The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 April 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. i KN CEJNTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1923. No. 10,859
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  • 222 1 lhe latest development m Britain's •■bow nar has been a lightning strike i ships firemen U Southampton— J age 4. As a result the Koyal Mail steamer Almanzora, ssM with an emergency crew and the departure of the Union Castle hner, Windsor Castle, was considerably delayed Page
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  • 1115 1  -  The kampong lies within a stone's throw ftin my door and beside the sea, as befits a Malay kampone:. If it has a name, I know it not: nor have I, m all the years 1 have visited it, known it by any specia! appellation. Truly the most
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 208 1 MALTHOID RAFFLES HOTEL. weekly programme Telephone. 2920. (10 Lines). Th* Ffaesl Ballroom m the Ea.«t. MONDAY.- Tea Dansant. r*t*i]]TP/-\/^«-^«^' TUESDAY.— Dinner Dance. Grill Room adj oming wedn.eday.-oJS Cm Dining Room open wtomhay— a** Nigfct-Dhmor 8„ 4. mr. MMI Dance. a.m. to 12 om rainAV m ■**-m. p.m. FRIDAY. Tan Dansant.
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    • 140 1 BURNETTS OLD TOM GIN The Best Obtainable Imported By The African Eastern Trade Corporation Ltd. (INCORPORATED iN ENGLAND). SINGAPOUE. Sole Agents S S. F.M.S. 23rd APRU, EUr 0 p c Hotel Singapore. ST. GEORGE'S DAY. A FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL BALL AND OLD ENGLISH RED ROSE NIGHT. T DaHciag from 10
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    • 218 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Dunlojg cord Page 3. "Buil Doe Guinness Page 6. Overseas Assurance Page 11. Singapore Sporting Clvb Page 5. K. Tsutada, Japanese dentist I'age 4. Sanatogen' for nerve weakness Page 3. I'nited Engineers for batteries— Page 4. Hotel announcements'— Pages 1 and 12. Ivory soap from Medical Hall—
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    • 1 1 SADDAD
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 68 1 THE WEEK. High Water. 3.34 a.m.. 6.0 p.m. Tale o-f Two Cities. Theatre. Tmotdmw, wth. High Water. 4.55 a.m.. 7.31 p.m. Government Boom at Home. Tale of Two Cities, Theatre. Wednesday, llth. High Water, 6.36 a.m.. 8.32 p.m. Ex-Serriee Assn. annual mtg. Thursday, .'2th. High Water. 8.2 a.m., H.M p.m.
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  • 314 2 An Interna- lib it ion is to I bold PMndsg 1926 wh h win continue hroughout U Hi yenr coincides with the l~> tl verssry of ths DeclnraI on of Inti nee, ai:»! since Fhindi Iphin ii the hofns t)f the DoelnraUsa it is' tetuliarly fitting that
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  • 193 2 When fron: tim* to time hopeful experienters bombard the sky m ordor to bring d -wn rain or d^perse hail, the nietcoro- «Jnt who knows something- about the l-jrse-power involved m the production of tn April shower shrugs his thoulders at -forts which are a, negligible *i
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  • 61 2 Ye.-. v Is an extraordinary ihing" iIMMd an old lady who had been prattling ■.ootVssJy all breakfast time about the •nb at Luxor, "to think that all those assures should be m such a good state preservation. Decade after decade—" Vat not dscayodl- «aw*d her husband; *ss the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 405 2 TO LKT OR FOR SALE. LARGE cmOWNS, newly erected area from 10,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. facing river. LARGE STORES from 6,000 io 24,000 *q. ft. near wharf and shipping. Also three storied buildings fcr offices and godowna. Centrally situated All immediate ertrv. going cheap Apply Of write to A.
