The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 December 1924

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. i S. SINGAPORE, S.S., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1924. NO. 11,357.
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  • 275 1 Ihe death-roll in th« i:i JH\n i- 'IJ I'auc 7. mvcr hail hi Bsotafcaji accounted for «ne death. several hundreds «il telephone connections, and did -erious damage to buildings Fact 7. I'ndcrwriting arranßements are pro ceeding in London tor ;fn«»tht-r Furcpean reconstructiun loan of i*l2.."iotUMM»— Pagi
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  • 402 1 the process. n a certain kind of ted blockhead." whose only merit wu 1 read more foolish books than mg since a shop devcr- 1 of books still retained >ed the ning books, real books w;.' >i p. L seemed a kind of ante-chambei MM could
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 270 1 YRES: TYRES!! Mi" M2 MES $1.50 Wi'h Orders. H J inNES a; CO. RAFFLES HOTEL. Ciristmas Programme. I < sday. -I\\\\ Dec. Special Yuletide Dinner and Dance. day, 25' Dec. XMAS DINNER. Novelties and Crackers, Orchestral Music. NIGHT. F 'lay. 26th Dec Special Dinner and Fancy Hall. Extension oi" License
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    • 244 1 The Test of Paint Is The Q 'ejvice It Gives I A- «B«BM i f I Oil Paint [S THE TI.MIN \TION OF THIRTYFIVE YEARS j OF PROGRESS Agents For S.S. and F.M.S. Sime t Darby Co., Ltd. I >!:■..!- Settlements) 5, MALACCA STREET, SINGAPORE. T> fnom. TtlcplMM •si MIT
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    • 82 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. u 1 Paj Sports rtf 2. $hippii L B rage for fruit Page 6. B Wish Wynne i I aldbeck 1 Paj lakes V i :> J. 8t Iza! gei THERE ARE BARGAINS AT B. BOLTER'S, EUROPE HOTEL BUILDING. superf sclectiun of crystallized flower-, crystallized fruits, crystallized melons
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    • 27 1 tykes: tykes:: Bio x 90—810. 105 ?12. 32 x 3' 2 Sl2. 88H x 1 i»li M". i I IiKS Sl-50 Cash With Orders. IRVIN(i JONES CO.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 53 1 THE WEEK. Hijrh W r, M a.m., n.41 p.m. P \d O. homeward mail P. and O. outward mail < Boxing: Jamito v=. I> Littltjohn '.30 p.m. SM lift. Bif] '-V p.m. ffnjtij- Booth i Fii m. IrM Theatre, 9.30 p.m. Sunday. i W..t <.22 p.m. Moixh: ii. High Water,
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  • 262 2 1 v rd- <>| tht hi>t*a>t 1 wr.i'; rally regarded as a there are numerous i\ a documents of a agrt cases of t ase. One was a woman of twei at St. Maurice<»ui-Laurou. near Tou! H. '.ii- 1 good health, rial fell into a three-day sleep L
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  • 141 2 1.. I k-.:. wkirl hu -en Jle i twice everj' day for the pa*t *4ght hundn years, is not to become ont custom wao threatened on the jrroun<: I Bbu 1: -rd, itod that th f i ringing tile come out of public mo: The matter carae
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  • 67 2 \rre~t<vl (..neral ShcM>t~ Himself. Bucharest. Oct. 24. A» alleged case ei Mi f. ■npovti d*r to t* emlgi- be United I tabu Rtartlin. I -n.Alexand. m .va I, an i. t'Xaniir.iiu> l r ■>>.-.-.•■ with a rt-vi..!vei-. n'■ Al^ In idiii M Toaa- \rii .tr f the I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 284 2 Victoria Theatre j SHORT SEASON ONLY 1 Commencing on Saturday, December L3th next I EDGAR WARWICK I has the honour to announce the I FIRST APPKARANC'-- [ft THE EAST of tKe inimitable London I Star I 1 IN ME CELEBRATED CHARACTER STUDIES I IHAT ftd MADE HER WORLD-FAMOUS f SUPPORT
