The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1923. No. 10,879
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  • 209 1 The President cf the Reparations I om mission has warned off those who |hmk that the League of Nations can intervene between France and Germany in the matter of the Ruhr Page 7. The Supreme Court of the U. S. has promulgated its decision as regards the
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  • 1042 1 Mamn Munnclly bad Made the field. Into every square inch of it he had put the labour of his weather-nardere-. hands, the dreams that had taken root in h'v almoet superhuman ability to endure hardship. When Manus was a youngish man a neighbour had describe. Mm: "He's
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 260 1 RArrf-EaS HUIII. SINGAPOBB. WEEKLY PROGRAMMI Telephone 2920. (10 Lines). MONDAY— Tea Dansant N PM Ballroom in the East. -J^££_7i^ WEDNESDAY Orche-tral Concert drill Room adjoining Dining Room THURSDAY.— Night— Dinner to unt l Dance. open B a.m. to 12 p.m. FRIDAY.— Taa Dansant r v -»-»~_j_. mm. Orchestral Concert
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    • 237 1 Europe Hotel The Management bep to announce the following Programme for SATURDAY mav Speda] Dinner, followed by a Dance HATUBDAY, MAI 12th. till 1.45 a.m. Dinner and Dance $3.00. TUESDAY, 15th THUR. 1 V.h. AfSStaS? Da„ee" mflM. SATURDAY, MAY 19th. ""S E£T£. b D ,Ce Patrons are requested to book
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    • 207 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Pepaodeut Trial Tube Page 4. nPljJlfC for incn > e stion— Page 5. Raffles Hotel announcents Page 1 Spectacles at N. Lazarus— Pag* 5. Watches from Rene Ullman-vlpage 3. Watches at John Little and Co.— Page fi SSi. from J Crow ther Shaw— Page 2 Willard Batteries from
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 132 1 THE WEEK. Wednewdwn, 2nd. j Higi. Water. 11.35 a.m.. 11.20 p.m. 8.1. homeward mriil closes. Foolish Wives, Palladium. 9.10 p.m. Bluebeard's Eighth Wife. Theatre, 9.30 p.Tti. Thioxdny, 3rd. High Water. 0.19 p.m. League II: Malaya F.< vs. Ex-S<?rvices, 5.J.0.8. League II: S.C.F.A. es, O.T.F.C, S.C.F.A. Phil. Orchestra. Mem. Hall, 5.15
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  • 567 2 The prices quoted are generally those current at Clyde Terrace Market. At tht i ther markets there may be small variations. A Limbdi cable of April 18th. states: j i the result of a quarrel between a Cap- tain of the Limbdi State Force and a British
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 451 2 TO LET OU FOll SALE. LARGE "oWNS, newly erected area from Lo.OOO to 50,000 sq. ft. facing r'ver. LARGE STORES from 6,000 to 24,000 sc. ft. near wharf and shipping. Also three Storied bu'ldings for offices and godowns. Cer. tra Ily situated All immediate entry, going cheap Apply or write
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    • 557 2 aaawamtmmwmtmtwwuemAiJWftJV-imipmn- fMUiA\tmMmm-amtmmwtmmmmat wmmmmmia\iJiuu*M\^ammmmmmmmmmmm UTTT^Wi I ftlf Cirr/mW Hv-hKbtj--^^ -fniH I ___U C*S THrAT&Z r- I— y Till RSDAY— LAST NIGHT OF I SPECIAL NEW ATTRACTION. HER PURCHASE PRICE 1 girlof 3 the sea A wonder tale of the east. |An Ocean Fantasy and Love story of the a Deep, taken
