The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1926. NO. 11,734.
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  • 320 1 Ah a result of the threatened enquiry into the alleged connection of the Maharajah of Indore with the abduction of Mi ml az Begum, the ruler has abdicated Page 9. British Radio and Rcutcr cables setting forth tlu> views cf various men and nations on the sub'c?t
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  • 1173 1 It was at breakfast one morning I hat Baibara made the fateful announcement. "I am going to keep bees," she raid. "Why lees?" 1 asked. "Because 1 low honey," she replied. (There is always something: liapk SMI straightforward about Barbara's answers, though they often have far less connection
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 THE IKTTER BUTTER Raffles Hotel No: 2920. SAKKIES KKOI'HfiRS. Proprietors. EXTRAORDINARY NEW ATTRACTION. THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL CHARACTERISTIC RUSSIAN DANCERS MISS LADOVA AND YOURY YOTTRLO The above dancers will appear at Raftles Hotel ON THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Admission, Non-Diners $1. GRILL ROOM. A. PEATE, I nder the supervision of an Manager,
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    • 276 1 *Afiss%7ir/o looks after the Ucnnis3rocka, YOUR tennis frocks will give you doubU "service** if you let Kurlo wash them. Whether they are soft linen, crisp muslin, or dainty voile wash them all with Kurlo. Kurlo washes without shrinking. The Kurlo way is safe and simple. Obtainable from all Grocers, Chandlers
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    • 154 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Capstan clgawttee P*&e i<». Small ads and notiies on Page 4. Kloster lH*er, Katz Bros. Page 7. Cold Storage bottled milk Pape S. The Pavilion prognuMHW Pape 2. Latest shipping «>n pagei W\ 12 and IS. N*. .1. whisky, CaldUck, MacgtegOf and Co. Pajre Robinson's make a tpeeial
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 97 1 THE WEEK. Monday, Mar. Iff, Hi K h Water. IIJII a.m. St. David's Day Dinner. Atlelphi Hotel. The Quaints. Victoria Theatre, !>.:*" p.m. T >>> s<?ti y. 'liul. Hitfh Water, o.ll* a.m., (>.:'. ]>.m. Children's Aid Society Mtft\, Govt. House, 10 30 Girl Guides Rally. Govt. Hemse, LSO p.m. The
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  • 507 2 W. Gilt* it. a Director of Btion'i !<.i i- not happy one. at it;;-: not in Malaya The ofleial who holds thai exalted title under the SJB. and F..M.S. Governments could tio< haw i>t«n ■ware •1" this, else ho would never have caused to he publislied a circular which
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  • 62 2 On Feb isth at the Netherlands Legation, Bangkok, the German Minister. Dr. R. Aftmis, Meompaafed l»y Dr. H. Bekner, S u-isiry of Legation, handed ,ver to Mr H W. Riibcr, th< Nethwhmdi Minister in the name of the President of tho Reich, a basket with an inscription, in ro--'-nt,,n «f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 297 2 COMBS. COMBS. MEDICAL HALL, LTD. have pleasure in announcing the arrival of a very fine selection of the famous "ACE** Combs. 1 hey comprise Pocket, Men's, Dressing and Robbed Hair Combs. Prices range from 50 cents to $2.50 II DIFFERENT PATTERNS. MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. COMMRNCTNG— TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT
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    • 397 2 PAVILION From .Monday, Ist to Sunday, 7th March. At 9.15 p.m. sharp. LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. RICHARD BARTHELMESS IN 'THE SEVENTH DAY" d REELS. Here are seven eventful days in a little fishing village. A party of society roysterera are stranded there Jazzhounds and cocktail coquettes Just lor fun one of
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    • 368 2 TO-NIGHT TOAiT^^ AT THE u M',Ht AJLHAMBRA (Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd. Proprietor^ i In the Second Show at 9 p.m. THE SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SCREEN Cecil B. De Mille's Masterpiece, a Wonder Pfcramou] With an Exceptional Cast: Theodore Roberts, Leatrice Joy, Richard Dix. Nita Naldi Estelle Taylor, Charles
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  • 1161 3 PRISONERS ACQUITTED. An important appeal of great interest to the Malay community was argued by Mr. fc. L. Talma, on Wednesday morning, in the Johore Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice James McCabe Ktay, on behalf of Mohamed Din bin Sahad, Wahab bin Mohamed Sah, Awang bin AH,
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  • 154 3 Although the I'.S. Constitution is svnppatid to be taught in Amoiean schools, the mftnod it prescribes for the ekction of President appears to be still unknown to some of the pupils. In a general knowledge paper recently set at the Knoxville High Scfool, one question asked what
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 336 3 The Joy of Life. ildren love a romp with I The children take it too Half Motto She is always SO jelly and the quantity that Mother takes is ml could eliase thtin all enough for them. Knisehen Salts hout ever getting tired. elear Ihe body of all impurities, "thai
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    • 95 3 1 TQP m v BRITISH 'i TIMKEN Tapered Roller Bearings. I Most Efficient Readily Adjustable. Every Roller Gauged Accurately to within One-Twelvethousandth of an inch. J 1^ v< Sole Distributing Agents:— Malayan Motors Agents in FMS. SINGAPORE. Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD.: Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca. WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED, Proprietors.
