The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 September 1919

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 14 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. NO. 9,7(>5 XTS SINGAPORE, FIiIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1919.
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  • 328 1 A full report <>f the answer of the j j Allies to Austria's Note is wired out tol to-day. There is nothing that is not ql stated in PuaTe diplomatic lanjruaj;e, ,<y hut there is no vcakenini? in the main points, though every consideration is o f
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  • 918 1 .)ur tobacco is to eostti I more, il M'«'ms, hardly think that this will compel any item notary man of letters to follow aiUs Lamb's example and writs a arew< 11 to Tobacco/' but it may lead somo ople to reflect on the gratifying clouds] smoke that
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 420 1 B«i ir ni at 9 30 pm oa Friday sep sth v v;.>3ml r 3^r^~r_^i.ssk.S| IN AID OF St. DUhSTAN'i W SPRg-T-- Pi I KITH SOLDIERS SA3LORS P UJt m&M\A •Bamblf i nd rc the beaten track, in Asia" Y/\ BAfUIIT fc^iLAU IWB.B r 200 Coloured Slides. l^^A h9 e
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    • 89 1 flu LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Important notice concerning pawnshop licenses Page Bahhauptcy notice Page 0. No live re Lloyd Triestino IV. gx- 9. Fisheries department want a Chinese interpreter Pago 3. Auction Sale of motor boat— Page 3. Commercial Rubber Co. soil a rare collection of postage stamps Page :<. Meeting of
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 101 1 THE WEEK. Friday, "»th. High Water 0-50 a.m.. ~>-'M p.m. j Lantern Show, Raffles Hotel, 9-30 p.m. Japanese Picture Exhibit, V. M. C. s j Saturday, Oth. High Water— B-8 a.m. f 7-2 p.m. I Hari Ray;: \l.\y. I Base Ball Match, 4-15 p.m. Japanese Picture Exhibit, Y.M.< A. Sunday,
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  • 429 2 of <'• r'ernment Radios for the to foreign country to be i hy th< Chamber of Commerce. En vie* of t fact that" Associated Press is at I time unable to inaugurate a service to Mai e the necessary transmission y wireless are in control of
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  • 219 2 Alice, able eeaa^m, and bia leave mate Crimey Jim, tock a tram ride out of a certain naval port and set out to tramp beyond naval bounds. Look beto, Crimey, old tport," sa»J Alice," we've done ptetty nßßrly evf ry kind of thing fn this war, but
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 Dating the Peace Celebrations at Swannlngton, Leicestershire, an efllgy ol (be ex Kaiser wae hang from a gibbet, and a notice attached read ."Kaiser Bill will be executed |hi« evening no floweri, by request."
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    • 139 2 New stocks just arrived. MEDICAL HALL Opposite Post Office, SINGAPORE. Important Announcement MANILA HOUSE 186, Orchard Bead. Just received from the wellknown London and Paris Housa of Marguerite Cieste A magnificent selection cf Parisian Blouses, Lingerie and Trousseaux. Exclusive ifid Original Designs. Prices Very Reasonable. Units Stores' Agency 33 Orchard
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    • 754 2 Li From TlicrscJaj, S«pt. 4. bhitish vigto v I Mp\ Tnis t'mc, is conjunct |M OTHER SPLENWD F£ T I rn snow m 9 „m u \^> W«!er n Phctop,ay S mthraHmg $erjal 0 \\m BMRP, SHELCOM LEWI; Mo C H»|iri Wi WOLV -OFKUISi >-/ V 'n 15 Erlsod.s or