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    • 319 2 Alhambra I In Our Next Change Mondav. 30th H IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 Ml THE BOTTLE BAB**- > 1 Reel Universal Star Con* TOPICAL BUDGET I British Screen Neers. j FAMOUS PLAYERS LASKY CORPORATION I JUST AROUND THE CORHp* I Wiih an all star ca-t, including Lewis gars
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  • 1167 3 IGNORING DF. VALERA. (Prow Uur. Own Carre* ondeut} Belt.. While peace negotiations are at present goit. on in tbe Irish capital, 9enor De Vale the "greasy Spanish onion.'* a late [r. 4ike Collins called Kim. is Iteing .mplctel; ignored. De Val era Is ro utterly impo! it
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  • 386 3 Kngagenaeat to L»»rd Wsreester. betro.hal la announced 'cf Lady j oris Constance Mary Cambridge, r daughter of the Biarqness and Marchioness ot Cambridge and a niece of the Queen, to lhe Marquess cf Worcester, only son of the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort. The elder
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  • 106 3 The Jordan, which provided the water fot .iu- Royal christening:, is at once the bestknown river in the world and one of the Leasf known to topographers. Its upper waters were partly explored In I^7l by M&cgregor in his Rob Roy canoe, snd more recently by an
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  • 46 3 (Twenty-First List.) Previously scknowledged $1 1.020.93 Collected by Mrs. C. H. g. Clarke (2nd list) Anon 50 E. T. William? 26 Tollet-ted by Mrs. SchswSSe, Ksjssf. Mrs. G agh 10 Mrs. S^hwabe 10 Mrs. Thrupp 5 111, 125,95. W. H. MACGREGOR, (Hon. Treasurer.)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 V < F »«w: "Baby laiUd C v> for a year or se She ia 1 E i lul (I lil<- and ha. never been Ryf lhe atifktca trouh'v Your {jr. I h-a U •-r ai Jg, Does >o_ir Baby laugh j ehe is happy— he is happy because he
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    • 262 3 JB__i kU a___r-& '^_r 1 b I v^__mP__BSp__ -if g^( *vJ fc& ***^"^^Bj X_i bB •y p*^ _fc Pkjjg p safl gk ite a *'aCWC&_ ifTSII 23 HB _aa< W_ _8%. -_-L __^l PSL _EBlVß______L >u_a j^. xn^^^ N.''**^ <7 r^^^?^j^J|Hß?^ CWOON HOUSE WeSTMIHMCRLO'CICW :«i ""Vv _a-*ra**ww**--~f^^ J^^h_-_______-^ v •■^^^S^^^^'
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  • 953 4 "Misiike me not for my complexion, lie shsdowed Ihrery of the burnishsd sun.' 1 The Malays are coffee-coloured, with abunddnt black hair, brown eyes nose rathei flat and wide, square chin, good leefh. They are of medium stature, and weai a Sarong a long cloth, usually with
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  • 720 4 HERIOT'S GREAT RECORD. (From Our Own Correspondent). Fdinburgh, Mar. 28. As was generally expected, Heriot's School K. Pm*a, a'.'re.ady assured of thr Club Championship, have won it unchallenged: they gained their twenty -third successive victory against Stewart's College 1. P's. Heriot's have yet to {.lay Newcastle Northern, but
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  • 37 4 is useless only a bit of tring." "We told him ao, but he promised that if anyone who bought a charm was attacked by cholera and died he would refund the dollar!" F. Stubbs in Rangoon Gazette.
