The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 August 1925

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press I, NTS. SINGAPORE. S.S., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1925. NO. *****.
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  • 238 1 An indignation meeting m Hongkong resolved to table the Premier Mitral for the adjustment of man\ matters m anton Page X. Mr. (hurchiH is conferring with M. (aillaiix on the subject ot war debt* but no official statement has been madias yet Page 8. Important developments m
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  • 1806 1 DRLIGHTPI I RXPBRIBN4 B. rVom the time .1 upetied, I watdi«<. with imi> )i intere t the workings of the it Popularity < ampalgii which was run bj Free Pirn, I ■canned with longins. li< beautiful i.V. of priSN otTVred ami often pictured invM-if the pi«>ud
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 WALLOW ft AMELIAS •iKRNUT BISCUITS Raffles Hotel. Telephone No 2980 TUESDAY, THURSDAY SATURDAY Dinner Dance. MONDAY FRIDAY The Dansant. LEVINE HOPKINS DANCE BAND. BSAKKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. LEON. H. YAYMEX. Manager. Manufacturers of Aerated Waters, Syrups, Squashes, Cordials and Culinary Essences of the highest quality. Renowned throughout Malaya, Siam and the
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    • 123 1 "Kurlo Soap Wafers. Absolutely pure and free from any deleterious ingredients. Unsurpassed for washing woollens, huts, silks etc. "Kurlo" will not injure or harden the most delicate fabric. T > y —^^^Z-^^ii^Fjf/ v\l Kurlo'' {/J^ C %v >» shampoo >^ Manufactured by: WILLIAM GOSSAGE SONS LIMITED. Widne?, England. Singapore Depot:
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    • 157 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Alhambra programme Page 2. Latest shipping on pagei 10, il' and 13. Goodyear tyre-, Borneo Motorn Page 4. Brass name plates. C. A. and Co.— Page S. Pigeons and riet birds at Cold Storage Pape Overland cars, Cycle and Carriage <■«'• Pajjt* '•>. Wntod watt i, Kramrof
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 109 1 THE WEEK. if.- Mtft. Higfe Water, 2.8 a.m.. Ut p.m. Blut> Funnel homeward frail l.ay. Polo: Barnes Cups. iiiifti m./. 2 fa. Rich Water, SJ a.m., l.fl p.m. I\ and <). homeward mail eloaes. Mischa Levitaki, Vie. Theatre, t.9t i>.m. Friday, .*>>'. Hi* Wa£r, U m.. IJ p.m. P. and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 314 2 Victoria Theatre. CELEBRITY TOURS Mr. A Strok presents MISCHA~LEVITZKI The Famous Concert Pianist ONE RECITAL ONLY. Thursday August 27th at 9.30 Seats $4, $2, $1. Booking at LITTLE S Y«»u dtstr\o the best! Come to. "SURINA" THEATRE, TONIGHT North Bridge Road Telephone No. 2Si«. SOMETHING NEW! SOMETHING DIFFERENT 2 SOMETHING
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    • 280 2 ALHAMBRA From Wednesday, 2fith to Monday, Msf The Famoill !»;>!)>• Star Baby Peggy In Her Latest and N«wa* Pletwra, i LJnivenaJ i The Darling of New York A flipping drama with moments that will intensity and MnaaUonal Intcn lii <> Raali Supported b) A SM'LE— A— MINUTE METRO COMEOI ISPEED
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  • 1186 3 THE BRITISH COLONY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ha a vi.:. Aug. 21. C. A. I>ji lo;st«>n, late partner m *iie firm of Ross Tavlor and Jo. Ltd., ari ved at Taodjong rrirk on 18th. Aujrust per the Melchior Treub and continued his j-uimy the same day to Semaran^.
