The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 April 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TEN CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1923 No. 10,855
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  • 182 1 Tht» chief interest in to-day's cables' is the announcement that verbal warfsie will a^ain shortly bejjin at I riff ant Page 7. j Full particulars are given of the terrible motor accident t o .lapane»s'e loyalties in France, when a Prince was at the wheel Page 7.
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  • 1029 1 T 'COOP-TIE. It was not only my test Cup-tie; it was genuinely the only occasion on which I had been present at a first-class exhibition of the game which evidently makes the world go round at any rate faring the winter solstice for an impressively large proportion of the inhabitants
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 MALTHOID RAFFLES HOTEL. Telephone. 2920. (10 Lines) SINGAPORE THE FINEST BALLROOM IN THF FA<ST Orchestral Concert EDGAR HUI.LAND, R DIRECTOR. SEA VIEW HOTEL. TanUg Katon ff Telephone. 110. Sin^raporo TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER AND CINEMA. MUSIC BY THE SYNCOPATED FOIR GROSVENOR HOTEL. Centrally situated. Tele: 2586. PARTMEOTS. With without Board. (Inclusive,
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    • 145 1 FRY'S "Creme de Menthe" T/i^ /c/ea/ Dessert Chocolate. Packed in 1 K lb. Tins. Obtainanle from Robinson Co., Ltd. Singapore. John Little Co., Ltd. Singapore Kuala Lumpur. ST. GEORGE'S DAY. I 2M APKIJ, 1923 BUROPB HOTEL, SINGAPORE. I j A FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL BALL. ()IJ> ENGLISH RED ROSE NIGHT. D^rcin^
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    • 227 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Estate and Trust will shortly soil a com-M plat essential oil distillation outfit— 1 P«yt 5. Special ship notices of Glenogle, Gordon and Mentor Page 10. Upright frrand piano for sale Page 5. i Jiei,/iji" Konu Seng and c'o. sell two i ji« tor cars Page 5. Transfer
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    • 1 1 ffA\!Pc)KV
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 100 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday, 4tk. High Water, 0.26 p.m. B, I. Homeward mail. Talc of Two Cities, Theatre. Thursday, st/i. High Water, 0.30 a.m., 1.11 p.m. Philharmonic Orchestra, r ).ir> p.m. TaC of Two Cities, Theatre. Friday, Gth. High Water, 1.7 a.m., 1.59 p.m. Mark Lodge, 8.30 p.m. TaU- of Two
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  • 45 2 l a I t the Viet Thta■r;i;/: the Gaiety be reened f Thursday bei ■'tractions for to-night n Elmo, The Pear /I— 10, II and 12, The Wadding, IW The Ruhbenuek, a niversa] comedy. Xex- complete cfia^gt ra?i:; :> Friday. April 9Oi ipteial big
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  • 89 2 bfri ff n Tf:jpl<l manager of i.e Duff Dev m Company, Kelanan 2 !i v~" p «w»r He and Mrs. ampler, who oc- 5 Home this week, bare ,;r;v"- Mr w d li a!h M i;i at Teignmottth Dew of rf 8!r John P ope G v> H in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 TO Ln OR FOR SALE. LARGE GCDOWH& newiy erected ar-,-a fror. 1 .000 io 50.000 sq. ft. fac :.4 river. LARGE STORES from 6.000 to ZAfii tq neai wharf and shippA rtt itoried baildingi for offices tad godownt. CtßtraDy situated entry, going cheap Api y oz U A. J. ABRAHAM.
