The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 August 1925

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. ID CEM SINGAPORE, S.S.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1925. NO. 11.:>(>I
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  • 213 1 Ihe st;iff at th< Hrilish Ltjr.ttion in PeMag has struck as ;i political den'oiistration Pape 9. Two Canpac liners have been in trouble this wtekciul on the American side Page U. (ienerai Petain thinks that tht turn in^Jie tide in affairs in .Morocco has now conu- Pape
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  • 1086 1 A baby, bin d from it- real r L'ir.-.t'y facilitate! the "grip* 1 game, told, an.! when iimm| in u 5; „f Ituro, the gmme work- tlmv. ~fc inlhd furniture auction honees plant their ..if. i lays' 1 in private homes, and "piaee n»-w papei
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 155 1 FOR THE TROPICS. In addition to the 20 features that make the Royal Typewriter the most popular machine in Malaya, we can now offer an additional outstanding feature in ANTI-RUST RQY^I TYPEWRITERS. INCONVENIENCE AND REPAIR BILLA ELIMINATED. The "EUROPE" HOTEL Terms: Ala carte, or f~ 1 f GRILL Inclusive. i
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    • 163 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Use the Asepso shaviup stick FafC t. Capstan citrarcttcs suit all climateii Pap* 4. Maynanl and Company st«.ck all Types <>f cameras— Pa^e 1. John Little and Co. for fv^ry type uf good pipe Pajre 8. The famous Zeebruvr>fe film at tht- Thiafr on Monday Page '2. Matchless
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    • 16 1 WING LOO N G FOR hk.h CLAM TAtUMUNa stylo, rut and Finish Cearantued t& hk.h strki;i
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 115 1 THE WEEK. IWwEeih lit*. High Water. 2..">1 am., |.l] p m. W'nhif mhni. \2th. Hi*rh Water, :\.:>l ».m.. i.j pm I.eajrue I: S.C.K.A. \> B.E.C. Ledge Eetlend regular k.:>(» p m Batik Shew, Dutch ChA I n.m. Thmxrfati, \:\th. High Water, •">.»; ji.m.. j>.tn. Scouts At Horm> BigUp, I'M) p.
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  • 538 2 Lady Swettenham was entei dined by Marchioness Towns hend ai lunch n on hei i at I >rd*s f< r the £ton ai i Harrow h on July 11. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bryham Mawaon have I ft Alumoulle, Northumberland, and have taken up residence at beam Church Stretton, i»;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Elite Cinema Presents Harold Lloyd— in Harold Lloyd I GRANDMA'S BOY Pathe Gazette and Comedies THE MERRY OPERA COMPANY WAYANtTNSHANGHAI PEK JEE PUPPET SHOW. WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY Free Wireless Demonstration THE SINGAPORE STAMP EXCHANGE. 11. St. HELENS COURT SINGAPORE. Rules on application. /Ty A ~J/en*
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    • 308 2 Victoria Theatre. Commencing Monday August 17th at 9.30 p.m. The famous film ZEEBRUGGE A GLORIOUS NAVAL EPIC Produced by British Instructional Films and passed and approved by the Admiralty Booking at John Little Co. Reserved seat $2 Gallery 50 cts. Thursday, August 27th. MISCHA LEVITZKI HAROLD LLOYD IN SAFETY LAST
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    • 221 2 Are you fond of excitement? Do* aiiythiin- > interest you? What form of uriUOMU I best? Would you likr t,, One Exciting Night To experience or to feel that you have had after many a dull and uneventful ALHAMBRA On Friday, 7th August. Of OB any of the five tight!
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  • 405 3 Eighth List of Subscription^. For 1 924-1 92."». Previously «cknowWdc«d $1 5,446.35, Mr. A. E. BadfleUy 2^, Ri^ht Rev. Bishop of Singapore 20, Co) lections St. .Mary's Church KuaJa F.umpur 75>0. Per Mrs. Gouph, K'ajan^ 143. Per Mrs. Sime. "S.K.H." 18, Poker (June) 4S, Mr. P. T.