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  • 41 3 We have j?ot to buy our bread froi.i -vo) seas ms profitable commercial transaction m th c markets of the whole worhl; Tree trailers, protectionists, socialists, m lividualists, inflationists, deflationists, h."l 'tetter make up their minds fco that. M Winston Churchill.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 288 3 H B r\ F. m th.v thousands of M 9o you know b b hae h r S constitutions ii undermined, it nor ruined, by having milk from Tubercular cows > pH How is a mother to know that her baby \A is safe from this risk.— Better not to
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    • 156 3 N v Cold Storage ICE CREAM is made from pure cream m a spotless factory where every utensil is steam-sterilised daily. Buy it of any of the distributors mentioned below. Sold m bricks wrapped m paraffined paper and enclosed m a dust and dirt-proof carton. Larger quantities obtainable for evenings,
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  • 444 4 SAFETY GLIDE FOR MOTORISTS. London, July 23. The daily tale of accidents due to the driving of careless or inexperienced motorists about half of which, it has been calculated, occur at corners and cross-roads emphasizes the necessity for a new offside rule of the road, the adoption
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  • 427 4 Whenever racist Matteii m considered. the qutstion arises as to whether the fuel, pofftllarly but incorrectly ealTed 'Vlope, I**1 ■book] be allowed, and the successes <>f this mixture m the recent Motorcycle T. T. races recall earlier discussions. There have always bet*n numbers of perMMM
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 102 4 IS YOUR CAR RAINPROOF? THE STUDEBAKER DUPLEX PHAETON Can be Converted m 30 Seconds from an Open to a Closed Car. Let Malayan Motors Demonstrate to you. Proprietors WEARNE BROS. LTD. THE NEW MODEL 11/22 H.P. j r- w %m HAS FOUR DOORS THIS FEATURE WILL STILL FURTHER ENHANCE THE
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    • 168 4 A M.I:. for &tm. con utive hours this is the remark a hie achikx LIEUT COL. MRS STEWART HUNG I r~ t Rudge-Whitworih [Four Valve FourSpfiPrf ON THE MONTHLER 1 TR\(K NBAS rutis I 21 Worii's Records WERE CAPTURED IN THE EXECUTION OF THIS REMARKABLE PERFORM ANCK PRICF QLAQ'Z COMPLETE
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  • 322 5 v M < t«» Motorists. about the manners implying that i..- Sou ii Sea Isy the schoolboy: beastly." But ists? I would rather dodge bicycle, having suf- reckless daring of mi two whe< Is who 1 'liiii..- regardless of ordinary courwho rides gaily aionjr, 1 i^ <>r the
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  • 348 5 Trench Scientific Research. So .-oncern^d has Paris bec»i>! •> over the physical titness of all drivers of public hire vehicles that it has decided to put them all through a nerve test. Those who fail w.ll be prohibited to drive m tba city. A laboratory for th tests
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  • 1078 5 ROITTES, ROADS AM) SCENERY. Where to tour on the Continent, is question that is being constantly debated at this season. Mary wishing 10 visit new scenery and roads will be thinking of new lands. •Why nnt^ t Austria for a change? Austria as a whole is recovering,
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  • 158 5 Shanghai Chinese's Iluge Bicycle Theft*. A Chinese who is alleged to have stolen bicycles m Shanghai was charged at the Mixed Court there with the larceny of six. The police evidence was that accused was arrested on a despatch warrant issued three weeks ago m Tsungming*
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  • 53 5 SINGAPORE A UTOMOBILE CLUB. The Presentation of Prizes for the m*ent Reliability Trial, will 'o nia«ic at a mevtin^r m tkt Exchange Room <>n Monday, I t instant, at I o'dtdi pjm, when the recent "trir.l" xv ill \>r tlisru^sed. At the eoMtntton of tho «li eus ion i\u> Prizes
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  • 27 5 Sidecar SWIM r* In N neri'-a lit It 1' wing tho cxampl' 1 <f m M r< l>y fitting biunporbars at the ro; >f t' eir outfr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 240 5 t ROJAN (BRI- /^^V-^ Hi Four seat- m f s rROJANbIue: r^^J^^^ 5 of complete <^^^r ;l 375 or with tic tyres $1,425. The demand for this car has increased to such a tremendous that the LEYLAND factory are working continuously day and night to cope with Rapidly taking the
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    • 212 5 ODhige-cTeu'eit Chain *t>ri^e with Slutomatic C i^MIGE and Jewett motor cars are thoroughly studied m their design and construction. Many motor cars use a simple chain which requires frequent adjustment or renewal. Others use gears which are noisy. Paig.cJewett engineers use the endless link belt chain with automatic take-up. The
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  • 1159 6 /I PRINCI HENRY AM) ROYAL hk;h BCBOOL. (From Oor Own CtrivsptaiMt.) KdinburKh, .lul> 2*». Prinec Hciuy has niadt' tht* ac<iuairitan«<' of K({inl»uruh, Scotland's ancii'iit capital. Hi received Urn honour of vit izenship. hut th<real rt'asdii «>f his visit was th«* opmif of a recreation vir<"Jn<l and pavilion for
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  • 11 6 Mi B C. St H < M I fc Guim I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1353 6 A good opportunity for sound and profitable investment m land and house properties not to be missed by enterprising capitalists. ESTATE OF SHAIK ABOOBAKAR BIN MOHAMED LAJAM, DECEASED. REMINDER Important Four Day's Auction Sale of Very Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Singapore Town Business Premises, Residential and Country Properties. at Messrs
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    • 964 6 63- Valuable land and the shophouse premises No. 9 Hokien Street, comprised m Statutory Land Grant No. *****, area 1180 square feet, monthly rent $110. 64. Valuable 999 years leasehold land and the shophouse premises Nos. 58 A 58-1. 58-2, 59, 60 and 61 .Dcunlop Street, area 3,167 square feet,
