILIIxLEKj jO vZ.l\jV IV^vj# The border ut each piec is decormted in relief "Hj^atßt'ffiWfcrfci TUWHr DINNER
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    • 76 7 THE DETACHMFNT OF THE U.S. [ReUSSt's Service. I Washing. tn, "Mar. 20. .On the understanding that the proposed Conference at Geneva on the American reservations with regard to the World Gmrt be held merely for the convenience of the nations adhering to the court, and do not
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    • 127 7 [Heuter's Service.] London, Mar. 19. M Aa I Kar lamto be executed on Tuesday said Sir Aust.n Chamberlain laughing- when approached by an interviewer on i caching Victoria from the Continent tr-nighl, regarding the abortive Geneva "gotiatlOM, "I think 1 had rather wait BBtil I reach the scaffold."
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    • 910 7 GENERAL S VTISF ACTION. [British Radio- oilk-ial Service]. Kutfby. Mar. 20. CcnMderable satisfaction is expressed in ficia] ciicks with the agresmwM which was reached yesterday in London betwsea jw Labour ministers of (ireat Britain, r'lmnce, Germany, Belgian and itiily as to how the various articles of flu- Washington
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  • 85 7 I British Radio— Official Servk#l. Rugby, Mar. Speaking at hincheon triven in his honour, Alan Cobham said (hat We had gOM so t:n in aviation to-day that it was quite possible for defignen and air transport firms to make ttyinjr quite as safe a* any other form of
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  • 210 7 Kerlin OftiriaK* KlafM ratt- Schfitif. lUrlin. Feb. 17. Inhabitants <>1" llt-rlin aiv greatly surprised tu-ilay to learn that two officials occupying important postl have defraud d th«- tity of large tomi <>f money. It was th<« duty of thfsv officials t>> arrange the amouni of taxps tf»
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  • 206 7 Dr. Lim lioon-Konu's isit. I host* in the Colony who wore present ftt the Congregation in I'.>l'.» will recall the »v--markabio ■peeeh delivered by Dr. Um Boon-keng on the oeeasioa of his receiving the honorary L1.. 1). But more, perhaps still remember vividly Dr. Lim's lecture Oil
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  • 775 7 COMPLETE tHANGE IN FINANCIAL. POSITION. Company's First Dividend. 1 The sixth annual general meeting of Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubb-r Co. Ltd. was held at Messrs Derrick and Co.Y> offices, i Hongkong Bank Chambers, at noon on Saturday. The Chairman, Mr. S. Q. Wong, presided and thei were
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  • 171 7 The following motion will be submitted at the quarterly general meeting of the IVA.M. at Kuala Lumpur on March 31. "This Association urge* strongly the retention for some time of the existing legislation regulating rubber export, and that the releases under it should not exceed 100 per cent; but
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 384 7 BUSINESS CARDS. MARY SETON. 5 K. AM HER- MANSIONS. 5 derfni nmsipnment has arrived J» e-going clothes for children. 9 ileaxe Send for the Illustrated J dialogue of Musical Instruments, c SEASON CO., LTD. H. and 113, North Bridge Road. 5 MARBLE TABLE TOPS, FLOORING, TILES, Etc. SINGAPORE CASKET CO.
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    • 687 7 Eariu tOiiGH CALLS FOR PEPS. 7 j^^K^' l^§ weakened and inflamed by incessant coughing, must also be strengthened virtue of the Peps breatheable treatment \ttwl"^ 'I he potent balsamic fumes given of!" by I'eps JQ| II tablets as they dissolve in the mouth, are carried PEPS tU w—k ™t- the
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    • 459 7 TAKIAPA VALLEY TIN DREDGING, N. L. (Incorporated in New South Walss). lisue of :i5.0()0 shares of £1 each, beinjr the balance of the C<>mpany"s Authorised (\q»ital. With reference to the communique from the Company, which recently appeared in the local I>rt -sV.'the rights of application to the above issue will
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  • 38 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. LEWIS. <'r. nth Msreb, 1924, st tl* Preach Hospital. Hongkong, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis* son. LEICESTER. Fofc. IS, si "Stone PteM," Blackhoath, t«« Dorotky wifo of l»r. s Leicester, Malaysa Medical s»tvk.-. dsscnter.
