The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. v^* *n c SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 15 1918. NO. 9,415
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  • 955 1 This convenient nama for n familiar kind of rftjjjfiry take,; its e:gnifkanoe from the threshing fljor. It cvaiftirib the suggestion of levity: tenuity and innocuousuess. Acd, let the cynical add, cheapness as well. Cicero, m his adroit but unconvincing defence of M.trcus Caelius, a gay Lothario of ancient Rome,
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  • 363 1 German fears have proved well founded Allied troops have been landed on the Murman coa«t, m pursuance of the schemes to help Russia, plunging the Bolsheviks into a panic. To the east, Moscow is menaced and the power of the Czecho Slovaks increases daily Page 5 The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 229 1 I GO: DFiiSH TYRES LyUS IND PNEUMATICS R4NHI li rlilllll VIIHE only tyre which has won the R.A.C. 1 i «IjO DU 1 Mli- I certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts or Afternoon TEAS will be served m [the hotel lounge and on the lawn every Thur*rfay from 4.30 p.m.
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    • 198 1 L4TEST ADVEBTSSEHfeftTS. Shoe bargains at Whiteaway's Page 1. Palladium, Albambra Marlbornngh and Empire programmes Page 2. Italian Opera Co Pa^e 2. Trademark! notice by Bsrli and Co Page 3. S S War Loan Boads- Page 3. Raiccoats at Little's Page 4 Two wanted to complete a mesa— Page 7. THE
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  • 226 2 In the c'uanga of programme at- the Alharr.bra, to night, is a strong prodactiou by the London Film Co., Hia Daughter's Dilemma, claimed to be one cf the best pictures ever brcueM out by that com pany. It presents V9ry powerful story with a climax so unexpected aa
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  • 291 2 Already acknowledged 95,981 Per Mnib cc Courtois. collected by J N Mcbaied II S Godwin 50 J J C Je Wo .ll 25 SAW 25 Messrs Wuiteaway, Laidiaw and Co., L*d. 25 The Medical Hall 25 A M McNail 25 Messrs Latham and Co 26 H G
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 434 2 now Qblt^B m SALE H (Cloth Covers $1.75) J^ DOLLAR DIRECTORY OFFICE, 16 CHANGE ALLEY. SIBERIAN INFLUENZA Can be prevented by taking our Cinnamon and Quinine Mixture Per bottle 75 cts. MEDICAL HALL Opposite Post Office SINGAPOBE. I 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER QUARTS "THE SCCIAL BOTTLE" Adamson Gilfillan &£o, Ltd. (Jncoiporat<d
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    • 816 2 From Monday, July 15, until Saturday, July 2 n THE STORY'S THE THING A BRITISH PRODUCTION OP EXTRAORDINARY Pcwej With Absolutely the Most Dramatic ard tne Most Sma -fch n Found m a Story J At The Alhambr! The Hall fcr Mualc and Features In the Second Show at 9.30
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 52 2 BOY SCOUTS ASOCIATION Ordera fcrweek eniing July 20th, 1918. Tuecday, Ju'y 16, Signalling Class. YMCA Ground, 6 15 p m. WeduestL;* July 17, Opening of Seeoud Singapore Troop new Headquarters, Zer land House, Armenian Street, 6.80 p.m. Friday, July 19, Ambulance Class, YMCA, 5.15 p.m. Individual Troop Orders as issued
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  • 500 3 k4 r (vivel at th- Colonial I "I office of the 15th July, j J lolling l)n anJ alterations to the Beach l A Station ns to -trues at Rochore, Kand- rbaa Reach :toad. Orchard Road, ts&hro, Havt-lo3k Road and v i A .arl'olice Stations; ,f waier
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  • 69 3 I Hr X 5 Le?. 3.^, Hitt^nhacb Street,) Sumatra, d—i'e^ v exchange b tter- f pestag ump-. oaly wich perioaa B -t- ill c m-jtries. Ooum m stimpsj V- 1 X i,i ->ter all letters prompt i >N'j like :o bay staaijsoi B" > L^bam, Si im B v.!
