The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 August 1925

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. 10 CENT* SINGAPORE, S.S., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1925. NO. 11,566.
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  • 198 1 A page of pictures many of which show inridents m the motor-cyiK reliability trial which was held on Sunday is given on page 4. Mr. Chamberlain and M. Hr iand ha\e have agreed on all points Page 9. Cases of unlawful possession of arms. criminal breach of
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  • 1195 1 Omae# iitaerimabilci i lurntur. Igaotiqat lotqn Kodtt carent quia vate -*aero.— Horace. Away up BBMMftl tat Cheviot HilN a ranyc which .su«o?c«t> to the ;<l mifld a hujri' maintaiti-han irade raised tenor-stricken Xorthumhi ian s to prevent paoafvj Si-Miami Eroai encroaching *till further >.»uth of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 LOONG I OGNISBD HOUSE for mopicAL Burn. HIGH STREET. HOTEL. Telephone No. 2920. ;i K s NIGHTS. Dinner and Dance. i Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ng Press essential for Dinner Dances. r^T^w'thf^S^-falon SARKIES BROTHERS, df an expert foreign caterer. Proprietors. New "a la carte" LBON. H. YAYMEN. nicest ions I
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    • 222 1 FOR THE TROPICS. In addition to the 20 features that make the Royal Typewriter the most popular machine m Malaya, we can now offer an additional outstanding feature m ANTI-RUST £QY/Vl TYPEWRITERS. INCONVENIENCE AND REPAIR BILL*! RUMINATED. rMMffiHflS^ Sole Agents for Malaya H H ollvcr Quay SINGAPORE. The "EUROPE" HOTEL
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    • 144 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Our picture page Page 4. Furnished house to let Page 7. Whitt-away's sal«? bargains Pfcc ;i. Jaeger wear at Robinson's— F*ago 7. Yates* changkol? at Barlow's IHupe A. Phoenix aoratetl water is matehlee* Page 8. Alhambra eiMNM htm pmilMlll Page 2. P-aimler motor oar at auction today Page
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    • 15 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH (LASS TAILORING. Style, Cut and Finish (Guaranteed. 32. HI (.11 STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 121 1 1 tin v\ hnK. High Watt-r. T>.<> a.m., i> H n.m. Scouts At Home Si^lar. 4 :M p.m. The Four Kor-emcn of the Apocaiyps?. Alhambra. Friday, }ith. High Water, tf.lB a.m.. rt.'t p.m. P. and outward mail due. P. and O. homeward mail leav. Dutch homeward mail leaver. \yala«. Fnnch
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  • 300 2 London's new per i< the tortoise. No one knows why. hut everyone now-a-<!*ya Bcemi to have bought tortotee, o r is about to buy ore, nd tfiera ate rumpun that arrangements hi p* k to have' a tortoise Derby race with the 1 ises al<»ne the Strand.
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  • 214 2 The decision of Liverpool University that rrofenon shall vat-ate their chairs at B''xty-ftre, would have seemed singularly revolutionary to th c nineteenth-century professors and heads of colleges at the older universities. It is not necessary to take the extreme case of Routh. who cortinued to preside at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Elite Cinema Presents Harold Lloyd in Harold Lloyd GRANDMA'S BOY Pathe Gazette and Comedies THE MERRY OPERA COMPANY WAYANG SHANGHAI PEK JEE PUPPET SHOW. WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY Free Wireless Demonstration THE SINGAPORE STAMP EXCHANGE. 11, St. HELEN'S COURT SINGAPORE. Rules on application. a There's Health
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    • 281 2 Victoria Theatre. Commencing Monday August 17th at 9.30 p.m. The famous film ZEEBRUGGE A GLORIOUS NAVAL EPIC Produced by British Instructional Films ancl passed and approved by the Admiralty Booking at John Little Co. Reserved seat $2 Gallery 50 cts. Thursday, August 27th. MISCHA LEVITZKI VICTORIA THEATRE October 3rd an\d
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    • 276 2 From Thursday, 13th August, to Tuesd.n u .,T -AT THK- W ALHAMBRA A PICTURE YOt'YE LONG HEEN WAITIN(. T n The (Ireat Metro, jljmjm Photopl A Rex Ingram Production. Adapted from the Novel by Vicente Bktttt fbu throughout the world as marking I new ment <»t" motion pictures The Four
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  • 26 3 Prince Regent m Saghalien. (By courtesy of the Nanyo NichiXichi Shimbunsha). T«>kio. Aug, 8. H.I.H. tin Piiruv Regent will arrive t.-moiK.w afterroon m Saghalien.
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  • 26 3 The case relative to the Fukuoku Uni- veisity Hospital is developing and has already resulted m the resignation of Professors Imabuchi and Suraida.
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  • 40 3 The Government, with a view to al»eViating the situation of existing high lice cost, has authorised the prolongation of the term under "which foreign rice enjoys the privilege <>f free import until the end of October.
