The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE S.S., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1926. NO. 11,737.
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  • 288 1 Interesting particulars regarding the .Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods) Kill are contained in a late cable Page 9. The Army Estimates for next year show a reduction ol two millions sterling on those ef the current vear Page 9. An interesting statement on the coming R'-dget was made
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  • 960 1 In tht' office of the fsmoui De Beers Company at Kimberley .here is a bock of more than usual interest, for it contains photographs representing the development of the Kimberley Diamond Mines from their earliest days up t<» the present time a record of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 189 1 ,v II ANNOUNCEMENT. I V X j^^. born, London, E.C. manufacturers of steel office furniture and modern office equipment, take pleasure in announcing the establishment of a new Malayan Branch in KUALA LUMPUR A 1 39, JAVA STREET j j Where Stocks of all Roneo Products will OPENING DATE MARCH
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    • 152 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Bolter for wines Page 1. Quaints at Theatre— Page 2. Mills coffee, Getz Bros. Page 2. Goodyear balloon tyre- Page r>. Italit roofing. Guthri Page S. Chinese salesman wanted Page 7. Knglish pipes from Little's— Pace Crawford's biscuits. Harlow's Page S. Mackintoshes from Robinsons Pegs l*. Singapore Studio
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Stylr, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32, HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 99 1 THE WEEK. raorsdop, A*h. Higti Water, 1.4 a.m.. 1.11 p.m. B. 1. homeward mail closes. t'hild Welfare gbilstl, Govt. Hou-e, 3 p.m. Dalhousie Chapter, 8.30 pjo. The Quaints, Victoria Theatre, 0.30 p.m. Friday, ~yfh. Hiph Water. 1.30 a.m.. IjM p.m. Hutch homeward mail <.l<>-,.v. g n.m. St. George's Society mtg
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  • 461 2 •T. th© Editor of the Timet I. Sir. Tht f(. Mowing poems were found in a copy-book h.-longinu to the late Grand Duchess <"»l^a Nikolaevna, daughter of the Emperoi of Russia, in her handwriting. The book wa- found at Ekaterinburg, and the poems w» re published
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  • 193 2 rh< telephone trunk line to Kuala Lipis nra* opened <>n Monday morning, the first call ix-h.g a conversation between the Brit; > Strident, of Belaagor and Pahang. In the flat of successes in the Bar -Finals" i.- th name of Major Brett M. Cloutman. •/ho wai awarded the last V.C.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 TO-NIGHT j Friday, 9.30 p.m. Saturday. MATINEE SAT. AT 5 P.M. VICTORIA THEATRE K. P. SALISBURY'S COMPANY THE QUAINTS ALL THE WORLD IS FLOCKING TO SEE NO, NO, NANETTE. Your Leave is not long enough to wait for a seat in London. .Mon. and Tuesday: Mar. Sth and 9th AT
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    • 325 2 PAVILION From Monday, Ist to Sunday. 7th March. At 9.15 p.m. sharp. LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. RICHARD BARTHELMESS IN THE SEVENTH DAY" 6 REELS. Here are seven eventful days in a little fishing village. A party of society roysterers are stranded there Jazzhounds and cocktail coquettes. Just for fun one of
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    • 287 2 Positively the last night Thursday, March ith —AT THE ALHAMBRA (Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd. Proprietors.) In the Second Show at 9 p.m. THE SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT OF THE KCRF.KN Cecil B. De Mille's Masterpiece, a Wonder Paramount Production With an Exceptional Cast: Theodore Roberts, Leatrice Joy, Richard Dix, Nita Naldi
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  • 1172 3 SOME !»l ZZLES FOR THE LISTENER. Wireless is full of curiosities, cut-of-the-way effects, and of odd happenings, many of which cannot be satisfactorily explained. One cf the strangest of wireless phenomena is to b: fcund in the occurrence of what are known as "blind spots." Reception in a
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  • 80 3 Thick tree rings may mean something; else than unusually 'varm, moist seasons. V*. J. Spilfeann calls attention in Science to a section of forest tree from Wateryillc, Wash, having rings indicating that the tree was a seedling In 1821, and showing an annual growth of a sixteenth of an inch
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  • 516 3 Dmatic Punishment fct C orrupt Official. Delhi, .lan. 19. A comprehensive idea of the Amir's campaign nay, almost crusade airainst. Ignorance and corruption and theft in Afghanistan is »I. tained from a speech de- j livered hy him at a Durbar held in Dilkusha j Castle, where
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  • 19 3 Complaining wife in Gloucester, hire; My husband never comes home until after midnight. Solicitor: He must be an astronomer.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 173 3 t. 1 I I Ilia A I iHIS ■Til l_7_jV I I mmmmdmmmmmmt a_m_._ __T IH BBS 1 i _W K *****l T &i\ j :11 1 1/ r^m^Mmmmm iV _fl__ M w DV reason of its fine iteJlOySe *-> bouquet and malty j flavour White Horse Whisky stands out
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  • 225 4 "HOW'S THAT?"— H. L, Hendry, the Australian XI all-rounder, wa> married recently to Mis^ Vida \b rnethy at Dnrlinghurat, Australia. Hendry is bore shown being em traced by relative; and hi.> pretty Wife, just behind him, is being sh< \v. red with confetti. THK RECENT ECLIPSE.—
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  • DAVOS IN 1878.