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    • 597 2 I^. Bam at 7.30 p.m. S 7 r).m. ELMO THE FEARLESS SERIAL 5 HAWK'S TRAIL SERIAL Episode* nine, ten, eleven and twelve. S Epia k 14. 15. Six K E •f: S -THK INVISIBLE HAND S \NTOMO MORENO SERIAL THE EX-KAISEKS NNEDDIN<.. S Episode one > 3 pai:>. Victoria Theatre
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    • 181 2 Alhambra. Prom SATURDAY, iABCH, 51 APRIL IN THE Sti OND SHOW AT AMERICAN BJ ER 1 Pftthc r TOPICAL BUDGET Brit BENJAMIN B HAMPTOf* PRODUCTION 1 The Man of the Forest In Grey's w U tilled w'-h thrill to the it the Milt Dal 'i trairPLAYGOERS PICTURES PRESENTS M Sunshine
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  • 733 3 rrcaswrea of the Prophets io;. >. Wi -.s Mi. Percival Lan<ion, the Daily i'dtK-. i.orrerpc;;Jent at i. .asanno Conference, a patch of rived colour wa woven into the somewhat grey issue of tliic Conference. The. subject of the disicr was nothing less than the restoration Ihe Prophet'i tomb
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  • 153 3 HERE'S NEWS FOR YOU Do you reali&e thai nine cases of digestive trouble ou of every ten are caused by excess stomach acidity, and that thii If easily neutralised? I'a a fac and you can demonstrate it by taking little Disur; t.'il Alarms a nexj-time you eat a
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  • 879 3 IRASER CO., EXCHANGE ANT) SHARE IJUOKEUr, TUESDAY, APRIL -ird. M I N 1 N t^. U'igUica in brackets show tht capitaJ and issue value of the Share in dollars unle. c oth<?rvv*3e mark* C* Cum div. Batang Padang Tin 42 471.," Hitam Tin ($1) 1.50 i.(;o c
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 385 3 I r" jT f W £1 The besl of all Tonics B v i i i 73 In Bickn M, in convalet if insomnia troubles W J or i you «tic- merely run down," Gla\o is the M best tonio 1 .11.. M Cl Xl l! l»d« ol pure, rcli
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    • 92 3 I APRIL 2nd TO APKIL 7th ONLY Ml n^ W fit it AWAY S I I a i vJ[JCtlal I I I THIS WEEK I CROCKERY 1 Utensils $s^s^f j I Icechesvs *N^^s, I aSS I Ware **&*sw^ iPvrf^ :i Vs rV OFF K^iil I b 1 ■p^*!*-'- l v
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  • 929 4 OVER A MILLION DOLLARS REALISED. The last two of the four days' sa'e of land and house properties belonging to the Estate of Shaft Aboobakar bin Mohamed Lajain, deceased, WOI held at the saleroom of Messrs Chuong Koon and Co. No. 30 Chulia Street on Wednesday and Thursday.
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  • 222 4 IJij; deduction Planned. unton, Maivh Ist. Dr. Sni towed a circular telegram, <!• tteps ai«.' being taken Iq* reduce I ber of troops in Kwangtung I accordance with the long formulab *iu in deference tw the del rei of pic throughout the country. The message states that
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  • 198 4 Official.* \\h n r Anf i-lirifish. Tlu> story of the icandah rueied out to Mrs. Pi dericl the Kn^lishwvniai who Wai Kllis Island while < n her waj < v York, has created i wave of not only in England, but in A will I-*- remembered
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  • 107 4 Che announcement has recent t» m America that experiment* in rain-making have raecessfblly b* out. The idea sounds fantastic, b American claims are justified, migl to bo of considerable value In impi Climatic COWfitioiM in certain drr 7.' throughout the world. The one >^ is the prfllfme of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1161 4 REMINDER 1 ON WEDNESDAY AND TEIRSDAY Ith and sth APRIL at 2.30 p.m. each day. Estate of Syed Abdulrahman bin Abdulla Alkaff, deceased. IMPORTANT TWOTDAYS' AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Town Properties At Maasm CslCßi J »<m tag and (o's Saleroom, No. M Chulia Street 1. Valuable land
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    • 612 4 AUCTION SALE In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singapore In the Estate of Grarc d'Almeida ritceased Originating Summons No. 134 of 1921 Between Alfred d'Almeida Plaintiff and F. C. dWlmeida, D. Johannes Ida Johannes Defendants The Undersigned have received instructions to sell by public auction at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 541 5 TO LET. TO LET II rery desirable and centrally i and (Irouiid.-. Xo. Nafta Bridge Rd, tnr.r Hras Hasah Hoad) i n auaai have i\N'ii-;\v groaada, froal J so Ii entrance, tennis court, aad the bsea laid oat. Tht-y are suitable for l-t. class Hotel Hub, open air Ca
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    • 766 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OP Oao i-cyiinder I seater Varley Wood' I Knjrli -.h i (ar and Oao 4-cy indcr 7-»?«ter I»e La Hays Preach) Car fitted with brass mount ngs and m jrood running order. Also i-xctlk-nt leak hoaesaold furniture removc«l from country nsideacc for convoni- BOS of sale.