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    • 100 3 7 1 AMAZING GROWTH ;l > OF (To Nov.) J i025 is Visualized Below Hollow-Wire" is backej by no elaborate 1923 Jp and costly advertising campaign. It has met, challenged and displaced sc >ves of J» lamps and lighting systems anted with no celling argument other thas its own 192*2
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  • 2895 4  - - DIXON KAVE BY CHAPTER 111 (Contd.) ':r <i^>ubt in the possession of Rawdon WestcHffe, Cora's brother," Burnev «m- e»v Once more he rang up Morton Hall and obtained the information from the nooseJW*P«I Thai the key of the vault was in *>* pouetgj «of Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 81 4 The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in celebrating its 225th anniversary this year. From the survey for the month of January we learn that the Rev. W. C. Gemmill, who has been working in Japan for thirty years, proposes, on his retirement, to live in
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    • 759 4 NOTICES. BANASAN SYNDICATE, LIMITED. (In Liquidation). The Creditors of the above-named Company are requested on or before the 15th day of March, 1926 to send their names and addresses and particulars of their debts or claims to S. H. Moss, Chartered Accountant, Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore, the Liquidator of the
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    • 1021 4 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 1049 of 1923. In the matter of Kulsom binte Haji Ahmed (ra.w.) and Ahmina Beebee (f) added by Order of Court dated the 20th. September, 1,921. in O. S. No. 97 of 1924 Plaint ff and M.
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  • 1028 5 Y. W. C. A. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Yoemg Wo- men's Christian Association was hci<i at their Town Centre, B, Raffles Quay, on Fliday ai>.i..<->n. Lady Guill -<v. m the (hair. In hei remark*, I idy Guillemard .-aid that the annual meeting was of special interest, reviewing
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  • 436 5 A" Word for Hearers. What is true definition «»f musical per* son? Tlii* <juestion, which was dealt with from the theoretical and psychological .points of view by Mr. Dilston Radclyife in a lecture before the Eugenics Education Society at the Educational Conference at University College. r?e
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  • 370 5 In ion With Ncm*Mmlmm Mill V>a:ined. onstautinople. Marriage and betrothal an- carefully regulated under the new Turkish civil code, which ii about to be put bafOfftl ti.L- Assembly for passage into law *»n bloc. Though the basis taken lias }*'en the Swiss < <>de, a number of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 486 5 THE NATIONAL SHOE STORE, G. AMBER MANSIONS TELEPHONE 232, ORCHARD ROAD. tmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiammotTniiimiiiiiniiinimniinu:rnmii»inn»m ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF NEW STYLES IN LOTUS, DELTA, ARGOSY, and NATIONAL SHOES For L/adieS There are brocades in silver and jrold, white velvet calf, and the new sunburn kid in several shades, oak kid and coloured <uedes.
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  • 383 6 American Born 91 Years Ago Still Living. Salem, Mass, Feb. 10. An aged Civil War veteran whose home is in this city is one of the very ftw Americans of his generation whose birthplace was in the Philippine Islands. Almost blind but otherwise in good health, Ceferino
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  • 212 6 Prisoners Attempt to Escape. Hongkong, Feb. 20. A cable received from our Shanghai correspondent gives brief details of a sensational attempt made by about one hundred Chinese prisoners to escape from the French Municipal Gaol in Shanghai, resulting in the police firing, killing five and wounding eleven.
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  • 141 6 Denunciation of Fenj; Yu Hsiang. Marshal Wu iVi Fu on Feb. .">th issued a circular tlllgnM urjfinu 1 the menace of Bolshevism. He dsttossjeed Marshal Fen^ Yu Hsiuni: f«.r beintf in secret alliance with the Bolsheviks and for encourajonp Communist activities in China. Marshal
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  • 108 6 Amercian Institution Victim of Rumour. Shanghai. Feb. 12. Turbulent scenes develo^d at the busiest corner of Nanking and S/.echuen Roads occasioned by a run on the American Oriental Banking Corporation, started by a rumour, branded by officials as false, that a ChMgktaf draft of ten thousand
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  • 158 6 Mi. K. S. O'Meara, newly Appointed en transfer from South Africa to the oAec of Canadian Trade Commissioner at Singapore, announces a change of H— dqnftori for the area from this centre to Batavia, Java, with effect fro« March Ist. next. The new address is «riven as
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  • 28 6 Lord and Lady Lee of Farehnm, wh have been the quests of the Chief Secretary and Lady Maxwell at Carcosa, left on Thursday for Government House, Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 238 6 (By courtesy of the Nanyo NithiNichi Shimbunsha). Tokio, Feb. 2.">. The Diet has passed the Government's Budget. Tarty Discipline. It is stated that the Seiyu-Hontoh has decided to exclude Mr. K. Umeda from the Party in connection with the alleged agitation for demolition of the Party. It is
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  • 226 6 .Manchester. Jan. 1. Vet another imp irtant discovery has been made by Dr. Minima, Kteper of Manuscripts at the John Rylands Library. The latest discovery will be of prvat interest to lowrs of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, for in the Rylands Arabic manuscript. No.