    • 1190 5 TOBOGANNING— AND MRS. GRUNDY. For English folk Davos dates from 1878. In Aueust Mr. .lohr Addington Symonds extolled its winter climate in the Fortnightly Review, and in September a tide began to set that way. We went there for my husband's health, taking our two baby girls, the youngest English
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    • 221 5 FASCIST DISCI PLINE. Duties for the "Napoleonic Year. Rome. Feb. 2. Signor Mussolini has laid down the duties of the Fascist Party for the "Napoleonic year of Fascismo," 1926. The Squadrisci. he says, must join the Militia (this injunction comes somewhat as a surprise, since one of the original objects
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 610 5 I pvNE touch of Zam-Buk starts Nature's I I healing work quicker and more effectively H 9 than any other preparation ever devised. H I Zam-Buk exterminates all skin disease and I poisonous germs, and makes a cut, or sore H secure against further infection. In "addition to its remarkable
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    • 385 5 > pa M i iis>«*ewM>-«MM^a-n_n-nM--ss-_MMii i ri -'-i-;-"-v j Enjoy Balloon Tyre Comfort Economical Too Do not be without Balloon Tyre Goodyear Interchangeable Balcomfort any longer. Fit Good- loons require considerably less year Interchangeable Balloons air pressure than high pressure to your car and enjoy all their tyres. You can
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  • 1617 6 CUP TIE SURPRISES. How Haiders and Hudderslicld Lost. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 4. The fourth round of the English Cup provided some surprises. Sheffield United, the holders, lost nl home to Sunderland, whom they had roulcd by a big score in a j League engagement seven
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  • 207 6 Turf Kept Springy Always. Tho reputation of Royal Ascot aa tlu finest racecourse in th. world i> n,.\v ab m lately assured. Owners af highly-trained horses need ao longer dread the disastrous after-effects of hard going on a heat-dried I course. To establish and maintain id
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  • 14 6 Hampshire magistrate: Are vou married? Deaf defendant: Not guilty sir I am a teetotaler.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 694 6 YOU CANNOT BUY THESE GOODS ELSEWHERE .^m9^^^]*^mmW _^-^_^^^^nw. __^^^___H P^^^ _^_^.^^^_k. __r^_________________________n _H v^^_W _^r __B i"™™"™"~~~"~ Whiteaway's Standard Value Lines represent the utmost value in everyday usable articles. They j cannot be purchased elsewhere. ,HK COTTON thk -Honnr IWOBUNT tiik -i'kki kc.o- steel IHF •KVSTIM V r v,,k W00!....!.,.,
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    • 132 6 B_S w dmt jlador I comesjroni Qualthj s__j^Ljff--3-a_t^ Recognized as the quality Standard GETZ BROS £-.CO. EXCLUSIVE EXPORT REPRESENTATIVES GETZ BROS. CO. (Incorporated in r.s.A.) SINGAPORE, s.s Head Office San Francisco. I S.A Branches and Agencies throughout the world. Dt= ss n*=^^=*% Simply melts m 5 the mcutK So thoroughly
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  • 431 7 .Miss Irene Vanbrugh and Australia. Miss Irene Vanbrugh's return to the London stage after an absence of more than two years spent touring round the world wa: at the Globe Theatre on the 25th Jan. Miss Vunbrugh told me, says the Morning Tost Theatre correspondent, that she
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  • 301 7 I art her CoptUPSS Reported. Last week it was Mat< ri fhat r:o captures bad beea effected by the Preventive Service launches since dan. SI. This was aa 1 versight, a< a captun of >ver -M>i» pikull.i.d been made on Feb. 1. and reported in these columns. The
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  • 158 7 Writing <;f Mr. Stanley Baldwin, Mr. J. L Gaivin says in the Observer:— -Tho Prime Minister himself U the instance. What human heing at th time <d* the Coalition could have guessed his career up to the present. Who can predict its future? A few years ago he was unknown.
