The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 July 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 21 1 Singapore Free Press AND M ERC ANTILE ADVERTI SER. Vlaltboid Reefing TEtf CINTB SINGAPORE, S.S., SATURDAY, JULY ?4, '920. N«. 10,035.
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  • 234 1 The third race of the America (up series h;is goue to Resolute by virtue of the time allowamv, Shamrock a«tually crossing the line first Page 7. The Premier has made a clear and useful Statement regarding the Spa i Conference in whin l*e expresses the belief that
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  • 827 1 Quicnvui ugWMI ncat)i ent farrag* li- Juvenal There has been only one topic of the week of really absorbing interest, and that is not nil bui the Irish attempt to regain, for the horn or < r British yachting, the trophy vl.uh foi ro many D
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 BASAH I I ROAD Ditl 1 ilbil I S 3riicu":ar3 apply to 1 1* ft •U/#sJ># A Designs and Estimate* Fr-« U J S. SMITH SON (SIAM) LIMITED. (Iru _-<J in London) W INGKOK AND LONDON. fe SPECIALISTS I GOLD AND SILVER WORKING. L llery of Every Description. i AND
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    • 170 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Humphrey Bishop farewell performances to-dny Page 2. E Trade n-.arlv notices re Wild Boar I {•Pineapple brands Pages 10 and 5. E For passages and i t van-port, apply to I tern Tourist Agency— 5 Page 1 of removal by Berli S Pane 5. Auction sale by Powell
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 75 1 THE WEEK. I Saturday, 24th. High 1; pm. Bft lin. L'lu Pandan Rubber, Evatt's noon. Humphrey Bishop Co. Vie. Theatre ."> A 9.15 Sunday, 2">th. High Tides 6.16 am. 7ft 2in. 5.41 pm. Bft 3in. Sw. Club launches leave J. Pier 7, 9 and 10; ub 8.30, 9.30 and 12.15.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 524 2 DIRECT ROUTE IS THE BEST. Our people h been ysfiiL \.ars >f experience to read c^ A >RIES, not only <ff^\ \jgr\_ for the ncw^ of the y. ar. "^^§Y^| but i of tho IW -<\L^/sl^\ ibtps r.~ it tlfcted in tht- (r "j^N V v otTtrin^s of thv- I
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    • 916 2 From MONDAY^ToTto^X^^UU^^'S?^^" To commence at 8 VITAGR AP II S Marvellous Photo Serial of Melodramatic Adventim i ALBERT E. SMITH AND CYRUS TOY turing JY HEDDA NOVA AND J. FRANK GLEND Bristling with Action and showing Won Thrilling and Sensational Stunts THE WOMAN IN THE WEB In 15 Episodes or
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 512 2 CHURCH SERVICE. Bth SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 25th July 1920. S. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). Hymns. From English Hymn:il 820, 177, 410, 480 (v.u. 1.4.5) 10.30 a.m. Matins (Choral). 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible ClftM lk30 ,£.m. Evensong and Sermon. Hymns. Fxom A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 v J :r DISTINCTIVENESS AND Wfk UTY OF \TE PEL mON. THEIR (HARM LIES IX THEIR UNDOUBTED -x" ff S^*~ >Sj */<sv^ TTES leaf No. 555 s-/vrr "isfe^"' A('l L'M TINS ()V 00. J fcA -^6^ '^lli^ OBTAINABLE OF ALL HIGH w t ti r-r t-> T"i bBH" l »ri^^Jr
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    • 488 3 j PERTH'S PREMIER HOTEL In the centre position of the main street of the Capital City of Western Australia Suites for Families all opening on b:i 'conies. Visitors will find all the features of lead ins: English and continental Hotels. .'•riff 126 day, from £3.3.0 Weekly. 80. LUXURIOUS ROOMS. i
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    • 118 3 NEW ZEALAND > WHITES AITI I IN 1 lb. TINS, PR] LED \)Y Irvine Stevensons St. George Co., Ltd. IMPORTED BY !l I SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. I H. BOLTER Large Selection of French Hors d'Oeuvres I fiEINZ 57 VARIETIES CUSENIER SPECIAL LIQUEURS H. BOLTER Europe Hotel Building. 4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 62 4 COLLAPSIBLE SATES LARGE STOCKS PROMPT DELIVERY. oL J& P TRAj J^g^A GIVE CONSISTENTLY Aktii gb A HIGHER KV. Wan tf m^ F B\ f 1 r^^ F AVERAGE MILEAGE I^Wf than any other r r I J bbk **>JPBF i" v J /JHbVY^' lft TYRE. [Incorporated in Japan] 42-43 S-OBIIMSON