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  • 158 6 It is up to motorists t<> avail themselves of the extra nail ipoea made for them by the police on Orchard Road. The police are succeeding in keeping slow traffic on the extreme left and to make stationary vehicles occui.y as littlv road space as possible. If drivers will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 684 6 YOU CANNOT BUY THESE GOODS ELSEWHERE Whiteaway f s Standard Value Lines represent the utmost value in everyday usable articles. They j cannot be purchased elsewhere. THE "HARDWEAR" COTTON THE "HOMEO" ABSORBENT THE PERFECTO" STEEI SOCKS «0 cts. WOOL 30 cts. pkt. ITLERY $6.50 do/. THE 'KANT-RUST SOCK THE -IMPERIAI/'
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    • 215 6 It is simply wonderful how the mouth is rejuvenated when the teeth are cleans with Odol! It feels the body does after a bath IDEAL GREEN WATKRPR<m M CANVAS MINDS. First class Materials ami Workmanship. Particular- U^m MOHAMKD BIX HOOSAJKBAI, 33 A, Robinson R. Phone Xo. 24"4. THE SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERY
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  • 1064 7 VARYING VIEWS. VISCOUNT GREY COUNSELS SILENCE. [British Radio Official Service]. Kugby. Feb. 27. Viscount Grey, foimer Foreign Secretary, made a contribution to the subject yesterday in a speech at Newcastle. He said that it was psang to spoil the result of the Locarno Agreement if the question
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  • 106 7 [British Radio -Official Service..] Rugby, Feb. 26. It is generally accepted thai ths.- Board of Trade is favourable to fcha e: for ;i central national h"4m stu.lio it BHtthfe/? There is n<» difficulty St is undent > >'.:t the capital required, which i £300,000. It iff proposed that
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  • 68 7 [British Radio- -Official Service]. tmsfcjr, Kb. 26. The newspapers anticipate that the October meeting of the Imperial Conference will afford an opportunity for more than the usually comprehensive Entpin stocktaking. It is stated that one of many subjects that wili c >me under review will be that
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  • 46 7 COMMUNISTS AGAINST MANDATES. [Beuter'l Service.] Paris, |>b. 2ti. Despite Painleve's opposition the Chanv ber by 'li\\ votes to 24<! adopted a Socialist amendment reducing the credits for Syria ;ui<l Morocco by a milii«»n francs, with a view to terminating the operations riv.«« as so«»n as possible.
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  • 46 7 [Renter's Service.] Paris, Feb. 2ti. The Chamber customs rommittee has appioved of the (invcinnunt proposal for temporarily increasing the customs duties <»n the minimum tariff by thirty per cent, with the object of counteracting the effect of the depreciated currency and protecting Fiench producers.
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  • 83 7 [Renter's Service.] (o|H'nhaKcn. Feb. 2<». The Danish Lieutenants Botved and Herschered leave on March |5 in two Fokkvr aeroplanes to fly to Tokio, via (Jermany. Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Persia. Siani. Indo-China and China. Buenos Aires, Feb. 28. At a public ceremony on March oth Franco .presents to
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  • 37 7 TReuter's Service] The aUffaW, rVI>. 26. Contrary to expectations, Dr. Limtarg has informed the Queen that he is unable tc form a non-parliamentarian Cabinet and ha? requested Her Majesty to relieve him of the task.
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  • 84 7 In a reference to the Esher family concerning: their love of animals, a writer in the "Weekly .Dispatch" says: The Ranee of Sarawak, Lady Esher's daughter, had a pet python out in Sarawak. R used to show its affection for the Rajah by twining round hid arm and squeezing it.
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  • 335 7 ELECTRICITY BILL. WIDE SCOPE AND POWERS. I British Kadio Official Service!. Rugby, Feb. 26. The introduction in Parliament of the Government's electricity bill may be later than was at first anticipated. Investigations to ensure the smooth working of the echeme have not yet been completed but it
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  • 147 7 [British Radio Official Service.) Rugby. Feb. 26. Colonel the Master tf Semphill has arrived in Athens to undertake the task, it hi stated, of reorganising the (ireek air] force. He is well-known not only as a pilot but als > as an aircraft expert. Recently in extremeh bad
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  • 99 7 [Reuter's Service.] Bom buy, Feb. 26. The Municipal rporation has unanimously resolved on demanding the immediate appointment <»f an independent body to enquire into the financial and technical aspects of the Back Bay reclamation scheme, and the liability of those responsible for the position of affairs
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  • 147 7 [Heater*! Service.] Riga, Feb. 27. The Bolshevists are apparently in nov.ise discouraged by the failure A the attempts to provoke revolutions in (Jermany, Bulgaria and Bsthonia, rrrnrding to Zinovieff, addressing the sixth congress >f the Communist International at Moscow, when he said that although the situation in
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  • 39 7 [Reuter's Service.] Amsterdam, Feb. 27. The Boeton has arrived with the fire definitely extinguished, but the extent £>f the damage to the cargo is n>t ytt ascertained. The vessel does not appear to be badly damaged.
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  • 878 7 THE FINAL RACE. (iol<U n Girl Trophy. Seven seconds proved to be the difference between the winner and the runner-up of this splendid trophv given by Mr. C. Boden and the recipient, Mr. Crowe, helmsman of the Puteh, was heartily applauded when he leceived fh* tup from the hands
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  • 85 7 During the week ending February 20th. a total of 207 deaths occurred in Singapore. One of these was a European, one a Eurasian. 164 were Chinese, 11) Malays, and 17 Indians. Pneumonia accounted for 33 deaths, phthisis for 24. malaria 18, convulsions lp, dystntery 12, and heri-beri 9. Twelve persons
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 432 7 BUSINESS CARDS. > i MA.RY SETON. E. AMBER MANSIONS. Orchard Road. J t '\t-nse Send for the Illustrated .italogue of Musical Instruments. SEASON CO.. LTD. 11 and 113. North Bridge Road. I t »«e>»j><HHl ►vOOoo^^^oowm ORIALS, MARBLE OR GRANITE SINGAPORE CASKET CO. MONUMENTAL MASONS." TELEPHONE 75. JARS FOR HIRE. Great
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    • 213 7 KLOSTER BEER LION HEAD BRAND THE WORLD'S BEST. SmM^~l Lffi Sat pw due* •^•rma^ w lr\ B^P^^Ba*--^^—^_ r duc g r Germ>n< r^aaaaay^aaai Obtainable at all dealers or at KATZ BROS., LTD. Sole Agents AUCTION SALE*. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. The Undersigned have been instructed to sell by Public Auction at an
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  • 665 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1926. Week End Comment. The Canton Government has definitely espoused the cause «>i" the customs an against the strikers committee in the matter of levying duties on foreign merchandise. They object to the strikers reducing the income received from the customs. Hut the telegram
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  • 486 8 A Renter'! telegram announc s tat death of C;i] 'ta n Edward VPinthrop, ex-harbour master ..f Hongkong. At tli. present moment theie arc almost :;.t mi overseas students in the University <•! F.<>ri(i<>n. layi home paper. We understand Mr. IV <;. Stirling, of Messrs. Sime, Darby and Ltd., rVmmc, i>
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  • 94 8 SELAN(;OR MINE ACCIDENT I From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 28. A fatal mine disaster took place at Ampanjf on Friday, due to the explosion of a compressed air bottle. The anjfine was being tried by Mr. Paterson, the engineer of the East Asiatic Company, of Johore.
