The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 July 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 Singapore Free Press AND M ERC ANTILE ADVERTISER. MS SINGAPORE, S.S., TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1921. No. *****.
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  • 202 1 Spain is in for a troublesome guerilla war. The Minister for War says the opposing Moroccans have a well equipped army. General Sylvestre has been killed and there is feverish excitement at Madrid to redeem the situation Page 7. The Greeks again officially clain a great victory
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  • 1112 1 [By Sir Ernest Birch.] PART 11. V On the Way to Marseilles.. On our way to Marseilles Captain Bttlleß] held a parade of the ship's Company and rehearsal for a march past. They came \i]> in sections, according to their dilFerent I ppartmenta, headed by the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 242 1 Malthoid RAFFLES HOTEL. j HOBDAY. Tea Dansant, 5 to 7 p.m. (Admission free). DAY. Special Musical Progrmnillic after Dinner. THURSDAY Guest Night and Dancing. (Kvening Dress essential for Dancing). jwinvY. Special Lunch Orchestra. \l l MV\\ Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Dress essential for Dancing). |>l \D\V.- Cinema after Dinner.
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    • 372 1 KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED. I (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG). NEW TECHNICAL BOOKS ractical Geometry for Boilden i.i.d Moles worth's Pockel Book of Engineering Architects, by .J. B. I'aynter. *10.50 Formalae, :'St)i t-dn. and Hurst's ractical Motor Body Building, I>> W Architectural Surveyor"* Handbook 2 Terry ?10.50 Vols in L. limp leather
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    • 163 1 LATEST AbViSttnSEMENTS Trade mark notice Page .">. European nurse wanted Page Powell's auction summary Page S. Pinkettes for constipation Page 5. Auction of confiscated goods Page .">. Distress auction on Thursday Page .*>. Burberry raincoats at Robinson's Page 7. Dexma, a new remedy for eczema Page "Pudlo" makes cement waterproof
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    • 1 1 ®feX
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 119 1 THE \VE£K. Tuesday, '2*'dh. Hijzh Water, 1.31 a.m., 2.S p.m. Stands! Tekong, Chan Sas Onn's, noon. Rent Board, 2.15 p.m. Football League: Div. Il S.R.C vs. S.C.C, S.R.C. The Geisha, Victoria Theatre. ]Ycdncfday, 27 th. High Water, 2.12 a.m., 4.43 p.m. Homeward mail closes. Tanglin Club at Home, 5.16 p.m.
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  • 447 2 Some fifteen years ago Admiral Sir A. K. "Wilson commanded the Channel Fleet and took them on a Baltic cruise. At Copenhagen they met the German Fleet, and very tine, smart-looking ships and ships com- panies they were. In due course the day arrived for
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  • 139 2 Mrs. Besant Sues "Daily Graphic." July 12. An action by Mrs. Besant against the Daily Graphic fer a thousand pounds sterling damage for alleged slander opened at Edinburgh to-day. Mrs. Besant alleged that the article published by defendants in December 1917 falsely represented her as an advocate of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 TO LET. i f Large Godowns facing river t I also near shipping, Stores f frcm 6,000 to 30,000 sq. ft. l^arge and Commodious offices i centrally situated also Bunga- t m lews. u Apply to A. J. ABRAKAM. 1 56 Robi nson-rd. Marsilling Bldg. WEILL MONTOR E. HIGH STREET
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    • 482 2 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. (TAN CHENG HE 4 Co., Ltd., Proprietors) TO-NIGHT Complete Changi Programme. For Particulars, see Announcement in t^ie Evening Papers. PALLADIU From MONDAY. July 2h. to SATURDAY. li. i THF LAST PICTURE PROGAiMME TO BE PRESENTED AT I I IHKVW will be comprised of the following E PICTURES
