The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 June 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. 10 TENTS. SI NGAPORE, S.S., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1928. No. 10,927
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  • 210 1 Government has decided to increase the British Air Force by 34 squadrons at a cost of £500,000 a year, which is within the Washington Agreement limit Page 7. There is general agreement with this, comments are made on France's desire for security and repirations, and some suggest
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  • 1304 1 A writer whose comic novels, as they were called, delighted the youtln of those who became the gTeat-grand fathers of the rising generation, Henry Cockton, in the work that is practically the sola su viva] of his fairly prolific pen, Valentine Vox (published 1810), rema ks
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 261 1 r> 4 *TI ITC! HflTCl KArrLCO nuiiVL. weekly program*** SINGAPORE. ,e,, P h. -920. (10 Lints). TUESDAY.-fWr D a i^. ftallroom in th« Ea§t WEr) NESDAY.~Orche»tTai Concen;. I r ;r, Rmbi adjoining Dining: Room T H^RSDAY.--Guo.t Nipb^- IHtM ipiH 8 to 12 pjn. FRIDAY.—Tea Dan?aat S*TORDAY.-Gu»t Niirh* O'nn^r rm
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    • 70 1 There's a simpler, I JXVQS^ 9 ADDING AND <*100~^ CALCULATING MACHINE jf C.ill and se- the new i models on view at msß^^SSk < RONEO Ltd. %3H ARE YOU PARTICULAR ABOUT YOUR CIGARETTES? If not, you ought to be. Become known as a man who insists on having the best
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    • 115 1 LATEST ADVERTJSEMENTS Coa^fas and colds are »,-ured by Peps F-Si 5. Garcia's sale of music and iiiFtruK*nt»— Page 11. theong Koon Ser»cr ami Co. sell furniture laj.;o 5. Not re re Scudai in liq. Page 5. Mimic pulity call for tenders for stores at H:«velock-rd Page 2. British expanded
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 168 1 THE WKr^t. Thwuday, 2Sth. Bigk Water, 10.49 a.m., 10.2 p.m. B I n.r.el outwH--J ;-.»^J, du»\ Longuo II: Keppe] vs Ex-Servicos, Malaya I/ea<rue II: O. T. F. C. vs Mid<JVe»ex, S R. C. L^apue II: Har cquina va R. E., S. C. C. Friday. 29th. H:^h Water, 11. HI a.m.,
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  • 260 2 The following set on mi u»kvn at Committee I t eld or. .Tune 22nd: Actinc lU W not t»» amend the ruloi for Acting sllowani Iml .mi the jroncr-\l principle foi a-'r. rgtr department ti t r |be ni^equn to COD4 v work daring BbMBCC of re SVpry
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  • 179 2 VITAL STATISTIC S. The annual report *>n the registration of biitha and deaths, by It. Hoops, was laid on the ;able of the Legislative Council en Monday. The b'rthi ■bowed D1.40 feT; for every hundred males. The h ghest birth-rate irai inoi r M-Ta b, 37.71 l)cr 'i il e.
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  • 116 2 A Jamshedpur message says: While be*ng transferred from one jail to another Nand Singh, a convict in the Delhi Bomb case and supposed to have been one of the party who made an attempt on the life of Lord Hardinge and sentenced to 21 years* imprisonment, escaped from a runTiine
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 210 2 1O LFf OR FOR SALB. I \R«iE UOI>OWIWL newly erected li< fior.j 10 no *> 50.000 §q ft. i'.° ti£ r.vfr LARGK STOKES frum 6.000 to 24,' f near wharf and •hipping. Alee -hree tu riH bu'idingi Ur officei arj.J s«4OwM Centrally situated AH lauaetfiati tntry, going cheap Apply or
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    • 502 2 jyi jl j SURINA I BH North Bridge Ro;cd. mKamMtftkMJkmmJKk^^b^ K OK ONE WEEK ONLY THE TALK OF THE TOWN Commencing WEDNESDAY, 27th JUNE. Mr NORODY IHBI THE GREAT IN THE LONGEST SERIAL I I I 111 A IN THE WORLD. ■Pgpg| 1 1 I\J\JLi t\ 52 Reels BpNl worlds
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    • 771 2 Alhambra. I In Our Next Chanffe Saturday, 23rd Juno, to Thursdav I In the Second Show at 9 p.m. Sharp I j Topical Budget I British Screen News I A POWERFUL UNIVERSAL I KATURE PtOtHK TI(, I Presenting Colleen Moore :.t.d CulW.n LaodU in I Forsaking All Others I In
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  • 373 3 LORD CIRZON. "A WIM ..east. iWatnc cs from M _cow test;/.; _o the intensity of the. Soviet campaign against t 31 1 r "-.on, who wan, the most prominent their abuse during the demon-■trst-ona *;f May 12. In one procession a manr Vn bearing the ''n^rintion "Cnrzon"
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  • 356 3 Pemamg's Firet Judg*-. The judicial administration, or- u 1 finj rate the regular judicial administration oi Penanjg date from 1801 when Mr. John Dickens, barrister praetiting in Bengal. ;in uncU' of the crrea* novelist, was appointed 'u<Hit and liagUttrate of tht Settlement In 180:i he called attention to
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  • 48 3 Tin- Home Postmaster-Genera I announces thai ho i? considering a scheme 10 aid fanners "t\v marketing produce on the eafh-on-delivery 'system tJUrough the Post— a scheme similar to Indian V.P.P. Farmers v/fieome the scheme, but the middlemen object on the ground cf its unfairness to established business interests.
