The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. tE jj CKNTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923 No. 10,S<M
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  • 221 1 Art O'Brien and O'Hara, the Irish I deportees, are bringing actions against the Home Secretar\ for damages for false imprisonment Page 7. An indemnity bill to meet this curious situation has been lead a first lime m the House of Commons Page 7. The Irish deportees were
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  • 1349 1 Quicquid agunt kmmiilmM nustri H iirmgm Libelli .liu.nm.. There be people who dv not recognise the National Anthem or the Marseillaise when they hear it. We weaker how mairy would recognise the* Communist hymn, the Red Flag, During the American civil waa |It gained wide popularity
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 RAFFLES HOTEL. SGAPOtK Kugajrements. !lh „0. Lines). B UNG ™EX. ,923. fim B-Ilro— m the EaaA. MiIRDAY. Ldth MAY.-Speciai Dinner »nd Ball. 1-riJI Room adjoining Dining Room open 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. SATURDAY, 19th MAY. Special Dinner and Ball. SEA VIEW HOTEL. Tanjong Katong. Telephone. 110. Singapore SUNDAY, 20th
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    • 221 1 j CHAMBERS ENCYCLOPAEDIA NEW AND THOROUGH LV REVISED EDITION Edited by David Patrick, LLJ>.,aiH] William Geddfe ICABSc ■> o^Z^~! n tontributu ,h A »"iiH mT 1 0 w rld fouml ta »P>«~« of .Bthonutlve, up-,,--lZ: s::,'. a ,M Pn> Cal f by J. 8art,,,,--«na^_r_o^_rr_-_^ „,-r- eD Ta :,v i ril,
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    • 150 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Zam-Buk is a skin teater— Pags ooster belting at McAlisUrW Pa„ c 12 Anchor brand proceri g are euaranteod-J Page 12. V.WC.A. pageant next Saturday at 6 p.m.— page 7. chambers' Encyclopaedia a: Kelly and Walsh Pape 1. PfcuUo cement wat r proofs at ■ornec Con:, i.ny— Page
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 146 1 .HE WfcE.v. I Saturday, I9tk. High Water, <».;,.) ji.m. 1 I>. I. outward mail due. Spring Race Meeting, I. lu-. Harmston'a Circus, 9.1| p.m. Anna Christie, rheatre, 9.30 Sunday, 20th, High Water, 0-lfi v.m., 1.20 Monday, 21 »f. j High Water, 0-55 a. in.. Whil Monday. j Rank Holiday. Mail
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  • 128 2 11m official history ©I -the War doftlfc* mth pas illustrates the prograa. vc deve'Ojpment of British protective measures. ▼wien the oenuaiv need chlorine cloud trs _4 per cent, of 4,207 cases died. Later »r*!ie,n lethal gases, such as phosgene, were u»od the mortality
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  • 27 2 Th< namwmX la apmdiag $2,000 on ,mi i;:ts *<» ta technical and commercial rijfrcU la Svrembar,, purchase of typemttUwm. appav.iu., etr. ami $4,000 a. tala- f I mAm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 TO I M' OR FOR SALE. LARGE (.< DOWNS, newly erected area from 10,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. facing river. LARGE STORES from 6,000 to 24,000 sq. ft. near wharf and shipping. Also Mi ree storied b .ridings for offices and godowns. Centrally situated Ail immediate entry, going cheap Apply
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    • 905 2 n mm nnw— l*_T_rn¥X_l Wii Surma W FT i i J*m"_i l n l _gL---^iJin Cjf THFATSr rr- Ik Big Programms of Thrills and Excitement^ j opil ar Stars m I Jrilliant Photoplays, lst Show at 7.30. 5 j st show at 7.30 Sharp. THE GALLOPING KID LIGHTNING BRYCE SERIAL
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    • 356 2 Alhambra IN OUR NEXT CHANGE FRIDAY, ism M v The Ma- rimontal Web m 5 Parts. Remarkable story of a young girl who Captuies a thwarti the scheme- of a designing mother lor hei is afraid of girls is told m a d ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS When the Dcvi; Drives Uc