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    • 280 2 Alhambici From Tuesday. December 2ni. ti iw. In w Show at 9 iuirn BREWING TRO 1 K. I'. n TOPICAL BUDGE Brit if CARL LAEMMLE PRESENTS HU<|H; "HIS MYSTERY GIRL In I Real thrills, nal laughs, real Ravi 3 .in one of the most amuhis gentleman-adventurer is a rollickii omed
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  • 1035 3 MOHAMEDAN SITUATION IN INDIA. Sir (ie«.rjre Uaydl Vjjns. L(»n(U>n, Nov. 2b. Prctiding tt lectnif the C'oioniai In* stitatt by Dr. Zttaddin i n the .-abject of tht M( hanit-ch.ii Mtaati(,r. in Inciia, Sir cif'iKt- Lloyd deplored thai the Bfportenity Wll !(>>: f(,-ur yttn Igl of making
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 441 3 B^Ba\\\. <«aUJ|K I fvi ;:n\ k the ridim; QUALRIBS of TOUB car with GOODYEAB BALLOON TVRKS. Witk y««r car rguipprd «ith I ;«•«•(!> ear I: ..iltd Kdnf runs, (ioodyear can proxide I Tjrres, ye« will .una/d .it the -a .irnn-hl -cif ri-t.s at .1 wn lou cost ease with which
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    • 294 3 FORD OWNERS AVOID COSTLY REPAIRS BY USING White Star Oil RECOMMENDED BY THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA AS BEING MOST SUITABLE FOR THEIR ■lIMIHH Malayan Motors rm hit orchard road. of waning strength iV^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^ M have you ever watched for the light of hope In the midst of worry
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  • 796 4 KHARTOUM EMPTY OF EGYPTIAN TKOOI'S. Withdrawal Effected Without Loss. (British Official Wireless. Leafield (Ovford), Nov. Jfi. There have b6cn no further development! of Importance in the Egyptian situ i: m m d all remains quiet. In accordance with the British itipulftti that the Kfyptbm Anr.y p| oflfeen tad
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 473 4 ABRAMS MOTOR TRANSPORT CO. 3. Ponang Lane TELEPHONE 3140. New touring 5-seater Gardner cars for hire. Price $3 per hour rating. This is cheaper than hiring a taxi. Made from pure sugar. English farm butter, faßp**?' JLj^g^llEl and rich, thick cream, MACKINTOSH'S TOFFEk j UeS^K^T! $Wsl DL. LX'XE simply cannot
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    • 90 4 /'T £/T[Jk' /Top Notch" "King George lV" \Scotch Whisky I The Distillers Agency I aw:. Edinburgh. SCO i LAM;. LllißK Al i LMImiI I USE THE RIGHT OIL 1\ VShell Motor Oils. ASK YOUR GARACiK I OK SHELL RKI VM\: CORRECT LI THE ASIATIC PETROLFDI (U. iS.> Inrnrpi r.ii n!
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  • 150 5 I A PLAIN HIM. 1 I \(.l NOT lo IN 1 T.RFKUE. K* i |an laa, 1 nro, Dec i. Ii stated that excep the deputies all 1 irro?ted in connection with the mur- i the Sirdai have l „--f. nted with n tailed I unj ne.
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  • 134 5 Washington. Dec. 3. :> nual ,i-si-c I -A ri a's ipposi- i f N'ati s, but b peraai Btiei Be arged is and ,if. port the 11lenient of Ban •■<•. an. expected to Powers foi jrther n- I Btfl m A i settled b irabl
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  • 232 5 n I r.t ional 'p\ itation. ar Piiiue.— T f M A:m I will p Brae w ill i •■>■ nti I tatlO] ".an t hi.-. ■.:mi «lur- ■•■>• Billj Brace, N rthern Ontar M le. :> and a desi < f, ID i ver
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  • 184 5 BAILINGS CANCELLED. WHAT WILL MR. BRUCE DO? [Reuter's Service.] Melbourne, Dec. 3. IMr shipping companies have caru-elli i lh( Bailing! to Western Australia. Perth. Dec. 3. H W i \j>; aiii: i Govern MBt in- :!.i. th. rep' t thai Mr. Walsh, Of tin- Seamen's Union ha- bam