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    • 753 2 '\j r^7 R^^^^Jm^-mH-^^T^^y^-^ cJ THE ATST M ■<sii.i"i ~j\ rlmWAssocintad Producers' 7.30 Sharp. SLI ER SPECIAL STAR ATTRACTION MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE. Episodes nine, ten, eleven and twelve. At 10 p.m. g. o I>art [jVRRY SEMON COMEDY. LOVE S M pm -lj w V J-J A MAN S piGHT 5
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    • 406 2 Alhambra. I IN OUR NEXT CHANGE FRIDAY, 6th APRIL. TO WEDNESDAY fc IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 p.m. TOPICAL BUDGET I British Screen News. UNIVERSAL PRESENTS Edward (Hoot) Gibson m Riding Wild I In 5 Part D 0 you know an only son whose mother won. t let him
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    • 177 2 NOTICES. NOTICR Notics is hereby fhn ard goodwill together with the ture, and book debts (except L'^ the Standard Pharmacy by Chiom Toon Seng, sl Road, Singapore, have tl to Wong Cheong Way. carry on the -ante busii Ct firm name of the BtsndsH All debts owing hy I -'?|B
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  • 1332 3 THE CUP-TIB FEVER. (From Our Own Correspondence London, Mat. I. We are Varying up for the Cup finals. Great enthusiasm vras shown on Saturday m the third round matches of the F. A. Cup. The biggest crowd gathered, despite unpleasant weather conditions, at Cardiff, where Tottenham Ho. spur
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  • 189 3 Free Trading Zone Wanted. A step of immense significance at the present: moment, says an American official report, would he a movement toward the developing nt of Manila as an entrepot for American trade m the Orient. Eveiy great commercial nation, except the United
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  • 197 3 Any diminution of energy i <'ue to nerve -weakness, either temporary or chronic. Nerve-wesknes* ia caused by s draining sway of phosphorus, nee-led Lo keep tne nerve- /n perfect health. '1 o rvni.r.> e-> -rey. ihe ref ore, the nerves must Ik- brought to their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 581 3 AUCTION SALES. SHERIFFS SALE. LN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SIXG APORE. In the cause of B < n:i Xavena Soona issbarsss Chitty Plnintiff. ver Dsasdsrsa Defendant. AUCTION SALE OF geld necklace with 7K half sovereigns attached i\ Messrs. Cheong Koong Seng and Co's Saleroom, Xo.
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    • 120 3 THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. •inwmn KSPEP WITH MONTHLY PREMHJMis. TEMPORARY ASSURANCE AT LOWEST COST he tßnd rd is ueB PoiiciesTcr" one, three, five or seve* years at very low rates. These policies are specially suit SIV 01 c t ollateral security, cover for an advance o/over money 6nSUre of
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  • 1581 4 SARAWAK. PART II. PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT. The principles according lo which the government has been conducted, cannot be better expressed than m the following words of ;he late Rajah. Sir Chi NOS Brooke, when '.te said that a Govcrnnu nt such ai th r. of Sarawak may "start from thin;.:-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 961 4 IS! H VIRGINIA CIGARETTES this patent ffi v v y»lißE^» r3^ cca^y Cigarettes have a character essentially individual. The aiq T'gmt y^«i/itfjßft*»^_| fact that each cigarette is made by hand ensures a quality that Tin ENSURES SffiW*?* jß^Tßfr *fiH -t J r- l perfect \aY--m 1S uni l° rm year
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    • 598 4 IT PENETRATES without rubbing. x^Ll IIjI" ill »5l r i,. jjihjijl. ,^g?^ V-^jf/^jf.A jS -.Tr-..r\ <BB gggggg U. i ?-'-jU"ij_ l ,y »tl sign of pain— BjEHJHy Sloan's Liniment. mjl^Mkll Don't imagine there's do help for your ak './j Kiivuni.'itis'Ti, Neuralgia, Neuritis or >r L-unb.iuu because you've tried other __rf(&wi