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  • 1272 3 SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT. {l^om Our Own Correspond.-..) London, Apnl 19. Si ing always cheera up the average individual, and if .the community is not opt,m attic about April or May, it never w:ll be. There are. however, many indications of a general improvement ati round. The Budget
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  • 38 3 The marriage took place at All Saint's, Kohe, on April 28, of Mr. J. P. Trousdell, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking corporation, and M'rss H. P. Buncombe, elder daughter of the Rev. and "Mrs. W. Pcngelky Buncombe.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 318 3 Mn. If, Mpt; "My de_r little W .Nf £f u\i\ U a picture of Health and irjL bappioetii cannot apeak Wm tee highly ef Glaxo.' wi: j A Doctor says baby has been fed on Glaxo since he was a jj month old. and has thrived splendidly on it. I
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  • 308 4 Facial Surgeon* Main i Harvest. Ihe women of t, a;l[ cea_»< to is anj particu'ai ij of beauty J '•he crasi f•• 1. ring ;heii faces altered continues, according to l>v. Arnold B; KaufTman, <»f the Michael Ret Dispenser; of Chicago, who has been doing experimental
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  • 125 4 4. The threat of the Soviet Govemmeni to prosecute the Pope as a "counter-r.e.volu-tienary" i.s comical enough, but m the days of the more tyrannical royalties (which Bolshevism seems anxious to emulate) the proeeduro was common enough, and even went the length of execution m absentia. A comparatively recent case
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  • 1361 4 LABOUR "SCENES' IN PARLIAMENT. (From Our Own Coi respondent.) Edinburgh, Apr. 18. Tho recent "scenes'' m parliament, m which the "Clydesdale Colts" took a leading part, present no surprising aspects to those familiar the meetings of GlasgowTown Council. They were simply a repetition on a larger seal-.'
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  • 229 4 Ny rulei sre so itrictly kept at Harrow I as the rales of M swagger <M and these y consist of customs and practices Legal for the upper forms, but forbidden to th lower. A whole arnn regulst exist In the matter v* d»\*>. Coat- and
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  • 132 4 A dramatic incident occurred al a funeral st Tonlonse of a countrywoman who been certified desd by a doctor. The funeral was arranged with the full ceremony t.f the e, and a long cortege followed rhe coffin to the cemetery. The coffin wai already
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  • 48 4 A Cairo message says that photographs conclusively prove the truth of ths t port that a tab'et commemorating the construction of the Assuan Dam has been removed and the inscription on it chipped off. Assurances have been given that -Lo tablet will be replaced snd the inscription reStored.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 562 4 y p*™ cl __*^^r*^fe^ fi fi AjNuj-^ fU_L \2r J^^^^^ CIGARETTES tgpHiinniiiy -WjiW^ TOY Carolina districts to the > wffly' ll i ■'■llllll'/ pleted cigarettes are I j l ii iijilHiFi/ packed m the air-tight *s_ ilii['il__Vl_r tins, every process m .ii iWmltlfmVr the manufacture of *^s. .11l 1 1
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    • 134 4 ayoung"^ tna OF TEAT ■XARPIX Am* __r r > h«.b.i.k,,;.,. nl s-\tt_r_iM not move doctor. some ha Pilh 1 v Lolly cur.a.-LT'* London. Bog. G a^DsWht'i i Jssyioa b-n.L: m tban BB| a: «~-s_jy v Weak] I I I ST Ihe Union Tr;. Sj Use Cuticura an. Have Lustrous Hair
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  • 492 5 THE FINAL POSITIONS. First Division. P W D L Pts. L'vtrpool 42 26 8 8 60 £i:ndsrland 42 22% 10 10 54 EfatAieraficld 42 21 11 10 53 Newcastle 41 17 12 12 46 Ifanchestef <"iiy 12 17 11 14 45 Evnton 11 p.) 7 15 45 Aston
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  • 199 5 A record number of people have visited Has Hin, Nong Kse and Koh Lak during this month, says the "Siam Observer." Almost all the houses are still occupied. As one party teturni to Bangkok another party from Bangkok goes up to take the Vacant house.
