The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 March 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AN D MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. j-EN CATS SINGAPORE, S.S.. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1923 No. 10,8:)]
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  • 187 1 Two points m the French new occrpation have arisen. Germany is beginning fo think of how to end the trouble. The United States is supposed t,> have given a hint to France as to the menace to British security Page 7. Chancellor (unit may disclose the (•crman
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  • 983 1 The true- tea-chantey is bora ami made. Like the talcs of foUc-ltre, arrives, none quiie know- from wheni Moreover, the melody and the words a one, and both arc fittex! to the B«SJBJtB*I tasks m a. sailing ship. When the steai 'ship came, she gradually drove tho sailing
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 240 1 VIALTHOID RAFI HOTfcL Telephone. 2920. (10 Lines), j SINGAPORE V\>. MNEST BALLROOM IN THE EAST. I>a Dansant, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. \YKD> Orchestral Concert, 9.45 p.m! Uimt Night, Dinner and Dance! IV« Dansant, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Ullttt Nicrht. Dinner and Dance Cinema at 9.45 p.m. Orchestra. Musk
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    • 511 1 KELLY AND WALSH LTD. (Incorporated m Hongkong). NEW BOOKS. Si L I JSSf i r" U omi aml W* How to Play Billiards by Tom NeWio iviu b y G, A. 13. Dewar and Lt, man, Fully I lustrated S6-00 rr wn i Lolast V"« 2 Vol BiJlianfs m Eighter
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    • 168 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. -Hmco Culverts, Bornvo Co., page G. Hawaiian Troubadours pvogianinu" on I P-^f 2. I Ship notices of Glcnadt- asjd Moorish 'innce; many changes m ship gailincrs pages S, i) and 10. Cells for tenders, Government and i McnkipaJ Pajre 5. I Tailor seeks engagement out East— l Fa
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    • 1 1 &fer
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 100 1 THE WEEK. Tuesday, <\th. Hiffa Water, 0.22 a.m.. v..'i.; p.m. Government House at Home. Wiri/icSihj/, 7th. Hifjh Water, d.;,G p.HB B. I. Homeward Mail clos—. Sonia at Theatre, i».30 p.m. Thursday, Htb. Higfi Water, IJU n.m.. 2.11 pja. Phil. Orchestra, Mem. Hall. 5.15. Sonia at Theati.^ J>.3o p.m. Fridmjft \)*h.
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  • 127 2 Kitif The lon tai I Sj ring Hot< the largest hotel m the telanjd, .-»> destroys by fire to-day. Most of tlr it.-, all of whom lost heir belongii Ei h »h. The Constant Spring Hotel was built or. >Ht alum; >ix miiea from Kingston at the
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  • 50 2 Two men were op before the stipendiary t> being Wrunk, or at anyi-ato having t ..k takcti. They were foimd |o hv a from WhiWchapcl and w Jew •m These cases mu^t ho put k, said th<» inagiatrate, until we find who ha? been giving these men drink.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 8 2 It inuat be dreadful thin* to mmke t
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    • 360 2 TO LET OR FOX SALE. I IRGK G r OWNS, newly erected area fran :;>.oon to 60,000 iq. ft. lac: g VSVeiy LARGE STORES from 6,000 U 24,000 tt|. ft, near wharf ami ihippingf. j three stoned buildings foi offices and godowna. Centrally situated All immediate entry, going enea^i Apply
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    • 512 2 !RO!Ts£Bfa i Ff,fß«B?|l| ris: Phoiv ;-i 7:'»o sharp. g fst Show at 7^o sharp hi; VAILEY OF THE GIANTS S FIGHTINGFATE SERIAL kVith Wa lace Reid (Paramount). S Episodes 6 7 and 8. TOt) OOD TO Bt TROT S 1 A v SBMOX m THE HEAD WAI IKK r'2n Sho«
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    • 368 2 I NOTICES. j 1 THE HORNED MAN this marvel of the Agre on exhibition for a short period only. ome and set- him BEACH ROAD I from 1 p.m. till 10 p.m. daily. GRFFN ISLAND CEMENT CO, LTD. j NOTICE OF REMOVAL. j The Offices of this Company are v.
