The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 April 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. T gN CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1923. No. 10,876
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  • 200 1 The principal feature ot the meeting td the Municipal C'ommissioiters yesterday were the speeches made m connection with the press attacks on olonel Penman Page 12. While the liritish Government sympathises with the plight of Russian refugees, no fresh financial burden will he undertaken Page 7. Britain
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  • 1349 1 Qtiicqxid agunt /••■min- I tivstri est farrago Libelli Juvenal. We notice the prevalence of the heading m a Penang paper, "Sunny Singapore" undei- which are put police court paragraphs. Alliteration is of course one of the dodges of the caption writer. It might >* possible to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 398 1 MALTHOID RAFFLES HOTEL. i I SG IPOU. XN EEKLY PROGRAMME |V l e|l 92m\ (10 Lines). MONDAY— Ttea Dansant m. I m the East. TUESDAY.-Dinner Dance. IV WEDNESDAY.— Orchonral Concert (irill K(h Mag Dining Room T HrRSDAY.-Guo,t Ni P ht-Di nn^ <ip n s a.m. to 12 p.m. and
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    • 345 1 KELLY JJW WAJiH LTD j m I—i1 i NEW BOOKS. Matahari, Impressions of the ctt. The Chief Elizabethan Dramatist I cts atwivmawer, 5.25 Great and Snia Thinin by Sir bummer Isles of Eden, A narrative Ray Sankester n r9K of travel through tlu- Southern Why Some Succeed and Others Fail
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    • 194 1 £Mm LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. < ompound houses to let Pau.- Qbel pumps at Borneo f;<). Page 6. 1- rmamint for sore throats Page 4. Golofina cigars may be had m London I Page 7. Tho Parker pen at Weill ami Montor**— Pagt 2. Zam-Buk for enti and poisoned sores 1..-r:-' 12.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 113 1 THE VVEEK. Saturday^ l\>.'//. Hiyii Water, 8.10 a.m., O.s n.m. The Hlu^ I.airoon. Tin atn. (.18 and Stanu-n'-s Shows, corner < f Anson and Princo Edward-rds. Sunday. 2.-th. Hi^h Water, 9.16 a.m., MM pjn. Band m Gardens, Mfi p.aa. Monday. MOth. High Water, i".i a.m., 10..0 p.m. Dutch homeward mail
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  • 110 2 The Surma is crowded nightly. Tha -ek's ptUgnunme featmvs a spec ml array Metro picture-. A Favour to a Prieod a fascinating romance that quickens the -ulse.-. it if m o parti and tinra Lrmy Wehlen mid Jack Murhall. The aacoad is an even greatei one, Blin i
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  • 64 2 The fears expressed m Ceylon towards he end of last year that the additional <Kcs imposed by the 1922-23 Budget would eaoh m an increase m the cost of living *ye hmam fully realized, and it is estimated that to-day the .cost of living for Europeans m Ceylon U 81
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 277 2 TO LET OR FOR SALE. LARGE UU DOWNS, newly erected area fron^ 10,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. facing river. j LARGE STORES from 6,000 to £4,000 sq. ft. near wharf and shipp- J mo > r Also three storied buildings for offices and godowns. Centrally situated All immediate entry, going
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    • 592 2 L4TIT^ViSI i Iflf fur/na E It i ftA«^^9^Jß 2 C-J THZATSr r- H I BILLIANT ATTRACTION v* SHOW AT 7..J0 p HE TESTING of MILDRED VANES LIGHTNING BRYCE SERIAL New Metro Play wth May Alison cuqw a-t q GREAT REWARD SERIAL 1 A FAVOR '<- With Erancis Eord. Episodes 5&
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    • 393 2 Alhambra In Onr Next Change TUESDAY. 24th I, IN THE SECOND SHOW AT Topical Budget British Screen fe PLAYGOERS PICTURES PRESENTS Evelyn Gn *"8| A Pasteboard Crown (Adapted from Clara llorrii Novell It is a romance of that ever alluring ffluncrcua place, behind the glimmering footlights where fame la sought
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  • 769 3 IR VSKR ft CO.. EXCHANGE ANB SII VRE DROKEUr, FRIDAY, APRIL 27. MIN ING. I Figures m brackets show the capita: im. mmn* value of ihe Share m dollan jnless otherwse marked. C. Cum div etjuais ex div.j Batang Padang Tin 40 45 Hitam Thn ($1) 1.40
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  • 45 3 An official telegram from Manila, dated April 13. says that thirty armed bandits invaded the town of Mulanay m the Province of Tayabas. The Provincial Governor and the constabulary troops are hurrying to tho scene. Neighbouring towns have been asked to give ass if tance.