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    • 676 5 NOTICE. f NOTICE. Notice i- hereby that i». im'ss! i goodwill together with the stock, furniture, ;i!i<i hook (iobt.s (except liabilities) r»f the Standard Pharmacy, hitherto cairie uj by Chiom Toon Seng, at :Jo<;. North Bridge H< id, l "-:u: •>). th!a r'ay h n sold V. I -W.-.y. who
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    • 807 5 JOHORE NOTES. THE ASSIZES. (From Our ()w,i Correspondent). .Johore Haliru, April 2. j'i.o Johore Bahru Assizes, which torn-! ed <. March Sth. opened with a case i; b< me interest, in which five Chinese were charged, before Mr. Justice A. V. Brown, Bitting with Si h-ia V. Ihompson and i'
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    • 431 5 CUTICURA HEALS I ¥TI r rni?v PIMPLE^ON FACE V 1 IR t A SpreadAllOverDaughter's LENSES Head. Had Hair Cut Off. The n-.w optical which. "My daughter had a breaking out although practically colourless, c£ litllo pimples on her face and load which in the course of a day absorbs all
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  • 38 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. SANDERSON. At Penalty, on March 29th, 1 ito Mr. and M .s. .1. !t. Saikkraon, a daujjhtcir NEAVE. (>.) March 30, 1;»l':5. Maternity HospiUl, Penaaff, to Mr. ind Mrs. J. R Near*, of Bokit Mertajam, daughter.
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  • 793 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4. 1923. Another Turkish Conference. Another attempt is to be made at adjusting the terms of peace for Turkey and most likely it will be held at Lausanne. No doubt it will last just as long as the former, for the Turk is a master
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  • 368 6 Pressure on our space crowds out several i torn- of local news from this issue. Mr. I). M. Horne, for teti years with the Bombay-Burma Trading Co., in Siam, died at Home on the L'Gth ult. At .Jcilun SaUeh Church, Muar, on Sunday April *th. at p.m. there will l>e
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  • 339 6 Enthusiasm for Famous English 'Cellist. After her successful three weeks tour in Jj.\a Mi-s May Mukle might well have found cause for disappointment at the size of the audience which gathered at the Victoiia Theatre last night to greet her on the occasion of her only recital
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  • 336 6 WEDDING BTATT— TUCK. At tiie Weeleyaa Church on Monday afternoon a pretty romance came to' •i happy conclusion in the wedding of Mr. Prank Hyatt, of Melbourne, Australia, and Miss Katherine Florence Tuck, of Wiltshire, England, who arrived by the Kashgar on Sunday morning. The church had been tastefully
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  • 178 6 POLICE DAVID AND APACHE GOUATH. A thnllinp rtoiy of a disguised detoct<ve'« lon K .nd hazardous Nwd or th ch.ej O f Paris !ipa( h{ )am| knowii I»i S Lours." and how ho eventually caplure. h.maf«, r a violent > > b-.rot. has JU ,t been ,-,veale,l. "Kg Luui," Stro
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  • 83 6 SANCTION AT iron. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipnh. Ist There was sensational accident j. railway platform on Sunday. If] the newly .arrived matron t"<>r j. hospital. emerging from the tr having bidden farewell t<> ion slipped and fell, disappearing i footboard. A dresser naniod promptly lying flat on
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  • 50 6 His Excellency the Governo Guillemard and a party fish drive on the Pevak Rhrer >•■■ a select party with the Sultan m ing in catching th<- driven Ash. the Governor also entering' the Ural unique scene was taken by tw.. i and will thoftly be