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  • 921 7 A NEW GOVERNOR, BUT AN OLD FRIEND. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Jesselton, Aug. IS. The new Governor of North Borneo, Mr. A. Pearson. CJf.G., ami Mrs. Pearson are doe m Jesselton week. It is just three y< an since Mr. Pearson, aftei twentyfour yeais m the Chartered
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  • 497 7 THE OPIUM QUESTION. Since last writing on this question of Government control of the sale of opiui h step apains t which I mentioned m my notes, petitions have been sent hy opium vorlors praying for the deferment of ;>..• tion, or |f cancellation is imperatively necessary, the
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  • 201 7 (By courtesy oi thf Xanyo NichiXichi Shimbunsha.) French Liner's Troublo m Kobe. TsUss Aim. -3. The afessaserieg Maritimes linc-i- P". Lecat, was detained m Kobe for disinfection It i< alleged that a Chinese ol tin i-u-w of the steamer is suffering from cholera. The Seiyi'kai Parties. The- question
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  • 229 7 PROGRAMME OF SKY I r 8.1 i; i;.., To be held ;H |»asir Phnuie Rare Course i:.. Kind Pfcratiasioii ..f HIB HIGHNESS SIB IBSAHIH lI'.K. 5.1VM..1. (l sri.i w 01 JOMNU Sundax. 2(Mh September. divided handkai tot 14a and under. TheentHen will N i m hates,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 284 7 BUSINESS CARDS. r-<s I -^Bassw^v I J 'lease > ;< n 1 for the Illustrated !f»f(i# 'if Musical Instruments. iSON CO.. LTD. US, North Bridge Road. j i- ■•<■ •"> U- <C 3-& &n fl. fl. \RS FOR HIRE. I Reduction m Rates THE MOTOR CAR CO. >v (>9-b, Bukit
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    • 667 7 NOTICES. SINGAPORE CRICKET CMJ& NOTICE. THE \N\* GENERAL MEETING of the Members of the Singapore Cricket Club will be held m the Club Pavilion on Friday, the "Bth Augw t, 1926, at 5.18 p.m. BUSINEBS. ifl receive snd sd it the Annual Report d \< ,nta for th* year ended
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    • 96 7 FAMOUS WASH HEALS SKIN D.D.D. Prescription, the greatest of skin remedies will remore tboss •kin afflictions that have made your life a burden. That intolerable itching, burning and diacomfori will disappear uniier the magic of this remedy. It bas cured many cases pronounced incurable and will reach your case The
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    • 434 7 NOIICEh. KBAMAT IM LAI UmTBD. Information has been received from tho Lond .ii Mbse a> follows: '•Declared a dividend of one shilling lest m come tax J-l'. payable m London 7th. I September, i!»25." Local shareholders will be paid thrir dividends on arrival of the list from Kn^rland. BERNARD W,
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    • 342 7 1 NOTICES. HUHiCIPAL NOTICB. Raahara iaad batwaaa Victoria Btrrel J North Ifmlirr Read will t)a«lc from L'lth m>t. unti! further I for the purpose „f hi] K r if Order. w HABSB M UMUip;i| Si •< Office, Wafpata, 2\\h. Au>:ii i M I MUNKIIVMJTY OF SINGAPORE. < l aims
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 26 7 MISCELLANEOUS. Stenographic and typewritinp work undertaken by experifncid men :it moderate chaTp. N'ent work and Prompt execution. Please write Box. No. 220 care of Fr»>r> Press.
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    • 29 8 MRS. F. STORCH. At Kuala LwMpur on the 23rd August. li'L'."). of heart failure. Mother of Messrs. David antl Isidore Sti-reh. Mr<. B. Etlin an.i Mrs. J. Frankel.
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    • 52 8 Messrs. Tan Kheng Tin, Tan Kkeng Sunn, lan Thoh Ta\ an<l family bt'^r It mpresi thcii tJKinks and f^ratitttdc to thoso fri«inl> and relat:vt'> who >«> kindly -«.-ri t letters of condolence, telegrams, wreaths and Ctrfttese ierolls aiirf who attended the funeral of their late father Mr. Tan HottSj
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  • 428 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY,AUGUST26, 1925. Mr. Pountney's Prize Packet. In this advanced age many children have come to look upon the "prize packet" with distrust, opening the silver paper with more than half a fear that it hides some catch. Here we will not do more than mention the public
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  • 344 8 The heavier the excise duties on articles of common use the greater the incentive to smuggling, and the Xi eater the cost of preventing it. This is a point which has to be cons dered m the light of the policy of jfbolishing the sale of opium
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  • 354 8 Mr. and Mrs. \Y. H. Tate are on a visit t<» Ipoh. and arc the *rut.<'s of the Hon'ble the British Resident and Mrs. Fan-. We are asked, sayi t ht* Malay Mail, t i«»r.t radii t the rumour tiuit Sir Georg;j Sfftxweli contemplates retirement m No.--c mber. Ifr, E
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  • 75 8 PREMIER CABLED. ULTIMATUM TO CANTON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong. Auk. 2"». A public indignation meeting passed :i resolution to cable Mr. Baldwin t<> dcli\ r an ultimatum to Canton, itateil <atiton aan open Treaty port, expel tlu Ihlttlat, disarm and disband the Whampoa Cadeta, and
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  • 45 8 (From Our Own Corre^poiult-ii:. i Tenant, Auir. 2"». At tlu- (iovcrnim'iu Banruita 1 Co-oper-ative Thrift and \a)hu Bociety aanual j.u'etiiiK, Mr. ThreUall proeidißc, th. report and accounts \w\ v passed; Mi. Thn ft was re-elected PrtaMtSi and Mi. P. I Vi< t-Pivsidcnt.
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  • 44 8 (From Our Own CoCTSSpondei I IVnanir. Aim. An K\t raoidinary meeting of Menglembu Lode Tin Mining, Mr. Duxbury i passed a resolution that' of the 600,000 shnree of the Company, 160,000 l eomulative part i ins Prefer and 460,000 Ordinary than
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  • 36 8 (From Our Own Corresi ndent.) Penani:. \im. Tin- PiDang GaaetU unden ba Mr. Ponntney vrill probabh bt t«. mccttd Mi < M Cleatenti Becretary, Oj on, when the la Honukon^r as Governor m January.
