The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 August 1919

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 216 1 AV 'tneettttaj 1 at been j decided ii oom i :«')<. disti b';:^ .'tii •>» >, j Tne ftoqi ms v\^r. [yesterday v. th n beodaocy. Sha oh rtre .jiin_x h i..os i pects of advrt^ Fiftteet c-<cg°s n je <bire I. be tounJ n page B
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  • 31 1 Orders for v.r,u pp An^'ist 2. Friday Aug 1. P.jyiical Drill, YM C A C round 5 15 p ni. Individual Trocp Orders ns Issued bj Beoutasaatertt
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  • 1104 1 i :a\ i omc as boon and a '< f; > vi of the m— t ''< I > w iiu.ii tfj Arnold! I #rr^~ their passioM.r blood-thirsl ini;- t«> though otnnibup m fewer of them than there Ul 1 i> be, and "th-- <!d erush at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 469 1 R4FFLESBOTEL. if BWl___~~l litcs of Hooms and spacious lounges, verandah and beautiful grounds. -m y AFrERNOON TEAS. 00(^7^(^7 *C iday, \«usic ia attendance. Ciuema on V -j >|^r the Lawn from 6.15 p.m. J Not only are Goodrich Sa-ety Tread Tyres tha %aUa%\ cuisine. Guest ni>ht every Saturday, dinner ia
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    • 124 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FrtiEh films at le Harima Hall, Pal!«* »u. .*...i»;y "I'r.j i.:^c* cl Wil lison Wirth'a circas &nd Atbol Tier ahow— Page 2, Notice re Chamber of Commerce meet ting on Ang 8 Page 8. Important rpductions in the prices o Kodak films Page 8. Slipping: Beo line sailings
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 151 1 THE WEEK B_-_________-__-_^_____________________l iwar, August ist Hifb Wg_c» l _tt ,t 33 p.m. Atbol Tier at Thf a' re. 9 11 p m. EdulJoe Khory Lodge, 8.3 p.m. sets* day 2nd High '^'i?( i46 b *?.8 p.m. Tubllc and r<anli Holiday. A- noi Tier at Theatre, f.3" and 9.15 p.m.
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  • 222 2 An Englishman^ Storj. Copenhagen, June 15 —Captain Arcbi bald Parker, bd Englishman, has arrived here from Russia, where he represented the Red Croat. After having paid a tribcte to the excellent work dune by tbe Danish Red Cross io Raesia, Captain Parker told representative of the Press
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  • 193 2 The substitution of manuscript or print writing for copper plate in the nation's echoole is a salutary reform which now «eeaB likely to be generally accepted. "Copperplate" is all right for the. engraver, who Bits before hie polished plate with the tool in bis right hand, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 FORMALIN. New stocks just arrived. MEDiCAI HALL Opposite Post Cffloo, SINGAPORE. Victoria Theatre FRIDAY, August 8, at 9.15 p.m CONCERT^ BOY SfOUTS ASSOCIATION under the distir.quUhed patronage of H. E The Governor the Lady Evelyn Younj H. E. Wajt r General Ridcut I In. Ridout Circle and Stills $2.00 Pit
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    • 434 2 A Return to the Favourite Stars Productions AT THE PALLADIUM In the Programme for the Five Nights. August 1 9 2 9 4 9 5 6. Second Show at 9 30 p.m. FRANK IIVn LL FA R N V M j f j The Great BLUEBIRD Mystery Drama THE EM
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    • 901 2 frrom Wednesday, July 30, to Monday Au^uu 4 The Commencement o? an Enthralling Serial by WESTERN PfiOfOPLAIS, INC., AT TnE frrom Wednesday, July 30, to Monday Au^uu 4 The Commencement o? an Enthralling Serial by WESTERN PfiOfOPLAIS, INC., AT TnE ALHAMBRA The Hall for Music and Features. Beach Road Second
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 762 3 PRTLIMINARY NOTICE .Mimi sites for Bungalows at Vanglin. Healthy Locality and tifully situated next to Holland Park .state Holland Road. eaU rs (iiing Keng Leo Co., bave received instructions offer for sale by Public Auction at their Sale Room Iffies. Chambers. Rallies Place, At an early date T HE UNDERMENTIONED
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    • 828 3 AUCTION SALE OF Unredeemed Pledges, the property of fifteen pawnshops. On Tuesday Sth August 1919 at 10 a.m. On Thursday 7th ati) On Saturday 9th at 10 On Monday Ilth at 10 The Pledges consisting of watches, chains gold, diamond and other rings, earrings, Chinese and Malay ornami nts etc.,