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  • 382 3 Mattajfer on--^Vhy a (iuarii was Desired. Mr. Janet Bryaon, nuuiac>ng director of the European Motion Picture Company, Ltd.. in the course of a letter to the press, says he has been informed that the conference representing the Kinema Exhibitors' Association at (ilastrow has, without hearing his side
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  • 167 3 The gr«at aerial beacon at Mont Afrique, near Dijon, the most powerful lighthouse for aeroplanes in the world, which was inaugurated recently in the presence of a number of aeronautical experts, is now working regularly, states the Da:ly Express. After dark, every ten seconds a grea:
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 335 3 Halls Wine will thoroughly build S you up because I Hall's Wine enriches the blood! Hall's Wine feeds the nerves! HalPs Wine replaces worn tissue! HalPs Wine imparts vitality to the entire system Kvcry drop of tins great British tonic will do you good It is unequalled for overcoming the
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    • 250 3 ASEPSO I SAFETY FIRST 1 SHAVING STICK I A good description of the new Asepso Shaving Mick. a It produces just the right kind of lather. S li onl y needs to be damped and rubbed lightly over the face and the lather worked up with the brush. In the
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  • 1095 4 The interes' awakened here in England by the coming "Monwey Trial" in Dayton suggests says Artifex in the Manchester Guardian that it may be well to look at the other side of the question and consider the case of Dr. William Montgomery Brown, formerly Bishop of Arkansas, who
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  • 666 4 There are certain bowlers vrfho stand out from the rank and file, and who leave an indelible impression upon the memory. Of these perhaps the late Colin Blythe has left the deepest mark upon -my own mind. His action consisted of bringing the left hand
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  • 222 4 The first feint rumours of a new l>al'room dUMt btgttal t<> reach this COMtIJ. Of COItM, it conies from America, and of course it seems to have begun with the negroes "down South." It is called the "Charleston." hut from its description it does not sound to be
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  • 414 4 STORVO, img I'.-ivy London's Weekly On the night of I tat dirlilm of u match mr Hi > thr pavi.ion „f CompletrU d.-t|.. v W*l at MM for such an m, records and game wa> the hook- ~l Ml the propri.-t. i, l( to him for s
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  • 28 4 Tli.- I- V t h.- it-.,.,.; n. h;i- .lath ||..M.> I mrfaf fot N w it ii Bm»i for I ton I.' fnr Mkftdfc m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 274 4 vi Wk |j >-*'* jt The CiOarette that suits the climate 1 You cannot offer your guests >( a better or more acceptable cigarette than "Capstan" every (5) smoker in the feast regards "Capstan" as the criterion of 9 quality in cigarette production. 9 Cool, perfectK flavoured and smooth smoking,
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    • 63 4 WES OELICIOUS, ,PH The Standard WHOLESOME, ilffil for Purity nor REFRESHING, Exwllence SAFEGUARD I'f^^^Cy! Wm la4i AGAINST jffwji^ill Li Jui<: FEVERS. /EflArjJM^Kf aßd lk l»^?^:>^o| FiMrt ReHM« LIME JUICE OBTAINABLE FROM:— BUN BEE CO. AND ALL HIGH CLASS DEALERS Representative. J. K. GWINNELL P.O. Box. 225. Singapore. massagiThall MANICURE AND
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  • 1074 5 KADI I'M EXONERATED. What is the Real Trouble. Whether the rectal death of certain §ei<i'tine investigators, especially in Prance, la dIM to handling of radium, as generally stated, or to X-rays alone, as asserted by one of the French authorities quoted b» low, it seems certain that
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  • 698 5 I see they have started a slogan "Buy British Goods." It .s time they starred one Tor the benelit of the shopkeepers, which runs, "Sell British Goods." With t few Lrllian^ exceptions the modern B.i.wh ralesnran docsnt sell goods at all. He waits for you
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  • 78 5 The programme arranged for the AUS* tralians in 1926 reveals one gleam of imagination. On August II the tourists will play "XV. of the Public Schools'' a match which will provide invaluable experience for possible England players of the future. But few arguments can be advanced in
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  • 590 5 A ROMANCE OF THE RADIO INDUSTRY. The growth of wireless has made millions of people more or less familiar with substances which a few years ago they had scarcely heari' ot. One of the most remarkable of these is mica, which has revolutionized the radio industry. Till
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  • 142 5 A Distribution Forecast. Sidney, July Dr. Griffith Taylor, in a forecast of the future distribution of the world's population, is of the opinion that Europe's total capacity is 400,000,000, North America':TGO.COO.OOO, and South Africa and Australia each 70,000,000. Australia does no: posses* so'ls with heavy rainfalls