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  • 513 8 Another Co-operative Societj ii rod inir formed under th. ityle of "the < hi Coh iati\. s. iv'ty. United.** Mr. R. Wilson, who arrived ben from Penaug on Monday by tht itnismiii h«.h has Joined the Bm <'f Datteuberi end Talma. Gaaette Extraordinary limied yritirdaj appoints tht- hon'ble Mr. Hayi-
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  • 115 8 NO STATKMf KKKNTH pftßM V| Fh> >>M (lt I ••<» M Call iui far Rout.-.-. „,i tWt t n 'thing di-tinit.- wma i ye of thr V M linoimimi::. V t l at thtf ', Mf M. Caillaw Kunch ftahail) v\ \i-it.-d finaiu i« r Churchill :it th«
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  • 53 8 I'.irl I Tlii pr-.uiami,. «rhn v plii\ m ti.-inorrt.w m^ht uil by 1 1 Ku^ue. I miIMM, i (Jlu 0| 17, Tarl II (< hu,,ml .'u< i v Km Q I Ktude. <;. Plat (Had k Walt/ a. Flat Op. M, v Part 111 I i. i iain«
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  • 120 8 Mala) Hi ideirriMnn Kun* \mol Newe hae bet tdj ;it Sunf r m \\u- Teml I ric m the Mini' hi- injury to tin. It a| peai Mat Yatim. vai neji k and a i bride'n i. i Kunana. Oa Iwjsdaj ■<■ mm domestic trout Prom
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  • 45 8 1,. 1.1 Ilir ll The mcovi < „!<! boy from i ea Bunda] bd I I muned Urn Bali X the Second vlll< tui murdi p.,,, sn Bnnday, Tar, Tech 8 U H us lam ii, the bathi No. 4 TWj i bimselC I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 "THE CONNOISSEUR COMhS TO CALMiECK'S" v^S %^aw ■^^M 'SP@V /':^t yy \^]J u^fß ?i^^™' < zip '^^LM "m^ W^^. APPOINT MfNTXr j^** W^ CALDBECK MACGREGOR Ca., Ltd. (Incorporated m Shanghai.) We have Just Received a small P Shipment of 3EONS 3E BIRDS. Singapore COLD STORAGE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m the
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    • 39 8 Parf urns de Luxe GOTY Chypre Origan ;J m Rose Jacqueminot I; Paris "P \l Emeraude \l 1 EAU DE COTY 5 s < to be had froir. all dealers Dupirc Brothers. VAVAPAVA'AWAVAVAVAVA Sole Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. MALAYA.
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    • 60 9 ;rN ro RATin CONVENTIOH. I It.. r*i Service.] Geaeva, Aug. 21. I drug ■i- one of the of discussion ai the Committee <>n Opium, and elected Sir Malcolm m and the German proelmino vice-chairman. The delegate, Mr. Chu, i notions, r;iu-"<l no hit- < 'hinese withdi awa m
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    • 48 9 Service. I mla. \utr- 25. hi >'f Bombay mill tared that the cot- he abolished unreasons, but (iov!t- abolition when permitted, sted anti-dumping vici roj adimpiessed by the yarding Japa- the mill owners I charge of dump- j and Ag ne>. He ion t xamined,
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    • 21 9 EGYPTI N COTTON. rvice. I Cairo, Aug. 24. offil iali\ esti- i ins, compared with a r.<it of .lie -akeiprainsi R72.
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    • 36 9 S rvice.] Berlin, Aug. 2.V idor has handed h reply to the The date of fixed. Political hancellor Wirth'a f the < Vndiitapprova] of rting the Tariff dead of a small In<i- lent i entrists.
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    • 102 9 [Brf v < rvice.] I'ari*. Autr. 24. War announces thai noes Druse region. i but i< regularly Madrid. Aug. 21. inique claim- that the is was silenced by I the war- hip Alfon-' Imits that owing toj munication with rupted through the 1 >■)•• to gauge the'
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    • 43 9 I Il; rvice.] I I ...m10,,. Aug. IS. I Place of MajorI ford, urandson of the 1 the age of 86 years. I years m the Indian I ''"ring the Indian Ifu- ely wounded and >e- traye ««i for the vc
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    • 20 9 r II; Service.] Mussels. Aug. 25. "<'i from motor i-Senai X X th< I)utt h Soc°»onial expert.
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    • 15 9 ''•'N-n.lont writ*, m the t i- orais amy. An»on Circuit, ham r,, v Sabak Bernam
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  • 114 9 AMERICAN TRIBUTES. THE ADMIRALS MBBBAGB. [Router's Service.] Wellington, Aug. 24. Admiral Coonts, m a farewell message t.. the people of New Zealand, says: "We vfew^our parting with feelings of sadness. In the hort spj.t,. o f two weeks the various detachments of the fleet have grown
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  • 27 9 [Heuter's Service.! Kockford, Illinois. Aug. 25. Seven negro soldiers of the Bth. Infantry R< giment were killed when ;t howitzer 1 uts' during practice.