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  • 58 3 The Public Procurators have submitted the documents convicting Mr. Hajime Hoshi, President of the H<,shi Pharmaceutical Chemistry, with a capital of ten million ve*i. It is alleged that Mr. Hoshi -•trended against the Act prohibiting illegal traffic '.I' „;,iujn. The hearing will be heard at the
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  • 87 3 A cable confirms that the party which was Bearehing for thi position of the sunken steamer, Yasaka Mam m the Mediterranian with a view to salvaging the gold bullion valued at a million yen which was sunk by a U-boat durinthe Rival war, has already succeeded m
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  • 345 3 'I \\y following properties were disposed of by auction by Estate and Trust Agencies Ltd: at i her Bale-room on .Monday afternoon: Estate of Tan Teck Cheat) deceased: &9 years 1 leasehold land and house- So. 98 Arab Street, area 833 sq. ft. Mr. S. O. Bamadhaj 15,000;
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  • 311 3 The London flutter as result of the soarinp prices of rubber will have its equal m the stir m Malaya, and especially at that great entrepot of rubber m the East Singapore where it tOVChei everybody. < ne can well draw, writes A.F.S., an imaginative picture of
    China Express  -  311 words
  • 525 3 [To the Editor of the Spectator.] Sir, --Please allow me to protest strongly t your apply. n^r t«, General Fen>r Yu-siang the phrase "the so-called Christian general." The sentence you add shows that you quite :*jhtiy .iudtf of a nan's claim to be called a Christian l>\
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  • 203 3 The Committee of the Association of Bri<i>h Malaya have long had under consideration the advisability of transferring; the Association's offices from their i t y address to the West End, with a view to securing more commodious premises and to establishing a reading and writing room
    China Express  -  203 words
  • 180 3 Large Numbers Arrive m Madras. Madras, July l'> Madias has not hitherto had ary large number of Chinese residents, an occasional hawker Of silk or basket were being" all that was ever Been <>f them m the past. Recently, however, owing to conditions m China or to other
    Statesman  -  180 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 1 I 7n P^\ < \~ZW Sot Coughs Colds i-fnffucnja Elliot; Cinnamon Compound ii a most effective medicine for relieving Cou^^ (olds. Catarrh, Afthna Bronchitis. m v ingrec'iert, Onnamon, >•» officially reo't'! d |s a P n P^y'" si influenza and throat and «.hest asfdion Its curative prop< iti
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    • 161 3 The Finest Changkol for Heavy Work. _JB IK B I Foriicd Rolled 9 1 _^^ffiS~ SINGAPORE. 3 lbs. 3 w lbs. 4 lbs. FOR PRU KS KIT., fcpPLl BARLOW CO., COCKS VALVES, j j: Brass or Gunmetal Cocks |i STEAM, TEST. DRAIN. PET, OIL TANK AND WATER M| tjl I)
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    • 704 5 I see that sno her gallant General, orating at his old school, has informed the andietoee, "I was always at the bottom of Generals invariably say that f h"\ preside at prise-giving*. I is not exactly poiite to the prizewinners. But thiuV B detail. The convention is estahed
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    • 136 5 WIMBLEDON' S BIG PROFIT. Complete figures aie not yet available as regards the attendances and receipts m the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships, but it is already known that they have exceeded all records. The average attendance vcr the thirteen day? was probably between 14,000 and 15,000. Im -r an attendnr
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    • 17 5 Th- British Museum hus acuuiivd KOO uttc-rfVit-s collected m Burma and Sian by Major C. H. Stockley.
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    • 786 5 I have been a slave to my furniture for "years"; thus ran a phrase m the will of Field-Marshal Lord Grenfell which we published a few days ago. A slave, or rather very faithful servant, to his country and to h.*s duty all knew him to be;
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    • 137 5 Alcohol, d< nounced by Mr. Richardson found strenuous champion ;i Herbert Spencer, who records m his "AotoMoffraI hy" hr»w lie was poisuaded by two Germain on top of Ben Xevis t<> ""add s<>me jilas.« s of wine to the whiskey we had imI ibr-d m our ascenr."