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  • 82 3 A hosuio reception accorded by the tensiits to a number of workmen who attempted to bog-in the demol'tion of a block of thirteen houses at Upper Rutl-er Street Hoiifc-kong, on June 16, was followed by a fracas, in the QOQTM of which the pol'ce were force? to charge the cornbrvants
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 419 3 KEPPEL GOLF CLUB. Tho attention of numbers S dmwi u, the rolou-ng important alteration in By-law No. 6 whuh has br (r ftiiMl dby the Commlttrt under Kulo b to it ut of *ors o- a playint; on any <».;,- O ,)>oc thnn com. n n lay on payment a
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    • 319 3 for a refreshing thirst quencher Vjjgfig/ just c i olve "dash" of F.NO's "Fruit CnQK* S.dt in j glass of cold water md you have a jfiP cooling drink that please? and invigorates add HP a squeeze of lemon or orange and it is even more deKctouft. After tenni^ jolo,
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  • 1094 4 CONSTRUCTION AND REGULATION. The roceedings at the Read Congress at Seville showed clearly the grea% importance of road and traffic <piroblem.s. Motor traffic, both for the transport of passengers and the curriairo of goods, has l-'town ro very Ufggfi proportions, ant for various reasons the progress in road
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  • 579 4 FRASER CO., EXCHANGE ANB SHARE BROKERS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th. MINING. [.Figures in brackets show the issue valu* of the Share in dollars unless otherwise marked. C. Cum div. x equals ex div.] Batang Padang Tin 47% 52 Hitam Tin ($1) 1.45 1.55 Jelantoh 10 20 nom. Johan
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  • 27 4 An impressive public welcome wu accorded to the famoui actress, Eieonor* Duae, at the New Oxford Thaatre, on her triumphant reappearance after 17 years' absence from Londoa.
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  • 943 4 DESCRIPTION OF NEW RUBBER PLANT. "Between Us" a publication of the United States Rubber Coy, gives the first photographs tver taken of a disc spray rubber plant under commercial corxlitona. Thebc photographs, says that organ, depict far better than words can describe the Company's wonderful new
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 544 4 You who tire quickly, feel jj depressed or Run-down, B U remember— fl Wincarnis is always ready to help you to regain strength II to banish depression to promote new ric!^ red blood to jj surcharge your system with new nerve force and to j create new vitality. Il j
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    • 297 4 Wash That L Kch Away j There i.s abaolatd Ilff from eczema who I 5?* 1 simple wash D ,v. x t T feel lmmediati'lv w>> 1! d no calm, cool S **S when the it,h ™L soothing wash p T^» pores, rivet $e most distress,", F«r sale at „11
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  • 1038 5 DfDM IN THE COMMONS. S r kin* he Okar... June 18. Replying to Mr. Thomas Johnston, Earl W\ntorton said he had seen the evioV ■^:nt him by Mr. Johnston in rapport oi |the dmmamd for rn impartial inquirr into the flaking of Hw Okara tad Che
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  • 538 5 m Every thinker of the present day must practise himself in believing the improba- ible.— Mr. J. D. Bererford. The prices quoted are generally thos* current at Clyde Terrace Market. At the other markets there may be small varia tioiiF. Singapore June 23. MEAT. Beti steak Kati
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 471 5 TO LET. TO LET. July Compound House, Furnished, S&t m Fan*, Water, Garage, 8 B#4V&* riuee of Town, Tanglin Dis- <* onally, JJTjI 4 TRUST AGENaES, LTD, Auctioneers Estate Agents Tcrl-GAe** lD P-^ 38 Q uay *»c»a« the lit* J t» Harbour and r.-. total area about 6,000 (at les»
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    • 566 5 notices^ ■Dollar Directory 1923-4 Issue $5,000 FREE RAILWAY ACCIDENT INSURANCE Undertaken by THE OCEAN ACCIDENT And Guarantee Corporation Limited. (Incorporated m Great Britain.) PPac^ PER COPY $2, Post Free. To be published shortly. Dollar Directory Company. Dunlop House, KOBINSON ROAD. SCUDAI LIMITED. Liquidator's Accounts to Completion of Winding up. 1923,^
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    • 816 5 U i ho name with an unrivalled n^^ reputation for supplying I rKE BEST OF EVERYTHING \T J WMm^^ MODERATE PRICES. WMr ur latest shipments entitle u^ U> I j» ;<ate that we have finest and most W c imprehensive stocks of Nai'tical and Scientific Instruments in the East. WATCH