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    • 175 4 BOF8 OF EXC QUALITY.! Civilian do., Ltd. Scle /gents: S F. V. S. 8 S| (Incorporated in Enfirland.) TOILEI PREPARATIONS Everybody knows and uses "Air-Float" Talcum Powder so soft so fresh so fragrant yet so inexpensive. More "Air-Float" is sold than any other kind of talc. And everybody welcomes the
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    • 383 4 CHING BBSG LEE &TO, TO CAPITALISTS ANJ> INVESTORS An opportunity to acqu jjjjj I The undersigned have received instruct I 9th. August 1920 at 2.30 p.m. at their I I valuable Sawmill property known as Koo I inp land, BuOding, Machinery and acceoaorfc I cm I |i IN THE SI
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 REAL ESTATE BUREAU I PUPIRE 2>KOS. RUBBER DEPARTMENT 1 ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKERS DE SOUZA STREET. rent abo $150. Also small hou in Kling Street, Cecil Street, Anson Cai I li >^<l and Tank Road. Rad and Cavanagfa Road. Vacant in Tank R teak wood throughout and freehold sitting room
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    • 439 5 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF at Tannin I instructions U by Public A,; ik-room, JULY 1. p |f, 1224 do CHING KENG LEI Ajront?. 23-7 26-7 The un. %v iH 5,.1l by Public Auction :t 150 Kling Stret-t 0N w I-. 2.30 p.m. ory shophouse premises No. 45 Sago S
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    • 689 5 AUCTION SALES. A CTIOX SALE~~ 01 TO MINI AND IGINEER& POWeli and Co. Ltd. will sell by auction at Collyer Quay Reclamation ON THURSDAY, 2<Uh JULY 1920 AT 11 A large Quantity of 10 in. and H in. Wrought Iron Pire. i pfoei of 8 in. Shaftfogr, Pipe POWELL no.,
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    • 837 5 TENDERS. I .r« fIORE GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Tenders are hereby invited for the erection of the New Malay Training College, Johore n ..pplying for a form of tender will be required to deposit the sum of $100 with the State Engineer, and form will only be bsu. d on
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    • 614 5 WKITEAWAY'S j JUST UNPACKED I TOPEES "BY TRESS OF LON O/V 1 Light Weight with: Muslin Pugaree and Chin Strap. Ail Zizes in Stock* PRI E Ek^z^^k PRWE I $12.50^^^ $12.50 1 KHAKI PITH TOPE I Covered Khaki Drill with Muail Pugaree an i Chin t trap, I special (t%
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    • 43 6 Unku Mohamed bin Khalid of Johore beps to tender his thanks to all rolativtvs and ft iend.s who attended the funeral of his late brother Unku Ahmad bin Khalid and \.ho sent telegrams and letters of condolence in his bor. ment. t
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  • 835 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. SATURDAY JULY 24, 1920. Ireland. i Writing some time ago on the subject of Ireland we suggested that a time must come when the tension would prove too severe for the nerves of the troops and police employed, it looks almost as if that stage has been
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  • 299 6 Mr. E M. Baker is retiring and will be leaving for Home in about a month's timv. i The King will not be advised to disallow the Printing Presses Ordinance. \da Louisa Schmidt of Penang has beer naturalized as a British subject. Mr. A. V. Brown is appointed to ad
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  • 94 6 AVIATORS' SAFE ARRIVAL. (Aroeta.) Batavia, July 22. Lieuts. Parer and Mclntosh were seen at 2.15 p.m. above Batavia. The avintors safely landed at Kalidjati at 3.30 p.m. Batavia, July 22. The ?v.:.tors intend leaving Kalidjati tomorrow morning: at nine for Sourabaya, landing on the aviation ground at Gri
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  • 191 6 RESOLUTE WINS THIRD RACE. London, July 21. Resolute has won the third race. Sandyhook, July 21. Shamrock finished eighteen seconds ahead, but lost on tV'«- time allowance. The next race will take p. ace on Friday. Sandy Hook, July 21. The vhird race was a windward ainul leeward
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  • 108 6 l'ekmp, July 21. The Anfu faction admit defeat. Marshal Tuan-Chi-Jui has resigned and offered terms amounting to complete capitulation including the discharge of ail his tioop9, the dissolution of his parliament, the di§r issal of the Anfu ministers, and suppression of the Anfu Club. THK PRINCE'S