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  • 254 5 Hauue. DbjC i. 1 v^-: nriu'iit '';i> ,-ept d th< in\ itaI m ti the eaftji I Nattem to partici'te in a conference next spring to discu s I draft treaty i lopervisii i f I: ternational traffic in arms and munitions. THK I.aiksi DBADLOCK. Geneva, Doc
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  • 188 5 bj lof Bstat Ltd., I K:r t- lat ana is eting at Evi ai i I French Bank i Sit lay Dec I (th |> as follows. i to be led balance 05 I o| it I rward from t 11.!•■:..- I t. i $118,757.14 be
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  • 191 5 Yesterday's Alterations. Idris Hydi anik 17s Id 28i Id ban Tin 57% Kl 'Hunt in] iii 5'- *id Ml >1 x. Kinta Tin Prcdiri-s <_> t 87V4 2 Kuala Lnmpm Tin Ms 21 cd, I ingui Tin I |fi I 5.50 5.66 lfi Inyan C I iei
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  • 189 5 MACPHAIL CO. LTD'S REPORT. BijMpapore, Dec. 1. Rauber.— Londoi is. 5%d. Steady. LocaJ Tin.— London 062. Local 130. 125 tesM sold. kubhers. L'nchan^ed. t Mining.- Kuchai Prefs. have seHers at 1.08. Pengkalens have buyers at 16.50, Idrifl at 285., Johans at 53 with seilera at U, and
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  • 234 5 Siagaaore, Dec. Tin. £262. I >own 255. Rubber. 1?. 4U Down s d. in": Bnarcfl letain predominance in public irt rest in b market actuated bj increasing publij credence in the vrarranted atatistical sitioni in Rubber ind Tin commodities and an upward tendency prevails genierallj in
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  • 222 5 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. (L. R. Macphail.) Singapore, Dec. I. Bobber. Is. &%d t;:r Tin. f262. 130. Tons 125. Tl c Fa r Eos. in ti ol tin n is noi w fl< ted in thi n arket. Th<. ining sectioii ii n i 1% n tivi tnd quotations In
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  • 214 5 Singapore, Dec I. \U>.\' it. Since our usi the marK^t habeen v ry steady and prfeet have mpn i• on day t< day. Thei i wss i g« d de d d for all gi :-ic- i Btei la; locs auci Awardi i Shi sold pri\ at< I
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  • 178 5 Japam h naei haul i ha^ e i d[n s< I Si fchroufii the modi-:'; i f Ibe Ja] si i minefcial lifts* aw an :i1 !•*< r < e^Mrt •i n ;-,i i ioi :<>■ I Tl is ihand ;< being displayed in th I tQi i'
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 329 5 business cards. "T£"for hire. aiOfOR CAKS. Jst < i: aUI s up MOTOR GARAGE, ORt BOAS TeleplM»m 3295 IN WKI.I < VRS KM) HE PREMHIBAMKA CIGAR x |NS| I \K' rjjfar 4k Cifwette Factory, Inc. Manila. Established in 1883. per 100 $5 per 100 Obtainable from: INS LAI f:« Mi
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    • 489 5 THE ORIENTAL MALAYA'S LEADING INTER-NATION HOTEL 77, BRAS BASAH ROAD PHONE 1986 Dance and Music even- evening durinp dinner by Professor Heinz de Haan. NOW ON SAT E O TT |^i GREETING CARDS. C. .4. Ribeiro Co., Ltd. 5. Haffles Place. VS SOUTHERN RHODESIA. Sc'Utheni Rhodesia ro^-^e^^os one ;f the
      489 words
    • 173 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF Teak Household Furr e^. A.M. -tan arm chairs, sea and table*, teak ;-.]?m irahs and wardirmming ti :ble bosV hild'a cot. three I O w M < riON SALE OF adeemed Pledgee and Jewellery of very a Street FEIDA M •ledges comprise watches, chains, diamond
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  • 18 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTH. WELCH At I December, to Mr. and Mil K of lly Estate, Til laufl ter.