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  • 1195 8 MONDAY. MAUrit 22, I!>2fc. Week-End Comment. The establishment of a iit'W low record for the franc, and the announeement of a detiiieney in the I J2G budget <»t five milliards, only ol which will he covered by new taxes the reality may be far from the estimate
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  • 95 8 PEN AN G NEWS. Cargo Coolie Strike Ended. (From Oor Own Correspondent). Penan ur. Mar. 21. The labour strike is settled. A meeting was held at the Chinese Protectorate between the delegates, who agreed to give the coolies an increase of ten per from February IStth and
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  • 704 8 Miss Am io Maynard ami her Royal Ilawaiians open their short season at the Victoria Theatre on Thursday next, March 25th. They will grva a complete change of programme at each [Hifimm, Miss. Maynard, who is of Denishawn CtlW, has lived in Hawaii for
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  • 459 8 CONFIRMATION OF AP|'O|\ j MEx The Poike Dei,ot in Robinson l;,, ad the venue of a happy function on s at 7* evening, when an addivss w th; hon'ble Mr. Harold Ka.rl, m7Z\£ confirmation of his appointment spectoi -.General of Police, Strait, o. ments, by the Asiatic in
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  • 72 8 [HnVM St-rvii'i.] I'ariv Mar. 8. (it-rural Sanjurj<«. the Spanish ffiffc Commissioner in MqFOCCO, *rtM) has ju?t COtpllUJ a tour Faruh Morocco ai.l cMintVrifd with General Hoichut. the French Commander-in-( hiet at WeSttn, dtflared that p«'ifett a^refnuTit reiffM bctwtfl the Krcnrh an(J Spanish eomaMUMb. Tho ordination of the
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  • 37 8 fßeuter's BtTvice.] Kirminuham. \lak»ma. Mar. 9> Nine aaea vn re biUed and ieveral .rjured in an explosion al B local rtecl-V/enn. The victims were caught by I m«>lten metal and had no oW« escaping.
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  • 77 8 Shanghai Resident's \rr«*t Acting on roiir unirati^n fl*>i Shaniili:;i authoriti" lh« I k:i! I braru-h ha\«- effected the -mo-' ot FfJ Henry Johnson. .<ai.! i> h retired Shanghai Boliee oeVff. Th« niation states that i ehAtga *i risptct af ;?.000 dollar bm tn .i ■Cafawl Johnson. Hie acei
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  • 80 8 In the present change of projrr:n the Alhambra. a William Fox taper p 1 tion in nine reels adapted from MrWood's immortal work East Lynne fa presented. It has a cast of wvl! screen players including Edmund Alma Rubens, Lou Tellesen. Maijori Frank Keenan, Belle Bennett, Paul Pi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 136 8 I"THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'.S" g SIMONDS 'MILK STOUT I Will do you good. I I OBTAINABLE AT ALL DEALERS 1 OR KROM THE IMPORTERS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. IncorporatiMl under the Companies Ordinances of Hontfkonjr. (liHorporated in Shanghai) tog Telephone 228. REALLY GOOD BUTTER WITH BREAKFAST MAKES 2 ALL
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    • 44 8 Parfums de Luxe OOTY I Chypre Origan \l m Rose Jacqueminot l\ Paris Emeraude I- EAU DE COTY to be had from all dealers 2" i Dupire Brothers. Sole Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY, IW Singapore. I'onani;. Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh. Alar Star and Tcluk Anson.
