The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 June 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. am^m^^m^—^— TEN CEMB- SINGAPORE. S.S., THURSDAY, .1 U N E 21, 1923. No. 10,921
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  • 208 1 Late cables ghre further \iti acCOWits <>f the Mounl Etna eruption -cenes i*a^e 7. The unabated flow of lava, advancing a yard a minute, te submerg tig railnav stations and destroying villages Page 7. Pert'nax, m TKcho de Pa.-is. gi\ts an obviously inspired forecast af the Franco-
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  • 1185 1 Many people reveal their real nature only through tie r Wills, and a perusal of W lis shows us a strange variety of characters. The eccentricity, the cruelty, the pride, tho injustice, the revenge of human beings ara amply set forth m Wills and betray the i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 334 1 FLES HOTEL. WGAPOM. WEEKLY PROORAMIIt felfplH n« 2Mti (W Lines). MONDAY.— Ten D«_a__ PnMw—i m the Ea»f. CT v Kn an ru ESDAY. Dinner Dane**. -joimns Lining Room WEDNESDAY*- Orekntnl Concert. npo: >a.m. to 12 p.m. IHURSDAY.— Gu^.t Nick*— Dhmm and Dance. IHURBDAI FRIDAY^-T« Pansanr. .1 E^T NIGHT. rUKDAY.— Guest
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    • 191 1 I QUIETNESS I I You want quieuiess m a I typewriter? Ail right; sizl& y but you want as well all m stock tbe standard features and improvements built into io inches I (the light- running, quiet- 12 inches 1 Quieiness witb speed- m inched 1 spee«i with durabfHty. j
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    • 208 1 LA'i EST AiIVERTISBMKNTS. BnAes Hotel Page T. Peps for colds Parr*' 3. Fno's fruit sail Page 3. Dexmti for > P Roopchand's for silks— Page i bowranite, Guthrie's—Page o. Whiteaway's new goods -Page ii Silva'a for wai hes —Page 6, Ham novels. Robinson's- Page 7. Sparli i-lult- from Wearne'aPage Singapore
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 136 1 IHE WEEK I M-fajr, 2 ttf. HiR-h V/atcr, 2.21 a.m., 333 p.m. Outward nail by Rhexenor due Phil. Orche tra, Bfem, Hall, 5.15 n m. Ie li. Munici rs. Ex-Sei vices, S.R.t 1 eaguc II: 8 C. C. wt l\ P. C, S.C.T.A. .-.7Je II Keppel I Ina, 'I iys
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  • 289 2 The^e interesting paragraph, tr. from Forest Report. The dunpe done to angr td b*i bp crnbs nnd monkeys still give, trouble. Tho planting: of the tei lingain tin coliara I a protection .gi nai crab, wma foil mcci isful though omewhnt expensive, and s rt mm of
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  • 78 2 Programme of Drills up to and for Sunday, June 24th. Saturday 2.3rd. 2 :.0 p.m. Alexandra Ror.d' Police Station, "C" Scottish Company, Tac tical scheme Officers and N. C. OA Seletar! Range, Eurasian Company, Annual Mus>- j Sunday 24th. 7.1", a.m. Junction Nap er I and Holland
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 X_C^£ v> -v* > r £^_l£f \fcm <- m~ *M _\m? f -x ~t r§ V* tf. m.y mm> V W *f Famous Wp Dexma the greites* of skin remed s wih .move those skin afflietiona hat hj made your hfo a burden. Tha into -rable tuning, and discomfort
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    • 423 2 jO l.F.i OK FOU SALE. R GF. f JO hOWN BL aewly erected rt r. >a from 10/KH) Ij 50.0C0 aq. ft. :'uci:> river. LARGE STOftfll from 6,000 lo __?;.;> *>%_. tt. neoi whaif and shipping. Alao I.ree atoried bu idingg for office* and godowna. Centrally situated All immediate entry,