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  • 36 6 The first round ended in I\ Johore, L-kander beating Selai Penanp: beating Singapore. In the next round Iskander b. The final this evening at Kua i I ia Penang v>. Iskander Club. •i
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  • 345 6 The neighbourhood of Raffl which some merchanta fomfly I be the fount of all imp rtl ll bn the > ft li;is been receiving during ihe Laal month or two by lawfully entitled t<» transact busin< There was the big robbefy a the I and Trual
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  • 226 6 The Dramatic Section of the »1. Chinese Football dab re lac entitled "The Two Faithful B the Stai Open Hall on Sunday, rhe weather being tiru\ a very c was present to irftnesi the play ai those present were:-— Mrs. Let < ntul party, Messrs. Tan Soo Ho Kim
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 185 6 yi^^aL LARGEST MOST jBSgJBHH fflß WELL-KNOWN P| VERMOUTH n| *-> !^>. l »> < .^j& j x |jij ir>\f ir\lT «»mm.v«ic« 1 'i^' .SJ V .'i~ l >T Af. > > 1 1 1 1 .m r. I f* rtv^p^ )*C t j CAf DBECK, MACGRECOR GO., LTD. (Incorporated in
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    • 69 6 FRESH IKAN i MERAH Per 50 Cls Ib. S'pore Gold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in S.S.) RETAIL DEPOT. ORCHARD RD. JOHN DUKE OITICIAN I Feilow of the British Optical Association.! Fret man of the Worshipful Company of! Spectacle Makers. Freeman of the City of London. Late of Old Uroad St.
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  • 677 7 120 KM. PER HOUR. lUK A ((1 DENT. [Renter's Service] Hernay. April 1. awto* car on the Paris Cherbourg id, containing Prince Kftashi Rawaka, brother-in-law <-f the Basperor of Japan. ince Aaaka, 1';..,..-- Kitashl Rawaka, i a lady-in*waiting, struck s tree near Renters. Prince 'Kitashi Rawaka and
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  • 798 7 ANOTHER CONFERENCE. THE ALLIED NOTE. [Renter's Service] London, April 1. The Allied reply to the Turkish counter- 1 proposals suggests a proni].-; resumption of negotiations at Lausanne and accepts in principle the proposal to redraft the clauses •relating to capitulations wl h the view of -fiuring the
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  • 323 7 RUBBER COUPON CASE. Printer Acquitted. The Second Singapore Assizes entered upon their fourth week yesterday morning. when the trial was opened, before ihe Chief Jostle* and jury, of a Chinese print* r named Tang Ang Choon, who was /nargid wit ii forging several rubber coupons. The case for
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  • 93 7 PortstCOmisiSJ Cases. The civil list to be dealt with by the Supreme Court Judge.- during April is a ■her^t one. The seventeen cnsics to be beard include the following: Mirza Moha- 1 KiT.l Ali Namaxie vs S. J. Ifanasseh. I International Hanking Corporation vs Fonj< Vew Ton*. Eng
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  • 442 7 The inquest in connection with the death >f T-i7! £©o Bi the young Siiails bon. Chinese, who was killed th<- revolt of a uotoi cycle accident which occurred in Pullerton Road on March IS last, was con•luded before Mr. Bourne, the Corner, yes..relay. Mr. Bourne said
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  • 541 7 The general meeting of the Rubbei Producers Association of Malaya will be held at French Bank Bdgs., to-morrow (Thursday), a t 2.15 p.m. The report I states: Membership. The Membership of the Association stamis at 114 consisting of 107 Companies and 7 Individuals, representing total
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  • 231 7 Mrs. \V. J. Mayson returned from Europe by the Kashgar and is staying at the Europe Hotel. By the M. If. mail steamer Andre Lebon >esterday afternoon, then left Faih<>r Gauthier, who for about a year had beef! in Singapore as Sous Proeureur to Father Ouillon. Ho goes to Saigon
