The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 August 1925

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 14 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS SINGAPORE. S.S.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 25, 1925. NO. 11, .777
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  • 181 1 The American Fleet has left New Zealand amidst tho greatest demonstrations of friend!} regard Page 8. The French and Spanish operations against the KiflV are proceeding satisfactorily Page 9. Col. di l*inedo the Italian flyer who was overdue at Manila has had to Make a forced landing
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  • 951 1 •'Your MUM?" "flchlo Ml (imrp.. ,|it Angefcera.* 1 -.We?" "14." "Hirthpl... "CampofcMg Itmnapia TlofooeilHl "ColportWg." It is the NMlm of Urn «i/.cs at Ninny, ;u:il the prieoaaT if being tried fot his ||fc l*?for< three judtfe.-- pre.■ideat, M. .(iu\. eMMtIWr "f the ii Court, with MM.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 ulN(; LOONG RECOGNISED HOUSE TROPICAL SUITS. 1 1 K.I! STREET. Rallies Hotel. Telephone \<>. 2920. TUESDAY, THURSDAY SATURDAY Dinner Dance. MONDAY FRIDAY The Dansant. LEVINE HOPKINS DANCE BAND. SARKIES BROTHERS. UHILL ROOM. Proprietors. -np«r\ision of an LEON. H. YAYMEX. expert EirtpiH. Manager. The World's Typewriter the many exclusive features of
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    • 144 1 FOR THE TROPICS. In addition to the 20 features that make the Royal Typewriter the most popular machine m Malaya, we can now offer an additional outstanding feature m ANTI-RUST VSjtf&l TYPEWRITERS. INCONVENIENCE AND REPAIR HILLS ELIMINATED. The "EUROPE" HOTEL 9 I r^on i i i i vJIxILJL IncliiQiv^ lllvlUolv
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    • 150 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Try \Vas>iamuH's silks -I'a^ Boxing on Saturday at Happy Valley 'age 2. Phoenix watmni are worth running efter Pasrc S. Motioa*! will jrivt- \<»u txparl •ptical a<Jvice Pagre 7. V>m. Ja-k> are experta m m«-tai lathing supplies Pajre 9. Get Burkes Grt— from Caktbcck. Macgregor Page s. Th?
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    • 20 1 W ING L()O N G nm uu;n CLAM i\iioßiN<. S\U-. (>it and linivh ,i 1 1 >mtoe«i II HK.ll CTWUT.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 111 1 THE WEEK. Tuesday, IScft. Hitfh Water. l.L'l a.m.. \M p.m. NVw CraJgielaa, Ltd.. Derrick**, noon. Wedmtdny, 2ijth. Hijrh Water. 2.8 a.m.. fJM p.m. Blue Funnt-l homeward mail ltnv.» League T: B.CjC v-\ S.( F.A. Polo: Barnes Tups. rfcuraaaiy, 21th. Hi>rl» Water. X.2 a.m.. > •> p.m. Maeka Laritski, Vie. Tluatre.
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  • 427 2 it lias been known for long time that humming-birds some imes pollinate (lowers, just as bees and butterflies often do. But. the re starches of Otto Porsch show that there •\ie far more flower-birds than has been supposed, a;>d far more bird-flowers, too. Id Java he found over
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  • 248 2 In a very short time now, one of the best kn.»\vn figures m Kuala Lumpur will be leaving: the country, ostensibly permanently, though no one who knows Dr. Travei\- and hi* work her c believes that he will desert Malaya for good. It is. however, of
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  • 45 2 Mr. H. L. Lnmotte, after sever, years on Semenyih estate, has been transferred to Batanp Benar. On Aug. 14, the native staff of Semenyih state presented their late nutnager with an illuminated address of farewell which included a complimentary reference to Mrs. Lamo f te.