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  • 28 5 The recent heat wave"* has caused a big demand for the bungalows on Taiping Hill \nd one is no sooner vacated than it is reoceupied by fresh visitors.
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  • 1195 5 A PKTtJRBSQUB PEOPLE. Of the coloured population of (ape Town, tht- Malays are by far the most interesting and picturesque, says the "Cape Times." i hey are also the most law-abiding amon*r the non-European sections of the community. They are industrious sist rspshlf workmen, and are keen
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  • 52 5 m J A CriekVwond church magazine apologiz. tor havirg referred to nhe demeanour rf a congn^atlon, Instead of their reveren c With ihe approvsl of tka Psderal Council the F. If s Government has edited a aaam l of $92 000 for exp rases m connection wVh y the rubber
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 402 5 TO LET ENTRY. r Pm jang Road. ***** BedMotor Car. STnt X JoWELI I CO.. LTD., 1 Auctioneers. v.c. Qaajr facing the Harbour and area about 6.000 .v. h»lf the usual) Enter. s>r er n Z- X C LTD J Kafflea Place. v.c. t»o action, m Raffles Chambera. S Gasim
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    • 536 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF Teak Household Furniture Al .-.of saleroom. Xo. M Chulia Street ON SATURDAY. ISth MAY AT 10..'{0 AM. t omprising neat and plain design teak almeirahs and wardrobes with mirror doors teal washstands and dressing tables with a-arbtc top and mirror panels and fitted on cast*!*,
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    • 367 5 NOTICES. DOLL A X DIRECTORY 1923-4 ISSUE. i The Public are requested to return as early as convenient the information forms now m their possession. Keady co-opera-tion m this will be much appreciated. Dollar Directory Co., Dunlop House, ROBINSON ROAD. HUP CARS For Hire Day and Night phone 2338 RATNE
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    • 178 5 -MOTIONS j 0 14 Battery Road, .'fj THIS tong established firm has f or many years enjoyed an enviable reputation for supplying everything of the best. An important London syndicate has taken over the business and with the retention of the entire staiT you may safely entrust us with your
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  • 724 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923. The Fount of Honour. Towards the end of last year the London Gazette contained, and the local Gazette we believe published, amended Statutes of the Order of (he British Empire. The amended j statutes contain a somewhat remarkable provision for the allocation of
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  • 471 6 The Singapore Free Pies, will be pub lished throughout the holidays, but not oi Whit Tuesday, firing -the technical stafl one day's holiday on Monday. 1 The hon'ble Mr. O. F. Stonor is leaving for the Gap for ten days to rocuperatt after his recent illne.-s. Mr. J. B. Mac
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  • 36 6 G. O. C. LEAVES BORNEO FOR SINGAPORE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Jesselton, May 18. Major General Sir Neil Malcolm, G.O.C. Malaya, Major T. C. Spring and Brigadier General Husasy sailed for Sngapore to-day, m
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  • 164 6 H. E. Sir Laurence* Guillemard, frith Lady Guillemard and Miss Walker, were present st the Tanglin Club last night on the occasion <f the customary Race Dance, which is one of the most enjoyable i feature. <>f the Singapore Rac.. Week. There was an attendance numbering
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  • 612 6 W« understand that two new Justices lof the Peace srill be appointed for Penang immediately, one a Hindu and the other a 1 M hammedan gentleman. (F.G.) Colonel' P. E. Spencer, D.5.0.. M.C., arrived at Penang from Singapore <»n Wednesday to attend the operations of the Penang and Province Wellesley
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  • 101 6 "•"tort thrall In SB art:,:.. Archibald Hard importanoe of iuggesties that contrary the v regard, th. tt better ttrc seven a rpXlt nava! moSt .uccessfu! Xew Z.,.1a.-, therefrom, bee. reaching a •es eommus rat to erf betw< imi. I, m. ships ■mi re the PaeiAi mm) flashing Oceania.