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 tf ANTED I fc r < Matin* ISS> uc li£_ i I, .ice caa bo v 9 toicmUMUmllfetf fl for; Dp Pnoao ->i. roTTAG^ S .i fl d'iv.r HapH. W H S^EVRSS. 6 9 u.c. 1 Keeper, by rit need men Pi B.c. First i able 1 up i ;<>
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    • 650 3 AUCTION SALE OF Unredeemed Pledges, tie property of 15 Pawnshops Cn Monday Ist Sept. Kl9 at 10 am. On Wt nesday 3r l Sett 19 19 at I* a.m On Friday 6th tept 1919 at lo *m* On Mond*y Bih Sept. 1»19 at .o a.m' Tho riec!g»H cocs.stJng cf watches,
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    • 839 3 THE SING4POBF O TAIN ABLE AT Shipchandlcry Co., Ltd. ALL DISPENSARIES .^i CompsUiT*! Uiuvxh ttoe* "if. f^ n re^pboae h. ggjp O;-der* p'jiiv pt;y Attended jo ti j > and ccq a took tapplleii THROUGHOUT f rT vn M STRAITS SETTLEMENTS MEALIE MEAL. AND A fresh cooslgnniettcf lufallocifa! N drif
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    • 546 3 INTERESTIMG TO USERS OF Connell Bros. Company, the local Agents of LIBBY, McNEILL LIBBY of CHICAGO have considerable gratification in quoting the following gratuitous tribute to LIBBY'S CANNED FOOD PRODUCTS which has been received from one of the many satisfied users in this territory fct l have for the last
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  • 7 4 DR. Mrp. J. CORONEL. ppc.
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  • 731 4 Tbe daily r.ewepaper would be de- J piived of half its epice wore it not for criticism of Governments and officials. Bat. hard as it is to believe, there is uo great joy to be derived from adverse criticisms unless they tend to help to reform
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  • 753 4 Dr C L Sanaom, c M o, loft Kuab; Lumpur on WedneFda? cu a trip to India Tho gcod ship EgypS Bafely arrived a*, Colombo, ro a telegram received last nighr said, addirg tbf»t ail as well. Our Pfnnpg correspondent wiies that tbe marriage of Mujor Jensen of Bertam Estate
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  • 74 4 Capetown, Sept 2 General Smuts baa formed a Government and the ex Ministers continue in office, London, Sept B.— bo OOnCcttBOO CI tbt MinertFtideratitri DnanlDOValf Oarrif d the executive oommtttoat' Mdomaaanatatl Cibled or: Sept 2nd. (,\htch doce not Mem to have arrived yei) A Bolehevik witeless esya ''Our
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  • 257 4 Dr Lepsius's Terribis Indictment. Berlin, July 28. What it described jaj' the Trakh aboottba Armeoiaa MMiiern" has now b^en raraaUd to the German public Tiie iisrliDec Tageblatt print! long extracts from a, book baiad on dip loruatic docuraentb whieh Doctor Johaon Lepsiui wao coiaraieaioued to write by the
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  • 86 4 Calcutta, 2nd Aagnet. Calcutta is dow free fro n plague, and though the iDfluec/.i mortality has risen from thirty three in the previous week to sixty-three in the week eoded the S 6th July, (he epidemic was not very wide spread. The infection is spreading gradu ally
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  • 49 4 Bangalore, August 4tb. The Prince of Waleea Own West Yorkshire Regiment (the old 14th Foot) arrived in Bangalore this morning, 780 strong. This is the first instalment of the new complement ol tbe Bangalore Brigade which it is hoped to complete by tbe 81st October.