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    • 631 3 NOTICF. The Exchange Banks will bo closed on SATURDAY, 2nd August I D u MONDAY, 4th f. Publlc Holidai,s -"•7 1. 8 WANTED WANTED: A RoKablo Clerk with experlence iu wines and provisions and good knowledge of typewiiting. Apply personally, B. High Btreet. 14 -7 uc WANTED immediately a c'.erk
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    • 574 3 THE SINGAPORE f HAUBER OF COMMERCE RUißEff ASSOCIATION. As required by Bole 24, Notiro iq hereby given that a pecial Oenoial Meeting of the Members of the Ass c aJon will bo held with in the Exchange huUding-j, ingipore, on Friday, tho Bth AugasC, 19*9, ac J2 o'ciock noon for
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    • 616 3 f m^ m m m^m^^mm^^mm*m^^mmm.mmm*M^m.^^mmm Kodak Films Reduction in Price On and after August Ist Kodak Films and Premo Him Packs will be on sale at the following reduced rates fjf\w T Cff lie; HU Li Li riL<nrl9. SIZE perwol Vest Pocket Kodak ex 8 ex $0.55 No. 1 Brownie
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  • 126 4 Sturgess.— At the European Hospital, 1 Kuala Lumpur, to Mr. and Mis. A. W. Sturgess, a son. _r-_ Chxft At 981 Ampcng Road, Kuala Lumpur, tho wif^ ol air. Eric Chait, of a son. -.CKftOVLgD.EMENT. Mrs. J. M. Watt ard family wish to thark sincerely a I thi te
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  • 1112 4 Friday AtGCST 1, 1919 Most people bave forgotten the old Singapore Steam Tramway that ran from Johnston's Pier to Tanjong Pagar and from there to Rochore. The driver of the first tram was the late Mr A A Swan, and it is qaaint to note that
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  • 105 4 The remnins of Mrs Low Qtk Seng who died on Oct Brd 1918 at Brighton, Englond, are expected to arrive in Singapore by the eteamet Gleniffer to day at noon The remains will be
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  • 782 4 London, July 28. Reuter understands that in connection with the Allied wern ing to Belakun that arrangement* havo been main for a Franco-Serbian advance to attack the tight flack of tho Army ot Belakuu should tbe latter not comply with the Allied demands. Copenhagen, Julv 28. X wire
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  • 39 4 At an Cofuroi!,:c. m j I present, it Oovetnnifit i I white r; B3*nts. TL rue Mr I> A M (i »i Slot Hnd i Coloiul vewrd sai-i energy |fa ia tb»» orgfti cf rubber, tin I
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  • 25 4 With Ik I which wtnt Ml »M in now is thai >m sn.ut Bhew. I tbj dan BOO.OCO gu Id m insured.
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  • 486 4 The Blue Fm from Home tin. largo cumber cf i will be fltm for por.b tattbtl Among the are— Cupt 1 J E C Campbc! J JFDew, LIBG i Capt H M A Holland, iLt \j Lawteuce, Iftj r Rjbinfeon, Lt .1 I: Terrell, Li I R i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 FRESH STOCK ARRIVED "^^y Z' i yk I f■ V >/'':• •^^■t a \V ft j r\ F" A l/ A I AAAV) i ftf\ t\ B A A P v ftss LSI n I 1 fih, j Lc £i 11 Tennis Requisites THE IDEAL RACKET FOR i| THE TOURNAMENTS
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    • 24 4 Victoria Theatre Bad News F3R PLAYGOERS. LAST TWi> NIGHTS ATHOL TIER AND HiS TALENTED COMPANY. MATINEE TO-MORROW AT 5 30 tfonteftttc Occurrences mmmmmmm^ mmmmm
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  • 252 5 __..ra MEN UNDECIDED __Good A <lvie Mine ooai j r-' V _rl la. M i i I 1 j b.en su: order In .1 kttfasl I d Yotl i a Burnt) I f x lid no boo >anetd Ita 1 591 n c rata th ri i
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  • 58 5 uti», Jnly 29— Unofficial utterances tha Japanese delegition indicate the Jipanese will mak d no statement regardlcK the Shantung etcret pact, on the irouad that they are not interested in i rtiom to the A-nertcan Senate. It J denied that President Wileoo cUei to B^ron Makino asking
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  • 33 5 Lflß^.Joly26-MrAEqoith epeakinfi J vigorously attacked the m especially condemning th STL? Irfcland and K ««ela. He declare Chi resUtPd He never h&en s 0 many placemet ommo ne -een Anne.