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  • 662 4 rRASE, {&(U SHU{E «KOK^J 11 esu ay, m, [Figur* br l^J I e va:,, 0| J unless oUl( squaLi ex div. V Batang Padai Hitam Tii, (|f, V n 4( 1 Johan Tin <$j ni k. Kamunting 2 2(j < I KinU Ass. i I Lingui Tin
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  • 62 4 a block of B8 houssi, r J 1 eastern part sf tke City h- v the Hongkong Land Inveatm.-n Chinese buyers for |S.o.«>*- p)^ which occupy total area Of ;< feet, nre Nos. 161 te 18ft. F™ jj 19, Bowrington Street, lW t0 Road, 1 to 10, Che Sin? 9tl
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1193 4 __r ______E_-^/jC-s^f__^^^J tf J tr \W l__S--i-^_______________i H Watch the Man See the changes one week brings Millions of women know this search, has found two ways to _ri_3___H?E____-_ new way of teeth cleaning. And fight that film. One acts to curdle fliEHft the pretty teeth seen everywhere it, cne
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    • 202 4 INrREASH YOUR H VITAL ENERGY H m by H Tk.Tr.eTe.ic Fee, 'l I t .sixle 1.. Wheeler writes I The ti >erot Sanatogen is richly re- BB^H| warded in freedom from languor. strength and activity, H ler tne. of mmd and increased H reststlag power ta dlseaae." M FOURNIERS HYGENIQUE
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  • 910 5 (By Sir Phillip Gibls.) It is. of course, mono than a boat race. It is a natioaal trad ion, a rite be'onging I to tho old spirit of our folk, touched a little perhaps with the pagan ecstasy of l u *S ••ound up with that love
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 414 5 TO LET. |TH IMMEDIATE BNTBT. x) I*l .1 unfurnished BunP njaag Road, built Bathing. Three te eoeh. Large. „t CsoUßg Store. l ikß< tk vtra accom-, Cesssal Rain i snd splendid I i;i i. i LTDAoetioiK u.c. Rasl i Qoay faciag th tl EUrboui and) sres about G.OO0 1 n
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    • 730 5 AUCTION SALES. L REMINDER. To Da- Wednesday, at 2.M) p.m. AUCTION SALE OF :563 Sha Oversea Chinese Ban*, Ltd At Mosses. CHEONG KOOM SENG Co's Saleroom. No. :>u Chulia Street All thc shews shares sre of |100 each *i the ("apital of the Oversea Chinese Bank Ltd.. a Company laeorporated
      730 words
    • 666 5 SALES AUCTION SALE OP Ei tra lien- Ta k H isehold I urniture Ai jia. \2'J Bukit Timah Umu*. iust beyond th^ ftxd milestone) ON SATURDAY, Bth MAY AT 2.30 P.M Compi sine a tine d Hga mahogany 3taii*.d as drawing room suite, in 7 pieces' and up- < r,!
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    • 638 5 NOTICES. j TELEPHONE NUMBER JUST e'ONNECTED. J. S. M. RENNIE CO. NO. 2145. BRITISH TANKER CO., LTD. We beg to notify that we have been appointed agents of the British Tanker Co., Ltd., (Shipowning Department of the Anglo Persian Oil Co., Ltd.) and concerns at this port having accounts against
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    • 290 5 r— l %f lOIMLKSS Spectacles, accurate in ■•service, eorrect in appearance are the logical eye glasses for business executive! and professional men. Our Rimless Classes of this type, permit more work with less fatigue Bf the mountings hold the lenses prescribed in the scientifically correct position. In addition they are
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  • 771 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. 1923. Dutch East Indies Navy. A week ago a long telegram came j through stating that the Royal Com- in v- sion in Holland, which had been considering a Hill to provide for the construction ol" a fleet to guarantee the neutrality of the
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  • 432 6 Ilr. 6. W. Osborne has returned to the F.M.S. from Australia. Mr. \V. J. S. Price and family returned to Klang from Home by the Glenapp. The Hon. -Mr. O. F. Stonor is suffering > from malaria and has been admitted to hospital. The Kind's Exequatur empowering Mr. Marius Johannes
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  • 345 6 NAVAL G I ESTS AT GOODWOOD HALL. Th© Ball promoted by the Committee of the Union Jack Club, which took place at the Goodwood Hall last night served the double purpose of providing a very enjoyable evening'- diversion for a large number of guests, among them many