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  • 197 9 [Renter's Service. 1 Melbourne. Aim. 24. Ths Federal Cabinet held a special meetinn to consider the difficult situation arising from the a rile of British seamen and subsequently issued a proclamation declaring that a serious industrial disturbance e\U;s. This empowers the Federal Government to deal with those
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  • 117 9 [Renter's Service]. New Haven, Aug. 24. The Federal Court has ordered the release of the steamer Blairmore I on the ground that the seizure was illegal, because it was made outside the twelve-mile limit. The cargo of choice liquors was also released. Mone. Alaska. Aug. 24. On the
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  • 68 9 Duesseldorf. Aug. 25. The French evacuation is completed. London, Aug. 25. The British Government has now accepted the invitation of the Chinese Government to attend i Tariffs Conference on Oct. <» h«-r 28rd. London, Aug. 25. 1 iv* <U-ath hag occurred of the octogenarian actress. Rose Edouin. who toured
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  • 138 9 The Asahi's Aeroplanes Achieve the Moscow Flight. 1 1)\ courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio. A*g. 24. The Asahi Shimbun's two aeroplanes, which left Tokio on July 25. have arrived at Moscow via Siberia en route to London. Nations Congress. The Japanese Government have appointed Viscount ishii,
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  • 1310 9 CLIENTS UNSUCCESSFUL CLAIM. Alleged l>rea:!i of Duty. In th< Supreme Court yesterday morning Mr. Justice Deane had }>efore him the unusual case of a solicitor being sued by his client. The plaint. tf m the action was JMrs Mildred Edith d'Almeida, who brought an action for alleged
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  • 252 9 Action taken at meeting of Cosamittei No 7. Supported the recommendation of Com* mitts* No. 8 for the extension of gas mains along Upper Seraagoon Road to Pays i i bar Village and Joo Chiat Road and H;«ig Road. Provisionally approved expenditure of J ;.50.«',C<> for the erection
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  • 190 9 The report of the Government Monopolies Department for 1924 states that 2,568 chests of opium were cooked at the Factory (2,7fi2 last year) yielding '2,707,102 tahils of chandu. The gross cash receipts were $14,114,308. The reduction m sales is undoubtedly due to the increased prevalence
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  • 36 9 The death is announced of Mrs. F. Storch. from heart failtfre. She was the mother of -Messrs. David and, Isidore Storch, Mrs. B. Etlin and Mrs. J. Frankel. The funeral will take place at Singapore. M.M.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 208 9 The "Hartmann" Wardrobe Trunk Gibraltarized. THE THK "HARTMANN. Y^^ HAKTMANN \MO*S*m*\ (AKIN SI/I-:. tA* HAKTMANN Gibraltarized "Wai DFn"V^" If 1 I:a tari/( <1 "(a drobe*' size trunk 4V I reinforced round I I i /i 1 Ktructed mi exHctiy edjrc construction, I V -^X I II th same principle Cushion
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 490 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAI UNI (Incorporated m England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CAKGO BCt\ PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STKAM NAVH mv LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SKK (Under Contract with HU Majeaty'i I OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. MI F"r China and Japan. \l:i r .si-ilk<. Due Tonnage. Singapore. KARMALA 9,100 Aug.
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  • 1472 11 I, TIMES" KKVIVEI). iK< < Correspondent.) I ondon. July 'MX eld "ii Wednesday m n by the President and -■>< iation of British v.< I- ciany distinguished the guests being the Guillemard and Lady as served during the being arranged all i though they did not, i
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  • 52 11 The famous Commercial or Perrs Inn at Cawood, near Selby, where Cardinal Wolsey was arrested for high treason, was on July 29th sold by public auction. The house has been tenanted by tin- Warrington family for 150 years. It was sold to John Smith's tadcaster Breweries, 1/d.,
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  • 25 11 I would prefer that British boys should pel their .ideas of America from reading penny dreadfuls about Redskins than from f^ms. Professor S. E. Morrison.
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  • 428 11 'Very Prevalent m Calcutta." According to the last annual report of the Excise Department illicit traffic m cocaine is very prevalent m Calcutta. The habit, too, shows undoubted signs of becoming popular m Dacca, particularly among some of the old Mohammedan families, and reports of its use
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  • 20 11 Th hope of tin- vrorfcer to-day lies m the increasing civilisation of the man who pays him. Mr. Hopkinson, M.P.