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    • 266 5 Decision of British Exhibitors British cinema theatres will not show the American photoplay which a contingent of Hampshire Territorials were hoaxed into escorting from Southampton to London. Delegates to the annual eanffTonte of the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association m Glasgow passed a resolution, by a large majority, "condemning
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    • 52 5 Sir George Aston m his booli "'1 !>. Prob jltnn of Defence," ;ust published, has much t<i My ftbotlfl the naval position m the I'.i -i I:,, with arguments m favour of the immediate preparation of the Singapore l>a>« which, be Itjrs, cannot m any way be taken as a
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    • 415 5 Honolulu, Hawaii. Would the various Pacific- governments be- justified m taking international action to provide relief for the over- populated sections of that area? That question, which is of international significance, is expected to be discussed at the Institute of Pacific Relations which will be m
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    • 565 5 .An interesting account m the National Review of a visit to thr oil-fields m *juth Persia contains the following: picturesque description I f "The I ife of a Drop of Oil." from its begiaafag far U'low the surface ■1 Maidan-i -Naftnn. "The Plain
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    • 202 5 L")(MI.OUO Treasure m i anil MOSCOW, July 4. A rtnarkablc iHawttij of hMin trc:imh,. worth t:»<K»,«»o() was made yesterday l>\ Ciovernment agents m -me of the pal itia! mansions formerly helonifiiiK 1 to H»family of Prince Yussup< tT. ITMOI MUM MM mentioned m MMMeUoi v :th th>MOrdtT
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    • 69 5 •hi pmnl trovUi bows, fin<l it difficult to > mprdM nd B potato, «'in«l tin hai oflM mm dealim A frfc md of !><• m < !ant— f ar ..i g ia« ..m»<- M.,li-1.,n I :ich. Bf in()ii iv. l M v I|; i i, H Mwk "\'i;i <
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 186 5 /Wlu'ii heat\ becomes unbearable for qui< k relief. c bubbling, gushtumbles down your roat, you bt^'in to For ENO'j really cools the I ther drink can. I v will be glad il ■"FRUIT SALF itned effei ><■< I talittt I et which dis- I atei and mal < i health
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    • 545 5 Sore trupn Cl/iflk! W\ W^S SOON MADE m\ \^y^ HEALTHY the health, purity and beauty of your child's skin. Regard the least sign of soreness, rash, chafing or irritation as a possible source of disease. Treat them all with Zam-Buk This famous balm is beautifully soothing and cooling, and it
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  • 836 6 PARISIAN A. WHERK (ATS ARE Si 'ARC E. Did the Kais<r Eat Pussy? (From Our Own Correspondent). i'aris, July 12. "In tranquil, pre-war days, the FrenchBelgian frontier had its cats. Nothing disturbed the even tenor of pussy's life; the engaging grimalkin washed its pretty face every morning, t;> subsequently pass
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  • 19 6  - HMr. Justice Swift Divorce i.s rapidly becoming a relief for the guilty instead of a remedy fur the innocent
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  • 909 6 KKAUORATK S( HKMKS. P«T over a hundred years road-building iv the Netherlands Kast Indies has beer projrrossinjr steadily and m Java to-day there are about 10,000 miles of highways which are uood m every way. In the Outer Possessions, too, there aacr c some excellent
    Times  -  909 words
  • 343 6 KARM 5|,,,,.,, N H A lohutius ..f I f> of tho 1 ha 1.1., I tior, of th. ftrfel I I Br.ti>h Uwmmm, ai I Maa «>f karm I The chief d.-,.,., I thf fragments «t I kiag of the Thu.i d I ed alM.ut 2:mni
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  • 104 6 \"v aj r ai ntertntini I'oilak. which i- <i. 1 1 ansps nil.- til rubber. Il noil) called "pollopfti I I I tin- ial «i! only Jot irla-- and poll clam. I I i- p.i coat. iii"i< < I it i- m« and as < I'-ui
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  • 58 6 \<io|ition of Sum The ;«<i<m" I uru« 'l i >i«i«* fi 11 1 1 ihiiiilmi of I Ultimo, wh.i I low «|.'|taitni«fit- I: «li-. I:»;im.-.I Ml I r«...i«1.-.l m fosioa Tuih.ti During ttm pi 1.. -I. F.i h ciiiiic^ more eoiwpiN ration. Sm k mmUI i! .i' |i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 380 6 DONT WAIT Until all the best bargains have been picked over, COME TODAY and make a selection whilst stocks are still plentiful at WHITE A WAY'S Some of the Bargains offered are enumerated below PRINTED COTTON HEDSPREADS. £r> Cn Sale Price Jp^.OU each HEAVY WIGAN SHEETING 70 m. WIDE. AC.
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  • 298 7 PANDBMI Ml m (>\ THE STOCK EXCHANGE. Like a JJnL'by S«rum. London. July 13. A considerable portion of the British public developed a great desire during the peek-end to become possessed of rubber hares, -md ih result inside the Stock bxehange thif morning wag remarkable .->ene, which has
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  • 424 7 With rubber passing thi four shillings mark the scramble for shares on the Stock Exchange has been reminiscent of the boom days «>f 1910. Brokers shout and jostle each other all day. and one of them assures v* that it is the most strenuous football scrum
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  • 133 7 Mr. Harisoii Cook, who was born ir Singapore, the son of the Rev. J. A. B. Cook, ha s taken high place m the musical world. Before the war he was understudy lo Mr. Robert Radford, and sang with Mr. Bm Daviei at Coveni Garden. Af erwards he wiN principal