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  • 206 6 Some 5,000 bags of bran, to which broken rice had tten added in greater proportion than is usually found in bran, formed the subject o f a charge against Yeo Cheng Hai, in the Third Police Court before Capt. Rowbotham \estcrday. Besides being charged with importing
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  • 165 6 A number of Canadian newspaper*, some of them of long standing, ha 1, or :ue about to cease, publication, owing: to 1 the high price of paper. Yet Canada is one of the great paperproducing areas of th< world, and coui«i probably supply the vhole world with pulp f -making
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  • 324 6 SERIOI S BELFA ST I Th,r, l irhicfa I night t! I out, atones ftnd boti I by baton rharg I blank ovcrtht waids tbe Ruth I antaaglemen I and lr looting the I and < out. So far thn I killed and tl I with machicegui
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 LIMiTED. (Incorporated In Shft£*hai>. Wine Spirit Merchants WHOLESALE RETAIL Kl FOR PRICE LIST 87, Cecil Street elephone /Vo. 228. MR. H. N. BUCKERIDGE Uto of Herart. LAFAYETTE, PHOTOGRAPHERS to Th«ti MAJESTIES Begt to announce that h« conducts f THE ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO in SINGAPORE. AT THE BURLINGTON, 100 Pacw Nirth
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    • 23 6 ;r.n-j'.r.iM > .rj'.r.i < .ii i .r.rji > .i i 1 Bungalows I Godowns 2 Land i s l SINGAPORE REALTY CO. 3A Malacca St. JS
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  • 674 7 PREMIER'S CLEAR I pßb SPEECH. I 08ITION IN POLAN?--1 onrJon. Juh Zl. „,1 a motion to the bate to the lituation I I confide m-e in I milady in il ta hopeful that Turkey I enabling dominion toft btr fe on a surer Th I n
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  • 279 7 GREEK TROOPS IN THRACE. [Reuter's Service.] SO VI I I AMI POLAND. London, Julj 21. A Greek cflk-ial says that the Greek army and navy, with the cooperation of two British drtii {noughts, has successfully landed at Hera, iorito, and Sullankei, on the f Marmora. The Turkish
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  • 23 7 London, July 21. n he Timt-s ror respondent Cairo says that Syrian «.io\ n-nment is appealing to the ie of Nations.
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  • 1716 7 WHAT SINN FEIN ELECTIONS MEAN. J (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 17. L M Since elections wen first invented, no a h fane was ever rehearsed. Talk about t the corrupt practices of ancient times with c their accompaniments oT intimidation, per- a sonation and personal
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  • 97 7 It is lumoureil that Mr. J. R. O. Aidworth is retiring md will not return to the P. M. S. We are feorry to hear that Mr. R. G. Watson is not having very good health at Home. (M.M.) As announced at hist Sunday's meeting, Mr. J. J. Virgo, C.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 628 8 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. (Incorporated in Japan. SfcDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE DfPEXZAL J.4TAKE39 GOVERNMENT. Subject to alterations without b»Uc* EUROPEAN MAILTINE FORTNIGHTLY WEYICB. f%t London and Antwerp via (Malacca) Col«E?>^ P» t S«M and Martteilleft. IYOMARU **M Ug ATSUTA MARU A Au^ SHIDZUOKA MARU 25th Aug. LIVERPOOL LINE. For Liverpool
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    • 668 8 K. P. M. KONINKLYKE P\KETVAART MAATSCHAPPU Uicoi7)orated in Holland). ROYAL PACF.dT NAVIGATION Co. OP BAT> VIA Towfi»>e 1«1 Pitasc* Dcpt. 1202 Freight Dept 10C2 M»B* K er« DeeW 1437 Marine >,jpt. Tra pretas J>^v 3 COLLTBB QUAY. TODSE CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS tNOi GOYBXNIODtT. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ■"^CHdufEN^lsaturday' 24) BaJik Papan, Samarinda,
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    • 556 8 P. &O. BRirn; "*^B APCAR LINE. (Iccorpcrat.crl d Bnffla MAIL ANT) PASSENGER BERI PENINSULAR IND OEIENI (Under Contract with His Ma The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAJ T Oi LONDON FARE S BER\ FROM LONDON DUE SINGAPORE JEYPORE about 25th Cu)v DEV PLASSY about 29th July i I PeßMngen for Europe