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  • 741 6 SINGAP ORE FREE PRESS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1924. Rubber Grading. Whilst a good clt-ai of neat has been l::'j !.'.u->\hl in the (iisi-u>sio!; reirard- r lu- Singapore methods of grading rubber, the whoit question boils (town a< far as the outsider can iudjr* tho is-u« i "how i.- rubber to
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  • 354 6 The Ifaa be heid 5 I lay, under of Mr. Ju--it D. S Saul, who has be f the itee week gone a sen to he' nee. N Dai new Mgi Bangkok branch of tht 111 latfle Bank. up his dnftiee, i i M j, i ran.. T1 meetin. e
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  • 34 6 >\ HA I I'ER \K VN \NTS. I pnh. I>< 1. meeting tii I I k Plan- A >i.-i S ing j i r a delegate Be 1 ;ch"nitioii <>f stai. laid manu
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  • 52 6 t'sponde; !>.-. I i n nrak: declarat of lon^ jx>>-. using a st: as genuine, wa« acquit and < i'd. Mr. Bofl argued that the Judge's notes of the evidence were -ibk\ that the accused was c<patted to jrivo evidt-! was and tf i -ion wms
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  • 345 6 Mr. Chu'en Out A at Malacca, hasl returned from Europe. i \l got under i:, Dr. and Mrs. via Java < I ng land. uke up dutits ii aral I pii vhi- to make arranperaent? The intere nouncement was made on K fie Board of Trade, in fi; Sir PI
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  • 152 6 .1 >N ur-der Mr. Dickm n A^T*** N vine Arr«|* 1"> i■-i ki l* l <'iff rf mutter of 1- vnnnu n- a< ,1* ta find wm bead to remove all the »r g aid f would th. Tte, done, and the husband left the ja«| woman
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  • 32 6 „rk f«r Thrw The Utest ¥.h P" 1 -ction witk ■Miufcglingfor rJu^. «r. The total qu; contribotion P«* c«. ■pi*" Kedah ai „> briWM^d in thwr MMlfc The fir itltt-nut^*' uriaoMTnt.
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  • 29 6 iiterfe:t fl» I printed m f"3 Malaya. lrtUf h. «^J IfMm are |i;it °> met with irf e serial J 1 ZZTaotet *"<* th< SLT* I- I V I;
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  • 14 6 I B following Mines into f I I mm. I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 117 6 //SiP^': i^w^i CALDBfcoK'S f L^>^ Quarts a Pints. 1 Solo Agents. Galdbeck, Mscgregor Co., Ltd. IInCOI i Shanffl v No 228 1 h. »nir*on v 4 -*j V~" JUST ARRIVED V H RTHER SHIPMBMI CM CALWBBNIAH APPLES, CRAVE FRUIT, QRAPES, F> >TAT< >E<. CAULIFLOWERS, CABBAGES. I 'ELERY BEETROOT. CARROTS. SINGAPORE
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    • 22 6 i CHAMPAGNE MERGER. EXTRA DRY. At Moderate Price. Dupire 1 Brothers S.S. A F-M.S. BLACK WHITE r J %W- WHISKY v EMI
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  • 29 7 gglj* FROM L 1 \VK j R rvice.] "(1 .1 ■< i •angements are proeoed- HK). under the itions, for the f Greek 1 >-ece. and and the
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  • 62 7 Par?-. Bm. I. I the reSadoui. former French itemed to death in die em iisetl Russian. that Sadoal is which the iting Sadoul lßimediately he bat It- Journal and le Matin are mat Ru would mere to their promise not t Aur tench domestic affairs. at Sadoul
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  • 29 7 I[Reuter*s Servk Paris. Dec. 4. ite that, before the mittee of the Chamber, 1 H^rr: t outlined the main political m. uaong which figured the Chinese
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  • 22 7 f[Reu:*r*s Service.] Gibraltar. Dec KBfEteti&g rumours from Morocco in]M>n that the Spaniards n beer cor abandon a post at
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  • 23 7 [Reuter's Service.] Ta vitput of the French coal mines h>drtaear. ISM. amounted to 4408,516 b. agaiest 3^***** tons for September.
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  • 20 7 I [Renter's Serrit Levdoa, Dec 4. ten Chamberlain proceeded to toria Station this morning, it to Rome.
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  • 15 7 [Reuter's Serrii Paris. Dec 4. the new Soviet Ambassador, •ur.tfcii from Berlin.
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  • 116 7 y Peasant little afternoon's enter- the m the occasion of their distribution yesterday, when Hail w*i crowded with t interested in the school. JT W|rMa ten items, including fitatioas, and little playlets, was lr one, and the Empire tahksni t..:t. formed ■limiis n her arrival, was pm«t«d
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  • 38 7 DESSA WIPED OUT. Kii H; i»l:i DF \D roll is now sine persons have been :njut The mod-stream, which has wiped oat Dessa, is 600 metres in length. 200 .ith and jbo nui- 1 00.