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  • 356 4 Sir Henry Wilßon'e "war game," which 1 according to Mr Lloyd George, be played with such prophetic skill on tbe map at Versailles, is one of tbe best games ia tbe world if you have enough of the righl kind of knowledge to make the playing of it possible. It
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  • 44 4 TV--,/. both,, da 5 ye,- I poirtd to I Straogoon K I last, »d I I I aepar dece I farther up forh«ln.n. I paoplt to m«*do and I u A rtcorered n 1 alnu: l I batb Apparent); wud ean
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  • 76 4 Liberty Hall prtßtnti the V M <M prodection ectitled "The li- c dJ dramatic etory of ftg|t|' tm: I motber'a ttruta'iru full cf ttee! J ct totpecfce r.n] mstery to the J degree, in tUc pmtp, ilm| Merry Mermuid t ib« LKo 2 reilej acd Univere&l Screen inegßzice
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  • 52 4 Tan Cboo Secg. raacscirg ptttcufl Be An Cheng aud Co, bae he»o foil tbcußßDd dollorß for atttrcpticg toiqfl twelve bags of fcugar to Tccjkah Rutfl lofpector Nicol Etated tbp.tibe <hctfl showed the bage as preserved lioitiS Half the floe was awarded the ;c!:rafl and the sugar
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  • 278 4 Unknown and Unwanted It is doubtful it before tbe difcctwfl began at Versailles moie tbio ihutfl of people bad ever beard cfVcnribifl II ii a district rocked eway bctfttfl Bavaria, Switzerland, and tbe Acttnfl Tyrol, Dcd baa fcr cfotoriei (ctmtil part cf tbo Austrian dcronio Vouribs™ it seems, is
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  • 36 4 The InJinn lad:e* ol B 0 3 eeu prominent 1 lt««4lotlMtaclodonoM»V cbl- !or Borneo Id ib d r^ n of'- 1 adiea to represent tL. u ca^e Parliomentary Comwlwio 0 |o ,een promieed aeaistauce by fair.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 COATE'S Per $2 LOO Case 77?e Purest Gin On Sale BOORD'S OLD TOM GIN Pink! np %N riufi ur m inAinnM f^N IONDON THE ST^3 inc o i y MARKET j Ssjjj^? I ESTABLISHED 1744. Price $2O per case. SOLS AGENTS. DUIY EXTRA.. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. < Incorporated in
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    • 43 4 I Co, Ltd |.r im Place, i d -IM Two pieces ol Barker rd M I Me Ooh Chang Lim for in I Freehold j, Ed Bt Dalvey rd, area 518 W Mr MA MejerforV^OO. I Freehold land a' sale 828.0C0, I B
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  • 386 5 THE COU NCIL SPEAKS. ff RN INGjT^GERMANY. I,.tcrfero with Austria. fi;' -upieme Council is I Germany, I stw German can foe Austrian C oil, which pro- v.iih Austrian ri qo"8t;8 \l U pi'OVi a\h rsv.h« tha I i eatrf cut truth i rontier Came kb«r, debat I II closed .-V
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  • 180 5 wmaie Summing Club held its lVetEaty fiea epQrta oq gQDday tj 8 lar e Rathariog of membere t wers entertained in the club ijT 1 *bUe tbo ladiea were enter--5. B n^ IOWB kin <"y lent for the Wv» Ue Choon Gaa n m b e 3
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  • 600 5 MR LONG'S REDUCTIONS. London. S*p! B.— The Diily Mnil forecAiti M Walter Long's reduction in the Navy I and eays ho will prcb.bly try to reduce tus expenditure to £70,000, CO j which is' reckaneda.equUaleuttothapre warexpen duure of £34,000.000 at present! prices.! Tbjp-.rsouuc.-l will prohihy ba reduced to!