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    • 717 2 I I liaTlWlliWMinn I WII I■ll■■ Ml i, 1J _u'ji i b lj :•< i m a tmiiimrfTiiiini J 1 Show i.t 1111 1 S NEW SNUB POLLARD COMEDY Ist Show at 7.30 Sharp. z l 2 H.N _^i i BI.AZING SECRET SERIAL. Ep. 7 and B.S LlOll IVlail benal
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    • 731 2 j SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT '••J Alhambra. Washed Ashore^ To £uhh a ir Bl d Set Mike MacTi(?ue~V. Battlino o-, For the World's Light-Heavy Weight m,l iv 8 Heavy-Weight Championship ta Dublin v" < l One of the Greatest Production* 0 f the V Film Adaptable to Any AudiVno A VITAGRAPH SUPER
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  • 980 3 •HK i;OLF INTERN \TIONAI.. la lOM Uur Own Correspouuciii). Edinburgh, May 23. Aftor a contest which until the last an prom sod to yield .the happiest resuh x British BOtfara, the American team at St. Andrew, •..<•;•,.. r a |i y defendtd claim to >•< th« Walker Cop.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 173 3 Singapore Tyre Service Station. THE FINEST TYRE. V FREE FITTING FREE AIR FREE INSPECTION FREE ADVICE •iIARANTEEI) VULCANISING REPAIRS AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. mm+m. Motor Vehicle Department of THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG iii aammmtaamma mammmmmamm^mmamtmamgammm mmmmmmamaamatmmmmmmmmaa. i ■mm 1 1 nn na- annum m
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    • 83 3 Sail who value Good Health a dash 'of ENO's Fruit Salt m a glass of w.itcr first thing every morning" is a rule mnde golden by thc experience of millions of tupjn folk during thc past half-century. ENO kee/s yog fit and able to ward ofl illness. It makes tho^c
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  • 588 4 I H ASER CO., EXCHANGE AMI SHAKE BROKERS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. M I N I N G. [Fignn m brackets show the issue value of ihe Share ia dollars unless otherwiat marked. C. Cum div. x equals ex div.] Uatang Padang Tin 47% 52% Hitam Tin *$1)
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  • 210 4 Acbara the lateft self- styled prophet of All ali. Mid 61 of h.s fanatic followers, wore killed m a fight on May 19th with Constabulary soldiers on the Island of Pat;., eons id or. <1 the worst hotbed of uprifingl and insurrections among the Moros, according to reports reet. ved
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 569 4 i*e_xji_~.~. Mi _x*m~.j*immm-7tt:_i^:^ W! aj jasjL-^ja-.x«:t? a_— —ai f^n i^_ir rr __-_>-__— _8 > na na joflH—at^—s v*^nM ..^^^^^^^l __a m __m_m_x t 3 \wJ_\___\ ...................................I ________B 4___P >yi* ______________________________________1 M_^U_Hi v<_j 3_?_ _B_R i _F _________l Wf V__B Ml ___________i f*~ _a____i_____________________F __________r *3^7/_ nßr f__CT __r _________r ryE
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    • 278 4 AUCTION SALE OF High Grade Jacobean style Teak Houshold lurnH.-<\ Caitiff haw. Curiot*, Pint t-d ware, Also one J riumph motor jclAt No. 15 Balmoral Road off Bukit Timah Road ON SATURDAY 23rd .TINE AT Ul PJI Comprising: an excellent toned cottage >• ano W. J. Gan atit A dvtign
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  • 486 5 Mr. G. E., m his annual report, considers the rate ol progi\ > made m! marking ft forest re .*rves m Malaya ami quotes the ligurts since the death of Mr. _urn Murdoch. The reserves have risen U > l "rom 1472,731 acres to 2,337,178 .;•....>.