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  • 107 5 By Punjab Government For Taking Bribes. Simla, July 25. The Senior Sub-Judpe of Lyalpur, Kikja bdul Samad, is l)eintf prosecuted by th^ Punjab Government for takinj? bribes n.d f' r having borrowed large sums of money from well-known bankers and wealthv merchants, contrary to the Government Servants'
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 212 5 liik II W* II li I M If s Home made! ethtflg uncommonly ■boul thc l>ruad matle k.tihrn. t ,gKt, tastv lonve. «n<l .m!»- witli «;ise pnd Mn^« Kai^liy" aft rcdicnt. I WT~T>ic S'J^f ra,T..ngpomdrrM\ j FREE 300 Te*trd Recipes. »'"jj> J /our cent tunip, ii ith tjoiir flfi^XiJ name
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    • 573 5 Le^ Wincarnis build you up again it won't let you down After the 'flu or other illness, when you feel thoroughly weak and run down, let Wincarnis build up your health again. It is the tonic wine for that purpose, recommended and prescribed by over 10,000 Doctors, the tried and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 TO-DAY. TO-MORROW. s m NPYT YFAP "KODAK" Film will always be the same High Quality Film it has been for the Last Thirty Years. There is no uncertainty about "KODAK" Film,— its speed, latitude in exposure, beautiful gradation and, above all its marvellous keeping qualities, whether at the North Pole
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  • 770 7 PREVENTIVE FLEET'S BUSY WEEK. Many Captures. Fourteen captures during one week is the record of srizuies made by four boats <•' the F.M.S. Customs Preventive Fleet. On July 21, the Lalat, while -ailing round Parit Java, at about 8.30 a.m., sighted a prau which she caught up after
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  • 66 7 Starching tests have been .made by the Government experts to produce an ammunition fr. r rifle at machine -pun us*» which will be more effective in range and velocity thar: the cartridge now issued. The improved type tested has a bullet with fine tail lines, such as match
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  • 51 7 Sir Francis Ta\ lor Pinrott, of Green-ineado-w Cavt-s, Isle of Wijrht, foinu'ily Chief Justice of Honprkontr, and legal a<ltriaer to Um -lapanesc GovcrnnM ill In connection with the drafting of tin* Japanese Constitution, who died <>n Hntch 12, intestate aged 72. left un.-ettled property valued for probate a* 1120, with
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  • 156 7 Nmel I'roposal to Ltague of Nations. (ime\a June 25. Witli the object of doinji away with the wearisome business of translating the ches of tin- delegate! at the League of Nations meeting*!, propoMl hai !>»• n made to the Sec retry "General for the installation of a system
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  • 105 7 Melioidosis is a rare and fatal tropical ittseatt, tirsi FMOgalatd in man at Kanfoon in 1911 ami so far known from about Bfl cases, with 4S deaths. At different times it is said to resemble irlanders. cholera. Malaria, and typhoid. The onse' may marked by severe gastro»intMtiiia] >-\.'iii»toms. Of by
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  • 632 7 FAMILY WIPED Oil. Morphin the Causo. The following from Saturday's Straits It ho, gives a fuller ai count of the poison murder telegraphed by our Penang rorlespondent yesterday. Mr. C. W. A. Sennett in his capacity of Coroner began the inquiry to-day touching 'be deatht of a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 393 7 BUSINESS CARDS. OIHHHHHKHHMKH* 3^ pif»*« nd for the Unrated g of Musical Instruments. SEASON CO., LTD. Ml and 113, North Bridge Road. "cars for hire. Great Reduction in Rates THE ASIATIC MOTOR CAR CO. d Road 09-b, Bukit Timah Rd 1,1. Nos. 1801 and 109. OR HIRE, less 20 per
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    • 344 7 Following in Grandpa's Footsteps. Willie's got it too Knischen Salts into the child's tea, ror health, vigour and joltity there cocoa or porridge every morninc is nothing to choose between them. Half as much as will cover a ten When your children gel tired, cent piece is enough, and they
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  • 844 8 SISGAPORL FREE PRESS. TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1925. The A.B.M. The report of the Association of British Malaya has two appendices which show that the Association is doing useful work in London in the 'interests of Malaya, and if it is found I possible to keep up the recruiting of membership
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  • 412 8 The Chief Secretary and I,ady Maxwe'l were expected to return to Kuala Lumpur >» -utday. 1.1. (1. B. Adams M. as-urnes com- niarnl of thi* S.R.A..(v» \\cv ('apt Shaft- <ui leave tron August l. i ('.S.M.I. H. E. Wootton is appointed to ci mmand Ist Reinforcement Auxiliary s< r- vice
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  • 1054 8 IMPRKSSIONS AM) OIISKKV A'l lONS OF MALAYA. The Position in China. Mr. Kok Ann Wee M.1)., who hai just returned from the neiKhboui injr Island*, proceeds to China, after a brief hoii.lav. by the Amboise to resume his duty in i he Peking University.