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  • 821 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1923. Police and Crime. The annual report on the Straits Settlements Police Force for 1922 is signed by Mr. C Hunnigan, who acted M Inspector General of Police when Captain Chancellor went on leave. He is fully qualified to speak about the Force with
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  • 1171 6 Mr. D. P. Roberts, of Bukit J%til Estate, leaves for Home on leave next w.' K travelling v a Rangoon. Permission has been granted for the Indian Association, Singapore, to be registered under the Societks Ord. nance. Forty bodies were recovered from the soa and Singapore Rver during last year.
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  • 71 6 PSNANG NBWfl I.:dy Guillemard pr^'o^T?^ the Volunteer Lc 3^ Je footb&11 n lU dwidin* Kame bttween the R 'U'u. Chinese companies. a A successful concert waa Khu h btri of H.M.S. Diomedc in th^T at which th,re w* a Pol.ce Court cnquTy hIS in connection with 394 forged
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  • 52 6 hi his annual r«port Uin T. M. Hus,, y the J Cinematograph Fill, Mr. L^mb, state? th I censored, npmenting H 3841,900 feet and pi $19,209,50, i the filn tion and wei mi tc the Board of the d, 40 oi thi 20 f'
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  • 43 6 cipeJ l Will J •boat to be com] ipatic a Mr. 8 Q. V Municipa] M t Prea dent, in fran i either the i v s on to be n th( ere j w!. r r towards s h.a t >
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  • 196 6 I'.oih Si<V* Afajasl in Kicr < I Tht- hearing f in ij appeal u%u I Barrett-Lenna -I tiu' Mitsu: Butsan K-».,r.a Ltd ifi I Chop Aik Seng .v:\; for brtt I contract for I JipiCcJ firm -of lix of Biigl I rice, occupied the attention of the
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  • 54 6 A. J. Parkrr R wth Loqlm GUum, ■TcciaJ, It the «ttr ct on profnmuM at the E together with P with Harold Lloyd and the l**** News. In the Ml there will bo a star ers, a Wm. Fox product with Wm. Rmutfi m Bn JJJ*|^ Secret Four
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  • 61 6 Charles Buttt-r a Umber ror been sentenced to nine months ment at Worcester Am «4 frauds. It was in six years ht had pfttf 9L 140,000. Mr. D. G. M BetwM* '.^jt* the Honpkons Auton.ob e made a strong nppoa! to m«n.P annual meeting on Juno home products, ur-in? that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 SCOTCH H G A I/- C P THE, AST Galdbec'i Macgfegor a Do.. Ltd. 1| (Incorporatsc! in Shanghai). *|j ~'Z*M 87 C jc: li:i e t, Tel« phone 223. B maH^^ TATKOMSKi. ■''^PPP^- 'V KOYAI A MOST SUITABLE GIFT FOR A PRESENTATION POCKET WATCHES WRIST WATCHES IN GOLD, PLATINUM, OK
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    • 89 6 31. BRITISH DIAMOND MESH EXPANDED METAL. SUITABLE FOR Guards for Machinery Workshop. Stores Enclosures Partitions. Guards for Windows Fireguards. Screc-ns for Cloakrooms Fencing 1, etc. COMPETITIVE PRICES. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF The Borneo Company, Ltd. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG. JOHN DUKE OPTICIAN Fellow of the British Optical Aaa-H-iatioa. VrenrAii
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  • 496 7 GOVERNMENT MOVES. I.Nltr.E ADDITIONS. [Reuter's Service.] London, June 26. Boom ol Cowm— i Mr. Stanley announced that the Government hat in addition to meeting the powei requirements of the inny. Indian and Oversea comBritish air power must include air force of sufficient ■quately to protect us against
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  • 49 7 ■i -^^p* *M Order for Industrial on t v, inst 'tuted by the Labour J'the Albert f the Victoria Cro Medal, for recognition of ****nZ* P lon 1 coura^ *f workers r °^i«t of l v e r toil< The are c *niflo tt a e medal and illumi
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  • 368 7 PLANS MATURING. THE BRITISH PROPOSALS. [Reuter's Service! London June 27. The Daily Telegraphs diplomatic, correspondent says Out several European powers already not fied London of their approval of the British proposal* for the better protection of foreigners n China. The state department at Washington waese the matter