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  • 346 7 To-day the scene on the Terrace wa~ payer than ever with the friends of niemserg and the members themselves, says I Home paper by the mail. But they were n<t allowed to sit within three or four yards of the building, and most people tfot
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  • 320 7 I'!ant«rs' (Maims Disproved. Han^alore. July Iti Mr. H. T. Ashplaot, A K.C.S.. the Rubber Specialist of the L'nited Planters' Association ol Southern India, reports thai th«* distillation of rubber has lately come into pr« minenec as the result of a 1\ \v exjHMinuiits carried out by
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  • 221 7  -  Sat. Rev The Government is not yet committe 1 to subsidies as a definite part of its policy t dealing with unemployment, and we presume that if it does hare recourse to subsidiei it will insist on stringent eondit'ons, to lie satisfied Ity the worker* as well as
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  • 338 7 TV: is now to U teen a. th- Britisk Museum some strange CMMM ■■ntiquitief brought back ly Sir Aurel Sh in I'roni h s third Central Asiaq expedition, which h<? (an ieu out for *he Indian Government. Daring the .wars 1913-11 h» travelled over great portions of Eastern
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  • 237 7 Sir Arthur Keiths Verdict. The famous Taong! skull, we— tlj discovered m Africa b) Professor Dart, i- not that f the "missing link" between ape anl man. This is the opinion of Sir Arthur Keith. the world*i greatest anthropologist, expressed m a letter m the cunvnt
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  • 195 7 Th«l th« lawyer who nM he had M hesitation m describing the defendants m case m scoundrels is preof of how iroch our forensic oratory has lent m ilnw nriirhtnes*. The old achool t < whiih Montague Williams belonged mn-cr failed m emphasis. Look*" said Williams. defending
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  • 54 7 While the Bishop of Woolwich (Dr H«>"^h) wai preaching m tli*' Bon 111 rket h!i rebel ware ilolea from South\\;ok Pitlnwiril. irhere lv- had temporarily 1< it th<-m. Tht* valiu- <>t' the robe aboui 00. Later m thr day tli<' robe* irere reeeii "t 1 havinp been
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  • 42 7 Copper l otiiul i«»ii m Ih S*:it.--»s :>.-•. :i:'.d is .-i»u k otF t" a am v LIIJ when the price of geei dou certain fivruiv. It Appeal ■if ''restrict* 1 wipper, boi i i very wicked i<» tea i i-t i ul.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 825 7 BUSINESS CARDS. notices. T ■~<o««™».«»*™«» g WBAIINE MOTHWW LTD. t „.£rrr-s Notice s hereby fiver, that an Interim Divit ol T i"' cenl has been declared m V^ >> respect of the year* 1925. statM Seli for the Illustrated g Such Dh dend i ;i ;,i,. the 20th -taut Musical
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  • 26 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATH. MAC DONALD. On Au*:u>t I-, at Nijor, johorv. suddenly. AagM Macdonald, manager New Rumpin Estate, agtd S4. Funeral at Bidadari Ht "> p.m. to-day.
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  • 576 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. THURSDAY AUGUST 13, 1925. Admiralty Economy. The Admiralty letter which has teen circulated at Portsmouth, regarding the necessity for economy m administration and for scrutiny of every detail of expenditure, seems rather m the nature of an advance salve to those who are going to get it
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  • 329 8 Reuter's telegram to-day annoui ces a number of changes m the higher offices of the Crown Colonies, and as most of the new Governor have been on speaking, if not more familiar, terms with this Colony, the appointments are of interest. Each of the new Governors has
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  • 193 8 The Rev. J. B. Simpson. Vicar of St. Mary Magdalene*, Munster Square. London, ha> been nominated t<> the im of Kobe. Sir Geortre and I ady Maxwell, on their return from the Cottagv Maxwell's Hill, Tuipii'jr, motored to Kedah on a brief visit. They returned to Kuala Lumpur by Saturday*!
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  • 542 8 POMIMIOH v)K ARMS Twd Chinese were arrested at th-.- docks yesterday for beinj? m possession of unlicenced fire-arms and ammunition. The arms were discovered oji the accus -d wlur their belonjfinK^ were searched m thy' lievenue Examination shed. Th» first MCMtd is charged with the possrssion of
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  • 292 8 Th<- Hon'bW Mr. K. 8. Hone, Hijrh tmnittioner, I'.M.s. and Miss H«.-r arrived m Kuala Lumpur »>t. Monday. T l > play "Nyonyji ClinnU'k" I bt itag»d f»> tin- I nittMl Chiaeae Ma«irai siK-iation at tin Stat Opera Mall to-ni|fhl ai 9 p.m. -A Russian fW BSMMi T.inuua T.imir i>
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  • 81 8 I Km,,, Q At Jvetiee iv .1. s,-, Mr. Justin SOB the a p i h i, i ii i'anki nj.;« y. v., appellant., d.atli. Mr Wn,!.; M. the petition I'mvn C«Mril m i. tr«si T1.,,. the beneficial «.t ti i ,j. I IN .1 U) U'i .1n,
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  • 37 8 (Froai our (Hn < hi Cutlll.Tclnll I .hi Ron tli. i Justice h»'.iti. iHiiniiin < licit) .i> i M their I or4»hi|» ■mmml 'm 1.-, nil .1 Mr i n I. lull >c\( HI. .iujiml m k ..MM. P
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  • 50 8 <I• I I ft V 'I'll'- II I imlmm-i i Fund iwnrn Mil "I > I MUM .1 I i- uni ■i.. KBO Ml ni I H i i \in i »\< ii n ilt .it i t.ipi.a A l.i:.' Moii<>| „:i, ;,n, i i, »l;ih.
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  • 72 8 (From Our nw < I '1'1»< pi nlottfCi i f u«-.tith\ < him i.i. \a i> I I m I (fOfel ra >»'■.. iiltesta'r. I I the who di of Belani i I >IH' of tV ii M 1 < i \v <h nt Pi the a<i.