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  • 180 5 The wider application cf the Baudot installation to pcet office telegraph sys terns has been restricted during the years of the war, but one has recently been started on tha London Dublin service, gWiuR a total of eight channels four either way eich working at a speed tf
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  • 1038 5 FOLITE BUT FIRM Parii, Sep!; 8 —The revised Peace Treaty has baea handed ever to tbe Aaetriana without ony ceremooy, by DaftMta, Secretary Geaoral of the fVac* Conference, in ihe historic Louis XiV Hull of the Henry IV Pavilion at Hi German Reoteer left for Vienna where
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  • 197 5 Germans who Divulged them Washington, July 22.— 7h0 liner Aga rminnon baa brought two prisoners of war, consigned to the Director of Military Intel ligence. They are said to be German officers of high rank and to have held positions of great responsibility under Marsha! Hindenburg. It) is
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  • 84 5 When the Hong Wan, outward bound was cleariDg Tanjong Pagar on Wednesday evening the ran into the S S Co's Steamer Kuala, which was moored at the west wharf opposite Qodown No 8, striking her on the port side and damaging her above the water line. A number
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  • 71 5 Secretaries R and D Kindersley (Kajang). Inch Kenneth 84,920 Olenshiel 84,480 Kejang 89,190 Sungei Ramal 22,160 Connemora 4,i80 cretarie s Sime. Darby (Malacca). Seßukit Lintang 21.0C0 Chempedak 12,^C0 Cslinsburgh 8 000 Jasin 28,000 Krnbong 12,142 Kempas 84,703 Lendu 22,200 Merlim-AU 186,462 Permata 6.891 Pegoh 90,274 R^dfllla
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  • 30 5 Friday, Seet 4. 4 80p Baleetier RaDge Eurasian CoPraotice Satubday, Sep^ 6. 2 30p Baleetier RaDge SYR Claes Firing, JAR GIiENNIB, Lt Ccl, A/Ccmdt SVC
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  • 49 5 A large majority of residents in German-named streets Btrongly object to any alteration of those names," reports SI Pancras Council Highways Committee. Mr A Van Vollenhoven, Manager of the Penang branch cf the K P M, is being transferred to Java, whither hia wife acd family have already proceeded.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 FOR AUSTRALIA. s.s. LUBECK ssils for Australia aboul 6th inst. For passage apply to, BOUSTEAD CO., Agents
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    • 131 5 5 iiUSINSIUN du u 0 n I Sheffield Hollow Rsj^s^ Ground Pazora, at less 1 HIBHBMJ^ than factory Prices. Two bladed Penknives, Sheffield make, 'in a variety of Staghorn li *4 vi JCo Sale Price $1 each. Atkinson s Ceie ODOL. The World's brated Whits Rose Perfume. Dentifrice in two
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 530 6 (INCORPORATED IS JAFANI QNDZS MAIL CONTRACT WITH T3J IMPKKIAL JAPANB3B GOVERNMENT. Bi (Subject to alterations without notice) m 80BOPEAN LINE. (Via Suez Canal) ronm^ti, aorvtce For (Malacca Penan-4, Cdombo. Saoz. Marseilles London Antwerp n "KAMO MAKU H llth pt l D V>'AKi3i MAM (cargo) v > "ATaUTA MAKU" Oo ob3r
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    • 742 6 Koninkiyke Paketvaart Mastscbapp!] (Incr rpjrvced In Lo'-and.) ROYifj PACKET NAVIGATION Co. OF BATWIA 3lftpHcne 131 Pass.^e DeDt. 1202 Frel£Hl Dopt. 1002 Managara Desk 1437 Marina Sapt. Tranablpin^nt Dspt. 3 COLLYER QUAY. UNDER OONTRAOr WITH TdE NBTHERLAJDB 7NITA OOVBRHMSNT, iNuiRvrJA Paneb, Beron ta g As ban and Belawan-De i Bept. 4
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    • 528 6 (Ccmpaoleg lccoryorated in Bn-iaag Mail and Passenger Se Sv PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL n. (Under Contraot hub Majetya GovernIhe Coxpanya MAIL SERVICES EAST OJ* BOMBiv if ox dod, iX ;o »1 LONDON FAS-EASTEBN SESVICI I FROM LONDON i TO ma, DUEBINQAPORE LE v. 14 VT ,1 Khiva aboat 10th Sept. FrS