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  • 347 9 NEW RECORD. WVAY BACK IN 1924. f[Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 20. i g' correspondent at Paris states »:;rnerin, till 1924 manager of the Branch of the Banque Indusv hine, has brought an action in Court of Appeal against the wrongful dismissal. He says dismissed for refusing
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  • 119 9 Had-. Official Service.] KuKby. Mar. 20. rspapers rtafc that four private rive member- of the H- -use of Com- arrany;iner to leave England about 1 on a vi>it to Russia, which, it ••1. ihould occupy a month or lonian- Sir Frank Nelson, Captain Lieutenant Colonel Moore
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  • 79 9 BORAH'S RESURRECTION Of CLAIMS. [Neuter's Service.] New York. Mar. 20. A a-hingtor: correspondent of the stands that Mr. Kellogg ha? ><nator Borah to withhold te.mB effort< to prc>s his re* .lution the State Department for infci- > regard t> presenting the claims of itizensa^airist the British (iovern- and damage fc)
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  • 62 9 [Router's Service.] Chieti. Mar. 20. "<*' in the Matte. uti trial us unwitm.sses for the accused, conf a fierce attack »>n the marn. n C JTy wh <> i> accused of being a»o»t dreaded of the subversives. his public carter are brought blacken his character. Other u t'osed
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    • 162 9 RESENT CHRISTIAN GENERALS BLAME. fßeuter's Service.] Peking, Mar. 20. The Cabinet has resigned, following the discussion of a telegram to the Premier trom Feng-Yu-hsiang blaming the Premier tor failing to maintain order at the students demonstration of March 18th without sfa >oting. Peking, Mar. 21. Tuan Chi-jui has
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    • 118 9 NORTH.WBST PKONTIFJI FRANCHISE. fßeuter's Service.] Delhi. Mar. 20. A non-oAcial res >lution for the extension f reforms to the North-west Frontier was parried without a division. Government members remained neutral and beinsj left ii. a minority »>y the Swarajist and the withdrawal 4 Ihe Hindus did n«.t challenge
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    • 190 9 ißritish Radio Official Service]. Ku»rby. Mar. 1«. t rommuniqiie issued by the India OnVe states that tin- Government of India have for tome time past had under consideration .he desire of the Hcku.h of BhonaU that iier only surviving s««n should t>e lf€<ie,niied a> heii, to
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    • 86 9 [ReuU'i's Service.] The tlueue. Mar. 19. The Second hejnbe* by 4K votes to 41 rejected the new Cabinet's motion for the continuance of the Dutch diplomatic mission to the Vatican, the Catholics and antiWVolllt lotiai if alone voting for the continuance. Amsterdam, Mar. 19. The Netherlands Aerial
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    • 45 9 [Reuter's Service.] Woodstock, Vermont. Mar. 20. Colonel Coolidge was buried in the frozen hillside cemetery here, in the prtsence of the President and Mrs. Coolidge. after a simple Episcopalian funeral service in the parlour of the farm where the President's father lived.
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    • 716 9 THE JEAN II CHALLENGE CUP. I he Third and Last Race. This event came oiT under handicaps yesterday over the course as advertised and resulted in a tremendously popular win for the Eve, owner Mr. V. D. Knowles. with 18 points out of a possible 24. The fleet was
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    • 77 9 Fate of the New Labour Code. Tokio. Mar. 19. The unpopular Bill for repulatinjf labour organizations is expected to be shelved by motion of the Seiyu-Honto as well as a motion in the Upper House. Bir To!:io Kire. S7O houses in the suburbs of Tokyo \v< re frurnt
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    • 49 9 For their last performance, which will be given on Wednesday night, Harmston's Circus have gone all out to give the public a worthy farewell. Among other special attractions there will be an exhibition of boxing, the details of which will be found in our advertisement columns to-day.