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    • 481 2 IK jj f' In Our Xcxt Change Thursday, 1»< Uavch, t< *1 TOPICAL BUDGET WILLIAM I OX Presents PEARL WHITE m KNOW YOUR MAN m o parts, drama <»f domestic difficulties, concerning woman who did cn it will save a lot of sorrow. See what happened t<> Pearl didn't. ASSOCIATED
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 466 2 PABSEXGHKB M;Ul\ 80. Pei [poh. Col. Spencer, Mr A. L. Saandart 1 A- T. M. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. V C. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Miles ji- two children, Mr. Oo Keng Gean, Mr. < m Ang (eai Mr. Clarke, Mr. Cadman, Mr. E. B. Fernandas, Mr. T.
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  • 803 3 PHASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE MfOKEK MONDAY, MARCH 5. M I N I N C. [Figures m bracket! j=how the capital and i i>ahi« nf the Shar* m dollars nUm i otbei w:. rkci C. -Cum dn :< e.L,uai^ ex ti 1 v J Batang Padant;- Tin
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  • 52 3 I The influx of Chinese into Fiji is alarming Ii European's. Bitterness has been developing foT nearly two years, and no reply has jiet been received from the Home authorities m response to the Chinese poll tax proposal, which was unanimously favoured by a large ting of the white
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 339 3 1923 MODEL CENTRAL MOTORS LTD. AmU v^ H sP^y cTB ™^sm^s»^^ Im^s^ ~HtcTl Detachable 3 H. P. Twin Cylinder BOAT MOTOR Designed and Manufactured by Ole E>inrude The Muster Mind of Motor Boat Cmtttrmetion The ELTO Motor can I easily attached to the stem o any small traft, cpnverting it
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    • 573 3 BS3^B w^k if% ■b^£ *^^< %i\ protection against the cold and- treacherous ;Ul WXlfc wea^ Qer Neglected colds, on the other kand. J\g result m serious attacks of bronchitis and asthma, :\y#\ especially among the aged and weak-chested. 5 v3f j When you take a Peps tablet out of it«
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  • 992 4 CUP Y!i; SENSATIONS. (From Qer Own*Conespondent). Kdinburgh, Feb. 1. It was ••busy daj for Rugby men, but none of the matches were of grea:: importance. Continuing their victories Heriot F. P's gave bf their beat ajcains: 7. ■"."nJuir^h Wandereiu *md won practically r'nchallenged. Their bads gave one of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1000 4 i%i/% jir I I I I 555 are the fashion i I 5j among high class Cigarette ts^ii^i i ii J Smokers. Whether at Dinner, I* l j| the Dance, at the Club, or m the Horne,sssconveyan atmosphere i of refinement and discrimination. i This is because 555 represent I
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    • 642 4 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Town and Country Properties and the Strim i I At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co's Saleroom. No 30 h I ON WEDNESDAY, 7th MARCH AT 2.30 p. fo 1. A piece of valuable 999 years lcasei^olil land misea erected thereon ar.'i known as Xo. »2-l
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  • 630 5 We takt- the oppor unity at a moment when thoughts are occupied with Use onus of our debt to America, to r?mhid the* Governments of both countries of America's debt to us. We first drew attention to th.'j formidable financial obligation last March, and we showed
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  • 180 5 Laoy Passenicera Insulted. •'<;.-. fanuary 18. m a report fuvn. 1 to the Stewards' Union m Sydney, r ii stated that on Christmas day four stewards on the Espesance Bay Beizej several woman passengers, and threw them ath. Some of the women, it is lid, were