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  • 57 2 A ReuterV Telegram announces the death of Sir Qeorge Taubman Goldie, K.C.M.G. I.C, L.L.1)., the founder of Nigeria. His fathtr %y;,s Speaker of the House of Keys. Sir George was an R. E. officer and attended the Berlin Conference (1884-5) v*u expert on Niger questions. He served on numerous Roya]
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 269 2 Victoria Theatre. CELEBRITY TOURS Mr. A Strok presents MISCHA~LEVITZKI The Famous Concert Pianist -ONE RECITAL ONLY. Thursday August 27th at 9.30 Seats $4, $2, $1. Bookiog at LITTLE S iii^-PATHE CINEMA Can give private CINEMA SHOWS m any k PRIVATE HOUSES OR GARDENS, CLUBS, SCHOOLS, PLANTATIONS. FACTORIES, ETC. m the
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    • 238 2 I "Around the World m the Spec jacks A HONEYMOON TEW WITH THK \\|«i| fflMtlJi Not a TBAVBL INcture but an adventure „mr«. iHri11,,,.. h drama, for it is KEAL and is a record H en,,.-.. A GREAT NOVELTY ALHAMBRA Commencing September 2nd. Scaramouche THE REX DIGRAM METRO MASTKKI'IK k
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  • 1019 3 WHAT WAS DONE LAST YEAR. The annual report «f the Municipal Executive Engineer*! Department for 1924, Hill probably mainly interest the ordinary citizen m regard to its references to road »'con struct ion. The report has a number t photographs of street scenes where reconstruction has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 \\k CROSSMITHS \U AN inspiration m perfume, exquisitely suggestive \|J ify of Oriental luxury. V/ SHEM-EL-NESSIM FACE POWDER H i 8 adherent and unobtrusive, and delightfully fragrant. t\J SHEM-EL-NESSIM TOILET CREAM M (vanishing) softens and beautifies the skin. Vvf Sailuls. Toilet S<,ap. Hath Crxstals, fF\. \|l r BriOiantine, Shaipoo IV\\J<>r>.
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    • 427 3 Why Buy Foreign Shaving Soaps P If, of course you are convinced that they are better than the British made article, then by all means buy them. No Roods should be supported simply because they are British, irrespective of their quality. If however, they are not only British, but better
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  • 215 4 Things hi did not Learn at Eton. A. 6. Wansbrough, the Cambridge stroke who became famous for the "crabs" ho caught when practising: for the Boat Race which Cambridge won is now m training:' at Selfridge's as an assistant branch supervisor. He confessed
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  • 234 4 During hi* visit to Weit Africa the Prince of Wales went to Aehimota, five miles north of Accra, and inauguraato I there a University College, which constitutes a new and remarkable experiment m the education of the West African. Here the old system of literary education,
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  • 37 4 Capetown, July 16. The "Argus" reports the discovery of valuable deposits of phosphates twentyfive miles from here. The area is stated U be seven miles square, and estimated to ontain 7,000,000 tons of phosphates.
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  • 343 4 The report of the Standing: Committee of the Rubber Producers' Association of Malaya, for presentation to the meeting of Sept 3rd states. The Standing: Committee herewi f h submit their Report for the period Ist November, 1923, to 31st October, 11)24, together with Statement of Accounts.
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  • 211 4 A Strange Story. Some time back a wealthy young Chinese, named Wong Konp Shin, was convicted of forpery and sentenced to 12 months* Imprisonment at Fpoh. The stquel to thu was enacted m the Ipoh magistrate's court on Thursday, when a constable named Hitam bin
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  • 188 4 Sir Hugh Clifford was one of the ■ptaken after a School cricket match recently, and he had something: interesting t<> say on sport generally, and particularly as pk.yed by administrators and budding 1 administrators. For example: "In to fa' ns my experience goes throughout the British Empire
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  • 46 4 Paris, July 16 Hundreds of English dancing: grirls it Paris and all foreign music-hall performers appearing here will be affected by Iht* decision taken by the Pari s Municipal Council yesterday to impose a tax on th«> lary of all foreign artists.
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  • 544 4 COM BATING V.D The B.S.H.C. Report. When the S. S. (S.) Association takts up the subject of Prophylaxis apain the following, from a circular by the British Social Hygiene: Council, flftjftj «.ipport their case. During these eleven years it has aotfl I main part of the work of the Xati<»nal
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  • 310 4 The following action was takon at '..'.eetinjr of COMMittee No. 5 h*l«l on I s l i August. Approved irnrrWit of t\w M-ewt. VuU Luriiu for u<e m Johore on the Water jchtiat. Aureed t > postpon,. erection of Borai n m quaiton for the Booidoni Bagtaoor« Gnnonc
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  • 283 4 K«-pr«s,n,,, The us,. a rfcmil „t BrftWi Qoeen \timm of a. U*i they few PWial ntr.i i- it „■,.,,„>,.„ her from priIUJMH \\hi MUMM I ■■Tain .here her <•• mod th- r,,,- g that it w. of St.,!. QWeetiea n.\ ••rtl the: qrmi >• t A