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  • 604 7 Mr. Hoover's Admission. Washington, Jan. 7. There were two developments in the rubber question yesterday which deserve special mention. The first was the cart taken by Mr. Hoover, the Secretary of Commeres, who was the first witness before the Committee of the House of Representatives investigating
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  • 284 7 Network of Priesrfcss Train r The underground lube railway for the 1 Post office is nun nearly complete, thi- rails f •nd live rails having been laid t.. all the sub-stati<»ns. These tab-Stations arc seven m number, heing the main district post offices. Kach ,-st office station
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  • 43 7 "To the memory of a fine old sportsman" was Inscribed on a wreath from the Prince of Wales at the funeral of Mr. George Gee, aped 80. said to be the oldest member -f the Pytchley Hunt, which took place at Welford, Northamptonshire.
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  • 927 7 British Engineering Triumph. A technical achievement of the bight st importance in the development of a simple and more economical aero engine for vice in large aircraft is represented by a seiie. of aero engines associated with the firm Of W. Beardmore and Sons, some
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  • 35 7 A special prayer was read in all the churclv s in the Philippine Islands recently for the separation of the Islands feoi A«nerica. It was written hv Professor Jo |g_ Bocoho, of the Philippine University,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 450 7 BUSINESS CARDS. E AMBER MANSIONS. J OLD ENGLISH (IT GLASS -•v\|> SILVER NEWLY ARRIVED •I FROM HOME. mwaiaaoaa»»^»i»ii( {'lease Send for the Illustrated Catalogue of Musical Instruments, t i SEASON CO., LTD. a 9 ill end 113, North Bri Ige Road. J MEMORIALS, MARBLE OR GRANITE SINGAPORE CASKET CO. MONUMENTAL
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    • 581 7 NOTICES. iNOIICE 5 D-n h ist f a l'Piieations for Public House and < 522* Li .cues for the Second Qasitar S V. b<> consi,lered M 2.30 p.m. on Thursday J IHth Nfarch 1026 by the Board of Licen,ing > Justice, Singapore, can be seen on application j to the
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    • 665 7 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. The Undersigned have been instructed to sell by Public Auction at an early date. The following Town Business Premises Nos. 35 and 36 Chulia Street and 2 Raffles Place, Singapore. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, LIMITED, Auctioneers Estate Agents. Messrs. Donaldson Burkinshaw, Solicitors. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF
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    • 17 8 SMI ;H l>i Mareli Ist, lo Olive, wife ef M-.j-r i Probyn Smith, VHK Plantation*, Singapore.
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    • 18 8 REID. \t Haaelharst. Snakes Lane. Wood ford. Essex, yesterday, Kathleen, belored witt af Alexander R«?«d Iby cable
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  • 857 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS THURSDAY MARCH 4, 1926. Educational Bureaux. Recently n\ Home there ha< been vigorous debute over the issue of certain circular* proposing to alter the allotment of fundi! from the Imperial Exchequer and local funds. The Department withdrew one circular, and substituted another which is equally vigorously attacked.
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  • 138 8 Ifr. (I. P. Noafcaa, of Messrs. Sime. Darby and Company. Penang, returned from Home leave on Saturday by the Sarpodoti. The Kev. G. Shetliffo. who for some time past has l>een in the Singapore Hospital suffering from malaria, has BOW recovered, and la at present in Sort mban on a
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    • 105 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Koala Lumpur, Mar. 3. The Asiatic Planters' Association yesterday conferred honorary membership on Sir George Maxwell, at a largely attended meeting, at which representatives of all parts of the country wire present. Mr. Choo Kia Peng, presiding, paid a handsome
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    • 94 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). IVnang. .Mar. S. A serious charge of negligently and wilfully obstructing a tin* engine proceeding to^a ffre was prefcred against a Malay A 1 iver. Mr. L. K. Coleman. Saperintondent of the Penang Fire Brigade, In the course of j hie evidence,
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    • 38 8 (From Our Darn Correspondent Penang. Mar A. The a: count- of the Y.W.C.A. f,,. year are aarj satisfactory, there beinf balanei it the hank and in hand <>i' |670. There are no outstanding payments.
