The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 September 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. N CENTS SINGAPORE, 55., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1921. NO. 10,392.
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  • 220 1 American tinplate prleefl ha\« i gomup Page 7. These has bean a serious* Channel collision v. ith loss of life Page 7. An interesting resume of the quarter's racing of the Yacht Club will he found on page 12. There has been another disastrous explosion m Germany
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  • 918 1 It was annoying to say the least <<f it. th.steady rain. We were out not only for ;m enjoyable ramble but also m the interests of science, thl i>ein«r folly lift 1 fled by the fact that almost every member of the little party was armed
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 139 1 Vlalthoid it 1 .~R*I-J-lES HOTtl BAL!, ROOM fay, 3Oth September 1921. (AJDANCEj Has been arranged after the CONCERT at the VICTORIA THEATRE on the above night m aid of the Funds of the UNION JACK CLUB Dancing till LBO a.m. Suppers will be served. Ticket* 18.00, including Dance and Supper,
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    • 243 1 j M />/£ WORLD'S M >S^ 1 fVPULAR HtGH-CLA&S IN PATENT TJN 0F 50 I vacuum fW^ /im/i 6 TINS OF 50 A^V C*f^t-# #I,Ze> So c Manufacturers, &RD&IH 108 M Co., Ltd, LONDON, ENGLAND. I I Calculating Slide Rules A LOGARITHM SCALE OF NUMBERS Which is equivalent to
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    • 130 1 i LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS \\\v films at the Empire iV.s evening Pajrt 2. j Williams pink pills for the "run-down" fi elmg Page 3. it You will improve your ■hootms if yon I conftoit H. Lazarus Pajje 1. Bankruptcy notices are A. A. Day and :ir;u Tan Chan Leon*;— Page .">.
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    • 1 1 GHGFH
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 120 1 THE VVKES Monday, 20th. Hiffc Water. KJ a.m., 4.22 p.m. I. A O. Homew:ird mail cIOSOJ. M. M. outward mail due. Tuesday, 27th. High Water, 7.9 a.m., aj P m Bent Hoard, 2.15 pan. U'-hn .-(lay, 28th. Hiprh Water, H.IG a.m.. 7.38 p.m. Polo: Bakstier. Sale of Work, Tomlin?on Hall.
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  • 141 2 \> > 1 y improver) ©PI i i COQI ru U marl ttnd then ttiAmerican position. Eh< firmed up slightly m t. ining of th< k, but the small adva is been i than lost, the c Tin. America made a* s the week-end, b n this
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  • 127 2 l• following if the report by the directors to the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held at the registered office, 14 St. Helens' Court, on the 10th of September, at 12 o'clock noon. j After making provision for depreciation on Buildings, and writing off $1,000
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  • 100 2 The following notes on ini'.itary events Ay the week ended Aujr 24 is issued to the J*ross. Germany. The situation! m Upper Silesia s reported generally quiet m all areas up be Aagvst 21st. On August 18th, 2 machine guns were handled over to us at Botzapowitz, which
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  • 60 2 NON-EUROPEAN UNEMPLOYMENT FUND. The lion. See. of this Fund writes A Committee has been formed to ra *4 money m aid of the above Fund. I am directed by my Committee clearly to staleLhat they can only deal with the nonKuropean unemployed m Singapore and •at all applications for relief
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 f TO LBT. i Luge i owns facir>T rivei j o nea: Bhipping, Si >r r 50,000 si: it. > t „i Conn offices Ltuated a i Bui ga- v a. J. AB Jl 1 •f 5( Koi -rd, W uri og Bldg. r GILLETTE RAZOR BLADE^ NEW STO S
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    • 347 2 y^HHffll AN ARDOW ff TM tL L /JB^BIr/ATTDACTIOri /I g JifiW i;V'V.A-<)RniXARY lAr*^C i; IIA:;(:: ili:Ow;iA:ilMK ii/Lv/IC i-t SiiOW AT 7JJO SHARP MilXll H.M vorey HETTY KLYTHK /'^^^J^^L %V^r *m* THE VITAGRAPH FEATURE xVim/ilKt THE GREEN GOO •^^^WtKT C*/ lU. PPOSEIi MURDER EVENTUALLY PROVL <*s^v v'/pyrcnisi /T-DIAt ri) v A