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 304 7 V-/ U-> «&,^,isA H.M. TH C KING C/iv FINEST ;#> ROLLED OATS c/ccn. tempting food, giving Uamina-^rivalled for BrZkZT _^f^ PREPARATION 0? N P^jo You Suffer from any I S SlilU OR BLOOD DISEAS I /Plqw^^^ Scrofula. Leg, compt sod of inu-rrtli.-nt* V M u *ly lllHl Sir" V^v»
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    • 480 7 WHAT 13 THE C gf yo-;i isaifl? Mopt the Popular B n fic T al M Har!eac Hair-Drill." 1,000,000 Hair-Growi«K and Hairntifyinc Outfits FREE to AH. ll' >■ woi puh! fa] out ,01 or o'vcr-K 1 ot >■'.■ tn men aiMi women have done, a 1 llnrK 11.- I x.I
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    • 1227 7 COM.'VIISSIOMESIS FOt? THE PORT OF T HE A3SI3TIHT RiYE^ SUSVSYOR W4NT3D. SANK OF FIIIWAN Hi omrnis^onorß tor i li 3 Port ot Kango-n i O -Trr» invite sppiicaioua for ih > pcsi of AHsistivut LIWiMED. "iSSSSfS'Ih. rppoi.n m e.t are to assi rt «^"«»«_D dt Speool lMr KR Aft the
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    • 538 7 (rKAKitlfrD elriK G *!i lostrafla tni Sl^lna, ISBBVIFDID £8,100,00(1 *c«'_*\o LiaHiity of Proprlctops £1,200,050 hsad orrics 3HfiCPi:aslfi LOHDCV, I, 0. iBWWOtm Aaft> OSAMCEB3. 4rnrl<!Hßr H<mg>e>i a*| tiangkok lu Vc^.i LJatavia oh K^apoosi Bombay r .rbi Saljoc Ca>O'-tta Ag ??temb&t Oanton »b6 EbM|hal cba -»a r*ata#cf Bfßg«puM -jolombo F'jurALsTi Do'h* jJla
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 960 8 2 A 7 TH* STEWARDS' P*ATS and STAKES--2 55 p.m. and 5 10 p m. Value $600 and $700 re»p:ctlve!y with $100 f t .r c"c>i fficocd hor^e; aI a idlca;) for all ex-grlfQii born h tbftt bavn nn nt the meeting t&o hcrses m*y bo divided \>y tho hat.dic
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    • 1046 8 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE AUIUMN RACE MEETING (UNDER B. R. k. RULES OF RACING) WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday the 1 4th, Thursday the 1 6th, and Saturday the IBthof Get, 1919. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. TukBD\y, lith October, 1919. Ift 8 THE MALAY ST *TCS PU T E and STAKES
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    • 725 8 >rv| Famous, not only in the Old Country, but B^** C fj throughout the World, are the superb J\*^ w values obtainable from John Noble's. yf^f n?X ul You should send to-day for the wonder- 3 u /?S|\ Jv uj ful 68 page Catalogue, giving full particulars JpWIM r,j and
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    • 205 8 YAMATO'S*/! THE HOUSE CM Q That has Specialised Tfor over r j TW £ii 1 mi years in II jj OOTTONS SILKS. l S VWTO GOMPANV I SirCAPOfiE. J INVESTED IN I Bears the Interest I of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co who are Determined to give Satisfactory Service
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  • 685 9 THE PAWNBROKERS' ORDINANCE 1898. Tenders ar-.> invited for the Bole right to op<-n .;ne pawnshop for a period of three years from the Ist January 1920, in each of the streets or sections of streets in the town division of the Settlement of Singapore, described in the schedule hereto annexed
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  • 67 9 (Cohrbctrd Up to Sept 4 ttsuk 4m e 1 4-7-Jfl dr.rnaud 34 8 16 PriTfttt or«dtli Ktnj j4ll 18 Mow York Bacb df »iind 4P^ M credits SO dnyt; 6IJ Praooi demand Bank 86 y India, T. T. 115J HONaKONa, flemend 74 J% Fr«r» Yokohama, dtmuL'd 97 Java, demand
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  • 142 9 Tin ifO tons $188 00 Gambler jgoo Gamble* Cnbe No. 24 00 Pepper BUok ocdic. 'port 86.00 Pepper, (White lair) 60.00 Ift] lCoft| I r. j t j v.'Rlr quoLiy) 20 0f» do do flate do 14. C0 da ircdiniii p: arl do 20. C0 Pd&i! BagO, Grcnll 17
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1349 9 1.000.000 Assurance in force over $9,000,000 j AT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, lIMPD T" AGENTS WANTED »r,». n FAIR, Mangos Dircolir, or t jo HORACES W. BAPHB, Director of Ageaetee. "7^TsWTIS'» AHO WEPB»NTIU€ THE BANK LTD. hhoompobaibd in biax.) 'o F«a Up v' 000.000 COASTIi^Q BIRVIOK. F;V E iILUOMS Sterling.