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  • 63 8 «rwcr« rH i on Tllt ast in ii, nrodace r«r th, quantity si I of las, „u :u. Tl frorii MM i.,, the tOM tO Th. DM Inwaawji rsmitat sf tity b) Mile- which tion of thfai 01' rshrasi 1 i Lhout 1 1). rule- would I hundred
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  • 35 8 H gj c Mi 0 II II .1 1 H Pai r PI Hit it and I M Su 1 Mi Q II Mr. N. lai 1 1 I k l
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  • 44 8 Ihe pupulai In pensioner* m of .l.i t r urn. who fill JiMltY i t 1 v U\. ;tll.| Ulltil lie M 1 1 1 Hi <v lit !i\. i wI n :i iti mm h matt ii Stiexicai Wmi roll.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 178 8 "THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" I Contrexeville ffli Mineral Water {fMirnrv^imiP The Famous Remedy for all Uric Acid Troubles Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Shanghai.) PATRONISED jft BY ROYALTY. ESTD. L^ lW2g PRESENTS FOR PTEDDINGS AND ALL OCCASIONS Entirely New Goods Consisting of Useful Artick> Apart From Your Ordinary
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  • 35 9 BRITISH LEGATION AFFECTED. POLITICAL MOVK Router's Service.] Peking, tag. io. hundred employee! of the British ive struck for purely political iih the declared object of maletisli Government realise "their polic) in China."
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  • 57 9 \[c iter'fl Service.) QaeWc, Aug. 10. ■I E met with mishaps th;s TL Montrose for Liverpool ;;(>. aid struck an untion in the Channel and her maj <■•! Rfi i tank left leak returned to port, and her pas- <a. i i ransferred to i^ama grounded
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  • 41 9 <r\ ice.] Dun -din, \u^. 10. "t arrived lioiu lh: V i; y unaware mosl cv and 1., ered up the ■ha t I of children university girla ii amonit the visiting irspangled Banert hed before noon.
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  • 44 9 1; Service.] J'aris, Aug. 10. i I terlin coi i espondent R Gei man < lonference drew up an addenRapalio. The terms i k< pt secret but it is he lines for fu- <>- uai collaboration in the ntcving the League of •<• guarantee pact.
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  • 33 9 [Re Service.] Paris. Aug. 9. a at Puy de Dome, ring explanations of Varenne, de- men', passed a resolueptance of office choose between the < hina and memberi rt y
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  • 16 9 K<- Service.] Brisbane, Ang. 10. Italian airman, has his flight to Ja-
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  • 188 9 Murphy, M.C.. n our last Issue, R J Herald, took place a' a.m. on 17th July. The iated. His Excellency ng the Government, and Europeans in Planters from Beaufort •he |ine wei e present. Hi ful wreaths were of the Armed Con-] e volleys and the Buglers at the conclusion
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  • 101 9 PETAIN SEES LIGHT. M()R(M((, STRAIGHTENING OUT [Reuter's Service.] Paris, Asjg. 10. I he hoiiaOM il clearing," says I'etain in the report of his mission to Morocco, which If. Painleve has just issued. Petain describes the events since the first Riffi attack and speaks of the Strong, skilful, bold,
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  • 505 9 [Reuter's Service.] Paris, Auk. lit Sarrail has telegraphed to M. Painleve that the tighting in Syria was practically confined to attacks on two French punitive columns. The Krst was overwhelmed by the Druse* and lost one hundred out of !('■<) men. The second withdrew after
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  • 148 9 The Municipal Health Officer records 217 deaths during the week ending August Ist, with 28 due to pneumonia, 26 to phthisis, 2- r > to convulsions. 18 to malaria, 11 to beri-beri, and 12 to dysentery. There were solitary fatal cases of diphtheria and plague. The death
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  • 14 9 Good prepress is beinp made with the now buildings at the Jesselton Sports Club.
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  • 117 9 I ieut. Commander C. A. Peal. Harbour Master, Pcnang, was to go on two weeks' leave on Monday, in connection with his marriage, and Capt. J. J. Saunders, Deputy Harbour Master, will act. The Deputy Controller of Labour, Penanjr, telegraphed that 2,004 labourers had arrived by the Ellenga, of whom
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  • 118 9 Mr. Ibrahim Khan, of Taiping, ha s received a cable from London that his second sop Mr. Ismail Khan has passed the Intermediate examination for the LL.B., decree. Mr. B. M. O'Connell, 0.C.P.D., Ipoh, is tToing home on leave, and will not jfo to the Depot, as had been reported.