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    • 285 2 it ni From SATtraDAY,£Sei>l i FOUR PRETTY GIIJj.S ANI I.* I'! I' r.\^ f an \.:t v m A LJniv< real S] F X V (> TO- PHI \v; J A \l LI N U L 0 The ifFia i J A N C Ift lS I B V A
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  • 637 3 FRASKR CO., EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. SATURDAY, SKIT. 21. 1921. MINING. L^iKures m bracket* shows the capital ana jssi*e value of the Share m dollar un.chs otherwise markea C Cum div x equals ex div.] AvfT Wen? l> J Hitaaa v<. <•• o. < i i .-,<
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 255 3 Tol lv< KuJlered for 6 vtan from n«H ao n RHewnartM must indeed feltbytlw r name for i i Prvadcd wi\u com^in. h ii all Hi i» iU« m <ca d Mr. J. T. DOYLE, A FAVOURITE COMEDIAN FIVE YEARS PROOF OF CURE. Mr I■. R tea tim Mill
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    • 222 3 FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE. A Helpful Suggestion. The expression "run-down" comes from the feible action of an unwound clock, and the comparison is a good one. Applied to health it means a condition m which all the bodily fum tions are enfeebled. Appetite fails, the itffestion is impaired, the nerves are
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    • 262 3 I Harley Street I I knows all that there is to be known about 1 food values and stimulant values.' There I is the centre (probably the world centre) S of cultured scientific study of how to keep I An agent for Haig <5c Haig who trades 1 extensively m
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    • 173 3 THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. (Incorporated m the United Kingdom by special Act of Parliament) LIFE ASSURANCE MONTHLY PREMIUMS. Many persons are deterred from effecting a life policy on account of the inconvenience attending the payment of a considerable sum once or twice a year by way of premiums. Tc
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  • 568 4 The prices quoted are generally tk»se current at Clyde Terrace Market. At tke ether market* there nay be small rariatiens. Singapore, Sept. ii». Beans. LjMg per catty 15 Do. French do \V2 Beef b per lb. 32 Beef Steak do 35 Bean Sprouts per catty 06 Bamboo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 491 4 THE BRAND OF CONFIDENCE x <svgapo^ x IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VERT VALUABLE TOWN BUSINESS PREMISES r At Messrs. CHEONG KOON SENG cV Co'i Saleroom, No. SO Kline Street. ON WEDNESDAY, "»th OCTOBER IMI, at 2.;i0 p.m. 1. Very valuable land ami that vi ry desirable S Storey brick ami
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    • 379 4 IT ONLY NE^EDS A LITTLE SPACE < To DESCRIBE THE VIRTUES OF DODGE CARS, AS AT $3,150 THEY ARE THE BEST VALUE ON TO-DAY'S MARKET. CENTRAL MOTORS LTD.j TOOTH-ACHE A BURDEN $V*bv should you bear that which can »c relieved almost immediately if you inly take the trouble of consulting
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    • 798 4 PULAU BULANG. RUBBER ANQ /RODUGE CO., LTD I PRELIkIkAHY NOTICE I By Order of the Trustees for Debentare holders. 1 Ike Understffned^avtereceiyed instructions to sell by Public Auction (If Bnt 5, ■old by private Treaty) at their Sale-room. RAFFLES CHAMBERS, RAFJiLES PIAS X W On a date to be notified
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  • 381 5 j W« v .<• f)c"(»w the recent ioluHs wf the 11 world i<- «< mpet**t>i4n opened ■•me months au» by the Chinese Government for the purpose of s-hvtinu the Host snslsm t!or the reconstruction «>f s Railway Briofea >.\ i t htt Yei'ow River. j Nineteen firms
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 558 5 3 a few -.shipuM" !r* v, (av saaa^k^X;; raw SMdnate Wrir^-c, •»X '-nhde,, > "y* r A "to PUas eh«ap fo ye f,,H particulars to bo^ ngapors Free V: i7l 27-i» WANTED TO R*;v. i -nd-hand hin«^ or |v«|m HOUSEHOLD FUENITUEB deicriftion (bi tf O r smsil toU) I