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  • 448 6 m The Bishop of Singapore! is tbsetit from Singapore on visitation in Java. .Hv will not be back until May l lth. Correspondence will not be forwarded. No. of the Medical Bulletin of the r. IC. S. is an interesting: paper by Mr. C. X. Maxwell on malaria prevention and
    448 words
    • 100 6 (From Our oWri0 Wri c v)rre Kuala Un I The preliminary hearing 7' V J of criminal intimidation hr *I J. A. Russell t^tmmm Mr I I has opened an.) u cxp^'J SJ all the week. I Mr. K. D. Shc-arn V. D. KnOWkl ( J I
      100 words
    • 81 6 •(From Our Out, <'u m ur I'-nang The honVc Ilr AB v <»ver the :innu;i' mcctiliir 0 f Y* Tuif Cluh. Tf profit fo, was S7.WSI. Tlhn v,mv r^ *J said Mr. Voolc tl Medan fii-.-..<1~ for their support last neeting bi d I oped I apaiu
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    • 98 6 The Aral meeting of th. Mn>J committee <»f the Singapon Branch tf j [Ex-Services Association ..f Maiars held in tht private room rf k Hotel on Monday evening, the 0m the hon'ble Mr. presiding. In connection writh th< i trustees snd a Mib-coarauttee um in ed, whilst rah
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    • 84 6 The committe f thi Strait* Set* -1 (Singapore Aseocisties will um il day next, at 5.15 p.))).. wher thei j items will be on tl" agenda:— Res. of Queen'- Scholarships roper. eounte for year ended March .''1,1923; a of annual gem ral meetiof; nominitwl Municipa] Commissioner to
      84 words
    • 158 6 Those responsible for the euM Of the film "Foolish Wives." SUSS rewarded for their efforts. f*m W was crowded Do ts fullest S_SI6J night, when the picture Ul the tirst time, end sl 7.15 then standing IUOm available. As to the film itself, ttt j where the million
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    • 86 6 TJi (fir. Republic Pictures, present im Sta at the Burins to-night l ocean fantasy and love story o ,l^ written ami produced, oy opei rting under the patents Williamson Bubmarin< Fil* Obe of the sensational »o_mii ture Kl when I real hup octopu^^ helpless woman into iti sceneries
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 Burkes- $TOUT I hjL\\ FINEST QUALITY I |&l--Bllj BREWED BV GUINNESS I I/£pM§__l AND BOTTLED BY BURKE TT \V_*\U Is o m\ s v^s. „_o*"" > m GALDBEGK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Shsnghai) 45 Robinson Road. it^hon* 228 tmmmwmmmm^m^mmm^mmmmmm-mmmmmwmmmmwtmmmmmmmimmmwmwmmwmmmmmmm-^^ THAT MEN CAN BUILD THAT MONEY CAN BUY *TY_PBWRITEiI Sole
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    • 65 6 NEW SEASON'S NEW ZEALAND STILTON CHEESE SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE GO., LTD. (Incorporated in S.S.) RETAIL DEPOT. ORCHARD RD. JOHN DUKE Fellow of the British Optical A sedation. Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers. Freeman of the City of London. Late of Old Broad St. London. Late Senior Optician
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  • 479 7 IMPORTANT DECISION. „l KM rKK>iK(OiRT. [RMtei'l Senice]. Washington, Apr. 30. c ,„,.,„< COUII has decided that fo- steamships are pro- i„g l!liir into Ameriean ports n under seal inUnd- 'u,- passages* on outward It In-;.', hoover, that Amvrican va^" at prahibited from having itoxaSrfmg for beverage
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  • 63 7 C E c v a of m HU(i Chal, '^'*-s, al to,;**- IVducfli Prices of their potent m 0^ writi to a H^4 ha_ :> AprU 18th BUt<id:- G*tlior i X Very succ e3sful shoot own k__ bil in «f si timers I The Maharaja Scindia J* ta day. The
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  • 753 7 L. O. N. WARNED OFF. FRANCE TAKING NO CHANCE. [Reuter's Service]. Paris, May 1. Those in England and elsewhere who are advocating the intervention of the League of Nations in the Ruhr, have received the plainest intimation of France's attitude by a sreech by M. Barthou, President
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  • 747 7 RUBBER RESTRICTION. FIVE PER CENT MORE. [Reuter's Service] London, Apr. 30. In accordance with the provisions of the Rubber Exports Restriction Scheme in Ceylon and Malaya, the Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved, for the quarter beginning May Ist., a relaxation of the percentage of restriction
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  • 31 7 Mr. Cauvin, manager of the Travel Bureau for the Far East of the American Express Company, who has been looking over Siam as a centre for tourists, has arrived in Malaya.