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  • 544 3 esterday we published a memorandum by a local gentleman pointing out some I direction.- in which industry might work, with the object of not having all our I eggs in two baskets. The following I general remarks fr>>m Mr. Burnside's re- port on the F.M.S. amplifies the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 pn TX> i^a XT I GRADES 1, 2. a, 4 AND BASIC. I WE HAVE BEEN Al-l-OINTEDSOLE AGENTS FOK THE PKODUCT OF j TATA iRQN STEEL Co., Ltd. Enquiries Invited. I I United. Engineers Limited. I I f Ir^itst^rs" E^k J m W mmmmmmmm m^ m^m^ mmmmmm m m mmMmm^mimmm^&£mßmrXmWmv
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    • 136 3 DEXMA For Eczema A New Remedy Now used in hospitals and prescribed by doctors. A supervising nurse (name of nurse ana institution on application) writes regarding a patient: J2^ mmmTm^ had "ten her eyebrows fiSSLi c* nos i and lip9 had become diah££™ Slncc he "J* of DEXMA her eyeJ2^S
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    • 433 3 jMMWaiw^%a%*%B\na% a% a JV BW^•\■^*^■«Ja«u■^ar^*.J r^ |NY CAR! SBERG. j jj Manufactured in Denmark. 5 J fPjgjfeJß SIME, DARBY AND CO.. LTD..S k Ji mm^ m. Malacca, seremban muar.s If^C^^ 'HALLAM CO., KUALA LUMPUR." J J ■'^fe^^^^l [HE EAST ASIATIC C0 LTD J m W^BKf^ (Incorporated in Denmark) JCjr,r.h*.l" I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 732 4 C^ipaawa It t worth while to experiment with the B myriad so-called "cures" for Rheumatism J when there IS one sovereign remedy, time- V*/ tested and PROVEN, which will bring yoo f instant relief? For nearly a generation LITTL.U. a E^ ■BBBssSBM ORIENTAL BALM has been used by all /TaQTJ
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    • 638 4 A Huge Consignment comprising 500 pieces of Burmese bUKs, Ls Crepe-de Chine, Brocades, Persian Embroidered Georgette, Chrimin Crepe, Striped Silks, etc., has just been received and is now being unpacked To be cleared to 'make room. Prices will suit every purse. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL Go, Phone 1144. 56, 57 High Street,
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    • 889 4 IMPORTANT AUCTION WITHOUT RESERVE CONSIGNMENT OF •oplins, Brocades, Art silk. Zephyrs, Shirtings, Khak drill, printed crepon, printed crimps and Cambrics. The Undersigned have received instruc lwms to sell by Public Amtii,, ■If r— ij Rattles Chambers, Raffles Place On TUESDAY, 2fith July, I*l2l. THURSDAY, 2Kth July, 1921 SATURDAY. 30th July,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 492 5 T ...j. godown No. 30 Robertson 1 Malacca Street. m f er Broth. ■v u.c. »"~^T^ _Two storeyed bungalow. No. 89, I Entry Ist July I>j2i II Shirazi. 19. Malacca Street. U appointed office in lient moderate. Apply Na. 88 St. f, dining and four bedI For particulars apply n
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    • 851 5 AUCTION SALES. WARING ROE AUCTION SALE OF 'I OIKHK Fl-RMTURE &c ?timmZ£ m i m ri wn,ine "*>■ "»<» Aimtj ran.s and show r-\«.« 1 ;!n d steel fi in* r«K;„ V s to »kwooc uNDrawSo D^"^bs™*-?. iron safc PREMIER" t, «ONBO "SMITH PMMM. p llrtition MMTini s '..^.oTm/::::: railinci
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    • 837 5 m WANTED. WANTED, i s t August small House c Bungalow. Bedrooms, within 3 miles G.P 0 Lent about R, ply Rox No. M eare c v ree Press. 22-7 j EUROPEAN NURSE WANTED.- -To tak ITZUI "2. (;overnme "t European Hospiti, at Kuching. Sarawak, for 7 months, duties com
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    • 864 5 FOR SALE J' JTW S p L ?~S ne Peram bulator, almost new V mad \K T S r °f- L ndon Specification )f Black Wkoela, Dark Blue Body, upholstered putty with black piping as Premfer A C t with lace and Apron. Price $200 or nearest offer. Insp.ct.on by
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    • 703 5 ij Whiteaway, Laidlaw s .r-^iTrtl j I GREAT j colonial n '.WAMWOVtBANK ANNUAL SALE, resjr I vmniAWAii: lajduv Co. ul m KUALA LUMPUR NOW PROCEEDING. ?i MAZING REDUCTIONS DI I *J ALL DEPARTMENTS THE "LETTER SERIES" PADS. STOCK TO BE CLEARED REGARDLESS The cheapest pad offered OF COST Fi c
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  • 24 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIHTH. BABBAGE. To Mr. and Mrs. Babbage. of litre Estate, Kedeh, on the 19th July, at the Maternity Hospital. lVming. twin daughters.