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    • 597 5 AUCTION SALES REMINDER. to-day, moiJ|at, at m Our *1,.- r «o m i {aHJes rhambers •Kaflh-s I Mace, IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE UtG^Llt 1 huchold Umd with he brfek-bom and proofed SlSphoSS from 1 OS*: 1() n An ullia i»i lots'! ft f I'o1 0: G ft (*D be .old BMBBALD
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    • 729 5 NOTICES. NOTICE CONSULATE GENERAL FOB BtLtilUM. The public are informed that tho offices of the Consulate General for Belgium have bee transferred from this date to 2 D Finlaysoi. Orosa care ©f Moasagsrloi Maritimes Coy. S [ERE. \fg. Consul ■:< i Bi lg Slll4 .jn»rc, l.vh September, ;:<_'}. 17-9 2e
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    • 1038 5 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPOUTING CLUB. THE AUTUMN l; \< i-; MKBTING. '< •S. J: A. li«lr.-i of Racivg) :>.!> > TUESDAY, THURSDAY a," HDAY THE iSth, tltk AND 2-Jth OCTOBER, 1921. i'K i yayi .1. J 1 ST DAY. TUESDAY, l 1 -h OCTOBER, 1921. 1 Z 7. THE OWEN STAKES
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    • 730 5 run m Race No Entrance Fee, $4i Distance, all class*'.-. Scurrj Cow J. THE BSLANGOR STAKES tM p.m. 9 Value $sOO with |200 ■> the second p^ny am -JOO to the third pony; handicap for al s 14.2 >md nad hai liave run at tin mooting. Entrance Fee, fss. Distance,
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  • 53 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATHS. KEUN.— On 22nd Sept. 1921. Ernest Reginald Keun, Late Assistant Medical Officer. F.M.S. The funeral of the late Mrs. Lim Kirn Seah will take place at 10 o'clock on the morning of Friday, September 30th at 72 Waterloo Street, whence the remains will be removed to the
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  • 1158 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. MONDAY, SEPT, 26, 1921. Comments of the Week. Progress has certainly to be reccrded m regard to Ireland since the danger of an absolute rupture appears, momentarily, to have dissolved. Nothing has been heard of late from either side but De Yalera's last communication, although still of
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  • 155 6 JUDGMENT BYjMK. lUBTICI B VKKKTTf.KW \\i\k m Judgment was delivered by Mr. Justice Barrett- Lennard m the Supreme d^ourt on Saturday morning, m th** case of P. Clt< hay vs. J. Conrad, which excited nvurli interest during: its hearing recently. The plaintiff claimed the sum.of |25,000 Coy breach
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  • 58 6 Malay MqUTeleprani.). Co^bu. SepU 22nd. A Timci of Ceylon cable states that the Plrincc of Wales is due to arrive m Ceylon on March 17th. It is reported locally that hi^vvill remain m the Island four days and th" the Legislative Council will be asked to-dftf to
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  • 640 6 There WU rumour about town yesterday says the Straits Echo that when the Prince of Wales comes on his tour to the Far East next Spring he will not visit Penang, the reason possibi>4being that the Renown, m which he will™ travel, draws too much
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  • 171 6 COUNCIL t l..#hi Editor. a Dear Sir.- r tJ^* j. valuable paper few 1 forthcoming appointment of a 1 her of tbe Ugfelatfa I this is a matter of mv wore times whin tin <; m Aie ChiiM m on short-iominps of the candid no# at
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  • 188 6 The rap rt on the lion fftde'l work for LttO, i that (ten wan 79 catta k» 1 of 28, but only 44 \\w< fenny T 9 loss or. MMMtd property 1 limits was estimated v of nearly half a million OVW the p ftir. Th,.
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  • 40 6 The R. W. D. G. Master of th Archipelago, R. Wor. Bro W. r 0.8. E., visited Lodge St. George or night and appointed and invested W. A. W. Still as Deputy District Qnad vice the hon'ble Oliver Marks.