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1586 3 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. Bearing interestlfrom the date of purchase at 5^ percent per annum, payable Half yearly on the 20th January and the 20th July. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 20TH JULY, 1928. PRICE OF ISSUE-100 PER CENT. All proceeds of this issue will ba lent tojHis Majesty's
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    • 144 3 By Order of the Official Assignee Be shafto. B. Stevens m Bankruptcy. AUCTION SALE Braeb wart ancient and modern, Ivory curios, rattan furniture, etc. etc. At Messrs Chlntf Keng Lee JkGo's Sale-room Raffles Chambers, Raffles PJace. On Thursday, 18th July, at 2.30 p.m. Ooinprisiug Upholstered Rattan Settees armchairs, Piano stool,
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    • 329 3 Ladies' Gents' FASHIONABLE Boots Shoes, j I ~^g f M The "Regel" Brand. \>/ I jwM A very smart Tan WilI p^jj^rlj Jra low Calf Bhoe Der by ~-^?//jT >ffi m Shape, mediam scle, as I s\m illustration. A M Price $19.75 per pair. t; Qneen Qaality" Brand. A veiy
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  • 21 4 Domestic Occurrences BIRTH. Donnell.— Od July 14th, 1918, at the Maternity Hospital, the wife of Robert 8.8. Donnell, of a son.
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  • 951 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, July 15, 1918, The war news, the aetaal fighting news that is, daring the past week has been scanty, but perhaps it ought not for that reason to be despised. The chief feature is on the western front, for we cannot bring ourselves to believe
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  • 382 4 Tanjong Bali (Asahan) is declared an infected place owing to the existence of cholera. Tbe S H B football team met the Singapore Municipal team m a friendly game of soccer on Saturday, on tbe St Joseph's ground, and won by two goals to nil. We axe asked to notify
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  • 320 4 Seldcm has a more auccesfeful Fete been held m Singapore than that organised on Saturday m the Victoria Memorial Hall, m aid of the French Red Croas Funds. The varioui parts of the Hall were simply crowded, tea room, basaar j ice cream stalls, foyer, and every part
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  • 132 4 The mortality returns tot Singapore for the week ended July 6 reflect m the number of deaths the effect of the out break of influenza. Tfce Dumber of deaths was 416 and the ratio per mille of popul ation 68 60. For Jane 29 the ratio was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 376 4 To the Editor. Sir, The Military Service Ordinance, 1918, notifies Che public that every pareon under 41 years who hai pasted under the Medical Examination Ordinance 1917 as "A Class, shall after passing another Medical Examination and being classified m the same category, be subject to serve m the
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  • 25 4 The Militajy Service Bill of the F M S was published m the Gazette of Friday. It ia a transcript of the Straits Bill. i
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  • 509 4 MORE STRINGENT ACTION n FUTURE Sequel to Gerrran I jf dUj t 1 H? Lttkb I ft»ai*r tter*)^ London, Ju> l j Comnious, S\r Gcorst > the r!>"! qu-'biuo. hhr*,^ r tinwnurn cf miny mi rv u;ust leacOtiably ».i the viewpoint front v. guch questions. Public tf-ken
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  • 155 4 The Senior Warden of Mnee c j with regard to (be decline j 1 io 1917 as compared rift J^ l6 I j followb I "Opinioni have bten uJViu f tegard to the decline J«tp* .1 the laat pee war year j various causes hue tl
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  • 32 4 Hit many fcitntli -fl tbar ENpMttM I l i Segment* r.;.,» I leg to Ki'd-1. KKM <■ lilt nt of Ciiu-f Miller has arrived m )> V pore to relieve Im-P'i 1 Mertajum. I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 41 4 Wilson Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS ORCHARD ROAD. TELEPHONE 1085 6 Cabinet Portraits $6 (12 do $10) Note the conditions of oar offer: No; satisfactory Proof, No Payment." No better guarantee ef the high quality of our work could be given or demanded.
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  • 393 5 IJJfB DEFENCES FURTHER 111 STRENGTHENED Another Success g«o tar's r.,* focal acriot:e of the' \>...,. „hr tha French.. 1 pruoscn who ai J eoiuatiruas bei sake* daring iin re operation j 3opi ffhfl particularly j a i.:. iuttU Wood i crank to i. -.ore i i Oeere.
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  • 53 5 •My 10 -Preiident Wilson has n* Pcincare as follows I ot the Fourth of July h> Mr conuirymau are 'n- f ur t b« testimony c heodtied them by B MCt. Let mo express aw iccotd i« »a augury •Pi not Ottlj ot the rights v stioa,
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  • 30 5 M I loeeting of French |asUaii< us M Branting, >nteti: "'After, three year^ ago, power of t« Lttstif* anow to li and determinai I yoa have never
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  • 25 5 'elegrta fron Zurich »cJn Volk-itucg doubt bej been f> tisae about the 1 '•warfat* Wahsar ■^'"•inniura are rejrj week, ;uac we can i
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  • 5 5 I A^by aeroplane.