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 520 8 "ELLERMAN" \ML I >iLLEKMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSR/P Co., l A± j i Incorporated in S: glw*d> j PASSENGER SERVICE Swaaar OUTWABD. p B<*r*r^«. HOMEWARD. ♦c.s. CITY OF POONA Marseille and London May 3 PASSAGE RAiES. •A Class Steamers Ist clp.ks £87. 2nd class £60. Deck f l tB C!a?s Steamers £80.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 539 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Ellerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. (AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated i:. England.) JOINT SERVICE To BOSTON AND WFW YOUK via SUEZ l*U VAxSAMA. FROM NEW YORK. Steamers. Duo S'pore Route For •CALCHAB April 22 Suez Philippines and
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    • 752 9 ADMIRAL LINE j (Incorporated in U.S.A.) I FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 19 DAYS-HONGKONG TO AMERICA. PRF^nfKM^fAWc™ SailB Hon kon Arrives SeattU. FKLhIDENr JACKSON Apr. 16 May 5 And every 12 days thereafter. lit Class, Fare. Hongkong to Seattle G $375. LONDON VIA AMERICA £120. For full information regarding Rates, Accommodations etc.,
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    • 668 9 ISTHMIAN LINE PROM AMERICA VIA SUEZ. s.s. ATLANTA CITY duo Singapore tj disch. May 28 1923 s.s. ANNISTON CITY due Smftpor* to disch. June 28 1923 TO BOSTON, NSW YORK, AND 4 BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DKECT. s.s. STEEL NAVIGATOR due Singmpon to load Apr. 17 1923 s.s. ATLANTA CITY due
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  • 134 10 The "Flotte Indo Chinoise" steamer Van Vallenhoven is expected from Saigon the ord. inst. The successors of Moine Comte and Company are the local agents. The s.s Benreoch (5,800 tons gross) Is loading at Kohsichang for Europe. This is the firs-t, straight-stem ship built for the Ben Line,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 713 10 i It thus gives manifold effect to W^^. H"^ 1 Nature's great tocth-protecting I iOl It^T^F W^£2L tf% "W\ t i3a agents. The result, the world Js^^ C& iA T V<*^^|^*V^ over, is a fast-coming new dental Have you :totcd how many with tartar, are the chief cause of JflBJ
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    • 244 10 LWO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) i )irtnt Ser\iCe to Japan via Hongkonp and Singapore and to Calcutta via Penang. from Singapore. Taking Cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo. "ientsin, Newchwang, Yangtze ports, Fornosa, the Philippines, etc. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. KWAISANG
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    • 89 10 JvPlsEiLfl 1 £i The Timber Preservative t^SsEwnHBBSEuW" Stocked in 1, 5 10 Gallon Drum High Prices for Hard Wood WHEN Soft Wood Treated With JODELJTE ■ISi-iSJ^j^SjS. JUST AS GQOD Write for Particulars to The Btrneo Company Limits (Incorporated in England.) Singapore, Ipoh and Penang, THE MARK OF GOOD OIL KEROSENE
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 681 10 Cueob Massima ajn. <'uc<;}> Bdina a.m. <"ucob Merging :> a.m. <'ueob Hong Aik "j a.m. Moeara-Sabn and Djamhi Singkel 11 a.m. Muntok and Patoubang Co. ti noon Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis, siak arid Pakan Barac M. s. Honir Kiat 2 p.m. Batti Pahat liena 'J p.m. K dan Medttaa 3 p.m.
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  • 83 11 Ajn i] Bank 4 m.a. 2 4 1-1 Rank demand 2|4 6-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2|' 19-32 New York, demand ">4> L Credits M days ?>*'* Franof. demand 750 India, T. T. 174% Hongkong, demand 2H P-c- Prem. Yokohama, demand 112% Java, demand 141 Bangkok, demand 80 Sovereign.