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  • 890 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1921. Knowledge for the People. The Rattles Museum will be a place ol great resort next Saturday and Monday, because those days are bank holidays and thousands of natives will have a day off, to do what they like with. One in every hundred
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  • 337 6 People from Malaya will always line: i arekome on H. M. S. "Malaya" whereve: ■he is lying, states tin "Malaya's* captain. Sir Charles Addis is retiring from thi management of the Hongkong and Shangha Bank in London, and his plate will be take! hy Sir Newton Stabb. Ihe K.G.A. cable
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  • 110 6 PENANG NEWS. (From Out Own Correspondent.) I'enang, July 2">. The death has occurred of Mrs. L C. KrOJm. A week ago she was removed to th. General Hospital after a paralytic seizure, rhis was succeeded hy another on Saturlay. from which she never recovered coniciousness. She was ill
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  • 697 6 Lady Guiileniard is giving a ball at Government House. Kuala Lumpur. OB August 2nd. From British North Borneo 457,093 lhs. of plantation rubber were shir/pcnl in May, 1921. The export for the month of May. li)20, was 806/710 lbs. Friday's pricea v>f rice in Penang were Rangoon No. 1, 47
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    • 81 6 To the Bdfter. Sir,—"lnterested* -ii or he a/ould canny" OH I late restrictioi way he ui' most stringenl the cnly n tea them immi meen of "I m an uf act unmet hods, judging I good^ recently i whit h railed the pric< to the high pi
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  • 50 6 tin A- Court before the S Shaw, tl Salleh bin Ann f consent, in 1 to twj iti amei He was f y sent' Common jur ten are still four t dealt with, th< criminal bi by fire, 1 matt rials for < This morning eleven mUI dealt
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  • 155 6 Whin the I I born of Wilso" H< Igal rged with I the ii-;::! Chineae clerk at t junction ofH:r*M and Hill St ree- I the preliminary I i in the Third Com I Mr. Langley, I the Crown, said he B call at the i I
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  • 73 6 Lehar's "Gypsy 1 offering WtkTWt4 up by the Rj 5 1 Open and 0} Theatre last nip I to display tl-. than in the lin I wood Hall. 1 piece singinp of M ka, the daughter who wishes her t station* in life bul I with
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  • 42 6 The six perf Company in Sii I I next, with I the programme I Shanghai pi I Calcutta also I musical farce in I I the elopement of I i, ,r u tre i convivial partj la an unw.
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  • 37 6 j In the caet ef I knocked down In U| I the 17th inst by I L. Pattinson and laU I the Coroner has n tun by misadventurForeign affa cern of a few m Hon. W. Omety-C
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 GREENLEES GRAND "OLD PARR" WHISKY AGENTS Caldbeck Macgregor Co., LIMITED. 87, Cecil Street. LENS GRINDING. Ophthalmic lenses is the tern used for spectacle lenst-:- which are made from special optical glass, where every attention is paid to the absolute precision of the surface curvatures and to the grinding and polishing.