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  • 49 8 A committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association will \kheld on Monday, March Hth, in the Singapore Exchange Boon at p.m. The agenda includes: Traffic control. Town Improvement Bill, Kstates Act 1925, to receive and consider nominations and ballot, for vacancy on the Municipal Commission.
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  • 609 8 Notts in circulation OB February Ist. ■■HHHrtwid to $ir»M,f>l 14)18. The total guarantor fund is |1t1,5€8,101 t of which *11«'. 721,934 is in liquid form. H.H. the Sultan of IVrak, accompanied by his A.D.C.. visited t h«- Police Depot, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday morning, and addressed the Mala)
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  • 197 8 CLEARING IT COMPLETg, 1 Hest Managed and M, M i n r stjn Pavilion." (From Our Own Com .nt In response to an enquin thsN •as anything furthes repaid to the work of clean.-. iheH^J Section at Wembley. Mr who sails for Malaya I):vanha. wrote as follow,
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  • 260 8 Ye>terd;»\ "v K U n. Although the er.triei thi w v rt sliffhtty loss than second reliability uial f I which was held yesterday way as great a raccem. The was generally slightly moi time, l>ut the ahssncii «'t" sni ran the day bafaw made the
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  • 150 8 LITIGATION OVER SHARK WKAI.THV BSTATE. In the Supreme Court on Saturda) Chief Justice. Sir William Uuriao*, ad vered judgment in the action it 1 wi. i Chew Hoc N«e nod kk raJ left nd dfflaration that tho ihare I W Bpßf in tin- •state of Chae Van
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  • 99 8 Brilliant as ever in its red all the helpe to reference in the maps ami town plans and tab* n i MCtIoBS, Ihc Singapore and Mala I>in?c tory for li»2f> reaches u> from M<' and Xoavf. Sonic little tpect gmiaed by condensation and using ->' .< but
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 173 8 "77//; CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" MW^K i>. y ti 1 1 4 l^B "^J Ca^bcck, Macgrcgor £f Go., Ltd. V -i FOll MORNING Jj OR EVENING— 1 A MOST REFRESHING DRINK IS -^fira BOTTLED J^KL^H^-'^HB IMNTS 20 c-ts. -^^_^^^M^JIZ^^M i Special Offer of SPRATT'S DOG #m K v4 *^i T^^
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    • 110 8 Parf urns de Luxe COTY i| J: Chypre Origan f m Rose Jacqueminot j£ Paris J j; Emeraude ;jj EAU DE COTY to be had from all dealers l a i Dupire Brothers. VAVAV.W.VAV.'.W.VASV.SVL /s v cz-brymay^ < /jEEEfIBm AtrZZtl- t T •>» &i \I, &MW **2i \+t r "JHIf
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    • 67 9 Renter's Service.] P.erlin. Feb. 28. Ais commemorated over the trmany aa a day of .nourning Pad. Hindenburg and the Ciovernjoint manifesto declaring rman people cannot be de«iroyed y remain united and loyal. jj on (io ernment and public „t half-mast, rheatres and Mi* tn were closed. ices «ie
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    • 67 9 d Service.] H...mkon«r. Feb. 28. n of Red syirp.-ithi^ers a protest against the Cusi >ins sing the Port of Canton. incident although Mem* I 11 Government, leaders of -t boycott and various nd mercantile bodies <!»•- -t >mmissionei 's action. nerally ire pleased. All rad< is esumed.