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    • 2 9
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    • 57 9 [Reutor's Service.] Malta. Mar. 20. Movements in the trooping season 1926--27 state that the 23rd heavy battery R.A., from Malta move to Hongkong. [Reuter's Service.] St. Augustine, Florida, Mar. 20. In the open professional golf tournament semi-finals, Johjiny Farrell beat Gene Sarazen by 4 and 3. Tommy Armour
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  • 371 9 GUILLEMARD CUP MATCH IN SINGAPORE. Championships in Kuala Lumpur. The annual match between the Colony and the F.M.S., for the Cup presented by Sir Laurence Guillemard, is to take place in Singapore at Whitsun, it was decided at the second annual meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association
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  • 145 9 IKeuter's Service.] UroMkliue. Massachusetts, Mar. 19. In the semi-finals of the women's national indoor tennis tournament Mrs. JgBSU|l defeated Miss Mary K. Browne o—2.0 2. 6— .'i; Miss Ryan defeated Miss Bayard f— 2, ♦> 1. Brook lines. Mar. 20. Sfisfl Ryan woo the American indoor
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  • 200 9 THIS WREK'S SI»ORTIN<; IMtOT.KAMME. The following is the programme of sporting t vents arranged in connection with the visit of H. M. war-ships. All these arrangements art- provisional with the exception of the football match at the Stadium on Friday and the boxing tournament at the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 216 9 PERFUMERY I HOUBIGANT j I NEW STOCKS SHOW REVISION OF ALL PRICES. fl S^^LIB SUPPLIED IN FOUR SIZES. gjIME^ EACH BOTTLE IN NEAT BOX. Jpy^^r^'^S^ PRICES:— S4 and Sin per bottle. .'"SjrrdlF- Mil M i ~^-lu g?» -.^^r.'-----"-ry.-. -.7 J\ _^m^ m^^t m^^^ M PBICC^SUt per bottle. Robinson Co. L
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 558 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London and \< „-u Dae \i,i\> Tonnage.
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  • 434 11 THE CONFLICT IN SYRIA. [Prom N.E.I. Papers]. Berlin, Mar. 15. S'ul^an Atrasj, who was hit by a French bomb whilst fio-htinjr a t the head of the Druaes, is now reported to have died from hio wounds. Tkt Greek Election. Herlin, Mar. 15. Axciding to Beater, th«
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  • 394 11 Previously acknowledged $l«34Mt. The (iovtrnm, nt of the S.S.. $l;>.000. Gate money ;>f football match s.c.f.a. vs. I), o. $1,340.85. Teong Lam School, $1,000. Singapore Rice Mill Traders As... $:,00. T«n K;»h Kee aiwi C Keen uti >n Club, $438. V«w L«e and Co., Performance by
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 212 11 ITALY'S BEST I 1 BIANCHI CARS I "a i^ 1 g x. Mt f W\ JtT^ gm t ■> __^gj|M^ hl^B it r*^ ~'jsjgjpjpjsnasj j Model T2(). 20-.50 h.p. 7 Seater 28 m.p.g. j: Model SI. 10-12 h.y. 4 Seater 10 m.p.g. -I $2,850 < 1 l^ m m t
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    • 356 11 IflWjufSjlj^MH Bs^^mlS^E V^ IwlwM^mw wir ft I If/JwMMMKHVMI Bj] ■■WB^B^-^^ir^Zß^BTi I TTT>sl^*n r BHHII BJ PjfAaf^^UGBW^BvW^BHBjPB^Bs B^Pm "^y^BT I f BjßjSbßbCrA Bl Bv F H I IHi U Bwjßmwjl I w_l BflffaVJ i•■ 1 1 I I *fn- *BJbßmßkmßl InvßU BM 111 I i > i jt- I I II
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    • 125 11 "^^^RADE MARK Notice is hereby ffiven that the above Trade Mark la the property ot Ri^old Bergnunm and Company Limited of Singapore, and is used by them in connection with Hosiery general]/; Undershirts, Handkerchiefs, Tools. Hardware, Cutlery, Wearing Apparel, Lamps and Accessories, Accorcleons, Mouth Organs and Musical Instruments generally, Belts
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    • 196 12 OFFICIAL LANDING OF ADMIRAL. Vice Admiral Sir Edwyn Alexander-Sin-clair, K.C.8., Commander-in-Chief of the China Squadron, paid his first visit to Singapore* since he took over the command of the China Station in May last year, on Saturday, landing at Johnston's Pier, where he was officially received hy the
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    • 132 12 The Manila Bulletin .-ays that the L'.S.S. Huron, flagship of the Asiatic fleet, which recently loft Manila on a southern cruise rame limping Into the harbour late on February 27th. with a propeller disabled. Naval oficen were rvticert regal ding the mishap, but unofficial reports
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    • 90 12 The public having road with meat mtc rest th<- aiiounts of the raacuaf of shipwicikod erewi in th»- late Mf w galea, a contrnvi-tsiy ha> arisen aa to the actual maximum heighi of Atlantic waves. In one account a itatcment waa made that they were aU»ut 70«"t. hurh.