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  • 15 5 There ar? dogs who nc almost food enough to be archhishops. Mr. A. (J. Gardiner.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 314 5 TO LET. i i:t. .yd Road. Entry 1 Jill i TRUST AGEXCIES. LTD.. ni t ra i Estate Agents. Paajaaf and tii s« f ron tag Apply, AGENCIES LTD.. n i Ks'ute Agents. U.C. KaililMJurno, No. l:nnu«l::iti- entry. Kb, 7|t care of i •> •> ons \n. KiirtUj* (h&nvbers. J
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    • 561 5 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF Kxcellent teak till, hill furniture, port abk gramophone .ad numWr f jg yJJ^" Velo, and t»,,ha- reost^ teak £lv T^J ..a^r^n) 5 R^« ON THURSDAY. Mh March al 4 p.m. On view on Wednesday. CHBONG Ko<)\ BBNG CO., Auctioneers. S-3 AUCTION SALE OF In redeemed
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    • 808 5 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Marsh, W2'.i, f or th erection of Marr ofl ►ressvr. Quarters. GeaonJ Hospita', ?5 Lines, Singapore, Every person applying foi I form of T«der •v.-,.i b t required tv ••>.- ih, Bara rj nt Uo'lars «itl. th, Colonial 1« MU S and _foms wil only b 3
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    • 478 5 NOTICES. /mSZ^&^ggK "NEW ERA WONDERS" L .^str>\ A XOTICB is lu'ivby &ren that the partnerthip or buiMM intended to be carried on betwvt-n 7 7*+-*** A. S. Pillay, A. J. Koyr.n, G. Savor, and tho .W J Jato K. Govindasamy {now deceased) und*,r the m/> name of "NEW ERA WONDERS"
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  • 636 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1923. Strangling Germany. It ifl not difficult to appreciate the alarm which the latest French move must have caused m Germany, for it requires only the briefest explanation ol" the position to demonstrate wlat a stranglehold the French are Acquiring over their obstinate neighbours.
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  • 523 6 Mr. and Ifrs. Russell Grey have- returned from Hop. t>. The Ban. l of Hope will meet at the VjM.CA. on Wednesday, mi 4 ..SO p.m. Mr. K. Haka. an official of the FormoMn Government, :s vis&ng Kuala Lumpur. Lieut Col. and Mrs. C. E. Williams are visitors to Kuala
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  • 61 6 PENANG NEWS. From Our Own Penang, Mar. 5. j| Chinese boy was killej l by a motor bus m Burmah-rd and the Chinese. driver was brought up m the police court charged with lash diving. He was reman *ed on Tail of .$l,OOO till March 13th, The
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  • 504 6 VOLCANIC ERUPTION AT SEA. A SMOKE GEYSER. A subterranean volcanic eruption is re- ported to have occurred at a.ili'stance of about 850 miles from Singapore. The first news received <>t' the«occurrence was a wireless message sent !>y the X.Y.K. steamer Wakasa Mar., on her way down here from Hongkong:. The
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  • 309 6 Thousand mark notes are- being freely j offered and token m the Tachin district ;mor.g the Chinese. The price asked is two ticals each. The driver of motor car 1451 has been •i 1 realm] ami chmrged with rash driving along Hu\ clock road on Saturday afternoon. The marriage arranged
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  • 510 6 The Civil Berrkt j,,i, (From Oar Own < llh- MinUMl geiM ml n:. ,v.-is held at the Club pn tfaitll l>t., an-! wa- Slendmmng was »p| :he year, and :i conn Major Thompson, M. torn, Wilson, Gouldlng ai Mr. T. 1». llonaraiv Secretary from his oAec < w.