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  • 545 5 CONTINOUS ALLIED RAIDS INTO GERMANY Great Military Effect (Beater a bWvte*] London, July 12.— Tha waak'a war m the air has been remarkably anccasetnl bud includes fourteen aeparata British raids into Germany. Our lossea are two aercplanaa agaiuat four of tha suerry, UrcuftLt down despite new formidable;
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  • 94 5 London, July 12. France's Day, for raising funds for the Frenob Red Cross, was celebrated m London. There was a great pnblic demand for souvenirs and flags, which, with liberal subscriptions, is estimated to result id the collection of half a million starling. An impressive requiem
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  • 81 5 Paris, July 10. Duricg the debates m tbe French Chamber on ihe Bill to renew the Charter of the Bank of France for 25 years, tbe Minister cf Finance, Iff Klotz, declared that the value of French money had remained intact. He added that an improvement m
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  • 70 5 Paru, July 11.— The Orleans Railway Company have applied lor a coneettion for tunaelltqg the Straits of Gibraltar m furtherance of iha kcbsme to run ft! railway ititn faria to Dakai. The exscu- i tion of the scheme would ultimately establish railway communication between Lotidou and
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  • 524 5 ANOTHER SHREWD BLOW AT AUSTRIA Further Steady Progress HUnter's Berrioe] IBt feanarin* Uafcatf Athene, July 12. The Trench General Gramat ha* been appointed «hi«f of ilaff of the great sttmy. London, July 18,— Ff*nch ••limrn couimuniqie 9ou;h of Devoli w« ace continuing one tuccen*. Wa bays aaiiei tha
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  • 90 5 London, July 11. Her Majesty the Queen, m reply to an icqniry from Lady Chelmelotd, baa Bifinifled ha* williDgneßS to receive a preeenl from the women of India m commemoration of the Silver Wedding, to form a fund for piomoticg the education of the children of Indian
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  • 45 5 London, July 18. The Italian military bulletin announoee that Generala Cadorna and Capppllo have been retired with lose of rank and pay. Cappello commanded the lecond army m the battle of October last year. [Cftdorna is 'he former Italian com maoder in-chief
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  • 59 5 London, July 12. Tbe If ember of Parliament, Mr Owtnm addressing the Dublin Chimbar of Ccmmsrce, said that recruiting m Ireland had dwindled to ft mere thread. They were not going to baat tbe drum ao street corners bnt to appeal to bodiea dueeting public opinion. If they
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  • 583 5 TROOPS LANDED ON MURMAN COABT Bolsheviks m a Pother Parii, July 10.— M Ker»n*ky spoke yesterday at a mating m Paris. Namarcue mambcra ol P*rliamanft attended. He raoommaDdad inlarrention of tba AlJies! to puraua on Rnetian Urritory tha common j strufe'« again*! the Conical Powers or:i •aid
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  • 54 5 Washington, July 11.— The State Departmenft announces thai the Americsu Goneul from Tabriz has reached Teheran m eaiefey with a party of Europeans and Amsricans. Turkey has not replied to the request for an sxplacation as to tbe pillaging of the Amtrican hcepita! and the damage to
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  • 77 5 j London, July 10. Io lh« House of Com j rnoui, Mr Balfcur stated; the v. ho!t. quriiioc of eo*my Bubjcota iv China wtaj bei i coriaidffitd, fliecljacf of regfcriotioilS j on anemy subjects m tha BrOieb co» csspjon of Shamtan was to prevonti them cuir