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  • 206 11 Vindictive vrill-makiaa;, ri ii the >•. instance <»r h». Itristol man \vh<> Ix i|U< ;it hi*«l hi> wife Si. !»d. Ml of M e-tat«- „t i J is not umnnininii, men exhibition te>;amentar\ ipitefullM BM elaborately iie\iv«.<i ri m ,i, t irhich m forested thr French eoarta
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  • 16 11 Advertising niu>t Inn raided ii an inv«><tmont and not a« an o\i>onso. Col F. Vorruin Will-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 80 11 j!' K^^V.^V aa *'*lf gi^^ "J'li jn "mi i m whisjiisi iui *t»mm mmmamm mmrnm* mmmmm mmmmmm .^^^asssaJT i—^ a>^^f y^ rmm^mma^tr m;*? I (I I 0 1 I"V r I li 7Aw\§.'\i\f 'f LAMBERT* BUTLER ENGLAND P.RiTISjf AMEUICAN TOBACCO CO. (Straits). I Tl». (Incorporated > F'.ngland). II ■„-Jm~.. #^SS^^
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  • 175 12 The Commanding Officer of H.M.S. Iroouois reports a wreck with mast awa^h at high water and dangerous to navigation m Lat. 1.51.10 N., Long. 1d. 14.25. E., on tbe East coast of Johore. A small red and h ack flag on a 15 feet pole has been lasheJ
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  • 479 12 A Schreck amphibian flying boat. <-ai tying a pilot, and with two passengers squeezed m the rear cockpit, landed on the Thames after flying from the Seine m three hours, 20 minutes. The flight was made m connexion with the Air Union, the French air transport organization which
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  • 280 12 Bombay, July 26. A Bombay Coroner** jury at •"i ,\'uu>; to-day highly prai> ed the conduct of a young European named King, who dived into the sea near Apollo Bunder and rescued an old Mahomcdan, while a crowd of over a hundred people looked on. Evidence was
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 558 12 Burns Philp Line (INCORPORATED IN AUSTRALIA.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.375 tons) *«d MONTORO (5,000 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins <• Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 597 12 STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY "NKDH{|^> (NEDERLAND ROYAL MAII |i\, M) AND "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" ROYAL MAN LCVE SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE 01 -NEDERLAND" R. M. LINK. •HOlll:hi>u| Via Helawan Deli, «lomb<», Via lUliuji,, I, (ienoa, Mitmt<. Southampton Marseille* I to Amsterdam. GROTIUS Aujr. JH HIMUAM Pr. DER NEDERLANDKX Sept. 11 I \i; w\\
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 669 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gem as and J era n tut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 am Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a m Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 621 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. Steams. Arr# D t |on, Hamburg, Rotterdam, ♦>rp. Bremen, via Colombo, Port Soudan and Port Said. Alps Maru Sept. 14 Sent 15 Algoa Bay (Port Elizabeth), Town, Rio. Santo.-, Buenos via Colombo. f Canada Maru Sept. 17 Se-pt 19 and Bombay t In,l U s
      621 words
    • 459 13 v I YfIB^CQCjOOI^DjBQ I V^sl^fl I^h V^M MsM \^*a. res l^m Round -the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 88 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. fin Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new
      459 words
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  • 1660 14 STABILITY AIMED AT. In introducing the Colonial Estimates OB July 27th, the Secretary of State for the Colonies made the following remarks on the Rubber Question.— The Committee is aware, of course, that (ur great British rubber industry m Malaya and Ceylon, m which millions of
    1,660 words
  • 206 14 In connection with the Vlth Congress ol the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. Tokyo; Public Health Oflcers' study Tour m Japan and Korea, it is understood that th.' Honourable Dr. A. I. Hoops. Principal Civil Medical Oilier. Straits Settlements, who i- a Vice President ef the Sixth
    206 words
  • 57 14 CHINESE BRIGANDS IN SIHEM A. Riga, July 27. Moscow reports that Chinese bandits art-, with increasing frequemy, raiding th«* Siberian goldfields, particularly thos o m the Amur province. The bandi's plunder trad.depots and co-operative stores and sometimes even Government institutions. The population is terrorized and the ROthorititt have dispatched expeditions
    57 words
  • 784 14 V I RICH'S ENCOUNTER. It was one of the most beautiful districts I m the west of Kn^land; the weather m irlorious, and the imii.lian sun <niote hotly down upon hill, v:«Iley. and MUM, Bhettarl on that particular eminen c Messed States but here at la
    784 words
  • 150 14 i Iff. rtmtCltnn' discourse at Ilkley «»n the place of tlu- catapult m education will have stirred MM <>l<l HtelMOrfes. Ai it hap pens there is a fairly precise passage m Vict« riftll memoir.- M to the date of til niperNssion <>t i\w peashooter bf th« cats
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 86 14 THE UNIVERSAL CAR We offer the best investment you can make Ford* Touring Car $1095.00 WEARNE BROS., Ltd. ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. The Navy's Choice i PLYMOUTH GIN. i Obtainable^ Everywhere. V> i Ny Carlsberg BOLB IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD, (Incorporated m Denmark) SINGAPORE. HUDSON'S Have m Stock a
      86 words
    • 311 14 The man who knows the climate, knows Calvert's 20°/. Carbolic MEDICAL SOAP He can tell you the occasions when such a strong antiseptic soap is needed as it so often is m this Climate. Examine the name and trade mark on the box to make sure that you get the
      311 words
    • 116 14 GALVANIZRO 7^,', 4 .1 i If MTitl I match MOD I I. rooi i The mm v Pffjsjgflal B !M<»!or-c:ir h. paulins ;ind ;i|i ObUiiruibli or (ran Watts 8 Co., Ltd. mi SINGAPORE FREE Ii; MEBCANTILE ElRnsa The only M w:th I 111 t Announ< Editorial The 1 I'resi. \V;
      116 words

  • 904 15 THIRD GBNHUL MUTING. The third ordinary nwetinp of New Crai^ielea, Limited, was hold m ta» registered offices „f the Company, Hongkong Ban X Chambers, yestoniay. Mr. J. M. Sine presided, and o her, present were: Messrs. K. S. Manassch. .1. A. Elias, H. W. Raper. Hon'lde Mr. J.