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    • 77 6 r^ "PUDLO (I'aiented and Registered.) Water is for ever repelled from the usual Cem< ut rendering if Pudlo is mixed with the Cement. MAKBfI CEMENT WATER-PROOF. CANNOT DETERIORATE. COST FRACTIONAL. Specify for Damp Walls, Leaking- Tanks, Flooded Basements and all Concrete Work. Ask for Pamphlet B. C. W. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT
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  • 332 7 SERIOUS REVERSE. MS IN STRENGTH. [Reuter's Service.] Madrid. July 2.). ft San Sebastian over t ht* Cabinet 1 oni ravens of 1 n .M< Kabyle tribes- j advanced positionirted to have Inflicted 1 initial in desperate l ting. It is rumoured that i Commander, General Syhrestre, irhen
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  • 118 7 Wfntn Drink may be Bought aa, July r>th.— The recommendations or Bill Conference have been I adTiaai that normal used houses shall be:— from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. "y from 11 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. 1 two hours' closing during in each c&se. The total opencoed
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  • 418 7 FRENCH DISSATISFIED. NOTE TO LONDON. [Router's Service] Pans, July 23. A French Note to London again urges the despatch of reinforcements to Silesia,! before convoking the Supreme Council, with a view to enforcing an Allied decision; also' the establishing of a commission of experts to consider the
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  • 123 7 Scientists are said to be expressing concern regarding the effect of waste oil from oil burning vessels on fish and sea birds. In the case of the latter, the floating oil clings to their feathers and either prevents the bird- from flying, or poisons them by reason
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  • 169 7 New York, April 29. The avalanche of gold which is constantly pouring into the United States from Europe is causing considerable concern among the officials of the New York Assay Office, the vaults of which are now choked with the accumulation of gold in bars,
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  • 53 7 Major L E. B. Greig, of the Shippin Department of Messrs.. Aylesbury an Nutter. Ltd., Ipohs will be leaving shortl on transfer to the Teluk Anson branch < the same firm. The date of his departui is not definite. Major Greig will be mux miased in local social and sporting
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  • 722 7 PEACE IN PACIFIC. THE COMING CONFERENCES. C {.Reuter's Service] H New York, July 23. The Associated Press correspondent at Washington states that unless checked by P unexpected developments at Tokio it is be- a Meved the American Government will begin n to prepare for the Pacific and
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  • 124 7 The M.S.V.R. Camp at Port Dickson breaks up this week. So far about 200 men have attended, a large batch was expected at the week end, and 400 of the J Malay Volunteer Infantry take possession of the Camp when the senior corps quits. racy; and they quite recently, it
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  • 908 7 [From Sir Hugh Clifford's address to the Council at Lagos]. "I had served in the Tropics for nearly j hree decades before I was appointed, in 1012, to be Governor of the Gold Coast; I nd I do not mind confessing that I approached my
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 211 7 r u Burberry Raincoats. I I( i:hgt. I THE WEATHER PROOF WITH A WORLD WIDE REPUTATION It is their special method of weaving that renders their cloths practically impenetrable fi by rain and at the same time leave the f? tural apertures perfectly free v to the passage of air
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 380 8 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (Incorporated in Japan.) UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT. Subject to alterations without notice i ii i LONDON LINE FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE r F.And«n and Antwerp via (Malacca, Penang, Colombo, Suez, Port gala Band Marseilles. i YOKOHAMA MARU Aug. 8 KLEIST Aug. 19 MISHIMA MARU Aug.