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    • 62 9 ft 's S iee. j Sen >«.rk. I Vh. 2S. !\vli ral st" has begun here R Law and public II shortly be made. blished, but it is capital «'f the Trust will x ee 125.000,000. provide credit! t<< land banks, public utilities liahed industries Un periods
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  • 43 9 [Heater's Service.! Madrid. 1-Vb. 2ft. organised by the -u«- of Nations Society, Count ired that Spain'? d»--irv for ouncil of the tha- fiiilu* i question ai to the i it y wi old allow be a membei of the
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  • 36 9 [Re i Servk Paris, Feu, 2*. >. nate adopted, 21, the < ntire Finance Hill, rns {u a, bar. the pi \i. i-'tial credits ;un three milliard ich was n t(( the I; leel
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  • 29 9 VIVE LA FRANCE Service.] ised the financial 1 l: n speech referred Government had in 1 n< i taxation and hardens. catastrophe and f ranee u >uld overcome her
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  • 33 9 Lnavaa Service.] Beirut, IV l>. 2s. n«r about rebellion! '«v. failed entirely. The «tinue the offensive started the slopes of Hermen, irbere 111 »>y thre, column*, scattered suffered beavj
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  • 92 9 Detroit, FVI>. wilkins, tr,,. Australian air. were guest* of ht riven b, Mr. Henry ro, Alaska t,,-day 'tepartun of an aerial ex. »ttempl to cross the »1~ to discover land. l|:i :i and commercial airStU;^- in Alaska, Captain north by train to Fair- •■■;j>-"«. *here he •ril] -take*t
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    • 204 9 ECONOMY VIA POSTPONEMENT. (British Radio— Official Service]. Rugby, Feb. 27. The Navy estimates for the new financial year are issued. The net total is £58,100, Ct.O sterling. This is a reduction of £2,400. 100 below the estimates for the current year. The estimates provide for carrying on the
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    • 137 9 [ReuterV Se n Ice. I l.nndon. \\h. 2(i. l h»- increase <>t a penny per gallon in the I price of petrol, costing users about U.roo.Ono sterling, is attributed to the advance in thr world market price in America. Meantime there is a probability of Russia becoming
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  • 67 9 I Reut4 r i Service J London. I The engineering and allied employers natii nal federation have decided to post lock-out notices on March .">th, operative on March 13th, in all federal «i establishments in consequence .of the strike of a section of London engineers and labour
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  • 99 9 New York, I •■*•!>. 27. Mr*. Fegjo Hull Kinley, a newspaper war correspondent, despite the fact that she v.;'- hoi n in Kat:-;i< and is the descendant of four generations of Americans, must leave the United States by May l>t. because he immigration law excludes American w».men
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  • 176 9 As 1 approached the booking OBBCe »f the Tube Station yesterday an elderly gentleman of foreign appearance in a tall hat and fur coat tendered a shilling to the clerk. As he did so he *aid: "One Colder Green.** When the little green ticket had jumped <»ut
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  • 56 9 Sun-hath? for treating high blood pressure Is the idea >f Professor C. I. Reed of Baylor University. In experiments on animals under anae.-rnej:ics. powerful Kfjhi rays were diiected upon the network of blood vessels fating the eyes and upon the lining of the mouth, and arterial blood pressure was reduced
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  • 303 9 NO ENQUIRY. MAHARAJAH ABDICATES: SON SUCCEEDS. [Router's Service.] Bombay, Feb. 27. The Maharajah of Indore has abdicated in favour of his son and the Government of India has accepted his abdication. Delhi, Feb. 27. An official statement with regard to the abdication of the Maharajah of Indore
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  • 232 9 I Reul <r i Service. J Delhi. IVb. 2«i. A most brilliant and impressive state precession psmtnl through tht- streets of Jammu, at the coronation of Maharajah Man Singh. Thousands if spectators wi re enchanted \>y th<- magnificent display of colour, wherein void predominated. Hari Singh was
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  • 129 9 ReuterV Bet vice. Honukonu, 'Vh. 27. The Independent Government at Canton lias issued a proclamation t<> the effect thai the Chinese Maritime Customs arc thr only authority for tht> eollection «»f duties to the Chinese Government. The public, thert If<>n.\ are a.<ko<J to note that there- is
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  • 62 9 [Renter's Service. J Paris. Feb. 27. The Chinese Minister and other Chinese officials saw off Mis.- Soume Teheng at the station for China via Marseilles. Miss Tehenc, who is fervent protagonist of the League of Nations, proposes to reorganise the girls' sehot Is m China on international
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  • 27 9 Altornative radio prnjjramines are necessary so that M gTOVaaffS M will be satisfied by having two things to "grouse" about instead of one. Captain P. P. Eckersley.
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    • 92 9 (Free Press Exclusive Cable. Copyright). London Feb. 27. A decision which it is suggested in many quarters was over hasty and savours of American boxing methods was given by Mr. Douglas (J. \V. H. T. Douglas, the Essex and England cricketci, who won
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    • 34 9 NBGBO DEFEATS HARKY iIKKH [Reuters Service.] New York, Feb. 27. Tiger Flowers, who is a ne^ro church deacon, won the world's middleweight championship by beating Harry Greb on points over fifteen rounds.
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    • 37 9 (Free Press Exclusive (able.— Copyright Lond.n. Feb. 27. The Oxford and Cambridge University trews have been continuing practice on the Thames for the Boat Race on March 27. The Oxford crew is progressing strongly.
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    • 48 9 ilrc Press Exclusive Cahle.— Copyright). l.«»nd..i. Feb. 21. In th<. annual betoase match Oxford Vniversity defeated Cambridge University 17 8. This was the eighteenth match between the Universities, the series having been started in \w\. Oxford have won ten of the matches and Cambridge tight
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    • 23 9 .;■'-.•<• {•-.•>• Exclusive Cable. Copyright.) i I ondon Feb. 27. In the Army Racqueti <i(.ui»lt-s tho Coldfttrcam Guar4a defeated the Kind's Royal Rifles.
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    • 36 9 [Stater** gtnriet.] liultimorr. Fob. 28. hartea H..ff. thfe Xoipegi— athlete who WM I'M'M'iitcd to Pn<idt'nt Cootidgc at Um Whit«- House, has ••>tal>lish«'<l a new world's record f<-r in<<<M>i- pole-vaultiait, clearing l'{ ft •> k ins.