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  • 25 5 I e r h July M -The Standard Oil dor!, 1 aUDdred miUiOD •chef, y P ur P3BQ pushing yaet development.
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  • 20 5 The House Com rtpMl of the THi. i. inter- P towacdi orectin 8 10 Protect imtrimo pcadaoti.
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  • 16 5 ■rican Dread '•un locks of I to the PacjQc. sbipa havt
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  • 18 5 THE MA RNE ANNIVERSARY. trw. -ibe Bnoivereary of 1?c .r l8 ot «»e Marne was u »l«an representatives,
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  • 3 5 r^-M^r—"— 1
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  • 179 5 DENIKIN'S SUCCESS Massacre in Petrograd 'Loudon, July 27. --Th* W M Gffice e-.ys tbat a squadron of D n -ki..'. eoesackt raided the tettakban Ucaltk rallw. y o hundred in;.... ae*. cf Xl end roved th. hns in six places. D,n km'e nrogre.d low ard I Kr-k
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  • 182 5 Louden, July 25.— The Government ha B approved of an organisation for tbe dis posal of canteen profits accumulated duriLg war time. Tha sums involved are considerable, aud will bo devoted to tbe b-aefl. of the disabled aud discharged officers and men; the benefliof the widow., children
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  • 92 5 London July 25. Admiral Beatty, accepting tbe freedom of Leicester, said that the navy was the insurance of our overseas trade. It had never rattled the sabre, and bai never been a menace to any but those who ventured to disturb peace. Germany had failed in her
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  • 58 5 London, July 26— Yorkshire beat Gloucestershire by an innings and 125 Kent beat Surrey by 186; Nottingham shirt va Australians drawn Essex va Hampshire drawn Lancashire beat War wicksbire by an innings and 44. London, July 26 —In the first round of the Davis Cup Britain beat South
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  • 51 5 Berlin, July V4 la contrast to Oer many's protsetattooa of helplessness before the signature cf peace, Hetr Schmidt, Minister of Finance, speaking in the Weimar Assembly eaid despite the blockade our prospects are not to nn favourable and the soil, mines etc, will soon be in working
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  • 44 5 rarie, July 2V. uenerai AiienDy nas informed the Greek Government that Great Britain will hand Cvprus over to Greece next week (Havae Paris, July 26. A settlement of the Icalo Greek differences in Epirua and Asia Minor is expected shortly.
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  • 42 5 Paris, July 26. Tho Bulgarian deleg ation has arrived. Paris, July 29. The Paase Conference is anxious to present tbe Bulgarian treaty early text week but a dispute over the disposition of Tbraoe may considerably delay this presentation. (liavus
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  • 53 5 LondoD, July 28. The correspondent of the Times at Tangier Bays Raienli's followers on July 20 attacked a Spanish convoy proceeding to the post of El Hand which is cnt off. The garrison's position ia desperate owing to shortage of water Tribesmen aie constantly raiding Spanish Tillages
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  • 205 5 HUNGARIANS' PROBLEMS Austria's new Minister .Paris, July 27. A wire from Vienna i|l»}i De'.Bkun'.. trocps operating egainet j ibe Rurronians eustuined a eecioua leverse leaving four th* u.uud driitd oa the field. j Copenh; gr u July 25.— A wire from Bu'da says tbe Hungarian* claim tho
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  • 364 5 Milner and C 0 PoJicy London, July 26. At the East African dinner at the S*voy Hole?, Sir O.ven PaiJlipa who presided, proposed tbe toa&t to Lord Miluer and referred to tbe txctllent opportunities existing in East Africa fjr those with a rxoderato capital and ability to
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  • 43 5 PArie, July 29— Greafi preparations are being made in London for the recep tion of Marshal Fooh at the Guildhall on July 30 when he will be presented with the freedom of the city and a sword of honour. (fclavae
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  • 36 5 London, July 26. Mr Montagu has appointed a committee, presided over by Viscount Edher and composed of Sevan Indian army experts, to enquire into the administration and organisation of- the army of India.