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    • 380 12 Per tjg. Kinta: M w o. Aacanhu, Mr. .1. K. (Jiyek. Mr. W. R. d»> Basagoitl, Mr. C. X. VlgnoJes, Miss Flavin. IVr s.s. Calypso: Mr. Bishop, and Mr. R. V. ManiuT. IVr s.s. Tara: Miss D. M. van Corschol, Miss R. van Draanon. Miss Vissor. Miss \ngele
      380 words
  • 358 12 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. The only Morning Daily in Malay*; e live "news" paper 35-40 columns of newh j daily, also the best Medium for Advertising Delivered with the Chota Hazri each morning:, with Latest Telegrams,*«t New^ and Latest Announcements together w\tl' exclusive special features, '"Pictures of th* week"
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 426 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.B. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 88 12 The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures. OUTWARDS For HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Due Singapore. t SAARLAND Apr. 7 t VOGTLAND May 4 HOMEWARDS For GENOA. ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. v. MUNSTERLAND Apr. 19 f OLDRNBURG May 2 Limited Accommodation for passengers. v Loads for Valencia. HASIC FARES. Carpo Str. t
      88 words
    • 199 12 SINGAPORE-NEW YORK SERVICE OF THE NEDERLAND STEAMSHIP COMPANY, "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" HOLLAND AMERICA LINE. Sailings on fixed dates via Suez to New York and Boston. f s.s. SITOEBONDO ue s.s. ENGGANO <\ ue Cargo is also accepted to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and to U.S.A. an dian Inland Points on through Bills of
      199 words
    • 384 12 j LLOYD TRIESTINO NAV.Io. (Incorporated in Italy., HOMEWARD BAIUNG& Bi .Monthly service for Bi V en c# and Triesto via ports taking lr J Z j through B;lls of Lading for V .Levant and Black Sea Port t o ports on the West Coat f I- ROSAXDRA 4 PIUME L.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 682 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and o FTi **y 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah g a m# Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6
      682 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 681 13 O. S. K. Line. Destination, St..m« B Arr. De*. London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, twerp, Bremen, via Colombo, Aden port Sudan and Port Said. Alps Maru Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Durban. Cape Town, Santos, Rio, Montevideo and Buenos Aires via 1 mbo t Hawaii Maru Apr. 14 Apr. 16 mbo and Bombay
      681 words
    • 432 13 ■^Kjl STEAMSHIP LINE Round -the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new linen continue on. Round the World, returning to
      432 words
    • 623 13 Rerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO 1 BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) m.s. SILVERCEDAR In Port. For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE &CO LTD Agents: Singapore and P»n««i X. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET
      623 words

  • 104 14 Sk> Meeting. (Under S.R.A. Rules of Racing). Bight Races for all Ponies. POUT Race* for all Horses. Two Race- for Polo P >nies. Two Races for Hacks. Two lonsolai ion Races. Entries close at 5 p.m. <»n Saturday L'Tth March 1926 at the Secretary's Office. One
    104 words
  • 1221 14 ENGLISHMEN WHO NEVER RETURN HOME. Happiness in Exile. (Specially written for Free Press). Many a European exiled to India declares (hand on heart) that "the country's not fir to live in," and that they would irive anything to be out of it." These suntin.nts, however, <>ft«n are the
    1,221 words
  • 189 14 Sabmaan'a Eleventh < ham ;J ioi rhip. ine Malacca Club tournameni wa« bn !lt close on Saturday, when the fiiut! >•■ the championship waa played an 1 the presentation of Me prize* took place. The finalists thii yeai wen us in i._'."> Salztnann and Hewitt, and the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 279 14 ""(£>€ re yjli Happy Now— Dad fe{£lost Ms Liver' INDIAN ROOm IF,^J The Quickest Way to Kill the Flea It^LEAS are more than a house- fh° s and mosquitoes. It is economy r hold pest. They carry the to use Flit and avoid disease. Flit germs of many dangerous diseases