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  • 232 6 The undermentioned pupils 0 'School have fcgen successful at tfcfl Theory Examination hcrfd by the College of Music:-** Junior Division Misses E. (honours). J. Ess (Hlnours). G Win (Honours), D. Duckworth, M. Wa Low, L. Ryan. J? Baun^aiV. Baumg'arten. Preparatory Division MtaMl and N. Hitcham. The bodj of "W-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 174 6 MACGREGOR'S PARUAMENT cf^*/ BLEND Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Ltd. S (Incorporated m Shanghai). I CONVENIENCE THERMOS FLASK. j V Liquids may be kept hot or cold for long periods of time, and T it is just the thing for any trip A Thermos Flask will prove 9 a valuable investment. f
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    • 122 6 What about your BAGGAGE j YOU insure your valuables and effects at home do you protect them i m your baggage when travelling? I Property to the value of many thou- i i 1 Mods of pounds is lost, damaged m 1 various ways, or stolen every yesr m transit
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  • 431 7 f cUUHrfILL AND LNKMPI ov MKN| [Reuter's Service] Lonodon, Sept 2"{ l«Wll addressed bit constituents Hall. Dundee. A pro -,ss:, > thc hil »>ut were driven bad by ch«r*e; Mr. Churchill said that tenunent wu prafaandlv •dis*p IK> Valera'i reJEtion of hdbe^lp. Aik^iane,. to the be insisted C n.
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  • 240 7 9 London, Sept. 23. s*icond lady member of Parliament m >lected to-day as a result of the bym n at Louth, Mrs. Wintringham (widow W B late member £)r Louth) standing ac M '^ependent LiberaJ, being returned, 1 ling votes. Sir A. Hutching* I "onsen ative)
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  • 145 7 T^ WT BOLIVIA POSSIBLY. [Router's Service.] ii Geneva, Scot 21 ssS£sS?Hass: that the League is not competent to r.v.sehor treaty with Chile MANUFACTUn OF ARMS. At M Geneva, Sept. 24. A the riWflJ of the OMWOI Tte. Of fee Lc-a^ue. Ixjrcl Robert Cecil suggested nu.t.n, (> f an
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  • 556 7 UQUOR AND WHITE SLAVERY. Geneva, Sept. 23. It. Bourgeois has assured the Assembly that the Council would pursue fts effort! Uy hasten negotiations between the power* the United States with regard to the terms of the mandates. He pointed out that the mandated territories are already beta* administered
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  • 459 7 AND U. S. MATTERS. SELECTING REPRESENTATIVES. [Reuter's Service]. Paris, Sept 24. The newspapers state that H, is deftrriteh settled that M. M. Briand, Sarraut and Jus' serand represent France at the Washingtor conference. The choice of the fourth repreeentative lies betwewn Viviani ami Lou Cftmir. The latter will
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  • 284 7 Onc^ there was a regular garrison m Pemanpr, then a British regiment, after that a company of the Malay States Guides, and finally a Volunteer Corps with a European company several hundred strong. At present all that stands between th^ Settlement amd any possible trouble that may arise
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  • 337 7 CHANNEL COLLISION. OSTENI) MAIL SINKS NORWEGIAN. [Reuter's Serrice.] London, Sept. 24. The Ostend mail steamer Jan Breydel, while proceeding- to Dover, collided with the Norwegian vessel Salina m a fog near the Goodwins. The Salina sank m four minutes with ten drowned, two fatally injured and a
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  • 390 7 OPPAU RELIEF WORK. Paris, Sept 23. The Inter-allied control commission is caving to-day for Berlin to supervise the measures respecting the payment of the »ext instalments, notably that on Nov. 15th, ibout 300 millions gold marks. Paris, Sept 23. The Persian Crown Prince, Hassan tfirza, has arrived at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 80 7 FOR THE FORTHCOMING m RACE MEETING Mmi DAINTY FVEW W EVENING GOWNS EXCLUSIVE STYLES Robinson Co., Ltd. o'/Vu^rUfiti INestle's Malted Milk. Free Sample Bottle on Application. Nestle Anglo-Swiss-Condensed Milk Co. (LONDON.) BITUMEN~SOLUTION MANUFACTVRED BY THE WELL-KSOWN HALLS DISTEMPER. The Absolute Rust j^^^^^H Preventative for H|^^^H a^ Classes of Iron HHj^H