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  • 62 6 A special OCeatl p*£ left Plymouth (i. W. D pn Wednesday an. l rmi Station at. 2.19 p.m.. the journey, a (li^-taii 226* minutes, notwfth* train suffered a lu>.- «-t owing to permanent Wi train consists of li\» off the "Mentor." «»f tt In a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 191 6 1 STOCKS 1 1 ***s?/ (s^i\*^\ NOW ORTAINABLE I Kfs^«K3^l r3 h j if m^^^ TINTS a ijT^Ci if W S 3 *J5 Z T 3I? tt FROM 1 Tilifh,? sole agents A X \^K Jw /4/ CALDBEGK I 1 V^^^^// MAGGREGOR jj |f** f j (Incorporated In Shanjrhai>. f
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    • 98 6 14 "ARMCO" CULVERTS AND "CALCO" WATER-GATES are the best and most economical solution of drainage 'problems that has yet been put forward m this coi'.ntry. CULVERTS. Conveniently transported Quickly installed Strong and reliable Lasting. AUTOMATIC W ATERGATES. Mot a orude flap o valve 'truly automatic. Independent of erratic labour. No
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  • 146 7 (lN 0 PREPARES TERMS. n optimistic. I cS.] London, Mar. I. the aewi o«; the 1 Mannheim and .1 1 ere wry I ler Rhine, and MTorksheps, the n i sirs Her a big] arc optin •< t tmpid- 1 adications, Berlin know at a con noi I
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  • 61 7 \N ;i*hington. Mar. 5. Senate, appuinte i t 0 has reported 11 C ompleter.nd control [!k« KtusuincJt', thus AtCVM. Mr -f the Suukhund Oil Com- i-.'.w Ji".- that the 1 t- wi-re without iN SILVER OUTPUT. VN n^hinpton, >lar. .">. istry of Commerce. |fc>
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  • 119 7 H Singapore will welcome H that new company of H I coming here. I iasi yoar of Kaai's I tTMII m the public H n to Honolulu and I I new Company I m which are some H ers, musicians arm dancer!* I mpany which, after
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  • 82 7 the numbers of H i to tke Madras H of February: Hj I 00 (minors); DeH Ute> 180 minor?. to aided passenpers I NP Ol the Uukt' uf labctli Bowos-Loon will H peal i-.i.volty into the ion, for the *'sup--Lyon family are the latter half gold whereas m the
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  • 501 7 A HINT TO FRANCE. TU Or.sIKVER'S STORY. [Reuter's Service.] -itl.-n. Mar. 4. The Ohosrvcv's iftpiomatic correspondent states that Punch diplomacy has abandoned fchs att.-mpt t<. create an anti-British continental bloc, America -taring given France the strain hint that If tin French sv.e--11 creating such a menace
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  • 97 7 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NiohiXichi Shimbun.) Tokfo, Mar. 3. Baron Naganori Nawa, has applied the •Government for a permission to establish a v. iceless services under the title of the FarEastern Wireless Service Company with a capital of Y. 5 000,000. The Company is to C 4
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  • 86 7 Wallace Reid is at the Gaiety to-nt;hi m the Paramount Picture "The Valley f The Giants," which is m the first show along with "Too Good to be True" a two part comedy. The second house attraction is George Ade's comedy "Just out of College" m «nve parts,
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  • 26 7 *Y. M. C. A. Just a reminder that the Half-yearly sale of Papers and Magazines wrU take place at the V.MC.A. at 6.30 p.m. this afternoon.
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  • 1210 7 EASTKRN TsfADfl PROSPECTS The ordinary yearly general meeting of Ihj Hongkong and Shanghai Bailing Corporation was hell at the City Hall, HongI < -f- en* Vvb. 24th, when the 107 th report ••f the Court of Directors was presented. Mr. A. O. Lang (Chairman) presided. The Chairman
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  • 268 7 The new commander of the Submarine (Fourth) Flotilla on the China Station is cjie of the most experienced officers in* submarine work m the British Navy. Captain Charles G. Brodie, who relieves Captain Charles S. Benning, D.5.0., m the <'omnu>nd of the depot ship Titania (Hongkong) snd the
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  • 294 7 Mr. J. G. D. Campbell, formerly of Siam, who was U. P. for the Kingston division of Surrey, but retired owing to ill-health, has g-oive abroad under medical advice. London received last month supplies of I fresh fruit from China. With leaves and stalks as when picked from the bushes