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  • 381 3 "Horrid looking things'." was the exda- j mation that greeted the release of fom* giant centipedes in' the Insect House at the Zoo yesterday as, hall lethargic from the cold, they slowly crawled into the moM of their cage from the boxes m which they had travelled from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 370 3 A Mother tay* I "My aon haa J yf XT i rown into a fi na healthy boy. J t Z\\ He hat been fed on Glaxo. I tW; mat attd I think it haa assisted V% i v aat ara is a wonderful way." I Such a Good Baby!
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  • 1078 4 IT'S SICE TO GET UP (Fiona (/ur Own Correspondent). Manaaalnm, Apr. 20. rhere are peoph iir tho world who profess a torn! lack of Acquaintance with sunrife, who never fei up until the sun has warmed tlieir favourite patch on the veranuah where they love to lomg* ov
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  • 260 4 Poison Administered by Mistake. Bomhay. April 1. j The Rajah of Akalkot. a Mahratta State, On the confines of the Bombay Presidency, has died suddenly m Poona from poisoning, believed to he accidental. An inquiry lfl being held. The late Maharajah was 2<J years of age
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  • 297 4 An Advertisement for Malaya. The New York Sun give-- the following Rougemontian story under the attract .ye headings of "Yale men told of land when wives cost $5;" "And crocodiles open mouths to let birds pick their teeth": Carveth Wells, fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and Malayan
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  • 118 4 On April 15th at Government House, Hongkong, Lady Stubbs presents the Girl Guides with a banner made of one of the silk panels of tho chair used for the conveyance of the Prince of Wales during his visit. Adorned with tlie Print*?* feathers the banner is for competition between tho
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 371 4 S o UAlini eteie- >**> <--* Mfr Tmmmt\.\\ mWWoAoJ I 000 '1 X l Just as certain 'phone numbers are stored fJ M ivl i "iT*X!\ f\ m the recesses of the mind as representing II 1 M Vii/t AJ some call on fellowship, so does 555 lfl 1 l
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    • 476 4 -WW -WWB he New Improved f ety Razor O Ask them to place the New lmpro\ ed MA °fJ^^*B^Jfci^^i 5 Gillette m your hand. Look it over; note especially the hulcrum Shoulder, ihc >verhangingCap,theChanneled( Jun.i A KNOWN Th^ OVER O O I MMJ^ In these points is the reason ior.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 470 5 TO LET. r7^TTnrT^LKi>i \l X ENTRY. i. ted nafaraisbod Road, built i i Bataiag. Three B lt kroonss to seek Large pat«t taking Stov,. with SXtie accomI Cessent Ram pound and -phndid y..\\ 1 1 l. >^ l LTD Auct lon 1 1 v.c. IO IKT md centrally Greaads,
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    • 775 5 AUCTION SALES. REMINDER. TO-DAY, SATURDAY, AT Iftjf a.m. AUCTION SALE OF Excellent Jacobean doef«a walnut staiaed and wax polished teah sitting room, dining room and bedroom furniture, including an exngly fine colteetion of beat Sheffield Plate electroplated wate, rlaai and china »f every deeeriptioa. Ressov d to oar sale-room for
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    • 340 5 NOTICES. Phone 177<S. Several advantages to car hirers at the Orchard Motor Garage. Also office cars on monthly contract. 9 a."?'■' r^r l^^R NoTICK ia hereb) given thai tbe above Trade Marks aie the property of Tamura-I Koma Shot n, 'Ijmitod, incorp r«ted mi Ji.pan, t»f Mot 55, Ar.uchimachi l-chome,
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    • 650 5 NOTICES. j NOTICE. i Mrs. Lk>U£laa, Beauty Specialist, leceives Ladies at Raffie b Hotel, Room 124, foi hampoo, Hair Treatment, Face Massage, ii~...(j.. Marcel Waving. MASK LRE FOR GENTLEMEN. Hours ,x.i... to s a_ (n to 6 p.m. PERSONALITY A particular man wants glaeaes with a certain masen me style
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    • 1062 5 14 Battery Road, THIS long established linn has for many years enjoyeel an enviable reputation for supplying everything of the best. An important London syndicate has taken over the business and with the retention vf the entire staff you may safely entrust us with your orders. New stocks are continually
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    • 619 6 We do not know all our friends mi tht House of Commons, and some? that might be expected to be friends sometimes have peculiar ways of showing their friendship. Lt. Comntender Konworthy, m the de.bate on thc Naval Estimates, congratulated Lhc First Lord: "He has grasped
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    • 506 6 Mr. X. Couleon is appointed an assistant district judge for the three settlements. Dr. Cheong Chee Hai is appointed to be a second lieutenant m the Chinese Company, S.S.V.F. Mr. S. X. King IS* promoted to be an offifer m Class V of the Malayan Civil Service. Mr. R. A.