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  • 529 8 Mr. Morita, the near Japanese ConsulGeneral in (anion. goetl from Bangkok. where he nrna (barge dTAffaire. of the Japal i se I gat ion. (hiring December 69,593 licence.- acre taken out bj arireleaa broadcast listener.-. 'he total number of licence! now 1,644,325. hfeeara. \v. E. Dyer, of the Educatioa Department,
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  • 430 8 CURIOUS BUPRRMR 01 \n A Chinese widow wmt ir)t ff other Chinese widow out 0< T and an. ants in a somewhat curios 7^ came before the Chief Jq*| J"°* Muiison, in the Supreme Court 7** The plaintiff was Wee Chua \J 7y> defendants. Tan Kim N,.
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  • 166 8 In view of the question raised rejr&rdinj. the tim of tl* the Fire Brigade at th. a strous Are at Geylang, I is of inh note that the time recorded in the oAcul record booh at the Central Kin Sti sh. ara thai the call wa> p.m. and
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  • 131 8 The general public, grown dulr ron, have never lost their Lutereat for the circus, with its annual perfl rmaßCee mirth-provoking clown-. The ever-ow-come lis I met 011*11 Circua in sga and the first 1 1 rfnnußWT take* pise* 1 morrow Bight at the Victoria S Middle Road location,
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  • 57 8 This popular Company staged Th» >f Kin«:s for the third night in MICOSS. ast night to a good house. To-aigbt ail] bo a change of programme vht n T J X' V* VII rl rrcat London succes. No. No, v l < M presented. This
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 54 8 a^j^j FOR ALL j VERMIN USE __W rillf AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co. ■BBaggaagasaßßg 1 PEARS' I I J GOLDEN SERIES. J *a p______a v~___ _Bh I _rl_--__fll P_«-a-L. ITS AN KASY JOB -j j. to renovate your car »J J with' li IROBBIALACI j_ OF ALL GARAGES \M» DEALERS.
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  • 157 9 "MADE IN TRADE MARK BILL. ()KJ<t i\ OF IMPORTED GOODS. ish Radio Official Service]. Rugby, Mar. 2. g p CunlilFe Lister, President of the Trade, introduced in the House of a bill requiring indication of orijiven in case of certain imported 1 Renter's Service.] London. Mar. A sab dealing with
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  • 84 9 j Ki uter's Service.] The Hague, March 2. solve the Cabinet criaia S ia] Democrats in moving S< nd Chamber a request to Hei h en to dissolve the Chamber, i It tiding fresh elections. a re iected bj 70 otea to 2 1. le Beer nbrouck,
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  • 62 9 c" Kadi. Official Bervico], Ruj« by. Mar. 2. .urchill ■ia tp eeti at Belfast, the political situation H d thai he cherished tne -lay al! Ireland suae it was loyal, rithil its If and united to h Empire. -Vou may believe this clared, "'out it i- my
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  • 49 9 [Reuter'i Service. J Washington, March 2. W te House that >lidg« stes m. reason why the controvers) over the the Mexican antiim law* cannot be satis- I lb ui derstanda that records of toe American that the hav, lost much of their: importance oaring to recent'
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  • 39 9 Rsdi< Official s< rvkej. Ragby, Mar. 2. v.ho takes the keenest l,al and who is eon- wri f establishment »tud3 them, paid a surprise :,l > t« Pentonville Prison. He spent •M in inspecting the cells, «pital.
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  • 36 9 |»h Had!., Official Service.] Uuub\, Mar. 2. employment continues. k '> return showi a reduction f ber of irorkless. The U25.800, whirh u lio.2f;:, l« the teven w»-ck> unent- 'i by no less than i
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  • 23 9 l: nter*. Service.] New York. March 2. the habena corpus pro- of Counutsa Cathcnrt stponed to March r,th.
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  • 11 9 LEettter*. Service.] London, .Mar. ,'J. i "-*»> R.-y.->. Mr Huith
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  • 746 9 ENLARGEMENT QUESTION PUBLIC OPINION. I British Radio Official Service]. Ru^by, Mar. 2. rhe case for end against the enlarge moot of the League Council has been e* Baualively debated here from all angles an Views, and tHe claims of those countric diiectly interested in tho matter have
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  • 60 9 L Reuters Service.] Washington, March 2. The inter-State Commerce Commission has found that the proposed combination of the Xew York, Chicago, St. Louis, Chesapeake and Ohio, Hicking Valley, Erie and Pere Marquette railways is not in the public interest, "except from the view-point of transportation." and the
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    • 523 9 THE CHANCELLORS OPTIMISM. [Router's Service.] London. Mar. 2. Sir Wotthingtoa Evans, in a speech at Salisbury, announced that the Army Esti(i mates would be £42,500,000, compared with m -44,.-)00,000 in the current year. The B administrative expenses had been 'cut down. t but the righting efficiency of the
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    • 182 9 1 A memorable event wa- th" staff dinner of the Anglo-Chinese School held at (»."»-."> River Valley Road, the residence of Mr.; I Cheong Koon J. P.. one of the old boys of the school, on March Ist, the occasion; j being the fortieth anniversary of the
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  • 94 9 The following had the honour of attending a farewell dinner to Lt. Col. and Mrs. S. d V. Julius at Government House on March 2nd: -Lieut. Col. and Mrs. H. Ellis, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Tull, Capt. D. Brownjohn. M.C., Mr. and Mrs. D. Santry, Capt. T.