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  • 188 6 l.«»n_„n. ish financial l »««-«sted m th. tn. Msy 16 which rt suited m a I comprised of scquirii g from the trei of tbs I originally G nssn i cntirelj dial which b no: I"'-' I Anatolian Railway jj^ Pasha o.m tin coast 1 X line toward.
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  • 190 6 There was little ak I Through." the piece playcl by ti ley Company at tho V.ctoria T night, but the play was nicely s-SJ**j produced some splendid act:np. *n and effect wa- also est] audience il UUSted to a P'^T prise when the KCM I sh:ft
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 148 6 26 PUDLO Cement Water Proofer RELIEVES RESPONSIBILITY. 0 Recent legs] judgments have resulted m phuing the renewal of defective work upon the architect, even When it Bright appear to be the fault of the builder. It is not rare, after a contract is finished, to find a damp wa'l, leaking
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  • 92 7 „a v in(^j;xes. .(UMIBK- STATEMENT. Baris. May IS. tiv .ISBSSUnt m conia| Ruhr credt at a f the finance and foreign n of -the I hamber. Ac- semi-official, the Tremier financial aspect md declared that a had now net m. f the occupation v the revenue. The
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  • 232 7 Paris, May 17. A swarded M. Pelf the aeroplane "joy damages against nd three leading for s branch of rnment's infringe* wartime, when rtcrs fitting joy \|K MIMS IKB '-TTOUR. London, May 17. Sir Samuel Hcxire, H iSIi and Major w S. Brancker, has left aerodrome
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  • 69 7 inn for the purt effects of the ■vi „n the crude rubStates, Mr. B. G. Mth Company, liortage under ht me, which is necesplantinc industry. regulate the price b y l r or later, run ular one is tempnrpess for grow*like. The report mufacturers have srsfnl study
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  • 33 7 n 'mour abroad that V TI This may hr j but the charm a knowledge m a'i **i da__l >nyone who doubts 2*M "PtOsi Wh*. he r '"'lmis.and watches 1 n their National
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  • 386 7 HOME SECRETARY SUED. REVIVING OLD STATUTES. [Reuter's Service] London, May 17. In the House of Commons at questiontisee, Mr. Bridgeman stated that O'Bnen was bringing proceedings against him, as Home Secretary, m the King's Bench Division, for damages for false imprisonment and the penalties of disability imposed
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  • 144 7 hit ASSIN-Cl U/.ON INTERVIEW. London, May 17. Kraasin conferred for a long time with Earl Curzon at the Foreign Office. London, May 17. Renter understands that no .statement will be made at present concerning the Kia>>in-Cur_on negotiations and it is not expected that further meetings will be
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  • 204 7 Many M.P.'s speak so indistmcttly that reporters m the Press Gallery cannot hear t v. hat they say. This caus.s amusing blun- I ~d<rs occasionally, says the Pall Mall < Gazette. For example the famous saying of Drummond, the Irish Under-Secretary, i "Property has its dut es
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  • 600 7 -OME INTERESTING FACTS. ln view of the approaching discussion) on the revival of the Quean's Scholarships, I the following extract from Mr. C. Bazell's article on Education, m Oho Hundred Years of Singapore, gives some facts that should not be lost sight of: "In order ito allow promising
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  • 217 7 THE ECLIPSE AND THE EINSTEIN THEORY. Confirmation of 1919 Results. The news that the stars photographed by the Canadian astronomers during last year's eclipse show displacements of the order demanded by Einstein's Theory of Relativity is what astronomous m this country expected, for the result of the Greenwich expedition which
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  • 48 7 m Some of .those m America who are opposed to rubber restriction are hitting below the belt by descending to poetry, as witness the following: Let BrPa n kill or keep the tax. New Planting's our manoeuvre; Of all Doar^ment Commerce acts, This is the Chief d 'Hoover.
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  • 873 7 FOR THE WORLDS MARKET. i The demand for airplanes m the past has been chiefly for military uses; the demand m the future will be principal.) for peace purposes. Its big field will be r.s a common carrier and for mail service, although even new airplanes are bein*?