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  • 55 6 SEREMBAN BRIDGE ACCIDENT. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 27. The hearing of the action St. George versus the State of Negri Sembilan for $45,000 m respect of injuries resulting from 1 a motor smash, allegul to be due to a defective bridge, was concluded at Strem-
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  • 81 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 27. An accident, involving tl>e deaths of two coolies and serious injuries to a third, occurred at the Pennng H 11. A railway wagon, r.-rd for constructional material was returning down the track, whan the 1 winch controlling the
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  • 102 6 (From Our Own Correspondent). I'enang, Apr. 27. In übv Police Court, John Fernandas, I I Ceylonese, was charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant n respect of monies belonging ko the F.M.S. Railways. The accused was arrested yest'erdav, on advici; from Kuala Lumpnr, a.s he
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  • 280 6 A case m which Mcs>rs Hooglandt and Company are the complainant* and a Chinese twakow steersman named Teo Kirn Senp, the accused, came up before Mr David j;i the District Court yesterday. The accused la al|eged to haw made a false statement to the Marine Authorities regarding
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  • 51 6 A centre conference of the Mmti EpUcopal Church met veLrL ,1" ir. the Weelw Church T hi nw """g are *_J ig* I ference. of the miss on a*JLTII2 "J P" WH be occupied m ak. Dr T P n the m °ming by Brshop Locke. h
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  • 177 6 A somewhat unusual position of affairs tmTr STa GuSlon anti Nathan for a r ec elvlnK order A.musawah and Company n fi™, "T! -horn they had obtain^' judjm nt T* ov, action. The matter was Se Mr Justice Barrett-Lenna txi m the Ba„^p"„ Court yesterday (Maria* havin*
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  • 206 6 THE RANEE-BORIBAT COLLISION. 1, Tho report of --..-TZ published inti, answers to the qu. published. The Annex ha (After g.v, ships). Thy Boribat tho Ranee snd about < to Kj mi n of the life on boa unstained dai I* water line. the collision and Ww three beal to survivors
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  • 303 6 IDMIRAI/S OFPH IAL I IXM H.M.S: Hawkins, flags! Ip of I Squadron, is expected to irrivein this morning with Admiral Sk M Leveaon, Commander-in-Chief of I Squadron, and S i Chai C.8., British Ambassador board. It is officially stated thai Hii I Admiral Sir Arthur <". bttt**
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  • 69 6 t+ Says the Siam Observer of Api i We hear that then is the f H. H. the Sultan of Perak pa] official visit to Sian, toward the the year, but so far nothing <&•■ been done. His Highness was ti*** ono of the universities m England. a young man
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 mmi^ l tmtmamm*m^mmtmm*****mmm9imma*a***tmamm^***am*m^-c.-.^^ THE Best Beer Obtainable at the PRICE HOLSTEN PILSNER j "BLACK KNIGHT" QUARTS PINTS SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED SOLE AGENTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Shanghai) 45 Robinson Road. Telephone 228 > |9| k iimmj. -m>* a I ™l™ '^B. l '.m.' COMPLETES YOUR RACING DRESS DOES
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    • 120 6 23. ÜBEL SEMI-ROTARY PUMPS Standardisation of parts is a feature of ÜBEL Semi-Rotary m i Double and Qua _W ruple-Acting) pumps _W guaranteeing i n ter- _W changeability v. hen _B necessary. k_W H __^m^_B_f mfk the ÜBEL product. V 1 account for the fact B that they enjoy a:i
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  • 179 7 N() inVK<;iAN BANKS. ter'a Serriea]. hrHtiama. Apr. 2H. eningl Banken" end Kredit Bank have riraira under public lance with the BOW ra pport for weak raateiaool by The capital of down from 2K 1 development Borne tinao and will ttC** OB Norwegian Central Banken been placed under own
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  • 199 7 Fhe Hague*. Apr. 2S. the First Chiiahar ••.mates, the anti- Mr. Ane ma requested to try ami secure >-■ f smallar poworo, r- and Switzerland. lo pneou raging the idea of just c He waa of opinion t N'a! had no prestige great international i debate, thy
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  • 46 7 .t torn Ua iZr/ J a and ferocity ioa before^ alT\ iv A can Soci^ m b* »i Ngorongoro -aCi Af,U:t nd that the Their acNfiaa closely. The Vjr^h Vr ted t0 b^lue- black *nd Gr,M ike a >* ts to be car--1 «We to attack man.