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  • 49 9 Tientsin, Feb. 13. A daring outrage has occurred in the Italian Concession at Tientsin. General Ma Ho-chin, who has resided in the Via Marco Pplo for the past two OT three months, was kidnapped from his house last Saturday evening shortly after dark, sayr. the Peking and Tientsin Times.
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    • 504 9 The hearing of the action in which two thousand dollars damages are claimed by Ng Khoon Hong and Hadjee Messin for malicious prosecution and false imprisonment at the instance of the defendants, Ang Heng Kim and Tay Ah Siah, was concluded in the Supreme Court yesterday morning, the
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    • 245 9 The military transport Derbyshire, looking aa though aha would welcome a coat of I paint, arrived in Bingupore yesterday morning and brought the Ind. Battalion, I>uk.- I of Wellington'! Regiment. Her decks were I crowded with khaki clad figures as she came alongside the old a nd
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    • 84 9 Rubber and Tin Quotations. (By Courtesy of the Xanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio. Mar. 2. Rubber was quoted to-day at Y1.50 (seller) per pound f.a.q. spot, while tin. Banka, maintained a price of Y206 per pikul. Japan's Trade. Japan's trade returns for February show a total of Y243,052,000 for
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 SL ROBINSONS SPECIAL QUALITY /^\M^\ MACKINTOSHES d/l\ ~0 MADE FROM /vJUm \W/i/nK^' STRONG COTTON < Hxil'/ VWllmml^) <4'. RAGLAN SHOULDERS l\\\ll\\\\ VERTICAL POCKETS In f I ill) I prk e i2 -5o «-<*. I Robinson and Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in the S.S.) i As good today as when "_n
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 585 10 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London and \n;v»e-p Dne Leave Tonnage. Singapore. Tonnau" EaafnMm
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  • 1145 11 \T HOLDING ITS OWN. 1 Own Correspondent). 1 1 pening of Parliament the f not been very thrilling and in them to be. because all the re very thoroughly discuss- and it is only about six weeks adjourned for last Session. thing much has happened. the King's
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  • 359 11 European and Anglo-Indian lady Murdered. Rangoon. IV b. 21. A very daring outrage was committed '.■^.•l Bight a* about S..'5D. st a lonely spot on Kambe-rd., about seven miles from Rangoon, resulting in tke immediate death of an Anglo-Indian schoolmistress and a European shop assistant, in
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  • 43 11 The whole Empire is almost entirely de pendent on foreign countries for cottan coffee, and tobacco; it is vital, therefore that the development of these three pro ducts should be pushed and encouraged oi British soil throughout the world. Mr Crmsby Gore, M.P.
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  • 739 11 HAG OF 114 AND STILL AT LARGE. I Sandwiched in between a series of dull and uninU resting questions dealing with local administration in rhe United Provinces Council was one which led to the disclosure ol a story which seems out of place outside Lhe C >vera
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  • 324 11 "Raising the Flag with Trices.' New York, Jan. 27. Mr. Hoovers statement that the drop in rubber prices from 4s 5d per pound I 2s lOd is due to the campaign he inaugurated against British- tamed plantations, secures passing credit for the Washington Government, hut experts here explain
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 THE MIGHTY ATOM. PURVEYORS ALSO OF EXCELLENT SOUPS. "FRAY BENTOS" CORNED BEEF TONGUES. STOCKED BY ALL THE PRINCIPAL PROVISION DEALERS. AFRICAN EASTERN TRADE CORPN. LIMITED. I (Incorporated In England.) 117 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. 1 i $piC_IKE I j_, e__Ps3S£_| *OpP W J^M^^MmmWmmmWm fj jShStf^^T Mmm\ mmW d^^^g^-^Mrr"~y^/^^^^J^. /_r?^-J _____^_______^______________P Tfci.