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  • 211 7 Tho annual report of the S. S. Police states that in Singapore last year a feud between the Sin Ghi Hin and the Sin Guan Sinp resulted in two or three serious fights, n the course of which several persons were killed and injured. Arrests made by the
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  • 147 7 The Aprl, or second number of the journal of the Singapore Natural History Societ will be welcomed by all who take nterest in the fauna and flora of the land in which they live. The Journal is issued fre^ to members, and is sold to nonmembers at
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    • 159 7 To the Editor. Sir, The following figures extracted from the Official Bulletin issued by the Department of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce at Buitenxorg, (Java) may inteyour readers. The total export of rubber frost the Netherlands Indies for the first quarter of this year was 32,000 IS, 10,615 of which
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    • 161 7 To the Editor, Sir, With reference to your leader on tiie above subject in thte^H paper in which you express such pity that the scheme of bonded warehovMt (in wheh all rubber should be stored nnd be represented by warrants) was not carried out, do you
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    • 64 7 To the Editor. Sir,— Thank you for your leader of this morning, affirming the principles of Free Tndc on which this port has been built up, and ridiculing the special pleading; of the Attorney-General Uor the imposition of machinery for restriction, w r hich, whether corrupt or incorrupt,
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    • 352 7 To the Editor. Sir, When you state in your paper of Juno 27th that "this is utter selfishness and entirely unreasonable, a mean spirit, etc." I bepr to suggest with al! due respect that you are talking unadulterated nonsense. and it is to be hoped that the
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  • 40 7 A new German oil trust is in process of formation by the amalgamation of the Riebeck Engineering and Oil Works with the oil branch of the Stinnes, Trust. The former company has just declared a dividend of 400 per cent.
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  • 364 7 LAST YEAR'S STATISTICS. I'm- criminal statistics contained in the j report of the S. S. Police for last year arTord interesting reading-. In Singapore 3,359 seizabie offences were reported and 8,731 non-se zable. The number of cases sent before the Court in connection with admitted reports was
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  • 420 7 The District Court action against Mr. Dunning, a Warder, who was charged with having assaulted his Chinese servant, was concluded before Mr. P. F. David yesterday. The accused was represented by Mr. Shelley Thompson, and Mr. Cullen, A.S.P., conducted the prosecution. The case WM sequel to a
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  • 74 7 Eminent scientists arc interesting themselves in research work in connection with the proposed new remedy for miner's cramp, in the shape of a pinch of salt in water. Cramp is supposed to be due to loss of water and salt through extreme perapiration in high temperatures underground, and it is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 120 7 A Popular Model at a Moderate Price "HIS MASTER'S VOICE |!l|i TABLE GRAND MODEI S^mW^ .'o{ No. 110 OAK. j 45^^ Price X O\J SPECIFICATION Wax Finisj) F Oak Cabinet, base 1 -'>'/* in., height 13 V^ in., depth 19 in., nickel ted fittings, intern. 1 "float ng' hora, edlc
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 586 8 BLUE FUNNEL LINE Regular Service to ft<fNDON. AMSTERDAM. ROTTERDAM, ANTWERP, HAMBURG AND BREMEN, GENOA, MARSEILLES, LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. MARSEILLES, HAVRE, 1 IVLKI OOL AND GLASGOW. BOSTON AND NEW YORK. Taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for all Overland Potato. HOMEWARDS. Singapore. PHEMIUS Genoa, Marseilles, Liverpool and Gh*sgow In Port
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    • 572 8 "ELLEBKaN" LINE. KLLERMAN A BfcdLNALL STEAMSHIP Ltd. (IneorporLtod in H^laiid) PABSKN<?Ut BEBYIC2. Steaner OOTWAICD. Btegn*r»» fs.s. CITY OF KAKACHI China— Japan Oct. i ♦sj. CITY OP PARIS China— Japan Not. 16 •s.s. CITY OP CANTERBURY Clina— Japan D«c 17 HOMEWARD. t«.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER Marseilles— London Jnly 21 Isjb. CITY