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  • 33 7 > m v 1 1. [Anota'i B A severe »tt^ hail-stones. I occurred in Sourabaya. More than 30C' roof of the Goeber.L off and several buildings we: asagod. One woman
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  • 182 7 Seized in Colombo on German Bedf Th mi states: Tha- l d cargo German steamer? to Chin carried bo Harbour on t nil of four aeropla pied 1 a Chint steamer Pfa t.ging t. r .< .i.i >a, when the vessel c: planes were taken on team
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  • 102 7 I .owing sm taken mee tt Mo. 1 held Da 2nd:— Decided that no new 'as be licensed for a further period of three noonths from Jan. I Decided that ir. futuie the Acting: K gistrar s s«e cos for motor buses and hired cars -:'■<:< f ar:
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  • 81 7 T,,ki«». DSC J. rsM r (hsnq 1" rieo of Min.iar.i I i| .nes. are badly in need f< i. I industry there. a taking p- Rr i onsul at K ponded his vise on the paasi ra 4 Japanese emigrants fo The Jap;. horities put a pood 1
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  • 35 7 DEATH OF ARCHDEACON OF CALCUTTA. Calcutta, Nov. 27. I'.. R.. v I'. B. Ottley, Archdeacon of Calcutta, v.l- found .-hot in hi> bath-ro"m t-tt-rday. He i- th .utrh: t have been a victim to nervt >.
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  • 1200 7 HINESE I (RM LAIMS $757,080. Vlleged Misrepresentation of Capacity. sii up n i.. nordinato Ij high e i r i luii terinj hip] rag dm lie Chid Justice, S 1 1 m hi< la ag 11 intii g to cd by the p ntiffs, Cl B K'
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  • 202 7 WMtOWay* I.aidlaw e) Co. N isited. Sh."!t':y after tiffin time on Nov. 27th a w n 1- described a- a "young Euro- j shop M SSn. iiitf- away. Laidlaw C<>.- 11 ngk ind asln some ajooOen rwoatsrs. Tl-- ■ristani recognised him as a man w\ days previ
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  • 180 7 The committee formed to teport on existing errangosaenti thf eass ot iretl raihraj property tA Kuala Lumpur held 1 1 tost the effectiveness of ton conti in t-onnection with flw Contml Wock« shops. A fire was created at the far end si the works and the
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  • 94 7 The LitUejohtti pave their ■eossafl nsc- famtwww bete before large aodiance at the Victoria Theatre last aigfct Their stugianune Ki psssented on snch novel and attractive Knca that the show cannot fail to ht highly entertaining, Of the first j art si the programme, May Rsgay'a danemg was
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  • 41 7 The Post Office notify that New Year letter and parcel mails for Australia will be despatched on or about the following dates: New Year letters, Dec. 18th. (W. Australia only); parcels, December 15th. (W. Australia only).
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 ROBINSON CO LTD. f; Ii irat ■<! ti. S* i :r: "FLEtf-FOOT" I j MEN'S WIMBLEDON OXTOK! f\ Crepe Bobber S Light White Canvas, Strong and f)ura!;!« s Stocked in Sizes <SL '> Si/.c-. 5 t(» lO'i ;T >ti PRICE $3.50 PER PAIR NETT. f Smart and Hardwearing f i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 389 8 STEAMER SAILINGS P. O. «RlTt-H im>: vh Wi \h i i\i MAIL. PASSENGER AM> CAR(,() PENINSULAR AND OR1; TCi BTI "i LONDON AND FAR LA. A:: (Ciider C r;; v. ■vernmt:, OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. MBMNMt For China For Maneilles, London aad A^. wai MACEDONIA taJM I>ec. 5 KA!;.v. KALYAN §,100
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 506 9 STEAMER SAILINGS O. S. K. Line. !'.:>....:■. Steamers. Arr. Dept. Hamburg. Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Aden an Ar. it- Maru I)-.- IT I) IV If Panama r.:,-., i! fr K./t.«. i. M Cape Town. Rio. Santos inntv video and Buenos Aires via i Ma- .la:.. Jar:. s Araba Maru from
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    • 472 9 STEAMER SAILINGS Jjlfe Round-the-World BBBBBBvnMk Nii PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OtVtJBNBMi WO cov. DUST. NO CINDBS& 4KOLUTB LKANLINESS. via Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine, new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore
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    • 730 9 STEAMER SAILINGS STRUTHERS AND BARRY. Z (Operating U. S. Government Ship-- SINGAPORE TO LOS ANGELES AND I SAN FRANCISCO. U..-.SH. WEST JESTER to Kv m U.S.S.B. WEST PROSPECT to d iomd a U.S.S.E. WEST CASMONA t harjr- i .a i Jan. mi mkmqamt rtauw :o days apa Taking triro to