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  • 104 12 The M. M. outv/ard mail,, steamer Paul Lecat is due bin from Colombo on 7th instant at 4 p.m. and will leave the next morning, Sth instant, at- 6 a.m. for Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. There was an interesting gathering at Taikoo Club, Hongkong, on Feb. 23rd,
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  • 511 12 ROTTERDAM LLOYDS NEW MOTOR-MA I LSH IP. The Singapore Branch of the Rotterdam Lloyd are in receipt of a telegram that the near Rotterdam Lloyd motor-mailship, thf Indrapoeia, will arrive at this Port next Thursday morning, the 1 Ith inst. The following particulars regarding this vessel may be
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  • 183 12 The following is an extract from the February issue of the Bibby Line Gazette: We give below a copy of a letter received from Sir Harry Brittain, K.8.E., C.M.G., M.P.: "Travellers in this world are often prone to complain but sometimes forget to praise. I have
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 524 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 98 12 SS. GLENGARRY. Consignees of cargo per the above vessel arrived on Feb. 2fi, from London are hereby notified that a General Survc> of all cargo landed here in a damaged condition will be hehl at 9 a.m. on Friday sth March si (I. Nos. 48-9. No further survey will be
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    • 712 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES |r-jrT(-SP^_?;l To Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said. 23 1 Marseilles from Singapore. I AxVGKOR 12,000 tons Mar. ip I PORTHOS 19,000 tons Mar. 24 I I FROM PENANG ONLY. M AZAY LE RIDEAU !»LOOO tons Mar. \^A«Kf% m\} L OUTWARD MAILS.: \j lP V? ft t I To Saigon,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 543 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 646 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations^ Steamers. Arr. Dept. j London, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Intwerp, Bremen, via Colombo, Aden port Sudan and Port Said. Alps Maru Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Durban, Cape Town, Santos, Rio, Montevideo and Buenos Aires via t Hawaii Maru Apr. 14 Apr. 16 m bo and Bombay.
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    • 412 13 S-EUOBIP UNE Round-the World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, lienoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore in
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    • 648 13 KAWASAKI— ROOSEVELT UNE I'M GENERAL AGENTB:— V Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., J 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. I (Incorporated in U.S.A.) I REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO I BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA and j (via Suez) I For rates and other particulars apply: GUTHRIE CO LTD I Agents: Singapore and Penaag
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    • 106 14 Possible Members of British Team Do Well. London, Feb. 20. A good omen for British golf prospectswas the match in which several possible members of the Walker Cup team played, at West Hill, against Oxford University, whom they defeated by 17 matches to one. The
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    • 30 14 INTERNATIONAL ICE-HOCKEY TOURNEY. England Beaten in Fourth Round. London, Feb. 21. Paris. In the fourth round of the international ice hockey tournament France beat England by 4 yroals to 2.
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    • 61 14 OjK-nim: Matches at Chi*u iek. London, Feb. 20. The match between the Civil Service ami tho Army was played on the Civil Service's new £30,000 ground at Chiswick. which was opened to-day by the Duke of York. The Rugger match in which the Navy bent the
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    • 143 14 PRaaaMfl of Principal Matches. London. Feb. 2t». Results of the principal match I played to-day under Rugby Union rules are as follows: -lath London Welsh 19, Blaekheath 7. Crnnhridni 'Var. 14. Biist(»l 21. London Scottish A. Glonwrtar o. Llanelly 11. L ieester ft, Cardiff 1 Old Mer.
      143 words
    • 37 14 T a vu mm London. Feb. 22. In the Northern Union Cup re-play Bradford bant Keiphley by 9 i>oints to 4 at Headin^rley. In Lea.ue matrh Halifax beat Leigh by l'.» pointi to 6,
      37 words
    • 113 14 London, Feb. 15. Tho Noithefn Union cup draw for the >oiond round, to he played on the l2Tth «>f this month is a.s follows: Ijeeds vs. Wi^an. Oldhnm vs. Rochdale. Swintoa vs. Broughton. Koijrhley or Bradford vs Hull Kingston. St. Helens vs. Hull. Barrow vs. Halifax.