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 624 8 K. P. M KONINKI^YKE PAKETVAART MAAT3CHAPPFJ (Incorporated m Holland). ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION Co., OP BA7ATIA r«. »>L«n« 131 Passage Dept. 1202 Freight Dej.*. 1002 Manager Desk 3 437 Marine Su?t. ?i«»ihipnaent O#pt. S COLLYER QUAY. J I XDER CONTRACT WfT^ THE NETHERLANDS INDT^ GOVERNMENT. VAN HOORN (Saturday, Sept. 24) ISourabaya,
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    • 657 8 P. O. k JTZ I APCAR L\ \1 ItlncorporAed :n Englark JF xMAIL AND ?ASS£XGERtK fm T PENINSULAR fANIJ ORIENTAV_ 1 (Under Contract with His iitjesty'g Government). Ths Comr«ny f 8 MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present > LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. I ROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES LOND DUE
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 462 9 LTHE SIAM^ STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LTD (INCORPORATED IN SI/||). «Hf t p SINGAPORE 1 B^ngklk For X COASTING SERfICE I For Kretay, Trenjrganu Knlnnf o n Kohsa mui Langsua,,, Chumpol -<i %S? T^"' Singera, I.aVALAYA Arrrval Departure YUGALA t 6 Sept. 28 PBACHATIPQK t Oct 5 v AY an TCellcnt
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    • 339 9 O. S. K. Thi, Osaka Skosen Kaisha Ltd. (Incorpcj^ed m Japan). No. 2, De Sonza Street. Proved Sailings from Singapore. (Snbjeft to change without notice) EUROPEAN LINE. Pt. Port Said, Mar»eilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburr. DUE SINGAPORE. ss. Altai Maru Oct. A Oct. 16 Amazon Maru Nov. 2 Nov.
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    • 584 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. AND EUerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. (AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated m England.) JOINT FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE TO NFW YORK via SUEZ OR PANAMA, FROM NEW YORK. Steamer Due Spore Route Far TELEMACHUS Sept. 30 S U€Z Manila
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    • 527 9 rA«BBNGIK AND FREIGHT SERYICBS OPEKATID IT PACIFIC iVIAIL STEAMSHIP CO. j lncorporated m U. S. A.) I ros \i. ;:cou:;v of the v. s. shipping boar^ SAN FRANCISCO— MANILA— EAST INDIA. I SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORH. j; CREOLE STATE Passengers and Freight O«1 11 TTOLVKRINI ITATI PSMtangvn and Freight No?, li
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  • 1694 10 AN AMEKK'AVS OBSERVATIONS. One of the best proofs that an AngloAmerican amicable eo-opoation m world affairs is practicable is the fact that when the representative American OODMt into eloic touch with British public work he usually praises it. Not only the American sailor working with
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 140 10 T"? T IZ7 'T A "D Tf^ 1 1— vvJ JLJL X ffl 111 S FITTINGS f^\ V BUNGALOWS V U J M V mw \ml i MM II UNITED ENGINEERS LTD. j (Incorporated m Straits Settlement*. I < ~*^Tl^ r.^T"* 1 1 i=ww«wawww«» iiHiiiiHmiHii E?TD. 1872< KOR THP COAII\C
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    • 153 10 TOILEY rjfQUISITES. 1 f *^"^\\W^ 1 I C1 r^ I AD^^iON GUFIiIAN C 3., LTd. I (Incorporated m England). J I SOLE DISTRIBUTORS F-. F. V. M. S. j «<«■■— ■—gftfrjA OfcrtrTOCTMH v m.IWH waBBBBBHMBMBBBMMBMWjj^jjJ IM'JMMM' r.BM'.JlM'.rJM'.a IM'J'JMMMMMM ,|mm FOR j PURITY AND POWER i| tIQ f OR IS I
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  • 36 11 SEPTEMBER 21 Bank 1 m.s. •> Bank demand Pi-ivatc <!■■■■! New York, tun r; i Credi Frunco, dcni:tnd Iridi;-.. T. T. Hongkong*, demi Y( kohi Jay.i.! d t. B S Italy, tin to t. 17; hi
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  • 109 11 set; B: ;> l" Tm 50 ;,o Gambi< i I *o. l 00 9.40 Pepper (white f 00 TapU p f.jf. 5..: Pearl ill Copra Sun dried 13.25 Copra Mix 12.30 Opium, Benai art Rani Siam No. 1 fur export 370 Rice, Siam ?.'o. 2 ort 355 Rice, Saigon