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  • 39 8 Ths Hoa Mr. I irtfi ing ur Sunda) 1....MH, In t »l. I U He leav« P'.m r«N I'.-n n- M H i'eiuiiit; "ii t. K» tir-.. srhrn ,,.|,:lH M, ii -Ik. it m-i! 1 If
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  • 34 8 ami ir.aiM'. 1 im-nt it. ••>( mi im m i N t<> local v. p i it-. him uu' mai j,.i it- Man) Mi r i l.ut M f bittory.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 141 8 TUX CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CAt.DBECK'S" Hj WHO SAID Ml "N I f MW^k, WE ALL DID Scotch Whisky OSSS I SOLE IMTORTEUS. WtkWffl Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Ltd PATRONISED 4S^(^ HY KOYVITY PRESENTS FOR WEDDINGS AND ALL OCCASIONS Entirely New Gooda Consisting of Apart From Your Ordinary Choice m Silver and
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    • 18 8 for aEI r VERMIN USE AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co. ll llh A l*r M I GOLDEN SERIES.
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  • 27 9 STRIKERS FIRED ON. lOI.ICK THIS TIMK. Service.] Tientsin. Aug. 12. police arid military yesterday ,i to lire "ii strikers from the fere wounded, mostly
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  • 29 9 S"i\ ice.] I oiid.m. Aug. 1 1. .i be 'ii appointed ■A. 1 nial secretary of naM Stubfat as Sir Hugh rship <>f Nigeria and >m Graeme
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  • 40 9 I itruioii. \ii£. 12. concluded bj a including th»* Johnnesbui ir. t hi* i'ut\- »m> i»ii l l > the Aii.ulo-[>unkels-Bahler I B< ii- Premier Jmgunder which the to the combine i> contend- i •utpul of the fldicatc
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  • 21 9 cc. i'.rti^j hi, Auk. 12. pceived General the Chinese Pontos, who it Hsu's Mission, con- to Liege, where I
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  • 46 9 n, i 5< rvice. I I'aris. Aug. 12. iccompanied by EnVilia .uh!a> at 4.1.~> on isl l<nh. m an attempt three days. He 12.45 m the after--6 m the evening Moscow at i' p.m. yesi to the Under- > "a:i> warmly reM
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  • 27 9 R< Sei Paris. Aug. 12. iiik deiks eletil.- Thocadero and broke the ink buildings. They < police, bur re-as-•11 lave. They were the boulevards.
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  • 127 9 [R< s. n ice.] Flrfebane, \uu. 12. fi hii rtiirht to -laKxhibition hutch ('lnk Batik painting ted by Heer A. A. I Inb. The- exhibition ■■■••> and there mm and gentlemen to I ■cplained the tech- j Batik work aa executed 1 ra from the native a
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  • 15 9 required by the Gold the, Health ■rt hw will heal- hoi climate* are nper.
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  • 206 9 ANGLO-FRENCH. GOING WELL. [Router's Service.] London, Aug. 11. A brief formal communique at the con flusion of to-day's conference between 111 Austen Chamberlain and M. Briand state: that conversations are proceeding satis factorily. M. Briand, interviewed by Router wm similarly reticent, remarking "we have no vet finished, but
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  • 26 9 I Reuter's Service.] Washington, Ai^r, |2. Belgium's first debt re-funding proposal has »»ee-n found unacceptable and the commissions will resume discussions to-mor-row.
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  • 38 9 [Renter's Service.] Paris, Aim. 11. A telegram from Wezzan states that two French detachments m combined operations for re-provisioning a post at Zitouna have effected a junction with the Spaniards on the Riv« r Loukkos.
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  • 190 9 [Hava* Service.] I'aris, Aug. 12. The papers state that France ami Spain cannot answer the communication made to Primo Rivera by the Riffian Emissary. Morocco's, political statute was settled by an International Agreement and it i* impossible to discuss the matter of the independence of the* Riffs. I♦•
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  • 208 9 felkieal Prestige the Aim. 1/ondon. Aug. 4. Though peace negotiations between the French and Spaniards and Abd-tl Kr.m have been going on m a fashion for mv*>r nv*> time, nothing definite has result^ 1 Authoritative French sources point out that Abd-el Krim knows tjhe Fmnco Spanish peace
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  • 1349 9 BRUTAL MIRDER AT BI'KIT PASOH. Tamil Sentenced to Death at Assizes. The fourth Singapore Assizes were resumed yesterday morning m the Supreme Court before Mr. Jartiot Deanc. The cases that remained on the calendar were one f murder, one of attempted murder (from Christmas Island), and thf
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  • 218 9 The Fukuoka Hospital ScanJal. (By courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha). Tokio, Aug. 10. Six doctors of medicine including Messrs. Imabuchi, Sumida. Mukai, Hasegawa and Katoh of the Medical Department of the rukuoka University have been relieved of their posts at their own request m connection with the
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  • 130 9 <i»ieen Victoria's H«»me Life. A friend of Cobb'i has a friend who went abroad while Queen Victoria was still on the throne of Great Britain: "In London one night the traveller saw Mine. Bernhardt play m 'Anthony and Cleopatra.' "Bernhardt was at her best as Egypt's
