The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 April 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1923. No. 10,860
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  • 226 1 A late telegram states that a motion by the Irish Irregular* against further resistance to the Free State was* defeated by only one vote Page 7. The French press comments favourably on Lhe \is.t of M. Loucheur to Britaia, in connection with Allied relations Page 7. Owing
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  • 1458 1 At least three sportsmen of my acquaintance, good shots and experienced big gamt hungers all of them, have told me that they gradually becamo so much more interested in watching animals than in killing ihem that they now go out for sportarmed only with field-glasses. It
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 MALTHOID RAFFLES HOTEL. WEEKLY PRQG E Telephone. 2920. (10 Lines). MONDAY— iw Dansant. HW Finest Ballroom in the Batt rUE SDAY Dinner Dance WEDNESDAY— Orchestral Concert. THURSDAY.— Gwst Night— Dinner and Dance. TUESDAY 'RIDAY.— Tsa Dansant. lU__-__-_-____-_- J 1\ SATURDAY.— Guest Night. Dinner Dinner and Dance sINnAY -Lr I A
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    • 450 1 KELLY AND WALSH LTD (Incorporated in Hcngkong). Matahari, Impressions of the ctt. The Chief Elizabc-than Dramatists, I cts biamese-Malayan Jungle by H. O. Selected Plays bv W. A. Neilson, 10 50 Morgenthaler, 546 Great and Small Things, by Sir Summer Isles of Eden, A narratiive Ray Sankester, 525 of travel
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    • 192 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Crickliio lamps from Li.tle's— Page ♦> Raffles and Sea View Hotels— Page 1 Use Ven-Yusa for the skin— Page 4 Silver cups from De Silva's— Page 6 Armco iron flume. Borneo Co.— Page 6 Clincher tyres at Wm. Jacks— Page 7. New books at Kelly and Walsh's— Page
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    • 1 1 v£r*i_
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 123 1 THE WEEK. Tut. -day, 10th. Hi^h Water, 4.55 a.m., 7..J1 p.m. Homeward Mail leaves hy Pyrrhus. Government House at Home. Tale of Two Cities, Theatre. Wednetday, llth. High Water, 6.36 a.m., 8.32 p.m. P. and O. Homeward mail leaves. Ex-Serviee Assn Annual Mtg. Thursday, V2th. Hi?h Water, 8.2 a.m., 9.14
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  • 242 2 Mr. A. V. Richards, of the Malayan Civil Service, who h*»s been on a visit to Kuala i.umpur. has returned to Singapore. Mt. J. M Holhray, Bartrnlaiy of the I S. P. and Editor of Thc Planter, is in Kuropean Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, Countess Danttltjold Samsoc and Count- it Grevenkoj
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 496 2 TO LET OR FOR SALE. I.A I.G E CO DOWNS, newly erected area from U'.OGO to 50,000 sq. ft. facing Tlver. LARGE STORES from 6,000 to 24,000 sq. i't. near wharf and shipping. Also three storied buildings for offices and godowns. Centrally situated All immediate entry, going cheap Apply or
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    • 477 2 t-t S_MJpffprwmW_-_PJLIUMII.iI I JWUM 1 ou. f a* ify W^T]_i_"_».^-_i- s t LFrf*77i/y Lnd .-HOW AT 9.15 P.M. W ls SHOW AT 7.30 SHARP. THE POWER OF RIGHT S Two Part Big V Comedy arith [f-RH. THE PRINCI OF WALES S TRE INV ISIHLE HAND SERIAL J O Tj} z
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    • 418 2 NOTICEExroßT OF RUBBER (RESTRICTION) ORDINANCE. 1. Notice is hereby given that after the HOth April the coupons at present in use will cease to bo valid for the export of rubber, with the exception of the new pattern of 1 picul coupon i.e. the pattern which bears th<? signature "J.