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  • 2771 5 The Spring Race Meeting (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing) will be held on Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday the 12th, loth, 17th and 19th May, 1923. PROGRAMME. First Day, Saturday, 12th May, 1923. 1 8. THE OWEN STAKES and PURSE— 2.15 p.m. and 5.35 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 511 5 TO LET. TO LET Miy tlcsirubK- :nul *t -ntrally d House and Grounds No. BS] North Bridge Kd. Hasah Koad) iti extenshn grounds, front trance, tennii court, and thiid out. Mm ior a Ist. el:.^ Hotel OfM Sir Cafe, etc. In -poet ion mv iti vi .ply personally, UUST AGENCIES
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    • 109 5 THE SINGAPORE SLIPWAY AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD. NOTICE Xotico Is horeby given that the Thirtyseventh Ordinary Goneml Meeting of the shareholders of The Singapore Slipway and Engineering Con^pany Limited, will be he d al the Registered Office of the Company al Tanjong Tiigi.r on Monday, 16th Aprn, 1923 at 12
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    • 966 5 TENDERS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. T nders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the 24th April, 1923, for the following works:1. Erection of two Quarters for the Head Teachers at Geylang Road School; 2. Erection of Class 111 Quarters at Tanjong Katong: 3. Erection of twenty
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    • 316 5 GOOD form and practical service are combined when correctly-styled rim/less eye glasses add the final touch to the impeccable ensemble of evening clothes. Our Rimless Glasses are correctly styled, and m addition both comfort and dignity are built into this fine mounting without sacrificing an iota of its scientific ability
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  • 24 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATH. PENNEFATHER.— On April Bth. at Xo. I Oxley Road, Mrs. .1. P. IVnnvfather. Funera to-day at 5 p.m. at liidadftri Cemetery-
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  • 1804 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1923. Week End Comment. The situation m the Ruhr is no better economically, but it does seem as it both sides would now welcome some arrangement which would end the impasse. The trial ot" patience is working the susceptibilities of both sides thin how
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    • 206 6 I (From Our Own Correspond Kuala Lumpur Mr. E. N. T. Cummins. v .j, fj issued a manifesto m conn. nomination for thc ehairn P. A. M., ha~- now decided either for the chair or viei-< hair Kuala Luni|w. r The Kuala Lumpor District Association at a meeting
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    • 76 6 From Our Own Con Penanc. Vr Ifr. P. K. Dillsy preside ia! meeting <>f .the Padang Pi_.;. Company. Ho *aid that I hau beei experienced mine, owing to lt< Pi I I With the mine good. he hep would soon be plentiful. profit. The tribute eontracl newed. Tin-
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    • 340 6 Thf Action of a Dim rid Ofiiir' An Inter— ting point liability of the Crown for tho Mi Government officers. i> il ceiving the consideration of M: < Barrett-Lennard, following a] menti of the Solicitor Cenen Setli, m the Supreme Oooit irorning. Tin.* matter ci action of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 fl MARTINI ROSSI If ••'/%^Ak LARGEST MOST jflUflk, «H«9^B bisl fla l ul UlB E^HHI MANUFACTURERS [lii Mil MB MART! VERMOUTH jgp Ij^P&^S NEVV SHIPMENT RSiifall •|lpf|||| JUST RECEIVED. CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO., LTD (Incorporated m Sbanghai) THAT MONEY CAN BUY TYPEWRITER Sole Importers: RONEO LTD.. 11 Collyer Quay. (Incorporated m
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    • 69 6 FRESH IKAN MERAH Per 50 CB Ib. ANY QUANTITY j Spore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporate,! m S.S.) RETAIL DEPOT. ORCHARD RD. JOHN DUKE OPTICIAN Fellow of the liritish Optical Association Freeman of the Worshipful Company ol Spectacle Makers. Freeman of the City of London. Late of Old Broad St.