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  • 276 9 Pile I nited Services wound up the .-easmi on Ki!«i:t> }>> defeating the Singapore Volunteer Corps at Tanglia by «oal> t<-> in a fast and intcivstir.K punt, which VU niurh appreciated by the larye numU'r of spectators. During the first halt tin- Santos pisssiiil sjaat of the time,
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  • 55 9 HOCK EY. The following will represent the Y.M.C.A. versus Sergeants' Men, Royal Sussex Regiment, this afternoon <>n the Y.M.C.A. ground at Telok Ayer: K. H. Pennefather; C. A. Pennefataer, R. Lyne; F. Albuqiaerqne, I). W. Dale. T. Damtu'.nruni: M. Catchatoor, C. D. Smith, H. G. Stark (Captain), E. T. Brett
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  • 48 9 SINGAPORE AND SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Orders for week ending March 7th. Monday, |f«reh 1. Officers ami Patrol Ltaders meeting. Headquarters, 5.15 p.m. Tuesday, 2nd. Ambulance and Signalling Classes, Headquarters, 5.15 p. in. Wednesday, 3rd. Band Practice, Headquarters, 5.30 p.m. Saturday, 6th.— Wireless Class. Headquarters, 4.30 p.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 554 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR UNEs. (Incorporatid in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVIi Ks PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIG \TION m LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVK B. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Governn nt) OUTWARDS FROM LONDON! HOMEW \ui, s For China and Japan. For Marseilles. 1
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  • 501 11 ECHO OF RICE SHORTAGE. Agreeing with the Official Assignee (Mr. E. E. Colman) that he was formerly a wealthy man, a twakow owner named Yew Ah Leng- was publicly examined in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday. He said his liabilities, unsecured, amounted to $29,000, and, in addition he
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  • 122 11 At a meeting <>f the Par<»chial Church Council held on ll*th Jan. it was unanimously decided that the Archdeacon should engage another priest for the Cathedral staff. There used to bf three priests at the Cathedral in 1911 and the work has certainly grown no less since
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  • 82 11 Programme of Drills up to and for Mar. 7 Tuesday, Mar. 2 (.IS p.m. Drill Hall S.R.A. (v). Wednesday, tod r ).l."> p.m. Drill Hall M. 6. Platoon. Thursday. 4th 5.18 p.m. Drill Hall Motor Cycle Platoon. Friday, sth S.lf p.m. Drill Hall Al. (i. Platoon. Brass
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  • 28 11 Peking, Feb. 16. Tt'K-prams from Hankow report that the Keveiend Mr. Nelson, of the Lutheran Mission, was accidentally killed at Hsinyanpc how on February K.
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  • 93 11 Dr. Lim Boon Seng, 0.8.E., president of Amoy University, returns to Ainoy by the Takada to-day. Mr. F. T. Kinder, Senior Executive En pineer, Penang, who is going Home on leave, will probably bt leaving by the P. and O. Khiva on March 28. Mr. G. ll olden, his successor,
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  • 77 11 Professor Fraeundlich, head of the German Expedition to Sumatra, is arriving: in Singapore on Monday. It has been arranged for the Professor to give a lecture at the Y.M.C.A. at 9 o'clock on Monday night, to which all are cordially invited. The subject of the lecture
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 249 11 f Vr» The World Famous Italian J I BIANCHI CARS I The car that has been selected by the Royal family of 5 '< Italy for over 30 years. Each car built to order, 4 5 wheel brakes, balloon tyres, overhead valves, ad- -I •I jus table shock absorbers etc.,
      249 words
    • 251 11 ■m i <^ i '"I 1 1 fly —jy I tfl nu clW^ Electrify your Th. Zone of Refrigerator— then forget it KELVIN ATION ou can have a col< refrigerator without I giving a moment's thought to bothersome Kelvinator maintain* j ce j ust j nsta n Kelvinator Electric cold
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  • 247 12 The T.S.S. Sarpedon is due here this afternoon, or 10-niorrow morning. Mr. Thomas Drewry, for 35 years in tha service of the P. and O. Line, and for 14 years assistant superintendent and manager of their works at the Royal Albert Docks, left gross estate of the value
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  • 266 12 THE CASE OF THE CO NUS. The following is a copy of the letter tj the Secretary of the Imperial Merchant Seivice Guild regarding the rescission of the sentence passed on Captain Ljum: Mercantile Marine Department. Board of Trade, Great Smith Street, London, S.W. 1. Sir.— With reference to your
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 413 12 S Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. r monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 t0n5) MALABAR (4*512 tons.) MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming: bath, gymnasium, etc.