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    • 386 2 Alhambra. IN OUR NEXT CHANGE FRIDAY, Gth APRIL, TO WEDNESDAY i lt IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 p.m. British Screen News. UNIVERSAL PRESENTS Edward (Hoot) Gibson in In 5 Parts. Do you know an oniy son whoso mother wont let him do anyt: destined to be a hopeless rissy
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    • 162 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice i> hereby giv< arul goodwill together with th. ture, and book debts thc Standard Pharmacy, hithei hy Chiom Toon Banff, al 506, I BOM, Singapore, have ti. to Wong Cheong Way, who o*fl] I carry on thc sam< busin BB or firm name of the Btai Ali
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  • 1565 3 HOW TORY ARE HUNTED. Methods Employ* d in th? Malay Effate*. An interesting .ript'on oi crocodile hunting in the Federated Malay States is < n 1 Mr. R. G. B. Farrer, of the Malayan I S_i now- in Perak. in the National Review. De-cribir"- the haunts rnd habits of
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  • 474 3 Years ago (Mar. 23, 1917, to be exact) readers were invited to a seat on certain "rest and be thankful" benches commanding- a view of "the lake, shimmering below, —an artificial black peat-soil paradise, one mass of rhododendron flowers, reared and named after the grandchildren, by the clever
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 526 3 m^^W Business snd profes mtfwL sional men and othe:. IV ahout to proceed home on l«»-vr n r ntfrr-,. p-'isua! faef!~Hbl J > r acq u/. v; Lighl t nr. Au'ov. vor» London* kadwig Li^ht Cm ">p~«-ia!isls, have made arrangements by w tuch any car may be purchased on
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    • 427 3 •^"~*""»*<""*ttnTm-'i..w..'!T|"\!im .luii.'_t— f-_— ga^. m I Every wineglassful of g 'Wincarnis' means an 5 increased amount of New strength, 1 New rich red blood, New nerve force. New vitality I The outstanding value ct Wincarj nts' in promoting a progressive increase in strength and vitality is I due to the
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  • 816 4 PHASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE IiROKERS. MONDAY, APRU Mh. MI N I N G. [Figure* in brackets show the capital and issue value of the Share in dollars unless otherwise marked. C. Cum div. x eqiHals ex div.j Batang Padang Tin 42'^ 47* Hitam Tin (fl) 1.50
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  • 22 4 Th© Preaa and tha cinema ara tk* two dominant inatrumenta for tha creatioa of public opinion to-dav. Mr J A D Cairn*.
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  • 996 4 Wa briefly Indicated in a Note last week the inevitability, little suspected here, of the transfer of responsibility for Indian lefuncc from British to Indian agencies, md our comments had not been forty-eght hours in pi int when news came ot" an initial experiment in that direction
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 661 4 ™_F Jip Mf 1 fm-dfi^^Nmil /l-lfl**^ \y^^W D0 NOT BE DECE,VED I Jy/m^^ I manufactured by machinery //W I eliminated in the for _n of stalk, J S"SK _PR|SJ -~-_K«a-__m-| VIRGINIA CIGARETTES •io^x^S MADE BY HAND ONE AT A TiME |^felW a^rw T -w--«^|^^J ARDATH TOBACCO CO., LTD.. LONDON. My
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    • 228 4 NOTICES. MAH JONGG Sets, Knglish Characters with Book of Instructions for Play, in toak wood boxes from £1 1 to $47 por set complete. Cigars. First pick of Perla del Orionte Brand, under Impono del Mundo labels. PoriVctos, $4 por box Ha! Non Plus Ultra $11 per 100. High Life
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    • 300 4 *^-^_y_\*'»^*!r TAKE CARE nti YOUR SKIN I A LITTLE care day will work < for the skin. The arms, and neck arcately textured, but n quickly to the protect influence of the oxygen fee cream, Ven-Yu The skin's del., atenassde-, purity and refinement m a cream. Veo-YusaCretaede] not only tuppliea
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  • 1299 5 Tokyo. March 23. The passing (if an artificially stimulated i-iospi t!ty end tho d bseojoeat < '!-t 1 and business i tagnation is- telling very much < ii Japan and retrenchment is the watchword of manufacturer and merchant alike The -.upbuilding industry, which wa.s the moat Bourishing
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  • 583 5 '•War.'* said General Ulysses (irant, "is hell." The war of IM4 would seem to have been proportionately more hellish in j the indescribable and unimaginable horror of its details than any previous war as it was greater in the number of its combatants and the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 536 5 TO LET. TO LET niy desirable and centrally tl Heaat nnd Ci rounds. No. ')"A North Bridge I.d. (near BTM Hasah Koad) -j prsaaiaaa have extensive rreaada, front mtraaeay tennis court, find the b n laid out. j .itable for a Ist. class Hotel j > iub, open air Cafe,