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  • 219 5 Taxea Absurdly Light. Brussels, May Speaking at a banquet organised by the years old Brussels bank, 'he Union dv Credit, M. Theunis, the Prime Minister, said: With her or against her will Germany i has got to give us help. How she is dia- 1
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  • 146 5 Action t.iken at Committee No. 5 meeting 021 J upo 15th. 1 iree Reaenroir DDart:. t Resolved that Method A recommend.d m the Engineer-' n-Cinef's Report, dated 26c h Apr»l, be adoptad or repair of the Dam, at an ttiirated cost of If 15,000, a.:d that if ond.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 532 5 TO m*^^ m TO LET. Joly Compound House, Furnisbed, W* JL, faua. Water, Garage, 3 Bed1^ "P- t bj'-s of Town, Tanglin Disja* rnrsonsUy, T4TE& rEUST AGENCIES LTD Kmaxtamamta Lstntf Aucoa twa.* io R*»rtieß Chambers rj iiatmaa Ciub. aat^ a^. iM nrNGLC- MW Rood. Private THE Apartment* from lst Ju
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    • 778 5 NOTICES. ll^™^ eiVen that a* 0 Trade }m___W t <iXclus,v Property of Gordon and onp-nv. I«~,tod flncorporr^d hi 5. Straits ttkme„.s) and IS used b, thorn ir. ZJZ ai ah Idndl. of StrniM Produce but particulkrly Hums. Sago Tnp.ocn. Essential Oils, Spice* Telutong and Gutta Percha. Any Person or persons
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    • 395 5 NOTICES. Dollar Directory 1923-4 Issue. $5,000 FREE 1 RAILWAY ACCIDENT INSURANCE Undertaken by THE OCEAN ACCIDENT And Guarantee Corporation Limited. (Incorporated ia Great Britain.) PRICE PER COPY $2, Post Free. To be published shortly. Dollar Directory Company. j Dunlop House, ROBINSON ROAD. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given that Sago
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    • 822 5 J^ m m^s Ui lurid l^i m Za Mil I^* 14 Battery Road, as~*< y /y <r THIS long established firm has for many years enjoyed an enviable reputation for supplying everything of the best. An important London syndicate has taken over the business and with the retention of the
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  • 791 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS THURSDAY, June 21, 1923. Tuberculosis. Writing the other day on what had taken place at the Kuala Lumpor Sanitary Board and the need for tackling the problem of tuberculosis, ue were not aware that the Hon'ble Dr. Calloway two years ago had published a valuable memorandum on
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  • 432 6 Hon. Mr J. n. It Robson ami Mrs Robson are Maying at Frasera Hill. Liout A. T. xNewtoult. M.C. ha, nt «d the rank of Acting Captain whilst command of tin- M.v.i. Perak from May 17. A Chineae rikisha pniier waa produced before Mr. Gourlay m the Third Police Court
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  • 489 6 NICOLA'S REVUE OP MAGIC. Any feeling of scepticism one might hav< had as to the claims to the title of tht strangest man m the arorW of Nicola the personage who has been staring *< us from the hoardings aU over tht towr during tlr last fortnight, were
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  • 342 6 The Hon. Mr. Kaza Ali, who had girei notice of a resolution for dsicussion ir the Council of State urging that Lord Head ng should head the Indian delegation to the imperial Conference, has now wn jn a rider that In the event of Lord head ng-a services not being
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  • 14 6 fm* 8r,:,,.,,, i 7' 1 J.„ Lrntajr. J«N M Of 1, iuart
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  • 30 6 (Prom largely sid* non;, favour,.! Ml lfr I D "I mr. .j. w* < Mr. E. N paaasd s Duri If. r Mr. C: Jm) an abort, j
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  • 223 6 At ig of th. Plante, a sion to ed hi s] i 1 of the Plai I Major Stevens: < 1 think 1 quite v. rone, li v. and get cat or. n thi represented principle to i Major Sl j cnlar ral Council! popular opinio I d
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  • 41 6 The following I A' Comn m lie will mat tn ri isits bene I a Any irrega si >r su.l rorfcing f th mbject of i ipe md Q. If. G. th< f. ["He" i ippsrentl .he-im VWekl
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  • 47 6 The death is I former ruler of Lh Kiu IllM Count Uchida. tht M »t*r Affairs, ha* reported bH 1 H Regent tho need for re-opesiag Japanese CenfOrto I I Rubber F.A.Q. if 51 future delivery. No big I were seen m the market i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 230 6 I _P *<^r^ "V '•C T^ mv mm* mgrn* «m -i_l«4rtC'< t? X 4 ~P T'TT fr V* A f? i rvi ____s?*^^^n Caldbeck Macgregar tio, Ltd. 1 Aji^^ s (Incorp- -atea m Shanghai). l| .^^^-^^'R 87 Cecil Siveei.. Telephone 223. m i mm, CJJf 8 'ATRONISED ..]'^^!^*%f^- KY KOVU.T.