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  • 48 4 Ommn I Mtaf 1 Mr, Carl i i ,n\. In rim" Imi i ::Tiv«M| h.r, Mr. [***** l foil, w i! tliaii I t9M I] -.s «.n<- l>iir btart t«» litii-ii. I ||M Mltll i I i;iinr. <\v.i\\ Its' him.'. to m.ikr im> «.i ant
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 686 4 NOTICE. XVI Ml^-A K22? TOMATO SAUCE^-MJ^mt n^ /M^tg, NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Mark is the exclusive property of THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY LIMITED of No. 3, Raffles Quay, Singapore, and that the same is used by them m respect of Tinned Sardines and other tinned provisions
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  • 301 5 r( rv I'm test apainst Restriction M.nrl.'' 1 tgreed upon by the India rg 1 Association, Limitnst the continuance m Stevenson scheme m its he restric ion of exports id Malaya arid Ceylon y. the restriction of exand Ceylon is reapou I i.i-h price of 4s. 41. rerage
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  • 105 5 •old Xonhdiffe died Australia, much '•'■n to a mysterious Ul(!i: laid on him and stated that Lord -Genera] Maurice "desq, an editor of had B cnie foot years a »*tity ol a hidden i«l forerta of Cochin the threshold of a solitary Buddhist confronted them, -ithin five
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  • 61 5 ich Bfreatly resemble < at the Customs S tide. The my«- I 1 seen near the R dead, they I •■••i'U'fi! and en I hams used for I whence they cam* I greatly the irio was i iM breadth and l!: While t\w two I two
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  • 357 5 To-day, says the China Expreu of July '<». we are able to gfo the full text of the judgment m the protracted dispute between the Duff Development Company, limited, and the Government of Kclantaii. As will be seen, the judgment is entirtly m favour of the Company on
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  • 198 5 The methods of train robbers m the Punjab are vividly described m ihe Annual Administration Report of that Province. Every passenger train travelling at nig-ht is provided with a guard of two c onstabios, whose du*y it is to patrol at each side of the traiii at
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  • 155 5 Sir Alexander Swettenham writes to the Times. Adverting to M. Tchitcherin's published categorical denial that the Soviet Government had dope anything which could damage the foreign trade of China with Grea 4 Britain, k may be observed that the Soviet (Russian) Government had designed to destroy
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 579 5 (e)e*re JJII Happy Now- Dadfe^^lost his Liver' 't\ vZ/ V'^^w .^nnnnnF -A l^. nnn^nnnnV Ds MORSE'S Jj^Sf J& Indian Room WMm I KORRENGZAL OINTMENT j An approved pharmaceutical KORRENf7AF is prepared In cases of simple or infected JISmiF" n J WUUU5 > 111 W 1 1 1 ftKtKtf^^^m Manufacturing Chemists
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 271 6 I THE GENERAL ELECTRIG CO., LTD. I H (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) 1 Known throughout tKe World as tKe fj. JC\ C*s I I Head Office Magnet House, Kingsway, London W. O. 2. ORGANIZATION When EnsineerinK schemes of magnitude are m contemplation, it is desirable that the promoters should fully realize
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  • 1642 7 QIESTICNS AND MOTIONS. The (Jovt'rnment's Replies. In the course of preliminary business before the main debate m council yesterday, the following 1 was transacted. Taking the Oa'.h. The- hon'ble. Mr. 6. (J. Wiison (Secretary for Postal Affairs), and the hon'ble Mr 11. Pairbmrn (Acting Inspector-General <»f Police) tabk
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  • 75 7 A well-known Chinese gentleman asks the Times of Malaya to warn the local Chinese against alleged collectors of funds for the strikers m China. H e tclll us that most of these collectors are "adventurers" out to collect money for themselves. It would certainly be a paying game to collect
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 309 7 BUSINESS CARDS. <*nd for the Illustrated J ofU of Musical Instruments. 5 CO.. LTD. .•I and S'rih Bridge Road. FOR HIRE. eduction m Rates THE MOTOR CAR CO. A W-b, Bukit Timah Rd 7>l m. IHOI and 109. [I RK, less 20 per cenl. OWLBT 52.50 per ho«r, j^gl $3.00
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    • 711 7 NOTICES. SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUR NOTICE. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Memben of the Singapore Crkhst Club will be i hold m the Club Pavilion on Friday, the 28th 1 August, 1915, at |.1| p.m.. BUSINESB. (1) To recsiTs and if approved, adopt the Annual Report and Accounts for the
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    • 697 7 NOTICES ANDREW (lURIE < IP AN!) LADIES' 'H AMI>IONSHII» OF SINGAPORE. Tkc above will be played on the Sepoy Linrs' (iolf Club Course". Entries are |g be ;;ent t<> thr Honorary Secretary, Sepoy Lines (iolf Club ami must be received on or before tin? '23rd September, ISM, CONDITIONS. Open to
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    • 23 8 B^UCE. At the Maternity Hospital, on thf lyth inst* t*> Mr. and Mr>. \V. Huntvr Bruce, Cheroncse Estate, Kuala Kur.m. s dtucntt-r.