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  • 253 7 NOT POSSIBLE. KOLTCHAK'S ARMY. [Reuter's Service]. London, Apr. 27. In tho House of Commons, questioned relative to the relief of the lemnants of Koltchak's army, scattered m North Manchuria, Mr. Ronald McNeill said that while Government sympathise with the plight of political refugees, they cannot undertake any
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  • 404 7 London, Apr. 26. Hia Majesty tho King haa bootonrad upon the Duchess of Yurk the- dignity of a j Prir ass. London, Apr. 26. The Duches- of Tork did r.ot cany hei bridal bouquet to the Altar, but en route thither deposited it on the tomb of
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  • 59 7 mm^m On April 13th. two bags of money, amounting m ail to over Tea. 2,000, were being brought to Bangkok by the afternoon train from the North, and on the train leaving Ayudbya it was found the bags had disappeared. The money was the property of the State Railways, one
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  • 704 7 COMPETITION AND PROGRESS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 27. Mr J. A. Russell presided over the meeting of the Malayan Collieries. He mentioned that the company had recently been approached by certain competitors, proposing an agreement covering thc whole coal-trade of the Straits, F.M.S., on their
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  • 119 7 This is all very well for home consumpI tion, but people out here would take the trouble to look at an atlas. A member of the West Australian Legislative Council, advocating Empire emigration, said: There are within a day's sail of the Australian Coast a thousand million Asiatics, and they
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    • 236 7 MIDDLESEX I BEAT R. G. A. Playing with only ten men, the Middlesex first team beat the R. G. A. on the Padang yesterday afternoon by the narrow margin of two goals to one. The match was characteristic throughout of dangerous alternative attacking by both sides, both goalkeepers
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    • 102 7 a"™^— —m m^m Fir^t Division Table. H.M.S. Ambrose football team washes to play any team m the Singapore district, m a friendly match. The Ambrose- finished runners up m the Hongkong League, and a good game will be certain. Goals P W. L. D. For Against Pts.
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    • 26 7 1 1,0 result of the doubles match last night between Toscenie and Wardle and Doig erd Kinloch was 21 18 m the latter's favour
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    • 151 7 The following will be the teams m the match, S.R.C. vs. Mr. Wolehouse's S:C.«C. elevem, to be played on the S.R.C. ground thiiS afternoon: Mr. Wodehouse' s XI: R. L. D. Wodehouse (Capt.), C. H. G. Clarke, F. R. Craig, E. W. Hare, C. Hewetson, H. L. Mitchell, C.
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    • 49 7 The first racte for the Vice-President's Cup takes place on Sunday. Club Cours<e. Handicaps: Jean 11, Ella, Marion, Breeze, scratch, Eve 1 per cent, Helen 1.5, Polly 1.6, Ann 2.8, Kathleen 4, Gertrude 5.9, Betty 5.9, Margaret II 6.M, Irene 6.7, Dorothy 9.3, Puteh 10.