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 Y. W.C~A. A PAGEANT m Government House Grounds Tickets $5.00, 4.00, 2.00, 1 00 Y. W.C.A. Fort Canning Road, Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd., Messrs. Robinson Co., Ltd. Space kindly lent by Messrs. Robinson Co., Ltd. m v^ m WLm^mll^4mlmlmm^Ll^m^S^m QUALITY is the point I which is necessary ff /fper
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 606 8 BLUE FUNNEL LINE Regular Service to I ONDON, AMSTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, ANTWERP, HAMBURG AND BREMEN, GENOA, MARSEILLES, LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. MARSEILLES, HAVRE, LIVEKFOOL AND GLASGOW. BOSTON AND NEW YORK. Taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for all Overland Points. HOMEWARDS. due Singspore. Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool ami Glasgow In port London,
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    • 551 8 "ELLERMAN" UNE. J.LLERMAN ft BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co- Ltd. (Incorpon. ted m E_-/__and) PASSENGER SERVIC-., tteeetsr OUTWAIKI). *>■• S-agapsre. fs.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER China— Japan June 2 fs.s. CITY OF KARACHI China— Japan Oct. 6 ♦s.s. CITY OF PARIS China— Japan Nov. 16 *s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY Clina— Japan Dec 27
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 466 9 Ihe Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. AND Fllerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. (AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated i», England.) mi BJOrfICI IO BOSTON AND NEW YO_*__ via SUEZ OR PANAMA. JIL FROM NEW YORK. .amer*. Due Spore Route For May 30 Suez Phillippine,
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    • 499 9 ADMIRAL LINE (Incorporated m U.S_A.) FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 19 DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA. Steamer, Saiia Hongkong. Arrives Seattle. PRESIDENT MCKINLEY June 3 June 22 PRESIDENT JACKSON June 15 July 4 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON June 27 July 16 PRESIDENT GRANT July 9 July 28 PRESIDENT MADISON Juiy 21 Aug. 9 And every
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    • 282 9 n. ir. k. LONDON UtfE. Kitano Maru May 29 Haruna Maru June 12 LIVERPOOL LINB. HAMBURG LINB. Tajima Maru end May NEW YORK LINE via SUEZ, SOUTH AMERICAN LINE. Kawachi Maru end June Kamakura Maru 6t_d July BOMBAY LINB. Akita Maru May 22 Wakasa Maru June 3 CALCUTTA LINB. Pinang
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    • 703 9 ISTHMIAN LINE FROM AMERICA VIA SUEZ. s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore to disch. May 31 1923 s.s. ANNISTON CITY due Singapore to disch. June 28 1921 TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ BISECT. s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore to disch. May 31 1923 s.s. ANNISTON CITY due Singapore
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 333 10 UNDERWOOD j Improved PORTABLE Model 3 **\mmT m T B^hCT |j THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. (Incorporated m England). I SINGAPORE, PENANG, KUALA LLMPUR N Jl ;nr.TT^7.T. ...................w.«...-.....^, r :^_-_T-HHi Hi H HH&£!a-o__&^^ Jr__r -"^"-l _^aea y ~s a »m. mmmmm _i fw-M_M _s*M *^s_»
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    • 156 10 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD ANu iL4iMBIiRG-AMER_KA LINIE. 'Companies Incorporated m Germany) THe undernoted are the Companies intended fixtures. OUTWARDS. For Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Due Singapore. PREUSSEN (H.A.L.) May 21 BCHLEBIEN (N.D.L.) May 24 HOMEWARDS. For Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bremen Due Singapore. .ERMLAND (H.A.L June 10 ♦SCHLESIEN (N.D.L.) July 19 PREUSSEN (H.A.L.)