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  • 37 5 Paeia, July 29.— The French and Unit ed States Governments have come to an agreement concerning the purchase by France of large stocks of material left by the United States army. (Havae.)
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  • 22 5 Barlin, July 26,— Thirty thousand metal workers and electricians have struck threatening to cut off the telegraphs and telephones.
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  • 18 5 London, July 26. Tbe death has ocoarred of Nat Gould, tbe well known ■porting novelist.
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  • 436 5 Interesting Cabe in Klanq. Before Mr W Pcjde sitting in the Klang Court an interebting case was heard on the 29:b in which the M S V R attempted 'to recover a fine of $25 imposed ou Private S Wm.hrop for failure to attend a com pulecry
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  • 237 5 1 A THEATRE OF WAR." I Co the Editor, I should like to kuow if D C L I has iny aniwer or comment to make to A R't etter of July 4th in your paper. D C L I'i etter of July Bed was apparently an ins >ired
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  • 195 5 Thirty Thousand Posts at £180 Per Annum Thirty thousand masters nnJ mistrossea will bs required by the Board of Education nnder the ne-v coutinaaticn schools scheme for England and Walei. The authorities declare that the woik will be exceptionally interesting, bat no easier than that in
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  • 50 5 Chief Inspactor A S Wilson, (Penang) who has been an inmate of the General Hospital, we are glad to say has como out. IP G) Mr P Nesbitt is leaving Bangkok shortly for bie new post in An'tralla. Mr C M Howe of the Singapore offloe la relieving him (here.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 334 5 ROBINSON Co. ROBINSON Co. Mr, H. N. BUCKERIDGE late of Me srs. LAFAYETTE, Photographers to Their MAJESTIES 15e^s to annouLce thu )ir3 conducts the ONLY EUROPEAN STUDIO SINGAPORE at The BURLINGTON. (100 Paces North of the Adelphl Hotel). i™"""™" l 111 1 wmmmmammM mm a** H DISTEMPER GUARANTEED PRE-WAR QUALITY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 411 6 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA, (INCORPORATED IS JAPAN* OND£S MAIL CONTRACT WITH THB IMPERIAL JAPANESB QOVSRNMENT. Subject to alterations without notice) BPHQPEAN LINE. (Via Suez Canal) Fortnights service. For (Malacca), Penang, Colombo, Suez, London and Antwerp S" SADO MARU H let Aogast "AWAMIRU" (Antwerp direct) early August KITANO MAKU August "ISABiMiKU" about
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    • 676 6 Konlnklyke Paketvaart Maatschappll (Inccrporated In Holland.) ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION Co. OF BATAVIA Telephone 131 Passage Dept. 1202 Frelgnt Dept. 1002 Managers Desk 1437 Marine Supt. Transhipment Dept. 3 COLLYER QUAY. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Van dbr Haqen Batavia. Boar&baya, Maoasear, Balib-Paran, Donggala, PaTebleb, Kwandaog. Amoeraog, Menado, Tagoclandang,
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    • 652 6 AND (OciLpaulOß Incorycratea In KlclicJ Mail amd Passenger Servi peninsular and 03iental s n r. (Under Contraot with His Majors Governr-'en-*! The Company's MAIL SERVICES EA3T OF 1 BOME\f LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON TO MARSEILLES A DUE SINGAPORE j| g^J* APg ßk^ ra=» eDgera for Earope are booked by
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  • 519 7 Betbmano Explains. In the extract from Herr von Bathmann Hollweg'a b>ok, of wbicb a fcnnamary ia Riv?n in the following telegram, the ex Chancellor attempts to explain away hia notorious phrase A Scrap of Paper," which so fatai.'y damaged German reputation. Sir Edwnrd GoFcben, describing tha
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  • 281 7 iub uai froDicra in a isurenell is tne alluring title of a leaflet received from an Australian corrospocdfut who h^Bea his rroarßrame en what hp describes b* four Indisputable f eta (1) Tbe rate oro polygamous ('J) beofttltfl cf btii^f- p-Wy, gomou*, they have b CCm« a pest (3)
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  • 75 7 Madras, June 29. Ad interesting find of archaeological value IB reported from Coartallarn in the coarse of an excavation in the famcui- Siva temple there. Several images of Viehnu i in a fairly good state of preservation were discovered, a fact which goes to confirm the current
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 98 7 ?ire Extinguishers a A i -A ia ve extinguished )ver 1,250 actual ires in India since Is Borneo Go., Ltd. .Incorporated in England). SATISFACTORY SERVICE MAKES a "M "n r V V D v? C i. 4 rantced to give every us r satisfactory service. Tropical Tyres are Full Size.