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    • 90 6 I mmm*mmm^^mmmm*m^m*m* BRITISH DIAMOND MESH EXPANDED METAL. SUITABLE FOi: i Guards for Machinery Woikshop. Storee Enclosures Partitions. i Guards for Windows Fireguards. Screens for Cloakrooms Fencing, etc. COMPETITIVE TRICKS. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF The Borneo Company, Ltd. (Incorporated m England). SINGAPORB IPOH PENANG. JOHN DUKE Ki.ow nt ihe British Optical A*-*o.-iaUon
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  • 161 7 I ROYAL RELIEF. (H |LO THREATENED. Service.] Catania, June 20. of lava has submerged the inflWay-tuitioa and blocked the ChiStiglioni and Lirtguallomc, June 20. s fluid mass of lava, ard SOO yards wide, is within clio, and is advancing The stream m places is n r a
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  • 319 7 Leaden, June 19. ■ii i another theory -'andonmem of the Amund- > the recent high tern danger* water m the Arctic heavy fog a. Ii RE POR RHEUMATISM. Nev. York, June 19. University Medical Colrj of a successful l stini! of strop- I CONGRJBM. Ix>adoo, June 19.
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  • 581 7 RUHR ITEMS. I tighteni^TThe bonds. [Reuter's Sirvice.l l ariti > J une fJL FrtnT dUI^ t Le Parisien, the .French authorities have prohibited the transport of coke within the Ruhr and hav< assumed direct control of all the railways iin the Ruhr. This manna cutting of the iron
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  • 112 7 Lon lon June 20. The Irish deportees have been released r n bal:— Art O'Brien, £1,500; the others 750 each. ROYAL HINT CVP Leaden, June 2f>. The Royal Hunt Cup resulted as folyora; Weathervane (20—1) 1; Rock Fire 10—1) 2; Jarv c (20—1) 3. Twentyrivo an. Won
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  • 39 7 The following definition of a circle given hy a schoolboy may bo of interest, observing that it cannot bo proved to be mathematically incorrect: A circle is a figure which has only one eide and no ends.
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  • 1601 7 THE NEW PREMIER. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, May 24. Few politicians have the luck of Mt Balowin. At the age of fifty-six, active alert and m buoyant health, Mr. Stanlej I Baldwin finds himself Prime Minister ol 'treat Britain. It is only six years since he
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  • 127 7 The Government of Malaya have intimated that they are taking, or are wQhng to take, steps to give effect not only to the) '•rms laid down by thc Legislative Assembly m the notification issued under thei Emigration Act regarding the employment m Malaya of unskilled emigrant labour
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  • 62 7 A rather neat ejuip went the round of the clubs regarding the Berwick election, where Mrs. Philipson (Miss Mabel I Fussel) was the Conservative candidate. It was suggested that if she was returned it would then be possible to describe the three women members of Parliament as "Piety.