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    • 85 12 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. (Incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures. OUTWARDS HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Due Singapore. OLDENBURG Mar. 14 SAARLAND Apr. 6 HOMEWARDS For GENOA, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBCRG. v BEMLAND Mar. IK MUNSTERLAND Apr. 7 OLDENBUBG Ist. half May Limited Accommodation for I passengers, x Loads foi
      85 words
    • 649 12 SINGAPORE-NEW YORK SERVICE OF THE NEDERLAND STEAMSHIP COMPANY, "ROTTERDAM I I OTiy HOLLAND AMERICA LINE. ANI) Sailings on fixed dates via Suez to New York and Boston. t s.s. VEENDYK ,iu,. t s.s. SITOEBONDO l u^ s.s. ENGGANO ,j U( May Cargo is also accepted to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and to
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 712 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. i BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembingr and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Fr^ay 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah g a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota
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    • 435 12 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Per Morea:— Mr. A. J. Aitken, Mr. R. Addison. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Bailey, Mr. H. R. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. O. Bridges, Mr. C. J. W. Bullen Smith. Mr. R. J. Bennett Macdonald, Mr. A. B. Baker. Mr. B. Beach, Dr. rnd Mrs. W.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 589 13 i O. S. K. Line. Destinations. Steamers. Arr. Dept. i:<.t!erdani, Hamburg:, lltwerPi Brvmen, via Colombo, Aden i.lan and Port Said. Alps Maru Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Durban. Cape Town, Santos, Rio, ,i<li(> and Buenos Aires via t Hawaii Maru Apr. 14 Apr 16 and Bombay. f Vancouver Maru FeU 27
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    • 421 13 r SZS4MSBIF LINE Round-the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore
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    • 406 13 GENERAL AGB^T A S^- ASAKI ROOSEVEIT LINE Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE s.s. NORFOLK MARU m.s. SILVERCEDAR dUO In port Fo rMtesandotherparticalBrBapi)ly: GijTHRI^ CQ^ Amenta:— Sinfapore and Pmii|. All ...formation, supplying o f
      406 words

  • 974 14 THE PROPOSED FREE STATE COrNAGE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Belfast, Jan. 27. The decision of the Southern Government to create a new coinapt for the Free State has little to recommend it and n>t a little tc discourage such a departure. While gold coins and treasury notes
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  • 372 14 -MANY CASES STonu O y ER [xty-twf chn l[( trial by &m 5u,,,,,,, „U l, Maich. but w!u-n I were fixed on F,i«!,. thai hud to be ttood il! nambei of available tri pr T by the Cad that th, I taring the week after next andti y
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  • 120 14 The presentation of ii< x of Ireland to the National Must i recnlla the- ted that the Great S •and is one >>f thi- now perquif may still fall to member of G nun.. 1 r whan a aew leal old on« become* the
    120 words
  • 88 14 Sir K. Marshall Hall to lU-U m! London. Jaa. h A- the re»ul( <«f an Appeal i Chinese of liverpool and rthei Knuland and the PUN tf Eui America an. l China. Sir Hall. K.C., and Mr. John Grao bci-n briefed t defend I. *fc tuso<i
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  • 39 14 Mr. It Boyd, Aasistant ft operative Societies, S.S.. PenaßJt. business vis't to Singapore. He return to rVnang Monday. Mr. s. c. Coloroh, I H Assistant Accountant, P. and meat, P.M.S., is compiling ;> Ma Desk Directory which is being month.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1357 14 NOTICES. Pontianak Gold Dredging Concessions, Ltd. (Incorporated in Singapore under The Companies Ordinance, 1928). Capital $2,000,000 r Divided into 2.000,000 shares of $1 each. Notice is hereby given that the above-named Company is issuing a Prospectus, dated Feb. 17th, 1U26, a copy of which has been filed with the Registrar
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    • 458 14 Vendor or his nominees of 1,025,000 shares in the Company credited as fully paid up and the payment of $225,000 in cash in four instalments payable in April, June, Septeniper and December, 1926. The agreement provides that the 500,000 of the Vendor's shares to be allotted to him on or
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  • 57 15 February 27. Bu.k 4 ni>. B;1 "k d»»aad t !J'f. >'rivate credit, I m.s. \vw York, aomand J. L Tt Cr-Hi Sli! Franca, demand t India, T.T. Vjo H,n^on r oeamna p c pJJ Yokohama, demand i.,, 7/ J«va .1,r,:,n,. tfangkok, demand nut- sih.-r Undoa M ITS ■aak of
    57 words
  • 206 15 Pebnuiry 87 Tia 126 T.,,.. Gambler Pepper BUek Pearl Ba«a S«al] J^ Copra Snndrivd j-jg O'luit:. Beaarn ant 4Ma Rice. I.inn P Rj B Chan Msrk 400 tad Bade (New) o, ft Kice, Siam old P i J," Rle.. JUa M *>„ Hi, tiin JJ Rlee. SU« Broken No.
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  • 35 15 Siaampam, ivi,. n t n. ;l m bing;apore SUndard Ribbed Si >hi-,i Spot H4 M' March >.;>■ m Apnl-June K3 v;>, .i s p s London Quotation Sheet 2s J '-.i Steady.
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  • 276 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT L. il. MacpliaiJ I. Sinnaport'. l\i> >7 KuhlH-r.-i's id. Down Id. Local Ki I in. £282 K'v. p L >.- The market ia quiet all round, Rubber •ftarea have enquima a1 t»u lower levels There are no reaturea of Intareai in the Mining Bection. Industrial* and
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  • 754 15 GOOD RUMKBB BUTBB& (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 28. Although rubber last week fell to 2s. K id.. the lowest since May. and then this week dropped to 2s. Btfcd, no one is particularly perturbed. Onlj th« speculator is ■offering and there is still food buying of
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  • 507 15 PRODUCTION, Messrs. K. A. Harbour Limited have issued the following: Malaya. The Government jrive no figure jsj to what standard production actually Is, i but reliable authorities place it at 28.1, 000 (tons; we ur of -i.init.n the average <•%*•: the whole year will approximate this Afure.
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  • 179 15 Saturtfayffl \Herati«e«. Jj nan T*n 57 M Kuchai Ords. ($1 l.;,0 1 N. Taipinir 7r» M. F^iiKit Kali! (S > 1 In Uentakabi ;-j I". v Scudaii <-.'o;>» g.50 l'.~o B HUI i "'>> C,_>i, Mexican Earfe ($10) iSa \*ji\ ];>s 3d I Shell Transport 1.11.0 L14.3
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1218 15 \sseta over $5,500,000. TU' 1 ruvurr v crrr-nuT i »r,n AggoMiice in force over $19,000,000. THii GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE House Singapore. LONDON OFVWV- <k> t ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF ASSURANCE. AGENTS WANTED SCCreUry Man «P»8 Diwctor Actuary G KNOi HORACE W. RAPEK.