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    • 19 8 FERGUSON. On tin- ttmA July, si Cslne, Frances Mnsleleine, tht- wife «>f Dr. Kalph s. Fen asm, f&
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    • 50 8 Messrs. Tan Kkeag Tin. Tun Kacat Ba«n. Tan I'imh Tay »n<l family bejr to •xprcss tiuir thank> ami cratitudf to tho-« fr .-mi> .mil Msmtivet who m kindly wtk\ Icttcrt »>!' con-(i«»l*-nce.«, wi>ath> and Chinese Mrolli and who att*M:d»'d the funrr^l t»f thfir latf fatht-r >!v. Tan Ho'iir
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  • 326 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1925. Social Hygiene. The Advisory Committee on Social Hygiene appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies has turned down m no uncertain terms ihe proposed legislation for the combatting of venereal disease m the Straits Settlements. Those who have studied the subject
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    • 51 8 -(From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 24. H. E. the Hiph Commissioner and Miss Hose were at Home at Government House on Saturday afternoon, and watched the tennis between Bagot and Braine, Carey and Thompson. There was dancing m the drawing 1 room until 6.30
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    • 60 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 24. At the annual meeting of the F.M.S. Post and Telegraphs Co-operative Society, satisfaction was expressed as to the result of the third year of their activity. There followed an inaugural meeting of the Posts and Telepraphs Subordinate Association at
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  • 306 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Auk. 22. The formal opening of the new Club House for "B" Company (Chinese Company) of the Malacca Volunteer Corps, look place to-day at 2.80 p.m. th c opening, teivmony being performed by General Sir T. Fraser, the G.0.C., Malaya. The buildi"tr m
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  • 173 8 7 PER CENT STRAITS SETTLEMENTS BONDS- 1921-1926. With reference to an KJTCi fftiw WC fl| appearing <«n another page reminding the holdcn «'f Bends m the S. 8. 7 per cent Loan 1291-1926 that Umn eoadi arc reiWlwhlf at par M the Ist Ma\ ISM, 1W IK informed on food
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  • 193 8 Wacka LevHski, who uive.* a recital m tiie Victoria Theatre on Thursday, is a gvaal furure m the pianistic world, and hai had an extraordinary career. Born m Southern Russia m 189S, he betfan hit: musical studies at th t ape of seven, an 1 t :ade his
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  • 27 8 Mr. Pegler, of Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd.. is taking over the Taipinp branch of that firm. He has not had yood health whilst m Bangkok.— T.O.M.
    T.O.M.  -  27 words
    • 54 8 [Reuter's Service.] Amsterdam, Au^. 2'.i. The world's protVssional hundn-d kilometres cyclinjr championship was won U> Grassin (France) m HO mm. l-."> Snoek (Holland) was teeeajd and Berei (France) third. After the race it SH discovered that Graasin*! Ueyclt a*ai aunaced and another kilometre wouUi ha\o exaeeed the rider
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    • 33 8 [Reuter's Service. I oml Auk. 24. At th<* first eattorer far ttm St. Layer at thr Victoria Club to-day. Manna was m stalled favourite at 4-1 tak<n and ssTtfeSi
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    • 98 8 VKSTERDAY'S PLAY. Newcomers' Handicap. Hoblyn U'jit orlcy. I—l, 2. Houjrhtoti U>at MarPWnoa, <» 2. 7 McKhMM l>rat MOftlock, I 1. I l. Richanl- bvii{ Scwairl. ♦> 'J, _>. Lave* ton brat Dawson. 6- i Lftnibeii bnil Bcockes, I, •> i Sarirant U-at P*'iry. 8 S,
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    • 33 8 I). Sinuie>. Gail n P.'.ai<lm;«!' SU ROM va. LayUourno. Str» ona vs. \YilN..n. NVwlkt) Broad Short. Knurl, ot Ktag ra. A. B. Hodw a. SinirU"». I T IV Ison, ra. SinH.iir.
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    • 46 8 Sinuli-. Hill vs. <lr St ucrs. Fuller its. Cooi*?-. Wintei n, Pbyaer 1 >i- Bftin ip, ICvrpky. Sin^h'««. Dr, Crawford ro. Cant. Willii vo. Caitmfcflit. Mo- ley ra. laltr. HdMaj vs. ArUrar. NVwcomers' ll.uulirnp. Goldmajo v«, Gibson. R»»Ll) fa, INriy or Baigant S^anDneld \>. Hopkins.