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  • 154 10 Engineer-Captain E. G. Pelftst, D.5.0.. will assume the duties of chid engineer it Hongkong Dockyard eailv in the New Year, Ua date of leaving England being December 14th. Captain P*:llot has been ia Ifca engine room service tince July. lNi»7. and reached his present rank th^ pear. lie
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  • 80 10 Montreal. A new steamship service was inaugurated recently when the Canadiai Government Merchant Mai-i'.t- steamship Qanajdian Miller left hate destined Elf China and Japan, via Panama and Yaneonver. She carried a general cargo from :hi^ port, while from Sydney she took on a lavjre amount
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  • 145 10 New A.P.C. Vessel. There was launched by tbM Taikoi D fawd anci En^ineertaf Co. af ■easj^eaai Ltd.. on November 25th ttie teakwood twin ■crew Motor fessel Sai Shaan, I z i lt to th( ariat al the Asiatic Petvaaasjaa ash China)i Ltd. The veaeel j-
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  • 251 10 THE PHILIPPINES AND THE LIQUOR LAWS. Ihr a^e o{ tin Menelaus." Manila 11 I N^ i bbbsji 29th ,i I::. i<-;:: Qta BH ".alty pro- dad hf lam fa :ht- of ajptiMtißM :1 1 alationi baa heei n bm m:< i te th< insular c< llectoi of u^t r- b\
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 753 10 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE Reiruiar m nthly =ailinps by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MONTORO (3.CMM, tons.) M Th- MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Lu single berth cabins, swimming
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    • 5 10 L I i i >; r
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    • 240 10 LOTOL THE CLEAN LIQUID KIOIK I! NOW ORAIM )H John Little o. Ltd. R Timm's Dispensary. Tht- i.r i M I The only LHiuiim fc nsect eiWi^ LOTOL ni!i kill M-ou'tc^. V Fish. Cod (ku <* instant!) r-n i.pplic >, barm tlu- mc^t dtii^t. Disinfect your H(»m< knc: < LOTOL
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    • 39 10 STBAMEB 5i Hl-(i()STiNNES i INE KBT.I LAB MdMHLfIJIi 81 mm mm* M Albert Vocgkr 9^> HOMKU \l \N Ml "Wash that Itch Away net f* 18 I cooling M^Atioi wj». >( Uwitch ii uk»-n (i wnb penetr»tM f brew K--J
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 791 10 MAIL TABLE. TO-DAY. KaiimOfl Soon Lea 9 a.m. Pulau Soegi and Sandam A. Hong i) a.m. Pulau Soegi Benuit D a.m. Belawan, Sabang, Colombo, Sut-z, Pert Said, Genoa, Algiers, Southampton and Amsterdam Prinaea Juliana i* a.m. Mersing, Kcmaman and Trenggaasai flong Ho 11 a.m. Pontianak Khoen Hoea 11 a.m. Kelantan
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  • 618 11 7 S.n-apore, Dec. fi ba inesa of U»s week baa been con•;M' ;i to mining and industrial Rubber continue* ftrn and the rtatistical p\ ition sh wn a further imV thi reducti n of the London «ka by near!., 1,000 i c L ••>'
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  • 181 11 Singapore, Dec. I. The senenU trend of the market has beta foi higher prices, and tin- undertone remains wry firm. One of the featavsa vA khe ia.-t fen day< baa been the good enquiry for all positioni oVer next year, and quite a large bosinejsa has
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  • 51 11 The assistaruM- offered by the Japanese Reconstruction Sscisty of Vi-kchama ba-; induced eighteen of tlie Indian firms which moved to Kobe after the grtstf earthquake to decide to return. Building's for the returning firms BjSSVS already bSM CSSsAsd >r are umler construction. Twenty four Indian silk firms still remain in
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  • 42 11 Bask I r,.~. 2 4 3_ie Hank den..:. j Private cndits 3 m.s. I nee, tea .md 1n.1i;.. T. T. I Ammu d 'Hu'igkok, dcmar.u Sew rtifa; H n j^ ij $8.54 Bank of Knjriand i.. r B r S r
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  • 145 11 I Tin 12") Tons $130.00 Gamb ;i I 1 :>«r Black Plakt Tapioca i' id Saga nail 1• 12. in Rice, Rar^.ft! hite Opium, Ben;. re. i;:,t. 4.000 Rice Siam No. 1 for export 30.00 K■ Hm N'.' 420 i' I B Cl for export Rice. |i for export
    145 words
  • 445 11 Singapore, Dec. I. It is inti stii t tin'/' adj la. of Londoi f th* v A bei of Auk-.-: these il i at 51,82 am they 1 fallen every mmtk dmet thai date. stocks ti -day art a d< n a-. ]>-'.2ii7 torn
    445 words
  • 18 11 Every motor-car should carry with it :t nri'ncr epnsP of rpsmon^ibilitv for it.-' '.t«tH behaviour. Sir Herbert Au-tm.