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    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated In England by Eoyal Charter A. D. 1720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bond* Singap<~* Renresertan'v -Messrs. HARLOW C<\ Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO.. Li CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manaeer.
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  • 278 16 IKKLAND WIN AT EDINBURGH. Scditary Try in Last Minute. [Reuter's Service.] Ireland 3 pts: Scotland 0. London, Feb. 27. In fine weather 40.000 spectators saw Ireland defeat Scotland at Edinburgh, on a pround heavy after morning rain, by 3 points to nil. Then- were many thrills dill tag
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  • 326 16 HAMILTON WICKEfI ABBENT. L Router's Service.] England 11 pts: France t. London. Feb. 27. England beat France at Twickenham by 11 points to nil. Tht weather was <lul! but the jr round was in splendid condition. His Majesty the King was present, and there were 40JM»0 spectators.
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  • 76 16 CAMBRIDGE VICTORY OVER THE NAVY. (Free Press Exclusive Cable. Copyright). I^ondcvn, Feb. 27. Cambridge University had a fairly easy victory over the Royal Navy by 16 points to 2. There was a line struggle at Richmond, where the London Club entertained Bristol, an interesting jrame resulting in
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  • 30 16 HUNDRED MILES AN HOUR. (Free Press Exclusive Cable.— Copyright.) London Feb. 27. At Montlhery the British motor-cyclist, Major Temple, covered 50 miles in 28 minutes 32VL» seconds
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  • 307 16 READING DEFEAT PLYMOUTH. [Reuter's Service.] London. Feb. 27. The following are the results of to-day's English and Scottish League matches: Division I. Birmingham t, Aston Villa 1. Blackburn R. 3. Bolton W. 0. Bury li Notts County 1. Cardiff Cily 9, Arsenal 0. Kverton 1. Burnley Boddtrsfteld T.
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  • 223 16 IRELAND BEATEN AT IRROX PARK. <. M.I.AriiKK'S HAT THICK. London, Feb. 27. Scotlaad beat Inland at Ibrox Park today by 4 goall t<> nil. The weather wa> HIW but alter rain in the niornintr the uiound was very heavy. There were 25,000 < spectators. After tairteea aiimrtei play Gattacher, the
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  • 77 16 [Reuter's Service.] New York. Feb. 27. In the indoor doubles Tilden and Richards defeated Lac >ste and Brujrnon 4 6, 6 2, B—lo. 0-1. 7—.-). New York, Feb. 28. In tl)e third singles of the FrancoAimrican team contest, Lacoste beat Richards B—l, 6—l, 6—3. New York, Feb. 28.
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  • 30 16 FReuter's Service.! Monte Carlo, Feb. 28. Miss Helen Wills defeated Senorita E. de Alvarez in the final of the Ladies Singles Lawn Tennis Tournament 6—2, 6 3.
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    • 400 16 Fine Innings by Charlesworth. The match between the S.C.C. and the Lanka Union on the Padanj? on Saturday produced cricket of a one-sided character, the Club winning with plenty to spare. Battinp first the S.C.C. scored 151 for the loss of only, four wickets, Vyvyan wisely
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    • 224 16 The follow in«r were the scores in the match bit wool th. S.K.C and the Polieo, played on the Padaag OS Saturday: S.K.I N. Anttonisi C MacKcnna h WhitU-y '2* E. Ci;ilJst:in c Hainilt«»n \> Ma<K«nn:i U P. G. Schar ■••titfuiwl v and b WhitU-y T>
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    • 156 16 A particularly poor game resulted from the meHing of these two teams on Saturday afternoon on the Telok Ayer ground. The Association won the toss and elected to bat. and a lamentable exhibition of lack of enterprise ensued Seven overs did the openinir Club bowlers sent
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  • 36 16 The S.C.C. and the S.R.C. meet on the B.C.C ground this afternoon at J» o'clock. The following: is the S.C.C. team: Barnes; Sinclair, Wallich; Craik. Lee, Edlin; Lambert, Cunningham, R. Smith, Bovens and Dr. Thompson.
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  • 446 16 SATURDAY'S RECORD CROWD. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 27. The last day of the Selangor races attracted a record crowd, those present including: H. H. the Sultan of Perak, Sir George and Lady Maxwell, and the Resident, the hon'ble Mr. H. W. Thomson, and Mrs. Thomson.
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  • 152 16 LINCOLNSHIRE AND NATIONAL r wor rites. (FVm l'n-ss Exclusivt- Cable. Copy right). London. Feb. 27. (Oram. >ne of tin- mtril French hors»>> -the others include Brumain Ptolemy II ■ttd Aethelstan. who an.' amonjr the top weiphts— is still favourite, with Lustucru for th<* Lincolnshire Riiritifap. to l>e run at
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  • 132 16 aptain's |»Hzo. This competition was concluded on Sunday and resulted in a win for Mr. H. Straetz, who returned a net eclectic score of Si. The following completed cards were returned: H. Straetz 70, u M J. S. Brooke s."> is G7 A. C. Jatk 7G s
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 387 16 I WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED NEW STOCKS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, INCLUDING JAZZ BANDS, MANDOLINES VIOLINS, BOWS, JAZZ FLUTES, GET YOURS TO-DAY. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong). RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. •^wAV.v^s■.v.^v.^^v%•*v.v.v.■^v.^^.v■.•w^.•.•-%v.^ %%w v. v •C^ T^i'fil ■ff'^ffJJ a perfect |»lo^^oalS'l rnixed Cocktail but whe ji l^oitoo««'^>'»v oiff J
      387 words