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  • 39 7 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. B. Croucher left for Penang by train en route for England. Owing to the liquidation of Messrs the' Siam Import Co., Ltd., with whom Mr.! Croucher was accountant, they are not returning to Sism.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 New Nnvefc BY •XVC-tt/ IMUUfmCIa POPULAR AUTHORS FISH PORT. Guy Thorn- j 2 .26 UNDYING MUSIC, L. Moberly 225 THE SECRET SANCTUA RY, Wans ick Deeping THE SCENT O! THE ROSE, Marg ret Peterson. 2.2* THE MAN WHO WAS TWO. Fred M. White, 225 FEATHERS LEFT AROUND, Carolyn Wel I,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 573 8 BLUE FUNNEL LINE Regular Service to I "iNDON. AMSTERDAM. ROTTERDAM. ANTWERP. HAMBURG AND BRBMBN, GENOA. MARSEILLES. LIVKRPOOL AND GLASGOW. MARSEILLES, HAVRE. LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. BOSTON AND NEW YORK. Taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for all Overland Pointa. HOMEWARDS. dae Singapore. ADRASTUS London, Rotterdam. Hamburg and Bremen June 23
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    • 624 8 I "ELLEBKaN" UNE. KLLERMAN ft BLCKNALL STEAMSHIP Ca- Lt*. Incorporated m Inland) Zm *t*. •*m*_*im*m_ m «m«www» ~*a 'm~tmmm tmmmmm mt ama wm m—^wmmmmmv .(....m^pw—w^ -_»>^__ t~ "-mm mttaaa >~~ .«c._mm a* .>* mmmm*****. PASSENtfiR SKRVICT. Siea.-nsr OUTWAtfI/. *l*garw. fs.s. CITY OF KARACHI China— Japan Oct. 5 •s.s. CITY OF
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    • 632 8 •t a Ow/ V-/a BRITISH INDIA and APCAR LINES (Incorporated m England) MAIL, PASSENGER tCABGQ SERVIC S PENINSULAR ORIENTAITsTEAM NAVIGATE LONDON FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE (Under Contract with His Majesty's Gov< rnmen; OUTWARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARhq For China and Japan, or mm J m m\ Ut£* Toinage. Singapore. KHIVA 9,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 458 9 Nt Ocean bteam Ship Company, Limited c China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd' AND Fllerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd i AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated iv England.) ST ggW ■10 B° sTON AND NFW YOLiTvia SUEZ OR PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK Due Spore Route For July 2 Suez Philippines and
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    • 507 9 ADMIRAL LINE (Incorporated m U.SA.) FAST PASSENGER SERVICE VJ DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA Steamer, Sails Hongkong. Arrives Seattle. PRESIDENT JEFFERSON June 27 July 16 PRESIDENT GRANT July 9 July 28 PRESIDENT MADISON July 21 Aug. 9 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY Aug. 2 Aug. 21 PRESIDENT JACKSON Aag. 14 Sep. 2 And every
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    • 291 9 ■N.Y. K. I LONDON LINE. Kam© Maru June 26 Katori Maru July 17 LIVERPOOL LINB. Tatsuno Maru June 22 Tottori Maru July 13 HAMBURG LINB. Tsuruga Maru mid July NEW YORK LLNB via SUEZ. SOUTH AMBRICAN UNB. Kawachi Maru June 26 Kamakura Mara Aug. 5 BOMBAT UNB. Tamba Maru July
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    • 669 9 ISTHMIAN LINE Arriving from America via Panama and Loading for BOSTON. NEW YORK, AND tf J BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DEJECT. ANNISTON CITY duo Singapore June 28 FAIRFIELD CITY due Sin&_pore July 28 STEEL TRAVELER due Singapore Aug. 28 Taking cargo on through li'iV.6 of Lading to all Inland Points. For
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  • 278 10 The Lorestan from Hongkong on Tuesday, brought a cargo of coal. The Taizan Maru from Miike yesterday, brought a cargo of coal. Capt. R. K. McLean of the Lorestan, whicn arrived from Hongkong on Monday, was quarantined at St. John's owing to having contracted smallpox. Pulo Sau Light:
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  • 112 10 A Brilis). man-of-war was engaged m coal ng m one of the rivers m China, the colour ami composition of which closely resembled that of the Thames at Westminister. The officer of the watch noticed some coolies m one of the coal-lighters drinking the river water,