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    • 212 7 The above tournament, which is to take place on Monday night at the F.M.S.R. Godown (late Stadium), should be the most interesting of its kind held m Singapore. The chief attraction of the evening is the 6-round contest betSveen Corporal Myland, of the Middlesex Regt.,
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    • 38 7 4k> Messrs. Gordon and Company have opened m business as produce exporters and general importers at No. 6 Battery Road, Singapore. They are representing as agents. Messrs. Gordon, Woodroffe and Co. of London, Manchester, New York, Madras, etc.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 142 7 for The Forthcoming -m^K^ BBBBM "ZEISS'' FIELD GLASSES I I ni 9 B KM BODY THK FOLLOWING FEATURES mmmm I^^ PfPf POWER— EXTREMELY f nXmmW^^M D W OF VIEW— AN EXQUISITE DEFINITION -\\\bßb\\l^Bb\ H fE^Hj^H SEEN IN STRIKING fi^^K^^^^^^B^Bdj^W DUST AN.D Moists wj(p^^^ tukk, therefore well adapted FOR USE IN
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 564 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE. I JiLLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) OUTW AMi. Uae 8ia K ar^e. ts.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER China— Japan June 3 faA CITY OF KARACHI China— Japan Oct. 5 s.s. CITY OF PARIS China-Japan Nov. 16 s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY Cl ma-Japan Dec. 27 HOMEWARD. •*s.
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    • 624 8 p. a bwtish indla^-nI (Incorporated m Eng'and MAIL AND PASSENGER AND CARPO PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S yRv Rv lCj (Under Contract with His Majesty's Govt,-' -<■■ LONDON FAR-EASTERN BMTVICB FROM LONDON To MARSEILLES LO^ om DUE SINGAPORE. Bfi!^ SARDINIA .May 2 KARMAI <2l DELTA Ma 7 1? KASHGAR i DEVANHA
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 481 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. I ru*. (hina Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. l" c AND rii.>rman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. 15 "(AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) j (Incorporated i:. England.) j .KRVICB TO BOSTON AND NFW YOLK via SUEZ OR PANAMA. INI FROM NEW YORK. Due Spore Route For
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    • 488 9 ADMIRAL LINE FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 19 DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA. Steamer. Saiis Hongkong. Arrives Seattle. PRESIDENT GRANT May 10 May 29 PRESIDENT MADISON May 22 June 10 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY June 3 J une 22 PRESIDENT JACKSON Jure 15 July 4 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON Jum 27 July 10 And every 12 days
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    • 291 9 I N. Y. K. LONDON UNE. Mishima Maru May 1 Hakozaki Maru May 10 Kitano Maim May 20 LIVERPOOL LINB. Toy oh ash i Maru May 17 HAMBURG LINB. Matsumoto Maru early May Taj i ma Maim end May NEW YORK LINE via SUEZ. SOUTH AMERICAN LINE. Kanagawa Maim April
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    • 728 9 ISTHMIAN LINE FROM AMERICA VIA SUEZ. s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore t., disch. May 28 1923 s.s. ANNISTON CITY due Sinf apore to disch. June 28 1923 TO BOSTON. NEW YORK, AND BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DIRECT. s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore to load >Wy 28 1923 s.s. ANNISTON CITY due
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 479 10 I UNDERWOOD I I Improved PORTABLE Model j 1 1 lil tsl I PATTERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. SINGAPORE, PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR. j ■3 m > \LI I I mmm. Ai HU l U lUf 1 (£~ga m--m'.lml >\) 11 XI »-llrVI ffi 1 f|k BLACK LABELI I rk (Guaranteed 12
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    • 272 10 Genasco Roofing 2 PLY AM) p LY **X COMPLETE WITH PATENT KANT-LEAK ml AND NAILS FOR FIXING m GENASCO is g^^g C Ithe result of |v M| t/)e over 40 Years Pj^ v j^J run, c/, e pe(l experience jft^ 6 *J|m thiin a "a m manufacture GENASCO y d
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    • 164 10 Thos. Cook SOB. PASSENGER AM) FORWAB* AGENTS, BANKERS,!* Box 102. 6. Battery Rni *-i l Paaeagee bm Rail ticket- :l railways thi Passengers Lv and forwarded Cook's Interpret- the principal steamer- rr trt*-' all chief Tor^ [ntaranecf rfect< jitter* of Credit ar.d flretelkn -(Cook's areolar N Foreign m ::ed R4
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 84 11 Anril 27. Bank 4 m.g. l 1 4 1-4 Bank demand 2|4 6-32 Private credits I m.s. 2-4 17-32 New York, demaad 53" s Credits 90 days 56 S. France, demand 750 India, T. T. 173*4 Hongkong, demand p.- Prem. Yokohama, demand 110% Java, demand 141 Bangkok, demand 80
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  • 148 11 April L' 7. Tin $105) \<> getlen Gambier Cube No. i j:'..o(« Gambior 13.50 Pepper Black 1 1.76 Pepper- (white fain 22 .50 Tapioca, small flake; f.g. 1 L 26 Pearl Saro small 9.00 Copra Mix 12.06 Copra Sundi it»l 11.70 Opium, Benares unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon white 230.00
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  • 36 11 Singapore, April 27th. 12 noon. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Spot 54i; M%; May-June 55 15%; July-Sept. 56 5«i 4 Oct. -Pec. 57i.. 57%. London quotation sheet la. B%d. Market Easier.