      279 words
    • 144 14 r MASSAGE HALL. MANICURE AND MASSAGE, 60, Waterloo Street. MRS. HARU and MISS HANA Telephone No. 1467. PILES CURED WITHOUT AID OF KNIFE. In England we have for 20 years been successfully treating patients suffering from Piles. Ulcer, FisMire, I'rolapse, Tumours, Con.->t.pation and all' Rectal Troubles. A reflected case of
      144 words
    • 275 14 r 3 B Respect your teeth! !t is dc;,!or^!e how many r ;p!e till fail to realise that a mo; Af from tceih-destroyin^ f basis of true bodily health and wJJ bein^. Naver be content to scour the surface of your teelh with powders or pastes. Your teelh are the
      275 words

    7 words
  • 327 15 JACKS* METAL REPORT. London, Fi*b. 24. Markets.-Thero has been no snadal feature in trade during the past week. Copptr.— The American producers find it difficult to get tOfethi r after the cut-throat competition that has In-en rampant for so kMC. Consumption there is likely to rapidly nilt
    327 words
  • 215 15 S.ifunlays Alterations. rlitam Tin J() Nai Hoot (."xi i i» i <ii>. par ™»n* I onsd. (ss) \u 4',<l \u c a Pengrkalen (£i !7 \JJI liahiuan Hydl <s t l J**s cd mi l lt;^ <*> 27s «d 2Ks';;;i (1 !s n Kaiii :>> A r
    215 words
  • 41 15 (Ineorporatod tn Bncland by Royal Charter A. D 1720 > FIRE MOTOR CAR xMARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singap^e Representative -Messrs. BARLOW O. Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO.. I l CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
    41 words
  • 65 15 March 20. Bank J ni s. 2 4 7-16 Hank demand 2 4 1-16 Private credit* A m.s. 2 4 New York, demand 56 Credits 90 days |gaj France, demand 1525 India, T.T. lU% HoiiKkon^, dunund i^ j, c MI Yokohama, demand I^4 •lava, demand 141 U Bangkok, demand
    65 words
  • 182 15 March Iy. Tin 7i> Ton.-. $1 jo «y GamMer noo Pepper Whit.- H .oo Pepper Mack 42.00 1* lake Tapieca s s~, Pearl Sago Small v im Copra Suixiriid j•» o<) Opium. Benares unt. 4.000 Rice, Liarc Hin Chan Mark Rt'd Kai:i«- ,Npw) Rice, Siam o.d No 1 330
    182 words
  • 75 15 DAILY PRICKS CURRENT. March |»th, l»2fi. 11 ..'*<» a.m. Buyers Seller* R.S s. Equal to Standard, Q.C f Spol im |O8 Standard R.S.S. on render March 106)4 )ot\ April I«>;s>_. 104 >i Apr-Jane 103 1034 Jsly-Sept. i"l l"J I"". 4<r mark -t Quiet. Latest Cable:
    75 words
  • 358 15 The continued rise <>f 1 1 1 yen luis m gravel} concerned the Government And sinancial eirclei «>f Japan that the former suddenly on Feb. JU counjteimMsisd an ordei for the shipment of $2,000,000 to America. Tokyo experts have npinnj the opinion thai Japan's trade position doei u<»t
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  • 93 15 GUTHRIES REPORT. Singapore, Mar. 21. Markets are fluctuating and uncertain, and very susceptible to any small weight of buying „r selling. Trading has accordingly been of a restricted nature with iellers very reserved. London has maintained a fairly steady tone on a small Manufacturing demand. Stocks show
    93 words
  • 483 15 The Batavia CorresposmefJt of the Tinie>. after a visit to Pontianak and Dutch West DtoriKNl, estimates the total production of I). KM. at IKB.OOO tons. The Pontianak exportfl in ltr>;{ were 5000 tons; in 1914, 10,000 ti<M>. He writes. Native rubber production is that apparently
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  • 206 15 Tin- Malacca Rubber Plantations has purchased an additional estate of about 1,025 acres, and the purchase price is payable in il shares at the rate of 31 share* per planted acre. It is a condition of .the deal that these shares shall rank for dividend as early
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 445 15 Assets over $5,500,000. hum mw r /mr m„k Assurance in force over $19,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE .-Winchester Ho JZZZT S'™*™^ The Company ha 8 £20,000 deposited wS SKL n LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C. the SUPm c e o £2^S 1 181 1
      445 words
    • 447 15 BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPH3E BANK, LIMITED. —Established 1880— WWMWOO R Ser Se^t: K. KodamJ^ 00 000 iLS?^ 1 E8< t K M °*ami, Esq. Vr tV* 1 K< T »^uchi, Esq. F* w at Ua L^ T H odsumi. Esq. L T W na J*'. EB< i T. Okubo, Esq. Q