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  • 1271 9 LOSSES WE MOURN. Ca the Me; tain Trail. (from Our Utrn (>; respondent.) Jt' s: iton, July 28. Our small European .nimunity ha« suffered a severe loss in the deaths, which occurred on July lGth. and 17th. respectively, of Major E. MacGi 'Luddy Morplv\ MX'., senior engineer
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 Frister and Rossman s VIBRATINC; SHUTTLE Hand-Sewing Machine NEW MODEL REVERSIBLE FEED NO. Si Hand machine embodiev hII Ih. most r«rmt impm\rme«li applied lo Sewinjj M;nhiiuC CompJtU wiJh HandNonic Walnut -co\er. Price $55.00 Sole Agents: Robinson Co., Ltd. 1 I Btrmits ft tt SINGAPORE. vs u Foi/ get full value
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 531 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AM) APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER^AM) CARGO SERVK K> PExMNSULAR AND ORIENTS iTsTE AM N AVK. \TK,\ I n LONDON AND FAR EASI MAIL SERVK I (Under Contract with His Majesty's Govtnmwiit), OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. BQHBWARIM For Chin.x and Japan. for Mimlßn, „,,,1..,' KARMALA
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  • 1410 11 Anthon> Dare's Progress. By Archibald Marshall (London, Collins and Son, 48 Pall Mall). In this Mr. Marshall continues to follow the simple, placid life of his hero and l>y virtm- of a pleasant style and a faciIty for writing produces a book which. \vh.lst it cannot in any
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  • 511 11 In a speech delivered at the Chamber of Commerce. Melbourne, Sir William Irvine, the Chief Justice of the State of Victoria, and a farmer President of the Victorian Branch of the Navy League, spoke as follows on the subject of the Singapore Base: "According to a recent cable
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  • 153 11 O\er Missing Koli Hoy. Ahmadabad, .July SSth —A report has Ikh-ii received of a Hindu-Muslim fracas ut Patdi. which took place between Kolis (Hindus), and Khojas in consequence of a missing Koli boy. The Kolis SUSpectiag the boy to have been kidnapped by Khojas for sacrifice
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  • 94 11 A papermaker of the Hart/. (Germany* recently made mi interes'.ine: experiment to demonstrate the tinu> required to transform a tree into a newspaper. Three iree< were felled at 7.:'.;") a.m.. freed from lark and carried to the pulp mill. At BJ9 a.m. the fust roll of paper was ready (2
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 m These "world famous people recommend them ha| lllM*'- l.i ;«M iUen ;il>oiit i PAS--1 S. \frtu. Tetrazzini.the u nrld-fartxoum s, firano von for the I«i\ of I ans 1 en I me, v. li ii I find -it- Hit, Grace the Art hbithop of milrrburv Archbishop has used the
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    • 883 11 My Debt of Gratitvide. MPHHH^ "Ulcers the Size of Man's Hand. m WT Edward Ro.d. Balull H^.ih, B,rm.n«h«m F«^*nd. wi-o *..te. «BBf X^BF "In July last I happened to get a Blo<*l Mixture and ilr.i.l« <l «< ui>> ■VBs «V wrateh on my leg. It w««< so it ;it was
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  • 233 12 Commander Torino Dan-ichi, formerly the Commander, and Lieut. Fukuyama N&oji, ex-Navigation-Officer of th« special service ship Kwanto, who had been placed cr the reserve list in connection with the working of the vessel in Tsuruga Bay during a violent blizzard and the death of about one hundred officers
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  • 27 12 Apparently undamaged, the Hains steamer Trevaylor arrived in Port yesterday. The Trevaylor went ashore on th e One Fathom Bank on Friday evening last.
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  • 166 12 Valuable Sujjar Cargo Lost In 1,000 Fathoms. A Manila wire of July 28 says: The British steamer Egremont Castle (Dodwell Castle line) which went aground last week on Tubbataha Reef, Sulu sea, slipped off the reef in a squall, and sank in a thousand fathoms on Sunday
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  • 208 12 The name Otranto that has been ehoMn for the new Orient liner building- t>y V.ckera it-calls the former bearer of the tally, one of five vessels ordered in 1906 to main f ain the new Australian mail contract and launched a year later, the performance having
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  • 186 12 The "Asturias" Launched at Belfast. The Asturias, which wa s launched from Messrs. Harland and Wolff's East Yard at Belfast on July 7th., is the largest and most powerful motor vessel afloat. She has been built to the order of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company for
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 549 12 Burns Philp Line (INCORPORATED IN AUSTRALIA.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.376 tons) •od MONTORO (5,000 tons). The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins rf« Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 478 12 I BOORD'S Obtainable. Wk Stocked by all dealers and Hotels. Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Enpland.) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR THOS: COOK SON, LTD AND THOS: COOK SON (BANKERS) LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) Passenger and Forwarding Agents, Bankers, ttc P. O. Box 102. 6, Battery Road, Singapore.