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  • 43 9 The rainfall for July, at the Botanic Gardens, Hongkong, was 23.11 inches. On ■July there were IOLSB inches following 8.04 inches on July 14th and 3.10 inchos on July 15th. On sixteen days during the nonth there was no rain at all.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 146 9 Robinson 6? Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m th<- Straits Settlement? nirZk *> k tat?pi;d \>^ J|B^ run; wool, m i overs v ffi^S^^B^ I-ATEST DESIGNS JbCOLOrRH J V W l;ni;r. l\t... l.nur JAEGER. A ure Wool Tra\ellrn^ Ru«s i'lr^ v larjre selection m stock reversible /f f>O with fringe ends. fjffi%
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 482 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR i.| NKs (Incorporated m England MAIL, PASSENGER_ANI^CAR(;o SKl{\|« PENINSULAR AND ORIENT°uTsTE \M M v\ i, LONDON AND FAR EASI MAIL SERVii (Under Contract wtth HblSJSff;^^ OLTWAKUS FROM LONDON. HinMU »n r hin an<lJap n mm>l Tonnage. Singapore. 1925 NARKUNDA IG,2O<> Aujt 14 k\HH KARMALA
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  • 1044 11 I am making a n:»w Anthology of sporting verso, and tind to my disappointment that the poets, great an<! *mall, have sadly neglected cricket. The section devoted to »ur glorious old game is likely to be rather i ]«>< i affair unless niy readers can infortl me of
    1,044 words
  • 730 11 THK VOLUNTARY SYSTEM. Mr. P. H. Shaw, of the Domestic Servants Employment and Registration Bureau, writes to the Hongkong Daily Press: "The main and apparently the only objection m the minds of the speakers at yesterday's meeting was that a private bureau would make possible the exploitation of
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  • 50 11 While Mr. Joergensen, manager of the Great Northern Telegraph Company m Fin- land, was sailing m his yacht near Nystad (m the Gulf of Bothnia) on July 8, the yacht was struck by lightning and all on board wre killed, with the excep ion of one of Mr. Joergensen's daughters.
    50 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 488 11 Baked to Perfection, Of coarse, an oven just right necessary to suc^ful baking, pUm or fancy, kit ,t hopcleiw unless the dou«h 1 'VKop-rly preparc-d. If you use R.u.,1 y "m accordance -v i IkV-'T Simple dirertions y°" can always hr sure that r /iL'^^r^t leavened and throughly rooked *kT
      488 words
    • 272 11 |y^ i Correct Feeding f"r^ during early infancy is of r«-- a t imf>ortaiHe. ii It is during ('us rod that tin foundations 3 or baU s wcilaic are lx i n;; In <i llu* wis<* 1 mother who is Unable to DIMM h >l>v li'-r^rlf. either wholly or m
      272 words

  • 511 12 The Portuguese transport Gill Eannes is rive to arrive m Singapore on her way to Macao with 200 troops on hoard co-morrow. The survey ship Moresby is due to arr.v> m Singapore on the 19:h. Aug. She will remain here for a few days before proceeding to Thursday
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  • 566 12 Cockchafer Commander Promoted. Commander Ivan W. Whitehorn. the junior of the 20 Lieutenant-commanders promoted to that rank m the midsummer list, has been m command since 1923 of the pun-boat Cockchafer m Chinese waters. His advancement recalls an incident m 1924 which elicited questions m the House
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 577 12 Burns Philp Line (INCORPORATED IN AUffRAUA.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.376 tons) and MONTORO (5,000 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins *t Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
      577 words
    • 458 12 fi BOORDS t t f I,'^^ Stocked by all dealers and Hotels. JOHN UTTLE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England.) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LI MITK MESSAGERIES MARIMMES HENDERSON lINK. Under contract with the French Government Mail and Passenger Servin-s. SCHBDUU 01 %A DIRECT FORTNIGHTLY lIV lOKIN ><-HII In-mn..}., FAR EASTERN SERVK
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 693 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gomas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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    • 114 12 H. Tsukahara, Mr. A. Kapcyama, Mr. R. Satck, Mr. S. Ralia, Mr. and Mrs. K. Abo, Mrs. S. Imoo, Mr. Akabnne, Mr. Matsumoto. PASSES (,'ERS AKRIVEI). By the Dollar Liner President Monro;- iiu following passenjrers arrival: For Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. rhaumey L. Armstrong, Mrs. Thckla Banmt. Mr. Hi.rry M.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 630 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. Steamers. Arr Dent Hamburg, Rotterdam, vt rp, Bremen, via Colombo, Port Soudan and Port Said. Amazon Maru Aug 19 Aue 20 Algoa Hay (Port Elizabeth), K> AUg Rio, Santos Buenos 1 »l©mbc, t Canada Maru Sept. 17 Sent 19 Bombay vi a Penang 1 Sumatra
      630 words
    • 453 13 SIE&MSBIPUNE «SHL Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 88 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINBSB. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore m 110
      453 words
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  • 48 14 i T^Z m T COlTes P° nd «nt Cairo states that the- Egyptian Government has approved the Suez Canal Company's plans for the creation of new town on eastern hank o f the canal. The town will be constructed opposite Port Said, and wiU no named Port Fuad.