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  • 303 7 SHIPS HELD UP. FIREMEN'S LIGHTNING STRIKE. [Reuter's Service] London. Apr. 6. The railway dispute is easier m contjaence of the companies new offer, only n hue the bonus by a half, consolidating the remainder, if possible, m wages. London, April 7. Tlie Labour horizon remains cloudy. The
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  • 391 7 Melbourne, April 6. The Sun publisher a report of oil dis-j "•Vered at Williams town. A large synd:- cate'haa been formed to carry on funher peratiene. FRENCH MOTOR FATALITY. Paris. April 6. Hie improvement m the. condition of Princess Fusako tmd Prince Asaka is such that the Embassy
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  • 722 7 RUHR CONTROVERSY. VISIT OF LOLTHEUR. [Router's Service] London. Apr. 6. Much interest is being taken m London and Paris m the visit of M. Loucheur to Bngland. In addition to Mr. Bonar Law, M. Loucheur had conversations with Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Baldwin, Sir Lloyd Graeme and
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  • 139 7 IRISH PEACE HOPES. CLERICAL MEDIATION. [Reuter's Service.] London, April 7. There is growing popular support m I ieland m favour of an appeal for mediatory services to Monsignor Luzio, the Papal Envoy, at present touring the Free State. which is regarded as holding an unusual prospect of
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  • 607 7 I ondon, Apr. 6. Angora has not yet replied to the Allied note but according to a telegram from Montreux, it is expected that the peace conference will be resumed at Ouchy on April 15. AMERICAN TRADE. Fall Rivers, Apr. 6. The unions affiliated to the
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  • 846 7 EARLY BIRDS. Long are the hours m Paris business circles, eight till six, with an hour and a half for lunch "Cruelty to animals," you will say; "eight o'clock is a godless hour at which to oe up and doing" True; but it is the fault of the animals
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 The Ideal Instrument for Picnic Parties, etc. NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. Robinson Co., Ltd. INCORPORATED IN j mNfIAPOPF MILKMAID BRAND. STERILIZED NATURAL MILK. (PREPARED IN NORWAY.) _____^___________\OSL^tm j^Mn£SQ£*C2^^a^__ _»^&SP"^^7V^__ 1 %J^____^__. kj «visi h S^ -Hi t^ afvJlS^ ff,. I A Xl M v\ T"> J^ gCag^jfc" JmtimtaL. -.J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 565 8 ELLEKMAN LINH ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Er gland) passenger service. Stealer OUTWARD. *>■* Stefapare. HOMEWARD. ♦s.s. CITY OF POONA Marseilles and London May S PASSAGE RATES. •A C'ass Steamers lst class £87. 2nd class £60. Deck £"J2. tB Class Steamers £80. £56. £22. Cargo Steamers £sfv FREIGHT
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 545 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Ellerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. v AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated i_. England.) JOINT SERVKE li) BOSTON AND HEW YOJ*X via SUEZ OU 1-AIsAMA. FROM NEW YORK. Steamers. Due Spore Route For April 30 Suez Philippines and
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    • 496 9 ADMIRAL LINE (Incorporated m U.SA.) FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 19 DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA. Steamer. Sails Hongkong. Arrives Seattle. PRESIDENT JACKSON Apr. 16 May 5 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON Apr. 28 May 17 PRESIDENT GRANT May 10 May 29 PRESIDENT MADISON May 22 June 10 PRESIDENT MCKINLEY June 3 June 22 And every