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    • 253 12 LLOYD TRIESTINO S.N. (I). (Incorporated in Italy HOMEWARD BAIUMi Bi-monthly service for MMU, Veai«t and Trieste via ports taking through Bills of Lading f r I Levant and Black Sta P-rts. ports on the \\Y>t QtMl f I* tM. v. BQQUIUMO x I.ACOMA DUCHBBBA <i \<>st.\ n x (iKRAXl A
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 672 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 666 13 yj. b. Lino. Destinations. Steamers. Arr. Dept. Hamburg, Rotterdam, '.^rp. Bremen, via Colombo, *k Port Soudan and Port Said. Amazon Maru Aug 19 Au* 20 Algoa Bay (Port Elizabeth), Town, Rio, Santos, Buenoi :a "l<> mbo t Canada Maru Sept. 17 Se-pt 19 ..nd Bombay vi a Penang i Sumatra
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    • 457 13 B3Efl__\ mmm«M\m OH M—^^^^^S^^—^m Dmama MKk^flat J^HBL- STEAMSHIP LINE Round-the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 88 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on
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  • 663 14 ACTION BY THE POWERS IMPERATIVE "The sword, as far as I can see, is quite a s holy an instrument to work with a diplomatic chicanery or any of the other hundred and one ways people have of converting others to their own views." These
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  • 138 14 The son of Chang Tso-lin, whose arrival is reported in Tientsin, is the offspring of a parent whose sudden transition from outlaw to respecter and enforcer of law and order savours of romance— but that it happened in China. Prior to the Russo-Japanese war Chang was
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  • 1391 14 MINING COURT OF INQUIRY. Socialist Conservative Chairman. (From Our Own Correspondent). Edinburgh, July If. Whatever opinions there may lx- as to whether the Court of Inquiry into the differences in the coal trade will avert a stoppage, it is admitted that the Government have heen singularly fortunate in
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  • 34 14 The British Government has notified the League of Nations that the Straits Settlements will contribute annually $5,000 to the Singapore Epidemiological Information Bureau, established by the League with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation.
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  • 57 14 A donkry cart wa- stsjkiisjSj :it root "Ut side -hoj>. Presently Ford cor pulled up sJoJsJSjUo. "What on «arth <!«> you think fOI arc?*' inquired th<« d(»nk<y. "Why I'm .1 inotor-oar, of course. What do you think you are?*' Th«' dosJtoy blushed to tin- x\^^ of hitSjn
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 392 14 I mM J Health-giving I S "W'J/i'/lllßm I M M I\/a/| ly) Who would not rather take a cool, V;/ spaikliii^ draught of thai delightful pleasant-tasting saline, Andrews Liver Salt, fizzing up so invitingly in the glass, than fall a victim to an) of the assaults a torrid climate can
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    • 197 14 K«p Pi. KEPLER mCod Liver Oil ilh Malt Extract *MiiMr Enables people of all ages to fortifies the healthy and restores i^rfM lt is super-nourishment in a palatable y'jViW Children like its delicious fl.«x J w^-^^^ Bottle* of two sues All t > I^l Burroughs Wellcome Shell Lubricating Oils Each
      197 words

  • 540 15 FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. IIIF MONDAY, AUGUST loth. [Figures in brackets shntv *v,~ the Share in doll* i ,S8Ue va,u < marked.] dollars unless otherwis. Asam Kumban* (fl) ll >?" S ers Satan* PadW Tin e- 4 )s Hitam Tin V »K J*?« Hydraulic eu,^ 1 4 Johan
    540 words
  • 90 15 A notabk new plant near Lourdes. in the French Pyrenoos, is to h<- equipped with 000 standard Knowlcs cells fc r the electrolysis of water, each with a capacity of 7,500 amperes. This is to bfl applied to the production <»f more than 70.000 cubic fee! of hydrogen and 85«000
    90 words
  • 58 15 Aujru-t 10. Kank 4 m.s. N o (4 15.32 Bank demand *"2\i 6-3^ Private erfdhfl 1 m.~ ."1 1 .Now t rk. demand Credits <H) days 1* ram demand 1 1 •<■ India, T. T. [2 Hongfc—y. dwwd PreM. Vokohama. .I.niatul j-{ 7 Java, (it'inan.l Hantikok, (U-niati.! Sovtrt'iprn. Hank
    58 words