      113 words
    • 74 14 228 Feet (lea red at Oslo. London. Feb. 21. Oslo.— In a ski-ing match neur Cjovik several standing jumps of extraordinary length were made by two competitors, covering as much as 22H feet. It is noted that in Revelstoke. British Columbia, which is stated to be the
      74 words
    • 48 14 London, Feb. 22. Melbiurne. Tho Australian cyclist. Hu!>ert Opperman, covered ttn miles in i) minutes AO seconds, motor-paced. It is stated that he has reduced the world's record by 2A 2-5 seconds. Opp< rman's speed on one lap was 65 miles per hour.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 116 14 1 Q^ ___J (fc____)l I CM ?ML I iDIAnDNO&JEWELLERV HOUSE MOS22 NORTH BRIDGE RQAO i SINGAPORE iTuEPHCNE 2193 1 i f hy Arp—m^fnl John Haig **\mW THE FATHER OF ALL SCOTCH WHISKIES 5 i.l j f^"\ _J f ffrT^-S-i MARK INCH Vt THK AMJLO-SIAM CORPORATION. LTD. "^^-b^^. m m mm
      116 words
    • 134 14 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ONE PRICE ONLY Goldsmiths and Diamond Merchants No. 622, North Bridge Road, Singapore. We begr to inform the Public that our business has been established for many years, and has been awarded medals for the display of Jewellery, etc., etc., at the Maiaya-Borneo Exhibition. Our business has now
      134 words
    • 247 14 BS— W— ■_~MMM-W'---_-M-"~~"^~~~~~~~^^^^^^^~_ I *__'^^g^_^--^S^S^----^^7^~*"^~~"^__^ ==^syi_^_j^s"* M Ti^ t0q q i>a r i st- A_p_L_gJt_L If -__i?-~"-"^--^j_W2^ f. f i jy ______n__________3__i—i ik i■■ i-j-^-^joi-^^ j_ui_____-!__r-i]D~jrr^"" L-BTU. H __^ll>? r ?'^9__9li_____B^___M^el T~^"s__; ———fff'Tffifc^'lKf'rTlM W M ßUt rfy^aL _ftk_^l _ttf '_Mz_CLiljmH _dr>flß _I_T^^__H^ _<M^B^^T^^^ __H m ■»»i '_w «H--^ mf-^% _C*.*^
      247 words

  • 686 15 MACPIIAIL AND CO. LTD S WEEKLY REPORT. The price „f gS. 2 ttrZ^'t tX^ rs»£Z the eon,modity. tSTSS^L*? the^a^ train n f aa i- a pi Ic< o1 tin shows a f ?r S ,d and u further increase is ooked for m the near future. Share
    686 words
  • 39 15 Singapore. Mar. 'A, 12 noon. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Spot 59% 90 V 4 March 9JM% 90 U April-June 88% 89%; July-Sept. BBtt 88%. London Quotation Sheet 2s. sd. Market v i) n
    39 words
  • 67 15 March 3. Hank 4 m.s. 4 11.32 Bank demand 2 3 31-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2 4 U> New York, demand 56i" Credits 90 days 5 8 i^ France, demand 1490 India. T.T. 153 jfeagkoa* demand 2» 4 p.c.Prein. Yokohama, demand 123>* Java, demand 140<j H Bangkok, demand
    67 words
  • 213 15 March 3. Tin 100 Teas $143.7.'> (Jam bier |j rjy Pepper White 6 500 Pepper Black 5100 Flake Tapioca 625 Pearl Sago Small 875 Copra 12.'00 Copra Sundried 12 30 Opium, Benares unt. 4.000 Rice, Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 330 Rice, Siam old No. 1 3,j0
    213 words
  • 185 15 MACPHAIL CO.. LTDS REPORT Singapore, Mar. 3. Rubber. —Local 00. Tin.— London £284 io* od. Local 143* (KiO tons sold). Rubbers. --Shares are easier. Jeram Kuantans are quoted 1.52 1 1.57 H and Ulu Bennta at "2 75. Connemaras have buyers at 2.50 cum and Nyalas at 11-80. Mentakabs have
    185 words
  • 182 15 Batang Padang Tin i 80 Hitam Tin 1.45 1.50 e.d. Johan Tin 57' ■j 62 tt Kamunting SA* 67s M Kuchai Prefs. <$1) 1.60 1.66 Kuchai Ords. ($1 1 .52 1.51 '•• Malayan Coolferfel (10) 87.50 38.50 Murai Tin 2.30 2.50 N. Taiping 77' 2 82 i
    182 words
  • 34 15 It seems ironical that we should have to advertise the fact that within the Empire there are possibilities which the great mass of our people have never dreamed of. Mr. J. H. Thomas, M.P.