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  • 40 11 11.30 a.m. Saturday. Sept. 24. 1921. P«%!e Crepe. Ribbed Smoked Sk. Closing Prices. Closing Pric~*. Buyer* Bellen. Bayen Bellen. Oct. to Dec. 35 85 tt Jan. to March P. 7 37 Tone of Market: Firm.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 398 11 II6U c r «P| i 000,000 "s <^* Asauranc^ m lorn ev«f $17,000,000. Tp GBEAI EISURN LIFE ASSURANCE TOMPANY, LIMITED; rpontedinStrmitfSettlemtnts). HdM%, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 82 Old Jewry, E.C I Court of Eng!*Ed, and oo i *nth the British Lfit Amutuicc Coi i —f^L*_ AGENTS WANTBi B^T PAGING DIRECTOR ACTUARY
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    • 512 11 CHARTERED DANK I Of India. Aostralii and China, BeorptMted IS England by Royal Cka*t« *lvi up Capital is eoC.L'OO shares wt 5 each tf M Eeserre Fc f CJG.CJv fceferve Liabi Itj f'r< i i'tuti fc\»oo. B£An| OFFICE. 38 Eh v I A London, E.C. 2. 1 •A*' /im J
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    • 443 11 HO SOP IiMITED. rHT 01 WCI fci Masks! Stsatt ■tcfes: Mai*-:.- Ji zker Sti Mum— v Snteinuu Batu I Jalan Rahamat [£8 AT: udon, Nf Fra&ciico, Shanf >*•:. Hor::-. ■atavia. Souraba Se.rarsnff, P«i- md Tr&nfc'. \L. AUTHOE $20,000 V £■<;.. Ng j3t B 1 Em.; Li: E« lag Di; Bctor]
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    • 410 11 Sr ?TD. Capital Subscribed Y. 100,000,000 (fully p:iid up Reserve Fund y. 57,000.000 r- lideut N. EaJU 1 frPrwideat S. Si OiEECTOJRS. N. £czc&, El I Matrakaia, T -.a, Esq M Ifitial, H. Odafirl Esq., P.— on X. roa X. T ..Laki K. Tchir ,Ii I "at?-vi.i E [odißUk, Esq.,
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    • 217 11 "rm \mm Lancashire insurance co. 11L (In€orp<rtt^ U 'J:«at Br't.fcia> rOTAI ASSET 3 •ic«»d «5.' H i:i i««or%nc«ik «ff«eUtl, far icegf AXart ptriou», on th» BUlLL>i?<o* TENTS «d RENT /iIVA'IK DWELLING BOUSK-i:, QOOOWXI Cfll BUSINESS Fr«^la««. UO-7OX GAR— PoliciM iin«d •♦T«ri*# PRIVATE CARS, MOTOk CTQIrI COMMERCIAL TEHICUCV f^iast Accid«atal Dan-.cgs.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 143 11 VESSELS AT WHARF TANJONG PACAR East Wharf No. I.— Nil. East Wharf No. 2. -Tand:i. Tara. Sheen Wharf No. 3.— P. Hordyk. Main Wharf No. i. Melchior Treub Main Wharf No. 5. -Honolulu Maru. Main Wharf No. 6— Nil. Empire Dock No 7. -Ipoh. Medusa Peking! Maru. RTeat Wharf No.
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    • 357 11 HAIL TABLE JO-DA V li>' and local I ill r\t .n r I „v lajay S I >y a I i Mod 11.-m.,t Cucob n m Kerimon i am# Hongkong, .ia- > I'oiombo and Uou.. Ban Te i p m$ v > Hock G i p.m. Mala< p, tana 1
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    • 281 12 THE BARNBS ri PS. Despite the unfavourable weather on Saturday there was quite a large attendancr at the Palest ie I' ground for the Barnes Cup matches, I.ady Guillemard being among-t those watering the play m much interest. Tho ran n>a<.'« the gr und verj heavy and! it was
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    • 112 12 Tho following were the results f play im the third and semi-final rounds. Gihsi n beiit Gallic, on c up. Mcßao beat Hendrcy. one up. Rut ley *>ent Gilbertson, one up. Tonjru v beat Finlay^'n at 10th. Semi-final Round. Q beon beat Ifeßae, I and 2. Rut'ey
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    • 174 12 'Member^ and others are "eminded entries for t^-e Y. M. C. A. Swimmiag Carnival, which is to take place on October Bth, will cloa« OB Thursday of thi>- week. The events Include. 120 yards Open Championship of Singapore. Open Diving C<>mpetitibr; Open Team Race; Open Plunging
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    • 59 12 One of Friday's matches was postponed to Monday, and C. F. de Yong pave D. J. Dawson a walk over m the other. To-day's Ties. P. A. Beins vs. J. E. Gardner. F. Ruehwaldy vs. D. W. Scott. Tuesday's Tie?. A. B. Schudel vs. H.