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    • 302 9 N. Y. K. LONDON LINE. Fushimi Maru April 17 Mishima Maru May 1 LIVERPOOL LINE. Lyona Maru April 12 < Toyobaahi Maru mid. May HAMBURG LINE. Lima Maru April 12 I Mat. umoto Maru early May Tajima Maru end May NEW YORK LINE via SUEZ. SOUTH AMERICAN LINE. Kanagawa Maru
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    • 751 9 ISTHMIAN LINE FROM AMERICA VIA SUEZ. s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore t^ disch. May 28 1923 s.s. ANNISTON CITY due Singapore to disch. June 28 1923 TO BOSTON. NEW YORK, AND BALTIMORE VIA sUEZ DIRECT. s.s. STEEL NAVIGATOR due Sir.gapOK to load Apr. 20 1923 s.s. ATLANTA CITY due Singapore
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  • 201 10 A story about the Amir of Afghanistan has just filtered through to India It appears that the Amir and his Court left Kabul for Jalalabad upon what: was announced to be a lengthy visit. As =oon as he arrived at the latter place, however ihe Amir
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  • 312 10 TOMMIES WHO WILL JOYRIDE INTO ACTION. Armies- of the fr.ture will literally fl. mto battle. Transport twin, will g.gant.e a, „,.l antSi armoured attack fron, enemy machines, and again.t gunfire from the earth. Expert, m this country are now turning thaw ntent.on to the deigning of huge allsteel aewplan. that
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 231 10 JODELITE The Timber Preservative am m^ Or A99m _________mF_-*^mTm v tfftt-w--9-mmUßm\-.4^mr r h^aM* -B B^sCrsw"- ~^)B IB BBj^MKBBB^^ \b\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\wd^ii*^ BB^ Stocked m 1, 5 10 Gallon Drum WHY PAY H/g#i Prices for Hard Wood to HEN Soft Wood Treated With JODELITE IS CHEAPER JUST AS GQOT) Write for Particulars
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 765 10 SHIPPING NOTES. "£lOO TO SINK STEAMER." Thc startling suggestion that Captain Johnson, master of the steamer Borre, offered the chief engineer £100 to sink the vessel was further investigated at the Board of Trade inquiry. The Morre, which was formerly a yacht owned by Lord Beresford, came into the hands
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    • 590 10 Aden, Port Said and Europe (via Marseilles) Train 4 p.m. MAIL EXPECTED. From China and Japan by Dongola at Singapore 6 a.m. to-day. Noon Wireless m communication with s.s. Canada Maru, Hobsons Bay, Kitano Maru, Koyo Maru, Lieutenant de la Tour, Stebti, Tatsuno Maru, Tokushima Maru. VESSELS ARRIVED. Ellenga, Brit.
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  • 78 11 April 7. Bank 4 m.s. t(4 1-4 Bank demand 2(4 6-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2\-* 19-32 New York, demand M% Credits 90 days 56 4 France, demand 750 Tndia. T. T. 174 Hongkong, demaad Par Yokohama, demand 112 Java, dimand 111 Bangkok, demand 80 Sovereign, Bank Buying 8.54
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  • 132 11 April Tin 100 Tons $1 I<>. J."» Gambier Cube No. 1 2 2.00 Gambier 15.00 Pepper Black 15.25 Pepper (whito fair) 23.25 Tapioca, small flake, f.g. 14.25 Pearl Sago small 9.00 Copra Mix 12.40 Copra Sundried 12.80 Opium, Benaivs unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon Nvhite 230.00 Rice, Siam No. 1
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  • 37 11 Siagapore, Apri! Tth. 11 .30 a.m. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Spot 58 581 ft: April-June 58^ 39; July-Sept. 10 60' 2 Oct.-Dec. 61 62. London quotation dieet ls 4%4. Market Firm.