    48 words
  • 967 14 Noble, shrewdest of Australian captains, tries hard m his book "Gilligan's Men" (Chapman and Hall, Ltd.), to treat of "Gillisan's Men" with chivalry and does. But kit realistic Australian mind has its way m the end; one turns over the closing Capes understanding well enough exactly
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 184 14 |l)/|/flfuf I HI Wv ■mm I 'v^ X^' i •fra r m jf- r |^l P g "She asked for Capstan 9 Not merely for "a cigarette" but distinctly, emphatically, for a S "Capstan"! Confirmed and :j occasional smokers alike voice l\ C^^^^^^&S^^^^^^^ their praises. Good tobacco, '^^^OS^^^^^i pcr ectly
      184 words
    • 318 14 aA f #Bri Messrs. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. Singapore. Str»ita Settlement*. A Mothers Word to Mothers J°f Mrs V Monmouth. 9.;h. High Street, llfracomh* tells m the following letter, what a comfort ft' Woodward's (Jripe Water has /M yS^^Jf^r proved m preserving the he«)rh jfl imKr "I am a mother
      318 words

  • 641 15 A STEADY ADVANCE. Mr. J. L. Humphreys, who has tptttt some vt-ry useful years m Tren^^ar^. ifem the report for 19^4, a copy of which has just reached us. Mr. Humphreys has now •noved OB to Kedah hut it would be defeg •«n injustice not to say that
    641 words
  • 57 15 Bank 4 in.9. j;,^ 25.32 Bank demand j>i4 5.32 Private credits 111- I U.|( New Y( rk, demand <•»•, t^ Credits 90 days 6K^ Prance, deauad ltM HonjikoriK, demand 1.. c li,. »i Yokohama, demand !.{7' t •JHva. demand 1 |f Bangkok, demand 7<n 4 Sovereign. Bank Buying Bank
    57 words
  • 181 15 August 12. Tin 1 7.*) Tom 7 Copra BuadeieJ v>Jui B*M Kaple (01,1) :UUi Rite. Lianp ll in Chan Mari Red Eagle (New) aj| Hice, Sum old No. 1 330 Rice, Ranpoon Bintan |fj Rice, Rangoon Sioka 2. r .»i Rice, Siam Brokon No. 1 |ft Rice. Siam Broken
    181 words
  • 306 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT (L.R. Macphail). Singapore. Aim. 11. Rubber.— :!> l%d. Up id. Local 1 12. Tin.— -£264. 225. <ml. down. Local 1T.% tons at i; 52 7 The rise of I<l. m the price <>f the cot modity has had the effect of firming share prices hut business
    306 words
  • 179 15 A telegram was received m Bangkok <m Aug. 7 from the Siam Rice Broken A --<>ri;ition m Hongkong to the local organization here to the effect that rice can HOW l>e shipped to Hongkong i>y any steamer. TMa mwi should help the local market. hut millers BM taking time to
    179 words
  • 41 15 RUBBER AUCTION. YESTERDAYS |.|S| The SinuapoN' ciiainhti „t < nmmvnm Rubber Axvoriation hol.l [ta TBOtk. MKttoa fwUvdajr, wh*. M ihiT»- wa> r«t«lm— d 1 •t)L>,74;, lbs, H7..'-, ton oiVcici r_*7.c»Cl!> 'is.; i!M).r,:; umm. Bold SSM9S lbn:; i.i o ons.
    41 words
  • 63 15 !M !»td Sm>k«'d Sht»-i gajta IVr |.l». Slarnlanl QualM\ Sal«'< <',' o4 iverifr Qua i.(»'.»' t i,\%% < r»>|)i'. B< uidai I Qwalitx Pah No s., d P«l€ i ii.-, to I .mi, < >tr Coioui Latex i an Fine i.i «.w .17 Browa > t.. if rap
    63 words
  • 159 15 London. Jul> 22 TIM London jM.Hi,,n i v.'i.(MM».<hm>) „f tlr Commonwealth loan of 120.000.000 hii* l«-.n OWnMbaeribed. Wh» n th,. lists closed »t 11.48 oVI.K-k this nioniinir. th«- applw.. ikmi eictMM no.ow.oix> OIL MARCH IN HEM «.i DfBA. The Nadu Oil < report- having t;(t Wl'st Ml if
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  • 207 15 MACPHAIL AND CO. LTD'S REPORT. Singapore. Xnc. |f, KuhlMT. -LtMM B«. I\(J. QnkH. I. Tin. London tiv. l. I r i 1 3 tOBI M>ld. ■Matora. Btandy. lln Beauta hu\.< buyer* at .'.4 ami atllen al >.. Glenealy* •tlVr at 2 bayen bidding 1.90 J< run Kuantana lia\< buy< 1
    Unchanged  -  207 words
  • 169 15 Singapore. \uy i Tin.— rjt.i .)..u ?l Ba. •".<!. Loral ltt% i. l{i'Mnr. Sa. l%d. i'|i id. Lacal 1.11 Hubhfr>. Til*- ilmupv maiiu quiet U i ami h;»v«- bam taJtati m <t";""tit\ al i.m be pl;ir«-<J furtfi.i. t r;nu icl«a Kavi made l.:;."». PaJaMM can i-u
    169 words
  • 42 15 Sin«apor«-. \uu. 12, 12 niMtn Singapore Standard P&U* Crept 110. Blaarapart Standard Rifefcad Smoked She-ei Sp..-, US US; \ui Sept 108 111; Od l>«-r !»T M; i<" Mar Hf Quotai ion Bhe< I H Mai k< I
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 401 15 Assets over $5,500,000. rriiri /it™ m Assurance m force over $19,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE :-Winchester House Singapore. I ONDON OFFICE *> nw t The Co»p»y has ,20,000 deposited with the^pre.e Court of E^^ZS^JiSLiS'j!^^ s F c Act JOB™.™™ SeCretary Managing
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    • 950 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. v Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Keserve Fund:— Sterling 4,*00,000 Silver $26,500,000 Keserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairmar w W White, Esq. Deputy Chaiiman W H- Bell,