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    • 359 10 Genasco Boofinol i 2 PLY AND PL j **S j COMPLETE WITH PATENT KANT-LEAK n_. AND NAILS TonftMr ttE I over 40 Years }pLY 1 run. c/i e er 1 experience f H_t__3J|Bj t/,a 3 «aps, I mam./_tct«re ,rjr_Bß Pr 0/ d rt 3 Roofing. I *^n 'Wairinz. m I
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    • 85 10 l 'on landed I FAMOUS WASH I HEALS SKIN. I D D.D. Prescription, tu*» I of -kin lemsdies, wiU ekin affliction* that D»' bteltc bi* I Ufc a burden r n fJJiiJ<l burning aud discoaAg^fcJ under lha l 3m Z warn*** I has cured n y ou r I incurable
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 693 10 CHURCH SERVICES. WHIT-SUNDAY. May 20th. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. 6.45 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Children's Service, 5.30 p.m. Festal Evensong and Sermon. S. MATTHEWS SEPOY LINES. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 8.15 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Monday m Whit.
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    • 810 10 SHIPPING NOTES. LARGE FLOATING DOCKS. There will be three floating docks capable of taking the Hood when the Southampton Dock is completed (probably m the autumn of this year), and when the two ex-German docks, one of which is m hand, are lengthened. These docks could be passed through the
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  • 75 11 Bank 4 m.s. 2 4 1-4 Bank demand 2]4 6-82 Near York, demand 54 Credits 90 day.-, sC*_ France, demand 750 India, T. T. 174% Hongkong, demand 1% p.c. Prem. Yokohama, demand *m 1099^ Java, demand 140% Bangkok, demand 80 Sovereign, Bank Buying 8.51 Bank of England Hate 3
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  • 136 11 May 18. Tia Buyers %10i% Sa Ballera Gambier Cube No. 1 23.00 Gambier 13.25 Pepper Black 13.75 Pepper (white fair) 22.50 Tapioca, small flake t.i 12.25 Pearl Bags small OO Copra Mix 10.75 Copra Su ml lied 11.20 Opium, Benares unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon, white 230.00 Rice, Sirm No.
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  • 243 11 RUBBER TIN RETURNS. Secretaries: Brown, Phillips Stewart (P.) Semangfgol, 14,922; Juru, 0.751. Secretaries: Chan Sze Onn and Co. Malaka Pinda, 23,050; total 8 mos., 220,054. Acents: J. S. M. Bennie and Co. Pundut, 30,000; Bintanjr, 10.780; Pelepah Valley, 24,500; Kota Tingj.i, 15,000; Sighting, Clovedy, 7,100; Burma, 6.617. Secretaries: Guthrie and
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  • 90 11 The output of sandalwood, cut m Western Australia m one year, lias totalled 170,000 tons. China huys 6,000 tons of Western Australian sandalwood annually. Tho first electric turho alternators to be constructed m Australia was started m March at a power house of New South Wales State Railways system. It
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  • 489 11 JACKS' METAL REPORT. 9 London, April 19. Markets. Reports from America tend to show that piopeiity is so rampant thero that the dollar is worth loss than 50 cent*--30 far as power goes, and for that reaaon wages there will still have to advance considerably, and
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  • 123 11 For the purpose of encouraging cerealgrow,o;s of the State to produce representative samples for display purposes at the British Empire Exhibition, tho RoyaJ Agricultural Society of South Australia has arranged a number of competitive classes m connection with th i September show. A selection will be mado front these exhibits,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 345 11 m****** m^ kwm^ ll,Bß^™ l^ B l^ l^™*e^**e_____________MMiMM______________Mß I Im A_rance» m force over $17,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LffE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) JB£mww\\3SmmXlmA' _f_s=_. c„_ mmTSI ml%w*m?£ m*m?& E PLA^ OP ASSURANCE AGENISWANTED mmm a _H_n^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ eretary Managing Director A Actuary G. KNOX^ HORACE W. RAPER.