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 142 7 Robinson Co., Limited. (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPORE.) For Those Homeward Bound I *jWPL ew stocks of the latest Materials /^W fjfflßfe;^:":! Medium :)?id Heav^ Weight /i| Wi<h J>la in or reversing check backs 1(: f Wi&^K Homespuns and Harris Tweeds Mm J^ specially suitable for W^JP.'JS X heviots. Flannels urn) Indigo
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 540 8 i i i I i ELLERMAN 'LINE. I FLLERMAN BUCSNALL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltl lncorporated m B; glntid; passeni;eji service ftMftif OUTWAiIIV. Di« si*r*r-»r«. t.t CITY OF POONA Chica and Japan Mar. 10 *M. CITiT OF MANCHESTER China. nd Japan 22 HOMEWARD. ♦?.s. CITY OF SIMLA Marseilles Mid London Mar 2
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 480 9 fhe Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited Th China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. AND I Unman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated i?. England.) ,II TO BOSTON AND WEW YOlaC via SUEZ Oii .A.SAMA FROM NEW YORK. Mar. 7 g«e* Philippinos and China HN'GHAM Apr. 4 Suez Philippines
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    • 504 9 ADViIRAL LINE (Incorporated m U.S.A.) FAST PASSENGER SERVICE If DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA. PRrcrriv-f^, Sails Hongkong. Arrives Seattle. PRESIDENT GRANT Mar. 11 Mar 30 PRESIDENT MADISON Mar. 23 Apr 11 PRESIDENT McKINLEY Apr. 4 Apr 23 PRESIDENT JACKSON Apr. 1G May 6 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON Apr. 28 May 17 And every
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    • 279 9 N. Y. K. LONDON LINE. Kiffhimi Maru March 6 Uakone Maru March 20 LIVERPOOL LINE. Tatuhima Maru early March HAMBURG LINE. .Matsuyc Maru March f> Lima Maru mid. April NEW YORK LINE via SUEZ. SOUTH AMERICAN LINE. Kanajrawa Maru Apr. 21 BOMBAY LINE. Wakasa Maru March 6 Na^ato Maru March
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    • 752 9 ISTHMIAN LINE FROM AMERICA VIA SUEZ. s.s. ATLANTIC CITY ulk; Singapore i> diicb. May 28 1922 TO BOSTON. NEW YORK, AND 1 BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DIRECT. f s.s. STEEL WORKER due Singapore to load Mar. t6 19tS s.s. STEEL NAVIGATOR due Singapore to load Apr. 17 192^ ■.a. ATLANTIC ITY
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  • 2115 10 REPORT OF SHIPPING COMMITTEE. The Prime Minister m 1920 appointed a Committee under tht? Imperial Shipping I Committee, to: Enquire into complaints from person and bodies interested with regard to ocean freights, facilities and conditions m the inter-Imperial trade or questions of a similar nature referred to them
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 121 10 The Timber Preservative •flw* 1 -^j^srir- IB Stocked m 1, 5 <fc 1O Gallon Drum I PA.V High Prices for Hard Wood I CHEAPER JUST AS GOOD Write for Particulars to The Borneo Compaq Limited (Incorporated la England. Singapore, Ipoh and Penang, <^ m L^B M A 111 THE MARK
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    • 36 10 i PRINCE LIX* 5 (Incorpov. FAR EAS* j buL -MOO!. for P'-ri Said i The above su •Oth, Km, tirst ela blc to Urn a>>o\f port?. For fares ap}>l\ I ADAMSON^GILFILL-^N v l 1 (Incorp^raud n*
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 709 10 SHIPPING NOTES. The Laomedon which left yesterday for London has on boar,] over 300 pilgrim-; on iheir way to Mecva. There were a nun. be 1 of American i toui-:.-ts as passengers on board the Rum- phius which arrived yesterday morning. The Dutch Governmental Cable Shin. Tefograaf, arr ved from
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  • 84 11 Hard) r». Bank 1m s. 2,4 1-4 Bank demand 2J4 6-32 JY;\;ito credits m.s. J l i*_ 1«5 New York, demand 54% Credits 90 days 67% France, demand 830 India, T. T. 178% Hongkong-, demand l' L p.c. Dia. Yokohama, demand l\3 l i .lavn, demand 141 Bangkok, demand
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  • 108 11 March Tin 17.") Tons (1 06.00 Gambler Cube No. l 21.00 Gambler 16.00 roj/per Black 15^2' Pepper (white fair) 21.00 Tapioca, ratal] flake, f.K- IS.OQ Pearl Sayo small 9.00* Copra Mix 11.60 Copra Sundried 11JB0 Opiun, BenSTil unc. 4.500 Bice, Ranaroon white 230.00 Rico. Slam No. 1 for expoit
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  • 366 11 (ontertnce at Shanghai. Shanghai. Feb. 21. Mr. Burkilt, presiding at the annual Con- 1 ference of the Associate; British Chambers; [>f Commerce m China and of Hongkongf I l;iv»- what he thought! to be a fait' description of the actualities of the present situation m China.