    904 words
  • 67 15 Aupu>t 25. Bank 1 n.B. 2|4 15 32 Bank demand 214 6-32 Private credits li nus. 2\A 21-3 New Y( rk, demand f %-Z Credits 90 days 5^ France, deman.i Jl5O India, T. T. m HoriKKoiitf. demand :;i 4 p NH Yokohama, demand 117% •Java, dtrmwul j tgt Bangkok,
    67 words
  • 197 15 Augasi Pepper White >()o Pepper Black /r' 12.00 f <>pr;i Sundried j., Opium. FJon r-'s unt j aaa nice. Lianp Hill nin M-irk FW Batls (Old) n6O Rice, I.ianp Hin Chan H«rs Ht'd Eaple (New) xw Rice. Siam old No. 1 :<:?|) Rice, Rangoon Bintan fat Kice, Rai')f(.on Btoka
    197 words
  • 37 15 Sinuapore. Auc 2."». 12 mum. Singapon Standard Ribbed Smok.-.i Sheet. Spot 1.24 L 25; Sept. 1°:; 1.24; Oct. -Dec. 1.14% 1.15; Jan. -March l.itj'J 1.05. London Quotation Sheet 4' •d. Market Steady.
    37 words
  • 76 15 Yesterday's Alteration*. Idris Hydraulic 111 42s 6d 13s 6d Johan Tin 54 Kinta Tin (f) 111 v., Pengkalen ti*> 16.00 16.25 Rahman Hyds. (SI) 1.7s 1.77'^. Rawang t*i 1.25 1 .:>:> Taiping 1 ,19 1 -jj Broga New ($1) 1.15 1 _>„ Haytor 7.25 7^60 [ndragiri (s.">)
    76 words
  • 107 15 Sees: Paterson, Simons and Co. (lYnangt. Henrietta, 47,0<»0 agnst 36,500; t.» date 219,500. Sunge. Matang, 20 093 ajpiKi I«'»,:}4H; to date 99,881. Lara*, 51,356 ajrnst 56,129; to date 162,188. Rampah, (coconuts) 216,400 ajrnst 307,400; •■> date 1,642,100. Benar, 13,720 agnst 12,800; to date I»S.«>4:>. Kuala Pergai
    107 words
  • 227 15 MACPHAIL AND CO. LTD'S REPORT. SinKaporr. \uk. K. ■Mbwr. 3a. i'..,i. quiet. Local i Tla.— London Oil fa, .;,i Local LSI tons sold. Kuhin-rs. CralffioloM bajwi i( 1.50 with aellera ai 1.55. Menukabi haw buyers at 39 and aellen at 11. Broga» an Voted 1.21) Li':,, rin
    227 words
  • 156 15 Sinuaporr. Any. 2.*». nn. £260 2». 6d. Down .v. Local ISI Il'.'i ton*. Rubber. 3s. i'».l. Dowa Rabbara. leraau nave sellera i.h. A u,\ Craigieleai at 1.56. Gh»nealyi pan !>«• taken ••<• 1.95, Colinsburffhi offer at Tapalu quoted 18.76 r.». < lianykat Berdaayi 5.5fl 5iW, Kluanga
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  • 234 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. (L. K. Macphail) Sinuapon*. Aim. 2."» Kiililmt. St. l%d \d. down. Local I.IM. Tin. K260 LS. sd. is. down. Loral JIT» t<>ns at 181. The share market ii quiet m all itetioiM wi I) busineu on ;i n d ncale. Rabbet*. N. w < raiiri. •<■■■-
    234 words
  • 206 15 WHERE INK ANCIENT S BEAT U.S. Instrument- of precision .uo commonly regarded ;»•< a de\e| o pmcir of th,. |r t > ■dentiflic iiKf, Itut recent discussions hay« l»roupht to Mtin the hijrh ualit y ..f the •alaiu-t- of tin- atteimU. In thi KumboMUl Chrosiclt, i>r. f. Hill ifcowi that
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 274 15 sets over $5,500,000. m Tir nnr, m n nmn^ Assurance m force over $19,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LlMED(lncorporated m Straits Settlements) /-O^ON OFFICE: 32 O,d E.C. I sJiea wju, the Supre Comt of England> and complieg rtfo the British L fe Assurance A .cUTIVK FLANS OF ASSURANCE
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    • 961 15 BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. Established 1880— Capital Subscribed V.100,000,000 (fully paid up) Reserve Fund V.80,500,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. V ice-President: R. Ichinoraiya, Esq DIRECTORS. Y. \amakawa, Esq. Baron K. Morimura. M. Odagiri. Esq. N. Igarashi, Esq Baron K. Iwasaki. K. Mogami, Esq K. Tatsumi. Esq. K. Takeuchi, Esq
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    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., Ltd CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 1369 16 From a racing point of view the Ipoh meeting tended rather to peter out, the absence of a good many candidates and the subsequent rather numerous scratching? having an effect on the division of the horses into three classes which was rather unfortunate. But it was not the
    1,369 words
  • 99 16 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Newcomers' Handicap. Swain beat Harding, 3—6, 6—3, 6 4. D. Singles. Rogers beat Wright, 6 3, 7 5. Parish beat Manchester, 6—o, 7 5. C. Singles. Palgrave vs. Hay, (unfinished). Calf beat Boardman, 6 o, 6 Atkins beat Marshall, 6—4. 6—2. B. Singles.