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    • 47 8 waloj Loom First Pojit. New.- WalYy's fi^ht QJoinil 1' Saturtlay i:>th. i> at last U> Land. Waili.v lost the decision but it wu a wry tl<'^.affair a* -I l'laei<> i- -aid. t<. h.avr \>\\x :ip th best ti>fht «»f hi- career. WoJ'cj i-.i'.d p ITOOd impression.
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    • 20 8 The match, lutween the CMllMf and the K.A. which was t«> ha\e DOOfl pla\»d t«>-day. has been pool poned.
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    • 237 8 The N'etherUmds MiniMer (Mr. M. .1. 1 Hulhm-) h;-> rotwrnod t<. Boojpfcok from nome leave. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Baker and Mi--Taker Ml exacted to arrive at IVnani: from Europe, early m BofjlOOJbWr. Jocke> Marsden, who w:i s injured aIQOUM <>!' a fall m tin* last rrat.c t M Tu«--dn\
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  • 64 8 >"{. BRUcn CONDEMNATUX, Ir. I.Kk Wiboa Mr. P.,,,. h pTCH«| ti... th r entity tod Mta* fa* t«,!,r rh action, h. hope,l, < would rood* I "i»d n v KMquaru f < i effected i.> th- (i ha. l An oflk-ial >>( th, i Th«-r, iotl n
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  • 114 8 1 1; M Ca Irfl i »< Inn: -I vi,,, Make, tli..U' it thr v v. fill"! make. l!< m t hi- spirit that I row iriat io to I rvpiit;:ti..M n.ind \\w pt that p.-.-* H. f'.'ii, ?i s-l ip. mi ihi I m;i m \inv
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  • 58 8 A M..v \u -in <ii n ;il <>nt n m 1 big iajra •>" i- I M'Uiih.M I>l for th. M Exhibit* Km kvtioni <«t Imii .n.i i M..ntli.»n>. irWfc I 1.r0a.l IfcOTO i i J«l) H i ju-t (inifial I for .1 mi«"' j Hlfi Ml V ninnM
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 165 8 THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" GUINNESS bottled by E. J. BURKE of DUBLIN. m Quarts, Pints and Nips. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Shanghai.) 45 RoHnson K.>ad. Telephone 22s I'ATKOMSEI) In KOYAITY PRESENTS FOR WEDDINGS AND ALL OCCAfiIONS Entirely Sem Goodta Consisting of Bloft I'seful Articles Apart Frum Your
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    • 28 8 FOR ALL f" VERMIN USE o AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co, ml I ih A Lr F< fl y GOLDEN SERIES. L ■tic^j^j^j^j^j^^ v v '^^S* .^BBaaaaar I
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  • 103 9 N \VAI. VISIT ENDS. U ,MIKAI COONTCT FAREWKU, E,ter*i Service], Wellington, Aug. 23. a majestic spectacle m the night during a searchlight diem warships on the occasion ball Jfiven by Admiral Coonfcl ylvania. General and loading eitint. The battleships were -tern to stern. It is notegathering of warships
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  • 34 9 >> n ice.] Manila. Aug. 2:\. iverdue from Cebu yen hour- aw>. It is to land owing t<>^ Mai.ila, Aug. 24. I at Amimonon m Tayabas and is awaiting to proceed t<> Manila.
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  • 30 9 Service.] Madras. Aim. 28. muniqiM says that airmen and a Jaj < arried out ;i very v! the Riffian coast. ite Alhi:< sertoasly damasrins 1 Thf RifTa replied to
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  • 51 9 I§< i* o."* Paris, \u^. 2:t. i rpet:c acti< n against U< unabated. Brii iuro Spanish an<i five iist« were expelled. L'Echo m official <»f the Soviet and {{]<<• tht- Ron of a member of r. wt-i'c among ■i eeting of the GeorAuir. -1 Hoth were of
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  • 36 9 Service]. Marseilles, Aug. 24. Police Rjured m a clash with b who were trying to march m eting. The injured eluded Deputy Doriot who hi* opposition to the cai; md the well-known Treint
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  • 38 9 Service]. Marseilles, Aug. 24. Congrew is stumped to nt ion regarding the to the British as 1 Muaii delegates. •i behalf of British •»sed the [tact as a military Pains! Russia whereupon n spokesmen defended
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  • 23 9 [Renter's Service.l l>ij<>n, Aur. 24. from I'aris collided "y train m a siding. There ualties. I^ter. nd twenty injured ir
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  • 22 9 Service.] M«oe*w, uu. 23. aeroplanei which left lave arrived en route were formally wel•n';">vi- of the Governientifir aircraft ..rpanisa-
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  • 14 9 Service.] Kitfa. Aug. 23. the Latvian Foreig here m motor acciden
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  • 8 9 nursing sister m th for Kuala Pila: fer.