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  • 141 10 In a letter to Colon* Leotto Wilson, membtr for Southern Portsmouth. Mr. Amery announces that the Admiralty have decided to reduce the charges made to prvate firm- for using Admiralty docks at Portsmouth. The rental charged for the i raving docks and the floating doclts is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 181 10 j UNDERWOOD j Improved PORTABLE Model j EYOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. j j Sole Agents: PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD.I (Incorporated m England). SINGAPORE. PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR. j i ROBINSON Co. Ltd., j StOCklStS rm j RONEO Co., Ltd j r m_ r mmmmrj*m___ mmmmmmm mmmmmmm» mmmmmmmmmxXXm-.mmmm_*mmmmmmmm, BOORD SON, london I^^K
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    • 38 10 ss. Glengarry." For Marseilles Fare $660. (via Madras Coast) This steamer, expected to sal about Jaly lst, has excellent accommodation for first class passengers. For full particulars apply, BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m the F.M.S.) Agrents, Telephone 3121,
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    • 381 10 I^h_M_B V^^____^^ vi tS____]__im*m£r*<4(—^^m^gf vtfxNmW ji •W rUr k_.'fl___B__r ..v- n_K VX ,-_r>!Urikl__fl a ~*XLr___ I *_____X__\ m_____m_______\ KfS£ Jr^p-.y mra*\t-mi _&________B_H__r4E^_Mk____R____B I "Great Auk's Head" pi r lISBDGP u66P <f| I__m___H___________________________H »x/i_ H_r Se>LE IMPORTERS The Borneo Company. Ltd. THE MARK OF GOOD OIL "•^^■^A MB Mmi-iu BRILLIANT ECONOMICAL
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 704 10 MAIL TABLE. TO-DAY. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing Kuantan By train 6 a.m. Hoihow, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy Kaying 8 a.m. Penang, Barcelona, Bilbao, Havre and Scandinavia Sumatra (Swedish) 8 a.m. Singkawang, Selakau, Pemangkat and Sambas Singkel 9 a.m. Kerimon Fook Mow 9 a.m. Cucob Massima 3 a.m. Pulau Soegi
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    • 211 10 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Per Ethiopia —Mrs. E. M. Hall Mrs. H. Elias. Mr. and Mrs. Fulcher and infant, Mr. Grimsdick Mr. A. H. Ford, Mr. Y. Wee Tong, Mr. J. H. Phipp*, Mr. F. Holherton. Per Deli:— Mr. and Mrs. Slater, Mr. R. C. Grant, Mr. L. W. Butler, Mr. Hogbin,
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  • 77 11 June 20. H-Mik 4 m.s. f|4 5. 32 Bank demand 2[4 1-1G Private credit* 3 m.a. 2|4 13-32 New York, demand :3*4 Credits 90 daya 53^4 France demand 790 India T. T. 173 Hongkong, demand Par. Yokohama, demand 109% Java, demand 140% Bangkok, demand UU Sovereign, Bank Buying 8.54
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  • 138 11 June 20. Tin 100 Tons $96.50 Gambier 12.50 Pepper White 23.00 Pepper Black 14.25 Tapioca, small flake f.g. 10.00 Pearl Sago small 8.00 Copra 10.50 Copra Sundried 11.00 Opium, benanea unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon white 230.00 Rice, Sir No. 1 for expo:: 285.00 Rice, Siam No. 2 for export
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  • 41 11 Singapore. June 20, 12 noon. Singapore Pale Crepe. Spot 47V-»; Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Spot 47Vi 47V2-, July-Sept 49V 2 50; OctDec 6ttt 53; Jan-March 54 Vi 54%. London Quotation Sheet Is 2V'»dL Market m
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  • 263 11 1 Many experiments have been made with systems designed to maintain the quality of fruit m transit to overseas markets. The latest is airless storage, under which it is claimed fruit and other perishable commodities may be kept fresh and sweet for an indefinite period.
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  • 74 11 The profit of the Nordanal (Johore) Rubber Estate for 1922 was £8,71f» (against £6,292 m 1921), while £17,516 was brought forward. It is proposed to pay a dividend for the year of 5 per cent, less tax (against nil), whle £479 (against £5,402) is required for taxation,
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  • 33 11 Sandalwood workers n Hongkong struck for more pay and better working conditions on January 19th last. They remained out of employment till a fortnight ?>go, when an agreement was reached with the employers.