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 253 9 101 STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LTD. (INCORPORATED IN SIAM). BINGAPOBS BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. U7 Tu<ngg« nu I<>ntan Bangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, LaLang»uan, C'humpon, and Bangkok. Arriyart Departure 80 Brd Auj?. 1920 i throughout with *i©rtiic light, and have excellent Singapore to Bangkok and Singapore via Puration of the round trip 10
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    • 235 9 LLOYD TRIESTINO S.N. Co. Uncorporat J v outward' bailing INNSBRUCK for H. lt Shanghai and Japan por;s I i n IM BAIUNG& ■a PERBIA fur Petian^, Colombo and July. s.B. PI: -N\ for Penan jr, Colombo and e alout Aug. 18. For freight and passages apply to Societa Commissionaria di
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    • 458 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. AND Ellcrman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. (AMERICAN MAXCHURIAN LINE.) [Incorporated in England] JOINT FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE TO NEW YORK >; :i SUEZ OR PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK. Steamer Due Route For S'pore KANSAS sth to 10th Au?
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    • 564 9 FOR VANCOUVER, B.C. (DIRECT). Th« S.S. METHVEN is due here about sth August 1920 and will have prompt de«»*ich for Vancouver, B. C. taking cargo on 'hrough Bill of Lading for U. S. A. an4 Canadian Ove r !and Points. For frcigLt atitl further particulars apply to BOUSTEAD CO, Agenti,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 244 10 Lu r, r' m 1 If A ITE TO HEALTH 1 "-ausc the n fc .yj bul ho y ever H v t!ii'. >! payifit trlbjtc to health To keep I a:rl the C) o'oar is b?Uer f^L f o-ice n it drinlf to health in f''J i*f 4 with
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    • 503 10 1 1— Ft •la^"'v«t^\ \J-^ moma9t^USBSBKBBSU^mLI mllufm IBBBBB^' m^^^^KWf^m^fmmm^mwtPßS^^^^^^^^a H^R*TjßlßßsS2H^^^^^HflP^^Ba^iß«l v T\ N() '•n that the Mark depicted above is the property of Messrs Yamato ami Co. of No. 41, High Street, Singm] I is used by them as a Trade Mark in respect of Shirts, Sioffletl and all other
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    • 476 10 550 L' r "^l ATTUACTIVi: Superior Wax Polished and Y\ Colnaibia f.'ram«. hone and Re be held at OX SATURDAY, Si si iprii 1 te dininr service by "Johnson Bros' 1 cut cry horn an records, wax po. I case with gla I and g] Hink's brass standard floor and
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  • 57 11 July 23. Hank 4 m.s. 2-4 Bank, demand 2-3% I'rivato credits 3 m.t. 2-4% New York, demand 43 Credits 90 days 47V4 France, demand 620 India, T. T. 120 Hongkong", demanl 66% Prcm. \okohama,- demand H\ Java, oem and Bangkok, demand 91 Sovereign, Buying $8.54 k of England Rate
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  • 157 11 July 23. f Tin 135 Tons 1140.00 .inbicr 13.00 Gair.bier Cube No. 1 23.00 I'epptr Black 21.00 Pepper (while fair) 45.00 TapkWft, small flake, f.q. 7.76 Tapioca, medium pearl t.q. 10.00 Pearl Sago, small 14.00 Corpa Sundried Corpa Mix. 16.50 Opium, Benares uccert 8,900 Rice Rangoon White 2,700 Rice,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 319 11 over $3,. p >oo,ooo. Assurance in force over $15,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. [Incorporated in Straits Sett.] ,IK\D 01 IKK: Winch. House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. ml inv has 1-^O,OOO deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance
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    • 534 11 CHARTERED BANK Of India, Australia and China, Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capital £2,000,000 I' nd £3,000,000 •nr« Liubility of Proprietors £2,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. to. London, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Amritsir Hongk. Penang kok Iloilo Puket via I poh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon Jtta Klnnp Seremban Canton