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    • 178 7 To the Editor, Sir, Kindly allow me to correct the two most important inaccuracies in your report of the Malayan Co lieries meeting. I did not make the improper statement that "it was common, knowledge that the accounts were wrong to the extent of $1,750,000." What I
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  • 444 7 Th- final hearing of the case in which a Tamil Mohamedan landlord named Mohamed Ismail Maricar, is charged with an alleged breach of the Premiums (Leases) Ordinance No. 4 of 1922, came up before Mr. P. F. David, District Judge, yesterday morning, His Honour reserving his
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  • 148 7 Preliminary Announcement. _J Under the provisions of the Johore European Volunteer Enactment 1922, the Johore Volunteer Rifles is now being reconstituted. The Hon. Colonel is His Highness the Sultan of Johore, D.K., S.P.M.J., G. C.M.G., etc.; the Commanding Officer, Major W. B. Y. Draper, M.C; and the
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  • 46 7 Extravagances of metaphor have always been a salient feature of American journalism, but when, in a description of the Siki-McTigue fight, a New York journal says: "The Irishman tapped the cream from the chocolate fondant's face," w*e i think that tbe limit has been reached. M.M.
    M.M.  -  46 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 184 7 j mm-mWttm-mttttt-stmS--wt3^ws-sWmWWm--tm--t-^m. mn _-ri___m__ sme_i_SH_UF_—UH_— _H_— i THE NEW "JOYCYCLE" FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 8 #S-S ADJUSTABLE TO 111 EITHER BOYS 1 __3l ,>i: GIHLS 0F FROW PIVK T0 eight! i VEARS OF ACE. STRONG AND W'K- J i_f\\M l-V/C^^. T. ABLE, FINISHED IN MAROON EN- 1 «_^^y^^^_SM J^_w AMEL,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 558 8 "ELLERMAN" UNii. I ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. (IncorporUed in E: gLnud) PASSENGER SERVICE •ttftssai OUTWAIfcI/. *>■• 8-_rgarw. fs.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER China— Japan June 3 fs.s. CITY OF KARACHI China— Japan Oct. 5 "s.s. CITY OF PARIS China-^Japan Nov. 16 "s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY Gl ina— Japan Dec. 27
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 482 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. ti.,, (hina Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. int AND niprman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. L,liei AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINB.) (Incorporated ii. England.) K-tVICI IO BOJ^fON AND NEW YOLK via SUEZ OR PANAMA. ;ci>T FROM NEW YORK. t Due S'pore Route For RINTH Jl >'
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    • 498 9 (ADMIRAL LINE FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 19 DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA. Steamer. Sails Hongkong. Arrivea Seattla. PRESIDENT GRANT May 10 May 29 PRESIDENT MADISON May 22 June 10 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY June 3 June 22 PRESIDENT JACKSON June 15 July 4 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON June 27 July 16 And every 12 days thereafter.
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    • 279 9 N. Y. K. LONDON UNE. Hakozaki Maru MaA- 16 v Kitano Maru May 29 LIVERPOOL LINB. Toyohashi Maru May 17 HAMBURG LINB. Matsumoto Maru early May Tajima Maru end May NEW TORK LINE via SUEZ, SOUTH AMERICAN LINE. Kawachi Maru end June BOMBAT UNB. Sado Maru May 5 Hakodate Maru
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    • 633 9 ISTHMIAN LINE FROM AMERICA VIA SUEZ. s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore tj disch. May 28 1928 B.S. ANNISTON CITY due Singapore to disch. June 28 1923 TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DISECT. s.s. ANNISTON CITY due Singapore to load June 28 1923 Taking cargo on through Bills