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    • 97 9 To Creditors of Adjourned Meeting. hON SUMMARY CASi^ RE OsMtN KHAN hUKATTEE fcIN HAr.TI BLLTAii Khan cubatjee. Take notice that ihe of (Jredlcorn la the above matter hi Id on the 3rd day ol September ui» at the kiALkroptcy Oftlce, Mii&ap. re was adjourned to the Oih day ol September
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 111 9 1 VESSELS AT WHARVES. TANJOriQ I'AOATi. EBHt Whnrt No. i R»l, EastWha»X a H ,cg cb, LuLt ck. i fclaeerß Wfcar! A Dry Dociss i s AigoDno. itfaln Wharf t Boon. rto 5 Binl.a. <**3 6 Htmaoia j'a:a, Empire Dec! Nawbb ;\VeatWhHjf 8 Med ?a K jala, Santa Jara'no"?i N'K
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    • 397 9 MAILr TABLE. TZ fricsoefilatc aa<! local rca'.ir, s:Si ie loi-, a \lLt bclcw j— rtnang, Malaeaa, F.MX. (by Train) I a.m. :?'!y (exceyt Bußdar!> Kuta Tlnggl and Btaticcß to Kuala Lumput at 6 a.m. Jchoro 8, S.BO, noon, f 4 A I p.m. B*tavia Grotiua 8 am Cucob Edina 9
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  • 1499 10 LONDON FINANCIAL LETTER. hi r Prices 81 Rfac in Mali II Merl In- Lands n:» f i!fi)«l British Ni I'rouross. is— Uriii rth Becaee Progrei plantation rubber has >»("-n iteadily in an upward dirt many wi fol- r- now t is< n t<> 1* 11',.|. in Lou t to Is.
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  • 220 10 BARLOWS RUBBER REPORT. Singiporo, Sept 4. I During tbe pa3t wetk, va'uce havo rieeu steadily, acd a large amount of forward business has been done There hnB cUo been a 6trocg demand for spot! delivery, and prices aia nlmost on a par 1 with «.bo»-e for October
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  • 140 10 I? Quercei partly by aJvicei of h.gber tallies in LccJon the rubber aaotiona which cpened on W^dueeday fthowed furihf r Pdvances in prices. At tha com mprcfrccrt Fine Pale Cropo realised up la Bf-i ceuts per lb (thrc-o lots Bold at 88 cent-) thosving an advance ou the
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  • 641 10 Singapore, Sept 4. Sin:e the cletfl of last week's auction we have h«d a tirra and steadily rising niaike*. The ctaint feature baa been the strocg demand for epot and near rubber »rd ia CJaseq-.i^nce cf this the premium on distant positions next year has gradually
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  • 496 10 S. C. C. L\V.:< TENNIS. TLo 8C C Pxpetieooed IN usual ill Iu .k with the WAStbei und Jbe t.nnis tieß yebterd iv could not be plßjfd, Tiae ties emnfed for yestatdsy will bo playtd OQ Tuesday Tc-3a}'b Tiea fetand. TODAY'S TIES. B Singles. HclibZiGW gcr v Wrißbt
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 137 10 Clearance Sale Take her straight to WASSIAMUi You and she together will be ab] to, tbe very thing you have set your The plainly marked SALI Ric make every purchase :i barifain MONEY BUYS MORE AT Wassiamuil Assomull &Co PhoDem4 56, 57, !^h Street, m VICTORIA THEATRE BA ISI V
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