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    • 408 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China. Incorporated m England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital m 600,000 shares £5 eack £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 3,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprfetora 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopagate, London, E. C Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Puket Amritsar Iloiio Rangoon Bangkok Ipoh Saigon
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    • 867 11 VOKOHAMA~SricT_~BANK LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1880. 1 Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Eaq. DIRECTORS. N. Soma, Esq q tr q„-„i Y. Yamakawa! Esq t^t?' M. Odagiri Eso v Morimura. Baron K. farSSki [f^us]u, Esq. K. Tatsum Esq t" _£S£ I L >* x? \at t V?' I rakeucni. E«n r. Watanabe, Esq. T Hofls
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    • 123 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated ia England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIRE MOTOR CAR MA RIN S Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives—Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Ltd Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER Co., Ltd Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. THE LONDON LANCASHIRE
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  • 1372 12 NEARING THE FOOTBALL END. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 19. We are very near the end of the football season. The annual England vs. Scotland encounter ended at Glasgow m a draw (2-2).- The much-criticised England team did better thaa expected. Tho weakest department proved to be
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  • 265 12 How (.'uilt was Established. A t iwaway'a fu ilai>- to give -aaf«Htory anawer to one 1 question led to nil iviction al the- Hongkong Magistracy. The man, Wong Hip, wai charged before Mr. Weed with having stowed away on Elpenor, from Singapore to Hongkong. Mr. Neil Inglia, chief
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  • 150 12 London is to have an "Eiffel Tower," conducted of concrete, GOO foot b'gh. It will be three times as high as the Nelson column m Trafalgar-square, and it will be crowned by a searchlight so powerful that it w 11 be visible from the coast of
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  • 417 12 THE HANDICAPS. The following are the handicaps for o-day s racitog: Race 1. tFive furlong*) She la 10, Pawang 10, Dodger 0.0, The Bolter 9.1, dill 8.1, H. F, 8, The Biillie 7.6. Merry Maiden 7.5, Speed Arrow r i.2. Race 2. (Race Course) Class B. Rockpost 0.12,
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  • 273 12 London. April .10. arr;. ing the cup and a be-ribbone^ mascot, the triumphant Bo". ton team was entertained to luncheon at the House of Commons by Sir Wii iam Edge (National Lib ral, Bolton The party, which included Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Ifacnamara, Mr. Jack Jones, and
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  • 23 12 The administration of the Wild Animals and Birds Protection Enactment, 1921, m Perak is estimated to cost the Government $1000 for the year.
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    • 129 12 London, May 17. At the Olympia m the 20-round/s contest for the 1 ight- heavyweig hit champions h.p of the British Empire, Jack Bldom field (thc holder) be r it the Irish champion, Dave Mag li, the, iatter's seconds throwing m t 'c towel m the thirteenth round.
      129 words
    • 38 12 [Reuter's Service.] Bordeaux, Mrfy 17. In the first round of the Davis Cup, France defeated Denmark by three matches to one. Fr_nce won the finail match and the rubber, making the score four matches to one.
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    • 33 12 [Reuter's Service.] London^ Ma} 17. J Southampton: Hampshiie defeated \Vor- j est.rsn re by an innings and 26 runs. In the losers' second innings Kennedy took I six wickets for 54.
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    • 116 12 To-day and Monday a match will be 1 played on the S. C. C. ground between thu S. C. C, and a team composed of Services and; Civil Service. The match will commence m the morning of each day and the teams will be: S.C.C. G. C. Clarke, A.
      116 words
    • 140 12 [Reuter's Service.] Leeds. May 17. The Yorkshire Evening News £700 tour- i nament was cOUttnutd to-vlay m fine Weather, but there was a troublesome wind. The surprise e>f the ftrat round was th* defeat of Rtrfcwood, the Australian, by Kinch, of Woodcote Park, 3 an.d 2. Duncan
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    • 117 12 London, May 7. Cons derable interest is being taken m Polo circles m t lu arrival pf the Patialal team. They have two matches at Hurlingham shortly, when a very powerful four is Pkely to meet them. It is stated that H. R. H. the
      117 words
    • 112 12 Dermot W. Gale and \V. 11. McMillan, of Victoria and E. Cart and Rowlings, of New Semth Wales, have been selected by the Amateur Athlete Uniem of Australasia and New Zealand, io represent Australia at the Swedish Olympic games at Gothenburg, from July lst
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  • 99 12 mm Every day brings seme new discovery. We BSftd now of a wireless type-setting attachment which may be used on any Lirotype Machine. This is indeed marvellons, as the type is set entirely by wireless. This may lead to great things for the printing trade, for speech may be given
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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