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    • 448 7 f vis _F_l i _^S j "Nerves" ti tarishm snt to the nerves, the 0j nerves wiii remain B ._u_ig and Bat directly the nerve centres become weakened by I overwork, worry or anxiety, they 1 unable to transmit the I nece isary nourishment, and the I nerves become worn
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    • 399 7 B™™ 8 ENGLAND :a^^^S^o^^^^^ Direct from the Factory to your HomeT ~nauf H Buy all your Dress Requirements and Household Goods from [fj the great British Mail-order 1 louse. You will be delighted with A 0 the quality and workmanship of the goods, the up-to-date and attractive styles, and the
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  • 747 8 A Mediterranean Ireland. M-t-ta _b like Irblund, u! L'ißCcntent ed. Before tho war the Italian! curried SfJ on a geed deal pi prttpegeeda Ka the I country, and the QeVnO-aDi alee lock ft g ban iin it. One, who hid beenji naturalised for jeart, was a
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  • 193 8 Plight of the American Teacher. It is eomewhat eis.niflcar.t th.u the recent unrest, in tbo rankfl of school teachers in England is finding rn echo in America. The general assumption here haa always be*-u lhal no nation in the world paid euch attention to teocbtra and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 326 8 THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFP. INSURANCE C^ L T i (Rag'sterefl ta H^ngktnJ «ud with the Baard of Trais (Iai!a«!l).) Paid to its Policyholders U\ 1917 orer $2,823,000.00 Or Over $J,503.03 foe cacK workia day. Policies Issued during the year, tasuriag ever $10,000,000.00 Applications for A^ f 2tic:23 iavi:el from gantleinen?
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    • 462 8 The Finest Dollar's Worth A\J i^ f^mm^t i£XC vS_Bß____M___BfB_MßKg_g^&_< m (>P msa\ Oj I "•^^atfi'n %lIP Pi l^'^i .-C ?*_3_rt!»_lJ__jf !______f__S*'^ »_A-^._ _._^___r j.__^_-___! »_,_-_«v.____k_W -N ll'- T e____ w wf np *e iAKAI. n%. et *-F _-__sj_Hs amMmr *mf Save hundreds of steps in YOUR office by buying )yt
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  • 63 9 (Cobsboted Up to July 81.) Bank 4me 547 la domand 948 16 Priyato credits 8m 1411 16 Sew Ycrk Back demand 618 8 N oreditß fcO daye 53] France domand Bank 810 India, T. T. JBB (IONGKONO, d.iracnd C4jX?»»« Yokohama, domand 10li Java, demand 188i Bangkok, d3:r;r.nd eci Sovereiqns,
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  • 126 9 July 31. Tin (150 tcnfe) §181 00 o^^c^no., ;tss Popper Black ordm. S'pore 89.50 Pflppar, (Whiftt fair) 64. C0 Tapioca, small panel quclltj) 22.00 do do flake do 1W.26 do mcSicm pearl do 22.00 Pearl £ago, smell 15 oo Copra Sundcied 22.25 Copia Mixed 21.75 Opium, Benares uncertified 3.800
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  • 186 9 Tft v lat eim edi ale and local malls, will ke lou. d ta list below i— Peaaag, Malaeea, F.M.B (by Train) 6 p.m. dallp (except Susday.. Kota Tinggi and stations to Knala Lumpui at 6 a.m. Johore 8. 9.80, noon.*l, 4 ft I p.m. P Batam A
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 325 9 )DO.OOO t Jmrn* j) OFFICB! Wl £20.030 deponltK «.ans or ASSU mm tt m T^Ti^TTno WEKC4NTIIE i fficJ COMPANY 1 ,-taia). TOTAL FUNDS iEKTV-THKE MILLIONS Wt Burling. AN NCAL REVENUE tzc FIVE MILLIONS Sterling. 11 Jl Transport In :n"ent rates. k p 3 by Hfclfl .ge, rubllo A Ii f