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    • 200 10 According to The Motor Ship, orders were placed with British yards in March for nine motor vessels, of Gl,OOO tons Hros«» or, M two 17,000-ton liners, of which final details are not yet completed, be included, the total amounts to 95,000 tons gross. This is larger
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    • 431 10 The French Flag. As the result of a volcanic eruption, says Le Pelorin ef Paris of the Sth April, a circular island. 100 metres h\ diameter, and 85 metres in height, has arisen in midocean. The captain of the French hydrographic steamer Astro obe has taken possessiea
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 581 10 J UNDERWOOD 1 Improved PORTABLE Model j Im 1 iii t, m iii i ||i ____i_-.^^»— M_ l 1 (•I 111 J PATTERSON, SIMONS GO LTD. I ll SINGAPORE, PENANG. KUALA LUMPUR. \m l I _j._r--.^--^-~.__» Java China Japan Line. mmmm s.s. "TJIMANOEK" (5,600 tons) FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI DALNY. arriving
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    • 107 10 SA "HAIPHONG is duo to arrive here frum SaigOß on -lth May and will load for that port after discharge. For Cull particulars regarding freight .tnd passage please apply to PATERSON, SIMONS, ft CO., LTD., (Incorporated in England) A jre .'its. NORDDEIITSCHER LLOYD AN.J HAMBURG-AMERIKA LIME. 'Companies Incorporated in Germany)
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    • 207 10 .-.v -^_-__-__c___asa_-_CA;-iac-^^ vaw,-;v wl s l«^____ iTv_\\^\\ .SfMjt \if ~tmmmt -__-_B /•irli l vr-3_-r —Br *__B >- __nilVra__9 l W _?.^r_B__l a fflifl i'l. x 5 1 111 Great Auks rfgao 1 Pilsener ieer 0i _^H^_^_^_m__^_B dl &£-&a_cH| *v^-_B SOLE IMPORTERS 77?e Borneo Company. Ltd. (Incorporated in England). Singapore-Ipoh-Penang. ITTWW
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 167 10 MAII. TABLE. Cucob it Cucob I-nK A.k y a.m. Pulau Soegi Q flina J ML Ho»*k<SE Shan r ha, lapan. tk^ mails for U. S. A. and Cananda T> o: I at r. K n "> Maru 0 a.m. I Sambu. Moeara-Saba and Djambi r» Singkep 9a m. I Samba,
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    • 536 10 ganu Asdang 2 p.m. Batavia Vondel 3 p.m. Sourabaya, Stagen, Kota Barce, Balik Papan and Samarinda Elout 4 p.m. FRIDAY. Batavia. Samarang and Sourabaya Rumphius 2 p.m. MAILS EXPECTED. Prom Europe by Ellenga at Penang 6 a.m. on Friday, the 4th instant. From United Kingdom by Elptnor at Singapore on
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  • 79 11 May 1. Bank 4 m.s. 2 I 1-1 Bank demand 2.4 6-32 Private erediti 3 m.s. 2-1 17-32 Xew York, demand r>3 7 s Credits 90 days 56*;France, demand 750 India, T. T. 172"-i Hongkong, demand 2% [>.<•. Prim. Yokohama, demand 110 Java, demand 1 10V_ Bangkok, demand 80
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  • 154 11 May I. Tin 200 Tons $106.76 Gambier Cub- Xo. 1 23.00 Gambier 18-50 i Pepper Black 14.75 Pepper .white fair) 22.50 Tapioca, small liak*- i:'>.7.~> Pearl Sago small 9.00 Copra Mis 11.70 Copra Sundried 11..50 Opium, Benar. s unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon white 230.00 Rice, Si; m Xo. 1
    154 words
  • 38 11 May 1-t, 12 noon. S .n_:apore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Spot 53H 54; May-June M% iij July-Sept. 55 l a 56%! Oct. -Dec. r>7 57 1 Lohdon quotation sheet la !%d. Market Steady.
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  • 229 11 Nawng Pot, fortnightly returns, hours run, 94; yards 7,000; pikuls 140. Secretaries: Harrisons Barker and Co. Alma, 15,000; Ayer Tawah, 25.229; Dindings (Suffolk). 20,189; Kelubi. 4.162; Malaysia. 19,301; Shanghai Klebang, 7.700; Tanjong Pau, 13,598; Mentakab. 15,500; Tung Moh. 4,981; Sunpei Bagan. 21,100; Sandycroft. 14,047; Tebrau, 06,460;
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  • 25 11 Love of country, like love of parents and family, was the beginning of all good in individuals and nations.- -Lt. -Gen. Sir I Gerald Ellison.