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  • 267 11 London, Mar. 28. At the annual meeting of the Mercantile Bank of India, the Chairman, Sir R. J. Black, said that conditions m India had generally improved. They were well round the corner and prospects were brighter. Trade was on a sounder and surer footing. The
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  • 127 11 GUTHRIE'S REPORT. Singapore, Apr. fi. Tho market paaaed through a dull period after the holidays with little doing, and values .'.used off a point or two, Spot selling down to 57, April to June from 59 to 68 f July to September fiOli to 59 \4, and
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  • 103 11 Singapore, April 7. Tin.— £2ls ss. Rr libers.— Malaka Pindns $1.50 $1.55, kuala Sidim* $2.25 cum, Bukit Jelutongs 68 57. Mining.-— Petaiing* 75 so, Nawng Peta 5i. 34 $1.38, Kampong Kamuntings 425. 435., I i Uii -ries $19 $19.2". Souths $1.17 $1.20, Mambaus 87 T i
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  • 51 11 Saturday's Alterations. Anglo Java (830,000) 3s. 3s. 3d. Jasin (llat) (60,000— 25.) 2s. 10% d 3s. 3d. Lanadron (320,000 1) 23?. 25s Merlimau (230,000—2) 3s. 2d.' 3*. Gd. Ayer Molek ($5) 1.15 1.25 Br. A. Tobacco 4.9.G 4)2.0 Shells (U) 4.7.3 4.10.0 S. Steamship (10,000,000—) 280 285
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  • 117 11 The statement of rubber exported, ia centals of 100 lb., shows. Exports Mar. '23. Mar. '22. I Mos. '23. K. 69,590 72,843 196,133 U. S. A. 395,311 270,264 1,098,411 Continent 22.240 41,252 102,743 Brit Poss 3,780 19,094 13,076 J'< Pan 38,749 27,843 77,048 Others 2 1,122 495
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  • 93 11 Excluding parcels post values, the following figures are given by the Registrar of Imports and Exports for March:— March 1923 $46,805,147 or .£5,467,600 March 1922 $41,279,060 or .1*4.815,891 Increase 5,586,087 or I 651.709 Exports. Maivh 1D23 $62,905,183 or £7,338.938 March 1922 $38,983,747 or £4.548,104 Increase $23.92
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 468 11 Assets over $5,000,000. Assurances m force over $17,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMiTED. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32 Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies Act.
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    • 397 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China. Incorporated m England by Royal Charter. Taid up Capital m 600,000 shares £5 each £3.000,000 Reserve Fund 3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopsgate, London, E. C Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Puket Amritsar lioilo Rangooi: Bangkok Ipoh Saigon
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    • 525 11 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Paid up-Capital $20,000,000 Reserve Funds:— Sterling 4,500,000 Silver $24,500,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. A. O. Lang, Esq., Chairman. D G. M. Bernard, Esm., Deputy Chairman. A. H. Compton, Esq., Hon. Mr. E. V.
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    • 377 11 YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital Subscribed Y. 100,000,000 (fully paid up) Reserve Fund Y 69,000,000 I resident: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-President R. Ichinomiya, Esq. DIRECTORS. N. Soma, Esq. S K. Suzuki, Esq. V IlamaKawa,1 lamaKawa, E,q. Baron K. Morimura. M. Odagiri Esq. [garashi, Eso K a Tmt£' ?W
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    • 119 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated ia England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINS Fidelity Guarantee—Administration Bonds Singapore Representative*— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Ltd. Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER Co., Ltd Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. THE LONDON LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO.,
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  • 639 12 ANNUAL REPORT. The annual report and statement of accounts for the faat ended January 31st. IMS, states, later alia: Finance. The worl-- ing account for the year under review shows a profit of £1,598.20 a.s compared with $2,923.60 for the previous year. Allowances have heen ■Bflde tor
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  • 168 12 A meeting: of the Board of Directors was held a i 52 Kerbau Road on Saturday to elect the President, Vice-President and the Hon. Treasurer. Owing: to the inability of Mr. Kader Sultan and Dr. N. Veerasamy to hold ollice, Messrs. Hi rak Chand Kummarj.\ the manager
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  • 56 12 I*>kio, Apr. 6. Mr. Matakichi Oguru, manager of the N Y. K. Singapore Office, w -ll be transferred to the managership a t Hongkon?. It is now confirmed that Mr. Hideo Kuroda is to be Director af ihe Board of Taxes and Mr. Osamu Matsumoto Director of the
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  • 251 12 CRICKET. S.C.C. TO URN AM ENT. 'I lie Hankers. Brokers and Insurance had a fairly easy victory over the Etceteras m the S.C.C. Cricket Tournament on Saturday, the scores being; BL a and I. E. W. Ru*, b. Holder 3 j; Ktn,Kdv, c. Rolfe, b. Scharenguivel U I).