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  • 86 11 FRASER'S REPORT. Singapore. June 20. Rubber.— ls. 2. id. Tn £188. 12;-. 6d, 100 tons at $96.50. Rubbers.— Alor Gajahs 1.20 1.35, Jimahs 1.25 1.32 V.. Cra-icleas 52 57 Vi, Bal/cwnies 2.80 2.90, Kuala Sidim < 2.25 2.32 Tins. Souths M i>*, Taipings *•"> 90, Norths 1.17'y
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  • 113 11 Singapore. June 20. Rubber.— London ls. 2V»d, Local 47 Vi. Tin.— London, £188 12s. 6d. Local $9GVi (100 tons sold.) Share Market.— Dull. Rubbers. Mentakabs 20 24, Basssttl I.o2V_> 1.07H, Ulu Benuts 24 27, Alleiibyi 1.20 1.25, Tambalaks 67V£ 75. Tins.— Taipings 17ft 92 V£, Norths 1.22 V..
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  • 130 11 Singapore, June 20 Tin.— £lBB 12:». 6d. down 455. Rubber.— ls. 2V*d. down Rubbers. Pract cally unchanged. Ulu Eenuts 22 Vi 25, Sungei Tukangs 27 VL» Mtt, Brcgas 67^ 72V 2 Malaka Pindas 1.40 1.45, Ayer Mokks 1.30 1.35, United Malaccas I.37V_> Li_tt, Bassctts 1.07V£ I*ll%,
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  • 112 11 Arrangements for the reorganization of thc undertaking and financts of S. ngapore Elcxtiic Tramways ire n progress. Negotiations with the Mun c pal Commssioners cf Singapore hay., adv -need sufficiently to permit of a new tract on ord'nmce being prepared and forwar J ed to Sinr"vpor> for
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  • 199 11 London, June 1. In the House of Commons to-day, replying to a question by Mr. E D Morel with regard to the dispute between jute opsjr. t vc-s and employers m Dundee. 1 ir Monjtagu Barlow sad that he had instructed iby telephone his princip 1 conciliation
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 421 11 |„,pr« over $5.00i).000. mmm^^ m^ THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMP aFOmS HEAD OFFICE :-Wi„che Bter8 ter Hou^S^ 1 St^ tM S9ttie^^ Tbe Company has £20,000 deposited with the T ffiete Cc..-r n v F ONDON OFFICE 32 Old Jewry, EC. A_*_*\\\___^r P f Eng'and- and complies with the British
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    • 425 11 CHARTERED BANK. India, Australia and China ncorporaud m England by Royal Chart* Paid up CapiUl m €00.000 £5 each c 5.000.000 Fund 5 .g00,060 Reserve Liability ef Pro--1 prMors 3.000.000 HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopsgate, London, E. C lifl <A enci< S nd Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Puket Amritsar Iloilo Rancor
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    • 839 11 ma^ B^ mammm^^ m^^m^mm^mmm^_____mmmmm_____________aa__ YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED. ESTABUSHED 1880. Reserve Fund Y e9fOOOQ9Q MmSEST 1 3 X Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Esq. DIRECTORS. N. Soma Esq. S K. Suzuki Esa F W____lL T_fc Ta «euchi, Esq. W. Hatanabe, Esq. T Hodsumi, Esq I. Matsukata, Esq. HEAD OFFICE YOKOHAMA
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    • 40 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated is England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINI Fidelity Guarantee—- Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives^-Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Ltd. Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 937 12 CHETTIES* INCOME TAX. An appeal arising out of the nov. extinct I Income Tax Ordnance occupied the greater part of the proceedings m the Singapore i Court of Appeal yesterday, before the; rhief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw r Mr. Justice i Barrett-Lennard and Mr. Justice Brown. The
    937 words