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  • 8164 9 NEW TAXES. < Present. I His Esetueaej the Officer Adatiabtorimt the Government (the hon'We Mr. B. 9 Host) His Excellency the General Officer Commanding r <Maj. General Sir T. Fraser). t The Hon'blP ftfc* Acting Colonial Secretary (Mr Hayes Marriott). f Tho Hon'ble the Resident Councillor. Penanir v
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 511 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR UN] (Incorporated m England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SKR\ X PENINSULAR AND ORIENtTi7sTEAM NA\ X m k,v LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SER\ |< N (Under Contract with His Majesty's OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. ROW R For China and Japan. For MtmeilleA. I nil Due
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  • 783 11 USES OF THE MCXOMA?k SYSTEM. Mr. William Morris, irhj explained his monomark scheme tbt i {.her day, told an Observer rcprescntetivc -hat he is fully i'is'k-<l with iti recepto" He has received a lartfp number v. letters congratulating: him on it, and applying to be registered. Ths
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  • 135 11 The Malayan Agricultural "Journal" for July is devoted to the annual reports of divisions of the Agricultural Depar ment. That of th^. Ch.ef Field Officer. Mr. South, reports a total of 201 estates visited, of which 31 were m Selangor. Under notices served for infraction of the Pests Ordinance, it
    M.M.  -  135 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 506 11 Worn-out Nerves Are you losing mental and bodily vigour When you begin to feel that your nerve force is waning, when you tire rasily, grow listless, mentally inert, take Dr. Cassell's Tablets. v livinp m Indie must i ter .>r late* expat iamie the debilitating climate H>» wreatliet lassitude means
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    • 212 11 Sf N /C*» Vf^ S s\ S vflß'i^Kjfc/' I J-=4 vfmil |»seterence I N. yVA fflrffllL I' Climatic variations, however trying V/ 7 1 > VA' dwellers m thi East, have no effect J //(ft i Iffi whatever on "Capstan" Navy Cut ;k' A y/ //yf /JT|/ Cigarettes. In the
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    • 171 11 I Build up yourlv^ r Health with lfe> If 11 1 wat. y^ 1 Halls Wine I THE SUPREME TONIC RESTORATIVE P I When you are exhausted by a trying I climate take Hal I*B Wine. I When run down through overwork I or worry take Hall's Wine. I When
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  • 140 12 The P. and O. Macedonia has left Hongkong, and is expected to arrive at this port at 7 a.m. to-morrow. She will proceed alongside the P. and O. Wharf on arrival. Information has been received that the Deli River Light Vessel m the Malacca Strait has been temporarily
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  • 60 12 With reference to the fire on the President Adams, t he local agents, the Dollar Line, inform us that a vable has been received from New York stating that there ll no damage to cargo from the Straits Settlements and no damage to the
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  • 86 12 Salvage work on the submerged remants of the German Fleet at Scapa Flow progresses steadily. Messrs. Cox and Danks, Ltd., of 168, Regent Street, London, announce that the G4C was successfully lifted on July 29th. bringing the total number »»f destroyers raised to sixteen. Sixty-three
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  • 117 12 RUBBER SHIPS' R ACE. One Arrives and Two Others Expected. New York, July 28. The Menelaus has won her race against time from Singapore to Anurica with a big rubber shipment for July delivery. She put into Boston yesterday to land a consignment, and a squad of dockers worked throughout
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  • 244 12 Orman Sailormen on World lour. Adventure! This word sums up the voyage of a German round-the-world .sailing vessel, says the Manila Daily Bulletin. Starting from Shanghai on June 7 under ihe direction of Captain Otto Karl Fritz. I Prahl, the boat with Emil Euler and Kmii I Schniering as
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  • 137 12 Needing a spiral spring «>f great sensitiveness for gravitation experiments, Dr. K. Sliupas, of the University of Lithuania, has tried (juartz as the material. The int effort is reported m Nature to have yielded a spring of four Kirns having a diameter of about four-fifths of vn