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    • 547 8 K. P. Al KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCttAPPIJ (Incorporated in Holland). RpYAL PACKET NAVIGA TION Co., OF BATAVIA Trepbons 131 Passage Dept 1202 Freight Depi. 1002 Manager Desk 1437 Marine Supt. Transhipment Dept. 8 COLLYER QUAY. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. __^___m__a__»_j_»)_i«i«i» !_>»_». in —^WW^W^— VAN NECK (Tuesday, July 26)
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 448 9 THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO, LTD I (INCORPORATED Of SIAM) I SINGAPORE BANGKOK* COASTING SERVICE. l_reia_.._ Trengganu, KelanUn, __a_*aa__t, Telupin, Pstani, Singera Last. Xohsamu.. i^andon. Langsuin, Chumpon, and Bangkok. VA Arrival Departure A j_i y 27 Aug. 1 Aug 8 LACH -TIPOK Aatr/8 aatTlO ars are fitted throughout with electric
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    • 259 9 o. a k. The Osaka Shoseu Kaisha Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan). No. 2, De Souza Street Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (Subject to change without notice)EUROPEAN LINE. Fc. Port Said, Marseilles, London. Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg. DUE SINGAPORE. Himalaya Maru Aug. 20 Au« 21 s.^ Alaska Maru Sept. u Bept L5
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    • 594 9 The Ocsan Steam Ship Company, Limited. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd AND Ellerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd (AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated in England.) JOINT FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE TO NFW YORK via SUEZ OR PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK. Steamer Due S'pore Route p er RANDOM HALL Aug. 10 Suez
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    • 634 9 li mi»'"mim»iimmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm J PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES OPERATED IT PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (Incorporated in U. S. A.) FOR ACCOUNT OF THE U. S. SHIPPING IJOARD SAN FRANCISCO— MANILA— EAST INDIA. SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA via COLOMBO GRANITE STATE Passengers and Freight A_g. 14 CREOLE STATE Passengers and Freight
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  • 865 10 3 A CASE IN THE SHANGHAI f) MIXED COURT. The peculiar and tortuous affairs of a F loving Chinese couple, the Shanghai Gazette V says, have come into the Mixed Court for investigation. The principal figure in this case is a Chinese girl, who is highly educated,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 348 10 S. m^ m^ m^ammmmm\mm^~m\w9i* 9 HI mW Wr la-— wii'u _____■■■____>#_■ att t _r va_T_Dt ____7>si_ Vaß*^/-^*! i *Bv v_> f_ v iSskt i wv s^||qw '_> §S H ;i\ ll) i-i hj llriH* 1 _fl BH I m^^^>^^ 1 i N|__|^^_|;^' y v -^53^'" L^ 3 v l E
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    • 90 10 _riiiT___«rTawn-— nrTT < COLGATE j ■f| TOISET RfQ ISITES. ADIKSSON GIIFIiIAN CO., LTO, I (Incorporatod in England). SOLE DISTRIBUTORS P. B. F. M. B. nmsiMsr.v- rv_-_i _r -urw _«ji\»'_w£ _>«.a r ___> I I PURITY A NO POWER Spirit ti __r__^_a^.»\lP__l > f»^ a >^v*\»- --r •#Sa>_tM' a-v-r.**- _V_ M
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  • 63 11 JULY lt, Bink 4 m.s. t g_ M Bank demund 2 3 13-10 Private credits 3 m.s. I 1 19.32 New York, demand 4] i~ Credits 90 days 4 r France, demand 509 Hongkong, demand L>l», p. c Prem. Yokohama, demand 84% Bangkok, demand «n s A Sovereign. Bank
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  • 157 11 JULY Tin 100 Ton.- $02.00 Gambier Cube No. 1 13. 00 Pepper Black Pepper (white fair) 15.00 Tapioca, small flake, f.g. 5.50 Tapioca, Medium pearl f.g. 8.00 Pearl Sago, small __m. 8.50 Copra Suodried 13.50 f Copra Mix ]2 .M Opium, Benares cncort 5.000 Rice, Rangoon white 320 Rice,
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  • 47 11 1_ o'clock noon 25th July 1921. Pale Crepe. Ribbed Smoked Sh. j Clcaing Prieaa. Cloaing Prieea. Buyers Sellers. Buyers Sellers, j Spot 28 29 I Aug. 'Jin, j Aug. to Sept. 29 H M Oct. to Dec. 82 <:; Tone of Market: Easier.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1789 11 AJteti over $4,000,000 Tlir* nnnim n i nm^. Assurances in force over $17,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LUHTED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). ffISAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Sineaoore TAVm u n^. oingapore. LONDON OFFICE 32 Old Jewry E C The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Sum-pm* pm,rf _r^_i_