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    • 36 12 New York. Sept. 24. Johnny I>uff, who is really a flyweight, Has beer, awarded the world's bantamweight title, over Pete Herman after fifteen rounds. Buff wrisrhed 8 st. 1% lb., Herman 8 ?t. 5% lb.
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    • 17 12 Owing to the heavy Tain on Saturday afternoon, the Inter-Club Sports had to be postponed.
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    • 57 12 DONC ASTER CUP RESULT. London, Sept. 9. The Doncaster Cup was run to-day an< resulted as follows: Flamboyant j Abbots Trace 2 Milenko Betting: 6 to 1 against Flamboyant, to 1 against Abbots Trace, 20 to 1 agains Milenko. Six ran. The winner won by one an. half lengths; the
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  • 894 12 THE QUARTER'S RACING. Yesterday saw Che last nee for the i tesent quarter and the event was for Mrs. I London's up, t"* conditlona of wfakh are d ai. v. :l-kiH»wn. A more disappointing n rooming i <>vi«; have l-en h?ir«) to find as E just be!
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  • 465 12 SINGAPORE heal MALACCA. The heavy rain which prevented the j nter-Clob Sports being held on Satur!ay. also to a larg« extent marred the A ;ame, Singapore and Malacca, m the I.M.S Malaya Cu]) competition. The t •!-ou:!«l was m a soddenod condition, pools j f
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  • 143 12 SATURDAYS FINAL. i Under the au?pices of the Non- European Unemployment Fund Committee and m aid of the fund, the final m the Malaya Football Association Cup competition was played on the Raffles Reclamation ground, on Sati rda) admission being by ticket. The competing teams were
    143 words
  • 189 12 London, Amg. 27th. First Division. The Ar-enal 1, Sheffield United 2. BirmmghMl 2. Eurnley 3. Blackburn 1, Chelsea I. Boitcn 2, Prestcn 2. Cardiff 0, Tottenham 1. Evertan 5, Manchester United 0. Huidenficld 1, Newcastle 2. Manchester City 2. Aston Villa 1. Oldfcam 0, Bradford City 0.
    189 words
  • 215 12 I The Chine c Swimming Cub held its welfth annual general meeting at the Club fionse at Tanjong Katoag, on Sunday last. The Vice-President, Mr. >Scow Poh Leng m m the chair, and there was a large ittMKIMICC of members. The following axe officer* elected for the
    215 words
  • 350 12 A vVry interesting polo match was witnessed m Hongkong on Sept. 13th, between teams representing the WoodForbes Mission, then m Honjrkonpr, and the Honjrkontf Polo Club. Hongkong: won the match by five clear goals, although the American team put up a very hard fijrht. The event was notable m
    350 words
  • 50 12 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Friday, 30th. Monday 26th, 5.15 p.m. Drill Hal! Chinese Compary Recruits. Tuesday 27th, 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Bras Basah Road, Malay Company. Wednesday 28th, 5.15 p.m.— .Drill Hall, Chinese Company'.ts (Musketry). Friday 30th, 5.15 p.m.— Drill Hall, S.F.A. Company.
    50 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 219 12 The Won|erful a Crcokes Sia^,* USSR 1 llui > n no fnatel contril. th« tl .m Urn rtcvni d by Sir Crooket, of X-Ray f. jr ; '.*<> p«r <• •.< «,i thj<. ri (1 absorbi tin dan] gp i'"- i-.iolct --md infra--- Thai |a i a* us< riiion
      219 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 212 12 1 PASSENGERS LEAVING. The following is a list of passengers leaving here by the s.s. Marella for Australia sailing about the 30th inst. Mrs. D. Jones, Mr. Wakey, Mr. Idams, Mr and Miss Beatty, Mrs. Quentin, Mrs. F H. Park, Mrs. Wall, Mr. W. T. Jack, Mr. C. P. Greenfield,
      212 words