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    • 542 8 P. O. BRITISH INDIA and APCAR LINES (Incorporated in England) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICRy PENINSULAR ORIENTAiTsTiA»r NAVIGATION tm LONDON FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE (Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Governmei,' OUTWARDS from LONDON. HOMPWabk. F« O*~ ..pan. for BuJSJKffS A Trunage. Singapo-«. Loa^i KASHMIR 9,000 July B DELTA ionna^e. Su^ apori
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 437 9 fhe Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co- Ltd. AND Eilerman BucknaU Steam Ship Co- Ltd (AMBRICAN A MANCHURIAN LINK.) (Incorporated v England.) JOINT SRRVIC" 1O BOSTON AND NEW YOKA: via BUBZ OR PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK. St«»m«r«. Dne B'nore Route p^ IGCTY Ob MADRAS July
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    • 788 9 ADMIRAL LINE (Incorporated in U.8.A.) FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 19 DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA. Steamer. Bails Hongkong. Arriyea Seattle. PRESIDENT GRANT July 9 July 28 PRESIDENT MADISON July 21 Aug. 9 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY Aug. 2 Aug. 21 PRESIDENT JACKSON Aug. 14 Sep. 2 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON Aug 26 Sept. 14 And every
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    • 765 9 ISTHMIAN LINE Arriving from America via*Panama and Loading for BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND f|J BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DIBECT. ANNISTON CITY due Singapore June SO F AIRFIELD CITY due Singapore July 28 STEEL TRAVELER due Singapore Aug. S8 Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading to all Inland Points. For freight
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  • 224 10 U. S. Presbyterian Vote. Nt-w York, May 23. The Presbyterian Church of America ye^taday joined the "dr'ys" in a body when, at the instance of Mr. William Jennings Bryan, the General Assembly at Indianapolis passed a resolution requiring every Presbyterian minister, church official, church member, and the
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  • 654 10 The wildest larks of George Birmingham's popular creation, the red-haired curate Mellish, And a parallel in the 'sober fact" of this narrative. But here, too. is heart-breaking tragedy: the tragedy of a people formed for loyalty and courtf;3y i spoiled, not by cruelty or firmness, not
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 375 10 I UNDERWOOD I Improved PORTABLE Model THK MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. j Sole Agents: j PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD, J (Incorporated in England). j SINGAPORE, PENANG. KUALA LUMPUR. j| i ROBINSON Co. Ltd.. i Stocklsts RONEO Co.. Ltd. I CHAMPAGNE I Pommery J S9L and SB BVT Ob^B^Bb EXTRA
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    • 284 10 *^^^mg^^ Ai' A JRAOE MARK. *3j "Great Auk's Head" p soli: importers LT/zg Borneo Company, Ltd (Incorporated in England). Sirgapore-Ipoh-Penang j THE MARK OF GOOD OIL KEROSENE #^^fi^ KfcROSEUE BRILLIANT ECONOMICAL Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S. S.) Ltd. <Imc*T»ormtt4 1b B*fi*»t Thos. Cook Sod. norddeutscher iioyd PASSENGER AND FORWARDING AGENTS. BANKERS.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 724 10 SHIPPING NOTES. The British steamer EUaston arrived from Delagoa Bay yesterday with a cargo of 5,500 tons, of coal. MAIL TABLE. TO-DAY. Cucob Hong Soon 9 a.m. Cucob Hong Cheang 9 a.m. Kerimon Fook Mow y am. Pulau Soegi Benuit 9 a.m. Batavia Johan de Witt HSab© and Djambi Ban
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  • 76 11 June 27. Bank 4 m.a. 2,4 g. 16 Bank demand 2|4 3-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2|4 15-32 New York, demand 3f4 Credits 90 days 56 France, demand 800 Hongkong, demand l% p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 109 Java demand 140^ Bangkok, demand 79^4 sovereign, bank Buying 0.54 Hnsik of
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  • 135 11 Tiu 150 Ton, *<>3.75 P-ipor Whito 22.50 Pepper Black 14.00 Tapioca, small flake f.g 10.25 Pearl Sago small 8.00 Copra t0.50 f'opra Sundried 10.90 Opium, Benar.s unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon white tSO.OO Rice, StfTO No. i for t?xpo;'_ L'*-').^ Rice, Sian No. 2 for export 250.00 K;cc, Saipo;i No.