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  • 31 5 Washington, July 12.— The your,g coffee plantations ir. ??o P*'^ 0 P— »z 1, huve betn luiLitd t>> hjs,;. tu^ui, caatcr cil and fruit plamationt have been damaged.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 136 5 ROBINSON Co. FIIE AND THIEF RESISTING SAFES rjPt T *y- mIJ LI gg^C-Jt f^ L- *-v^.'> fr "ISI^. UN W)J following Sizes m stock l] IP' ?llSS^°^| 22 by 16 b y 16 inches vt- of Messrs LAFAYETTE, Photographers to Thw MAJESTIES] Begs to announce that be conducts tbe ONLY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 621 6 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVURT MAATSCHAPPIJ (Inccrporated m Holland.) Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. J 3 COLLYER QUAY. v UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENTS. Rdmphius B^aValTDea J°}J 6 Bmoi BtlawanDell v J D V Twist Million BUavia, Cheribonand Semarang jmy id Rinskara Bingkawang, Selaban, Pemangkat and Sambas July IB Vanßiebeeck
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    • 940 6 M. M. MBSSAGERIES MARITIMES (INOORPOBATED IS FUIBOF) HAIL LIHI.' Monthly service between Shanghai, Bongsong, Saigon, Singapore. Colombo, Djibouti, Egypt and Marseille* and vice- versa. BRANCH LIBS. Fortnightly service between baigon-Tourane-Haiphong. Foi further Information apply to J. He COUBTPft. Agents. RANGOON. "LAMA" will be despatched on or about the 15th inst.,
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    • 684 6 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CQ< t ]pl (INCORPORATED IN U 8.A.) "H REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS PACIFIC Sl M\\r s Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Fr?n« S.S. "VENEZUELA I',1 14 000 tons from Hongkong on or ab< BS. ECUADOR 14 000 tons do do J SS. 'COLOMBIA 14,000 tons do
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 412 7 Assets over $2,000,000 Assurance m force over $9,000 000 IB GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) HEAD OFFICE Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE 32, Old Jewry, EX. :;:p3cy T^' r a i«™rNrr Bupreme ooßrto Engtanaiaiia Mmpum >ibim v «"> t t CT: P AN? OF_ASSUBANCE MONEY
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    • 509 7 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LTD. INCOBPOKATED ZH JAPAN Capital Bnbscrtbed-. V, 48,000.000 Capital Paia Up Y. 80,000,000 fi&S6rve Fand.... illL Y. 11,800,000 Prwtdont. J. laooye Eo«. riecPrortdcnt. Y. Yamakawa Em, DI2ECTORS. J. loonye Eeq. Y. Yamakawa Esq. N. Soma Esq. M. Odaglrt Esq. 1 K. Sonoda Esq. T. Kawaahima Esq.
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    • 312 7 Kit ZEALAND INSUKIKGE Ce., Hi, fm am mm, (Inoorporatod Jn New ZeaUnd.) mt-nii inauHSE mm. m. MARINE. ;iaocxporatea tn Hougkoag) mv mi \mum cso M u#, f!Bi. {Ixoorporatoa In Hoagkong.) lOftM fiUASiNTEE ft IGCIDEXT Cr. IH. BUIRINTEF. [Inoorporatod vi ■BglaalJ i Fire and Marina Risks of every description underwritten at
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    • 221 7 THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated m the Straita Settlements) Capital Registered nnn nnn Capital Subscribed Z $SoScS?oS Capital Paid Up »2 500 000 Reserve Liability ff.soo'ooo HEAD OFFICE Rafnes Chambers, 5 6, Singapore B3ANCHRB Penang, Malacca, Muar Batu Pahat. Current accounts opened, Fixed Deposits received and General Banking bSKS
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    • 656 7 WANTED. Two Gentlemen to complete Mes«, Com ponnd Hose, adjacent to Town, Tenuif and Badminton, box 77, c/o SlLgaiore Free Press. 157 17 7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY First class Stenographer, Folly exptrierc ed, with general office knjwlodyo.* Goed opportunity for suiohblo man. Apply to Box Nc 384. c/o Singapore Fiee Press.