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    • 490 9 ASTERN LIFE A INCOHPORa iid IH fl Inchester Boaso, Singapore. nd with th Supreme Cont, of Kngland, aad Por aJI particnlara, apply to A, H. HORACE W. RAPEB ■WMMM_MMMMM_HB_BHM__K_HBEH_IiMHB__-_M^ H rHE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in tha Straits Settlements) Hkad Office Singapore, Kaffloa Chambers 5 8 S Branches Penantf—
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    • 518 9 I n rT-TTT_n^ Wil IP I Assnra SSURANCE COMP, LONDON OFFICE: 32 compiles with the Brltl^hLilo Issnraaco Oo rro loan. FAIB, Managing Dircotor, or to Director of Agencies. u.Ib.H. The Osaka Shosen Kaisha Ltd (Incorporated In Japan) No. 2, De Souza Street Proposed Sailings from Singapore (loßject to charge without
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    • 571 9 mmmmmmm VESSELS ARRIVED. OlCe in force OVCr $9,000,000 Horg Ho, Brl 9l^n7xre D ggana 11, 10. Trenggacu 1. i MffynafiFißV Br ouwer, Dut 82*. from P Baroo 31, foi A raY Bf¥i llt I 1 Bllliton2. h, i 1 Yoahidu Ma u No 2, Jap 3519, f/omKaratcm l "»ft^ AiaLlfJll
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 260 9 ■AILS FOR EUROPE. Left Singapore Dae In London Arrived May 24th F Jane SO May 89th O Jnly 6 Jane Srd A Jane eth B 5 Jane 9th r H June 9th D 3B Jnnesist E SB Jnnelfith F 9B Jaly Bra A Jaly Bth B Jaly 18th Jaly it
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  • 116 10 The nsual Rcc.iona of the Singapore Chamber of Cv.nvnet c-3 Rubber Association were held on WeJutediy ani Tburtd «y when there iu oflored tot §o)e 2,018 C63 lb. Tons 8Vb .70 Prices Realized Ribbed Smoked Sheet ce nts p«r Ih S'pore Standard Qiality 63^ to 71$ Off
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  • 145 10 S cg^pore, July 81. The WVek'y 4«ottOOf Opan«d on Wad net-din with a good demand for all e r aifp a^ prices r.'jjut cu a 'cvtl with Ihjse of last week. Singapore BtanSttd H.bbed R:bb*J Saaoked Shent was readily token cp at from 67$ to 7li ccii'c.
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  • 127 10 Sir.gapoie. July 81. At the weekly rubbar auctions he!J yetterday and to dny manufacturing Interests were well represented and there was a gaod demand for all grade*. At the ■omojeccerneut of the sjJaa Fiue Pale Crepe realizad up to 7 3 cents (two lots ■old for 7J$
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  • 305 10 LEWIS PEAT'S RUBBER REPORT. Singgpore, Jnly 31. Since our list issue we have had a fluctuating mark it. Towards the c'.oae of last week prices shewed a disiinc; tendency downwardthe fall being due to the lo* prices quoted by the trade and a blight dediue in the London market. Singapore
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  • 436 10 Bingapor*, Jo)y ?i. A g^o-.l kmi ?>rrvui!ri in the K•: Share i.i-ikfl; and the rm jority cf i in piice3 nre in fa*OOC ol holders. 1 ntBB ia DOl on a lnrga bohlo, but U BMtlj of the buying ocdzc tiad v.~* £uppiy cf iharai ie unall,
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  • 248 10 S PORT ING NEWS. FOOTBALL S C C v Hoy t'couTs The eccond charity match which tock place last eveukg on the E.-F' K U3da was ag^in well patronised and another gocdiy sum will go tc St Danetun'B Home lor Blind£d Sailors ani Soldiers. The SC C and the Boy
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  • 30 10 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Singles RuchwalJy b >at CauCrell 21—10 Mackenzie ber.t Call wood 'Jl 7 Dr Chill beat Norrie 21 19 Dr Elg? baaS Bennett 21 6
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  • 38 10 TO DAY 'S TIES. Championship. Legg vs Bntcbart Van Cut lenberg va Main MacKail ve Smith ScouUr vs Bredsuburg Capfc SATURDAY B TIES. AM m dnt&ucd Ties to be plnyed tff en Siturday by utri-.agement between the plajore.