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    • 630 5 AUCTION SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORL. In the cause of Payna Recna Navena Soona Scthambaram Chitty Plaintiff. versos P. W. Danodaran Defendant. AUCTION SALE OF «'ne gold necklace with 78 half sovereigns attached At Messrs. Cheong Koong Seng and Co's Saleroom,
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  • 680 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY. APRIL 10, 1923. "As White as Snow." Leprosy as a disease has a long history in the world, and has almost always evoked a feeling of horror and pity tor the unfortunate leper. Vet in some parts of the world, little aitention is paid to the
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  • 1275 6 Our Penang correspondent wires lhat tv t Tamils were struck hy lightning in a storm on Sunday afternoon. They suffered from shock but recovered. Mr. Blacker, formerly connected with the F.0.8. 1. in Singapore, is back in Singapore on his way to the Far East t«> represent his firm. From
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  • 238 6 NARROW escape I|{(, M Bl PONTOON A party I f two dozen r|> Of the Singapore Royal Umteers) found volunteer and testing B trifle lao n tirely pleasant in an eapei encountered last evening. have recently been engaged in p,,,, bridge construction, and ;i h,,_ o'clock yesterday ewenini
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  • 173 6 POLICE CORPORAL'S APEN ALLOWED. The appeal by a Malay named Mohamed bin Wali I Iv-CtioU by the District CoOfl M on a charge <»f eriu-ina reaped of ifa dollar- arai Chief Justice, Bir Waltei Bl m, Supreme Court yesterday morninfr. accused ami convicted wirh a r.ot ialso a police corporal,
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  • 87 6 Several letters have been regard to the meeting of Indian! I an Indian Association, letter, eoatl of no interest to the genera calculated to impair the usefuha-* new Association, as well as the ia| of the Indian community for tsitmmS common sense. When the AsosdatNU been in
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  • 55 6 (From Our Own ComtpOl>riH*t) Penanc. af* The balance of the Parit Persli Co, available for distribution, il 4 rh A five j>er cent dividend is r< mmer" $1.46G to be carried forward Tl is 254,27t> lb., average net pii Under restriction the crop v\ lb. The
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  • 54 6 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpnr. Ni >r In the Police ("ourt OaUUUi drew the charge of assault hrutfr* bin aguinat Pruftusor CooasarasaaUTt the ease was struck out. The case of Mr. Ng Hon- G by Mr. J. A. Russell with erne I initiation, was- mentioned
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  • 32 6 Mr. A. Keir, Inspector of Schools, FJJ is going Home on the llth bv the O^/ Captain DavTes. from Tanjong Malay College, takes Mr. _W« during the latter 's absence on Uwvf.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 t MARTINI ROSSI f| v.j.£'lvi LARGEST MOST _^_H^ '-H .MM9S& MANUFACTURERS MLM-M IRli pßTini |p VERMOUTH '*gm 3^f_i|f NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED. S^^^^l CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Shanghai) 45 Robinson Road. nw_aris_HM3BH_____________B__^^ ESTD Jjfc J <^_JtJfcmfr ffr 1872. PATRONISED BY ROYALTY. For the Cotning Races STERLING SILVER CUPS
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    • 113 6 20. AHMGO IBON FLUME. i LENNOX TYPE (Patented.) For conveying water acros* marshes, ravines and other depressions and around the side:- of hills. EASILY TRANSPORTER. AND INSTALLED. THE CORRECT CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDING THE MOST EFFICIENT OPEN WATER WAY. THE IDEAL FLL ME i ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF The Borneo Company, Ltd. (Incorporated
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  • 105 7 LOUCHEUR'S ATTEMPT. E NEWSPAPER COMMENT. [Reuter's Service] Paris, Apr. 8. I hs newspapers deprecate apprehensions Loucheur's visit to England will result Frenctfs policy. They tre "hat it simply means str.ongthen- th > Entente. The Echo dc Pari- ure.'.- that Government; k t plain statement to that effect,
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  • 195 7 Constantinople, Apr, 8. trernmenl of _ngora has proposed Lausani Conference meet on Turkish, reply to the Allied note April 23rd for the Lausanne Con- 1-v. reply maintains with certain ■the paragraph on economic I social questions, mixed tribunals and M for foreigners. THE MEM EL DISPUTE. Berlin,
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  • 332 7 following Singapore properties, be-. R to the Estate of Syed Abdul- in bin Abdullah Alkaff, de-ceased, U| auction by Messrs. Cheong Seng snd Co*, at their saleroom. 1 '■< x Street, eu the 4th and nth i Land snd boose No, 54-6 Market Street, 1 'd in Statutory
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  • 457 7 CHINA'S EDUCATION. EMULATE U. S. A. [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 8. In a letter to the Observer, Mr. Charles Wat ney, parliamentary representative of the Textile Machinery Makers Association, calls attention to the scheme to establish a textile technical school at Shanghai, now before tho British Government.