  • 152 15 ■ambicr I < > 1 1 1;( R;oe. fljiupoon fiintar Rice, Kar^wiii Sioka Rice. Sinrn Broken Xn. 1 Rire. Siam Broken No. l j Rice, Siam Glutinous No. I Rice, Siam Glutino'u No. f R Ye, Rangoon Glutinoan No j Ric-e, Annni No 1 280 Rice. Anam N'«>. l
    152 words
    • 80 15 M AC PH AIL AND CO. LTD'S REPORT. i.ii u <;<l Ut;tk T'n London, (l r. v. BN I t I ...,-al 1 ■>• 100 toai >min K Ifurai* b «Cs. M. ;,nW buyers at j. v :.,l kr, m with,.,. :j |.S6 a n u ,40 Johana .re
      80 words
    • 177 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. <l K. Muphaih. Kyhbe, )(1 Ijn. t_..«; i [qq Hi" market nutetl'i -eetions. Hu11,..,- thai "i n K Vfinin luie! and Induatr air and I impro% injc quo ati Kiibbent. Ulu BenuW i... x been 1 UnuM at li and Imlmjriri v Parcel of Aye i
      177 words
    • 151 15 a'u have dropped a FwrtlMM t»-nt.v an. l tin- mark, i clown \\«-ak u weiring tendenc) an.! practical!) no i>u era. I here ha- been an almoul com| sation of buyinp wtpport t»>r ma' throughout the week, with thv exception <»f a moderate demand a* the X j<
      151 words
    • 112 15 11l tlir cuiii-, af «-in|iini. made l.\ <>n< >of u in- PtpoftM Saturday's Tim. Maiaya. it \\a- l.airi-.l that Mr. Frank Corfctt lias returned t-. the F.M.S in nection with the iMiiiiruniUoii <.f uha* i I ivt'ly t<> prove a new ami interest ii,- MS industry. Thia b
      112 words
  • 34 15 Singapore. Aim. 10, 12 ne«>n Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Spot 1.10 1.12; Aug-Sep LOU 1.10; Oct-Dec 98 1.00; Jan-hfarch 99 W. London Quotation Sheet 3l 6d. Harkel
    34 words
  • 329 15 New Isaac <>f Ordinary Sh;ire« Re poil of Tronoh Minei for year to December 81, r.»24 states that during ><-.u i.i2s;> ttnis .f tin ok »\.i. s,.m. u< against ','_'.".!> tons for IMS. Output of tin ore from dredgts wai (V]~ tons, realising ItSjMl, being aii average value
    329 words
  • 58 15 Austral Malay Tin, Ud.. the |mmi inanauer- of the Asam Kunbang <<>.. ad i.<« that, in eoMMetion with the declaration of the quarterly dividend <.n a decreased RCftle, the divdge \M at pre-. fit pa->ini.' through an ;uv;i of low-grMla fround iti which it will be opttatiag For tkt mxi
    58 words
  • 67 15 At the annual mOOtimj ..t \J,, n,- An-tif (Johove) K. B. Ltd., heM n < opeahaffoa m July 14th, the mmhfMMi mentioned thai tinea th<- rem| any*i inceptiea Ifteeu ■iro, th. a-. aavc produced 24 .1*J5,016 H»». «.f rubber, and paid <|i\ (Innlratiai l Th r M t dlThknd of
    67 words
  • 103 15 Aluminum claimed to Im ■pm it> i f P9.9M per rent h;,. -,-ri |.r..(Jii( «<| p| tli. Hoopt electrolytical i *m, and rtated itr i rmrj mttoriafly from the ordinal*] jut ftluminum -hM'f. it i If it-mam- urt*!rii«du-d n, air I time, an.i it ha, m. I, l\
    103 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 388 15 Assets over $5,500,000. I^^™ B I"™™1 TUP nnr arr n a nmi^m t Assurance in force over $19,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITEDHEAD OFF-rrr-. i»- L (1 <*ol*>™M in Straits Settlemente) ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF AtefTPA^n, C mpameS Act AGENTS WANTED SCCretary Man »S*g Director C KN X HORACE
      388 words
    • 855 15 HONGKONG AM) SHANGHAi BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong; a x. Head Offic e: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,001 issued and fully paid up $20,000,00C Reserve Fund:— Sterling 4,500,00(1 Silver $26,500,000 Keserve Liability of Proprietors $20,<i00,00(J COURT OF DIRECTORS. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairmar w u »»l! e Esq Dc P ut
      855 words
    • 40 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England by Royal CharUr A. D. 1720). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity (Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER CO., Ltd. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      40 words

  • 244 16 ItST DAY'S WEIGHTS. THK Fll Th<- following are the handicaps for the first day of Ip<>h .Wmimer Race Meeting, to be held on Tuesday, the lKth. of August. Race I. Kx-(iriffin Horses, Class C I'ivc furlongs) Dinkie 0.7, Tigablas !).:>, Shantung '•♦.2, Pam The Hope B, Seven Oaks
    244 words
  • 106 16 lirst Three Placed Riders Tin- detailed results of the Reliabili y Test for motor cycles and motor cycle side-car combinations which was held on Sunday morning will be ready for publi- < at i< in to-day. There is a grood deal of chtvkiny: to he done and