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  • 208 12 C. Oehlers XI v. W. Bartholomews/ XL Ti»- above match, pla.wd on the S. R. C. grountl on Saturday resulted Si under: Oehbrs \I. L. Bligh. b. Bartels o C. Hoffmann, c. Anastiwag, b. Batet li P. Leijssius, c. .-md b. Bartels J3 E. F. de
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  • 19 12 (An eta). Wcj.tevreden, Apr. 7. A Dutch Uam beat Malaya by three goals to nil.
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  • 38 12 S. C. C. vs R.G. A. The following side will represent the F. C. C. again t the R. G. A. on the Padang tomorrow evening: Dean; Gale, Sinclair; MacKlcnaan, Lee, Edlin; Wallirk, Jamieson, Craik, Moss and Smith.
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  • 156 12 Leadea* April 7. Playing at Holborn Hall, London, against Inmaa m the semi-final of the professional bjiiaids championship, Newman made a n<^w championship record break of 850, beating Smith's 785 made m the final of H>2o. Newman also established a world's record with consecutive breaks of 512
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  • 524 12 RACE FOU PRESIDENT'S CUP. Yesterday morning's race was for the President's Cvp an .event of long standing judging by the title. It is some three years since it was decided that the title '•Commodore" was more fitting a yacht club. The race ofticeis, Captain Flett and
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  • 245 12 Tbe "annual rare- far Lbo above cup, presented by Mr. Rodesse, was sailed for on Airil lvt. Twelve boat, started nt 10 ajn. m light wea her for the long sail t<> Fairy Point, some coming shoreward and.othera, beaded by Polly, standing well out towards Samboe. The
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  • 76 12 The two principal laces of the VRC autumn meeting at Flomington resulted as under: Newmarket Handicap, 6 furlongs-Sun-8.9, 1. Easingwold, 8.5, 2: AH Se- 6.7, 3. 30 started. Betting: 4 to 1 agst winner, 14's 2nd., 15»l 3rd. Time 112 (a record). Won by half length, third neck
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  • 21 12 TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship Singles. Klienman vs. Potts. TUESDAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs. Potts and Wodehouse vs. Klienman and Utermark.
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  • 21 12 TO-DAY'S TIES. Single Handicap. Goldio vs. Jamieson Double Handicap. Chater and Haigh vs. Smith and BowerTU ESDA Y'S TIES.
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  • 198 12 Under the auspices of the Chinese Association, Dr. StaiT lectured to the members and friends of the Chinese Association on the subject of The Running of the Human Machine on Friday, at the lecture room of the Chinese Association. A fairly large crowd of members and friends
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  • 89 12 The popular Warwick Comedy Company will be paying Singapore a short farewell visit on Friday and Saturday nt xt. the l-'.ih and Uth., when two delightful plays will be presented m Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being j Earnest, and the enormously popular light comedy, Brown Sugar.
    89 words
  • 94 12 Maude Annceley wiote the novel from which Shattered Dreams was Uken. This Universal photodrama, running at the Empire Theatre now, eapoaes the underworld life of Paris .and given an insight Into the lives of Parisian artists. Added to this is a Century comedy m two reels and round
    94 words
  • 281 12 Programme of Drills etc.. up to and for Sunday. 15th April, 1928. Monday, 9th~5.10 p.m. Drill Hall. Malay Co: S. R. E. (v) and S, V. F. Tuesday 10th.— 5.10 p.m.. Drill Hall, S. R. E. (v) Signals, (J- and 7 Platoons B. Coy., Malay Company, S.
    281 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 409 12 Superior Quality IN GRAMOPHONES AND RECORDS LS ALWAYS ASSUKBD IP HIS MASTERS VOICE CALL OR WRITE FOR 1 ATEST LISTS. OR HEAR THE LATEST RECORDS PLAYED IN 01/!,' PRIVATI AUDITION ROOM. AT YOUR LEISURE. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (lacorporated m Honirkona.) SINGAPORE. BaaaaaaaaaßßSHSsMsnaansaßnn»vnrirt»ini«wr»^' ■>- trntmrn m fl ■a- w a*aß^mmS^'*l-
      409 words