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  • 179 7 London, Apr. 9. Captureel documents, published in Dublin, show that at a meeting of the Irregular Executive on Mar. 23rd. a motion by hi rry, the Deputy Chief of Staff, seconded bj the Commander of the Irregular First Southern .Division, that further resistance to the Free- State
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  • 128 7 From Y.W.C.A. news just arrived from Korea it would seem that the girls of Korea have a delicate task in front of them. Owing to modern movements in the country the age for marriage is steadily rising, and they are feeling sadly the need of a
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  • 864 7 SOME FACTS— AND INACCURACIES. Iu a book, entitled The Washington Conference, by Raymond Leslie Buell, the following interesting (if somewhat inaccurate) reference to Singapore being made it naval base appears. Furthermore the Japanese also raised the question of Singapore, which stands off the Malay Peninsula, between
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  • 731 7 TRAGEDY ON SOUTH COAST OF JAVA. On Saturday, March 31st., the British community of Java were shocked to learn that one of their number, Mr. L. G. J. Van Breda of the Union Insurance Society of Canton's Sourabaya branch, had met with a tragic end whilst bathing
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  • 121 7 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbun.) Tokio, Apr. 7. The remains of Prince Kitashirakawa will leave Marseilles for home aboard the Katori Maru. Mr. Yamabe Tomoharu, of the Prince's staff, and accompanying nurses, will leave Kobe for France by the Mishima Maru on 15th inst. The death
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  • 35 7 Mr. A. Naested, the owner of Vpha Bernam Estate, Teluk Anson, is proceeding to Denmark on leave, and wfll be away for about sbe months. During his absence Mr. Ryder will manage Alpha Bornam Estate.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 160 7 p/^\ lHi3 Mjfi^rs Voice J CSPX^-^ NEW PORTABLE MODEL The Ideal Instrument for Picnic Parties, etc. FAULTLESS REPRODUCTION i ijjf --^_¥j ■•■Reinforced B B"' :u^ leather waterproof cloth, B. _3|' I v ,M I 1 1 ther handle, hrcn/t Hff*^|j_ L |]j«Hc_a__i^Bß-£^'-l finished furniture and lock. V "fe^lWu--W-iB Motor automatical^
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 576 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE. ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co- Ltd. incorpo riled in E: gl.-u.d> PASSENoER SERVICS, xWUmnta OUTWAttW. *>*» If-taW** HOMEWARD. ♦s.s. CITY OF POONA Marseille and London May 3 PASSAGE RA iES. *A Class Steamers lst £87. 2nd class £60. Deck £-2. tB Class Steamers £80. 4:56. £t2. Cargo Steamers
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 458 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. PThe China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Ellerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. I AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated t__ England.) JOINT SEKVICE To BOSTON ANO WTW TOU via SUEZ OS _-AiS AMA. tFROM NEW YORK. Meamern. Due S'pore Route For V April 30 Suez
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    • 143 9 NORDDEIITSCHER LLOYD ANi_» HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. 'Companies Incorporated in Germany) TKe undernoted are the Companies in tond*xi fixtures. OUTWARDS. F Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan Due Singapore EIMLAND (H.A.L.) April 12 Loads for Manila. HOMEWARDS. For Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bremen Due Singapore ToRHEINLAND (H.A.L.) Beg. May "WERRA (N.D.L.) May 11 a Loads
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    • 498 9 [admiral line FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 19 DAYS—HONGKONG TO AMERICA. Steamer. Saila Hongkong. Arrivea Seattle. PRESIDENT JACKSON Apr. 16 May 5 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON Apr. 28 May 17 PRESIDENT GRANT May 10 May 29 PRESIDENT MADISON May 22 June 10 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY June 3 j une 2l And everv- 12 days thereafter.