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  • 80 11 T I ERASER'S REPORT. Singapore. M.»r. 5. Rubber— Is. :> -<^d. Tin.— sloB. L 75 long sold, MiiiinK. Hi tarn Tina $1.35 $1.40 Pialu |1.75 $1.80, Taiping Tins $i $U6, North Taipings $1.22*4 01.-T 1 Nawifl Peta $1.17'_ si.:.. Renonga 27*. 6d 28i. i)d.. Tout:' Kah Harbours
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  • 124 11 LYALL AND EV ATT'S REPORT. Singapore, Mar. r,. Tin.— £2lo. $106 I2G tons sold. Rabbers.— Quiet Basseti an ci for ai $1.20 cum div., with seller* for 5 ets over. Bukit Jelotongs are available ai 7u, Mentakabs 29 31, Indn $5.40 $6.00, Jimahs $1.46, si.r,r,, r Italaccaa $1.60 $166. Mlaes.-lConierios
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  • 135 11 Singapore, Mar. Kuljlht. -London 1». o5 B Local G0* 4 Tin. London March Bltt, i.210. Leva 1108, 17;") tons sold. Rubbers.— United Malaccas $1.r,7i $Lr>2u. Allenbys 11.17% %\H% t Connemaras !)7', $1.02.., Changkat Serdan^i $B^o M.lO. Tins. Bfeniclembos 48 50, Hitassj %\J& %\M t Ulu Piahs 11.72H $1.77%,
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  • 39 11 Singapore, March sth, 12 noon. S ifrapor;- Standard Ribbed Smoked Sbeel Spot 60^ 61; April t»l> 4 »;|i April-Jun.e SS 62%; .Tuly-Sopr. »I1 .jp. dot-Dec. G5 63V1 London quotation sheet i>. d. \i;uk.-i Qui<"t
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  • 25 11 o A second final dividend <>t" sixteei per cent, has been declared pajnjljta to creditors of Bond's Limited (m volrntar\ i liquidat io n. > -gi
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  • 65 11 During 1922 more than 400 new, rakdi were constructed completely reinforce*.' concrete or with reinforced concrete foun-' dations, among the authorities undertaking such work being the Gloucester Hampshire, Lancashire Middlesex, Staffordshire, Woi coster, and Yorkshire (North Rkling) county councils, and many county boroughs The- Walker-Westcta Company hare alt>,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 over $5,000 000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE tmimUHm™ n opptpv m (Incorporated m Straits Settlements) ™v2^™mtstift& th^r/eme Co t f F W 00 32 W JeW^' E C .iwa wtn the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life mi: PLANS OF ASSURANCE Ass Jr ance Companies
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    • 506 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China. Incorporated m England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital m 600,000 shares If each £3,000,000 Reserve lund 3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 3S Bishopsg-ate, London, E. C. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Penan* Amrttaar Iloilo Puket Bangkok fpoo Rangoon
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    • 938 11 YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1880. C^ I 2K5 i 100.000,000 Reserve Fund Y 65,000,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. We-rresident: R. Ichinomiya, Esq. DIRECTORS. N. Som» Esq. x. Kajiwam. Esq. M. Odmgbri, Esq Baron K. MerinSra. Baron K. Iwasaki. 11. Mori Esq K. Tfctwani, Esq. K. IVlogamt, Esq. P. Watanabe,
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    • 119 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated ia England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Ltd. Messrs.* HARRISONS, BARKER Co., Ltd. Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. THE LONDON LANCASHIRE INSURANCE
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  • 1601 12 LOTS Or THRILLS EVERY DAY. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Feb. J>. The newspapers provide us with plenty Of thrills every day. We have had the bieahrtimil at Lausanne. Like Marguerite we were told the Ti.rks were tearing off the iiplomatic petals "He loves me he lovei