      447 words
    • 417 15 BANKING, HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) a4 l ead °fflw- Hongkong Authorised Capital toooooooo Issued and fully paid up $20 SSS'SoS Reserve Fund :-Sterling P fSJoO.OOO Silver $27 000 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000',000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman W. L. Pattenden.
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  • 371 16 LATEST LINCOLNSHIRE BETTING. ZIONIST FAVOI'RITE. (Copyright by "Free Press". From Our Ijond) >n Correspondent.) London, Mar. 20. With the approach of the Lincolnshire Handicap which is to be run at Lincoln <>n Wednesday H.H. the Aga Khan's Zionist has come t> the front as favourite, the latest
    371 words
  • 121 16 DOC RLE CHANCE LAME. Mr. Fred Archer's Doubk Cham-?. one of the two previous winners in the (Inind National entered for this year's rat\ which is to be run at Aintree on Friday, has g me lame. The Im Uing;. according to a nu-ssajre of March 10,
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  • 108 16 DEADLY srOTTISH TA( KLIN*;. The dt adly Scottish tackling WM feature of the meeting between England and Scotland in the annual rugby international, when Scotland obtained their first victory at Twickenham, by 17 points t<> As a result of this victory Scotland are bracketed with Ireland as
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  • 61 16 BOTH CREWS ABOVE AVERAGE. Both University eights, who will he eflgaged in the annual struggle on the Thames on Saturday, have put in pit nty of hard work during the last few weeks and have shewn considerable ImpTOTC went as a result. It is generally thought
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  • 86 16 In the final of the inttr-Hospitals (up Competition St. Thomas's and Guy's met on Saturday in a hard and keen game, St. Thomas's winning by 5 points to nil. Blackheath wire at home to Birkenhead Park on Saturday, and found the visitors too string: for
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  • 22 16 ENGLAND DEFEATS SCOTLAND AT HOCKEY. While the English and Scottish r«fto tw siT tiveß r re tryin -*i<^ Ckenham th annual international
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  • 415 16 A (IREAT GAME AT TWICKENHAM. Scots' Victory Over England. [Reuter's Service.) London, Mar. 20. For the great rugby match between Scotland and England, at Twickenham, the weather was gusty and unsettled. Forty thousand attended, including His Majesty the King". Scotland beat England by 17 points to 9. His
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  • 57 16 lillcmard Cup." Thv al»o\f will be competed for on Sunday. 2Mh March, under the following conditioae. To l>e played for annually. ChalleaeA Cup. cannot won outright. Handicap Foursome Stroke Competition. Competitors must arrange their own partners. No entrance fee. Opea to full memben only. Qlub
    57 words
  • 86 16 The March Spo<M competition took place at Seletar on Thursday. 18th. instant, and resulted a.< fellows: Yds. Yds. Yds. Total 300 200 100 Xett Heap. Mrs. Lyall :50 :$0 .'{o i»2 Itfcll Mrs. Sinclair 28 M 2"» lo:i.ll Miss Hope Falknor 2»". 22 2r> 74 10.'i.0:,
    86 words
  • 56 16 [Routers Service. London, Mar. 19. At Queen*! Club in the inter-varsity athletics, Cambridge beat Oxford by eight events to three. hockey match was also being: played, England obtaining some cons tlation for h^r rugby defeat by winning by the old poal in five. The English ladies drew with
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  • 61 16 LORD BURGHLN ESTABLISHES HIRDLES RECORD. Competing in the annual inter-varsity athletic sports Lord Bur^hky established a new record far the 120 yards hurdles, his time being- I§H seconds, beating the previous record of 15 4 sths established by (i. A. Trowbridjre (Oxford) in 1921. The Cambridge representatives were
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  • 36 16 The Ist South Wales Borderers and the Ist Welsh Guards met at Aldershot in the Army Ru K by Union final, the former winning by 10 points to 3.