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    • 399 11 $1 REWARD NOTICE, if you And a bunch of keys to which is attached n label with the Key Re-' gistration Co., name on w<- will pay you $1 reward on returning same to our office at fi. The Arcade, Singapore. THE STORE STRAITS BILLPOSTIMG CO.' Agent? ~'5-7 1. s,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 394 11 MAIL TABLE. TO-DAY. Intermediate and local mail* a j. in liit below: Federated Malay Stated. Mala Mc_r aa* Penang (by train) 6 am ar. I 6 p.m. except Sunday). Kerimoii 9am Pulau Socgi Benuit I u.m uc h Hong Aik V n.m Colombo I Bombay Indus Mara 11 a.m
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  • 1226 12 IKOTAKIVaNS IN CONFERENCE. t« fFrom Uui Own Correspondent.) I Edinburgh, June IS. The twelfth International !i:.tary Con c vention, the .first t i be he'd outside the United States, i- at present meeting in j Edinburgh. It is attended by ah >ut 2,50M delegate.-, 1,500 of them coming
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  • 247 12 STO W AW AY SYNDIC ATE Smun^linj; Men to Singapore. 1- there a syndicate for smuggling m*.to Singapore aa stowaways. 1 Inspector •pear, of Hongkong Water Police express ed the belief that there is when Mr. G X. Tinson apnea red before Magistrat Orme on Juy 12th to prose.ute thre
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  • 119 12 Found, by Sub-Inspector Wills bane dig by a black I Ik girdle to a tree on Mount Davis, about 100 yards above Jubilee Road, Hongkong, the remains of a well dressed 1 Chinese were removed to the public mortuary. At tirst it was thought that the man had
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  • 68 12 Liberty Hall presents two new episodes, Nos. 5 and 6 of T'r-e Screaming Shadow Ben Wilson serial wonder together with another Universal special attraction Colorado Augustus Thomas' famous stage success in five acts, featuring Frank Mayo in his best. In the first show, World picture Brady-made war drama
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  • 61 12 An unexpected danger from X-rays has been reported to the Paris Academy of Sciences. It appears that these rays mav not only produce injury in the workers themselves, but that they may penetrate walls and ceilings of buildings, with risk to the dwellers in houses adjoining tht X-ray laboratories. Lead-sheathing
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  • 90 12 Fraser's Report. Singapore, July 25. Rubber. Quiet, with few dealings to report. .Mining. Firmer. la pings $1.15— 51.20, North Taipings $1.35 $1.40, South Taipings T2 1 cents TT 1 cents, Collieries $14 $14-50, Tongkal. Harbours $15.50— 51G, Ulu Yams 225— 235, Linguis $4.50— $4.75, Nawng Pets 11.62_51.72_,
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  • 206 12 STRATHMORE R UBBER. The annual general meeting was h.HI at I. e registered office, 46 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, on June 28. Mr. Robert C. Bowie, chairman, in moving the adoption of the <tirectors' report and accounts, expressed regret that prospects^ for the immediate future were n t encooiraging. The proposal
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  • 133 12 A Serious Outbreak. ently many er.-cs <>f cholera wen ported in Honam and the people in the su' rounding districts are greatly alarmed. irss the Department oi Htalth take< immediate steps to haw- tht- epidemic ■tamped out at once, it is feared that the epidemic will spread
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  • 329 12 PASSENGE US A R R I V E 1 Th. following passengers have arrived from! London by the Pr^i: O. s.s. Kashmir:— Mr. and Mrs. Dumn and infant, (Peaang), Mr. G. H. I Jouvis (Penang), Lt.-Col. T. R. Thompson. Mr. j and Mrs. A. V. Brown, Mrs. Stone,
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  • 24 12 Programme of Drills, etc.. for week, ending Saturday, 30th July, 1921. Wednesday 27th, 5.15 p.m.— Drill Hall. Chinese Company. Recruits Drill. -<+~