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  • 47 12 I me Amarapoora from B— go— on Aug. 25th: Rev. E. N. (ireen'iow and Mrs. Greenhow vith two children and infant, Vis s D. Maybe* and Mr. H. R. Drennen. Bi'oby Glouf-st rshire from Ranir* <>n on Aug. 27th: Mrs. Ncwtll and Miss L A. Ncvvtcn.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 461 12 Burns Philp Line (INCORPORATED IN AUSTRALIA) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, via JAVA, DABWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.875 tons) •ad MONTORO (5,000 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia, Cabins 4« Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
      461 words
    • 99 12 HUGO STINNES LINES (Incorporated m Germany.) REGULAR MONTHLY FREIGHT PASSENGER SERVICE. OUTWARD BOUND HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN > s.s. Schcer 12,250 tons Aug. 28 s.s. Carl Lc.crien 9,000 Sept. 25 > Calls at Manila. HOMEWARD BOUND NAPLES, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. x s.s. Havenstein 12,250 tons Sept. 9 ss. Albert
      99 words
    • 410 12 LLOYD TRIESTINO SJJ. CO (Incorporated m Italy.) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service for Brindisi, Veme# and Trieste via ports taking carjto o* through Bills of Lading for Fiume, tb« Levant and Black Sea Ports, also to all ports on the West Coast of Italy, tM. V. ESQUILINO al.out mid Sept. x
      410 words
    • 87 12 Johnnie Walker Whisky I llMlfli I <n, I *N. r l >n I i •««•>•■.. »li tJ»"»>. •f I t I Obtainable at ALL CLUBS AND HOTELS Ask For It BY Name John Little 8 Co., Ltd.. Singapore Kuala Lumpur THOS: COOK SON. LTR AJSsD THOS: COOK 90« (BANKERS) LIMITED
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 674 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pah an g, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Genias and Je ran tut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Sere m ban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 605 13 rO, S.K. Line. Destinations. Steamers rr Dept. ,ndon Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bn nun, via Colombo, Soudan and Port Said. Alps Maru Sept. 14 Sept U i; lV (Pen Elisabeth), Rio, Santos, Buenos t Canada Maru Sept. 17 Sept. 19 d Bombay Indus Maru Aug. 28 Aug.' SO Tacoma Maru Aug.
      605 words
    • 465 13 I r™^^^*^f^^^^B C3^^^sVdw I isU bbbb^lßQ I PysH^^al tS^I PfJH snfl /tfV^A I 128 VHS^ si£amsbifune «mSf Round -the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE »8 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNBRS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINBB& via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles.
      465 words
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  • 836 14 (iIVE AM) TAKE EM). More than Half Settled by Compromise From information regularly collected by the Ministry of Labour a series of tables fa published m "The Ministry of Labour Gazette" fhrbf details of the industrial disputes involving: stoppages occurring m 1«.»24. The number of disputes
    836 words
  • 101 14 On July 21 «'ambrid»re Tnivcrsity omferred the Honorary PtglM "f Doctor «>f Seicmi upon riv<* Mnhon <>f Hh Intern*-ti<-nal Astronomical I'rion. Th« WClpitntl fochkM PrviMOOr H. Nl^Mb <>f UM Imperial Uni\Trsity <.f Tokyo. In Ifttrwtefa* Professor KaflMka, tht> Puhli OmtOff H I light was OMI mon> sought from thr K;t^t.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1348 14 A good opportunity for sound and profitable investment m land and house properties not to be missed by enterprising capitalists. ESTATE OF SHAIK ABOOBAKAR BIN MOHAMED LAJAM, DECEASED. REMINDER Important Four Day's Auction Sale of Very Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Singapore Town Business Premises, Residential and Country Properties. at Messrs
      1,348 words
    • 932 14 63. Valuable land and the shophouse premises No. 9 Hokien Street, comprised m Statutory Land Grant No. *****, area 1180 square fe«t, monthly rent $110. 64. Valuable 999 years leasehold land and the shophouse premises Nos. 58A 58-1, 58-2, 59, 60 and 61 .Dunlop Street, area 3,167 square feet, total
      932 words
    • 145 14 Faa ja\^ M lam I Pjk [DAY l:\er> moraiof h f f V r breakfast t.ikr t^,. spooniuK oi lfl Saline m hah tumble uater. hr.nk ,t durir I taTtrvftcMMt. <, cn ti< I tatectivel) ihi^ hmiv draught relieve* th I tern of ii* .uvumulo and promotes rr^uUr t bits.
      145 words

  • 500 15 FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. MONDAY, AUGUST 21th tf* of Thf Share 0 f he UBUe 7alut marked.] ars unleifl otherwise A,am Kun,l;an« "ft"* Batan* Padang Tin 2? '-o,''" Hitam Tin JS Johan Tin *jg JJ Kamunting- J )h A^ n^ 5.50 6^ Kuchai Prefs. ($l) KintoTinU) M .7..
    500 words
  • 47 15 August LM. Bank 4 n.3. 2i4 lfi 19 wank demand 214 6-32 Private credits 3 Hui. U 4 2\-'] New Y< rk, demand 14% Credits 90 days 5^ R«llffcong, demand gi£ 11,,.,,,I 1 &>T«reicn, Hank Pu N |g^ Bank of Xn K land RaU 4. p.c.