      950 words
    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (IncorporaUd m England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., Ltd. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 952 16 CHINA AND THE POWERS. To the Editor. Sir, -There are some of Mr. Laycock's views which appeared m your issue of the Sth. inst. which must not be passed over uncommented. Surely it is ungentlemanly to express false views and then beg that no further discussions
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  • 12 16 "Cyclist." writes complaining of the state of Bclegii and Seranj?oon-road, on account
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  • 551 16 MUNICIPAL REPKESENTATION. Inevitably, the most important question that i s engaging the attention of the community is to elect a member to fill the f. coition caused by the resignation of Mr. Lee Pang Seng. If my recollection is Correct, I think M>r. Lee Pang: Seng was elected
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  • 38 16 Penang, July Following are the numbers of arrivals from and departures to Madras Presidency for the month of July: Arrivals 7,025 Adults 1,322 Minors Departures 3,50<i Adults 159 Minors The arrivals relate to aided passengers only.
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  • 172 16 CHONG NAM SCHOOL BUILDING FIND. The Committee beg to acknowledge with r.iany thanks the following subscriptions: Mr. Thio Kirn Chuan ||0Q Thong Hup Nguyen Seng 100 Mr. Siak Ah Hin M Mr. Chua Yong Whatt iO Mr. Gaw Khek Khiam ;,G Mr. Chee Soon Keng 50 Mr. Tan Hock Ann
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  • 25 16 of the various djrg iv.'s up by different departments, jind bad patching. As all vehicles are taxed he thinks riders are entitled to decent roads.
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  • 526 16 NARROW WIN FOR CHINESE. S.R.C. Defenders In Good Form. Seldom have the S.R.C. defenders given a better account of themselves than they did yesterday afternoon on the Stadium ground when they were opposed to the S.C.F.A. m one of the concluding games of the Singapore League. The S.C.F.A. haO
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  • 297 16 Kuala Lumpur Riders' Experiences. The following: brief account of a journey to Singapore by a "Matchless" motorcycle team is forwarded to the Malay Mail: The team travelling by road comprised Mr. J. Robson and Mr. Hew Yam, riding the L-4 models Matchless, and Mr. Kirn Hong, riding
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  • 47 16 FRENCHMAN'S ATTEMPT TO SWIM CHANNEL. London. Aug. 5. A Boulogne message says a Frenchwoman, Mile. Jeanne Sion, w"ho entered the water at Cape Grisnez yesterday morning to swim the Channel was compelled to abandon the attempt at 9-40 m the evening owing to the temperature and water.
    47 words
    • 283 16 [Reuter's Service.] London, Aug. 12 At the Oval: Surrey beat Middlesex on the first innings. There was no play to-day. Surrey made 203 (Hobbs 40, Shepherd 57, Allen five for 40) and 11 for no wicket. Middlesex replied with 183 (Hearne 58, Fender four for 54). At Peterborough:
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    • 126 16 W. L. W. L. Ist Ist Pts. Per. In. In. Yorks. IS 3 3 102 MJt Surrey II 2 4 1 ts tk.oo lanes. 7 I M 76.80 M'sex 10 I 1 1 :>7 tTjN Kent. 12 7 1 1 »>4 illM Notts. S 3 1 fi
      126 words
    • 123 16 V km Scmbilan Association. A meeting of the X.S. Rugby association was held »t the SunKci Ujong Club, Seremban. on Saturday evening, to discuss t"he conditions for the Malaya Cup competition during the 1025 1U26 season. After considerable discussion, it was proposed that the competition should be
      M.M.  -  123 words
    • 236 16 Dundalk, the winner of the Grand National Steeplechase m Melbourne recently once carried an unconscious' rider to the end of a steeplechase m South Australia. The incident reads more like a page of fiction, and is probably the most remarkable episode m the history of the Australian
      Ex  -  236 words
    • 83 16 Owing to the very heavy demand for for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse patrons are urged to book personally or by phone at 67. Waterloo Street Phone 1866, from 10 a.m. to noon, or at the Alhambra Fjbont 909, from 7.30 to 8.45 p.m. No
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 207 16 HIS MASTER VOIC^T (GRAMOPHONES AND RECORDS Are renowned throughout the world fur their qualities. It is quality, first, last and all the time. These qualities have placed and maintain. the front rank of musical achievement. LET US PROVE THIS TO YOU S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD THE ARCADE, SINGAPORE illadc tyAanct—
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