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  • 66 16 A. Singles. Hill vs. dc Stuers. Fuller vs. Cooper. Winter vs. Poyaer. Dr. Bain vs. Murphy, (postponed). Singles. l>r. Crawford vs. Cave. Willis vs. Cartwright. Palirrave vs. Hay, (to finish). Mosley vs. Isler. Holiday vs. Arthur, (postponed). Newcomers' Handicap. Goldman vs. Gibson. Rohb vs. Perry or Bargant StansrUld
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  • 50 16 B. Singles. Lee vs. Hickey. Nadig vs. Laybourne. Strevens vs. Xewbery. C. Singles. Brooke vs. Palgrave or Hay. Gale vs. Atkins. I). Singles. C. E. Hudson vs. Buchanan. Rogen vs. Parish. Smith vs. Duthi^. Bony vs. Hodges. New comers' Handicap. Allen vs. Cowan. law i ton vs. Lambert.
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  • 89 16 European Cashier Sentenced. At the conclusion of the hearing of the case m which Mr. George Crompton Cooper was charged with criminal breach of trust m respect of $4,000 odd while he Wai employed as cashier at John Little and Company. His Honour, the District Judge,
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    • 157 16 [Reuter's Service.] Forest Hills, Aug. 24. Miss Helen W r ills retained the Women's National lawn-tennis championship, defeating Mis s McKane 3—6, 6 o, 6 2. Brookline, Aug. 25. In the opening of the national doubles championships, Howard and Kinsey, the holders, beat Hadi and Holms Smith by B—6,8
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    • 50 16 HOME CRICK ET. [Heuter's Service.] I -omit mi. Aug. 114. At Chesterfield: Lancashire defeated Derby by an innings and 132 runs. The winners made 278 (Watson 52, Hallows 84, Pewtress 75, Townsend four for 57). Derby were dismissed for 67 and 79 Tyldesley eight for 40, Sibbles five for MM.
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    • 87 16 The August Medal was played for at the Race Course Golf Club on Saturday and Sunday with the following result. E. C. Vander Beck 41 37 3 75 G. F. Glass 4S 48 18 78 H. Paulusz 52 4<; IS 80 W. Wilson 50 45 14
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    • 63 16 GARRISON GOLF CLU B. The (imernor's Cup was played for .m Sat. and Sun. Aug. 22nd and 23rd. Twenty competed. The following is the final result: K. A. Stevens. 4 iu>; Lt. K. J. Buissertt. 3 up; C. Everitt, 1 down; Capt. E. C. Barton. 3 down; C. J. Hewitt,
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    • 24 16 KATONG GOLF CLU B. The August monthly Medal, which is a stroke competition, will be placed off over the week-end 19th. and 30th August.
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    • 63 16 The temporary pagar at the Swimming Club, made possible by the fencing of nibong piles and stout wire, attracted a large number of members to the Swimming Club on Sunday, when a team race and a practice water polo match were held. The winners of the team race
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    • 85 16 The following Royal Singapore Yacht Club arrangements are announced: On Saturday. 2Wh inst., Dorothy challenges Ann for the London Cup. The race starts at 8 p.m. On Sunday, the 80th inst.. i he second round of the Boden Kloss Cup wili he sailed. Start 10
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    • 108 16 On Sunday next, 30th inst., after Evensong, the Choir of the Cathedral will give another half hour's programme of music. On this occasion there will be no "new" music; all the items have been chosen from the old favourites. The programme is as follcrws: Full Anthem. "Remember
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    • 57 16 A Jumble Sale of old clothes, etc. will be held a t St. Andrew's School, Stamford Road, on Saturday, Sept. sth at 10 a.m. Any 'contributions will be gratefully received and may be sent to the Parsonage, 9, For t Canning Road not later than Thursday, Sept.
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    • 38 16 Mr.— V: C. Seedwell, a probationer Ins pector for the F.M.S. Police, and Messrs C. E. Rogers and A. C. Yates, both of the F. M. S. Railways, are due from Home by the P. and O. Karmala.
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    • 828 16 To The Editor. Sir, I hav c always admired Mr. Pountney since the days when he used to form one of a tiffin group at which sat also Mr. Nunn, now condemned to rule Muncipa) Penang but given m those days to writing poetry. We used to
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    • 68 16 Programme of drills up to and for 30th. Wednesday, p.m. Drill Hall Malay Company. Thursday, 5 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese C< mpany. Friday, I p.m. Drill Hall Ist Reinforcement; 5.30 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E. (v). C. Saturday, 2 p.m. Drill Hall All Unit^ who did not fire
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 271 16 Moutrie Pianos The expression of true music demands ment of the Highest Merit MOUTRIE PIANO You have the best that skilled achieve. Call and demonstrate this for yoin Purchasing S. MOUTRIE CO., LID (Imorpoiaticl m ff 01ft »M The Arcade, SINGAPORE I f*/JZ£ A Q Sole Aj^ent KATZ BROS. LTD.
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