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  • 58 12 Orders for week ending July 31, 1921. Tuesday, July 26.— Tenth Troop Parade, 5.15. j Thursday, July 28.— Third Troop Parade, 5.15. Friday, July 29.— Ninth Troop Parade, 5.15. I Individual Troop Orders as issued by Scoutmasters. There will bo no Band Practice on July ,29th and
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    • 55 12 No Play on Saturday. A Reuter cable of the 23rd inst. states J that rain fell during the night at Manchester, and there was an intermittent drizzle in the morning and afternoon which prevented J anv play in the fourth Test Match. Park.n was sent for and
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    • 120 12 A Reuter cable from Toronto, dated July I 23rd, states that Milne, the Canadian mem- J ber of the Davis Cup team, has broken two bones in his right hand, leaving the Can a- dians with only three selected players, on the eve of the meeting with the
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    • 77 12 A Renter cable from New York, dated 23rd inst. states that in the America Golf I Championship, Barnes. America, won with a •core of 289. In the final round he did j :he first nine holes for thirtyfour, playing j a luper-golf. Hagen and lfcLeod tied for lecond
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    • 104 12 A Reuter cable from Cambridge. Mass., dated 24th inst. states that Harvard and Yale beat Oxford and Cambridge at the Internal onal Varsity Athletic Meeting by S events to 2. The Americans won the 100 yards, throwing the hammer, 120 hurdles. nutting the shot, high jump, two miles,
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    • 72 12 Singapore vs. Selan^or. On Saturday and Monday next. 30th inst.' ami Ist August, Singapore will meet' j Selangor in a two day cricket match at Kuala Lumpur. The Singapore team will consists of the following:—O. P. Griffith-1 j Jones (Captain). R. L. L. Braddell, H. M. 1 Cantrell, G.
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    • 51 12 i B\ kind permission of tin- Head Master o. liatfles Institution, the Annual Sports of j St. Andrew's School will be held on Friday afternoon, July 20th on the iground of j Raffles Institution. Parents ami friends of the pupils una cf the teachers are cordially;!
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    • 39 12 KATONG PRIV ATE GO LF COURSE. The July monthly medal was won by 1 J. L. Macnain, with a score'of 95-10 85 net. j The ball sweep for the best c wisecutive nine holes was won by A. Robinson.
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    • 35 12 Tug Wilson, who defeated Jim Hyr.e on Thursday, announces that he is prepared to make a match with any man who can do j the middleweight limit, through Mr. Nat Kennedy. Tanjong Pagar Road.
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    • 36 12 S. C. C. v. SELANGOR. On Monday next the following S. C. C. team will play Selangor at Kuala Lumpur Branes Gale and Fenwick, Cushway. Duff and Edlin Jan.ieson. Sinclair, Moss. Walters and Smith, Reserve, Lynch.
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    • 101 12 The tenth annual general meetng of the Straits Chinese Football Association will be held at the S. C. R. C. on Thurs lay, at 5.15 p.m. Bus ne.«s :—l. To confirm minutes of last g«^peral meeting. 2. pass accounts etc. 3. elect offLe-bearers, 4. any other
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    • 34 12 Championship Pairs. Mrs. Wise and Mr. Miles beat Mrs. Simmons and Mr. Hall, f—3, 6—5. Mixed Doubles A. Mrs. Swindell and Rev. Griffin beat Mrs Hacker and Col. Cotgrave, o—l, 3—o, 7—5.
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    • 32 12 ™_?AX Mixed Doubles A. Mrs. Stookes and Mr. Cameron v Mrs Burkill and Mr. Cantrell. Mixed Doubles B. Miss Day and Mr. Sturt v. Miss Brooke and Mr. Price.
      32 words
    • 35 12 Championship Pairs. Winners Mrs. Dorrington Ward and Mr. Summerhayes v. Miss Stephenson and Mr Hopkins. Mrs. Connell and Mr. Cameron v. Winners Lady Murrison and Dr. Hunter v. Mrs. Schafer and Mr. Edwards.
      35 words
    • 27 12 Ladies Doubles (Hand.) Mrs. Morrell and .Miss Brooke v. Mrs. Cringle and Mrs. Webb. Mrs. Schafer and Mrs. Olafsson v. Lady Murison and Mrs. Burkill.
      27 words
    • 11 12 Championship Singles Final. Mrs. Connell v. Mrs. Dorrington Ward.
      11 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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