    47 words
  • 202 15 August 24k r'unbur I"'^1 HUM Peppei White 40'oq IVar I SagO Small 900 Copra opra Sundried j 2 :<., Opium, h-ri .i »nt < 000 Rio.-. Liang Mi- -niM v-.r< B'u« Eagle (Old) mm I{h-<-. i ag Hi n j.. iri M rK Red EagW (New) :<•<,, Hie,. Bte.
    202 words
  • 35 15 Singapore, ing. 14, 12 anen. <f Singapore Standard Ribbed &««< ked sii»«>t. Spot l.jr. 1.26*4; Sept i.l'p.- I. J'»'-: Oct-Dec 1.17 1.18; -lan-March 1.07 I.OK. London Quotation Sheet sd. Market Dull.
    35 words
  • 462 15 pretty problem. To which America ti Belgium under a financial obligation? To the America of President Wilson, which lent the money and then cancelled the debt. Of to the changed America which now claims payment? Clearly m the negotiations which M. Theunis and his friends are
    Times  -  462 words
  • 229 15 MACPHAIL AND CO. LTITS REPORT. Singapore. Vim. 21. KtthlN-r. London 3k. :,<i. Quht. I(m al 1 .25. Tin. -London, 22nd Any. 860 7- «;<i 1...c:;l 131 torn sold. Kuhbers. KcmpM can be placed at io ■•lien holding for »;.•_'<. Mentajtabi off*. :it 11 buyers Lidding .1, ram
    229 words
  • 205 15 Singapore, \uif. 24, Tia.— -126C 7k 6d. Londoi tug. 131.50 7"> ton-. Rubber. 3i 5cL Up '„1 Load I.J">. Tin- ihare Marital i- quiet, wi h litt < busiiiesi i aacinjr,. Rabbin* w Crnigieleaa arc Mated i-"- 1 i. HentakalM offei .<t «<• and lln Benata
    205 words
  • 289 15 ROSE MAC PHAIL CO' S REPORT. (L. K. Maiuhai!) Sinuuport' Aim 21 Rubber. 3*. ><i. i<l. up. Lo ai 1.j:,. Tin. ii'tWi 7m ♦■>(). Local 7.". t..n> at 131 Th»- market opena the w<-«'k quietly m ■II MctkNM. Robber ihare* are enquired far at la>t uc»'k'- cloning quotatioi M IniC
    289 words
  • 116 15 According to the rimmm rvpcri o( Rant A i:*T ii Rabbei X 1.t«1.. t'..i tIH \«-;u- endod Manh tbc n th. >»ai tradtaf sli.»u net pro! IT~. Id., ami th«- ;iin«.i.iit > tl tht- Civdlfl of profit Mini |q i'TT. <;">■{ ihs. M. Tlm dirtctoc writ*- nfT tc. |)i*-litninar\ BiptnPCl
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 302 15 Assets ovor $5,500,000. TUC TDI? ATPi nmnnmT Assurance m force over $19,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED HEAD WHCfc-lhb* Houj'ZZr ATTKACTIVE PLANS OF ASSURANrifI om Pames Act AGENTS WANTED SeCr6tary Managing Director Actuary G KN X HORACE W. RAPER. A ROBINSON, F. I. A. INSURANCE. fj IK f
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    • 952 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Keserve I- und:— Sterling 4,500,000 p t- v-,- Silver $26,500!000 Keserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. tt V/ h, Pattenden > Ksq., Chairmar w ii dK 6
      952 words
    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Royal Charter A. D 1720) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., Ltd. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 33 16 Those who have not yet seen the Sea Hawk at tlv Alhambra Theatre would Inadvised to book early as to-night will be the last screening of this picture m Singapore.
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  • 104 16 Programme of drills up to and for .'iOth. Tuesday, 5 p.m. Bulestier Range S.R A. (v); 5 p.m. Drill Hall Ist Reinforcement; 4. .'J0 p.m. Bukit Timah Chinese Company. Wednesday. p.m. Drill Hall Malay Company. Thursday. p.m. Drill Hall CMIOTC nipany. Friday, "i p.m. Drill Hall Ist
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 206 16 There are no substitutes t,,, "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" GRAMOPHONE RECOR] They have been tried and proved to m every respect. The Manul;,, "HIS MASTER'S YOlCp Products have maintained their Quality until to-day they stand sup t Gramophones from $50 up. MOUTRIE CO LTD (Inc., i pui-aU'.l H..r. L The Arcade.
      206 words