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  • 108 11 April S. Tin 200 T,.n> HlStt Ciambier Cube No. 1 22 00 Gambier 15.00 Pepper Blac!c !•"">." Pepper (white fair) 23.50 Tapioca, small flnkc, f.g. 14.1'n Pearl Sapro small 9.00 Copra Miv 12.00 Copra Sundried 12. lu Opium. Rcnatvs one. 4.000 Rico. Rangoon white 2:i0.00 Rice. Sian; No. 1
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  • 34 11 Singapore, April 'Aid. 12 noon. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Spot r,7-.. 58; April-June 58 July-Sept. .">!♦', .v.» r 4 Oct.-Dec. 81 81%. London quotation sheet l». 4%d. Market Qui^t.
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  • 311 11  -  Tto Thri.uuli .Train Service. Mr. P.* A. Anthony, CMAi.. general manager of the F.M.S. railways, recently went to Bangkok with party of unofficial members of the Federal Council. Ho was asked to express hia opinion on the Siamese railway.-, but wa> too busy at the time. He
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  • 74 11 FRASERS REPORT. Htigapart, April Rubber Is. 4%d. Tin 1219. 10*. l'im) tons sold at SI i:;.l 2'_. Tins. Petaiinga 75 so. Bovths $1.15 $1.20, Norths $1.15 $1.20, Taipingi 95 •SI, Lingttifl $4JO (5, Ton-kali Harbours $11.50 *r_\ Kampong Kanmnting 42>. 43a., llu I'iah- .si.>"> si.'.h!, Johana M-.
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  • 93 11 Sin^apor*'. April li. Rabber. London is. 4%d. Local B7 Tin. -London <;2in. 10s. Local $***** rJo'.> tons sold). Share Market. Quiet. KuhiHTs. -I'lw enquiries. Tins.- Raw an- si. •_'."> $1.30, Taiping $1, Norths $1,174 $1^2 l f Southfl $1.15 $120, Nawnjr I'ctv %V32*£ Si.::: 1 Pcta« lintr- T7'_.
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  • 90 11 Singapore, April B. Tin, -fi'ii*. 10s. $113!4, 2(10 torn sold. Rwbhtrik Malaka Pindaa $1.47 H 5i.;,:,. Kuala Bidimfl 12.10 52.2i». Bukit Jelotonga 55 60, Unitad Malacca- $1.4U $1^45. Mining. Pttalingi TT 1 SI M<WHg, Pets $1.30 $I^o, Kampong Kaniunting^ Il's. 435. r,,|., Collieriec .Si!> *1 Souths
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  • 216 11 Preventing Insulinde'* Downfall. In his Opening speech at the budget conference held in .January the GovernorGeneral, reports Aneta, said that at the present moment desires and ideals should not only be placed aside, but should be restricted and even done away with. The Governor-General is convinced that the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 449 11 Assets over $5000.000. Assurances in force over $17,000,000 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) Thi^w 0F^ ICE .r—^nchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32 Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life ATTRACTIVE PLANS
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    • 409 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital in 600,000 shares £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopsgate, London, E. C. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Puket Amritsar Iloilo Rangooi: Bangkok Ipoh Saigon
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    • 916 11 LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital Subscribed Y. 100,000,000 (fully paid up) Reserve Fund Y 69,000,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Esq. DIRECTORS. N. Soma Esq. g. K Suzuki, Esq. Y. Yjjlhwi, Esq. Karon K. Morimura M. Odagin Esq. X. I^arashi, Esq Baron K. fwasaki. K. Mo-ami. Esq. K. Tatsum.
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    • 119 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIBE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives^-Messrs. BARLOW Co. Branch Office 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. THE LONDON LANCASHIRE INSURANCE^., LTD. (Incorporated in Oreat Britaim). TOTAL ASSETS exceed £23,000,000 FIR^NT^
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  • 1298 12 After winning the inter-port match against Penang in the Malayan Golf Meeting on Friday afternoon, Singapore encri ntcred a stroke of misfortune, when the Championship was played on Monday. The premier Colony had seven players in the Championship, four from the Singapore Golf Club— W. R. Fordo, N.