    106 words
  • 99 16 The Ladies' August spoon was competed for yesterday and resulted in a win for Mrs. J. M. Jackson who returned a net m ore of 36. Thirty-two cards were taken out and the following were roturneM: Mrs. J. If. Jackson 4."> 36 Mrs. (J. de Havillai d
    99 words
  • 61 16 H.M.S. Iroquois vs. S.V.C A rifle shoot took place at Bukit Timah Range on Sunday, between teams of eignt from H.M>. [roquois and Singapore Volunteer Corps, resulting fan a win for the S.V.C Scores. H.M.S. [roquois 458; S.V.C. 584. Highest Individual Score.— A.B.F. Hoare. H.M.S. Iroquois; No. 6y
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  • 159 16 WaUejr in Manila. The Manila Times says that Boy Wailey's first opponent will be Tomaa Placio, the best 105-lb. boy in Manila. They arefixed up to meet at the Olympic Stadium <m next Saturday night. The boxers will take twenty per cent, of the proceeds and the money taken,
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  • 65 16 Programme* of drills u\y to and for 16 Au«. Wednesday, 5.1 5 p.m. Drill Hall Ist Reinforcement and Auxiliary. Friday, 5.30 p.m. Drill Hall "C" (Scottish) O Jy 5.1.5 p.m. Drill Hall Ist Reinforcement and Auxiliary. Saturday, 2 p.m. Farrer Range Eurasian Company; 2 p.m. Bukit Tirnah
    65 words
  • 514 16 A mild form of barracking br7>TTe out during the annual cricket match between! Oxford and Cambridge at Lord's recently, I stales th(> Westminster Gazette. Just after the tea interval and with Tay-i(-i and I,egge at the wickets for the Dark Blues, two runs had been added
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  • 123 16 A Malay named Surip tin Soudfo was brought up in the District Court yesterday at the instance of the Detective Branch and icmanded pending: extradition proceedings. The accused was arrested on charges of robbery and extortion in Sela* Hand jane. The Coroner's inquest in connection with the
    123 words
  • 115 16 First $1,000,000 Photoplay. Rex Ingram's $1,000,000 production of •The Four Horsemen Of Th e Apocalypse" made for Metro, is announced by the Alhambra Theatre commencing August l')th. This will be the first showing here of the screen version of Vicente Bla»C0 Ibanesfr novel that has been
    115 words
  • 81 16 Major C. M. Enriqaei returned from his trip to Mount Kinabalu and left for Singapore by the Darvel on loth July. We understand thai h;> had a most successful trip and found tome butterflies that were quite new to him. He also obtained interesting information r-jjrardin th< natives who- live
    81 words
    • 875 16 To the Editor. Sir, I have read with dissatisfaction Mr. Laycock's discussion about extra-territo-riali:y and customs in China, which appeared in your issue of the Bth. inst. To ciseuss political affairs here is unpleasant, therefore, I do not propose to say anything on customs and extra-territoriaiity.
      875 words
    • 197 16 To the Editor. Sir, A case has been brought to my notice of the name of the ex-Committee of this Fund used in connection with advertising a recent theatrical performance in Singapore. I am directed by ex-Members of the General Committee of the Fund to make
      197 words
    • 411 16 To the Editor. Sir, With regard to the article which appeared in your most valuable paper under the title of "A Sluggish Teacher," I am j under the opinion that the gentleman who wrote 'hat article would do well if he had disclosed his real name, so
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    • 312 16 To the Editor. Sir, With reference to the paragraph headed "Weakness of Glamorgan Cricket" published in your issue of the 6th instant, I should like to point out that it is SSSSntTsi for Glamorgan to remain in first-class cricket if th e game is to "take" in Wales.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 177 16 There are no substitutes for "HIS MASTERS VOICE GRAMOPHONE RECORDS They have been tried and proved to be in every respect. The Manufacturer. "HIS MASTER'S VOIfK" Products have maintained their Btandard Quality until to-day they stand BUpn Gramophones from $50 up. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD Uncrponitcd 11: Efollffko«f The Arcade,
      177 words