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  • 151 11 MACPHAIL'S REPORT. Singapore, May 1. Rubber. London Is. B%d. Local 53^.. Tin. London £210 J ss. Local $106 (200 tons sold). Share market. Dull. BnHwrSd Da-ictU si $1.07%, AlUnbys $1.15 $1.20, Ayxr Moleks 1 1 7 $1.25. PunggOT* 45 52%, United Malaccas $1.32 'i $1.40, Tambalaks 00
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  • 226 11 Singapore, Ma£ 1. Tin.— E2lO. 15s. $100->4 200 tons. Rubber.— ls. B%d. Rubber*. Ulu Bennti 25 30, Kntoynng Bah rus !j2> 2 97%, Allenbys $1.15 $1.20. Mnlnkoffa $3 $3.20. Kedahs $2.15 $2.25, Kempas *4.75 $6, Mentakabs 12% 25, Amalgamated Malays $2.20 $2.30, Radellas. $8 JO $4.10.
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  • 155 11 The strike in that ordinary busy indugti al town, wbich Mr. Naidu for poetical purposes calls "distant" Ahmedabad, throws an interesting sidelight cn tho demand for Protection. The mills were so busy during the months whon foreign piece-goods wero being boycotted, that owners were prepared to pay their hands any
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1715 11 lA«__pti over $5000.000. A A mmi /iran hm _n a nm_n_r_mT w_r-__n_ Assurances in force over $17,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) _fSSS_ cou rt «J£g*"S Sgßi-fJSVatJß-ggggg PLANS OF ASSURANCE ACENre WANT.n a C.KNOX. MANAGER A^D* AGENCY DIRECTOR C. C. NICHOLL^fTa FFA I HORACE
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    • 120 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representative-*— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Ltd Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER Co., Ltd Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. THE LONDON LANCASHIRE INSURANCE
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  • 1347 12 The past week has Drought the defeats in the Singapore League of St. Joseph's Old Boys, the R.G.A. and the S.R.C. by the Chinese, the Middlesex and the S.C.C, and of the three matches the display by the Chinese was possibly tho best, although the Gunners did surprisingly
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  • 288 12 With thc first day of the Races only a little over week Ahead, trainers ore thing their charges siong, and though no really fa-t times were registered, the following are worthy of mention. The honoura of the morning were with Lady Wallace, who accompanied Bonis over five furlongs
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  • 144 12 The chief of the boxing contests to be heid at the Star Opera on Thursday night Brill be an eight-rounder between Claude Kozario and Harry Johnson. The intended fixture between Rozario and A. B. Eardley, cf the H.M.S. Ambrose, has had to be conceited owing to the "colour bar."
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  • 20 12 London, Apr. 24. The Great Metropolitan Stakes resulted rb follows:— Glass Idol 1, Sangrail 2, Sewing Machine 3.
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    • 241 12 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Championship Pairs. Mrs. Swindell and Mr. Warr.e*. beat Mrs. Savage and Mr. Wodehouse, 6 l, 5—6, 6 3. Mixed Doubles— "A" Class. Mrs. Cantrell and Mr. Cantrell owe 15.1 heat Miss Fawcett and Mr. Hewitt owe 30, 6—4, 6—4. Mrs. Brooke and Mr. Hopkins
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    • 177 12 The Scoular Cup. j I is cup was won bv Mr. E. A. Stevens. _.ivh a mtt score of 141. The details of tin cai<!.- returned were as follows: May Ladies Speoav—This will be played i"i on Monday. May Tth. The May Bogey Competition. This will [be
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    • 28 12 rh« result of tiu- April Ladies Spoon ia a w n f- r Mrs. G. W. Hint with a score < f 48— <3 12 x
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    • 314 12 S.C.C. Beat Y.M.C.A. j, On the Malay ground yesterday aftei noon, the S. C. C. brought themselves up to the top of the second division, by defeating the Y. M. C. A. The Association j was kept on the defensive most of the I time, and all the
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  • 703 12 VICE-PRESIDENTS CUP. Tho final race for the above was sailed >ff on Sunday and weather conditions providtd a varied morning's sport. Thirieen boats crossed the line, but the I start was anything but good owing to the wind dropping just before gun-fire. The direction of the
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  • 194 12 r I London. Apr. 21. To-day's football resulted as follows: League Division 1. Preston North End 1, Arsenal 2; Aston Villa 8, Everton 0; Tottenham Hotspurs 2, Birmingham 0; Middlesboro 1, Blackburn Rovers 2; Che'sea 3, Bolton Wanderers 0; Burnley 2, Sunderland 0; Sheffield United 0, Cardiff City
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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