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  • 447 12 CtarenuMal Activities. The Government h::s now definitely.embarked on the development of Penang Hills, and arrangements for extensive works Kb that connection are practically completed. The projected schemes arc provided for m tlv estimates for the current year. Work on the new motor road, between Post (Mice and
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    • 118 12 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Newcomers* Handicap. A. Stevens, owe 15.3 beat G. Goldsack, tcr., 6—3, 6—2. A. W. Blackford, scr. beat H. E. Trenerry, plus 3, w.o. C. 11. Kent, scr. boat A. Poole, owe 1, G— o—4.0 4. T. L. Palmer, owe 15 beat B. J. Flint, icr.,
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    • 115 12 Newcomers Handicap. R. Giggins, owe 3, vs. B. Barlow, plus 3. H. S. Holmes, icr. rs, J. T. T. Webster, owe 15.2. W. If. McCrae, owe 1. vs. J. J. McMichael, scr. W. B. Cuthbert, plus 3. vs. J. F. Bristed, owe 30. L\ P. Mclver, plus 3,
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    • 78 12 Championship Singles. Preliminary. Roy Smith vs. F. Thorousrood. O. R. S. vs. C. E. Winter. P. Ruchwaldy v.-. A. Chander. Roberts vs. R, A m: (i. F. Strinirfellow vs. O. Fi Her. K. B. Laybourne vs. R. D. Hoblyn. JI. Leakey rs. R. H. Gala, R. 11.
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    • 226 12 An interesting; cricket match was played •it Blakan Ifati v: Saturday, when the R. A. wiii" .;t home to the Y. M. c. Going m first, the latter compiled 112. U:>;i!ius. the top icorer »>f the day, eafiy!.ik r out his hat for ">7. Tin- R. G. A. scored
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  • 80 12 Cheerfulness keeps breaking -m upon Dean Inge m the most disconcerting ways it is pomcthing of a Knock to read m his ''Evening Standard" article this variation of a popular hymn (he is writing of Alpine enthusiasts): They climbed the ateep ascent of heaver In perl, toil, and pain; But
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  • 432 12 the commencement of the cunent month the annual training of the volunteer forces will be once more m full swing. Training is divided into three per ods, each of three months, while the fourth period is more or less a dead season. During the current year the
    432 words
  • 109 12 Drills for Wvek FndinK March 10th. Tuesday, 6th. :>.lO p.m. Drill Hall, "A" Company, Lewis Gun Instruction, .Musketry. p.m. "C" Company, Musketry. Wednesday, 7th. T>.lO p.m. prill Hall, 'A" Company, All X. C. O's under S. M. 5 p.m., Company. Lewis Guti In.-true-I tion. Tursday, Btk &.10
    109 words
  • 109 12 L«»nd« n. Feb. 2.">. j The following, were the third round results. Huddersfield 1 Bo J ton Liverpool 1 Sheffield l*n 2 Cardiff City 2 Tottenham II 'A Chnrlton 1 W 'Brcmwich 0 .Derby 1 Sheffield We<l 0 Queen's P *R 3 South Shields
    109 words
  • 119 12 As compared with the ordinary audience, v jury is under the disadvantage that it cannot get away; and as a member of the public one may be gratefi to Mr. Justice Coleridge for his delicate reproof of pontifical irrelevancy on the bench. Addressing the grand jury at Norwich Assizes, he
    119 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 211 12 {:»h'»»:t?mmnnu^m»nmu«:iummnnmn:gnniunugmn^?::n;nn::; QUALITY ALWAYS COUNTS. AND IN j "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" GRAMOPHONES AND RECORDS YOU ARE SURE OF THE BEST, I I t CALL OR WRITE Oil LATEST LISTS. I j S. Moutrie Co., Ltd I (Incorporated m Hongkong.) I SINGAPORE. »nnn»in»»n»i»n»:immwmttnntunttcnt:n:?;nn»n:ri::iimm:}^ --:u;r:V BRUNOLINUM WOOD PRESERVER TUBER IS SUBJECT TO Dry
      211 words