    18 words
  • 342 11 FRASER'S WEKKI^ REI'OKI Singapore, Dec. 3. There has b i luring I haaced j?ood demand ajth<mgfa tinue in good demami with >■ is 6d neady ■>se somewhat easier BM in for pood enquiry ♦>d while K are wanted at 20s and 'akuapas at tSs lens have buyer*
    342 words
  • 20 11 V( r\ f<-v, th. !oad*M P::r" k; a anvil at, fh. i v .rkii f th< L-roni i M. 8a1.1v..:.
    20 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 288 11 >M " Assurances in force over $17,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LlMlTED(lncorporated in Btraita Settlements) HEAD OK [I B:— Winchester H<, u>v Singapore, LONDON OFFICE: B2 OW Jewry, E.C. i2Q.Q(K) de|)usite(i wit* Um Supreme Court (rf England, and complies with the British Life Assurance Con^Mniefl Act ATI-" iIW
      288 words
    • 339 11 BANKING. KONGKOS >. SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. I :'ed in B :\g) v H c:kong. -ed Capital H..,.n. ,i s«ued and fully paid, up $20,000,000 Bsscrve Fur.: Sterling 1,500,000 $25,500,000 Reserve Liabilif. 000 COURT OF DIRECTORS 1.. Pattenden, Esq., Chairman. Esq., Depot; Cha man. Beith. Esq. J, I P <„ We
      339 words
    • 554 11 j BANKING. 1 OP INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. beotpontss 1 to Baglsaid by EUys I aai Paid up Capita] in 600.000 L"."i 1'0.00U.000 i: Pm i.oi'n Resen Lial lity i f M.000,000 READ on 88 Biss pa te, I. md n, K.C. A- i Hranches. Pukei Imritsar »n Sai| K
      554 words
    • 75 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England by I: ya! Charter A I) 1" FIRE MOTOR CAB MARiM Fidelity (Guarantee— Administration Hond^ Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW r,,. :it^-. HA] MISON; BA IKFAI a L: Branch Office 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A GORDON LEE, liesideni iager. C. OF C. RriSKER ASSOCIATION.
      75 words

  • 67 12 U STK VI I W MS C.OOl) START. |'>ri>bane. Dec. J. The match between the V efti M Australian XI opened here to-day under pleasant conditions, the atter<: beririr MM Batt -t on a pe: I the Austral mpiled the useful totai 299 for the loss of
    67 words
  • 1436 12 The follov. a descript. :he match between the M.C.C. and New South Wales, with full sec; S>dne>. Nov. 21. The match between the 31 d New h Wales opened in warm and wm attended by a large crowd. The wk was perfect. Collins, home team,
    1,436 words
  • 28 12 H foala aneed, at the »f« ol 7. si "«-nt* aaUG end H. D. Hutc-hin- >■'■. who r k part in the relief of ChitnJ and the Tirali campaij^n.
    28 words
  • 210 12 B.C.C. BILMAKDS. McMullan Wins A. Class Handicap. Th.' Billiardi Toqniaaenf at the Cricket Chlb came to a t-onclusioii last niyht, when \v. MiMw'ian and I", i. ESraai met In the finaJ of A. Class, McMullan winning by S6 points in a Liame of 1250. He had tiM ad\ant-
    210 words
  • 42 12 I i :i::..: BMteh I Oolea an Shield, irij (F bP,T, ai i tinStt D ll D I I. will tak. 91 rnoon. lene] S rheaaV n lai i will Shield and lals to th< win- the runnw Ma\
    42 words
  • 115 12 Entries i<»r Sks SU tting. The followiaf are tho entries for the Cymkhana CMk ikfa BMttiag to be held at Ipoh on lUveir.: r Wtd 1 l; I. L". i >■<. i:cap < Patrida Ellen < N &J 9 Dariia| Z i E shan- -U-man. M <;.-.■:•>■
    115 words
  • 121 12 It is understood, says the Times :hat negotiations are being carried out for the visit to tht rtly of a few well-known Ceylon bov An effort •ing made to induce one or both Wells brothers and D. K. W make the jourm I itated that T.