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    • 297 9 N. Y. K. LONDON LINE. Fushimi Maru April 17 Mishima Maru May 1 LIVERPOOL LINE. Lyons Maru April 12 Toyohashi Maru mid. May HAMBURG LINE. Lima Maru April 12 Mat>umoto Maru early May Tajima Mavu end May NEW YORK LINE via SUEZ. SOUTH AMERICAN LINE. Kanagawa Maru April 22 BOMBAY
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    • 704 9 ISTHMIAN LINE FROM AMERICA VIA SUEZ. s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore t_ disch. May 28 1923 s.s. ANNISTON CITY due Singapore to disch. June 28 1923 TO BOSTON. NEW YORK, AND BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DIRECT. s.s. STEEL NAVIGATOR due Singapore to load Apr. 30 192r, s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore
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    • 52 9 PASSAGE. .The T. 8. ft. "Lancashire" §mtS Ranker 26th April, connecting steamer from Singapor* li>th April., has -acant accommodation for eight gentlemen passengers. Far. Singapore! Marseilles $688.8*. Singapore; London $757.43 Fur furrther particulars please apply to PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD., (Incorporated in England) 9-4 14 4 W fSfMHft&' *y< _>•
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  • 391 10 Most Brilliant "Season" in History. The wedding of the Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon will be the prelude to thc greatest season in London's modern history. The most brilliant functions of the season will be Courts held by the King and Queen, the first
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  • 188 10 MENS AGITAT MI LEM. In India, if a muie in the service of the King-Emperor die from causes that no amount of discussion in the finance department can class as unm tural, the department regretful], PGrmit¥ the offendinK animal to be struck off the strength of the corp* but in
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  • 33 10 The surest ,oad to inspiration is preparation. The more voluble a man b\_X rally the harder he oaght to labour A natural gtft is a fatal snare f or the indolent._Mr. Uoyd George
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  • 535 10 A private letter from the Ruhr to the Observer, just received in London, gives some impressions of the occupation from a resident's point of view: "The butter came out quite trash and cool, we were delighted, as there is none but, and everything else very nice
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  • 157 10 Ii the sense of smell gradually disappearing? One is tempted, writes a correspondent, to ask this question on account «f the number of tragedies that occur t» rough faulty gas fixtures, where no question of suicide arises. Men once had as keen a sense of scent
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  • 350 10 The steamer Woron arrived from Port Said yesterday with a cargo of salt. The British steamer Anamba, for which the A.P.C. were the consignees, arrived from Makassar yesterday with benzine. The Board of Trade are informed by ths British Consul at Vladivostock that two Wireless stations on Russian
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  • 429 10 THE CENTRAL KHU AFAT COMMITTEE. How the Funds were Expended. Calcutta, Mar. 17. An amazing story of "confusion, extravagance and waste of time and energy in evcry branch of the organisation" is related in a ''secret" report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the expenditure of funds collected in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 22 10 9 a j UNDERWOOD j ji I Improved PORTABLE Model Price $110. ji] PATTERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. SINGAPORE, PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR. I
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    • 322 10 Genasco RoofinV I 2 PLY AND S PLY Q* I COMPLETE WITH PATENT KANT-LEAK to AND NAILS FOB FIXING y,! t GENASCO is E^^^^Rl <--"<V*s_m ,■< S' 1 tiie result of f| t/>e fon« over 40 Vears fj M !_£-3 rwn '^^j !t_7_9ra!r _V_V__fi___9__r___ 3ft* ____E Rii _*_-__>•__- J it
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 370 10 HAH. TABLE. I TO-DAY. Pontianak vk t> !.ilb? am "-v. S3 xMZ. "•ngkong. Shangha," n r k Ar Pandjang. Bcngka^ Bags™ on Port Dickson Anso^oh An"' J Hongkong Shanghai and Japan t> r. Wakn-a Maru 1n m lort Swettanham. Peaaag, Colombo, Mie>_. London i Rotterdam Pyrrhus 2pm J_S_! ,n
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    • 455 10 Hin, No. 2. Dock. W. Bt. Spring, Lch. Moonstone, F. M. S. Lighters 77, 84, 85. WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, April 8. Barom 32 Fah 1015.1, 1013.5, 1016.5. Temp 85, 89, 80. Wet Bulb Ther 80, 79, 79. Dir. of Wind N.E., S.E., Calm. Max. Temp, in shade 92.