  • 173 12 YESTERDAY'S AUCTION. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Aibber Association held its 608 th auction n Wednesday, June 20th., when there was .-talogued 1,226,215 lbs.; 547.42 tons. Offered 945,109 lbs.; 421.92 tons. Sold 677,821 ><>.: 302.60. PRICES REALIZED. Spot London ls 21 d N,.v york ds. Ilibbed Smoked
    173 words
  • 361 12 Singapore. June 20. The wuk nas witnessed ateady decline n tho pr* .'f tin snd ss a resnlt business •i tin ea has become very restricted, nerally a lower level <>f pricea prevails. The robber quotation is hsrdly changed, but tho ihers maifcet m thi« BOCtoil ia
    361 words
  • 63 12 Tuesday's rr.' t. hes resulted as follows: li. Ab d bei t Ifo Kong Ilen^ i_— 0 6 o. A. van Cujlonberg and F. Rnchwaldy I t Tan Chong Gark and Chong Chee Lim I 4-0. 6-4. To-day s Ties. Doubles Pinal postp< ned till Monday. B.nglec:
    63 words
  • 135 12 The Kmpire C'uema is offer ng again another triple feature hill with 'i.c famous starr, m thsir to-n'ght's change of proeramme In the first show at 7.30 p.m Ive r Un'versal apseisl attraction srith Gladys Walton m a icraci version ot the fa oms xo^g su"c r S"
    135 words
    • 283 12 TO-DAYS HANDICAPS. The following ure the handicaps for the »eccud day's racing at Kuala Lumpur: Race 1- —(Six furlongs): —Royal Blood 10.7, The Quest 0.0. Beau Reg tide 0.6, lady Wallae 9.1, Slippery Sam 8.5, Prince Charming 7.10, Man of War 7.1(h Beaver 7.2, Kleita 7.2. Race 2.
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    • 180 12 [Reuters Service.] Louden, Jsne iy. 1... Lsncash re beal Middleses by an nningl and 17 runs. Makepeace making 109 m the ftrsl innings, whilst Park n Middlesex prickets for t>s. In .1 inningv Sharp cored 106 and Inf'* li ers* first h ge H« srne nplled 111. A-hb..
      180 words
    • 187 12 Middlesex and Keppel. fixed for M*3 31st will be played on July 10th. At Pulau Bran: on Tuesday evening' Seletar drew with the Royal Eng neers, 2—2. CHAMPION Sill i» Won Lost r. W. L. Ist In. l>t In. Pops. OM. Per. forks, 8 12 0 53
      187 words
    • 48 12 Messrs. Jchn Little and Co. yesterday received a cable stating that m the annual Jun'or Tou ist Trophy r.ce m the Isle of Man the A. J. S. came m 2nd. and 6th., r.nd also created four record laps for the raco
      48 words
    • 69 12 Postponed Second Le;»gue Matches. T'-o i"*fc*h between the 2nd M ddi^sex end t^e Malaya F C. n tlu? S^o-.d T ca.?ue, which was postponed from May Mth has been fired for July 3rd on the S.R C. uro-nd. On the same date the SCC II play tho Harlequins on
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  • 699 12 A SATISFACTORY YEAR. The hon ble Mr. Lowther Kemp presided over the annual general meeting of lire Kinta Assoc iai on Limited, held at the Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapoie, at noon ysstSfday. Others present were: Meesrs. Bagnall and P. N. Knight, for the Secretaries, Messrs. Harrisons Barker and
    699 words
  • 99 12 SINGAPORE MALAY LAWN TENNIS CLUB. At a meet'ng held on Sunday, the 17th. 'n^tnnt at No. ICS 7 Hair Road the follow ng were elected office- bearers for the rear: President In .he Mohamed Isma 1. R A.. V:<*e Pres dert Inch: Ismail bn H. A. Hon: And to- Inche
    99 words
  • 39 12 The result of the tie for the Jtmie TH vision of the June M -dM between C Milligan and C V. Daley was a wn for C. V. Bailey with a score of 82 12 70.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 270 12 you "can 1 aLways be sure of gettinlT?^ "HIS MASTER'S VOICP^ GRAMOPHONE AND KECORr>s Moutrie's WE CARRY THE J.ARGEST STOCKS M R CALL OR WRITE FOB CATALOG!!* S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD I -——nii tit r— it iii _n— w^..— __m__«i WHITEAWAY fSS Tj MUSTA fL c^iV\ Knrttin, /XXA*!^ LADIES UKEssSES
      270 words