    34 words
  • 130 15 RUBBER AUCTION. YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 749th. auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 1,124,688 lbs.; 502.09 tons. Offered 715,324 lbs; 319.34 tons. Sold 573.338 lbs.; 255.95 tons. Spot London 2 s. sd. New York .56 cents PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked
    130 words
  • 340 15 r R 4 Singapore. Mar. 2. Both sections ot the share market have a^ain experienced a dull period during the past week The price ()f Tjn ha& jg^ lurther advance and the commodity market appeals rim,. There has been good enjquiry tor sterling issues, Renong?, Chen[Uenangs. Kampongs
    340 words
  • 282 15  - ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. L. R. Macphail Singapore. Mar. 8. Rubber.— 2s 4%d. Up Local oil 1 Tin.— £284 10s. Down 25. Sellers of Rulber shares have again come forward and quotations alter being marked up all round are easier. .Mining shares continue steady and Industrials and Loans are wanted
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  • 18 15 Manual instruction can do much to restore the sense of the dignity of labour. Mr. C. L. Bryant.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1410 15 Assets over $5,500,000. t ir l AMmraiice in force over $19,000,000. f THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LBDTED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) s^_s_sSt3_ft_ asu. c r oN oFFic k E L om J E C mrmmmm the Supreme Ckwirt of England, and complies with the British Life 4s«uraTiee ATTRACTIVE
      1,410 words
    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter A. D. 1780). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO.. LH CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A CORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      40 words

  • 1664 16 THE END IN SIGHT. Conclusion of the Evidence. The evidence in the Moslem libel case, which has been occupying the attention of Mr. Justice Deane for ten days in the Supi erne Court, came to a conclusion before the lunch adjournment yesterday, and the afternoon was taken
    1,664 words
  • 163 16 London, Feb. 19. The authorship of an article in an evening newspaper lifting the veil on the Liberal Land Conference, which rumour attiibuteel to Major Horc-Bolisha, M.P., resulted to-day in a sensational scene at the, closing session of the Conference. Major Hore-Belisha was advancing to
    163 words
    • 300 16 Handicaps for Friday. The following are the handicaps for the first day of the Selangor Turf Club Sky Race Meeting, to be held on Friday: Race 1. Ponies, Class D. (Five Furlongs): Gloaming 11.12, The Kitti 11.9, Lenador 11, Jane 10.12, Neverwasa 10. Id, Gipsy Girl 9.7.
      300 words
    • 260 16 Experiment af Empress Place. White line* form rikinhn lanes or nnfety zones on the extreme left of the road. No parking is allowed bl these Inneo. Tht- centra of t hi- rood is icaerved f.. rare aod trains. Crou traffic crosses between Baffles Statue ani} Anderson Bridge where
      260 words
    • 163 16 I'm a poor old rikisha coolie The mainstay of the mob, The Police say I'm unruly, That I do not know my job. .lust look how very weary Life would be in Orchard Road, If I always jalan-ed "kiri" 'Stead of right across the road. If
      163 words
  • 40 16 If the requests reeeived from listeners to broadcast birthday greetings to their children are any indication, 2LO (London) and ")XX (Daventry) are the most popular stations. More than 1,000 birthday wishes are sent out each week by these two stations.
    40 words
  • 283 16 Th- following were disqualified for failing to ket p to the correct route: Nos. 8,16, 21. Ab. The following failed to complete the crnran: Nos. 7. IS, 14. 18, 40, 41. 44, 46, 47. m. The following did not >tart: Nos. 1. 10, j i.>. 22. SS, SO,
    283 words
  • 211 16 TANGLIN CLUB TENNIS TOU RNAMENT. Yesterday's Result*. Dyne (up. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. scr. bent Mrs. Sa!/.niann and L<ggatt. phi- 2. 7 5, <"» Mr*. Redley Steven- and /.saiter, scr. beat Miss L. Hutchison nnd Stephenson, >cr., 4, »>— 4. Cullen (up. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall, am* A heat Mr.
    211 words
  • 158 16 Anent the Article of Feb. 2A, the Cinchona tree lfl important as th? source of Peruvian hark, from which are extracted the valuahle drugs quinine, cinchonidlne, etc The tree used to he cut down to obtain the bark and there was danger- of its extinction until its
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  • 14 16 Saturday. 6th.— Wireless Class, Headquarters, 4.30 p.m.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 157 16 WHEN YOU SAY j 4 THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY' YOU MEAN j STEINWAY. I i I S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hon^konp). RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE, i Sole Agents. j All the tuortd over there are tiuo points of vtetu the man's and the woman's- But their
      157 words