    121 words
  • 115 12 LORD JELLICOE LEAVES NEW ZEALAND. U ii> il. Nav< Admiral of the Fleet. Vitcomi Jellicoe, will lea> v Zealand to-morrow on termination of his appointment M G ernor-General of the Dominion. tolonial Secretory. reeeed to him a telegram expressing. behalf of the British Government, "our f the distinguished which have
    115 words
  • 84 12 Call nttn, New. 27. The Pioneeer itatei thai wiii antimnti cated report- bn*l been received te t'tie bT< d the pr tender te the Aiifhan rone, Abdnl Knrim, li aon a Brleoaer Kal 'ill. OnVisJ At'-', an opinion afmarentlj is inclined to minimize the importance of
    84 words
  • 117 12 Calcutta, Nov. 25. "Bk Mi of Bengal and I hi' li\ <>s of it- are threatened bv a MHnpojratlVgly -mall body <if imb vho have Introduced methods of tetrorisai Into their politic^] prognnune," said Lord Lytton. speaking at Rfalda, "Kvery single man who has been arrested nader
    117 words
  • 117 12 ENGLISH FLAT RACING SEASON. London, Nov. 24. Tin- flat raefttg mwn ended m Saturday. The Aga Kb ads the I i owner*, with .i4 j. 7 7 tat 19 l won.' Lord Derby contei eeeoi I, tritl 687,786, for II rMM| tad Mr. s. BL w: f h
    117 words
  • 137 12 London. No\ >. T.>ttcnha:n. Th- -k\ 6,000 ipectatori ware pnml i was soft. i Pi BCCBI A' "\-i):.u^h\ m M ui re p; i I'rince. It ejM a rohej fa I throughout. ■•>•>•-•"> m i hi -'■oml-i b•i" y -i.'.y t*d a shut from Um left it
    137 words
  • 21 12 FRIENDLY MA TCHES. London. N<>\. Hie followint I friendly -day: 1 and Marines Chatham). Sand I, The Army 2 (at Camber-
    21 words
  • 60 12 I <.n«' n. Nov. 2i. The Cambridge team against rd at Twickenham on December 9th be: Back: P. Douty. Three-quart i B. Turnbull. J. Bordass and Rowe Young. Forwards: i :-nming. Y\ Jones. C. B;. B. B I Skfcftfcer, and W. Scott. Douty. Tumbull. Harding, Howell and
    60 words
  • 62 12 1 ondoit, \<>\ At B st to the Uni- IB tal bf int? to 8. The Uni*' 1 8tr ees* match ntic Flei T druth lost to Pontypool by 3 points to 4. Pill H to 10. London, Nov. bridge University 21, Dublin Univer- 0. 1'• Sei \rmy
    62 words
  • 144 12 London. Nov. 22. 41 I meeting: of the Hurlimrham Clu 1 Polo Commiti resided over hf 1 MM iteMed by 12 votes to 4, the management of the <rame in Great I'.: tain ri !i ingham Pol i.. and be Ptfi 'he Hurlingham dub Polo Commit:-
    144 words
  • 24 12 London, Nov. 21. In a rot;::d- h.-avyw ,:ir Boenbardier WeQi la < I ntOem^ man PenwiU in the pec ad round.
    24 words
  • 25 12 London, Nov. 25. J. L. Guise, Winchester an<l Braseno-<-. aej been elected the Oxford r :*ain. C. H. Taylor is secretary.
    25 words
  • 53 12 Oiden for week ending Decentx r 7th. Friday, sth. Musketry Class. S.V.C. Drill Flail at 5 p.m. Saturday, <">th.— FJr:i<l:Jt'!l Shield Competition. Competitors meet at Y.M.C.A. ai Ml p.m. Sunday, 7th— -Church Parade at Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Parade bad; of Y.M.C.A. at 7.3') a.m. FRANK
    53 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 174 12 MAKE SUREJ ====a WITIKUT IIKI.AV. (iC;;|ki? His masters Voice" V I'RU-ESTosu I II "K WRITE FOR THE LATCs i i.i.i nun i L E S. MOUTRIE &~CO., LTD. < I n<( ••unrated in HooffaMg) KM i I |-.s /'4 H jt: it a good HAM i A your dealer for
      174 words