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  • 117 10 A North Conotrj Oorra.pondenl trtiUi: Ycur itOCj of the naval officer's extra ordinary discovery of n hop leaf in his fcllowaoef is remiuifcctnt of an ancient Laucashiro jftpe, oft to!d and characteristic. A thirfty visitor to a local ho-?!*.! hud cal!ed fcr and been served with hia
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  • 38 10 Simla, July 8. Designs for four r.nna and tight anna nickel coins ate being considered. The introduction will greatly assUt in supply ing coius of small denomination which are jo much lu request in India.
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  • 136 10 Tbo fourth Rtsizrs were again resumed ia the Supreme Court yesterday mornicg before tbe Acting Chief Justice. Me, Woodward. In the c.*ea o* Lee Loon, a' Cantoneee, who was arraigned on a charge of attempted murder of bis former em* ployer, a master tailor in Culemau st, by
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  • 142 10 That a good number of the light fingered g itry (and for tbe matter of th tt, even honest sone of toil) under tba clcak of patriotism, joined ia the recent demonstrations of hoycoitiDß all tbiugg Japanese rnly to help tbcuirtlvt to whatnvi-r i;oo:y Ibej cjuld lay
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  • 129 10 As tbe result of ho aflr^y between rival clans of Trocbewa in Boat (jaay on Wedoetday morning arising out of die pute over the ownership cf soma firewood, eix persons bearirg (be eeh" or clan noir^e of Teh were charged in the Third Ccurt yeßtetday with rioting
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  • 98 10 At Ibe Houjkong Magistracy, a Chinese wemau r.aa produced for the third time by laspector Watt, on behill of the Singapore authorities, who are applying for liar extradition on a chargs of abscond ing with stoltn Jewellery. Icppector Watt atkad for a further re mand, as tba extradition
    98 words
  • 288 10 A Uorue paper mentions a rutneur which, whether it i* strictly accurate or not, Lff )rds au oraueing illustration of the impish spirit possessing the p;»rty which If BOdtcetOOd to "run" lelanii at the present time. The rumour is th-it the Sinn B'oinera aro "negotiating with re preseniattves
    288 words
  • 54 10 ioini mi;nvtu ia liangcoK from Saigon, dated 17th Jodp, states that Thaitiolat, the second son of Prlnci Myngcon Min, died on (ha 10th June. Mjngcon Mia deicribed himislf aa Pnnos Heritier da Bormaine and hit cotepaper bears the 'peacock in pride proper which is on the rupees of the Burmese
    54 words
  • 158 10 The P and 0 E^ypt ia dm here frora Hongkong at duylighC on Monday, the 4th August. A collision lock placo between the O S K Tencho Maru, 2922 tons, from Ddiren to Moji and the Kirishiraa Maru, 045 tons, in the luland Sea on June '24 in
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  • 214 10 The Gaiety to night prefects the very laughable Chaplin til rn Shoulder Arms which is eure to prove a great draw. In addition Nazimova will ba seen in Oat of the tog, and ether good plctartl are to be tctetntd. The Palladium is goirg b*ck to the favourite
    214 words
  • 120 10 The last two nights of the Uhol Tier Company's season are announced, and those who have not seen the bright and clever entertainment presented by tbis f-xcep'ioLally talented bind of artistes iuculd not lose the opportunity. There is another change of programme to-night, and arrangements have been
    120 words
  • 239 10 The Canterbury Diocesan Conference met on June 19 at Lambeth Palace under the chairmanship of the Aruhbiehop of Canterbury. Mr F Hughes, secretary of the National Union of Teachers, 6ppakicg on the report of the National Mission Committee oq Christianity ond Industrial Problems, said that one of
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  • 93 10 Secretaries EvaU and Co. Indrtgiri 24.8C8 11 mcntJia 252,358. The death took place in Siam on Monday July 21 of Mr A For6jth Mnrtin, who wag bora in New ZaoJand in IH6I nnd wrenfc to Sinm in 1889 for th« Royal Railway Depattmtnt, in which he
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 261 10 FRESH BEE]? FOR RETAIL SALE ONLy PF Htet 40 cts. per r 0 Beef Steak 22 cts. perl Rump Steak 22 rts. peri Curr> Meat 20 cts per lb be obtained at Stalls Nos. 23 6c 29 r Terrace Market any time from 6 a. m to daily from the
      261 words