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    • 583 11 HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE Sfngnpore Raffles Chambers 5 and 6, BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar— 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Paiiat 109 Jalan Rahumat. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hongkong Amoy, Batavia, Sourabaya, Samar ang, Palembang and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised 8,000,000
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    • 453 11 YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) Capital Subscribed Y. 100,000 000 Be#erve Fund Y 44,000,000 President N. K. Kajiwarm Esq Vice-PreeiJ-snt 3. Suxcki Esq. DIRECTORS. N. Kajiwara Esq. F. Watanabo Esq. X. Soma Esq. t. MatsukaU E»q r. Yairakawa Egq. M. Mitsui Esq. M. Odagiri Esq. K. Morimura Esq,
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    • 53 11 SIN EN6 HUAT CO., 20 21 ROCHORE CANAL ROAD. For Supplies of BENZINE, HEAVY AND LIGHT ENGINE OIL, TYRES, TUBES, etc. Call at the above address. PAINT and POWDER 11 Pk M White Zinc Paint White Lead Paint Red Lead Powder Ready Stock. OTdlMKcLtd. t [Incorporated in Japanl No. 55,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 299 11 VESSELS AT WHARVES TANJONG PAGAR. fia'st Wharf No. I.— Shrimp. East Wharf No. 2.— Teesta, Betsy Ross. Sheers Wharf No. 2. Van Waerwijck. Main Wharf No. 4. Ariake Maru, Fook Sang, Kaga Maru. Mam Wharf No. 5. Colusa. Main Wharf No. 6. Innsbruck, Abron. Wet Dock No. 7. L*ka Gilpen,
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    • 155 11 MAIL TABLE. TO-DAY. Intermediate and local mails will k* !ound in list below: Penang, Malacca, F.M.S. (by Train) 4 p.m. daiiy (except Sunday). Kota Tinggi and stations to Kuala Lumpur at 8 a.m. >: ;.u Batan etc Hock Lim 9 a.m. Vorimon Soon Lee 9 a.m. urob Edina 9 ajn.
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  • 724 12 SIX PERSONS MURDERED Accused Sentenced to Death. Nearly four years ago one of the tao%% appalling murders took place at a house in Dunloji-.-t., Singapore, no less than six people being exterminated. At the time of the crime the husband uas awny at Malacca but he was apprised
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  • 53 12 The Mortality returns for the week en: July 10 ibow a total of 259 deaths, giving a rate per thousand of 34.G1. Phthisis caused 43 deaths, malaria 84, convulsion pneumonia 26. Th&re were no cholera, Plague or smal.-pojf cases. Nine influenza deaths were r^orded and 32 from "other causes." T-fro
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  • 222 12 (From Our Own Correspondent). renang, July 23. The following ari the Handicaps for the ra<c*s to-day. Visitors Plate. 7V» Furlongs. Gaylad 11.7 Wester Watten 8.9 Wendy 8.4 Darfur 8.4 Nankin 6.7 (If top weight does not accept up 12 ;>'. unds). Griffin Race. Loch invar 11.5 Mimic
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  • 93 12 Praaer's Report. Kubber. There is still vary little int in the Share Market. Ulu Beiuts 67% cts., Craigeleaa ?1.521i, Scudaia $9.43, 17.70, Tapalis $21.75, Kuaia SiXyalas Kluangs $8.05, I $1.25, Sunj/ci Sagans $5.70, TamMining, Firm and steady, Taipings orth Taipings $2.12 V 2 Rawangs South Taipinfi $1.25,
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  • 102 12 I>3ar Sir,^-In Maephail's Weekly Report •;he;l in your issue of to-day, it is i ihat. rumouri of a record profit by ten over the year just closed started hares early in the week, carrying tiem from $S0 to $33.50 with the denied uns>.i 4 isfied." "he Company is now
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  • 30 12 In this country men cherished the delusion that they oould educate women, but in America women, knew they could educate the men. Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher, M. P.
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    • 30 12 Championship. White tWt Loumifs, 21 13. Jiuchwalo'y beat McKean, w.o. Single3 Handicup. Kelson bent Black, 21—18. I>oiil>les Handicap. Henderson arid ICcKean vs. Lowndes and C ffton Smith, postponed.
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    • 21 12 Championship*. Main vs. Rrclnvally. Singles Handicap. Norrie vs. Mair. Doubles Handicap. Henderson and McKeari vs. Lowndes and Clifton Smith.