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  • 681 16 S.C.C. BEAT THE NAVY. Another Good Innings by Charlesworth. The two days match between the S.C.C. and the Navy concluded in plenty o.f time yesterday afternoon in a victory for the Club by 9 wickets. Batting first on a soft wicket that gave some assistance to the bowlers, the
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  • 162 16 A Loh -Scoring (iame. Remarkably low scores resulted from the meeting of the S.R.C. and the Y.M.C.A. on the former's ground on Saturday, which the home Club won by 46 runs in a jrame in which only DO runs were scored. Bartels was ajjain in the limelight
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  • 307 16 SATURDAYS RESULTS. Six Goals for Preston. [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 20. The following: are the results of to-day's English and Scottish League matches: Division I. Arsenal 1, Manchester C. 0. Aston Villa 2, Sheffield U. 2. Bolton W. versus Birmingham not played. Burnley 5, Sunderland 2. Leicester City
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  • 54 16 [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. 20. The Scottish Tup semi-finals were played to-day. Celtic and Aberdeen met in Edinburgh. Celtic winning by two jroals to one. In Glasgow St. Minen beat dlas^ow Rangers by one jfoal to nil. The final will be played
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  • 97 16 ENGLAND BEAT walks. [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 20. At Wrexbam this afternoon England l>eat Wales in the amateur soccer international bf two poals t<> one. The weather was tine and there were four thousand spectators present. The English amateurs thus avenged the defeat which the English professional side
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  • 31 16 The S.C.C. will bt strongly represented in their match against tho S.C.F.A. on the Padanp this afternoon. Millard-Watts; Lee, Wallich; Craik, Jameson. Edlin; Tait, Sinclair. Smith, Hovens, I-ambert.
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  • 67 16 T Renter's Service.l London, Mar. 20. At Bristol. England beat Scotland by 3 uoals to 2. The following will repivsent thi Y.M.C.A. vs. Raffles Institution to-day on the School groom! -R. H. Pennef;»ther; K. Lync, and V. Albuquerque; H. S. Duncan, I>. \V. Dale and A. G. Armstrong.
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  • 88 16 R. Lyne ct. Anthonisz h Rartels o M. Ignatius ct. I.eijssius b B.irttls i K. Juimibhoy ct P«>arsc b Liijssiu* o H. Gibson b Bartels \q A. Van Cuylenburg ct do Kouza b Rartels 0 I. Ponnathurai ct de Souza b Rnrtcls 0 T. B. K. Rctnam b Bartels
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 339 16 THE PIANO WITH 150 Years Reputation JOHN BROADWOOD SONS, Ltd. ALL BRITISH MADE. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. Incorporated in Hoi*i;konp:). RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents W* tpSrS WU 1 1 "1"° t lose our triendi r^'^m^M \vKo»ppreciate a perfect f'lttioT^^'lSl m xe<^ Cocktail but wht J» |^22SiM2Ia^L'l ack e
      339 words