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    • 628 7 EXCHANGE. Job«b32»c gf cr July 18 a ma a4# darapcA 1-4 116 i'*i nil 9z*2tto era t 1.4 ]0.g2 Fiancta damand Banit 816 ESBIA, T. T, L 147 i BQMnmn, UmaM 44f%P«aai IQK(HEUH4| icj&anl 102f Java, Samoa J m loci BiSCEQs, it rrr.c a m 8 6 3 B)7Jsm&s9, Bank
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  • 257 8 WHAT YON HINTZE'g ADVENT MEANS Allied and veutral Opinion [B? Sabmarine Oabl«] [*iUnt«r's BtfTk«l London, .Inly 11— lha appointment cl Ton Hintza ao (Knoan Foraign Minister m succession to Btron Kneblmann is nol yel officially confirmed, bus i« now taken for granted. A portion of tha Garmtn Brest
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  • 307 8 Good Results of the War London, July 12. The Lord Mayor gnve a barque! m the Mansion Houaa to the Dominions Premiers and representatives. The distingaished company iocluded Mr Bailout, Admiral Jellicce and Lord Miiner Mr Walter Locg, toasting tbe guests. remarked that the Imperial Government
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  • 193 8 Australia's Never Again" London, ,luly 12. Mr Hughes, thp Aaatrnlinn Prsmier, tpeakir.g at the PI grinW Club, s.-ud thai Australia dared rot assent to the Pacific Island* revert ing to Germany b*csu?e Australia's safety dtmncdcd Ibal hex tea pxth W3ya be free, and wboeTi r bald tba
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  • 26 8 J; London. Ju'y 13. The Tree9nry has < approved cf too amalgamation of the London C.ty tnd Midland and the London Joint Stock Banks. 1
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  • 296 8 from Our (hen Corretpondeni Tha Entries for Tuesday's faces are Races one and seven Britisher, Fallowland, Amparg, Good Omen, Pretty Molly, Bonnety Bjb, Floradora, Hantgltn, Master Jack, Aricga, The Earl, Oh La La, Ronmania. Races two, thrae and sight. Midas, Soldbu. Gloria, Charles X, Baba Kefcchit,. Silent
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  • 381 8 Tbe New Minefield Ta morrow (says a recent Home paper) tbe work of fencing m tbe North Sea will bs 60 near completion that reslrio lione designed to limit the operation? of U-boats and other enemy craft will be pal into force. Henceforward ail vessels. British, Allied,
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  • 79 8 Paris, Jn!y 11 In tLr» Hcusa cf Oommons, replying to Sir J D Kaca, Me Balfom stated thai Ibc Government would t;»ka all possible mean! to prevent a re &urcp 4 .:">n oi the CLiua Indian cpinm trcde if a: y ut:t«mpti werfl roade to revive it.
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  • 45 8 London, July 11. Montagu* silver repott ensa that the tcno of the market ie gocd. The price ii changed. Shanghai exchange baldened to 43 9d. It is re* ported that purchased on account of China have been made m the United States.
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  • 898 8 Grant off Substantive Rank. Simla, Jane 21. A Government C3rainuo«qf; c euye. The Government of India have had under consideration for 6oue time past proposals for the grant of commissions to Indians. Expression was given to their views by hie Excellency the Viceroy m his speech at
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  • 174 8 FAILURE- OF SUBMARINES. London, May 25. The newspapers accept the submarine statistics as definite evidence that piracy bae failed. U boats are being Bank faster than they ace being built. The Daily News poiate oat that the iinkinga foe April, amounting to 805,102 tone, are hardly more thaa a third
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  • 54 8 The return visit of the Italian Opera Company to Singapore this vtetk should be noted, and seats booked at once at Moutrie'e for the Victoria Theatre. Wed ceeday is the first night and excellent pro grammes have been Arranged. Tbe quality of the artists has been amply tbown
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  • 185 8 TO DAY S TIES. B Single. Allen sor v Pabh owe 8. Stredwick scr v Hesta owe 2 pp. Turner ecr v Yen Arch: Swindell oie 4. Todd scr v Griffin owe 3 pp C Singles. Savage &cr v Chater owe 2. Salter tcr v
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  • 89 8 S.V. C. DRILL PROGRAMME Attendance at three recruits' parades a I week id compulsory. [Drills Maiketi are compulsory] Monday, July 15 480 p.m. Balestier Range SV A Details Compulsory 5.15 Drill Hall Veterans' Co SV C ii Signalling Section SVC ii n H 8 VC4 V Recruits Bras Bisab Road
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  • 109 8 Agents Gattcy and Bateman. Pundut 4 0 COO 1b Pelepah Valley 26,207 Kofca Tinggi 26 000 Sifiinticg 17,800 Cloveily 8,486 < Burma Development 6 028 Jhmh 18,348 Sitiawan Misfciou 5.16W SerabcoEg 8.200 Kilat 1,250 i NvO raarket is Saturday's tin report, and this is said to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 205 8 Bacchus Marsh CONCENTRATED Milk m quarts, pints, and J pints. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD le corporate d In Straits S tt tuentF 1 PATRONIZED BY ROYAin ON TKE GIFTS DIAMOJSD -Sh.T you reclive on I tKE ENGAGEMENT YOTJR WEDDING DAY WEDDI«J LOOK FOR KINGS KINGS #< DE SILVA'S NOt
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