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  • 274 11 Singapore, Apr. 26. We have again to report a substantial I setback m prices and since our last report there has been a fluctuating market, bu. jat the time of writing prices show an improvement from the worst. London is still evincing nervousness with regard to
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  • 111 11 FRASER'S REPORT. Btagapare, Apn. 27 Rabber— -Is. 3%d. Tin E209 10a. buyters, no sellers^ 1 Rabbera.— AUenb) a 11.12H $1.17tt, Baasctta $1.06 $1.10, Ayer Moleki $IJO $1.2"., Indragiria $5 $5. 15, Jimahs $1.16 $IJO, United Malaccas $1.35 $1.42 M*. Km* Berandahi $2.50 $1.75, Ayer Kuninga 40 60,
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  • 156 11 Singapore, April 27. Rabber. Lcndon Is. 39& U. Local a---. Tin.— London £200 DV. Local $105 buyera. Share Market.— ,Puil. Rubbers. Baaattti $1 SLOT 1 All-i.bys $1.15 $1.2'), \y<i Ifolaka $1.17tt $1.25, I'unftrors 46 52' L-. Umted Malaccas $1.30. $1.35, Tambalaka oo 05, Craigieleas 55 00, kuala Sidim*
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  • 120 11 Singapore, Apr. 27. The tone of the market has been some* what irregular, and values close a shadt better on the week aftor being lower. Business has passed m Spot 68% 54 May to 54% 55. July to September 55% 57, October to December 50^4 66%. April
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  • 46 11 The account for the half year ended Dec. 31st. shows a net profit of 15 million yen, including 5 million brought forward. A dividend of 12 per cent, is recommended, 1 million yen to be carried to reserve ami tive million carried forward.
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  • 90 11 I/melon, Apr. IH. Sir .lames Wilson, m an article Xl tho Asiatic Review on Indian currency policy, >ays it is impossible to imagine that tht Exchange value of the rape* will rise to the legal figure of ten rupees to the ft, The fairest and most practicable
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 441 11 AssPt over Assurances m force over $17,000,000 TBE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY UMTTED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE :-Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32 Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with tne Supreme Court of England, and compUes with lhe British Life ..m.--w,--m .c.a.TT.A^Awmw Assurance Companies
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    • 411 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China. Incorporated m England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital m 600,000 shares £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 3,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopsgate, London, E. C Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Puket Amritsar Iloilo Rangoon Bangkok Ipoh Saigon
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    • 858 11 vohohamalpeck^anh, LIMITED, ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital Subscribed Y. 100,000,000 (fully paid up) Reserve Fund y. 69,000,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Esq. DIRECTORS. N. Soma Esq. S. K. Suzuki, Esq. > atnakawa, Esq. Baron K. Morimura. 31. Odagiri. Esq. N. Igarashi, Esq Baron K. Iwasaki. K. Mogami, Esq." K.
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    • 119 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated ia England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINB Fidelity Guarantee Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Ltd. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER Co., LtA Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. THE LONDON LANCASHIRE INSURANCE
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  • 3673 12 THE ATTACKS ON COLONEL PEARSON. The attacks which have recently appeared m the "Straits Times" upon Colonel Pearson, the Municipal Engineer-in-Chief, were the subject of debate at the monthly meeting of the Municipal Comntiss loners yesterday afternoon, when a motion was proposed by Mr. A. E. Baddley, protesting
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  • 37 12 Capt. T. Drury, O. B. E., Assistant Master, Penang Free School, has been appointed Head Master, Bukit Zahoah School, Johore Bahru. He will be succeeded by Maior Scott, who will arrive here about the middle of May.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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