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  • 34 11 Singapore. June 27th, noon. Singapore Standard Pale Crepe, Spot 45 45*6. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sreet. Spot 46 46*4; July-Sept. 47*4 47%; Oot-Dec. 5034 51; Jan.-March 52'4 53. London quotation Is. l%d. Market steady.
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  • 351 11 RUBBER PLANTING. To the Editor of the Times. Sir, May I be permitted to draw attention to the similarity in the state of affairs ruling in the plantation rubber industry to-day to that which ruled in the cinchona industry for many years. Practical experience in organizing th^ cinchona and quinine
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  • 159 11 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 609th auction on Wednesday, June 27th, whan there was catalogued 1,385,621 lbs.; 618.58 tons. Offered 783,049 lbs.; 349.57 tons. Sold 480,281 lbs.; 214.41 tons. PRICES REALIZED. itibbed Smoked Sheet Cents per Ib. Singapore Standard Qual.ty 46
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  • 112 11 Singapore, June 27. Tin.— £B7 150. down 325. Od. 98 150 tons. Rubbers.— Is. l^d. dcvn lid. Share Market. Fla:. Rubbers. Malaka Pua^as 1.37 1.42 United Malaccas Ltttt 137 1 Ulu Bcmr* 24 27. Kuala Si'iimn 2f!2V 2.27'2, Ba^setts 1 1.07^, Indrag-iris -1.80 4.00, Mentakabs 22
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  • 411 11 MACPHAIL 'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, June 27. The share market lias been very dull during- the week under review and only small volume of business has been transacted, with very little of interest to report in any section. Rubber has been fairly steady although the closing quotations are lower. Enquiries
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 340 11 Asuett over $5,000,000. m GREAT EASTTO UFE ASSURANCE COMP^Tiwii^'" 00 000 HEAD OFFICE r-Winchester Hoi^W?*" 1 ta Stfldt Setttemente) The Company has £20,000 deposited wHh't^ X™» Court of v f 0 00 OFFICE 82 Old 3em V> .rTRACTIVE PLANS OF Af«imAKr» As^KTc^^^ Md «>"»*<» BriSS'jMe AGENTS WANTED f SeCretary Managing
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    • 384 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China Incorporated in England by Roy.l Charter. Paid up Capital \n §00.000 ■har«,£seac* JMaf Reserve Fund 8800 Liability cf Proprfetors MiMet HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopsgate, London, E C aw Q* Agenci and branches. AmriSaT Bangkok Ipl* gW KSS &f iF^ rw? Lmapiar Sourabaya Cawupon
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    • 808 11 VOKOHASITIm BANK LrMITED. ESTABLISHED 1880. 1 Y IOMoO 000 Reserve Fund Y 69,000,000 Vi^^ reBl^f nt: K Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Esq. DIRECTORS. N. Soma, Esq. s. K. Suzuki Esa Slip!" HEAD OFFICE YOKOHAMA Singapore Branch 31-A Chulia Street. BRANCHES. Batavia London q Bombay l2 Ansel,, leatU?"" 0 fe
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    • 46 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) HRE MOTOR CAR MARINI Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Lt4 Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER Co., Lid. Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 715 12 PROGRESSIVE METHODS. Mr. J. M. Sime presided over the annual general meeting of the Balgown.e Rubber Estates, Ltd., held at Gresham House at Tioon yesterday. Other present were the hon'ble Mr. D. J. Ward and Maj. E. T. Gongh (Directors). The Chairman, in his address to the meeting,
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  • 109 12 The following arc t):o ratritt for tho R«r« Meeting of the Ipoh Gymkhana Clab: Ex-Griffin Ponies. Dru d, Motherless, ndcroa, No. a, Ch!nt a H:ti. Dcdpcr. Speed Arrow, Digger, Sterling, Avro, Sheila Capta n Cuttle and Zoom. Ex-Griffin TTo ses. M harani, Babz, Orthci. Shantung. Tigablaa, Que^n
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    • 63 12 London, June 14. A bchool boy H. K. Lester, of Ley's Bchee&j Cambridge, is regarded a» one of ihe coming tennis champions. He almost defeated the famous American Johnston at Becbjsnhaa, losing only by 3 —6, 5 —7. His j ay created a sensaton. Compet'ng at Wimbledon.