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  • 152 12 [Renter's Service]. Paris, April 2. England beat Prance at Rugby by 12 po'nts to :j. The weathei was perfect and the attendance rtmmbered 40.000. Prance scored from a free kick within the first five minutes. England retaliated hotly, and after several acmnu near the 'French line, Wakefteld ■cored
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  • 198 12 The following will represent the Bankers, Brokers and In*ojrmace eleven against the In the s. C. C. Cricket Tournament on Saturday: li. L. D. 9/odeaovae, H. c. b. Way, P. H. Cnig, C. HewetfOß, K. Kennedy, A. C. Smith. r. W. Brown, E. W. Haiv,
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  • 85 12 Surina changes to-ni^ht. The programme is as follows:_In the first show, the concluding chapters of The Hawk's Trail serial, episodes 13, 14 and 15. The Invisible Hand, Antonio Moreno serial *P»°* 1 in 3 reels. In the record show he Simple Life. Larry Semon comedy in parts, Ev.o's
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  • 9 12 S.C.C. LAWN -TENNIS. Rain prevented play yesterday.
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  • 29 12 Championship Pairs. Potts and Wodehouse vs. Laybourne and Roy Smith. THUKSDAY'S TIES. Championship Pairs. Sinclair and Doig" vs. Lee Warner and Tyler. Championship Singles. Potts vs. Leakey.
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  • 12 12 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Kvans heat Bowerman, vv.o. GoMic beat Gale, 21—11.
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  • 15 12 Double Handicap. GoMic and Chill v&. Jamieson and Brown. Championship. Chater vs. Norrie.
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  • 27 12 Double Handicap. Glaacoc and Romuey vs. Rev. Douglas and (.hater and Haig vs. Smith and Bowerman. Single Handicap. Norrie, owe 2 vs. Evans, plus 6.
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  • 160 12 From Our Own Co-respondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 3. The Straits and F.M.S. Golf Championship Meeting opened here on March 30 and has been continued over the holidays. The first round in the Championship reMi It ed as follows: Elk ins (BelAHfOr) heat Klles. (Selangor) at the 19th. Kyle
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  • 61 12 The April ladies spoon, played for on' Monday. April 2nd. was won by Mrs. T. E. W infield, with a nett score of 39. The cards returned Were a.s follows: Mrs. T. E. W infield 18 9 39 Mrs. 1). J. Ward 50 10 40 Mrs. F,
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  • 138 12 Results of Plaster Competitions. Match— CaptUn vs. Vice-Captain: Won by CAptain'fl tun 5% to 2. Scores,! team l^oingr riven first: Cullen ;an«l Hodffini 0, Keira and Gvtiff 1; Fortune 'and Stnchan l% t Ban-on and Mair 0; Moittffomeric and Joyce 1, Bissct and Campboll o; Trimmer and
    138 words
  • 86 12 (Aneta). Weltevreden, April 3. On Sunday afternoon, the Rest of Batavia defeated Malaya by one goal to nil. Yesterday Hercules defeated Malaya by throe goalfl to nil. The Selangor back, Wihon, did splendid work, but generally the Batavia players were much quicker. Fine play on both
    86 words
  • 91 12 The cricket match between Watson'? XI and the S. C. C. on Monday, had to be abandoned owing to the rain, after Watson's XI had knocked up a total of 211). The scores were: Major Spring, retired, 66; Col. Hageldine, retired 56; Adams, mired 52; Tate ct. McEven,
    91 words
  • 437 12 INTER-STATE CRICKET. BBLANGQB DEFEAT SINGAPORE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 2. Selangor defeated Singapore by seven wickets. The scores were as follows: Singapore. Ist Innings. A. H. Assiter, c. Muggins, b. Wyatt 1 C. E. 11. Jacobs, c. Hugging, b. Green 59 E. J. Riches, b.
    437 words
  • 301 12 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, April, 3. Pcnang won the match against Perak at Ipoh bf U'2 rum. The scores were as follows: I'enang. Ist Innings. Maekay. b. Speldewinde 26 (mtHn. b. Speldiwinde 9 La Brooy. b. Sptldewindc Davi»s. c. Mandur, b. Mustard 17 Thean Lye, c.
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