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    • 57 12 Final race for Challenge Cup presented by Mr. W. T. Easley, will be sailed on Sundn> Homing. Course: Start U. E. Pier, round c.s. Recorder, Man-o'-War Buoy, Mark Boar oi.' Swimming Club, round Hulk Oscar, Mark Boat oil' Sea- View Hotel Uld finish at startirr: point. Once
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    • 35 12 Vhe monthly »tro!ce Competition will be placed on Saturday v. d S J4th best Korea to qualify for Championship Cup by a ber. r ho moru'Jy 1; I'or on Monday 26th. inst.
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    • 125 12 The Gmt round of the St. Joseph's Old Boys' Football Tournament was concluded on Thtmdaj evening and the draws for xlie second round have been arranged. The results of f: me* are: C Team (chocolate) F. Albuquerque beat D Team (yellow) Teo Kwang X R Team (white) Lim Yong
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  • 147 12 At a meeting of the Irtish Olympic Council it was its out 250 British will :he games at Antwerp in A r.tingents from OK ranee. 1 No** A 1 m has been entered from India* an The Rev. R. S. De C. Laffan, hon. general to the
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  • 139 12 aking at the annual meeting of the Khyl Advertising Association, which urges the adv&totaj Rhyl as resort, the President (Mr. P. J. Ashfield) said that nearly cne-half of ;he expenditure of the Association during the year had been in respect of newspaper advertising. This form of
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  • 64 12 Order for week ending July 31st. Monday 26. First, Second and Fourth Troops Parade, 5.15 p.m. Tuesday 27. Fifth and Sixth Troops Parade, 6.15 p.m. Wednesday 28. Third Troop Parade 5 15 p.m. Signalling Class, 5.15 p.m. -Thursday 29. Physical Culture Class, 3 5 p.m. Friday 30.
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  • 52 12 The Yat Shing, one of the Indo-China Steam Navigation Go's steamers, is three days' overdue in Singapore from Hongkong, where she wag to have left on July 14. AlasUrs of vessels are requested to 1-eep a look out for her. Tha Yat Shing is a vessel of 22<Si
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  • 336 12 DEVELOPMENTS IN THE RUBBER INDUSTRY. To Mr. S. J. Peachey, M.Sc. Tech., F.1.C., lecturer in chemistry at the Manchester C fiege of Technology, is credited furth r. .iv\ iovement.3 in lli> process of the vultiu.ising of rubber. For eighteen monthi or more a good d?al of publicity has been given
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  • 142 12 "A Perfect Machine." A report on industrial and commercial conditions in Germany at the close cf 1919 i^ presented to Parliament by command of l he King. G_rs:any has rery nearly ceased to be a puitha-er, it says, cwing to :he I of her ex .haritrcs. and
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  • 92 12 Investiture by GovenM. IMs Ex"o!lenc> -urcnce Guillemar i, w\ will bo in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday next, will present four war decorations just, before the meeting of the Federal Council. The following will be invested: Major Proper (Adjutant, M.S.V.R., Kuala Lumpur) with the Order of the British Empire
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  • 61 12 The Mohan.elan Advisory Board, cm \,c~ half of the Moslem 3 o" Peaang Province, gave a fete m honour cf'tVi" Sultan of Perak (who irf rtiending tl\e races) at the Town Hall on Monday aftoru>on. They al-o pre--1 him with an a-ldrcss in Ma There was a large gathering including
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  • 71 12 Programme of Drills, etc., for week ending Saturday, July 31st. Saturday, 24, 2.30 p.m.— Balestier Range Eurasian Coy. Rifle Club. Sunday, 25, 7.30 a.m.— Balestier Range S. R. E. (v) Rifle Club. Tuesday, 27, 4.30 p.m.— Balestier Range ."Malay Coy. Thursday, 29, 4.30 p.m.— Balestier Range Malay
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 140 12 j TAPPING KN!v"| THr BO ,^1 TAPPING KNIFE is TIFI- 1 a I S KNIFE FOR i:n;i'El; :>t.. ED AS A CON. K 3 MINIMISES THE WOUNDING D HI 'a Prices and samples on application. i SANDILANDS, BUTTERY (O.Ml'Wy I I SIN(JAPORE and i Sole Ajrents. I J Central SVfotor
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