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  • 79 11 April 9. Bank 4 m.s. f 4 1.4 Bank demand 2|4 6-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2|-' 19-82 New Yoik. demand 54 Vi C-tdita I'O days 5«5%, demand 750 India. T. T. 174 Hongkong, demand c. Prem. Yokohama, demand 112 Java, demand J4l Bangkok, demand 80 Sovereign, Bank
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  • 134 11 Apnl 9. Tin 75 Tom v i i.j 25 Gambier Cube No. 1 22 00 Gambier 15 00 Pepper Black 15.25 Pepper (white fair) 23.25 Tapioca, small flake, f.g. 14.25 Pearl Sago small 9.00 Copra Mix 12.40 Copra Sundried 12.80 Opium, Benares unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon white 230.00 Rice.
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  • 42 11 Singapore, April 9th, 12 noon. Singapore Standard Pale CrafM Spot 59: .Singapore Ribbed Smoked Sheet Spot 59 59 May-June 59'_ 50%; July-Spt. $0% 61; Oct.Dee 62" j 62%. London quotation sheet ls. 4 7 sd. Market Quiet.
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  • 269 11 British Malaya trade statistics for 1922 thow that imports were valued at £52,637, 431 and exports at £53,028,944, giving: a gross total of £105,6G6,375. Imports of manufactured articles were valued at £13,786,245. Of these the United Kingdom supplied £6,362 and British possessions £2,458,205. Next on the list
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  • 98 11 PHASER'S REPORT. Singapore, Apr. 9. Kuhher.— ls. J 7 Tin £215 ss. 75 tons at $11 0.25. Tins. -Ta'pi nga 92^ $7**, Norths |1.15 $1.20, Ulu Piah- $1.75 $1.80, Johans li> 52, R.nongs 245. 3d. 2*.5.. South Taiping* $1.15 $1.20, Nawnc Pets $146 $1.10. Unguis $4.85 $5,
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  • 123 11 Singapore, Apr. 9. Rubber. London la. sd. Local 59. Tin. London April Gth. 1*215 ss. Local SHOU (75 tons sold). Share "Market.— Quiet. Rubbers. F_\v enquiries. Tins.— Hitams $1,524 $1.57'_ tg div, Batang Padanga 42*6 47" Nawng Peta $1.30 $1.35, PtUli igl 75 80, Taipinps 05 $1, Norths
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  • 118 11 Singapore, Apr. 9. Tin._£2ls ss. $110* 4 75 tons sold. Rubber— ls. 4 7 «d. Rubbers.— New Brogas 60 70, Bukit Jelotongs 53 56, Bassetts $1.02*- $1.07*4', Joram Kuantans 42 Vi 47V_, Kuala Sidims $2.15 52.25 cum. Mentakabs 22*_. 27^, Malaka Pindas $1.50 $1.55. Mining.— Johans
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  • 183 11 A banking tradition of tw 0 centuries haa juit been broken. The famous house o$ lessrs. Drummond, declared by legend to lave been in league with the Oid Pretend* er before the rebellion of '45, has at last fallen into line with other banking institu* tions, and now
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 491 11 mm mmam^^^*^mmmmKan^^miaata Assets over $5,000 000. Assurances in force over $17 000 000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE -.—Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32 Old Jewry E C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with
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    • 410 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid up CapiUl in 600,000 shares £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopsgate, London, E. C Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Puket Amritsar Iloilo Rangoon Bangkok Ipoh Saigon
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    • 847 11 YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANR LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1880. Reserve Fund Y 69,000,000 V_^__2_fS!___i K Kodama Esq. \ice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Esq. DIRECTORS. V V°™ a ES<l t^ &K *™*i, Esq. F. Watanabe- Esq. T Uod^nu Es<? I. Matsukata, Esq. HEAD OFFICE YOKOHAMA. Singapore Branch 31-A Chulia Street BRANCHES. Batavia London S P___n______i Bombay
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    • 120 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated ia England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIBE MOTOR CAR MARINB Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives^-Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., LtdL Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. THE LONDON LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. J (Incorporated in Great
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  • 1663 12 THE WILD MEN OF POLITICS. r(From Our Own Correspondent). London, Mar 4 15. It is clear that Mr. Ramsay Macdonald is having a hard job to keep hie. followers in order, g.nce, although business in the House is a little quieter than it was before Christmas, there
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  • 115 12 Episodes 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Elmo the Fearless serial will be screened in the First Show at the Gaiety Cinema to-night. Ir. tho second show, the Power of Right in which 11.R.H. the Prince of Wales appears, latest Pa. he Gazotte, and the associated Producers' special
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  • 68 12 "In the far corner," said the guide, "lies William \he Conqueror. Behind, the organ, where you can't se.o 'em ars the too>ns o' Guy Fawkes Robin 'Ood and Cardinal Wolaey. Now. does that guide-book which I see you 'ave in your 'and tell you who is lyin'
    68 words
  • 427 12 M ELVILLE DEVELOPMENT. The annual report of Melville Development Syndicate (of which Guthrie Co, are the local agents) for the year 1922 (to be presented at the 11th annual g.oneral meeting to be held at No. 20, Java Street Kaula Lumpur, on Sunday, April 15th., at noon) is
    427 words
  • 168 12 The Superintendent of the Kelantan Gold Mines, Ltd.. reports that during Mat^h the scheme of systematic mine development initiated by the Consulting Engineer of the Company is being vigorously carried out. On the Mount Berthing property two adit levels are being driven to crosscut the ore
    168 words
  • 130 12 Singapore: Summary of Results. Junior Senior Total Ent. P iss. Ent. Pass. Ent. Pass. Raffles Inst. 55 25 27 11) 82 41 Raffles Girls* 17 8 6 5 23 13 Anglo Chinese 64 44 38 22 102 66 Sc. Andrew's 18 9 13 9 St.