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    • 47 12 London, June 14. The following is the result of the Royal Stakes over I*4 miles run on Wednesday: Pharos 1 Kelvin 2 Pr.ttendiP 3 Also tan:—Poisoned Arrow, Crai^rfoivei, and Daucrhter-in-Law. Betting;—11 to 10. against Pharos 100 to s Kelvin. 7 to 1. Puttenden.
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    • 275 12 London, June 15. 1 ho commission that lias been appointed r> inquire .nto the complaint from the Brisol City Shareholders' Association reportetl thrA they found that certain malpractices %»i' pn>ved and the Club had been fined C260. Riißbeck* the Becmtiry and Manager, :i<l been tincd while the following-
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    • 82 12 London, June 15. In tho Isle cf Man motor cycling race IL Black en a Norton was second in <J;^ 26 MCS.J Dixon on an Indian third in 2-17 nuns. 2 toes.; and Graham VUlher, on a Norton, fourth in 217 mins. Tt.c Senior
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    • 138 12 London, June 9. Eeforc a crowd of 3.000, including Lord Riddel? znd Sr J. Baird, the Prince of Wake drove the fim ball on the Richmond Municipal Golf COUTM. Considerable excitement was caused by I announcement that the Prince would present the retriever of the ball with
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  • 56 12 rogramme of Drills up tz and for Sun--3<st July, 1C23. Thursday, 2Sth.— £.ls p.m. Janet on Buftlo Road, Ra:o Course Road. "C" Scottish Cry. Friday, 29th—D.15 p.m.—Dril] Hail. "C" nttish Coy. and Eurasian Coy. Saturday, 30th— 2 p.m. Selrtar Range PfTtanf:'s Challenge Shield. Sunday, lst.~-7.30 a.m.
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  • 17 12 Friday, 29— Route March. Parade back of Y.M.C.A. 8.30 p.m. FRANK C. SANDS, Commissioner.
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  • 126 12 IReuter's Service. J London, June 26. At Wimbledon, in the second round, th-re VII slight delay owing to rain, but the \vx ther was glorious later and there were 12 000 spectators present, .ncludmg many fashionable personagts. It wus lyi Ameri- < .hi day, on the centre
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  • 49 12 Tuesday's play resulted a»s follows: P. BochwaJdy l^cat Chuong Chee lim r+—s, c— 3. R. .Smith beat W. Tan. To-day's Tics. R. Smith vs. C. A. Norrie. Winner of C 8m th vs. A. SehudcJ v&. A. van CuyWberg. Friday's Tie. H. O. Stack vs. F. Ruchwaldy.
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  • 717 12 Wo have already noted the (proceeding's t the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on he celebration of the Sucerdotal S.lver uibil^e of the esteemed Vicar of the Cathe- Iral, when an address was read by Mr. Uosberjren. At half past ten in the morning there rap an
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  • 207 12 'The Hoodlum." Mary Pickford has established such a firm ho'A upon the liking, ore in ght alrrost say the atTections, of (he world that a targe audience is to bo looked for wherever her pictures are being shewn, and, having in mind her successes with Teas of Storm
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  • 690 12 Cause Papers to go to Attorney General. "In the interests of everybody I think it is best that these ai.ious charges shou.d be investigated by a const tuticnal tr.bun 1" saicf Mr. Just ce Barrett-Lenn-rd in the Supreme Cou.t yesterday morning, in ordering th..t the pleadings and
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