    130 words
  • 61 12 The engagement is announced, and the marriage will take place, qui? lv in Lrndon at the end of June, of Arthur Selborae Jelf, Malayan C'v 1 Service, son of -.hsj Hte Dr. JcK Mas'er of kha Charterhouse, and Mrs. Jelf, Sh otfied House, Sundr dgo, Se encaks, to Evelyn M.i.
    61 words
  • 99 12 KLEINMAN WINS CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI-FINAL. Kleinman'a form in his match against Potts last evening in the semi-final of the S.C.C. Championship, was such as to make him a strong favourite in the final against Sinclair, although the latter has been playing particularly well throughout the Tournament. Last evening's
    99 words
  • 21 12 Championship Singles. Kleinman beat Potts u l, 6 o WEDNESDAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs. Potts and Wodehouse vs. Kleinman and
    21 words
  • 30 12 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Single Handicap. Goldie beat Jamieson 21 10. Double Handicap. Smith and Bowerman beat Chater and Haigh 21 18. TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship. Sni it h vs. Chill.
    30 words
  • 20 12 Double Handicap. Goldie and Chill vs. Jamieson and Browi (to finish). Geddes and Cantrell vo. Wardle and Toecenie.
    20 words
  • 119 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 9. The Ipoh Gymkhana was notable for the participation of Lady Guillemard, who won a silver cup with Kandana (Strode up), which beat two »f the Sultan's horses. Grade Kilat and Maharaja, on lend terms in the fiist race. Heavy rain feii
    119 words
  • 141 12 The Ball Sweep on Saturday the 7th inst was won by M. D. Rutley and on Sunday the Sth inst by G. Cullen. The April monthly Medal was won by Mr. F. W. Lya!l with a net score of 71. The following card- were returned: P. W.
    141 words
  • 50 12 A lawn tennis tournament, comprising open and handicap events in single, doubles and mixed doubles, has been arranged to take place at Kajang during Whit«un. The tournament, which will open on May 19. wiil continue for the following two days. Entries close on May 12th.
    50 words
  • 83 12 The party of Malayan football players which has been taking rart in the series of matches with the leading Dutch teams in Java during ihe past week, returned to Singapore on the Melchior Treub yesterday morning, all of them bearing testimony to the hosp-ita'ity of
    83 words
  • 62 12 The following wiil represent the S R.C. vl. H. Q. Coy., Middlesex Regiment, at hockey this afternoon on the S.R.C. ground:— GG. Gray; E.G. Wheatley and K. E de Souza; F. Albuquerque, C. B. Webb and E. O. An<rus; V. C. We terhout, A. V. xar. der Beek. H.
    62 words
  • 15 12 Col. Cumming?, who recently arrived frem Home, succeeds Mr. Frodsham as District Surveyor, Ulu Selangor,
    15 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 618 12 1 "HiS APRIL S Mast er's records r otC&" ARE HER{ Call or Write for Lists I S. MOUTME&Co., Ltd. j SINGAPORE. ■M.OH M mm. mm.. £vary cosa /s a certain alap towards a cars Aii-emic, Weak' and Nervous Scarcely Strength to Walk, but soon made w*ii active by Dr.
      618 words